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File: Untitled-2.jpg (747 KB, 956x2200)
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The thread is for requesting colors/edits. If you want something drawn, go to the drawthr/e/ad.

Drawthr/e/ad: >>2870840


- Respect /e/ and global rules.
- You must supply a reference for the characters or at least directions for coloring in every part of their body or related objects.
- Do not just post a link to your request from the previous thread. Re-state your request and re-post your reference.
- Link references instead of including them in new posts.
- No bumping or seconding requests.
- Be patient, some images can take a great deal of time.
- Don't be a dick to the artists, they're giving their time to do this for you, you ungrateful shit.
- Constructive criticism is fine.
- Remember to thank whomever fulfilled your request.

Requesters, feel free to ask for revisions of the works, it isn't an insult.
Artists, don't hold back! If you like a request someone else already fulfilled, feel free to do your own take.

Previous Thread >>2865107
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258 KB PNG
guide found in /h/ on how to save images correctly
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Requesting This Image To Be Topless I Know It Was Done Two Times But I Didn't Like It So I Want It To See Your Style Please
File: ratgod 30.png (261 KB, 595x842)
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261 KB PNG
requesting removing her panties
File: 1717572547595138.jpg (2.58 MB, 3277x4096)
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2.58 MB JPG
Requesting naked edit.
File: ryofu.png (1.3 MB, 567x800)
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1.3 MB PNG
File: 1716669018703481.jpg (198 KB, 1280x1920)
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198 KB JPG
Requesting nude edit
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296 KB PNG
Requesting her bikini gone
Is This Ai?
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Requesting both ladies naked

File: 1718390298494037.png (2.23 MB, 3407x4720)
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2.23 MB PNG
Requesting bikini removal
Ok Thanks!
File: Nessa.png (2 MB, 2400x3200)
2 MB
Requesting colors for Nessa (Pokemon).

Reference: https://files.catbox.moe/cgbx6e.png
File: Hitsugi.png (1.17 MB, 1280x1920)
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1.17 MB PNG
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Requesting removal of the other girls except the girl with short hair (pink)
The character is Bazett Fraga McRemitz
Requesting bottom bikini removal
File: Roll Walked in on.jpg (169 KB, 519x1070)
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169 KB JPG
Requesting this sketch of Roll and Megaman inked and colored
Color reference: https://files.catbox.moe/heug49.png
requesting a nude edit please
Thank you
hey thanks a lot king, I found the vanilla version and nudified based on your work
File: e Post.jpg (509 KB, 1803x1600)
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Requesting a rock and their clothes to be added to the background, please.
General idea here:
Either the Brock or Team Rocket one would be great, thak you.
requesting a shaved crotch
File: Moon edit 1.png (3.35 MB, 1500x2121)
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3.35 MB PNG
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489 KB PNG
Requesting removal of her bra.
File: b8uv28.jpg (1.07 MB, 3510x2898)
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1.07 MB JPG
Requesting this sketch of Mt. Lady inked and colored
Ref: https://files.catbox.moe/8y33un.png
Thank you very much
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738 KB PNG
Requesting full-nude edit please.
File: Palutena.png (2.76 MB, 2171x3070)
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2.76 MB PNG
Requesting nude edit of Palutena.
Requesting nude edit
File: Rikka 1.jpg (1.52 MB, 2976x4175)
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1.52 MB JPG
Requesting 2 variants of this image, please.
One with her expression and text changed to this
And another with her expression and text changed to this
Request nude edit on the girl wearing the orange bikini. If you can also change her tongue-out for a soft-smile it will be great. If you are feeling particularly daring, do a version that nude edits the other girl as well.
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I didn't understand whether you wanted pic rel, or the image of catbox with the expression of "Rikka" I gave it a try
File: hattori.png (541 KB, 1500x2000)
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Nice, thank you!
File: Camilla.png (3.16 MB, 2100x3600)
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Requesting putting Camilla's both hands on her hips to uncover her tits.
I wanted Rikka with those expressions, an dthat one's perfect, thank you.
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Requesting her arm be lowered, fully exposing her breasts
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329 KB JPG
Could some kind bro colour these two pictures of Fubuki from Senran Kagura?
Here is a reference. https://files.catbox.moe/qdmueg.jpg
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The bikini here should be black.
Can someone uncensor this NSFW image for me? Thanks!
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1.12 MB JPG
I'm not an artist but I imagine someone can fix the nipples (and maybe color it)
>also aren't you the IMG_XXXX editor?
I am not an editor. Thanks for your fill.
File: Rikka SS.jpg (144 KB, 850x1202)
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144 KB JPG
Requesting the characters to be changed to Anti and Rikka from Gridman, please.
Reference below, but I think the heights should be close enough.
The proportions might need a bit of tweaking however.
File: fox.png (2.37 MB, 1132x1600)
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2.37 MB PNG
File: One.png (1.12 MB, 1003x1417)
1.12 MB
1.12 MB PNG
File: 96213658_p0.png (1.09 MB, 1374x1437)
1.09 MB
1.09 MB PNG
please remove pubic hair
File: 1719968125398953.png (1.05 MB, 1374x1437)
1.05 MB
1.05 MB PNG

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