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>>2890361 hit the image limit

/edg/ is the home of 1girl posting. Here, we share AI-generated pics of sexy anime girls and discuss latest advancements in 1girl-related technology.
Remember to keep it /e/, as per board rules. If unsure about what you can or cannot post here, consult the sticky thread.

> FAQ (check here first)
https://rentry.org/edg-faq#general | https://rentry.org/edg-faq#technical

> Local UIs
WebUI Forge, an A1111 fork optimized for SDXL (faster genning speed on low-mid vram gpus): https://github.com/lllyasviel/stable-diffusion-webui-forge
ComfyUI: https://github.com/comfyanonymous/ComfyUI | https://github.com/shiimizu/ComfyUI_smZNodes

> Resources and guides
Useful links: https://rentry.org/sdg-link | https://rentry.org/rentrysd | https://rentry.org/sd-mashup
A1111 Wiki: https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/
Tags: https://danbooru.donmai.us/wiki_pages/tag_groups
Upscalers: https://openmodeldb.info
LoRa training: https://rentry.org/lora_train | https://rentry.org/59xed3 | https://civitai.com/articles?tags=128645
Git-wiki of the technical Stable Diffusion papers: https://codeberg.org/tekakutli/neuralnomicon
Animation: https://rentry.org/AnimAnon | https://rentry.org/AnimAnon-Deforum | https://rentry.org/AnimAnon-AnimDiff

> LoRA downloads
https://rentry.org/ponyxl_loras_n_stuff | https://rentry.org/ponyxl_lora_previews

> Thread highlights archive (deprecated)

> OP template

> /edg/ logo
OP: https://files.catbox.moe/uc2ntj.png | Anchor: https://files.catbox.moe/bx1lo2.png (more color schemes in the FAQ Rentry)

> Related generals
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request anchor
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Thank you for baking, OP!
Would you pet this kitty?
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Forgot the kitty...
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Yes, but she could use some inpainting or adetailer for the eyes.
Yeah I'm aware, will do it on the next post (with pat included)
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Thread themes?
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Kitty patted
I guess this thread is the fake one?
No, it was made in lieu of our usual baker because he was late to the bakery. The fake thread is the ice one.
>no highlights
this thread sucks
Is this animefied Captain Ahab?
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I've recently re-installed A1111 and am trying to get back into image genning. When I last played around with AI images,I think the NovelAI leak was still relatively new. I've tried following some of the info in the OP here and on the sister thread on /h/, but there's a lot of stuff in there and it's a bit challenging learning what is important and what might simply be outdated info kept for posterity. Or what might be a different approach that isn't 100% compatible with other workflows. I know A1111 is an interface, and that comfyUI is another one and that seeds aren't compatible between the two. I see there's a comfyUI extension for A1111, but I don't know if comfyUI within that extension is fully featured or has shortcomings of some sort. I haven't even tried scratching WebUI Forge.

I've setup that pony model within A1111 and have been having some fun bashing a lot of loras together to see what the end result is. I've also learned that "adetailers" are a thing and have been trying to wrap my head around comfyui.

Are there any really important topics that I should be making notes to learn about? Useful extensions or other technologies that plugin to the image generation workflow somehow.
>Realized I might be bi-sexual (leaning gay) today
Welp... it was good being straight while it lasted folks
Hello Kitty and friends, like Kuromi, Jewelpets, My Melody. You know, Sanrio.
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I miss the laura kinney poster from /sdg/
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Requesting panties added for Tharja (Fire Emblem).
Gotta see the bright side: Much more porn to choose from for you.
what kind of panties do you want, brother?
Requesting Tharja dressed as Dejah Thoris.
Hope this is good enough
You know, it would be hilarious if throughout the thread she gets more and more dressed up
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A few gimmicks I can think of:
Regional prompter (or Forge Couple) lets you have multiple prompts localized to different parts of the image. Such as when prompting multiple characters or a fixed composition.
Controlnet for transferring pose/composition from other images >>2892910
SMEA-DYN sampler lets you raw gen at higher resolutions, I've done up to 1280x1600 successfully. It sucks for upscaling and img2img though so then you have to switch back.
Vectorscope (or Diffusion-CG) lets you change color bias and luminosity during generation, unlike color correction in post the modified colors will affect the output. For example not generating a sun/lamp/lightsource if luminosity is low.
Prompt editing during runtime. [bikini:competition swimsuit:0.35] starts generating a bikini then changes to competition swimsuit after 35% of steps, when it's primed with larger cups. [bikini|competition swimsuit] swaps between them after each step leading to a mix of both, picrel.
inpaint erased part of her arm
Welcome to genning anon. Even though outdated, I tend to use Forge still + pony for my gens. The sky is the limited in terms of your imagination

Currently revisiting old gens to see how they come out now
The theme? Try to gen what you don't usually gen (aka try to make something new)

For the rest of this gen, I will not post Onis or Dark elves and will stray away from my favorite thighhigh + thong combo.

So you know who I am, I posted these last thread:
Those are really good! Thank you!
Hungry bun
Nice gen. I have no requests

Well, I'm probably not going to succeed in that regard.


Well, I can't weigh in on that, but that generation was pretty nice. Big Pirotess-out-of-uniform vibes.
Hungry bun (colorful version)
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Just glad to be in a new thread. I was having such bad results with these space robots, maybe 1 in 20 gens that weren't complete trash. And even the 'good' ones were mediocre.
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Last one that was passable.
real previous thread >>No.2891779

lol, it's just a self imposed restriction. I noticed that my gens are getting a little samey.
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I like the idea. I'll download some new checkpoints and build a new mix.
Whoa! Can I get a bra removal for this one?
Anon are you ok?
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Usually go with pale skin. How do I make (pure and faithful) gyaru look more like they belong to the streets?
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I think we're stuck in the infinite loop

I'm not a gyaru expert, but you need the a jacket wrapped around the waist, painted nails, a smug expression, and a slightly longer skirt. Also, if you want the skool girl look, isn't it unbottoned shirt not midriff?
> skool girl look, isn't it unbottoned

Ah yes, I love it when I have brain fog and have an esl moment
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In my personal opinion, here are the highlights from the last thread:
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2 of 5. I forgot to make the background transparent, I haven't done highlights before
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I posted slide 5 twice, sorry! here's the real slide 2
Based highlight poster
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It's still hilarious how she took the internet by storm. Still very nice gens anon

I'm flattered you put me in so many of the highlight pages.
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Idea for a challenge for the thread.

Make three versions of the same character at starting-mid-postgame stages
By the template's very nature, I want to do monster hunter, but can it be any game?
mr 999 could be straight out of Adventure Time
>but can it be any game?
of course it can
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I messed up the aspect ratios, but I guess you can see my point. Higher res:
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Average Miqo'te evolution.
File deleted.
I'll be honest, I might have already lost the assignment
I posted the wrong pic.... Will delete the other soon when I can
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>got a sympathy inclusion
Fuck yeah, still making it
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Having a hard time getting the jacket around the waist with clothes_around_waist,jacket_around_waist,cardigan_around_waist,sweater_around_waist
Your images look really good, is it from loras or mixes?
> jacket tied around waist,
Here's your Gyaru. This and the last one was made using a mix of two loras on autismmix
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lol which one was yours?
What kind of clothes are that? kek
Aldo fucked up hand, been fighting bad hands with a different workflows and still can't get a consistent result
ass too big. nice breast curtains
forgive me /edg/ I actually hate this gen in retrospect. Have this one instead
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lick armpit
>ass too big, what a shame
Really nice gen, I really like the green bunny
> I'm relaxing in the forest and you lick my armpit?
> Begone from my forest

Huh, would you look at that. The ears were unintentional. Not sure how to recreate that
Gentlemen.... banana...
nice milkers, slut.
White tigers are nice
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Nice good to see more highlighters. Other than the open spots (which can be real time consuming to fill) good job.
sir? we post erotica over here.
Not going to lie, I lost it when I saw this edit. Had me on the floor laughing - unexpected but love it


>I guess some people just have a death wish
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yeah, keep those boobs out
One Cadia, Standing.
would help if you defined what is a cadia, anon...
The planet broke before the guard did
> ...
> ... Whatever
> This is why I don't deal with humans
Oh yeah sorry, here's a tiger titty as an apology
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Imagine slapping that butt
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now you're good.
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Requesting fan-fan from Saber Marionette J.
Preferably with huge breasts and a voluptuous body. (similar proportions to the image)

Doesn't have to be super accurate, as long as she has a similar enough hairstyle/ornaments and wearing somekind of orange china dress.
This is an old request, but it's been over half a year, so I'm hopeful for how the results may be this time.
Thank you anon.
I have noticed that if I change the CFG value from 2.5 to 5 my upscales get nostrils and more of an /aco/ look
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Request nude edit. Better version at:
>https://gelbooru com/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=10156599
I'm an ass man, so you now I'd deliver

Nta but 2.5? That's pretty low anon
based. redpilled.
She wants more of your seed
What would be a better value? I have been genning at 2.5 for some time and haven't seen any issues, in fact they start appearing when I crank up the CFG
Requesting Nabiki Tendo posing naked in the jungle at night.
>No metadata
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brother, i might not be able to get those hair puff things right...
You know what they say, don't fix what isn't broken. I use 7 on my mind and I haven't bothered to change it for a while either.

Idk why its such a pain for me to export my meta data lately
This is extremely cool, really evocative. Maybe it's just me, but it feels like a tiny snapshot of some important moment in a story that doesn't exist. Mind leaving a catbox?
Good night anons - happy genning

Nice witch btw anon. Might start witch genning when I can start genning again .

Ditto this. Didn't even see this gen and it looks really good.
This is sad attempt at it. 90's anime is hell to prompt without baking loras
Pull that thong down and show those pussy lips
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>Prompt editing during runtime. [bikini:competition swimsuit:0.35] starts generating a bikini then changes to competition swimsuit after 35% of steps, when it's primed with larger cups. [bikini|competition swimsuit] swaps between them after each step leading to a mix of both, picrel.
>try it, but try inceptioning even deeper with "[bikini|competition swimsuit|french maid]"
Oh fuck. Oh shit. I think this is what I needed to see. I had been approximating this kind of chimera-outfit effect by squishing loras together but this seems way more targeted.

I've got a project in mind. A while back I used stable diffusion to make a species portrait mod for Stellaris where I basically generated a bunch of space elves in matching outfits that had specific themes for their jobs. I want to do the same thing again but with Inklings. My initial attempts on the NAI model without loras were not satisfactory, and real life just drew me away from genning.

But now these newer models and loras are producing things that I like. Pony with an inkling lora combined with a 1990's anime style lora is producing characters that I like. Now I just need to pick themes on different NPC archetypes and clothe them.
>Basic workers: Wet T-shirts and spats, and/or casual wear
>Scientists: planning on a sexy schoolgirl theme
>Leadership: The assorted Idols in the games have their own styles, so I'm going to shotgun the archetype with an entire rainbow of outfit loras
>Military officers: ???
I can't think of a good fit for the military. Just putting them in uniforms seems wrong. I want them to feel sporty and competitive. I guess I'll see if merging sportswear and sci-fi uniforms produces anything good.
>I can't think of a good fit for the military. Just putting them in uniforms seems wrong. I want them to feel sporty and competitive. I guess I'll see if merging sportswear and sci-fi uniforms produces anything good.
When I imagine an inkling military, I think of something like paintball armor or airsoft gear, maybe with a sort of motorsport flair with motocross-style helmets and bright livery-like paint.
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I originally tried to go for a warpaint look but didn't like the results. At present I feel like I want the military to be more of the "serious straight man" set of portraits that fits in more with the sci-fi setting, while the other pops more strongly embrace the "inkling culture." I just need to throw a lot of shit at the wall until I'm happy.

Wish I could contribute to the thread with an image but my current results are crap.
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You only get a sample
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I would guess because you use multiple score tags, but without cfg they're too weak to show their style bias (or do much for quality). I mean for upscaling you don't really need prompt adherence since the original image gives it enough guidance already. So a low cfg is fine, but it also weakens any prompted styles. And pony's score tags are effectively a style the same as prompting an artist, just split into six tags.

The pony "default" CFG is around 5-6 I would say, and 8 for most other models. The less training they got on top of base SDXL, the higher you can go without things burning.
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Got a few like that, but I probably have too much other stuff going on with my prompt.
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good concept
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She has that look that says, "how the fuck did I end up here?"
Just finished my latest modern goddess collage. Thanks to the anon who suggested the theme of sports associated with each goddess' country of origin. I'm not 100% fully satisfied with all the end results, but I'm satisfied enough with how they are for now. Might go back and improve on them later, or maybe not.
I think my next collage will be much spicier and more fit for /e/.
Oh I'm glad the suggestion was helpful, those look great!

Hold on, did you edit another gen of that character onto her canvas, or did you actually get the model to do that by itself? This is really good, fun idea and great execution.
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Actually, let me... oops, sorry, I didn't mean to rip it off.
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Isn't that /h/?
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Is this cheating?
Trying the zero-shot inpaint trick.
Exactly mfw DS2 or ER
>did you edit another gen of that character onto her canvas, or did you actually get the model to do that by itself?execution.

ty lol, it's in the other order, i got the pic of her painting the canvas girl
took the canvas, and extended the pic by removing the frames
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Well I guess filling the empty spots requires messing with the gen dimensions. I didn't want anyone to feel like their gen was less good just because it appeared smaller on the highlights
any league girls?
The red ribbon extensions not required. Just the golden bun shapes.

Admittedly that's not a common feature, so still not easy. Sorry.

If it's difficult, it's difficult I suppose. Nothing to be done about it.

Still, cute anime girl. I really like her figure, very nice hourglass.

Ah, used the obui image as a base I see.
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That's super useful and makes a lot of sense, thank you for the info. I think I better stop using score tags and crank the cfg up and experiment more
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Bigger resolution: https://files.catbox.moe/n1i1v8.png
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Seething envy on the bottom left
Pretty sure she's angry at boyfriend in the bottom right for looking too hard.
VERY nice Eris.
Actually wait, can you do her mom too? But make her even bustier/curvier?

Bonus if you do her with twintails.
Those boobs are already larger than they should be since she's supposed to have ~E-cups, but you're welcome to do it yourself
Same size is fine too I guess, since they're plenty big.

But I definitely can't do it myself. Hence the request.
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> Local UIs
hey, I was wondering, does any of those alternatives work with AMD GPU?
I ask because last time I tried to install this kind of programs they were almost exclusively for NVIDIA GPUs, not sure if this versions can work with AMDs
yes. the difficulty depends on your card model and willingness to use linux
5700 on windows? difficult
7900xtx on linux, just 4-5 commands
And by difficult I don't mean ultra difficult, but you have to search around, use zluda and other bs instead of pip install torch, torchvision -<amdurl> and call it a day
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I have come across an unexpected problem while trying to do something rather simple, I want to put some characters in colored t-shirts.
Normal colored t-shirts,

Problem is, no matter what I do, t-shirts are not plain and simple, they always have stripes, or logos, or some other shit.

With a white t-shirt I dont have this problem, they are always white and plain, but the moment you say "purple shirt" or "green shirt" stuff starts to appear.

I just want a simple plain red t-shirt!

I tried with "shirt" "t-shirt" I tried to put all sort of stuff in negative prompt "logo" "print" "striped clothes", etc etc, to no avail
With that much effort it'd be easier to just inpaint the shirt afterwards. Or even fix it manually.
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On a trip in the woods with PC-98 girl.
I know, but still bothers me,
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I've had this issue too. No amount of tags or negatives helped.
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>where are you looking?
>you are here with me!
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>do guys really like them big?
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>YAAAAY! Ser-vi-ce!
>Just joking
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sent it accidentally
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Cute dumb gyaru.
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I wasn't able to reproduce the issue on my end to help you troubleshoot. Could you catbox an example so I can see the gen parameters?

If prompts aren't helping, I'm thinking the source of the issue is something seemingly unrelated...maybe hidden in the dataset of a certain LoRA, for example.
>Ghost in the Shell by Studio Trigger
At the beginning I thought it was because I was using lora to make the gens

So I started trying doing loraless attempts and still had the same issue
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1.87 MB
1.87 MB PNG
ok let me see

also, I know this is /e/, so for anyone curious what was under all the colored t-shirts I had Motoko try on:
File: file.png (2.92 MB, 1568x2016)
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2.92 MB PNG
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438 KB PNG
ok, so I know you said you tried this but I had success by swapping out t-shirt for shirt. and I only mentioned it once: "red shirt"..
I saw in one example you used "(red shirt), t-shirt".. maybe don't mention t-shirt at all.
I'm not using the same model as you I'm using Autism but it seems the model associates the tag t-shirt with a graphic on the front.
so, pic related is your gen parameters minus the LoRA and in Autism, only mentioning the shirt once, and "red shirt" vs. "red t-shirt"

btw, I tried a bunch of other variables too, like at first I thought maybe "oni" was associated with demonic symbols or script.. that wasn't it.
Thanks, Ill try doing that way, may be using "t-shirt" draws out the entire collection of t.shirts in the model.
Ill try tomorrow
Very nice, I like it
I love this gen anon. very good one
I love these gens, please keep them coming
No way, one of my onis got highlighted
Thanks for the highlight, anon
I like them with white hair tho
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1.11 MB PNG
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2.61 MB PNG
Trying out a couple new mixes, but still haven't found the right fine-tune. Input welcome.
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2.58 MB
2.58 MB PNG
And this is the other direction.
Something feels off, can't put a finger on what
Need pubes.
File: endgamerpg.png (3.86 MB, 2958x990)
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3.86 MB PNG
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1.05 MB
1.05 MB PNG
NTA but I like to think Rei doesn't have pubes because she's genetically engineered.
I like that
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529 KB JPG
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2.34 MB PNG
Thanks anon, I like the style, too.
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2.4 MB
2.4 MB PNG
File: media_GU3E1-2aIAEQuJH.jpg (81 KB, 576x1024)
81 KB
Requesting more of Minako nude
File: media_GUtUyKXaMAAILMl.jpg (94 KB, 576x1024)
94 KB
Requesting Rei naked in Hawaii
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2.38 MB
2.38 MB PNG
have a kiss, sailor moon anon.
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2.09 MB PNG
Alright, I'm gonna stop spamming and wait for you fine gentlemen to post some more.

oh, hey, nice yoghurt eating girl there. Pretty glad that's not cum, as the jannies around here could get nervous about it.
Why is she so smug?
What happened to that guy who used to post mouse girls every thread?
Did he graduate from SD or he is doing other type of gens now?

Just curious, was browsing the boorus saw a mouse girl and he came to mind
If I were an anime girl I would be smug too
You might get correction!!
File: Aisha Belka.png (1.64 MB, 1382x4576)
1.64 MB
1.64 MB PNG
Requesting Aisha Belka (DanMachi) belly dancing topless.
File: 00012-1133651105.png (2.33 MB, 1248x1824)
2.33 MB
2.33 MB PNG
May I ask, what are you using to get that painting style? could you possibly catbox a couple of these?
Sure, here you go:
I'm not able to view PNG info right now but are you using a Cyancapsule LoRA?
it's olympusXL, with cyancapsule in the prompt
That is correct. The full style string to get that is: sorapoi, cyancapsule, norza, iuui, <rest of prompt>
very nice.
File: Surreal_IA-f.jpg (2.13 MB, 2688x1536)
2.13 MB
2.13 MB JPG
Guess the anatomy of the author does not translate well into nudity. And here I was thinking about specifying hands free (as in, putting a nude body while only keeping the face/hair) on the anatomy as the legs did look too thin right off the bat in the original. Thanks for the try though.
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2.9 MB JPG
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1.61 MB
1.61 MB PNG
I really like the way asses come out on your setup, friend. not too big, but still some meat. Do you prompt anything or is this 100% the style?
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2.14 MB
2.14 MB PNG
nta but his style is like 80% masamune shirow, and that's how he draws them
Yeah she does a mess when eating yoghurt
it's impressive how olympusXL renders feet and hands like that without inpainting. I guess that is thanks to animagine?
File: 767402173794601187.jpg (430 KB, 1536x2304)
430 KB
430 KB JPG
Oh, those were inpainted, alright. I think the feet on the second image were not inpainted, but sailor venus' blowing kiss had an extra finger that was removed with inpainting.

With Olympus, my experience is that hands and feet vary a lot depending on the artist tag. That said, one or two rounds of inpainting is usually enough to fix things.
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241 KB
241 KB JPG
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2.31 MB
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2.92 MB
2.92 MB PNG
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1.87 MB
1.87 MB PNG
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2.95 MB
2.95 MB PNG
Panic burning all my subscription Anlas ignore the extra finger. Everything must go before renewal.
That's why I cut my sub and decided to just stick with local: subscription anlas are faggotshit.
>Boxer 2: "You really wanna go rounds with a steel body? Motoko ain’t human in there—she’s built to crush guys like us. She’s made for war, not a boxing ring. One hit, and you’ll be pickin' up your teeth. Don’t be stupid, man. Walk away."
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336 KB JPG
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492 KB
492 KB JPG
Good Stuff.
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2.18 MB
2.18 MB PNG
what do you mean this is not breakfast?
Lovely girl
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3.66 MB
3.66 MB PNG
The boys seem to like it.
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441 KB
441 KB JPG
>girls laughing,finger_gun
the way your girls are literally dripping wet constantly and always have weird makeup is offputting
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2.71 MB
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2.43 MB
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3.4 MB PNG
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2.58 MB PNG
based mermaid prompter
Can I get a super milfy busty Ariel?
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3.36 MB
3.36 MB PNG
love 'em
sorry I'm off to bed
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2.19 MB
2.19 MB PNG
Always good when Charlotte shows up!

Could you give her lipstick and fake nails to go with the slutty spotted bikini?
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966 KB PNG
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749 KB PNG

Neat proposal, interesting twist on the last three-set proposal. I'll need to look into that.

As a fellow open blouse enjoyer, these are excellent. I need to return to this with much sharper generations (compared to almost 6 months ago).
The artist here seems familiar. Who is this - thicccwithaq?
File: montage.jpg (789 KB, 2500x947)
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789 KB JPG
I can see that it's going to be awhile until I get tired of this model and pose
Nice, share box pls
I had a great idea for a gen I wanted to do all day but now I forgot it. It sucks - maybe I should start writing this down.
Requesting your best enf prompts for Flux!
Be careful who you fall for anons. Also, I want to mess around with Gap moe. Any ideas?
thats the first one, they're all pretty much the same but with different character loras. This one is Rino from priconne.
That's a great idea.
Can you do the Pokemon girls and women?
Or the Touhou girls?
Yum. Very lickable. I mean likeable.
Fuck it, actually the first one.
I don't know what it is you're teaching, Miss, but I'm paying very close attention...
Takes me back to all the fantasies I had about my maths teacher in high school.
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1.9 MB PNG
its mostly the art style, that particular character is prompted to be petite, narrow waist, wide hips, long legs, skinny,small breasts. For some others I prompt big ass, or a big ass is implicit from other prompts like breast size.
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1.78 MB
1.78 MB PNG
we spookyposting again
Do the anlas disappear if you don't sub anymore or what?
If you are subbed you don't get +10K every month, you just get a refill up to 10K. So to get most value out of it you should have zero left at the time.
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823 KB JPG
Can hat/hair-pin be removed?
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2.1 MB PNG
>bandhands neg
>hand is totally fucked
tale as old as time
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955 KB PNG
it's actually worse than snake oil
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2.61 MB PNG
I got you anon
horrific desu
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2.69 MB PNG
Requesting more chonky muscle girls
I don't know the touhou girls very well, but here's serena.

I suppose? It just turn out that way lol
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2.78 MB PNG
> Can I get big like you?
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3.03 MB PNG
Of course, you can. It just takes some exercising.
Just standard RainPony, but I've added "by_personal_ami:0.2". That's usually low enough to not make it look like their art in particular, but improve the gens slightly. The only LoRA is expressiveH at 0.4
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1.1 MB
1.1 MB PNG
just a little
male hands are /h/, anon. If those are working girl's hands, then that's /u/.
/e/ girls shall stay untouched by anyone but themselves
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2.16 MB
2.16 MB PNG
> Did I do good anon?

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2.29 MB
2.29 MB PNG
Yes. You can rest, now. Remember to eat lots of protein.
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that looks really og, moar
I like them with the face more animeish, but that's a nice smooth body
Okay, I lied, we're not going full sexy quite yet. Have a collage of the nine goddesses eating some of their favorite foods. At least the tamales and curry are spicy.
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1.58 MB PNG
tell me what to prompt, my creativity went to shit
jannies dont like lolita.
you don't have to post it
I'll be honest, I'm feeling that delf withdrawal right now At least it's forcing me to find other stuff I like.

I recreated an Idea that never came out right from a long time ago
i need the highlight clout
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346 KB
346 KB JPG
>didn't even fix the pubic hair turning into another tattoo
lazy lazy
you don't
Artist LoRa? Really loving that muscle definition
The zoom in was really nice anon
It's the simple things that are most beautiful
Behold, the closest to the sun we on /e/ can go

Very slapable asses
hell yes brother
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2.09 MB PNG

>Generate a stylized depiction of a cyberpunk hacker in a virtual reality world, using a neon color palette of blues and purples
Not sure why, I'm just into sexy school teacher Marie right now
rebecca my beloved.

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2.88 MB PNG
Not really. Pretty sure dima ivanov is doing most of the work there, though.
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2.01 MB PNG
File: zkms.png (1.09 MB, 768x1280)
1.09 MB
1.09 MB PNG
I think this fits better here?
welcome to /edg/. Yeah that's fine here. Nice dragon girl btw
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3.6 MB PNG
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3.67 MB
3.67 MB PNG
Thank you anon, she's Kaida
File: file.png (2.04 MB, 784x1344)
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2.04 MB PNG
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1.56 MB
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1.8 MB
1.8 MB PNG
Beautiful kitty! love the see-through
super cute! I'd love to see a chick with normal nipples.
File: catbox_p6qcra.png (1.31 MB, 784x1344)
1.31 MB
1.31 MB PNG
Box pretty please
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2.19 MB
2.19 MB PNG
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2.41 MB
2.41 MB PNG
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2.28 MB
2.28 MB PNG
Requesting more topless kung-fu nuns.
File: 1702408577949943.png (3.33 MB, 1664x2432)
3.33 MB
3.33 MB PNG
That one looks really good.
this isn't ldg gelanon
> two sausages in a black bun
This is so gross, it should be grounds for permaban.
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1.75 MB PNG
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2.48 MB PNG
> two sausages in a black bun
File: 1719461450057347.png (1.84 MB, 1344x1728)
1.84 MB
1.84 MB PNG
watermark negative exists
I'll need that if I ever gen in the state of california soon.
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2.51 MB
2.51 MB PNG
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459 KB JPG
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3.29 MB PNG
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1.38 MB
1.38 MB PNG
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2.11 MB
2.11 MB PNG
I love this nipple detail
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2.52 MB
2.52 MB PNG
I feel that every day
why is she so smug
the flatter the chest the smugger the girl
File deleted.
> You young ones have too much energy

You're from from /ddg/ right? Idk how you landed on this design but it's really good

Wild Lady of the Labyrinth spotted
now gen her sinking into the pool
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1.95 MB PNG
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2.71 MB
2.71 MB PNG
what style/lora is this? looks nice
Had to delete the last one, that img was just poor quality. Have this instead
her torso is too long
she always wanted a Microbikini
>H-How could you be so mean?! I was just getting used to my human form.
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3.13 MB
3.13 MB PNG
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2.36 MB
2.36 MB PNG
if you insist
File: 00138-2941300925.png (1.2 MB, 1344x784)
1.2 MB
1.2 MB PNG
Thank you anon
Yes I'm from /ddg/ and I like to think that I found Kaida because I let my characters develop naturally between gens, I start with some basic prompts and and gen while slowly adding more prompts until I reach a design that I like
For example, Kaida was a dragon girl from the start, but when I put bare shoulders and see-through silhouette it "naturally" added puffy detached sleeves or added lace trim and gold thong and it added gold trim and so on
Unbaked gen as an apology for wall of text
File: 00035-4203823922.png (2 MB, 900x1315)
2 MB
greatmosu, it's a rebake of the one i have on civit
I'm not entirely sure if she's a real nun, or if she knows kung-fu.
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1.71 MB PNG
post, nice artist
Moom looking extra hot today
Every day I think I'll be done but I'm not. Something in the simplicity of a big tittied brown hair girl, like her / Rosa get me bricked up.
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3.61 MB PNG
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1.91 MB PNG
Just give up. Hell even like in there with fires I don't like doing gens with them because they look goofy if used for a campfire or torch. Magical effects and stuff is fine but just for simple stuff it looks too goofy.
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2.86 MB
2.86 MB PNG
Nice. Thank you, anons.
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2.3 MB
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78 KB
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2.69 MB
2.69 MB PNG
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2.49 MB
2.49 MB PNG
literally me
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2.62 MB
2.62 MB PNG
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3.76 MB
3.76 MB PNG
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2.66 MB
2.66 MB PNG
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1.09 MB
1.09 MB PNG
Look what you did to the couch, missy
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2.51 MB
2.51 MB PNG
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1.5 MB
1.5 MB PNG
hello friends, happy weekend
what's the new hot thing? I just got back into doing stuff, I'm trying to get into comfy but in terms of models and loras I'm still doing the usual 1.5 stuff
I recommend you look through the catboxes itt
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2.54 MB
2.54 MB PNG
File: AA1p1hHX.jpg (85 KB, 768x507)
85 KB
Fun thread and I enjoyed it but I did wish for some slutty Sanrios.
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2.27 MB
2.27 MB PNG
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1.7 MB
1.7 MB JPG
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3.72 MB
3.72 MB PNG
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2.04 MB
2.04 MB PNG
What a bizarre cutaway shot.
welcome back I suppose. most anime use pony now although some posters still stick with their 1.5 set up
jesus christ, how terrifying.
the god of fingers?
they're just putting in extra effort trying to get into highlights.
> >2894145
I want to suck on her nipples until they pop out
File: Surreal_IA-o.jpg (2.61 MB, 2688x1536)
2.61 MB
2.61 MB JPG
Post 100%
Highlights 80%
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3.06 MB
3.06 MB PNG
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1.41 MB
1.41 MB JPG
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1.27 MB
1.27 MB PNG
Thank you! I'm trying to learn comfy so I'd appreciate some workflows. I browsed through a few catbox links ITT but none of them seemed to be genned with comfy.
My image better get into the highlights or else...
File: image (19) (1).jpg (3.2 MB, 1664x2432)
3.2 MB
3.2 MB JPG
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679 KB
679 KB PNG
PC-98 girl cosplaying
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2.3 MB
2.3 MB PNG
Contributing to early thread completion.
File: zed007.png (1.18 MB, 1280x768)
1.18 MB
1.18 MB PNG
Cute ass and vag.

And now we wait, I guess.
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2.49 MB
2.49 MB PNG
New Thread:

I messed around with comfy before. it's a pain to deal with and get set up but some kind anon set me their workflow for the basic stuff. will share once Iim my cpu, I can share my set up
Requesting Nude and shy Fuuka from Yotsubato with pubic hair
>When your AI generation REALLY resembles a picture everyone's already seen
Good generation, but sometimes you can just tell the AI stole someones art

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