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File: Beer&Touch_-edg-.jpg (390 KB, 1536x1920)
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>>2891742 hit the image limit

/edg/ is the home of 1girl posting. Here, we share AI-generated pics of sexy anime girls and discuss latest advancements in 1girl-related technology.
Remember to keep it /e/, as per board rules. If unsure about what you can or cannot post here, consult the sticky thread.

> FAQ (check here first)
https://rentry.org/edg-faq#general | https://rentry.org/edg-faq#technical

> Local UIs
WebUI Forge, an A1111 fork optimized for SDXL (faster genning speed on low-mid vram gpus): https://github.com/lllyasviel/stable-diffusion-webui-forge
https://github.com/Panchovix/stable-diffusion-webui-reForge *NEW*
ComfyUI: https://github.com/comfyanonymous/ComfyUI | https://github.com/shiimizu/ComfyUI_smZNodes

> Resources and guides
Useful links: https://rentry.org/sdg-link | https://rentry.org/rentrysd | https://rentry.org/sd-mashup
A1111 Wiki: https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/
Tags: https://danbooru.donmai.us/wiki_pages/tag_groups
Upscalers: https://openmodeldb.info
LoRa training: https://rentry.org/lora_train | https://rentry.org/59xed3 | https://civitai.com/articles?tags=128645
Git-wiki of the technical Stable Diffusion papers: https://codeberg.org/tekakutli/neuralnomicon
Animation: https://rentry.org/AnimAnon | https://rentry.org/AnimAnon-Deforum | https://rentry.org/AnimAnon-AnimDiff

> LoRA downloads
https://rentry.org/ponyxl_loras_n_stuff | https://rentry.org/ponyxl_lora_previews

> Thread highlights archive (deprecated)

> OP template

> /edg/ logo
OP: https://files.catbox.moe/uc2ntj.png | Anchor: https://files.catbox.moe/bx1lo2.png (more color schemes in the FAQ Rentry)

> Related generals
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Request Anchor
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Previous Thread Highlights
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What the thread theme?
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Try out arti 2.0 you guys, it's more or less usable for /e/
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A milfy and alluring Queen Ariel, naked upon her mighty throne. Huge bosoms, regal look, lots of gold jewelry and crown. Hopefully in a soft style like pic related.
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File: Aisha Belka.png (1.51 MB, 1382x4576)
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Requesting Aisha Belka (DanMachi) belly dancing topless.
My time has ended, I have not made the highlights.
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post more girls holding weapons
I would if I could ;_;
The Kitchen
Too hard to generate reliably.
Nice I got twice in there
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seems to work OK for me, maybe my loras..
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here ya go mate
forgot pic >>2894459
big american milkers nico
We love American milkers!
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File: ArcherIA.png (1.56 MB, 2048x1364)
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Requesting nude Vocaloid IA with a bow. Pic related as an example tho it can also be made into an AI pic..
last one
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Doing these simple styles makes me wanna pick up drawing for real.

You can import other UI's workflows as long as they're simple enough. Otherwise, well it depends on what you're doing. Here I have diffusion-CG for color/luminosity offset, and regional prompter:
And here's inpainting added at the bottom:
File: 00001-2428206746.png (1.14 MB, 1152x1024)
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Don't judge me
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Those chicken legs got me fucked up.
yeah the more I inpaint small details the more I miss the obvious things
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Yeah I notice that when I'm genning a lot and actually looking you just get really bad AI blinders on obvious shit.
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This is very difficult. I managed one image with a lot of effort.
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Clay is cute, but I love Belle even more.
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That's quite the improvement. Just curious: Is going all the way too difficult, as in, chganging the face/hair is too much trouble?
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I really have trouble genning weapons.
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Love the idea but pony aint exactly good at that
I'm not familiar was the character and just assumed it was already a picture of her, sorry. I may try again later.
How about this?
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Pretty bad, but the best weapon gen that came out so far.
i did and it really, really isn't
i wanna go to the beach already
Ooh, that looks good! Thank you!
I'm judging you as man with taste so based it would be measured in the scale of planetary bodies.
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Sure, why not? I like this pose, but it's on the old side, I should revisit it.
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I've had good luck with more modern models specifically with guns, but unsurprisingly the mechanical details are still off (though that's not hard to fix).
Woah, that's really cool

I don't want to be that guy, but can you consolidate the same girl/pose to a single post if its more than 3? It's to prevent tearing through the rest of /e/ since they get pissy. Very nice gen though
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You can try this anon:
anyway, i love thighs and highcut leotard, pls more
Yes, I was too lazy to fix that. That's the difference between traditional artists and ai sloppers: lazyness
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back when my vae was fucked
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don't we all
Can we get some comfy posting? Trying to bring up my mood
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Thanks anon

Can I get a box, anon?
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i like this
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Lora for this? I know she is from the dungeon workers anime, but aside of the character lora did you use an style lora?
She finally gave in and started wearing loot from the treasure chests...
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>Why are you running?
>If you do not stay still I can't purify you, motherfucker!

>did you use an style lora?
Only used source_anime and anime screencap for style
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SO damn hot!
weird pussy
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Dressing up anime girls in the outfits of sluttier anime girls is my fetish.
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>translucent water surface
>body partially submerged
>second, opaque water surface under water
I have that problem a lot. Anyone know how to fix that?
well you could just inpaint
best i could do. erase the lower body with iopaint (https://www.iopaint.com) and then inpaint on sd
neg partially submerged or something, seems counterintuitive but it really just makes it not draw the same shit twice
these are cool but not anime
did you try to game the water surface instead of what is visible below it?

waves, ripples, reflection, water surace refracted light/shapes
80-90s anime was different
that's good too
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2.15 MB JPG
>How about this?
If you really go deep into nitpick territory, would say the hands feel a bit "off" (left a 'bit' too long, right a bit anatomically strange) but thats a nice IA with a nice open background. Thanks a lot.
i know, i was alive for it
nta but, while the ideas in those gens are interesting, pics like
are strictly /aco/ nowdays.
If we're doing this, her right elbow is too low, forearm should be parallel with the arm holding the bow. And look at that leg stance, is she dancing?

Though those aren't anatomical issues. She could fire the bow like this, then get an earful from her instructor.
she's sticking out her ass for the fans or someshit
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The utilitarian park bench / freeway sign combo.
very nice fat ass
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Thanks anon. She's usually my genki dark elf. She's just a little depressed today
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I know this is often seen like counter intuiteve, but I believe its actually not.
Because is not as if water is opaque, you would be able to see a bit of the body and the deeper it goes the less you would see. Normally you would see the waist and part of the legs, but not the feet

Its a given that "two stages" feels kind of weird since is not gradual, but its more close to that effect than completely opaque

I see where you are coming but >>2894606 seems less natural than >>2894599 to me because water lets you see a bit of what its inside
FLUX? The images are tiny though.
yeah but it is fun
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You can't have fun! I forbid you!
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For me, it's armpitta.
Very cute
as long as it doesn't have that disturbing unrealistic AOM skinfold thing
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The what now
be glad you dont know
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>Leave forge genning with dynamic promts for the day
>Come back, almost everything is trash
>Misplaced a {
Probably will try this.
Is there a trick to getting cylindrical bodies?
What do you mean by cylindrical?
I was just curious.
Please don't.
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1.7 MB PNG
cute but
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1.68 MB PNG
Didn't noticed it while i was jacking off to it
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Getting rid of the extreme hourglass shape most checkpoints have. Several of your posts have a cylinder body shape
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Probably just from Annihilation, it's no exactly made for hourglass bodies.
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1 MB
This is more /c/ than /e/
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Balsa from Moribito! Unexpected but welcomed.
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1.98 MB PNG
Sorry, I have te catbot extension but I'm failing to figure out how to put more than 1 pic on a post with catbox links, the only way I can come up with is the old fashioned way of goin to catbox and upload one by one and copy-pating the links on a single post lmao
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please nude-edit her as much as possible
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3.76 MB PNG
Requesting Rias Gremory walking out of the shower
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2.63 MB PNG
Thanks for the resources, friends! I will try them out asap, I don't have my pc right now. I made sure to download the litterbox links before they expire though!
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wrong thread bwo
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hot september
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looks like shes coming to suck out the souls of drowning sailors

way too hot to wear both panties and shorts
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i know on /d/ people just mindlessly spam everything they think is remotely good, but if you have several similar gens can you combine them into a single post please
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This should actually be in OP. It happens very rarely ITT, people usually only post one gen of a kind and move on, but sometimes we get a block of "same prompt, different seed" that could have just been a single image post with a few catbox links added.
>image thread
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>Crying happy tears

What did you tell her, anon?
that's not what i said
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Anti-styling is a legit idea from 1.5 days. As usual, though, putting something in negs is multi layered and might be blocking more than just the style.
Right, I guess you never know what side effects it might have. That goes for all negs.
that's cool, box please?
cute anons rediscovering 2022 knowledge
Well it's not talked about much, I've been here since december and don't remember it being mentioned. Looks way more useful than things that did get talked about like ipadapter, reference only controlnet, style components.
it is how it is, people want to talk about new things
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Happens with consistency funnier though the offender usually just leaves instead of posting catboxes.
I never figure that out myself either desu. I ended up just having several links myself.

See >>2894545
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2.49 MB PNG
Sure, try this:

A lot of the old tricks are mostly forgotten by people, especially negative prompting. People just keep adding stuff to their negatives and never taking it out, instead of having a lean base negative that they change for each generation. This never really improves and people keep rediscovering how that works every few months.
It's fate.
Nice. We could make taimanin suit the thread theme
Thanks anons, Genki D-Elf is back to her usual self and will be making casual appearances.

I'm also noticing the covered shoulders and legs but exposed midsection is just my favorite outfit style I tend to fall into. Both of my favorite gens follow that style
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1.2 MB PNG
I think I just discovered an alternative to yoghurt
That sounds fun.
ok you first anon
genki elf would look cute in an off the shoulder ballgown.
What if girl character, but with breasts depicted as larger than usual?
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Cute d-elf. I guess we all agree that choco-elves are best elves.
sexiest anime girl
Why not both?

You can't go wrong with d-elfs desu. My go to gens so last thread was hard when I handicapped myself
I'm going crazy. I know I didn't make type "Desu" lmao
"i m o" maps to desu here.
File: WaistWeight.png (1.8 MB, 1715x889)
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1.8 MB PNG
There is an SDXL LoRA on the 5ch SD Mega
https://mega.nz/folder/wDs2WCRB#F_LT9gLaGAWos7A4ZPIclw/folder/BeVH3TDA (you should find it with the search bar)
called "WaistWeight". The differences in practice seem to be subtle, but maybe it helps.
That explains a lot, I think that appeared in another post too
it's an old word filter from when everyone was saying t b h, s m h, f a m (without the spaces)

You've got an identifiable mascot, respect.

I'm impressed how the tanlines came out in that one. I mostly get useless geometric patterns, but at least here they're clearly recognizable and sharp. Is that model just easy to generate correct tanlines in?
NTA, but using bikini tan / one-piece swimsuit tan also helps.
nta but many things become easier once you leave sd1.5 behind.

I actually just have tan skin in my prompt with nothing else and the lines pop up regardless. I'm using the Pony autism Mix and I have the USA and Namespace loras active for my gens
Oops, I goofed up on her hair and eye colors.
this anime was so based, they dont do stuff like this anymore
Wait, wasn't it already "girls holding weapons" >>2894446
Alright then.
Nice. Those are easy enough to combine at least.
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then try removing tanlines from prompt or adding it to negative.

I had a little chuckle at these responses less than a minute apart. Not that they're wrong.


Makes sense. With Autism I had the same geometric pattern problem, but I barely experimented with it and I wasn't using any LoRAs. Informative, thank you.
misquoted sexiest anime girl
you can just use the narrow waist tag
He wants the opposite, inflatable tube man girls. Negging narrow waist is pretty weak and chubby has major side effects, so it mostly has to come from artist styles.
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I like my tan lines, was just explaining for the sake of clarity in case someone want to reproduce it

I also just realized, she's staple of /edg/ posting for me That and my PSO oni i hope
negpip exists

the lora didn't really accomplish entirely what I wanted of it so here it is on a throwaway mediafire account
trigger tags that actually matter are arako, tkmiz and sobssn (the lora has multiple artists)
I'd love images of very busty ladies holding up freshly removed full-cup bras. Maybe even some elves!
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how is she crying underwater

thanks very much
you trained the lora yourself? would love to know more about which artists are tagged in it
also, e621_p_low, which embedding is that?
it's just five
souichi is yamamoto souichirou but it doesn't get expressed as well as I'd like.
tsurumitsu is actually kurumitsu with a heldover spelling mistake I made while sleep deprived or something it's a mystery. either way, didn't really play around with that artist much other than noting it's a little fried.
>also, e621_p_low, which embedding is that?
it's not an embedding. it's a low quality tag for e621(western/furshit *booru) which is included in pony's dataset.
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pretty cool lora despite the flaws you mention. thanks for sharing. I made this with it
she's actually in front of a tank full of water
>Maybe even some elves!
Damn it, he knows how to get me. Does it count if they can't find a bra that fits them (She out grew them during her last space mission)?
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my bad. works way better with pony than any pony derivative
She must be having a lot of trouble finding a good one. Maybe it's just pasties for her future.
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I was never into Taimanin series, like I'm not into most lilith works.

But I always loved the suits and the overall concept of the setting.

Is difficult to pick up which character to put in, since it works pretty much on it.
I'll think on it and generate some later.
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>I-I'm not sure this is ideal
Rescued from /hdg/
don't ask why she's holding a hot coal
Oh, it's ideal. Perfectly suited for space flight or mecha piloting. Loooooove her look and that outfit! Can you give her a sci-fi background?
Welcome to /edg/. Now I have to ask - what's with the coal?

Thanks anon. I'll try but these loras really fight me on background for some reason. Might just inpaint it
It's inpainted from a Flux gen. The coal used to be another one of those floating lights and a sixth finger, but Pony "fixed" it.
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If the gen works, normal backgrounds are fine too.
>If it increases performance, I guess it wouldn't hurt to indulge...

Flux to the rescue (?)

Nice elf anon
cool outfit but multidiff gave her 2 different eyes and fucked with the hands
I was messing around with the settings and testing things. The fuck ups are predominantly because of the lora I'm testing.
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This is the official uniform, so lots of space elves would be dressed similar, regardless of boob/areola size!
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Well, here's a compromise of a few different themes.
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ah noo I can't unsee the gorilla arms
(abs:0) for muscles without looking shredded
zero power tags affect the result, try it
tag:0 in positive is still positive, just with less strength
tag:1 in negative is actually trying to exclude it
> furry
> cock
Completely wrong thread.
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what lora are you using?
whoops, sorry about that
Just trying to make sure the jannies don't get you

Yeah, I was too engrossed in genning, thanks for the heads up.
I'm back again because I found more shit loras on Civitai

Which one is the best 38 lora?
note to self, no more drunk posting
Furry goes on >>>/trash/ though.
Looks like he's just having himself a good time
>look up the artist on a booru
Seems like you're running the test with score tags. Try dropping those, maybe even source_anime.
Could be my problem. Some of my lora's don't seem to care but this batch are definitely influenced by the score tags

I think it depends on the style itself, how far away it is from the style that score tags are innately biased towards. They completely kill flat color or chibi bodies, for example.

If this is the issue you can add an activation tag for the style, that usually helps.
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What a revolutionary idea. Here's doctor Kal'tits from the hit game quarknights.
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I appreciate the advice that I got in the last thread. I've been trying to use loras and prompt editing during runtime to try to create chimera outfits that are a mix between Zeon Officer uniform from the gundam franchise and stuff like tennis skirts.

Sometimes part of the image just faceplants on colors. Namely stuff like the pussy in this image. It's like someone spilled their coffee on the color balance controls while painting it. I do have a number of tags in my prompt regarding the pussy and I suspect that's related to the mistake. Can anyone with more experience shed some light on what I'm doing wrong?
It's a wonder she can fit into this.
Unrelated but I suggest putting your <lora> calls at the end. Their position doesn't matter since the UI just eats it anyway, and it makes the actual prompt easier to read.

You may be able to just neg "yellow pussy" or cameltoe. My guess would be the bodysuit. The tag is meant for a full one-piece suit including arms and legs, which implies the pussy is covered. And bottomless is a weak tag, so maybe it's trying to do a cameltoe instead? Just a guess though.
still none
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Gonna drop my Taimanins now
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Every Lilith needs its evil bitch
Very nice!
Rich ladies of society wearing fancy Victorian dresses at fancy soirees, but with their jugs out!
Also, sometimes when you may want to just include more steps. I like to keep my step count low, but some loras really appreciate more steps to "fully bake"
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>are you sure this is the last fashion on London?
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Of COURSE! My dear!
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My daughter over there is the sensation of piano recitals thanks to it
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Gokigenyou, ladies!
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Lmao, this is turning into a funny story. What made you want to do this?
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Refrain from such language, milady
I don't know, was an strike of inspiration, making the last one right now, there are no twist though
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>Also, sometimes when you may want to just include more steps. I like to keep my step count low, but some loras really appreciate more steps to "fully bake"
This seems to be the case. Increasing the step count did a lot to help.

Also, thanks for the tip about loras. I assumed that the loras needed to be called prior to any activation keywords. You're correct about the bodysuit being a bit of an odd pick. Right now I'm kind of just throwing shit at the wall to see what sticks. One of the looks that I like for the top is a kind of form fitting sheer top as an undershirt for the rest of the uniform, but I wasn't sure how to try to achieve that for just the top so I tried throwing bottomless at it to pray that sometimes it gives me what I want.
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Ara, ara, what a lively afternoon
Mother daughter

Mother daughters


MMMM, I think Im gonna give this lady twins and will keep a memo to do something with them someday
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These are nice too, bro. I guess it was a really inspirational request
box me up bro
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Thanks, I felt like seeing cute anime girls in corsets. Nice work as well bro.
Second from the bottom is the one you asked for

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To my quarters, NOW!
I have something I need you to clean thoroughly
I'm sorry that I came up with a bad theme this thread. I'll try better another time.
This thread had a theme?
It's a nice theme.
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Don't think I even saw one kitchen gen, but yeah holding weapons being the other is a tall mountain without some real effort and it still looks ass.
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Nice, but what's going on with the last image? Nipple-less latex?
Thank you all, I love this! Can I get some more of the mothers, and perhaps the young ladies' maids added in too? Jane Austen has never looked better.
the magic of diffusion, a bodystocking with cutouts i guess
It was supposed to be Girls in the Kitchen but I was tired and only wrote "the kitchen" so it got ignroed.
The inspiration is still Urushihara as always, there's something novel about carrying on in rich society while partially or fully exposed. I'd love to see more, especially if we add in exposed vaginas, and bonus points for unshaven.
Pony does decent baseball bats, easy inpaint into a club or a mace. Sketch a straight line and inpaint into a quarterstaff or a spear. Or just Flux it, I have yet to find a weapon it cannot do. Though flux gens need inpaint afterwards to become /e/.
Oh, that's what that post was.
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ControlNet/Anytest is actually amazing. You can do a shitty drawing and get exactly what you want.

Jump-scare, /d/ content:
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Here's my thread theme contribution. Trad girl is ready to start her large family.

Anytest is fucking god tier for amateur artist like myself. When I get some time I'm going to make some comics I always dreamed of.
Oh, sorry anon. I really had no idea what it was. I have an idea, will gen in a few
i prefer diffusion_pytorch_model_promax
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>cant go wrong with the standard 1girl, solo
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>shes even showing her petticoat
>what a slut
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Just happened to be from the same set.
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She's not normally very busty.
> Hi anon, I have a fresh plate of pancakes for you.
> J-just don't ask what the secret ingredient is...
Love this timeline, perhaps the cooks and gardeners should show off too.
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Very nice. She looks familiar, where is she from?
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Iori Rinko from Gundamn Build Fighters.
The "before image" IMO is a few steps above "shitty drawing". It looks like it was drawn by someone that knows how to draw. They're just not done drawing it yet.
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> the secret ingredient
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>Gundamn Build Fighters.
Is there any Eve from Re:Rise yet?
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Sorry I didn't mean it to spam, I need to look up how to put several catbox links into one post
Thank you~ yes I will try to put them all into one post
Sorry everyone for spamming so much, I feel like I don't know how to use the catbox extension to it fullest
I need to check my spelling too, what a mess of a post
its called copy and paste
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It's all good anon. As much as I love your dragon girl, someone will give you shit for it

Ironically, the purest /e/ on the thread. And it's very cute - for a lack of better words, you capture the essence of the board
I'm gonna need more of the milfs from you, bro. Can you do them with open skirts to reveal their crotches too?
I don't know what are you referring to but yes, I will copy and paste the links from civitai
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So I've I was doing a quick run of other loras since I have a problem hording loras. Generally the score tags help but I'm most likely using way too many in the first place and can settle on fewer. See the below:

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I think she tripped.
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Bigger resolution: https://files.catbox.moe/fcjffh.png
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Can you get this colored up or rebuild but in color? She is Nessa from Pokemon.
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An attempt
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Imagined a bit too much but I thought it looked cool
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guess I will try some nessas
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There are two nipples on her right breast.
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Just in case you want to give it a try. Took me 45 mins to fix my control net and get pic related. And that's with fine tunning (Couldn't get the hair flip):

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Some more before I go to bed:
Wow, that's ai?
It is when you're willing to melt your graphics card rerolling the same image for 3 hours.
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It looks like a capture from a hentai I need to exist. I'm still floored sometimes at what this magic fap roulette can do, even with time/effort/money.
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the taimanin prompts kinda fried the style but those bodysuits turned out very erotic
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I think we're a bit low on flatties, this time around.
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Thanks for all of these!
I much prefer to make non-nude stuff.
i was just thinking that next thread we should do no nudity theme
the last time i posted a tallflat i got banned from all boards for 3 days
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weird considering /hdg/ is full of loli
not sure why they turn a blind eye to it when it's the most popular thread on /h/
Wdym lolis all got banned and deleted 30 minutes ago. There are maybe a few questionable images left, but it isn't something that /h/ is ever "full of".
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well they take their time deleting them then
then again you get what you pay for
>it isn't something that /h/ is ever "full of".
i specified /hdg/ not /h/
Unfortunately, this happens. I think one janny feels guilty after jerking off to gacha girls or something.
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nah there's one mod who judges loli = cute + small or below tits, which i dont agree with but i guess is valid
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I hope this is not too /aco/ for here.
As a person who post them often I can only conclude your flattie probably looked too loli or had a very lolicon style.

I'm not gonna defend jannies or negate there are some trigger happy ones, but we get plenty of flat chests and even full loli characters on every thread.

Unless you go full LO style or post very specific smooth cunny the moderation seems to be quite letinent
like i said it's based mostly on artstyle for this one particular person
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how did you get this so clean? particularly the background
very cute and very based
I don't mind it, still looks /e/ enough.
Requesting Nude and shy Fuuka from Yotsubato with pubic hair
I know this board is on the slower end of technology uptake but I dread going to the otherboards.
does flux have good hentai yet?
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No finetune yet so it needs loras for everything, including basic sex poses.
Cute sketchy island girl!
On the finetune front, any promising news? I know ponyfucker said he's working on auroflow and flux at the same time which surely wont go well.
I know dogfuckers failed with their cascade finetune.
He said he's keeping flux as a backup option, auraflow is first because it has a more permissive license and he wants to monetize it with some discord generation service. I don't know of anyone else, niggles is only pretending to be a baker and jordach is still messing around with cascade 1b.

It'll have to be someone new. Then again, few people even heard of astralite until he released ponyv6, that might be the right way to do it. Instead of hyping people up for disappointment, show up once you have something usable.
Guys I am just not fucking capable of figuring out how to do my own AI gens. It's fucking maddening because you all are producing the most state of the art erotica and I'm fucking sitting over here with my dick in my hand like I'm still waiting for artist to figure out my fetish
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lmao. What's the problem anon, don't have a good enough machine or you just can't figure out how to install it?
Ask for boxes and learn from their gens that way
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just steal other people's promts and modify them a bit to your liking
such is the life of a genlet
>Fellow namespace lora user
I wanna help bro but you're not giving me much to work with, what's the issue
Tasty gobling

Do you need help getting set up? Or are you having trouble prompting? Or is your machine not up to spec?

If it's the first, all I can say is that you need to read the documents in the OP VERY carefully.

If it's the second, then just look at the catboxes and try your own spin. Maybe upload on of your own and we can diagnose what your problem is.

If it's the last, well, maybe it's time to build a new PC...
Remember anons, be sure to venture to more boards as they hold more secrets than you think

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As in?
Like better control net tools, how to optimize your build, etc, etc.
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im in danger
from a skinwalker looks like
nta but he was probably asking which thread. /hdg/ is just recovering from its worst weekend in probably ever, /d/ is only usable for 1futa standing, /aco/ is far less technically skilled than /e/.
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/vtai/ ?

if it's because you don't have an AI-Capable machine, you can just go to Civitai or Pixai and use their daily free credits to mess around. Picrel was created on Civitai using their generator and the Autismmix model.
Ah I got it. Was just messing around with control net stuff on /d/. I used to go to /hdg/ but its such a shit show over there. Haven't ventured into /trash/ though.

I'm just happy I can get more dynamic poses

I'm both aroused and scared
rescued from /hdg/
>Shitty drawing
>Mogs the fuck out of me
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love it
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Oh, classy!! I love that the ladies can stylize their outfits and how they choose to display their bosoms, but society demands them be shown! It's fashionable!
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Beautiful red skin for a beautiful red oni
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I find red skin hot, I don't know why
Love these and would love to see more
last 1
bonus /h/ gen
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You can experiment more with clothing, which I find fun (despite having to look up actual clothing names and styles on booru).

>Eventually became a maid outfit with a feather duster.


You're fine, I'm pretty sure.
Wew I need more elves like her, anon. Drop a bombload of boxes.
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is it october yet
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Keep them coming, I love the theme
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Red lady, blue lady.
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Gorgeous! It's what I've always wanted! Perhaps when out on the town, a lady wears pasties, for modesty.
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The taimanin tag drags is pretty strongly towards taimanin official art, but otherwise: https://files.catbox.moe/lel6y8.png
Perhaps. That would be very demure and modest look.
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peak female body
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You could try putting Kagami Hirotaka in negs, since that is the style it's biased towards. Probably just at low strength though, otherwise it'll push you away from anime in general.
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I like a lot of styles but Rosa just makes me diamonds.
>steaming crotch
I need this on my face, mind sharing what you used?
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musk, pheromones, steaming body work pretty well.
Thanks a lot, I think I prefer Hilda but Rosa has so much hot stuff out here its hard to not like her more
Some less... confident young ladies are struggling to adapt to the new fashion.
Where is that nai3furry lora from?
Running out of pasties can lead to even further embarrassment.
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I made it I wanna make a better one. It's from some anons style I saw and scooped a few of his pics before he disappeared so I'd have to sub to nai to make some more pics for the data set.
After all, going out without pasties is seen as quite immodest and not something a proper lady would do.
I don't understand what I'm supposed to be running the UI in. Is there an executable hidden in here somewhere? How do you run the UI
Grow some confidence, sister.
Well nice job on it, I really like the highlight and shading
mating press
How do I link/select the model in the Stable Diffusion AI? I have the SAFETENSORS files in a folder where the UI is
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there's a folder for them specifically
I don't use webui but "checkpoints" and "loras" probably
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Thanks anon. If the thread is still up later today i might gen some more
Alright I've got my models in the stable_diffusion folder, now when I select them I get 'Failed to recognize model type!'
what are you talking about? which of the UIs, which model, where did you download? Have a look at the guide in the OP and follow that.
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I can upload if you want. I got a few I gotta put up at some point I'm just debating if I wanna shell out $25 for nai to better flesh out the dataset. It'd be later today for the upload or tomorrow depends if I pass out when I get home
If you dont mind then yeah, dont stress about it tho
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The new fashion seems to be all the rage at royal gatherings.
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read the documentation bro...put them in the models -> stable-diffusion folder
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requesting pants falling down
Good luck in the new thread, colleagues. Waiting for baker.
Disregard that I suck cocks.
This thread looks dead af why is nobody doing the new one whatever lemme share one
That's some amazing breasts, box?
In the next thread, can you also do some mature ladies, perhaps the queen?
terminal stage highlights addiction
not really all the rage if only one person is doing it
crazy this thread only lasted 3.5 days
We had a good theme. Or three of them.
Thanks. You can put it in https://novelai.net/inspect to get the metadata.
This is the prompt: 1girl, corset, long dress, corset, collared dress, victorian, indoors, huge breasts, puffy nipples, nsfw, breasts out, plunging neckline, cleavage, artist:wlop, artist:ciloranko, artist:honjou raita
you can also just right click, if you get the 4chanx catbox extension
sure can. If we get a baker to do a thread.
>last post was made -SIX HOURS AGO-
Oh boy... OK time to work.

highlight bro can do hightlights later I hope
Working on it. Around 60% done.

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