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>>2900242 hit the image limit

/edg/ is the home of 1girl posting. Here, we share AI-generated pics of sexy anime girls and discuss latest advancements in 1girl-related technology.
Remember to keep it /e/, as per board rules. If unsure about what you can or cannot post here, consult the sticky thread.

> FAQ (check here first)
https://rentry.org/edg-faq#general | https://rentry.org/edg-faq#technical

> Local UIs
WebUI Forge, an A1111 fork optimized for SDXL (faster genning speed on low-mid vram gpus): https://github.com/lllyasviel/stable-diffusion-webui-forge
ComfyUI: https://github.com/comfyanonymous/ComfyUI | https://github.com/shiimizu/ComfyUI_smZNodes

> Resources and guides
Useful links: https://rentry.org/sdg-link | https://rentry.org/rentrysd | https://rentry.org/sd-mashup
A1111 Wiki: https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/
Tags: https://danbooru.donmai.us/wiki_pages/tag_groups
Upscalers: https://openmodeldb.info
LoRa training: https://rentry.org/lora_train | https://rentry.org/59xed3 | https://civitai.com/articles?tags=128645
Git-wiki of the technical Stable Diffusion papers: https://codeberg.org/tekakutli/neuralnomicon
Animation: https://rentry.org/AnimAnon | https://rentry.org/AnimAnon-Deforum | https://rentry.org/AnimAnon-AnimDiff

> LoRA downloads
https://rentry.org/ponyxl_loras_n_stuff | https://rentry.org/ponyxl_lora_previews

> Thread highlights archive (deprecated)

> OP template

> /edg/ logo
OP: https://files.catbox.moe/uc2ntj.png | Anchor: https://files.catbox.moe/bx1lo2.png (more color schemes in the FAQ Rentry)

> Related generals
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Request Anchor
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Previous Thread Highlights
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Hey, long time no see.
lora is the optimal solution here
I already said it on the last thread, but I really liked this image

Do I sense Kiyoshirou Inoue Perestroika vibes here or its the one punch man artist?

Please box
4chan is giving me connection errors trying to post this mermaid. catbox is dying too.
Very nice pic

Btw, do we have a thread theme / challenge? I find it makes the thread more fun
robot girls
lifelike texture androids
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Requesting topless jeans pinups of Akko Kagari (LWA).
Time to break out my cyborg witch again
catbox is down, the style string is "incase, zefrableu, katsura masakazu, yqgkg", and the result doesn't look like any of them.
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Challenge: fantasy girls (priestess, wizard, maybe even a ninja or something), but gynoids.
My flat chested elf waifu with long orange hair and pink eyes wearing a bunny suit sitting on a couch with her legs stretched out holding a glass of liquor.
>catbox is down
There is an alternative for when that happens
Glad I had that baking then
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Here's my attempt.
Nice. Here you go.
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Does it count if the armor looks more tech than magic?
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PSOcoded is fine by my book
No, missy, now go out there and get your cybernetic surgery!
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3D is doable. You either need a style lora strong enough to give the 3D look on its own (helps if you don't use any score tags). Or you can mix multiple weaker ones and then add 3D tag, maybe not at full strength.

The lora rentry has Mantis-X and Fujino, for starters. One of the megas also has Usukeninja, Vicineko and probably a few more. But mixing them to match the exact style you want will be difficult unless you train your own.

The 3D tag also has different effects on some pony variants like Reweik and 4Th Tail (v.5), seems they tried re-training it more towards custom maid style instead of Daz-3D.
She's nice, doesn't deserve to die in a litterbox, repost normally too...
I will, if 4chan lets me.
She made it... Congrats! Cute.
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11/10 would. Cute raichu
Can the gloves and the thighhighs be removed?
You know, I hate having to use a trigger word for LoRAs
On god, its so annoying having to remember them and shit
Same. But on pony it makes them work better, and not fight as much against score tags.
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I've been having a blast with nai3 furry model.
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The hero
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the mage
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the healer
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the warrior
It's not what I expected but it certainly is unique. Thanks for the effort, it shall go in my collection.
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>She even put a sheet to not dirty the couch with the shoes
kek, women.

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Nice to see scaly Kaida in a highlight
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Can you do a ninja girl on this style? With small breast if possible, please.
Can you remove pubic hair?
Damn, that's lovely.
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Sorry I forgot to shave her
box: https://files.catbox.moe/3kefmg.png
very soft, what model is that
looks like gooknai
that arm is 3 meters long KEK
you'd think by now people would do a quick anatomy check
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Can we get some wholesome/cute girls trying to be sexy but just end up looking more cute?
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i apologize for no inpaint but i am coomed out

robo lich, her death knight, and skellingtons
very cool
neat idea too
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Felicia is in heat. Are you going to help her make some kittens?
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I see you like the P2 skin

I may get back to you on that.
Requesting Shampoo naked with Usagi Tsukino on a deserted island.
Is there a tag for that kind of corner-of-the-eye dot makeup that's usually associated with kitsunes?

How well does working backwards and using a 3d pony variant with artist tags or loras work?
Sexy elf!
what did he mean by this
I just couldn't find a good one. 3D checkpoints all seem to go for either the Pixar look or an overly realistic one like DoA.
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nooooooooooooooo hair
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i saw your message
treat its deletion as an apology
i like it
it's okay, my brain is irreparably damaged from years of looking at increasingly realistic 3d.
Resolution looks like NAI
ah you are right
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You mean something like this?
Did not expect the twist of her becoming a kaiju atacking feudal Japan, but the design itself is spot on
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Requesting Ishtar (FGO) belly dancing topless.
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The duality of /e/
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Sorry, I ran out of time, this is the least bad I could come up with. Maybe our anon friends can help us further.
Yeah, at least it's still good enough. Thanks!
There was a time limit?
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this >>2902262 but in reverse
and keep her assertive
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X-Rated vision making a comeback.
try doing a i2i pass at low noise so its not completely obvious you took a stock picture
It's from the LoRA lol
LoRA's for realism, so the realism style is bleeding
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A girl with long pink hair and blue eyes with either a playful or lascivious look on her face standing next to a pool untying her bikini bottoms while her top is already lying on the ground beside her.
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Couldn't gen what you asked, but I tried
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throw it back
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hello! first time contributor, been playing with fooocus for a few nights
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what happened to her swimsuit
Boob didn't fit obviously.
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must've been torn in the wash
[x] Doubt
bought it on the dollar store-
God bless dollar stores
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Hey she’s cute. No problem. Win some, lose some
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Maybe not anime per se, but last time I posted here people seemed to enjoy it. Plus I think she's cute.
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It is welcomed here. I often use a similar style anyways - this is nice anon
Hey, I've tried getting into this since last week, but I'm a goddamn retard and can't figure this shit out. Read the whole FAQ, watched videos, can't make it work.

Just a quick question, which is my problem. I click the part that is for AMD drivers (I don't have Nvidea), and even after downloading that one, when I run the thing, it says "Error, no NVidea detected" and it craps out.

Just wanting to confirm, this is impossible without Nvidea and that AMD link is a dud, right? So I can just move on.
what are you tryin to run? A1111?
Also, which AMD card?
Also, this stuff can be slower, but it works fine on recent AMD cards

Seems like it!
Not recent at all. AMD Radeon 5700. It's 8 GB, and the minimum requirement is 6. We simple people see number be bigger than requirement number and think that's enough. Don't mind if it's slower. Got nothing but time.
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That artstyle is great
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Good to know, thanks!

It's very appealing imo
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This is only tangentially related to what you requested.
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That goes places.
Well, it certainly looks neat and very close to what I wanted. I'm sorry the request is too difficult.
Can those "side-tie" bikini actually be untied? I thought it the knot was just a visual gimmick and it's a single string inside.
How about a simple picture of a topless Hu Tao at the beach under a beach umbrella?
You mean in real life? It usually can be untied, yes.

I almost asked "have you never been around a woman in a bikini?", but then remembered where I am.
I never tried pulling on her bikini strings, no.
It's not really "hard", but just a lot of work. getting a proper removed bikini will require a lot of inpaint rounds. It's actually a good request.
Is this aco? Having a hard time deciding if those noses are too aco or not

>Captcha kkk8wk
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rescued from /hdg/
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What give this hand drawn look? Kinda remind me of ratatat
NTA, but there's likely nyantcha in that, too.
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ugly face
There's always nyantcha in most Nai posts i see. Like the holy trinity of blushyspicy, nyantcha and some other one I see 1 or more of those artists. Was funny cause didn't know who blushyspicy was at all til nai3, see it in everyone's mixes and figure it'd be a good artist for a Lora and I, for one, didn't like the style but more importantly could not tell at all how that style was in any nai mix l. I see shit like nyantcha, yD, ratata cuck guy styles bleed through mixes I could not tell at all with blushy and he's in si many mixes
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I hope this is not too /aco/.
it is
its not fucking hard to determine. does the face look like a western cartoon or pixar movie? its aco. is there a lot of nose definition? are the lips like betty fuckin boop?
>no nostrils
>massive eyes
>large head
it's fine.
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Ladies in uniform, specifically like navy or space fleet, but the uniforms are made to have breasts exposed. Preferably with pasties!
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My pony model does Akko okay, though I don't have a flat, anime-coloring model to do it. I'll try some other poses.

Anyone got other keyword combinations for classic, pinup-style poses? "arm up" and "knee up" are pretty good, I think... but i can't get the "knee up" pose to work
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leaning forward + hands between legs + hanging breasts
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I love those! Thank you!
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have i mentioned recently i hate fingers because i do
Have you guys tried Illustrious yet?
Got a link for it?
yeah it's really nice, except the fingers are kinda bad. the concept/character knowledge is REALLY good, better than naiv3 even.
Supposedly is in a previous /hdg/ thread.
You may hate them but goddamn those pictures are pretty.
its illustrious
you just need to request access on HF, hes approving everyone who asks it seems https://huggingface.co/OnomaAIResearch/Illustrious-xl-early-release-v0
Not liking it so far. Hard to escape that pencil-drawn look, and styles are pretty hit-and miss. I'm not convinced it's better than lora-less Reweik, and we do have half a year's worth of loras now.
too generic, no gusta

Not helped by negative prompting?
>Releases in a week
>Would have to re-train loras on it
Yeah it's come little to late for the game with nothing new to offer. If it was trained on e621 tags we could talk since that is a way better and more robust tagging system for getting cool shit. I'll just see hdg goon about it for a week then dump it back to the curb for Nai and pony. We're just stuck in this rut anyway waiting for which group nuts first beween Nai4, furry cascade or pony v7 which is honestly grim.
not really no
this is early epoch of it
>>Would have to re-train loras on it
Isn't the point of that model that it knows mostly every character without needing lora?
It never helps, all the missing finger negs and badhand embeddings are just snake oil. Yours also has a broken index finger.
it knows them mostly, which means making loras is super ez, don't see it as a problem personally

same with concepts, they are really good
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Assuming your character has some 200+ images on danbooru, nta but mine has 2.
It's also about styles. It knows a lot, but they're not all strong and accurate, and they also need a couple hundred images to work.
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It's a 7 artist mix pulling mostly from krekkov. Rat-74 is included, yes.
also missing all the styles and characters from rule34. isn't really /e/ core but I might want to use them with an anime style or for a mix
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Unnamed Officer B still adjusting to the new attrie rules, will discipline her later
how did you achieve this style?
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I often use character lora with strong anime style as "style lora"
In this case is this girl lora from Ladies Vs Butlers

Thanks, that's pretty cool actually. I guess if all the characters are prompted you can just not prompt them, and only get some clothes or hairstyle leaks.
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Sloppy IA at home Illustrious edition
I'm glad AI is a thing, the world needs more women wearing speedos
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Thank you Bro.
She reminds me of the maid/teacher from Persona 5, got that grumpy sexiness.

Could you gen her with that lora?
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Give me her name I will. Never played persona
What, too mainstream? Anyway it's Kawakami Sadayo

no loras, it's NAI
you guys should get the catbox extension, makes things so much easier
nta, but kawakami
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>too mainstream?
Just don't play jrpgs ree
I knew I recognized Krekkov in there somewhere. Nice mix you made
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preesh. I've a few go-tos now, which is nice.
thats some man hands
or its just ratatat ruining hands which is why I dont like using him despite liking the effect it has on the face
Fellow style mixer. I tend to alternate every few post myself. although I haven't been posting as much lately.
Bigger resolution: https://files.catbox.moe/mknrh0.png
Bigger resolution: https://files.catbox.moe/4zeubv.png
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I have to disagree. It's not perfect by any means, but even with just one prompt there's a visible difference.
that doesnt prove anything, adding random word can slightly alter your gen with the noise it induce
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>fail gen
check metadata
This is what I meant to prompt lmao
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I'd sabe her
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I barely ever post here, mostly because the styles I like aren't very anime >>2902915
Also if I just posted every slop girl I thought was pretty I'd just be flooding the thread
sexo, can you inpaint/regen the crown so it sits where it should on her head pls
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Can you nude edit the girl while keeping the flame in front of her? That or make the image with her nude.
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Sure. I'm assuming you're the same pasties fan from before.
That would be me. I love the idea of outfits that have tit cutouts.
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not him but I wanted to say good job with the flame. just inpaint or any intermediate steps?
Some painting and then inpainting with SD.
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Bigger resolution: https://files.catbox.moe/tf63n1.png
realistic 3d goes on /aco/ bro
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Requesting nipples exposed.
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That's very good. Thank you.
Bigger resolution: https://files.catbox.moe/j8b772.png
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Konosuba girls (Darkness/Yunyun) with bush
Or pretty girls in sheer clothes.
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A week or two ago some of you gave me some advice while I was trying to gen some images of Inklings in sci-fi space navy uniforms. Ultimately this is going to go into a portrait mod for Stellaris where you play as sexy Inklings. The goal was to make some inklings that fulfill the role of being the military leaders that lead your fleets and armies.

I wasn't really satisfied with the results of the navy uniforms. Since then I've decided to try going for a "Metal Slug" look. This is one of my first drafts of the look, and I like it a lot. I think that the reason that I like the look is because I consider Inklings to be athletic, and it was basically a trope that those action movie Jungle Fighter characters were fitness posterchilds. The details and overall quality aren't up to par compared to what this thread is used to, but I'm going to try to clean that up a bit over time. Namely I'm going to try to get the output to have some better defined muscle tone without becoming too muscular. Also I can get away with some of the details being off since everything will be shrunk down to the thumbnail sizes used by the game. I think I might try to go for some outfit variety by throwing in some wet tank tops and maybe a few other variants.

This is the end of my blogpost.
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I would like the return of my topless/exposed breast women of upper crust society. Galas, tea parties, matches of croquet. Sun hats!
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not today
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Why not today? Are you afraid of a little thursday soiree?
Gosh, so elegant. May I have some with more plump bosoms?
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>plump bosoms?
interesting I added it to the prompt.. this happened
leaking into blossoms, maybe
and yeah all fat-related tags are dangerous
I mean ya.. I see it, but stilll what are flat asian girls gonna say? "I am 12"` while she is 34
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I give you some love flat headed anon
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last one for you.. ill remove plump now from the prompt
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You may be allowed to look upon the princess of the dead, she has a bit more meat on her bones.
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>on her bones.
damn she is cute
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Fear not, her older sister got some more bulky genes.
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So, can we talk about upscaling? Do you guys want to share your upscaling workflow? Here's how I do it:

first, generate a few t2i images in low res. Once I get one with a composition I like, I inpaint some of the rough imperfections (signatures, terrible hands, cross-eyed women, non sensical backgrounds and so on). When that's done, I use Illustration JaNai to upscale, then image to image with the same prompt (or with small modifications if I want to change something minor) with -.3-0.4 denois until I get a great image. Usually, at this point everything is close to perfect, but sometimes I get a bad hand or background detail that needs to go, so I inpaint those out. Finally, I inpaint the faces at a higher resolution.

Does anyone have any smart tricks to upscaling?
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i thought you finished your mod like a year ago lol, gl buddy
i use promax cn upscale 0.65 denoise 1 control weight 0.6 end step
I have a comfy pipeline that outputs the base res image and also keeps going for an upscale. So while I'm deciding whether the image is good it's already upscaling, and I can choose to abort.

foolhardy_remacri then an img2img pass (other UIs would call it hiresfix) , denoise 0.1-0.4 depending on how the style responds to upscaling, sometimes it changes too much. Or in rare cares to add more detail I go latent upscale nearest-exact with higher denoise 0.6-0.8, guided by controlnet either anytest or tile, using the pre-upscale image.

Then redraw any mistakes manually and inpaint to hide my rough work. I find manual edits to be much easier at higher res, and there's always a chance the upscale will ruin my fine details if I do it after.
>there's always a chance the upscale will ruin my fine details if I do it after.
Yeah, I feel like I developed a sense for what's going to be fucked by upscale and what makes sense to fix before. Sometimes I don't even fix before upscaling, I just blur a part of the base image and let upscale re-roll it.
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can you please uncensor?
>no metadata
Requesting Ellen Joe from ZZZ on a combat bodysuit.
Something like evangelion bodysuit, but not literally evangelion bodysuits, just those vibes
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I did finish the mod, but at the time I was making space elves. But now I want to add a second custom species to the game. Inklings are the topic this time. I just had really shitty results until I started using the pony model with a mix of one of the inkling loras and an "80's anime" lora.

Unfortunately I just haven't had much time to really experiment with prompting to get everything dialed in correctly.

I think I'm getting closer to the point where I just need to generate a bunch of images with slightly different looks and then pick my favorites for the mod. A lot of the AI-portrait mods for stellaris have the characters looking really similar as if they were recolors of the same person from a fighting game. I try to avoid that by using a bunch of different permutations of the prompt where slight differences in the character's build, pose, and outfit are used. Previously I did that via X/Y/Z scripts so I'd have different combinations of traits like petite/mature characters, small/medium/large breasts, breasts_out/underboob/pasties/cleavage_window/sideboob, short/long hair, etc.

Which reminds me that I need to look at comfyUI again and see if it can do permutations better than X/Y/Z scripts.

I do need to look into better ways to cut the character out from the background. Previously I did them all by hand in photoshop and it was a pain in the ass. The automated methods of removing backgrounds that I've played with have gotten things 80% right. I might end up using NAI's Director Tools to strip the background since the few tests that I did were able to do the job ~98% right. I'd prefer to avoid using paid services, but I guess just using NAI might be fine since I subscribe to their scroll tier for text-gen anyway, so I should have more than enough image generation anlas for removing the background from a few dozen images.
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like this?
I manually clean up then upscale at 0.1 denoise and 0.3 then overlay the 2 and brush out the bad part of the 0.3 one
Forgot to say I also upscale the face x4 instead of x2
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I see this thread has lasted 4 days and the highlights are a healthy size.
does that mean you got rid of the spammer?
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lol I recognise this prompt from a few threads ago
Yup. it's a great style tester prompt.
A lovely elder sister. And what of mother?
by ignoring him, don't ruin it
My faithful wife not-mashu
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Mother has no time to show up in meaningless parties. Ever since the death of Father, she has to run the estate and protect it from the endless swarm of predators looking to take her money, her status, or her daughters' maidenhead. If only the job wasn't so lonely...
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Meant to do the fantasy challenge but I got sidetracked, oops.

Also technically applies >>2903053
I volunteer to woo mother, although my estate is small, but I have no interest in her wealth, just her beauty and wit.
Please, I would like to make a request. Could someone create Android 18 (Dragon Ball) using Starfire's clothes from Cartoon Network's Teen Titans?
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Ecchi is the best
Speak not his name, let us ogle the miracle of generating boobies in peace.
This style is so good
Oh shit, that's perfect.
Hey wait a second, is that the princess from Ladies vs Butlers?
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Thanks anon.
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Backgrounds are really bad at illustrious huh
It looks like something you'd get if you added watercolor_(medium), also yay Galko, most beautiful gyaru
I'm very fond of this picture, hope there was more
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It can be charming though.
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Hey, it's good seeing you again. I didn't get back into Stellaris until sometime after your original Space Elf Portrait pack, and even then I didn't play it for long, but it's nice to see a face from the old days. Did you move off /hdg/?
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Dude I still can't stop staring at how good this is.
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>Did you move off /hdg/?
I poke my head in there every now and then. From my perspective, originally /hdg/ acted as a catchall for 90% of the lewd image genning with comparatively little traffic on the other boards with the exception of the blatantly /d/ stuff. Originally everyone was struggling to produce anything of quality. As the models improved and stuff like loras started coming onto the scene, /hdg/ struck me as becoming more stringent about sticking to the guidelines that separate /h/ and /e/ content. Since there's no sex/dicks in what I'm generating, I figured that it would be more appropriate to head over here to /edg/

I still have trouble wrapping my head around all of the advancements in this field. I feel like I should eventually learn more about comfyUI and what it can do for me, and I've never had time to sit down and use that feature where people were creating wireframe dolls of their poses. Honestly I need more practice with upscaling and inpainting too. Flux is new I think?

My 1080ti died this summer and forced my hand to upgrade to a 4070ti super. Shitty hard drives died on me twice and I've got hardware for setting up a NAS and routine backups in the mail now to put an end to that bullshit.

I don't have an ETA for when I'm going to be done with these inklings. I haven't decided if I should just expand the original mod or release them separately. I want to do this but unfortunately it's a bit lower on my list of priorities. Every now and then when an idea hits me I'll gen up something and the stuff favorites into a folder. Eventually, once I'm satisfied with the concepts for all of the outfits different pop types, I'll need to generate them again with an eye towards making sure the style looks consistent.

Current plan:
Civilian: Spats, sportswear, wet shirts
Military: Metal slug/Rambo
Science: School girls and swim team
Politicians: Shit-ton of one-off outfits since each idol has a unique look
I haven't decided if I'll to make a different portrait set for slaves. I think it would be hot to have them nude and bound with shibari ropes. Maybe with slightly pregnant bellies.

I know a recent update changed the portrait system. I haphazardly had to rush an update to the mod a few months ago because of it but haven't actually played since then. I think it's now possible to add separate portraits to represent the different ascension paths. So maybe have them look like borgs, robots, or cyberized cyberpunk 2077 style people. But I'm not sure if I even want to consider opening that can of worms. The number of portrait permutations could quickly grow exponentially at that point and I don't think I want to deal with that right now.
are you planning on trying to have the artstyle consistent with the rest of the game's art though?
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>are you planning on trying to have the artstyle consistent with the rest of the game's art though?
I don't think that the inklings are going to look sci-fi at all. Maybe a few of the idols will. My main intent is that art style looks internally consistent within the species.

A lot of the lewd portrait mods don't look very sci-fi. They're mostly nude women or monstergirls. I've actually replaced all of the default species with lewd replacements. Or I more precisely that's how I had things setup. My mods are presently out of date and I'll need to fix that before I play again.

With my mods, I wanted to make it possible to visibly distinguish between different pop types based on outfit. I'll also include a few dozen different portraits per archetype to reduce the birthday problem of different leaders having the same face.

I don't have any kind of mockups of what the inklings will look like. Here's a screenshot of what some of the elves look like in game. The inklings will look mostly the same in that their portrait backgrounds will be replaced with transparency and their outlines will be slightly feathered so that they blend into the UI more smoothly. So the inklings will look something like this within the game, except instead of a dress uniform it will be the metal-slug look for their military pops. I tried a few gundam and legend of galactic heroes style uniforms for the inklings, but I wasn't satisfied with the output.

If you want to use these elves, the mod is called "stable elves" and you can find it on loverslab. It should work with the latest patch. Nobody is complaining that it isn't working. Well, except for one guy who I think just installed his mods wrong.
I see, they look kinda decent in-game so I guess they won't look too out of place. Now go the extra mile and animate them, ha ha.
The biggest difference is that my mods, and a large number of the other lewd ones, use cowboy shots of the characters so that you can see more of their body. The default portraits are headshots or upper torso. A few lewd mods follow suit with the upper torso portraits and consequently and all they really show are tits. Personally my kinks revolve around tags like bottomless, cameltoes, dangerously lowleg bottoms, or pelvic curtains that show enough to prove that nothing else can be under the curtain. As a result I'm using cowbow shots for my images.
so implied nudity?
good luck my dude, i was going to post a pic but jannies might not like small breasts or something, so here's a catbox https://files.catbox.moe/q1i8ui.png
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I guess that I just think that outright nudity is comparatively boring compared what I consider to be tantalizing glimpses or stuff like lingerie. It's just a personal preference of mine. I'm making the mod for myself with my preferences in mind. I just share the files with the community once I'm done creating it.

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Oh no
nah you are completely right, plain nude is just boring and teasing clothing is hot as fuck

Wow, you've been busy. I mostly fell off diffusion after my Pixiv was shut down, but I return every so often when something strikes my fancy. Using a RTX 4080 Super (picked it up for FS2024 among other things, not SD really).

I don't play Splatoon, but I've seen enough to be impressed by the effort you're describing. Good luck with you there, I should check out your Space Elves again.


Frankly I think any species pack that exclusively uses 2D still portrait art is not going to be very consistent with the rest of the game; that's no criticism, I was never able to do anything beyond that with my Kagami Species (Taimanin Asagi, Prison Battleship, etc.) pack, and I gave up on that eventually after too many changes to the game code for character generation.
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Good night
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Can you tell what artist mix this is?
heh, thanks
Anyone using Nai extension in reforged give me thoughts or a hand on this issue? The auto conversion isn't actually converting my (( )) syntax into {{}} syntax for emphasis when I look at png info, I assume it's being hijacked by the wildcards lora which uses those brackets. But even if I change the wildcard extension modifier to soomething else to free them up it still doesn't actually hold onto {{ }} still when I check png info. So I guess the question leads into does emphasis actually work on the local extension for Nai?
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more girls with egregious bush, please. No shaving.
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/hdg/ has always been better for keeping up with new advancements. Even now, the past 3-4 days everyone's trying to figure out the new illustrious model, it was barely even mentioned here.

But yeah, it's not just the separation of /h/ and /e/, they're also much more sentitive about /aco/-adjacent styles; and just attract schizos and autists in general.
The thread on /trash/ is pretty good for all of that as well, the threads move quickly.
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>they're also much more sentitive about /aco/-adjacent styles; and just attract schizos and autists in general.
Yeah, a mod banned me once because one of my autismmix pictures had a regular nose instead of the traditional anime-style nose.
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More images:
good stuff
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not what I expected but I take it so thank you.
thank you. looks great once shaved and upscaled.
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good, but i'd like some more cameltoe there
Fuck, wrong image.

more images with women as product, if that makes sense. Sexy situations with no passion, interest, etc. Also with collars, bar codes or signs of being owned by someone.
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This is very embarrassing for me.
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Damn. I almost regret letting her die.
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I forget, do you fuck her before or after the final encounter at the enclave? Because it would be hilarious if you could fuck her, then hand her over to shar.
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Hey anon, I wonder, what did she mean by this?
No I just let Lerazel kill her like halfway through chapter one, when they fight over the cube thingy.
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Requesting bra removed.
Here's one
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>"Apologies, our A/C broken last week and we're waiting on the custodians to get the new part for the heat pump."
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Big tit beach special.
>still at it with the elves
remind me did you ever turn it into money?
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Not really. Technically, I made more money after my Pixiv was shut down because I generally stopped doing favors and insisted on paid commissions (via Etsy, which is convenient for overseas buyers), but either way I never had much of a "customer" base. It's just something to do for fun, I never expected to turn anything resembling a profit, nor a Patreon.


Sure, coming up.
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yeah I know you weren't in it for the money. Pretty nice that you got some anyways, I'll never get how people become so dedicated, like you and the chocomaid guy. I just get bored of everything after X time no matter how much Iliked it
>try to make a pov hand grabbing cammy's ass
>the hand always wears the same glove as her

any tips to fix that? I'm using seaart because I don't have a gaming pc
one thing I've seen people do is use BREAK to seperate tags from characters.
1girl, cammy_white, gloves, BREAK
pov, 1boy, pov hands, no gloves, BREAK
First off unless it's a girl's hand this goes on /h/. And if it is a girl's hand then it goes on /u/ instead.

Now, you didn't show the prompt so most we can do is guess. Don't prompt the gloves and trust the model to figure them out just from Cammy's name. Prompt 1boy so that it understands it's a separate character. Add "bare hands", though that might also remove her gloves. Or use a model with better character separation. I think the only reliable solution is to inpaint the arm afterwards.

BREAK is not passed to the model itself, the UI eats it. Normally the tags that come first are more important that the ones you prompt last. BREAK resets the count, so stuff after a break is most important again. Of course there's only so much attention budget, so it weakens all your other early tags somewhat.
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A Hood draws near!
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Bigger resolution: https://files.catbox.moe/i1m3dd.png
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>Mom, why do we have to be naked for our vacation anyway?
>Cause I once saved the whole world being naked and then I embraced my nudist lifestyle as I got older. It's a good thing your father isn't here or else he'll flip out given that he's been cheating on our marriage.
>And was the reason you had me aged up because this is adults only, right?
>Yep. Now you have a rockin body for the boys to see.
>Ugh, same old Usagi.
>(Proceeds to hug her)
>I can never stay mad at you pumpkin.
>Same here mom. (hugs back)
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Requesting an aged-up Usagi Tsukino naked based on the reference here in the middle.
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Rescued from /hdg/
yep, this is going in the highlights
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oops meant for
catbox? Those are some really good hands
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M-Maybe maybe not...
which model is that?
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It was just a shitpost, the guy mentioned sd1.5, could just as easily be base sdxl or any other non-h model
So, gooknai, what's the best method of upcaling gens with this model you guys have found so far? My usual methods aren't working too well, whether it be tiled upscaling or upscale by model then low (0.35) denoise to clean it up
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Did I hear a call for mcsluts?
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me under her
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good night
Any advice for multiple character scenes with PonyXL based models? Openpose doesn't work with it, so that's not an option as far as I know, and regional prompter is okay, but not great, often results in some two-face type image where it insists on only doing one person, but with each half being each character. And I don't think it can do different character loras in different regions.
Switch to illustrious, it can do multiple characters without no bleeding out of the box
Do Pony loras work with it? I'm not crazy about having to start from zero again.
Yes, but better if you try to do it native and if you dont get what you want try with loras, although I will recommend you to use this lora for now, helps alot to control the checkpoint better
i should go to sleep
sorry for the spam
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Illustrious... is good??
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Posted the unfixed version.
Any tips for genning dakis?
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Damn, dakimakura. I had so much fun with those back in mid-2023.


Hey, coincidence!
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To be honest, I would just generate two similar-enough looking images, then merge them in photoshop.
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thanks a lot
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get a dakimakura lora or just generate twice the same image but on one use "laying, on back" and on the other "laying, on stomach"
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I see you are a man of culture.
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I love this style. the hair, the face, it reminds me of my childhood, watching Sango on Inuyasha and crushing on her
Illustrious + Saeko
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Cute story anon. Have some more
Thank you, much appreciated. Do you use retro_artstyle, or is this like a LoRa?
Haven't used illustrious myself but have seen examples and overall the anime gens just look too bright to me. Is this how it gens in general?
I'm using bright base images in img2img, plus keeping the CFG at 7, so that might play a factor.
Depending on the model you're using, just including the keywords "vintage, retro" should pay dividends.

In my case it's a hit or miss, so I use a LoRA at low power. It's the most popular vintage LoRA for Pony on Civit, shouldn't be hard to find.
Cuteness, I love it
That mouth gives me vibes of a different artist I used to follow closely, agawo or something.
You should use 1.5-2 CFG with it
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this is a mix of yd, sakura no tomoru hi e, and gogalking. The mouth there might be different because that image in particular is img2img from a 3dpd.
This sounds like a terrible idea, even though I haven't tried illustrious so I might be completely wrong. Have you tried using the latent modifier extensions out there to get something better? Specifically, I'm thinking about the combat CFG drift and CFG rescale Phi parameters.
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Alright, Good night, folks. Please post a lot and fill this thread tonight.
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Cute mecha parts but the girl feels weird.
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>This sounds like a terrible idea, even though I haven't tried illustrious so I might be completely wrong
NTA anon but, CFG++ samplers are a thing, you need to use very low values of CFG to work with them and turns out Illus loves to work with low CFG so...
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Bigger resolution: https://files.catbox.moe/3pvs5w.png
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>FBI agent going undercover
Requesting law enforcement girls.
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Can the hands of >>2902484 be fixed?
>wanting perfection already suited for highlights to be "fixed"
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Who? Remidns me of Kula Diamond.
That's with CFG++ samplers which require a much lower one by default.
I feel like img2img works better with Illustrious.
Until I learn how to prompt for it at least.
Does it have quality tags? Because if it doesn't, that explains it.
Who is that?
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Helena META but the hair color didn't come out the way I wanted, It should have been a little darker
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g-strings the best
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Random girl from FF7 Rebirth
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I recognize that vulva
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made it in time
it has quality tags. unironically a skill issue on anon's part in the most basic sense
Finally back.
Post 50%
Highlights 90%
Wait, isn't this the danganronpa girl?

It's alright clockbro. Maybe make it /e/ next time.
I wish you'd fixed those fingers, it's a nice clean style otherwise.
I actually put "danganronpa" in the prompt, but mainly for the style. I only know the first game from, so I don't really know if that gen looks like any specific character
Sort of https://danganronpa.fandom.com/wiki/Chiaki_Nanami_(Danganronpa_2)?file=Danganronpa+2+-+Chiaki+Nanami+Sprite+Sidebar.png
I guess the tag is biased towards the most popular characters. And obviously the gamer neet has twice as many booru hits as anyone else.
why did I say neet, they're all students
fill up this thread first. fuck all these idiots that keep baking multiple threads at once when there's already one up
They called it a troll thread because of the OP image. And then we're split for such a petty reason.
New Thread:

>they called it a troll thread
Are you retarded? You don't "call" a cow a cow. It just is a cow. That is a troll thread.
they didn't touch the op so it's not a troll thread. you literally just don't like the op image.
It's a perfectly fine thread with a bad OP image.
You don't kill off your cow just because its face is ugly.
>anon besieges /edg/ for weeks with spam
>its not a troll thread!!
ignorant or trolling. either way kys.
that is irrelevant to the thread lol. idc if you're the highlighter or the retarded troll, stop fucking making duplicate threads that split this already barely alive community
subhuman unironically.
Someone made my Hu Tao! Thanks buddy!
Bigger resolution: https://files.catbox.moe/ydidz6.png

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