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>>2902008 hit the image limit

/edg/ is the home of 1girl posting. Here, we share AI-generated pics of sexy anime girls and discuss latest advancements in 1girl-related technology.
Remember to keep it /e/, as per board rules. If unsure about what you can or cannot post here, consult the sticky thread.

> FAQ (check here first)
https://rentry.org/edg-faq#general | https://rentry.org/edg-faq#technical

> Local UIs
WebUI Forge, an A1111 fork optimized for SDXL (faster genning speed on low-mid vram gpus): https://github.com/lllyasviel/stable-diffusion-webui-forge
ComfyUI: https://github.com/comfyanonymous/ComfyUI | https://github.com/shiimizu/ComfyUI_smZNodes

> Resources and guides
Useful links: https://rentry.org/sdg-link | https://rentry.org/rentrysd | https://rentry.org/sd-mashup
A1111 Wiki: https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/
Tags: https://danbooru.donmai.us/wiki_pages/tag_groups
Upscalers: https://openmodeldb.info
LoRa training: https://rentry.org/lora_train | https://rentry.org/59xed3 | https://civitai.com/articles?tags=128645
Git-wiki of the technical Stable Diffusion papers: https://codeberg.org/tekakutli/neuralnomicon
Animation: https://rentry.org/AnimAnon | https://rentry.org/AnimAnon-Deforum | https://rentry.org/AnimAnon-AnimDiff

> LoRA downloads
https://rentry.org/ponyxl_loras_n_stuff | https://rentry.org/ponyxl_lora_previews

> Thread highlights archive (deprecated)

> OP template

> /edg/ logo
OP: https://files.catbox.moe/uc2ntj.png | Anchor: https://files.catbox.moe/bx1lo2.png (more color schemes in the FAQ Rentry)

> Related generals
Request Anchor
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Previous Thread Highlights
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could you not spam new threads of a general that already has an ongoing thread because you don't like the op image?
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wait. middle row last column is an edited version of my pic. It's not posted in the last thread.
If you're the original person who asked for it, why did you ask for me to edit a pic for you if you could do it yourself?
If you're not the original person who asked for it, why are you editing my pic to post in highlights?
I think you're slipping back towards more and more pics. 45/301
Can someone magic me up a spirit form Kurumi Tokisaki tearing another spirit form Kurumi's dress off while laughing leaving the second Kurumi in shock?
Uh-oh, highlighter-kun exposed as anti-pubes schizo. SCANDAL! This will NOT be forgotten!
nah, I think we had a pretty good thread last time.
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Requesting topless jeans pinups of Fubuki (One Punch Man).
>finally made it to the highlights
Underrated posts:
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>Sweet someone liked my -

Man I did'nt notice the absolute pinhead on that til you highlighted that set.
>Man I did'nt notice the absolute pinhead on that til you highlighted that set.
that's yomu sgt epper
I know the chara / artist but I didn't think his art had that pinhead alien ass sharp slope that bad just caught me off guard like a deer in headlights.
Oh yeah, like a snow-covered mountaintop. It's near the edge and a different color, I didn't notice either. Still like the rest of it though.
Yeah rest is great, our favorite highlighter though has obvious biases
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is this /e/ enough?
So, are there any guides to prompting illustrious? I'd like to know things like what are the quality tags, or how tags changed, etc.
>highlighter-kun exposed as anti-pubes
That's just another strike against me. It's not fair bros.
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>If you're not the original person who asked for it, why are you editing my pic to post in highlights?
>picked the wrong version from the folder instead of just 'copy-paste' from the thread
FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF There is ALWAYS something. Think I had the pic actually open in the browser for "just a quick check" and messed up. Sorry dude, that was my bad.
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This entire thread is anti pubes, friend. Just keep fighting the good fight.
Ah I see, no worries. Appreciate you.
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If you don't mind schizos shouting at each other, check out the last few threads on /hdg/. There's no unified quide yet, but it would just be bits and pieces collected from over there.

Officially there are no quality tags at all. "masterpiece, best quality, low quality, worst quality" are weak and probably just left-overs from SDXL base. Rest of the tags should work same as NAI. Also like NAI, most artists are weaker than what you'd expect from a lora so you'll generally be mixing 3+ of them.

The main issue right now is artifacting and general messiness, which can be partially negated using CFG++, lower CFG in general or using any style lora. Also it's prone to making multiple views or 4koma, might want to keep those in negs.
Time travel's a bitch
So there is not the "very aesthetic, absurdres" from NAI? Also, no "score 10" or something?
Angel claimed there's no aesthetic tuning at all. It's local though, so testing out the tag is free.

No scores, those are a pony invention. Absurdres is an actual danbooru tag, but the images are scaled down for training so I doubt it does anything other than style and composition bias.
i'm using
>amazing quality, (masterpiece), (best quality), (ultra-detailed), 2024, 2023, very aesthetic, illustration, perfect composition, intricate details,

and for neg:
> censored, bar censor, mosaic censoring, multiple views, comic, 4koma, flat color, sepia, (pencil sketch, film grain), (lowres:1.3), (blurry:1.3), bad, worst quality, (jpeg artifacts:1.3), bad quality, (watermark), web address, text, unfinished, chromatic abberation, (signature), extra digits, (patreon username, patreon logo), scan, abstract, bad anatomy, big head, bad hands, mutation, mutated, extra limb, poorly drawn hands, missing limb, malformed hands, extra fingers, bad faces, bad face, bad eyes (sketch, rough, unfinished, amateur, manga:1.3)

and it's been working fine
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Thanks for letting me know. No aesthetic training is likely a boon and a curse. It's a curse because the model will look like your average booru submission, but it's a boon because it's easier to fine tune.
>schizo negs
Another failed model.
Nah, mate. I'm pretty sure that's better raw materials to work with than pony, even if it's mostly useless for gens by itself. Just gotta hope the right person picks it up further.
A failed prompter, in this case. You can put "mutated" in positives and see it does absolutely nothing, same for half of those. Similarly removing "perfect composition" will not affect the composition beyond just random noise.
i need the placebo
I checked their hugging face and their examples use this neg
>worst quality, comic, multiple views, bad quality, low quality, lowres, displeasing, very displeasing, bad anatomy, bad hands, scan artifacts, monochrome, greyscale, twitter username, jpeg artifacts, 2koma, 4koma, guro, extra digits, fewer digits, jaggy lines, unclear
it's hit or miss. half of his art has that head, half of it doesn't. i think he tuned it down in his later works
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Oh no... This either means he did do aesthetic training and is denying it, or he doesn't understand his negative...
2 fox girls nice
multiple views totally overdo the "views" lol
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I recommend you guys use this so we can share metadata without using catbox so much
You weren't there during the satellite wars, you don't understand
For the theme can we have Futuristic?
i was here before edg was even a thing. don't care
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Could you stop gatekeeping threads to force people to see your own spam? Make a thread specifically for your theme of gens if you like them so damn much. That or keep crying, it's your choice to waste your time.
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Persona girls, please spam persona girls.
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Any of you guys know any website that allows to auto-tag a batch of images without having to register and shit?

I know waifu tagger exist, but it only allows you to tag one image at a time. I know its possible to tag several with some github magic and shit, but am not knowledgeable enough to do that stuff, the most I can do is to click "load" and pick several files.
just add it as an extension on forge/a1111
extremely based
>add it as an extension
you can do that?!
there's an extension tab at the top of the webUI, anon.
you can straight up click "install from url" and copy/paste that git repo url, install, apply, update and restart UI and it'll show up along the top bar.
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Thread theme: strong girls who need no boys.
>gatekeeping threads
these are people making new threads when we already have an /edg/ one up that hasn't reached the image limit. they're the exact same general, you retard
Dude, I'm sorry if you're butthurt and need to vent. May I propose that you take it somewhere else? Perhaps you can go complain in the other thread, if you need it so much? We've all tried to explain already, and you already voiced that this is not enough for you, so there's really no other way where this conversation can go right now, and you're shitting up our thread.
you sound like a redditor and a tranny, unironically
Yeah, you see, that's who you're talking to by coming here. If I were you, I'd just fuck off.
Usually, when two of the same thread get baked, jannies cleans up the dupe. Since it's still up, there is clearly no issue with letting it rot in the catalogue.
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only $299.99 US for one of our trusted professionals to be your companion for the evening
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A bit of faith, bro, I'm retarded but not THAT retarded, I know how to install extensions,

What I did not know it was tagger being avaliable as an extension for forge and that it came with a batch option
There you go.
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We take orders, too. Just tell us how you want them, we'll make them for you.

Nice one, anon. Thanks for sharing.
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Verdict on Illustrious so far? I just can't get it to produce consistent results. Like when it's good it's really good but when it's bad it's really bad, and I feel like there's barely any way for me to influence what I'll get no matter how much I try with artist and quality tags.
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i went through almost every tag on here https://huggingface.co/spaces/AngelBottomless/Illustrious-XL-v0.1-demo/blob/main/config.py

i settled on

pos: [artist or artists], masterpiece absurdres [optional: highly detailed], [prompt]
neg: (lowres worst quality low quality error blurry poorly drawn:1.2), [optional: simple background, sound effects, speech bubble, watermark, weighted to taste], [other negs]

to counteract the scratchy effects from the bad scaling algo used in the dataset, do img2img upscale of some sort e.g. promax/anytest and put an artist or tag that looks scratchy like that such as quasarcake and weight it up to taste
verdict is very good, the concept, artist, character knowledge is exceptional, you can fix some of the other issues with loras or other tricks
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>Verdict on Illustrious so far?
It's very good, I have got success on everything I want to gen so far, it's clearly underbake and it has problems with many artist styles that I like but even at his current messy style it's way better than anything I tried on local before
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That's a bit too broad of a theme.
Cute Geah. She could use less clothers tho.
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what lora did you use for the living armor?
my own, i'll post it later, it kind of needs retagging but eh
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>Verdict on Illustrious so far?
Feels like an animagine sidegrade to me. Actually, may be worse than animagine,
Unlike animagine it recognizes characters easily without lora thats a plus obviously, but the actual generations doesn't seem to provide anything you can't get with animagine + lora.

And, to me there is no point to get back to models that require a shit ton of negative prompt nonsense that are animagine with lora included

I rather stick to pony and lora for now.

I was getting better gens with pony, but decided to show this one for fairness since it has the same seed than the others and all

This is Illustrious (with negative prompt) vs illustrious (no negative prompt) vs random pony merge + lora (no negative prompt)

Regardless of the final results, with illustrious took a good 20 or 30 attempts until I got a seed that worked fine.
Meanwhile with the pony+lora pretty much every gen looks fine, I manually used that seed from the illustrious gens and it also worked

I dont see the point of on one hand getting more easy time by not having to use lora, but having to get back to command code negative prompts and gacha hell for gens

That's my entire complaint with all these new models is people need to work on newer stuff we've done sdxl as good as it's gonna get. Like the best local is probably gonna be cascade but nobody wants to touch it and rather just remake sdxl or some other shit. There's no point to doing it we ha e established meta for a while at this point, we got reweik and a handful foe 1girling and if you want porn you use pony. Who wants a middling model that does neither better or even on parity it's just annoying and frustrating to see
illustrious took some adjustment to gen settings for me, see >>2904329
it's drastically superior to animagine for /h/, possibly better than pony. i think with finetunes and loras it will the state of the art for the rest of SDXL's life
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It took me zero settings to do this with pony, just put the prompt in there and done.

If its better or worse, thats up to each person tastes, I wont go there, but pony is not only good for ecchi, is also so easy to use that you can fart on the prompt box and still getting something nice and quick.
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Dumb question for anyone who can answer. When running this, do you always use "run.bat" every time, right? Seems like it installs and uninstalls a bunch of things, but can't find any other way to run it. Takes a minute.
webui-user.bat baka
Lol, now that I second look at it, those gen ended being incredibly close, even the type of underwear and the glass on the back is the same.

Just to clarify, I didn't do a img2img from that gen, I just make a prompt to try to replicate that image lousily and ended being like that

How do I get a free NAI sub (Opus)?
The bush escaping containment uhnngg
Can I get some slutty magical girls?
No wonder. I don't have that. Must have missed a step or something.
yeah, and it's painfully obviously a pony gen
that's what we're sick of, pony's homogenization of style, anatomy, and resistance to tuning
she's going to have a devil of a time extricating her leg from that chair
I've said it before and I'll say it again: AI is really bad for enabling my OC creating tendencies.

Although it is always nice to see how they improve when I upgrade models.
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Oh yeah, I really liked that detail.
Eh, it's not so bad. Given the look of that situation, there's gonna be a lot of extrication to happen soon.
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Unprompted camera UI turned out half decent...
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Requesting Misato posing like this
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like that?
Yes! Do more, please!
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I think I like that model, the backgrounds seem like an upgrade compared to RainPony.
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Nice! More, please!
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I like it! More, please!
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Sexy! More, please!
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Do you prefer the breast size more like>>2904386
or >>2904390 ?
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I actually like it that way.
I can understand that. But so far all the models that wanted to be the new thing are not putting exactly anything new.
They are slight improvements in some specific aspects but overall is not like a noticeable improvement.
All I hear is "wait for finetunes" "wait for finetunes" but those don't seem to come.

And I'm not even gonna talk about the hilarious mess Sd 3.0 became
Must be a slut ranger.
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my dick
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Mai otome ruined what could have been a nice franchise
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it was like eureka 7, the anime staff at the time made it good. read the mai-hime manga for a real trip. the only good thing in that is tate backstory that explains why he acts the way he doesn, the rest is unironic haremshit and is set up much like mai-otome is. it was still worth watching once because the fights and stuff in the second half were cool, but not the classic the first series is.
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Ty Anon.
Can you try one with the sock on?
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Women with bush, please.
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>These scars? That's what you get for wearing woodland camo in urban environments.
I tried having Chie do a nipple slip with a damaged outfit, but it just wanted to make her a titcow
or maybe even Naoto dressing up as Chie for some reason
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i tried that first but it was a little cursed and would have required inpaint that i was too lazy to do. turns out for illu toeless socks = stirrup sock with the heels exposed, or a normal sock, nothing in between.
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oil painting medium good tag
it's a leg warmer, not a sock. That might help things.
it thinks those don't cover the heel and stop above the foot, but i think it's possible to gacha it
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Thank you. Love it.
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the fav out of this series
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Illustrious is pretty good.
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Please change her eye color to the one thats in >>2902612

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optimal CFG seems to vary more from gen to gen, i think it's the more aggressive SDE CFG++ sampler i favor with illustrious. >>2904457 is 1.8, this is 1.6
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I thought it was going to be just another clickbait model but it seems to be the real deal
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What's her name?
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Make mil-tan from highschool dxd https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/1526915 an actual female magical girl. So white skin, twintails, probably purple or pink for the eyes and lipstick if that's possible.

But make her a muscle girl with a big butt and huge tits.
(body references)

Hopefully outfit has some similarities (cute hat, short skirt, shows her abs), but doesn't have to be exact.
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Cute Melody. Thanks for sharing.
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No prob
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newfriend here, is their an extension I need to view catbox images? or do I copy the file name and paste it into catbox
thank you!
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2.11 MB PNG
i love standing splits
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3.52 MB
3.52 MB PNG
Please recommend models that make great backgrounds. I don't mind even if it can't do anything else.
box? i like the style/background
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268 KB JPG
File: LiminalMori.png (3.07 MB, 2016x1152)
3.07 MB
3.07 MB PNG
>backrroms IA
I only have 8gb vram, not sure I can run flux. I'll check it out though, thanks.
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based and cute image
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Bigger resolution: https://files.catbox.moe/q4ir5d.png
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3.03 MB PNG
More tribal elf, please.
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1.75 MB PNG
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What do the moon runes say, though?
File: Dehya.png (3.8 MB, 2943x3587)
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Requesting Dehya (Genshin Impact) belly dancing topless.
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I like it! Thank you!
Goddamn. That's a slut if I ever saw one.
any luck upscaling Illustrious?
still working on it but i think you need to add extra quality tags on upscale to prevent the dumb ass lanzcos issues from cropping up
File: file.png (58 KB, 891x395)
58 KB
Try this, if the upscaled image is significantly different from the base gen change SGM Uniform to Polyexponential
Sometimes face ADetailer adds glasses and I like it nice
Thank you, will try this next
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3.94 MB PNG
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1.32 MB PNG
consider the following...
holy sovl
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3.65 MB
3.65 MB PNG
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crosslinking >>>/h/8236322
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674 KB PNG
>To protect the world from devastation!
Requesting bra removed.
Gotta admit, I love how many characters AutismMix can do without needing loras for them
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Post more sexy portraits.
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679 KB
679 KB PNG
>sexy portraits
Nice. Now make her wear some nice jewelry / lingerie and give her a seductive smile.
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3.94 MB PNG
can somebody give me quick feedback on this?
I wanted to try the blender aesthetics
Can't give you feedback beyond "3d is not my groove". Sorry, anon.
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1.8 MB PNG
oh no that's okay I'm not bothered
I prefer 2D myself, but I wanted to know if anyone could give objective feedback on the 3D aspect of it, whether or not it's convincing etc
some details are not polished so it's imperfect too
(picrel is also mine)
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I like it, I'd love to see her bent over.
that's neat, thanks for the feedback
I'm gonna see if different poses work out
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889 KB PNG
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2.16 MB PNG
idk if this counts
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2.02 MB PNG
and I also tried this style of modeling/lighting
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More than I expected, yeah. The best part is, it knows different characters than anime-focused models do. Remember Bloodrayne? Nobody does, it's been 20 years since she was relevant.
looks like ass
that was a joke btw, I like it
and definitely the best out of those three
I'd love more full body shots of this, bush and all.
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2.19 MB
2.19 MB PNG
no worries it made me laugh I got you
neat neat, it's impressive honestly that it can generate even 3D stuff convincingly, I think it's also easier to polish with inpainting
thanks for the feedback
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712 KB PNG
Can I request your girl with less shiny skin? And maybe nipple rings for good measure. Let's see what the 3D can do. Right now they look kinda 2012 DoA.
That's really something. Can you do larger resolutions, and thicker pubes? It's a pretty nice style. Tits remind me of Saigado.
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749 KB PNG
yep, hol up while it gens.
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shave that pussy
>Right now they look kinda 2012 DoA
that's funny because that's literally what I was going for, at least you can tell
also I'm gonna try but no promises I'm experimenting really and trying my hand at it
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2.12 MB PNG
doesn't seem like I can get piercings so have this retarded shit anyway
draw the piercings by hand, then inpaint over them.
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1.01 MB PNG
about as big as i can go without it getting weird on me
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717 KB PNG
nice misty btw
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2.25 MB PNG
also wanted to post this stupid thing
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2.97 MB PNG
Love these. What other girls do you like to gen? How about that 18?
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2.26 MB PNG
ey not half bad
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2.26 MB PNG
fixed nipples I think that's about it
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818 KB PNG
you obviously cannot read since he's obviously referring to C18
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659 KB PNG
I'm a retard, he asked what other girls, I meant to say "18, Misty". I had posted Android 18 earlier ITT.
she looks chill, the model looks pretty good
is the colour palette (i.e. a bit washed out) what you prefer or is it just because that's how the model works?
Usually that means your CFG is set too low
I'd love if you could give 18 the same treatment as Jesse, the outfit, the nipple rings. They looked great.
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1.16 MB PNG
100% correct, I like the 90s washed out look, the LORA brings it, and my CFG is at 3.
One last one for the night that I forgot to post earlier.
2012 doa is kino
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2.47 MB PNG
the lanzscos, it burns
why so grumpy
catbox? it's clean
Nice Mika. Do you like KoF? Can you gen a cute Angel?
Trying to make /e/ Roll without getting banned

>Do you like KoF?
>Can you gen a cute Angel?
I can try
Sorry, Roll was meant for
in the reject thread
I didn't realize Angel was so cutesy til now. I always assumed she would be mature based on her short hair and curviness, I guess.
Fighting games truly have the best girls.
I never enjoy team fighters though so I never got into KoF.
She's extremely cute and when I last played KoF she was my point character, but the game is too dead unless you're south american or asian so I just play guilty gear (rev 2) nowadays. Nice gen, thanks
any batch1 vramlet settings for illustrious lora training?
Bigger resolution: https://files.catbox.moe/radeoq.png
Im a sucker for white hair and short hair so i was fated to like her
Bigger resolution: https://files.catbox.moe/bw7jk9.png
looking forward to that Elena DLC
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1.85 MB PNG
if I wanted to make a "lora" for an original character I've drawn several dozen times, is there a certain "model" I should have as a base? is there a right way to choose? (first time trying to generate images, just installed ComfyUI)

If you just installed I recommend spending a few days generating stuff, to figure out which one you want to use long-term and what you want to do with the lora.

Couple of highlights, Pony and its variants are what most people have been using for the past half year. It's versatile, it can do hardcore /d/ stuff, photorealism, 3D, etc. But when used for anime it has a base style you can't quite get rid of. illustrious is the new thing which has a lot more potential for anime specifically, but more limited in scope, not good at other styles and harder to work with. Also Flux, which is a resource hog and still mostly unable to do nsfw even, but understands natural language better and has much better anatomy for daily life, sports, etc.
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1.51 MB PNG
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2.47 MB PNG
Nice squish
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Pleb here, trying to browse the previous thread on archive moe but none of the pics have full res, only thumbnails, any solution?
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2.79 MB PNG
FF8 Girl?
Yeah, Quistis
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1.38 MB
1.38 MB PNG
Nice squish
looks like my ex
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2.76 MB
2.76 MB PNG
I can confirm, she looks like his ex.
Requesting Shenhe spreading her pussy open
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1005 KB PNG
Love the style, is that a lora? If so, which one?
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2.54 MB PNG
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1.79 MB
1.79 MB PNG
hot but something terrible happened to her hands
Feral elf, nice
Bigger resolution: https://files.catbox.moe/135pso.png
Bigger resolution: https://files.catbox.moe/g6hae7.png
Bigger resolution: https://files.catbox.moe/iv4i8d.png
Fuck yeah Fubuki
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1.39 MB
1.39 MB PNG
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1.09 MB
1.09 MB PNG
Requesting bra removed.
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2.39 MB
2.39 MB PNG
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677 KB PNG
Fuckin' chef's kiss, mate. Yeah, a LORA. https://civitai.com/models/647441/jessie-pokemon-tv-series
Can we have an entire thread on 80s/90s anime?
man you make her actually look accractive instead of ugly pls
Bigger resolution: https://files.catbox.moe/up4csk.png
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970 KB PNG
Bigger resolution: https://files.catbox.moe/5z4clx.png
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905 KB PNG
i was talking about the face, feet are whatever
File: 00004-2283031275.png (1.06 MB, 800x1600)
1.06 MB
1.06 MB PNG
>feet are whatever
Bigger resolution: https://files.catbox.moe/r7pt8d.png
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3.83 MB PNG
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2.86 MB JPG
>can't fix the hand
I have to learn to draw...
should have tried fixing her back
Bigger resolution: https://files.catbox.moe/41o7zx.png
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3.22 MB
3.22 MB JPG
I was so focused on the fingers I didn't notice the terminal lordosis
Bigger resolution: https://files.catbox.moe/5u9vax.png
Bigger resolution: https://files.catbox.moe/vrx05h.png
Have some trucker girls.

this turned out really well, anon
Bigger resolution: https://files.catbox.moe/r3liyd.png
Bigger resolution: https://files.catbox.moe/fwxly2.png
you forgot to lama-cleaner out the date
Bigger resolution: https://files.catbox.moe/672tck.png
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1.96 MB
1.96 MB JPG
More Kula, less clothes please.
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2.29 MB PNG
submitting my experiments for review again
asking for objective feedback of its 3Dness
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3.94 MB
3.94 MB PNG
elven grills are made for handholding
her boobs are fucked up and it's the only thing I would want to look at in that pic.
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2.16 MB
2.16 MB PNG
fucked up how
how about picrel
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1.87 MB PNG
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879 KB PNG
oh right right I missed that thanks for pointing it out
I reiterate my question for the second picture if you don't mind
Second one is fine. Like that other anon, 3d isn't my jam, but it looks like you accomplished what you wanted. I see no obvious flaws.
thank you very cool
I don't wanna spam these threads or anything so I try to keep it efficient
I might post again if I find something else to try out like the cell shading anime style in 3D
Requesting a post-timeskip version of this pic.
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1.86 MB
1.86 MB PNG
still gonna post this one because I find it warm
this one looks weird
anything in particular?
it's blurry/noisy, just zoom in all the way and put it up against your previous gen, really easy to see
oh so you mean the quality?
like the other looking crisper = realer?
File: 1716699644795272.png (2.14 MB, 1344x1728)
2.14 MB
2.14 MB PNG
k you win, illustrious is tight. Gonna try to figure out lora baking now for this and pray for some good finetunes.
last i checked 3d models dont look fucking blurry
its the same settings
File: 1711676486449074.png (2.22 MB, 1344x1728)
2.22 MB
2.22 MB PNG
I'll hold you to it gonna do some bakes tonight and tomorrow see if I can get my datasets converted over.
I don't know man. Days just to figure out one stable style, and when you do it has no backgrounds.
that's what I was asking you
are you pretending to be stupid or acting stupid on purpose

open up a video game and take a screenshot, does it look like its smeared in vaseline? no
I think it's just the lighting that's off in this one. Almost looks like she's wearing skin-colored latex.
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704 KB JPG
I know each girl has only 1 garter strap but honestly I think it's way hotter that way
guess the other stocking should be rolled down then. If the straps serve any function at all
Don't forget to turn off bloom, motion blur, and depth of field :^)
Hmm agree, minor detail tho
oh I think I see
I think the problem is that the skin is lacking grain and texture, it's so smooth that it indeed looks like a latex texture, like it's elastic and could be stretched
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2.17 MB PNG
I'm whatever on backgrounds but my dick hurts.
File: 00005-571720734 (2).jpg (3.22 MB, 1792x2304)
3.22 MB
3.22 MB JPG
okey ty for the recommendations I'll try illus and then pony cause I see them mentioned a lot
Sorry for the spam.
When you tell her it's a unisex onsen and that Link just walked in
just combine em in one post dog
>Sorry for the spam.
don't do this.
hall monitors can't freehand cum inside their diapers if you steal their lines.
File: 00003-2971162616.png (2.78 MB, 1248x1824)
2.78 MB
2.78 MB PNG
What? More clothes? Here ya go.
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2.52 MB
2.52 MB PNG
What did she find on your face, anon?
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1.23 MB
1.23 MB PNG
true love
File: CyberWatame.jpg (3.53 MB, 2688x1536)
3.53 MB
3.53 MB JPG
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Aye. I just bought DOA 6 on a whim. It's on sale on Steam.
Ooooo I'll have to check it out, she was one of my first crushes I developed when my dad got me my first video game magazine.
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915 KB PNG
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898 KB
898 KB PNG
what you did to upscale it?
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782 KB JPG
>weird block-like fingers
my soul is burning red
I'd be more worried about the stretchmark spam.
That's a weird old type of artifacting I haven't seen since 1.5 era days that's an active sign of your shit frying the fuck out.
File: HandUp!+.png (1.86 MB, 1024x1536)
1.86 MB
1.86 MB PNG
It happens.
>That's a weird old type of artifacting I haven't seen since 1.5 era days that's an active sign of your shit frying the fuck out.
Well, the lora baker did mention that the lora was probably overbaked, I'm trying now the new one that was posted on /hdg/ and it kind of do colors better, needs more testing tho
Really funny how I also did kanata wearing a jacket a few days ago
File: 00049-252020574.jpg (691 KB, 1536x2560)
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691 KB JPG
I took another shot with the new lora and I don't have that weird pattern across the background anymore but I do still have some weird lines (?) on some body parts, no idea what is happening as I haven't change anything related with how I made the gen, upscale or inpaint
I must said tho that it's not something that I would consider terrible or super annoying
File: e2.jpg (1.36 MB, 1088x1920)
1.36 MB
1.36 MB JPG

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