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File: Noire_-edg-.jpg (593 KB, 1664x2432)
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>>2905315 hit the image limit

/edg/ is the home of 1girl posting. Here, we share AI-generated pics of sexy anime girls and discuss latest advancements in 1girl-related technology.
Remember to keep it /e/, as per board rules. If unsure about what you can or cannot post here, consult the sticky thread.

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> Local UIs
WebUI Forge, an A1111 fork optimized for SDXL (faster genning speed on low-mid vram gpus): https://github.com/lllyasviel/stable-diffusion-webui-forge
ComfyUI: https://github.com/comfyanonymous/ComfyUI | https://github.com/shiimizu/ComfyUI_smZNodes

> Resources and guides
Useful links: https://rentry.org/sdg-link | https://rentry.org/rentrysd | https://rentry.org/sd-mashup
A1111 Wiki: https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/
Tags: https://danbooru.donmai.us/wiki_pages/tag_groups
Upscalers: https://openmodeldb.info
LoRa training: https://rentry.org/lora_train | https://rentry.org/59xed3 | https://civitai.com/articles?tags=128645
Git-wiki of the technical Stable Diffusion papers: https://codeberg.org/tekakutli/neuralnomicon
Animation: https://rentry.org/AnimAnon | https://rentry.org/AnimAnon-Deforum | https://rentry.org/AnimAnon-AnimDiff

> LoRA downloads
https://rentry.org/ponyxl_loras_n_stuff | https://rentry.org/ponyxl_lora_previews

> Thread highlights archive (deprecated)

> OP template

> /edg/ logo
OP: https://files.catbox.moe/uc2ntj.png | Anchor: https://files.catbox.moe/bx1lo2.png (more color schemes in the FAQ Rentry)

> Related generals
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Request Anchor
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Previous Thread Highlights
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Requesting Isane naked with Ariel from the Little Mermaid
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Requesting more of Setsuna Meioh at the beach
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Very dangerous! Beware.
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Did some minor edits to that Pic.
Wow this is the first time I'm bummed out by the highlights. My gens have been consistently selected but last thread I switched up my style. And despite taking lots of time to inpaint and clean up the images, not one was picked...

Is this- is this what Satellite felt? Is this my villain origin story?
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Let me in! I'm a fairy!
Nice Fauna
>Get 2 in when haven't posted in a while
Nothing personnel kid.
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Requesting this (https://files.catbox.moe/5105aa.png) with Mizuki Nakahara (LycoReco).
Can the thread theme be stone age girls?
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It knows about this lady
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Sorry for spamming, I'm done now.
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It's been a long year
Who is that?

She's from the first arc of golden boy, she's a rich tech CEO in 80s Japan.
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OK, thanks.
Oh hey, one of my gens was picked. It made me feel all warm and nice inside, the kind of feeling that encourages one to keep doing better.
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> No nose
> large eyes
> large head
> anime sourced char
This is not /aco/
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I love illustrious compositions, and I love how my characters can finally hold items.

But why the hell the gens look so...bright
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We got used to pony colors so normal colors hurt. I too was confused
anime usually is bright
Wait is that the old anime catgirl lora I made a few months back?
I think it's a different version.
>> No nose
Your glasses, Anon.
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that...kind of makes sense.
Trying to get a decent watercolor effect.
Yeah, not bad so far.
Nah, Illustrious colors are off too.
Clothed version because why not.
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> Illust can put out miniatures, too.
Trying to imitate that 90's game instruction booklet style. Yeah, the one with the tiny color illustrations printed on the otherwise plain and pitful game manual.
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The breasts look flat and tacked on compared to the rest of the body.
Otherwise that's a badass fairy.
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Requesting more of Usagi doing Casual nudity,
>But why the hell the gens look so...bright
Boy do I have the perfect illustrious checkpoint for you!
Just like illustrious, but more faded like pony.
Watercolor is a nice idea.
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More 90's-like styled illustrations.
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I unironically tried to make a "pony style" lora for illustrious. But most part of the time only fucks things really badly
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>Captcha: DRK2R
is there a way to use lora of artists with a strong computer CG style but add drawn style to it?
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Request for sonething like this (but with no clothes other than the now) for Vocaloid IA.
Combine it with a strong non-CG artist tag or generic style tag like "lineart" or whatelse. Add 3D to negative prompt.
Or experiment with a slider lora.
> https://huggingface.co/2vXpSwA7/iroiro-lora/tree/main/sdxl
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Requesting a post-timeskip version of this pic.
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you are ok with out of style?
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onegai catbox
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Yes, but it depends a lot on the lora in particular, the artist in particular, etc.
For starters you can try by adding "3d, game cg" etc on negative
Wow! That looks good! Thank you!
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Hear my curse, the day will come when people will hate illustrious as much as they hate pony now!
>anime image general will hate an anime model more than a furry model with sepia colors
we'll hate it when something better comes along, but literally anything is better than the ponyshit for the last year
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I will riddle with holes your rotten hide!
With a hail of harpoons!
is this aco?
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Who is that?
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Kinda rude
girl in negative?
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supposed to be aerith but she might be twisted by too many loras
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Kate from Shadows house
nice tits
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Nice Rosa. What's the name for that type of bra anyway?
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I got it with criss-cross halter.
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Breezy kunoichi pussy. A devious ploy to distract her enemies.
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With a body like that, she is the pillow.
sounds good to me
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>what do you mean by "not interested"?!
I'm open to any style, I just want my attractive Sailor.
Nobody hates Pony though.
At this point, your endless ranting to shit on Pony and shill Illustrious can be consiered spam.
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Anon, I'm one of the ones defending pony the most, and use both depending what I'm doing. But I can still make jokes.
Why so serious?
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I find myself struggling with generating her without a lora, does pony knows her? she seems to have enough pic on db
those hands are not what I've come to expect from illustrious at all. box?
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Try by adding also the traits and the name of the series, simply mentioning the character wont do
my god thats crusty
really captures that "saved this as a jpeg onto a cd in the early 2000s" vibe
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>meiou setsuna, long hair, green hair, outdoors, beach, palm tree, tanlines, tan, rock, sunset, hand on hair, half-closed eyes, wind, medium breasts, nipples, sweat, pussy, heart-shaped pubic hair, green pubic hair, sea, single hair bun, bishoujo senshi sailor moon, mature female, anime screencap, uncensored, mature female,

You need to mention some traits, only mentioning the character wont do
yeah I'll have to try that spo merge. cheers.
Have her present with Usagi
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Requesting bra removed.
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3 MB
well that's accurate to the source
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I guess one with the style can work. If someone can do it
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catbox pls?
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I can't send you catbox actually. I can give you prompt. First one is:
sage joh, Masterpiece \(quality\), best quality, noelle silva, 1girl, anus, ass, ass smack, blush, closed mouth, earrings, eyelashes, gold bracelet, legs together, legs up, long hair, looking at viewer, nervous sweating, purple eyes, purple skirt, pussy, solo, sweat, twintails, wavy mouth, white hair, white socks

Second one:
[zefrableu|katsura masakazu], masterpiece \(quality\), 1girl, school uniform, lying, on side, sofa, skirt lift, no panties, pussy, ass, from behind, shushing, window
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2.6 MB PNG
thanks anon, do you have any artist mix lists i can use?
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1.06 MB PNG
Could I get the box for this? Also what model?
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>Also what model?
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>pokegirls work pretty well on illustrious
My work is never done
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I think you're demonstrating a degree of self awareness that seems out of place for such a villain. One of mine got in, even though I barely posted in the last thread, and not the one I expected.

>Ignore her poorly rendered kouhai in the background, they weren't intended.
>I can't send you catbox actually.
NTA but catbox is up so you absolutely could. Why wouldn't you is the question.
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644 KB JPG
Without the bad step, though hands need work.
File: Megumi Kimono.jpg (687 KB, 1616x1920)
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Better hands in this one. Model's still spits out Picasso watercolors regularly though.
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The work is never done but I love my job.
THANK YOU! Tho, What happened to her hair? It looks nice on its own but does stand out when compared to the original pic. Just curious here.
I love those boobs. Can you do some where she's just wearing a corset and thigh highs?
Onsens are nice, and if someday you don't know what to generate, you always can put a naked girl on a generic onsen and nobody will complain.
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If the op for these images sees this-- please post them separately for the higher image quality. I'd love to make a bot out of these images, would love even more to get them in higher quality
I don't, I'm still figuring this out, too.
I'm using someone's half done bake and he asked me not to shop it around too much. It's very early stage, and honestly, doesn't feel much different from illust.
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I've been getting really fuzzy scenery shots with illust. This one was way more painful to make than I expected. Is it a skill issue or have you guys been having similar problems?
catbox? nice pose
File: zed.png (1 MB, 768x1280)
1 MB
I'm not sure, director tools can go a bit funny when converting characters sometimes.

BTW do you guys think AI will stabilyze anytime soon to the point models last longer? Like, I don't know, one year of lifespan?

I started barely one year ago when 1.5 was still strong and XL was already a thing. And by that point I've been told 2.0 already had existed but it didn't catch at all.

In that time XL started to grow up a bit, pony came and become a big deal, 3.0 "finally"(lol FINALLY they said as if it was on development for years) and was nothing but a meme, then FLUX, now Illustrious seem getting strong.

Jesus, even if you pick only ONE of the currents models and stick to it when you finish making lora for your favorite characters is almost time to start again with the next model.

I wonder if there will be a point where models last at least for a year
I don't think anime models are the best thing out there if you are interested on sceneries.

You may as well just generate both by separate and then merge them with photoshop or something.
In that Image I would worry more for how weirdly sketchy the girl looks.
This happens because I have scenery in the prompt. The background looks nice, but everything seems to lose a lot of quality, which is otherwise not there in general. Sorry, I should have clarified more.
thank you sugar
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Not adding the scenery tag actually adds a lot of detail, so I'm chalking this up to undertraining. Just thought I'd share the findings.
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i wish brown girls were real
love kate, but her hair roses are red, and penetration is /h/
best bottomless hiker girl reading a map one yet
Here you go
If I prompt them enough they will eventually become real.
>BTW do you guys think AI will stabilyze anytime soon to the point models last longer? Like, I don't know, one year of lifespan?
NAI3 has been top tier for a year now.
Once things get commoditized, the labs will run each other down by commoditizing models (like LLMs nowadays). Then only a few big corps will be left and we will have to make do with whatever we can scrounge up.

I hope you're happy when that happens, because this is what you asked for.
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Monkey paw, my old nemesis we meet again!
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2.86 MB PNG
So training on illustrious noticed some things.
1. Text is a problem moreso then other models I've trained, probably because it's such an early version it loves putting text if it's on your dataset back in.
2. Some stuff just doesn't seem to work, I'm early on so gonna try different LRs and adjust stuff but 80% of them work and look as they should with 20% just being really wishy washy like just fucked LR and didn't learn. I've also noticed on a few that their is no visible learning between like the 4th epoch and the 32nd epoch on my loras which is interesting cause itd suggest easy learning and cut my bake times Basically to nothing if I can get similar results. But overall I'd say it's same shit like 2k steps whatever you adjust out from is good, I also haven't hit a point I think I fried a Lora but there's a few where it never seemed to learn it.
4. No matter negatives or what have you the model occasionally just absolutely shits out some random melt that seems to ignore prompts and everything else.

Overall though this shit blows pony out of the water on variety and compositions.
I am also training on illust and confirm. It feels like training on NAI, but better and undertrained.

I don't know about loras, but if you are fine tuning, way larger batch sizes seem to work best (introduce less noise) than other. By way larger, I mean 64 +. You can go pretty high with LR on this, though. Keep in mind the Unet was trained with LR = 5e-5 and batch size 256, so if you're running 64, you can likely get away with 1-2e-5.
I've been training characters and styles and I've been using the same amount of images and same settings than I use with pony.
Characters gave no issues so far.


Now, the thing I'm struggling with is styles, they seem really hit or miss, sometimes it feels like the style does not get at all, and sometimes is ultrahard boiled style, some other times just fucks up the composition as in >>2907075

Model already knows the most important artists so you may not need them but if you go more niche you will need artists lora. Also some artists natural style with prompt feel a bit too strong,

But some doesn't seem to catch at all and I dont know why.

>1. Text is a problem moreso then other models I've trained, probably because it's such an early version it loves putting text if it's on your dataset back in.
I always remove all text from images used for training such as watermarks and signature even text from dialogue bubbles. Unless it really compromises the image.
But when genning without lora I realized lot of base illustrious trends to add watermarks a lot the moment you make any image that lind of looks like a gacha game
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I'll up my unet on some that don't work but for the most part it's just been a 1:1 for me from my Pony settings. I camt do higher then batch 2 on my 4070, playing the long con now I guess waiting for 5090.

Pixels also working super well and retaining even on upscale is so nice too.
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2.39 MB PNG
Yeah it's the same thing with pony on artists that work vs don't but less egregious. Most on pony i couldn't get to take work fine or great, there's some inmates that are insanely strong that I made loras for that don't need them probably like Parororo and Nidaime (doronbo), then the small handful of "these don't work and I see no change in 1st epoch to last".
I subbed Nai another month so I probably need to just go in and clean up my datasets if signatures and other shit with the director tools but for the most part I like how the loras turned out. The expressions is what gets me the most out of illustrious actual fucking range, I can get pouting cheeks and other shit I could only dream of from pony.
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There is something I always wondered but I don't know if its even possible.

Is it possible to make a "combined" artist lora, in which you get the drawing style of an artist, but the coloring style of other artist?

When you combine different artist lora or train a lora with mixed images of both artist it ends being a merge of the two obviously.

But I don't want that, I want the style of artist one with the coloring of artist two, without the drawing styles or the color styles merging

I don't think is even possible, but I'll ask just in case someone has an idea of how could someone approach that
maybe by training different layer or merging lora while removing some layer, i dont know enough about this to be sure
you can also i2i with artist two and merge things in post process
there's always gradient accumulation
You'd have to do extraction probably or figure out the layers on where that shit is for an artist. It'd be a lot of effort.

Doesn't that make it slower and cause issues in training? I remember vaguely trying that before and it didn't pan out well for me
i don't think it causes issues but it does make it slower, obviously
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I managed to get what I wanted on particular images by extracting the lineart of artst 1 then coloring it with artist 2 style.

But obviously it depends lot on the image and it has way too many steps and you need to deal with the rng of the coloring even if it gets the overall style fine some elements can end poorly colored.

And of couse is not an steady process you can massify, its an step by step image by image method
thats how you get to step 2
make a dataset manually then train a lora on the output, you will probably still need one or two of the lora at low strength at the end to help but it should get you there
That was the plan but I got tired after a while, imagine doing that until yoo have enough images for an style lora,

Since I know people can mess with layers and modules and complicated stuff I thought may be had an easy solution
Well you only need like 50 images for a decent lora then you could pad out more with generated images if you want it to maintain that style.
doing 30-50 pictures is probably the easiest and most reliable solution
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More 90's styled pics.
Hey, do you remember the 80's and 90's fitness craze era? Leotards and aerobics were basically mandatory for all female characters.
Why do kunoichi always wear clothes with such large hip vents? What is the purpose?
According to your average anime, the hip, shoulder and back vents are there to give them more freedom of movement.
Which kind of makes sense.
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to distract enemies of course.
Problem is I guess when everyone around you is a sexy kunoichi as well, then it kind of loses efficiency
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You cant explain the fishnets though. Also I think the original intention of kunoichi was like sexual assassinations and just being honey traps anyway
very good gen
The fishnets were worn by male and female ninjas on their legs, arms and torso. It's supposed to be made out of wire, to be worn under their disguises as a light protection against slashing attacks.
Think of it as the chingchong version of a ring mail.
This is the kind of illustration you could find at the end of a game manual, I suppose.
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Guess stop the whole limbs being lost vs a deep cut maybe.
Pony is XL.
Illustrious is also XL.
Flux is a new model but it currently can't be finetuned.
>will technological advancements ever slow down
yes, but not for a long time with image gen.
>but not for a long time with image gen
you are completely out of the loop if you think that, its already slowed down quite a lot
There's advancements weekly on a dozen fronts. The issue is it's a dozen fronts and nothing is cohesive.
and maybe 10% actually push the needle forward and is not solving a non-issue. This will slow down to ~1%, like most technical fields, given time. AI is a bit difficult to predict because it's also fueled by VC, and that can shift very fast.
Off the first post I was willing to accept that you're just ignorant.
Second post settles it, you're simply retarded but have a strong desire to appear knowledgeable.
NTA, by the way.

You would be surprised, though.
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Two weeks ago, the idea of a flux finetune was impossible.
Last week, two different ways to train flux popped up (we'll see if either pan out).
That's not even digging in to the hundreds of research papers that get finished every month or the thousands of research papers that are not yet implemented into current technology.
Every day there are incredibly intelligent individuals all over the world working on new things and we're absolutely nowhere near the limits the technology will eventually run into.

For fucks sake we don't even have a 16ch vae anime model and people are screaming "its so over."
Yeah, I think we're agreeing on this. I don't know why this counters anything I said in my post.
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Even with finetune flux's issue is artists and porn right? The dataset just didn't i clude those so sure i can prompt a generic anime girl with a sign that says "pony sucks" but that was kinda it. I still like the idea but it's way more off for use and accessibility then just tweaking another sdxl model that's 70% where most people want it
Even preparing datasets for proper nsfw use is a daunting task, as I don't think just throwing booru at it will yield something significantly better than what we currently have. Then you have to trust the likes of our favorite bakers with a T5 transformer and many pieces that can go wrong to train a 12B model. It's expensive as shit.
XL didn't have women being split in half by dragon cocks in the dataset either but we still eventually got there.
Not saying flux will also get there but it's definitely still on the table as of right now. I want a 16ch vae so god damn bad you have no idea.
It will all depend on how trainable flux is, though. Having to use special tricks to train a model usually come with stronger limitations than what you can achieve from a normal finetune. I hope the tradeoff is minimal or none, but it could be that it simply can't go too far.
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the following seemed pretty tidy to me but none of them made the highlights. OP is not a matsuri fan I guess.
Even if you are right (pony being XL) it works so differently to other xl models that it needed its own resources.

Now, even if this is true for all the models, "standard XL" models are...well, kind of standarized and models trained for standard xl will work on lots and lots of xl models, for pony you need its own lora trained specifically for pony models

Same seems to be the case for Illustrious now.
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They made the highlights in my heart, matsuri anon. Those were great.
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It do be summer time.
Pony burned up the original XL model badly and thats why it had to get a separate tab on civit.
I only just started playing with illustrious but its entirely possible they did the same.
They are however both finetunes of the original XL model.
>but its entirely possible they did the same.
Judging by the learning rate he allegedly used, the U-Net should be significantly different from XL. They trained the TEs slowly, though, so there's that.
ken sugimori not matsuri
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There is something I do not understand, why some characters really get the style despite being barely a few entries on booru while other artist with a shit ton of entries don't catch at all?

I thought illustrious was made with booru database so the logic thing would be for the artist with the most images getting the most likeness, isn't it?

Fore example Ken sugimori barely has like 300 entries on booru and still gets pretty well only with prompting.
There are artist with 700-900 images and don't catch at all
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2.11 MB PNG
>why fucky?
cause unfinished model.
Some artists may not have some of their works included. If they mainly do animations, they're just out, probably.
because ken sugimori's artstyle is fairly unique and easier to learn than some guy who made 1k images that look like 1k other artists with slight variations
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love these two images
lesbians are so fucking sexy
Can you do her squatting with her arms behind her head? One of her lifting her shirt too? Great tits, especially with the transparent shirt
more dresses and lesbians
technically one was bi, or open to the idea of being bi, and the other one was straight turned into Miorinesexual, while still being straight
I don't care man in my head she's a lesbian that loses to the cock just like shirai kuroko
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Requesting Usagi jumping out of cake naked.
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nta, but very nice
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she can't get used to space station etiquette
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Not oneesan, BUT
Kuroko would never lose to the cock! Unless it's onee-sama's.
TouMAN may have a chance, even if he gets kicked later as retribution
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1.8 MB PNG
Turns out RAUNet gens are generally on the low side file size wise even when inpainted, interesting
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1.49 MB
1.49 MB PNG
that's a mostly gray png so ofc it's small
Emulating that old marker coloring style.
Remember to walk your dog.
Some of them take a while to get used to it.
The tail is just glued on of course.
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2.87 MB PNG
Make sure to reward them for good behavior.
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Genuine question did you get Raunet to work with illustrious. When I was trying raunet just normal settings it was always making it a sketch style or doing weird shit unprompted so I stopped trying after a few days.
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80 KB
I'm using the most basic setting of it which is pic related, also, try to gen on appropiate resolutions, which should be 1.5 times of standard SDXL resolutions
For example, instead of doing a gen at 812x1216 you should use 1248x1824
And of course, using RAUNet is still going to produce some janky results which you will need to inpaint afterwards
Yeah I'm familiar with raunet I used it on pony a lot. Why I was confused when I was using just basic settings one and it was always / only churning out like sketch / rough draft type shit.
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1.64 MB PNG
I'm having a wonderful time with illust so far
>Why I was confused when I was using just basic settings one and it was always / only churning out like sketch / rough draft type shit.
I also did some gens with RAUNet back then with pony and some of them looked just like that, I believe the loras I was using had something to do with it, could be the same case here
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I really enjoy it. It's got a lot of promise and I hope they come through and finish it.
Also artist?
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Best I can do. illustrious doesn't know her too well, and getting her hair bang thing was rng as fuck. Should waifu takina instead.
At least someone else can do a better job than you.
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>i stop posting
>/e/ thread is unusually high quality
wow, this is a hundred times worse than not getting in a highlight.
or maybe everyone is running away from Pony.
you're free to do it, anonymouse
>(Seriously reconsidering her life choices)
Not that guy but damn, thanks man!
Can I have her naked in the shores of Hawaii during the full moon while she's older?
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>or maybe everyone is running away from Pony.
I used pony because we didn't had anything better but I always hated it
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Sure. Caveat: I don't like the "naked corset" look, so I decided to put her in a torn dress. She took a tumble in those heels.
And in black. Enjoy.
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Beautiful! I think a cupless corset is something I'd love to see as well.
shave that pussy
Keep that bush thick.
was pretty much everyone sentiment if not at the start then by the end of it
>even the ai gacha has trouble when handling IA's hair
No real surprises there. If you think you can fix it (make dat hair as long as the original or even longer) then plesse try it but if is too much work the leave it as it is a good pic already. Thanks again and sorry for seeing your post until now.
heh. Cute (and sweaty)
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Duality of man.
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>Proper weapon
>logical way to hold weapon
>weapon isn't randomly broken and re-assembled on other side of person
>an actual weapon instead of something pointy
I'm actually so hard, I love illustrious.
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ty anon
thanks chief

She stood no chance
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> tfw you realize you're not wearing pants.
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Not very ecchi but I love how this one came out

The prompt did not have any artists on it, so no idea, was a really basic prompt I did to know how much the model knows the character costumes

>crotch focus
>minimal clothes
>not very ecchi
That's fake news.
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mummies aint scary
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>H-hand over your treats, human! O-or we will play you a trick!
>Mah, we are gonna play you a trick anyway
>HAHAHA, its your (un)LUCKY day, kyodai!
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3.02 MB PNG
Pokegirls are the best.
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1.55 MB PNG
Yep... it's sloppin' time.
Cozy watercolors.
Camera slowly pans left from the right into a confusing predicament.
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Thats the ninja from keroro gunsou, isn't it? it has been forever

Cute furina, from the thumb I didn't know if was miorine or furina
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Pruning the fake flat chest monster pretending to be pharaoh
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yes she is
>Cute furina, from the thumb I didn't know if was miorine or furina
Truth be told I wanted to do a Freena gen when I saw that gwitch gen.
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/e/ has been slow lately, I guess someone is gone
I exploded
i hurt my dick
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2.55 MB JPG
It's comfy tho.
>Campo de noche buenas
Very weird flower type election for the setting given it's mostly used for christmas
> schomp schomp
are Illustrious finetunes any good?
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463 KB JPG
This is the best one right now.
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They go well with the scarlet moon.
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2.37 MB PNG
Bigger resolution: https://files.catbox.moe/m8r8ty.png
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Bigger resolution: https://files.catbox.moe/vbutzd.png
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Noob seems to have better genitals for sex and it's more washed out if you don't like the bright colors on other finetunes
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2.86 MB PNG
Bigger resolution: https://files.catbox.moe/ozx2ex.png
based tiddies enthusiast
i found "flat color, muted color" negs put noob more in-line with regular illustrious and is my default
adding greyscale neg on top of that was usually too saturated but sometimes what i wanted
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Noob also produces more "stiff" images compared to base/smoothft.
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2.3 MB PNG
Yeah i went back to smoothft but it's an option.
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Bigger resolution: https://files.catbox.moe/z2ajta.png
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Bigger resolution: https://files.catbox.moe/kkoqxe.png
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Anytest on illustrious is pretty nice. I wish it was more accurate but at least it works. My line work to compare.
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3.08 MB PNG
not bad for how few images she has on danbooru, this is one where i might actually try making a lora
Nice line drawing (it didn't light her left forefinger well, and it always struggles with high-frequency detail areas like eyes).
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2.79 MB PNG
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2 MB
Requesting towel removed.
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1.03 MB
1.03 MB PNG
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2.29 MB
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Bigger resolution: https://files.catbox.moe/xie5e4.png
File: El.png (2.24 MB, 1664x2432)
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Bigger resolution: https://files.catbox.moe/skiq0m.png
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Bigger resolution: https://files.catbox.moe/oeh7u5.png
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this musketeer girl is from somewhere or its an original character?
If she is an oc, the "setting" is meant to be from somewhere or its also original?
File: Iowa.png (2.33 MB, 1664x2432)
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Bigger resolution: https://files.catbox.moe/ufmmk2.png
She's just my donut steele. Setting isn't from anywhere.
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File: Mitsuri Kanroji.png (2.72 MB, 1664x2432)
2.72 MB
2.72 MB PNG
Bigger resolution: https://files.catbox.moe/jabz7s.png
File: Candace.png (2.65 MB, 1664x2432)
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Bigger resolution: https://files.catbox.moe/2ceksd.png
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File: Dehya.png (2.66 MB, 1664x2432)
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2.66 MB PNG
Bigger resolution: https://files.catbox.moe/j3onb4.png
alright bud, I think that's enough
I recommend you just throw them all into a gallery and just link that.
requesting Dehya's bra added
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2.66 MB
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Wtf that's pretty good. How much inpainting?
Nothing extreme, base gen was already good, inpaint was mostly to refine details
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1.28 MB
1.28 MB PNG

how did you make that colorful lines effect?
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2.86 MB
2.86 MB PNG
lot of schizo quality type shit
Who is that?
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This one goes to that anon with an unhealthy obsession with "aged up" usagi. There you go, my dude.

Would you say you're more of an ass guy or a tits guy?
someone asked him which art style he wanted and he said "aged up"
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I haven't prompted any character
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>Japanese fucking shits
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Did we have any thread theme this time around? How about spooky gens?
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Is this spooky enough?
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so, if i'm training a lora for illustrious, do i use sdxl base model? or illustrious itself?
clip skip 2 in either case im guessing?
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drunk idiotic hags...
the first question is very stupid and i will leave you to figure it out
sdxl does not use clip skip at all so it doesnt matter what you set
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Um, what's with the unwarranted aggression towards another anon?
The question is valid. Curious to know what you think the "obvious" answer is, though
eat a dick
>calls out anon for a stupid question but doesn't have the confidence to offer an opinion when put on the spot

go back to /b/ please
>Um, what's with the unwarranted aggression towards another anon?
So says the one who can't stop harrasing other anons for not using Illustrious.
As >>2908105 said, feast on a penis.
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You need to use illustrious as base model.

Illustrious is a sdXL model, like Pony, but like pony is so over trained that it needs its own specific models to work.

So when you train a model for illustrious pick Illustrious as model for the training, otherwise it wont work

Clip skip 2, yes
Most sdxl models like for eg juggernaut are fintetuned and they recommend lora training on base sdxl.
Other sdxl models like pony can serve as a base model for training a lora.
So you can forgive anon's confusion, dickhead. I myself don't know the answer.
oh shit its it reply to yourself day again
what? I think you're confusing me with someone. I've never spoken about illustrious before until 5 minutes ago. kinda dumb to assume who I am in an anonymous thread hahahah
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btw, the number of steps and images used are all about the same than with pony, so just train it like any other lora, with tags not captions. The only difference is picking "illustrious" for the training instead.

Talking about characters though because god knows for styles, I still trying to figure that, they are kind of hit or miss
ok thank you :)
Devour poo
There's a fair few styles but honestly even if the artist is there a Lora can help enhance it unless it's just an absurdly strong artist tag since the model is inheriting other word / artist biases.
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The model knows lot of artists, but some of them despite having low entries work very well, other with low entries don't work at all. There are some with lot of entries that work well, and others with lot of entries that dont work at all. Then there are some that despite having low entries or lot of entries work are strong as fuck,

Lora is always better to have them than not because you can use the lora alone, the prompting alone or combining the two until you get the exact thing you want. Its always good to have options.

The problem I faced when trianing illustrious style lora is (with pony at least with the same amount of pictures and steps you always got a decent syle lora) with Illustrious sometimes you get an style that does not work at all, sometimes works fine, sometimes style works TOO strong,

My only conclusion, and could be completely wrong, is that for illustrious is more of a case-to-case scenario so you need to kind I guess if you need to go harder (with more images and steps) or softer (less images and steps) depending on the artist,

Idk, as I said as far as style goes there is lot to learn
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fox sex
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sex with fox
More 90' styled pics.
Like the kind of bonus color pics you could find at the end of a manga volume, eh.
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is this 1.5? must be rough
1.5 still can produce good stuff but yeah, it can be a bit tricky.
>good stuff
By 1 year+ ago standards sure.
Even if you can't run xl models locally there is still plenty of services out there to use
>sdxl does not use clip skip at all so it doesnt matter what you set
Actually, it always uses the penultimate layer. Common UIs default to that and only cumfy lets you change it. The only reason you would use the CLIP skip node with cumfy with an SDXL model is to fuck your shit up.
I am pretty sure about that, but I'm pretty fine using this, so I will keep using it for the time being.
After all, as long one has fun with this and other people can appreciate what one is generating, the tool of choice is meaningless.

Plus, is kind of fiting to use an old tool to generate old-looking pics, kek.
fair and valid points, keep it up bwo
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>I am pretty sure about that, but I'm pretty fine using this, so I will keep using it for the time being.
>After all, as long one has fun with this and other people can appreciate what one is generating, the tool of choice is meaningless.
Ok then, as you having fun

>Plus, is kind of fiting to use an old tool to generate old-looking pics, kek.
Its kind of poetic, but not fitting, new models can make a really good job recreating old stuff
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I think with how soft illustrious is the issue of overbaking is like the image just doesn't ever cook. Like me cooking this Cluseller lora and he's got 800 entries in booru, works "okay" in prompt, the loras feel the same or worse as prompt and don't seem to enhance the prompting so I dunno. I've just chalked it up to a skill issue for me since I see a few other cookers in /hdg/ just always seem to get it
>Generic and souless
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What the fuck, I had no idea you were using 1.5, only makes me appreciate your posts more. Love your attitude too
I made you a friend for your efforts, though she's not quite as cute as yours
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STEP ASIDE! Ill take care of the slime!
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/y/ is that way little hero
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That was fast. You are going to do the Highlights as well?
And thank you for the kind words.

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