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>>2906975 hit the image limit

/edg/ is the home of 1girl posting. Here, we share AI-generated pics of sexy anime girls and discuss latest advancements in 1girl-related technology.
Remember to keep it /e/, as per board rules. If unsure about what you can or cannot post here, consult the sticky thread.

> FAQ (check here first)
https://rentry.org/edg-faq#general | https://rentry.org/edg-faq#technical

> Local UIs
WebUI Forge, an A1111 fork optimized for SDXL (faster genning speed on low-mid vram gpus): https://github.com/lllyasviel/stable-diffusion-webui-forge
ComfyUI: https://github.com/comfyanonymous/ComfyUI | https://github.com/shiimizu/ComfyUI_smZNodes

> Resources and guides
Useful links: https://rentry.org/sdg-link | https://rentry.org/rentrysd | https://rentry.org/sd-mashup
A1111 Wiki: https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/
Tags: https://danbooru.donmai.us/wiki_pages/tag_groups
Upscalers: https://openmodeldb.info
LoRa training: https://rentry.org/lora_train | https://rentry.org/59xed3 | https://civitai.com/articles?tags=128645
Git-wiki of the technical Stable Diffusion papers: https://codeberg.org/tekakutli/neuralnomicon
Animation: https://rentry.org/AnimAnon | https://rentry.org/AnimAnon-Deforum | https://rentry.org/AnimAnon-AnimDiff

> LoRA downloads
https://rentry.org/ponyxl_loras_n_stuff | https://rentry.org/ponyxl_lora_previews

> OP template

> /edg/ logo
OP: https://files.catbox.moe/uc2ntj.png | Anchor: https://files.catbox.moe/bx1lo2.png (more color schemes in the FAQ Rentry)

> Related generals
Request Anchor
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Previous Thread Highlights
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I made it in... with my worst gens.
of course, one doesn't need good taste to put together a random collage of images
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requesting for kuroki rei pics or for this one to be make nude
gib box
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Love this one, a shame the face isn't a bit better
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No offense dude but that other anon is right as that face looks like the blonde dude from Escaflowne. Great pic otherewise.
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>No offense
Lol, none taken, you guys were right. Here's a different take.
Can I ask for a thread theme of "Girls in leather"?

I think it would pretty sexy.
Hey, one of my gens was selected again. Sweet.
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3.68 MB PNG
Oh,sure, that sounds like
> namefag
Eh, not really. Thread theme is evil girls.
A TON better. Thanks Bro.
>Thread theme is evil girls.
That works for me.
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>evil girls
Such a thing doesn't even exist, they just cute dorks deep down-
(As long as we talk about anime girls of course)
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>Lora doesn't work
>Check and realize I didn't include the activation
I should just stop including these fucking things but it's just a default I don't even think about when I bake.
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Just a cute, harmless dork.
ahyup, highlight material
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like all of them
I don't even know if people are being sarcastic or not, nowadays. I like that gen unironically.
Fun witch facts:
1) Witches are actually fireproof. All those burnt witches? Innocent.
2) Witches usually hide in plain sight. They don't wear pointy hats.
3) Witchcraft allows witches to succeed in high society more easily.
Knowing is half the battle.
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She's not evil at all, she's just thinking about how she wants to make you cum altruistically, anon. Don't worry.
Do they still fuck demons to gain power or is that another lie?
I guess they must fuck rich people to gain power, like all the other girls.
>kamala and hillary are witches
Honestly makes more sense then anything.
i'm not giving the OP a verbal wedgie, i like it.
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It differs from witch to witch and what manner of powers they yearn for.
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I can fix her
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Bigger resolution: https://files.catbox.moe/3hu9zm.png
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Bigger resolution: https://files.catbox.moe/l5y98h.png
godspeed anon
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Bigger resolution: https://files.catbox.moe/tj97tc.png
have you watched or read majo to yajuu anon?
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Bigger resolution: https://files.catbox.moe/np4n9y.png
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Requesting if sonething like this can be done but with Vocaloid IA. Either with her normal outfit or nude (with her hair glowing and maybee some parts of her body glowing as well) is fine. The light color up to you tho if it can be purple the better.

Found pic here:
>https://aibooru online/posts?thats=vocaloid+&z=5
why are you wiping metadata but posting a catbox of it? upper body portrait gens with head out of frame is not a secret anon
Man's from /slop/ where he posted like 3 full threads of these on requests. Why he's just reposting them here I have no clue.

Also I didn't realize he was scrubbing the data considering it's Nai.
if it's nai he must just not be using stealth png then. either way when it comes to portrait gens like that i can't ever tell whether it's illus or nai nowadays anyways
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don't flood
I actually haven't, looks interesting though.
amazing abs, boxo?
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Didn't see the theme, sounds good, but I was playing around with stretching and exercise poses (maybe next time with sports bras).


Good luck.
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>When your model decides, "This idea is good, but I like this idea better."
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>When your model looks at one changed prompt and decides to do mix things up for everything else.
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/e/ is love
Ghoulcaller Gisa?
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Flat is justice
can you make her more toned?
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...sort of. She was supposed to be indoors, in a living room, stretching in a micro bikini with sneakers. Instead the model decided to go in a very different direction.

Better to just run it through img2img, but I wanted to test it.
oh yes, boxo?
File: Dark Elf Nurse.jpg (547 KB, 1616x1920)
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547 KB JPG

When I think evil, I think murder nurses. Now if only this model didn't insist on this derpy white uniform.

>"Do no harm."


Here, enjoy. Just be prepared for it to "snap back" to the actual prompts, or to spit out a Jackson Pollack looking smudgy mess.

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Only the cutest of evil girls.
Image theme song: https://youtu.be/yQKIeuyt6rk
I love these. Peak art.
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Even murder-ier nurse. Like the perspective in this one.
elfchad playing silent hill I c
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she belongs in /co/ but whatever
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Ey, guys, can you lend me a hand? I wanted to learn to complete images, to "extend" what its shown in camera. FOR example, giving the rest of the head to this girl:


I thought it would be as simple as just extending the canvas, poorly sketch-drawn a silly face on inpainting, and then inpaint. But it simply does not work, the part that is inpainted even if looks good on its own doesn't properly match the rest.

I remember long long ago people doing that sort of thing pretty easily on these threads, and I would learn to do it.

Pic entirely unrelated, is to not ask for a favor without offering something to the thread at the same time
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it still fits
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If I remember right with that what you do is like you said.
>extend white canvas for draw in part
>inpaint sketch or draw in photoshop / gimp a rough outline of the parts
It helps here if you do color match so the AI picks up on it
>Put it into inpaint and run that portion only through inpaint
Adjust noise til you get something you want
>Keep repeating adn when you think it looks good and want to match send it to img2img and run the whole image over a few times at low denoise to smooth out the inpaint
Ballpark is the idea the actual levels are just gonna depend on what you consider good for it.
its called outpainting, its in scripts at the bottom i think
>I thought it would be as simple as just extending the canvas, poorly sketch-drawn a silly face on inpainting, and then inpaint.
Works fine like that on NAI, except you don't even sketch anything.
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I don't know the character, so.
This is what I do, and may be an skill issue on my end but the thing is always look way too missmatched, the moment you look at the image for more than a few seconds you see obvious colors differences and the "cut"

Look at what >>2908385 did for example, it looks pretty much seamless, thats what I want to achieve.

Also, I dont know why but sometimes when I try to inpaint the sketched part the generated inpainted image looks also derp as fuck as if it took the sketch as a literal thing to replicate and the eyes for example are just two giant white sockets with a blue dot in the middle.
But other times it actually draws a good face and I dont know why

Ill check on this

Well, thanks, the problem is I use SD
nai is also sd, you should say "local" or something
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>face on the moon
Nice detail. Was the strange hand/fingers on the right intentional as well?
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is this the new Sattelite?
how did one of these make the highlights? that's embarrassing
also on the topic of highlights, how did this one NOT make it?
not my gen btw
she kinda ugly bwo
no one care about the shitposting highlights, kys if you need that much attention, be happy you even got this (You)
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into the trash it goes
Probably because he's talking about hating a model that's objectively good for anime lovers.
>how did one of these make the highlights? that's embarrassing
It didn't, the highlight one was done by me, not by that guy.
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I have done that once. You will need to inpaint the seam multiple times to get rid of it.
artist for that kind of rendering?
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>>2906975 Previous thread awards
Congratulations to all the winners.
Can we get this for /hdg/
cant wait to see best bbc winner
Its mine, but I don't mind not making into highlighs because another 6 images made into them,

And have to say I myself didn't like that gen much because it was a random prompt I came with on the spot to make a silly joke that seems some people took way too seriousl.

My bad probably I should have learned that lesson long ago
can't make diamonds without a little ash.
oh, this is new, congrats to winners
your problem was saying anything that can be misconstrued by bad faith actors. people took it wrong in both directions.
the gen was nice.
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I remember this series,

I will have to bake a yasuda lora because doesn't seem illustrious catches him very well
had eldritch abomination in the prompt + vibe transfer ended up generating it that way

artists are here
and this image was used in vibe transfer
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Requesting Isane naked with Ariel from the Little Mermaid
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I used Seaart so I'm not sure it would have any info on it
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there isn't a single nai mix that satisfies me in every way and their i2i upscaling sucks gigantic cocks no matter the way i do it
ok i'll try with 1.5 real quick
and speaking of that here's an old ia gen i found and polished a little
Cute pink gymnast
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damn, sensei looks like THIS??
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2.11 MB PNG
Was legit surprised illustrious could do doodle sensei. Was super nice, the issue is gen'ning it proper as paper on the person that was way more hit or miss.
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requesting the white part of her uniform be removed leaving the blue sleeves and top part of her shirt as well as the boots. the rest should be naked. and please do not change the resolution
Sure if you get down to it I do get why you said that tho, other than the face feeling a tiny bit off, everything else is Great. Yes, even the mis-aligned ground lines.
>dat IA
>dat Cityscape
The Good Stuff (TM) My only question (and sorry for making you Fire 1.5 even tho the pics speak volumes for themselves) is if the glitch in her left breast/nipple is intentional?
In any case, Thanks a lot for the pics!
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The Girl Who Lets Them See
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The ghosts are pretty funny, especially the left most one, I can imagine what each is thinking based on their expression
left to right
>holy shit a pervert
>head explodes
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When I sa a gen of doodle sensei on the model page one of the first things I tested was to try some gens of arona or plana naked with doodle sensei on a paper covering their unexistant breasts.

They looked good, but too out of the rules to be posting here or pretty much anywhere else
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2.51 MB PNG
Two bottom ones just smelled it.
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crotch plates...
Can I get a picture of a long blond haired girl sitting side saddle on a horse wearing a transparent white sundress?
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>mis-aligned ground lines
didn't notice it trying to eat the building

extra pic
and initial image for it

plus a serving of 1background with 1girl
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Oh my, her strap just burst, what a terrible tragedy.
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>AI generating has finally killed my CPU on my laptop.
It was a good run. But now I need new hardware.

Requesting box please.
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3060's are pretty cheap until 50x series is out, pricing on 5070 is supposedly $499-$699 I think msrp then it spikes hard after that. I was hoping to maybe get a 5090 but my boner died looking at nvidia's jew tactics.
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>he didnt save for a 5090
got the money ready, that thing is going to be an ai beast
Yeah I got time they're saying q1 2025, but I'm still pissed at how much nvidia is huge faggots with the memory throttling. Fucking 5070 / 5080 have the same vram as their earlier versions and only the 5090 got an upgrade, which 24gb - 32gb is bretty gud but fuck those gays.
I love these
Requesting a low angle shot of Zenno Rob Roy in her school uniform but the underboob from her huge breasts are obscuring some of her face?

Is it really worth going above 16GBs for AI generating? Wouldn't there be a lot of diminishing return after 12GBs?
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I like these
It's more for baking since you need way more for lora baking and model finetuning, and if flux had become a thing I'm not sure you could run flux on anything lower then 24gb anyway, maybe 16gb with some finetunes.
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eh, most people just game and ai is hobbyist shit. maybe intel will do something and battlemage 32GB will be a thing but I doubt it. either way bandwidth with gddr7 is hot, 5070/5080 are also going to be inference beasts.
it's either a 5090 or a used 3090, don't get anything else
Latest in the modern goddesses series. This time is Halloween themed. Pretty tame this time, but I might come back to do a spicier version of this set.

I've been having trouble thinking about how to do my next theme: funny yet sexy. It can be tough to convey humor in a single panel without words, and I'm also trying to come up with scenarios that reference each goddesses myths which adds an extra layer of difficulty. I'm a bit stumped, and I'm open to suggestions.
Not a bug, or a space-time fairy, but a Feature.
Thanks for the fix.
>extra pic
Quite like how IA "posed" in this one.
>and initial image for it
To be honest, those two, while similar, look ultimately so far apart as to be considered different pics.
>plus a serving of 1background with 1girl
>dat portal slapping right as you open the pic
>dat contrast between backgrounds
>dat implied non-euclidean space in the caves
>dem strange basílica somehow still standing
>IA looks cute too
Thanks for ALL of this and nice to see all the progress that has been archived.

Sorry for this late reply. Quite on the move on my side.
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I apologize for this. Here's a better version
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I wish I could get good Yelan on Autism/Pony
She's legit beautiful but her clothes always come out fucked up
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Anyone is training styles for illustrious? How many steps do you need?
I'm not having issues training characters for illustrious using the same amount of steps than with pony, but styles are not catching at all
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hello /c/
the face and the pose is great but I seriously believe you went too big on the boob size there
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I made that pic out of a whim. It was meant as a joke.
Who is that girl in the middle left?
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based camonome enjoyer
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More spooky gens?
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yeah, stay still now
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dragon girls like these makes me think if i should bring Kaida back
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dont worry, its just a mask
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Not him but j.k. for sure then what else dunno.
Naga U, Ilya Kushinov, J.K. (AKA jdotkdot5)
would never have guessed naga u there lol
I think their influence only serves to simplify the lines
Thank you for the great spooky gens
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Thanks. I got a laugh out how "living room" generates the same, slightly glitchy white walled apartment living room. Adds inadvertent consistency.
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>When the dark elf hangs a smirking portrait of herself on the wall.
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Art imitates life.
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posted this kanna in /h/ by accident so repostan
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I hate how the ai always put painting and planted pot to fill up space, where did it learn this dumb shit
that's what bothers you? not the fact that she's 12 feet tall? not that the room is not bound by the laws of reality? not that her hands are clubs of flesh? not that the curtains are ethereal?
the potted plant and the painting?
why do you have to disrespect an assured thread highlight like that
>he fact that she's 12 feet tall
thats hot so no
small details being shitty and the ai losing consistency when something is in front of it is another is a separate issue and less annoying to me than the ai filling empty space with the same garbage over and over
also im pointing out an issue that happens in every gen not using simple background so yes its more annoying to me
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>I don't remember leaving any pillows under the...HOLY SHEETS!
Cute abby.
Anyone has ideas for getting this kind of granulated tone on illustrious?
oil painting \(medium\) is used in those pics
traditional media
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fucking deranged ass poster. go over to some bitches house and you flip out because there's a potted plant in the corner but you don't mind a "small detail" like her hand being a grotesque flesh ball with 12 fingers.
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Is there a tag that can gen a regular fire axe in illustrious? I'd like to gen a bona fide lumberjane going to work, but as pic related attests, I'm having problems.
Chill out retardo, no need to get too heated over something like that eh?
I'm complaining about painting and pot because I have that in common with the generation I quoted. I don't have an issue with hands, so I'm not going to rant about someone else gen on their hands in a difficult pose, not in focus and so small they have a really low pixel ratio allocated. Hope that helped your poor reading comprehension! :)
>too stupid to put potted plant in negatives if he doesn't want to see it
I'm the retarded one. sure.
That looks like a fireman's axe to me, so you've reached your goal.
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Try like single blade axe or something. I just prompt axe and I get 50/50 on double baded / single.
are you blind
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>Parry build

Well, I guess that explains why end game armour has a lot of cleavage.
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hatchet \(axe\) kind of did the trick. Thanks, all.
thats not a fireman axe either, they have small blades and points on the other end
yup, I know, but at least that's better than a double bladed battle axe.
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It's fireman red, mate.
so not colorblind but jusut regular blind
That hand looks so fucked up.
ey! try to cut trees with an axe on a snowy mountain dressed with lightwear, lets see if you can keep all your fingers after they freeze.
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So, not either of this anons, but since we're making a little fuss about it, yes, you can pretty easily remove any particular element from the model's oddly generic white walled living room. I don't really see where she looks like she's twelve feet tall though, I did put weight towards height generally but with the perspective of the wall behind her it doesn't look like she'd even easily reach the ceiling with her arms extended, much less her head.

Hands aren't great though. At least it's not confusing which side her thumbs are supposed to be on, probably, but it's not the model's strength (on top of being too lazy to fix it in editing).


I like it. Now that you point it out, it pretty clearly isn't a woodcutter's hatchet with that shape, but the rest of her outfit came together nicely and the pose is nice. Nipple slip is a great touch.
Hands still look like meaty tumors.
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what artist tag is this? and how do you prompt this mouth?
:> did nothing for me
NTA, but that's gsusart and something else, and the mouth is usually wavy mouth.
I just added wavy mouth, smile
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that worked, thanks
here he goes again with the fucking yappin
I think that Illustrious anon is actually autist, which explains a lot about his behaviour.
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In your ass?
Holy crap, that is better than expected!
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more assuka
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You better commit to the bit and highlight all these Asukas. It's not "Best" Langley, too late to change it now.
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I've been away for a minute. Any new developments lately?
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It's Pony, not Illustrious, I'm behind the curve. As for autistic, well, you can judge for yourself.
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what's there to box? its just limited palette+jaggy lines
Autist, then.
When in doubt, always assume the other guy is autist.
Sorry for the spam
that cunt looks vacuumed
illustrious (korean danbooru model) & noobai (test finetune of illustrious that had some real hardware thrown at it)
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Lol, don't think we have to worry about that anymore thankfully

Are they any good? Korean danbooru one sounds like it has some promise
yes im using noobai pretty much exclusively
more silly pizza gens
which gens are those in the thread?
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Bigger resolution: https://files.catbox.moe/wqrn0r.png

those are a few

Same here, plus a 75style lora
>don't think we have to worry about that anymore thankfully
I hope so
I really like the textures in the model, going to mess with it.
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I most likely need to mess with my tags, but not exactly sold on it yet
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what are your prefered methods of upscaling? right now i just do sd ultimate upscale 1.5x -> inpaint and ultimate upscale again if i feel like it but i don't know if there are any better ways of doing this
Right now I'm doing t2i to extras upscale x1.5 4x_foolhardy_Remacri to i2i 0.55 denoise and ADetailer
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pony's better at generating aco smegmaslop? no kidding?
That's rude, his delf is really cute
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box please?

I showed you mine, you show yours >>2908958
im really surprised the trail+bottles/tenga came out that good, did you reroll a lot or it just work?
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no, it gets it right almost every time
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lube bottle+artificial vagina on the other hand look pretty weird
artificial vagina is always bad no matter the model I tried
I would ask for how well an handjob with artificial vagina works but its /e/
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Isis. Egyptian goddess of magic and motherhood.
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catbox? rlly nice
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I love the way shirow makes assless women.
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That's some Hank Hill levels of no ass. He makes proportions all kinds of weird, sometimes they're very stretchy and thin. Unique style for sure
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right is using it with pony loras? not a good idea
lol this prompt seems to be a favorite, seen it in a few threads now.
I admit I like to use it to test new models too
love the line work, catbox please?
It's simple, you know what to expect, and it tests a lot of things that models tend to be shit at (see through, angle, emotion, covered nipples, etc). I love it.
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This model is not available yet, the olympus dude is training on illustrious.
well, I was going to change up the award categories based on what gets posted each thread.
the Langley award is meant as a fun one, it's whichever Asuka stands out. I didn't put "Best" to prevent anyone from feeling obliged to compete and post Asuka every thread... whereas the other categories are things that are sure to be posted in every EDG regardless
It's your awards, do whatever the fuck you want. If people are angry about they can do their own thing.
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>This model is still undergoing training!!!
>This model is still undergoing training!!!
>This model is still undergoing training!!!
>We are compelled to release an extremely premature version of this model against our wishes.
>The model is still actively in training and far from completion.
>This forced open-source version will be released under the same license terms as its base model,Illustrious-XL-v0.1.
>This is an early test version intended for internal use. However, we are considering allowing limited external testing.

These aint exactly filling me with confidence, but I'm willing to give it a try.
The problem of these "early" models is you can't really dedicate to it because you know the final version (if it even comes they could perfectly drop the project) can be completely different.
So you have to commit to train lora that are gonna be really short lived in a world were lora are really shortlived already
Which anime is she from?
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Tested it a bit, not bad, Its feels like a 1% improvement over illustrious.
Its just...kind of hard to trust in a model that warns you 24 times its unfinished
oh nice. catbox? I could learn how to clean up my gen using this as a basis

actually not a delf this time around, but it's close to her design (I have a type I see)
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dunno why you need it but here
its a hot fucking mess tho
I was going to say, there's no way USA and namespace gave this output but then I see wlop. That must be a really strong lora or at least works better with this model

I forget if they're pony or just XL loras. Probably the former though with theses results
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>there's no way USA and namespace gave this well i didnt know the exact prompt you were using. and it wasnt a lora, the artist styles are built-in.I was only using the one for sloppy soft look
didn't expect to see them lewded. I remember right was super cute
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whoops guess I shouldnt've spent the whole night proompting away
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It's female? If yes, its gonna be lewded
If no, its gonna also be lewded.

If it exists (or not) its gonna be lewded.
The prompt was pretty close all things considered. When you mix just USA and namespace, you get this: https://files.catbox.moe/45jqyf.png
I don't think those artist tags need to be there or they're not trigger properly in noobai without a lora
could also be the asanagi coming in too. But still nice
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That body looks gross. Do you really masturbate to gross bodies like that?
You do not? I'll masturbate to just about anything at this point, anon. In fact, I'm beating one off to your post right now.
Anon, do dark nipples and piercing scare you?
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Her boobs grew too fast, anon, her shirts are not keeping up.
Who is that?
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She's 1girl, dark skin, black hair, twin drills.
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Sometimes you just need to play with the light source.
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>watermark slop
yeah nah
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they already autistically screech at highlighter-kun
so yes, do it
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I have always critiqued /vtai/baker since ever for his very questionable taste sometimes such as, old 1.5 atrocious slop or selecting way too many similar gens for highlights (sometimes even putting 2 times the same fucking gen but on a different collage)
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>Horrible image
Yeah, about that "slop" you talk about...
NTA, but it's probably more the greenish half-decomposed skin tone.
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Fully detail your thoughts my friend, it's the best way to communicate
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Can I get more "classy" ladies?
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sexy child...!
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classy, slutty or both?
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I mean slutty in a vulgar way, but yours is cute.
How's this for classy?
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>But MOM, I'm talking with my friend!
>Go and get those groceries right now, missy!
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>It will take a while until she gets back, do you want some juice, or perhaps, some hot milk?
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I know you all are focused on the illustrious cunny capabilities, but I think you are missing out on the painterly capabilities, too.
Requesting panties added.
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The depth of illustrious capabilities are boundless.
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what child? I only see some plants
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my mistake
here's an adult shopkeeper
A catwoma is fine too.
(Trying to emulate Capcom's late 90's illustration style.)
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This is cute.
None. I've been reimagining classic goddesses from various mythologies in a modern setting and posting them here sporadically as collages.
Who is that?
I suppose that Felicia's fur patches can screw even with the best AI currently available, eh.
Hey, now that's nice and different. Congrats, sincerely.
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>sometimes even putting 2 times the same fucking gen but on a different collage
That was a mistake. Closed the first set before finishing the second one and that was what I got. There was also the time I put in by mistake an edited image instead of using the one directly from the thread. Old 1.5 "atrocious" slop is still good tho.
The Illustrious autist is harrasing you now?
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can I have this without the tan lines please
Looks as if you were posting ugly pics just out of spite.
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can't believe it was done so quickly. thank you.
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She's really cute anon
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Bigger resolution: https://files.catbox.moe/x3s1si.png
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Bigger resolution: https://files.catbox.moe/1fxn1z.png
Don't lose your VAE~
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those look decent once the pointless abs are removed
box pls she's cute
You're a cool dude, Anon.
eh, I prefer the original, but whatever floats your boat, man.
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No. Just pointing out how silly that mistake of repeating a gen in the highlight was on my side.
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I've been switching between 4th tail and Illustrious. 4th tail still has the better style, but Illustrious is a step-up in terms of prompt understanding and quality.
It's nice that it's gaining traction for lora creators too as I don't think my 3060 would be able to run a higher-tier model like cascade with the upscaling I use.
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Should I flood the remaining 8 images?
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Go for it.
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There, you can do the honors, see you on the other side.

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