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Previous Thread: >>2905578

ENF=Embarrassed Nude Female(s)
EUF=Embarrassed Undressed Female(s)

An ongoing thread for ENF themed images, stories, or videos.

Previous threads archive:
https://archive.palanq.win/e/search/subject/ENF (All known threads are available, but after thread #106 most if not all images don't work.)
https://archived.moe/e/search/text/embarrassed/type/op/ (Goes back to thread #29. Thumbnails work, but full images relied on Nyafuu and thus do not work.)

Story Listing:

ENF Anime, Manga, Games, and MMD Videos:
(Due to the lack of upkeep on the docs, they are an enormous mess. Change it to "Viewing" mode instead of "Suggesting" if you want to be able to see them.)

If you know any other noteworthy ENF Anime, Manga, Games, and Videos, then add them to the docs. Changes have to be approved but anyone can add things to them. On the same token, make sure to check the docs for certain games before advertising them in the thread. If they are in the docs chances are they are already known.

As usual, any and all content is welcome.
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This one is part of a large sequence. The two girls get into a water hose fight before the black haired girl feigns a truce to do pic related.
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The brown haired girls does this in retaliation.
Finally finished that P5 story I posted a pol for a few threads back. Here is the link for anyone interested. I always like to get feedback on the things I make.


Thinking about making another video next unless I get strong inspiration for a story. Ideas or suggestions for either are always welcome!
A new illustration by Kusujinn featuring Komi-san as a nude art model.
As an artist myself I can't get off to nude models... It's like getting off to plaster construct
I will give your story a read later, thanks for sharing.
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Topless alt
What was that series that ends with the girl accidentally streaming herself naked and getting her account banned?
I've noticed a lot of ENF and other naked anime girls has moved towards "realistic" body proportions lately.

Maybe I'm an old fuddy duddy, but I miss the pencil thin wastes and the gravity defying perfect orb tits of yesteryear.
Oddly, it's harder to draw a good looking cartoon anatomy than just reference one of photos from internet.
InksGirls' Streamer series.
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I've read many novel with "naked in public" plot and found many of them author immediately made a girl(s) naked within the first 2-3 paragraph with some kind of set up and the rest 90% of story is a girl spends her life naked until the end. I find this kind of development a bit boring.

IMO, It is a lot more interesting when a girl progressively lose clothes/get stripped off her clothes through out the story, getting more and more embarrassed as her underwear and body are revealed, and only become fully naked (or almost naked) near the very end.
No, it's manga.
I've noticed there seem to be two major schools of thought within ENF fiction. There are those like you, who are primarily fascinated by the stripping process, and those like myself, who care more about keeping the girl naked. This is ultimately a matter of personal preference and you have no obligation to enjoy the same things I do, but in case anyone's curious, I'll explain what I like about prolonged nudity, since I saw comments in the last thread that appeared ignorant about it.

First, with the girl fully nude, you might think maximum embarrassment has been achieved, but then you'd be wrong. A possible next step, if it didn't already happen before or concurrently to her stripping, is for her to receive the devastating news that she will no longer get to wear anything. A few ways to achieve this are blackmail, contracts, curses, laws, and medical conditions. What makes this hot isn't for us to actually see every moment of her naked life, but rather her dawning horror that, from now on, everyone she meets will see her naked, and there's nothing she can do to prevent it. She might consider staying inside indefinitely, but end up caving to threats of expulsion from school or firing from work. She could try to fight her way out of this, but if so she should fail or take an agonizingly long time to prevail.

Additionally, the prospect of being stuck naked has absurdly embarrassing implications on her daily life. In the hands of the right author, it's basically an infinite shame glitch. They should start small with simply going outside, and then escalate to things like riding public transportation, attending school or work, confessing to her crush, competing in a tournament, giving an oral presentation, and getting interviewed by a TV crew (without censorship, of course). It's important that the author keeps throwing her into a variety of distressing social situations, or else she gets used to it and the story devolves into mind-numbing exhibitionist slop.
One major issue I see with a lot of progressive clothing loss stories is that they have a tendency to end as soon as she's completely naked. Maybe you can have one good 'scene' where she's exposed, but beyond that it's hardly more substantial than the typical anime ENF scene where a girl is walked in on changing, the MC goes "UUUWWWOOO" and then the camera pans to the sky.

I agree that the best long-term nudity stories are the ones where the nudity isn't the entire focus - just the premise for the first chapter. Sometimes this is done poorly and the author is just writing a boring SoL drama where one character is naked. But when it's done well, it's about the implications of her nudity on other social aspects of her life.
Like if she's on the softball team, but can't wear the uniform. Rather than cutting part of the roster for this technicality, they make the rest of the team play naked so they 'match'. After one game of playing in the nude (and predictably getting destroyed because the team was too embarrassed to focus), they start to bully the ENF to convince her to quit of her own volition so they can wear clothes to practice again.
Sometimes the best chapter of a permanude story is actually the one after she gets her clothes back. Trying to adjust to her old life only to realize that people still treat her differently, people know exactly what she looks like naked, and that she's still going to be known as 'that exhibitionist chick' until she moves away.

I've seen people say that permanudity would eventually be treated as 'normal', but I don't think that's the case. It's kind of weird, but if you think of her long-term nudity as a 'disability' it makes the story come more naturally. Imagine the girls of Katawa Shoujo: Clearly they're much more than just their disabilities, but that's only how the other students at Yamaku Academy see their peers. When they're out in public, people stare a bit or make far too active of an effort not to stare.
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Yeah, that's it

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