>Images and videoshttps://pastebin.com/EjQciwYU>DOA XVV guidehttps://pastebin.com/X0ZBwHyB>DOA XVV Mod Managerhttps://www.loverslab.com/topic/144105-venus-vacation-mod-manager-v14-mod-maker-v07/>DOA5 LR + Beach Paradise guidehttps://pastebin.com/xHrgQi6p>Beach Paradise mod official linkshttps://twitter.com/holden_mcclurehttps://mega.nz/#F!NFhG2bpJ!yZyIiHvuiHcgn1knT9p6lw>Anon's Beach Paradise 6.0+ general guide (now included in BP Repack)https://i.imgur.com/302w0FF.jpg>Previous thread: >>2924742
>>2933805RED ALERT. HONOKA TC COMING. LFGhttps://x.com/doax_vv_staff/status/1882703126911914374
>>2933817took them long enough to make her TC contents. i was so sure she's be next after Marie.
Livestream on the 28th for more information. Same illustrator as Marie's TC suit.Teaser[https://youtu.be/XED2gw8t4AI]Livestream [https://www.youtube.com/live/NQZnv8NC3lo]
Is Honoka really that popular just because her tits are huge?
>>2933855Huge tits, shortstack and kinda dumb.She's only 3cm taller than Marie Rose but has the largest bust size of the entire roster.
Any lewds available for the switch version? It runs pretty well upscaled on the emulator
I love my moe bunny wife
I'm never actually going to play Ninja Gaiden enough to unlock any costumes. The costumes all seem to come from 2 Sigma so Ryu has 4 and the girls each get 3.
I was using Xbox game streaming so there's going to be a bit of a blurry Vaseline smear on everything.
>>2933933>covering Momiji's pits
They made Momiji smaller too
I still prefer XVV Miji and Ayane tho
>>2934029Licking Momiji's pits!
Kasumi from Ninja Gaiden 2 Black?
>>2933931>>2933933>>2933937faces look off
>>2934133>>2934029Rape Momiji!
Am I missing something about how matches work or is it really just a coinflip if you get to roll tec or pow? I swear it's just pure RNG
>>2934329It's a coinflip that you can influence with swimsuit skills and the simple tactics menu. That's really all there is to it.
>>2934330Which suit skills influence it?
>>2934329You can set up a strategy before the match starts, but the girls following it is RNG. There are suit skills that increase the chance of a girl being an attacker/receiver that help (but rng will still say fuck you sometimes and make you lose 0-8). I need to update this with the 2~3 newer suits that fit, but you get the idea:
>>2934332I have Nanami and Momiji but no PP13/14 skills so I still lose.
>>2934331There are skills called Angel Spike and Fairy Feint iirc that you can get on bromides which increase the chance of the girl spiking/tecing when ordered to.
>>2934333You'll get them eventually. You could always work on the 8PP(7PP polished) +15% skills if you have no choice. The extra 5PP space could be filled with maxed 2+3 PP skills off the Venus Board to get to +10%, but it's kind of a waste for that extra 1%. I'm still waiting on another 13PP POW skill, but in the meantime sitting comfortably:
>>2934346I just want to hump Nanami
I'm sad that I can't take pictures in VV anymore.
>>2934352Just use the base mod to hide the UI and take a screenshot.
>>2934353VV isn't saving the photos I take. I've tried everything (reinstalling, changing installation folders etc) without much success. On a rare instance it does save it, I have no idea why.>>2934354Ironically I've tried reshade's screenshot function and it doesn't work either. It just gives me "Internal error: the format may not be supported or the drive is full". Even if I have over 200gbs of space.
>>2934357Maybe it saves it on a different folder.Otherwise try using Steam's F12 key
>>2934359>Maybe it saves it on a different folder.Not a new player and I've taken shots before. I haven't meddled with the default image folder the game sets up.Side note, you can see my past shots here [https://mega.nz/folder/TPQyHZRS#FVzF1fHKQXYd9IM9-eXZHg]>Otherwise try using Steam's F12 keyI'm playing on DMM.
>>2934357>reshade's screenshot functionJust use what is built into your video card software/OS. You should be able to set up a hotkey for it if it works.
>>2934332Is Ayane's relaxing knit good?
>>293436545% chance to activate the TEC boost is more of a gamble.
>>2934362Using Nvidia's screenshot mode works but its about 10mb per shot. What settings do I need to adjust to make it a reasonable size?
>>2934380Not them but you could always do a batch conversion with a program afterwards. Something like Honeyview which is what I use to post my reshade shots on this board.
Gyaru with the last free 10-pull!
>>2934381Ugh, its just more steps to take pictures.
>>2934380Try digging through the control panel settings, there might be a "compress screenshots" or "save screenshots as JPG" option somewhere.
>>2934391It's not TOO bad at least. Can just select multiple and then right click in windows explorer to convert. Then easily delete the already selected PNG files afterwards.
Not going to burn an image to show it but once you get to the fork that branches off to the Lei/Rira outfit on the venus board, it costs 136500 in memory points to reach. That's 1379 SSS+ final matches with trendy, which will take a full month to run if you only use daily skip tickets including the monthly pass.>Then how did you get there?Getting your girl blackout drunk on martinis.>>2934329There are two SR swimsuits that increase chance of doing a spike/feint strategy by 10% as mentioned here >>2934334 But you basically can only get them when you get a brand new girl or as a random chance while rolling their birthday gacha - since it includes all of their SRs.Dolche consolation bromides increase their chance of being the attacker. I thought one year also did spike/feint but I don't remember which. Note that trying to figure this out reminded me how much bromides are trash ass to deal with.>>2934332The cocktail dresses increase their chance of attacking who you chose, which carries over to to an ability when awoken. But that means whaling for the dresses.>>2934352>>2934357Make sure a windows update didn't cock up your pictures folder. Especially the permissions or some wack-ass one-drive link. Archive/move all of your old pictures somewhere else.
>>2934404>windows update didn't cock up your pictures folder.Seems likely.>Archive/move all of your old pictures somewhere else.I have it all in the Mega I posted earlier. Check >>2934360 .
So turning off controlled folder access seems to do the trick. I can take pictures again (for now, at least).
Thanks for everyanon who tried to help me troubleshoot.
>>2934392>>2934391Nut inside Leifang>>2934359>>2934353Nut inside Momiji
I unwittingly REDEEMed for Elise instead of Hitomi...the Neon suit looked best on her desu.
How come that there's a second Momiji long hair and nobody told me?
>>2934475>How come that there's a second Momiji long hair and nobody told me?Is there a difference?
>>2934475What's even the difference?
>>2934475post front/front, sides and then back
Her back of her head now has locks of hair of a different colour
Can't be seen here because of the light
>>2934483>>2934484which one is long or second long hairdo?
Here's more noticeableForgot to mention that left is the new one
Didn't knew that shrine maidens were allowed to tint their hairAlthough this shrine maiden gets dressed like this tho
>>2934488so long 2 has the whore hair dye?
>>2934488>>2934486>>2934484>>2934483Hair down DOAs are the best and improves every girl 1000000%Kasumi, Momiji, Kokoro, Helena, Leifang, Nyotengu, Hitomi, Koharu, Nanami, Elise
Kasumi (6), Miji (5), Marie (5) and Hitomi (5) have the most ammount of hairstyles in the game
One would think that they would have fixed the ear bug clipping if they'd release a "new" hairstyle, but they're lazy fucks
Breed Miji btw
So, Honoka will also have her TC
I'd imagine that Yukino would be an expansive escort.
Breed the gyaru
Was thinking of taking some Luna photos.Any idea what skin this one is? Maroskin maybe?I really like the way the areola look. Could be a smidge larger, but good nonetheless.
What are the gold polishing cloths used for?
>>2934606They lower the cost of P-skills by 1 (have to be 8 cost or above).If min-maxing you want to lower a 13PP and 8PP skill to 12 and 7 to fit into a 19 space SSR accessory to get +27% and +15% boost on it. And a 12PP+8PP to fit in the 18 space SSR accessory.See:>>2934346
>>2934625So they're for the 13PP ones then? I don't have any of those yet so the option to use the gold ones never pops up
>>293462612/13PP and up, yeah.
>>2934625Where do you even get a 8pp potential from? I know 13,12, 5 and 4 but 8 where? Thanks.
>>2934634You get them from fully awakening the default/standard SR suits for a girl you get in any gacha (the ones that troll you by playing the first shower animation).
https://automaton-media.com/en/news/koei-tecmo-plans-to-go-from-2500-to-5000-employees-and-lean-further-into-aaa-games-lowering-expectations-of-mobile-market/They just killed the Atelier mobile game. I wonder how much the VV English version is making them?
>Dead or Alive is De-ACK
>>2934703I just got qt Patty and I'm disappointed that she isn't in prism
>>2934704>PattyEven if they make DLC (which they already said they won't) she'll be on the bottom tier on the listAll of the OG fighting girls and the more popular OCs will get in before herShe'll probably be last along with other unpopular girls like Luna, Monica, Kanna, Sayuri, Koharu
>>2934705Asians truly have shit taste
>>2934705>best OC is unpopular Reeeeeee
>>2934706>>2934713Data don't lie, even "mid" Meg was hitting constant #2s and #1sNot Nanami, Amy, Yukino or Reika tier but a solid B+ like Elise and Fiona did back in the day
I love Patty, Rachel, Mila and Kanna, why are these girls so unpopular?
Delicious tanned Oni
>>2934777Thank you very much for Kanna postingShe's my favorite, and every picture of her is a blessing
Reminder that TC stream (>>2933850) will start in 25 minutes.
>>2934895>let's give Honk Meg's costume
>>2934895THe new hair is making me diamonds
>>2934896You're right. Honk shouldn't be wearing clothes.
is she fully voiced like kokoro?
Call me when it's Momiji TC
>>2934907SEX SEX SEX
New Marie figure:
>>2934913>another Marie figure
Planned Nyotengu figure:
>>2934915Is Apex Toys good?
>>2934907Her honkers look delicious in this shot
>>2934918Apex does most of the hoyo gacha figs, they are pretty big.
>>2934904Saving money for this
>>2934913Another one? Looks like the previous one sold very well>>2934915NoiceHopefully that figure has more moles
>>2934915they better make Nanami figurine.
>>2935018Get yourself a 3d resin printer and create one
>>2935020Big Momiji
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9XnxImUTEXUWhat a nice song
>>2935186Nut inside Momiji
>>2935190Licking Momiji's pits!
>>2935194But she's all sweaty
>>2935212Licking Momiji's pits!
>>2935276>>2935275>>2935274>>2935273>>2935272>>2935271must breed gyaru
It's Helena's birthday![https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lWft0YTiHQw]
>>2935304Cabaret hostess works best on hag DOAs instead of JK DOAs and regular DOAs
>>2935305But those are the two most often types you'd find at hostess bars. Young girls, fresh out of school that want to make a substantial amount of cash quickly, and hags who are only good at sweet talking men.
looks like every nip rolled for tc honoka, won't be surprised if she eclipsed misakithe scroll is so deep you'd think it was nanami's birthdaydefinitely sex tiermarie, nagisa and kokoro on a tier below
>>2935332>>2935349Should be in Prism
>>2935429Should be in my bed
>>2935441Already in my bed
>>2935441Licking Amy's pits!
Missed out on Meg's debut suit, but got a new bun with red tickets so I can save the 25k stones from this part of the event for Meg's next appearance (second half or Valentine's nightmare banners).
>>2935304is it true Helena fucks little boys?
>>2934504Best girl>>2934895>>2934903>>2934907Logged into Twitter and my feed is nothing but honoka pics I fucking love it. I've been beating my dick for 10 minutes and already saw hundreds of pics its fucking great
>>2935016I fucking love fapping to doa
>>2935449Licking Amy's pits!
newfag herei've always liked honoka so i felt the impulse to startwhy are there two VVs on DMM?
>>2935597Drink Honoka milk
>>2935597There's a web browser version and a PC desktop version on DMM, so it could be that.
>>2935605both of them had the option for dl or browser, so i don't know what the difference actually wasjust went with whihc everi actually had to do sometrouble shooting, got the same error message a bunch of times. turns out all i had to do was log out and then login again, lmao.anyway, glad i can actually meet honkers properly now
>>2935608>>2935597Having a pc capable of 4k is really worth, or at least, worth for taking good pics
What's the best use of my gold chips besides the 5 pens?
>>2935917SSR ticketVIP coinsSSR ticket > black pens > VIP coinsThe SSR ticket is 10 VIP coins or if you exchange 2 for the STM dresses they're useful for rock climbing
>>2935921The dresses are very useful since if you max them out you get a PP13 STM skill
>>2935922That does sound more important to prioritize than the default SSR suits. I'll be saving those tickets to exchange from now on.
i was expecting pics of honkers in her new outfit. anyone have any?
>>2935924DMM rolled for TC Honkers, probably the most popular one even eclipsing MisakiWhen you scroll down on X it takes a while to get to an hour since everyone is spamming TC Honkers screenshots and picsHonkers > Misaki > Kokoro > Nagisa > Marie Rose > Luna > FionaHelena's birthday got buried and she's already one of the least popular girls
>>2935924X is filled with them.Sorry, but I'm so goddamn busy that I can't post much
Honk Honk
question about the upcoming prism gamehow do i play it in the states? I see a bunch of conflicting information about physical keys being region-locked and needing vpns to play, or needing someone to gift it to you from places its open to purchase
>>2936254What we do know is>that the game is region locked>meaning you can't buy it on PC outside of the supported regions without work-arounds>we also know that the DMM version is JP language only, so you can't ignore Steam if you want to play in english>apparently the game can be gifted by someone in the appropriate region to accounts in other regionsWhat we don't know>we don't know if keys from key sellers will be region locked>we don't know the consequences of using a VPN on Steam to buy the gameI assume there's an english console version made for SEA just like X3. If so then that would be the simplest way to play this game in english aside from just pirating it. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.
Why is Miji so big?
>>2936275Nut inside Momiji
>>2936284if you're sebset (or copied it from his x) the menu button kills your screenshot all the time but at least you're vanilla and post miji, unlike the other dregs and some japs who uses filters and shit while also not posting miji
>>2936287I'm just lazy
I love them both
>>2936299I wish more people took screenshots using preg mods even if they look kinda janky
>>2936303I usually don't like preg mods but when it's Momiji, I feel as something instinctive awakens inside me
>>2936305Chibi SEXO
>>2936344Off model booba
Is the Valentine banner going to be on the 3rd or the 10th this year?
>>2936562I'm going to bet the 10th. They tend to do it the reset before the 14th even if that means going live on like the 9th.
>>2936516Didn't knew that artist made nudes
>>2936641They recently started a fanbox. That Nagisa pic was a freebie. Dunno what is behind some of those other DOAXVV posts. They look tame enough and not nudes unless they did some clothed/unclothed variant.
>>2936667Nut inside Amy
>>2936748God tier tanlines and tummy if I'm being honest.
>>2937043Miji herself is godtier
>>2937052She low diffs basically the entire roster for sure
>>2936310i love her tits>>2936343i fucking love fapping to doa>>2936344so fucking hot>>2936418nyo is hot as fuck i love that bird
>>2936419>>2936420>>2936421i wanna fuck those tits so fucking bad>>2936634sexy
>>2936636yukino fuck yess i love that gyaru>>2936667i love jacking off to doa so muchi wish there were more pics here of honokas new outfit :/
Meg's birthday![https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jxy1saIUsNM]
>>2937292Marie too big Honkers too small
>>2936258That about sums it up. I don't know why they have to be so tip toed for this, they're not selling actual porn.
>>2936258I also tried the same VPN method I used to get VV on my Steam account, it doesn't seem to work and I can't view the page to pre-order. I don't know if there is something I'm missing but it seems to me not even the VPN method works for pre-ordering.
Impregnation sex with Honoka
>>2937457Did you guys get chocolates from your waifu this valentines?
>>2937460They were more asking about global exclusive events. Reika had three straight events so a lot of it was about asking if we thought it was a good event.
>>2936254>>2936258>>2937371Just fyi i did this in november and havent been banned or anoything
>>2937457Got my Patty wife>>2937460I told them I hate the PvP Rival & Arena battles
>>2937466Yeah I did that too. Doing 5 arena battles everyday has been the worst part of vv as of late
Got Patty and Tamaki with like 15k hearts feels good>>2937460I had no idea what half the stuff they were talking about even was, kinda awkward
So what notable events are coming between now and anniversary?>Free Reika>Paid Meg(might be anniversary)>Nagisa TC
>>2937500The ugly Valentines suit (Nanami, etc)Raise the Sail filler (Yukino, Kohorny, Elise)Thief banner (everyone else)Moomoo banner (Momiji, etc)Shizuku's third paypig suit (includes rock climbing on the 2nd week)Reika will go free around March/April but will debut with a trash outfitMeg won't show up on Steam until June/July
I'm tempted to pull on that nostalgia valentines suit.The suit that's just ribbons. I don't think it's available as a CC mod? And it's a 3.3% too.
>>2937599god imagine
>>2937463That doesn't look like a good method either and it will likely get you the Japanese version not the Asia region version.
https://www.gamecity.ne.jp/form/doaxvv_enquete_2025_enGlobal survey
>>2937650Licking Ayane and Honoka's pits!
>>2937650I wish they let me give opinions about Prism.
>>2934037Seem okay to me, I think they wanted to go for a mix between realistic and idealized. They'd probably look like this in Prism if they were in it. I think we're just too used to the renditions we've seen for over 10 years now since DOA5 first launched.
>>2937659Its a survey for VV (more specifically, the global/Steam version), not for Prism though.
Packages from Hong Kong and China were suspended. Hopefully you weren't expecting to play DOA Prism at launch.
>>2937742>Packages from Hong Kong and China were suspended. Hopefully you weren't expecting to play DOA Prism at launch.Why?
>>2937760USPS suspended incoming international parcels from China and Hong Kong because Trump signed an EO that terminated the de minimis exemption.Trump might be the reason some of y'all can't get Prism.
>>2937796>USPS suspended incoming international parcels from China and Hong Kong because Trump signed an EO that terminated the de minimis exemption.Not my problem
>>2937797Won't be mine either. Heck, I don't even need a VPN to buy Prism on Steam.
>>2937798Can you still even buy the Collector's Edition? I wager at this point even Play-Asia will start cancelling orders and refunding people.
>>2937799>Can you still even buy the Collector's Edition?Technically I can still pre-order it from Play-Asia.>I wager at this point even Play-Asia will start cancelling orders and refunding people.Some risk adverse americans might cancel their orders, others might wait around to see if the situation changes.Not american, so not really a problem for me either way.
>>2937810Not a burger, I'm from SEAI haven't ordered yet
Why am I always getting such shitty guests? They're actively trying to hinder my event progress aren't they?
>>2937818The guests are pulled from the remaining playerbase, if they're shit that means the only remaining players are dogshit.I remember in a Penis Vacation thread last December where everyone posted their friend codes. I didn't post mine but I have encountered KasumiAnon, SebSet and Sckarton multiple times already.
Predictions for the release order for the next few TC events. I think Tamaki will probably be next. Tamaki > Kasumi/Ayane > Nanami > Elise
>>2937647Japanese store page says it has english subs. So probably not. Ill let people know when it comes out
>>2937853>Nanami TCfeaturing Lazyprocrastinator, HydraFXX
>>2937853It'll be the rest of the Prism girls. They got the VAs in to record a ton of lines.
Amy should have totally been in Prism
>>2937929>a ton of linesProbably just 30 minutes total for each girl.
>>2937935Man, this guy does some very cute NSFW pics
I like girls a lot
>>2937932looking from the past reika livestream poll the ogs did fairly well compared to most oc girls, they specifically pointed out that helena and tina were at the near bottom and there's a wide gap after tsukushinanami > misaki > marie rose > amy > yukino > kasumi > honoka > tamaki > nagisa > kokoro then the next tier starts with ayane > elise > momiji > shandy > luna > nyotengu > fiona > leifang > hitomi > tsukushi > lobeliait ends with sayuri > koharu > helena > kanna > monica > tina > pattyno reika, shizuku or meg
>>2937942>no reika, shizuku or megWere they even included in the poll?
>>2937942>Kanna straight up bottom tierWhy do they have such abysmal taste
>>2937945huhReika would have gone quite high tho
>>2937949if she were included she'll most likely kick out one of the top 10 girls since dmm sales don't lieregardless of steam/dmm i keep seeing nanami/reika combos, only nanami/misaki are much more commonshizuku will be a bottom dweller and meg will probably slide in the mid-bottom
>>2937947They want the hostess club girlfriend experience I guess
>>2937947>ugly compared to the other Venuses>pancake>brat>literally a Nyotengu clone in a game that already features herNo one rolls for her, every player avoids the gacha where she's in.They tried to shill Koharu and the Japs just find her too boring.
>>2937942>Sayuri and Koharu at the bottomShit taste. Looks like jap doesn't like traditional jap women and/or ara~ara women.Also, I can see why they don't like Monica (because she's too proactive and a foreign + cheating in the casino) but goddamn only gentlemen with good taste like her
>hire Saber to do a job not related to Fate/Shit>have her record new voicelines>don't add her to Prism
She sounds more lively. Most probably because of her TC
Lord have mercy.
>>2938150This means Steam will get Moomoo banner after this Valentines
>>2938155>JPs don't like thisThe absolute travesty
>>2938161More blonde bunnies for me
>>2938162Until they don't show up in the next game you mean
>>2938163Helena sneaked in before Leifang which made Nips neuroticWestoids screeched for Tina but didn't really roll for her enough and Japs didn't care for her debut
>>2938155Who made this?
>>2938165>find the artist(radianteld)>blacked shitFucking revolting
>>2938150Got blueberry and nip tradwife in 2 10x rolls. My luck is gonna suck on the Valentine's banner.
>>2938150NoiceShame I'm literally broke
>If you poke Ayane's belly sometimes she laughs although if do it too much she gets angryFucking cute
Hearing the girls wishing me a happy birthday makes me want to have a DoA gf so bad...
>>2938217high cuts are truly the bestAlso happy birthday I guess.
>>2938219>high cuts are truly the bestIndeed. Even more hot the tanlines they leave behindalso, thanks I guess
>>2938220Nut inside Momiji
>>2938220Is that from her SR suit without the skirt? How does one get it?
>>2938224I don't know which outfit that guy used to get those tanlinesMust be an old SSR or SR suit that I don't have
>>2938227Damn, cucked once again.
I've been testing the google voice translator on the homescreen, and looks like it works quite damn nice
>>2938238What are they saying?
>>2938243The one marked in red is from Monkers when you touch her hands. Obviously it needs some work and some adaptations but I'm surprised how well it works. This is all with MomijiI don't know if it'll work with Yukino, who uses a lot of gyaru slangs
>>2938249>Please stop.
>>2938249Such a shame they didn't bother subbing non episodesI'm truly a second class citizen
Momiji! Momiji! Momiji!
>>2938316I didn't get Momiji :(
>>2938319You'll get her next time, anon!
Show your highest levels characters. How many girls have you gotten over lvl 80. For me just 4
Anywhere I can preview hairstyles?
>>2938324haven't got anyone past 80 yet. this team cruises sss+ matches though
>>29381783dloveandpeace does the same shit, nasty>>2938163if they reboot the fighting franchise then Tina and Helena are definitely making it in
>>2937942>Sayuri that lowThat's a crime.
>>2938316Damn lucky>>2938319Me neither :(And since this is a global-only suit I really need to get it
>>2938446Nut inside Momiji
>>2938333In the shop they have icons with miniatures in them
>>2938448Nut inside Momiji
>>2938448>>2938446I will use Miji pics to make art for my fight stick
>>2938450Be careful on where will the stick come out tho
>>2938446>And since this is a global-only suitThe Valentine's suit? Its the same one JP got last year.
>>2937942>my favourite OCs are Patty, Monica, and TsukushiJaps have shit taste wtf
>>2938451Momiji needs more videos
>>2938455There'll never be enough.But what we need the most is XVV Momiji version videos