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/e/ - Ecchi

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>>2935886 → hit the image limit

/edg/ is the home of 1girl posting. Here, we share AI-generated pics of sexy anime girls and discuss latest advancements in 1girl-related technology.
Remember to keep it /e/, as per board rules. If unsure about what you can or cannot post here, consult the sticky thread.

> FAQ (check here first)
https://rentry.org/edg-faq#general | https://rentry.org/edg-faq#technical

> Local UIs
WebUI Forge, an A1111 fork optimized for SDXL (faster genning speed on low-mid vram gpus): https://github.com/lllyasviel/stable-diffusion-webui-forge
ComfyUI: https://github.com/comfyanonymous/ComfyUI | https://github.com/shiimizu/ComfyUI_smZNodes

> Resources and guides
Useful links: https://rentry.org/sdg-link | https://rentry.org/rentrysd | https://rentry.org/sd-mashup
A1111 Wiki: https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/
Tags: https://danbooru.donmai.us/wiki_pages/tag_groups
Upscalers: https://openmodeldb.info
LoRa training: https://rentry.org/lora_train | https://rentry.org/59xed3 | https://civitai.com/articles?tags=128645
Git-wiki of the technical Stable Diffusion papers: https://codeberg.org/tekakutli/neuralnomicon
Animation: https://rentry.org/AnimAnon | https://rentry.org/AnimAnon-Deforum | https://rentry.org/AnimAnon-AnimDiff

> LoRA downloads
https://rentry.org/ponyxl_loras_n_stuff | https://rentry.org/ponyxl_lora_previews

> OP template

> /edg/ logo
OP: https://files.catbox.moe/uc2ntj.png | Anchor: https://files.catbox.moe/bx1lo2.png (more color schemes in the FAQ Rentry)

> Related generals
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Previous Thread Highlights
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you can't just sit around making naked girls all day
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>>2936769 →
>>2936774 →
Thanks, Anons. Works ok if they're just standing next to each other, but I'm getting bad results if the composition has them overlapping. Maybe it would work with a controlnet doodle though.
I don't know how to do anything else.
Shame the last thread reached its limit so fast. Hello new thread.
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Sorry bout that, I dumped a small series at the end there.
There's a good way to do it with Regional Prompter. Using Attention Mode with Common Prompt checked can net you some good results even when overlapping. Still a bit of a gamble and you gotta know how to prompt it well. But it helps a lot.
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to be honest with you, I find nudity boring. I love clothes on my girls, none of that skin-tight bullshit either by the way.

nothing turns me on more than a lifted top, an open shirt, pulled-down cleavage on a dress.
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I agree, even if it's something as simple as keeping the shoes & socks on.
Saya Endô working in her coffee shop wearing only an apron
Don't worry. Tho do consider using catbox for dumps from time to time.
Depends on the mood. There is something to be said about...more is less? I dunno if that's the correct term but it fits I think.
litter.catbox.moe been down for two weeks now.
Why would I use litter?
I mostly do SFW stuff but I am also a healthy male.
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Requesting Isane Kotetsu naked while she is working at a Cinnabon
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Skinny dipping is cool
...you really just gonna repost one of my gens from last thread with no changes or anything useful to add to the conversation?
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Regional prompter + improving your promptfu to not mess out in overlaping parts.

To give a dumb example lets say you want the police to touch the girl and have gloves, but don't want the restrained girl to wear gloves, you should compose the image in a manner where the restrained girls doesn't show her hands.

Or give up on giving her gloves. OR inpaint them later. Ai is still AI sometimes there is so much you can do in one go without impainting
This looks like you either generated in too high base resolution, or used latent couple mode instead of attention. I rarely see anatomical errors with regional prompt, only sometimes it makes one (healthy) girl instead of two.

Controlnet would also help though, separate them youself and then assign prompts to them. But it seems overkill to me.
How sad. If you're gonna repost have the common sense to not post at the source, fool. Unrelated Image
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Talking about giving up, wanted to put her inside a cell with thugs. But seemed impossible because the bars suck.

This was lot more easy to get. Sometimes you have to twirk your concept to fit the AI limitations.

Or keep genning for hours until you are lucky
fucking LOL, well done.
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Question from a relative noob. What are your favorite sampler/scheduler combinations? Which ones are the most different from each other? I've noticed some are sort of clones of each other and output virtually the same image, while others have more distinct results.

>>2936671 →
What model are you using? Everytime I do a cheerleader the pom pom is cutting the arm in half for some reason
Also glad to see you managed to get that artist mix up to date
See previews discussion
>>2936743 →
>>2936662 →
For me it's Euler Dy/AYS
>Which ones are the most different from each other?
Besides the broken ones like Fast and the weird ones like CFG+++? The Dys will produce much more truthful and pure backgrounds, the others tend to be grey as shit and relatively similar. Euler a is softer and the Karrases tend to be more fuzzy in my experience.
Scheduler? Eh too much to say, every is a bit different, I just preferred AYS in all my tests on different samplers on Noob.
Found the Guide I used to learn Regional Prompter. Its been updated for Forge Couple as well.
I like the commonality of lewdy clothing and situational nudity. Not a lot of fully nude women stand in the middle of roads smiling in my area kek
No I like it
Thank you for this, though the portrait doesn't as much highlight the diversity as would a prompt with "dynamic pose" or something, maybe a project I should take on

Yeah I like Euler. If you like soft I've also noticed ddpm is good too
I like to bet the water she was in grew her breasts
There is a workflow in the link >>2936919
or build your own XY plot with all samplers and scheduler. Prompt does modify thing but if you just slap 1grill, bacon and eggs. that's what you should get with background and arangements of the plate changing.
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Oh I see, I'll give it a shot, thanks. Have a couple more Nanas.
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>>2936780 →
Oh that's very neat. Before it was cozy now its cute - did you manually make this?
Damn, I want a box to the original if the dude's here.
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lora is here https://www.mediafire.com/folder/bbt89gssne9n3/Kyora_san
simple redraw overtop the extra wings on two duplicated layers and an extremely simple timeline in photoshop with .2s per frame with said two layers for frames.
Mucho neato style
Absolutely. Good clothing choices enhances the body and thus makes the girl look better
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I firmly believe that pajama bottoms and a tank top will always be hotter than lingerie, Tomboy or not. Not to say there isn't a time and place for it.

> In position, awaiting new orders
That artist works pretty okay without loras too.
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Requesting anything with Alex from Gangsta having some fun at the beach
That's one of things that doesn't translate into anime for me. In person, yeah that works but for anime girls it does nothing for me. To each their own as they say
Don't shoot. Our Allies may not like us killing one.
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Ah! Snake! You want to know what a Flying Object is? Well, let me tell you! A Flying Object is, at its core, an object that flies! That means it's an entity, a physical thing, that moves through the air, suspended above the ground, traveling through three-dimensional space using some form of lift or propulsion! That’s right—anything that moves above the surface of the Earth and is not just passively floating like, say, a balloon stuck in an updraft, can be classified as a Flying Object!
And here’s where things get even more interesting! Flying Objects can come in all shapes and sizes! They can be natural, like birds, insects, or even certain types of airborne seeds, like dandelions! Or they can be man-made, like fighter jets, helicopters, or even Metal Gear RAY! And let's not forget projectiles—arrows, missiles, even bullets! They all count!
But wait, Snake, there's more! Because Flying Objects aren’t limited to Earth's atmosphere! If something is moving through the airless void of space, we might call it a spacecraft, a satellite, or even a meteor, but technically, if it’s moving through a medium—any medium—it’s still flying! Even something like a hypersonic glide vehicle, which travels at the edge of space before re-entering the atmosphere, qualifies! So in a way, Flying Objects don’t just belong to the sky—they belong to the entire realm of movement beyond the surface!
Did you get all that, Snake?
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Requesting this (https://files.catbox.moe/9ljkr8.png) with Ann Takamaki (Persona).
Anime girls just don't have cute sag ass
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Fair enough. I'll drink to that.
What happened for this thread to move so fast now?
More people genning more images. Thankfully most of it is OC and pretty creative, so I'm not complaining.
you hating on their favorite anime characters bro? You got tired of miku?
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Anon your test results came back, and they say you're a massive faggot. I'm afraid we're going to need to take immediate and drastic action to correct this.
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>They took the bait, General!
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The Smugstaffel, it can't be...
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women are kinda gay
based but you're gonna get zapped
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Thanks for the advice, will try this latter. ComfyUI seems to have some problems with Attention, but I'll try and search a way around it.
what's the prompt for this one again? venomification, venom (marvel) (cosplay) ?
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what the fuck is an engard
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this is Engard, en Garde!
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coming right away!
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she is the equivalent to a french in whatever world they are, they speak weird
holy shit, that starfish hand. Brought to you by chatGPT
nta but i think you can just prompt venom's character tag and then female features, there are like a zillion images of random other characters wearing venom so it already knows how to draw it
Can someone do a goth girl in public wearing only sneakers and an unzipped black hoodie?
nice work! ty
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Enough leaf-lovers, gen some dwarven lasses!
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deep root disease
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You like it risky eh
this is nice for mixing
last time I checked shortstack are fine as long as they are not flat
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>tiktok reaction
>>2936868 (OP)
Awesome OP image
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I know of three ways to do it on Comfy, and they all suck in some way:
box is Load Attention Couple from https://github.com/laksjdjf/attention-couple-ComfyUI
This one was supposedly moved to https://github.com/laksjdjf/cgem156-ComfyUI but it won't even load for me. The old one works fine but is very sensitive about mask resolutions, each dimension has to be divisible by 32.

Regions Attention Mask from https://github.com/Acly/comfyui-tooling-nodes?tab=readme-ov-file#regions
This one fails to re-scale the mask if it's a different size than the latent, so if you want to upscale you have to do the whole spaghetti a second time.

AttentionCouplePPM from https://github.com/pamparamm/ComfyUI-ppm#attentioncoupleppm
this doesn't seem to work as it should and often leaks prompts all over the image.
that is a very imposing psuy.
it reminds me of some specific hentai from ages ago
guess angel blade, or viper
>angel blade
that had more dicks than pussies.

I miss old hentai anime. It was always fun to watch beside the porn, it was a blast

Fire Emblem Echoes girls beach album
Do you think it... risible, when I say the name...Biggus...Dickus...?
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>What model are you using?
Sorry looks like my generation data in my pictures was off this whole time, how embarrassing.

>Everytime I do a cheerleader the pom pom is cutting the arm in half for some reason
Odd I did quite a few and it worked quite well each time.

>Also glad to see you managed to get that artist mix up to date
Thanks! Took some playing around with but ultimately harada_takehito was the key. I'm glad as well definitely my favorite style I've done throughout all this image gen.
Now gen her fat, retarded older sister.
How much Ana charged for this photoshot and she is open to a private photo session?
Was meant to be vaporeon, but I haven't seen either in so long I just assumed she looks right.
Pwompt Bwian.
Oh, I thought it was Vaporeon seething at Dragonair.
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Has anyone gotten the Hunyuan video diffusion thing to work? I see lots of posts on Civitai advertising it but outside of that I can't find anything.
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>4.5m for 2s of 480p video on a 4090
oiiiiii vey
Maryjane from https://e-hentai.org/g/1303478/530ce30563/
just thought they looked kinda similar
>the more western the character the worse the base no artist style gets
Well yeah, they all carry a bit of style with them. Not even their original one, just what their fanart most commonly looks like.
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Was too late to this bit, but that original GIF is extremely cute and deserves attention.

>Meanwhile, across the border, on-duty Signals Troops officers are confused by what they're hearing.
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I didn't even have to prompt for the dumb look
Might just be my model being garbonzo honestly, thanks
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Which model are you running? Cyberfix does help a good bit in terms of anatomy in exchange for style.
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it's not /d/ if the tentacles don't touch
still literally /aco/ tho
I have no comment on that, but please keep this pussy way of indirect replying contained to /hdg/.
If you wanted to ban /aco/ from here you'd literally not have a general
>no comment on actual western capeshit being /aco/ or not
truly a hard and complicated topic
>indirect replying... bad!
the fuck does it matter. This isn't an /hdg/ thing. It's a slow thread thing.
It's about not wanting to give a retard posting garbage attention and that's really about it.
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Any tips to getting Noob/N40 to do actual text in speech bubbles or is that an impossibility?
>try to get an orc scene going with no artists to start
>it's legit just a mmd/wow 3d render
Oh hey, I made it into the highlights again. Neat.
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have a coupla of sloppas on me courtesy of the anon that game me the box for this neat style
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here, this one is more "anime themed" for you. Doing the split theme is very unpredictable.
Kitty politely asks everyone to refrain from making "wet pussy" jokes while she showers- that joke is older than her.
>still western capeshit
>lowres melted garbage
really pulling out all the stops
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Requesting Fubuki's bra removed.
>It's about not wanting to give a retard posting garbage attention and that's really about it.

Judging by the state of /hdg/ this makes retards double down on posting shit you are supposedly not "give attention" to. Which makes it retarded on itself.
and if they do it shows everyone else how much of a threadshitter they are.
it's not exactly a great look.
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is that AI generated?
not to shit on your gen, it's pretty good, but sometimes when look at stuff like this I get the "look at my hands, I'm not slop" feel.
just actually expand the the image bro...
You should have seen the body horrors I was getting before this one. I dare not post it.
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yesterday I was bored and horny so I gen'd duckness with the biggest rack I could give her.
Yeah it happens to me too, when I get horny I start cranking shit up until stuff breaks lol, even tho I try to make bottom heavy characters I tend to add a bit more booba each time lmao
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Anyone have any theme suggestions?
Top three characters that you love to gen.

Ranked by their outfit. 3rd place is casual wear/modest
2nd place showing lots of skin but no nudity
1st place (since you gen it most frequently) The absolute whore outfit you can make her wear.


What if Donkey Kong wore the Super Crown
>Super thought out suggestion
> Or the most random shit you can think of
Thanks anon, I'll do both. For the first one, I can assume I can add the "characters" I create too or does it need to be from an IP?
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Whatever you gen, ranked by how many times you aboused that character to gen and post.
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nta but here's DK with a Super Crown. Bon Appetit
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I thought we were having a military theme.
Spent a lot of time generating this pic >>2936941
just to get the bloody gun in frame, then I noticed there's a shit ton of variety for "bulletproof vest", how do you even achieve consistency with these things? they look volatile as hell.
Are we still doing military? I thought that bit died awhile ago. Though if we're gonna bring it back do the honors.
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I don't really have the energy for it, but I do like how this pic turned out, except for the botched helicopter.

I'm down for these though: >>2937092 but won't be able to gen until tomorrow, it's gonna be fun.
Very nice
This was a good exercise. Note to self, I need to put my girls in more outfits. I often stick with one outfit so I will experiment a bit more on my own time

For a supposedly clean Pokémon, she looks like a stinky girl
I'm glad you guys enjoying it.
Who Likes good ol' Samus Aran?
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oh do I
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Please either nude-edit or remake this pic of Vocaloid IA but with her fully nude.
Also, to cover my base. Here's my most genned girl with one of my more /e/ friendly whore concepts
Fuck it, Doing this again because its interesting. Heres a gen a Did back in early 2023, next to a gen I did just now. The first one was with a LoRA too, the only one for Sucrose back then. This new one was genned without LoRA.
As do I
>completely SFW capeshit?
>how interesting!
>better post it to the board dedicated to softcore nudity that's specifically japanese flavored!
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This was fun, thanks
hmm...must've been the wind
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I'm always happy to see your elf anon.
More Samus
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Guess it was high time I brought her back to my harem, ah well.

Requesting Isane sleeping in the nude
someone remind me the name of that site where people upload ai pics... not a booru, not catbox... can't remember the name
I submit my donkey kong with Super crown
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Fuck ai fingers when putting them together. I tried.
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They made her peel potatoes after the "false" alarm.
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Ah damn. I lost track of time. Sadly, I have responsibilities tomorrow.
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Her other hand is broken, so it's fine. Or...not fine.
That whole post could be AI generated at this point.
And that was it? Not /d/ sized "legs can't reach the ground because of tits" big?
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Requesting a front view of Aishwarya Ray where she is laying on her back topless.
>dynamic range
>melty eyes
Why not
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The first one could probably put me on vacation...but I'll take the bullet.

The second one also looks fun, so I'll do that as well
>playa in op
damn im good at pegging peoples races
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I don't even like Medusa and Jack that much as characters. Prefer Kuro or Ibaraki by a mile.
But I totally love genning those two.

Probably because they do not have as varied stuff as those others.
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I don't gen specific characters so I'll just do the alternative prompt.
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So what's the top Illustrious-based model nowadays?
wai-nsfw seems pretty popular
fuck off, ai fags
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I don't really have a hierarchy but maybe something like this
but i use noobaiCyberfix_vpred075PerpCyberfix
There's not really a definitively best model at the moment. You're best off just looking for a model that's geared towards your preferences.
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It's over, you heard him, pack it up, boys.
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The three prompts that I use to test new model.
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WAI is pure trash, consistent anime sameface even with very distinct LORAs.
What's the next three you would recommend then?
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So far the only good pissmixes I've used are CocoIllustrious and MiaoMiaoHarem.
Yeah when I tested it compared to Cyberfix it just fried all my styles into pure oblivion
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I did not have any issues at all, feels really responsive to both lora and artists tags
Cyberfix just seems to be completely fried for me, every image comes out as a garbled mess even with the exact same config as the model creator's.
Maybe it's because I'm using reForge.
I could never make a default cyberfix work. Had to always attach at least one lora.
I remember to have this issue as well so I stopped trying altogether. Didn't see the point of keeping strumbling with a wall when there is plenty of functional models you just need to download and run with zero issues
i love ai problems lol
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Cyberfix is also very overfit on one style, in my opinion. I stick to base vpred models with loras. A bit erratic sometimes but gives the best style flexibility.
I dunno, I post every style mix from cyberfix, and it just works. Nobody is using base style, it's just that WAI forces it on everything.
I'm not the anon you were talking to btw, just decided to chime in. I haven't used WAI myself, just base noob models and cyberfixes.
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> Bending over for the humans? Pathetic
I'm pretty sure everyone will have different results with different models acording to their experiences and favorite artists and lora

But >>2937196 asked for "the top model nowdays" not for personal favorites.

I think the top ones regardless you like or not are "wai" "mistoon" and base "noobai"

You can love cyberfix and get amazing designs, but that does not put that model anywhere close to top illustrious models right now
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Your VAE, sars?
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Personal merge is the best still for pure mixing with loras the later ones have strong innate styles but I still like them like wainsfw or novafurry.

Kinda rude.
Man you brought me back to making schizo merges with the different berry models
imo it's not a valid comparison in the first place. wai does not include noobai, so it's missing a lot of style and artist knowledge compared to any cyberfix version.
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It's fun. I keep tabs on ones that look good and slap them i to another wildcard and just gamble artist mixes. Also made me inherently aware of how not random wildcards are but is what it is. Something fucky in the coding cause it's not true random likes to pull from the top / bottom of a list feels like
Hunters deal with overly important monsters all the time.
Greetings once again
Haven't done it since then. Seems pointless when it's all based on the same slop. The early post NAI models were all trained on different stuff afaik.
>Something fucky in the coding cause it's not true random likes to pull from the top / bottom of a list feels like
Hm, curious. Would be easy to fully test with numbers if you want to be sure.
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Well I ran 1-100 in a wildcard a 1000 times and it's pretty consistent, doesn't show what you said. Must be something on your end.
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It's called confirmation bias
Those peaks and dips are interesting though, I'll rerun it wider out of curiosity if it's consistent.
Ghislaine in a Bible Black Uniform, no panties.
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Congratulations on figuring it out!
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>>2936868 (OP)
trying different upscale ideas without getting too acoustic, i have a 6gb 3060 & my cpu doesn't like it for some reason, would rather not upgrade till end of year

this was 768 16;9, iterative latent to 1500, face detailing, yandereneo to 6k

yandereneo to make a bigger seed then face detail/img2img/back to yandereneo gets me closer pose/outfit results to the initial seed image, but with less detail, and not very good with fabrics

have a huge formommidable
thigh anus
>too acoustic
Yeah, wouldn't want to wake up the neighbors.
i understood nothing
wtf r u me
I don't think that's the thigh, but hey, you do you.
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img2img quality (almost identical to original 768x486 gen)
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iterative latent from the same one with the denoising starting lowish/scaling very low
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I recommend that you run these tests with a clean artstyle like >>2937269 otherwise it's hard to tell when the mess is intentional.

I also recommend using either tiled upscale + tile controlnet, or hiresfix + anytest. Those fabrics and other details will not be cleaned up without going to higher denoise (0.3 at least) after reaching a large resolution. And without controlnet guidance that risks changing the image.
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cyberfix is the secret goat

shame pony & illustrious have so much more people developing for it, though can use some illustrious loras at least
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good point, ima do that
it's not like cyberfix isn't illustrious, you're supposed to train on it for cyberfix
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1-1000 on 10000 tries
It is slightly shifted towards the latter end but yeah >>2937254
I dont doubt it's there just I run about 1200 gens a day ballpark between overnight and at work sort when I get back and seeing the same 20 or so consistent across a wildcard set of 70 throws me for a loop.
I mean it does have weird super frequent peaks so you probably got unlucky
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Ever since I did the mizutsune gen, I've been obsessed with the eyes. Think I'll just keep an elf that's basically derived from it as part as my normal gens from now on. https://catbox.moe/c/fm84ec
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It's really more like a dozen girls sharing second place, but I wanted to make something here.
Rather than a request is more like a challenge

Design your own original school uniform for a battle school harem setting.

Can be lewd or less lewd, using lora or just prompting but something original.

And here is the challenge/request: show me that its consistant by putting it in two different characters.
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VAE, sire?
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latex under garments
Skill issue honestly, anyways you should select model depending on what they are capable off and wai has a severe lack of knowledge
I have a total of 1500 lines of wildcard and I have never noticed this
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not a VAE issue, son, it's the artist mix that is like that.
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Battle School harem school outfits don't really deviate too much from the norm
they are all different, though. first one doesn't have the black details in the vest, second one has pockets. NTA, but I wouldn't say that's consistent.
damn that's grey SON
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>1200 gens a day
>1200 gens
>a day
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I meant there's not that much difference between a school outfit from a generic anime and a battle harem anime.

On the details, there are some difference now that I take a second look. 1 and 2 have pockets while 3 doesn't. 2 and 3 have clear black outlines while 1 doesn't and then there are the minor items that aren't making sense (2 has these weird frills on the bottom of the vest)
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Wildcards are a slippery slope to hell. Soon you'll be leaving the PC on overnight and auto-genning 24/7
if I were mentally challenged, perhaps I would
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do you sell the images or something?
If not I don't see the point to go those lenghs
Thinking back on the few school shonen I read/watched, doesn't every character customize their uniform anyways?
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>school harem
Cat sir?
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Testing prompts make sure they're consistent and what I need to change and/or checking artist mixes for style. They work against each other sometimes but can get a general trend if if you got lucky or how to tweak stuff
I'm temped to make myself a bunch of wildcards and just have the entire prompt modular, I've been genning the same five prompts for 3 years now kek
My record is 3500
I think I will. Wonder how well it'll work. Just have the entire prompt autogenerated.
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lilly satou
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Katawabros, we are SO BACK
>just learnt that danbooru actually has "straight-on" and it isn't synonymous with "facing viewer"
hate how non e621 boorus handle tags
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Eh, not exactly consistent, but I tried it, so I might as well post it. Pretty sure I could have inpainted it until it looked right, but I admit to being lazy.
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More or less what I've done. I've got a pure basic bitch 1girl prompt that's just various positions / arm gestures and outfit changes. Then there's wild cards with specific scenes / outfits like a miko in a temple drinking, onsen stuff, gym workouts etc. Just set them up to auto generate check back in the morning if you got nothing else you're thinking of generating it's fun. Ain't saying it's perfect you'll get fair few bricks but that's where you fine tune it like not letting
>double thumbs down
go with
>lying on stomach
Because it just reverse what hand is on each side 80% of the time, or in general doing that with double thumbs down.

facing viewer also does pov sometimes where you'll see a disembodied hand in the frame.
Apparently facing viewer is supposed to be for facing viewer but looking away, that's why I dislike the tagging system. At least I know now.
you can just e621 positional tags if you're on noob
File deleted.
I feel like I'm missing something here. How do I make this Doujin cover better
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> Text already in the wrong spot.
Great start
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This girl always look so... harmless
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>__artists__, __characters__, __composition__, __backgrounds__, __focus__, __framing__, __locations__, __posture__, __attire__, __face__, __nudity__, __gestures__, __sex__
I regret nothing *puts grenade in mouth*
Pretty cool, but that is >>>/h/ material, my dude.
Thanks for the warning friend, I confused my tabs.
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I'm in love with Leopard print right now. What other outfits do you typically gen? https://catbox.moe/c/uhmnw9
how did you get such nice flushed faces?
"full-face blush" should be your friend. I also pair it with embarrassed but I don't think its necessary
thank you anon! i use embarrassed a lot of the time, i think it changes the eyes and such too. but i couldn't really get what i wanted with blushing, red face, flushed
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For me it's taimanin suit. Tends to mix nicely with the girl's original outfit, or her color scheme. The tag leaks a bit of style though.
need to make ocs
That's actually pretty neat. It actually mixes the two outfits together fairly well too

I unironically start with just the prompt:

> solo,1girl, full body, t pose
> naked [To be replaced with clothes]
> skin color, hair type, color, other misc features such as pointy ears, horns
> eye color, lip color, misc make up,
> Physical build (i.e., breasts size, thigh thickness, muscularity, etc.)
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How do you call this type of makeup?
>>2936868 (OP)
I know I'm abstaining myself from anything Sailor Moon-related, but requesting both Flannery and Usagi wearing Deadpool and Wolverine costumes based on the movie from last summer.

No nudity involved, just good old-fashioned Ketchup and Mustard jokes based on their hair color.
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I like ninja cosutmes the most.

And second spot would be for "swasbuckler/victorianish" stuff (musketeers, pirates, ladies in dresses and that sort of thing)

"eyeliner" "facial mark" Getting THAT exactly facial mark with prompt and without a lora will be almost impossible though
under eye facial mark
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In any case I would simply ask for "eyeliner" and photoshop the rest manually.

thats what I do when I generate Jack
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location where you want to put it and beauty mark
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I didn't want to test for different clothing, so I gave them towels.

3. Chichi from Manyuu Hiknechou
2. Izuna from Legend of the Unemployed Ninja
1. Generic anime girl for testing/dress up purposes
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That's a pretty clever proposal, but as usual, I'm late to the party...and I decided to take some liberties with certain criteria, namely, the girl in third place is my de facto mascot, and I generate her more often than the dark elf in the red hairbow (also maybe with "casual wear" and "absolute whore outfit").

Still, it was fun and I like how it came out.


Welcome back?
>taimian suits
>high leg leotards
>high leg bikini
>adding a lot of <body part> cutout tags
>elbow gloves
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Would like to see your Tanya Degurechaff as your 3rd place
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I'd give your critique greater weight, but this is the first time I've ever heard her compared to Yojo Senki, actually. Back in the old /hdg/ days, the most common comparison was with "Big Tiddy Elf Saber", given her character as a knight, and I've never really been into lolis or isekai. It'll haunt my waking (or generating) hours from now on.


Still enjoy seeing your chesty but dynamic warriors.
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I think you misunderstood me, but after a commeent like that I do not want to correct you.
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It helped a bit
Forgot to post lol
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But also with "face mark" I'm getting this types of face paint
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Get your crotch off the felt you stinky rat.
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Hmm...I wasn't really part of the thread today. Anyways, see ya tomorrow probably.
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Can anon give me a basic workflow for NoobAI V-Pred (ComfyUI)? I'm getting burnt images even with low CFG and DynamicThresholding applied.
Sorry, wrong tab
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How do you all organize the various artist tags you gen with? I'm torn between sorting them via style/vibe and sorting them based on how well they combine with other artists.
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Another way is https://github.com/Danand/ComfyUI-ComfyCouple which is a fork of Load Attention Couple but simplified. Issue is that you have only define 2 regions and you're just splitting the image instead of defining a region and being able to move its X/Y coordinates in theory.

Also is there a way to adetailer multiple specific faces yet?
That other style is actually going places.
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Never really cared enough to build one since I just inpaint eyes manually. Seems like it's been possible for years. Here.
Note the detection goes from left to right but can be changed top to bottom if you need to. If you run out of faces halfway, the later Detailer nodes will simply do nothing.
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I have them mixed and sorted vaguely by preference of what I want to gen first since I use prompt from file.
The dozen or so I regularly use, those I remember fine. For the rest I run a standard "comparison prompt" and dump all the gens in one folder alphabetically. This gives easy access to ones that are distinct at first glance and actually worth using.
It's amazing how once you start looking at artists on a larger scale, especially eastern artists, you start seeing just how generic all of their styles are, and how much of their identity comes down to what they choose to draw.
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nice style, what is that?
>like 50 styles that actually look like something out of 17000 top artists
It do be like that. But I also noticed it from NAI1 lora training where it'd take an artist who's images I'd like, train them, and realize how shit their style actually is in a vacuum, lmao.
cool, thanks anon
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she teleported away her nipple?
Maybe it's just really flat and can't be seen from this angle.
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What did she mean by that?
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Kitty only wants to express how grateful she is for being allowed to use the sauna.
other vampire hunters could mistake her with a vampire with those ears
True, maybe she only wears the armored collar to hide her bite marks.
Kitty also gives you a small hint about what is she going to do to you later at night, wink, wink.
catbox pls
could you at least make the towel look like a towel and not a giant wet napkin
It's a wet towel, but here's a dry one if you like it more.
Hmm yeah, it's been a while since I've seen a transparent towel. Might be one of those things that only work in anime. Like saggy boob bodysuits, or black women.
I see your point.
Have another dry towel, then.
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sweet my dude, just out of curiousity, before the bodysuit, did you attempt to give her a proper "sneaking suit" that was consistent? because I fucking couldn't lol.
I tried that, but that's quite difficult to get one that looks OK. One thing I've done in the past that worked was to prompt for solid snake, but with genderswap tags. You can get a pretty consistent sneaking suit like that, but sometimes you'll get snake with boobies.
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>1girl, standing, hands behind of back, blank background
are you lost
also, "blank background" isn't a real tag
>1girl, standing, white background
holy... based
(unironically prefer it to ultradetailed but shitty looking backgroundsloppa with the girl taking up 10% of the pic)
>deleted out of embarrassment
what a retard but hey, one most shitpost right
>unironically prefer it to ultradetailed but shitty looking backgroundsloppa with the girl taking up 10% of the pic
any example of this
neither are "hands behind of back" but it's esl-kun so
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Come home, white man.
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It works. Not everything needs to be a tag, picrel.
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alive, safe, healthy
subtly replaced by a robot to infiltrate the government
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both make me horny
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>yes anon, i would like HUMAN BEVERAGE
>Reads up
Kitty also wants to play
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can you make tha ai redo this but in color and give her nipples and a vagina while you are at it?
would help knowing who that is, if you want her to have the correct colors
she is alpha from rebuild world
is there like a site with all possible anime girl stereotypes
i need some inspiration
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>is there like a site with all possible anime girl stereotypes
>i need some inspiration
you dont have imagination and thats unfixable
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you should try with the "glitch" tag for those digital blocks
I wonder how much tunes are handicapped by the shitty state of hentai boorus and captioning
Catbox? Mainly interested in the background. Those windows are super coherent.
Thanks, good tag, too bad I'll forget in about two days and the next time I have to do something similar again I will get back to useless tags such as "virtual reality" or "virtual world"

I'm gonna catbox it to not to use another slot:

I wanted to use the Hobbit movies' convention that female dwaves have mutton chop sideburns instead of full beards, and they look better together with thick eyebrows.
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Rock and stone!
Kitty asks everyone to stay outside while she finishes dressing self.
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Do you guys still upscale your images now that everyone's using xl models? I needed to upscale things back in 1.5 because the base res was always so small and 2x hirespass still didn't get rid of some weird artifacts, but with xl I can get by with doing only hirespass. Do you use something else other than hirespass for your pics?
I always img2img upscale gens that I like.
same thing as hires
If I try to do that, usually the end result is either just bigger (low denoising) or with lots of new artifacts like small grems here and there (medium-high denoising). What's your setup, do you use controlnet or multi-diffusion?
What else can you use?
Hires is only useful if you know you want to upscale in advance. I exclusively upscale base gens that I like, which usually take a while to find.
>What's your setup, do you use controlnet or multi-diffusion?
I use ReForge with the same gen settings as txt2img, just set to upscale x2.
you seem to not understand, it's LITERALLY the same thing, it's just a different screen you press the button on
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I'm just going to assume you're ESL and move on, because this feels like bait. Have a (you).
Alright, ty. So you gen -> hiresfix -> img2img upscale?
No, I gen at a base resolution, usually in bulk, and then sort through the images to find ones I like. Once I find a gen that I like, I send it to img2img and upscale it.
Now I get it, I'll try doing that as well. Sounds better than actually using hiresfix in every pic.
Yeah using hiresfix on every image is some caveman brain shit, don't do that. Only upscale basegens you actually like.
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These days I only latent upscale. It's not really the same thing though, you've got to adapt your workflow for it.
You mean in things like ComfyUI?
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To clarify I still use the highres fix thing but aside of that, nope
I never upscale my kitty gens. It doesn't make much of a difference, so it's a waste of credits for me.
I mean, the difference is not THAT visible.
If anything I'd say the upscale makes the image worse since it gets rid of the low resolution fuzz, which is a huge part of the style you're going for.
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Basically that.
And yeah, usually I aim for a style that could emulate that late 90's artbook scan-like feeling. Sometimes I nail it, other times, not so much.
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AJPz4nakgxE [Embed]

Luckily for you I did this some months ago, and I just had to replace my girls with yours.

inverse version in case thats what you wanted:
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That's what I use, I'm not sure if another UI can do it. Never really bothered to look past the basic stuff before I switched to comfy.
Adetailer also counts as upscaling
It doesn't
same thing, just without automatic face detection
it upscales a limited area to generate better detail, then scales it back down
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Hibiki bought three of this model
This is sooo perfect, thank you. Who'd thunk a yuri pairing I made can be in the crosshairs for these Ketchup and Mustard jokes?
Which one looks better in overall?


I'd say first one is a bit less melted and fried but I like more the second one proportions
I prefer this one, the lighting is warmer and the girl is more smug
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forgot image.
Submitting a late one today. Trying out the difference between using Hi-res Fix and img2img. Let me know which one you think is better? The other image is in catbox link.
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Love this girl, keep on proompting.
Watch the hole on the knee, though.
Sorry, but posted image for me.
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It's pretty subtle. I like the contrast in the one you posted here better though Cute idea

I do, but I'm trying to keep at least the subject very sharp overall.


4x-Ultrasharp myself, but the difference with Latent is very subtle. Also, we need more classic Bunny Girls.


She also looks great. Love the glasses/inverted bob combination.
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Character is Sanae Katagiri from Idolmaster
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I am a fucking idiot that forgot to label which one was which. But the one I posted was img2img.
You want to explain your process better? Hiresfix is img2img.

More specifically, it's taking the base res gen, upscaling with your chosen uscaler then running img2img over it.
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bunny costume or bunny girl?
the face is ugly and western
catgirl wearing bunny costume
Testing the results between Hi-res fix and Img2Img with a denoising scale of .5. Personally Img2Img generally produces better results, however it does take a bit of manual input to move the txt2img result to img2img even if its just clicking a button. Hi-res fix can be enabled and done automatically however sometimes the Upscaler can hinder the result. At the end of the day its all down to personal preference as neither method is "wrong".
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Here you go buddy.

in 1.5 you could do latent upscale by but results were uncontrollable. Think I still have something like that stashed in my workflows, let me dig it up
you can batch upscale your good gen with i2i instead of wasting time doing hiresfix for every gen
I'm just trying to understand what you did. Both images are the same resolution, so you must've run upscaler for the img2img as well. In which case the results will be identical, other than noise seed differences.
Say I have a batch 'o images (4 as an example). Wouldn't I still need to move them to img2img each, and then gen each one at a time? Or is there a means to batch img2img from a batch txt2img using reForge?
alternative: kohya hiresfix or RAUnet
pros: leverages high resolution for fine detail and texture the best
cons: tends to just make "clean" styles messy, extra potential for bad anatomy; kohya hrfix requires hacks to work with controlnet
But they aren't Identical. One was Hi-res fix and the other was Img2Img. Both scaled 1.5x using Denoise .5, no upscaler on Img2Img, just set the image scale to 1.5x. Not sure what would really cause the change.
Getting a gen with proper wet hair always will be a matter of pure luck, I'm afraid.
Oh ok, now it makes sense. If you use one of the esrgan-based upscalers, they only go to 2x or 4x. It's usually part of the filename, like "2xAnimeSharp". So when you select 1.5x for hiresfix it actually goes way higher and then scales back down.

I would repeat the test at 2x, if you have the vram.
Someday I will find a better way to get pixel art-like gens.
Today it's not that day.
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Bootleg outfit
Also you can just select a basic upscaler like lanczos or nearest-exact when doing hiresfix, at that point the workflows is identical to your img2img.
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This is with Upscale latent by nearest-exact 1.5 with 4 ksampler pass through
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doing it right?
I will try that at some point. I have the VRAM but not when I'm actually using the GPU for...graphics.
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Perfect. Spot on
there is a batch tab to upscale a whole folder
Ah, I understand better now. Theres still a bit of a difference, though not as much. I'd post results but they're too big now and feature the amazing Double Navel. Still might do it the way I have been though because the Gen time increase way too much for it to be worth it imo.
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Sadly FFXII didn't expand on FFT
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Yeah, higher resolutions can't handle as high denoise. But they can fix smaller details. Usually it's clothing; zippers, buttons, double hems, jewelry, eyes, unusual teeth, fingernails, etc
it did tho, but only in the codex, it explains who tf ultima was anyway
and there was grimoire of the rift which i havent played but it sounded a lot like bad fanfic
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Would love to visit FFXII, FFT, and Vagrant Story world again in a new game. Maybe I'm desprate for a good story game.
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I enjoy the sauna theme quite a bit. There's something deeply peaceful about a woman relaxing with her legs spread with no sexual tension/pressure.
You want the prompt or the actual workflow?
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Apparently someone published an illustrious lora for her just today.
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Anyone cooking the next thread?
Huh...I guess we're nearing the end of this one aren't we
I love Okami and her big hangers, it's disappointing that there isn't more of her. Please post more
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Start cooking theme for the next thread.
Oh boy, I can not wait.
I suppose while I can still post images, have a good now folks.
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Posts: 100%
Highlights: 25%
Can I have her together with Mirko?
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Cool but yeah doesn't seem all too useful unless you ensure the subjects end up in the exactly right order every time.
>is there a way to adetailer multiple specific faces yet?
Pretty late but yes there is. You can find more specifics on Civit AI using the link below. However in short you can use the [SEP] Separator (get it) in the Adetailer prompt. Also make sure you check the Adetailer Options and have the boxes sort from left to right as well.
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sure, have another one, sorry for using base res, I'm out of credits :(
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that looks amazing. thank you.
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When it comes to bunny girls, specifically, I'm a strict constructionist, but I'm not going to say no to Aisha Clan-Clan either (though considering how often she's missing her tail in the series, it's optional). Mostly I'd come to see visible tanlines under Bunny Girl costume leggings to be a minor miracle.

Well, see you in the next thread.
You either wait extremely long time for each of your gens or you have A6000 in your rig. Curious to know which one is it?

Once we got a live thread I'll try and get you a bunny girl in leggings with tanlines
New Thread:

>>2937766 →
>>2937766 →
>>2937766 →
Bunnysuit, School swimsuit, serafuku
He doesn't know what he wants

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