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File: corn.swf-(3.79 MB, 512x384, Anime)
Just thought I'd let you boys know
holy shit what year is it?
Doesn't matter, AMV Hell is back and everything will be alright.
this is a surprise, there's even two videos
8.5 was uploaded 2 months ago and 8 was uploaded 8 hours ago. reupload?

>mfw there's no download link on https://www.amvhell.com/?download
AMV Hell 0 and AMV Hell Divided By 0 is still shunned
I just realized that the AMV guy could probably make a lot of money if he made every little "amv" that isn't too sexual or gory its own video and started channels on short-format places like TikTok. Would betray people that contributed but I bet he could get away with it.
Don't give them ideas. Actually I'm sure somebody already suggested this and the fact they keep the format they do shows they're not in it for the money. At least not entirely.
Hell... YEAH DUDE!
it's not a group of people, just one guy as far as i know
>implying that someone as big as him browses /f/
That's you, don't you Zarx? Heh, thanks for bringing back the magic light into the darkness of this timeline

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