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What do I need to care for my boots?
>Old cotton t shirt (one for cleaning, another for applying conditioners)
>Horsehair brush ($10-15)
>Wooden shoe trees ($10-15)
>Light conditioner like Lexol/Bck4/renovateur
>Heavy conditioner (if you live in terrible snow/rain areas) Sno seal/Obernauf LP
>Don't forget that boots need time to dry properly, rotate them and rest them

How do I deal with x stain?
>mud: allow it to dry then brush off
>salt: water and cloth as soon as possible
>saturated wet: allow the boot to dry for a full day, stuff with newspaper
>scuffs and scratches: buff vigorously with horsehair brush

>Should I buy turdsdays/soloshits/doc shitans?
No they are filled with synthetic materials aimed at instant comfort but will not hold up to actual use.
>b-b-but muh ecelebs on youtube said they're good
no. you will waste your time and money and still have uncomfortable footwear at the end of the day. spend the extra $100 and get something real.

Manufacturer Red Flags
>Unknown leather source
>Made in Chyna/Mexico/Indonesia

Boot Red Flags
>Dainite (Get vibram v-bar instead)
>Non gusseted tongues
>Excessive/unnecessary seams
>Combination/mixed material heels

Boot Brands NO
>Doc Shitters/Soloshitters
>any Whatsapp makers in the far east


This is the most based list I’ve come across
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not even once
This one instance, huh? Damn...
"I am from Europe and cannot understand the obsession of Americans with work boots."

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What causes the heel to get fucked up in boots like this? Are they too big and my foot is slipping?
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Your heel. It's pretty common.
Ypur heel chaffing the counter. That's why this general has such a hard on for leather counters, they last way, way longer than any fabric material.
The less heel dlip you got on your boots, the longer it'll take for that part to get fucked up, but it will happen in time no matter what.
be honest do you tie them?
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i wanna get all black army boots someday, they're simple but they also look cool. just gotta wear the pants over the shaft
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>trying too hard to be funny
>"apparently", "I've heard", "I assume"
>"I have no experience with this shoe but they wouldn't give me a free review pair/were rude to me in an email/a youtuber I dislike praised them so fuck them"
What an useless list.
even if this very biased towards square/chisel split toe derbies and the guy has a personal vendetta against certain brands for slighting him or his styleforum buddies, the actual placements are not bad
>Celastic on toe
Not a problem
>Celastic as counter
No please
That's one more instance than leather counters and stiffeners BTFO
Thoughts on William Lennon & co boots? Looking at them because they’re English, and haven’t caught the attention of redditors, yet.
Does anyone have a heel to ball measurement longer than their heel to toe? How do you find shoes that fit. If I go HTB, the front is perfect but the shoe is too long and I slide in them and have heel slip. If I go HTT, my heel is fine but my toes are crunched. I don’t even have a big difference between the two measurements. My HTT is 9.5D and my HTB is a 10.0D. Anyone else have this issue with sizing? Any tips on what to do?
buy the proper width mr frodo
But I measure a D on a brannock! Closer to a C than a E. It’s also difficult to find anything smaller than a D width for most regular brands.
A shoe with a narrow heel and a wide forefoot might work. I don't know what type of shoes you're looking for, but a lot of hiking boots have a combination last like that. good luck finding comfort fren
My vibergs started squeaking when I push off my toes on the right boot. How do I make it stop?
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to metal toe tap or to not metal toe tap, that is the answer I seek

>inb4 topy

topys are for degenerate scum
All high end boots should come with a metal heel cap.
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*brass heel insert
is the squeaking from the tongue or from underfoot?
you can condition the insole lightly
if the squeek wasn't present day 1 and it gets worse the more sweat and moisture gets introduced into the boot throughout the day it's becasue the insole is losing oils and drying up a bit
The outsole is making a squeak around the ball of my foot when I step
...is it only on certain types of floors?
love the subtle sole delamination behind the ball of the foot, glad nigs isn't losing their brand identity with their new dress line and they're keeping things consistent
Do you see that sort of thing on other PNW makers, or is it just a Nicks thing? I'm looking at getting my first one and trying to avoid a dud after dropping this much
just nicks
Ok that's good to know, I was considering getting one of their W&C double stuffed models because the leather looks pretty amazing but will probably just go with whites/bakers instead.
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No it’s on every hard surface. Asphalt, concrete and flooring etc. I’ve had them since October and it just started. Only the right boot it squeaks around the ball.
rip, iirc vibergs don't even have squeak pads installed
you don't need squeak pads if you have cork
corkhaters btfo
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i’ve been wearing these dan post boots for about 3 years, daily. i’ve taken trips to other countries and walked around rough terrain in them. never have i cleaned or shined them and i’ve used them in all types of weather. cost me 200 and thinking of getting another pair
buy Franks
Nicks recommend sizing 1/2 down from brannock. But do I size down from my HTT or HTB? Anyone have experience?
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bought berwicks and their sizes are retarded so they feel like a size or two bigger than they are listed as

they were used too so i cant really return it
fuck berwicks sizing system

PSA: Dont buy berwicks before researching their fucktarded sizes
explain the sizing. i can't by them because wide feet, but i recommended them to a fren who wanted suede loafers for cheap.
Everyone says Nicks are long in the toebox so probably HTB
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TLDR they tend to size their shoes 1/2 size too big
if you tipically use 7, try 7.5, if you tipically use 8, try 8.5, and so on

some people even say they have to pick a full size lower on berwick shoes

found picrel in a spanish forum
>if you tipically use 7, try 7.5, if you tipically use 8, try 8.5, and so on
im retarded, its the other way around
>normal shoe 7.5
>berwick 7 or 6.5
>normal shoe 8.5
>berwick 8 or 7.5
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not the case for me at least with the 55 last
I went 1/2 down from brannock (picrel)
I also have a pair from franks on a different last (1977, their equivalent to whites 4811) that’s true to brannock that feel much better for my feet - I fucking hate not having wiggle room for my toes
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the franks that are 1/2 size larger for comparison
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also I have a pair of franks on the 55 (picrel) that are same size as my nigs but they’re noticeably less narrow, at least a width
why is the 55 tapered inside but looks like a thumb outside?
isn't that just UK sizing
no clue but the toe box in the 1977 last is so much nicer for me, way more vertical toe room as well
weird that franks recommends a half size below the size you’d get in the 55 for their 1977 last, I went true to brannock and would hate to imagine trying to fit comfortably in a full size smaller
i suppose my fren will just have to figure it out, maybe get 2 pairs and return one. he has never worn leather footwear before, so i told him to get his brannock measurement and expect to adjust sizing off of that. he doesn't have a frame of reference though for what he should wear in leather shoes.
>I went 1/2 down from brannock
From your HTB or HTT? Or do they match up for you? How do you like the fit?
from HTT
my HTB is maybe slightly longer but probably insignificant
fit is ok, my franks in the same size (both 10EE) fit better, partially due to the width and also because for some reason the arch support in the right boot is slightly further back a little closer to the heel and not right under my arch, which isn't the case for either of my franks. could just be a one-off muh handmade but my franks feel better to wear
but i'd choose the "high arch" firefighter last with the extra toe box room over the 55 last any day
>my HTB is maybe slightly longer but probably insignificant
What does this mean exactly. My HTB is .5 up from my HTT. Is this insignificant too for the 55 last? What would you do If you were me?
Stupid retarded imbecile
This above is the answer
Anyone else size up 1/2 size from brannock for some of your boots? Or is it just me? I like the extra toe space.
no, they are half a size to a full size bigger than UK size shoes of the same size is the point
These don’t hurt your feet? They look too narrow and too close to the front of the shoe. Or is this normal fit for most people?
These look like they fit properly to me.
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Fit check
The nigs felt good at first but I had to stretch quite a bit in the toe box
The franks feel p good but could be longer, the front of my last 3 toes touch the front of the inner toe box a bit
these franks on a dif last fit perfect
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any thoughts on Red Wings? looking at the Blacksmith model.

about to start a new job where I'll spend a fair amount of time on my feet. need some new shoes cos all I own rn are some shitty New Balances lol
I have Iron Rangers which have the same construction and while they're somewhat comfortable, I prefer the 875s with the wedge sole for standing on hard, flat surfaces for hours.
The IRs lack of a leather midsole plays against long term comfortability, imho.
Truman has a veteran day discount or something so you might want to check them put, a bit more expensive, but worth it in terms of comfort and quality imho.
wedge would be more comfy if you're on foot all day but make sure it meets whatever requirements your workplace has
blacksmiths are probably all around the best red wing model rn, but the moc toes are way better suited for actually standing all day in
the issue with the iron ranger/blacksmith is that they have absolutely no heel stack and you are standing on really hard and dense rubber which has zero shock absorption, not that big of a deal for just stand in, but any serious walking and it can be really brutal on your feet especially coming from sneaker world, where people tend to develop a really bad heel striking gait
i know the wedge soles are a bit of an aquired taste but they are really comfy
The other anon is right look at the Truman's, really great quality for the price, a lot better construction and materials than red wings.
Is this a bad fit? I went TTS to my brannock on these handsewn moccasins. They’re snug up front. But I think they’ll break in. But not sure. How long should I give it?
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r8 my boots lads

I did the whole "fill them with warm water then wear them until they dry" thing and it seems to have worked, except I doubled up my socks and I may have stretched them a bit too much. with my standard socks I can feel my feet slipping around inside slightly. I have to wear double socks now or buy thicker socks.
they look like theyre on the wrong foot
Do you guys have any recommendations for quality insoles? (for guidis)
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never buy american
I love my new boots, and can't stop staring at the right boot in particular. It's a boot, but not just any boot - it's a masterpiece. A work of art, really. Its intricate design and meticulous construction scream quality. The leather is soft yet sturdy, the stitching precise yet flexible.

The thought of sliding my cock into its roomy interior sends shivers down my spine. The mere idea of fucking this boot ignites a fire within me. As I stroke my dick, imagining myself pounding away at its luxurious exterior, I feel an intense pleasure building up inside me.

With every stroke, my desire grows stronger, until finally, I can't hold back anymore. With one last powerful thrust, I cum hard, painting the interior of that gorgeous boot with my hot load. The sensation is indescribable, like nothing I've ever experienced before. My orgasm is so intense, it feels as if I'm jacking off not only on the boot but also across the entire universe.

As I slowly come down from my high, I take a moment to admire the aftermath of my explosion - my semen drips from the opening of the boot, creating a beautiful mess. I clean up, putting away the boot satiated and content, knowing I left my mark on something truly special.
Shoes come with a removable insole. Are you supposed to wear them without? Did they size the shoes with the removable insole in mind? Do I need to size down if I plan on taking them out? Should I size up if I plan on keeping them? Ahhhhh!
Enjoy your bunions

My boots came with a shitty foam insoles that made them fit too small, tried a super thin leather insole as well but nothing is as comfortable as no-insole and just rawdogging the leather footbed.

I have retarded feet (US size 6, EE width) so had boots made to order. Feels like the cobbler made them exactly on my measurements without allowing for an insole.

No idea what you're 'supposed' to do but without an insole they fit like a pair of slippers. Only issue is they are hard underfoot with no cushioning, I wouldn't want to stand around all day in them.

If you can size up and have the boots fit with an insole it might be preferable since you get more cushioning.
What are some more casual black leather shoe options?

I was looking at split toe derbies but they still look too dressy for what I want to wear them for.

Jim Green shoellies (pic rel) are cool but would look goofy with trousers.

Is there anything inbetween?
I’m looking for quality 3/4 insoles. Any recommendations?
>Shoes come with a removable insole
only bad ones do
handsewn mocs?
anything with a roughout, suede, or just matte/waxed finish makes black more casual to me.
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New boots for work only cost like $110
Is the
>muh mussyium cough
meme played its course yet?
I want some good casual shoes or boots to flex on niggas as a grown ass adult going to college again. Thinking something like a moc toe or a good roughout desert boot? I have some proper service boots and loafers but I wouldn't wear those everyday and end up looking autistic.
That's a steal
Anybody here know what Thorogood sizing is like? I'm confident I'm a size 8, but I want any other advice before I buy a pair.
Fuck knows. It's just a random picture.
>going to college again
what makes the second time around any different? none of the "grown ass adults" in my year graduated
everyone can tell immidiately that you don't have your shit together and even the professors just want to put you out of you misery as fast as possible

red wing 875, it's a classic for a reason
What makes it different is that the government is paying for my full ride at a private university so I don't give a shit what the meth addicts and negroids at your school act like.
I was thinking the 875 too tho, do those hold up well in snowy conditions?
the crepe is alright on fresh snow but slides the moment it turns to ice
Well fucking RIP to that idea then. Maybe have to get something chunkier.
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anyone know of a good side zip boot? if tactical I prefer something besides black
no. zippers.
it's okay i'm heterosexual so i'm cool with things that just work
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i've had my side zip bates for over a decade. just wore them today.
post em
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only a matter of time when the zipper blows
lmao. okay well it's been over a decade at this point like I said. if they blew out tomorrow I couldn't be mad or disappointed in the slightest.
oh and btw sometimes I sloppily blouse them. putting even more strain on the zipper.
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would get these bad boys in a heartbeat if they were my size
Is there anything more reddit than darn tough socks?
caring about socks more than "they're not total garbage"
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So you have sedbergh's and of so, how's the fit?
was going to comment on this cringe and then I saw
lmaoooo. this zogbot is bragging about his welfare. and he came to /fa/ to ask about what cool boots he should get to "flex" on the college kids. LMAO
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Not sure, had a tag hanging on them that said sale price $199 so I grabbed them and a sweatshirt and the guy only charged me $137
Previous work boots had for like 4 years.
Your raging inferiority complex fills me with joy
A Chelsea like this. Same/similar height. Lightning welt, vibram, but in a darker brown?
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>raging inferiority complex
that's rich coming from the welfare baby who is so nervous about going back to college he came to 4chan to ask what boots he should wear to look cool on campus
Nah. I'd recommend the Grenson Archive if it didn't have a useless leather sole.
here's what an actual tranny heel looks like
some real authentic faggot had this aftermarket reheeled
this is only slightly gayer than all the other boots posted ITT
looks hideous
RM Williams boots fit well. The yearling leather has a really interesting feel compared to my calf or regular cowhide shoes. It almost feels spongy to the touch.
This is one of the gayest images I have ever seen on this website.
You just outed yourself as a newfag, gtfo
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>noboots absolutely SEETHING
>I'm just as faggy as that guy in the pic
>better seethe!
the half sole plus back taper under the arch is not doing them any favors
Chelseas are already gay enough, but front pulltab chelseas are nuclear levels of gay
the "fuck me daddy" position with his gay little feet in the air doesn't help, either
Role Club fag here. Had some criticisms of these at first, but none of those matter any more. These are aging NICELY
I remember you, nice boots
Thanks brotha. At first I wasn’t sure how the cxl horsehide would age, but I can understand why Brian would use this leather as opposed to a veg tan. It just softens up and gets all floppy, which is pretty much what he was going for when designing a more vintage looking engineer. Also, the fit is pretty much unmatched, probably even more comfortable than my 350 cutters
Is that huge ass seam down the middle supposed to be there?
not a seam its the way to last a wholecut
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>gets called out for being a newfag
>starts samefagging
Lame, I thought it'd look completely smooth.
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it a choice, not sure if its just easier or a deliberate design choice. I think it looks stupid.
What's the most similar boot to these? Looking for a very dark green or loden leather service boot not in suede.
meermin caper green
>Looking for a very dark green or loden leather service boot not in suede
grant stone deisel jungle kangaroo
This might be a stupid question but can I just buy full length leather insoles and cut them 3/4 myself? Or would me cutting them just leave a terrible bulky edge that would bother me?
you can skive it
Is it difficult to skive? Or can anyone just do it?
easy with a tool (expensive) difficult with a pocket knife (cheap)
Kek ok. I’m wondering why I can’t find quality ones online that are 100% leather. The ones I keep getting are rigid plastic and leather orthotic insoles like pedag. I don’t want that. I just want a real leather 3/4 or half insole. Is it really that difficult to find?
buy a swivel knife and cut your own
by the full ones, cut it then use a file on the rough side to skive it
use some conditioner when you're done to stop the shedding
it's not the right way but it will work
>swivel knife
You know it is for tooling and not cutting right?
I'm looking for some black combat boots to fit my autistic retard look, are Mil Tec any good? They seem cool and are really cheap compared to other similar boots. Not looking for any fancy boot, just a comfortable durable one. I normally wear my made in Italy hiking boots.
just wet the leather to make it easier to cut and use a box cutter or a decently sharp kitchen knife
it looks cleaner when you make the cut in one go, but it's an insole so it doesn't matter if you go back and shave down some spots
if you're still unhappy with your knife work you can wet the leather again and pound your skive flat and even with a hammer

it's not rocket science
around a certain price point they're all the same
will probably just want to try some on and see what you like
sure but i use it to cut insoles all the time
Have you tried Skolyx?
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I live in the British countryside and am 30. Should I get RM Williams gardeners and just wear them everywhere?
Maybe try moving to the city and stop being racist.
You can probably find something local instead of Australia
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you get yourself a galway.
I got a pair of trousers from Benevento, it's a small Polish company making trousers locally there.
Really good, went with a simple cotton pair to try them out at first but will definitely order more especially their wool and flannel in autumn because it looks sick.

You can give them your inseam and they come already hemmed and with a turn up if you want it. Double pleats, no belt loops (side adjusters).
They are described as "high rise" and kinda "full" so I was scared they might be old fart style but it's really not, it's more like mid-rise and definitely not full at all, just not skinny. It looks modern, actually not unlike Cavour pants.
commit suicide
They're aging beautifully. Wish I could get my hands on something like that.
I actually just got my first pair of cxl horsehide for my bounty hunters from the black friday sale. How different is it compared to regular cxl over time? They all feel fairly similar to me right now.
the horse has a tighter grain than the cow, makes for finer creases
Ah okay, I knew that they were more 'durable' because they're often used in gun holsters and whatnot but wasn't sure how that would appear in boots. Will keep an eye on them for a bit, thanks.
Anyone know of boots like these? I like them, but they're just missing something I can't put my finger on.
Well it’s hard to say. I know Brian generally uses really nice cuts of the horween horsehide, not sure if Whites has the same level of selectivity with their hides. There is very minimal creasing so far, but the creasing that has formed is barely noticeable unless you really inspect them. The rolling patina is obviously very prominent with this leather, but that might differ with your bounty hunters depending on whether you got a structured toe box
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maryam horsebutt is the nice shit
tryhard faggot
>Full length insole
>too tight at the toes
>3/4 insole
>feet sliding too much
What do?
try a tongue pad or hidden kilties in addition to the 3/4 insole.
Nice uhh boots, mr s*ylent
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>contrast mix materials uppers
this meme needs to die
>tongue pad
Don’t these things eventually fall off? I plan on wearing these boots for years to come. I don’t want to have to keep reapplying pads on the tongue.
I don’t like the look. Even hidden.
never fell of for me, there shouldn't be much friction where u apply them. Could always have a cobbler stitch one on for you if it works.
Are those AI generated? They look like a fucking meme.
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i know this questions probably been asked a billion times so apologies in advance, but whats the next step up from the doc martens 1461's? all i really wanted is a plain black shoe thats under £300 and should last a good couple years, but the redwing postmans i got recced a while ago have no gap in the sole (dunno shit about fashion) so they look a bit off
Only if the correct portion is clicked. Otherwise you get coarse paper crinkle like 70% of Whites horsehide BH out there.
toga virilis ya troglodyte
>lace to toe to the very toe
>zipper on the outside
>pull on tabs on the back and front
>wedge sole with lugs or something
It's like someone decided to make the most retarded boot ever
>"buh... buh... muh brand!"
Absolutely brainwashed npc retard.
I have some jimothy greens that absolutely rub my ankles fucking raw. I've never had problems with blisters in other boots, wore boots for three years straight in the military without issue, and I don't think the sizing is wrong. Is there something about the construction on Jim Greens that make them a bitch on the ankles or have I just inadvertently matched them up with some shitty boot socks and misidentified the problem?
put skin take pn your ankles till you break them in?

you said that like anyone would know what the fuck that is
>put skin take pn your ankles till you break them in
I've hiked in them a couple miles, maybe they do just need longer to break in than other boots I've worn.
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That cringy faggot Stridewise is getting bankrolled by Thursday but goes out of his way to pretend he isn't so he seems "authentic"
>i'm not biased towards Thursday just because they pay me, since i'm paid by every brand i cover
>and so is Stitchdown
>and so is Rose Anvil
>oh no no no, i'm baised towards Thursday, because they also bring in more clicks on top of paying me
intergity status: saved
>social media influencer shills the most popular corporate product
Imagine my shock
the worst thing is about Stridewise besides his stupid accident is he absolutely cannot dress. he looks so bad in everything he does but he thinks he's some style god
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i think he dresses very basic and safe most of the time, the issue is more just him being really onions
also the jeans rolled halfway up the calf ruin every fit
Sometimes, literally all you need is a pair of roughout Whites. Been loving my cutters
black jacket and boots destroyer of fits
My opinion is that men who cuff their pants are faggots.
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>one rm williams boot developed a squeak
>no idea where or how, feems as though its actually inside the sole of the boot
>nothing to pull out or take apart to get to it
could it be the shank?
>feels as though its actually inside the sole of the boot
its over
only rebuild can fix it
This fucking homo is the most punchable faggot on the face of the planet. Imagine spending tens of thousands of dollars on high end clothes and boots to just look like you are incapable of leaving 2010 behind. If he simply stopped wearing slim tapered jeans in exchange for some regular straight or even straight with a minimal taper, he would look fine. It just blows my mind how dudes will still wear slim cut with an absurdly intense taper and think they look good
if that's the case they can get fucked, ill just sell them to a facebook boomer and get something else
i always thought they would have these cuffs to model the boots.
Do tongue pads work?
Can they perform miracles?
>Do tongue pads work?
>Can they perform miracles?
no, buy the right size.
apparently my fave shoetuber (that i posted about here once) won this year's shoemaking championship, holy shit
dunno who else to share it with, i'm not shilling
Can they fix 1/2 size off?
>Do tongue pads work?
yes if the issue is 1/2 size off on instep
>Can they perform miracles?
if its massively off either a kiltie or insert will do you better
Has anyone gone TTS to brannock for the iron rangers? I’m a 9.5D brannock and getting a 9.5D. Will it be too big?
>Has anyone gone TTS to brannock for the iron rangers?
>Will it be too big?
I would go half a size to a full size down dependig on how much extra room you want in front of your toes.
Which boots if only pair?
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Leather soles are useless. What should I have put on my Clarks? They're just for walking through mud and rain.

Itshide Commando? Vibram glued to a new midsole?
>What should I have put on my Clarks?
a for sale sticker
What's the problem with Darn Tough?
Can't you read? Reddit likes them?
They use mondopoint, just measure the length of your feet in cm and see what lines up.
A 9.5D is 26.67 centimeters heel to toe. Where do I line up in mondo?
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>what’s the problem with darn tough kid?
Right, I was curious if there was any real criticism or if Anon was being a 4chan hipster.
>oh no
>le plebbit likes thing
>I hate thing now
there's always noboots ITT complaining about everything
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Are Drew’s boots any good? Looks like the materials are right
on paper it should be fine but in the raised instep on their modified 55 make the boots look weird as fuck. one anon here got a contractor and it just didn't look right
Link? Watching people make shoes/boots is incredibly soothing.
Not him but I thought most PNWs were pretty incestuous and more or less interchangeable?
not incestuous but they're derivatives of White's
Drew’s are made in Mexico from the finest mestizo nutsack leather
just but franks
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the vids are 2/3 asmr and 1/3 explanations. it's in japanese but the subtitles are pretty good (not automatically generated)
Oh perfect, this will also be a good way for me to practice my reps - subbed thanks.
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What's best, Blundstone or Redbacks? Or is there a third option? I need some boots that are for work but slightly dressy. I have some really good RM Williams, but I'd rather them not go through dirt and mud sometimes like I will have to at work.
wouldn't say either are dressy in any way, but blundstone definitely looks better between the two. redback is decidedly a work boot and couldn't even pass for business casual.
I own neither but the blundstones look cooler
I'll go for the Blundstone then. I know it's not that dressy, but I need something that presents pretty well but I won't have issues going through mud/rain with.

Is the quality still decent?
Well, what would be a quality alternative then?
not really, just hope you don't get unlucky with a pair that lets water in and be ok with throwing them away after a year or two if you really work in them. if you're ok with that and can accept you aren't getting something even close to equivalent to your rm williams it's fine.
the gardener model from rm williams, greased kip leather, full rubber sole with very good grip
A year is good enough considering their price then. Mostly I'll just be standing around but I'll need to walk through mud and rain sometimes. So as long as they're at least moderately comfortable for long standing, I'll be good.

Too pricey for work shoes imo. I love my RMs, but I prefer them as my off-work shoes.
>I went 1/2 down from brannock (picrel)
So would you recommend I do the same on the 55 last? It sounds like you would of preferred to have gone tts?
i'd go half down from brannock on 55. White's i think recommend 1 down, definitely too much.
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ID on these? They had a little yellow tag on the outside but didn't look like Jim Green
They are Jim Green Vellies, in black.
Lads, do I get a pair of those cheap reproduction boondockers or just snag up a pair of rough out iron rangers? Also, do you take care of them like regular leather shoes, or like suede?
You don't take care of roughout at all, maybe sand the grain back a bit if it gets fuzzy. That's the whole point. You CAN clean it with suede cleaner but you don't really need to.
do you specifically want boondocks or just roughout?
rpro companies might skimp on quality because what they're used for tends to be larp sessions and filming
Of the boots you own, which boots run tts to brannock?
Rancourts have been pretty much TTS
Are these Clark’s?

Still bummed out Danner discontinued the tramline 917. There were my all time favorite boot.

Anyone have anything like this to recommend?

Specs :
Chunky (for casual and work)
Speedhooks on top
Battling captcha and forgot to attach photo.

Anyone got something like this
crockett and jones, rm williams, and enzo bonafe have all been true to my uk brannock
no those are wesco
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Alden Barrie and Trubalance
what boots is cousin reginald (smug) wearing?
you can see the distinct horizontal line

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>no dip
its actually a semi dress
that is very expensive, do you have a cheaper recommendation? i was hoping to stay around $800 but could delay and go up to $1k if that's really what's needed.
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Not exactly the same and open lacing but i assume you don't want a balmoral?


Carmina has some Balmorals, can go MTO too

Enzo Bonafe has many options like this, pic rel for example. (MTO only)
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i have no idea what balmoral means, but i think carmina might be the choice for me. i think i got it pretty close to the picture with their customization program. just need to figure out the sizing. i wear a 10ee in a pair of old allen edmonds, but i doubt that translates well to a foreign company.
I always here people say to size down 1/2 dor these lasts? TTS worked for you?
my Franks MTOs are TTS >>18126666
Sizing will be a risk, the widest lasts iirc are Llubi and Detroit EEE. I'd go UK TTS on both (1 down from US brannock).
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Thanks, I guess the lighting really plays with the color.
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I just want some lighter colored boots as I already have dark brown ones and black shit kickers.

The boondockers are probably made somewhere in China and get rebranded by different reenactment stores. Reenactment autists go on about dubbin to weatherproof them, which makes them darker. Really, they are too cheap to be any good.

I like the iron rangers, but I see pudgy millenials wear them at the university I work.

Just wondering if they get ruined by rain like suede because all the dubbin autists or they are weather proof as the non-rough out Red Wings.
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why does my foot look like this? its super dry and it even looks like its cut even though i didnt get cut at all
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>I like the iron rangers, but I see pudgy millenials wear them at the university I work.

Pudgy millennials also drink water and breathe air, do you avoid those activities too?
They're well made boots. Wear them, dress well, stay in shape and you'll stand out. Women won't associate you with them, it will be the boot equivalent of pic related
How do you like the fit?
What last did you use?
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Fit is perfect, best fitting pair of footwear, in part due to the 1977 last (franks equivalent to whites 4811)
I have a pair of franks and nigs on the 55 that are both a half size smaller (the recommended 1/2 down from standing brannock for nigs, true to sitting brannock for franks, same size) and the 1977 is def straiter in the toe box and with a bunch more vertical toe room (picrel)
also the nigs are noticeably about a size narrower than the franks on the same last in the same size
you could get the roughout oakstreet trench boots but then you're getting oakstreets. almost guaranteed pucker
Ordered a pair of 9.5, they were slightly too long and will change for 9's.
Figuring out boot sizes is a cunt.
Midas x Skolyx Service boot in rough out?
I'm half down on all my pairs in those lasts
>goes tts
>Fit is perfect, best fitting pair of footwear
I’m wondering if 1/2 down from brannock is a meme in most cases and going tts would be more comfortable in general.
There are a lot of funny pictures on reddit where people are obviously wearing probably at least a full size too small.
>woaaah this is a tough break in!
some people are weird and like their boots to fit tight idk
I’ve seen ppl complain about less than 1 cm extra room beyond their longest toe which is crazy to me I need toe room
I've had this exact thing happen on the sole of my foot, almost under the arch. I assume it's dead skin getting rubbed apart and being unable to blister, never really bothered me but try putting some lotion on your feet every day if its persistent.
I always have issues with heel slip because I have a very narrow one. Any tips lacing tips to keep my heel in place?
Get extra long laces and tie a loop around your ankle before you knot em like a boy scout.
When you measure on a brannock, should I press my heel to the back of the device hard? If i press my heel in it’s a 1/2 size shorter? Or just casually stand on it touching the back?
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>guys if i measure something does the measuring device have to be in the correct position or something
What’s the correct position? It doesn’t say if I should press my heel to the back? Or just brush it with my heel slightly? It changes the size. What’s the accurate way?
none of what you're saying makes any sense. there's no way that would make a half size difference and you can't read your own measurement anyways
I own a brannock. Yes it does. I can read my own measurement while standing.
sooo many pictures of the sides of the toebox and ball blown out saying the love the fit
pretty sure you can't

Where does it say I cant? Kek
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can you grasp your ankle while standing straight up?
That’s not necessary. It’s necessary for an employee to do if he’s helping someone get fitted with the device. Otherwise he can’t be certain if the customer’s leg is by the heel cup. These are instructions for employees.
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based retard
brannock is a fucking meme and just order the size you feel inside
it worked for me
i identify as a 10.5e
>i identify as
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any alternatives to the J.M. Weston Demi-Chasse/Half Hunt? Need a casual-ish black split-toe for work
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I don’t know why that recommendation gets parroted so much. Even Alden recommends tts.

For me to wear 0.5 down but I have to go up in width and wear thin socks.
Looks great. No heel slip tts?
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Never had heel slip in any of my boots
Look for the mondopoint size. If it says 27, the shoe is made to fit feet that are 27 centimeters long.
These seem expensive for being made in a country with such low wages. What's your take? Am I missing something regarding the materials or construction?
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Get fucked /townie/

I did some more looking around after I read this and actually found some nice waxy commander Meermins, not exactly British but closer than Oz and I looked at some of the Lanx chelseas too. I wasn't sure how their cemented boots are meant to be "restorable"? I could really do with something with that more chunky/workboot silhouette and sole rather than something svelte and going for 1000 bong bucks.

Hard pass. There's some proper porn on that website though.
I mean you obviously shouldn't if it laced only a moron has heel slip in laced boots/shoes
Fuckong nice, what are these? How versatile would you say they are?
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Bought a used pair of Wesco Jobmasters LTT for $230 after taxes.
They should fit perfect.
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Listening says they are vintage, but I kinda doubt it.
The logo is the same as the current one, but idk how long they've had it for.
Not a lot of wear on the heel or the soles.
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Ok it might actually be vintage because it isn't the current Wesco logo, the current one says like 100 years at the top, probably switched in 2018.
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What the fuck is this shit? You go outside with these? Is it a pride parade thing?
no they wear doc martens
he heel stacks have gaps because the leather shrunk just from ambient humidity
these sat around for a long time
whats with the Franks dickriding
thanks for the idea, i dont ahve any moisturzer at home but the after shave cream i have is moisturizing so it seems to work on my feet well enough
not a big franks fan and the shilling is annoying, but if you want a generic chunky 55 last PNW logger boot and don't mind having a giant logo stamped on the shaft, his is probably the best, value and quality wise
if you want looks go with whites
buying boots this used just seems gross
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>wholecut mocs from yuketen
Chelsea boots are gross
Looks ugly as fuck on a guy, you look like a total faggot.
Only women wear Chelseas
they don't look that used to me, just old and musty like they were left on a shelf for decades.
>Malding about chelseas again
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Indy chukka in navy nubuck. Just as versatile as any other Indy variant.
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The proportions on most chelseas have always bothered me. C&J and G&G are the only makers that have lasts appropriate for a men’s chelsea imo.



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