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Rate others
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Havent posted in this in ages and im early(these threads are lowkey gayer than gay porn), so totally radical

Its quirky
>magnum xl
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Not my cup of tea but I can still understand all your ideals besides the body. Ik its probably for the bit but especially top left is an insane build, reminds me of grown men who dress up as babies.
Gay besides the comfy ideals and car/house.
The gun is to shoot himself right?
>I can still understand all your ideals besides the body
any homo could go to a gym but it takes a real man to own the dad bod
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black femboy much???
faggy style
Sauce pic for the girl on the lower right?
>wanting to be bald and skinnyfat
Absolutely irredeemably SHIT taste. You’re beyond salvation.
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thats just terrible
nigga that someone attempted to turn into a house wife
u got that aids survivor eyes
average mde fan
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btw here's a more detailed version of my EDC
>average mde fan
yup, btw Sam is a fat lying kike
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Very mentally ill
Maybe cool
primal fear
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how's liverpool training going? please sign Santiago Gimenez
house and music going stronk my bro
really like this one 9/10
alt bitches are my weakness goddamn 7/10
i wish i had hair like that bruh, pretty kewl m8
holy shit DM ME!
u look scary
thats quite basic
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first time making one of these

a man who knows what he wants.
u probably smell a little dusty but i fuck with the porsche
snowden loving twink
volvos are underrated. good ass music taste.
average cs player
good music. mt10s are sick, the weight is kind of intimidating though
dap+iem is the way
this is so bonerpilled
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This is my 2nd entry I made a lot of improvements since the 1st.
To clear up any confusion that might arise, I am black, and used Music for Entertainment just cause


50+ y/o white guy looking for sex/marriage in southeast Asia.


What is this?


Idk abt the music, but most other things look good, especially the girl choice


Didn't like it


I don't get it


I don't like the aesthetic


Nice gun & knife. Grace Kelly is sexy af


The girls id okay-ish. What is wrong with u tho? Stop watching porn


Nice style, girl, and home

There is a difference between what you want and what u are
post twink death homosexual in his 30/40s vibe
>volvos are underrated. good ass music taste.
thanks, volvos are comfy as fuck mostly the s40-s80 sedans or some of their 2000s cabrios so fucking effay, i dont really care much for the old drift cars but i get it too. Nice style btw
the half black manlet chudcel idolizing white tradsluts and hitler aesthetic
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I can respect that 8/10
Nice music and body ideals 7/10
Touch grass 6/10
Dark, moody, comfortable 9/10
Meh 7/10
you’re disgusting
I tried to cover the eyes, I just like the face and hair, your ideals remind me of the rich neo hippy types who’s lives are funded by very wealthy parents, knew a guy just like that
Very based, I can get behind almost all of this
you’re kinda boring
Yeah my music taste is kinda random, I kinda fuck with the black nazi bit, you’re literally hitlers top guy
A departure from the usual black woman aesthetics and it pulls together really well
i wish i had wealthy parents
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Very nice
Scared of you to be honest
Adorable, amazing taste in women
i hate it
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Good style/lifestyle
Pretty great chart overall. Nothing I'm super into, but solid stylistically.
Commit further to the goth leanings. The style is kind of just boho in black.
Face section seems manic. Some great albums in your music section, but I think you could do with delving a little deeper into Coltrane and Davis. IEM and mp3 player are based, I just recently started getting back into audio as a hobby, I feel like I have to start all over.
Extremely good. Wonderful style and music, good home. My favorite chart so far.
Based vespertine enjoyer
Oh god ugh. Me 8 years ago and then i attempted suicide a few times. oddly enough self hatred is deadly. Best of luck love.
Fuck off homophobe
multiple people in ur head
u are the first guy Ive ever seen that finds indian women attractive
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Are those really men? Wtf?
Why do you have the literal Chud meme in your ideal hair/face
Terrible wigger style
Based style
You're that black tranny who keeps posting their face aren't you
Kill yourself, I mean it
Who the fuck thinks indian women are unattractive? It's unusual to be specifically attracted to them tho
>Why do you have the literal Chud meme in your ideal hair/face
In my opinion Snowden looks very cute, and he's also smart! Plus he screwed over the United Goyim states.
Kill yourself unironically
NSA agent hands typed this
>United Goyim states
Snowden is based, antisemitism is not
test failed
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>[x] LE BASED!!!
>ehh guys can we cool down on the antisemitism ev&oe ((((they)))) eat baby foreskin?
>You're that black tranny who keeps posting their face aren't you
poor brainrotted chuddieboy
brainrotted ev&oe im not the one posting porn
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said i would update it but still haven't

8/10 high test and +1 for faruza
>boy who looks like this
scary mind 4/10
6/10 i know too many sanrio-ass ppl like you but cool music
9/10 you know what you want
7/10 because lol
7/10 pretty nice but hair and music feels kinda basic, i like the house
11/10 force of nature
8/10 cosy house and nice booba winona
7/10 pretty nice but damn gurl that ass is 2fat4me
5/10 wolfcut = vomit but v cute girl
>Are those really men? Wtf?
No, only in my dreams
yea the hair is definitely basic, but i try to make it understood that i wear my mullet in an unapologetic racist kind of way, not a redditor kind of way
That's an Israelian soldier with a lovely bum, not porn
yeah its just a depiction of erotic behavior intended to cause sexual excitement, couldnt be porn
Not everything with sexual/erotic elements is porn. Go buy a dictionary so you can learn what words mean
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>underage boy in MAN/GIRL
Uhmmm... mods?
i dont have to buy one, I can use the internet
yeah ok and this is just a pic of a female soldier who happens to be attractive, if this is porn then everything is. Last reply you'll ever get from me + kill yourself
>if this (((porn))) is porn then everything is...
>btw you are the brainrotted one chuddy + kill yourself because im very wholesome and kind person
cry about it
anon, youre literally talking to a jew, dont bother answering
>is also pedo

So typical lmao
cool headcanon bro
Damn, I wish you're better now
Says who, the guy who is too lazy / retard to make a grid?
a real man would never hold prejudice against someone because of their ethnic heritage
I made >>18162626
they are the "least desirable" race on dating apps. Also as you just said, its unusual to be specifically attracted to them, compared to white or asian women
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8/10 based tastes in men and music
6/10 very comfy, I too want to spend my life playing modded sims 4
8/10 femme male asians hell yea
7/10 good taste in music and home decor
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7/10 Decent

Love the first 3 rows, style is good, women aren't that great, home seems lovely, and the EDC is just weird
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19 year old wannabe rapper studying fashion design in uni

i like the top middle photo from that balenciaga show in the style square, i loved that outfit when i first saw it

this guy is awesome

i would def try and be friends with u! i love tron legacy too

i have mixed feelings

probably a nice person irl

also pretty cool but you remind me of someone who was in my class who was so annoying! but youre probably a good person, malice mizer is cool
you are a brave one for studying in this field, seems really unstable for job opportunities after you graduate
>i like the top middle photo from that balenciaga show in the style square, i loved that outfit when i first saw it
to be honest its the best show Demna has ever made
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Rats are homies, you should have one with you at all times
actually it's not too bad, these days its easier than ever thankfully

im hoping to start a business or something after my degree, but my end goal is to be like a performing/touring musician, which unfortunately IS a very unstable job.
mods what? lol, do you know where you are?
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Based passport bro 8/10
Pretty good but you may be insufferable 9/10
Too much time spent on the internet 10/10
Twink mode is kind of gay but 10/10
Albino enjoyer 9/10
Average groyper
I've never seen anybody attracted to pajeets 4/10
Ratpilled 10/10
Superb music taste 8/10
Yellow fever 3/10
Bladee x wigger 5/10
you seem reasonable
thank you, I love your ideals currychad
I haven't heard I'm insufferable yet, but I could see how my ideals would come off as an attempt to be unique
If you're Catholicism isn't just an aesthetic 9/10
Basic faggot in every sense of the term
dead, make new thread?
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I said you may be insufferable off of the style alone. But besides that everything else is perfect especially the music
Sorry I'm not trying to be a quirky redditor
maybe go rate something
Well you've succeeded in being one with flying colors
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You look like a pain in the ass to deal with
/pol/ /fit/ Chud here? Isnt angela rochista a
trans tho?
Do you take meth?
Soldier Boy is literally me, he just like me fr
Favorite Camus' book?
Gigachad looking bro. Awful taste in women.
Did u chose NCR or Caesar's legion?
Why do you have bbc in lifestyle?
Cute negress. How many languages do you speak?
How many of your exes have you two stabbed? You look mentally ill
Nice edc
Whats the gun for?
You look like a person from another age
Very basic, nice yellow fever tho
Crackhead ?
Drakkar Noir is very very good
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First time making one of these
Aw hell naw I had no clue that was a tranny, a mistake fr you can never tell these days. I haven’t been a /pol/ browser in years but I do go on /fit/ regularly. Your ideals are alright, but why do you want to be the whale?
please don't starve yourself, looking sickly and frail is not healthy nor attractive...
Im not sure she actually is, it was a rumor going on so it could be wrong.
I dont wanna be a whale, Im always trying to slim down, so I see myself as one, im currently at 16% bf but I hope to get to 13/12% in the next months.
Btw bonus points for ABBA, I like them too
>Do you take meth?
why would u think that? Altho meth is very common where I live I dont do any drugs except some fun stuff like shrooms
Idk where to post this, but where can I get cheap shit like stone island? I honestly don’t even care if it’s fake if the quality is good enough. Would it be cringe to buy random no name shit off Amazon and just add my own stone island patch to it?
or just make a thread
NCR quests for the armor, yes man ending because i don't like any of the factions
fashionreps on reddit.
they dress like indian bodega workers but they have a decent guide for ordering solid replicas from china
10/10 fucking great

You put in the effort of organization and pic choices, ur lifestyle is better than the dumbfucks who put 2 pics in it, great women choice, and I see u got my girl too
You got to rate other people to not get ignored, not yourself
What are u waffling abt? I did a whole rating reply earlier, scroll up. I rated this guy cause his grid catched my eye. Instead of yapping why don't u post yours?
Idk you just gave me that vibe
Based yesman
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based and boganpilled
I would also like a bigger butt
cool style and I also love abba gold
intentionally confusing?
I like those albums and your girls
peak comfy lifestyle ideals and nice hair inspo
I also wanted to put diogenes on mine but I'm trying to be a better person
underage/10 but I dig the home inspo
love yourself brah
love your style and also want that morticia and gomez love :(
yay sims 4
i fucking love vespertine too
cannot deny this is all 10/10
cool i like it i would also want to look like mads mikkelsen if I were a man
that hair is amazing
love it all i bet you're cute irl
do you have adhd/frequently antagonised by your teachers as a child?
noice houses
chinese npc but i respect that
glad to see someone wasted as much time on theirs as i did. cool cars

I would appreciate any music or style recs. I actually believe these make your ideals come true
im not diagnosed for any mental illnesses because ive never seen a psychologist, and i dont think my teachers antagonized me more than anyone else.. i actually did pretty well in school Why?
>intentionally confusing?
what do you mean by that?
>chinese npc
>there is my flag there (≠china)
Is it over for me?
>Whats the gun for?
feeling cool
Idk just a typical personality type I've observed in fellas like yourself that I know irl
I feel like your style pics are so different from each other... and for the record I also find snowden so hot
are you not asian?
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bro, i swear bro, im human
My brother in christ, Im shitalian
Based memetic cryptid entity haunting the woods outside my house
Based gunslinger, I always wanted a gun but I cant because Eurocuck
Middle aged and divorced/10
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you dont know fellas like me irl
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Nice picks aside from smoking

old mp3 players were good for audio courses
that's probably the only thing I can agree with your post

Weird but pretty chill overall
Would kick it

We might be distantly related

Can't find any fault in it

I had roughly similar ideals when I was a teenager

Neurotic weirdo but probably cool personally

You've idealized an average guy
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Right, that's what the actor Robert Powell looked like when he played him
>disfigured roider
>le trad family
>uniqlo tier basic style
>runner wife even though they all look 50 by their 30s
>most train stations in major cities filled with hobos, travels by train anyway
>spotify mix music taste
>deliberately less privacy by living in apartment
>castration spying device with brain fryer pods
I can see how we could not agree on most things
>I like those albums and your girls
thanks I made them. You kinda give me the manipulator vibes, erm slay?
>You've idealized an average guy
Easy way on the short list of people that have all of their ideals :^)
Anon I bet you have a South Korean flag in your room
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My bad for how I phrased that, lol. I see a lot of guys matching your ideals and they usually tend to be cool people. I'm now seeing how awkwardly worded it was.

Well, we agree on the use of mp3 players. I have a pretty nostalgic memory of loading on up with audio files, wrapping it up in the cord and taking it along with a pocket edition of the matching book anywhere. Starbucks, university library, etc. Creates a perfect little environment devoid of distractions. I learned the basics of the main romance languages and of German in addition to reading a ton of lit and philosophy classics using one of those.

I just like a long hairstyle and a beard.
>disfigured roider
Knees-over-toes-guy is just a guy into hobbyist sports that sells a knee health program.
>le trad family
Yeah man, ideally. Let me add more things I'd do in my ideal lifestyle.
>uniqlo tier basic style
Close, but only for lighter and more formal stuff, otherwise I prefer wool.
>runner wife even though they all look 50 by their 30s
It's merely a female rugby player that happened to serve as a celebrity lookalike of my wife. And when you love someone, you stop caring what they look like anyway. How else are you going to love your spouse in old age?
>most train stations in major cities filled with hobos, travels by train anyway
I've heard news about how bad the American subway systems are. But I was referring to public transport in general, since I choose not to drive or bother with car stuff.
>spotify mix music taste
Yeah those three in particular are good, you should give them a listen with your mp3 player.
>deliberately less privacy by living in apartment
Yeah. You can see me in a towel in the sauna if you'd like, lol.
>castration spying device with brain fryer pods
No, I'm actually posting from the numeral display on a microwave that I rigged up to a ham radio. This way I can stealth out the government and the big tech companies and protect my sperm count.
Anon... I in fact have one
No hard feelings Anon.

Good luck on the jesus core, also based fellow wool wearing anon.
does your mama tell you you're special?
I'd say I'm a nice person :^)
people like you will never understand what it means to be a real individual
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nah bro be the fish
left column is megaqt
you have to be 18 to be on this site
Thanks anon I bet you are too
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hhaha thanks you too
bump maybe i'll finally make one
Do it
Use GIMP if u need a starter app
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Everything about this is fucking lame but the lime scooters single-handedly saved it.
Pretty cool, I dig the hair goals. Cars are also neat, house looks cozy as fuck
9/9 easily one of the best I’ve seen, mirin the goal body
Stupid and lame
Kind of strange but not the worst, 5/9
Little too goth zoomed for my tastes but otherwise not bad
The weeb keychain kind of ruins the vibe but otherwise this is another really good one
Very decent, here for the Toyota and photography. Hope you get over your ex soon though homie, it’s never good to hold on to stuff like that
Love the moodiness of this, style doesn’t seem to fit with the rest but otherwise very comfy
Really diggin the style and the hair, house is kind of weird though not gonna lie
Rate others idiot
Excellent body and hair goals, definitely here for the Toyota technical. For style really like the two far left images
Rate others idiot (great effort though, digging the style especially)
Ford truck kind of ruins an otherwise really great one. Definitely a fan of the lifestyle and home though
>Rate others idiot
I did retard
Ok cool my bad nice doubles dipshit
i use gimp all the time. i have a few charts already but the latest was made two years ago
it's a little embarrassing to make at my age especially when i have a ton of other stuff i've been putting off\
thank you based filmchad
I dont believe you OP but bread is a lifestyle I agree.
I like your music collection
I like the woodsie style you have going on there.
You seem funny
Very clear aesthetic
Dark bus seems like a fun thing to do
Gundam style is ideals, I agree
I bet youre already too sexy
FO and lift! That house is really pretty.
Do you really like harmonica music?
I love moody house too.
Cute things, I like it.
That hair is pretty and the Juno soundtrack is really good!
All of your ideals are really cool, very inspirational.
Car turret, A+, fantastic
Moody and adventurous, very cool.
This is cool, that apartment style can be really romantic.
Simple and seems healthy, very good.
Its interesting, a lot of your ideals are very intense but the homes you like are relaxed.
I like that car too. Classy houses.
Excuse me but those wires are a fire hazard.
Good lifrestyle ideals. Well they're all pretty good!
Countryside home pics are really nice, same.
I hope you are able to have a camel some day.
I like that Gorillaz album too, and nice interior. Don't want you to have that blood on your face though.
IDK what to say about this one, its so minimalistic. :P
Are you married to the other anon??
Helicopters are really dangerous methods of transportation. But it all looks really good!
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Updated. Lemme know your thoughts.
I'll stop annotating things when I cease being autistic
>Ford truck kind of ruins an otherwise really great one. Definitely a fan of the lifestyle and home though
kek i know fuck all about cars. Nice chart!
oblivion chads rise up
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Please rate others
I hope those cables get short pretty soon and I die burnt alive
are u a witch? I feel like you would turn me small just like those images on your chart so you could carry me every day in your magic bag just like all those little creatures in your edc
not trying to be rude but it all seems just tasteless, basic, consumer vibes
Kinda gay. Not /fa/
Also gay
Generic “alt/edgy”. Not a lot of personality in this one
I gotta be old if Crystal Castles is taken as a “good” band. I’m trying not to make this completely cynical, but this one is pretty generic “alt/edgy” too. Doesn’t feel genuine, like you’re genuinely a depressed person, but styling yourself that way because it looks aesthetic.
Also generic
You’re cute (hit me up)
Girl who doesn’t showers and wears the same shitstain drawers
Thinks they’re a fictional character (probably transgender)
Good taste
Meow to you too
:| No.
No but today I was thinking about it and it kind of seemed like cat treats. Or bird food idk your choice.
daring to call anyone generic with that uninspired ass grid is so funny
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What the FUCK is wrong with Crystal Castles?
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>Car turret, A+, fantastic
It's just a supercharger. It makes the car vroom harder, it doesn't shoot bullets lol
Entry level electronic band, even for its time, it was stale and played out. Throbbing Gristle for the Taylor Swift fan.
(me) btw.
Maybe it's me but I haven't found any bands with the same vibe and sound as CC, that are just as good as them or better. This just seems like you're one of those fags who thinks having a personality means liking only obscure music.
It's more like listening to Greta Van Fleet and not knowing Led Zeppelin exist. It's a staple of the genre. If you don't TG, you're either too young or know nothing about electronic music at all.
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>only films I like in style
My man. Please stop listening to video game osts
Timingila - Timingila
Jandek - Lost Cause
Deathranch - A Prisoner
best of luck 90s goth
Shiloh - Operator (A Girl Like Me)
Today Is the Day - Sadness Will Prevail
Best in thread
I swear you were on mu all the time in like 2018
>Please stop listening to video game osts
I will when they stop sincerely being some of the best music produced this century
Good rec tho
> Doesn’t feel genuine, like you’re genuinely a depressed person, but styling yourself that way because it looks aesthetic.
What does that even mean lmao
even if they were entry level that wouldnt make it a bad music, they were never stale or played out though. There was nothing like them and to this day nobody could achieve anything similar.
>Throbbing Gristle
Rate-y Rate-y

Avg. liberal passport bro who brings subhumans back home and they divorce you as soon as they get that Green card
Gay Africanus
Christcuck, grow up
Gay, ugly women
Imagine ur whole life being abt music
Simp-sons are replying>>18158674
Based e-girls, Based EDC
kys fr
Great, but add more shit
Only niggers whom society must accept, why do u luv krauts tho?
Don't come to Evrope
You're >>18156138 wife but from southeast asia, please don't come
Fuck yea brother, your better than the most here
That's what i call effort
Don't double post again, wait for the next thread. Its great, but wdym by "shares the load"?
Train the legs blackie, also put some effort dumbass
I love the tons of pics u put in there, but pakis are for sex not marriage, Unless you want your son to be dumb and ugly af

Why don't y'all put some more effort?
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>Don't double post again
Ok mom

>but wdym by "shares the load"?
Shares the responsibilities of life together. If I work all day, affairs at home should be in order on account of her being there.
Based FAL
Just get a housewife, or make her a one. Kids need constant attention, can't trust a nanny to take proper care of ur offspring. The kids won't love her anyway if she works all day and barely say her
>Imagine ur whole life being abt music
my whole life isnt about music, its just where a lot of my inspiration comes from. I bet u just felt threatened by my sick music taste
It's literally your ideals. Your EDC, GIRL, STYLE, half of lifestyle are full o music
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Finally I can pass judgment unto you all with little fear of repercussion, being at the end of the thread >:) Updated to this last month's media + little alterations here and there.

Proper Gold Coast Bloke

style, music are cool, dexter and defender 90 are great

music is cool. Body, lifestyle are good. Girl is cute, but a miata? Also the guy in hair/face's irritates me for no particular reason.

I wish with all my heart for CS2 to be reverted and old movement returned.

Music's got a few good ones and I can see myself liking the style a bit.
>slammed Volvo S60(?)
Fuck yeah

Actually pissed I didn't think to put himmy in mine, music's good too.

full size carry chad

Actually way better than the last one I remember, love Billy Idol.

Holy zased, style is cool. Hilux, Quattro, home are all perfect and music has more hits than misses. +for Mike Mentzer as well.

Hitler's top guy

style is cool and I like Azalea Banks

When I was in Korea I saw a woman exactly like the right photo in body pass out and hit her head in the street on those frozen spit patches they have there. Anyway I'm contracting someone to IV feed you 2200cals in your sleep.

I've only got one anorexic asian girl story so you can read the above reply too, home is cool I fuck with apples.

face and body are real as fuck

zased, love handguard mounted optic AKs, hilux and CZs are okay :)

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hair and style are cool

most normal man alive (positive)

great all around, now you gotta rate others

I met you in a ditch one time you told me to flee

house and girl are good

house is good, cars are great

I'm gonna have to find a way to implement a cute pic section next time... style is actually pretty cool, Bernadette Banner comes to mind even though I know it's not too similar at all.

2/2 Ok thread can die now :3
that is exactly what someone threatened by such music taste would say. My ideals are inspired by music, thats not the only thing though. I can see how the edc might give off such vibe but the girls or style dont really apply. You are bit right about the lifestyle there are few music related things, not as much as you said though
I'm a literal zoomer so no I don't know this obscure 60's band. I'm curious now but I doubt it's gonna be the same shit as CC. You seem like a typical pretentious /mu/ user who hates everything and judges music solely on how mainstream or underground it is.
>Music's got a few good ones and I can see myself liking the style a bit.
>>slammed Volvo S60(?)
>Fuck yeah
they are s80 just a bigger version of the s60, the very bottom one is a saab actually but they are very similar
great taste though, cool style too
>Deathranch - A Prisoner
Thank you for the rec! Is that bones on a bike? Love the EDC and style
>That's what i call effort
What can I say I love a collage
I unironically act just like asuka lol
Not that much. I like cause I csn play a lot of my favorite songs on it, like Oh Susanna, Ode to Joy, and La Marseillaise
I do love myself

9/10 good effort
That ain't no BBC. It's just racemixing for me, and none for u ;)
>Hitler's top guy

I love that u have a lot of pics
Finally someone with a fucking bike
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this one's mine, came back to rate some more

good choices all around, you clearly prefer quality/craftsmanship and avoid the superficial. i dig the choice of houses.
you either live in an alpine/scandinavian country or want to. i recommend 1970s-80s euro/jdm cars if you want that look. they look better than most modern cars if the paint is good.
thoughts on the indian ftr?
pnw for sure
based as fuck. i also have a pixel, probably going to install graphene soon too. also excellent physique. good music as far as the stuff i recognize.
love jacobfuckingjones. nice pc/tripod setup
model s is not worth the money imo, barely better than the model 3 except for the performance but a fast ev is still boring. also look into pinion e-bikes
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Who's the Zeppelin to CC's GVF? Throbbing Gristle is extremely different from CC and I wouldn't expect a fan of either to enjoy the other.
Kap Bambino scratched the sae itch for me in my CC phase. Zero Night Life Vision in particular
>Throbbing Gristle is extremely different from CC and I wouldn't expect a fan of either to enjoy the other.
Yeah just checked out TG and it is nothing like CC, and definitely not better. I don't care how avant-garde and unique it was in the fucking seventies. Absolutely bizarre to compare the two, it just shows how /mu/-brained that anon is because the literally only sensible way to compare CC to TG and then declare TG as the winner is if you rate them by obscurity.
thx for the rec btw
It's the evolution of electronic music. What you know today as the genre, they were the earliest band to use samplers "Five Knuckle Shuffle", Chris and Cosey honestly would of been a more apt comparison (their music is closer to the dark electronic dance of Crystal Castles), but the influence is still there. I'm not trying to be obscure, I'm a fan of the genre and know the history. I don't use 4chan much, and I found out bout TG through a friend in High School (I'm older)

You don't need to know the history to enjoy something in the genre. The Chris & Cosey song you posted is still very different from Crystal Castles. The same way that Blind Willie Johnson won't scratch the same itch as Zeppelin. Neither of them are better or worse because of how new or old or influential they are. You can think Crystal Castles are bad but you need a better reason than "other people made electronic music before them" it just makes you sound old
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You are literally just malding about Crystal Castles fans being younger than you and new things being popular. Look at what you've become, old man. You are no longer with it, and that's fine but just be cool about it
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id fuck the shit out of you
and you
and you
and you
and you
and you
You seem gross
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Haven't posted in a while, though little has changed

to achieve this, you must first get divorced and your kids must blame you for the divorce

like it, 7/10

boring, but not in a bad way, 6/10

lovely house, get over your ex/10

lifestyle and cloths are nice, everything else not so much, frat house/10

cosy house

everything is great, still gay. 9/10

I too, desire to be happy in live, 8/10

only still is off, 9/10

See the above, style is worse, but /lit/ saves you 9/10

great choice of cars and dresses, 8/10


based music, 0/10
Yes hopefully, I wouldnt do it with a black man ;-;
Bf material
reporting back: lel no time rn
>See the above, style is worse, but /lit/ saves you 9/10
t-thanks tolstoy? love your collaging
thanks anon
Based png(s).

Love the dog and rhe father-son in lifestyle dangling down. Superior women choices, best in thread so far.

I made some updates and improved my Grid by adding more pics. But I won't post it till the next thread
Good for u if you're a woman, are u gay if you are a man
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Thread is Dead

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