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What do I need to care for my boots?
>Old cotton t shirt (one for cleaning, another for applying conditioners)
>Horsehair brush ($10-15)
>Wooden shoe trees ($10-15)
>Light conditioner like Lexol/Bck4/renovateur
>Heavy conditioner (if you live in terrible snow/rain areas) Sno seal/Obernauf LP
>Don't forget that boots need time to dry properly, rotate them and rest them

How do I deal with x stain?
>mud: allow it to dry then brush off
>salt: water and cloth as soon as possible
>saturated wet: allow the boot to dry for a full day, stuff with newspaper
>scuffs and scratches: buff vigorously with horsehair brush

>Should I buy turdsdays/soloshits/doc shitans?
No they are filled with synthetic materials aimed at instant comfort but will not hold up to actual use.
>b-b-but muh ecelebs on youtube said they're good
no. you will waste your time and money and still have uncomfortable footwear at the end of the day. spend the extra $100 and get something real.

Manufacturer Red Flags
>Unknown leather source
>Made in Chyna/Mexico/Indonesia

Boot Red Flags
>Dainite (Get vibram v-bar instead)
>Non gusseted tongues
>Excessive/unnecessary seams
>Combination/mixed material heels

Boot Brands NO
>Doc Shitters/Soloshitters
>any Whatsapp makers in the far east

Why are Solovair boots so comfortable?
so is the "made in usa/canada/eu/etc meme finally over?
who the hell is paying 700 dollars for boots made by a wagie in the USA when you can get better for half the price made in China?
the boot industry is dying and i don't care
What type of socks do you guys like to wear? Anything from thin cotton socks to thick ass wool socks you can barely squeeze into your boot?
i sweat so i wear some meshy breathable fruit of the loom socks i get in a pack of 6 at walmart
>order chinese/indo boots
>always comes off spec
>no refunds lol
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>even longer wait time than PNW makers
lol, lmao even
this is obviously a one-off thing
I wear wool socks. I have a bunch of lightweight/thin ones, midweight one, and a few thicc ones. Wool is the best material
currently waiting on a pair of shoes from enzo bonafe in 363mod last, but if they get here before the window closes i am going to get pic related as my one pair of black boots.

for dress footwear i like c&j's thin socks and for general wear i have some american trench wool/silk boot socks.
>thick ass wool socks you can barely squeeze into your boot
wear your woolies when you are sizing your boot and they will fit fine.
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minus33 heritage line, american trench alpaca and kennedy merino socks, sometimes darn tough
Darn Tough is all you need
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wow, cool AMA over on reddit, guys
a thrift flipper is acting like some kind of authority on leather care

look at the products he namedrops, some of them even cost more than $5, luxurious
i never knew such deep distinctions exist between VSC and renovateur, but i guess you need to sell at least 60 pairs of crusty Allen Edmonds on grailed to appreciate the nuance
>strip leather of old waxes and dirt
i now restore leather shoes.
why are you such a crybaby and so threatened by this?
you sound like a raging pussy bitch
there's not much more to it
>there's not much more to it
I guess if they are in OK shape otherwise, (don't need resoling or patching the lining or uppers. Kinda the point though, why does this need an AMA?
reddit thrives on attention. so someone makes a thread about something that doesn't matter just to get attention
it's the same as people on 4chan samefagging for (You)s
new bootfag here i thought sologayr was the dr. sharten killer?
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They are both trash
nta but what's a good brand alternative for that type of boot?
because thift flipping is absolute bottom feeder bahaviour and acting like smearing bick 4 into old shoes makes you knowledgable enough to speak on anything is pure egotism
is it really that hard to make a gusseted tongue
I happy my OC is still being reposted after all these years even though I don't browse /btg/ outside of winter months.
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Cute feet
>nta but what's a good brand alternative for that type of boot?
The entire design of leather stitched on a thin flexible rubber sole is fundamentally flawed so no good version of that design exists QED
Ok so i want a black boot that looks good and is made of leather.
That's everything i need so please shoot a recommendation.
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the obvious choice
White’s MP, Frank’s Boots (great durable boots), Grant Stones have their Diesel & Brass boots, Crockett and Jones & Cheney if you’re in the UK, I also like Carmina boots
The Goral Sharman has been making the shill rounds as the better Doc/Solovair alternative, but no experience with them or the brand. They almost assuredly can't be worse though.
The sole is intentionally designed like an orthotic. The purpose of those air filled soles are to make standing as comfortable as possible. The only problem are the QC issues but their customer service is impeccable so long as you're not a giga autist afraid to send an email.
Crazy that you guys are still reposting that. The original poster was a slavic monkey too afraid to ask for an exchange.
doesn't matter who posted it you fucking soloshitter
so i came close to getting some new parkhursts recently but im waiting to hear what their new last is like. Anyone gotten some recently with the antelope leather (kudu)?
he got an exchange that was also fucked and they got less generous so he was looking at paying shipping for another exchange
Muito obrigado friends. I hope imports won't rape my ass for buying something from the UK to Mexico so let's hope for the best.
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I need a new pair of good quality army boots as cool as the Austrian meme boots, what are the options?
I am ideally looking for elegant combat boots with almond toes like those 2007 Dior Navigate boots I am obsessed with. Obviously, only brand new, none of that used footwear for me lol. I don't care that mc ride buys used shoes.
Stick to cowboys boots Pedro
Based Prairie Man here, what yall think about the new shit kickers? gonna get some pythons soon.
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Right on I should wear my lizards more often, took my sharkskin service boots out today. Was going to wear the lizards to a rodeo yesterday but it was calling for rain, which it didn't, and now I regret not wearing them.
Perhaps a Nicks Boot in the HNW last with an unstructured toe?
Kill yourself you worthless shill
I meant for my feet, not my cock.
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Stop lying Ahmed you ape and learn to read.
if you're mexican you should look at local brands, americans have been outsourcing bootmaking to mexico for ages and Leon has a bootmaking tradition of their own, so you'll definitely find smaller brands that we haven't heard of
I don’t own any Nicks tho and don’t plan to. I actually have a pair of White’s coming
I think you can get the HNW last from other PNW boot makers or a similar last. Just avoid JK
What are your thoughts on "fake boots"? That is to say, boots whose only purpose is aesthetics rather than insulation or practicality
Is there any term to describe that boot category?
And it wouldn't necessarily include dress boots even, as those often do have decent insulation and materials
What's your feetcare routine?
If my feet feel sweaty but I don't plan for a shower I typically put them on hot water with salt and a bit of vinager and Cologne
I also apply antifungus cream to my toes and after shave balm to my heels, every second day, either after showering or after putting my feet in hot water, after drying them obviously
Body wash with lauric and myristic acid, along with palmitic acid in it. Soaps made from Coconuts contain this exfoliating, anti-fungal substance that is great for your skin. Look into the Taiwan-made Biore Body Wash soaps with the ingredients, then buy it.

Borax in water, soaking your feet and cleaning your shoes, clothing, home and body with it mixed in soaps also helps tremendously.
>only purpose is aesthetics
you just described the fashion industry
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Zero drop, wide toebox leather boots? Want to try out this barefoot meme
jimothy green
>shilling unironic chinashit in the OP
/btg/ cannot be saved at this point
Jim Green
Vivo Barefoot
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Thanks bros those African Trooper boots don't look too bad if I swap the laces. Any reputable reviews of these
the consensus is they're ugly but they just werk
There's also NoNs Barefoot A-B
Dont know mang, the only time in the past 5 years I've been disappointed its been european stuff.
Bought a 1k watch, a PRX that feels cheaper than chink Invicta diver
Bought Barker dress shoes that wrinkled than chink Doc Martens
Bought some Portuguese shoes before that and they broke in 5 weeks
Unless you're ordering from AliExpress or shein, chink shit is pretty decent
the toes on paramemes are way more bulbous in real life.
if you want something close to the diors both in quality and appearance get from the first lorenzos
This is a marketing post. There are dozens of Chinese brands trying to do grassroots marketing anonymously while hiding the Chinese roots and manufacturing quality on boards and forums in western countries. Specifically those that try to make their brands look western (Grant Stone, Cavour being examples you will see shilled on /fa/ often).

They are specifically trying to direct you from Chinese products at Chinese prices (AliExpress) and away from western brands so you get tricked into buying their overpriced shit.
Mall trash?
>Is there any term to describe that boot category?
>years later and people still schizopost over grant stone
it blows your burger grease covered, no qc check done bit still coats a mortgage payment boots out the water and youre mad about it
What’s the cheapest brand you won’t shit on? As nice as trickers look, $800 is a bit pricey
What combat boots should I buy that look like basic docs/solovairs but are quality?
If it's made properly using high quality materials I won't shit on it.
Usually that means made in the west with full grain leather from a quality western tannery and proper construction methods which means at least like 450€.
You can get it down to a bit less if you cut some corners like Red Wing does in the USA.

You can get it down to a lot less if you cut a big corner and have chinks build it but apart from like Grant Stone and Meermin does anyone else do a good job at it?

It's not a matter of money in any case, people pay like $700 for Indonesian boots and they are so bad.
Garbage hanes crew and micro crew socks in the summer and thick mother fucker Fox River merino Gibralter Frontier socks during the colder seasons. Planning on replacing the hanes with some thinner merino ones.
10$ for 20 pair at Walmart. Fuck paying a premium for disposable socks
dumb question but what would you guys recommend for color for someones first boot? what's the most versatile? plan to wear them with jean and chinos of a variety of colors. im /fa/shionably disabled/ .
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bong tan
hae enough red to work with wars colors, dark enough to not be terribly eye catching, brown enough to be brown, light enough to work on light colors okish, inoffensive enough to slip under black jeans

thanks lads.
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medium brown
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I'm looking at these canada west moorby's as my first.
where midsole
Not needed
Just black. Brown works only in shoes, in boots it looks straight up goofy.
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>Not needed
what would be a good ankle boot that would complement this fit well? I started working on my own style and really gravitate towards the image below, but don't know what brands/companies to look towards
work on better style
Get some guidi boots.
Any reason why you wouldn't just go with a Red Wing Blacksmith instead? Looks very similar and not much more expensive. Yours doesn't have a leather midsole and i think that is sort of a must have for your first pair of heritage style boots.
>brown boots with black jeans
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>buy indonesian shell
>it creases
>celastic almost up to the instep
>the creasing is shit becasue the shell has no room to flex since the vamp is all stiffener
>the length of the celastic isn't even the same left and right
and briselblack was supposed to be one of the "better" indo brands, lmao
once you kick the shit out of those they'll look great tho
It looks ridiculous and you know it
this is cad. red wings are $170 more for me. i will consider the lack of leather rmidsole. grant stone diesel or iron rangers would be my first picks, just a bit expensive for me right now.
You have no imagination. Typical phonetard.
IRs don't have a midsole either. Because it isn't really necessary.
yep. it can work but mist people are stuck on suit color rules and don't use their eyes
>zomg black and brown
depends on the brown and jeans are effectively neutral
I meant the one you posted >>18179661
doesn't have a leather INSOLE lel. It is fine to not have a midsole.
>It is fine to not have a midsole.
it's really not
stop it.
depends, i think a midsole is a must on almost every boot (only having a rubber midsole for gumlite or wedges is fine too). But on a lightweight shoe, as long its a single leather or not some extremely hard rubber (like on an iron ranger), its fine.
I'd give it a pass for a dress shoe but on these hard rubber compounds you're going to suffer
at least the iron ranger has a supper thicc slab of insole but idk if the moorbys are the same
Nah its fine. Especially in Red Wings that have like a 6mm leather insole or whatever.
Moorbys doesn't even have a leather insole, never mind the leather midsole. Which was my point here >>18179820 except I miswrote and said midsole when I meant insole.
*taps the sign in OP*
They are so ridiculously good after you break them in. Why don't they offer medium or light brown? Only dark brown.
A bushcraft youtuber claimed that its good to have some loose space inside your boot under extreme cold so that theres a layer of warm air inside your boot

Would the inverse be true? Would it be beneficial to have air-tight boots under very hot conditions to avoid heat build up ?
In my experience skinny clothes are bad in summer, you want extra volume to have air circulate

I don't know if the same is true in shoes either way, your feet are fairly tightly covered by socks and I can't imagine loose shoes being comfy in any way.
well he didnt recommend getting loose shoes, but rather not tightening the laces too much
kind of a silly conjecture, that's almost like saying a looser fitting jacket is somehow warmer, because there's more air inside
i could say the exact opposite and also sound like a survival expert
>having empty space in your boot is bad for temperature retention, because a boot is a pretty confined non-air-tight space, that is subject to a lot of movement, which means it works like a pump with each step pushing out your body heat and drawing in new freezing air you have to heat up again
>a tight fitting boot has less air exchange and warm air stays between the insulation layers
i don't have a youtube channel though

i know i am asking a lot but i found this https://www.novafashionshop.com/product/iron-ranger-2/

seems like it's too good to be true. would be saving a ton of money, even with the CAD to USD conversion. anyone have any experience with this retailer?
this is so obviously a scam
lmao you're a retard if you think this is real
The last boots I bought were my Indys. I don't care if they're overpriced. They are comfy as fuck, the last is a great fit for my feet and I plan on just wearing them until they disintegrate
I'm not falling for the 700 dollars for boots meme anymore
not retarded, just desperate
I have both the Moorsby and the Iron Ranger and I would pick the iron ranger
when I get home my dude. I am not wearing boots right now because it's 100 degrees
Love my Indys
Wish I'd have bought them in a more versatile color so I can wear them more often
snuff suede is like one of the most versatile color i can think of
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These look based though and go with pretty much anything but black
Yeah I wear them a lot but I wish it was a bit darker
If you want a well made Iron Ranger clone. They have it in other leathers too.
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>chinese dropship
True, I too love my Alden's. Excellent shoes for a white collar worker.
that's not a clone that's just an iron ranger and that's not what will be in the box
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What boots or shoes would you get if money was not a factor?
For me, I'd probably get a bespoke pair by Yohei Fukuda, and probably drop 5k for it
basic medium arch plain toe service boot but fully bespoke last
I can't stand Trenton and Heath or their annoying channel. They try way too hard and it comes off as annoying
For me, it's Steve from Bedo's Leatherworks or Dan the Cobbler
>Dan the Cobbler
i think im gonna send in my galway to convert from 270 to 360 storm welt. My usual cobbler (who is more like a bespoke shoemaker) said he doesn't do full rewelting so hes my second choice i guess.
ask him to make ron kiss them for good luck
The reviews I've seen say they're pretty good quality, especially for the price. They're the lower end version of xbxs boots which is a really high end Chinese maker.

Got Alden Indy clones too. If it's too unethical to buy clones like that they got some non-clones too that looks nice. Like their teacore service boot or the rural moctoe.
Anyone familiar with Shelvedge? He posts shoe pics on Insta and has a really nice collection
I discovered his youtube channel and saw him for the first time and he's bald with shitty ugly tattoos and he talks like a literal retard. He sounds like he has Downs
Thanks for reading my blog
High end shoes collectors who have a youtube channel are usually not mentally there.
The more grounded guys that are fun to talk to IRL don't have any media presence.
If money was no object I probably wouldn't need to buy dress shoes
Outside of work I only ever wear my black oxfords at weddings and stuff like that. Also loafers if it's a summer event sometimes.

Don't think I'd have more than a pair of oxfords and two loafers if I didn't work for money.
Can you wear boots when you’re a senior citizen? Or is it over?
What do old people wear?
i haven't gotten to wear mine as much as i wanted to yet.
They used to wear proper old shoes.
Then I noticed that old men started wearing those leather shoes that are basically a leather sneaker looking kind of shoe with a thick rubber sole with grip to cushion the strike impact for their old bones.
Now I suppose they just wear throwaway chinksneakers.
he was almost 100 years old here

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