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Actual watch thread edition

Guides and Info:
>Classic Meme
>Poorfag guide:
>Watch essentials 102:
>Purchasing used watches:
>Purchasing straps:

"Suggest a watch for me."
>Your budget
>Watch type, e.g. dress, diver, pilot
>Movement, e.g. automatic, hand-wound, quartz
>Desired features, e.g. water resistance, day/date, 2nd-time zone
>Preferred strap option, e.g. leather, nylon, bracelet
>Wrist size or desired watch size

Previous thread >>18190699
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>favorite watch under 5k
>black chocolate vs milk chocolate vs white chocolate?
>favorite watch over 5k
>last movie saw (did you enjoy it?)
>complete this sentence: "Tudor is _____"
>sex with overweight women: y/n?
>have you ever visited a watch museum or manufacture? if yes which one, if not which one would you like to visit?
fakeass brand pulled out of shitemont ass
Stop making two threads niggers
>>favorite watch under 5k
Probably the new Tudor Black Bay GMT in 39mm but for that price I'd go vintage
>>black chocolate vs milk chocolate vs white chocolate?
black chocolate with a hint of sea salt
>>favorite watch over 5k
Rolex Explorer 36 (my daily watch)
>>last movie saw (did you enjoy it?)
Furiosa. It was alright but Fury Road is better
>>complete this sentence: "Tudor is _____"
alright for the price, but honestly you should just save and buy a Rolex
>>sex with overweight women: y/n?
>>have you ever visited a watch museum or manufacture? if yes which one, if not which one would you like to visit?
Never. I'd like to visit the JLC manufacture. There's a Teddy video about it and it looks kino.
Feel free to suck Whoretadello’s circumcised cock in the other thread faggots. This one is for actual watch discussions
what is this retarded F.P. Journe ripoff?
actual thread for you faggot nigger thirdie lmao lol
I hate that attention whore as much as the next guy but i also hate having to deal with deleted threads and then finding the other one.
Rather than that just report that faggot.
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>>favorite watch under 5k
There are none.
>>black chocolate vs milk chocolate vs white chocolate?
>>favorite watch over 5k
Patek 3940
>>last movie saw (did you enjoy it?)
Dune 2, it was shit
>>complete this sentence: "Tudor is _____"
Rolex cope
>>sex with overweight women: y/n?
>>have you ever visited a watch museum or manufacture? if yes which one, if not which one would you like to visit?
no, Patek museum
feel free to lick my shit stain anus like your mom did last night fucking nigger
Then don't give him any (You) and don't participate in his thread.
Mods don't care anyway. They won't do shit.
I have to admit that I'm not a huge Lange fan, I don't like asymmetry and that's their specialty.
>Mods don't care anyway
Exactly that. Jannies doing that job for free not because they're smart. They will see that that cocksucker's thread was created earlier and will delete this one.
>Patek 3940
I love this one, but always in white gold
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At least ALS will never make these reduced numerals like Journe does. Gosh this is ugly.
He's still banned anyway.
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Morning sirs!
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I'll never understand why so many watchfags care about symmetry so much.
Asymmetry can be cool. To me harmony and balance are much more important than symmetry. I unironically love pic related, especially the pre-Richemont 38mm.
>favorite watch under 5k
Doxa SUB 300 Professional (I know it's shit but I like it)
>black chocolate vs milk chocolate vs white chocolate?
Black chocolate? In the US, we call that dark chocolate
>favorite watch over 5k
Blancpain Fifty Fathoms, the new 42mm version
>last movie saw (did you enjoy it?)
Dune part 2. Yes.
>complete this sentence: "Tudor is _____"
rapidly becoming a real alternative to Omega.
>sex with overweight women: y/n?
No, that's a red line for me.
>have you ever visited a watch museum or manufacture? if yes which one, if not which one would you like to visit?
Yes, I visited JLC in Sentier
I didn't realize they made the Geographic in 38mm.
>I'll never understand why so many watchfags care about symmetry so much.
I'm just a somewhat boring autistic man.
If you like small diameters there are some real gems in the Master Control line from the 1990s, just before Richemont bought JLC in 2000
>Master Ultra Thin in 34mm
>Master Date in 34 and 37mm
>Master Calendar in 37mm
>Master Memovox in 36mm
>Master Geographic in 38mm
There's also a chronograph in 35mm but it has a quartz movement.
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I like the Sub 200T they’ve released a few months ago
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Asking again because none of you niggers were helpful in the last thread.

Where can I get my G- hock refinished? I want the letters to be reapplied and the scratches polished out. Does anybody know of such a service?
Those divers would look much better with a black dial.
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They do make them in black
35mm IWC Portuguese
Very nice. Old logo was kino.
It looks fairly recent though. Pre Richemont?
try DIY bro. unscrew and remove bezel (optional), clean stainless bezel, mask, apply gloss black paint or with very fine brush (cigarette butt), or correction pen for metal surface, remove excess paint.
It's from the early 2000s and Richemont bought IWC in 2000.
Based JLC shill.
That 36mm MEME-ovox is on my list but it’s almost impossible to find.
The 37mm Master Calendar is also nice. Not very expensive too.
Why is your water brown?
>early 2000
In watch years that was yesterday
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Whoretadello's thread got deleted as well as his posts in the last thread
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Morning, nomoes. Let’s get wrecked

Verification not required
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bittercel is a janny confirmed
Your pilosity is missing pieces
Those divers would look much better with a normal case
>The 37mm Master Calendar is also nice. Not very expensive too.
I think they also made a calendar that included a power reserve. The dial was obviously pretty busy, but that's a lot of good information.
go die in a fire
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Mods/Janitors, I wasn't going to complain because you seemed to have understood that it's just one person reporting non-stop on false claims. I appealed back in January iirc and got unbanned.
Of course, this person went into a frenzy when he saw my new watch and reported a hundred times on ban evading accusations. Even if I got the appeal approved (again, 7 months ago), if a Lie is repeated long enough, it becomes real.
Go and check the comments that got deleted and tell me if there is a single "shitpost" or low-quality post and tell me if this ban was justified.
Anyway, here is my watch. I still wish the person that has a vendetta on me well, he's probably going through things IRL. But taking it out on me isn't the answer.
I will appeal again in 3 days in hopes of fixing this misunderstanding once and for all. If not, even if I disagree with the ban, I will respect it and wait out the month.
Will be posting two more macro shots of the dial and then I'm off.
>Will be posting two more macro shots of the dial and then I'm off.

Oh ok! We're waiting
Bro I think your appeal is pointless considering the bittercel himself is a janny.
Jannies just clean up threads, they can't ban people. Those are mods. And, of course, he immediately starts ban evading again.
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Whats the point of a macro if you can’t focus
Looks like pubes
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does anyone have pic related or some other color variant? how are you happy with it and do you know if it is compatible with aftermarket bracelets made for kamasu?

also, for everyone else, which color do you prefer?
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Last one.
You should get those warts checked.
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Fucking hell. Imagine being self centered to the point of:
A/ making a new general way before bump limit just to get some (You)
B/ evading the ban you just got and then cry like a bitch in the other (legitimate) thread
C/ blame everybody else but your own shitty behavior for the ban you just earned
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Ido you have a /fa/shionable Hublot watch shop? They look like flat bricks other than the Paris one.
Ban evasions bad. But there's nothing wrong with his posts. Other than boring taste?
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He's not welcome here. Simple as.
Ban evasion and avatarfagging are against the rules, yes.

His posts themselves are usually just boring off-topic blogspamming. (Waaaah! But I posted a picture of a watch so it's watch-related!!) They would be easier to ignore if he didn't post fifty times in every thread.

But he's gone now, and we are richer for having lost him. No need to waste another thought on him.
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Cope if you must
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Cope if you must
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Cope if you must
>favorite watch under 5k
Seiko 62mas
>black chocolate vs milk chocolate vs white chocolate?
>favorite watch over 5k
>last movie saw (did you enjoy it?)
Gmk godzilla I think. It was kino.
>complete this sentence: "Tudor is _____"
Peak cope
>sex with overweight women: y/n?
Yes, overweight. Not obese
>have you ever visited a watch museum or manufacture? if yes which one, if not which one would you like to visit?
No, Rolex if any since it's very secretive.
>too big and chunky
>looks like an AliExpress shitter from a foot away
>too big and chunky, black edition
Do you actually use your steam deck at a desktop? I only dock it for use on my TV for gaymen
>bittercel is a janny confirmed
If Bittercel actually was a janny or a mod, then Loretadello would never be allowed to post.
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Its a good day to be Exploring.

Forget about the time, just go out and explore!
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I can't afford vintage so I borrowed the book. Apparently this book was sold in an oversized box sighed by Nick 'cause he is writes for Patek shills & Vanity Fair.
Its an old pic, I have a portable monitor there now.
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Can your Omega meme go into SPACE?
No Omegay has ever been to space. Or, if it has, it fucking BROKE. Imagine simping for this failed brand that has always lived in the shadow of Rolex.
Be careful anon and wear some blaze orange or someone will shoot you and think they bagged Sasquatch.
>favorite watch under 5k

Captain Willard

>black chocolate vs milk chocolate vs white chocolate?

Milk but I rarely eat chocolate

>favorite watch over 5k

JLC Polaris

>last movie saw (did you enjoy it?)

Apocalypse Now Redux for the fifth time, it's my favorite movie of all time.

>complete this sentence: "Tudor is _____"

Absolutely fine

>sex with overweight women: y/n?

Depends on the women, slightly overweight maybe, morbidly obese, hell no

>have you ever visited a watch museum or manufacture? if yes which one, if not which one would you like to visit?

I would love to visit Sinn in Frankfurt or the Longines one.
>JLC Polaris
Based. I tried a No Date Polaris at the AD. It was very comfortable and thin. It has a short lug-to-lug. It looks much bigger than it actually is, though, with that internal rotating bezel.
Aren't you ashamed?
sex with morbidly obese women yes yes yes yes yes
I don't like almost any modern watch, which is a blessing since I don't spend money on nonsense.
Why are you an extinguisher?
What's one or two that you like?
Chinese shitters and fashion watches MOG
Nice armwatch
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bought this a couple of months ago. had to get the crystal changed because Hamiltons AR coating fucking sucks and i dropped the bracelet. now its the the greatest watch i've ever owned. like its made for me.

i feel you. i wish more watchmakers would reissue their past models with better materials and better machining. i love the look of a lot of older models but the quality was shit and i dont like used watches.
*disclaimer: not my picture
I hope that isn't the case. It would explain a few things though.
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My theory is watches stopped being interesting the moment CAD became the norm. CAD makes everything feel sterile and soulless, which is a terrible thing for such intimate objects as watches. The 1990s will be the last decade where you can still find watches with SOUL, despite the terrible aesthetic principles from that era. Things are even worse now that the average consoomer has ADHD and only wants large shitters with electric blue dial and shit.
How can I summon Loretadello? I got a question.
40mm? Planning to pick up a 36 myself
>large shitters with electric blue dial and shit.
I want a gae BabyG or an original GShock because I have nipponlike manlet arms.
I've never thought it that way, I think you might be onto something anon.
Asking the question is the way to summon him.
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everything posted here and the previous 3 threads are all subhuman trash watches, seriously.

get a real watch that impresses anyone at the first glance or just buy the iTurd or Samshit piece.
I like the Royal Oak Jumbo because it is faithful to the original proportions. The same with the OP, the Explorer 1, the Date Just and the Day Date. Of the latter, I don't like the polished lugs. I also like the Vacheron 222... I think the whole Historiques collection. The Cartier Prive collection, I would say the Tank Louis with the Onyx dial and the Asymetrique. But I wouldn't buy these, what I would really like is a classic dress watch with classic proportions.
Poor readability
That is a monstrosity
They'd look better if they weren't 100% made in china. That or if they only cost about the same as a San Martin.

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