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Talk shit post fit edition
What kind of stupid faggot starts a WAYWT thread when the old one didn't hit the bump limit AND doesn't post a fit?

The answer of course is OP. Here's my contribution, Trannysaurus Rex.
>old thread is past 300
>no you can't start a new thread because i said so!
man nu-/fa/ is so fucking faggoted lol
All the boards have been hijacked be discord/twitter trannys incels and discord/ethnic incels femcels of various ethnicitied
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I’ll start this time
Once again chilling in south France so forgive me the repetitive fits allready working on my fall wardrobe though
Currently in Banyuls-sur-Mer
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Can’t manage to post rotated pics fuck it
Also Beach pic
For fucks sake
>going grey
it's so over moorbros
if i was brown i would dress like this guy.
doesnt look like refugee and also doesnt look like "i larp as white guy".
Can’t beat time my amore
Grazie my man
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I wouldn't worry about the grey hair. Your face still looks young, you don't have wrinkles so you look "distinguished" not old. Don't do anything stupid like trying to dye it.

>Today's fit
I made sure the toilet paper was put away so snowflake anon would have one less thing to screech at
probably your best fit yet, especially because i cant see your bare ankles
how high are your lifts
The heel is about an inch, there's no lift in the shoe.
so why is the top lace so stretched and the leather on the shoe side stretched like there is
So aside from the fact that you're pushing 60 and dressing your age (not good) your shoes look weird.
Why do your shoes look weird? Something ain't right here.
You look a lot better in clothes than out of them thanks to your ridiculous millenial-core musclecel build
Holy shit! I'm not the only one that noticed! Lmao, well spotted bro.
Can I ask what do you do for work?
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You tell me anon. What makes them look weird?
>So aside from the fact that you're pushing 60 and dressing your age (not good) your shoes look weird.

You see a man wearing man's clothes that fit well and are age appropriate and
you're complaining about this?

>your ridiculous millenial-core musclecel build

Oh never mind, you're either fat or a tranny, possibly both. Now it makes sense. I'm sure you'll heap praise on the twinks wearing women's clothes as soon as they show up.
Sweet, we get to enjoy the thread for a little while before the 2 work wear larp guys show up and start spamming pics of themselves in the woods
They're right though. Only quality herritage clothing and quality techwear clothing is actually worth posting about. Everything else is without function or purpose.
I took the summer off. Who is this jackass almond milk cuckold and why can I tell even from a cropped pic his hair is a fucking steaming wet dump with flies buzzing around and corn sticking out of it?
hes the tranny who's been posting the same all black outfits with shitty hair for the past couple of months
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Issey Miyake
working from home for the next two weeks, hence no shoes
also,pro tip, don't take fit pics in the middle of the day. UV just rapes the image quality and makes everything looks dirty when you try to recover any detail from the photo.
>he is still alive
>he is the south of France
living my Du côté de la côte dream
what I would do to be in Antibes right now...
Good thrift store outfit shirt and tie clash with each other, and the outfit, but pants and jacket look nice, good shoes as well, however feels a bit larpy with the other details in the image
>bad persian rugs
>random scale in the background
>contrivied hand affectation
If you're insistent on playing the old man, I would figure out the fastest way to start buying Charvet shirts, and Belvest suiting. From there I would branch out into British and American vintage, probably skip the french, charvet is lovely, but couldn't care less about the rest of the country
>the equipmentality of the equipment is the only quality that matters in an aesthetic field
I think you are misapplying Heidegger dear anon.
A very funny detail of some of those images is that the 'tree planter' character posts pics where he's at full pump, and it's clear he has no chest definition or musculature to speak of; it's a really poor use of his aesthetics. Imagine having the build of a skinny 18 year old and posting pictures where you're dripping in sweating and have a BPM of 140. Just poor form really.....
tranny anon detransed??
All clothing is a tool. A decorative but shitty tool is a bad tool.
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Thanks my man Grazie
Yess I embrace it would never dye them

and thanks for the kind words. Very nice fit also the materials and proportions are top
Yess Friday we spend a last day in Barcelona at the pool then it’s back home
Very nice hair and your bedroom also has a nice calm vibe.
The fit looks very nice Felix and comfy, for a finishing touch I would recommend some nice house loafers maybe with shearling inside and some kind of robe for summer silk
a tool designed to adorn, that adorns, is a good tool :)
good shout, Sugarhill Tokyo has some really fucking nice ones atm, but i think the GF will murder me if i get more shoes
He looks like that cause he's doing an honest day's bloody graft you woofter, not "working from home". You wouldn't last ten minutes.
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if you happen to be referring to me as one of the “workwear larpers”
thank you for reaffirming that we’re at a point in time where utilitarianism would be considered a larp like the superficiality of society isn’t pushing it to an all time low.
so im larping when I go out in 100+ degree weather and taking routes where I have to take care with each step of the way? I bring extra snacks and water in case I run into anyone in need, if you want to talk that shit about my fucking pockets. god forbid I ever do anyways, im the only one ever up there lately
2 middle fingers for you.
What snacks do you have
pumpkin seeds lol
So do you have to go these routes because of work ? Or is it like hiking in free time ?
I don’t get paid for anything I do yet I don’t even have free time so idk what to tell you
>no im high speed low drag ghost recon
nigga got caught, and flip flopped back to oem settings
>NEET wearing military style clothing and accessories on day-long hikes
You're larping anon, no two ways about it.
So it’s your hobby
In that case I understand the other guys saying it’s larping
But you do you if you like the style go for it. Even though there is better workwear since camouflage allways comes off cheap
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>>contrivied hand affectation
I'm holding a Bluetooth clicker for my camera and I'm autistic. It's not aspiring to gentry, I'm just awkward as fuck and can't pose for shit.
The sport coat is American vintage, it's an old miUSA Brooks Brothers 3/2 tweed. Most of my clothes are American vintage, access is limited to English/French vintage unless I pay out the ass or branch out into the European market.
>I'm autistic
ah, now i see
you sir get a free fashion pass
the tie & the shoes are good
real question, do you like your shirt that size?
i get it that cropped is in stile, but arm length look too short, length of shirt aswell.
i feel it breaks your silhouette a bit too much with already cropped pants.
It's also wrinkled as fuck, same with the pants. You'd think someone who wants to spout off and act pretentious would understand what an iron is, but here we are.
I already did tree planting and firefighting as a seasonal job in uni, shipping and receiving before that for ~5 years; while neither were particularly productive, they did make me never want to do that kind of work again because it pays like shit for the damage you're inflicting on your body. I don't have to blindly pay fealty to anyone doing it now out of some misplaced fetishization of the proletariat, especially when most of the people doing that work are larping/wealthy.
oh, fair enough, LOL, but yeah, you knew what I meant!
and yeah, forget the French shit if you're buying American already, much better value anyway
the sleeve is ~2 inches too short, but it's fine. This is a casual outfit, and I can always cope by wearing a jacket or wearing it unbuttoned. I wouldn't wear this with formal tailoring, maybe a sports jacket at most.
the pants have about 4 inches to let out, and i will be letting them out in future so also a non-issue, but i kinda like the cuff so i might keep em....
The most important aspects for me are where the shirt hits at the waist and how, the texture of the shirt, and the details. The shirt doesn't haveone of those curved hems like a dress shirt, hits just below the waistband of any pants i would wear with it, it's Cotton/linen, and has a very cute piped pocket, so I'm quite happy with it and the GF seems to like it too so what can you do
lol, lmao
>spout off and act pretentious
I'm terribly sorry if I insulted your fit but there's no reason to seethe and make things up
Imagine hiking a mellow trail in some city park and this guy comes up to you in fully military fatigues offering pocket snacks. dreadful.
>comes up to you in fully military fatigues offering pocket snacks

There's a copy pasta years old in /fit about an anon carrying a drunk woman home from a bar and when she comes to making her eat a plate of scrambled eggs. Same energy.
Look mate if you think your hard cause you've done a few days planting trees and that gives you the right to spout off about MY best friend on here then you've got another thing coming. I'm keeping my eye on you.
lmfao haha, cheers mate, carry on :)
listening to dolly

looks good, great drape on those pants. not in love with the shirt print but it would certainly work in the south of france. I remember noticing a lot of loud prints when I was in Nice. buzz looks great on you
tie feels out of place. great textures on the other pieces
obviously really simple but the fabrics look gorgeous. effortless look that works well with your build + hair
>full pump
i'm probably the tree planter dude you're referencing. not sure what you're getting at here though? I don't intentionally flex in my fits. I am abnormally vascular though so maybe that's part of it. the sweat was a result of the regular 40°C days where I was working
I do not come from wealth. I do forestry work because it pays well between semesters and I enjoy working outside
horrible angle and lighting. undecipherable fit
nothing is really working for me here. pants look like a cool piece on their own though
Based fashionable king of racism
>fist bump
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oakley clifden sunglasses
marlboro racing jumpsuit
diesel shirt
diesel belt
jw anderson chucks
prime hydration drink, tropical punch flavored
went to the diesel store a couple days ago. the belt is perfect for the jumpsuit because the part that would normally stick out with no belt loop is behind the rest of the belt. had to flex the matching prime to show support to my favorite boxer logan paul. I used to hate him but I've been a huge fan ever since the suicide forest video. maverick for life!

good stuff
love the left
I like it, but I would also like to see this styled with a lighter coat, cream or white
>hiking counts as larping unless youre getting paid for it
im not sure i understand, this place gets more retarded by the day
dumbass kek
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dang all the cool guys here don’t like the way I dress or what I do
humor time
so please enlighten me on what is not a larp?
I wish I derived pleasure from anything in this carnal life aside from fucking my hand
So if I screen printed off white on it it would look expensive?
Duly noted
What an avid adventurer you are going over 3300 ft in 100+ degree weather, I guess the ancient tongva Indians really had it good huh? I don’t even think search and rescue is considerate enough to offer refreshments let alone water. An even grander take is expecting ANYONE to come to your rescue.
noooo I need your validation
Huh what does off-white got to do with it ? It simply looks cheap my man
You really are bad at handling objective criticism bro
Look I’m sure hiking is a nice hobby and there are lots of people who go hiking. There is really lots of stylish functional sportswear for hardcore trailing. Masking your insecurities and inability to face shortcomings behind „cryptic“ nonsense answers and attacking people directly won’t change the fact that people will perceive these outfits as tryhard or larping and that camouflage looks pretty cheap. Try to be more open minded

Even though im pretty sure all I will get in response is some insult and some nonsense disguised as „nonchalant cryptic“
Personally I'd swap out the shirt for a solid color but otherwise very solid fit

desu it's hard to believe that people post so much and discuss fashion so much but their outfits are just this. It fits well and you are good-looking and have a good build, but the outfit itself doesn't turn any heads or have any identity

Great ideas but the color combo is off, I'd go for different colored pants

Left >> right, is right even a conscious outfit?

kek nice

Literally can't even see what you're wearing senpai
Tell me your thoughts on the new MJ Lenderman I know you have them
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Ahh hey what's up man, looking fresh. Frog and toad season is starting here.
Doesn’t match. Mr Bean wannabe
Looks like a Uniqlo outfit
Stop posting
I can tell you got dressed in the dark
Stop posting
Kys pls
This is just desperate man, come on
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Not my fault I'm cute
all ready for halloween, neat.
do you have any other clothes or just that one fit because we've seen it and it's stale now
best itt king
You look like you'd be ready to suck another man's dick if he threatened to hit you in the mouth. He wouldn't even have to back it up, you'd just dive down and start frantically gobbling.
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Have you considered a wider cut chino? I think you'd be able to pull it off, it may be the angle but your legs look really thin compared to torso

Akira goes to fashion week. Based.

Do you own any Wrangler Wrancher "dress" jeans? The fabric is shit but the cut is great, it's a slim trouser that flares at the bottom. It feels like a style you'd like.

>Today's fit
I'm sorry ankle anon, look away no.
Holy mother of confirmed
brother boy faggot over here
>Frog and toad

Hiking is fine, but some anons in these threads are just wearing costumes, parking their cars near the woods and walking in 100ft to take selfies.
sounds like you're accusing them of what you do
Good fit. Consider giving your mother her purse back.
You seem Indian and full of yourself, not to be redundant.
Good. You look like you teach and a university and are loved by your students. You may or may not have an inappropriate affair with your phd grad student. Stop fingering her in the lab professor.
good, minimal, grayman.
Dysgenic cartel-cel. You look like you chop people up and make them into stew in some drug lords shed. Based. Get better shoes.
Left good. Right good.
Yawn. Not nearly tryhard enough.
Solid fit. Add Tan puffy jacket.
Not bad. Not particularly great. Inoffensive.
> It fits well and you are good-looking and have a good build
After a certain amount of consumption, you realize you need nothing else. I don't need attention from people; I'm married! I'm not looking to impress normies on the street either.
I have a closet full of designer clothing, much of it incredibly novel, but it's not what I enjoy wearing these days, 1. because it's later summer and still too hot for most of it, 2. it's incredibly impractical.
Anyway,the devil is in the details my friends :^)
There is nothing more beautiful than the perfect shirt, pants, coat, or shoes.
Notice I get much better service wearing something like this than, say, a Facetasm bomber or something loud like that, so that's a nice bonus.
Hey I just wanted to say I thought your outfit was beautiful. What you said really resonated with me, even though I don't know a thing about couture I see myself as trying to dress tastefully and wear more well-made things.
this makes you sound really insecure
i'm also not looking to impress spiteful anons on the internet! just trying to be earnest n honest
cheers anon
>all ready for halloween, neat
you know your fit is hard when it could be mistaken for a cosplay
>Yawn. Not nearly tryhard enough.
sarcasm is the lowest form of wit and you're a juvenile dipshit. the funny thing about caling this tryhard is that this is one of the fits I didn't really plan out. I wasn't thinking about my jumpsuit in the diesel store at all. this outfit took very little mental effort to put together. there isn't anything wrong with trying hard though. that's chud bs
you're insecure
>marlboro racing jumpsuit
it just makes you look like a walking pack of cigs, I don't get the appeal
>it makes you look like a walking pack of cigs
>I don't get the appeal
the appeal is it makes you look like a walking pack of cigs. either you get it or you don't
>>Yawn. Not nearly tryhard enough.
>sarcasm is the lowest form of wit and you're a juvenile dipshit. the funny thing about caling this tryhard is that this is one of the fits I didn't really plan out. I wasn't thinking about my jumpsuit in the diesel store at all. this outfit took very little mental effort to put together. there isn't anything wrong with trying hard though. that's chud bs
Nerve struck. Put this energy into a fit and it might be worth looking at.
In my opinion you’ve perfected your natural color palate and proportions

Those are fucking sexoooo

Nice and refined. In my opinion, another great example of someone narrowing in on good proportions

Little too much sophomore year marxist vibes. I’ll admit that your fits are creative and technically well executed, but you’re kind of just narrowing yourself into an insufferable stereotype.

If I were you, I’d stray away from slim cut bottoms and go more towards a vintage straight leg high rise pleated trouser. Maybe even wear a collared shirt under your sweater and then tuck it all in. I think your fits have gotten better over time though, it’s just there’s a few things you can do to make it not so bland and millennial officecore
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You should be wearing stuff like this >>18238158

Focus more on round neck lines not pointed ones. (No polos)
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>Nerve struck. Put this energy into a fit and it might be worth looking at
reading lonesome dove, drinking iced viet coffee

not huge on the jumpsuit. the creasing in the back from the belt isn't cute. shirt and chucks are really cool pieces though and could be great together in a different fit
dude, just post a pic where your outfit is visible. it's not difficult
right took considerably more effort to piece together. left was nearly too boring to post imo
I haven't given it enough listens to form a solid opinion yet, but definitely some great tracks. I miss the devastating mood of the ST but it's obvious that that sound is never coming back. that being said, I bought early access tickets for the album tour as soon as they became available
pic is a bit blurry but looks like a beautiful cable knit. is it part mohair? lighting is too poor to decipher much else
post a fit
please put socks on. don't love this tie. too much chinese new year energy
silhouette looks nice but I try to avoid polyester
>there is nothing more beautiful than the perfect shirt, pants, coat, or shoes
really good fashion philosophy that everyone should chase (budget allowing). whats with the push back about ironing/wrinkles though? those pieces did look to be in need of some ironing
okay hear me out. these all look to be high quality pieces that fit and work together well. following the philosophy above this should be an end game sorta fit. the issue is that you look like every single millennial denim influencer on Instagram. no originality or unique spin to it whatsoecer. I used to dress in this style exclusively, but it bored me so I sold my denim collection and moved on
>insufferable stereotype
what in particular is contributing to the 'sophmore marxist' vibe? this is the mai. demographic I'm looking to appeal to so I'm not upset about the title, but I am curious as to how you're percieving my style
vile if real
>the issue is that you look like every single millennial denim influencer on Instagram.
What if I told you that I was in fact a millennial? I hear you, but also I’m enjoying the experience of leaning more into a designated vintage repro style, something with a very distinct concept.
>what in particular is contributing to the 'sophmore marxist' vibe?
Your youthful appearance, septum piercing, and the overall thriftcore vibes you give off. It screams sophomore year art student. All you’re missing in these fits in the y’all-ternative fake camo hat. Also, touché. I used to rock the thriftcore grunge vibes when I was in my early 20s
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>>Nerve struck. Put this energy into a fit and it might be worth looking at
yea i'd swallow
Let him enjoy being the perfect guy for a particular moment. It's his time, most of us never get to enjoy the sweet succour of being the man of the hour.
>flexin issey
>"lol why is your shirt wrinkled bro"
c'mon guys
That bozo wasn't "flexin" anything
Outfit is boring but you look gorgeous. I would love to date a thin androgynous person like you. I don’t know if you’re into masc guys though.
Bigger and harder than you, Dale
You’re actually dressed like a normal man who could blend in well enough with both working class people and middle class people, so /fa/ is gonna hate you. You have to be super skinny with weird hipster clothes that you hardly ever see anyone wear in real life
What do you think the point of this thread and board is? To post the most boring quotidian shit possible? Get a clue!
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Wearing my latest cop

I like the bottom half especially

Outfit of a guy that has sex, but also kind of a nothing outfit desu

Nice jeans

Love the top half, but I feel pants and shoes could be better a different color
There’s such a thing as an understated style. My boyfriend is smaller and more feminine than me so he could pull off some of these looks, but I tend to go for more basic outfits
Woah nice shirt/jacket

I see... Maybe your boyfriend should be posting here then
I’m not going to let you jerks make fun of my precious little man
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finally beanie weather

holy based
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I have the most kino socially acceptable casual fit for the 21th century desu

Too gay and tryhard desu + you are brown (dress for your race)

Dresses like a middle aged Jew

Insecure and infantile. Probably bought his fit from H&M

911 there is a camotard chud walking around in my neighborhood

IDK what to think. Maybe some sort of artsy NPC

Based if it's for halloween. Get help if you casually walk around like that

Clark Kent Chad. This guy can wear w/e he wants. Fuck him

Too dark-monochromatic. School shooterish vibes. Too much denim. Starting too look gay

This guy is totally lost. Would be better off following trends

Went completely faggot with this one

Drop the jacket and necklace, and you're golden
I wouldn't want to have anything to do with you (I dress the same way)
Why are you glazing that guy up, chad Clark Kent I mean really, he looks like he learned to smile from watching daytime TV, what is wrong with you
>the Uniqlo mannequin talks shit
Thats some mad shit-talking from someone with extremely boring taste
You are a complete /fa/noob if you can't comprehend why my fit is superior
more like you fell for the autistic incel hivemind propaganda and he didn't
Get a wooden pipe and a leather watch strap and this is 10/10
Zased fits.
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>"You are a complete /fa/noob if you can't comprehend why my fit is superior"
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just popping in because i got some more done on my back. just need to finish the figures + gate, and a little lining/shading/colour below the belt to complete the cliff face and trail of bones, should be 2 more sessions until it's all the way done from neck to cheeks!
canto IX from Inferno wherein Dante and Virgil approach the gates of Dis
>this isn't WAYWT
i wear it every day :)
reread it until you realize how gay you sound
> the creasing in the back from the belt isn't cute
the jumpsuit is more flattering with the nipped waist and the belt is important for keeping it up when I let the top half hang down and I have stuff in my pockets. the folds in the back are a little off center in the photo but when its adjusted it looks fine to me
issey is high quality, expensive, and dope. issey miyake is definitely in the top ten best designers ever
the shirt is cool
hell yeah
>the most kino socially acceptable casual fit
this description betrays your beta cuck sheep follower mindset. your shoes are gay. and your stupid blank cap. baseball hats are supposed to have words on them dumbass.
>Based if it's for halloween. Get help if you casually walk around like that
you have it all wrong. there is nothing cooler than making an outfit like this my uniform and wearing it out everywhere I go. I will literally put on my jumpsuit and those shoes just to walk to the store sometimes cuz I can.
guys I forgot I needed to redo my tripcode cuz I restarted my pc, my reputation is ruined
lol gnostic retard
>gnostic retard
taking a shower is merely a part of the demiurge's plan, i will break free via playing oldschool runescape and having a sour beer :^)
Should have gotten laser hair removal before tattooing
I only had enough money to do one.
Oh damn well I guess since he spent a lot of money he must be well dressed. Are you fucking Indian or something?
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the hair is the best part, my friend
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>Oh damn well I guess since he spent a lot of money he must be well dressed
how fucking stupid do you have to be to get that out of my post? reread it until you understand
refer to the post I was replying to >>18239024#
>That bozo wasn't "flexin" anything
Issey Miyake is by definition a flex. its a wealth flex and a taste flex.

everything in the world of issey is the shit bitch. picrel is a grail of mine
Look I'm just going to come out and say it: it's not a flex. End of discussion.
I'm a different dude but that watch isn't actually Gold (79Au) it is just gold colored.
But yeah I agree Izzy MyIcky is a super cringe boomer flex.
Can we get past the 90s revival already?
>please put socks on.
I don't think that I will.
The Wranchers comment was more about the silhouette that the article itself, there's got to be something out there in cotton with the same cut.

That shirt looks cool as fuck, can't see the shoes though. Are those Docs?

>Dresses like a middle aged Jew
Well I am a middle aged Jew so I doing something right then.

There's no way to say this without sounding even gayer than I normally do but nice V taper bro. What are you planning for the other arm?
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gonna finish the calves first, need the other 2 beasts of Dante to join the shewolf + i want a knight frog and i havent decided on the third frog
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Regardless of what you think, I hope we can all agree that telling somebody to iron their Issey piece is very stupid.
Ok actually you know what on second thought it's very based, you got me
>The Wranchers comment was more about the silhouette that the article itself
Not that anon but I got some wranchets because a year or so ago you shilled them. And now you're saying they're shit? I will end you.
I get the gnostic tats, I get the Dante allegory, the wolf and frog are throwing me off. Wolf looks very Asian influenced, and this place has ruined me because I associate frogs with 4chan. Is there some cohesive theme I'm missing or are you just getting shit that looks cool?

I'm debating having my tattoo touched up, I have Anubis on my upper left arm, got it done about 20 years ago so the color has faded. I kind of dig how it looks weathered now but I'm tempted to touch it up and expand on it. I want more tats, the problem is some of the ideas I want require alot of space and I need to be able to keep them covered at my job.
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superior fashion flex bro i'm digging the 90s politically uncorrectness
>Not that anon but I got some wranchets because a year or so ago you shilled them. And now you're saying they're shit? I will end you.

You listened to a fat bald middle aged Jew? That's on you bro.

I'm not saying they're shit. The silhouette is fantastic, it's just that you have to accept reality: They're polyester. My style has coalesced into a mix of trad/ivy with some milsurp and workwear thrown in, and to me polyester just doesn't work with most of my other pieces. For normal, non autistic people, this is a non issue.
I think the overall style is so well done that I'd be willing to pay alot more if I could find that cut in a natural fabric, I'm tempted to send a pair to Luxire and just have them copy it in cotton&wool and see how it works out.
Now that I typed it out, that doesn't seem to be a bad idea. Will only cost around $100, might as well give it a shot.
>ACTUALLY it isn't real gold
you're autistic
>You listened to a fat bald middle aged Jew? That's on you bro.
I'm euro and wranchers aren't sold here, you might find some at vintage americana stores but that's it. I just knew aboit them because of you, did some digging and found a pair in my size (well, a little small, but I'm working on losing weight).
I later realized those are the pants Bardem wore in No Counntry for Old men, and DiCaprio in Once Upon a Time in Hollywood.
I'm not fond on polyestet but it doesn't bother me that much.
Definitively post pics of the custom pants if you decide to get them made.
just because the wolf has slanty eyes doesn't mean it's asian, anon
re:frog, it fits my personal motif. ironically it's the one that i get complimented on the most, and inspired like 15 copycat tattoos after my artist showcased it lol
>I later realized those are the pants Bardem wore in No Counntry for Old men, and DiCaprio in Once Upon a Time in Hollywood.
No shit? Good catch on both. Perfect for the time line in No Country, a bit anachronistic for Once Upon a time.

>I'm not fond on polyestet but it doesn't bother me that much.

It's just a texture matching thing for me, I put so many other poisons in my body that I'm not concerned about the health issues. If I'm wearing a rayon or silk shirt it's fine, I just feel like it doesn't match with an OCBD. I'm probably over thinking it.

>Definitively post pics of the custom pants if you decide to get them made.

It's probably going to take a month or so but I will. I just ordered a new pair from Amazon, for $26 I can't complain. Once it comes in I need to figured out what fabric I want to have them make it in, needle cord might be really cool, have some texture with a unique silhouette.

>just because the wolf has slanty eyes doesn't mean it's asian, anon
I mean, I am racist but it's more than just the slanty eyes. The multiple eyes and overall style just felt Japanese to me.
thats just a ripoff of tissots memphis design watch
vs the american style which i have
looks nothing like it what the fuck
Nice sleazecore, and yes I'm wearing Docs
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reading the pale king at the moment it rocks cock man

nice. buy some house shoes tho dawg wtf.
fuckin yess king big up yaself
congrats on your physique it’s a pity fashion isn’t as cut and paste as fitness is. pushing up a sweater like that looks so bad/childish
yeah, cool. would love to drink a beer in a slightly edgy locale in this. not a huge fan of the roll on jeans but you’re wearing double denny so who cares
wd again. that slight flare on the crop trow doesnt look great but maybe it’s the pic
learn how to take a picture jfc
your undershirt is a size too small. i’d suggest boots to take this from chan-core to brave, misunderstood shooter
nice piece. i reckon you’d fw @obwelectrictattooing something heavy
see i just think the length contrast between tee and shirt here is just kinda mental, esp considering the sleeve length. get her hemmed anon.
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I have a concert on Saturday.
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It's outside, but it might be warm and humid.
What do you play
I play drums, the concert is with a Pink Floyd tribute band.
I really like your fit Chico it looks very nice ! Maybe some loafers instead but that’s personal preference muy bueno
Love this one also Chico a stylish ace Ventura
A little bit too bland my man but a nice basic fit though maybe a light coat or safari jacket
Would go for a deeper cut out shirt and maybe some different shoes nice jacket and chain
You have great hair and a good body for fashion
Like the leather jacket but the sweater underneath makes it look to much Eastern European you know ?
Would go do a white shirt and a thin sweater in nice quality and muted color like grey or camel
I like it a very nice balanced basic everyday fit
The shoes are very nice
One of your absolute best fits
dude why do your shorts look so retarded?
massive cock
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What would you wear this with?
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damn, you were so close to perfection, but those shoes are trash anon. you own any proper loafers?
is that belt surp? if so where from? fit goes hard
Yea it's a Chinese military belt
Yes, there most likely is a massive cock in his ass but it shouldn't affect the view from the front
So the first thing you think about when see a man in shorts is „a massive cock“
nice yes anding anon very funny but it’s maybe bc they don’t have tape on the hem which you might not be used to seeing :) they’re XL too so idk. it’s stoke folks i guess
that zig zag curl is immaculate
never shave anon
humiliation ritual
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I would have assumed "to look good" before the first time I came here.
Now I can only assume it's some mix of a compulsive shopping addiction and a concerted effort to recreate the bullying you experienced in school as an adult
Now you're getting it. Now go back to /Pol/ or /v/ or wherever you slithered out of and let the freaks get nasty with it.
Sure, but do you mind explaining something to me quickly?
How is it that 90% of the time it seems like you deliberately pick outfits that make you look as gangly and disproportioned as possible?
Or sometimes you'll just randomly throw together a fit that makes you look like a wet paint smear?
Do you think every time picasso put brush to canvas it was a heater?
I don't think there's anything wrong with challenging paradigms IF you understand why they exist.
90% of the time though it seems like people are just peacocking or copying someone else without understanding why it worked.

Across /fa/ I feel like you could easily add 2 points on a 10 point scale if people just properly understood fit, composition and anatomy but instead they spend all their effort fucking around at the fringes talking about a specific watch or a specific shirt.
Like if you don't look good in a t-shirt how are you ever going to look good in whatever avant garde bullshit people push here?
post a fit

Yeah, lay your knowledge down on us, teach this white boy a lesson.
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I'm not claiming to be a guru. When I'm walking down the street I'll pretty regularly see people who I think look better put together than I do.
But on the other hand it's pretty rare that I'll look at someone while walking around and think they look like a trainwreck and I definitely can't say the same about /fa/.

I should probably at least stop talking shit until I'm more jacked and fix my hair though
chief keef really had white boys dressing and taking fit pics like this
I'll get back to you the moment you have anything to add to the conversation
>Like if you don't look good in a t-shirt how are you ever going to look good in whatever avant garde bullshit people push here?

I'm going to go against the grain and say it's harder to look good in just a T-shirt than it is to look good in something with more layers and weight. In order to look good in a T-shirt you have to look good out of the t-shirt. If you aren't in shape, don't fucking do it. But if you're skinny fat, DYEL or even moderately fat, you can hide your bulk in a suit or any fit with layers and look ok. Not great, not stunning, but better than you would in a T-shirt.

But this ties into the whole Rick Owned fitness is fashionable philosophy, if you're fit you can look good in anything. Fuck, maybe you're right, if you don't look good in a T-shirt put your energy into fixing that and then try and look fashionable. Not saying dress like shit if you're out of shape, just have a realistic assessment of what you're actually working with.
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I'm thinking about building out a fall/winter wardrobe. Do I have the frame to pull off this style/silhouette? Wool pants, chamois shirt. I've always worn low-mid rise, slim/straight pants with large T shirts. Any tips on styling or other combos?
You could pull it off with some caveats. Try either hemming the pants or cuffing them. They fit pretty well beside that. Don’t be afraid to go for high rise trousers. I think your shirt might be a bit big, could just be the angle of the photo. If the fabric on the shirt was more lightweight you might be able to pull off that size. In terms of color coordination, try to lean into more plain/muted colors with a maximum of one article of clothing having a more white or vibrant color. The teal undershirt does not match the rest of the fit. The red technically matches with green, but the shade of red you chose looks kind of awkward against the green. Perhaps a more rust orange, brown, beige, charcoal, or navy colored shirt would match better
Thanks that's all helpful
>Try either hemming the pants or cuffing them
I should still have some break if I do right?
>I think your shirt might be a bit big
Good to know, I thought it was borderline.
>In terms of color coordination, try to lean into more plain/muted colors with a maximum of one article of clothing having a more white or vibrant color.
So be conservative with more vibrant colors, got it. The pants are slightly more drab in person, my camera was compensating slightly.
You want the hem of your pants to rest at the top of your ankles, especially if you’re wearing dress shoes. It usually looks good to expose some of your socks. On the topic of proportions, a good rule of thumb for a great silhouette is to have your bottoms take up the bottom 2/3 of your figure, and to have your top occupy the top 1/3. This is why if you’re going to tuck in your shirt, high rise bottoms are a good bet.

For color coordination, you generally want just one article to pop out. Check >>18234618 as a good reference of this. He used plain colors that all matched well with one another, and then used one vibrant color to pop out. The real pro move is to find out your natural color palate and then coordinate your outfits based on that
This is all great info.
>You want the hem of your pants to rest at the top of your ankles, especially if you’re wearing dress shoes.
Oh even for full leg pants, got it. Those are actually iron rangers since their my only shoes. I'm fixing that problem later.
>This is why if you’re going to tuck in your shirt, high rise bottoms are a good bet.
This has confused me for a very long time, having always avoided high rise pants.
>He used plain colors that all matched well with one another, and then used one vibrant color to pop out.
Got it, I'm gonna have to look at a lot of examples.
For more prep outfits with trousers, I love looking at dark academia inspo. They master the muted colors and earth tones, proportions etc.. Some of my favorite fits involve more vintage cut pleated trousers, something more wide legged and high rise. Seems like you’re trying to go for the more Northeast LL Bean look which in my opinion is timeless, but you can nonetheless still follow some of the same concepts and color palates used in Ivy League or Dark Academia fits
>>You want the hem of your pants to rest at the top of your ankles, especially if you’re wearing dress shoes.
>Oh even for full leg pants, got it. Those are actually iron rangers since their my only shoes. I'm fixing that problem later.

NTA but that's a little short. I'd recommend the hem of your pants hitting the top of your dress shoes or loafers. If it skims the top of your shoe it's long enough to drape well, show a little sock when walking if you want, and not expose too much leg if you sit down and cross your legs.

I specified dress shoes for a reason. Some tennis shoes and boots sit higher than dress shoes, if you hem your pants to skim them they'd be slightly short when you're going for a more formal look.A little break doesn't matter when you're wearing a casual fit, so if your pants look great when you're wearing loafers or oxfords they'll look fine when wearing more casual fits where that type of detail doesn't matter quite as much.

High rise pants are the shit especially if you're in good shape. They make your legs look longer and accentuate your waist and makes it look narrower, which in turn makes your shoulders and chest look more broad.
This has to be a joke right?

Twink wawyt obama, you're thoughts?
It's better than going bald like I am. Grey hair can be pretty effay tbqh
>pants length
Pants hemmed above the ankle and showing socks are a streetwear look that appeared in the '90s, and by and large it's NOT something you want to pair with dress shoes unless you have a very specific idea of the look you' re going for.
I'd personally shorten them a little, but they're perfectly usable as it is.
>shirt size
Difficult to say with rolled up sleeves, the shoulders are wide but it might be how the shirt is cut.
The chest is fine, looks a bit workwear-y, and the neck might be a bit too wide but that too is difficult to say from that picture.
>one color should pop out
That's a very generic rule of thumb and only one of many, no reason to get hung up on this one in particular.
It's fine, a smaller waist would be an improvement imo, but it's fine.
>any tips
Use loafers or derbies, or anyway more formal shoes for that look.
>other combos
High waisted pants all the time for that look, earth tones, wide tops, be they t-shirts, button shirts or (especially) sweaters.
>40410rn 09/04/24(Wed)23:41:48 No.18

Video review pt3. fuck u
I wish I could climb inside you and life your life
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Dress and keychain are handmade. My fit today for a small photography trip
Hooray, retarded naked faggot spends an hour talking shit about people while also refusing to post a fit of his own. You are a pathetic crybaby bitch and genuinely a worse poster than trananon because at least he posted a fucking fit.
how do you still play that tranny game? they won, do you really want to stick around to watch your childhood nostalgia get pissed on by a bunch of mentally ill men in wigs with pronouns?
You blew right past the response that would have told you what album bi guy was listening to you ADHD fuck. I take it all back I don't want to become you I hate you
Holy shit, what a small world. I used to be friends with him until I got sick of dealing with the fallout from his hypocritical bullshit. I'm surprised to see him here, not surprised at all that this is how he chose to act. He was one of the most attention starved and drama addicted queens that I had the poor judgment to associate with.
Spill the tea hon
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"Look, I don't know what you want. You're taking your boring Chad outfits to the internet and getting back dumb troll comments. If this isn't how the internet is supposed to work I've got it wrong. Don't get me wrong. I like this outfit. I think it's nice and looks super comfy." - Wifey on the sweater situation, 2024. It was some random eBay find, I don't think it's mohair. Other feedback received, I will keep posting my goober fits until I win the approval of anonymous e-dandys.
You look like you should be in the j crew catalogue and I mean that in the most disparaging way possible
The NB's are crisp. If I worked in your office I'd want to be your friend.
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The sneakers kinda ruin it for me, would look better with some boots.

Anyway, rate my work fit please.
emo at the front cato at the back lmao keep making these it’s funny
>wears literally nothing so that people can't shit on his fit
Hey man that trench coat is too big for you. Donate it and try again bro
I recognize those boots from btg. Mirin' forearms. You're probably also one of the resident denimbros.
Yeah you got me, I'm one of the wrangler trolls.
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i dont sit around and talk to people in the game what the fuck; people keep trying to trannywhistle various bands and games and disparate media i enjoy, it's like god damn dude get a different fucking hobby besides fantasising about trannies all day.
i am to busy having fun to care about that shit
pic related horse and how he wounded me
I mean, anon is right. It's a hub for sexual deviants now. Most of these games are unfortunately. It's not boogey man schizo shit, it's true. And desu, the tranny thing, the homo thing, these are issues that should be thought about and addressed as it's rotted society across the globe. My children shouldn't even fathom such things.
Chad Rivers Cuomo. The new balances give boomer dad dressing up to dine at Olive Garden vibes. Get yourself a nice pair of boots.
Shilouette is great, but it's hard to mess up with your frame.
So I guess I own 13mwzs because of you. Anyway, good fit. Heather grey tee plus black jeans is a staple of mine for my black fits.
just so you know, I reported your video to youtube
I encourage everyone to do the same
Honestly I hardly wear my real 13mwz anymore. I got the stretch cowboy cut version and they are so comfortable I can't go back. Don't tell the denim thread though.
You look like the type of guy who diligently preps for three days for anal but ends up still having an ass that reeks.
actual mental illness
currently afk bursting in the mm2 caves right now to kill wilderness bots during slayer better and have yet to see any gay shit
closest ive seen to anything like that is people wearing the rainbow tie at wintertodt, but i also have entity hider on to avoid all the visual noise of people running around
if you hang out on /vg/ or whatever that's on you, of course it's a den
You've fucked enough guys like that to know what they look like?
>pushing up a sweater like that looks so bad/childish
is this a real thing
>You've fucked enough guys like that to know what they look like?

Unironically: Yes. It's one of many reasons I've only been into other masc men for a while now.
they don't call you /fa/ggots for nothing
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Wear a different pair of shoes and that will be a great fit. I normally don't like 4x1 blazers but that looks good. Hard to tell from the pic but the sleeves may be a little too long, that's just me nitpicking. The shoes really bring it down though, they're way too casual for the rest. A pair of loafers with a darker sole would make this perfect.

A basic oxford would go great. Turtleneck or shetland sweater would look good if it's cold.

The proportions and fit are good. A different shade for the shirt would look better, either a dark gold or rust would look great. You need shoes with more weight to them, a good pair or boots would work well here. Pants are a little long , hemming would help them drape better. Change the T-shirt to a white v neck undershirt that doesn't show or a wife beater and you'll be set.

How do you manage to take a picture that shows absolutely nothing while going on a photography trip?

Shirt looks great, shoes are fine, your pants are slim at the ankle and make your feet look like oversized clown feet in those shoes. A slightly wider pair of chinos would really balance things out here.

The horse looks depressed as fuck, I think I make the same face for most of the day.
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>reee the game is 24/7 trannies everywhere, and EVERYONE agrees with me ask ANYBODY and they agree dude
>w-wait no you cant just avoid things you dont want to take part in, you have to force yourself into situations that are completely avoidable!
kill yourself you retarded faggot, i have played osrs since 2005 and i have never experienced any gay or trans shit outside of terminally online dumbfucks like you telling me how it's everywhere. you are a mental slave
horse is fine, just wanted to eat dinner after walking around for 45min
>why the long face?
i kinda liked the video, thought it was funny was you got right about my outfit and what you got heartbreakingly wrong about it.
>buy house shoes
why are Americans...
it's a plain shirt, is that what counts as a flex these days?
also I've had three issey watches now, including that one in silver, they're very nice, very cheap, easy to fix because they're seikos basically. I would go for the silver instead of the gold, less tacky
my fit was dope and/or swag don't be silly
sounds like projection, what can you do
I am married
it is literally a shirt and pants, doesn't get much more simple than that guys cmon
>budget allowing
the shirt was expensive cause everything issey men's is expensive now, but the pants were like 8k yen? anyone can afford that assuming they have a job lol
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How do I clean my shoes lol
I hate you so much its unreal
>wears basic bitch ass fits
>still moggs the thread on account of being a lowkey chad
This, the brown dude who dresses like a 90's italian gigolo and blueboots are the most based posters in this general.
I'm warning you: stop responding to your own posts. Or else.
If normal warm water and soap doesn't work you'd probably have to bleach them I guess
Or else what, gayboy?
Not me btw
Mille Grazie Chico
Even if you're not literally henry cavil most of the look of a fit comes down to the person wearing it.

You're never going to wear enough clothes to totally cover all of the landmarks of your body. It's about emphasising what you have not hiding what you don't.
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rate my interview fit
lol at your ascot
Looking nice, good luck
Holy shit is that a v-neck sweater, jeans and white shoes on a fabulously in shape and beautiful body? Absolutely stunning, powerful, bold, looks like Clark Kent on a casual Friday, best fit in the thread. It's a shame the pants are a little too loose so you can't see my I mean your fat fucking cock, everyone in a ten mile radius drops to their knees and begs to suck it everytime I walk by, I mean you of course. This is totally the best fit in the thread but I guess I should mention some other people so it doesn't seem too suspicious so the Mexican and the greasy dude who wears Akira larp jumpsuits are also good too, yeah, that sounds fine. Did I mention how much you look like Clark Kent yet? I bet you've got a hot wife who totally calls you Chad in real life too, man you've got it all figured out!
OMG OMG is that a Gen Z boss wearing business casual clothes with a smirk because he's a low-key CHAD? Holy shit all the women in your office most ovulate everytime you get a coffee from the break room Keurig I am so goddamn jealous I wish I too looked like Clark Kent!!@!@!!!

You and baldfag are the worst fucking posters here and somehow he is less annoying because at least I don't have to see his fucking face
needs a ferragamo belt
I've memorised your posting style, keep an eye out. That's all I'll say.
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That's more than the rest of the outfit combined lmao and from a quick glance their buckles seem a bit too garish to me.
I think something square and asymmetric like picrel might work better, although I don't own a decent belt that actually fits me to put it on.

Other than that it's most clearly missing accessories and a decent set of shoes. At the moment my go-to's are classic puma suede's with thin cream replacement laces:
Which i think look sick as fuck.

Although with that said all of my shoes are beat to shit right now because I walk everywhere so they probably want a refresh.
Please get help
good roast. this is my first time on this board and my eyes are burning.
He really had the whole thread rolling with that one
imagine smiling knowing you have literal rotting teeth,
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yo nigga, did you rob some granny for her dresser and bedspread?
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You know, I was going to argue with you but literally every belt that i like is listed as delivering to india lmao ffs.
Weird that I've never actually seen an indian dress like that IRL. Normally they either go more traditional or they're total hypebeasts.

Anyway I'm not particularly attached to any one design, but I do think more square and geometric is the way to go.

If the belt itself was shit quality I'd probably just transfer the buckle to a proper belt.
Range day fit
Got a fair bit of comments on it, ranging from telling me I'm overdressed to an old lady talking about how she never sees young people in button ups. Sorry about the bad angle, only pic i got that day
I think it’s great that you are making an afford to dress nice for every occasion my man way to go and you look good
By the way it’s not overdressed at all that a perfect casual nice outfit
I feel like if for no other reason than practicality when shooting you want either short sleeves or tight cuffs
try hard larp. you look shit fag
jesus christ you poor faggot hahahaha
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Hi haters :)
you look like you smell like shit and cum. balding too. gays dont like old baldies so guess ur sol cock sucker ; )
Don't tie a sweater around your neck like that unless you're actually gay. Also go up a shirt size to look less like a power bottom.
how did the interview go?
Literally the only thing that works about any of your fits is your body
did he bite you? and why? whats the horsies name and tell more about it
you look 100000x better in gym gear than your usual get up. respect the hard work
I like preppy stuff so I can't figure out why your work fits just look mid
listening to new duster. bought some square toe Dayton moto boots today

not good. unless you have access to time travel. hate the necklace
not good. shirt combo is okay but the rest sucks, especially the hat and shoes. you look like a poser in whatever scene this is supposed to appeal to
pretty nice. would like the shirt to be shorter though
I really fuck with this. you look cool as fuck. especially into that undershirt. only critique is that shorts/socks are a bit to samey
bad. horrible proportions. throw those shoes in the garbage
shirt+ pants alone is fine
tony hinchcliffe ass fit. that is to say: not good
potential here, but needs work as is. pants need to be hemmed, shirt is borderline too big to be tucked. red and green is too christmas coded
dogshit pic, why post
I hate your smirk. outfit looks fine as far as boomercore goes
trash angle, why post
nice! finally something cohesive. put socks on though
really bad. shrek neckline, too much room in crotch/thigh of jeans, gross shoes, stupid smirk
might have worked with higher waisted pants. weird proportions as is
you look infinitely better in these than the business casual
Hey I'll consider respecting your opinion the day you iron a single item of clothing that you own :)
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horse's name is Giocomo (jyaoh-como)
he didn't bite me, it was from the saddle coming off during a warmup in the roundpen. basically when you are putting a saddle on, most horse will take a deep breath and stay puffed up, because they dont like the saddle being tight when you put on the girth belt. so you put it on, then you walk them around a round corral for a little bit to warm them up, and so that they exhale. then you tighten it again, walk again, tighten again, etc. until it's good to go and stable. the saddle hadn't been fully tightened, the horse had been ridden for like 10 days in a row, and was tired and basically just didnt even want to walk
another person entered the round pen and started shaking the flag whip (stick with string that has a bit of tarp tied to the end that makes a fwappy noise that the horses dont like, you use it to make them go faster in the round pen), the horse went from a dead stop to a full canter immediately while the saddle was still loose

of course with the loose saddle and a fast horse in a small area, you start to basically fall off the horse while still in the stirrups. my right leg gets caught in his foreleg which causes him to whip to the left, meaning i get tossed off and the saddle almost completely flips upside down. because my foot was caught, i get dragged for like half a second before i bolt back up and hop up onto the fence since the horse is freaking the fuck out with an inverted saddle. we regain control of the horse, fix the saddle, and then ride around the forest for like an hour
it will leave a fairly large scar, but at least i didnt die. very lucky that my head didnt get exploded on the wooden fence, get trampled, have my leg shattered from getting dragged, etc.
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These are the only shoes i have w me otherwise i'd have something better on. gats would prob go well w a white shirt, or maybe loafers? Ill poast an improved version sometime, just thrilled to have finally found chinos with a fit i like, debating going up a size tho

great pants

solid. congrats on the weightloss baldanon

phenomenal. not a fan of the shoes but they still work

your first good fit, this rocks
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You want some shoes with weight/heft to them to go with chinos like that. Boots work, wingtips with a chunky sole, same with loafers. Tyrolean shoes like Paraboot and Kleman work really well too.

>congrats on the weightloss baldanon
Thank you! A few more pounds to go then it will be time to try and gain a little back as muscle.

>pretty nice. would like the shirt to be shorter though
Agreed, it's an issue when mixing clothes from different eras/styles. The shirt really isn't that long, it's just that the rise on the fatigues is really high. The proportions look more normal with lower rise pants.

>Yesterday's fit
Took the girlfriend out to a nice dinner for her birthday, has a good reason to pull my suit out. I need to get better at photography/lighting because navy always comes across looking like black when I take pics.
Thank you for your inputs.
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Lots of useful info from my last post. Is this an improvement? Specifically in the color matching and styling of the shirt? Lands End pants, which I really like, are lower rise and shorter inseam than I was expecting. Would a slightly longer hem be noticably better looking?
For me the biggest issue is the t-shirt under the regular shirt. The long sleeve shirt doesn't look like an over shirt, so it looks off having it open and unbuttoned and then having a dark sleeve T-shirt under it. The inseam on the trousers is also short, it looks ok with boots but I don't think it would work at all with regular shoes. Frankly the previous fit was much better, I'd wear the original with a v-neck undershirt or tank top and it would look better.
Dude they stopped selling onitsukas in the us and now the only way to get them is from hide rosenblatt on farfetchd. It totally sucks. They were the only sneakers i rocked now im back to vans like a pleb
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First post ignore dirty mirror please.
I just discovered this style of pants that looks like nice pajamas and feels like worn pajamas, but is apparently acceptable to wear outside. Anyone know what it's called?
hairline looking rough, boy
Idk wtf youre talking about but I believe you’re referring to le athleisure sweatpants. Vuori ponto pants might match what you want. Sidenote athleisure is universally overpriced garbage that always goes on sale so dont buy full price
Id on these boots?
if you learned how to dress in masculine silhouettes you would mog. get into 50's shit its not out of place in 2024 and you would look very good in it both physique and face wise.
you are falling for the standard /fit/bro pitfall of expending all your focus on fitness but continuing to dress the way you did from before you were in shape.
your body looks good. so why hide it behind frumpy jeans and tee fits.
also your legs look short. normal for white guys. but proportionally wearing high rise pants would look way way way way infinitely better on you. it'll make your upper body look visually wider too.
Wear a white undershirt(or just get rid of it) , tuck your shirt, cuff your pants if you want to wear your iron memes else change your shoes. Grey/charcoal jeans would be more appropriate for those boots.
They look like Iron Rangers
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pink and blue will never do. alas, comrades, the whimsical fits continue. it’s getting hot here in buttfuck nowhere south africa

its jonas brothers coded
sry i don’t understand, do you not think house shoes are necessary? (if uk i get it, house etiquette there is the worst ive ever experienced)

pity you deleted, looks ite from the pic. you’re the right build for it (wont come off as tryhard but you’ll need to drop 10kg if you want it to look “im into fashion”)
to reiterate others, that colour combo is mental
top needs bulkier shoes (nf-1s if you can afford)
bottom needs belt but it’s a massive improvement wd
nice boots, it’s real man hours out here frfr
ty for feedback king. noted. i was feeling whimsical.
this is grand but would benefit from some leather shoes for maximum 70s. feels like that’s where the eye gets drawn w this sillo
lowkey this looks like the kind of fashion ignorance only extreme wealth could buy
>posts suit
>hides sleeves
trousers fit good tho
what >>18247341 said plus the shirt is too long for tuck underneath, unroll sleeves for size contrast (or roll neater + over elbow)
if you like the pants why didn’t you include them in the picture
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Welp trying
now try taking a decent picture
stfg when are we getting the sticky back
It was very dark in there tbf and my back is almost against the wall, will try later if I can be bothered. On a train rn.
ID on trousers in left pic?
ID on shirt?
Lands End chamois large. I got it at a goodwill several years ago I think.
Yeah they're iron rangers. Five years old, they're pretty beat up now.
Hey man Grazie for the review. On second thought the beach pic kinda is out of place in an waywt thread. Allways glad for feedback
what's your timepiece? i feel like fits start there
Are the pants lands end too? Been looking for some utilitarian wool pants that i can dress up or down and not feel bad about beating up. Those look like they fit the bill
The pants are surplus. This site is fine but they're already sold out so you would have to search regularly until a random surplus store restocks. They actually feel really high quality, I was worried they would feel scratchy and cheap.
I swore id stop buying surplus. The quality is so variable that i just have piles of shit i never use now.
Yeah it's really a crap shoot. Once you factor in all the wasted purchases it's not any cheaper than buying new stuff.
Me and the lads at the pub last week
Stg this nigga goes out of his way to look like a leprechaun
Mother fucker wear a single item of clothing that doesn't fit like spandex
dickies 874
also wearing a cropped pair (got caught in my bike chain) in my previous fit: >>18238339
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>JM tee/SC belt/Flat Head 3004/RW Pecos
Grabbed these boots over the weekend to have as shit kickers. They're much nicer than anything on the heritage side of red wing these days
Understated but elegant. I like this a lot.
Based denim bro. Those Mr. Lou's on feet?
Love everything above the ankle but please burn those disgusting shoes
Sick. What boots?
No socks and tweed is an odd combo. I also feel like you've always got this thing going on where your pants break at an awkward length- not short enough to be no break but not long enough for a slight break. Ends up creating odd pant/shoe interaction
Hell yeah. Like this a lot.
The chinos look great. W2C?
I don't know what the video guy was on about you have a definite way about yourself
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Hello and greetings please rate was at a beach party last night
>>18234768 looking a bit like a highschool chemistry teacher, may i suggest a belt and a slimmer tie
>>18236418 clark kent mode
>>18238166 will sell me cigarettes through the middle school fence/10
>>18241580 will take me to fathers yacht and roofie me /10 (good nonetheless)
really nice fit I like it man, the sleeveless tee really works well with the watch
damn rocking it my man, loving the pants! keep on rocking my dude
wowzers that's one hell of a style champ me likey likey
egads! what a splendid outfittage i must say, carry on gentleman
Tf is this shit?
quite a dashing look I must say, the color scheme is quite appealing
best fit in this thread by far, good job man
Absolute best fit in thread. Paco taco, trannies, baldfag, jumpsuit tripfag, bumboy Clark Kent and emo tactilarp all soundly BTFO
God hates fags.

Repent or face the hellfire
Favela core.
Someone is going to tell you if you don't like fags you shouldn't be on a fashion board, I'm going to preemptively say that comment is absurd. Plenty of heterosexual men try and dress well, and it's ridiculous to try and retcon dressing well into something that's the exclusive domain of homosexuals
>Sick. What boots?
Ariat sport wide squaretoe

Your belt and boots are both nice individually but they don't really work together very well. Also if you're going to cuff your jeans, don't also cuff your tee shirt.
jacket is too big looks bad in the shoulders
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>Based denim bro. Those Mr. Lou's on feet?
Wearing some Flat Head 3004s and Role Clubs. Digging your jeans man. You've definitely convinced me to go the high rise wide leg route. Even a lot of 501 repro cuts are too slim on me
This might be the best compliment I've received on this board

Chinos are from kiriko made
Is there a way to hide content specifically from people living in the Pacific Northwest?
Why don't you go post in /Pol/ about it you big baby
No, we are superior so you’re just going to have to deal with it
i just know you have a fagcent
You're both wearing Patagonia fleeces and a baseball cap, don't talk to me
I'm wearing full Rick Owens bby
Are we getting another one of these I want fit advice
These boots are really really nice my man
no this is the last waywt ever
new new

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