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Weird shapes edition.

"Suggest a watch for me."
>Your budget
>Watch type, e.g. dress, diver, pilot
>Movement, e.g. automatic, hand-wound, quartz
>Desired features, e.g. water resistance, day/date, 2nd-time zone
>Preferred strap option, e.g. leather, nylon, bracelet
>Wrist size or desired watch size

Previous thread: >>18234087
All avatard niggers will burn in hell.
>Weird shapes edition.
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Cope if you must.
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How stupid are you paying $50 for a real meme watch when an $18 clone exists?
Friendly reminder this is NOT a perpetual calendar.
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Yes it is.
Where are the day and month displays then?
What European countries make/made the best watches other than Switzerland, France, Italy and Germany?
UK > Denmark > Germany > Netherlands > France > Switzerland > Italy > Spain
Name two good brands of Denmark and UK.
I am not here to spoonfeed horology to shitheads.
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What do they make apart from Pita Barcelona?
>posts beyond-retarded opinion
>leaves in utter anger
Many such cases.
Lmaoing @ your delusions lmfao.
We've seen your watch at least 1000 times but, I took the time to think about it in a more objective manner and my conclusion is that; people don't actually realise what they're seeing here.
It is an anomaly in the watch world. I won't say that it is the best value for money that you can get, because sadly this term has also been dragged through the ground and it has lost its meaning, and yet if you think about it, the fact that you can get this watch below 2000$ does not make sense.
First of all, you get the, possibly, most accurate autonomous watch on the planet, no GPS gimmicks, no radio controll no internet whatever, it's just you, in the woods, knowing the atomic time without big tech and or the government being able to track you. On top of that, you literally have a feature that is usually reserved for much, Much more expensive watches- the perpetual calendar.
Technicalities and specs aside, what do you get on the finishing part? It is as good as a grand seiko in terms of Hands and Marker finishing- Spotless, Sharp and no impurities or rough edges to be found. But what does GS-Level mean? Well it literally means that your Markers and Hands do have, on a macro level, better finished hands than 5 Digit Swiss Watches. It doesn't matter if this fact makes you angry or triggered or in doubt, but it is a Fact. The dial itself, the way they did the perception of depth, shouldn't work but it does and youc an even see the sunburst effect too.
Okay so what about exclusivity? Well what defines exclusivity?
>Low production
>Locked behind the country of origin
>Rare limited edition on top of said rarity to begin with
So what about the case?Well it is not zaratsu but it still shouldn't be as good as it is. It is almost distortion free.
But is it all perfect? I don't think so, no. It is too thick, the movement is ugly and the bracelet is below the standards that the dial and tech have set. But again,it's 2000$
You won't waste my time, subhuman.
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>he spent 1500 eurobucks on a shitty modern Soikope / Shitizen / Longjeans / Tossit / micro-brand instead of a kino NOS vintage Omega
Explain yourselves, poorfags.
You're not white.
>That bracelet fit
That was not acceptable from a factory even in the 60s. Did that guy modify the bracelet himself?
>modify the bracelet
How about going to school before posting on 4chan?
Sorry, I didn't realize that criticizing a dumpster-found Omegay would hurt your feelings that much.
just spent $100 on this, how bad did i fuck up?
it's 36mm but i have like 5.5 inch wrists
>just spent $100 on this, how bad did i fuck up?
If you like it then not at all. Hope you enjoy the extra loud tick.
>extra loud tick.
i can live with that, i think. really just wanted a small field watch that had some kinda decent features (solar power, the sapphire crystal)
its my first purchase that isnt just a $15 casio. $100 aint shit, but yeah
i'd buy it if it wasn't 10K
nigga it's 50k
So only Mort and Whoretadello can afford it.
>muh /wt/ celebrities
You have the brain of a woman.
At some point we have to choose between a boring thread or a thread with avatarfags.
We have to accept that it's not the same and that it is more engaging, interesting and more inspiring having people in our community who we can follow in their watch journey.
How hype would it be if Finncel popped up with a new watch? Think about it.
OD getting that JLC reverso out of nowhere??? How is this NOT hype af?
Whoretadello aka /wt/? Every time he posts you don't know if he got a new watch or where he even is right now.
HamiltonChad? Bro... His long distance shots are out of this world.
Mort? He has every watch we could ever want and more.
And this is just scratching the surface.
The CatMoserChad-CMC for short. The cockwatch faggot too. The Germoid who might just be Bitteranon(???).
It's just very entertaining. It gives a certain one of a kind-character and feel and makes this thread extremely unique.
And we get to talk about watches directly THROUGH them, their objective experiences and analyse them in depth.
I love our All-stars and I hope they're doing well.
>So only Mort and Whoretadello can afford it.
Only Mort.
We know it's you. Get back to work, filthy cockroach.
Anybody with half a brain living in a western country can afford a 50k watch, it's just that it would be pretty retarded for 90% of the population.
Don't start talking about financial responsibility, here. Someone will accuse you of being dadwatch.
>71.93% of Americans Living Paycheck to Paycheck Have $2,000 or Less in Savings.
...with half a brain. Clearly, that doesn't include you.
Said the triple vaxxed complying npc
No, most people cannot afford $50k in jewelry even later in life.
>but $120k trucks!
Nobody is doing $1500/mo for 72 months on a watch.

What dump of a european shithole do you live in where you think half of all westerners have $50k to set on fire?
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>What dump of a european shithole do you live in where you think half of all westerners have $50k to set on fire?
>Nobody is doing $1500/mo for 72 months on a watch.
You'd be surprised
If you didn't go to university, don't save for retirement, and have been working for 10+ years then you probably have enough to where, if you liquidated everything, you'd have a nice little pile of money to burn.

Hell, that's literally what Whoreanon did.
He goes by the name Roachadello these days.
This isn't the board for AI images.
So, just put 100% of your net worth into a piece of jewelry to uhhh. Show off to some third worlders on a vintage bolt cutter restoration forum?
36mm is a good fit on a small wrist anon. I think you did well. Post some pictures when it arrives!
Last night my wife asked me if I'd rather go on vacation to Japan or Greece. All I could think was
>shit, I have to choose between going to where whoretadello is, or to the place that produced him.
Which country is safer to wear your rolexes in?
Looks like goatse's stretched out asshole.
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>This isn't the board for AI images.

Enjoy your nog-infested American shithole, you obese gayfaggot!
Hi all, I was gifted a rolex submariner from my father a week before I graduated with my engineering degree. He previously wore it for a few years then stopped after a while. I eventually said to him I want to wear it just for the day of graduation because it symbolized how far I've come but how far I still stand to go. He did not go to college and grew his business from nothing, he was previously a poor farmer.

When he gave it to me he told me to get it fitted for the day and to keep it. I told him I only plan to wear it for very special events. He said no, wear it whenever, even at work. It says you don't need the job and you're there to succeed.

Since then, I have gone on to wear it when I'm not dressed in my college outfits (sweats) and I absolutely love it.

Now I have worn it in a professional setting during my research and gotten asked if it was real. I am about to go into my first job in an engineering leadership development program where I work at an engineers level but also shadow directors and program managers to learn how to lead.

Should I wear the watch at work? I am driven to succeed but I don't want any bad perceptions holding me back.
>Which country is safer to wear your rolexes in?
Definitely Japan.
Athens and Thessaloniki are full of gypsies, albanians, bulgarians and muzzies in general. You'll get robbed within days.
>see a watch
>immediately think of mens asshole
Anon I think you might have the gay virus.
>Which country is safer to wear your rolexes in?
Japan has a very low rate of street crime. (White-collar crime and corruption, on the other hand, is fucking rampant)

It's a pretty big country and Whoretadello should be easy to avoid. I presume you and your wife aren't interested in touring the nastiest brothels in the country. And if you catch a whiff of Mediterranean body odor, just walk in the opposite direction.
Wear whatever you like whenever you like. 99% of people literally don't give a rat's ass about watches.

Even if someone does notice and you say
>Yeah, it was a gift from my dad
OK, and? Your managers and others up the org chart will be more likely to promote you, all things being equal, because it suggests you're already somewhat wealthy. (No one likes promoting a poorfag, no matter how good he is at his job.)
Decent kek.
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manual > automatic
3Hz > 4Hz
leather strap > bracelet
2 hands > 3 hands
no date > date at 3 > a pile of shit > date at 6
Can you elaborate on why you believe these things? I'm not saying you're wrong, I just wonder what your reasoning is.
>manual > automatic
I find the interaction with the watch more pleasing. Winding your watch every morning is like a nice little ritual.
>3Hz > 4Hz
The ticking sound of 3Hz is more pleasing to the ear.
>leather strap > bracelet
Leather straps are more elegant.
>2 hands > 3 hands
No second hands = cleaner dial
I like small seconds though.
>no date > date at 3 > a pile of shit > date at 6
No date = cleaner dial.
>manual > automatic
Conditional. Manuals are generally thinner and simpler.
If the automatic has a long enough power reserve (say, at least four days) then you can safely put it down to wear something else for a couple days.
Automatics with short power reserves are worthless, though.

>3Hz > 4Hz
Too much of that depends on the design of the movement itself to be able to say whether one is better

>leather strap > bracelet
Depends very much on the watch

>2 hands > 3 hands
Depends very much on the watch

>no date > date at 3 > a pile of shit > date at 6
No dates are best, but if you have to pick, a date at 6 preserves dial symmetry best.
>Enjoy your nog-infested American shithole, you obese gayfaggot!
No, you.
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>a date at 6 preserves dial symmetry best.
Why do people always say this? It's just wrong (pic related). If anything, a date window at 3 preserves dial symmetry because of the crown placement.
Also dial symmetry is overrated. Good proportions are way more important. You can have perfect proportions and asymmetry.
i own this watch--i bought it last year. i have a 6.25" wrist. fits fine

its not an expedition, so it doesnt have a loud tick. the strap is a dogshit/puke color strap (not like in the picture)
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Let me guess, you need less?
Yes, I need a Rolex.
Damn that seiko really soothes my autism, nice.
What oil should I get for a hydro mod?

I want to get Novec 649, but I can't find it for less than like 70 euros shipped. I only need 10ml but people are selling it by the litre at minimum.
I bought the silver case one yesterday after the anons replied
Did my original post inspire you to get it
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Which one?
Fucking hell, learn how to use Photoshop
Get both. One for dressy situations, one for casual situations.

I own a Bathyscaphe and I love it. It's very comfortable, and its power reserve basically means it never winds down. The stock sailcloth strap is dogshit, though.
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alright, posting muh shitter
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I consider the Seiko SACM line to be the real anomaly. they're like what, 300$, with the formerly top of the line superaccurate GS quartz and very nice looking dials and styling. so much better value than stuff Seiko releases at that price nowadays
>Seiko SCAM
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Thats a pretty watch, I'd wear something like that.
not that anon, but I agree on most points desu, aside from 3 Hz because I don't care about that
>manual > automatic
manual watches are thinner, more fun to fiddle around with and will never surprise you by stopping at random because you didn't wear them enough - when you wind it, you know it's fully wound
>leather strap > bracelet
leather looks more elegant, is lighter and usually more comfy. unlike bracelets, they all work fine unless they're total bargain bin tier.
>2 hands > 3 hands
3 hands makes sense with near perfect accuracy, otherwise 2 hands is more aesthetic
>no date > date at 3 > a pile of shit > date at 6
date looks clunky and setting it is annoying unless it's a perpetual calendar or something. designers often slap dates in there for market appeal even when it ruins the look of the watch. and how many times in a day do you have to check the date anyway? just pull out your phone
Thanks. It probably won't be a few more weeks until I can post it though, I'm gonna just wait until my birthday to make it feel more "special".
That's what a lot of the Amazon reviews said. No worries, already found a black NATO strap for it. Was a little tricky since my wrist is small but yeah. The stock one looks ugly even in generic photos.
I posted yesterday about wanting an A-11 replica, but I didn't really discover this watch until early today. This Timex is cheaper ($100 vs. $200), solar, and it's not using acrylic like the Praesidus ones. I think it kinda looks like a modern version of those old WW2 watches.
Cool stuff though.
The 12 index is usually different from the 6 index. Also the branding above the pinion and any text or lack of text below the pinion is usually different. Neither way is really any more symmetrical than the other.
Absolutely based dude.
I'm between Zenisu and Blancpain as my next watch. Let's see how that goes. Love the fact that both are at 38mm
>3 hands makes sense with near perfect accuracy, otherwise 2 hands is more aesthetic
I actually do like a sub-second for most watches. Only something like a Tank Louis Cartier really needs to be two-hander only.

>how many times in a day do you have to check the date anyway? just pull out your phone
Pretty regularly, actually. And it's more discreet than pulling out your phone which some people find irritating. (Like, put your fucking phone away, you're talking to me right now.) People like date complications. You say "market appeal" like it's a bad thing.
I thought you were done buying watches. Your Moser wasn't your "exit" watch?
What moser? Either the fifty fathoms or a zenith defy
Pro-tip: don't spell out watch names in Weeblish. Just write "Zenith." People will mistake you for a cockroach and try to step on you.

We're kind of talking about two different things. Dress watches vs daily wearers.
A dress watch, obviously, should be small, thin, discreet, and classy. A daily wearer can be a little bigger and tougher.

I know this is going to offend Bittercel because someone has posted one in the last year, but a perfect example of roughly the same watch for daily vs dress wear is the Cartier Tank Louis vs Tank Francaise.

The Tank Louis is basically the ultimate dress watch. But toughen it up a little, give it an automatic movement, date, bracelet, and you've got a brilliant daily watch. (IDC about lume, if you can afford a Cartier, you can afford an artificial light source. 30m WR is fine. You're not taking the thing on a hunting trip. You can safely wash your hands and wear it when it's raining.)
>Either the fifty fathoms or a zenith defy
Blancpain all day.
Zeniths are, unfortunately, shit in real life. They look good on paper, but their QC is amateurish.
Don't be a retard and buy a Rolex.
Unless you're Roachadello of course. In that case, just burn your money on some irrelevant shitter.
are there any significant quality differences between rolex and tudor, Or is it mainly brand recognition?
Anyone got any experience with both?
We're talking about a very big price difference and was wondering if it's justified.
ah just a coincidence then
well either way I hope we both enjoy our watches
my birthday is also very soon kek
I'm relatively new to watches, forgot to say. Been a bit longer than a year.
Wait you actually got the silver one?
Great choice man. Yeah I liked the markers a lot better. Hope it's everything you wished for.
Post it once you get it.
fucking shitter wearing faggots kill yourself celeb worshipping faggots niggers kys I hate every single one of you especially avatar fuck off and die
Sure did
Should be coming tomorrow of after tomorrow, will post it when it does
Just need to get an olive nato strap for it, don't like the stock one
If you crave (you)'s so much, you should try participating in the conversations. You latvian piece of shit
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no it's not. just buy a casio.
Which models are made 100% in Japan?
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Rolexes are thinner, better proportioned and a lot more elegant than Tudors. Rolex is also insanely good at QC and regulating their movements. And yes, you're also paying for brand recognition obviously.
Tudor is alright though.
holy based
le casoy le based
fucking poorfaggot
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Modern rolex looks more refined, Tudor isn't supposed to be on par when it comes to that, it wouldn't be good for the brand positioning. Older Tudors used Rolex parts for most of it, not the movements. The quality is the same.
I bought a Rolex and now I’ve been lurking /fa/. God save me
are you bored of it yet?
Tudor movements can hold their own. They're extremely accurate from my experience. And they've recently gone in-house if I'm not mistaken. The MT5602-1U runs at +1 from personal experience.
The anonposter character lore and fandom has sucked me in. Casio fags expected. Super fringe taste in most of the watches posted in these threads the past couple days, although I will say I fancy some of them.
This is a very unpopular opinion here, but a watch is a FASHION ACCESSORY that only makes sense in an outfit. Every wristshot should show at least your shoes, trousers and jacket. Every collection should be put perspective with your wardrobe.
Watchfags (who are terrible people) usually dress like slobs, manchildren or douchebags. Don't spend 10k on a watch if your wardrobe isn't complete.
>Verification not required.

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90's IWC Ingenieur

What do we think about it?
>Hey is that a Royal O- oh... uh sorry I have to go
I meant the rolex
It's like.... The 22nd best integrated bracelet sportswatch that you can buy.
I’ll spend 10k on a watch before I spend 10k on fabrics. I enjoy walking around in t-shirt+sweatpants wearing some art on my wrist.
remove the bottomtext and ill think about it
Certainly not. If anything it’s motivating me to move up a tier.
MR-G g-shocks.
Watches are not "art".
Functional, wearable art.
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you cant afford shit picrel DANCE FOR ME BOY
Will I directly support the Japanese Economy by buying MR-G g-shocks?
when you send in a tudor for servicing or for repair, they take out your watch's movement and replace it with a pre-repaired used movement then give the watch back to you after charging you a fee for taking some tranny's used movement
your broken/service-needed movement is sent to a massive center where's it's recycled and given to some other cuck
they share this facility with TAG,"king of quality watches", who's done this for years
if you send a rolex to the service center they will spend the time to repair/service your movement from your watch and return it to you all fixed/ready to go for another decade all the while still being a nice, valuable thing

the choice is yours white man
Abe's ghost will smile upon you and Japanese maidens, veritable yamato nadeshiko's, will flock to your domicile and beg to be inseminated so that your strong seed may save that blighted archipelago.
embarrassing on both sides
i have never ordered food delivery
lol no
Watches are industrial-made luxury products. There's nothing artistic about them.
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west has fallen bro unless you are gen z boss you cant buy shit
I know how my movement looks like and there's a distinctive imperfection close to the balance wheel and some on the rotor. Very tiny minor ones only visible by macro.
I got the pics and all, if this happens then I have proof and demand my own movement back that I paid for.
Are they somehow insured for this still?
Stop posting that webm
>when you send in a tudor for servicing or for repair, they take out your watch's movement and replace it with a pre-repaired used movement
Has anyone ever proven this is true or is it just conspiracy-posting?
>if this happens then I have proof and demand my own movement back that I paid for.
you can't
it's what you agree to if you get your tudor serviced from the official service center
of course you could chance it with an indie watchmaker, provided they can actually get the parts lol
(none of them can get parts for "in-house" tudors btw)
basically you have no choice
No one ever asks a Rolex owner if they were too poor to afford a Tudor.
So it's like some unwritten terms that I "automatically" agree upon when I bring it thete for servicing? Can I opt out or can I demand to read said conditions beforehand?
Btw thank you for redpilling me on this. I will do some research.
It's not like I haven't heard it before, but it's always good to refresh some memory.
RF boomers talk about it and some have confirmed it at their local service centers. I think some have shared emails between them and Tudor. They only do this with their supposedly in-house calibers, but they still service the older ETA based ones, ironically enough.
Independents can easily repair the ETA Tudors though, obviously.
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Why did this chart stop being posted? It was on every thread.
what exactly is the practical difference between a swap and a repair? it doesn't contain genetic material so the cuck argument rings hollow
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Pick one.
You WILL wage slave for the gen z boss
it's their way or the highway
the wagie you submit your watch to won't know shit so don't even try to karen them into some gotcha situation
peruse the rolexforums and see some tudor owners complaining about this
it's off putting, but tag and other low level mass brands have done this for years because servicing the gorillion 2824's that come their way is in now way worth their time
look on yt how long it takes for someone to service even a basic movement
takes the same amount of time to service a shitty watch as it does an expensive one
easier to do it en masse and recycle
i first heard of some brands doing this more than a decade ago, about tag's aquaracers
tag and tudor are partners in this new manufacture that makes their "in-house" calibers
is it still in-house if they share the factory with tag and other brands?

one option is significantly more "luxurious" than the other in light of this practice imo
like i said, your choice
Left one has more soul, right one is cleaner and has more class. Both are very cheap watches so if you really can't decide you can get both.
If you're happy with someone else's horological sloppy seconds, or, god forbid, a pajeet's pooey movement in your watch, then suit yourself.
Rolex don't do this, JLC, VC, PP, AP neither.
Not even shitmega and grand seiko do this.
You should stick to casio watches, after all there's no practical difference at the end of the day, right?
1016 by a mile.
Okat /wt/, I like this carbon Victorinox, especially the colour and texture of the carbon fiber. I neither like nor dislike the square pattern under the dial, and im not a fan of the stripes in the strap. Is there some other similar watch? (Also idc about some swiss knife)
I'm sorry but rolex does it too.
with the way Rolex ALREADY replaces dials, hands and bezels by default so your watch stays "up to date to their standards of quality" and with consistant rumors of these parts coincidentally appearing on the black market afterward, I would absolutely believe you if you told me they poached movements as well.
>I would absolutely believe
another way of saying, "I'm not interested in hearing or seeing any evidence that disagrees with my position. I'll call it fake and call you an NPC."
>with the way Rolex ALREADY replaces dials, hands and bezels
The difference being that rolex replaces those parts with NEW parts, not used parts from some other client's watch.
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>be me
>love vintage Datejust
>dislike modern Datejust
>dislike vintage Explorer
>love modern Explorer
What's with the gay little bracelet? Take that shit off faggot
You've got the best of both worlds.

Old Explorers are mighty expensive, new ones are some of the most easily obtainable models.
New Datejusts are expensive, while old DJs are about as cheap as any vintage Rolex can be.
You buy a Rolex when you want to be somebody, you buy a _______ when you are somebody

*A real Cartier, not some steel, entry-level bullshit.
>with the way Rolex ALREADY replaces dials, hands and bezels by default so your watch stays "up to date to their standards of quality" and with consistant rumors of these parts coincidentally appearing on the black market afterward, I would absolutely believe you if you told me they poached movements as well.
the replaced parts are fresh from the factory, not used by some other coper
and you can tell the rsc not to replace anything if you don't want
what's happened in previous years is that clueless boomers that bought a double red seadweller in their 20's go to the rsc to get their rolex serviced and their kike at the counter knows they can sell that dial for more than their wagie ass is worth
the boomer doesn't know shit, hasn't done research, and the kike has no obligation to educate the boomer on the finer parts of watch collectability
they furnish the retarded boomer with fresh dial and hands for their model and they go away happy none the wiser
kike goes home to their kike bf and gets pounded all night with a fresh supply of poppers and beads to keep them happy

nb: never take a vintage rolex to the rsc, only new models
indies can repair vintage ones just fine
BASED chartposter.
True. I already have an Explorer but I might buy a nice 1601 Buckley at some point.
>Why did this chart stop being posted? It was on every thread.
The guy who posted it got banned so often he got bored and stopped.
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>have wanted a beige f-91w since like 2021
>every few months i check online for them
>would always find the pink, blue, and orange ones for cheap
>saw a beige one exactly once, it was like $150 USD and somewhere in europe
>starting to realize i'll never find one now
>had my chance and missed it
I'm feeling a little conflicted. I think it would've been retarded to spend that much on a $15 watch, but it was my only chance and I didn't realize it. What do you guys think?
Only just noticed that Franck "I rob gold trucks, use cheap russian movements in my "swiss" watches and snort so much coke i'm fired from my own namesake watchbrand and died forgotten in a ditch and was probably raped by Elton John in the 80's" Muller is in the high-end luxury segment.
Shitty chart.
>Buckley dial
Interesting for their (comparative) rarity but, even by DJ/DD standards, they look old-mannish.
Stuck in Mexico. Need to escape this shithole border city.
Thank you for supporting the japanese economy.
I hope you can escape Mexico.
How can Zenith release something like that and still be taken seriously?
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In all honesty, I tend to support more the swiss economy, but I know what you mean, my friend. G-Shock are fucking awesome.
Another of mine.
Buy a pink one and gaslight yourself into thinking it's beige. Or paint it cream.
>Okat /wt/, I like this carbon Victorinox, especially the colour and texture of the carbon fiber.
Are you 50 pushing 60?
wtf is it with boomers and carbon fiber?
>wtf is it with boomers and carbon fiber?
It's still a high-tech material to them. They're old enough to remember when F1 cars were made out of something else.
Okay hear me out

Omega + Rolex = reddit

Longines + Tudor = 4chan

Seiko + Citizen = reddit larping as 4chan
>Reddit spacing
lmao i'm 24 but where i live only carbon fiber things are high end bikes
Impeccable taste.
How does one sustain an Ultra Luxury Lifestyle? Is it more about ownership or about experiences?
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The cost of ultra luxury lifestyle is the price of this watch.
Makes sense.
Explains the travesty in pic related
>hello fellow kids!
>am I cool yet? hyuck hyuck
>how'd you like my guilloche- I mean, cheaply pressed pattern dial for nearly 40 grand?
>ain't I young and luxurious?

If you like it buy it, gramps. Don't let /wt/ stop you.
You know you can change the strap to whatever you want, right? Get your grandkid to help you; might be tricky with those arthritic claws.
am I the only one who unironically enjoys celtadello's postings?
>Explains the travesty in pic related
It's both. Luxury means being able to have your cake and eat it too. You don't have to sacrifice luxury travel in order to be able purchase expensive junk nor must you forgo the costly useless trinkets in order to be able to afford to go on a luxurious holiday.
Having to sacrifice, to compromise is by definition not luxurious.
How you sustain it is your own business.
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>so then he said he bought a PRX
Wait, how much is this watch? It's a citizen
Nobody cares
>How does one sustain an Ultra Luxury Lifestyle? Is it more about ownership or about experiences?

Obviously, you have to be wealthy, first and foremost. The exact dollar amount you need is unclear since, as John Paul Getty said, paraphrasing, "If you can actually count your money, you're not really rich."
But after that, it's all pursuit of experience, not about owning things. The things you own, you may be interested in, but in and of themselves, have no real meaning.
i.e. you bought a Ferrari because you like Ferraris, not because owning a Ferrari is a requirement to be rich.

Conversely, if you're buying stuff to appear rich, flashy watches, clothes with huge brand names on them, you're sending the signal that you're poor, maybe in terms of money, but definitely in terms of class. You're just copying what you think the rich people are doing in an attempt to "fake it until you make it".
>someone does notice and you say
>>Yeah, it was a gift from my dad

Do this if you want everybody to know you are a loser

If you are a boss (which you arent) you will just people you bought it because you wanted to
Tell me your dad was a poor man without telling me your dad was a poor man.
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Getting a Rolex from your dad is one of the coolest thing ever
My dad is richer than your dad

Only in the mind of a kissless virgin
I've fucked more bitches than you ever will
Monumental achievement
Awfully generous of you to assume he knows who his father is.
Yes. Having sex with bitches is great. Try it.
(Hard mode: without paying for it)
I've paid twice for sex.
Most of the bitches I'm having sex with come from Tinder. I'm seeing one on Monday. 20 years old with small tits.
I was joking, I meant the opposite
/wt/ BTFO
>getting a Rolex from your dad isn't cool
>having sex isn't cool
t. 40 years old childless leftist woman
Pretty sure they get tons of women, they are extremely attracted to watch nerds
absolutely agree anon, but I'm also a degenerate who enjoys 4.5 o'clock date windows over a 6 o'clock - I enjoy the intentional asymmetry
Do you miss your fathers cock?
>incestuous gay sex out of nowhere
Disgusting. You have problems man.
just chiming in to say i'm disappointed in all of you

the bathy and the explorer were the only good watches in this thread.
i was gonna post my watch earlier but I dropped it in the toilet this morning by accident. i'll post it after it gets back from servicing.
hey man, just chiming in here to say you sound like a total and absolute virgin with this take. Rolex is a middle manager brand, they are only cool if they are gifted to you from your father, or grandfather, period.
Again, an ironic comment when you sound like a total and unabashed virgin yourself.
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Hope you all had a great day. I had fun catching up with the thread.
See you tomorrow and goodnight.
I think it's time to move beyond my venerable F-91w. This thing has survived everything, most notably being used as a shower clock for over a year. Had to spend like an hour just cleaning off the caked up soap and hard water residue.

What now? Do I slowly work my way up or should I dump a lot of money on something nice?
First of all you stop shaving your arms you fucking poofter.
I will, yeah. I kinda went overboard with it. My reasoning was that a small wrist with a shit ton of hair looks weird.
Next time I'll just trim it a bit, not make it bald.
What's your wrist size? I'd guess 16 cm. Also do you like any other Casios?
14 cm. I had a DW-5600 for a while and it actually fit on my wrist, although it looked silly.
G-shocks are cool but my wrist is just too small. Kinda sucks
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There are some Baby-Gs that are small enough to fit your wrist.
If you decide to get a mechanical watch, do not go beyond 32 mm diameters. The ideal watch for you would be 30 mm.
You'll have to dig into the vintage market a lot, because they only make horrid dinnerplates today.
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love yall boys
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Yeah some baby GS are cool anon.

Also there are smaller g shocks like the GMD and GMA series.

Pic.relayed is 40mm in diameter
thanks guys, will look and see what i can find
i hope im not being too needy but how bad would a 36mm look on my wrist? like would it look a little odd or actually ridiculous?

holy moly bros
wrong thread? u still play that crap?
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I got the call.
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kid rock wearing casio
casio costs real money in europe unlike the u.s.
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>Going to a public gathering
>Prob most eyes will be on me
>What watch should I wear if my name is Dominique Pelicot?
>Budget is less than 10k
Well? What did he wear? Some Shartier I bet.
Nobody knows yet.
These are probably made in the same Chinese factory as the Seamaster kek
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Kofe time.
What made you choose this over the equivalent GS quartz?
Dear homos i need a watch but watches are so gay. Looking for something subtle like a presage diver or lorier. Or i buy a gold tank rep
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More advanced movement and Eco-Drive technology.
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ryan gosling wearing casio
Got a Timex Weekender partly just to see what the infamous ticking is like, and when it's a quiet evening, the tick on this thing will make you feel downright existential. It's like a miniature version of every old school's wall clock.
The watch feels great besides that.
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Came in yesterday, wore it to work today.

Lighter than I expected. I love the way the bracelet looks and feels. Dial is slightly more matte than it looked online but still vibrant enough. Gonna get the bracelet taken down by one or two links as it’s just a hair too loose. The day/date snapping feels extremely satisfying.
>What now?
nothing. f91 is end-game.
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More precisely, it's ending the game as a dirt poor person. LMAO
I'm wearing a 28mm x 34mm watch right now
I think 36mm could work. Have a look at "Chaoyada" on aliex, they sell 35mm field watches for $5, you can buy one and see how something that size works for you.
If you had the choice between wearing a Grand Soikope as your only watch or no watch at all until you die, what would you choose?

No watch for me, that's for sure.
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Too big, similar to how a 41mm watch looks on a 16cm wrist (picrel) or a 45mm watch on a 7-inch wrist. Right now, the trend is for big watches, but not oversized ones. For you, a 30-31mm size is ideal. The smallest you should go is 28mm.
Let's think about this for a second. What does each option say about the person?

>No watch
This person doesn't care about wristwatches. Nothing more, nothing less. If he needs to know the time, he checks his phone or his computer or the microwave or any of the dozens of other clocks that exist in a modern man's daily life. You can't tell anything else about this person from his wrist.

>Grand Seiko
This person cares about wristwatches but is devoid of taste, is probably a weeb, and believes he's smarter than everyone else despite actually being quite ignorant; worse still, everyone knows it because this person makes sure of it. He probably enjoys "debating" on the internet and believes it's possible to win by posting more than anyone else.
Get a 34mm Rolex. That will fit you perfectly.
Looks cool, anon.
Boring samefag yawn
>Everyone I don't like is the same person.
Meds time, schizo.
This is correct. If you can't afford that, a 90's 34mm Tudor.
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This is a 36mm watch on my small wrist. It's between 15 and 16cm, I guess.
nice, everybody should have one funky piece
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I think I just like watches that go with pretty much everything.
No matter what I wear, my watches just fit. Maybe because they're all simple three handers? They never seem out of place.
It depends, the SLGW004/005 is a very elegant watch and anyone who's been around the hobby for longer than a week knows what it is.
There's potential in GS but they're always missing but a factor or two.
From my experience, you really either should stick to that price point, especially if you're very happy with it, or be patient and get one 4 digit watch and later a 5 digit one so you can appreciate the differences clearly before hitting diminishing returns.
3-4 watches are enough. You'll be surprised how fast you can end up with 10+ watches while you only end up wearing 2.
by* a factor or two.
You dress like an african migrant.
This is an old 34mm watch on my wrist. To me the perfect size.
Based WhoreAnon.
a new gucci bag in the form of obsolete but shiny watch won't fix your life
Fuck off you disgusting motherfucker.
Why does bittaruceru hate Whoretaredu so much?
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try this in a shop if you plan to get a unisex dive watch. it's 36.5mm but should feel like a 34.5-35mm.
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This is the Bittercel detector. If the real Bittercel is actually in this thread, he will feel compelled to respond to this picture of Reverso Anon's collection.
Did you actually love anime so much that you sold everything in your life and tried to move to Japan in your fucking 30s?
oh looks it's avatarsimp!
still faffing about reversocel and his assortment of shitters I see lmfao
Well, here Bittercel is: >>18236503
You can ask him yourself.
But I don't want to give him(you) a (you) tho.
7/10, not a fan of maxicase but still a nice Rolex
8/10, would be a 10/10 with brushed lugs
7/10 for the Speedmaster, 0/10 for the rest
0/10, unironically the worst Tudor
10/10 for the Rolex, 5/10 for the Tudor
10/10 for both
3/10, terrible but still a Patek
4/10, a Tank should always be in yellow gold
0/10, kys
4/10 for the Blancpain, 10/10 for the Rolex, 6/10 for the Piaget, 7/10 for the Reverso. Solid collection.
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You guys thought I was dead uh?? Well guess what... IM NOT! I'm back bitches!!!
I'm sorry, who are you?
You have good taste in watches but you're no better than the run-of-the-mill avatarfag with this faggy spamming. Seriously just kys, faggot.
Sorry anon, I won't kill myself. I just enjoy life too much.
Six fucking minutes.

You couldn't get him to respond faster if you showed him a street that hadn't been shit in yet.
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yugaslavia drip - nice watch, your style is shit tho. same energy as picrel
>a Tank should always be in yellow gold
A Tank should always be precious metal not strictly yellow gold.
>yugaslavia drip
That is a huge compliment to a Turk. Being considered Serbian is a massive step up from pretending to be Greek.
WhoreAnon is Greek. bittercel is just coping.
Yeah, looks perfectly well-proportioned on your wrist.

Is that yours? If you have the bracelet, you should put it back on. Oyster-cased Rolexes never look quite right on straps.
Very nice.
See everyone? The most humble Rolex on a leather strap still mogs 90% of all non-Rolex watches. It's that simple.
>WhoreAnon is Greek.
Ethnic Greeks have light eyes and fair hair.
Whoretadello's hair is coarse, black (and thinning). Mongrel Turk.
First of all his name is Roachadello.
Second of all, citizenship is irrelevant. The roach is ethnically a Turk. Hence is name, Roachadello.
Bittercel on overdrive today lol.
I miss OmegaDrunk bros..
Lots of Bitteranons, but only one true Bittercel. This one: >>18236503
This thread cured my desire to buy a shitter watch. Just look at the sad fucks ITT with their shitters and how bitter and SAD they are!
Is it true theres 1 latvian that comes here daily to call everyone bitter and poor?
Congratulations. So which Rolex are you going to buy?
36mm smooth bezel DJ I think.
Good choice.
There he is!

Thank you ratingbro, now I can proceed with my day.
Where did the Latvian part come from
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If the watch is not in ultra luxury, it's a shitter.
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there are people in this thread who think Rolex isn't a shitter brand
t. Seiko owner
Lots of samefagging in this thread too, but what can you gonna do?
Stages of Grand Seiko ownership

>Check out my Grand Seiko! It's so much better than a Rolex!
>If you have a couple hours I can explain to you why it's better than a Rolex
>I mean, both watches have their pluses and minuses
>Unlike a Rolex, the AD had Grand Seiko in stock, and they even gave me a discount
>*staring off into the abyss*
>Check out my new [watch that STILL isn't a fucking Rolex]! Grand Seiko? Oh, that's just my beater.
I thought your desire to buy a shitter was cured?
cant afford a day date?
The fuck is a Gran Seiko?
Watches for dorks.
Who cares, he seems like some 3rd world guy who saved up his entire life for some watch and just shitposts in every thread.
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An elderly woman?
Genta-copes are so 2022. Who even buy those?
Yes. Bracelet or strap, I like it all depending on the context.
>Who even buy those?
They also put out an anime collaboration version. That should give you some idea.
>double dubs
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Sorry for the late reply.
It's nothing extravagant like that. I just went there last year for three weeks, liked it so much I decided to try and live there. I recently got my long-term visa approved and I will try to get a permanent one down the line, can't go into much detail here. I've only spend there a total of 5 months. Maybe I won't like it there in 2 years time and I'll come back to Europe or the West in general.
So far, I am beyond pleased with the life there. But I won't be staying in Tokyo.
As far as selling goes or the "he liquified everything"-rumor, I mean I just bought pic related, if that was the case [liquifiying everything] I wouldn't spend 5 digits on a watch.
At the risk of oversharing for the 100th time, I recently turned 31, been working half my life, this is all just saved up money. I'm not a teenager, most people my age have saved enough fuck you-money to go on life-makeovers like that.
That's all there's to it.
It's not like I'm the only person who wants to go/move to Japan or something.
Kill yourself, filthy roach.
Do you recommend this kanji method as opposed to learning it "the textbook jap class old fashioned way"?
I'm just following a guide in general on one of the other boards.
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Good evening watch enthusiasts.
The watch of the day is Citizen The Citizen Chronomaster AQ4080-52A. It is literally all I need and quite possibly the best watch ever made.
Your watch is an atrocity. Ugly garbage and there's no other way to describe it.
Jesus Christ, it fucking sucks.
That is actually the saddest thing I have ever heard in my life. Not trolling or anything.

I can't even begin to imagine what would have to happen for me to leave my wife, kids, family, friends, career and move to the other side of the planet.
>mentions over and over again "spent 5 digits on a watch"
You grew up extremely poor, didn't you?
I bought mine for 45, dog.
I paid 160 EUR for mine...
>I'm not a teenager,
You dress like a middle schooler though
swatch would be the best if they sold at-cost instead of ripping people off for fashion mark-up
... another "watch thread" !?! you've been duped

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