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balding/ and /finasteride/ general.
Sticky: http://tuxbell.com/index.php/Balding

Reminder that if you can clearly see your scalp when your hair is wet, your hair is going!

Holy trinity:
Tabs: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Finasteride
Lotion: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minoxidil
Shampoo: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ketoconazole

Finasteride is a 5-alpha reductase inhibitor that prevents free T from being converted to DHT, a byproduct of testosterone that serves no purpose after puberty but to choke out your hair follicles and make them thin out and die, this is called androgenic alopecia.
Fin mostly prevents your hair from getting any worse, mild regrowth is expected, though some people see a significant recovery on fin alone. Can be taken orally or topically.

Minoxidil (liquid and tabs) is a vasodialator that opens potassium channels and widens blood vessels bringing nutrients to your hair follicles, stimulating hair follicles into thickening, accelerating growth and elongating the growth phase. Min is taken with fin to restore your hair to it's original hairline, thickness and vigor when hair loss is caught early enough, (pre-NW2). Can be taken orally or topically.

Ketoconazole is an anti-androgen and antifungal that inhibits DHT on the scalp and used to treat fungal infections of the scalp that may be making your hair loss worse such as seborrheic dermatitis, a condition where you exhibit severe greasy, flaky large dandruff flakes with dried yellow crystals (blood plasma) embedded in the scalp. Some people may only have traction alopecia (hair loss from scratching or friction), but it will not cure androgenic alopecia alone. Can only be taken topically.
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I currently have PFS, going on finasteride was the worst mistake I ever made.
I was on it for a year, and saw my sex drive crash, erectile dysfunction at age 19, severe anxiety disorder, can't get a nut out to save my life either. My hair didn't stop falling out to boot.
For reference I'm 25 now and I still have the sexual side effects, still have little to no chest/facial hair which I also attribute to the fin.
What ended up saving my hairline was RU-58841, look it up and order some. Stay the fuck away from finasteride unless you wanna throw away your youthful virility forever
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Same, I even died from it.
Can you elaborate on this? What did he say about scalp tension and what did the japanese study debunk?
>Reminder that if you can clearly see your scalp when your hair is wet, your hair is going!
is this true???? post proof
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Getting your hair wet shows your true hair volume, no amount of styling tricks or hair products can hide your lack of hair density when it's wet.
This is how you can spot diffuse thinning, which is the worst kind because by the time it gets bad enough to be noticeable with dry hair the damage is already done.
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I'm getting a HT next year in febraurary but fuck man, it's gonna be so emabrassing. I'll have to wear a hat to lectures and never take it off for the whole semester, basically. Even when hanging out. I could, in theory, change the date right before summer break so I'd have some time to lay low during the redness phases but I don't wanna wait 6 months more (plus recovery period) to get my hairline back. Any thoughts? Any anons here know if you can hide the redness with makeup? How did people react to your HT, if you had one?
Buzz it down and stop being ashamed for balding.
see how far you can get with fin and oral min alone before splurging for the HT, you're going to need at least 6 months of fin before getting the hair transplant anyway, and then you need to stay on it indefinitely or it will fail.
Anyone here deal with hair loss related to hypothyroidism?
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I never even considered that I would have to worry about hair loss this early, but I just noticed how bad this is yesterday. What do I do?
just shave it and grow a beard bro
it's over for you
alright mine isn’t quite that bad
damn its over
Yeah I've been on dut for a month (and fin for the three months before) and minox (first topical and now oral) and I've seen astonishing results with no sides, but the hairline isn't really coming back fully and I know this is the case for most people. If only I had started sooner. I've scheduled my HT already as the doctor had a quite long queue, but It'll be 9 months on medical treatment when I'll finally get it.
If you're fine with living your only life being "objectively" worse looking then go for it. As much as you can accept yourself (which admittedly is not my case lmao) other people, especially of the opposite sex, won't be so willing.
read the op. Start right now and you'll be fine; I would consider dutasteride as this started very early.
get on ru58841 and estrogen ASAP
Well I can't tell if some of you are joking but I'm pretty concerned and I don't know if I should be taking medicines like >>18248521 said yet...
If you're all serious then FML
If you start this very week you'l lget to keep what you have and probably regain desnity if you you'll keep dragging don't you're fucked. trust me a lot of people regret no ttaking it earlier insist on finasteride from the doc. as for age if you're white it's very common to start in your early twenties and I'm no trying to race bait it's just how it is when it comes to balding from least to most:
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I guess I'll look into finasteride... I'm feeling kind of destroyed right now though, this was the last thing I expected... :(
there's nothing to worry about yyou live in the best time to treat it. The treatment is off pattent and super cheap you can even get it via those telemedicine services without booking a derma.
I'm kind of worried about the potential permanent libido loss that everyone on the internet is saying though
Tbh man you should just embrace the bald, get into demna vetements and acne studios and become the berlin club final boss
I understand but the incidence is low. it's no worse than ,most meds. it's important you stay calm there's a stud ythat shows there's 3x likelyhood to get "side fefcets" because the patients was told abou thtem male virility can be very psychological.
My libido increased after fin. Which I didn’t expect nor want, make of this information what you will.
Honestly I was really hoping that people here would tell me that it's fine and to just massage my scalp or something, but it seems like my nightmares are coming true
Honestly it's not a bad idea, but my bone structure sucks and I'm just not handsome enough to pull it off, even though I like raves
It's still worrying, especially for someone like me who's kind of a hypochondriac. Is there any alternative steps or anything else? Or am I just being stubborn and my only choice right now really is just taking the pill...
>Is there any alternative steps or anything else?
If you have male pattern baldness, no. Blocking dht with fin or dut is the only tried and true way of stopping and reversing hair loss. Consult your derm before taking fin and you have nothing to worry about.
take the pills and say goodbye to your dick, bud
You can use minoxidil, which has a different mechanism of action and actually stimulates hair growth (people use it to thicken eyebrows or beard growth). Topical is over the counter but kind of annoying to use every single day for as long as you want to keep your hair, oral is by prescription and bypasses the non-response issue but can have serious non-sexual side effects
Yes but minoxidil doesn’t stop the androgens responsible for hairloss. So while minoxidil can stimulate hair growth, it doesn’t treat the underlying condition and you will continue losing hair.
Topical liquid minoxidil is food safe (vape juice, ethanol and water) and can be taken orally, 1 drop (0.025ml) = 1.25mg oral minoxidil, this doesn't apply to the foam version btw.
Don't fuck around with finasteride. PFS is the tip of the iceberg. Give it a few more years and the whole scandal will unfold.
obsessively trying not to lose your hair is the least fashionable thing i can think of. pathetic
No one wants to hear it but just get a fucking wig. I bought one about 3 years ago for $500. It's synthetic but you can't even tell, hence the price tag. I've been on dating apps and get plenty of likes and matches and never been told I'm wearing a wig. Before you ask about wind blowing it off, it's never happened to me and I've been to Six Flags and rode roller coasters with it on. You just have to find a way to hold it down. For me it was ghost bond blue on the forehead part of it and hair pins in the back connecting my wig to my real hair underneath.
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Hop on fin now. Be cautious about min. Consider ketoconazole and some peptides/caffeine hair density serums that are available. None will match min for efficacy but they're way easier on your system.
You still have pretty good coverage and density but it is starting to recede and 19 is relatively young, so you need to act soon.
If you can halt it where it is for most of your 20s you're golden, and you don't need to like lay awake panicking while you wait to get a fin script, but you should act soon.
t. started balding at 20 and did shit about it until 24 (will regret it for life).
Whatever you do just avoid fin. It might ruin your life like it ruined mine and so many others. Look into alternatives or wait for stem cell hair transplants to hit the market in 4-5 years.
There's this crackhead who walks around my workplace,he's in his 50s or 60s, has like three teeth,and does nothing but smoke and ask people for money all day , despite that he has a perfect hairline and insane density even though he obviously has scalp issues

Some people are just lucky
I wonder if he ever get attacked or harassed or ignored out of jealousy for his hair
some people are just fucking evil asshole
What the fuck should you do if you have weak or problem with immune system and like 90% of drugs and supplements hits you really hard with side effects
Will fin kill me
what a womanly thing to say or write
Having fucked up hormones and organs from abuse and neglect would probably prevent male pattern baldness, not accelerate it
So what I'm saying is
>I'm getting a HT next year in febraurary but fuck man, it's gonna be so emabrassing. I'll have to wear a hat to lectures and never take it off for the whole semester, basically.
You're in your early twenties and getting a hair transplant?
LMAO it’s the stem cell faggot again
I’ve been harassed and got passive aggressive treatment non stop before by my bald office boss for being 27 with head full of hair and thought of seriously quitting
You would be insane to think hair jealousy is women thing
lmao you could have sued for gender based workplace harassment in the US and gotten a sweet payout.
It's amazing how they practically age backwards once the hair is added to the top of the scalp, almost immediately they go from 32 to 25.
Same boat as me then. Started balding at 26, I'm 30 now at Norwood 3 and I'm still not taking pills because every time I get some chest pain or anything I immediately assume I have cancer or other issues. If I took fin my life would become anxiety hell.
Have you checked your uncles, grandfathers, father etc. to see how much their hairline receded? I got massive hairloss the first 2 years but then it kinda stabilized and I noticed most of my uncles are also stuck in Norwood 3 despite being 20 years older than me.

All I can say is, start taking pictures of your hairline every month, in the same spot and with the same lighting so you can better track if you're actually balding or it's just your hairline maturing. Don't use topical minoxidil just by itself, it's not only a massive pain to apply daily but also doesn't treat the root cause so you're only prolonging the inevitable. And talk with a doctor first before taking finasteride if you're going down that path, 19 feels a bit early to be taking hormone suppressants IMO.
Fin and oral minoxidil.
Would a combination of fin, min and crack reverse my hairloss?
I started to notice that my hair was thinning at 20, went to a dermatologist and he give me fin 1mg/eod.
I was young and retarded, didn't want to go bald so I just took it, a week after my dick went limp.
I stopped the drug and then crashed even worse, depression and insanity. I had 99% of my hair intact but I shaved it and wore a fucking wig, I literally went borderline insane for two years.
It took me five for the health problems to mostly go away, the thing that helped was insanely strict diet, excercise and a buch of herb rotations to snap back my hormones. I found a lot of forums online of poeple who got PFS trying different protocols and stuff, mostly suicidal incel-tier communities, the pattern that I see is that if you're extremely healty and push your hormones it can get better in 3-5 years.

To this day I still have prostate problems, and was by far the worst experience of my life.

finasteride is fucking poison.
I copy pasted your shit posts into chatgpt and it said the author is looking to manipulate and control vulnerable men in the absence of any financial incentive to discredit finasteride, PFS posting is literally psychopathy on display.
How are they so confident being baldy twats?
>Started balding at 26, I'm 30 now at Norwood 3 and I'm still not taking pills because every time I get some chest pain or anything I immediately assume I have cancer or other issues. If I took fin my life would become anxiety hell.
Oh god finally someone exactly like me
I just wanted to ask how how the fuck you deal with despair of waking up with less hair every few month with nothing to do stop it
Every single day I am tempted to say fuck it and take fin
Is choosing between hell is our fate
I seriously wouldn’t have mind if I was researcher or a doctor or other high IQ job but I am your average wagie
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>I just wanted to ask how how the fuck you deal with despair of waking up with less hair every few month with nothing to do stop it
Massive doses of copium. I'm saving up money for a transplant in a few years, and I'm hoping that my hairline stabilizes at Norwood 3.5 at most and I won't need finasteride, since none of my relatives have ever reached George Costanza levels of baldness.
Other than that I'm also trying to start a business so I can become rich enough that maybe I won't care anymore.
Besides I'm super stressed all the time right now anyway so it probably wouldn't be a good moment, any health issues that might arise I'll just blame them on fin, so for now I just want to get some income coming and live comfortably and be more relaxed before I start thinking about it. (Might be too late at that point but oh well.)
i's gonna be 4-5 years for the next decade or so btw
swap out the min for meth
taking one pill is not obsessive.
Do you make predictions about your hair based on your family balding history?

In my case I can't make many assumptions because, my dad died young, grandfather from mom's side died in his 50s but I don't know how he looked like because he died as a crackhead and didn't have contact with the rest of the family.
From my dad's family side, grandfather died in his 60s with a good hairline but a heavily thinning crown, my uncles seem to be in the same situation, no hairline recession at all but a very slowly thinning crown over decades.
As for myself I'm 32 and hair seems fine, almost no hairline recession but crown is definitely thinner than the rest of my head, it has not gotten much worse since I was 17. I remember being made aware of my crown situation by a woman who told me I was going to go bald in 5 years.
The one time I legit believed I was going to go bald was when I was like 22 and got a nasty case of dandruff. Inflammation, flakes and sores all over my head made a lot of my hair fall out and my crown was in critical condition, I was ready to shave it off when I decided to just try head and shoulders shampoo which fixed it in like 2 weeks and my hair regrew
My hairline receded literally one day, out of the blue at age 31
This the moment I thought I am really not special or lucky at anything in this shit life
You should embrace yourself, it can come at any moment like a reaper
Why did God make us this way?
Is he testing us?
idk, why did he put the male g-spot 2 inches into the anus?
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if you are diffuse thinning will you start seeing more hair fall off while you shower or comb them?
your parting looks even, as it does not get any sparser at the crown.
take the same photo with dry hair under a bright light. if you can see scalp independent from the part then you are losing it.
Hair loss and regrowth is literally astrology, just pre-emptively get on finasteride if you suspect you are losing hair. As a man you probably are based on statistics. It's not possible to tell you are losing hair based on one low quality picture unless you have an actual bald spot already.
Your hair loss can be slow or fast, it can be only be noticeable on your hairline or all over, it can happen to you young or old, you can respond to medication or not, or maybe only for a while...
All we know is that it has to do with some DHT fuckery that gets activated in your body by the little hair demons randomly one day like a fucking bomb
>I'm hoping that my hairline stabilizes at Norwood 3.5 at most and I won't need finasteride
your meltdown is gonna be fascinating when your fence sitting ass is going to keep losing hair along with an artificial hairline staying in place
>just pre-emptively get on finasteride
Fucking tranny groomers ITT, why is this allowed
>just start taking fin when all of your hair falls out bro
this my gf has a more sparse hairline than him >>18249287 and these groomers are trying to get for him to hop on fin. HE has fine, straight hair, but its mid-to-heavy in density.
>my gf is slowly balding
thanks for ur input lad
By the time you notice you are balding it's already too late
took my frist pill yesterday, I have some nipple sensitivity from time to time, I think about adding 100mg DIM and 100mg P5P supplements, what do you think?
My "meltdown" happened 5 years ago, now I'm just living in the aftermath.
>get a fucking wig
What about meeting a partner and having sex. Don't you worry they will find out?
> a buch of herb rotations to snap back my hormone

Do you have any specific recommendations? I have PFS and my main symptom is ED / low libido. I quit the drug over a year ago but the sides still didn't go away completely.
Snap out of it, it's in your head. And get back on Finasteride.
I had nipple sensitivity and grew a lump on my left nipple 6 months in when I started taking fin around 2 years ago, and I did something really stupid and took nolvadex for about a month and it kept shrinking and never came back. I’m on dut now and all is good, but goddamn man nolvadex really does give you limp dick. SERMs and AIs are dangerous as fuck and not to be messed with. I don’t know to what extent DIM mimics their mechanisms of action, so do your research and be careful.
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>the side effects are in your head, goy! take the drug, there's nothing to be worried about. the fact that so many ppl become depressed limpdicks on finasteride is a coincidence.
you can't have symptoms from 1 dose. check back 3 months later
You can.
no you cant you retarded nigger your hormone levels would be baseline still
No fucking way in hell you actually believe that, retard.
You don't even start shedding until 3 months in, side effects before 3 months are purely in your head.
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Looks good. Proves that hairline recession is the hardest to overcome
Why is this? What's special about the hairline?
Why is it that almost every American tourist I run into in airports or on beaches has gone bald by 30 and wears a baseball cap even indoors to cope? Is it something in your food?
balding is caused by testosterone, its not some the men of your country have
>took my frist pill yesterday, I have some nipple sensitivity from time to time
You're an insane person. Take a pill for that.
the hairline around the temples is just the most sensitive to dht and usually the first area to go, so it typically has a weaker response to meds. if you compare male vs female hairlines, even guys who aren't actually balding will typically have a more masculine square hairline vs the rounded one that women and a lot of children have. sometimes you'll see "norwood 0" used to refer to that specifically
Well, I hope you are right.
I also had some jaw pain, but I don't think it's related.
I will take DIM anyway, maybe it will calm me.
I am nearly 40 and have had your hairline since I was 17. It never progressed more than that.
Of course you can you fucking dumbasses, the guy could be having an allergic reaction.
>your brain on tiktok
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ok my blowdried hair under intense flurescent lighting.
That's how I noticed it. Massive shedding in the shower and an itchy scalp which stopped basically immediately after I got on fin.
Looks more like a hair whorl or a cowlick than balding
Also, my only regret is I didn't get on fin immediately after I started noticing excessive shedding in the shower. Fin and min are god-tier for diffuse thinners.
my uncle and dad had the same onset of itchiness + shedding + dandruff does dht cause this?
It's just white genetics. if you look up old photos it's the same shit. And this is not to race bait just informing that it can go real early if you're white. Old white people just dressed more mature & had low BMI so it was less noticeable.
are you asian? a lot of japs have the same type of whorl due where their hair just sticks in a a porcupine way.
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What can I do with this?I don't want to shave it
Terrible pic. Hard to tell how thin the hair is. I don't think there's much you can do but just hsave it bro.
please explain how 1 dose of finasteride induced sensitive nipples as an allergic reaction. Do you even understand what an allergy is?

if your crown was always like that then you are fine. it would be the early stages of diffuse thinning starting at the crown if that area is a new development for you
Skull shrinkage while on Finasteride is just pure placebo, right?
What is focal length. How in the fuck would a drug shrink a skull. MAEKS 0 SENSE. Utter insanity. Get a job you bum.
>Get a job you bum.
Maybe if he didn't have chronic fatigue because of PFS then he could, you unsensitive animal.
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Brothers, the suicide counter went up by 1 today. It seems that the Satan-drug, Finasteride, has claimed yet another innocent victim.
May his poor soul rest in peace.
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this is how it looks if I part my crown area.
>this nigga thinking women's hair isn't thinning due to hormonal changes in their late teens/early 20's
lol painfully unaware and naive
You're balding at the top. If you don't start taking fin/min, then you'll see it thin out even more in the future

everyone's scalp looks like that under fluorescent light. . if this is the same guy>>18250466 then he clearly isn't balding.
lol sure, come back in a few years with the inevitable "guys how do I recover from a nw5?"
If anything, that just means you won't live past 35, so you don't have to worry about going bald that much.
>severe anxiety disorder
there is your answer to what causes your ED, stupid fucking retard. Imagine being so afraid of a pill that you mentally block your ability to get hard lmao
oh yes, get a non FDA approved research chemical which has no studies and even most niggers at r/tressless are afraid to touch it, it's definitely safer
>non FDA approved
If anything this is a good thing
you are probably fine and just have a naturally large whorl then. keyword probably.. i would start paying attention to it to make sure it isn't growing

qrd / tldw
>former U.S. national guard soldier
>bodybuilder for 15 years
>has everything going in life, educated, successful career, spouse, etc.
>no prior mental health issues

>starts taking finasteride and experiences...
>brain fog
>slurred speech
>motherfucking HEAD SHRINKAGE
>feels zero emotions
>lost the ability to sweat
>perpetually zoned out

>quits finasteride
>severe muscle loss
>can't get gym pumps anymore
>rest of the problems persist for over 2 years and continues to this day

this medication basically took everything away from him.
and yet there are disgraceful dipshit zoomers here who claim that pfs isn't real, you must feel really proud of yourselves.
You can die from taking pretty much any medicine, even something like an aspirin has a death rate.
Hell you can die from a peanut if you develop a sudden peanut allergy.
Individual cases prove very little
>head shrinkage
is this yt channel doing a contest for making up most ridicuolous side effect?
What's the start date on that counter? Because fin has been available for more than 30 years and probably more then a hundred million men have taken it. I'm already being generous by not asking how they know those suicides were because of fin.
Shit, in 2023 USA alone, more than one million men were taking it. That's from one year in one country.
Vanity has a price.
all symptoms of depression which he got from taking steroids (very common). everyone with PFS on this channel is a fucking indian or skinnyfat beta. You don't need to be a rocket scientist to see a correlation with depression and those types!
this is one of the funniest things I've seen posted on 4chan
Why does he still have a NW1 and muscle then? I don't get it.
That's the only downside. You can make it to where it doesn't fall off during sex but if you ever get into a long lasting relationship with someone they're eventually going to question why your hair hasn't grown. If they really loved you, they'll stay with you knowing you wear a wig. I mean women are allowed to wear makeup.
yes but it's different for women because they're expected to wear makeup and they look ugly without it unless they're naturally beautiful and most women are not, men are not expected to do anything about their appearance, they're supposed to suffer
It would seem I am a hyperresponder to oral min. Crazy progress everywhere. temples, hairline, and crown are noticeably better, not to mention new growth in my eyebrows, beard, legs, arms.
and Im only two months in, including a rough shedding period at the start.

I know Im incredibly lucky and I wont ever forget it.
Its wild to think how slow this journey was. I heard about these drugs in 2020, put it off for 2 years, tried fin only for 2023 and the first half of 2024, and now finally added oral min. Pretty much a consequence of the unreliability of all online sources. At some point with these drugs, you have to accept that youre gambling on an NIH pubmed study + the assurances of some rando on /fit/.

I can now buy a discrete pill fob and take this shit for the rest of my life. In the 10 year study, 113 out of 118 men chose to continue taking fin after the study concluded, so Im pretty sure these results will last
Enjoy your shrunken skull.
Also to any first timers reading this: DONT USE HIMS OR KEEPS. Get a prescription from a dermatologist, buy a goodrx gold account, and use the discount at CVS. These drugs will probably cost me $3-4k over the next ten years. Im willing to pay that much for hair
Ive already been on fin for over a year and experienced no side effects. I wake up with boners and I dont even know what "brain fog" means, Im a STEMcel and Ive always been good at mental calculations
why are jews trying to psyop everyone away from finasteride now?
If you really wanna save money then order from India. Something like 200 pills for around $55 plus shipping.
I had no idea. This is why its good to try to give advice, someone who actually knows will be there to correct you.

Im looking around and it looks like I can get 10 1mg fin tablets for a dollar. Theres no way thats legit right?
Lol i think i just requested 10 boxes of finasteride from an indian company, if I understand their website correctly thats 1000 tablets.
Wonder if theyll take it seriously
Just got 5 emails in the last 3 minutes from different indian companies offering to fulfill my request for 1000 tablets
Could be, I'd just make sure it's from a reputable brand. I got mine from a reseller called "reliablerxpharmacy" for the aforementioned price.
So that would be $100 for 1k tabs? Huge if real. Report back how it goes.
I just got a 1500 follicle No-Shave FUE in Boston yesterday. If anyone wants to ask any questions about it feel free i'd like to give back to the community that gave me some important information

Brother its like the placebo effect, you aren't actually having it. I started a new anxiety med two weeks after Finn and it immediately came back.
the only side effect i've had since starting my new anxiety meds and Finn at the same time was an INCREASE in sex drive, significantly actually.
Wait until you get to the part of the video where he claims taking it for even a short time gave him the powers of Mr. Fantastic from the Fantastic Four
He then accuses the doctors of "gaslighting" when they try to explain to him how that's impossible
Fin alone gave me an increase in sex drive, I can hardly go three days now without jerking it and I'm considering downloading dating apps again. Sucks, I'd actually like to have a lower sex drive.
i was on fin for 6 months. my dick shrunk about 1.5" and i had erection issues for 5 years after quitting it. the erection issues are somewhat better now but the size never came back. and i went bald anyway : ( wasnt worth it in my case..
you're like an autistic bot that has to spam PFS fud any time someone posts 3 positive things about fin in a row
>Brother its like the placebo effect,
Negative placebo effects are called Nocebos, and ED, depression, and brain fog are among the easiest symptoms to trigger via Nocebo.
I suspect that the PFS retards know this and are trying to give balding young men anxiety to trigger it.
My ex-gf had a low libido, so when I started balding and saw ED as a side effect of dutasteride, it seemed convenient for me at that moment.
So I went on dut and the opposite happened. I'm getting morning wood like back in my teens, my boners could cut crush diamonds and my sex drive started doing overtime.
Long story short, that relationship didn't last lol, but at least I have a full head of hair again.
FINASTERIDE SAVED MY LIFE. just added oral minox to my stack
1 pill side effects are nocebo but the gyno and ejaculatory changes are very much real. Got gyno and starting cumming water and yellow jelly strings a month into fin. I already had slight pubertal gyno that really didnt bother me but now my nips get noticeably puffy when its warm. The cum returned to normal within after 3 months (the time it takes for new sperm to spawn) so no need to worry about that. Gyno is probably the only legit permanent side effect you can have. It can be removed surgically but will probably regrow if keep using fin since the full gland isn't removed to prevent inverse nipples and the hormonal environment that caused it still in all likelihood persists.
How does finasteride affect you genetically? Do we know what triggers the mutations exactly? Is it safe to conceive a child whilst on finasteride?
how does sitting for 10 minutes affect you genetically? Yes, it's safe to conceive a child on finasteride as long as the mother doesn't touch(a split not a intact) or take the pill. Ask Drumpf.
DHT is used in the production of sperm, so you should stop using Finn for 2-3 months before you try to have a kid, and then obviously you can go right back on it.

It only has that affect while its in your system and it takes 2-3 months to "fully" flush out so you have 0% risk associated to it after that time. Good luck having a kid if that's your goal.
I experienced the same thing man. I kept thinking "it won't happen to me", but guess what? It did. I guess in the end it didn't really matter. Losing my hair meant I have no opportunities to use my broken penis. You get just one shot at life, don't ruin it for yourself like I did. I don't know how I don't just rope at this point.
>So I went on dut and the opposite happened
I noticed that for the first few days on fin I was way hornier. I assume it was my body adjusting to the increase in free testosterone.
How old are you? I have the same volume as you. Are you on anything?
I used to love Nizoral for both dandruff and to keep my scalp not itchy. After around two years it doesn't seem to be as helpful. Will going up to 2% help? Are there any downsides?

I read that your scalp can get accustom to Nizoral making it less effective. What would you use instead?
Maybe I don't know, I just wanted to chime in that my scalp itchiness never went away with nizoral, I ended up buying a shampoo which claims to have no sulfates and my itchiness went away almost immediately.
Since then I've taken 200mg DIM for 2 days and I think sensation is 90% gone. I still have some sensitivity when I walk.
I took another pill, 0.5 mg fin this time, and it's ok.
I think for the time being I will stick with 0.5mg fin EOD and take DIM when I feel worse with sides.
how do i know if finasteride is working if my thinning was very slow?
literally just lost weight. PFS shills are retarded
It doesn't really matter does it. It's the only drug that's not from some sketchy chinese lab that works. Take it and try to forget about it. Worst comes to worse at least you'll that you tried the only thing that can stop it.
NTA but it's an important question if you want to decide to upgrade to dutasteride. I'm kind of in the same boat. Slow diffuse thinning. 10 months in and it's not clear if it works.

When I started fin I started getting whiteheads again, nothing too bad, like 1 a week, it also made me incredibly horny the first few weeks.
It's really hard to tell otherwise until at least 6 months in, but fin made my constant hair fall stop and made my itchy scalp go away too if you want to believe in the DHT itch theory.
Of course now I'm shedding all the time after ramping up to 10mg oral min, the regrowth is noticeable after just a month though, and my overall density has gotten much better, far better than anything 8 months of fin did.

I had a few other effects after starting fin, like lower resting blood pressure (135 to 119 systolic) and less gross sebum buildup on my face overall.
I think my skin is clearer and smoother than before starting fin but that could just be me putting more effort into my appearance now.
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This is so sad to read. For everyone on the fence let me make it very clear for you: DO NOT TAKE FINASTERIDE.
This is a drug made by the same pharma companies that poisoned billions with the vaccine. They thrive on making you sick and miserable with poison.
The solution is so simple people.
Live a natural life and you WILL have a full head of natural, beautiful hair. Do not take drugs that will make you sick. Minoxidil is the same kind of poison. Be healthy!
source? SOURCE?
getting pretty sick of this automated spam bot DESU
Someone trying to save you from chemically poisoning yourself and to get all your hair and vitality back is not "spam". The average person just wants to take a pill and fix all their problems. But that mindset is what is making you sick and look bad in the first place. Get your health back with animal fats and sun. You will feel and look better, I promise you.
source me up boy. sounds like bro science.
Give the Nizoral a break and try a salicylic acid shampoo in its place, I used Neutrogena T/Sal for a while. Some people swear by coal tar shampoos but those are getting harder and harder to find.
>Are there any downsides?
I use a 2% ketoconazole shampoo and it's been good but I have longer hair and it dries the fuck out of it
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you have a 1 in 500 chance of experiencing major side effects (penile shrinking, erectile dysfunction) which are irreversible.
this approximate rate does not include minor side effects such as rashes.
i'm on fin and have no side effects but you're a fucking shill, liar, monster if you're blindly telling people to go on fin without telling them about the risks beforehand. people like you or maybe the one who convinced you its safe and has no side effects originally should put a bullet in your mouth.
this information is not difficult to find or arcane.
did anyone tell you about the side effects going into it or did you get groomed into thinking there are none online? i know the doctors didn't tell you about the side effects if you went to one, they didn't for me. just curious.
it is the law to tell you about side effects and no doctor is going to suggest finasteride without the patient seeking it in the first place. stop making up lies.
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Finasteride literally made my hair look like a wig.
They did tell me and I thought I was invincible. I am just a bald, dickless cuck now : (
I've had prolonged issues with seborrheic dermatitis since 18, around when I noticed myself shedding more than I had before. Oily flakes, red patches, excess sebum, etc. Hair seemed like it went through phases of shedding and regrowth, all in the areas affected most by the condition. I wanted to say it was some product I was using or the frequency of washing my hair maybe, so on and off I'd cycle through new products or try nopoo type pseudry, nothing improved it. Just figured I'd have to live with it.

Come to now, I'm almost 30, and for the first time I'm noticing some apparent thinning accompanied by more intense bouts of my skin condition. How common is this sort of thing with male hair loss? Is my issue just the dermatitis? Thyroid shit? For those doubting I can commonly scrape oily gunk from my scalp under my finger nail even just three days after a wash and I'm not using low quality products.
>even just three days after a wash
You need to wash your hair every day with shampoo. The exact thing happened to me. I was on no-poo due to shilling back in 2015 and somehow got a nasty dandruff problem. Giant flakes, gunk, crust, my head was on fire all dayetc. My hair started falling out after like a month. Strated with ketoconazole every couple of days then with Head and Shoulders every day. My dandruff was cleared for good.
Not sure what is the active ingredient in head and shoulders that actually works but it works.
I unironically do all of these things and am still going bald.
it was a scam
prey genes
I unironically do all of these things, plus I did not get teh DEATHJAB and still take finasteride to protect my NW2 before getting HT

no problems copulating here

i guess you have a skill issue, sucks to suck
Jewish pharma shill detected.
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I would've taken finasteride even if it would've had a 5/6 chance of killing me because visible balding would've resulted in a 6/6 chance of killing myself.
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>all these retards arguing with an anti-fin immigrant from /fit/
>meanwhile I've been taking fin for 3 years and my hair got resurrected
Lol, keep arguing guys, more hair for me.
I'm afraid I'm not a good candidate for fin due to sexual side effects but it's hard to tell because I have a nerve problem in my hips that's affecting my groin. Still, I felt like I had mentally lost the desire for sex. Like looking at boobs was like seeing an elbow. Also I produced less semen? I want to try again but these side effects spook me.
Anyone else getting a dry mouth on finasteride? I'm dry as a desert. Also massive brainfog and pain in my balls.
Started taking fin a week ago and I've never taken medication before aside from mild stuff like paracetamol.

Should I power through it?
I don’t think it’s even possible to experience sides after just a week. Sounds like it could be in your head. Just keep taking it and stop worrying.
>it is the law to tell you about
spend 5 seconds on the reddit nursing boards its the norm for american doctors and nurses to constantly break the law.
>it is the law to tell you about
jewish technicality.
they make you sign a consent form but they get visibly agitated and angry and complain that you're wasting their time if you read it before signing it.
i have friends who are trannies and i've heard its the same way for even bigger life altering decisions like hormone therapy.
next time its time for a vaccine ask the doctor about the mercury content of the brand they use and ask for a datasheet on it if. i will bet money on the fact the doctor gets angry and agitated with you, then complain about you on reddit/tikok/group chats.
>and no doctor is going to suggest finasteride without the patient seeking it
wut? my doctor suggested it when i brought up hair loss. and you know its not just prescribed for hair loss right?
If you continue you might get Post Finasteride Syndrome like I have - side effects that stay with you for a long time, possibly forever. No cure, no treatment available. I think you should stop, eat something nutrient rich like liver and make sure to get a lot of rest to heal any damage caused. These threads are full of Finasteride fanatics who think they're on an unpaid mission from God to shill this crap, beware.
if you're getting androgenic side effects like that cease immediately and never take it again.

head and shoulders caused the entire right side of my head's hair to fall out but it all came back.

sounds like the wrong product for the wrong hair type even if its high quality.
unironically ask on pleb bit and do a few things like a porosity test so you have info to give them on your hair in the post. (some) people know their shit when it comes to hair on there.
nopoo made my dandruff worse. diet fixed it. i used to snow like christmas.
>still not a single rigorous study posted
cease now is not going to stop there.

i posted two for him
scroll up moron >>18252964
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if you were educated enough to read one you wouldn't need 4chan to post it for you.
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The stack™ works for me. Dunno why so many people are salty lol.
>sHoW mE tHe StUdY bRo!!!!111!
Didn't even take 5 minutes for you to show up lol

Made for BBC.
>just believe my reddit theories!!!
i linked you a fucking meta analysis that cites and links to every major study on finasteride's impact on erectile dysfunction and libido:
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you don't know how to use google scholar but you're smarter than everyone else?
your meta analysis says a whopping 2% of people that take fin get side effects KEK
Can placebo/nocebo really be causing mouth dryness? The other ones I could see it being in my head.

I think I'll have to stop, might give it another day or two.
nice, what's your stack?
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ok and? are you psychotic? we're talking about irreversible penis shrinkage and losing your libido and the ability for your dick to work.
2% is considered a common side effect you drooling moron.
nah, i'm just not gonna put much effort into arguing with a baldie
btw i'm not the guy you were originally arguing with kek
>2% means it's 100% imaginary!!!! :)
Where do you live, bitch? Fight me.
so you're saying you were part of the unlucky 2% and youre now coping on an obscure board with low traffic because even r/tressless banned you lmfao
post your hairline first, i don't wanna put a baldie into more misery
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>it's a /fitpol/tard
>irreversible penis shrinkage
The meta analysis says nothing about this and your other link was literally a survey of 25 men who already thought they had PFS, with an ultrasound test.
200mg spironolactone, 0.5mg dut and getting pounded by my black bf daily :)
>gay alien skull
>incel phenotype
>pube beard
It's over bros...
can finasteride fuck up your eyes?

I think I got some in my eyes and it feels like shit for days now. I already rinsed it out.

send help
Solid results anon, happy for you
>Dunno why so many people are salty lol.
It's one immigrant from /fit/.
lol, the glasses match
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I've been on fin for around 3 months by now, noticing very small hair around my hairline popping up. Will they grow to normal size or am I supposed to add min at this point to boost the growth?
>noticing very small hair around my hairline popping up
Do they match the color of your normal hair or are they tiny and white?
A lot of bald areas have vellus hairs for a while after going bald. Treatments like fin can get them to start growing into regular hair again.
>PFS troon makes one feeble attempt at arguing
>gets called out for posting studies that do not actually support his claims
>melts down, starts begging for skull photos while posting /pol/ memes and gay porn thinking we can't tell that he's samefagging
Wew I knew there were some mentally ill people here but just wew.
>actual nw0 no meds
Baldies on suicide watch.
lmao a literal incel chud
Wait, you are on meds, my bad.
>thinking we can't tell that he's samefagging
there's only one schizophrenic who thinks posting two images or videos in a row means someone's trying to trick you.
there's only one schizophrenic who spams anti white shit on /fa/ like its a full time job.
hey man if you want to spam about how masculine and good looking and thuggish black guys are why don't you post a pic of yourself?
are you that nig who made a thread about not being able to shave the other day? you got a fucking moon face and you're morbidly obese if that's you.

i went on it pre-emptively then didn't wind up needing it i'm meds free. pops is 80 and nw0 but has some thinning.
I'm on Fin for a few years

It seems to be working for me since any baldness has been halted

This thread is spooking me though. Why shouldn't I use it? Don't experience any sexual dysfunction so far
You have a 2-3% chance of developing ED while using fin. The cure if that happens is to reduce or space out your dosage, or for some men, stop taking it entirely.
Don't take my word for it, the PFS schizo posted a meta-analysis outlining the side effect profile. There is no evidence for PFS. There is a 2-3% chance of reversible ED, which since you have been on it for a few years, you are not going to get, it would have happened by now.
Finasteride ruined my life.
This is your body warning you that you are consuming poison! Stop ASAP!
100% this. Also get lots of honey and sunlight.
Yes, and so can minoxidil. Did you know even 1 drop of minoxodil can kill a cat? That's how strong and poisonous this shit is.
Everyone read this. It's important stuff.
when you say finasteride is bad. do you mean the pills or the ointment?
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>this thread
Ah yes, the anti-fin fag convinced me fin is bad by having a meltdown, misinterpreting studies and posting gay nigger porn.
Stop making up lies
>being healthy and not taking poison is bad actually
Fuck off you demon.
what was the post that it got deleted?
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>While the sexual side effects of 5ARIs are well known, there may be persistent genitourinary, physical, psycho-cognitive, anti-androgenic and penile vascular changes after 5ARI discontinuation. Use of 5ARIs for treatment of AGA may lead to persistent sexual, genitourinary, physical, psycho-cognitive, and anti-androgenic sequelae even after cessation of 5ARI therapy.
>there may be persistent genitourinary, physical, psycho-cognitive, anti-androgenic and penile vascular changes after 5ARI discontinuation
>after 5ARI discontinuation

also this is you: https://warosu.org/fa/thread/18252998#p18253250
why would anyone take medical advice from a stupid nigger who can't even read his own graph he posted that says blacks are faggots?

and he's a janny faggot
trying to convince you to go on finasteride and spamming how white people are evil 12 hours a day
real strange!
>Uploading files from your IP range has been blocked due to abuse. [More Info]


if you get 4chan ghospostmixer it'll show you all the posts jannies delete in every thread
alternatively: https://warosu.org/fa/thread/18248170 the archives will usually show the entire thread, unless the janny removes the posts quick.

nice hairline.
lmao so y'all are arguing with a scrawny pencil neck basement dweller that looks like a kid?
oh no janny they're going to find out about your little psyop to try to get white guys to take sex change drugs!
>Uploading files from your IP range has been blocked due to abuse. [More Info]
>Uploading files from your IP range has been blocked due to abuse. [More Info]
>Uploading files from your IP range has been blocked due to abuse. [More Info]
>Uploading files from your IP range has been blocked due to abuse. [More Info]
janny are you OK?
Afraid so.
for me the the vellus hairs I got grew out into permanent hair, tho I guess I'm the minority
lmaooo the schizo is talking to itself now.
watch it call me all kinds of names to cope.
but they do nothing because i have high self esteem.
basement dweller? i'm into mountain climbing and thru hiking lolwut.
scrawny? you're morbidly obese i've seen your pics.
pube beard? you made a thread with your fat nigger moon face covered in razor burn a week ago.
chuddie? i have a 10x stronger jawline than you.
what else?
oh also i'm white.
that's like pass go free $200 i'm automatically better looking than you because you're brown.
>you can't post pics
>i can
the other guy looks like a gay 15 year old version of the fat guy from kenan and kel
do dudes secure with their looks usually make call-outs then bitch out on posting their pic for the thread to see?
milk milk milking my schizocow.
rubbing it in how much better i look than you.
its literally just me and a fat nigger who samefags to cope talking. there's no y'all.
Holy shit how can I get my hair to have this much volume? No matter what I put in it it always looks flat and silky. Similar length maybe a lil longer btw.
not him
his shit's probably naturally like that.
if you have fine hair light hold product may work better than firmer stuff, counter intuitively. i'm able to fraud having volume like that when my hair's longer but i definitely don't actually have it. i would post pics but janny took my ability to away.

he's going to reply "lol" or some insulting comment 10-20 times in a row to my norwood 0 hairline because he's mad that every reply to it was nice hairline bro before he wiped 30% of the posts in this thread.
he's hoping some dummies who didn't notice he deleted 50 posts a min ago see his replies and dogpile in.
but at the end of the day
i can post my norwood 0 hairline and strong jawline and white skin
you can't post your ugly nigger mug in here
big time scared
Nice progress. Looks like your hairline is thicker and overall you got more hair. Your hairline solidified 100%, now you can maybe experiment with oral min to see if you can get down to that latino kid hairline.
Why'd you censor your face? You posted without the censor a few weeks ago and I remember you have a very strong jawline with a bit of an underbite.
thread's about hairlines not jawlines. thanks glad i was memorable.
I'm on dut and the only side effect that I got is that I'm more horny than before and have crazy strong erections
sucks to suck I guess
Sorry about your erectile dysfunction. Bet you get to suck a lot while getting passed around by college basketball teams, latino boy.
its just the dude who spams hairy white women, interracial porn, white demoralization posts and schizophrenic rants about the nephilim in other threads who does this.
he's an insane person(s) who tries to shut down any discussion of the potential side effects of fin.
probably from shareblue. he's been spamming /fa/ with garbage posts for 40 hours i've counted the last 4 days. long shifts, probably multiple people.

i've been trolling him and ruining his little shill campaign in every other thread but i'm not balding so i don't read this one. decided to check in on it and sure enough the schizo is in here trying to convince you guys there's absolutely no risks to taking quasi-troon meds. i'm sure he's aware most of the readership are white males.
once you pick up on the fact its the same guy with the same writing style and the same schizotypial tells in his posts you can go thread to thread and call him out like i just did here.

if he hates white men and wants them to die and be bred out like he constantly says, why would he be so invested in giving you guys medical help? he doesn't have your best interests in mind. he hopes you kill yourself or troon out because of fin side effects.
i mean just look at this thread he tried to call me a bald coper and this and that.
posted my hairline nah i just want what's best for my brothers in christ on here.
check out some of the threads on the catalogue you might not ordinarily read. you'll see plenty of examples of me calling this same schizo who's in here shilling fin out and his insane ramblings.

every thread here has him in it. the posts containing nephilim will either be his schizo ramblings or my call-outs of them.

be weary of shills actblue and many other similar organizations have massive budgets to shill seemingly meaningless and benign things on 4chan. google "mining the chans" and "cointelpro" if you don't know how these niggers have historically operated. they're so prolific online even re dd it bans them on sight globally. but on 4chan they have janny positions.
Looks like you think about gay sex and twinks a lot, must be a side effect of low test
Can't believe with all the evidence of people who lost their sexual function and became wrecks that some bastards are still recommending finasteride in this thread.
I added min only after I hit the 6 month mark, so I would know which stuff works and which doesn't.
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holy moly what a meltdown.
It's probably natural. If you're white your hair is likely much thinner than ethnic hair.
not my problem
if you want to wreck your sexual function for real you take spiro or bica, fin is weaksauce and only blocks the 1 type of DHT that expresses in your scalp, it isn't even an anti-androgen because your testosterone is left intact.
Imagine being afraid of an enzyme inhibitor lmao
>it isn't even an anti-androgen because your testosterone is left intact.
he wouldn't know that because he doesnt even lift
Been on Minox + Fin. for 3 weeks now and having non-stop diarrheas. Feel so sick but I am actually losing a bit of weight so it's worth it I guess? Silver linings.
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20 years old, how over is it ?
Says the guy who goes around telling men about how horny he is and how hard his erections are. Every thread you do this multiple times hahahah
>holy moly what a meltdown.
i've never seen anything like it.
i made the janny melt down so hard he removed 30 posts of mine, over 10 posts from other people and range ban my phone carrier from 4chan in real time while the thread was bumping.
all because he got mogged by my hairline (and jawline)
the doug spamming schizo is a pedophile.
he has a pretty decent hairline norwood 0-1
but a very shitty haircut. he has a short midface and large forehead. he needs to be wearing a fringed haircut.
let doug be a lesson in how important having a good barber/stylist is. his haircut is so bad he's getting posted as a meme in the hairloss thread and probably doesn't have any hairloss.
I don't remember doing that, but looks like you keep track of every guy's cock in these threads
good job, homo-san

kek you niggas really are just a bunch of lil incels

and that makes me a retard how? you are proving doctors must inform patients. Do you know what happens to doctors that break the law? they get sued by people like you (if you werent lying, which you are) for medical malpractice and lose their medical license while you get compensated millions of dollars.
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Maybe consider lowering your dosage, anime latino favelito boy.
post a pic up man here's my jawline ibb co/23LQMt0
i'm very good looking why would i care what a fat nigger on 4chan says?
i took a 7ft 280lb nig's shoes from him less than a week ago.
the finasteride shilling schizophrenic nigger is back
keep getting mogged by me
there's a reason you can't post a pic
you're ugly
a nigger
morbidly obese
moon pie faced
and you've never touched pussy
its meltdown continues
"how can i save face after deleting half the thread"
>Uploading files from your IP range has been blocked due to abuse. [More Info]
you need to take a break from the internet. you are unhinged and in the middle of a mental breakdown/manic episode
? you literally have schizotypial disorder https://warosu.org/fa/?task=search&ghost=false&search_text=nephilim
does fin help with retrograde alopecia? my sides are diffusing first :/
>be finasteride shill
>call out hairlines
>delete 40 posts
>melt down
>anything but posting a pic of your hairline
Lol I think you might. I've posted 3 times in this thread.
where's your hairline pic? we're all waiting...
30+ post meltdown just to get out of posting a pic?
cmon son.

if you're going to samefag and have it be believable you need to make your posts more than 1min apart and not reply things like "and that makes me"
wonder what the next excuse/cope for no pic will be... :/
its ogre...
bitch-tits pudgey brown boi mogged by norwood 0
>>motherfucking HEAD SHRINKAGE
The last 5 hours of this thread has convinced me that this is a real and common side effect.
>be born
>be brown
its ogre...
yeah like when the same nigger shilling finasteride posted a graph that says blacks are homosexual at 150% the average rate thinking it was a dunk against whypepo because he can't into per capita earlier tonight.
I was gonna poke some more fun at him, but he's clearly just mentally ill (unironically believes in bible conspiracy theories) and needs help. Probably got banned on /pol/ and it's his way to vent.
Can't believe someone would do this for days and stay this focused on writing the same paragraphs.
speaking of head shrinkage where's that hairline pic??? still not seeing it. come on post that somali sunrise.

>unironically believes in bible conspiracy theories
hahaha you read the warosu link?
isn't it I N S A N E?
the fin shill believes white people are DA NEPHILIMS you can't fucking make this stuff up.
Will you schizos shut the FUCK up and stop shitting up my thread?

This general is for reversing hair loss.
you have it backwards anon.
its the guy who's dodging posting his hairline who believes in a bunch of schizo ass bible conspiracies.
i'm mocking him for it.
the finasteride shill thinks white people are EVIL NEPHILIMS so he wants you to take tranny hormone meds as some kind of get-back against the white man.
you can't fucking make this stuff up.
serious schizo lolcow material he's been my personalcow going on 3-4 months.

the finasteride shill who won't post a pic of his hairline spams every thread he can with his insane bible conspiracy bullshit:
>Europeans def have some nephilim DNA in them, but how can i hate white people when all my GFs where white and even my kids where 1/4 white?
Low-traffic boards are a double-edged sword, on the one hand usually the only people here are people who have something to say, on the other hand one retard can completely shit up a thread because there's not enough activity to drown him out.
also he's underage (he's posted a pic before) or close to it but he larps as being married to a 10/10 scandinavian goddess and having mixed kids.
its so fucking funny guys.
i think he's the guy who spams doug all the time too.
i don't know HOW you guys haven't seen this schizo on /fa/ before.
is this thread the only one you guys read?
finasteride shill spams every thread with interracial porn and anti white nonsense.
total board ruining faggot.
he's never made a post about fashion in his life. he has no interest in the topic. well known retard on /pol/ and /fit/
>is this thread the only one you guys read?
Pretty much, sometimes the skincare thread also. Used to visit the watch threads but my wrist hurts while wearing a watch so I had to give that hobby up. I think it's because my veins are weirdly positioned so the strap hinders blood flow.
well the dude who shills finasteride in here who i'm calling a bitch for calling out my hairline then refusing to post his, is known for spamming interracial porn and anti white political bullshit and insane schizo conspiracy theories about the nephilim in every topic on /fa/
meanwhile i actually contribute to the board in meaningful ways like reviving one of the long-dead generals.
i might look schizo after the dude deleted half the thread to make it that way (he has janny powers) but i'm not. he's not even trying to pretend he isn't the guy i'm calling him out for being.
be weary of the fin shill.
he's an honest to god yakub and nation of islam tier schizo who hates white, latino etc people and openly posts about how he wants your races to die.
finasteride's a good thing but there are very real risks and side effects which much be weighed.
but this goal is to stifle all conversation of its side effects so he can shill it and get his giddies off to the 2% of guys who's dicks shrink then brain themselves.
its only 2% goy.
t. took fin no problem but holy shit this dude's advice is "millstone around the neck" tier.
notice the fin shill's immediate insult with me was to call me a "baldie" before i posted pics and i was anonymous.
he hates you guys lol.
why would you ever take medical advice from someone who openly spews vitriol about you like that?
>one retard
One retard that's LARPing as two or three separate people so he can have arguments with himself like a literal schizo.
there's me
and the fin shill (who samefags a lot) he stopped posting after his meltdown and thread wipe
Jesus christ imagine having to put up with this schizo irl. Thankfully I can just close 4chan for a couple hours and come back later. They should be locked up purely based on how annoying they must be for others
people like this end up becoming burdens on the state, what do you think homeless ppl do all day in their tents with their free welfare cell phone service?
>have schizotypial disorder
>be a nigger
>rant about nephilims and evil white people 24/7 on a fashion board
>shill finasteride, have meltdowns when called out for bad medical advice
>samefag repeatedly

>Scientists Discover Gene That Predisposes Ashkenazi Jews to Schizophrenia:
skip paywall: https://archive.is/YDCEr
study: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/projects/gap/cgi-bin/study.cgi?study_id=phs000448.v1.p1

>Study of Ashkenazi Jewish Population Reveals New Schizophrenia Mutation:

>Schizophrenia is characterized by high heritability (~80%)

>Jews suffer from certain mental illnesses at higher rate [...]
>[...] including schizophrenia
hey guys don't notice my 60 pages of insane ramblings about schizophrenic bible conspiracies.
that guy who posted his hairline and called me a bald bitch -- he's the real schizo!
i'm not projecting my own insecurities in myself
>nephilim ramblings
>no pic
see if i samefag enough times they'll believe me.
saw 150 new posts and almost got excited that they discovered a cure or something
uhhh guys maybe if i samefag in the same recognizable writing style 1min apart and make the same typical schizotypial tells like saying the guy typing in all lowercase every post is trying to fool me into thinking he's multiple people then delete 40+ posts from the thread someone will get tricked into thinking the other guy's a schizo instead of me, the guy who rants about bible verses on /fa/ 9 hours a day 7 days a week.
i'm really smart!
haha sorry man.
the cure's who cares about a mop there's more to life. love yourself, don't be like this insecure bitch who makes fun of doug's hairline but won't post his own.
There's definitely a cure, but men don't and shouldn't want to tank their androgens to keep hair loss away.
Been on oral Fin and Min for 5 months now and have seen no improvements. In fact, the thinning seems to have sped up while on it.

No side effects or anything so I'll stick with it but what's the likelihood that it just hasn't started being effective yet? I know some say it can take around 6 months to see results but I imagine that's on the upper end of the average, no?

Idk I'm just getting nervous. I've only noticed the thinning within the past year but it feels like it's been progressing rapidly ever since. With how fucked everything else in my life already is I genuinely can't afford to lose my hair.
We hit the bump limit

>anti-fin schizophrenia in OP
Anyone want to make a real thread?
>Can placebo/nocebo really be causing mouth dryness? The other ones I could see it being in my head
Absolutely. There are people who have memed themselves into thinking they are pregnant, even going so far as getting a baby bump and matching hormone levels. Mouth dryness is also very vague, can be caused by a lot of things and isn’t even a common side effect for finasteride. Not to mention that one week is too short to experience any effect, side or not. You are probably still at baseline.
Finasteride is a prescription drug and you should not go around shilling it like it's candy. Leave it to real doctors to decide if people should consider it or not, don't mess with people's health like that.
So include in the OP "consult with a doctor as there is risk of adverse effects".
Don't say schizo shit like "penis shrinkage is a common side effect".
Erectile dysfunction (Common Side Effect of Propecia/Finasteride) does not necessarily mean penis shrinkage.
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welcome back master yakub
why not link the studies on both sides?
you know as well as everyone else that quality of doctors varies by region and there's financial incentive to prescribe you shit you can't go off.

>Finasteride is a prescription drug and you should not go around shilling it like it's candy. Leave it to real doctors to decide if people should consider it or not, don't mess with people's health like that.
i'm trying to tell you guys
the fin shill is a literal nation of islam yakub schizo who believes white people are the nephilims
tricking white men into taking dick shrinking quasi tranny pills is his way to get back at white people
he spends 8-12 hours every single day of his life spamming anti white stuff on /fa/ /fit/ and /pol/
people on here aren't aware of him on /fa/ yet but on the other boards they are
if you read other threads on the board you'd know what you're dealing with
lmao i can't believe some of you tards got tricked by a literal NIGGER into thinking i'm a schizo from all his samefaggotry
if fin is so risk free why are you so deeply invested in shilling it to a bunch of white guys?
don't you believe white guys are evil nephilim buck breaker demons? or some unhinged schizo nonsense?
Wait until this thread reaches page 10, /fa/ is too slow for revolving generals.
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fuck off
Stop being mean...
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Real new thread

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Dut + min, nothing else really.

Thanks, it's been a slow burn with the results.

Lol, feel sorry for you guys, these threads are going to be contaminated for some time now.

I only use garnier hair food, makes my hair really nice, so I'd recommend you to try it if you want to replicate my look.
nigga you got an actual lions mane wtf, you look like you got marked by the fingods
>garnier hair food
Which product, the conditioner or hair mask or what?
I was going a bit of reading about AHAs used in skincare, and I read that Glycolic acid sends a signal to the dermis resembling that of an injury signal, which triggers collagen production and other growth factors. I'm wondering if maybe I should expand my weekly exfoliation to my scalp? Maybe it will have an effect similar to microneedling. Has anybody tried this?
Hair mask.
Tried 20% AHA and it's no joke, burned the sensitive skin underneath my eyes and the upper part of my nose kek.
Applying that shit to the scalp sounds really messy, maybe around the hairline and bald spot would be doable but I've never tried it.

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