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"Suggest a watch for me."
>Your budget
>Watch type, e.g. dress, diver, pilot
>Movement, e.g. automatic, hand-wound, quartz
>Desired features, e.g. water resistance, day/date, 2nd-time zone
>Preferred strap option, e.g. leather, nylon, bracelet
>Wrist size or desired watch size

Previous thread: >>18247099
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I kinda like how these look. Anything similar besides cartier or jlc? I don't really like the curvey ones like the hamilton
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>Depends on the casio I suppose
It does not. This one one of their highly regarded models, being universaly praised as having high quiality, high levels of finishing. It does not. It feels very cheap and very shitty. The bracelet especially is a disappointment, but the dial and even the crystal are pretty bad. It is not a quality item.
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R8 new pickup
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Just got a Longines Zulu time chronometer GMT
>being universaly praised as having high quiality, high levels of finishing
Nobody ever said that.
>but the dial and even the crystal are pretty bad
What's wrong with it?
It's a cracking watch for its money.
>Nobody ever said that.
Bald british midget said that amongst the others.
>What's wrong with it?
Markers look like they made out of plastic and the crystal does not feel like sapphire. You can tap your fingernail on a glass and sapphire and mineral glass feel and sound different. This doesn not prove anything, just another thing that makes this watch feel cheap.
IDK, i'm satisfied with mine.
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>have stage 3 carpal tunnel and have to wear a brace half of the day
should i just sell my watches
Have you tried anything better?
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Kofe time.
Not exactly a Mr.G or an ocean-anus though is it?
If we look at a Rolex from 1965 then the fit and finish will practically be modern Casio-tier or slightly worse. Back when they were marketed as tool watches, jingle jangly rolled link bracelets, all stamped clasp, wobbly I'll fitting hollow end links, friction bezels and acrylic crystals were good enough and wholesome classic Rolex were correct that it was enough.
Seriously though, where does one go from here? This pics feel is that of someone who's at his peak and has achieved anything he wants from life.
Would a more expensive watch be...."better" at this point? This feels genuine and with a lot of soul.
It's like... he didn't find the watch, the watch and him found each other to create this moment of bliss and appreciation of life itself.
Good luck finding any.
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3/10, sorry

Why this one?
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Slick enough on a strap.
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A simple change in straps can make a world of difference with a watch.
>2000+ eurobucks
Don't spend 2k on a fucking Oris, have some self respect and buy a nice vintage Omega, JLC, Longines, Universal Geneve or whatever. There are hundreds of vintage rectangular watches under 2k on Chrono24.
New Czapek PRX homage dropped
About the roelx seethe: I half read the chain so I don't quite get what you mean by lolex seethe, but could the origin be simply the fact that rolex is that one weird brand that, despite its wide popular appeal, is actually good?
So unlike with basically all other things with mass appeal that are in reality shit despite their popularity rolex gives the usual contrary contrarians no grounds to stand on when trying to criticize it so all they can do is seethe. It's not like I dunno, beats headphones or some shit that're crap but people still buy them because it's what's been pushed in their face everywhere. It's the basic choice that requires no knowledge or thought, no research just buy it and go and it ticks all boxes. Rolex is the luxury watch basicbitch option, but it's actually good.
The fact that "those in the know", including those truly deep in the know like smith and dufour etc., can choose rolex just as easily as the garden variety normie that wants an expensive watch to flex can pisses people off who can't flaunt their soi hipster "i just read a wiki and am an expert"
>oh you like *that* brand? well I prefer rouchefoucauld, THE sports watch of the 1980's only those that know, know hurrr you've probably never heard muh zaratsu coaxial
Whereas tag and hublot are easily shit on by these types rolex has to begrudgingly get a pass because those that would purchase a grand seiko or omega out of spite rather than informed choice have no good faith arguments against rolex unlike with the two former mass in-your-face everywhere brands.
They hate that something good is popular and in most respects better than the stuff they champion out of feelings of spite or inadequacy.
yea also ppl are poor lmfao
fucking faggot poorfags
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Afternoon kofe time.
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I'm wearing a 34mm watch right now
Show us your tits.
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Where the hell did the guide disappear? I'm looking to buy a retro Casio but have no idea which one.
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Nice design
Wanted something in two tone
I paid less for the watch than what the movement alone would have cost me
Nice complications
Good smaller size that’s coming back into fashion
Cost more than the average Rolex when it was new back in the early to mid 90s. Even the most basic version of this watch in all stainless steel was over 4000 dollars

Lastly it was 600 dollars and it’s far superior to any new shitter I could have gotten otherwise
>I'm looking to buy a retro Casio
Why? Do you also own black and white tv and one of those disc phones?
my problem with those is small diameter and I have fucking bear paws for hands where 34mm is simply tiny
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>let me just time the cooking time of my eggs with my €50k gold chronograph
How often do people that own something like this use it? Not to even mention they likely have an entire collection and will be wearing sonething else the one time they actually need to time something. Absolutely no idea why chronos are popular.
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I miss whoretadello bros..
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evenin guvna
There's nothing a boomer loves more than larping as a pilot or a racer.
nice jtime rep
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>he still doesn't own a vintage dress watch
Explain yourself.
timex's stock is out
Expand, would you kindly?
>Absolutely no idea why chronos are popular.
Just another kind of timekeeping, I don't think there needs to be a greater purpose than that, but perhaps people just like the more complicated looking dial and the tachymeter around the bezel.
I've thought this for years. Have never seen the appeal and can only see negatives of ownership. Watchmakers sigh when some customer brings in a chrono. Service fees? Just double whatever the usual rate is for a simple movement from whatever brand, for a complication that's never used and detracts aesthetically from the dial.
A moonphase, though useless, at least is of some visual interest. A chronograph is dial litter.
In trying to find some answer, any real answer to
>why do these fags like what I don't like REEEEEEE
this is what it boils down to: some people like complicated shit all over the dial.
I like some complicated shit, if I could get some use in pharsing the mess. A triple/annual/perp calendar for example. I thought of was just racing boomers or something, but that doesn't account for the enigma that is the dressy chrono. Those have existed for decades. Who was buying a dressy, non military/professional chronograph back in the 50's?
>I like the clutter!
people as now I guess.
If you want subdials just have them as a calendar. And now that I think about it having the seconds hand always at the 12oclock position looks stupid too.
Why dont you fags just admit you never leave the house? Like you really can't figure out why someone would need or want a chronograph?
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Microbrands that Teddy shills are impossible to find because they can't keep up with the demand. You're better off looking for vintage on eBay. I guess Hamilton makes the boulton which isn't awful (not great either though).
>Like you really can't figure out why someone would need or want a chronograph?
Unironically no I can't, years ago when I wanted to find out what the fug a Tachymeter was, it was explained via and article from the perspective of a manager at McDonalds wanting to know how many burgers his team was making a minute.
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>Manage mcdonalds chain
>Wear Speedmasster to optimize burger output
>Share valuable time explaining how tachymeters work to NEETs
It wasn't just wholesome, it was wholewheat.
Nobody needs one, they only want one and come up with post rationalisations for it to justify the purchase in their heads
>timing muh steaks hurr
it's boomer behaviour. If they had just said that they liked the design that would be one thing, but fags like you NEEEEEED it. So it's retarded.
People that actually have a requirement to time something will use purpose built precision equipment, not a severly limited tiny wrist mounted anachronism that needs you to check tiny, badly designed subdials with poor legibility. That or they just use their phone like with everything else or have a gshock.
Imagine being a watchmaker and getting a chrono in for a service, opening it and the movement is fucking caked in beef fat.
anons, out of curiosity
what are some decent, affordable luxury watches from Iron Curtain and China, Chinese-adjacent countries?
like Vostok for example
Chronographs make sense if you're timing something like a sprint. For things like cooking or a time limit for how long a test is being taken it's stupid, a timing bezel would be better.

But yeah, mostly they're just flex pieces because the movements are complicated and cost more to service and they have a bunch of gizmos on them that make them look capable.
>calculating burgers per hour with a tachymeter scale
Based McDonald's manager.
Don't buy a watch from india because it will have poo in it. No, this is not a maymay, it has happened and is one of the reasons apple had to give up iphone production there and go crawling back to china.
>get the fuck off my board!!!


It has a nice micro rotor movement and I like the two two bracelet.
There was no shit in an apple watch.
Luch from Belarus.
>Luch from Belarus

any brands from Vietnam? Thailand? China? etc
China has a few brands that predate AliExpress clone shitters, the most famous one is Sea-Gull.
another shitter thread... all so tiresome. don't you get tired of being loser poorfags lmfao? honestly just kys at this point.
You couldn't buy love, I see.
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>don't you get tired of being loser poorfags lmfao?
Lmfao, no.
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Might be goin out to get screeched buds. Any good GMTs with a 48-click bezel cheaper than the Black Bay? Thinking something with the Miyota movement, and wristlet friendly.
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>Doesn't own a race car
>Doesn't work around fighter aircraft

Hey your moe-shit torrent just finished AND your HobbyLink package just arrived!
post your wrist shot
oh, but I do anon, Im just not willing to post it all the time and get labelled an avatarfag
use the other wrist
>stage 3 carpar tunnel
how did you get it?
The apple watch itself is shit
I have one of these but with a 12 hour counter. I leave it running all day just to see how long it takes me to stop it.
Which a168 has the best colorway?
Is it this one?
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these suck right
hahahahaha more like damn sucko
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Kofe time.
That isn't coffee. It's some sort of sludge cream sugar amalgamation.
>Iron Curtain
You still have some russian brands kicking around, like Vostok and Luch which never stopped production.
The revived Raketa is interesting and is in the process of renewing its tools and machines that were salvaged after the closure of the original factory in the 90s.
There had been some watch production in the DDR with Ruhla's awful Roskopf movements and then some pretty bad digital watches. It ended in the 90s after reunification and there is now a namesake UWH Ruhla brand that doesn't seem to have much in common with the original. Never heard of anyone owning one.
Poland, if I'm not mistaken, had a few factories that built watches from the USSR under license. You can find some polish Raketas with different dials. Production in Poland has stopped entirely though and now all I know if is microbrand Xicorr. They most likely only do final assembly of cases and dials in Poland.
There has been some production in Romania and Cuba for the sake of military watches but that did not last long. AFAIK there is nothing in Romania anymore. Cuba has the revived Cuervo y Sobrinos that has its own weird history before and after the revolution but they've always used swiss or russian movements and still do.
Seagull is the obvious one but as of late some brands are trying to poach some of the skilled workers from the outsourcing facilities the swiss have been relying on for 30 years. At this point they have the engineering, craftsmen and facilities to make perfectly fine watches and are trying to beat the stigma that exists over shitty no-name ali shitters (which exists for a reason)
Atelier Wen is the more obvious and hyped up example but you also have Maison Celadon (IIRC they work with the Shanghai Factory which was a historical production and R&D center for the development of the Standard Movement that you find in a lot of shitters, but that also provided them with decades of engineering experience to go upscale). The Beijing Wach Factory sells its own watches which look sort of promising but there's very little info from owners of their watches. I think I remember other small brands trying to go the Wen/Celadon route and openly produce in China with the same sort of narrative but like Celadon, they're usually founded in Singapore and do their manufacturing in China.
AFAIK there have not been any watch factory in Vietnam or Thailand. There are some electronics factories in Vietnam and Indonesia now that provide some work for Casio and Seiko-Epson but that may not be fore their watches.
>any brands from Thailand?
Swatch group
the watches are fine, it's the company that's shit
if you buy one avoid the in-house mvt models, the DS30 has an ETA so you can minimize contact with the company and its abysmal CS
DK30 has the memehouse memement
if you're in NA there's a single point of sale capable of servicing their shit whereas ETA can be done everywhere, no que or wait clogging up that one store

also the lume is shit because ze germans are penny pinching jews who insist on superluminova C1, aka white but the weakest, shortest glowtime luminova on offer
even the cheapy chinks are using the superior BGW9 which is second only to the king, C3, but is at least white rather than greenish
it doesn't even cost that much more the german "tool" brands are just cheap retards

also the dial in your pic is badly designed
there's not enough of a contrast between the cardinal markers and the regular minutes
the older DA36 line that had numerals and a 12 triangle like a flieger was more legible
I think only the DK36 remains with the memehouse mvt
Red Star is basically Chinese Vostok
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latest pickup for $100
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Are there finally some respectable but not too expensive brands that look like this /wt/? Vintage or not, just something that isn't a Seiko.
Let's see Paul Anon's watch.
>Are there finally some respectable but not too expensive brands that look like this /wt/? Vintage or not, just something that isn't a Seiko.

Respectable? Sure. Respectable here, no.
Where and what then.
and left
>respectable but not too expensive
doesn't exist
respectable brands aren't made in china
Frederique Constant. They have the semi-dress watch look you're going for and can be found very inexpensive on the second hand market (under a thousand USD in some cases).
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how are cwc watches? and why is the rehaut so big and visible?
This is peak G-shock and plastic watches in general

It's the only one with tough solar, barometer, compass and an altimeter along with being able to allow you to set way points

What shocks me is no other company has attempted to accomplish similar feats other than timex which even then has made no design leaps in this way for 20 years
I actually like some of those but they don't look nearly as elegant as that Seiko. Very weird proportions and somehow they have the mall look. I unironically think that their world timer watches have the most proportional looking dials.
Maybe the best dress watch I've seen ITT.
>the mall look
eh? is this a new meme?
No it's just you.
Decent kek.
I disagree. I think just about any FC looks better than that Seiko, or any Seiko, for that matter.
my suunto vector I bought almost 2 decades ago has barometer, altimeter, compass, temp, and I can change the battery with a coin.
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Nice redial lol, hope you didn't pay $2k for that
Very nice.
If only they'd have skipped the date window altogether, or at the very least given the aperture a bevel or a frame.
But, for what it costs, those sorts of sins can be overlooked.
No tough solar
No location tracking
No 100 years life time
I had a dream seiko came out with a jumping numbers, zeitwerk-style tonneau in the prospex line but it was only $2k and I bought it and I was trying to show it off and everyone was polite but indifferent. It might have been too big for my wrist because they did like the chronograph thing where it was way thicker and bigger than you would have expected. Then a beautiful chinese woman with naturally blue lips let me beat her at ping pong at a live televised match and I knew she let me win so I could get the prize which was fucking her, but it had to be in public, and I had to pretend I didn't know she let me beat her or there would be an international incident. Her vagina was uncomfortably tight which I found arousing but I had to pretend I didn't because people would think it was rapey. Also I had a butt plug in my ass in advance because I didn't expect to win, so I had to keep it clenched so people wouldn't see it because I had to pretend to be a normie. Then, a massive hurricane came and the storm surge killed most of us, but not me because I built a shelter out of sticks on top of a hill. Then I practiced vacuum cleaning in a perfectly straight line because this was a life skill that was highly valued in this alternate universe. The cleaning lady was offended because I thought her menial job was a fun diversion whereas she suffered at it every day. Thank you for reading my blog.
Meanwhile equivalent Seiko.
Yeah, I don't like that one as much.
Dial too busy, too many different typefaces. Too much unnecessary text.
>>Watch type
dress watch, cool but simple
don't care
>>Desired features
maybe moon phase idk? Gotta look tasteful and not tacky
>>Preferred strap option
leather or metal
>>Wrist size or desired watch size
smaller side
>>Your budget
kys nigger faggot
My wife bullies me because I wear G-Shocks and after I teared up she slapped me telling me to get a grip
Did the G-Shock survive the slap? If so, then who's the retard now? Tell that dumb bitch it's domestic violence resistant.
This watch is absolutely hideous. Why do i want it?
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>Moonphase for $30.00

You've got me digging to the very depths of my king-shitter list.

This is your only option unless you find something used or an Aliexpress Changmaster.



Seiko movement, domed crystal.
She SHATTERED the G-shock
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It's hideously gorgeous.
What do you need a watch for if you're blind?
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Or gorgeously hideous.
No inbetween
They have their wife time stuff when they go on a raleigh tour with the porsche.
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I'm unemployed due to medical issues and I just spent 700 on a watch

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Nice entry level time piece; maybe someday you'll have enough Rothschild reserve notes to afford a mid-tier watch like a Rolex.
nice chadizen
Just had my watch stolen.
As much as it sucks, might as well see it as an opportunity to have a do-over

>Your budget
>> prefer to stay under $750

>Watch type:
>> prefer dress watch, love two-tones, some divers are also nice. It usually goes with a suit.

>> quartz or auto

>Desired features:
>> none. I've never used the chronometer on watches that had one, the pressure gauges mean nothing to me as I just don't care. Dates are whatever, I use my phone for that and sometimes if it's not configured correctly, it'll show the wrong date, which is annoying because when it only shows the day-number, I have no idea if it shows it for the right month even, so on principle I find that stupid, although I don't mind that they're there.

>Preferred strap option,
>>first choice is two-tone bracelet, second choice is bracelet single-tone, third choice is leather strap

>> ~42mm
if my wrist is 15cm can i wear a normal square g-shock or do i have to swallow my pride and get a baby-g
extremely overpriced chinese made watch using generic designs that are in no way unique or exclusive to them because it's all MOD spec and designs
they sell to that weird inexplicable niche of britbong army larpers who couldn't afford bremont for its present day army shillage bs and certainly can't afford omega for the james bond connection
buy if you want to be ripped off
the quality is fine, but since they're so basic you'd certainly hope so for the prices they want
Reminder thar rolex is for pathetic NPC boomers that larp as pilots.
Why would a pilot wear a datejust? Pilots and those that larp as them wear breitling. It's always been this way.
There's literally an anon here who is a pilot and wears a Datejust lmao
i was curious what kind of shitter your conditions would net

pretty slim pickings
the least shitty shitters on quick view are
or that one raymond weil from some hongkongchingchong dealer

everything will have a date because mouthbreathing conSOOOOMers fucking NEEEED the date otherwise they won't buy a watch even if the datewindow disrupts the aesthetics or reveals that the maker shoved a tiny movment into a giant empty case and filled the remaining space with a cheap plastic spacer
brands are compelled to add the date to everything, especially for these low price options

if you could handle smaller than 42mm then there's a wealth of crap from the 90's when twotone was actually in fashion that you could pick from
nobody wants it now so you could pay a lot less for stuff that, at the time, was very expensive
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For me, its 90's quartz chronographs with white dials and gold accents on leather straps. Simple as; let that sink in.
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I don't mind going smaller then 42mm. I think there are plenty of good ones at a smaller size - it just depends on the type.

I agree that a lot of the ones there are ones that while nice imo, don't stand out that much.

The tissot and raymond weil are really nice though.

I might also just blow the budget, and and go for a Zodiac
Nice other than the orient on the croc strap, what were you thinking?
I wanted a cope for the speedmaster on a leather band like in The American and the Orient was all I had.
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I think I found the watch I want to buy anons

also, the anon who posted the quality replies, I've taken a note of everything you said as well.
Really awful, and the black strap adds insult to injury
A solid an attractive watch, enjoy it
Quite nice but I'm not a fan of the brown on the dial (hard to tell the colour with the shitty lighting)
Not great
Why not just wear a digital casio with over 9000 timers? Automatic watches are anachronistic by nature, we wear them because they look cool and inspire.
Seiko owns the market at their price point, they are peerless
careful with these
there's a vid on yt where a guy gets a watchmaker to take apart his faulty one and they basically all suffer from the same specific flaws: no oil + some poorly crafted part that causes the chrono to stop working after a few uses
these usually stop working
it's just that the people that buy these shitters usually have a drawerfull of shitters so they never wear this specific one long enough for the flaws to manifest
maybe the "official seagull" ones that cost way more than the typical ones you see out there will last longer, but nobody buys those because they're 100's more $ than the aliexpress ones everyone actually buys
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R8 this m8s
+1 on this, they're great value, but are prone to be pretty frail.

Happy hunting.
Can you stop polluting every thread with your watch, it's been months. It's a nice watch, we get it.

Go touch some grass now.
dank comfy core
Why would you want to wear a DEVIL?
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new pickup for $1500
Doesn't look like any Rolex I'm familiar with but otherwise looks ok I guess.
Thats an HMT pilot with ROLEX stamped on.
Seems stupid but then I never really understood the appeal of re-dialing and counterfeit watches in the first place I guess.
you got any links for a similar pilot?
bought at auction so i can get my money back if this isnt legit.
was having trouble finding comparable models but i haven't seen any pilots with similar faces
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No brown there.
waste of money
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I'm just fucking with you.


is this you?
didn't have to doxx me but ye
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i mostly got goncern bc no serial on the 6 and i can't find any others online. if you have the ref i would appreciate
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If this is the same watch, looks like the movement and caseback are real.

Probably a franken watch. Case crown and dial looking like a poo-job.
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The case might be legit, so just the dial and crown need to be replaced.

Movements worth about $1000 - $1400 according to ebay, I'd try to restore it.
likely the same watch, buckle bears the same markings. I'll check the receipt from the seller tomorrow and update
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Kofe time.
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Tea and then nappy time.
Decently based
>nappy time
Based diaper wearer
nigga you shit yourself
Not yee
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>dad’s got a 7 inch wrist and is 6 ft tall
>mom’s got a 6.2 inch wrist, 5'6"
>grandpa on mom’s side has a 7 inch wrist and is 5'11"
Meanwhile, I’m stuck with a 6.25 inch wrist and barely hit 5'8". I fucking hate this world.
you know what to do
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for around 3500, would you do a nomos neomatik or a frederique constant moonphase? I’ll take other recs as well, leaning towards the nomos as it’s more casual for daily wear
I've handled a few FCs and they do not look or feel as good in the flesh as they do on renders and promo shoots.
Crunchy crown action, pressed guilloche on the dials. These were on older models so things might have improved but the big problem for FC is that trying to emulate textured dials is not easy and if you're being cheap with it, your guilloche will look more like a PRX tapestry dial than a sharp Breguet dial.
When you do memenimalist dials like Nomos, it's not too hard to achieve a good look while keeping a tight budget.
LMAO, even.
I did some digging yesterday and the thing is, there are two companies, Seagull and Seagull 1963 (EU) as this specific design has some patent issues so people can actually produce it without too much of an hassle. Seagull is the actual brand but folk claim Seagull 1963 also uses the same ST19 movement, which is produced in the same factory but is sold to independent makers liberally

Seagull is in total 700 EUR for delivery to the EU, 550 for the watch 150 for customs, while Seagull 1963 is 350EUR for the watch and pennies for delivery. I havent checked aliexpress shitters. But I'm gravitating towards just ordering one from China.

this is the Chuaynese one
this is the Euro one with Cuhaynese movement
and ofc the model is called Sea-Gull 1963 lol
so in layman's terms, imagine if there were patent issues with Rolex Submariner due to it being used by military or someshit

>Rolex makes Submariner
>Rolex Submariner, a separate company literally named after the brand + model, also makes Submariner, while using the same movement from Rolex as Rolex doesn't track its movement sales extensively

by the way the Sea-gull thing is the first instance of Westerners "appreciating" something Chinese lol, its usually the other way around
if you have an opinion on watches you’re already gay. sorry but you’re in a gay thread and you’re also gay
I was gifted this watch a while ago for my birthday. Apparently it got some emotional value but I digress. It's very ugly and I can't see myself wearing this instead lf any other watch that I own.
I guess I will wear it once just to show him that I appreciate his gift
the britbong shilltuber that lives in ausfailia did a investigation into this whole thing that tries to delve into which is real and which is fake. it's messy and murky. just search for it on yt. "is this seagull 1963 fake?" or something.

the expensive one, whose chrono may or may not actually be lubed properly or actually work more than a few activations, isn't worth €700.
unless you wish to chance it with the cheapo one I suggest you go back to the drawing board

or buy it from poljot24.de
it's the cheap one, but at least there's a euro entity that can handle warranty and repair
note: some anon itt once upon a time claimed to have bought theirs from this shop and it did stop working as expected
however the store seems to have a good rep and claims warranty and repairs can be done if there's issues
better dealing with them than chingchongs on the other side of the world
don't know how that anon handled theirs, whether they returned it to poljot24 or whatever.
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>if you have an opinion on watches you’re already gay. sorry but you’re in a gay thread and you’re also gay
No. Nomos is actually pedowood tier homosexual with their open lgbtbbq shilling and their encouragment of muslim and african economic migrants into germany and their false portrayal of a certain event surrounding an incident pertaining to said migrants. It's was actually their company policy to force their workers to attend
>you will accept these barbaric leech rapists into your towns or else, doesn't matter who they behead or whose daughter they rape, if you want to keep working at homos you will toe the party line
"workshops" a few years ago.
There is no brand more full of faggotry than homos.
That's what you get when your ceo is a she-kike.
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you guys ever get tempted by ridiculous monstrosities?
well it is a german company, their national identity is being the worst example of an HR department. the watches still look good and seem well built however, I have a hard time believing that every other company doesn’t have faggoty lip service diversity goals
If they have them they are not reflected in the work like with homos. They made a slew of faggoty rainbow dials for a tranny aids awareness soros NGO.
Also no other watch brand's pr has ever miscontrued an event involving a migrant criminal as being the victim despite them killing a german and not they other way around as they implied it. In fact I can't think of another watch brand, german or otherwse, that is overtly activist political in this way.
You can cope with your
>b-but surely other brands are like this too!
but the fact is that there is proof positive homos is like this, and none for others. Buy what you want you dumb homo bitch.
I actually never deviated from American or Swiss watches up until now and I really dont want to risk buying a 500 EUR watch just for it to stop working so yeah, I'm bummed out a bit to be honest anon
and I never did enjoy the idea of shipping something back and forth for repairs, its just too much time and effort

thank you for quality posts all around btw
might get the one below, its a Vostok, but I might still pull the trigger on the 1963 as it looks so fucking cool for the price tag. I'd have to be OK with poljot warranty stuff though

While brand image and pr can be considered, I don’t think it should be the most important factor when buying a product. Shouldn’t the quality of the product be the main deciding factor? Ben and jerry are the most annoying faggots ever born but the ice cream is pretty good
Dude just fucking forget about it lmfao are you insane.
That's the shame about the brand. The only way I'd ever consider getting a nomos is if I bothered to get it 2nd hand because fuck giving that company a single cent. Not with its current leadership and direction.
you cretin, you wouldnt understand a sophisticated man's desire for knowledge
i don't know enough about vintage vostoks so i shant comment, i'll only say that it's basically the general rule of thumb to avoid any seller on c24 that's based in italy
stick to the northern euros; the anglos (us/uk/ca/au/nz); the japs and other non-china sinics like singapore, hongkong, taiwan. avoid the southern and eastern euros, latam and anywhere else not already mentioned
unless you really want that vintage vostok, which will probably have a more accurate movement if it's not a shitaly frankenshitter, you can get a modern amphibia for less than half that price
poljot24 has a bunch of old soviet chronos, and modern russian shitter chronos too besides the seagulls
you can get vostoks direct from russia that are cheaper than the ones sold in germany
i like quadrant dials
As far as monstrosities go that example is a mile better than literally any Diesel watch.
post monstrosities
you won't see handmade urushi/ceramic dials for anyone lower than Seiko
I just bought a G-shock and then after I bought it Casio sent me an email saying they have just started offering all watches for 30% off

So now I need to send back the same watch as soon as I recieve it and order it again
I kinda like these. They're just overpriced for basically a 1:1 niche shit from stuff dead in the past.
This might be one of the absolut worst date windows I have ever seen.
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You've never seen the watch of the kang of englang then.
Cute piece, unsure about the leather strap though
700 EUR for this watch is severely overpriced.
I wonder if he's ever used the chronograph once.
Does he look that poor to you?
>toimin moie stayks guvna!
Can't wait for my Marinor to arrive.
The worst thing about that date window is how they could easily have swapped it for one of those indices. Just place it at 3 or 6 and it's fine, but no THEY HAD to place it at 4:30 with a non-color matched disc. Horrendous.
Worst of all is that the dial says "Zenith" and not "Rolex."
Can't go wrong with the standard or any one with a positive display.
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You will never be the first automatic chrono.
some good watches in this thread (2, the breitling and the monstrosity) but otherwise a lot of bland shit and yet again no Monacos so overall pretty shit thread.
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Benrus = Bum Rush
Bulova = Full of it
Invicta = Evicted
Gruen = Gruel
Mido = Mid
Tissot = Tossit
Breitling = Shiteling
Rolex = Botox
Swatch = Botched
Blancpain = Bongwater
Christopher Ward = Christopher Bored
Seiko = Fake-o
Zenith = Seen it
Tudor = Pooter
Parmesan = Mozzarella
Atelier Wen = I tell ya hwat
Squale = Squalor
Autodromo = Autofellatio
Bertucci = Boypussy
Alpina = Smallpeena
Cartier = Fartier
Patek Philippe = Pajeet Filipino
Audemars Piguet = I ate all the Baguettes
Longines = Long-ginas
Timex = Chinex
Tag Heuer = Fag Heuer
Laco = Lacko
>no oil
I know shitty factories in South China did this with their shitty skeletonized Tongji movements for $10 temu watches, and even that's tragic because those movements can run amazingly well when oiled and regulated since it's essentially a copy of an reliable upper mid tier movement used in old Enicars with improved layout and worse finishing. Hearing that the chronograph movements are unlubricated is shocking.
Wasn't that a Seiko?
Impeccably based
Thank you Chat GPT
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New purchase
The Citizen.
How many % of it is made in Japan?
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Welcome to the club
0/10, kys
8/10, very nice vintage Omega anon, good choice
0/10, kys
4/10, it lost 3 points because of the faggot wearing it
0/10, kys
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I only like gay little vintage pieces and dainty dress watches here's your 0/10 kek
Morning /wt/. Hope everyone is well.
>post his Seiko
>expect to get a 10/10 from me, the best poster in this thread
>get a 0/10
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thoughts on these? I like how thin it is and how it has a sapphire crystal and lume. Anything else similar I should be looking at?
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oh and its the quartz version btw, they are way thinner than the autos
I don't own a seiko or post my watch, you contrarian wristlet faggot
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>Anything else similar I should be looking at?
The obvious one.
Don't worry. He doesn't either.
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good morning
I suggest looking into bauhaus origins
Does that have sapphire and how thin is it?
for me it's 163 or 158
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where is rating anon? i want my 0/10
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Yes. There's also plexiglass versions.
10mm if I'm not mistaken
You just missed him.
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So, frens, what are we drinkin' right now?
I'm more of a jazz cigarette man myself
ooh pretty thin but the quartz im lookin at is 6mm.
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>Glashutte Original
>They don't have a single "original" design
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Quick question. Anything I need to know about or look out for on Chrono24 for buying a watch?
painfully 90's
if you had to shoot one poster, would it be the guy who spams his ciitizen or the the guy who uses two pages two rate everyone?
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>one shot, two kills
Line them up back to back so we only need to use one bullet.
I see the Ultra-Chron went from 0/10 to a 1/10
Ask if the watch has been polished and serviced.
Ask for timegrapher results.
The Shitizen retard is just a harmless autist. Rating anon is based.
Roachadello gets the bullet.
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Strong, bold, brave, beautiful. Like a mixed race politician, or a transvestite kindergarten teacher.
where can i get quality spring bars? the last ones i bought are a tiny bit loose on my Hamilton mechanical
you bought that luminar thing no anon say it aignt so
the thing I dont like about chris ward is they are all sw-200's and I can get a sw-200 in a Gucci watch for $500 cdn.
I have an atomic-radio set moonphase watch from citizen for more or less these same reasons. I think little features are cool but couldn't ever be bothered to set them, so it's nice that it just all works automatically. Also the face is a mini solar panel so you never have to change the battery.

Based Polyester Chad.
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i did
nonsense, they use sw300 among others and they have in house calibers - the sh21 being one picrel
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Doesn't have to be le urushi, I'm talking about the general design and proportionality.
Citizen = Shitizen
Omega = Homogay
Farer = Farter
Boldr = Balder
Festina = Feshitna
Casio = Crapsio
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We weekend now
you’d be hard pressed to find a worse photo of a watch.
Id be what?
do you still watch blacked porn?
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Casio MTP-VT01LM-7A constantly looks dirty because its fake marble
There's a quartz version. About 8mm thick.
>respectable brands aren't made in china
I have more respect for Chinese watches that sell for what they're worth instead of swiss shit that also cost 300 dollars yet sold for 3000 because of marketing brand wank
Nigga do you seriously believe the chinks don't make a profit on the watches they make? How naive are you?
Are you retarded?

There's a difference between an 50% markup to a 500% markup.
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Do cute girls care about expensive watches?
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You already know the answer.
The markup for chinkshit is closer to 500% than 50%. The only reason you believe the chinks are more honest is because the crap they make is affordable.
complete bullshit lmao

>ceramic auto from aliexpress

>ceramic auto from mountain jews
>that'll be $5000 plus tip
He got the JLC, he got the girl!
Yeah but if these brands had the same level of heritage they too would have markups, you get some Sea-Gulls which are pretty pricey despite often being less well made and finished compared to something like San Martin, because it does have some heritage that matters to people who appreciate contemporary Chinese history, which I assume there are plenty of within China.
you got psyopped by western marketers if you believe in heritage lol. most of them are sourced from china. might as well cut the middle man
Honesty doesn't come into it, the reality is that the factories associated with the Chinese brands usually are subcontracted by Swiss brands or fashion shit brands and thus they've already paid off the cost of buying all the machinery and training workers to use the machines long ago and since they don't spend anything on R&D themselves or much on marketing, they're free to use the time between orders from Omega or Gucci producing the San Martins and Pagani Designs they then sell for a smaller profit margin, because that's better than winding down the factory between big brand orders.
No don't get me wrong, I'm already sold by communists on the idea that things should be considered valuable based on the materials and labour applied to produce a thing, rather than consider value to be wHaTEvEr pEOplE "WanT" tO pAY. But I just accept that since China also has a market, kind of both interpretations of value are used.
Nayib Bukele, the very BASED AND REDPILLED president of Salvador, is apparently a big JLCfag.
He also has an engraved Reverso. Based.
it's all a scam. even western designer fashion brands, sneakers, handbags, etc, some are made in the same chink factory using the same equiptment.
>6am-7pm, chink factory makes western brand product
>7pm-3am, same chink factory makes replica of said western brand with minor revisions using same materials since someone subcontracted them.
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First for analogue being an obsolete and inferior user interface design
Georges-Favre-Jacot key wind pocket watch in the pocket today. What are you wearing, fellow gents?
I don't like quartz watches because they keep dying in my watch box

I don't have time to go to the mall to replace batteries or do it myself
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this looks so bad lmao
>they keep dying
Nigger battery lasts like 5 years minimum, how are they keep dying?
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Which is more /fa/, the Casio A158 bracelet or the Casio A168 bracelet?
I just graduated with a master's degree and I would like to reward myself with a new piece cause it's a big deal but financially I barely have 5k on my account. Should I get a cheaper one now and keep it as a symbolic piece or wait another year and get me something good?
0-249K net worth proletariat: happy meal watch
250K-499K net worth blue collared working class : base model Casio
500K+ net worth white collared working class: base model Seiko
1M+ net worth middle class: base model Omega
5M+ net worth aspirational middle class: base model Rolex
10M+ net worth upper middle class: base model Patek
50M+ net worth upper class: unique and heirloom pieces, antique marine chronometers, high complication pocket watches, luxury clocks
>wait another year and get me something good?
Don't just get a cheap shitter as a memento of getting your degree. You already have a memento of your degree: your diploma.

Once you're making luxury watch-buying money, your shitter will just be an embarrassment you never wear.
No watch in the world better shows how poor you are.
You are poor enough to need to know the time.
You are poor enough to need a reminder of the date.
You are poor enough to need a reminder of the day.
You are so mentally, disgustingly poor that you can live with yourself knowing you own a Seiko.
I pity you, truly I do.
>reward myself by buying material stuff even with no money
nigger, just save up for emergencies and spend only if you have a stable financial source.
I've read that the reasoning for using less bright superluminova stuff is that it in return will glow for a longer time.
>Insisting on having things on the wrong side.
Why are they like this?

He must have timed how long it takes to take a royal shit at least once.
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I've just been banned from Twitter for saying Heil Hitler. Fuck you Elon Musk, you low-test Omega-wearer faggot.
new thread, you gayfaggots
The one has a 2 year lifespan

It's a fancy brand not a casio
That's 1000% bullshit. The brightest SL is also the longest lasting, C3 which besides special snowflake versions of it from seiko or literallywho brands like lumtech is the brightest and longest lasting formula of stronium alluminate. BG W9 is a close second along with rolex's own special order version of it, whatever it's called. C1 that the germans use is third weakest in brightness on a chart of 20 or so SL variants. They do it because it costs them less money and germans are stubborn cunts that have to lose a fucking WW to get it through their heads that they're doing something the wrong way.
if u look around u'll see analog quartz is 2-3 years unless some special gimmic is involved
even casio with exception of their digital
what watch is OP? That's freakin beautiful
I bought a Nomos for $800 and even that seems high
Does ANYBODY on this board ever buy a watch that actually fits their wrist size? Look like children playing dress up.
Why the FUCK does that MG B have a screen in it. Thanks for ruining my morning
I think we’ve been lied to, watch size guides tell me I should wear 40-43mm with a 7.5” wrist, but 38-40mm looks better. Every manufacturer makes 40mm+ these days, it’s a recent change that they’re going back to sensible sizes.
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I knew it would be a chunker before getting it, but still, it's not as big as the camera lens makes it look.
Sorry for being mean, it's too big IMO but no need for me to be a dick about it

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