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What do I need to care for my boots?
>Old cotton t shirt (one for cleaning, another for applying conditioners)
>Horsehair brush ($10-15)
>Wooden shoe trees ($10-15)
>Light conditioner like Lexol/Bck4/renovateur
>Heavy conditioner (if you live in terrible snow/rain areas) Sno seal/Obernauf LP
>Don't forget that boots need time to dry properly, rotate them and rest them

How do I deal with x stain?
>mud: allow it to dry then brush off
>salt: water and cloth as soon as possible
>saturated wet: allow the boot to dry for a full day, stuff with newspaper
>scuffs and scratches: buff vigorously with horsehair brush

>Should I buy turdsdays/soloshits/doc shitans?
No they are filled with synthetic materials aimed at instant comfort but will not hold up to actual use.
>b-b-but muh ecelebs on youtube said they're good
no. you will waste your time and money and still have uncomfortable footwear at the end of the day. spend the extra $100 and get something real.

Manufacturer Red Flags
>Unknown leather source
>Made in Chyna/Mexico/Indonesia

Boot Red Flags
>Dainite (Get vibram v-bar instead)
>Non gusseted tongues
>Excessive/unnecessary seams
>Combination/mixed material heels

Boot Brands NO
>Doc Shitters/Soloshitters
>any Whatsapp makers in the far east

Are Nick's boots a rip off? $600+ seems steep. I just want a high quality work boot and an upgrade from Red Wing.
You get what you pay for, Anon
we only do dales kilties here
I know you're just trying to help and I appreciate it, I'll get the Dale's
What are some good black leather boots that dont have the bright brown base? (Either all black or more muted)
>I know you're just trying to help
no im preaching
it really is amazing that none of the other brands stole his pattern
its genuinely great
so you want that S&M look then
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Word up!
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No just something more muted that looks less like a work boot
not bad
this is almost perfect if it wasnt for the alligator skin
lel you can get it in black calf too
Zug grain doesn't show age. It's an improvement over calfskin in everything but formality
>whites semidress 6"
>whites semidress 8"
Seriously, why are those so fucking kino?
height balances the long counter
Must be that, I hate the counter on the semidress, but on OPs pic they look amazing.
semi-dress is 5" by default
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blocks your path
Looks like shit
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One of my timbs "premium" is squeaky as fuck. I suspect it's this cardboard part under the insole, since it seems like part of it is not glued down like on the other shoe. Could this be the case? What kind of glue would be the best for fixing this kind of thing? Or should I just put talc powder under it for a quick fix?
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>get stopped at the Jim Green Footwear and The Game Rangers Association of Africa (GRAA) checkpoint
>fail toe splay inspection
>issued a $179.99 fine to help an African Ranger, the most noble and revered of professions fighting on the front lines of conservation areas everyday
>pay it
>get necklaced anyway
how do you even size toe socks
what if you have extra long toes on a small foot?
talc first but squeaking is usually leather on leather action
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My Turdsday Challengers came in the mail. I've worn them a couple times since including taking them innawoods once.

I'd have to say I'm pleasantly surprised. Definitely not as "nice" or premium feeling as my pair of White's, but also not as bad as I was expecting. I guess the real test will be this winter to see if they hold up.
That toebox looks incredibly comfy.
start a /btg/ betting pool on what will fail first
snap a pic with the whites side by side real quick
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The White's I own are their Perry hybrid's, so not their more pricey logger. Either way I quite like them and wore them almost every day last winter and think they've held up pretty well over the last year and some change. They are a bit dirty and could use with a cleaning/conditioning before the winter, but I'm pretty happy with them.

If I were to order a set of White's again I'd go down half a size. I think the 11.5 I got the Thursdays in is a better fit for me than the 12's I got in White's (my usual sneaker size is either 12.5 or 13 depending on the brand).

In terms of the leather, the white's leather is thicker and "feels more sturdy" than the Thursday challengers. With that said, the leather on the challenger is both thicker and much nicer than the pair of captains I got 2ish years ago before I knew better.
In terms of longevity, I don't think it's much of a fair fight, but they are also different boots.

The White's leather and stitching will last much longer, but they aren't loggers so taking them in the woods like I will with these is probably not a great idea because the outsole just isn't intended for it.
>He didn’t get the shinki cordovan that Turdsday offered on a logger boot for some reason
I got a pair of red wings moc toe and they seem to fit well except when trying to take them off where I have to basically rip my feet off of the boot's jaws, is that how it's supposed to work?
Nah bra, there is no way in hell I was paying $550 for a pair of Thursdays, no matter how shiny the skin. Besides, I'm wearing these for the winter and going into the woods. Shiny leather just seems like a hassle to take care of if you're actually using them as a boot.
Paying over 500 burgers for Thursdays would be wild.
Anyone know anything about the brand Moma shoes? They look like Guidi knockoffs but are they decent quality
Never heard of them, it it's weird to me that they intentionally curve the toe up like that. it looks like they are trying to look like early 2000's Japanese video game shoes.
I think aggressive toespring is a more vintage look but I'm not sure. A lot of designer brands going for this peasant-shoe look do it for some reason
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I'm not sure how much they are nowadays, but i'd much rather get a the Hoggs of Fife Rannoch (made by cheaney) for a similar price.
>better last and pattern
>better uppers
>better (full) lining
>better construction
>itshide soles
I got mine for 350 euros a year ago or so.
>>itshide soles
i noticed they actually use vibram instead of chinesium rubber this time, rest of the points stand.
Anyone know anything about women's boots?
I bought my sister a weird experimental combo of chelseas from RMW years ago but they don't seem to have a buildaboot option anymore so I can't replicate it for her. Any RM quality has dipped in the 10+ since I got that pair.
Anyone got any recs for quality brands that have womens boots? Chelseas or not.
have you tried unlacing the boot
Anon if you seriously consider using these during winter please have a back up pair of good boots handy
First time owning gusseted tongue boots? It be like that the first couple of weeks or so. It'll get easier with use.
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Nay or yay?
I've usually got my insulated and water treated Danner quarries in my truck if it gets too snowy. We get a decent amount of snow up here in the AT side of the new England, but I'm not in Alaska or the middle of the Rockies anything.
Yes, I'll keep at it but sometimes I worry I'm gonna rip the stitching.
Didn't happen in any of my three pairs of Red Wings, you should be alright.
>fake distressing
Hard pass
Love the look but not a huge fan of midcut/chukka style boots
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Why do they look so weird?
the wide upper section keeps them in place and better protects the tongue
Hmm, I've never heard of them. I'll take a look and see if they exist in this side of the pond. I don't usually think of England when I think of rugged boots, but they could be good and have flown entirely under my radar.
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How do you know if a boot is fitting right? I just got a pair of Jim Green ARs in US 13 (my brannock size).
>I have a ~half inch of room between my big toe and the front of the boot.
>It feels very comfortable and roomy.
I'm wondering if I sized it too big if it already feels decently roomy out of the box. I think a 12.5 would feel quite snug, not sure if that's better
The 13 is also snug enough in to walk, jump, even jog without issue. This kind of feels right but I just wish I could compare to a 12.5
is the widest part of your foot lining up with the widest part of the boot? is that the part that is flexing when walking
>I have a ~half inch of room between my big toe and the front of the boot.
literally irrelevant to the fit
just have the widest part of the shoe match the ball of your foot, minimal to no heel slip and not uncomfortable
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I think so. I've marked the line that flexes
It's feeling pretty good, I just think I'm not used to this much toe room so I assume the boot is too big
and now that I lace them up extremely tight they do feel quite snug. I think going down a half size might be retarded
Don't overthink it too much. As you wear them and break them in the leather will mold itself to your foot anyways. Even if they are half a size (or even a full size) too big you can get used to it and things will be fine.
also adds volume around the ankles so you can lace tighter if you have issues with heel slip or the facings touching
Ok, that makes sense. I'm going to stick with them. They grip my heel extremely well and I find them really practical for moving around in so far
>We have a semi dress at home
>the semi dress at home
Is what was happening to his feet as he steps (turning inwards) normal for new boots? I'm noticing the same thing with my diesels.
you're gay (gait)
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if you have a heel striking type gait this will happen with new boots
you will wear out the heels a lot quicker and the inward twist will probably go away gradually
you should ideally avoid doing it, not good for the joints
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if you had to pick ne pair of boots for the rest of time to wear everyday in all situations what would they be?
whites semi dress
White's Semi Dress
Semi-Dress from White's
Nigs ranger
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Moc-toe madness, 4 months worth of Danners
Jim Green AR8
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Whites semi dress
stop it.
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fuck you semidressanon
dont do thks to me
We are legion
>he thinks there's only one anon who is a chad semi dress enjoyer
oh no no no no
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>superior veldtschoen construction for bad weather conditions
>can be dressed up or down if you like
>comfortable and not too heavy
Wasn't there some anon that bought a pair of semi dress and he said his gf thought they looked like women's boots?
Maybe some frumpy dike might wear something similar to the semi dress, but a woman? Nah dude, you wouldn't find a woman wearing boots like that.
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Bespoke Gaziano & Girling Urban Commando’s in sueded brown alligator like on pic related.
Hello officer I would like to report a crime to my eyes
I’d say White’s MP but now I’d rather opt for the CMP
What's the difference?
Looks like it's made with the cloaca of the animal.
The CMP has greater/higher arch support which helps me stand up straight and my feet don’t get tired like when there is no arch support. The MP does have a tiny bit of arch support so it’s not too bad on me. Note that the MP last in the toe area can get quite narrow so go up a width and, like usual, down half a length from your brannock. Also it’s normal stitchdown construction which make it slightly cheaper then the MP’s handwelt stitchdown if you care about that
Basically. Any good maker is going to show off the umbilical scar to prove it’s genuine alligator.
I see, thanks for the insight Anon
It's the heel specifically that looks feminine.
i honestly don't know. i have to dress really white collar for work but after i prefer to be more casual. i am not sure i can pick a shoe that does both for me. maybe the enzo bonafe galway clone i am ordering could fit that, but i still think it would be a tough sell.
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The top of the backstay on one of my ARs is flopping backwards (like circled in the pic).
The good pair seems to have some glue keeping the backstay upright, and that glue came undone in the flopping pair
What would be a good glue to use to upright the flopping backstay?
typical recs I'm seeing are Aquilim 315, Fiebings, Barge btw
I own a bunch of really nice shoes in EU 41 when I just realised I'm a fucking 42
How the fuck do I live with myself. These are too nice to throw away, cost too much to pawn or sell and I'm too emotionally invested in some of them to do that anyway (two really nice pairs are from my first salary post college)
I think I'm gonna keep wearing them until they wear out, tf else do I do? ALL of these have ugly creases that I never realised was because I was wearing them too small
Well what do you want us to tell you? You already listed out all the options. There are shoe stretchers that can give you a little bit of width but if you've been wearing them for a long time they're probably already stretched as far as they will go, if the flex point is wrong there's nothing to do.
Sorry I got to ranting, I was just pissed when I realised
Do they hurt? Are uncomfortable? Sizing can vary a lot between brands.
A little bit, it hurts more when I walk a ton in them but I don't need to walk a ton in those, I have my running ones for that
Your walking gait should always have a heel strike. It’s not bad on your joints because when you are walking you have a point in time where both feet are on the ground. Because both feet are on the ground the ground reaction force is split between both legs.

Your running gait should have mid or fore foot strike. When you’re running you don’t have a time when both feet are on the ground. All the ground reaction force goes through one leg and is higher than walking. That’s why heel striking when running is detrimental.
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Your feet probably changed size.
Wesco Boss
I've been there. When I first started I fell for awful sizing advice and got pairs that were too small, but only by a little bit. I finally just accepted my mistake and sold them and still have 3 more to sell.
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Skoak has a new Bonafe RTW boot style
620€ is not bad for Bonafe but for some reason they made it Blake instead of Handwelted. Why?
Also I think some anon here has a similar style boot from Bonafe
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I'm getting my blake rapid stitched bonafe chukkas soonish, so then i'll know if its worth it. Blake rapid seems like a really solid construction to me, i might save the money and buy more if i find it to be more flexible or comfortable.
I was actually thinking of a brown tarnsjo boot from EB so I might pull the trigger on this one, problem is I already have a pair of boots on the way (suede chelseas from TLB) so not buying any more until Christmas
its a really nice leather.
I am the opposite of this. I have 2 pairs of boots that are a size too big. I guess I can wear them, but I need to put in additional insoles, wear thick socks over regular socks and they still slip near my heels. I also think the size makes me look kinda goofy when wearing them.
>$500 barrier to entry for any decent boots
>when I had the disposable income I couldn't commit to a single boot
>ended up buying $100-$300 dollar meme pairs that weren't even worth that asking price
>now don't have the throwaway money for one good $500 pair
Don't do as I have done /btg/
Fifteen years ago I had a lot of disposable income and I everything was way cheaper so I could have stocked on boots, raw denim, leather jackets, etc. But I didn't because I couldn't commit either and it was "too expensive". Wisdom is the knowledge that comes too late.
stupid question, when using a boot stretcher on laced boots do I take the laces off? I always wore lace-less boots in the past.
laces untied, unless the the area you want to stretch only appears when you lace up
since you are probably stretching for toe room or width, you don't have to lace up
Block heel solves that problem. Cuban heels are generally the realm of homosexuals or mexicans in more civilized portions of the world.
Don’t listen to fags and just buy Frank’s.
How do you care for waxed flesh? I've done nothing yet to my boots -save light brushing with a horsehair brush- because I assume it's low maintennance, but I guess they'll need conditioning eventually.
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ID on these?
put some conditioner into a spritzer bottle
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Can you recommend combat boots like picrel?
What are good brands?
you don't need to do much, since this is basicly chromexcel finished on the roughout side, which makes it even hardier
honestly you can just leave it alone for 2-3 years and it's going to be totally fine
generally anything that is suited for cxl can be used on waxed flesh, depends how much you want to rewax the fibers that get exposed with wear
>saphir oiled leather for maximum contrast between waxed and unwaxed
>vsc, renovateur for middle ground
>obenaufs lp, dubbin for totally rewaxing
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Came here with the same question. What a coincidence.
Are UK's MAK boots good quality?
Do you ever feel like you look like you're wearing clown shoes? I bought picrel as my first boots and they look really chunky compared to sneakers. I also accidentally bought 1 size too large and have to wear thick socks to be comfortable. How they look bothers me more therefore. Do you reckon a UK size 9 looks unusually big on a 6 foot tall skinny person, or is it normal? I wonder if 1 size down would even make a difference or is this chunkiness inevitable with boots.
>Do you ever feel like you look like you're wearing clown shoes?
I don't buy docs so no
The factory is on a shitty highway next to a porn store in a horrible city. One guy that worked there was super nice and the other was a fucking massive asshole. I think I would rather buy whites.
>buy clown brand
>buy 1 size too big
its entirely a (you) problem
>I bought picrel as my first boots
They're not boots
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Not boots but does anyone know where to get something similar to these Guidi derbys for not 1000 dollars? Something that is somewhat unstructured/soft and matte like this?
alden PTB but i think they are structured
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alden makes an "unlined blucher" all the time, that is completely unlined in the vamp and lightly structured just at the toe, so that it collapses fast
standard is suede or brown cxl, but retailers make their own makeups of it occasionally in other leathers
Thanks, man
I'm thinking of buying boots from a local artisan maker, what are the things I should look to assure they're of a good quality? Any tips?
>how are the uppers attached to the sole?
>what tannery are your leathers from
>are they using reputable sole like vibram or dainite (brand not the studs)
>what kind of last does he use
does anyone have a pair of trumans in the 20 last? they look so clown shoe-ish, maybe its because of the slightly upturned toe box? im wondering if they look that bad in person

>how are the uppers attached to the sole?
How are they supposed to be attached?

>what tannery are your leathers from
What would you say the top leathers are, reminder, I'm from Yurop.

>are they using reputable sole like vibram or dainite (brand not the studs)
If they don't use those, should that be a "red flag"? Any cheaper alternatives that are fine? I want something that last quite a while.

>what kind of last does he use
What's a "last", English is not my first language? Is it a finish?
What's a good type of shoe/slip on/sandals for indoor wear - specifically cold basement floors. My computer is downstairs and I need something that isn't slippers because they fuck up my feet cause I have to wear them with socks. I read that maybe I should get slip ons/sandals?
>How are they supposed to be attached?
handwelted is the ideal but that's expensive and skill required. if you're a yuropoor it'll probably be blake stitched (different from blake rapid) which is ok but it has its issues (water ingress through the stitch)
>What would you say the top leathers are, reminder, I'm from Yurop.
reputable tanneries like seidel, wickett and craig, hormeme, annonay
>If they don't use those, should that be a "red flag"?
>What's a "last", English is not my first language? Is it a finish?
last is the wooden/plastic that the shoe is shaped over


handsewn mocs, shearling for the winter, unlined for summer
>handsewn mocs, shearling for the winter, unlined for summer
Does it have to be handsewn? I am worried I will sweat into these cause I move around a lot and every time with these slipper types they end up fucking up my feet in a month. I get really cold winters and I need to wear heavy socks. It goes like this - feet are cold, put on the slipper, feet get too warm, take em off, feet get cold again, put them back on but they are kinda sweaty from last time I had them on.
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I'm in the Netherlands, what shoes are out here that I can wear before buying?
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yes cause handsewns do not have synthetic structuring in them leading to less sweat
I'm looking for brown leather boots, preferably with a sleek/city look, in the 100-500 euro range. Any recommendations?








Pretty sure you have to buy the shoes before wearing them, even in the Netherlands.
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I also got a pair of AR8s today. The Rangers in 13 fit me great and I've worn them all day; but the AR8s in 13 ended up being too big.
>they don't grip my heel well at all
>the flexing part of the boot is not the widest part; instead it's right in front of the laces
I guess the last is significantly different? I'm going to exchange them for a 12.5
>things cost money

Skoak just stocked this one but it's out of budget, different league though:
Get Frank to measure you, it’ll be under 700 total including customs.
>banned from all boards: racism
Somebody at this bar was having fun on gameday.
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carlos santos
>hey, guys, what do you recommend for 500 tops?
>thing that's >500
it's not like you're going to buy anything anyway
Blake rapid is best construction method. Blake stitch is worst.

Debate me
>in the 100-500 range
>ask troll question
>get trolled
>get mad
what's it best at?
what happened to the debate you wanted?
Why do Frank's Patriots come without any kind of Insole? They were fucking me up bad before I realized that. Also they continously shred the front of my ankle; will that stop or do I really have to invest in wool socks or something
I don't have a franks patriot, but I have had a pair of nicks that was somewhat similar. Getting nice thick socks will help, but you will probably have a rough time for the first month or two of regular wear before they are fully broken in.

The downside of thick durable leather and robust construction is that it tends to be much harder to break in and can be rough for the first month or two.
>will that stop or do I really have to invest in wool socks or something
the question why aren't you wearing wool socks anyways
That's good to hear, I thought it was supposed to be 2 weeks, but 2 months? That seems more in line with the progression.
I'm not the type to properly invest in what can't be seen, underwear, socks, undershirts etc I try to buy efficiently cheap (think Costco shit), but I'm starting to find out why that's not ideal.
>easy resoles without needing to mess with the upper leather
>solid construction with upper stitched through the insole and midsole so no need for any gemming or welt copes
>just as water resistant
>solid powerful Anglo-Saxon name
Ready to apologize?
With PNW boots the cushioning comes from the sock so get some Darn Tough with the maximum amount of cushioning the boot can accommodate
Letting in water.
>reputable tanneries like seidel, wickett and craig, hormeme, annonay
Is there a sort of list online I can check for quality and reputable tanneries?
Even so, can the boot be of good/alright quality? And can it last well without them?
>last is the wooden/plastic that the shoe is shaped over
Ah that, I actually have a metal last in my house, it's from my great-grandparent or my grandparent, I never met them and I never used it.

Besides this is there a book or someplace I can look for more tips and rules/guidelines when I'm buying boots? Also the boots I want to buy are for a more urban city environment, and it rains quite a bit.
rapid blake isn't the best at absolutely anything, not even being a value and is the worst of both worlds between GYW and blake in most ways
it's just an awkward middle ground that most just don't want to bother with
>it's almost as expensive to produce as proper GYW in terms of materials and production, the end price difference is so small most would rather pay for GYW
>significantly less structure and durability than GYW without all the flexibility of blake
>all the reasons blake craps out are still there, it's just bonded construction with the blake stitch preventing the uppers from sliding out from under the footbed, resole enough and the uppers are going to rip from under the sole
>not as water resistant as GYW and it's still just a flimsy city shoe like blake
>all the easy resole benefits can be had with simple blake and topies, and it's cheaper, more flexible and lighter weight in the end
In your expensive, how long do Becket and Simonon boots take to arrive from ordering?
*experience hurr durr
Terrible arguments and mostly just straight up lies.
less failure points like the gemming, and not a huge cavity that needs to be filled with cork is one of the advantages to GYW. For dress shoes you can still keep the edges slimmer, although standard blake is superior obviously. The only disadvantage really is the water resistance, but why would you be standing in water? You'd want cemented, veldtschoen or stitchdown boots for that anyway. Its a good construction method.
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I bought a pair of AE factory second boots from the shoe bank recently after going at least 5 years without wearing any AEs (I used to have a lot of AEs purchased in the AE stores).

The site said to expect cosmetic defects and I figured it's casual boots so some leather texture issues or scratches or color weirdness would be no big deal, but they were highly asymmetrical so I returned them and re-ordered the same pair (should be arriving soon), hoping this time it will just be a scratch. Was this a bad idea? Anyone else have experience with re-ordering the same factory second? I don't wear this kind of shoe often enough to justify paying the regular price for standard quality, but maybe this much of a discount was too good to be true.
Thanks for the insight Anon, but dang does the thought of spending 20 burgers per pair of socks make me cringe. I know you guy's always recommend the finest first, so are their more economical alternatives to that?
where's the lie?
if you really think blake has less failure points than gyw, then keep dreaming
the gemming ungluing from the footbed is not the unsalvegeable structural failure you think it is
Hey bootfags, is there any point of running down a goodyear welted sole where a cobbler can no longer recover the boot? I've had some iron rangers for 7 years now and the heel is starting to get dramatically close to the nails, is why I ask.
Yes, the cobbler can add a strip of material to beef out where the nails should connect to the upper (I forget the exact term). Won't be the best possible connection but if it does fail you'd just replace it.
Worth it to save an aesthetic pair you love but if you're trying to replace a daily driver or workboot you're probably better off buying a new pair.
a goodyear welted boot can be repaired forever as long as the uppers are not cracked and falling apart
Are the leather insoles from JG objectively better than the stock insoles in every way?
how many times do we need to teach you this lesson old man
>I try to buy efficiently cheap (think Costco shit), but I'm starting to find out why that's not ideal.
I gotcha
you'll have to do your own research but if they're not using reputable tanneries and soles its an indication of corner cutting and if they're skimping on the most important aspects of the boot you might want to question what other corners they're cutting
Division Road makes some really nice looking makeups. I wish they could be like Baker's and offer some made to order options for different widths.
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>mexican boots
lol, lmao even
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Poorfag here getting his first black leather boots that doesn't want to get Dr. Martens (novel concept I know). Does anyone have experience with Goldenfox boondockers?
your pic related isn't the boondockers
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Damn. I almost fell for the unmarked meme
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don't know what the fuck those are but boondockers specifically refer to a pattern of boots marines wore which requires
>brown roughout
>raw cord soles
Oh I thought you were talking about the model name from Goldenfox, not the actual historical term for them.
>offered him $35 on his NEXT PURCHASE
fucking lol

unmarked is hit and miss. some people get decent pairs and some get the blind trainees first day pair
they're trash like real scraping bottom of the barrel
they also have to be on a munson (inspired) last, 270 flat welt, single-piece heel counter-backstay and unstructured

but seemingly any plain toe boot gets called a boondocker these days
division road somehow gets to break all the whites rules, tall semi-dress, non-matching sole and heel lift combos, handwelt from a different material than the upper, any heel profile
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I need a pair of chukka boots to wear on dates. Recs?
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White's Chukka
didn't know Horween makes Pantone 448 C shell cordovan
a bit hard to style IMO
edward green halifax

Sorry friend, but allen and edmonds have gone downhill in quality these last years. Unless they are really cheap I wouldn't bother.
Not as ugly as your fucked up face; those other one's aren't even chukkas anyway.
Chill bro. Multi coloured shoes are ugly
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Anyone got recs for a similar boot to these fw19 Ricks? The older archive Rick boots are impossible to find in good condition in my size don’t care about brand or price range just want something with a similar aggressive silhouette.
boondocker has come to mean natty rough out on whatever last your company uses in plain toe
hell parkurst even called the 5 inch meese a boondocker interpretation
viberg calls anything with a 4 row stitch at the quarters and 3 at the backstay a boondocker, even if it has a cap toe
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I need to buy some boots, i dont like buying online
whats a good brick and mortar to shop over a wide selection
classic works in taipei
division road
standard and strange
yes but theyre canadien
Sorry for being a dick Anon
buy Franks, nigs has jumped the shark and is a faggy mens fashion brand for lumbersexuals and blue collar cosplayers
I hate lumbersexuals so much it's unreal
Viberg 2030s or White's Semi-Dress? I want a great boot but I don't want to end up spoiled
Thanks Anon, you're the man
no im not.
It's a figure of speech, you're the best
im drinking myself to death.
pull yourself by the bootstraps my man
none of my boots have pull loops
its over
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The White's Semi Dress will spoil you, cause you'll realize you want that arch support all the time.
I was also Leaving Las Vegas, but my lust for boots is saving me
For me, it's because
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Get the White's for arch support and then the Vibergs later

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