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Previous thread: >>18310088

This is coming tomorrow you fags better be right
Guy selling this Iron Heart shirt for 90 bucks, might manage to lowball him even lower, would you cop? The thing is I am pretty sure he changed the buttons, they should be white, these look bad, I'd have to swap them for some mother of pearls ones. cop?
Just buy a pair of 501 repros and call it a day. You will spend years buying meme denims until you realize that the 40s-60s 501s are realistically the most well balanced with the best cuts.
Ugly ass shirt, wouldn’t buy regardless that it’s IH
I really don't care about repros at all. I care about nice and interesting clothes
yeah, I'd only buy it for the brand and supposed quality. Wouldn't go well with much other than denim too.
That was my mindset too in my first two years of getting into selvedge. Was really into Iron Heart (still am to an extent), samurai, PBJ, and all the other “interesting” textured denims. They have their place, but in the bigger picture of fashion the repro 501s are infinitely more versatile and can be easily incorporated into the majority of styles. They really do produce better fits. There are not many styles out there that allow for “le ultra heavy textured denim” in comparison, those denims are too loud. A 501 repro will still fade beautifully
>There are not many styles out there that allow for “le ultra heavy textured denim” in comparison
I don't even know what you mean by that. They're jeans
Thanks for confirming that you’re retarded or just trolling
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Can I get a rec for raw denim that is 30-32 in waist and 36 in length that is around $50?
I'm not trolling you, the premise that you have built your beliefs on is retarded. You're really telling me that your fit will fall apart because you swapped out for some slubby denim?
prison blues
he's right i've been into selvedge for 25 years the first half of it i was into meme fabrics and objective quality the second half my mentality has been: fit is everything and things like if the belt loops are tucked or how cool the denim is are secondary factors that can make the jeans even cooler but the fit's still everything. and i hate to say it but most of the brands doing meme fabrics are very stuck in 2010 fit wise. if you can do mid rises though there are brands like oni or tender & co with some solid cuts and meme fabrics.
also another thing i consider a lot more these days is the unique fading and aging characteristics of each denim. a lot of denims start off looking like any other boring redcast denim but are designed to age a specific way, for instance a lot of repro jeans are designed to pucker and crinkle more to look more like vintage jeans. brand new you'd never really know the difference because its a yarn tension thing.
I know this sounds retarded to say on the /fa/shion board. But I don't really care about style and things of that nature all too much. I like cool stuff, same reason I like mechanical watches and combustion engines.
actually raw:
red tornado - unsanforized 1 wash
uniqlo - sanforized

not quite 'raw' if you want to split hairs. a bit more processed but close. will fade similarly etc:
round house
wrangler cowboy cut product line
rustlers (raw version has to be ordered online to your walmart location they don't stock it in store)
prison blues

& if you're buying multiple pairs indonesian brands are worth considering. shipping is really high usually around $50 but you can get jap tier jeans for $50 a pair. returning is hard though you have to be confident on sizing.
Why do most people who buy raw denim roll up their cuffs? why can't they buy their size?
Raw denim is usually made with a single inseam length for all sizes and the expectation is that you either get it hemmed to the right length or cuff it to show off the selvedge line.
that's sounds pretentious
what other anon said
+ raws usually shrink the first few washes so you always wanna go a little long to begin with and leave a small cuff if you're going for a cuffless final fit.
+ men didn't hem their jeans for the first half of denim's history so if you're going for any kind of pre 60's vibe you want cuffs.
+ if you don't exclusively wear boots or exclusively wear shoes/sneakers you're going to have to cuff at some point.
cuffs own. the only thing bad about them is they make you look shorter and can catch dirt in them and snag on things. they have a lot of practical upsides for a working man like the ability to slightly shift the cuff and have brand new material exposed at the hem. there's practical upsides and downsides to both from that perspective.
i think they got a bad reputation because cuffs look gay as fuck and no longer make any practical sense on skinny jeans. the zoomer kneejerk hate for them is kind of justified. but cuffs look really good with wide fits and especially on black x black jeans.
its not pretentious its because these jeans aren't mass market and they're expensive. if you made them by specific inseam stockists would have to stock over 30 pairs of $300 jeans. by doing it this way they only have to stock waist sizes which is a lot more practical for the smaller businesses who tend to sell and make these things. this isn't unique to selvedge denim its something you see a lot with higher end pants.
resolute makes japanese selvedge denim that comes by specific inseam. they actually re pattern the entire leg for each inseam instead of just skewing it. their specialty.
Not really. Most raw denim retailers afaik offer a free (or very cheap) hemming service when you buy from them, so it's basically the same as buying the pants with a particular inseam length. It's also way harder for the relatively small businesses that stock raw denim to store tons of jeans for every inseam length.
There needs to be a denim sticky or something. I hate to ask but what are the best value 501 repros? Does Red tornado make one?

I mostly agree with you but also Wrangler cowboy cuts are just as good.
I'm the same. Which is why this is the only thread I care about on this board. I like clothes for the sake of clothes, not the fashion.
what are they pretending to be?
Yeah, red tornado is probably the absolute best value. I’d say the absolute best value for Japan made repros are TCBs, followed by Sugarcane. It’s ESPECIALLY good value if you order off Rakuten or some other Japan-based retailer. I think it’s like $150 for a pair of sugarcane 1947s
OK, shill me the best 501 repro jeans, the "one and done" kind.
>inb4 Iron Heart 1955
If only, something that's actually available for sale. No meme "they'll fall apart rapidly just like during wwII, tee hee" either.
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I thought cuffs were gay til I saw this fit. Had mine hemmed a little longer on my second pair to do a cuff.
Fucking degenerate. Who mixes work wear with formal wear? What kind of a hobo look is this? God I hate postmodernists so much it's unreal.
Because they want to show off the selvedge lines. And you shouldn't hem raw or any new jeans. They will shrink after a few washes, so you want to wait until then if you want to hem them.
I like cuffing my selvedge jeans. No, I'm not gonna stop doing it. No, I'm not gonna hem them. No, I don't care what a raging autist on /fa/ thinks. Don't (You) @me.
cop it king
I’m with you. However, I do have two pairs of 1947 sugarcane, one in indigo and the other in khaki and I like the cut. But I like my kid dyed sashiko studio d artisan pants and their cut too. I have a lot of fitted flannels that it pairs well with. My wife is European and I’m a slim athletic build so she likes fitted clothes on me
oh shit they look amazeballs, how's the sizing tho? is it accurate in inches for the waist?
unironically red tornado ww2 fit. you get the endgame repro cut without the cotton thread.
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Love it. I wish I was as happy as him
Is there a full size chart?
>t. Coach Rip Devotee
I was almost about to pull the trigger on their 5501 model. If only aliexpress' user interface wasn't so shit.
you can get them on ebay too. those are just middleman resellers with no association with the brand on aliexpress.

i gave my dad a pair and he went full redditface "they still make those?!?!?! they were my favorite jeans in the 80's!!!"
got my coal blacks on right now. i'll never be too much of a snob for a good pair of rustlers.
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Rustlers are based. Also the wrangler 5 stars are based too. I actually prefer them to the rustlers, the construction is just slightly better. But no rigid version unfortunately.
i really like the cheapass construction details on rustlers when they're in black. bar tacks everywhere just looks so clean and streamlined when they're new and wind up with a really cool high contrast look as the jeans fade out and approach light gray/white but the thread stays pitch black. something i wish i'd see more on black raws.
As an European, I'm not going to wear cringey larpy copey cowboy jeans. I listen to Italian prog and Berlin's techno, not Willie Nelson and Loretta Lynn.
Yup, a pair of Japanese meme fabric denim will work out great for me.
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That's an American living in Tokyo as a parasite.
Where do you get your black ones from? I think I remember hearing that there’s a difference between Amazon, Walmart.com, and Walmart physical store Rustlers
They aren't really cowboy jeans, that's just how the 2012 mfa tier american redditors on this board act. When I was in Tokyo lots of clean cut urban type guys and cutesy girls were wearing selvedge denim. It's way more common over there and you see it on a way wider variety of people.
Maybe you should be listening to them, you might learn something
Not sure if the other IH 634 guy is lurking in here, but I just got my overdyed black 634s and honest to god I love the fit. I’ve always been one to shit on IH for a while for what seemed to be sub par cuts, but the 634 is actually really great for what it is. It’s not a relaxed/wide leg, but it still fits like a straight cut. The rise is pretty low to what I’m used to, but it sits above my ass really nice without any sag. Leg mobility is great too, the same cannot be said for the 888. If you guys are on the fence about getting the 888 or the 1955, just give up on those and get a 634. I have slightly larger than average thighs and had to get one size larger than my usual IH size (usually
a size 34 in the 888, got size 35 in these), but the waist still fits really nice and I don’t feel like the thighs are suffocating my legs.
Buy some Rick Owens Geth jeans
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I've been wearing my wranglies way more than my red tornadies.
nice black trousers
People shit on cuffs, but they can actually make the proportions of your fit look really nice
From those pictures the fit looks like shit.
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I cuff my non-selvedge jeans.
I was actually considering the 634. I beleive you got 13mwzs too, how do the box and rise compare between the two?
They look good actually.
This. Especially when you wear high-rise jeans, they become essential.
Great fit. Yeah I love my 634s. I'm getting the 1955 when they restock, too, the fit seems perfect.
The 13mwz definitely fits slim, but the fabric is forgiving. The rise on the 13mwz is also slightly higher, not by much though. Either way, the top block on each pair fits really nice. If you want the leg on the 634 to fit similarly to the 13mwz, get your true IH waist size. If you want an actual straight leg fit, size one up like I did
>baggy ass
japanese model has no ass puriisu understand (bow emoji)
i have a ton of pairs i've been buying the shits since i was a teenager. last pair was purchased @ walmart in store sku 87619 and its the no coin pocket 5 belt loop version of the straight fit. ebay searching the sku confirms the sku's consistent. there's a reddit post about rustler sku's that comes up on google but its wrong -- i would correct it but imagine having a r*ddit account. my 7 belt loop coin pocket ones are all older and they're sku87623. can't remember where i bought them over the years.
btw consider the bootcut version. its a tapered straight fit not a true boot cut, the name lies. its 1" wider leg opening and a milder taper angle, more like you'd expect on a 40's repro type fit. if you size up an inch or two its a solid modern up to date fit of jeans and looks better with sneakers/shoes than the normal straight fit. the same is true of the wrangler cowboy cut 945 boot jean btw. also a tapered straight fit with a milder taper angle than the 13mwz's. i think its the superior version to 13mwz if you're not going for the slim fit cowboy look.

the rise on 634's really isn't much of a downside if you wear your shirts untucked. as long as your belt makes it over your hip shelf, they cover your ass and its comfortable how high your rise is doesn't matter when your shirt is untucked it all looks the same. i'm a big time tucker but most zoomer/millenial dudes i see in my area always wear their shirts untucked.
if i didn't have a high hip shelf (1.5" belt barely makes it over and i know they'll shrink) i'd have no issues with the cut. i pair my midrise pants with a little bit slimmer of shirts/jackets and my high rise ones with fuller or boxier cuts.
bears sizes up most of their model pics too. because japs barely ever buy their jeans tts. sufu resolute thread prly has some dece fit pics of tts and sized up on western physiques.
good call on sizing up your fit looks great. nailed it.
Where is the Ironheart 1955 restock
I like jeans with high-contrast stitching lines.
grown-assed men look utterly foolish with their pants rolled up like this as if you're a full-grown oversized toddler.
why won't anyone admit that this looks bad?
it looks bad
I have an ass from lifting weights and the 634 sits right above the ass really nicely, literally zero sag. Looking forward to the overdyed black fabric to stretch out a bit

I’m lucky enough to live near self edge, so I was able to go try on sizes 34 and 36. Size 36 was slightly to loose, so I ordered size 35 directly from IH

I’m assuming it’s going to be in December
>two more weeks
>cuffs are gay
it's true

>I'm not gonna stop looking like a child
let your freak flag fly homie


>People shit on cuffs, because they look dumb
more power to you

keep cuffing your pants, i honestly get a kick out of you people when i see you in the wild
Literally just browse their forum. The IH employees said that it’s probably going to be a December restock
I think the answer in the forum weeks ago said "November-ish." So, before the end of the year, I assume.
The ass isnt baggy unless you buy them too loose. And they expand a lot so you need to buy them REALLY tight. After a few weeks the fit is absolutely perfect tho
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zamn, should be just 12 oz but feels heavy as fuck, 2-3 times my 12 oz Levis. Off a good start.
I will make an imgur of pics of them (Red Tornado in OP) if anyone wants me to
Anyone know why sometimes 2 brands listed as the same weight feel dramatically heavier/lighter? My Unbranded 21oz seem noticeably thicker than my Iron Heart 21oz.
For like $400 per pair of jeans, do you guys think that Iron Heart is actually worth it? I think if we were paying the actual Japan prices the answer would be yeah, but do you think their IH international prices are still worth it?
not a single piece of clothing is worth that much, buy used or "used" clothes for way less. My moggening wardrobe is built with sub 100, not even, sub 50 € garments of the good to great quality stuff. Today I bought a 100% cashmere Loro Piana sport coat for 30 €. You just need to live in the right country and git gud at finding bargains. 400 bucks for workwear is ridiculous, maybe some very nice boots, but jeans? Just buy a pair for half of it, no need to pair extortion prices, look on ebay, marketplace, whatever. No matter how rich, if you pay that much for any jeans you are a literal cuck
>maybe $400 for some really nice boots
There are some really good value boots for $400, but if you want “really nice” boots, i.e. handwelted with high quality veg tan and clean stitching and finishing, they’re realistically never going to cost $400. That shit will be $800 bare minimum. No boot maker who is making boots like that will be charging less than that. It just doesn’t make sense for them
100% this. This board is the epitome of ridicule with the blind belief that "you get what you pay for". This is a sort of sacred law for cucks. Truth is that the quality equals the high price only very occasionally.
>My moggening wardrobe is built with sub 100, not even, sub 50€ garments of the good to great quality stuff. Today I bought a 100% cashmere Loro Piana sport coat for 30€
Same here. Last week I found a 100% wool Trussardi sweater for 30€ and a 100% cashmere sweater made in Scotland for 10€. You literally only need to know where to look (and live in Europe, probably).
However I agree with the other anon when it comes to shoes. Good and durable shoes start from 200-250€. Unless you're able to find a good pair of used ones. It is possible, and again I got a pair of Derby's for 30€.
holy lmao imagine being self concious about flipping a bit of cloth up at the bottom of your pants like men have been doing since trousers came into fashion.
you sound like an insufferable fag.

thrifting hasn't been viable in america for over 10 years. terminally urbanite brainrot.
You CAN spend $400 on a shirt. It's your business. But do not pretend like your clothes are better than anyone else's.
>not a single piece of clothing is worth that much
Lmao, sorry but not everyone wants to wear 30-50 year old pieces of clothing after someone else’s sloppy seconds. If textiles today are manufactured on older vintage machines, the materials are sourced ethically, and the employees are paid livable wages to cut patterns and sew the patterns together, paying $400 for some pieces of clothing is actually not that insane. Realistically, iron hearts should be priced for what they sell for in Japan (~$200), but I have a feeling hat you would still be bitching about that price too. You have to keep in mind that these higher end heritage brands are putting maybe a 200% markup on their clothing. In comparison, Levi’s spends like $10 to produce a pair of jeans to then markup at least 600% for like $60-70.
lol this
they're bitching about brands that are less than 2% of the fashion industry, mostly proprietor owned small to medium sized businesses, and have a much better ratio of materials and labor cost -> final price than the industry standard (which is 10x minimum.)
they don't realize cheap clothes cost so little to make you're actually getting less for your money with a $20 than a $200 sweater.
If you care about livable wages and materials sourced ethically, anything that was made in EU/US fifty years ago is orders of magnitude better than any present-day counterpart.
Still, I do appreciate brands such as Left Field NYC or Railcar Fine Goods. But don't charge hundreds of dollars for a shirt. That's fucking retarded. And that's why brands like Round House come into existence.
not to mention saying you should buy used RAW DENIM JEANS lmao something that's hyper personalized. then there's things like vintage silhouette wool jackets that literally got eaten by moths and its a godsent these brands make them.
the vintage articles things like japanese repro jeans compare to go for like $1000-25,000+ the shit jeans you see at the thrift store don't compare in any regard and aren't a replacement.
>they don't realize cheap clothes cost so little to make you're actually getting less for your money with a $20 than a $200 sweater
You say that because you're ignorant. You can't tell a good garment from a bad one. Some of the sweaters that go for $20 in the right places used to cost $200 fifty years ago. You're just a cuck.
The European mind can't comprehend buying new clothes or paying for shipping
round house is only cheap because the textile mill they use mt vernon mills operates at ungodly scale.

>Some of the sweaters that go for $20 in the right places used to cost $200 fifty years ago.
no they didn't. anything you can buy for $20 at most cost around $2 to make.

>You say that because you're ignorant. You can't tell a good garment from a bad one.
lol dude i used to source textile for a well known brand you'd know right away if i named. multiple of my friends are stockists and my mom used to be a stockist. i know what things cost to make and what the industry standard manufacturer and stockist markup is. i know a lot more than you trust.

this stuff goes right over their head because their entire continent never had high grade cotton until modern globalism took off.
>anything you can buy for $20 at most cost around $2 to make
Okay retard! Whatever you say!
I just don't want to waste entire days of my life shuffling through people's used shit to find that one nice piece of clothing in the entire store that doesn't even fit me anyways. I'm just not going to do it.
>all lowercase posts
>writes like a brainlet
>"I know more that you I swear!!!"
>anything that was made in EU/US fifty years ago is orders of magnitude better than any present-day counterpart
You are completely retarded. Iron Heart’s build quality on an objective scale is quite literally built better than any actual vintage piece of clothing. Not everybody wants authentic vintage 100% cotton thread that degrades after a year of constant wear. If you want the true vintage spec, there are plenty of jap repro companies that specialize in this (the real mccoys, buzz rickson)
No one was talking about vintage jeans, you fucking bottomless-pit brain.
what are you even bitching about? you know vintage clothes are like 10x the price of repro for all the decades that aren't shit?
YOU are talking about vintage clothing dumbass
>anything that was made in EU/US fifty years ago is orders of magnitude better than any present-day counterpart.
Did you forget what you said?
Not all people on the planet were born with burger memes inside their skulls. They're just jeans.
Buying old used clothing is really not the flex you think it is.
If you want actual repros, buy chink selvedge. Cotton is even picked by slaves for that extra autenthicity.
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lmao the tooth rot went to your brain.

are you stupid? repro means reproduction the term has nothing to do with jeans. it means reproduction of a vintage piece of clothing.
i want a 1930's wool jacket. they have a very unique cool cut and no modern equivalent exists.
vintage ones start at $2500 on up to like $15,000 because moths ate 99% of them.
hey cool japanese guys make one brand new just like the original for 500 dollarydoos.
I never mentioned vintage jeans, you brain-rotting jackass. I actually said I really appreciate brands such as Left Field and RFG, among many others. Guess what they make? New jeans, you got that right.
what's the difference between left field and [insert japanese brand]?
None. The whole discussion was around overpriced pairs of jeans. Retards who brag about spending 450 bucks for a pair that has literally nothing to set it apart from a 200 one.
got my veg tan Santoni for 75 woth tree insoles too lmao. I pity newclothescucks.
I doubt you don't find quality selvedge denim thriftshopping in american. You have retailers for japanese brands and a much bigger reddit culture surrounding denim and cowboycore blue collar larping. So don't give me that bullshit, admit you are lazy.
my opinion is you are a cuck, not that you shouldn't be one. On the contrary, buy more new clothes for 400 so I can buy them from you still new for a quarter of it. Cucks and grandpas make my wardrobe happy.
I am not buying them new, simple as, not worth 400, 200 sure, maybe, wouldn't complain, still would buy a pair worn once for half of it anyway. Just like with cars, buying new is retarded but I thank whoever is cuck enough to do it unironically
so im gonna lowball it and say a pair of selvedge jeans costs like $50 to make
retails for $200.
what's the big issue? industry standard for even the cheapest clothes at the mall is a 10x markup from cost to make to final price. the industry standard is a 5x markup from the manufacturer over materials+labor and another 5x by the stockist. this isn't all profit much of it goes to overhead like paying for social media teams, advertising budgets, hr harpies, retail space etc. the bigger the brand and the cheaper the clothes the more overhead and bullshit there is.
you're getting a good deal with handmade japanese stuff because these brands don't have massive overhead its usually more like a few extra employees outside of the people making the actual jeans to do things like run an ig page and take model photos. then on top of that the yen is weak against american currency and there's retailers willing to circumvent the tariffs.
>this stuff goes right over their head because their entire continent never had high grade cotton until modern globalism took off
Maybe. We have some of the best silk, wool, cashmere and leather in the world though.
How many authentic cotton mills are left in the USA? Three? Maybe four? Topkek, brother.
i've seen selvedge jeans maybe a small handful of times in my life thrifting. i don't think you realize how bad it is here. the thrift stores scan through all the donations and put anything good on ebay or their own auction websites. my local thrift store has been nothing but uniqlo slop priced ABOVE retail for the last 10 years and i live in a major city.
raw jeans are hyper personalized so you lose that experience of custom fades and creases that fit your body perfectly even if you do find a used pair, its not the same.

>You have retailers for japanese brands and a much bigger reddit culture surrounding denim and cowboycore blue collar larping. So don't give me that bullshit, admit you are lazy
those guys donate their jeans to their favorite store's fade wall not goodwill. and i don't want reddit fit.

>I am not buying them new, simple as, not worth 400, 200 sure, maybe, wouldn't complain, still would buy a pair worn once for half of it anyway. Just like with cars, buying new is retarded but I thank whoever is cuck enough to do it unironically
why are you even on a fashion forum? like cool we get it scarcity mentality defines all your actions and you're extremely miserly. cool.
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damn I got you cucks coping hard af, I should try the same in the boots thread where people spend thousands on their ugly clown shoes lol
the jeans you are buying are in no way shape or form from a "small medium sized business" lmao I know you wanna feel special but you are buying stuff from Japan and paying 200 dollars ln importing clothes, do you think these guys are not making banks? 400$ a pair to all of reddit male fashion?
>being the best at consumerism and reckless spending is a flex for the hypercapitalist US brainrotten mind
as I said, lazy, and not everybody needs to be into fashion and clothes anyway
>saving many thousands and mogging you is not a flex
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we get it you don't like used clothes. what compels you to come in here and bitch about the literal most fairly priced used clothes on the entire market with often half the industry standard markup? go bitch in the sneaker thread if you want to bitch about something extremely overpriced.
you sound like a dumb ass.

>the jeans you are buying are in no way shape or form from a "small medium sized business"
>do you think these guys are not making banks? 400$ a pair to all of reddit male fashion?
man you are extremely low iq.
i have explained twice now: the industry standard for a garment priced at $200 is for it to cost $20 to make.
$200 jeans cost more like $50-90 to make.
can you do arithmetic you drooling european retard?
>i don't think you realize how bad it is here.
NTA but europoor too. Thrifting fucking ecploded in the last five years or so. The prices skyrocketed and trendy zoomers and insfluencers pick the racks clean of anything remotely wearable. Last time I went thrifting there was this zoomerette e-girl throwing death stares at me. Girl, I'm a man in the mens section, the fuck are you doing here?
i get thinking clothes are overpriced.
what i don't get is coming into the denim thread of all places to bitch about that. our clothes are the least overpriced clothes in the entire garment industry.

that's the beginning of the end. i remember when i used to be able to pull designer clothes out of the thrift store on a semi regular basis. yeah good memories, 20 years ago.
Let me make this easier for you since you seem to be retarded
>ANYTHING that was made in EU/US fifty years ago is orders of magnitude better than any present-day counterpart.
You’re shifting the goal post at the last minute because you realized you can’t backup such a large statement as, “absolutely no piece of clothing is worth $400”.
>errmmm well, TECHNICALLY I didn’t explicitly mention jeans even though the entire conversation was started about jeans.
I know it’s hard for a lot of poor Zoomers to realize this, but clothing that is actually made well with vintage machinery, high quality ethically sourced materials, and ethically paid labor is going to cost $200-400 for a pair of jeans.
>“absolutely no piece of clothing is worth $400”
Never said that. >>18316912 "the quality equals the high price only very occasionally".
Want further insight? I think selvedge jeans, shoes and leather goods should cost hundreds of bucks. AS I SAID. But that's a 5% of a wardrobe. Here I'm talking to people who'll spend $400 for a fucking FLANNEL SHIRT jesus christ. You're ridiculous.
Visit Italy, they'll make a custom tailored shirt for you after taking measurements on your body directly in the shop for 150€. You're just a fucking burger cuck who has never seen anything outside of his little courtyard.
The biggest store here, which used to be dirt cheap, made a new section called "vintage" where all the cool stuff goes at a considerable markup from their usual slop. You can still get a few deals. I almost took home a bunch of Harris Tweed jackets for 6€ a piece to resell, but I couldn't take them home that day. They were all gone the following day.
you'll get a 150€ flannel with off the shelf fabrics.
>my point is I only buy sued clothes
>we get it you don't like used clothes
the 200 $ are actually 400 and you have no idea how much they profit off them, stop making up numbers, everyone is buying from them internationally, they are not a mom and pop shop like you are trying convey, not even close
you know there's a thing called the internet for thriftshopping too, right? Yeah you are not gonna find them easily at goodwill or whatever. and I am on a fashion forum BECAUSE I don't buy new shit for extortion prices
hate girls in man sections, they know we can't do the opposite. in person thrifting has become bad lately, yes
If you spend 400 on any jeans, especially considering people here buy multiple for no reason, you are a cuck, I was answering a question someone asked. I am sorry you guys feel attacked by this statement, but it's the truth, you could be buying a lot more interesting clothes with those money but alas
cuck lol "it's normal to have to spend 400 for good quality clothing in 2024" no it's not lol
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holyyyyyyyyy fuck you are a stupid dipshit, unbelievably retarded, really fucking dumb. i'm not making up numbers you can easily look up how many yards of selvedge denim (the roll is narrower than projectile loomed) it takes to make jeans and look up the price range selvedge costs per yard easily.
the industry standard markup being a 5x + 5x is not a mystery either its common knowledge you total dipshit mouthbreathing retard.
You haven't even reached the peak or Mount Stupid, you know that?
>cuck lol "it's normal to have to spend 400 for good quality clothing in 2024" no it's not lol
clothes made in the first world? that's pretty normal. european menswear of the same level of quality isn't any cheaper. and takes far more liberties with the "made in" tag.
read back our posts you sound unbelievably dumb. i've quite literally designed a pair of selvedge jeans that retailed for $200 and were made in america. i know exactly what they cost to make.
i don't think you realize a $200 garment that costs $50 to make is a very very good deal by normal standards in the garment industry. and i'm super lowballing the 50 that's more like just materials realistically.
you're complaining about the clothes with the one of the if not the best ratio of cost of materials + labor -> final cost in the entire garment industry. and comparing it to used clothes prices from the time periods no one wants. so dumb.
Guys wtf, these jeans are 20 cm larger in the waist than expected, I thought the measurements the sellers give you for the sizes are of the jeans themselves, my gf says they actually refer to my body measurements??? what the fuck noooooo Aliexpress plsss let me return them to china free of charge reeeeee
20mm? just dunk the waistband in boiling water then throw a belt on lel.
20 CM, 8 inches, no hot water or belt is saving me, they supposedly shrink only 2 cm max on waist.
bruh what the fuck send those back. that's not right.
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I don't fucking get it, am I wrong? I thought these were for the jeans, not for the wearer wtf. I would need to buy 2 sizes less. Why the fuck would you state all those trousers-specific measurements then like front and back rise and leg opening
Ppst pic of jeans plus tape. The meassurements on the chart match more or less the meassurements of the jeans I own in the same tag size (different brands and models).
Just learn English dude
>Alibaba express
>gets scammed
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this is a W33, it's 92 cm of waist being conservative, not 84 wtf
Not unless you really want them. You can buy other brands that are still really good for way less. Iron Heart is one of the best but it really depends what you are looking for.
Did you try them on? To my knowledge what brands do to meassure the waist is meassuring flat and then doubling said meassurement (sometimes they don't). So a waist 33 should be 42cm flat or 84 doubled.
Maybe they sent the wrong size? Looks like a 36.
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yes I thought so too, it's 42 x 2 it checks out. Great fucking job using a measurement that is nowhere near the real waist of the trousers, really fucking helpful, here I was comparing all my high waisted trousers to know for sure the size was right. Size inside the jeans says 33 woth even the cm of the waist specified.
where else are you buying chinese jeans from, smart ass. And I wasn't scammed, red tornado sizing ss just plain wrong
Check the rest of the meassurements and compare to the chart. Perhaps they just messed up the tag.
nope, front and back rise are only 1-2 cm off. Crazy. I also had noticed that for the same item there are different size charts other sellers provide, also just found one with even wrong size names. but they are all wrong, none is even close to the real measurements.

Thankfully, with pictures proving this, it seems Aliexpress will cover everything, shipping back included. Will sizing down 2 sizes be enough? I will ask the seller if he can measure them for me beofre placing an order
Looks like those could fit two (You)s inside.
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Hey guys, how do I look? Just got these bad boys today.
Yes just contact the seller before buying again and ask for a picture of the pair you are buying with measurements.
I don't have much experience buying from aliexpress, but friend of mine does and apparently sizing being all over the place is quite common. I was expecting high quality brands would be better, but chinks gonna chink, I guess.
More like ten years ago.
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Yet you could not fit 2 me inside you, if you catch my drift
>two more weeks
really doesn't make sense. All the attention to details and screw up the most basic and important thing.

btw, are they even selvedge? Raw denim n shit? Wheres the funny coloured fabric to show to the other redditors? Helloooo????
>>being the best at consumerism and reckless spending is a flex for the hypercapitalist US brainrotten mind
>I-is that capitalism? Save me Karl Marx!
Ironic that the Eurocommie refuses to buy clothing from places that pay their workers a livable wage and instead buys second hand shit from stores that got it for free and pay their workers minimum wage.
>insufferable fag.
pants cuffer detected.
do what you want bud, but you look like a man-child if you cuff your dungarees. everyone who notices you thinks this and judges you. you know it's true.
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>le consumerism vs le comunism
nobody working class in Japan gets paid a livable wage lol, they are giving pennies to whoever is making your jeans and they most probably are overworked to shit, just for you to have le japanese redditor favourite jeans. Wow much ethical.
>pointing our consoomerism makes you a commie
psyopped by the ruskies to this day, you lost the cold war hard
and I am solely giving money to privates these days.
Not selvedge
>really doesn't make sense. All the attention to details and screw up the most basic and important thing.
the sellers on aliexpress are just re-sellers. they have no association with the brands they sell. they're just people who buy bulk and re-sell them on ali.
sometimes they're braindead and post the wrong size chart. i always double check with these brands' official store pages on taobao to make sure its actually the right size chart.
aliexpress is really easy to return shit to. they've really improved that the last few years.

measure one side of it flat for me and post a pic. the way you have it looped around isn't how you measure pants. it looks like 43cm x 2 = 86cm in your pic to me not 92cm. which is bang on what they say the size 33 is supposed to be.
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the average textile worker in osaka makes 52k usd a year.

holy fucking LOL imagine your grip on your masculinity is so weak that you go through life worrying that if you cuff your pants someone might mistake you for a redditor. thats wiiiiild.

you sound like a dunce. LOL. tooth rot went to the brain terminal.
lol imagine you wake up one day you live in council housing and you're so poor you have to convince yourself ethical labor and higher quality clothes that cost more than a gum wrapper to make can't possibly exist.
>imagine your grip on your masculinity etc
i just think it looks foolish. however you seem to be showing your insecurity by posting your hilarious replies
>you seem to be showing your insecurity by posting your hilarious replies
talk about projecting seeing as
>but you look like a man-child if you cuff your dungarees
you're the one saying you're worried that you will look like a manchild if you cuff your jeans.
>talk about projecting seeing as
>you're the one saying you're worried that you will look like a manchild if you cuff your jeans.
your comprehension skills are weak.
i didn't say i was worried about anything.
i said you will look like a man-child. and you know this a fact.
>your comprehension skills are weak.
oh no anon you're mistaken. my reading comprehension is great. you're projecting insecurity that you look similar to a manchild and cuffing your jeans would throw it over the edge. those kinds of thoughts don't plague normal peoples minds.
The other anon is right. You’re a nigger faggot if you’re afraid to roll sleeves or cuff pants.
t pant hemming preferrer
I got my 21oz Iron Hearts for $320 brand new on Ebay. Got a flannel brand new for $320, too. Only tried on. Still a lot, but more stomachable price.
Nah you’re the fag.
eBay has some good finds. $320 for a flannel sounds like a lot. The markup must be much higher than their jeans I’d imagine.
>Denim general has ~75 replies at 12:00 pm Pacific Time
>Anon asks if Iron Hearts are worth $400
>immediately 80 replies of bickering between the autist denim residents
Kek. You definitely see these photos from like 10-15 year old sufu and IH forum posts
samefag & poverty coping
I own iron hearts if it matters. Crazy how contentious it is for people to spend money on clothes they like
its unbelievably annoying that every thread over and over again some poor faggot has to sperg about how he can't conceive spending more than $20 on jeans.
Yeah. Guess what, I spent $400 on some jeans and they are fucking rad. Think I’m a retard? Well, guess who has iron hearts and who doesn’t. Yeah, that’s right, pussy
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I bought an Iron Heart N1, went with XXXL at first because I am a big man. IH emails me back asking if I'm sure about the size, they tell me i should be good with XXL. Order the XXL, super fucking excited to get it. it arrives, I find out I can't comfortably wear anything more than a t-shirt under it. now I have to exchange for the fucking size I wanted in the first place. I'm so fucking mad. from now on when I want new IH shit im just going to the local store I found out about recently.
Are they a good value for the price you’re paying? No not at all. I have 21oz 634s and they just look and feel like jeans. There’s nothing special about them. It’s just a hobby thing.
Yeah, goes with any brand. Always better to just try on in person. If it makes you feel better, jackets in my experience are really hard to size based off size charts if it’s a thickboi jacket and not some regular denim type III. Once you amass a few jeans and jackets, you get a decent size chart and respective tolerances for whenever you are looking for a new piece online
I’ll say this a lot in denim threads, but iron heart is like the Gibson or Fender Custom Shop of jeans. They are really fucking nice, but it’s a perfect example of point of diminishing returns with respect to price. They know they have something really special, so it’s no question that people are going to always be willing to pay whatever price they put on it

yeah i just hope the exchange process isn't too difficult, if they even let me exchange at all.
Despite all the shit talking of iron heart going on, their customer service is actually really great. As long as you didn’t make the mistake of wearing the jacket in for like a day or two and removing all the tags, I can’t imagine they would reject an exchange
this looks indescribably bad
I looked at them and felt them up in Japan but liked my kapital denim more. I think they were similar price too.
Pure autism in an image.
this. i think a lot of the younger guys on here can't fathom this but there's a lot of people out there who want the best version of x and things like value or the price aren't even a consideration for them if they really like it. for the record i don't even like iron heart or own any of their stuff. but the idea of complaining about the price so much constantly is so strange to me. $400 is maybe slightly above average price in the world of high end rtw pants.
and one can be that kind of consumer but still appreciate a good value. personally i never think of the price with my grails unless its insane or way out of proportion to what it is. but i also like and really apppreciate cheap jeans i can fuck up and not care about and recommend online easily. there's an inherent value and coolness to that which my nicer pants lack. never understood the pissing match between the two camps both types of jeans are cool.

yeah i imagine its pretty good. unfortunately i took off the tags the night i got it, i tried it on with just a t-shirt and it felt alright. then this past weekend I bought a thick IH long sleeve first and tried it on with that. not as much space, and that's when i decided i should have sized up
I own iron hearts, samurais, and various jap repros as well as some wranglers. There’s no reason why anyone can’t compartmentalize their clothing this way. I use my wranglers for actually dirty work, and I save all my jap denim for everyday casual wear. I don’t baby my jap denim, but I’m also not going to be spending $300-400 for a pair of jeans to just destroy them in 1-2 years. I can totally understand why some people can’t fathom spending that much on jeans, but yeah you said it best. There’s lots of people who don’t give a fuck about price and are willing to pay for the best version of something. These jap selvedge brands just so happen to be the best version of jeans
i'm wearing a pair of $300 jeans layered under my $12 rustler jeans right now because its cold.
13mwz good for a non boot fag?
I wear them with converse sometimes and I think they look p good
Your rustler wisdom is invaluable
I have hemorrhoids, they ended up leaking and now I have to wash my raw jeans earlier than I wanted because the ass smells like ass. Fuck my life.
Nah you got the right size. You will not always be wearing a 12oz flannel.
Wish I had a reason to wash my jeans. If they don't get dirty I never know when is the right time.
>Wish I had a reason to wash my jeans
Try being constipated for 2 weeks and then annihilating your anus pushing out a turd that's so big you have to use the handle of your plunger to carve it into flushable chunks. You'll have a reason to wash your jeans after that.
This sounds made up. However I do pee a lot outside in the dark and I can’t feel or see the last few drops of piss leaving. So it drips into my underwear sometimes and a stale pissy smell develops on the crotch of my jeans after a month of no wash.
>It’s just a hobby thing.
A lot of people fail to realize this. Past the functionality of wearing clothes, being into fashion is deep down just another hobby. Much like car guys spending thousands on restoring old cars that they mostly use for a short ride on weekends; or "musicians" who have never gotten paid a single dime dime for playing yet own thousands of dollars on equipment.
The good stuff in fashion is usually right past the point of diminishing returns. You see it in denim, high end leather jackets, boots or watches. A 30 dollar casio keeps time better than a 30k rolex, but the guy buying a rolex doesn't do it for the functionality.
It's OK if you don't get it or if it's not for you. But sperging about it for hours is rettarded. You won't see me shitposting on a stamp collectors forum about how ridiculous is spending hundreds or thousands on stamps.
>This sounds made up

I wish I was making it up too.

>So it drips into my underwear sometimes and a stale pissy smell develops on the crotch of my jeans after a month of no wash.

Peeing standing up is inefficient, you're working against your body and there's normally going to be some piss left in your dick, especially if you're a shower not a grower. If you're peeing standing up, press up on the area behind your balls and before your ass aka the taint. You can do this over your jeans, you don't have to reach inside or anything and you don't need a lot of force, just some firm but gentle pressure. It will help get the last bit of piss out. Do that and shake a couple of times, and I guarantee your problem will be solved.
Not selvedge, has another name I can't remmember. Fabric looks good, though.
>I have 21oz 634s and they just look and feel like jeans. There’s nothing special about them. It’s just a hobby thing.

NTA but I think you may need to adjust how you're looking at it. Sure a $300 pair may look like a $60 pair, but the quality of the denim will be higher and at that point you're also getting a higher variety. If you want quick fades there's denim that will do it, same if you want slow fades to preserve the raw color longer. If you want smooth, silky denim there's options, if you want rough, hairy denim with lots of texture there's options. You can pretty much pick the dimensions that will fit you the best as well. Whatever combination of rise, thigh width and leg opening you want, you'll be able to find it.
If you compare a cheap pair of jeans and an expensive pair side by side laying on the ground, they'll probably look alot alike. But if you compare them on a person, especially after a few months of wear, the differences become more readily apparent.

Now, from a purely functional standpoint, does the $300 pair do anything different than the $60 pair? Probably not, unless you get some heavier denim that will keep you warmer in the winter or some shit. But that's true for almost all garments.
Beyond a certain baseline, all fashion is a hobby. If you're clothed and protected from the elements,cheap clothes "function" just as well as expensive ones. But if you're trying to hit a certain look or present yourself in a certain way, you'll have more options to do so with more expensive garments. That's all fashion is, it holds true for suits, jeans, coats, shoes, etc.
as I said it 42 x 2 checks out measuring flat, but in no way it is how you measure trousers, even the most clueless private seller always gives you the actual circumference, let alone tailors. 84 cm is indicative of no real measurements, it's useless and highly dependent on how high the rise is on the specific jeans. I checked the other measurements and they are fine, they just ignore to put the only one that matters.
Already got my money back, props to Aliexpress.
guess it's raw but not selvedge
>640 for the simplest workwear fir
that's cope and you know it
this, jeans are jeans, maybe they can have a good cut, interesting colour, but nobody cares nor notices if they are high quality or not, which is one of the reasons why everyone is so adamant to show their little selvedge cuffs.
raw denim?
>raw denim?
I mean the type of stitching. Another anon told on another thread how's that selvedge lookalike is called, but can't remmember.
>japanese selvedge denim is some of the cheaper shit in my closet
>100 posts complaining about the price of some of the lowest markup clothes in the entire garment industry
lol poors and kids are hilarious.
almost as funny as the seething about cuffs they all do.

lol nah i have people point out and notice my jeans all the time.
dunno about these days but back in my 20's they got me laid a ton and i had a few long term girlfriends start off with a 'nice jeans anon'

ya works fine. i think the cowboy cut 945 boot jean looks a little slightly better with sneakers though. the name lies its not actually boot cut its a tapered straight fit. basically 13mwz but with an inch wider leg opening.

i had my dick head split open from abrasion rubbing against nylon shorts 9 hours into a hike it was brutal. never freeball if you're circumcised.
the difference in fit is immediately noticeable from mass market jeans unless you fucked up and didn't dress to your body type.
>never freeball if you're circumcised
I don't. The fucking hemorrhoids leaked/oozed through the underwear and the smell got on my jeans. I have zero idea what the fluid is, it's not blood and it's not shit, and now that it's out they deflated.
Fuck my life I have to go to the ass doctor and I'm in America so there went my life savings.
Guys this is not the sort of butt-talk I want from my raw denim harem boys...
Anyone paying IronHeart International prices is a certified retard.

If you can afford that you can afford to go on holiday to Japan, do other cool stuff and pick up some jeans while there.
jesus christ lmao
They look great anon. And they'll only get comfier from there. With the OD you don't need to worry at all about shrinkage
Different anon here. 13mwz has ~1" higher front and back rise than the 634. That's at a tag 32 for the Wranglers (12"/16" after ~3 hot washes and dries), and 11"/15" on a tag 33 for the Iron Hearts.

I wear the Wranglers almost at my navel and the IH sit maybe 3" below my belly button on the hip shelf. The IH top block is definitely a bit sloucher, esp after the fabric stretches, but it's still fitted enough that mobility is comparable between the two cuts.

The thigh on both feels pretty similar, with the IH having slightly more room through the knee and below. Iirc the leg opening is 0.5" wider.

I'll post a comparison fit pic later today between the 634 and my black 13mwz
Just gripped this icy little pair of timecatcher 60s 501 repros, super starchy, very different fabric from my red tornadoes
i don't love the fade color it's too turquoise and muddy
>wearing kike-made trousers
Yeah I was surprised at that, we will see what happens as I wear and wash them. The fit is good though.
Are you proud of the choices that led you to being here, now, writing that weak ass shit in the men's denim fetishist thread on /fa/?
I'm hesitant to recommend True Religion because of their tacky designs and... well, they're nigger jeans. But you don't get higher contrast stitching than them.
This would actually be fire if the pockets and cut weren't so tacky.
>after a year of wearing and washing my selvedge jeans are now the perfect fade
>thread now starts to bust in several places
Hello I just got my first pair of selvedge jeans. From the N&F made in Japan line to be particular. Anything I should know from the get go? When should I wash?
A kike designed every jeans you've ever worn. How does it feel being a buckbroken goy?
Leave it as a long as possible then wear them into the sea.
If you want high contrast fades wear them for 3-6 months before they touch water. After that you can be more lenient with washing. If you want vintage less contrasty fades wash them once or twice a month.
If you belong to the second group, should you wash them the day you get them in the mail, even before wearing them, or should you wash them after two or three wears?
No unless they’re raw/unsanforized and you need to shrink them before you can wear them. Just wash them when they seem dirty. Could be once a week or once a month depending on your life.
>American garment is a Jewish garment
No, not surprised at all.
I have heard of the denim dye possibly "bleeding" onto stuff. Is that an issue I can avoid? And yeah I just wanna fade them regularly.
Just don't sit on white sofas or wear white shoes for the first couple of washes
Ocbd recs with good collar roll? I remember some people mentioning them a few threads ago but I don't have the strength to go back through the archive.
Jakes of London. I assume you fly in regularly for business?
I actually do not like flying to London desu.
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if they're really starchy when you get them you can soak them to remove it. less starch leads to less contrasty fades and less sharp of creases.
How do I tell if they're really starchy?
Maybe picking up some shirts would cheer you up.
there's no such thing as too starchy. all personal preference. if they feel like cardboard and you don't like it soak em.
>best silk, wool, cashmere and leather in the world though
Comes from china, ain't nobody raising silkworms in Europe
Comes from china Europe has like 4 fabric mills / spinners left on the whole continent that work with cashmere and make anything worth a damn
European wool is garbage, the good stuff is all imported from Australia and New Zealand
Yeah Europe has a few decent tanneries, they also have dozens of shit ones that turn out fast fashion slop.
Kamikura vintage ivy, buy on their Japanese website with a proxy and you pay $80 a shirt.
If you live in the US i strongly recommend finding a local menswear store that works with individualized shirts.
Go with the great American Oxford or Regatta Oxford fabric. Prices are the same as proper cloth with their American pima oxford fabric but they are made in USA and you get to get measured and do a test fitting before you order the shirts. Their standard fit is about perfect for most guys.
They have less tacky stuff but you can't get more stitching contrast than True Religion. They do stuff like weave five threads or something.
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Ok anon, as promised - comparison shots. The 13mwz fit pic is a bit old, but I tried to get the same pose. You can see the rise is a touch lower and the 634s are still stiff enough to have a life of their own so they don't drape as smoothly as broken in broken twill
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What’s the ideal type II jacket fit?
Many thanks, anon. And, just to be fair, perhaps I should let you now that I have a perhaps too high number of your pics saved from the waywt threads. Errr, for inspo, of course, no homo.
Europoors only buy cheap fashion
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I liked my pairs of roundhouse jeans as an introduction to adulthood and buying my own clothes. But now that I’ve tried it, I can see the difference between them and Japanese denim. It’s worth the extra cost. You can find goood deals on eBay too if you take the time. Otherwise new sugarcanes, burgus plus, kojima are a bargain
>Comes from china, ain't nobody raising silkworms in Europe
Jesus Christ what a fucking braindead retard. Read a fucking book you fucking subhuman nigger.
>Europe has like 4 fabric mills / spinners left
Still more than the 2 cotton mills of the Usa KEK
>European wool is garbage, the good stuff is all imported from Australia and New Zealand
This is the lowest-tier bait I've ever read on this mental asylum of a website.
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>few decent tanneries
>all high end leather brands import all their veg tan leather from Italy alone
imagine even implying Europe isn't the sole fashion center of the world, from designing to tailoring, since forever basically. We dress you and have been doing it since forever. Importing raw materials is another thing we literally built our whole economy on, and it's ironically the reason why the U.S got discovered. You ain't got shit on us, burger, sit the fuck down or better, bend the knee to your EVROPEAN fashion masters.
and burgers don't? 99% of your country gets their entire wardrobe at Walmart lmao, Zara shit is high end in comparison
>muh Euro fashion
you're in a denim thread you retard
I watched a documentary on English trans with my son. Was very interesting to see how they used trans to transport cotton and build England. It’s a shame Japan I’d the last bastion of hope for quality affordable textiles.
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I've been enjoying the workwear style pockets. I think I like them more than regular pockets
loose enough to wear a sweater or sweatshirt underneath
Far easier to use. For sure. I can never get my phone out of my pocket when I'm seated without squirming around.
Kinda sad that I have the same pair of jeans yet mine don't look as good on me because my legs are skinnier and I'm injured and I lost all my gains and I'll never get them again and I'll never have this look and instead I'll have a skinnier look which isn't as cool.
Update on my oversized Red Tornados, filed refund with a pic and a video of the measurements, went to bed, the next morning I already got the money back on my bank account, all of it, and even though I specified I would send it back, they let me keep the pair for free! I think it would be expensive to send them back to china that's why. Still, 80 $ raw denim for free. Guess I'll sell them. I think I will wait for black friday before attempting another purchase.
Love the tones on the left.
Anon, I just spent way too much time zoomed in on your crotch. I don't think this thread is good for me.

This is a great pic though and very useful. Logically I know the 634s are better made, better fabric, etc. However the 13mwz looks better on you IMHO. I know it's not a fair 1:1 comparison because as you pointed out, the Wranglers are broken in but the rise on the the Wranglers looks so much better. The 634 still look good on you because it looks like you have long legs for your height, but they're probably going to look like shit on someone with a longer torso/swimmers build even if they have well developed legs.
Thanks for all your pics and replies, it's helping make my next denim purchase easier.
How does N&F compare to the Round House on the left? They should be much higher quality, if I'm not mistaken.
Which model of roundhouse are those and how come they're so fucking cheap?
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The round house held up better than the NF. The NF got holes at both the knees. I wasn’t a fan of the cut of the NF jeans, the rise was too low. It was the weird guy cut and natural indigo. I did enjoy the color of the jeans. I got them for about rhe same price as the roundhouse jeans. $60 new with tags on eBay. I wouldn’t be happy if I paid full price for them.
I don’t know why they’re so cheap. An anon above mentioned mt Vernon mass produced denim. Still made in usa and better quality than for anything else in that price range I’ve found. They were the raw slim fit. They’re still cut similar to my sugar cane 1947s. Maybe a little tighter in the thighs but I am a slim guy so neither of them are tight. They fit over boots and the rise is medium to high. The denim color is nice and it’s strong. Sugar canes have much more interesting texture than both of them.
Roundhouse lot #182
Thanks. I’ll have to bring them out of retirement. I bought too many jeans while in Japan and these disappeared to the back of my closet.
99% of raw jeans look exactly like Walmart shitters once they're faded.
fading is ghetto tier and always ruins any jeans. Either uniform wash fade or nothing is my absolute preference. Fuck fades.
Chaptcha: kyvKKK
How do you wash and dry Red Tornado?
soak in pee and then use a hair dryer
Sizing is great from what I can tell, I got the rigid double knees in 33x34, I'm usually a 32x34, and the waist is comfy, so size up one on the waist and keep the inseam normal.
Jump into the ocean and dry on body
Is it true that Japanese jeans always stretch on the waist? Any experiences with this?
All jeans stretch in the waist. It's a consequence of putting tension on cotton. The amount that they stretch depends on how tight or loose the weave is (looser weaves stretch more), and how tight or loose the jeans fit you.
No worries anon. And I agree the 13mwz do fit better. They're the best fitting jeans in my closet bar none and my denimhead pilgrimage is literally the search for an overbuilt premium jean that fits identically. That said the 634 aren't the worst cut on me, and IH's incredible denim makes up for a lot of the shortcomings of the pattern
2008 called they want their raw denim myths back
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>wear low waist raw denim
>hike regularly
>always gets a rip in the crotch
>buy high waist Momotaro in 14.5oz
>takes forever to fade but no crotch rip
I was wearing pic rel designer raws for like 3 months and got decent fades but they always fucking rip in the crotch.

I <3 my Momotaro denim but its taking forever to fade like there's no fades on them at all yet and I've been wearing them daily for 6 months
Jacob Davis designed the pants (nothing specially really pretty much the same exact design as generic work pants of the period just with reinforcing rivets)
Levi Strauss was just the jew he bought fabric from
wash inside out cold, tumble dry low
anything else is trying too hard
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no sorry. your sanforized shitters can never compare.
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told you aliexpress is getting a lot better. the last time i returned stuff i got an instant refund but it said something about me being a repeat customer so i didn't mention it, wasn't sure if it'd apply.

i've been on a utility pockets kick lately.

what this guy said >>18317875
but don't go so oversized that it looks like a drop shoulder. just enough to fit a thicker sweater under and move your arms around. if you want a full on drop shoulder just buy a type i instead.

its actually pretty interesting what true religion does with stitching from a denim sperg perspective. i respect them as a brand for doing something different.
Why are you posing like a girl?
Nice yellowcast denim
my two runs at momo's took around 2 years to look like they're at 6mo of fades. they're dyed very deeply. the upside is you wind up with really rich, dark shadows you just won't get from other fabrics.
>wash inside out cold, tumble dry low
>anything else is trying too hard
Eh, need to modify that slightly.
Spin cycle massively fucks raw denim up and leads to those ugly ass vertical streaks. Two fixes:

1.Wash on cold, no spin cycle. Wrap jeans in a towel, squeeze as much water out as possible. Then put jeans in dryer by themselves so they don't tangle on anything or wrap around other clothes.

2: Buy a washable garment bag from Amazon for a couple of bucks. They're mesh bags designed to protect clothes in the washer and dryer. Buy the smallest bag possible that you can stuff the jeans into so there's no movement, no twisting,etc. Then you can wash and dry normally.
I've been using a garment bag and it's a game changer. It's dirt cheap and completely protects your jeans in the wash, solves any issues with weird fades from washing and makes it pretty much idiot proof.
it's the cuffs. the cuffs are 100% the source of faggotry in this image
>>buy high waist Momotaro in 14.5oz
How high is the waist on your jeans? I've seen conflicting measurements for their jeans on different web sites, I need a 12 inch rise post shrinking.
your pants are too tight bro
Show me on the doll where the cuffed jeans touched you
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anyone know of a brand for tees that makes a tee that fits the following criteria?
v neck
tube knit
comes in sizes that can fit linebacker shoulders
ideally comes in multiple colors not just black/white
ideally slim or athletic fit
lighter weight for desert weather

trying to help a terminally millenial friend stop dressing like a manchild. unlimited budget he's rich. i found pike brothers but they're kind of a boxier fit and only come in white.
unrelated pic to grab attention.
those guys look stupid.
are you trying to larp as a 1950s greaser with your cuffed pants?
>those guys look stupid
Oh now I understand. You're either brown or a faggot, possibly both.
By your logic anyone who isn't wearing jeans as workwear is larping then, the cuffs should be the least of your concern.
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cuffing is pure function.
fancy tailor? who needs one.
the hem of my jeans is fraying? lets just slide the cuff up or down a little bit. good as new.
i had boots on yesterday but i want to wear tennis shoes today? no problem, i can wear both with the same pair of jeans.
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No anon you don't understand, cuffs make you gay. Please disregard the usage of cuffs through the entire history of denim, clearly there's nothing more homosexual than all the white men in America cuffing their jeans over the years
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i automatically assume those posts are written by shit skin pajeet or rule 2 b& hands.
this guy gets it!
Seems like a fair assumption. I always love the autism that comes pouring out in these threads. Don't like cuffs? Cool,don't cuff your jeans. Zero need to sperg out and project your barely repressed homosexuality on other people's choices.
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>but bro they'll think you're a reddior!!!
haha trust me, not a concern.
My wife uses garment bag, so I have some in the house. Anyway, don’t you think they won’t wash as well with them being compressed in the wash?
Thanks to the anon in these denim generals that recommended using Buyee for proxying jeans off Rakuten. I ordered a pair of Fullcounts literally 4 days ago and it’s going to be arriving tomorrow. In total I spent $243 as opposed to the $360 price tag from western retailers. It’s kind of insane how efficient the japs are
so i fucked up getting a 30 inseam instead of a 32? never really thought about cuffing jeans, i just buy a size that ends up like a "slight break" on my shoes
do whatever, I have jeans I cuff and jeans I don't
no wrong answer except high waters
>640 for the simplest workwear fir
21oz denim and 12oz flannel are so far from the simplest garments. You have no idea what you are talking about. They both feel at least 3 times as good as any clothing I've ever had. Worth it to me, I don't worry about spending that kind of money. I'm not coping at all.
21oz denim feels good? I like my 12 oz sugarcanes. I like my 17 oz sammys in winter. 21 seems excessive for most times of year, especially indoors. 12oz flannnel sounds nice though. Was it the ugly stripped one? The price for the jeans seems good, the flannel still sounds expensive. Are they made on the old shuttle looms too?
It’s really irritating that there will always be these insufferable faggots that feel the need to voice how “stupid” it is to buy something nice. Newsflash: 21 oz iron heart jeans and their Ultra heavy flannels are actually the most well made garments in the world of denim and flannels. I’ll pay the money to have the best version of standard, timeless Americana pieces. I’m not the type of person to obsess over making my fits super creative or groundbreaking, so i highly prefer just wearing the same jeans and button up shirt every day. Iron heart fits the bill
The UHF 12oz flannel feels like a blanket. Like a blanket from your grandma's house that they don't make anymore. Nicest shirt I've ever felt. Compliments every time I wear it.

Iron Heart 21oz denim doesn't actually feel that heavy. It's not really that stiff, but it is just really good fabric. Iron Heart is the real deal. I admit it is overpriced at full price, but I guarantee you won't find better clothes.
Their 21 oz indigo denim is really easy to wear and break in. Their 21 oz overdyed black denim however feels a little more stiff when brand new. It’s really not that bad though assuming you get the right fit, always a safe bet to just go with the 634 cut. They are too fucking expensive, but when you get a pair, there really is something incredible about them. You’ll never go back
Next work trip to Japan I’ll seek a pair
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>Was it the ugly stripped one?
It's this one. Nice thing about Ebay finds is that this isn't sold anymore. I love the pattern. Not my first choice, but finding it felt like destiny.
Damn this is fucked. Sometimes I forget that there’s dudes walking around out there with their gland rubbing against fabric 24/7. Glad I’m not cut (man of god)
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its brutal dude. my dad got thrown out of the hospital for assaulting the doctor because he didn't want me mutilated and his wishes were ignored.
Ironheart anon, you've sold me. Which model has a high rise? I've got a long ass torso so I need a 12 inch rise.
Damnit never mind, their highest rise is 11 inches. I'm glad they fit you well but I won't be able to wear them.
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My only flannel is the IHSH-340-RED
I thought it looked good on crazy youtube man.

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