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calories in, calories out edition

post thinspo, discuss thinspo, be thinspo

prev >>18297442
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So is sleeping a lot good for being /thin/?
I've read opposite opinions about it

I usually sleep 10 hours a day and I don't know if it is helping or hindering me getting into 18 BMI
i stay think by jerking off and having no social life so i sit at home on 4chan

but whatever, i do also go to the gym and run weekly
I've only heard good things about it.

but is smoking really that good for suppressing appetite? it usually makes me dizzy.
>go to the gym
What for?
No, just stick with your calorie restriction Anon.
Or try going even lower.
To make my body look more attractive.
your stomach is purring, not growling.
for who?
are you 2dpilled or something
being skinny for your waifu
What BMI are the Eva girls?
Maybe 15 or 16.
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So what does a normal day of eating look like for you anon? And what exercises do you do?
If too thin you're going to die. Be careful.
Dumb bitches here fuck china dicks
Thank god
Protein shake + vitamin tablet in the morning.
Some kind of random slop in the evening with a total of max. 1000 kcal. Today I had some frozen noodle dish.
Total is 1300 kcal. I'm too lazy to do any exercises.
Hei hei, I'm just trying my best to keep under 1k calories and hit my 10k steps. Yesterday I managed somehow to eat only 400 calories
Sleeping is good for at least 5-9 hrs but sleeping to lose weight is a bad idea unless you’re a binge eater one day and fasting the other.
Days I was forced to stay in bed my heart rate went to 39 but walking could be 55. Needless to say I got to walk
Tldr you might save 150 calories at best for excessive bed rest while your body aches or could do mild 20 min of 135 bpm cardio does the same as 6 hours slug mode
Calorie consumption will decide it in the end but sleeping is dumb imo
Try to do 200-600 cal intake with twice a week fasts during my "lose" weeks with little exercise other than walking/squats. During my maintenance weeks I usually do more like 800-1.2k with a once-a-week fast food situation, but a lot more exercise such as biking and SOMETIMES using weights.

I don't pay attention to my macros at all but MIGHT try soon
Around 1300 colories, soon to go back to 900-1000, I fast for 18 to 22 hours most days, not today though.
I don't exercise, I walk like 6k steps a day but that's just to get to uni.
That's sweet, Anon
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I don't count calories, but I'd estimate that I eat about 700 a day. In terms of exercise, I run in place for 15 minutes twice daily, adding up to a total of 30 minutes a day.
I'm losing 1 kg a week. What I'm wondering about is: Since losing 1 kg a week means that you're on a daily caloric deficit of roughly 1000, does that mean that I'll have to eat 1000 calories more than now once I've hit my goal weight? I don't know how I'm supposed to ever eat that much.
>with little exercise other than walking/squats
You better be a woman.
Y-you too
Does anyone here buy clothes from the children's section? I've seen it be mentioned as a way to find smaller clothes.
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i have a couple of 27 waist jeans from the teens section, and basics like t-shirts, hoodies, sweaters and underwear size 14-16
i'm 5'9 120 lb not tall but still kind of lanky so bigger boy sizes fit me perfectly
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I have bad news anon. No, I am not.

Sorry man. Have some thinspo to cheer you up
What do you guys do in the short term to replace the pleasure of eating?
I go to bars and make out with hot polish blondes, I assert that I still don't have a social life though.
anybody else using adderall to avoid eating?

i tried cigs and they kinda worked, but now im addicted to nicotine and my skin looks worse.

also have tried calorie restricting again, but more recently its become a lot harder to stay consistent with. im guessing its because im not a teenager anymore (though i'm only 21) and its harder to lose weight.

i took some of my bfs (im a fag) 15mg adderall xr pulls the day before last (took 3 in total) and had like 1/3rd of a sandwich, after that i didnt even want to eat for the rest of the day. every time i thought about eating something it seemed unappealing, and i had no hunger pains either. i was also incredibly euphoric for a good few hours which was fucking amazing and it continued into work which was great.

unfortunately, the side effects were rough. i was super hyper and when the meds started wearing off i started feeling horrible (nauseous, tired, sweat a lot). i also wasnt able to sleep until 1pm the next day.

i took one of the pills yesterday around 6:30pm and things were slightly different. i didnt feel euphoric, i felt alright for the most part. i took my lexapro and then the adderall with a monster (lol) and a few minutes later started eating a poptart but only got a bit over halfway through with one before tossing it. after that i had no hunger again all day, same deal with food seeming unappealing. i was productive at work, but when the meds wore off i became incredibly sad. i felt like shit and after messing up something at work i couldnt stop thinking about killing myself. it was rough. also it is 7:30 the following morning and i cant sleep still.

all this to say, have any anons used lexapro to avoid eating? is it something thats viable long term? im considering getting a prescription for it so i can drop 20-30lbs (im 6'1 and 165lbs) but idk if its a good idea with the side effects i experienced and because i take lexapro already.

sorry for the long post, i just wanted to be moderately thorough.

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