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WAGMI edition

>Who is /fat/ for?
For Greedy gutbuckets who are working towards a longer life and a better physique through meaningful hard-work, strategy, and dedication. This is not QTDDTOT, stick to questions on fat loss. Post height and weight when asking for advice.
Join our Fatty Contest: https://www.fattycontest.com/

>What do I do first?
1. Read https://physiqonomics.com/fat-loss/
2. Calculate your Body Fat Percentage: https://fitness.bizcalcs.com/Calculator.asp?Calc=Body-Fat-Navy
3. Calculate your TDEE: https://www.sailrabbit.com/bmr/
Remember to use bodyfat% and use Katch-McArdle Formula with sedentary settings or your TDEE will be too high.
4. Plan your weight loss: https://www.losertown.org/eats/cal.php
5. Track your nutrition with MyFitnessPal (better for packaged food), Cronometer (better for generic food/macros) or LoseIt (great for both).

>Now what?
Count calories, all of them.
Eat about 500-1000 less calories than your TDEE.
Buy scales, be accurate.
Learn to cook. Try to stick to lean protein and green vegetables.
Eat a lot of protein. 0.72g per pound of goal lean body mass.
Doing cardio, even just walking, will improve your health. There is no such thing as a healthy fat heart, but you can offset the risks.
Lifting weights will keep and gain muscle mass and burn fat much quicker. No lifting results in the body burning away muscle AND fat.
Drink more water.
Read the /fit/ sticky: https://liamrosen.com/fitness.html

Eat refined sugars, they're terrible for you regardless of calories.
Eat processed foods.
Drink your calories (alcohol, soda, Starbucks).
Freak out over a weight loss stall. Plateaus can last up to three weeks.
"Reward" yourself. Cheat days cheat only yourself.

>Other resources:
Loose skin, gynecomastia & stretch marks: https://weight-loss-side-effects.netlify.app/
Reddit Wiki: https://www.reddit.com/r/loseit/wiki/faq

Previous thread: >>74548700
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don't be like this grill
Damn, this was me last night with a bag of m&m's I found in the back of the cupboard. I shouldnt have opened them because now the whole packet is already gone. At least they are done with now. I know not to put that shit in my shopping basket these days. This is what happens.
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I'm >>74547494
20 hours later still no poop
I'll continue to keep you updated

I do eat some fiber I think, I eat leafy green veg with almost every meal, except at breakfast (on the days I have breakfast), I've been fasting a bit this past week.
Olive oil.
Grape juice.
fatty contest
79.9 kg
Lol. No fiber here and I have no problems.
>eat less often
>poop less often
>think there is a problem
I'm OK with pooping less often, but I can also recognize the signs of constipation you dumb monkey. This is not two or three days.
Answer the question.
I've peed way too many times today
Blood sugar bros...
Give me a link to a test you consider reliable and I'll take it.
A lot of us have this problem when on the weightloss train. Ive been trying to eat more, doing low cal high volume type eating. Low motility when trying to eat less makes my poops rock hard balls which my asshole does not enjoy passing. Ive also had to cut back on the coffee, some people can poop fine with no fiber, others need a lot. Also reminder to drink more water.
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I confess that I was too scared to jump on scales today. We'll revisit it next week eh lads.
do it faggot, face the truth or slip back again into ignorance and fatness
do not let a bad few days or a bad week to keep you off all that you've achieved nigger, bad weeks happen
lost ~80lbs now I want to try my luck on the apps, but idk how to make good pictures
any of you have experience with this?
God I have so much shit to get done this summer, but I am constantly tired all the time, partly from this diet to lose weight.
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149kg, now 104kg. Put down the fucking fork. I'm still fat. But lost over 40kg by fasting and moderate exercise. Don't forget to do weights, cardio is good, but you'll still look like shit. I'm a good example of that.
What is the ideal BF% for attracting girls in the 18-24yo range? Striated muscle fibers and veins seem to turn young women off, and ofc being fat is a no go, but I don't know the actual number to target.
Man, confidence is key. And no, this isn't some incel/PUA shit. You can be fat as fuck and still pick up the 18-26 range. Just be comfy.
do you have a before pic for comparison? contrags by the way 40kg is amazing progress
I can't imagine this guy from stranger things ever going a single day without fresh 18-24yo pussy if he wanted it, so maybe 12-15%?
There's probably more important things like the hair, the way you dress and the way you act, and well in this example the fame, by the time you're shirtless in front of a girl you already got her in the bag so only scenario I can think of is when you're in the pool
Gimme a few moments. Sure I've got some super fat fuck pictures here somewhere. This was over 10 months. So about 4/5 kg a month.
holy fuck my body is burning my fucking brain for fuel
I get it, but I want a specific number to target as a goal. I'm not losing weight for attractiveness only, but since the health range of BF% is so large (like 8% to 18% or something) I figure if I want a specific target I might as well look into what women I'm attracted to are into.
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Silent bob looking muthafacko
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Still kept that fat ass. Don't wanna lose that
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>successfully transition from beer to diet soda
>almost finished transitioning from diet soda to sparkling water
>ultimate goal is to drink only water and coffee
I've always been drinking water on the side btw, I'm just talking about my "cheat" or fun time unwind drink.
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Continuing our discussion on PSMF, I am still skeptical of its efficacy. If people claim it's so good, and puts you in a mild ketoic state whereby your hunger is reduced why aren't more people on it? And from the success stories I've read people don't lose the weight any faster if they had just done a regular diet with maybe some periods where their daily deficit is steeper, think > -500 calories. Also is there any follow up data? I can imagine if you put some people in a ward and put them on a PSMF and have them drop a 100 lbs but then 12 months on 90% have gained back all if not most of it back. So it seems to me that you are better off losing it at most 1% of your body weight a week. Even if you are 400 lbs that means losing 4.xx lbs a week which is plenty fast. Thoughts?
I am looking to quit drinking. I bought a dozen beers last night but only had 5. These are 5% alcohol. I drink about one a week on Friday. I sleep like shit because I am really obese. But I am thinking my brain has associated beer with winding down and knocking me the fuck out. When Fridays come around I always stay up late fucking around instead of going to bed and the alcohol is like a sedative. I don't really need it, I can just take a 1 mg melatonin and fall asleep by reading but I am lazy.
Keep at it anon. If you still want to drink booze, use sparkling water as a mixer. For vodka, whiskey, whatever. You don't have to stop having fun, just need to keep doing what you do. You got this fren
>tfw poop maxxing before stepping on the scale
Need a nice new all-time low
Fatty Contest
Fatty Contest
Should I still be eating a weight loss diet of -700 kcal when I have a leg injury making me unable to walk? Or should I eat full calories for recovery?
All I want to do after that injury last night is sleep, but I think eating protein is important.
Focus on recovery. Eat maintenance and do light exercise when you feel you can. There's nothing more important than letting injuries recover.
Thanks. I'll try to do that. Hopefully it'll go away after this sleep and I can just laugh about it.
keeping your unused potato in fridge submerged in water is a game changer for me, now I dont feel bad for only using half a potato with my meals.
141.2! It went down!
Fatty contest
Fatty Contest
feels nice going below 100 kgs again
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egg white omelette like 125 cals including oil and some avocado
im going 2 make a low cal recipes youtube vid
Need some meal ideas that are not meat. Ideally I need a meal plan to follow.
My plan at this stage would be
Oatmeal with Protein powder
Roast Chicken Sandwich
Ground Beef, potato and veg.
Snacks would be maybe a kiwi fruit or something.
looks fucking delicious, man.
anyone here train BJJ?
its for weight loss you fucking cunt get a life
imagine if every fatty posted their cum and ashtray topped slop in here
how about you get some real friends, we are not interested in your day to day activities
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people who give a shit about these threads are actually pathetic
post your fat titties
I'm not your slut faggot
I'll give you a tribute my queen
I'm not a woman and I mog you
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>was always a picky eater
>hated lettuce and green veg the most
>decide fuck this
>make myself a chicken sandwich with a leaf of lettuce in it
>actually quite decent
>I feel properly full up from it
what the fuck?
overcome the pickyness. Parents do it by feeding their kids with vegs and shit, worked perfectly for me
Lettuce is literally almost tasteless, the most inoffensive of veggies, that's why they it goes with everything, it's basically crunchy water.
So zero sugar caffeine and coffee helps stave of the hunger during the day, but between 20:00 and midnight I just dont know what to do, massive hunger pangs.
3 options:
>go to sleep two hours earlier
>have your last meal two hours later
>suck it up and keep doing what you're doing
I'd go for any of the first two, last one is a time bomb before you get up to eat something, you're just putting your willpower to the test, which is a finite resource.
>sweet potato with salt and pepper, butter and cheese
Tell me you need more, this shit is delicious
Go to bed at 10pm, i do
Fatty contest
Certified Turtle

Been hell of a week, some of you guys steered me away from a very dark thought and I then got friend zoned by a chick I've known for a few months. Instead of letting rejection fuck me up I just did KB movements at home until I felt better and then played diablo with my best friend.

I'm fucking making it, thanks bros.
Good job on not become a simp anon, proud of you
Fatty Contest
Kenlo Borther
245.5 lbs
As it turns out, calories /are/ hard to come by when you cut processes foods out.
Losing water weight, don't be too concerned
Yes. It's like an obsession.
I can't hardly think about anything else.
Also I'm the worst person at both of the gyms I regularly go to even though Ive been going 1-2 times a week for 3 years
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Just in case nobody has reminded you today, you're a fucking idiot.
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First day at the gym guys
120kg atm
Let see if I will quit in a week
By next weekend i will be under 150kg, thank god
Im finally fucking obese!
Not obese class 3 or 2 just regular fucking obese
Based, 50lbs for me to go till i get to Obese. Can't wait
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Its super worth it, even through the mood swings and tough running days
Food tastes better
The sun shines brighter
I feel like arnold schwarzenegger
Im looking to drop another 20 by the end of the year
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Guys I want to go from 231 lbs to 205 lbs in 45 days. Is that possible?

5'11 eating 1500 calories a day on average
Walking 2 hours a day, running once or twice a week and lifting every other day

Tried posting this yesterday but had a typo and yall attacked me
3/4 of a pound a day would require roughly a 2600 calorie deficit
Unless you have like 10 lbs of water weight id say you should still do your 1500 cal diet but adjust your expectations to maybe losing 15 lbs
Feels bad man
The only way? Not eating for 45 days
What people dont realize about weight is that your face starts looking thin as you lose even it you arent as low as you once were and conversely as you start to gain weight your face looks fatter even if you arent as heavy as you once were
All this to say people can tell you are trying, even if you dont hit your magic numbers
Losing 15 lbs is great though. Why are you stuck on that 205 number?
Just the size I was when I met my wife. Wanting to be back at that weight for a vacation with her.

Is fasting an option?
It's an option, if you think you can do it
I once did a 5 day water fast. I am tempted to try them again but I don't want to lose what little muscle I have left after being such a fatty bombatty
>Oatmeal (600)
>Vit C gummies + vitamin gummy (30)
>Chickpeas w/ sour cream (450)
>Milk (80)
>Black beans (400)
>Tilapia w/ sauce (200)
Whats more important, losing the weight or losing the muscle. You must pick
>Wastes 600cals on slop
yeah fair point.

I already look like the fucking planter peanut with my lack of muscle so maybe the fat should be the priority.
Oatmeal isn't slop but yeah I could have and should have skipped breakfast. Eating breakfast always means I eat more total, need to keep my first real meal at 12pm or later
Adjust your expectations. 205 is both unnecessary for your situation and out of your reach.
The most important aspect of weight loss is not the losing of the weight but keeping it off.
Sure you could starve yourself and hit some arbitrary number (your wife cant tell because shes a woman), gain it all back then some and be heavier next year or you can lose 10 lbs in 45 days and the rest over the next year and be your goal weight in 2025 as opposed to be 235 in 2025.
Cut the processed junk, exercise and don't let the scale be a measure of your worth.
Oatmeal is peak slop, you have so many other options that arn't just ultra processed carbs
keep whiteknighting, maybe you'll get a crumb of pussy
Oh don't worry, being at a healthy weight would never give me enough confidence to not know I am a piece of shit.

I will adjust the expectations still going to go as hard as I possibly can though.
Is there any such thing as an 'unprocessed' carb that isn't a mountain of vegetables? Rolled oats seems about as close as you can get
Are you logging through the fatty contest? That really helped me out.
Oats are some of the least processed carbs you can get retarded nigger
Is this an egg whites joke?
As a fun idea, I melted a stick of butter in a bowl and poured a bunch of pork rind into it and mixed it around with my fingers and ate it like a crunchy soup. Was tasty. A perfect compliment to my 2 pounds of beef.
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>They arn't processed they're just less processed
God you are so stupid lmao
Oops realised i counted the beef all wrong

Food so far today
>325g of lean beef (575)
>1tsp of Olive Oil (120)
>Half a bag of Veg stir fry mix (100)
>1 medium sweet potato (100)
>50g of chedder cheese (200)
>10g of butter (70)
Seasoned with Salt and Pepper for a total amout of calories so far today of 1165.
Nigger, everyone saw you backtrack from oats being ultra processed.
>everyone saw you backtrack from oats being ultra processed.
Could you please point me to this magical post your schizo brain made up?
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Retarded AND blind? Man, it must be tough being you.
Are you being serious right now? in this post>>74555855 I was mocking what you were saying. How fucking low IQ are you lmao embarassing
You strawmanned that anon by pretending they were claiming that oats aren't processed when they just denied that they were ultraprocessed.

>I was mocking what you were saying.
I didn't say anything, nigger. I joined the conversation to call you out for backtracking on saying oats were ultra processed.

And now you can't even follow the logic because of your nigger brain.
>I joined the conversation to call you out for backtracking on saying oats were ultra processed.
WERE DID I BACKTRACK? LINK THE POST YOU STUPID FUCKING RETARD. Holy shit you must be Indian or something, no one from the western world could possible be this fucking stupid.
This sounds fantastic
Ive finally hit the point where I want to eat all the time, but the weight really isnt moving fast
You forgot the name and aren't satiated. 6/10.
Imagine getting angry over anything that happens in this thread
Shut the fuck up tranny
Where*, nigger.
1. You claim that oats are ultraprocessed.
2. Anon claims oats are not ultraprocessed.
3. You strawman anon by claiming they are saying that oats aren't processed at all, moving the goalpost to a separate issue and backtracking from saying oats are ultraprocessed, which was what was at stake first.
4. I call you out.
5. You sperg that you never backtracked because you are a retarded nigger.

Were you able to follow or did I lose you again?
>You strawman anon by claiming they are saying that oats aren't processed at all, moving the goalpost to a separate issue and backtracking from saying oats are ultraprocessed
There was no goalpost moving, i was mocking what they said. I wasn't changing what i said or my position, do you understand now ESL?
>mocking what they said
Except they didn't say that at all, nigger. You said it. You brought up an issue that was never in question, because you had to back track after realizing you are a retarded nigger, nigger.
>Except they didn't say that at all
I KNOW you stupid faggot, i was mocking what they were saying. Not repeating it word for word, MOCKING IT. Do you understand now? Have i finally simplified it enough for your tiny pea brain.
nice man Gi or No Gi? also how much have weight have you lost? i'm on 40lbs and feel ready to take the next step and get a hobby like BJJ to cut away the rest of the weight. walking isnt making my mind strong enough to fast for 24+ hours anymore
So if my LBM 157lbs, should i eat 157g of protein or 71g of protein? I’m asking 71 cause i converted my weight to kg also. 71.2kgs = 157lbs. Im going for losing weight and gaining muscle. I already know my deficit and caloric intake goal. Im just stuck on the amount of protein i should consume daily. t.Amerilard
1g per lb is the idea so 157g for 157lbs
Fatty Contest
they never fit right. Im down 25 lbs since starting. I really need to lose another 25 though
Fatty Contest

Stuffing my face as I used to do before results in misery.
This is a good thing, no?
>tfw feeling the mantits turn into pecs
the titties are still present but now I can feel a lot more muscle underneath. What a fucking feeling
yes, but I had to leave a party early because I was too full
Why leave? Just stop eating
Fatty contest
Well I gained weight this week.
It's due to my own multiple failures
Didn't stick to the longer fasts
Didn't keep myself from eating way too much on the days I ate
But these problems are simple to fix
Also it's probably that and a combination of the fact that my weight might just have been on a down swing on the last few weights taken and this one on an up swing.
I'm not going to let it get to me
I'll be fine and I'll keep fasting because I know it works.
I've still got mantits and I'm absolutely awful at bench, getting better but the fact I can OHP more than I can bench should speak volumes about my weak chest. All I've got at home is KBs so I need to find a solid chest workout using those too.

What I have noticed is my forearms are getting noticeably bigger than they used to be. Noticed it at work the other day when I grabbed a bag of compost for a customer.
>steadily losing weight for a month
>down 10lbs
>alcohol relapse
>gain 5lbs over 2 days
Fatty Contest
Time to take the soberpill my guy. Its what I had to do
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Back on the grind
I need to lose at least 10 kilos /fat/
I lost 7 pounds bros
How do I lose 100lbs in 2 weeks? Possible?
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Cut off your limbs
don't forget to also cut off your breasts as there's probably like 5-12 pounds there depending on size and if you're a man or woman
Maths retard here. If I ate 4000 cals/day for 6 months, and then ate exactly 2500 cals/day for 6 months, with activity levels being equal right across the year, would I lose weight? Or would I gain no more weight but also lose no weight and just maintain the weight I have? I'm confused as fuck by calorie deficit.
>knee pain for the first time in my life
Its so over isn't it, I stayed fat for too long
If you eat more than your TDEE you gain weight, if you eat the same you maintain and if you eat less you lose. How is that confusing at all?
Being physically fit will improve your physical health and overall wellbeing in many ways, obesity can cause many deadly diseases and even increase your risk of cancer. You can prevent these illnesses through a healthy diet and solid regimen of exercise.
So I got confused because I read that the daily recommended intake was 2,500 cals. So I thought that if you eat 2,500 cals, then you're in the "weight maintenance" zone so to speak, where you won't lose any weight but maintain whatever your current weight is. Idk how to explain it better. I acknowledge I'm a retard.
2500cals is the normal amount to maintain for a normal weight and activity level man. But if you weigh more or less than the average man then your TDEE would be different. So for example if you weighed 300lbs and ate 2500cals you would lose weight since you're not the average weight of a male. Which is like 180lbs or some shit
Fatty Contest
264.8 lbs
Oh, thank you very much. That makes more sense now. I was confused about the meaning/purpose of the recommended cals. Thank you.
>Everyone in this general eats soda, cakes, candy etc.
>I eat none of that and always cook my own food but still became fat
Remember this if you ever doubt CICO lads, I became fat on lean ground beef, fish, rice, and veggies by just eating too much.
Remember it's just a recommendation, truth is most people arnt as active as they think so you should reduce your calories below what your TDEE might say. Main reason why people gain weight is because they think they're burning billions if calories exercising and they arn't
Jamaican patty anon from last thread.
Had my patty’s they was good. Woke up and weighed self went down another pound.

I wanted to ask if anyone has any tips on this or just similar experiences to share but I added walking into this cutting attempt and it not only is speeding it up but it seems to make it way easier. I’ve dialed many times to cut since 2018 only getting fatter and fatter but I’m actually doing it this time. I had to set a goal which depends on me losing the weight, I wish I wasn’t like this but I am. Hopefully I can learn long term discipline along the way. But walking seems to make the biggest difference in the world. I do 2-3 miles each morning. I want to start running again when I’m closer to 200lbs. For now it’s just walking.
Thanks. I'm keeping to around ~2000 cals at the moment and also doing treadmill/rower. I was eating 1500 just in chocolate per day before, so I hope I will lose weight if I keep this up consistently.
Is it abnormal to gain 3 pounds if you're bloated and at a high weight already? I thought I would be under 300 pounds, but actually went up from 301.9 to 304.6.

I've just been eating chicken breast (delicious though) and rice, so it can't be due to the calories right?
The lack of detail on quantity makes me believe you're eating a disgusting amount of chicken and rice (nice fucking meme btw).
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Fatty Contest
212.5 lbs
No, I am keeping it below 2000 calories total on days where I lift, and below 1783 on rest days. I don't think I gained any actual weight but the scale says otherwise, so I am more or less attributing it to water and constipation.

I mean it's 1% of my body weight, is that fluctuation normal?
Actually I forgot something. After cooking the chicken breast, I slice it up into tiny pieces and then dump the fat from the pan over it. It's entirely the fat I rendered out from the chicken breast with nothing added. Does this count as extra calories?
Fatty Contest
Sure. It's reasonable, but I dont' see why you're posting here about it if you're so confident.
If you eat less than you need, you will lose weight.
No, not really.
Oops, sorry didn't mean to (You). Fat fingers.
Fatty Contest
Fatty Contest
Big Frigate
336.8 lbs
Me when a woman looks at me
>I'm not going to let it get to me
ygmi certified
>The urge to drink kicks in
I can't..........
>fasting, OMAD
Is the goal to go back to normal eating at goal weight? Those seem like they would have a much higher likelihood of failing than regular meal deficit eating and then adding in some more calories at goal weight with roughly the same habits
You could do OMAD for the rest of your life, as long as that one meal is your daily calories.
No thanks, ketosis causes hairloss.
no one ever talks about what to do after losing the weight and that scares me a bit, I'm just hoping something clicks and it becomes obvious when you get there, the way a momma cat knows what to do with its kittens
eat 3 meals a day with an evening snack, or something in between lunch and dinner
Fasting has the benefit of shrinking your stomach and normalizing your hormones.
But other than that, you'll probably gain some weight over time even if you eat normally. It's just how most people work. But at least knowing the deal, you can work in a few fasts a year to quickly deal with that.
At least that's my plan.
My plan is basically keep up my diet and exercise for life, adjust caloric intake at maintenance as needed
People fail when they slide back into "finally I can go back to normal", our normal made us fat
Probably the easiest thing is never stop weighing yourself and become more vigilant if it goes up, it's a constant battle against the return of apathy

Would be good to hear from someone who already made it how they keep up
> normalizing your hormones.
you mean spiking cortisol and adrenaline and keeping it chronically elevated?
the way to keep it off, I think, is to eat a starch based diet that's low in fat (under 30% but more like 15-20% or even lower if you feel good on it).

a starch based diet is what we do best on, and fat is largely a worthless macronutrient
weakest bait ever, anyone replying to this after me is literally retarded
is that you ketoschizo, is this me?
I mean insulin and some other things. I'm not an expert but I know I had much more appetite for sweet things before I did any fasting.
I'm in a pretty good spot right now so a bit of cortisol when I don't eat doesn't scare me much. I endured much worse.
make it less obvious when you are samefagging

and stop gleaning nutrition advice from supplement salesman, its embarrassing
Holy fucking lol, get a load of this retard, it tries to speak so assuredly too.
Nta, I know shit about nutrition
Just the "starchy foods" bit is bullshit because those are all carbs like bread etc?
What about low fat
Without worrying about macros and just keeping my calories at 16-1700 and trying to eat healthy, daily fat intake always ends up around 50%
> it tries to speak so assuredly too
lmfao this is exactly what your keto gurus do (and what you fucking dipshits fall for), fucking quack doctors and chiropractors lecturing you on their contrarian diet
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I have the red pill of the decade guys.
Stop masturbating.
I used to jerk off daily, I've been off for two weeks and my diet is a breeze.
Ask me anything
> Just the "starchy foods" bit is bullshit because those are all carbs like bread etc?
you don't "know" its bullshit because you don't know anything about nutrition, so you being sure of it means jack shit.

> those are all carbs like bread etc?
which is not why you are fat. you are fat because of the hyperpalatable junk food consisting of fats and carbs you ate

> Without worrying about macros and just keeping my calories at 16-1700 and trying to eat healthy, daily fat intake always ends up around 50%
that high of a fat intake is worrisome and bad for your overall health

look if you browse 4chan regularly odds are you are a low quality human, no offense to you in particular maybe you're an exception, but I am not interested in convincing you to eat this way beyond just sharing my thoughts to be nice and supportive

so, ultimately its your health. you can follow what all the highest quality data says and many credentialed (e.g, not chiropractors) doctors and researchers are saying or you can chud out and fuck up your health
I don't think that's related but I've also broken the habit of daily masturbating to porn before bed along with dieting
I still do it once every few days, just not a routine habit anymore. They say it's better for prostate health anyway
You are very stupid
you clearly have a lot of invested in your identity as a keto guy and that's frankly sad and pathetic, that a meme diet is your identity
But you're doing exactly the same thing
Youre needlessly an asshole which makes you sound stupid so I'm disinclined to listen to you to be honest
are you a bot or what? lmao

> same thing
a starch based diet is how the vast, vast majority of people ate. less tik toks, more research articles faggot
isn't starch what they use to fatten pigs and shit?
yuck no thanks
Sounds like your meme is your identity
This is just the effects of low testosterone brought on by a lower calorie intake. It's very common in already low T men who diet.
>men who diet
welcome newfriend
Time to start lifting
I don't know who you are, are you the ketoschizo or the guy talking about a maintenance diet?

anyhow, its your health man, if you are interested in reclaiming your masculinity and scarfing down steaks and butter to keep the weight off then eat up big boy
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you are doing your meme diet any favors by generating this much seethe over my well thought out and intelligent replies, it just makes you look deranged and fat
you aren't**
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I have never seen a slim person either preaching keto or basing their entire diet around starch. All of you are fucking gullible retards.

Normal people just eat like normal people, simple as. Regular sized portions. Go outside and walk every once in a while, maybe hit the gym 3x a week.

You don't need to read food blogs or the latest research or any quack doctors bestselling books, most normies have figured this shit out organically without being sperging out. It's not rocket fucking science.
I have no experience weighing myself every week until recently, so I don't know how it's supposed to be or if there's any real pitfalls there to demotivate people. I would weigh myself right as I began lifting post injury or surgery and know I was 330-340, and then only weigh myself after I got back to hitting all time Pr's (usually down at 240-245).
> I have never seen a slim person either preaching keto or basing their entire diet around starch. All of you are fucking gullible retards.
lol are you fucking dumb or what

trying to create a false equivalency and appeal to moderation

mcdougallfags are all skeletors eating 80/10/10. its the ketofatties who are constantly having to starve (read: fast) and knock back suicidal doses of caffeine to keep their weight in check

and btw I am not a vegan so a starch based diet doesn't have to be no meat, no diary, just use low fat diary and eat leaner cuts of meat, and a fatty rib eye once in a while isn't going to kill you either

> most normies have figured this shit out organically without being sperging out. It's not rocket fucking science.
most normies are fat, do you even touch grass mr. sex haver?

and most of the ones who keep their weight in check do so by constantly being on a diet, skipping breakfast and going heavy on the stims
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>most normies are fat, do you even touch grass mr. sex haver?

>and most of the ones who keep their weight in check do so by constantly being on a diet, skipping breakfast and going heavy on the stims
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Fat people aren't normal. If we were, we wouldn't be fat to begin with.
That was the original question anon, what to do when you lose the weight. You get a normie life and normie friends and eventually become one.
This but true atleast in America
Will people like me if i get thin? I'm massively obese (450lbs) and most people wont even look at me anymore........
There's nothing mildly ketoic about it. Eating only proteins with tiny amounts of fat and carbs mixed in can only throw you into ketosis hard.
It's also severely calorie restricted, so add that to being on ketosis with no fat intake, and folks have no choice but to shrink fast, with the proteins hopefully saving whatever muscle there was to begin with.
> people don't lose the weight any faster if they had just done a regular diet
For people that claimed to follow PSMF for several years, it's true that it isn't much better than other diets, but that's only because they switched to the diet's "refeeding phase" where they moved from the crash diet after ~6 months to a boring maintenance non-keto diet.
However if you look at studies tracking folks doing PSMF for the first 6 weeks, they lose an average of 32lbs, which is much faster than any non-fasting diet.
>Will people like me if i get thin? I'm massively obese (450lbs) and most people wont even look at me anymore........
i've lost tons of weight in the past few months, went from 115 kg to 80 and people treat me so differently it's truly pissing me off
i am the same person yet now i'm worthy of respect for some reason
my moobs are finally going away though which is nice
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For permanent results the simple and difficult answers is lifestyle change. any random diet might get you to your goal weight but what you actually need to do is change your habits but discipline.

you need to learn to eat right or you will gain it all back.
the healthy choice must be the first choice 9/10 times.
if you dont buy it you cant eat it. it starts when shopping.

If you cheat - cheat a healthy choice. Nuts instead of potato chips.
Fresh sweet fruit instead of candy. homemade normal mix with coffee instead a chemical cocktail premade starbux bomb.

don't eat just because its dinner time if aren't hungry dont eat. dont finish the fucking plate. you are full but there is a 1/4 portion left ? dont fucking finish it "so there are no left overs" put it in the fridge eat the micro meal later as a snack.

don't grain brain and eat empty calories like pasta, at least chose yams or beans. Brown rice etc.

Little things make a big difference, a extra sugary coffee shake will kill a week of healthy meals.

Compensate with micro efforts. don't chose the closest parking spot do the walk chose one far away, take the stairs. do home fitness

that's the lifestyle. Building habits that work for you.
Nah, you won't quit bro. You just have to keep showing up.
Pace yourself. Slow and steady wins the race.
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"What is better? to be born skinny or to overcome your fatty nature through great effort?" -- Party Snacks
> people treat me so differently it's truly pissing me off
It's a common plight among ugly ducklings who turned out to be swans.
It might make you a bit cynical about the nature of human interactions, but try not to let it make you bitter.
I was 410 and I never noticed this foul fat people treatment that people speak of
Might be the autism
I usually just want to be left alone so maybe what I prefer other people hate
Also I'm still fat as hell at 336 so it's not like treatment would be much different yet
I wonder if i'll be able to talk to a woman without being autistic one day
Fatty Contest
900F out and I'm not done w/ my day yet
Changed my shirt 3 times
For me its using my Exercise bike
>exercise bike
I have one for the winter. Gotta get that sunlight.
Hey /fat/!
I don't have a picture right now, but I posted about a month ago when my son was born. If you remember, I was 280 lbs and felt like a fat fuck when I realized my tits were as big as my wife's.
I've been on my journey - cut out caloried drinks and snacks at the start, and I've been on low carb since the start of June.
Currently 267 (down 13 lbs) with an average daily calories of anywhere from 1200-2000 plus regular cycling until i can afford the gym.

Thanks for the motivation! Will check back in again soon!
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Well done m8. I made 16k steps today and I feel the fat vansishing from my body.
>>74557644 (checked)
Thanks fren. I just woke up early and felt restless. Walked, took a nap, walked again, ate a healthy burger and walked more. Might nap again and then walk more...
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Indeed we will
Well done man. Congrats on the baby. Wagmi

it’s a possibility
has anyone here sought treatment for binge eating? like therapy or meds? my binging is getting out of control, it's never been this bad. I'm having 3-4 days a week where I'm eating 6-7k calories a day. With the current rate I'll regain everything I've lost in like 6 months
Fffuugg I missed last week’s check in somehow. Either way, I can’t wait to take my monthly measurements coming up next week. I might do it early tomorrow morning just for shits and do it again at the right time.
I just took the strong mind pill
i don't have any strength left
How much have you lost? Also anyone can be strong mind, you just have to believe
Empty your food cabinets and fridge.
Empty your bank account.
Originally it was like 100lbs, but I've gained back like 15lbs already. I don't believe anymore
Dude you lost 100lbs, you're already a strong mind chad. You can do this shit
If you use a calorie tracker like Loseit, put in your sex age weight and height, and set it to "Sedentary lifestyle" it will give you a decent calorie goal that changes as your weight changes.
I'd also suggest using it to track calories but thats a different thing.
I was only able to do it in the first place cause I had some hope and expectation that it would improve my life, but I'm still a loser, my life sucks and I have lost all hope
>He hasn't updated his weight in a month
Its so over.........
Losing weight is just the first step to a better life. You've done that part, now you gotta stay thin and enjoy life.
You can easily gain +/- 5 lbs a day, which is why weighing yourself at the same time every day helps you eliminate statistical noise like that.
I've been thin for almost a year now, no one gives a fuck which is why I fell back into binging again
Don't YOU feel better though? Why isn't that enough
why would I feel better? I feel sick and suicidal like never before that's why I'm asking about therapy or meds
>WHy should i feel good about losing 100lbs
Because thats a massive achievement?
>fucked up and overate again
I'll just try harder tomorrow....
The problem is it's an apathy problem
You know how to not binge, you're just not choosing to do it anymore because you stopped being able to care
I don't know what eating disorder treatment for bingeing looks like but it would probably be worth trying
There's also ozempic
People shit on it but if you really can't make yourself care it'll force your body to care for you
>tfw diddled by calories all day long
I want to drink many beers, but i said i wouldn't.......
> I'm asking about therapy or meds
This forum, like almost anywhere else, tends to neglect the important of mental health in fitness, preferring to serve bullshit like "have more willpower" and "have you tried just not feeling sad?"
So yes, the answer is that you absolutely should seek help, if you can find it.
The US is notoriously underserved for mental health needs, and even among what is available, many providers simply don't bother to accept insurances, because they can afford to not give a shit and charge what they want, the supply/demand ratio being as skewed as it is.
That doesn't mean you should give up. On the contrary, you're going to have to try extra hard to find a therapist and a psychiatrist who suit you.
(If you're very very lucky, they might be the same person, but that's pretty rare.)
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Bro the portion of avocado itself is like 120 calories

Why would you avoid yolk but consume avocado. So counterintuitive

Pic is me in january
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Last month
I hear you friend. You know what’s good for you. It’s worth it.

You’ll behave worse if you’re too hard on yourself. Forgive yourself and do it differently tomorrow. Not overeating is mainly about eating more consciously.


Being less fat of a person is only part of it all. You lost the weight but now you have to live like a person with your new weight does. Stuff that doesn’t involve food.
My guy went from pedoring to exmarine
NTA, but this is probably an attempt to eat less saturated fat.
Avocados have saturated fat too, but it's balanced with a good chunk of "good fat" as well.
Also, it's hard to separate the saturated fat from an avocado, while it's fairly easy to take the yolk out of an egg.
IDK. I wouldn't bother personally. I'd probably try to cut down on steaks and processed meats first if my doctor guilt-tripped me enough into lowering my LDL.
fatty contest
243.7 lbs
Nta, I just think some people on here have this white girl idea of nutrition. Just because it’s pushed on instagram and gets sold at Trader Joe’s doesn’t mean it’s necessarily healthy. It’s more about portion sizes and nutrients
10/10 piglike american phenotype
You should become a cop
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you're seen bruv

I was supposed to lift today, but I'll prob postpone that until tomorrow and then only rest for 1 day instead of 2 afterwards.
Losing weight as we speak
(I'm taking a dump)
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>253Lbs on scale 2 weeks ago
>Eat 1550-1700 calories keto everyday since, walking a mile or so a day
>Step on scale this morning
What the fuck is going on. I was expecting to at least be like 250. This is extremely demoralizing, I am not overeating unless nutritional labels are wildly inaccurate. Is my metabolism fucking destroyed or something
>weigh today
What the fuck
I mean I'm not complaining or anything but how does that even happen
Did you have a big poop anon
I have. I'm currently taking naltrexone (typically prescribed for opoid/alcohol abuse, but I'm taking it for binge eating). it's had a dramatic impact on my impulse control.

They also sometimes combo it with welbutrin which can have appetite suppressant effects. But I can't take stimulants.

highly recommend you talk to a medical provider. It's not all GLP-1 prescribing. i should have done it 10 years ago.
thanks anon, i will try.
fuck delphine btw
>has anyone here sought treatment for binge eating?
no, i got over it by accident
used to binge eat at night, would eat a shitload of chocolate, ice cream and other shit
one day i had dinner with a friend who really loves meat
ate a shitload of chicken and beef until i couldn't eat anymore
that night and for the entire week i didn't feel like bingeing
started upping up my proteins up to 150 gr a day minimum and the urge stopped altogether
It just.. it just does, okay?!
Give it a few more days, then look at the trend and ignore the jagged edges in your chart.
does it make you stop thinking about food? I think about it all the time even if I'm not hungry
Sometimes I wonder about those nutrition labels. A lot of times they don’t seem to make sense. I look up multiple nutrition days of the same thing online to see where it differs. A pork chop for example can have very different facts depending on where you look.

Don’t be demoralized. Make sure to drink a lot of water daily. There’s no way that weight won’t come off.

You look much better. Way to go man

Not to burst your bubble but I have days where I lose 2 lbs but my weight always fluctuates back and then down again. It’s still a victory and you should be happy about it.
My tastebuds and sense of smell has been changing, I swear I can taste and smell more subtle flavors in chicken (and other foods) than before. That chicken leg quarter + blackberries tasted divine
This. Protein always stops the overeating for me too. That’s why I get nonfat Greek yogurt. I scoop about half a cup into a bowl for a snack when I’m feeling hungry and I always want to stop eating before I finish it all.
Carbs make me feel like i'm going to die
Grow your hair back and regain the fun vibe
Lowering ldl should be done through exercise and caloric maintenance not avoiding vital fats
Cholesterol is necessary for brain function and testosterone so is refined sugar or atleast some sucrose source
Very good progress, congrats and good luck anon. First baby times are a ride
Google reverse dieting
I have no idea if it works or not, I'll find out in a couple years
Probably possible weight wise however the weight wont be fat, but water weight.
Why am I way more gassy now that I’m eating healthier and moving around more, but I’m eating far less and my shits have decreased I didn’t even poop yesterday?

Upside: it seems like my shits are improving today was the first time I didn’t have a bright green slimy super soft shit in a while. It was dark green and a bit more firm, slightly less cleanup too
Idk if this is what reverse dieting is but my plan is to stop cutting at 190 (probably not even under 15% bodyfat), and then every 2 weeks add 100-200 calories and when I start to gain weight drop by 100 until it stabilizes. I assume this will take a few months to dial in. Then, I will finish cutting after maintaining for a bit so I have some rough idea what my maintenance is, except when I build back up in calories I’m only gonna add like 20 calories a week literally just have a bit more chicken or rice each week. My goal with that is to very gradually make it so my metabolism is higher. Not crazy high, I’d like it to be like 2500 to maintain while sedentary at 170lbs if I can achieve that.
Fatty Contest
Brap Hog
218.2 lbs
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I put too much strain on my legs & now I get muscle cramps from don't ankle circles. Shit fucking sucks.
I got the knee pain, its oger
Why did god make the most delicious shit on earth also a nuclear calorie bomb
>no pogress for a whole week
i hate stalls
I have pooped like 10 times today, all time low incoming in the morning
With water food weight, people usually can swing multiple pounds difference even within a day. You probably got a good time to weigh. Don't be discouraged if your weight rebounds up to 248 though, the body just likes to fuck with you with random weight changes.
>245lb a year later
tear pec on bench
>276 10 months later
God I have no self control. I'm getting my shit back under control before it's too late. But damn I wish I didn't relapse so much. Feels bad.
>He fell for the heavyweights meme
Fatty Contest
Shoot any drill Sargents lately? Jk you look good.
Fatty Contest
185 lbs
>subhuman noises
>Still mad 9 hours later
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Realistically, how much body fat can I lose in 2 months on a ~5-600 cal deficit?
I'm thinking of skipping breakfast and going for a decent midday meal (1000kcal) + protein shake & light snack in the evenings (5-700kcal).
t. 5'8, 84kilos. around 20% bodyfat.
Nta but is this why when I was 19 I managed to lower my cholesterol while increasing saturated fats just by being sure to walk more each day? I’m pretty confused. Does obesity cause clogged arteries and high cholesterol and not necessarily diet?
Does this mean I’d lean and active enough your body makes use of all the fat you eat without gaining plaque?
Seriously what gives bros, I’ve been farting like a mad man since I posted this and I lost another pound. Are farts fat loss?
audible kek
Fat bros..........
I'm not going to pretend it's magic, but it does a great job of taking the edge off. I still think about food but I have control as opposed to just being on autopilot and knowing I'm going to binge.
Probably about 10-15 pounds, depending on activity in those months
>Eat good
>Feel good
>Schizo brain kicks in
>Binge and drink beers
>about 10-15 pounds
sounds good
>depending on activity
5-day PPL with a single leg day. some cardio inbetween
really wish i could inhale a $4 frozen pizza right now. but NOOOOOOOOOOOOO i've gotta settle for beans.
>Realistically, how much body fat can I lose in 2 months on a ~5-600 cal deficit?
if you could reach around 770 kcal a day you could lose 6.2 kg in 2 months
770 kcals equal to 100 grams of fat
so 770 x 62 = 47740/7700 = 6.2 kg in 2 months
sounds good but I would like to maintain muscle mass as well, so I'd go for -500kcals on regular training days and maybe -700 or so during rest days, assuming I can get enough protein in.
Meal one - 460cals
>1slice sourdough
>30g avocado
>150ml milk
>1/2 scoop whey
>Fiber supp
Made it 30 minutes hiking up the mountain in zone 2 today lads.
Same issue I'm struggling w/
You just need to power through it fren
I am 10 beers in, i hate myself lol
Constipation since cutting out greasy foods is tough, ngl
if you know that it's bad for you, as you are doing it, why do you keep doing it?
Beczuse thats how druk bain works lmao
i'll pray for you.
>>30g avocado
how good is the avocado & egg combo?
Me, I hate fried eggs. Do like my scrambled eggs, though.
What is "intuitive eating"? One of my friends suggested it for weight loss.
I assume it is bullshit because she's fat.
a pound of fat is roughly 3500 calories so 500 a day is about 1lbs/week. If you exercise to increase the deficit you can probably get around 1-1.5lbs/week so that'd be a rough estimate
Eating to satiety foods that are nutritive, instead of gorging on addictive foods in restricted quantities.
I like avo with a poached or fried egg, but scrambled I prefer just on toast by themselves. Fried is best for me because I can eat it on toast without cutlery. A slice if tomato is good too
Morning coffee, sunshine. Im torn between gym or going for a long walk. Its been some time since ive been out in the sun
Good taste in briefs, anon
love it!
Started at 110 kg/240 lbs
Got down to 72 kg/160 lbs
Went back up to 84 kg/185 lbs
Working towards final goal of 58 kg/128 lbs

Height is about 1.77 m/5'10"
245 here
>on the road with the boys
>ate a food truck chicken and bacon quesadilla
It's not over right? I didn't eat two of the slices
No idea how to calculate those calories
No longer obese. Just overweight now. LET'S FUCKING GOOOO
Good shit kid, I'm 30,3 bmi so 3 lbs away from overweight bmi as well.

If you're 26,9 like your pic says that's well on your way to "normal" weight according to the bmi measurements.
A guy is doing that here with fats raw meat and a weird amount of butter.
So far he has only gained weight.
I lost a ton of weight doing that, anon. You're a liar.
And then what happened?
I used to be like that. Then realized if I don't buy it I won't drink it. Seems crazy I know, but it works...
Fuck. Went to a doc. Injured a ligament or something. Doc mandated 3 weeks of rest for my leg.
"Try to walk as little as possible," he said.
He's Asian. BMI of 23 is considered normal BMI there.
didn't know there was an asian bmi.

>Asians have higher risks of hypertension and cardiovascular disease than their white European counterparts, and a higher risk of dying early from cardiovascular disease or any cause.
>Researchers are still teasing out why Asians have higher weight-related disease risks at lower BMIs. One possible explanation is body fat. When compared to white Europeans of the same BMI, Asians have 3 to 5 percent higher total body fat. (5) South Asians, in particular, have especially high levels of body fat and are more prone to developing abdominal obesity, which may account for their very high risk of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease.
That's why.
> Your suggested weight range: 43.4-53.6
Surely that can't be right? Are you below 5ft tall?
Women post here sometimes it's weird
I'm short and brown and fat. Hopefully in a few months I will just be short and brown.
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Fatty Contest

At least my rep numbers are going up...
should i just take t3 to help me drop weight?
>Has hormone issues
>Continues to eat hormone disruptors and refuses to take iodine
This is the end of /fat/. Not with a bump, but with a slide.
you shoud EAT LESS to help you drop weight
Eating disorder. Eat heathy (high-fat carnivore) and the body is so efficient that you'll lose weight naturally
so what does nature you do when you want to stop losing weight, retarded nigger monkey, do you adopt an unnatural diet?
i get heaps of iodine through diet
Why the fuck is salmon so high in calories. almost 500cals for a 200g piece.
High fat content is what makes it one of the most sought after fish and so high in calories.
it's fatty fish, not saying that's a bad thing just high in calories
Salmon is basically a magic food. It's well worth the calorie budget.
ah ok, well, im not going to eat the skin anyway.,
Fresh Bake
You don't

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