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Plateau edition

>Who is /fat/ for?
For Carb chasers who are working towards a longer life and a better physique through meaningful hard-work, strategy, and dedication. This is not QTDDTOT, stick to questions on fat loss. Post height and weight when asking for advice.
Join our Fatty Contest: https://www.fattycontest.com/

>What do I do first?
1. Read https://physiqonomics.com/fat-loss/
2. Calculate your Body Fat Percentage: https://fitness.bizcalcs.com/Calculator.asp?Calc=Body-Fat-Navy
3. Calculate your TDEE: https://www.sailrabbit.com/bmr/
Remember to use bodyfat% and use Katch-McArdle Formula with sedentary settings or your TDEE will be too high.
4. Plan your weight loss: https://www.losertown.org/eats/cal.php
5. Track your nutrition with MyFitnessPal (better for packaged food), Cronometer (better for generic food/macros) or LoseIt (great for both).

>Now what?
Count calories, all of them.
Eat about 500-1000 less calories than your TDEE.
Buy scales, be accurate.
Learn to cook. Try to stick to lean protein and green vegetables.
Eat a lot of protein. 0.72g per pound of goal lean body mass.
Doing cardio, even just walking, will improve your health. There is no such thing as a healthy fat heart, but you can offset the risks.
Lifting weights will keep and gain muscle mass and burn fat much quicker. No lifting results in the body burning away muscle AND fat.
Drink more water.
Read the /fit/ sticky: https://liamrosen.com/fitness.html

Eat refined sugars, they're terrible for you regardless of calories.
Eat processed foods.
Drink your calories (alcohol, soda, Starbucks).
Freak out over a weight loss stall. Plateaus can last up to three weeks.
"Reward" yourself. Cheat days cheat only yourself.

>Other resources:
Loose skin, gynecomastia & stretch marks: https://weight-loss-side-effects.netlify.app/
Reddit Wiki: https://www.reddit.com/r/loseit/wiki/faq

Previous thread: >>74553992
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>tfw you drank the choccy milk instead of a protein shake
unironic question, is dirty cutting a thing? For the past week I've had pizza with a cup of rice with jalapenos and sausage in it and I've been staying at 1600 calories and I'm feeling pretty good.
I believe they call it the CICO diet. Don't let them fool you, it's unhealthy and leads to all sorts of fun diseases.
>Dirty cutting
CICO my man.
Pizza, rice, jalapenos, and sausage ain't the worst nutrition wise, but still you should try to add in some more nutritionally dense food somewhere. Trade out one of those meals every other day for a garden salad or oven roasted veggies and you'll be fine.
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All right, here it is. 72h fast nearly done and final weigh-in done.
weight: 69kg -> 66kg
waist: 96cm -> 89cm

I'm refeeding in 5 hours but I already had a yogurt so my stomach can come back online.
Anons asked for tips, but really I don't have any. Last 24h were hellish with weakness, headaches and heartburn. To only name a few problems. The only thing to get through it is perseverance and patience.
I still don't know what those cunts saying fasting is easy are on about. Either they're lying or their biology is vastly different from mine. I can't do anything beyond laundry and dishes when I'm like this.
So, was it worth it? Well, the results definitely were. I visibly lost weight, which I attribute to having less body fat right now than I did my previous fast. Lost tons of visceral fat (which is obvious by my waist line).
Would I recommend it? Despite everything, yes. There's no other way to lose weight more quickly, but I wouldn't recommend going past 72 hours because if you're anything like me you'll be feeling like death.
I think one more fast like this is in the works, so I can finally get close to 15% BF. But afterwards I'll be taking it easy and eating normally. For reference, my highest was about 81kg, which put me into obese territory. All it takes is discipline.
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Where the heck are the Nuns and Ducks?
I don't like change
Fatty Contest
should i just take t3 to help me drop weight?
make the next thread yourself then
ozempic, t3, trt and dnp
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Fatty Contest
107.5 kg

Vacation week fucked me over, I gained 0.3 kg even though I was careful with the eating and did 1.5 hours long morning cardio.
why not? cant i just hop off t3 later on
300g is nothing, almost certainly water weight too. It'll be gone in a couple days, 24hrs if you do a quick fast. Don't worry brother.
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Looking for an alternative to mayo and found this pack of cheese sauce in my local grocer. I'll probably consume about 10-15g of this sauce together with my meals. My question is, will this fuck me up in any way if I consume it regularly? Say 9 meals per week?
Fatty Contest
You are better off making your own mayo at home with 2 or 3 ingredients.
90 cals per 100 g
9-13.5 cals per 10-15g
9 meals per week is extra 81-121 cals per week
you tell me

homemade mayo doesn't last long, and you can't make a batch smaller than one small egg, which already makes plenty of mayo. but yes op can at least try making your own stuff is fun, but it wouldn't work for me.
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Doings 48s.

Past few days:
102.8kg (?)

Today is not an eating day and I weighed in at 103kg. Pretty sure I'm back to losing weight next weight in. With some luck I might get to the 100s, and maybe even reaching double digits this week.
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Sunday Confessional.

Confess your sins fellow fatties.
despite the quick weight loss I won't ever attempt this (unless I'm a neet). I don't mind losing weight real slow.
I use 1/2 fat kewpie when I need may, which to be honest is not that often.
Fasting and gaining weight. Not sure I understand
121 cals per week sounds reasonable no? A tablespoon of mayo is around 90 cals after all. I'm just wondering if there's a catch to this sauce, like whether any of it's ingredients will fuck me up because it sounds too good to be true.
The only weight gain is the 102.1kg to 102.8kg. I'm down from 111kg since I started 48s. Tomorrow is my real weigh in to see where I'm at, and I'm pretty confident I'll be below 102kg.
Yesterday I ate the halloumi fries I had in my freezer, a box of 7.
It was the last remnant of my past life, I only stock healthy foods now, so it's a weight off my shoulders not having anything like that (but extra weight on today's scale).
>>74561599 (checked)
I literally just caved and binged like an hour ago, now I feel nauseous and like shit.

>1 sausage
>2 fried eggs
>half a tin of tomatoes
>2 hash browns
>1 piece bacon
>1 slice black pudding
>2 fried chicken patties
>4 pieces of white bread
>tea with milk and honey

Please can someone help me estimate the calories? The shame is killing me, I can't look up calories right now.
you have to subtract beans and add 2 fried patties and 2 slices of bread. the honey can be forgiven should be like 30 cals unless you used a fuckton.

so i'd say youre in the 900-1300 range
Fuck me, I feel awful. Both physically and mentally... How was I so weak? This will be my one meal of the day. Maybe I'll fast tomorrow too.
it's relatively ok if it was your only cheat of the week, spread those 1300 over the week and it's like 200 extra calories you consumed each day, whether that's a lot or not depends on your week.
but yeah it would have been better if you didn't or didn't eat the whole thing or if you make up for it during today or spread it during next week
Thanks bro... I can't believe I ate a whole days worth of cals in one meal. The saddest thing is, before I started, this would be my normal breakfast.
Recovered skinny-fatty. Lost 20kg down to skele 93kg --> 70-72kg. I keep struggling with binging on a bunch of food. It's not even unhealthy, all clean veg, fruit, bread, etc. but just *lots* of it, and I never want it. I know its a strange binge because I'm not feeling actually hungry, I just go eat. Just had a mountain of frozen berries and now my stomach hurts.

Anyone have this issue? I've been totally fine getting down to this weight, and maintaining it through fasting after bad days, and I can fast too. But the urge to just go and devour food until my stomach has been obliterated is insane.
I've been freezing my french fries and salads just as everyone keeps saying, but I don't think I'm losing any bodyfat.
>I've been freezing my french fries and salads just as everyone keeps saying
I'll make up for it by not eating anything else today. 1300 is still below maint for me.
>I can't believe I ate a whole days worth of cals in one meal
Yeah, my food is low calorie, so why am I not losing any fat? Wtf
Fatty contest
YOu are not funny
what do you mean by "freezing" your french fries?
do you mean you switched them for salads?
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>mfw I'm permanently disfigured from childhood obesity
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Nah I'm too lazy for that
Since I have the opportunity to work from home, it's easier. But I wouldn't think badly of someone who doesn't want to do it. It feels really bad, which for me is made up by getting there quicker.
Fatty Contest
That's still kind of high if you were to eat it often whereas the cheese sauce can be eaten regularly since its only around 10 kcal per tablespoon each meal.
Home made mayo has an advantage beyond just caloric density.
And it's something that you have to get used to if you want a better relationship with food. You will make it yourself, and it will taste better. The effort you put into getting that result will give you more respect for your food, and will likely make you think twice about overeating.
You can also fine tune the portion you want. Make it for a few days, because home made mayo doesn't stay tasty for very long.
Mayo of course has a lot of calories, but making it yourself will go a long way to understanding and healing any twisted views you might have about food in general.
Cheese is healthier than bread and bacon and eggs is better than oatmeal.
nah dietary fat causes diabetes
Dietary fat doesn't cause an insulin response. Fun fact, if I surgically removed your pancreas, you wouldn't be able to gain weight! Ask any type 1 diabetic how they put on fat without insulin and you'll get the same response, it's impossible!
>vitamin B is healthier than vitamin A
This is how retarded you sound.
I’m noticing daily walks, weight lifting and caloric deficits are having a positive effect on my body composition
Plants don't contain vitamin A
How's that bone mass? Heading to snap city?
>Fun fact, if I surgically removed your pancreas, you wouldn't be able to gain weight!
If thats true and you are a fatty, then just remove it
Come on dont be a bitch
>still missing the point
Sounds like cheese doesn't cure acephaly.
I actually care about hormonal balance, unlike you. It would be unethical for me to be forced into such a procedure
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And my refeed.
Potatoes are cooked and then baked in pork tallow, giving them a unique taste.
Fucking toast your bread and grill your peppers you savage.
No, that's ridiculous. The bread tastes great.
>It would be unethical for me to be forced into such a procedure
Whats unethical about doing something that will make sure that you will never get fat again?
>Fun fact, if I surgically removed your pancreas, you wouldn't be able to gain weight!
the stomach and liver still exists, therefore does the potential to overeat and gain weight
How do I measure that?
I can achieve it with a high-fat carnivore diet whereas you struggle with fat accumulation and have an eating disorder. My approach to removing your pancreas is therefore therepuetic
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>I still don't know what those cunts saying fasting is easy are on about. Either they're lying or their biology is vastly different from mine.
I do rolling 48s. I once did a nera 70h fast but dropped out because of a headache that didn't go away. Fasting definitely is easy, but there are a few walls that can get you to stop if you're not prepared for them. Hunger and lack of energy stops being a problem after you're in keto which to me takes around 40h (depending on how much activity I had). From what I read, it seems that the fasting headache only happens around 60-70h and after it goes away you never have it again.

>I can't do anything beyond laundry and dishes when I'm like this.
It gets easier. You likely entered the fast with full glycogen, burned through it slowly due to no activity and then took too long to enter keto so you were low on energy all the time.

> I wouldn't recommend going past 72 hours because if you're anything like me you'll be feeling like death.
I think you quit at the exact point you were about to clear the last hurdle. Things get easier, not harder, from what I've read from pretty much everyone.

Anyway, congratulations on sticking to your plan. WAGMI.
Impedance scale.
>I can achieve it with a high-fat carnivore diet
put on your trip so everyone knows when you are being retarded
Lmao, just make shit up. Ask a type 1 diabetic how they overeat and gain weight without insulin
Oh? Is that the guy who doesn't list his height? Feeling embarrassed by your failing health?
>Oh? Is that the guy who doesn't list his height?
probably someone else you are thinking of
im 185cm
there's nothing to make up, for as long as you have the ability to overeat, you'll gain weight, pancreas has nothing to do with it
>ask an overweight retard why over eating leads to weight gain but i added type 1 diabetic and insulin into the sentence
I'd like to see you find me one example of someone gaining fat without insulin. Lol

"Overeating" lmfao, delusional eating disorder cope.
Yay my image got used
You could very well be right. Maximum I've gone was 4 days, and I was in bad shape at the end. I never tried keto though.
Thank you. Like I said, maximum I have is 2 more fasts like this. Going beyond that would be pushing it.
No matter, you'll join him with whatever diet you're attempting
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oh shit its over for us grain-gaggers boys...........
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Today's dinner.
Half pickle
Half caffeine pill
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Woke up today to 99kg
After 5 years I am finally double digit, it's looking good bros
Calories in, calories out is all that matters for weightloss. Everything else is about moralizing and nutrients that won't make you lose weight faster, but might make you feel better.
>I'd like to see you find me one example of someone gaining fat without insulin. Lol
so literally everyone on this planet because it has nothing to do with insulin, energy storage happens regardless of insulin you monkey
the only negative it could have is not having enough protein but you'll lose weight anyway
In Japan they have the Metabo Law, companies and districts with more healthy residents pay lower taxes, which includes milestones for physical fitness.

It is not to make people feel bad, but to encourage healthy living and active lifestyles and reward people for it, caring about the health of people of the nation.
Fuk bros, just been reading about the dangers of calcium carbonate. I guess im giving up my oat milk bros
>Last 24h were hellish with weakness, headaches and heartburn.
You got "keto flu". You ran out of electrolytes. The solution is to just take some electrolytes and drink more water. Sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium.
72 hours is only enough to lose like 750g of fat.
>72 hours is only enough to lose like 750g of fat.
but enough hours to binge gain 1kg of fat in 24h
You're gonna make it
You would have to eat like 10,000 calories in a day to gain 1kg of fat, but it is possible.
>eating gains you weight faster than not eating loses it
Your point?
Fun fact - fat people have insulin resistance, meaning their body responds to insulin as if it was lower than it is. GLP-1 meds which are approved as working weightloss drugs INCREASE the passive insulin secretion, which reduces hunger and makes getting satiated quicker
fasters are retarded and will never lose real fat otherwise they'd simply reduce the calories
So you're just jealous? Pathetic.
of what?
The body doesn't store or use energy, it stores and uses mass
Insulin downregulates glucagon and actually lowers satiety. Perhaps you're thinking of a different mechanism
Physicists in shambles
The body stores energy in several forms to ensure it can function properly even when immediate energy sources (like food) are not available. The main energy storage forms in the body include:

Stored in the liver and muscles.
Glycogen is a polysaccharide of glucose and serves as a quick source of energy that can be rapidly mobilized.

Adipose Tissue (Body Fat):
Stored as triglycerides in adipocytes (fat cells).
This is the most abundant and concentrated form of energy storage in the body. Fat provides a long-term energy reserve and is utilized during prolonged periods of fasting or low-calorie intake.

Muscle Tissue:
Proteins in muscle tissue can be broken down into amino acids and used for energy, but this is typically a last resort when other energy sources are depleted.
This process usually occurs during extreme starvation or prolonged fasting.

ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate):
Although not stored in large quantities, ATP is the immediate energy currency of the cell.
It is continuously synthesized from other sources like glycogen, fat, and creatine phosphate.

Each of these energy stores plays a crucial role in maintaining the body's energy balance, supporting various physical activities, and ensuring metabolic processes function correctly.
what does the mass consist of

> bike touring
> 100-150km daily
> 5000kcal TDEE
> Start every day with a litre of chocolate milk.
> Almost always have to force the last gulps down it's so much.
> Great, only 4300kcals remaining today.
> Bike 2 hours
> Stop for breakfast
Fatty Contest
I am officially under 200 pounds for the first time in over 10 years. Thanks for reading my blog post and encouraging me when i post /fat/. I still have more to go but I've lost over 80 pounds so far and the next 30 or 40 is very doable.
Thanks, chatGPT, all of those forms are mass.
Matter, which has weight.
You are correct that the energy storage forms mentioned (glycogen, adipose tissue, muscle tissue) are indeed associated with mass. The body stores energy in these forms, and they all have a physical presence within the body.
These forms are the body's way of storing potential energy in a tangible, physical form. When the body needs energy, it converts these stored forms into usable energy (ATP) through various metabolic processes.
You have yet to counter the fact that the body does not use or store energy. You can keep going, but you're no closer to countering me than if you simply didn't begin.
Let's clarify the terminology and concepts related to energy storage and usage in the body.
When we say the body "stores energy," we mean that the body stores potential energy in chemical bonds within molecules. This potential energy can be released and converted into other forms of energy (such as kinetic energy for movement or thermal energy for heat) when needed. So, while the body doesn't store "energy" in a pure form, it stores substrates with potential chemical energy. These substrates can be metabolized to release energy as needed. The concept of energy storage and utilization in biological systems revolves around these biochemical processes.
Was 190 6 weeks ago, the number felt good so I let myself go and shot back to 200. I was on the 5th hole on my belt, now I’m on the 4th
I feel guilty that I'm losing weight without effort through fasting while people all over the world are under the impression that CICO is all the same without understanding the mechanics of ghrelin and insulin. I feel like if I'm ever accused of using Ozempic or similar I'll lie and say that yes, I did, to repent for how easy it is to lose weight while fasting.
You're just repeating what you've said with different phrasing, which still doesn't counter what I've said. The body neither stores or uses energy.
Energy, in the context of biological systems, refers to the capacity to do work or produce change. This capacity is embedded in chemical bonds within molecules. When we say the body "stores energy," we mean it stores molecules that have high potential energy in their chemical bonds. Here’s a more precise explanation:
Energy and Mass Relationship

According to the principle of mass-energy equivalence (E=mc2), mass and energy are two forms of the same thing. The body's mass, particularly in the form of molecules like glycogen and fats, holds potential energy.
Biological Storage and Utilization

Conversion and Usage:
When the body needs to perform work (e.g., muscle contraction, cellular processes), it converts these energy-rich molecules into simpler molecules (like carbon dioxide and water) through metabolic processes.
This conversion releases energy, which is then used to form ATP, the energy currency of the cell.

Energy Storage:
When we say the body "stores energy," we mean it stores molecules (mass) that can be converted into usable forms of energy.
The term is a shorthand for the body's ability to store potential energy in the form of chemical bonds within these molecules.

Energy Utilization:
When the body "uses energy," it is breaking down these molecules to release the potential energy stored in their chemical bonds.
This released energy is then used to perform biological work.

The body doesn’t store energy in an abstract sense but rather stores substances (molecules) whose breakdown releases energy. This released energy is what fuels the body's activities.

If you approach it from the perspective of strict physics, the body stores mass that has energy potential. In biochemical terms, we simplify this by referring to it as energy storage for practical understanding.
>Vit C gummies + others (40)
>Milk (80)
>Tilapia (100)
>Monster (10)
>Chicken leg quarters (600)
>Blackberries (70)
>Meal shake (180)
>Tomato + mozzarella (200)
>Sugar free caramels (20)
>Have a physical job
>Too tired to go to the gym after work
What do? I forced myself to go once but then I was exhausted the next day at work.
holy shit what the fuck is happening to me im on binge purging 4-5 times a day and im gaining weight and im miserable eating cheese RN going to go to the store to buy cupcakes to binge
Not lying, Ive fasted before and once I hit into the third day I felt pretty good but very tired. Fourth day, as long as I moved my body I felt genuinely great, if I stayed still too long there'd be such a strong conservation of energy I could nap any time anywhere. Never had any of the problems you mentioned except general fatigue and a manageable headache day 2-3.
kill yourself
Fatty Contest
official start of weight-loss today
ran my 5k and had the protein shake with water (113 kcal / 25 g protein) instead of skimmed milk (230 kcal / 30 g protein) afterwards

current: 77kg
goal: 70kg (would be 11% bf if I manage to fully retain muscles)
.... if possible, by September, because that's my beach holiday in Italy. However, I think I started too late for this. Just gonna try to get as far as I can, better than nothing
Go before work instead.
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>March 24 = 71.8kg
>June 23 = 67.4kg

Get it!
Do you look like that webm?
this is not a dating app you retarded coomer go back
So you don't then, just like I thought
you look even lighter than 67kg!
I'm not the person you replied to you retarded coomer
Whatever helps you cope at night tranny
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>7lbs more till 12% BF

If I can make it, so can all of you
t. 255lbs at my zenith
You know this makes me wonder. What the fuck did cavemen do at the first sign of famine? Did they just keel over, or go to the caveman grocery store and get some of that caveman potassium salt to make it through their fast?
Never got that part.
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Got a little bit spooked when I stepped on the scale today. I would say I've been eating and working out at the same rate as I have been throughout my cut, but when I weighed myself this morning I realized that I've dropped literally eight pounds in a week. Prior to this I'd been pretty consistently hitting my target of 2 lb/s a week. Should I be concerned?
they ate dirt, read a book nigger, there's been modern famines, it's been documented, flaunting your ignorance and pretending to be clever, you are fucking pathetic
You are easily the most annoying poster in this entire general. You just say the most incorrect brainlet shit 24/7 and spam thr word nigger like some edgy teenager. Grow up.
Excuse me for not reading the book where it's written 'cavemen eat dirt'. Mind you, never in my fasting did I ever get the idea that I should eat dirt.
Most necessary nutrients are stored in fat, though not potassium, so I'm guessing they probably went through cramps continually if they got nothing to eat for too many days.

There was this guy here when fasting research was coming out that did OMAW for several months without taking electrolytes and ended up in the hospital. The notable part being able to only eat once a week and still being able to live your life for months without electrolyte intake.
I’m pretty sure this thread and /fast/ are the only threads left on /fit/ that are actually about fitness and not women’s asses or some random fringe twitch streamer drama
It's not me. If I looked like that I wouldn't be on this website you dweebs.
I'm on a roll, down to 320lb as of this morning!
Started from 350lb@6'
spontaneously up 1.8lbs from yesterday. i'm sure it's just water weight, but it still drives me crazy.

10+ mile hike plus my first time eating out in 2+ weeks must have did me in. I kept it modest - single burger and some fries and probably 1500cal for the day - but it must have been salty enough to cause some water retention.
>nnnnoooo I'm losing weight faster than I am supposed toooo
Fatty Contest
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So i'm barely two weeks on my diet, when does this shit start to get easier?
I'm tired of having to convince myself every single day to eat healthier, not order takeout goyslop, not having a drop of alcohol.
I've been winning for two weeks and the numbers on the scale are going down, but I won't be able to keep this forever. My couch looks so fucking comfy and tempting, why can't I go back to how it used to be and just order a pizza and marathon a new anime or get drunk and watch a tv series.
obviously I am happy about rapidly losing weight. the spooked part is I don't know what it is I am doing differently than I have been to warrant a whole extra 6 lbs. Guess I am just being paranoid.
Give up if you're a loser
If it was easy, everyone would do it.
You will be continually plagued by cravings and hunger through a deficit diet. Unless you do keto or fasting, your ghrelin and insulin will always drive you towards returning to your previous normal. If you want to continue without changing meal timing or composition, then stuff yourself full of low calorie stuff like steamed veggies and hope that the feeling of fullness will keep you from binging.
If my experience is generalizable, you'll likely regain most of that in the next few days and then go back to losing steadily. There are plateaus and there are valleys and they only make sense when smoothed out by looking at things week to week and month to month.
genuinely, I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I broke my fast on friday, it was around 40 hours. I was ok. I felt fine. I know that you're not supposed to eat so quickly after breaking a fast. I thought I was doing it right, a.k.a. eating slowly, but I guess not. I cooked up some chunks of stew meat alongside some mixed vegetables and ate that slowly. slowly as in over the course of an hour, and I still ended up having bouts of horrible liquid diarrhea. am I retarded? am I supposed to eat one small thing hours prior to actually having a meal? is that it? look man I like fasting but this diarrhea ain't it. I need to be able to avoid that shit. any suggestions?
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Sometimes it will happen. The human body is a beautiful and complex thing.
Appreciated brother. I’ll weight myself again on Tuesday, guess we’ll see!
I ate 200-250 grams of salted peanuts. I drank like 2 liters of water and i’m still thirsty.
I think i got the diabetus
Try breaking your fast with fast digesting carbs and dry food. Don't have a real "meal", just a couple hundred calories to break your fast, then wait another two hours before eating your real meal. A meat stew with veggies will have a lot of sodium, protein and fiber. They put a strain on your digestive system which was sleeping from the fast. Wake it up before stressing it.
Fatty Contest

I'm behind schedule. I should've been below 97 kg by now too make 95 kg by the 12th. Hopefully it's water weight.
alright, I'll give it another go. sounds like a good idea, but also sounds cumbersome. maybe I'm just impatient.
grats yagmi
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I present to you all the best protein drink. This shit is a lifesaver especially if you're out and about. Can grab a bottle at most convenience stores and the chocolate flavor just tastes like a good chocolate milk
You probably just have a weak digestive system so you have to take greater precaution. I don't bother worrying about meal composition or timing to break my fast. I do get diarrhea sometimes but it's never horrible, so I don't mind.
I don't know why anyone would look anywhere else for protein. Eggs are magic. Food of the Gods.
The fucker who first raised chickens must have felt like the biggest brained genius in history. He probably was.
>most convenience stores
never seen
normally I hate US-defaultism online but this is a fat thread so I guess it's fair enough
>why can't I go back to how it used to be and just order a pizza and marathon a new anime or get drunk and watch a tv series.

Then why the fuck did you even start in the first place? Most people know they shouldn't be a fat lazy slop, but much less people truly want to be a better person. So ask yourself what you really want - do you want to just die from a massive coronary at 40 and then force your family to break down a wall to extract your fat ass out of the house and then force the crematorium to chop you up into smaller pieces in order to get your greasy ass into the oven and subsequently cause a giant grease fire that burns the building down
Or do you want to suffer being mildly uncomfortable from hunger pains and some muscle soreness for a year until you become something completely unrecognizable from your previous form?

Maybe you just aren't ready for a major lifestyle change yet. I know I tried and failed a bunch of times but I *almost* made it last time. This time I'm ready and I'm motivated because I know I can do it and I'm scared that I'm running out of time to make it.
Anon, Fairlife products have been found to have an absolute insane level of microplastics in them.
You gotta find something different to slurp down, even for goyslop this shit is bad.
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Oof. Damn didn't know, thanks for the heads up. Thankfully I've only had these twice (yesterday and today) as meal replacements due to circumstances. Time to find a better high-calorie meal replacement...
Just for perspective, rice that you boil in a plastic bag only has about 4300 nanograms per serving in it.
Ultimately its pretty much impossible to avoid microplastics but the more you minimize your exposure the better off you are.
If you find a good replacement let me know.
thanks anon, I was just sort of pretending to be a whiny bitch, I'm doing ok for the most part, but could use the motivation you provided

I have tried a couple of times and failed, two years ago I was two months away from my goal after a 6 month run, then regained it all plus more over the course of a year. my most recent attempt was two months ago, I had three good weeks then failed, I know I can make it this time.
I guess I am a little fat bitch, but fuck me I'll make it this time. I'm not really that far from 40, it's probably one of my last honest chances.
You need to eat too many eggs to get enough protein. Milk is also cheaper.
I think /fit/ has a seriously warped view of how much protein is enough protein.
Yeah I'm not far off from 40 myself. It sounds like we're in a similar situation. I made so much fucking progress and then covid happened and I completely lost all my good habits I developed, ate hot pockets and played video games all day while getting free tendies from the government.
We both have an advantage a lot of fatties here don't have - we both know from personal experience that it is possible to lose weight and get in shape. We already did it once (sorta). Doing it a second time is 100% doable.
One Large egg is like 6.3g of protein. I can drink a liter of milk (5 glasses) or eat 5 eggs
I don't like milk much, but also, it's full of sugar. I eat yogurt, cheese, some meat, and eggs. I've never been in a situation where I was not adequately building muscle.
Which makes me believe that the 1g per kg is complete nonsense cooked up by insane doctors.
Going outside wearing shorts for the first time in forever lads

hope this doesn't cripple me emotionally
Or you can drink two cups of milk and have three eggs?
After my legs became muscular they have become a point of pride and now I love going out in 5” shorts whereas in the past I would only wear pants all the time
>What the fuck did cavemen do at the first sign of famine?
they'd simply try again, just look at the amount of animals before 1900s, then imagine how many there were in caveman times
the feds killed all animals so you'd have a grocery store to go to buying their raised animals and plants
>So i'm barely two weeks on my diet, when does this shit start to get easier?
it doesn't
you have the wrong approach, you can have all the shit you used to, simply less so you don't exceed tdee, because if you make the choice to give up, you are gonna eat that shit anyway but in excess
It got easier for me after I started incorporating boiled veg into my diet and my meals became more filling. At this point I’m starting to feel like I can do even less than 1200 cals/day
Firstly, 40 hours isn't even a fast. Secondly, you gorged yourself after not eating anything for 40x longer than you ever have in your life, of course you're going to experience a shock. Those kinds of symptoms are symptomatic of withdrawal, common in junkies.
40 hours is a fast
That retard just won't leave this thread.
Says what, your blog? Fuck outta here, it's not even enough to enter ketosis. You're just skipping a few meals at best.
Classic fastards
The downside of eating slop on a cut is your performance in the gym and elsewhere will be garbage and you will lose more muscle
>cutting on eggs, vegetables, fruits, steak, potatoes and rice
I'm not counting or measuring anything, I just eat intuitively. One week in, three kilos down.
your bait is weak and you're retarded. have a shitty day :)
It just occurred to me that I'm responding to a mental midget, so I won't give you any more (You)s. 40 hours is not a fast, it's a temporary break between meals. If you think that's enough to fast, you're too ignorant about the bodily processes that begin fasting. It's not enough to even push out your last meal, most likely. Fasting begins when you're subsisting off of your fat stores. Until then, you're just waiting between meals.
What is your goal? Are you targeting a specific
>Body fat%
And why that number?

I know BMI and body fat% don't really correspond since you could be 200 lbs high BMI and 5% body fat, but I want a BMI of 18.5 (lowest you can get before being considered underweight) and 10% body fat. At my height, 128 lbs would be 18.5, which means 12.8 lbs of body fat at 10%.
>Body fat%
I dunno, like 18% i'd probably be super happy
I'm not targeting a specific number, since I will continue my diet for the rest of my life. The "cut" is eternal. As far as hopes and dreams go, I want my remaining excessive fat stores to shrink down to the point where I'm no longer flabby. I can wait for the skin to return to normal, I'm still 29, and 29 is young.
is my life just an endless binge and purge cycle oh my god im never full im never tired of it
My goal is to not feel like a fat fuck
You need to eat your veggies
I got back from my holiday at 103kg and within a week back to 99
>The downside of eating slop on a cut is your performance in the gym and elsewhere will be garbage and you will lose more muscle
This is just BS. If you get your nutrients and macros you will mostly be fine, especially if you hit your protein targets.
>I'm not counting or measuring anything, I just eat intuitively. One week in, three kilos down.
You surely had a 3300 kcal deficit every day for the week.
Sure. Either way is fine since eggs and milk are both the best protein you can get.
>since eggs and milk are both the best protein you can get
Behind fatty meat, of course.
>They (...) inhibit the release of glucagon, and stimulate insulin production
From wikipedia.
And GIP, in better working "2nd gen" injections
>It is now believed that the function of GIP is to induce insulin secretion
It's not as simple as "insulin bad". It's a complex system.
The causing the release of insulin would not achieve satiety. I was giving you an easy out to explain yourself without looking like a fool, but you've instead doubled down.
They probably ate clay to get minerals
You retards just argue about the same shit on loop don't you
The point of the arguing is to get new people to learn information passively without having to ask and to motivate them.
No, eggs and milk proteins (especially whey) are better.
we need to pass the time and get distracted from food somehow
That's your opinion, but fatty meat is what humans are designed to eat.
Nope, meat is better absorbed than milk, though not as well as cheese.
>I'm tired of having to convince myself every single day to eat healthier, not order takeout goyslop, not having a drop of alcohol.
This never gets easier. You have to learn to take pride in going through this pain and suffering every minute of every day of your life until you die of old age. If you can't make this mental adjustment, you're ngmi.
Mongloid fatty
Go back to your dyel fatty habits. This isn't for you
Just threw out all of my alcohol and most of my weed (saving some for the 4th of July and Halloween).

Walked out of a party because a few family members were all "hurr durr why can't you have just one drink?!" I almost assaulted someone today... I can't take it anymore. Might as well be a recluse w/ the way I am now. My only positive interactions w/ people are sadly at work. And even then I can't manage to say "hi (name) how's it going?" to my work crush, I just smile at her awkwardly. At least I'm losing weight.
Unironic Haitian mud cookies. All the minerals you need are in the soil.
>I almost assaulted someone today
lol cringe
Fatty contest

Prefer not posting a FC update in a nunless thread but since it's the plateau edition, I'm sort of obliged
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Fatty Contest
Bloat prince
299.9 lbs

The anger I felt I haven't experienced in over a decade. Why the fuck can't people just let others be? I don't want to drink, no need to egg me on.
You;d of just got your ass kicked anyway
You should be breaking a fast with fats and meat, both of which are hard to digest. Go for fruits with lots of water like a few cubes of watermelon or a few grapes, then wait a few more hours, then a few more.
It gets better. I'm grappling with addiction, too. It's okay to put away social interactions when you're going through this, it will end.
Typo: Shouldn't
Meat and fat is far more readily digested. Fiber cannot be digested

Learn, damn you
Honestly I frequently think of changing my phone number and not seeing family anymore. It's always the same shit w/ those cunts. "What do you mean you didn't see (((goy slop TV show)))? It's really good." "Oh on the news they said COVID is coming back, better get another booster" Not an original thought at all from any of them.
Target is 45kg because that's now much I weighted before university and 10 years of the wagie-cagie. I want to fit back into the clothes I hung onto from when I was that weight and also look good for the school reunion later this year where everyone else will be fat.
I do so well all week long and then i cave and undo all my progres on Saturday just drinking and eating till i feel sick, WHY THE FUCK AM I LIKE THIS AHHHHHHHHHHHHH
Fatty Contest
not good!
Humans are not perfect empaths, everyone has a streak of "hey I find this thing fun/delicious and so do most other people I know, so I'll shill it to anon who isn't eating the thing/drinking the beer!"

Most people aren't doing it maliciously but because we're social creatures, subconsciously we all feel more comfortable when we're around people like ourself or do similar things to ourselves (like how we've gathered here to be fat lards together), so at irl gatherings where often people don't share that many similarities, people will seek to fit in by eating or drinking the same thing and also offering the same food and drink to others. It's a natural response/reaction.

Just give them a reason like the doc told me to do X or Y. Appeal to authority work well when it comes to normie interactions.
This is an example of what I mean: >>74564794 They're not doing it maliciously, they just subconsciously want you to fit in and be a part of the pack. So yeah if you don't want to be a part of that pack, you move away and leave them to form either your own pack or find another pack with similar views as yourself. Basic evolutionary biology.
Made my oatmeal this morning with only water instead of milk. Its the little things hopefully that will start to help me make good changes to my diet.
Is carton milk better than plastic bottle milk?
The carton is lined with plastic so idk. Get it in glass bottles if you're so paranoid.
With what I eat I almost always have 200-300 calories I can eat whatever with. Would making that a protein shake help me with my exercise? Lately I've been getting shaky at the gym after doing the same weights I always do. A protein bar would be easier but more expensive.
Pic is what I had yesterday.
Ate a lot today, Im sure tomorrow someone will give me a >reee why did you eat slop reply

I dont feel bad about it because the weight loss is at a good steady pace, it's Sunday, and it was a big feast today I was encouraged to enjoy by friends. I enjoyed the heck out of it, there was homemade strawberry cheesecake. Tomorrow we go back to ~1-1.3k cals day
You probably need some carbs post work out, not necessarily more protein. Could have both with dairy
Anon this is probably some kind of withdrawal/cutting rage, they didn't do anything worth more than at most a little irritation
Body fat % seems too hard to estimate effectively, especially when Ive never been thin my entire adult life. Im both taregeting a weight range and a hazy vision of what Id like to look like. If I still seem dumpy at my goal weight, well more to come off, or if I seem dumpy but thin, more muscle.
Fatty Contest
How would carbs help?
Main source of energy of the body is carbs, if you notice any "energy boost" food/drink is heavy in carbs
That isn't true, anon. Besides, the body produces all of the carbohydrate it needs. You don't need to ingest any carbohydrates
Well lads, as of today I've lost 40 pounds from my heaviest weight before I started watching my diet a working out. Down from 276 to 236. Feeling happy about my progress, but I know I still have a ways to go. Still wild that I'm this light, I haven't been this weight since my freshman year of callege.
Carbs are a readily available source of energy. It helps with workouts, but should probably avoided in /fat/.
>It helps with workouts
No, all studies I've personally read about (not read) have shown the opposite. Removing dietary carbohydrates is purported to improve performance markedly after the withdrawal period, as carbohydrates are addictive and any significant change to one's dietary pattern, especially if it carries a significant toxic element like the consumption of carbohydrates, will inevitably cause the body to need to acclimate to living without said elements. I'm willing to change my mind if you can find me something that backs up your claims.
Personally I have found it pretty easy to stay losing about 4-5 lbs a week
Fill your stomach up with a lot of salad and get enough protein, zero sugar soda to make cravings fuck off, stay motivated by that number constantly going down
I set 200 lbs as my goal weight without really thinking about it
That's just breaking out of obesity into high overweight bmi for me
I cannot realistically imagine being under that weight, haven't been since probably middle school / early high school
Will probably reevaluate as I get closer to it (sw: 410 cw: 336)
Based as hell
Gonna feel crazy when I get there
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>all studies I've personally read about (not read)
Nice, I broke that barrier last week so I know how good that feels.
I dont' read studies or anything to do with science but athletes eat tons of carbs so I'm going to take that as evidence.
That all makes sense. Thanks frens.
>day 12 of 14 day fast
>haven't lost a pound since day 8
I know I shouldn't expect everything to be like the first couple days where you shed water weight, but god damn if it isn't demoralizing
Here we go again.
>Every athlete in the universe eats carbs before working out
What happened?
My mind remains unchanged, then.
>Caved and drank last night
I fucking hate myself, i'm better than this. I fucking feel so pathetic
Yeah you also remain retarded
You are clearly a being beyond human comprehension. Build a cult and have people make blood offerings to you.
At least I have the courage to admit that I have my beliefs without actually reading the scientific data, you don't even have a secondary source. You're a coward and a fool.
Nah, I'm clearly losing fat. I'm walking for 500+ kcal a day and not eating. I think it's just weird water retention bullshit.
Your metabolism slows down when you stop eating. That being said, you're losing mass by living, regardless. Just give your body time to flush water. Things like mold exposure in your environment can cause inflammation that can cause such effects while fasting.
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Having one of those random sad nights. Sat in my kitchen looking outside and just pondering about my life and how i ended up here. I wonder if i lose more weight these random nights of sadness will stop. Probably not.
Ate a quesadilla while out on the road yesterday
Didn't account for cheese not fitting into my deficit diet for the past 4 months

Brutal truck stop diarrhea in the middle of the night
Stay retarded fellow anon
>he says, unable to justify his false opinion in even a small degree
Lmao, the irony.
My goal ay the start was 145lbs. I am 5 foot 6.5. The last 3 pounds have proved impossible to lose. I started at 195 mid February. I am at the movies and I frank 100 calories worth of titos and I have a tiny bag of smuggled pork rinds with me. I failed at the finish line.
It sounds like there is more on your mind besides your weight anon. Losing weight will help, but you need to address those other concerns as well. Perhaps losing the weight will make it easier and open new opportunities for you
Carbs -> glycogen in muscles, which is what they're using when you workout
Protein is used for energy inefficiently, which is one indirect reason keto can help with fatloss. Keto is not an energy-maximizing diet
Carbs aren't toxic, we are just surrounded by toxic vehicles of carbs. Potatoes are fantastic, oreos not so much. If we weren't supposed to have carbs, I don't think human breastmilk would be so high in sugars
carbs are used as energy, dietary fat is used as storage for example keto fags as they are fat
You haven't failed till your dead, get back up and keep going
Remember that it isn't just about the end goal, but the process too. Even if it takes longer than you want, every week you can be a healthier better you than the last week. Every day you make better choices again is a day you changed your own personal momentum. Every new day is a new opportunity to keep going and try again.

Fatty Contest
On a ketogenic diet, fat is the primary energy source, not protein. In fact, protein is very sparingly used for energy in all diets. The body prefers to use protein for structure, not to break down to use for energy. The muscles become fat adapted and when you're deeply in fat-adaptation, your glycogen will endogenously restock without the need for exogenous carbohydrate.

Our bodies, when digesting carbohydrate, break it down into glucose. Glucose is toxic, as it's an aldehyde. Too many aldehydes in a relatively small concentration cause cell death as well as damage DNA is lesser amounts, which is one of the many ways you may develop cancer. You may avoid these complications by relying on your body to keep the blood-glucose concentration steady by never feeding your body carbohydrate.
nah I have your IP filtered, thanks tho
Yet somehow most of humanity through history has consumed mostly carbs without issue, and cancer has spiked only relatively recently
>Yet somehow most of humanity through history has consumed mostly carbs without issue
Heart disease, diabetes, Alzheimer's, cancer, etc.
Unrelated, but you can prevent or slow Alzheimers by exercising your brain. Anything that incorporates problem solving is god tier for preventing any type of dementia.
It's okay, I understand that when you're neck-deep into a fanatic cult like yours, the truth creeping in can sting, almost as much as your failing health.
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>through history
Yes, it started with agriculture. That's only the last 5000 years or so. Before that getting this many carbs was difficult.
Pic related is what a wild carrot looks like.
In theory, anon.
In practice, cutting out carbohydrates is better in Alzheimer's patients. Did you know Alzheimer's patients tend to have horrific dependence on carbohydrate, and it actually worsens as their condition develops? By putting them on a ketogenic diet, they become fat-adapted and their brains can finally utilize a non-toxic form of energy easily and readily, that being ketone bodies. Some physicians have adopted to calling Alzheimer's type 3 (or 4) diabetes.
Tried counting my calories today. A tiny plate (for my fat ass) with 100g white rice, 120g black beans, 160g of chicken thighs (boned), 50g of sweet and russet potatoes. I didn't count the potatoes, but assuming 150 calories, that's 700 calories for this tiny ass plate. This shit is grim.
I would assume those were random weeds if you hadn't told me they were carrots.
Remove the rice and eat more meat. You'll feel fuller
Time for you to research into low calorie high volume foods
Before I started counting I was definitely going way too heavy on carbs
Swap out most of it with a big portion of salad - tastes good, fills up, still have a little hit of carbs on the side but not as much
I was hoping I wouldn't have to cut rice, but I can't deny it now. It'll have to be an occasional treat instead of a staple. I've been fine not eating bread though, I thought that would be difficult, so I'll probably be fine cutting down on a lot of carbs over the next couple of weeks.
I've been losing weight for 5 months at a good pace now and I'm eating rice daily. You can make your priorities. I ended up removing sugary drinks and most sauces.
My LDL number came up a bit high (technically in the "near optimal" range) on my recent lipid panel, and my doctor wants me to stop my kickass diet (low carb, high protein, kinda keto) and eat less ribeyes, lamb chops or eggs, which feels like a cruel and unusual punishment.
I have three months before I get another panel and hopefully get better numbers so I can stop being haunted by the ghost of unwanted medical advice.
My strategy:
- Shift from psyllium husk capsules to psyllium husk powder, and boost from 1g to 10g daily. Take before saturated fat-heavy meals, so the weird soluble fiber gel can absorb more of the evil food bits.
- Be more consistent in grabbing a handful of mixed nuts daily to sterolmaxx.
- Keep eating WTF I want.

Am I going to make it, /fat/?
Just eat meat that isn't so fatty you pig
I can tell that you are not a fan of delicious flavor.
How is your total cholesterol to triglycerides ratio? It's a far better predictor of atherosclerosis than LDL
>weed for less than 30 minutes
>active calories: +90
not something I can keep up, as I'll eventually run out of satanic caltrop weeds, but it's cool for now
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They're all in range. Even the ratios that use LDL are in range.
So I don't think I necessarily have a huge problem at this stage, I just want to squash that little outlier before it becomes a thing.
I said total cholesterol but I was wrong, Meant HDL. Your ratio is good. You shouldn't have atherosclerosis. There is such a thing as a lean mass hyperresponder, which means the leaner you get, the higher your LDL will become on a low-carb diet.
wasted 20 bucks on chinese food to binge purge. i suck
I have a strange rash on my feet and ankels, i have Diabetus dont i?
Could be a million things
If you think you're within range of possible diabetes go get a blood test and lock in, it's reversible
That doctor visit is the starting point for a lot of people
Do you excessively sweat, feel thirsty most of the time, even after drinking a ton, pee more than 3 times a day, have general symptoms of metabolic disorder, or have piss that tastes sweet? It may be type 2 diabetes if so. If not, likely irritation. Wash your socks without detergent, you may have sensitivity to the detergent you use. Typically rashes like that indicate eczema in these cases, which would be a topical sensitivity. For me, using a moldy sponge will make the backs of my hands crack apart and bleed for a week.
>or have piss that tastes sweet?
I don't drink my own piss, how the fuck would i know
Take a little sip. You don't have to become a regular piss drinker. Cheaper than a doctor.
>pee more than 3 times a day,
NTA, thats a low frequency, 6 is normal
If you have sweet piss, it would be a certainty that you have type 2 diabetes. That's how they used to check it. Being a Doctor's apprentice was a nasty job, but someone had to taste the piss.
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>People in this general drink gallons of their own piss
If it's good enough for Bear Grylls, It's good enough for me.
One time I drank two 40s of steel reserve and had the urge to piss in a glass and chug it
Didn't taste like much, just warm
Would it be easier to lose weight if I eat packaged frozen food ? Don't even need a scale, the calories are right on the box
If you want a diet of only slop then sure
Easier to track calories, but tracking isn't particularly hard
I sometimes get annoyed when I'm making a recipe with a bunch of ingredients and then have to proportion calories by percentage of total mass compared to portion mass
But I'd rather take a minute to do that than only eat frozen slop all the time
Only the unhealthy frozen slop is really enjoyable anyway, if you're going lower cal/carb, it's way more enjoyable to cook
> lean mass hyper responder
Damn. That's a whole little rabbit hole you sent me into right there.
I'm still reading about it, I can't quite tell if those folks get to just ignore their LDL or if there's still meaningful risk in doing so.
protein bars
protein powder
rye bread
flash-frozen 'raw' vegetable drinks
there's even some healthy frozen food that isn't slop, just look for seed oils as an easy identifier for slop. Mason Dixie makes OK frozen food, and meat patties can work.
Restaurants are also getting better about having some nutrition information, at least on a website.

The real killer is alcohol. No nutrition information, no ingredients, no information at all beyond alcohol% and the amount of fluid in the container. And the inferred numbers are terrible, like 500+kcal for enough wine to even feel, all carbs. Go cold turkey on alcohol if you wanna lose weight, /fat/
no because of the hidden additives they add to all processed
LDL is really just a poor marker for heart disease in general. People with low LDL can still drop dead from atherosclerosis.
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>Go cold turkey on alcohol if you wanna lose weight, /fat/
Saves money too. I can't believe the amount of money I wasted on alcohol in the past :/
The human population was absolutely miniscule without agriculture, so it is still correct to say MOST of humanity has consumed carbohydrates. There are immensely healthy people all over the world who happily consume plenty of carbs. Literally all top athletes slam carbs
Are you a top athlethe? Are most people top athletes?
Stop taking dietary advice from steroid abusers.
Yeah.. it looks like LDL is a potential aggravating factor for people with existing heart disease, but it doesn't seem to predict the appearance of disease itself, in either direction.
To be fair, Kind Friend, those people have very little fat. We're trying to loose weight ITT and need less carbs. We still need some, but not in a 1/1/1 ratio carbs/fat/protein that healthy people would typically need.
>weigh self before going to sleep
>weigh self after walking up
>2.6 lbs down
There was no dump in between that, either
I think this is completely normal. You're spending ~8 hours without eating or drinking with your internal engine idling. It'd be weird if there were no measurable changes afterward.
I weigh myself every night before bed and every morning. Here's what I'm getting:
Today: -2.8lbs
Yesterday: -1.5lbs
T-2: -0.4lbs
T-3: -4.2lbs
T-4: -1.7lbs
This is why sane folks tell us to weigh ourselves once a day at the same time at most, since these kind of seesaw action ends up being psychologically difficult for many.
Is it a digital scale? I have to step on mine twice to get an accurate reading. Granted I store mine vertically between cupboards so that may require it to self calibrate each use(?).
I started initially just wanting to lose weight. Along the way I got into running and now I want to run a 5k in under 30 minutes
Def sounds like Los Glucose Loco
Fatty Contest
Bump limit hit. New thread:
the movie was ok, the first one was better
I've been on a plateau for over 2 months. What do i do??? I lift 3 times a week and diet has been the same.
Of course, Ive been having a lot of success drastically cutting my carbs on most days
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>overate because I ordered takeout for some ungodly reason
I hate myself so fucking much. I just felt like I had to eat it, I don't know what the fuck is wrong with me
Fatty Contest
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5'9 195 lost 40lb so far this year. 30lbs to go. You all got this. 6 thinking about joining a jujitsu dojo. Am I still too fat, or can I try without yall laughing me away?

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