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5K Edition

>Advice for new runners
- Build up speed and mileage SLOOOOWLY (start with 15 minutes, increase mileage 10% per week)
- It will feel like you're going slow, you are; don't worry about setting good times for a couple months
- If you start to feel pain anywhere, stop and rest
- Don't try to copy what pros are doing. Do what feels natural
- Once you can comfortably roon 6 miles/10km, start thinking about a goal in terms of race distance and time, and look for a training plan for that goal (see below for suggested plans)

>Couch to 5k/Bridge to 10k Guides
https://i.imgur.com/ef98R.png (embed)
https://i.imgur.com/qNJIy.png (embed)

>I want to run a fast 5k, 10k, half-marathon, or marathon

>I want to stretch

>Performance calculators

previous >>74527485
Only fags run.
Keep stuffing your fat face, powershitter.
Any Mizuno fans here? Currently running in Wave Riders as my dailies, but I’m looking to up my speed.
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Marathon today. Goal was 3:15, stretch goal 3:10. 50° and drizzle to light rain whole race.
Anybody know which running shoes I should buy as an antisemite? I.e. non-jew owned brands?
Twisted my ankle a bit hiking today but it's not too bad. I can still feel it though. Should I roon
Very nice job anon.
I’d ice it and wait to see how you feel tomorrow.
What are you slamming as your post-run meal?
Damn it ): Okay thank you

28C day comin up

will be fun to run in heh
What does 'corr' mean?
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Does making gains in rooning require a caloric surplus like strength training does? AKA is it possible to improve your time while cutting or is it better to eat at maintenance?
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It was too hot and humid to do my long run today, I cut it at 8 miles. Now I have to run 12 miles tomorrow after deadlifting/pull day
Distance vs Speed?
I get mixed answers on the 'net as to which is better for weight loss.
I personally get more satisfaction doing several full force 200ms than trying (and failing) to joog several kilometers.
Had all the normal goodies post finish line. Donut and flavored ice latte after a shower and nap. Pizza for dinner and some ice cream after.
Thinking about doing intervals tomorrow to change it up and do something fresh
Would 3x5 minutes run 5 minutes walk be good? Running at a pace I can only do for about 10 minutes?
I need to get my cadence up 5 more
what is it now?
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Mostly averaging around 175
No, you can make gains on a deficit, you just have to be more mindful of recovery.
Distance is better for weight loss. Running burns a pretty constant amount of calories regardless of speed. So you're better off sticking to a pace you can maintain for a while.
Yeah that's a great interval workout
just did a slow run/walk of 13.6km in minimalist shoes. My ankles feel fucked. Still gotta adapt more I guess.
that's good and looks fairly consistent. your cadence and stride length will naturally increase as you get faster.
Where my Colorado bros at? It’s gonna be hot as fuark out
Been running in Mizunos for 10 years. Don't really have much to say though.
What model of theirs would you recommend for speed work compared to the Wave Rider?
people say he's a furry pedophile from some obscure /r9k/ subforum, I think the british one
I've seen people "corr" post on other boards more lately and avatarfag with the same close-up cat face photos
I hope he's not really a pedo because I'm a fan of the cat photos lel
Serious question, how often SHOULD you take days off from running and how often DO you take days off?
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defo garrn hairfta give diss kittington the dl
generally distance but theres calorie calculators you can do online
or you could just stop using meme contrarian shoes
depends on how long you've been running
I take ~2 days off per month but most of the time I try and do a recovery run instead of taking the day off
I don’t think minimalist shoes are a meme per se, but they’re definitely geared more toward slighter built guys like 160 or lighter.
have you trained with minimalist shoes and strengthened your feet/calves/ankles enough to use them comfortably for high mileage runs
or are you just talking out of ignorance and fear?
Good job son!
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5k on Thursday night. I have been on vacation so it is hard to eat right since my family just wants to eat crap. I have a feeling it will effect my 5k time but whatever, there is more to life than running. I can only spend time with some of the kids in my family once every now and then.
Great roon anon I'm proud of you!
I find that real runners are well adjusted people, not commies, not poltards, just normal people.
Maybe, go slow if you do and be ready to call it quits if it hurts.
I ran to lose weight and I'm down a lot.
2-3 days per week
1-2 days a week
Currently doing RDLs to help injury prevention when rooning. What's better in this case? High reps/lower weight or high weight/low reps?
It's means
Anyone here run in ON shoes? How is their cushioning compared to standard foams and such? Considering getting some, but stores in my city don't really sell in-store so I can't try them on
i've ran around 100x for around 500km in the last year and my 1km race pace has improved from 5 minutes to 4:49 which is ok but seems like not enough for how much i ran and did other stuff. i didn't obsess over diet. is losing weight and increasing frequency to 3-4x per week the main takeaway?
Between the 5K and the marathon/HM, what distance is easiest to combine with lifting? Looking to lift 2x a week full body, with maybe an extra vanity session here and there
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week 2 day 1 of some couch to 5k plan im doing. Dropped off in pace a bit around the 3rd interval, but it feels good so far. On day 3 im supposed to run 5 minutes intervals, probably haven't ran that long in over a decade.
I compressed it over night and it's not a terrible pain, not swollen either, but it does feel like I shouldn't put any additional strain on it. I was really looking forward to doing some longer runs this weekend too ):
I guess I'm going to be doing machine rows today
So what do you do when it’s raining?
you can buy raincoats for running anon
Is it worth it to do shorter distances in minimalist shoes and longer roons and speedwork in normal shoes?
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>front of my ankle on my left side has been absolutely fucked lately
>Down from 2 80 minute runs and a 45 min run to maybe 1 50 minute run a week
>Finally put down 70 minutes yesterday
>Ankle isn't in agony this morning
I think we're back bros
Just finished one of the worst long roons of my life so far. Heat and humidity hit me much more than I expected it to. Started feeling the intense urge to shit about 10 miles in even though I did so beforehand. Thought I could tough it out but realized I couldn't so I took a detour back home and just barely made it. But I finished and that's what matters.
First 20 of the season in the bag. Sub 10 would have been nice, but I ended this run 7 pounds lighter than I started.
Went to church and did a sesh on the ERG. Ankle feels a lot better now might go for a roon afterall later
hey anons, I'm an amateur runner doing couch to 5k and it's fun as hell. I feel so accomplished when I finally get done with the work out. My question is do you anons do any other exercise? Calisthenics, martial arts, plain old weightlifting?
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I try to mix in weight lifting 3x a week. Nothing special, just chin ups, overhead, bench, rows. I'll do squats and deadlifts in the off season, but once I start stacking miles beyond 45 a week then I have to scale back.
Callistenics 3 times a week for legs; weights 3 times a week for shoulders, back and chest. Gonna try adding weights to my split squats, hip thrusts, and calf raises in a few months after I've done my first half marathon - don't want to over-do things and fuck myself as only been rooning a few months.
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Update: ran 5.8 miles and I'm still good, cut it off early because I didn't want to run to the point of re-injury.
We really are back
My appetite during the summer plummets because of the heat, so I end up running a crazy low caloric intake.
I do a minimalist lifting routine 2x a week for injury prevention and aesthetics. Running 4-5x a week alongside it
That's a long time on your feet. Good job anon.
Is 8k a long run? Yesterday I ran 8k in 41 minutes, I wanted to keep it at 5min/km but by the last 2 km I had to slow down, any tips?
where were you when you realized running culture is the new streetwear?
>norda 001s
>lulu pace breaker shorts
>on tank
>salomon vest
>ciele hat
17km long room on the trails this morning
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huh? I just wear my normal gym shorts, a shirt, running shoes, and plan my route to have plenty of water fountains.
I just wear whatever cheap shit I can find on Vinted for pennies (except for my Altras/Topos and Camelbak that were all reduced outdated lines)
It's techwear in general
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Decided to increase to 5 days a week, so will be cutting back on distance for each run. Hopefully this doesn't fuck me. Overall, felt alright, not too much groin soreness.
Saw a heron perched in a tree over the river, but it was gone when I was making my way back. Afterwards, as I was crossing a bridge to walk home, I saw another heron on a log in the river. The same heron? We may never know.
Might try swimming in the lake tomorrow morning, depending on the weather. I need to setup my Garmin for swimming.
I ended up doing 4 sets instead, at my first goal 5k pace.(Well technically slightly slower but round numbers are prettier) This running speed would put me at a 30 minute 5k.
Alternated 5 minutes walking 3mph and 5 minutes running 6mph for a total of 3 miles in 40 minutes.
I have no clue how I'll be able to do this pace for 30 minutes straight... My first 5k a few weeks ago was 37:24, but then I keep seeing people who pump out sub 30 minutes in less than a month of running. Really disheartening, I've been running for months now 3-4x a week
I like a dual progression in 8-10 reps for RDLs, 2 sets if twice a week or 3 sets if once a week
Add weight when all sets hit 10 reps
I hate doing high reps in general, but I also don't feel like I can control RDLs well enough to drop below 8 reps, whereas a proper Deadlift I like 3s or 5s
Sisters how do I deal with underboob chafing from my bra? It only happens in the heat when I'm sweating a ton. Bodyglide doesn't help.
Is this supposed to be readable?
Which strength exercises should I do to prevent injury? I currently have shin splints that prevent me from running more than 10km, and I felt something in my knee during my previous run.
Yes, it's date/time, indoors/outdoors, distance, distance for the week, 7 day total distance, weekly average distance over 2 weeks, weekly average distance over 3 weeks, time, pace, mph, average pace over last 7 days of runs, average mph over last 7 days of runs, average pace over last 14 days of runs, average mph over last 14 days of runs, average pace over last 21 days of runs, average mph over last 21 days of runs, time to complete the first 5K distance, pace of the first 5K distance, mph of the first 5K distance, average pace over last 7 days for first 5Ks, average mph over last 7 days for first 5Ks, average pace over last 14 days for first 5Ks, average mph over last 14 days for first 5Ks, average pace over last 21 days for first 5Ks, average mph over last 21 days for first 5Ks, weight after the run, average weight over last 7 days, average weight over last 14 days, average weight over last 21 days.
how is your running form? overstriding is the biggest cause of shin splints, and heel striking tends to cause overstriding
I run slow as fuck, I don't think it's even physically possible to overstride at my pace. ~7:00/km
Tibialis raises help prevent shin splints.

Squats; lunges; step up (or down) for your quads (will work glutes too)

Bridges and hip thrusts will work your glutes and hamstrings. Deadlifts too but it's easier to fuck your back up with bad form if you're a beginner.

Calf raises are self-explanatory
When I saw kids wearing custom painted Salomon Speedcross's as sneakers, really bad shoe for that desu
Obviously, you don't want to be doing all of these I might add. Just pick one or two for each group.
I am going to attempt to job 2 miles without stopping today. Wish me luck. My record so far is 1.25 miles but I felt like I could have gone longer.

Lately I've noticed the longer I go without working out or exhausting myself physically, the more shit I feel. After a good run I feel much better mood-wise so I look forward to this every other day.
Take it slow and stick to flat ground if you can. You'll be fine.
I am it's on a treadmill
Get a proper sports bra, with a thick band around the bottom instead of underwire. Needs to be sufficiently tight that there is no movement of the band during running. Check the size guides on website and measure yourself accordingly.

Nike and Under Armour good for smaller boobs, if you have really big boobs you’ll probably have the pay for something more specialist.

Once you finish running shower right away to prevent sweat sitting against your skin and irritating it more.
long is relative
for you I guess it is long
keep running
I'm wearing a nice sports bra in 34D with an underwire since that's what I've always used, but I've lost a little weight since I bought them and the band is slightly loose so I can probably go down to a 32. And I'll try to find one without a wire. Thanks sis.

Talk to me about rooning.

Sometimes you just have a bad roon.
Is zone 2 60-70% or 70-80% of max heart rate???
Half of the resources say the lower, the other half say the higher. MAF 180 is closer to the higher one for me
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>ungodly hot and humid
>pass by a city worker sprinkling some plants alongside the trail (has barely rained this week)
>points at the hose nozzle as I'm approaching
>give him a thumbs up and he shoots the water up in the air near me to run through
what a bro, felt so good
It's just a heuristic.
The real zone2 is based on lactate recovery.
Went for that roon. Feels good. Still want to roon more. Ankle feels normal now too
That’s magical
It's literally impossible for me to run at that heart rate then
Walking at 3mph puts me at like 45-50% but then jogging even at 4mph puts me above 70%
You can jog at 3mph. It's less efficient than walking the same speed but if all you cared about was efficiency you'd ride a bike or something. Jogging still works the running muscles.
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It was only 73 degrees today when I went out running. Almost 20 degrees cooler than yesterday. Still humid, but I got 12 miles in today. Solid week, but I ran a lot slower
don't worry about strict zone 2 running if you are a beginner, it's meant for runners who are trying to fit a lot more miles in a week than you are, just keep it somewhat easy
i am goat rooner itt
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>start browising /roon/ to try to start running again after years off
>see couch to 5k guide with some green eyed blonde chick named Emi
>start making AI pics of her running to motivate myself
>pics start to get more and more revealing
>soon enough she's not even wearing running clothes, just slutty tops and pantyhose
>shortly after she is nude and looking at me with desire
>cum to her multiple times this week
>still making pictures, I cannot stop
>still have not run a single time
fuck this gay website for making me too lazy to run and fuck this gay earth
Anyone here get a stress fracture in their foot? Can you share what it was like? Did a half marathon Saturday (normally do 5-10k an week) and after I have a dull ache lateral side of left foot 2/10 pain when walking, 0/10 pain at rest. No pain on touch, no swelling, no bruising. Can single leg weight bear and hop with only mild discomfort.
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Question to anyone with running experience:

About a month and a half ago I started running again since the weather finally got nice. I'm out of shape and recently quit smoking too.

My first week, I got into the zone somehow and I ran 5x doing 4 miles each time (total of 20 miles that week). Understandably, I over-trained and my ankle hurt so took a week and a half off.

Since then, I try to go 2-3x a week but I'm huffing and puffing every time doing 2-3 miles at most.

What the fuck? Why can't a run like I did my first week?
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Because you're tired.
stick to zone 2
increase mileage gradually and slowly.

10% rule is not 10% every week. its 10% one time then stay like that
>he doesn't know about katawa shoujo
i think they have literally the longest running general thread on /vg/
We've had many extremely fast guys here but they never post their runs.
NTA but do you think 2 hours a week is a good goal for zone 2?
I've ran a marathon one month ago and I have a HM in 10 weeks. After that I am running the same marathon next year. So in 11 months.

Is there any guide on how my "off-season" training should be? Or should I mock a race every 3-4 months or so?
Most people will just base train (lots of easy mileage, long run on weekend, maybe a basic speed sesh with low risk of injury). The goal is just to keep pumping up your aerobic conditioning, which takes longer to cultivate than your speed or VO2max stuff. You can save that for race season.
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how can I heal these fast bros
they hurt I can't roon
Put medical tape over them when you run. Thank me later
Get a roll of moleskin, cut to shape and stick them on your blisters. And fix whatever is causing the blisters.
how long you gonna spend running from your problems before you face them like a grown man?
I just can't in to dating. I've tried, I am never getting a family at this point.
Hopefully sub 3 marathon will ease my pain on my deathbed
Get it looked at if it persists, mine didn't hurt at all. Nada. Something else was making my foot go numb (problem is with my leg) so they x-rayed it and found the unrelated stress fracture to my third metatarsal.

Fractures to the fifth metatarsal (outside of foot) can be very problematic sometimes and take a while to heal due to relatively low blood supply to that area.
good idea thanks
>And fix whatever is causing the blisters
long night of dancing in heels at a club, I won't be doing that again for a while. and I'll use moleskin on the spots that get fucked
Use that speed to impress runthots at your local run club
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Good luck. Recently busted out the moleskin for these because I ran my long run in the wrong shoe/sock combo. Was able to run a decent trail 10K a few days later without pain or popping.
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>wanna kms
>go for run
>wanna live
distances for this feel? am I destined for a life of ultra coping?
buy a running vest and start doing ultras. Just keep it to 50mi or less, if you run through the night for a race you'll definitely want to kys
I want to do routine related but I have a 10K fun run next week. Should I just make that a threshold run and consider it my speedwork for the week?
Those guys are still going? Geeze
Also zoomers creating AI pics instead of using the years of porn drawn by artists, lol

Daily reminder running is awful for you
Yo brehs I fookin did it, sub-25 minute 5k accomplished. I felt like I was going to suffocate the whole time but managed to do it in 24:48.
Thanks for the tip, fat boy.
No argument? Yeah, thought so.
Serious question, is it normal to get a rash on your butt cheeks from rooning too much?
No. It's more likely that you got it from anal sex.
I don't have gay sex though let alone anal sex
Brehs why can't I roon? No matter how many times I try, for fucks sake I can't jog more than 2 kilometres without getting tired. I go everyday to the gym and I'm constantly increasing weights. Yet I can't jog more and more, no matter how hard I try.
i have no idea. depends on goals. depends how often you wanna run. depends on what body can take so honestly i have no idea. i would saytho dont need to be too rigid with zone 2. zone 2 isnt the goal. the goal is to find a

base run - a run which is the foundation for all your other running and is most of your mileage - which you can run sustainably and comfortably without pushing too hard, at a pace you can keep up for long distances and regardless of hoe bad the state of your body is. a pace that you can do most of the week and maybe do something harder on top of without negative effects.
bros yall need ti start moisturizing your feet

Can I make cardio progress with only one seance of jogging per week?
lol lmao the fatboy comments
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Is buying a Coros Pace 3 worth it? I'm interested in getting a cool running watch
dad here, yes you do
Ghosts aren't real, anon.
Don't need to argue, you're clearly fat and seething about it.
Adidas and Puma were started by two brothers that were literal Nazis, moreso Puma. Both companies are probably pretty far removed from that today.
I find that the motivation strongly correlates with the beauty of your running trail, the less city and the more nature it has, the more motivated you will be. To make it even more interesting and challenging, I love to run over hills/mountains, it's not your typical jogging, but it's so much more satisfying and beautiful.
I have a galaxy watch but if I was in the market for one now it'd definitely be the coros.
Should I take a calcium supplement? I don't eat dairy. Should I take a multivitamin?
Is Zone running a meme.
I look online some people say zone 2 is 60-70% max, others 65-73, the norweigians say its 72%-82%.
Which the fuck is it.
How do I get my V02 max up? According to my watch I'm at 38 and it bothers me that it's so low
Dont care, I'm still gonna roon
It's around 70%, give or take.
The start or the end
It's the intensity for maximal development of mitochondria. That's usually correlated with a heartrate of 60-70% of max, but heartrate is not actually the goal.
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More hills
Vary your speed
Probably need to run more. How many hours per week do you spend running?
I just started, the past week I ran just shy of of an hour and thirty
I think it's a pretty good number for someone who just started, it'll increase naturally as your fitness increases.
Thanks anons
Is coros better than Garmin?
Haha monke feet
Now Im paranoid than the pain on the outside of my foot is this. But I think it's just because I'm not used to running a lot and my shoes aren't wide enough. I will take time off and see
Find some soft enough trails and run barefoot until they heal
>exercising at all is bad
This is genuinely the most retarded video I have seen, this guy has to be doing it in bad faith.
It really is stupid
Lifting is kind of my priority but in the future I want to be able to pump out 25 minute 5ks. MAYBE work for a 10k, but no more than that
I could maybe see marathon stuff being unhealthy(I won't die on that hill at all) but having a good level of cardiovascular fitness is a net positive. I don't want to be like those guys who can squat 405 but get winded going up a single flight of stairs
it's a gay meme to keep new runners slow
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Did 8km today in 40 minutes exactly, cutting down 1:30, feels good.
That’s about my minimum distance when we go on a run, but I usually go quite a bit slower, I’m in the army but I’m usually the worst at sports and I want to change that.
Hello roonfriends, today I ran 10k for the second time. I forgot to post on here the first time. Did it in about 48:30
Rest days can eat a bag of dicks
Good job fren
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28C tomorrow

cant wait

love a good heat roon
take the suunto pill
When shopping for a new watch a few months ago I was tempted to get the Vertical/Race. Seem like really quality watches for the price point and my friend loves his Suunto Race. Ended up with the FR965 because I'm a good goy
I did it bros. I just finished week 5 and ran for 22 minutes without stopping for a break. My calves didn't hurt, neither did my knees. Pace was around 8:31/km, so I ran a bit over 2km.
Feels pretty good bros.
Good job Anon. If you were one of the 2 people recently posting about that day,
see I told you you could do it
Nice work, keep it up anon
Yeah that was me from last week. Thanks again bro.
There's a 5k next month that I want to race, and I'm currently trying to lose fat (5'9 at roughly 180lbs). I lift full body three times a week and run 3-5 miles on off days. I averaged between 9 and 10:30/mile for 5.26 miles today. How should I train to lose fat and get a better pace at the same time?
I've been running for 8 years, and have been wearing the same running shoes (Hoka Bondis) for 6. I just recently bought a new pair and every time I run more than 7 miles in them the left one rubs the area under the ball of my foot to the point where when I finish running it feels likes someone is holding a hot iron to the bottom of my foot for at least an hour or two after running, and the outer arch of my foot is rubbed raw with a blister.

I did my 20K long run yesterday in my older pair and no such thing happened, so it's not my feet.
These shoes have 50 miles on them already now and are about 15% dirtied up. Definitely not in a returnable state.
Do you think I should go to the running store anyway and talk to them about it and see if Hoka has a manufacturer's warranty or am I SOL? I've been buying shoes there for years
The worst they could say is no, right? You could also try selling them.
Developed big blisters on outside of big toes. Should I take time off or run through? How have you anons dealt with blisters?
thanks for the laugh
Started C25K, have shin splints. Very common as I understand it. My form is probably shit, might have chosen the wrong shoes, going too fast, got to stretch properly, etc etc. I'll look into all that.
My question is, providing it's tolerable, is it OK to keep going? Some articles seem to imply that at the first sign of shin pain you must completely stop running for weeks.
>Shin pain is likely to stop you running for a while. Take a break for a few weeks before beginning again slowly.
>The best course of treatment for shin splints is to stop any activity that's causing the pain until the injury is healed.
But it seems to be very common and stopping as soon as my shins hurt feels like an unrealistic overreaction if I ever want to make progress.
It doesn't feel like an "injury", and if it weren't for the internet I probably would've assumed it was normal. New to running == sore feet and legs, shouldn't be surprising.
I obviously don't want to risk anything serious though.
most shin splint issues are because of overstriding(always bad) and or heel striking(this isn't always bad though)
check your form
if it feels like an injury is potentially starting to form but hasn't yet, you can probably only skip a few days and be okay
Ran 10k in 88 degrees. Bit off a little more than I could chew. Walked about 1/5 of it. Fkn hot.
just run and track calories. losing fat (or any weight in general) will allow you to run a faster 5k
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us olympic trials have been pretty sick so far if you're into that sort of thing. the 1500m final today was pretty intense
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I just spent 250€ but now I feel bad (i can afford it but it's still a lot of money that i could save) do i cancel my order?
I mean I can track my runs with my phone just fine
depends on the watch. they're definitely more convenient to glance at than a phone and can trick things like HR and v02 to some extent
I chose the coros pace 3
If i can only run 4hrs per week (4x1hr) i don't see how running slowly in zone 2 would burn more body fat than running faster and further.
I'm running about 120-130bpm through my nose and could chat away. I sweat halfway through and I'm not out of breath at all after. But if i pick up the pace and still just about breath through my nose the whole time, sweat buckets and feel like i ran how is that not going to melt fat?

Is zone 2 a cope for amerilards so the don't have to ruin fast? Will someone explain this to me
>Is zone 2 a cope for amerilards so the don't have to ruin fast?
Unironically yes.
I ran down a mountain yesterday and smashed my big toe on a rock on the way down and I am pretty sure it is broke, bearing in mind I'm pretty fat too. What do I do to ensure a speedy recovery?
Just buy an armband with a phone pocket, save 240 euros
yeah once my long runs started getting above 20k every week I started getting ass chafing. there's not really anything you can do except buy some vaseline, take a big scoop and shove it in your crack before you go out. maybe if you get better fitting clothes but I don't know. the same thing happens to my nipples too. once I get to marathon distance my nipples are usually bleeding by the end if I don't wear a well fitting shirt and I don't use vaseline
it takes a long time to be able to roon if you've been a couch potato your whole life. the most important thing I think is to just have fun. so when I started I made a little 5k route and then every night after dinner id go out and make sure to complete. it didn't matter if I ran the whole thing or not the important thing was just to go the distance. eventually you get bored of walking so much so you naturally start pushing your abilities
Altra is nice
Just had a big slice of watermelon after my roon. Better than sex.
I've been using a small dose ofnkratom before running and the endurance gains i got are insane. At least the felt endurance. I can sense that i'm starting to get tired, but it doesn't bother me in the slightest and i can just keep going. I do feel the exhaustion in my calves though, which is good so I don't risk injuries.
hes baiting you, coros pace 3 is just one of a dozen running watches.
if you want to know how accurate it is look up dc rainmaker on youtube and whatever watch youre interested about.
So i should run faster or what?
It's burning fat all you care about? What a weird post.
He's retarded, but you should run however you want.
>taking advice from baiting /fit/ lurkers

anon. What the fuck is your goal? 1 mile? 5K?10k? HM? FM? UM?

either way:
set an amount of miles you want to run total each week that you think you can handle without any injuries.
do 80% of those miles in 'zone 2'. This just means running those miles at a heartrate between 60 and 70% of your maximum (220-age)
the other 20% should be devoted to speed work.
Think 400m repeats, 1 mile intervals, etc etc.

there is a whole can of worms regarding how much percentage you should devote to the zone 2 running, if you should do speedwork at all when starting out, how to increase weekly mileage but its all just slicing the onion too thinly.
the most common thing you will hear is just to increase your weekly mileage by 10%.

Mo: 2 mile @ Z2
Tu: 4x400m repeats @ goal pace
Th: Rest
Fr: 2 mile @ Z2
Sa: 3 mile @ Z2
Su: Rest

either like i said increase mileage each week, or maybe the pace for the repeats, or maybe a tempo run etc etc. figuring it out is up to you. dont forget: all roads lead to rome one way or another. best of luck you unfit pathetic (for now) faggot
I want to cut a about 3kg so it's the main thing. Cardio is a secondary benefit
Thank you, but I'm not trying to be a rooner per se. I'm trying to cut a couple kg and i can dedicate 4x1hr a week. I can run 10k in an hour no problem through the nose but that bumps me to zone 3/4
I could run 8k in that hour which feels really easy but I'm wondering which of the two is better fat loss wise assuming i can only do 4x1hr per week no matter what. Faster longer distance or slower shorter distance, but both runs would be 1hr
if fat loss is your main concern just eat less its not exactly fucking rocket science is it? dedicating 4 hours to zone 2 because in that HR range you burn more fat for energy means practically nothing. You will realistically only jus get fitter.
Ill say it again because i know your skull is thicker than a wall:
Eat. Less
i started running 5 weeks ago but im getting really bored when i run and actually dont want to run anymore, i skipped yesterdays run too i think ill give up
tell me you at least bought all the newest gadgets and shoes and are willing to give them to me?
I am eating less you faggot. I can't enjoy a roon too? Getting fitter would be great you say it like it's a bad thing. I'm wondering which of the two would be optimal. If there's no difference in your faggot opinion then I'll just do whichever i feel like on the day.
Any why does it mean practically nothing? Because it's not a long time?
nah i bought nothing im poor
Now that it's 30+ degrees outside my motivation for rooning is almost gone. Might switch to road cycling just for the summer.
Fun fact, the human body is water proof.
>been running on and off for a couple of years
>generally run 3-5 km
>recently decide I want to improve
>ran 4.3km yesterday
>24 minutes, average pace of 5.38, 67% of the time spent in zone 4
Some vague goals I have is being able to run 5km in 25 min and being able to run 10km at a decent pace. 60 min is perhaps realistic? Will continuing to go for intense ~5km runs a couple of time a week bring me to 5km/25min?
Yes, just go running every other day and in a couple of weeks you should be able to reach it.
Zone 2 faggotry is for people who run 80 miles per week.
well then just keep rooning my man
So I don't need to run at lower zones for some esoteric reason I, an amateur runner, cannot comprehend?
Ok thanks. Yeah it seems good enough for me, I'm not worried about that. I just felt bad for spending that money on a product that I don't really need. I can totally afford it, it's just that my parents always taught me so save money lol.
That's also a great idea. I had my first 5k race last week and saw some people with their phones on their arm.
I think I'll just take the watch. Tomorrow it'll arrive :DD
Tbh I'm the same way. My justification is that even if you go full poseur you're not spending that much running compared to virtually any other hobby, so if you like it then I'd treat yourself within reason. Sounds like you bought a good watch for the price. I bought a running hat for $20 and I kind of felt silly but it's pretty nice :D
fpbp, real men sprint.
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yeh i was finkin

best way to introduce anons to hard workouts probably IS short intervals

coz ultimately even if threshoolds or even tempos are important they will NOT be fun to beginner and can get boring or tedious

also tempos especially will.be very hard for beginner and everyone tenss to do them too hard
Suicide runs and EMOM sprints is probably best for beginners developing running strength and endurance, power skips and mountain climbers for a warm up.
Try it and see. If it doesn't work, consider that perhaps training volume might be the missing ingredient.
yeah I just roon once or twice a week now that it's hot as fuck out and bike instead
listen to music or something and use strava to track your runs so you can get autistically focused on improoving your times on random segments
I used to do this but be careful, kratom can absolutely FUCK your blood pressure up, like i'm talking raising your systolic by 20 points levels of fucked up
it's also basically just a weak opiate so you could be causing some muscle damage by pushing too hard. It CAN make a long run a lot more fun though but I got off kratom years ago and haven't looked back.
>I am eating less you faggot.
doubt it, fatass
> I can't enjoy a roon too?
didnt say that
>Getting fitter would be great you say it like it's a bad thing
> I'm wondering which of the two would be optimal
must be grim being this dense
>If there's no difference in your faggot opinion then I'll just do whichever i feel like on the day.
you were gonna do that regardless
>Any why does it mean practically nothing? Because it's not a long time?
no, because we are ridiculously efficient in our energy expenditure. Running a mile burns around 100 calories give or take most paces and takes 4-14 minutes depending on who you ask. Eating a 100 calories takes 4-14 seconds. inbred, fat, useless, retard.
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Sprinting is a form of running.
>f i can only run 4hrs per week (4x1hr) i don't see how running slowly in zone 2 would burn more body fat than running faster and further.
Overall, you will burn more calories running harder, yes.
However, when running harder, a greater percentage of the calories burned --during the exercise-- will come from stored glycogen, not fat.
Running harder will also leave your body stressed and will remain in an elevated state after the workout. This also may lead to increased fat loss vs "easy cardio."

The main caveats are:
Harder workouts may trigger compensation elsewhere. You wind up being hungrier and being less active during the day, eating more and winding up with a lower TDEE than you expected.
Harder workouts increase risk of injury.
A hard limit of 4 hours per week is going to put a hard limit on your cardio fitness.

Bodybuilders doing a cut often focus on doing a high volume of zone 1 cardio. They aim for like 20,000 steps a day or something like that (I forget the exact number of steps).
I don't optimize that hard.
I just did a little research, read some good reviews, bought a pair of Wave Inspire and they felt good and I had no blisters or foot pain or anything after running. So I've kept using them over the years and they've never given me any reason to switch.
I didn't even know running hats were a thing haha. I'm glad you enjoy it
I have never bothered with that stuff and I can pull out a sub25 5k every day, I don’t even have a training regime yet, that’s why I came here, if your goal is relatively close just wing it for a couple weeks, if it doesn’t, come back and make a plan, these training zones are quite a new concept and for most of history people just ran.
You are clearly retarded and doing a lot of assuming. I have a lot of information to stop this from happening but i guess getting retarded replies was inevitable. You could've just answered the question instead of this gay back and forth
Ok, but 2kmh faster isn't really pushing me that much harder, it's just putting me into the next zone. I don't feel like shit after and can still do it 4x week plus my other stuff no bother.
So which is better for me? I'd rather burn fat so you're saying run slower for the 4x1hr?
do intervals
Are gels useful when my long runs are 15-16k max?
i just did my monday run, i used every last bit of willpower i have
>listen to music or something
i listen to music but i cant stop my mind from focusing on how much time left, i cant distract myself i dont know how people run for hours all i think when im running is how much time passed or how much time left? even when i hide the timer, my mind fucking calculates how long is the song im listening and adds up every one of them to find out how much did i run, and after 10-15 minutes i start to lose my mind, get bored and always think of giving up even though im not tired but today i was able to push through and ran for 28 minutes, >_< pff i dont think running is for me
reminder that the best sprinter in the world currently is a weeb
He probably grew up watching Yu-Gi-Oh! not surprising
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morning roon
Some groin pain at first, but mostly went away... but still a bit of a sensation throughout. Idk wtf is going on. Had to wear a hat to cover up the bruises today too.
Saw three herons, two of them were flying by over the river really low and slow. Cool shit. Also took the gravel trail on the way back and saw two buns.
Is it normal for your heartrate to be higher in warm weather compared to cool/cold weather, even with the same paces?
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>So which is better for me?
They're probably about the same. Nobody will be able to answer your question because nobody knows enough about you. There are plenty of explanations about the physiology of low-intensity running
> these training zones are quite a new concept and for most of history people just ran.
It's just labels on concepts that have been known for much longer. Picrel is from the Autobiography of Clarence DeMar, who won the Boston Marathon in 1911 (and would go on to win it 6 more times in his life), implicitly observing the relationship between distance and pace(intensity) without knowing the scientific details at the cellular level (most of which had not been discovered when he started running).
kill yourselves for arguing about this with such stupid posts. The only thing you're persuading anyone is that you're both retards who don't know anything.
After he finishes his workout he watches anime all day like a 4chan basement dweller. He is not a casual.
Yes. My garmin's vo2max estimate went from 63 to 60 and dropping because it is now 90F+ on all my runs.
Garmin's vo2max is based on there being a strong correlation between vo2max and heart rate vs. speed
My post was fact, retard.
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Stronk vo2
I saw a phaesant the other day
While running? That's pretty cool
where are you running? If you can, you should just run out-and-back somewhere, like go three miles in one direction and the only way back is the way you came so you can't quit even if you want to. doing this has helped me get to long distances way faster than just going to a nearby park and doing 1 mile loops
Roon bros, anyone know some good stretches for the lcl/mcl? Mine always start acting up the day after an intense run
is HR training a meme or just no good for fat retards like me? I have a 28min 5k but anytime I try a HR run I spend 75% of it walking and the rest of it running far slower than my 5k
Yeah it was nice
I strongly believe that anyone new to running or fat shouldn’t worry about any of these technical elements in training, it makes it needlessly daunting to newcomers, just run progressively and stretch afterwards, once you have some foundation and confidence you can start worrying about zones and HR.
Is there any bonus to training in heat? I'm relatively new to running only been at it 4 months. I used to train at 5am but fell off schedule, so now I've been training in the afternoon. Am I doing myself any favors by feeling like death and needing to take more walk breaks because it's 98f 80% humidity??
you acclimate to it a bit better
Yeah, you don't have to run as hard to get a good aerobic stimulus. When it's cool you need to run faster to get the same results. Easier to do junk volume/bitch workouts in the Winter.
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In my personal experience running in the desert, it does make a difference. I'm on vacation in a colder state right now, and I am getting run times that are much faster on average than usual. The humidity is killing me, but the heat definitely gives me an advantage when running against runners who are only used to the cold.
Do any of you guys worry about heart attacks from running?
Do you worry about random shit falling from the sky and killing you?
Come on.. this is more likely, you’re heart is pounding when you run.
>both retards can't stop arguing
No, in fact the only time I had problems with my heart was when I was doing a long as march with a bunch of shit on me through mountains with no water, I was still a fatass at the time, running has improved that.
Do you guys take whey protein or anything after a roon?
What do you mean by "HR Training"?
Running is the only reason why I don't smoke or sleep only 20 hours a week, so I think it's reducing my chance of having a heart attack quite a lot.
Zones are just meme science for desk job larpers
Just run, increasing speed and distance.
Care about zones if you're trying to do a marathon or some shit
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sid 1:44 roon today 28C

got cocky lol

did pace too hard heh. like was doing steady state pace which is not unusual pace for my long roons at lower temperatures. dying by like halfway tho.

didnt have any water and had to ask for some at a bar. helped a lot actually just drnking water. fink was dehydrated and was a big fing

honestly i had no real proper problem with the heat tho did get a lot worse when your rooning direct in sun

just saps your energy though
biggest fing was hills. like i was maybe sillilly rooning through proper hilly root up and down through out. in sensible temperature yeah they are annoying and i tend to pushthe pace on them. but in hot weather. just cant so that. sappedof energy to climb hills.

if the whole root was completely flat it woulda been like 100% more comfortable roon

real beggars beliefington

still a fun roon tho

sun out. see the sites. saw some decent girls. went through a part of the city park full of rooners. doin shidd on track or joggin bout the park. can tell they proper rooners not just hobbyists.

christ they all so tall and lanky

proper beggars belief
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oh and what i never notices before rooning in heat

fink musta been dehydration

how just your breathing and presumably heartrate too goea up even for lower pace

never noticed it for hot roons before coz whwn did dem before was flat, probably not dehydrated, maybe even slightly better clothes and probably slower pace.

but diss one was real beggars beliefingtons unless ya dinnae ken what i mean
Heart pounds when you do anything intense at all. And it's relative. If you just lay around all day, you'll eventually get fat enough that just bending over to tie your shoes elevates your heartrate and hauling yourself off couch to get another diet coke from the fridge is a true anaerobic feat

Also, easy jogging isn't much more intense than walking. It's like the tempo difference between Andante and Moderato.
>Zones are just meme science for desk job larpers
The concept of easy running is seriously too much for you to handle?
Even before I read anything about science I would still run easily and not care about my pace on days when I was really sore from previous runs. Not sure why this is so difficult to grasp for some people.
oh reading up what steady state means fink defo signifcantly faster than what other people would call steady state
What are your goals?
Youre fucking retarded. Run harder. Zone 2 is for people running >10 hours a week
Yes, 2 scoops morning 2 scoops night. Really helps with recovery. Every day even on non running days
Thanks, i do appreciate the advice
Tfw i really hurt my toe at bjj tonight. I hope i can keep rooning. How long until i lose gains?
No, Zone 2 has been proven to be optimal for heart health and building up endurance. If you run to maximum threshold at race pace everyday you’re going to injure yourself or/and burn-out. I do 70-90% of my runs in zone 2 and the rest are hills/tempo/race pace.
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Any fellow non white rooners? Specifically African black?
Is there any point in getting a fitness watch if it can't accurately read my pulse due to pigment?
Any watches you recommend?
I think Garmin makes the best watches but they are also very expensive, a top of the line Garmin is the best overall, but Coros is competitive for the price, and much better for sports than the Galaxy line.
Foam rolling fixed my shin splints and I don't get them anymore. Knees still get rekt tho, but only feel it after run and not during.
Supplementing calcium is more harm than good, absorbs to rapidly and does damage. Grind up some chia seeds instead. The RDAs are all over the place too, wouldn't worry about it really.

You're just a twat, nothing more.
Rolling to see if I should stretch before bed because I'm being a lazy faggot and other things came up when I was suppose to stretch:
even: stretch
odds: don't stretch
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Reporting in that I finished stretching, time to finish my laundry and go to bed, lol.
probably best to go with a chest band like a polar h10, it works on electrical signals, not optical.
It's not race pace, i can still nose breath, it's just a bit more exerting. I could talk but it would be obvious I'm exercising
I have about $100 to blow and want to spend it on running stuff. Do you guys have any recommendations? Stuff like good shoes(I currently only have one pair of shoes I use for everything), wireless headphones, good clothes etc.
If you want your shoes to last longer and retain their bounce for more time, buy separate shoes for rooning, don't use the same ones you use for walking. Also, if you roon on consecutive days get a second pair just for rooning.

The foam benefits from recovery time after rooning to "rebound" from the impact. Hammering the same pair without at least a couple of days in between will make your shoes feel harder quicker and reduce their effectiveness in absorbing impact over a shorter time period.
Also feet expand when rooning so try half a size up and use a "runner's knot" to prevent slipping at the heel.
Don't listen to this literal retard. Z2 is 80% HR for me, it's taken from my lactate test.

Half of the runners are lazy cunts afraid to sweat, that's why they recommend HR ranges for walking.
I'm a young guy who is a complete running/fitness newbie. But i happen to have decent starting stats vo2 max (58) 19:30 5k. Where do I go from here, how should I start training, how even do you train?
>used to be able to run a marathon at a decent pace
>Ability to run slowly decayed over the course of 5 years. Didn't run at all for 2 years. Long story.
>Enter mid 30s, baloon up, feel like shit
>get back into running. Goal is to run a marathon a year from now on
>Study how to train properly, utilize interval apps to effectively train as a fatso
>Quickly improving. Endorphins are coming back.
>One day feel explosive pain in my calfs.
>Rest for a week
>Try running again.
>Pain comes back after 30 seconds
Should I go see a doctor or will replacing my 6 year old running shoes be sufficient? I was planning on replacing them much earlier, but I am a cheap fuck and thought that since I was running on a jogging trail, shoes wouldn't matter that much.
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phwooar fink imm hairfta start preppin some gucci-arse kittingtonshire for next threadberg
Set your goals, what would you like to achieve?
Mogs your mill
Mogs your regular running
Mogs your hills workout
Get's you until zone 4 in 10 minutes flat.
Why haven't you taken the stairmaster pill, fellow rooners.
There is a lake around my house which is essentially 6k I guess a good medium term goal would be to run that in 22
How do I get faster at 5ks? I started with 30min and I reduce the treadmill down a notch every 5k. Right now I'm at 9min a mile and I still try to run for 30min. So that's 3minutes past the 3mil point I'm running extra. So then the week after I increase the speed to 8:50 a mile but I still run for 30min. I thought of that as a way to build speed and endurance at the same time.

Is that optimal or should I focus on speed and time running seperately
i like being outside and happen to have an office job
Horribly boring. Go outside, anon.
I actually switched from the stairmaster to running outdoors. I still do it once in a while but you get just as good a workout rom running outside for way less effort
Isn't the stair master supposed to be more glute focused
Is 15k the comfiest distance? Feels better than a 10k or a half maratroon to me.
It’s cramp you faggot, take some sodium
If 60% is walking for you, you're probably a fat fuck and should lower your tone.
beginner question: i can run at 10min/mile pace under my MAF number on a treadmill, but outside even at like 11mins+ i'm like 10-15bpm higher than my MAF number. assuming it's all due to heat, humidity, elevation changes etc.

how can i into hr training outside with this weather? is it impossible? should i walk/run to keep my hr down outside?
you can run as slow as a 15 minute mile pace
damn thats crazy thanks for the advice
what i mean is it's more fun to jog slow than run/walk if that slow still keeps your heart rate down
Why do I get such poor sleep after a workout?
Normal walking is 43% for me you absolute fucking faggot. I'm just tired of you illiterate cunts with no training knowledge talking bullshit advice in every fucking thread.
posting incoherent seethe just makes you look like you're pretending. If you knew what you were talking about you'd be able to just state it simply and correctly. But you don't.
I did. As evidenced by my lactate test my Zone 2's upper limit is 79% of max HR. Every faggot ITT that said 70% is a gainz goblin and should shut the fuck up.
Does Garmin keep track of your zone when you run?
someone baked like an hour ago and forgot to link
Are you working out at night? Cortisol bro
Yeah but I sometimes ignore it and run by feel. I have a strap as well but it's not necessary imo
Where can I access it, I've never bothered looking at zones I almost always run by feel.

is it advisable to go hard up something like three hills in one afternoon? i've running maybe about two/three weeks now, doing more and more steadily, and I'm starting to discover the benefits. metabolism is pretty good, got smashed off some tiramisu, barely able to walk.

also, is water advisable for running? i sometimes invest in some lucozade while out across the town for a day. or something.

also sometimes if find i'm relying on my knees and gravity too much to keep me supported, is this either good for knee strength, or will it bust my knees? same with stairs, always fall on my knees then force them to hoist me up, somehow. more recently, took my weight off my knees and went faster, felt better and less exhausting.

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