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Joggers edition.

>Advice for new runners
- Build up speed and mileage SLOOOOWLY (start with 15 minutes, increase mileage 10% per week)
- It will feel like you're going slow, you are; don't worry about setting good times for a couple months
- If you start to feel pain anywhere, stop and rest
- Don't try to copy what pros are doing. Do what feels natural
- Once you can comfortably roon 6 miles/10km, start thinking about a goal in terms of race distance and time, and look for a training plan for that goal (see below for suggested plans)

>Couch to 5k/Bridge to 10k Guides
https://i.imgur.com/ef98R.png (embed)
https://i.imgur.com/qNJIy.png (embed)

>I want to run a fast 5k, 10k, half-marathon, or marathon

>I want to stretch

>Performance calculators

Previous >>74583140
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bros, rooning is getting too popular
hello lads, im on my final week of C25K and its been fun cut down 6 minutes of time, anyways im noting some shin area pain. should i rest for a couple weeks or just finish the C25K
Daniels says to run at 180 cadence... so I've turned on an audio metronome app at 180 bpm and I'm going to move my legs back and forth while sitting at my desk to get used to that pace.
Will this work or am I being stupid?
Is trying to go from 25min 5k to 20min 5k in a year delusional?
no just put in the miles
Literally me except I'm huwite and carry half a brick instead of a hammer.
useful in case of draft officers.
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Well bros, I hope this zone 2 shit really works.
I have to admit, it was nice running intentionally easy
damn I hope someday that speed is easy for me
You’ll get there, I’m sure.
I started running exactly one year ago and could not run 2km without stopping.
And this was my 4th attempt at zone 2 running where I did not have to walk because my HR was out of control.
Rooners is zone 2 a meme? I’ve run all summer and even quit smoking but I don’t see any gains.
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rooned earlier
Was supposed to be an easy run, but ended up doing basically the same pace I've been doing... I need to get better about that. HR was fine the whole time. A little groin soreness, but just had to keep my core tight to make it go away. I'm pissed I'm not losing weight anymore. I need to get below 160lbs.
Saw three herons today. Two along the water, and one perched up in a tree. The one in the tree was RIGHT BY the trail, like 10 ft away. If I had my phone, I would have taken a pic. Also, there were so many fucking geese on the river bank. I tried counting, but lost it at 45 and there were at least another 10-20.
Also... I guess school is out and summer sports camps are starting at the park... I'll have to avoid the sports fields or else they might think I'm a predator and call the police.
Trying to get into running but it feels pretty terrible so far. Walking five days a week, running two. Measured a walk and this is what it reported - very little elevation. Which seems weird/high/too intense. Should I be concerned?

Me: Male, 6'1", 32, 190 pounds. Resting heart rate, 58 bpm.
Every elite runner, every olympian, and even non-runners use Zone 2 training. It's not a meme. Stick with it. If your times are improving while staying in Zone 2, your fitness is increasing. Meaning you can run further/faster while staying in Zone 2. Get good enough and you will be jogging rather quickly with your heart chilling in Zone 2.
Do you smoke? I do and my heart rate is always super high while moving even though my resting heart rate is 52. I run anyway and it's fine once you get used to it.
No smoking, no. Maybe I just need more practice.
>85 degrees and humid again
>Ended up running one of my slowest 15Ks ever
It's been over a month of running in this and it's not getting easier. Should I just go back to running at night like I have every summer before this?
No, you could do that in 3-4 months
new to rooning, is pre-stretching a good idea? I stretch after, but I've been getting a weird strain feeling in my left shin and calf.
thinking warmup with a short jog, stretch, roon, stretch after. is that overdoing it or is more flexibility just generally better to strive for?
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did anydda roon

diss time slower

1hr 12mins total



as the french say

crazy how even when the heat (i.e. no direct sun) isnt that bothersome it just saps your energy

ya kno imma finkin dat dese roons hav been harder compared to last time i was roonin in hot weatherie bevause deez last twi days been incredibly humid. lots of clouds in sky. humidity makes heat so much worse. it feels more subtle than direct sunlight which is really overbearing. but same time i fink humidity affects performance morethan direct sunlight if you are dressed appropriately fordirwct sunlighte.g. hat, maybe sunglasses, light white top to reflect the rays

also a sweat wicking shirt is so important
imo runnin in direct sunlight in a good white shirt much better than topless coz sun reflects off the shirt but if your topless the rays get absorbed directly into your fookin back so iy garn make you hotter. just need a very breathable shirt so all air gets in but still protects your body from sunrays

obi on a humid day with no sun, sun reflection will not matter and best just to be topless to let thesweat evaporate more effectively. thats why humidity make so much hotter

coz the air is so moist and full of water and probably not much wind (or else you wouldnt feel it so bad) that any sweat on your skin just won't evaporate effectively into the air. ya know like osmosis.
Anons, I need advice.

I have really bad anterior pelvic tilt. I have MASSIVE calves because of this shit. When I run, I cannot activate my glutes because I lean forward too much. My calves give out from pain after just 1 mile.

I try to focus on being upright while running, but then I cannot activate my abs and my belly swings around, making me extra tired. I cannot run over a mile because of this.

Will this fix itself if I keep running? I am about 40 lbs overweight and trying to lose it. I have always wanted to be good at running. pls help.
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>don't run for 2 weeks due to bad knee
>decide screw it and do a long roon anyways
>next day pain is completely gone
>is pre-stretching a good idea?
Yes, but you're not supposed to hold the stretches. Look up dynamic vs static stretching
>I try to focus on being upright while running, but then I cannot activate my abs and my belly swings around
Wdym? Flexing your abs and glutes is how you counteract anterior pelvic tilt. Try it when you're standing or walking around, you're posture will be better.
Lmao look at long term runners:

>Repeated injuries and surgeries leave them barely able to hobble without painkillers
>Face and arms chewed up like an old leather bag from constant sun exposure and cumulative sun damage and look super old even in 40s
>Now bike

Makes you think
when I stand upright by back arches because my mid back muscles are nonexistent. I can get it right for a bit, but I cannot hold it longer.

One thing that helped was walking around with a heavy backpack and squeezing the muscles. Eventually, I had way better posture, but after my travels I stopped wearing it and lost it.

What about running with a backpack? Thing is I can barely run with just my body weight
Humidity has a huge effect as it Rob's your body of its primary way to cool down, sweating
isnt anterior pelvic tilt in the realm of physio / doctors? look, youre a beginner and trying to get all diss shidd to behave when there is no reason it should for a beginner. just gotta be persistent and get fit, lose weight. THEN you can worry bout udder shidd iff youwissh
maybe was paranoia pain
I walk 2 hours a day.

1 hour walk before workout and 1 hour walk in the evening.

Each walk burns 425 calories

I set the treadmill to 3.4 mph speed and 5.0 incline and walk 60 min. Make sure you drink enough water and get enough sleep. It's pretty exhausting to recover from.
Who's Rob?
how so you keep yourself entertained?
Blue herons? I love seeing those dudes, there is at least one that frequents the ponds in my hood
This might be a silly question, but do runners ever go on cuts? As in, do professionals bulk and cut to increase their strength?
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Yes, big ones too sometimes. Around this time of year, there's loads of them all along the river that I run along. Sometimes I see them flying by, landing, and taking off. They're usually close to the water, so they don't interfere with anyone running/walking/cycling on the trail (unlike the fucking geese), but I did have one squawking at me once when we were both under the same bridge.
They're common enough around here that they put a heron silhouette in the town logo.
Earlier in the spring, I saw some big black cormorants on the river too, but haven't seen any in a while.
Here's a picture of a heron I saw while walking a few weeks back.
are they running away from the nigger?
Bros I am so fucking ready to consoom the Superblast 2 in a few days
Hey bros
New to running
Is 1 mile per day adequate?
I can’t yet “jog” a mile. I get too winded after about 0.40 miles. So I walk for like 0.10 miles then continue jogging
Try something like c25k, it's in the OP
Rest days are important especially as a beginner
imo try to end each session at around an intensity 6-7 max. The later weeks(notably week 5 day 3) can end a bit harder
Those boots will also increase injury risk because the soles aren't flat.
corr good kittingberg diss one
never heard a heron squark. got some resident cormorants near me. they seem to exist entirely on one tiny island on a lake.. in whole area.. and always there

real beggars beliefington hours
If you stim in other autistic ways already it probably won’t surprise your coworkers
if you want to like control your weight then you need to hsve some semblance of an idea of how much you eating and putting in to your body. not reliable just hoping shidd will happen when you have no clue what the hell is going on
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I'm unemployed
Hi everyone
I want to share a personal victory that no one else I know really knows/cares about

I’ve suffered from cardiophobia for a long time. Like a decade. I got extremely unfit but about 6 months ago I slowly started exercising to overcome my fear. Today, for the first time in my life, I ran a mile without having to slow down or walk at all. I jogged the entire thing. It was a 16:30 mile which is like 3.8 miles per hour but STILL.
Good job Anon, proud of you
Just remember you don't have to become an endurance athlete if you don't want to, getting good at 5ks is still great
>shaved my head in a fit of heat induced rage today
>went to get icecream, overheard a woman talking about neo nazis behind me
I had an interracial couple cross the street away from me once, when I had a shaved head.
I wouldn't worry about it, everyone is so politially fucked that everyone is talking about nazis or communists these days.
the only sound I've heard herons make is basically a croaking sound. beautiful birbs tho.
What the fuck am I doing wrong? I just can't build endurance at all.
I started rooning again in the spring, 1-3 times a week on average. I've only managed to reach week 4 on C5K with Emi. Same thing last summer, but never got past week 2. A friend only recently picked up rooning, and he just gloated about doing 10km in just over an hour.
I'm not even that fat, 173 and 72kg. What is wrong with me?
genetics+lifestyle growing up
it'll just take you longer
why are they chasing her?
how much do I have to do to roon away from all my problems?
is it possible to be a runner hobo?
is it rude to bring blocks to a public track? trying to work on my 100m but I'm not in college or anything anymore
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Looking to start running to try and get some kind of exercise again. Covid fucked me up and had me go from 107lb to 150lbs with all the staying at home and eating. Any recommended shoes and breathable clothing to consider if im running in a city? Going to run around my local cemetery since is a popular running area and one lap is about 1.8miles.
based fleabag rooner. go to a running shoppe and get fitted, buy some bamboo underwear if it's hot as fuck then just ROON
Honestly the best part is low chance of injury. Second best part is that I can run Z2 as often as I want pretty much - rest days dictated by life, not by the body.

I remembered today just how much I fucking hate treadmills. If there's one way to injure yourself doing Z2/Z3, it's using a treadmill.
>bamboo underwear
I will. Thanks for the recommendation especially given Los Angeles temperatures
>running shoppe
I definitely need to get some workout clothing. Hate shorts though. Recommend any brands for shoes and clothing?
clothes are kinda like shoes, you find a brand that works with your body type then you just wear them for life. literally nothing anyone can tell you that's not shit advice. I run in saucony and I wear adidas/nike clothes but that might be dogshit for you idk
>Any recommended shoes
Shoes that don't deform you feet and alter you posture and gait: minimalist shoes.
What is the quickest realistic 5K time for someone who isn't elite or professional? What would a lifetime best achievement be for the average Joe who just put a lot of autistic hours into his 5K and fitness? 18 minutes? Sub 18?
>107lb to 150lb
Jesus how small are you. Also Nikes and Kieran actually has a solid workout outfit so copy that little guy.
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Thanks for the advice
I'll check out the nearby Nike's store.
I don't care for his wife beater but the outfit would be nice if it was pants and not shorts.

Anyways thanks /run/. Guides at the start are useful as hell. Hopefully I can get myself doing more besides just running after getting back into moving.
You're welcome.
generally I'd just look at what elite women are doing and if you can't do that as a grown man, then you're not putting in "autistic hours"....so around a 14:30-15:00 5k
Is it worth it to do shorter distances in minimalist shoes and longer roons and speedwork in normal shoes? My goal is to be better at 5k-10k and be healthy
minimalist shoes are a retarded meme shilled by exactly one (1) poster in this general
>A friend only recently picked up rooning, and he just gloated about doing 10km in just over an hour.
That's a shit time, you'll probably be able to do it to by the time you can run a 5k without stopping.
I'm in a server of a wealthy friend who owns running shoes (they're $$$ pairs) and she says if you don't own a pair you shouldn't get into it. Is she right
Female WR is 14:44.
Tell her she's a retarded cunt who deserves to have her throat slit.
Is going for 2 roons in a single day a bad idea? I already did my speedwork in the morning, but I'm not feeling up for the gym in the afternoon.
Just finished a 5k roon. 28mins 39. I am happy to be getting under 30 mins now!
They're after her underwear I assume
I don't understand social rooning. Like, why not just meet each other for a more relaxed chat after the roon?
Getting a PB is a lovely feeling.
why would it be?
no its 14:00

cant wait for a white woman to break 13:59

will nevwr happen in my lifetime
For anyone else that lifts, do you feel as though you have a better run after leg day?

It's the same thing as going to the gym with your friends, your social roon is most likely a recovery roon, maybe even less, and it's just an excuse to chat while doing something active
Gonna stick to walking for now. Why no Walking General?
Start it yourself
look for more shaded routes if possible, I started doing like 50% shaded running and it helped a lot
heres your (You) kind redditor!
That's an interesting way of telling us you're fat.
Probably cause running is something you can get better at. How the fuck can you get better at walking? Its piss easy
There's a whole board for /out/
can you run a 15 minute 5k?
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Whats a good daily runner shoe for everyday training?
>14:30 5k
Doesn't matter how autistic you are. You need 3-5 years minimum for your body to adapt to that fitness level, even if elite genetics. That is a high school state champion level time
Not him but I listen to audiobooks. The Wheel of Time series is great and two hours a day will still take you most a year to finish it.
If you're not resting the way the program recommends (Day in between each run), then yeah do that. Maybe even extend it and repeat an earlier run that you know won't aggravate your shins. Elevate them with ice and consider compression socks.
>t. started c25k a bit too fat this time and also dealing with shin pain
The oldest athletes I see still competing are rooners. It can be a lifelong pursuit if you listen to your body.
I don't get this picture, but I also do virgin walking during my off-days.
did 6 miles this morning staying under my MAF number.

easy running feels so fucking good bros. i can actually feel my vitality increasing.

gonna run 15 miles for the first time this weekend (previous longest run was a HM). the heat and humidity will probably keep me solidly in zone 3, but fuck it we roon.
I've been running 10k 4 times a week and I reached 5:15/km pace consistently, but I feel like I'm not dropping my time from here. I just roon though. It's there something I can add to my routine to increase my times?
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how can i not look like a retard while im running i just looked at a mirror swinging my arms it just looks weird and funny
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rooned earlier
Cold and rainy, so actually managed to do a slower/easier run for once.
Saw two herons in the river, both in the water. Saw a bald eagle up in the tree watching over its nest. I guess the herons could eat the eaglets, idk. Also saw two buns.
Is running for you guys more of a priority than weights or is it about equal?
I don't lift weights anymore, I always get injured from it now after I ruined my body in my 20s with recklessness and poor form
I'm running only right now to lose weight, once I find a job I'm gonna prioritize lifting and running will be after lifts/secondary.
lifters should be running and runners should be lifting, its just how much emphasis you put on one of the two that defines you.
Oh, and everyone should be stretching to become a supple leopard.
I only lifted for 4 year. Got bored last year and of nowhere decided to run a marathon. For a year it was about equal prio but not I only do basic strength program for 45m 3x a week. No legs at all anymore. Run hills instead.
2 miles @ 4.5mph(13:20 pace) on treadmill
I was concerned because my heart rate hit 170 before the end of the first mile but then it didn't even hit 180 by the end of the 2nd. What gives?
Still feels awful seeing people here running at 6mph+ for 2-3x the distance and have a lower heart rate though
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Thursday race day on vacation! A nice 5k, but a smaller one.
Not delusional at all. It's a good goal!
>He doesn't run in boots
Recently I had to walk during a 5 mile run because of the humidity, don't beat yourself up over it. Run at night. .
Stretching, especially dynamic stretching, decreases injury risk
Could have just been a sleep thing or something
Do what you can, distance matters less than time spent running.
She's unironically a demon.
I would not make a habit of it but it could be a fun, once in a while thing.
Good luck!
I really should start AI generating some Emi images but I have so much going on right now.
I think this is the best pic you've posted recently. I like it, some of the others had more obvious AI flaws
That pronation ain't gonna end well though
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Is it worth it?
Probably not. Obviously it’s hot out there right now, but running outside just always feels better.
I'm a long distance runner and my throat hurts when I roon faster than my natural speed (about 11 km/h). What should I do?
I'm exclusively a rooner. Why would I want nasty upper body muscles?
Run more, eventually your throat will adapt.
I lift a little but I run more because I just don't like lifting
yes I've run a 15:00 5k like any adult male that did track

yea he said LIFE GOAL anon, 3-5 years is nothing

at least google before looking like a big retard
>32 years, its 30° outside early afternoon, im working home office and i wanna roon
>humidity is way of the charts
>whatever it'll be fine I ran during hot days in my twenties
>after 30 minutes I realize mistakes have been made
>pace is way slower and in 20 minutes I have to be in a meeting
>got still 1/3 of my usual run to do
>have to walk the uphill part to not risk passing out
>somehow make it home sweating like a maniac
>2 minutes before meeting starts
>wanted to take a quick shower beforehand but i was way slower than i anticipated
>have to listen and talk boring business stuff in my drenched sports clothes non-stop sweating
>small puddles of sweat on my laptop, sound winded as fuck when i speak and my skin started shriveling up from the constant sweating

Damn getting old sucks
Dumbbells and body weight exercises only for me these days. I enjoy running so much more.
>started rooning like 2 weeks ago
>30 min 5k today
Idk if my joints can handle 10k, but I'll try
probably go for 7k first and see how you feel - increasing volume that rapidly is asking for pain

good 5k time tho good jorb
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t. turning 42 in July
>there is no physical difference between 22 and 32
Ok nerds
Think I'm gonna stick to 30 mins on the treadmill and just slooowly increase my speed.
My goal was to be able to just complete a 5k by September, but apparently I've blown past that, so now maybe a 10k?
No goal time in mind, just the mental and cardio strength to keep going for such a distance.
Obviously there is, but keeping yourself lean is the key. I’ve been running primarily on streets and sidewalks for the past 20 years and have yet to get knee, back or hip problems because I’ve stayed at a healthy weight that doesn’t put extra stress on my joints.
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>long roon
>long roon at night
>long roon at night in the rain
>long roon at night in the summer rain
>long roon at night in the summer rain with a water fountain at the end

name a better feel
pro tip: you can't, you won't
long roon at night in rain sounds miserable as hell imo

much prefer in day sunshine through the city sights or country lanes
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>dat stormy summer night run where you can see lighting illuminating the clouds in the distance
The honeymoon period when you pull a bird you fancy the fuck out of and it's just the two of you floating in a bubble for the next few weeks, before you realise they're actually human and not some perfect being incapable of annoying you.
Pulling birds? What do you think I am? A bird dog? Sound kind of poon hound? Raw doggin all the bitches? I'm a lapdog baby, they cut my nuts off baby. I eat basedgoy kibble but I won't get rabies. I can't run fast but it makes me feel badass . If only you knew how bad things really are. Bark
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>Run club
>They run 2 miles
>”But bro there’s a big hill”
If you’re not going at LEAST 30 minutes it doesn’t count as a run
clubs need to be approachable anon, if they are small they need to cater to casuals, you can always pitch them the idea of "advanced runs" if you can think of some reachable criteria that isn't insane.
If you know about minimalist footwear, why on Earth would you want to use the regular one?
>want to run
>start running
>my knees
Is there any shoe with max cushion and zero drop (or max 2mm) other than Altras?
Not heard of any. Topo Athletic have a couple of cushioned zero drop (Magnifly for road, and Pursuit for trail), but the Magnifly isn't maximalist in the same was as Altra's Olympus or Paradigm, for example. I haven't tried the Pursuit to compare.

It's still a nice shoe though, the Magnifly, or at least the version I tried was. I've not used the latest one.

These resources may be helpful. The first site often fails to connect.
ultratrooning is such a pathetic excuse for a sport its actually depressing watching diss shidd on tv and you get like these narcissistic hobbyjoggers talking to the camera then it cuts to them like hobbyjogging at 4 mph or hobbling over a rock or walking with fugging sticks

its not running
they all have personality disorders
I'd bet narcissism is likely higher in rooning in general, not just ultras, compared to team sports purely because you don't need to co-operate with others in order to achieve success; plus if you win you're literally the only one and thus the whole spotlight is on you.
They hobble because they never actually recover properly and running that far for so long breaks down your body. Ultrarunning is a great way to test your own mental fortitude, but I don't think it should be the only sport your doing because of just the sheer amount of stress and breakdown that occurs to your phisiology as you run.
getting the desire to buy more even though i already have 4 pairs
(2 from xero that were half price, 1 from whitin that i got a few months prior to that to try the barefoot thing, and 1 from birchbury for a semi-casual dressier pair)
I think you mistakenly replied to me.
no, it was on purpose.
>106F tomorrow
>haven't gone to sleep yet
it's fucking over
idk why the other guy replied for me but sorry i'm not the guy originally asking, but i clicked on your links and got the urge to buy more
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Can normies ever truly appreciate a Boston qualifier or even a 4:00? Can they even comprehend the distance?
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next 5k race on wednesday, might be the last one I can do this summer, I just climbed and deadlifted 385 after for one rep. This summer has just been a test to see how much I can improve strength while maintaining speed. I have some friends doing this next race so maybe I can have them help pace me to a 19 minute 5k.
I know plenty of fast as fuck people who run in the same shitty pair of shoes for years before replacing them
she's just being a woman (ie. weakwilled retarded consumer)
why willingly surround yourself with insufferable people is the real question
i was in my worst shape at 22 due to medical problems
I will be so much more fit at 32 (turning 30 in a month)
i'm in a similar boat as 8 years ago you. doing my best to improve my health from here on
i got blisters its joever
After reading through this thread I read a bit about zone 2. Currently I am overweight and did some sprints during my rooning sessions but that resulted in knee pains. After stopping that I can now run 3-4 times a week without any problems. So the zone 2 thing for even more running without fucking my body up seems perfect for me. Do you use any equipment to measure your heartrate or something or just go by feeling? Ad long as you arent winded and running is easy and fun you are in zone 2?
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how have dudes that actually lift not taken the 400m over yet? 5s literally sitting on the table for splits. It goes from bolt, blake, and lyles physiques in the 200m directly to pure skellingtons
I ran barefoot yesterday and actually got a pump in my calves during. Today they are more sore than the days after I’ve done weighted calf raises.
That’s all.
>anon discovers 0 drop running
welcome brother, you've cracked the code
Do you think it’s okay to run barefoot regularly? I’m currently just doing C25K at a very slow pace. I feel like i got a good feel for my form and didn’t feel much impact at all.
I didn’t even plan to do a barefoot run lmao. My toddler misplaced one of my shoes so I said fuck it and just ran in my socks.
I mean probably not the best idea but I do speedwork on turf while barefoot. why not get a 0mm shoe and run in those for awhile? just don't hard swap instantly or you will obliterate your legs
Thanks for the suggestion I’ll look into some research about it and check out some shoes.
cope, pussy.
You're a beginner, fuck heart rate, just do your easy runs at an easy jog.

> Ad long as you arent winded and running is easy and fun you are in zone 2?

Yes, if you could have a conversation without too much difficulty you're there.
this, speed always comes later.
shes running away from the nigger KEK
No, that's what makes them normal. Normal people don't run marathons it's a niche interest.
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New shoes day. I finally cracked and bought some utterly horrendous dayglo abominations because they were cheap.
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corr good kittingtonshire diss one

is it not
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gucci-arse shooingtonshire diss
If I want to try barefoot shoes without breaking the bank, what would be a good model or brand?
Can get some cheap as fuck chinese brand ones on Amazon. Never tried em but some folks say they're reasonable for the price.
WHITINs is what I use. I take the insoles out of them as well.
I don’t understand people that only buy boring black colorways, I like running in vibrant summery looking shoes. What sucks is I’m stuck with whatever colors get offered in wide, which are usually the boring ones, especially Brooks.
Any recommendations for switching from a lifting-focused routine to a more running-focused one?

I’ve been doing 5/3/1 for the past year, but all my lifts have stalled out, and I want to take a break from all out lifting to work on running speed/endurance. I’d still like to hit all the major compounds (plus power cleans and pendlay rows) at least once a week though.
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here ya go, I believe this is a perfect fit.
That's them, the ones I read about. Couldn't remember the name.
I like boring dark colours because I'm a boring dark person (figuratively speaking). I hate drawing attention to myself too, but since I'm rooning it doesn't matter what I wear as I'll be drawing attention to myself anyway (more so than walking) therefore I buy whatever's cheapest irrelevant of colour.
"narcissism" used to mean something. now it just means "person I don't like"
Same with psycho and sociopath. It’s just the adult word for “doody-head.”
It means a person frequently displaying narcissistic traits. Often the type of person who moans about usage of the term "narcissist".
Want to get into zone 2 training. Am a long time runner but years of caning it and junk miles and not really progressing beyond 8min mile pace for several years. Have never used any training plan and just ran for general fitness and something to do.

Got a Garmin watch now and the only way I can stay in zone 2 is brisk walking, any run no matter how slow puts me in zone 3 and my normal pace puts me in threshold.

Do you still get benefits from walking in zone 2? Does this mean my cardio fitness is actually poor as running slowly raises my HR so much?

>inb4 fat
BMI 20
>often the type of person who moans about usage of the term "narcissist"
I don't even have to retort, you just reinforced my previous point. Thank you.
Whatever helps you sleep at night.
Are you using Garmin Zones? Garmin zone 3 corresponds roughly to zone 2. try to stay in the lower half of garmin's zone 3 and that is good.
You just need a day of heavy rain and a muddy park or trail and those will look fine
>wow anon a marathon, how far is that?

5k or 26 miles it’s all irrelevant to the average sedentary person, they just mentally file it under “stuff that I couldn’t do”
Yes I am, just what it shows on the watch screen.

Thanks man, had no idea. Can actually go and do a slow run without looking like a sperg.
niggers steal shiny things
Kek I don’t think they’d be interested in my Saucony shoes
rooner with ginger cat

how old is it? looks old
how much roids you need to complete that
you can (and 100% should) change the default hr zones on your watch
he was 4 when I got him from the animal control center so he's 6 and a half now.
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explain your reasoning for that question, now
does black-tar heroin count as roids?
never relax
That's true, I'm gonna run in the woods tomorrow; hopefully there's still some mud in the shade.
his times are unimpressive but they show good improovement
Running only, though I do want to get a set of adjustable dumbbells to combine with my calisthenics. The world is my gym
>Diddle 6x/week
>OHP every day
the fuck?
nevermind, misread it. I'm a bit slow
Thanks! I’ll give this a shot. Any recommended rep/set scheme on the lifts or not really?
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propa good chartington diss
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The Drifter Leather is a great brand. I don't think they're too expensive, specially considering quality. I bought the sneakers in my pic but in black and with vegetable tanned leather. The main drawback is that their footwear is rarely available, at least the tailor-made. Also, I'm not sure yet if they're fully minimalist.

On another note, Origo is a brand that SEEMS good. I've been using one of their sneaker models but I can't yet personally vouch for their quality.
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these any good? i'm poor and need something sturdy and normal enough looking to use for everyday
I mow my yard in those
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about to go /roon/, /roon/ gooners
pray for my safe return
dont they get green
To treadmill owners out there, any advice for buyers? I live in a small apartment and am looking for something simple, cheap and not too noisy so I can run after my night shift ends (no well maintained roads or trails out in the sticks where I live). I've seen loads of really cheap second hand models on my local swap page, like less than 100 euros, but am wondering what kind of traps to avoid or what the downsides of cheap equipment would be for treadmills.
They are sufficient.
>I live in a small apartment
>not too noisy so I can run after my night shift ends

Does such a treadmill ever exist? Basically you want something you can run on in the middle of the night, while people in adjacent apartments are sleeping, that somehow wont create a loud banging noise and wake them the fuck up.

I mean, I'm not saying it's not a thing, I don;t know the first thing about treadmills so maybe it is for all I know, but even if it is, it's not going to be cheap is it?
No, you're very on point there, I hadn't thought about quiet possibly being a top-tier model exclusive thing. I have no idea how noisy a treadmill is other than the obvious running noise (though I thought that would perhaps be mitigated by the rubber from the mat and some kind of pads under the treadmill), as I've never used one before.

I quit smoking a couple of months ago and my main objective is getting my lungs and heart back in shape so I can move on to wider options. So I'm hesitating between that and a stationary bike or rower. Really anything that could let me do some exercice without leaving home and isn't too expensive is what I'm looking for. I jump rope and do basic calisthenics but I want to be able to watch some videos while I exercice otherwise I get bored. I don't have the space for weights so I figured it'd be practical to have a dedicated cardio machine at home.

I tried looking in archive but most home gym threads are more about weights and stuff.
Thanks guys, going with Altras for lack of alternatives.
I really like the Xero HFS
>I quit smoking
Congrats, that's awesome.

Are you on the ground floor or are there people living below you? If you're on ground you'll have a much lower chance of pissing people off.

It's a shame there's not much demand for footshaped-toe box cushioned shoes. More competition is desperately needed.
>Are you on the ground floor or are there people living below you

Unfortunately my apartment is in the middle of the 2nd floor hall, so surrounded by neighbours on all sides. Most of them would be out when I'd use the machine though, around 2-3 pm. We have apartment noise regulations come to think of it, so I don't even think I'd be able to use it at night since that'd be low volume hours. Honestly if it's too noisy I'll probably opt for the bike or rower instead, but those are typically more expensive second-hand in my area for some reason and I've heard bad form on the rower can wreck your back. I guess I'm just waiting to hear from anybody who's had a treadmill in an apartment to see if they've had problems.
Early thirties is peak athleticism for many sports, maybe even most. If you find something hard at this age, it's because you are unfit not because you are old.
>Early thirties is peak athleticism for many sports, maybe even most
That's because of time, most people don't spend their whole lives training for 1 specific sport.
rolled my ankle running down dumb grassy hill

thankfully not a proper injury though some light pain

just beggars fokkin belief really
I don't want to roon more than 6 miles. 10km feels good enoof.
Then don't
10k is still more than most people can run
Anyone have experience running with a hernia? I’ve got a groin hernia that isn’t painful but it does cause discomfort when it bulges out when I’ve tried to run. I’m hoping to get the surgery scheduled for August, but would compression shorts maybe help in the meantime?
It shows that you aren't losing fitness due to age at that point, if you lost it then it's due to inactivity or some other reason.
kinda, its more complicated than that but it isn't "over" if you start getting fit in your 30s.
He complains about being old, and being more fit when he was younger but he doesn't say his activity levels between these 2 points. If he has 10 years of nothing, then he atrophied to shit but that's because of time not training. Maybe you notice it more when you are old because you had more time to get unfit.
I'm turning 34 soon and I've been inactive on and off, I even get overweight but I've shed a lot of the weight and I've been running and doing yard work and I feel fine, other than feeling more achey and in pain if I don't stretch.
Exactly. It’s pretty easy to stay lean in college due to youth plus lots of walking around campus. Plenty of people become much more sedentary once they start working a full time career job.
Yes, but also hormones. When you are a teenager you have a baseline of fitness that will increase without any training.
Yeah, good point. It’s basically naturally produced steroids.
How many miles should it take to wear in a pair of new runners?
uhhhh 40 or 50, I'm blessed with runner's zen (or maybe cow brain) so I only really notice new shoes for a week before it becomes normal to me and I just stop noticing them.
do you guys moisturize your feet and if so how often?
Yeah I moisturize my heels and toes pretty much every night. Pretty much anywhere you commonly develop calluses. Alternatively you could buy some of those single use moisturizing booties that soften up callused areas.
I never do, I just let calluses grow and saw them off if they malform or become uncomfortable.
Banging little easy 5k this morn. Did the trail up the hill and through the woods that fucked me proper first time I rooned a few months back. No such tiredness fuckery today tho.

Some much needed enjoyment during a mind-numbingly boring deload week. No numb foot today either after a resurgence the last few roons. Job's a good'n.
10 is a nice number; if you're not crazy about rooning but still doing regular 10ks you're doing good and are going to make it.
what the fuck are you talking about?
each column is just one week, so diddle and ohp once a week genius

woops, its 43 seconds

ty weird cat posting schizo

DL: 1x5
SQ: 3x5
OHP: 3x5
WPU (weighted pull up): 3x5

>his times are unimpressive
>but they show good improovement
psu stands for pushups, forgot to add
How would you program for 2 running sessions a day? I'm just enjoying this a lot more than longer runs and can finally manage some faster pace stuff.
I could use advice fellas. There’s a car that keeps trying to run me off the road during my cardio. 100% intentional. I haven’t determined if it’s living at my neighbors house or just selling weed (car reeks and I’ve seen the nig sell). This is a mostly white neighborhood. When I see a car I move to the opposite side so I’m almost in the grass and use my phone flashlight so I know I’m seen giving 25’ clearance, and this nig still swerves into me. I’ve had all sorts of problems with that family related to traffic but it’s usually a mild annoyance like pulling up behind me while I’m changing a flat and just laying into their horn instead of going around, or honking while on my tail because I’m not going 50+ in a neighborhood that usually has a lot of small children outside playing and only passing me to cut me off sharply.

This car trying to hit me is horseshit though. I have a few ideas to handle it but idk what’s best.
>Confront the home owners
I think the car is their sons plug/friend but idk. My logic is he’s buying weed at 5am because he doesn’t want his parents to know. Telling them would probably end it if they’re anything like the typical older traditional Haitians I’ve interacted with (I’ve dated/been fwb a couple Haitian chicks). There’s also the chance not shit happens and this backfires
>Next time it happens get the plate and make/model tell police they’re selling weed and trying to run pedestrians over
Good chance with minimal cars on the road they get caught and fucked. Bitch move but so is trying to run into pedestrians. I dont even have a problem with weed but may as well use that here if I do this
>drop cattle tracks next time I see the car coming
I kinda wanna do this. Also bitch tier but again, why would I give respect to some nigger who’s niggering and disrespectful to begin with? What, I’m gonna confront him and then he’ll do it more? Fuck that.
>both option 2 & 3

What do? Keep in mind, haitian fobs
Stopped reading about half way though. Just call the cops someone who does that with a car is not someone who could be allowed to operate a vehicle.
It’s over bros. I had 9 day streak of Productive on garmin. Today it went to Maintaining and in desperation I ran a threshold HM, got 320 training load but my status is still Maintaining.
I’m so done
Basically my exact feelings. I’ll get the make model and plate next time this happens and make the call. Fuck, I’ll call anytime I see that car and it happens actually.
This isn’t just my own personal annoyance with being fucked with and endangered for some moolies fun, this neighborhood has small children all throughout it always playing outside, elderly always on walks sometimes as early as I’m out there. I drive careful as fuck because of these other people and I know I’d be a wreck if I ever hit a kid and this absolute insect drives like this.
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I think I’m on the edge of being productive again. Do you think it’s retarded and autistic if I go and do cross-trainer for like half and hour to get more training load just for the status?
i moisturize deeply nightly

its important

if you.moisturize your feet you will still grow callouses but they less likely to crack and peel and become painful

so its important
How to rehydrate after a run bros? I feel very sluggish and drowsy after running in morning
What's the unit? Kcal?
Try eating and drinking. Maybe electrolytes
The cattle tracks, while based, would only serve to fuck over your neighbors and probably yourself too. It would fuck them over but it would also fuck over basically everyone else including yourself. I wouldn’t bother with that. You’re right about confronting, even if you bitched them out or if you told the dudes parents and they got mad at him, it would only make you a target. Just call the cops man. Maybe run with a brick in hand in the meantime
No, it’s some arbitrary number that is closely tided to heart rate.
If you walk for 1 hour, maybe you’ll lose 300cal, but since HR is low training load will be 5 or so.
If you do HIIT for 15 minutes but max HR couple of times you’ll easily get over 100 training load.
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>hour into run
>nipples start chafing
>every time
I even bought a moisture wicking shirt in the hopes it would alleviate this. Guess I have to tape my nipples on long runs.
You should call before so they have a record of the harassment.
This roon was a disaster. Legs were tired, but running slow didn't feel easier so I just maintained a steady pace. Got stomach issues and had to stop early and take an impromptu dump in some bushes. Got a bunch of plant shit stuck to my leg. Thankfully nobody saw me. Day 21 since I last consumed a carbohydrate. Will not stop until I hit 10-12%bf
Fuuuuuck yesterday I got drunk as fuck and smoked two packs of cigs, and today I had to take a break in the middle of a 5k because I thought I was gonna die. Tbf it's hot as fuck here, but still.
how do you smoke 2 packs of cigarettes in one day?
Ciggies and heat will destroy cardio man. I can’t wait until I move somewhere colder so I can test this but I was told if you live somewhere hot and normally just do like 5 miles, that if you go somewhere cold like in the 30s-40s you’ll be able to do more like 10 with the same perceived effort, that you’ll instantly bust PRs. No idea if it’s true but it makes sense based on what I know about heat fucking with cardio
get some pasties. make sure they have tassels for the post-run shirt removal
moisturizing costs money...
41:08 10k pb in this moment I am euphoric. I will devote the next ten years of my leisure time to going sub 40 then as far down into the thirties as I can
You can’t afford a bottle of body moisturizer?
just vaseline then nips pal

not hard
>The main drawback is
that they’re fugly af like all human foot-shaped shoes. Whenever I see these abominations I think about the episode of (((Seinfeld))) when Kramer was walking around in special jump training shoes and got mistaken for a retard.
>human foot-shaped shoes

As opposed to…?
I went on a depression roon last night and smacked my or in the dust. Turns out running in 80 degree weather with 60% humidity vs 95 degrees with 75% is night n day. I was still a puddle of sweat though
I’ve found that 8:30pm is my optimal summer night run start time.
Its not that I can't afford it, its that I won't want to waste money buying it.
You do understand that you can also use it to moisturize the rest of your body, right? You don’t have to buy it specifically for your feet, anon.
I have some wide ass penguin feet I could probably wear penguin flipper shaped shoes and run better.
Post your freakish feet
Based. Nice job anon.
If you're awake for 24 hours, it's less than two cigs per hour. Totally doable if you're partying.
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Maybe give huaraches a try?
I still end up with the same problem that I don't want to spend money on it anon...
Even if you’re not vain, you should at least be using some moisturizer on your face daily. You’ll thank yourself later in life.
I'm too busy to do such things and I'm already in my 30s, maybe if my life dies down a bit.
naw, cba
Felt good on my roon today. Can't wait for tomorrow's roon.
Today was the 9/11 of runs. The heat and humidity became so overpowering that I had no choice but to jump from the 7th mile
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I mean, I wouldn't feel bad about a 7:30 pace.

Tremendously humid out today. Felt like I was running in a rainforest cafe. Was supposed to push for at least a sub 9.
Based. I got in a nice 7am Saturday morning roon. I’m feeling lean and gonna do some clothes shopping today at the outlet mall.
disgusting caveman feet
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Weekend long roon vibes
I can't deal with how hot the women are on the trail near me. I just went for a easy roon since it's hot today and it was like being surrounded by softcore porn. I understand just wanting to wear a sports bra and shorts because it's hot, but this is way beyond that. They're basically wearing lingerie that's made out of spandex. It would be less insane if they were just naked at this point. One of them poured her water bottle over herself right in front of me just to fuck with my head. Idk guys I think I might have to start running at night at least until summer ends
Bros my left calf is awful sore
Hurts especially when I turn my ankle inwards
What do?
Am I genetic elite for running? I've been running for 2 weeks and just ran an hour without stopping, 5 miles. I haven't done cardio since playing soccer as a kid over 10 years ago. I'm basically 5k ready after 2 weeks of training
5mph is literally a light jog
For comparison, middle school track does that as a warm up for try outs
Is cupping a meme?
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only one way to find out faggot, continue training

While it is true that 5mph is relatively slow, keeping that pace for more than 15 minutes is already more than the average person can do lol
society is so unfit
keep at it if you enjoy it
>fugly af like all human foot-shaped shoes.
They certainly look weird for obvious reasons. After realizing what regular shoes do to feet and posture and how ugly toes look inside a narrow toebox, their appeal disappeared for me.
corr WOULD kiss feet
What was your first 10km and how did it feel?
it was 10km and it felt ok
I want to roon like them
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I will give this show another chance
At that speed I think you have to
I have small nostrils, no judge pls
Well, you're absolutely right, assuming you're not yet adapted to nose breathing.

That girl might be excused, she has a coinslot for nostrils. You aren't unless your nostrils are small due to abnormal development.
i have a doctor's note somewhere
Well, what did he say in a nutshell?
live with it or i can scalpel your nostrils
>run from all the porn created from her
They are horse people anon...
>Running on the ground so hard you make veryone around you gay
/roon/bros, I occasionally do cardio and an issue I've been having lately is chafing between my tights. Other than stop being a fatass, is there any way to remedy this?
vasaline, if you aren't wearing underwear wear underwear or just deal with it. I almost always get chaffing during runs and its gone basically the next day.
Hey I'm drinking that! Its a low quality beer and I get crazy headaches because of the impurities in the morning but its better than budweizer.
>live with it
Bad physician. He should've brought up that nose breathing gets easier the more you do it, use it or lose it basically.
I don't care I will roon like them one day

I want to roon like them

It's my favorite cheap beer I recommend the gold premium can if you can get it it's a little better. Also if you like seltzers they just started selling -196 here which is like the little sister to the infamous Strong Zero
I live in DC and I've only ever seen Sapporro, I've never seen gold premium, -196, or Strong Zero. I've been thinking about switching to Asashi Dry because its got a that crispy dry taste that I like but its expensive as hell.
Ever had Sapporo Black? I like that one
I feel like this is a joke beer, but no.
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why would it be a joke?
It's a dark lager but has a more chocolate/coffee kind of vibe as opposed to pure piss water like a light lager
I usually grab these big cans for $2.50 each
Huh, I guess there's a whole world of Sapparo I'm missing out on. I tried to look up a really old Japanese tropical beer I had back in the day that was called Carriboon or Karriboon and I can't find the commerical on youtube to save my life.
And just like that I fucking found it, lol.
>fat cheap beer drinking man singing gibberish in the summer
Basically my spirit animal lmfao
hilarious commercial
Speaking of tropical beers, I also like Orion from Okinawa
It's uh totally great to relax with one after a run haha
Orion huh? I'll look out of it, but I'm tryin to cut expenses right now.
Hey, cool of with the off-topic remarks.
thread is dead anyways, 30 posts over
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I did a roon!
Whats your total milage for this week? mine is 10.7
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Mmmm, fitbit says this. I was doing a lot of walking earlier in the week.
god damn...

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