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>programming advice?
post s/b/d@bw+height

>The official pastebin (includes books and videos on various things like recovery, stretching, programs, band usage, etc)
>registered dots offenders list

previous thread: >>74579243
Is their any validity to dropsets or are they stupid?
Nah they can actually be pretty good, but not all the time.
For bodybuilding? Yeah of course.
For strenght training? I can't really think of a benefit desu
Well that's where I'm gonna have to disagree
With weight releasers maybe, but that's more of a benefit of the weight releasers themselves than it is the drop set
I mean am I supposed to just do another lift entirely if I can't lift it anymore?
Might wanna move to like dbs if you can't finish the programmed sets unless it's too much volume.
im surprised you dont own a pair of those 2bh
You mean you do x weight for y reps and z sets and then you stop when you fail reps? Or what? Be more specific.

I'm not sure they'd be helpful for me. At least not with bench. Maybe squat though but I don't feel like experimenting to figure out a good number of sets. If Mike T was struggling to figure out how to get them to help his lifts then I'm probably too much of a brainlet to do so.
I am training for strength, but I would not be mad if I also gained size.
Some dudes get huge off 1 maybe 2 days a week on a given muscle so I figure just coming back to it later is what's gonna make me strong.
Yeah that's too much volume for me
You mean like Dogcrapp training/HIT? Sure but that's not really the best for strength

How much volume are you doing?
2-3 days a week, working on rows 2x a week as they're lagging and some chest on the same day.

Legs are the third day or sometimes I just do them on the same day. Like 5-6 sets per muscle.
What are your goals? Size? Strength? How many reps are you doing per set? Are you just doing everything to failure?
Strength above all, I'm already handsome as it is so this isn't about the ladies for me.

My goal is to move up in weight only when the last set is where I'll fail. I use the 2.5s a lot so this is easier without staying too light.
Stats? You seem like you're new, could probably get as good if not better results from some sort of NLP like SS, SL, Greyskull, etc.
I used to lift here and there but neglected back and is why I'm focusing rows.
pls be in kg
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Height and bw? Might need an intermediate program assuming you're not a fat fuck but I would suggest trying some sort of easier progression scheme. I'm sure you can manage something faster/easier like something from pic related.
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Just be aware of who your taking advice from. This is your first warning
Seems my zoomer training is paying off. I can fit in. It's how I stay relatable to my students.
I asked her if she feels it's appropriate to call FWB partners
>Wtf obviously we're sexual partners why wouldn't we be??
Me: 1
Bobby: 0
No, we're not dating and this has been established. You're just an idiot.
I guess I spend hours but what you're telling me to do seems more complicated than legitimately learning a solid chapter or 2 of calculus.
Someone who got strong the hard way? I'll just dial it back a little on the food once it gets to be over the top.
That pic mostly boils down to just adding sets and/or reps until you hit a target, resetting and then adding weight. But there are easier programs to do, like Texas Method or Madcow.

It's too late anon, she considers you to be a romantic candidate. Saying a sexual partner = partner doesn't make any sense, as that term always refers to a romantic partner.
Like 6ft4 180
Oh while lowering weight? Makes sense, I got weaker high frequency.
Usually keeping weight the same until you reset unless it says otherwise
>Jewish demoralization
Every time..
you fat dudes got some fucking weird fetishes
What does sunlight do that Vitamin D supplements don't do? I have a terrible mood, no drive, and constant inability to focus but it hasn't always been like this. I remember feeling mentally better and more motivated ~5+ years ago when I was much less fit and basically did all of the wrong things. I barely slept, didn't do cardio, never left the house unless it was for school, didn't see the sun, poor nutrition etc, but I played video games a lot and enjoyed them a lot. I now eat well, do cardio, lift weights, don't play video games or use social media, but I still never leave the house or get any sunlight. I feel physically good now, but I now have inability to focus, no drive, no desires in life, minimal libido etc. I'm aware that this could be due to many reasons but I just can't figure out why I now feel physically healthy and so poor mentally so I thought that it could be lack of Vitamin D since I still never leave the house. I got a blood test, found out I was slightly deficient and tell myself oh that's easy, I'll just supplement it. I take 10,000 IU for ages, it did nothing at all so I dropped to 1000 IU just to minimise any risk despite what the basedence says, minimum effective dose and all that. For some reason, I still didn't consider just getting more sunlight until I came across some huberman tier video talking about (morning) sunlight. Since it's summer right now and not cloudy at all, I've just been standing outside without a shirt in direct sunlight for ~15 minutes every day. I've done it for the past couple of weeks and the difference is incredible. I feel better and more optimistic, my ability to focus seems to be getting better too, I noticed even my eyes feel less fatigue in general. I still don't know why this is when 10,000IU of supplementation seemed to do nothing at all. Maybe too low of a dose or I think it could be about sunlight causing the body to produce tons of serotonin? Something I lacked from quitting video games years ago.
So basically what everyone does?

There was this guy who was saying you wanna lift like 4x a week same lift, failing doesn't matter so much but you will only realize gains after your deload which can be anywhere from 1-2months. And that the rep schemes were weird like 5x3 or 3x10 and to even do some light accessory work to work on weak points in the lift.
Did you get blood work after supplementing for a while? And you could just have depression or some variant like SAD, which spending time outside does help with.
Lmfao that's a female made up histrionic disease.
Psychosomatic. I've lived in England for years. No sun for months. Cloud cover all the time. Rain. No depression or SAD despite no vitamin D supplement. It's not the sunlight. It's you being outside and touching grass and not being dysgenic loser in artificial light all day every day.
Different people are different, there are as many programming styles as there are people (maybe not exactly that many but there's still a fuckton). What you're describing sounds like block/linear periodization with a peak and taper included. That's not really something you'll have to worry about right now with your stats.
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THREADLY, RELEVANT, and HIGH QUALITY REMINDER for you unlifting ANON CHODEs to post body/lifts and get a trip. Tripping is the only way anyone will believe anything you have to say about anything. And only if you demonstrate at least one of the following:
>A squat in excess of both 2.5 times bodyweight AND 500 lbs
>A deadlift in excess of both 2.5 time bodyweight AND 500 lbs
>A bench press in excess of both 1.5 times bodyweight AND 350 lbs
>A LMAO4PLAET or greater row from the ground
>A Log "Press" of at least 240 lbs and 1.15 times bodyweight
>A front squat equal to or greater than LMAO4PLAET and 1.75x bodyweight
>A body that /fit/ won't roundly criticize (good fucking luck)
If you can't manage at least one of these, shut the fuck up, go to the gym, and try harder
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1.) Do not talk about cutting
2.) Do NOT talk about cutting
3.) An adult male is >190 lbs, and this is an 18+ board
4.) LOLfedders get out
5.) Every fed is a LOLfed
6.) There are no real rules about lifting (except that s*mo is ghey), half-rep all you like
7.) There are no real rules about judging either, enjoy your R E D L I G H T S
8.) You must have vids to prove your lifts
9.) POST LIFTS or GTFO – The choice is yours.
10.) EAT MOAR – It is never enough
11.) Your program is shit, no exceptions
12.) Powerlifting is not a sport.
13.) Pulling s*mo is an admission of fundamental weakness, ontological incompetence, and likely fatherlessness
14.) FIGGY is not a fraud
15.) FIGGY is not a felon
17.) Grow a beard
18.) Phoneposters get The Rope.
19.) Everyone stronger than you is on sterons. Everyone weaker than you isn’t trying hard enough.
20.) Try harder
21.) You must squat >2.67 times bodyweight AND have an unblemished boxing record to bully FIGGY
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UPDATED LIST OF PLG APPROVED ACRONYMs (Arcane CipheRs Of Never Yielding Masculinity). Post, but don't spam, in every thread.

>GDE (Genetic Dead End)
Exercise low-responder. High injury rate, no sports background, weak willed.

>OGD (Obese Genetic Dud)
A GDE that tried to cope by getting fat. Did not get stronger. Look at him and laugh.

>SUMO (SUbhuman MOron)
Too stupid and/or genetically deficient to just bend over and pick something up. Copes through a combination of clowning half reps and eating butt.

>UFO (Under Fed Organism)
Adult human male weighing less than 200 lbs. Throw food at them until the problem is remedied.

>VOLEM (Voluntary Evermediate)
Late beginner, early intermediate. Panics when the bar gets heavy. Program hops, works on technique, or sabotages recovery as an excuse to not progress.

>BONER (Bench Only No Effort Retard)
Wants to have the admiration and ego of someone who lifts, but doesn't want to get the squat or deadlift of someone who actually lifts. Copes with a combination of bench press and autism.

>LARPER - Lamely Accessorizing Retard, Performance Essentially Rubbish
Wants to be a powerlifter without actually lifting or trying hard. Buys $800 in clothes and accessories to dress the part. Stuck at a 400 kg total. Widely loathed.

>FAGIT (Freakishly Adept Genetically, Incredible Total)
Strong from birth, never had to work for it. Still works at it, just to ULTRA MOG GDEs even harder. Hated by everyone, but they can't really do anything about it.

>JANITOR (Just ANother Ineffectual Twig, Obviously Retarded)
Complete assclown and permanent virgin.

>TCHAD (Tries Consistently Hard All Day)
The Isleys, MAs, and other guys with average genes who actually like competing and getting stronger.

>TWIT (Third World Idjit Tard)
Smelly unAmerican FOREIGNER who lifts in the futile hopes it will make him matter like AMERICANS matter (The Italian's back)
Yes, my Vitamin D levels increase to above recommended levels in the blood work after but I felt no different. It could be SAD or some other depression and I probably would get diagnosed with it, but I feel like it's too easy to use that label. Even without getting sunlight, my mood is definitely better knowing it's summer season and waking up to light mornings instead of it being dark and cloudy constantly.
>touching grass and not being dysgenic loser in artificial light all day every day
It probably is this. I am in England too. If not direct sunlight, then maybe just making myself go outside in some form of daylight (even if it's cloudy) in general from almost nothing at all must be giving an immense amount of benefit I suppose. I literally never go out of the house since I work at home and usually get everything I need delivered, and when I do rarely, it's in a car and just never bothered unless I had a reason to.
Just to be clear I don't use psychosomatic pejoratively. Humans didn't evolve to be in a cave 24/7. Turns out when you put the human in his natural habitat, he feels better. Imagine a lion confined to a cage in a zoo. I bet if lions could use guns they'd Kermit sudoku
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>>74579243 OP is a faget
>>74579275 Anon is too stupid to simply pull a barbell
>>74579518 Anon makes claims without evidence
>>74579577 Anon is the average /fit/izen and gets DUBS
>>74579588 Blobby gets DUBS
>>74579623 Roidaroo gets lost on his way to /fraud/
>>74579799 SMIGGY coaches BLOBBY and gets DUBS
>>74580128 Kimchi squats LMAO3.75PLAET "way too deep" to actual depth
>>74580744 AWW HE GOT DA VELCRO and also gets DUBS
>>74580675 Kimchi is a MANLET
>>74580768 Biggie has a flying V
>>74580784 Twiggy squats for sets of 10
>>74580797 Anon post a squatplug sizing guide
>>74581267 WEEMS takes a totally normal amount of caffeine and contemplates breaking Rules 1&2
>>74581410 Pony does dips and causes many people great concern
>>74583397 Twink squats in properly sized shorts and doesn't say anything ghey
>>74584112 PLOOTZ pioneers the single least efficient way to get a barbell from the ground to overhead and misses TRIPS
>>74585554 >>74585560 Anon misses QUADS
>>74585954 Tr00nefelters practices... behind the neck snatch squat jerk
>>74588018 Anon plays a terrible MMO
>>74588717 Shaman does dips and tl;drs
>>74589088 Kimchi loses the round to a hook bag and gets DUBS
>>74589092 Kimchi does his signature seizure deadlifts

FINAL SCORE: 6.5/10 - Slightly above average thread with slightly abover average D I G I T S
They made my dl worse
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Stop dropping your hands down to your belt after your punch lands. As a MANLET, your hands should probably be close to eyebrow height by default. Also, the hook/swing bag is supposed to be a hypothetical opponent's head. Dipping your head directly under it would be headbutting him in the chest.
I just DL 227.5kg for da first time. I remember thinking 4pl8 was cool. Maybe 600lbs will give me a feeling. See you next year.
>sleep 4 hours the 25th
>dont sleep at all the 26th
230*4 super misgrooved bench (maybe had 5 even)
bad but not even that bad, you knwo how when you do close and lose tightness in your shoulders so you dont pull the elbows tp the side and now you are pressing vertically? yeah
Bodybuilding and Powerlifting cossover if you are good
A drop set is just more reps on the same exercise with lower weight. most of the top guys are essentially doing it when its 1@rpe9 then 3x7@8
>A drop set is just more reps on the same exercise with lower weight. most of the top guys are essentially doing it when its 1@rpe9 then 3x7@8
Backoff sets and drop sets are not the same.
I thought drop sets were supposed to be done to failure and without rest. Back offs are, at least in the typical example you gave, with rest and not to failure.
I didn't think they had such rigid definitions
I mean I could be wrong but the stereotype of drop sets that I've seen are doing an exercise to failure, and then going past failure and eeking out more reps by dropping the weight immediately. I've never done drop sets, this is just what I've seen. Vs back offs where you work up to a top set one time, take a break, and then strip the weight off and keep it off for several sets. This is something that I've done.
You're thinking of burnouts?
>says blatantly wrong thing
>gets btfos
>my memory is bad
>continues to say wrong stuff
>*fifty posts later*
>suck my cock
I mean I looked at Wikipedia after posting and that's what it's giving as the drop set definition/example.
>posts information
>checks sources AFTER post
>the source is wikipedia
For fucks sake man.
Bodybuilding.com says that too

And I said "I thought", not "they are"
Is it so hard to verify information BEFORE you post whatever bullshit enters your adipose filled brain? By your own admission your memory is often wrong
In this case it seems like I was correct though? Don't see why you're so mad in this specific instance.
He was right though
can we have a single thread with you shitting it up you fucking faggot?
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Deadlift doesnt feel like complete dogshit, but then again its only 425 so its really hard to judge. Upper ham into glute is a little sore today but its not painful so i think im still on the upswing
455 for reps in a week and a half i reckon i go for 10+
And all the times he isn't?
Trip on Robert.
When he is wrong and it is obvious as a result of some information being shared, he admits it. We are just having a conversation here - it's no big deal to be wrong every once in a while.
>it's no big deal to be wrong every once in a while.
>It's okay for Jews to spread information
My life has been much better since bringing my waist measurement down to 35”. Feigenbaum was right.
>tendinopathy in fingers from deadlifts
It's so fucking over for me, for real this time.
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training has been shite. Not much for sleep so it's tough to stick with my usual training. A lot of cardio and bb style workouts the past 2 months.
2 days until I have to pack up my home gym so wanted to hit some prs. I don't train hb so this is my 5pl8 max yolo high bar shart. thanks for the continued motivation strong frens
A tiny bit is good. My shoulders hurt like hell from frequent 3rms on bench but now I never felt a tear in months.

Tendon strain takes way more time to recover learn to make shit with stock to repair the collagen and minerals in your tendons.
partner is a term faggots have to use because they can't say wife
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mirin squat and gym mascot
>no homegym in 2 days
I replace your penguin in your honor
jackie tran, you should learn drunken master style fighting technique
I mean, at least I'm taking the advice to work with the cold mind warm body wl tutorials
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I would smoke you, Lil bro
it was advertised as a slip bag tho? so I assume I'm supposed to roll and slip after punching the bag? aqua bag?
you should sign up for an amateur fight
we need Justin vs Figgy on Street Beefs
How do i keep my squat and dl from dropping like a rock during a cut? Doing 531 rn, lifts are a bit over 1/2/3/4 and 188 bw
Bulking is like using both hands to scoop up marbles from a bucket and cutting is like pouring them into a bottle. If you panic and try to catch every marble that falls out of your hands and misses the bottle it'll take much longer to finish pouring and that's longer you have to wait before taking another scoop from the bucket. A little loss in the short term is better than spinning your wheels to ultimately make worse overall progress.

For reference moving one marble at a time from the bucket to the bottle is "lean gaining."
Good analogy, but for reference coming down from 197 a month ago my squat has gone from 355 to 315 and dl from 455 to 405, is this drastic or to be expected? My goal bw is in the mid 170s, I don't want to undo half a year of progress just to get there. My bench and OHP have stayed the same.
that's not bad at all. When you return to maintenance or a clean bulk you should return to your old numbers in a month or two. In some cases simply sufficient carbs can push you back to 100% if you cut them out as part of your diet. But mostly your numbers are simply too beginner-level to worry about. ~10% fluctuation at your level can be normal even if you weren't cutting.
Thanks man. You think I should stick with 531 for the rest of the cut or switch to more volume with texas method? Or wait to do texas method once the bulk is over?
>2 days until I have to pack up my home gym
moving? that'll be a pain
only 1/10 on the shart scale, unless....
it really doesn't matter, 531 is fine if you're enjoying it
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>copedog has never been below 25% bodyfat
I found where the girl in OP escorts. Lala Kudou at DELICE. My japanese newhalf fwb is going go help me get a slot with her. Fuck yeah.
>japanese newhalf fwb
how much does it cost to force feed her hard boiled eggs?
ill report back in a few months
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>lifts stalling
>take some anavar
>make progress again

its literally that easy
thanks bruv
>tfw no wl coach on hand to fix my shit in real time
>Fat to fatter
>Calling his young fat self a twink
Rare big dog L
>is named back extension
>is actually just another hinge, i.e glutes/hams
Did snatch grip barbell GLUTE extensions for the first time in a long time, and it feels more glute dominant vs hamstrings compared to an RDL.
Good lift, going to keep doing this x2 a week
>that post workout wank to underage kpop idols dancing in tiny skirts while your sciatica is acting up from the heavy lifting

anyone relate??
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Nice that's my goal
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Nice. Those comps look fun especially the yoke into log. I like that combo. Also flintstone press is based.
Those are some crazy goals. The mdb would be a u105 national record right?
>How about yourself?
I'm competing in the state champs in November. I'd like to place in the 125kg class. I already have a qualifying total for nationals as master 1.
Trying to work on my squat and bench. Would like a 265 squat, 160+ bench and 335 dead at next meet. I also want to beat smiggy to a 365kg dead, but he's way closer than I am now :^(
Checked. Mirin squat.
i recognise that girl from vr adult movies.
Then you must know the sauce
Smooth. Nice
Live now. Squats, push press, cgbp w/ chains, silver dollar practice (just regular bar block pulls since I have no silver dollar implements), RDLs.
>sciatica is acting up from the heavy lifting
you have two choices
>continue with your ways until you're crippled
>embrace body building, get lean and learn to love the leg machines
I'll only tune in if you're shirtless
No reason to go shirtless this session, sorry anon
>No reason to go shirtless
once again, not training hard enough
>I tried a cold approach today at the bus stop and the girl was extremely disgusted
bro. what did you say? you just need to use some esl paulo costa rizz.
this youtuber is great with the ladies, watch his video and learn a thing or two.
>Are you back or close to your peak DL strength?
lmao not at all. 200kg should move faster. thats the speed that 220 should move.
Squeezing out some Norman khan logs into the toilet

What’s everyone up to this long weekend ?
>What’s everyone up to this long weekend ?
finna go rizz up some sexy ladies with kimcel
no cap (fr fr)
>What’s everyone up to this long weekend ?
Not posting about my bowel movements. You?
>esl paulo costa rizz
Based, or renato laranja OG rizz
Das my people rite dere
Good session, 18" block pull PR with 565 and mixed grip
Great squat. Trips. Mogging post
Is there any value un doing TnG reps? Or should I pause 1 second each rep. Talking about bench, of course.
Who's watching the debate 2nite
Yes mix in tng
Helps me with ego gains. Not sure if good for powerlifting training though
i do it bc fuggit we ball
Why? they're both controlled by you know whos
It allows you to do more total work. I dont think SBD is SO technical that tng is going to fuck up your comp setup.
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Brother you look like shit, you're not mogging anyone
Never done anavar before but my lifts are stalling. Help?
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Typical, attention-seeking, womanly, zoomer activity on the internet
No for real anyone know the sauce?
I think you need a diagnosis, go to a psychiatrist
20 more mins til comedy folx
I'm euro, stream? Biden and Trump?
Just YouTube debate, it's easy AF to find.
Presidential debate on youtube

Print this out and show to the shrink
based and daddy has had a few and must now ramble pilled
bodybuilding is about getting musclemass, strength training is about muscle mass and then adapting that for strength, they're good for the same thing except there's a divergence at a(n optimally very late) point
Any better streams than the CBS channel? I need a live chat with gamer words enabled
Strength is about strength and muscle mass is a utility, also it diverges sooner than you're implying. Plenty of 300 dots body builders that look much better than most of this general
>Plenty of 300 dots body builders that look much better than most of this general
and in 5 years of specific training they'd be stronger than most of this general
so ive been doing nsuns for the last 3 months or so and I've been making good progress (the only modification ive made so far is swapping sumo deadlifts for barbell rows) but the rep scheme on the T2 lifts is starting to kick my ass (3/5/7/4/6/8) and I'm starting to have some pretty bad form breakdown on the front squats for example

Is this rep scheme really necessary for continuing progression or can I swap it out for something more reasonable like 5x5? Will the slightly less volume make a big difference?
>would be a u105 national record right
My record stands at 105kg currently after breaking it 3 times last year. There's no comps with max db so would just be chasing a training PR
>place in the 125kg class
That'd be cool
Would be chasing an 800 total with those numbers
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Was Jamie Lewis/plagueofstrength ever a respected figure in strength training? I appreciate him as a lolcow and funny goblin but he seems off his rocker
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>licis at the muscle girl bar
i wish i knew of this place when i was there. i learned about it like 2 years ago
Only the R33 is true big cope
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>10 seconds to splash
"we appreciate you Figgy"

based liftposters and also checking the latter

the Dunmer in Windhelm made my allegiance in the civil war very easy

You could just go to a brothel and actually fuck MUCH better looking girls
>your wife is a cow
He had a world record once (not natty). He says some good stuff, recently mostly dumb shit. His articles from the early 2010s late were alright
>He had a world record
No, he didn't.
Idk, Jamie Lewis seems pretty based to me.
Benched 175kg, but unfortunately got fat again.
been a while. how fat are we talking about? and where is the vid
Got down to 110kg now back up to 135kg.

I'll post a vid on Sunday.
I'd rather just go hard after long rests for higher reps, which yield a hard pump as opposed to a full yet less full pump.

I mean if I want to minimize time then yeah, but I'm trying to get bigger not feel like I'm working harder for no reason.
I do them almost every workout and I'm bigger than you. In fact I attribute the majority of my success in fitness to such rep/rest schemes and your lack of enthusiasm towards this particular style of weight training frankly disgusts me.
Oh it's you you little fucking nigger oh boy am I pissed to see you you little fucking nigger.
Has anyone had any success implementing stomach vacuums either for making the waist smaller or improving bracing? I was messing around doing them the other day only for a minute or two since I’m cutting and just wanted to see how small my waist could get and I noticed that today, my bracing was a lot more passive, intuitive, easier to maintain and actually stronger. I have an annoying tendency to finding bracing completely unnatural or just pushing my stomach out way too much at the hardest points of the lifts. Also my bracing today seemed to replicate the feeling of a vacuum (just less pulled in) rather than thinking about expansion everywhere??? I’m not really sure how I should approach doing them more, just a couple of minutes every day or something?
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do you use a belt? if you use a belt you want to push "out", using it as support. if you squat/deadlift beltless you want to push "in" (not a vacuum, just contracting and tightening up your core)
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its the same 360 outwards pressure belted or beltless
Ok i figured it out why arching hurts my bench. I cant leg drive when i arch so despite shorter rom i end up slightly weaker. Now the question is how to fix it
Read the blue book, bench as instructed.
bracing with and without a belt is the exact same
just do add, the best way to check if you're fucking up
>stick your thumb into your lower back area or towards the side
>breathe in deep, you should feel an expansion
>harden core / brace, you should feel further expansion
you're now braced, a belt just means more pressure and rigidity the technique is the same
Is programming really just a meme until you are at world class level? I've been doing 3x5s, not far from SS style for my lifts for a long time. I just end up staying at the same weight for longer until I get all reps rather than every session. I still make decent progress and I seem to be stronger than a lot of intermediate powershitters running complex programs.
The secret is to keep going and keep pushing yourself. Volems just take random days off, eat like shit, vary the progroooooom too much and spin their wheels. They're chasing fast gains with high variability, as opposed to slow gains with consistent progress. John Haack for example barely programs at all. He's been autoregulating for about a decade by now
Translation from schizo to english?
I don't think programming is a meme, but consistency is #1. Consider that you may make better progress on a more optimal program. However, it may not be possible for you if your lifestyle doesn't permit sufficient recovery on an "optimal" program, in which case whatever keeps you getting work in consistently is correct.
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385, these got pretty sharty. I think front squats were helping me stay up right - I should mix those back in.
Simon, you here man? I got a question about cluster sets
Louie was right about everything but you need advanced understanding of physiology to decipher what the fuck he means because he is like Gerald from Clarkson's farm. Ama me anything.
Name on, Sh*m*n
Programming is a meme. Powerlifting/strength is bodybuilding only instead of biceps and lateral delts and quads you focus on posterior chain. With some technique/fiber recruitment on top. If you're spinning wheels on SS move on to ppl or something where you hit a muscle group with volume once a week and just do 1rm bench/squat/dl at the start of that day, and finish with abs and low back.
So like, 1rm bench -> fail off pecs -> train db bench 4-10x12 that day. Next workout 1rm bench -> fail to lockout -> train dips or whatever.
Although I guess it would be better to do 4xohp 4xdb power flyes 4xtriceps on push day.
Some messy Norman khan is splattering over the porcelain
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should have permabulked
Based and body dysmorphia-pilled
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holy shit bro you were pretty jacked back then. you should cut back down to the weight in the first pic and see the difference. would be epic!
also how much do you way in each picture?
unironically you'd prob get more (You)s if you made a thread like Justin
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how do i work to complete the area between these back muscles????
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who's the beef cake on the left?
Looking thick, solid and tight
you should cut to 265 again tho. or like 275 if thats too much for you. I dont think you'd lose THAT much strength since youre hella fat(no offense. i legitimately dont mean that as like an insult)
Last couple looked a little high not too sharty tho
>Typical, attention-seeking, womanly, zoomer activity on the internet
wtf, FIGGY is not only a FELON, he is also a ZOOMER?!?
That would accomplish nothing but impressing you and tanking my competition performance. Maybe I'll do that in my mid 40s when it's over anyway.
Unironically left > right. I guarantee you met your fiancee while looking like left and she's setting for your obesity because you're a beta provider. Sorry about your decreased libido fatty
looking like a High T Mark Zucc on the left
no homo, no cap (fr fr)
Bros i can't squat properly for a while now because my right adductor got slightly pulled/injured. I've taken a few weeks off from training legs but it hasn't really gotten better. Is there any sort of magical bullshit i could do to make it heal faster?
isn't it cumbersome to be 340 tho? I meant moreso for lifestyle. But I guess youre really into strongman performance and the competitive side. you are fatter on the rightside but more based aura it seems. im not sure exactly why?
>I guarantee you met your fiancee while looking like left
you'll never know why this is so funny to me

anything north of 250 has been pretty much the same level of cumbersome in my experience, but being very strong is very much worth it. A lot of anon here don't seem to know that I've been everything from a leanpilled runner to a bloatmaxxed strongman and there's a reason I'm still doing it. Being light and skinny is not optimal with being tall with big joints and stuff. It's a waste to not chase performance while its optimal.
Left is a boy, right is a man.
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>That would accomplish nothing but impressing you
and me
>you'll never know why this is so funny to me
because picrel?
He literally, unironically held the 181 raw untested record at one point.
It would be somewhat based if not for the fact that he was trained by Spud Bartley when he broke the 181 record. I'll let you guess what style of training he preferred. Lewis also seemed touted Conjugate & 5/3/1 in his earlier blogs as good training methods.
You unironically look better and more trustworthy with the weight gain.
>15 sets of squats today
at least it's not scorching hot in the garage
What program?
Figured. Those days are great
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he won't be doing any mirin' during your move, but at least he has frens to chill with
these looked good
My fucking hero bro
why does my right collarbone hurt but only when my shoulder isn't retracted back
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even at smiggys worst looks better than the copious doggy
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You look like shit my brother. You're also delusional and mentally ill. These are truths you're resistant to
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>85% work performed at 65#
>2 summers ago it would have been 94#
(silver lining, in-test was 44# 1rm)
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It's the cuttening lads. 227 today looking to get down to about 210, let's see if this time i'll stick to it kek. Latest maxes at 227:
ohp 82kg (180lbs)
bench 125kg (275lbs)
squat 150kg (330lbs)
deadlift 195kg (430lbs)

Going to do OMAD for up to 3 weeks. Maybe it's unrealistic to think i'll drop 17lbs in 3 weeks but i'll go by looks a lot too, maybe i'll be happy at 215 or 220, we'll see.

Please hold me accountable and shame me if i do a 180
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>only visible veins are the neck seethe veins
why did you post a trashbag full o sloppa?
>Maybe it's unrealistic to think i'll drop 17lbs in 3 weeks
yes, if your goal is to keep it off. at best, you can expect 1.5-2 lbs a week
if you're trying to cut to see the number on a scale, you can do that in 3-5 days.
>you can expect 1.5-2 lbs a week
Even if it's a drastic decrease in calories + fasting? I usually eat a lot and i'm gonna OMAD
>yes, if your goal is to keep it off
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You aren't vascular because you are too fat
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zoomers will literally put gain 3 lbs and be like "yep, it's time to cut"
I must say you don't look 265lbs (more like 230/240) in the left pic, but looks can be deciving
Bid Mog how much do you weight rn?

No thanks
More like samwise sulek...
>5'3" 225
What mode is this?
bro 3 weeks is way too short for a cut. and im telling you right now you wont be satisfied with just a few lbs off. visually speaking atleast.
absolute wrestler mode
Yeah idk i'll probably have to extend it, i'm just not sure if i'll have the discipline to stick to it. 1 month+ of shitty training sessions is a lot
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5x95, 135, 165, 195
wanted to reroll life then
5x225, 275, 325, 375, 425
PR! AND IT WAS EASY! Gotta film my improved form next time. Mixed grip.
>weighted pullup
5x0, 25, 45, 60
reset weight and still only got to the nose. damb
234 clothed and shod
upper body probably getting close to nattymaxxed at this bodyweight. my deadlift is my weakest so of course it's still improving. still, any 5rep PR day is a good day
Nice ohp. Vid?
Is that Samsung Led?
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Haven't been taping lately because no PRs but you can feast your eyes on these /plg/ classics
lets test this theory
Live now. Squats, axle clean and press, plate pinches
grunt mogs me
>YT vids of wrestling under the stadium lights
Left arm weirdly fatigued despite all the circus dumbbell being right handed. Oh well, next week. Went surprisingly well anyway with how sore my back feels from the heavy RDLs I did yesterday
>465/275/515 or so
for real, monica?
there might be hope after all
Hope for what
idk man. a 275 bench @ 265 isnt that impressive if im being honest with you
yeah I was super bad at bench and still kind of am, it was a whole arc. You had to be there.
hope that I can have similar numbers. I unrionically will be happy with 3/3/4 for reps
yes, but thats the only one. if I can do all that at 32yo+, 6' and 185-195, I'll be glad
I've hit 285 bench, but I was ~225. test out is in a couple of weeks, and I'm aiming for 255 @ 205
>inb4 those are all pussy numbers
I'm aware
thanks ^_^
I guess it is pretty cool. Even if it's just the boomer ass nobody recreational level. I turned 35 today so I'll be needing copes and appreciating ~*the little things*~ more
NTA but habby birthday bro! It's really cool to have a wrestling guy here that's strong as hell, i love your youtube videos i think they're badass too. Keep on the grin fren
I am taking the leanpill bros
I will continue to forget that our birthdays are 2 days apart
Happy birthday dawg
YOU TOO, FATASS(Im calling you fatass in an endearing kind of way, no offense). I cant believe you were D1. you should switch over to MMA. I can see you as a ben askren-esque ONE champ except more athletic. middleweight champion of the world... think about it. these mma guys cant wrestle for shit, brush up on some submissions and learn to throw a teep kick and 1-2 and ur good. TRUST. will be life changign
FUCK FUCK NO I meant to type that thing to weems, not smiggy sorry got confused. smiggy should never fight in mma he would get a horrible case of nocta. weems on the otherhand can make it, I think
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Does anyone remember this kid who used to post in plg/owg, I think his name was jacob but he had the most absolute cursed build for lifting I've ever seen along with the worst olympic lifting form ever

Every snatch he did looked like it had zero power behind it and he looked like he was made of jelly trying to to snatch it and stand up

He would also divebomb every squat and look like he was going to die getting out of the hole

Does anyone know who I'm talking about
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Part of me wants to try MMA but
1. I'm old as fuck
2. I love wrestling and I already betrayed it once

Honestly the window to get GOOD good probably closed a decade ago but IDGAF. If the cause is hopeless because I wasted my life I'll just train harder as penance.

If this natty daddy can somehow eat and sleep enough to recover from much more than I'm doing now, I'll consider learning some boxing. Right now the challenge is to recover from morning lift/run, afternoon wrestle.
Hbd, welcome to the boomer millennial club
Blueshoes. He's dead now, drowned running away from the cops.
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bro, I thought the video was coach's POV for your high school kids, I didn't realize it was you doing the wrasslin. that's even cooler it was for the old balls
fuuuuck I just want a place to roll at, even if I do suck ass
happy birthday my dudes
You're describing justin kim
Yes, blueshoes, that's exactly who I was thinking of
is this a DEI joke or frfr? at least we still have that other owg poster that comes around every now and then (commissar or w/e tf his name is)
Not a joke
>along with the worst olympic lifting form ever
>Every snatch he did looked like it had zero power behind it and he looked like he was made of jelly trying to to snatch it and stand up
Thanks ^_^ I actually do go to an adult club now. It's boomer tier, if I ever get into the shape necessary for competitive freestyle I'll need to roll at the local colleges.

But it's cool. It's mostly coaches from the high school club wrestling each other but we have a few paying customers too. Lately I've been teaching a total beginner who's a 43yo father of four.
>if I ever get into the shape necessary for competitive freestyle I'll need to roll at the local colleges.
that ain't me brother, I'd have to start my life over
>Lately I've been teaching a total beginner who's a 43yo father of four.
Holy shit. that's wild. good for that guy!
>I actually do go to an adult club now
did you find them through USAW? or did you just know via your contacts?
I feel like I would need to join an mma/judo/bjj club around me (can't remember if I saw an exclusive wr club). but my wants may need to be put on hold - sah with 5, 3, and 7 mo old. I already have rugby which takes up a lot of what little spare time I have. and it's time to pass the torch and start training them for their sports. I plan to introduce the 3yo to the sport at 6, and ideally, add a wrestling mat to the homegym
>did you find them through USAW?
I head coach a high school and a middle school (it's a weird one-month thing in the spring). I am also one of several coaches at a USAW club. The adult club is mostly us, plus a few paying customers.
>I plan to introduce the 3yo to the sport at 6, and ideally, add a wrestling mat to the homegym
Holy based. Find the right people. There are saints and shitheads in youth sports.
yoel romero joined the UFC at 36 and he became a legend and still does mma at the age of 47. it aint too late
Thanks for the encouragement. It's extremely unlikely but the probability is not absolute zero. I'm training. Running up a mountain for cardio in the morning.
How much do you guys reverse grip bench? Is it pretty close to your standard? Kinda scared going up on weight to high
did a peak amrap today, im literally exactly as strong as i am 8 weeks ago, I probably would be stronger if i just stayed on my LP power building program then going on my current advanced strength focused program, im rating this shit poorly on boostcamp once im done
or do you think I should start another program now? thats more thought out
Louie Simmons is smiling at me /plg/, can you say the same

Next session I'll move the track closer so that I can get ROM all the way to the floor. Also, did some GHR today.
happy bday weems. i'm just an anon but you have always been my favorite imaginary 4chan friend : )
>yoel, the cuban freak of nature with a fused neck and pumped with who knows what of commie drugs while growing up, who competed for years as an amateur and pro before going ufc
look, JT, weems here can easily rape some amateur or regional shows if he wants, but to realistically think he's going to land a major promotion while nearing 40, it ain't gonna happen (there's always that 1% chance, though). but no big dog company will sign a new ie fighter at that age unless they had some prior credentials to pad the stats (oly or d1 champ status, or pro from another sport). realistically speaking, he can go learn some striking and subs and be a regional superstar or cage warriors level
These are not reverse hypers lol
he will have a pereira-esque transition into mma and become the greatest middleweight in EagleFC history. his highlight reel is gonna be rampage slam ko type everu
Dude is not strong enough to be this big natty
bro he's clearly not natty
>he will have a pereira-esque transition into mma and become the greatest middleweight in EagleFC history. his highlight reel is gonna be rampage slam ko type everu
heh heh
I choose to belive this
better get to it, weems!!!
Thats what im saying
unironically send weems to xtreme couture for a year and put him up against an unranked can like budka. WEEMS CAN WIN
This is Hell Style self-belief. This is the burning soul.
No clue, but I've been tempted to try the modified version that Kolb says to do. There are some strong reverse grip benchers out there though.

the more i think about it, im liking the budka match up alot. an unathletic sloppy smudge grappler with no power would be a perfect debut fight for weems.
Let's see wrestling '25 first lol
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>Find the right people.
yea, that's the hard part. we are a military family, so move every so often, and currently, I don't find the region to be heavy in wrestling. now if I was where I grew up (midwest, with my cousin coaching collegiate, plus all my contacts that wrestle/coach) it'd be easy
I really don't care what sports the kids play, I just want to be a good training partner for them. my pops would coach us and practice at home with us (mostly baseball) and I want to replicate that. if they wrestle, I want to be an adequate sparring partner for my kids when they are in high school and I'm late 40s, but I'll need to brush up my skills by then (I could probably volunteer as a middle school coach or something similar)
I just need to keep the boys away from mom's triathlon shadow, she's already ensared the oldest with running, but she's better suited for individual sports anyway
>This is Hell Style self-belief. This is the burning soul.
>you best start believing in self improvement general /sig/ miss turner, you're in one
Have we ever seen weems fight or is kimchi just polishing his knob?
read the thread dummy, Weems linked his youtube channel with matches in it
how new?
how strong?
is it gay to polish knobs?
send this one to the shadow realm
Justin is running away with it
Welcome back Jason Genova

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