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Welcome my lean and soon to be lean brothers to the Lean Pill General!
Waifu pleasers edition!

>What is the Lean Pill?
The lean pill is accepting that as long as you are fat, it doesn't matter you can bench LMAOnly 4pl8s.
You have eaten the big "nutrition" lies. Time to wake up and be LEAN.

>What is /LEAN/ for?
To share data, questions and anecdotal experience about how real the lean pill is, particularly if you were fat and lost the weight.

>Who is /LEAN/ for?
Skinnyfats, hamplanets, powershitters with painful knees, normie mode, dad bods, skinny fags and skelly mode anons that want to ASCEND.

>Why do it?
"Life ends and begins at 12%"
"There are male models of all races and sizes. Some models aren't tall, but they are ALL lean"
Regarding women the key it's not the muscles. it's being lean. Plus it's healthier. Not only hormonal (higher test), but your heart will struggle if you are overweight.
Build muscle but, most importantly, be LEAN.

- Cico, low carb, keto, carnivore, intermittent fasting, water fasting, dry fasting.. Pick your battle, fight it and win.
- You need some muscle to be lean. Lift, eat at least 2g protein / kg goal weight, but avoid the carbs.
- Clean bulk is the ONLY bulk.
- Hiit exercises are good, anything sprint related: cycling, rooning, swimming, air bikes, rows
- Focus on the objective. Only one life anon. Do you want to live it without knowing what life is on an easier difficulty?

As always,

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Any actually tips on how to get lean tho? I’m completely lost
gay physique for queers and libcucks

t. 600 lbs
Bros on OMAD 15%bf, how do you avoid the insane bloat you get when you eat, it lasts for hours and I can barely see abs

Fork putdowns x F
Literally just eat less, it gets easier after a week
I believe in the leanpill but it's too difficult to get lean with an ffmi of like 19
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No. No, I dont think I will.
Are you eating carbs
>2g protein / kg goal weight
how do you afford this? You'd have to eat 5-7 chicken breasts a day, which is not only expensive but just unpleasant. I definitely feel like the protein amounts stated online are way overkill.
Not that it's bad for you or anything, it just seems like a waste of money and a waste of protein
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Daily reminder that WAGMI
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we won
>Posts a pic of the leanest sumo wrestler champion in history.
He's literally BTFO powershitter in sumo form lol
only crave meat, drink a lot of water to curb the hunger, use the time spent not eating on other things
feel like shit, want to eat more sugar and fat, orange piss from forgetting to drink, constantly think about next meal (every 2 hours)
Why is it so easy?
Carnivore week 2.5 update
5'8 152lb
Rooned 9 miles on troon mill, 7:30/mi pace
I think my body comp is improving, closer to race shape
Knees/heart hasn't exploded yet
Really need to commit to no coffee, addicted but I notice I feel shitty after drinking it every time.
I will try to do more upper body work, gentlemen.
Looking good, but why not ditch the treadmill and run outside?
I wasn't able to complete my second one-day fast. Very disappointed in myself since I broke it with unhealthy junk, still at maintenance though. I got through one day this week which is nice and all but I'm seriously mad that I wasn't able to do the second. No sense throwing out my plans though; I'll just continue at maintenance and hit the two days next week.
I'm going to make it.
not the same person, but I eat a lot of protein and carbs, with some fat. you just gotta find what works for you. try spacing meals
looking good, king. keep up the good work.
I usually roon at sunset around 7-8, but have to travel tonight. Too hot in afternoon (Texas)
Sick gains brah
Yeah I eat some carbs? Is that what's causing that? That explains things
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feeling like shit
19, 130 something
asians have smallest organs than anyone else thats why they had wasp waist
>asians are fine af and smart
this is so unfair..
Sure, but most are 5'5"-5'7"
I had
>one boiled egg
>a sandwich with chicken breast, cheese, mayo
>a coffee with a bit of cream and 1 packet of sugar
should I just call it quits for the day?
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>Cico, low carb, keto, carnivore, intermittent fasting, water fasting, dry fasting.
I post about this and the demoralization twinks say give up. Little do they know how willing I am to destructively abuse myself.
What's the best roids to be a leanchad besides tren?
>Don't you fucking look at me with that face
But fr your posture is terrible my dude, need more abs to push out the Phlem. I named it Phlem btw.
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About a week ago now, 6,0 210. Big legs (squat over lmao 5plate).

Tbh I've had abs since I was 15, never lost them. End of first bulk you could only see the top two but after that been a solid 4 or 6 the whole time, basically gained 30kg in 15 months after anorexia and gone up and down not much since then, averaging about 95kg bw. I basically pay little attention to my diet other than protein and not taking the absolute piss, although I do take the absolute piss a couple times a week. Also drink loads of beer so not really sure how I'm pulling this off. Completely natty, just creatine and shitloads of caffeine.

I'm usually a little bit less lean, this was after a 3 week cut, which was preceded by 3 weeks of eating whatever, preceded by another 3 week cut (comps so had to get below a weight for the weightclass). I tend to cut for like 4 weeks a couple times a year for comps but that's it.
you look great but why is your head so hunched down into your body? extend your neck bro
I might have just done that for the photo I dunno, it's normal irl.
Add bigger arms and you're my goal bod that I am very far from. Fuck yeah dude, sick mog lmao
>Drink beer all the time
You're fuckin German as fuck I bet you little Aryan master race fucker
Would becoming lean help me get an Amazonian Gf?
KEK it's an old scar from surgery, i'll work on abs doe
good shit anon
You're exactly right. I eat less than 100 grams a day and i weight 227, bench 285, squat 350, and deadlift 440. You dont need that much protein.
>drink loads of beer
>looks good

Damn bro how long you been lifting? I guess it's genetics after all. I have been blaming beer for my disgusting body for nearly my whole life and yet you look great
How much beer you averaging
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Can I be lean and strong at the same time without frauding? I don't want to be fat but I also want to push big weight and not be a powershitter
Depends on what you consider big weight, what are your goal lifts? Alphadestiny achieved a 405 bench at not obese body fat levels
I would certainly be happy to achieve a four plate bench while not being fat or on drugs
>fall for the bulking meme
>t-thanks, /fit/
>no one looks at or cares about my fat, ugly ass
>see the light and cut hard
>down to 16% bf
>catch women and men both staring at me
>strangers smile at me and prompt me for conversation

Leanpill is real. Leanpill is life.
how strong did you get before you cut
Well there you go then. You'll have to get pretty damn serious about strength training though
based leanbro

>lost 10-12kg in last 3 months
>almost 12%bf
>jaw gains
>lifts aren't that bad
>look a bit older but who cares
>abs showin
>girls mirrin, like almost every girl I speak with
>two cougars mired hard yesterday when I asked her to use the sex machine (abductors)
I'm still a turbo autist but at least I'm lean

wagmi brehs
Body pics? I'm currious, currently on the bulk for big lifts
not him but I lost a bunch of weight having multiple beers and just not eating
it was pretty nice tbqh
I've been telling my girlfriend to lose weight since last year, but she barely has, and now she's saying I'm shallow for not liking how she currently is, even though she was thinner when we first met.
I think I'm done bros. She thinks I'm going to propose to her in July, but I'm probably going to end things with her instead. Will I be a bad person for doing this /lean/?
Honestly i dont think so and i'm not even from this general
>even though she was thinner when we first met
Point for you
>she's saying I'm shallow for not liking how she currently is
Seems manipulative. I think you like what you like, cant change that or delude yourself into thinking you like it ykwim
>She thinks I'm going to propose to her in July, but I'm probably going to end things with her instead
Sorry but kek, damn thats rough but probably deserved
It depends on her other traits. If she is a bit fat and her weight has been stable, then yes, breaking up with her makes you a bad person.
And the worst part is that I have told her multiple times, as well as telling her I'd support her in her diet journey. She's too damn insecure because I'm pretty built myself while she looks frumpy in comparison.
She's definitely more emotionally invested than I am at this point. Even her friends and family have noticed this and it's taking its toll. She also laments at the fact that she had to chase me and not vice versa, as well as waiting 5 months to be exclusive. It's a mess anon
How do you define a bit fat? She's 5'3" and about 165 lbs. I'm 6'3" and 195 lbs. Only a 30 lbs difference
>It's a mess anon
That's what i was gonna comment. This sucks dude, i dont blame you for wanting out
>She's 5'3" and about 165 lbs
my condolences...
>She's 5'3" and about 165 lbs
its joever
It's killing me bros. I mean this all started because she was wondering why I stopped initiating sex and I told her the honest truth and she obviously did not take that well. This was August of 2023. Things have barely changed and we've both noticed that I'm growing distant from her as I know I can do better. So I'm just gonna cut both our loses and end it. This isn't fair for either of us and I want our suffering to end.
Yeah bro this relationship is over, ending it now will be better, both will feel better at the end
I still think you should give it a last try, but I won't suggest anything. Women are kind of weird and unpredictable, some won't act unless you put them on brink, and doing so risks ruining your relationship in the long run—women never forget. Good luck, Anon. I hope your relationship works out.
Anon, I’ve been trying multiple times, and I just keep getting excuses. She’s even said she’s wanted to lose weight, but it’s all words and no action. I keep telling her I’ll support her but she eventually self sabotages and pushes me away
how do you do em dash on internet
growth hormone manlet
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dude as someone who used to date a fatty who that was the same height and weight, I severely regretted it and could not get her to lose weight. cut your losses and move on.
I never want to be huge, why would anyone want that when you can still retain mobility and functionality while remaining non-roided.
It's not fair on you.
She made her choice to be a slob, you seek physical improvement.
Leave the dead weight behind
Roach on roach ice cream angst
Won't lie my genetics are definitely good. My brother started lifting and also got jacked real quick. He's not as lean but he doesn't take it quite as seriously, still has visible abs though.

Last few months I haven't drunk much if at all during the week, but before that I'd probably have at least some pints at least twice a week on weekdays. I go out every Friday and Saturday all night, I don't fucking know how many beers I average but I'll drink and generally sesh until fucking 8am dude, Friday and Saturday. I have a large alcohol tolerance but don't really drink many spirits/hard liquor, just don't like the taste.
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Protein powder, cottage cheese pancakes, and 0%fat greek yogurt shakes. It's not really possible to consistently do, but for a season or two it's enough.
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Cope all you want bro. I just have sick genetics
your posture looks like that chris-chan vs arnold image lmao
What's the percentage of guys who can get a body like this even with the optimal nutrition and exercise routine?
Without using any kind of hormones I'm guessing maybe 1% of men. Hell, even hormones might not work to get something like this. It's truly the most sublime male form.
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I have a similar body shape so I'm hoping I'll look like him in a year or two.
Yeah you got a shot at it. Good luck brah
Eddie Hall is million times cooler than Brad though.
No way you are 6'0

I am same height ans 220lbs and lean and l9ok nothing like that.
Or you have implants or some other shit
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>185cm, 73kg
Hit a wall with bulking, to be in a surplus at this point i've got to eat at least 3800, which is just a stupid amount for me daily. The heat probably isn't helping either.
Just gonna eat til im full for the next few weeks to let my weight/apetite/metabolism readjust, hopefully get to around 12% while doing so. Back onto the bulk to 80kg after.
>eat at least 3800
What the hell do you do daily to use that many calories?
Im 194cm ~95-98kg currently and I only eat around 2400-2500 just to maintain it. Going to start leaning out after my summer vacation.
Not a troll- how far away am I from being a leanchad? Ignore the exzema. Shitty angle I know..
74kg, 181cm
You can tell by the door frame and mirror he ain’t
I’d bet 5’9 max.
You must have been one skinny motherfucker if this is post bulk. You have some mass but still.

I reckon you're overestimating your cals. Down some fucking double cream.
I am literally 183cm. I weigh 96kg. Believe what you want. If I weighed 96kg at 5'9 I'd be a lot chonkier.
How’d you overcome anorexia? Or were you just meming? I had it 15-16 but you seem to have the willpower to gain mass and you have abs etc I just wanted to be a rail
I understand if that’s too personal just curious
How are you this fat at normal BMI? Do you have chicken legs?
Dont know how to prove height but here's me at a rack.
Dude this is what I mean
I swear I’m not e - statting. I’m 5’11” 168lbs ish
No idea why I’m so doughy— I can only assume it’s because I’m 25+ bf with zero muscle. Dudes ITT shorter than me and heavier but look a lot better
Bad genetics maybe? I’ve been low as 62kg and still held the handles + slight moobs
Get blood work done unironically
You need to start lifting weights man! How is your testosterone level? You might be low test.
Not memeing, therapy didn't do shit. I was 15-16, only fully anorexic about a year. Went down to just under 53kg at 183cm. Didn't grow in height at all after anorexia, my bro is 6'2 and I'm 6'0 exactly, would not recommend.

Basically lifting saved my life. I was doing the most stupid shit in the gym, I'm talking 100 rep sets on every machine and cardio. Trainer saw me, reported me to my family, gave me a training session and some basic info on nutrition and building muscle and I just decided I'd try it. Was really anal about eating only healthy stuff, complex carbs and lean proteins etc but eventually became more lax and as I gained weight and stayed lean easily I just kept going. /Fit/ played a huge part in informing my training and shit, I started doing compounds, joined a powerlifting gym, got strong very easily cos genetics. Won a powerlifting comp at 18. didn't compete after that cos I couldn't be fucked to stay competitive but still trained powerlifting.

Therapy was useless, just tell them what you want to hear and strap magnets to bollocks when they weigh you.

For me it was obviously a body thing, once I figured out I could control my physique and get bigger it became a lot easier.

I now hate cutting, but I can do it very effectively as I can just ignore hunger. I am incredibly disciplined if I have to cut as I don't like doing it very long, and I just let my old restrictive ways out and I'm not even tempted to eat shit.
I track all calories and macros, i work a physical job full time, lift 3x a week and have other physically active hobbies lmao. And yea before lifting i was like 60kg MAX (i didnt weigh myself at the time and i dirty bulked up to 80 with a retarded routine and just got skinnyfat), i can't find any pics but my bicep was as thick as my wrist kind of skinny.
U got them jacksfit genetics it seems. You look like what he'd look like if he bulked a bit.

You did good to put that mass on with a physical job and other physical hobbies. If you're not gaining weight, only solution is to do (a lot) less activity or eat more. If you want to gain, I am not joking, consume 200ml of double cream (heavy cream, whatever) a day. 4 50ml shots per day, on top of what you're eating now.
Wow Anon, thanks so much for the reply — I don’t see many other guys with anorexia on here, so I appreciate your insight
It’s a butch to overcome
You're comparing a real man (Eddie Hall) with fantasies (Tyler Durden, Achilles, Cliff Booth). The fantasies are obviously a million times cooler. But they are fantasies.

You probably need vitamins and stimulation from the opposite sex. If that doesn't help your hormones then maybe you need to supplement.
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Cheers for the advice mate, defo want to leave skelly mode by next year WAGMI
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I see everyone shilling adonis belts but should I work out for one if I have slightly wide hips? Im concerned it will make them look wider

inb4 dyel
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My weight loss have stuck.
I only eat this
>breakfast ~300 cal
one boild egg + one toast
>lunch ~200 cal
1 cup cooked rice
>Dinner ~200 cal
2 cups salad
100 g chicken breast
I'm eating less than 1000 cal a day, still hungry and weight has stopped.
What do I do now?
yeah you're just skinnyfat dude. genetics do come into play for fat distribution, but in the end it's a simple matter of gaining muscle and cutting fat.
Are you annorexic? How much do you weight?What calorie deficit do you have?

>I'm eating less than 1000 cal a day, still hungry and weight has stopped.

Either your body is adjusting, keep drinking water and stay consistent, or youre not tracking everything (oil, snacks, drinks)
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>I'm eating less than 1000 cal a day
Eat a little more and do more cardio
Best OC today lol
Don't bully the guy
He's a quadruple amputee midget
holy shit that ugly mug lmfao
vote trump
remove bean
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Is it just me or is staying lean incredibly easy? Fattest I've been is like 17% bf and I drank 1800kcal bulking shakes on top of 3 big meals. I've now maintained 10% and under for 2 years straight, eating what I want
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No, I'm short woman my TDEE is 1200-1300
Currently I weight 70 kg, calorie deficit is around 400 cal.
>youre not tracking everything (oil, snacks, drinks)
That's the thing, I'm tracking all.
Oil I probably use 2-3 which is 100 cal extra.
Drinks, are just coffee, no creamer no sugar same for my tea, and zero sugar soda.
No snacks.
I'm smol.
I need to do this 5 times a week then?
Weigh your food, plan meals in advance.
Sample diet
>2 homemade lattes with 1% milk
>Homemade chicken noodle soup with shredded chicken and bone broth
>350g Skyr yogurt and fresh fruit
>Homemade Burger and baked fries
~1.9k kcal 170g protein, I drink 2 tall boys or 2/3 a bottle of wine (gf gets the rest) and call it a day. Lift weights and go for a run, the weight falls off.
I've noticed it's been wayy easier to keep off the weight after I gained muscle and consistently have worked out. But it's still tough because the fattass within me wants to eat until I can't move.
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145lbs, 5'-7", 18%bf, think I can make it to 12% before end of August bros? eating at an 800-1000kcal deficit
Victim weight, lift.
at 12% you would look malnourished
I'm also doing a concurrent 6 day ppl split and still hitting 100g of protein, should be fine to multitask it, no?
You’ve addressed the issue with her and she failed to take a single step to solve it and instead opted to emotionally manipulate you instead. It sucks man, but you need to end it while you can - her weight will get far worse if you marry her.
100g?? Get that to 150, you'd lose fat and gain muscle at maintenance so long as you're pushing yourself.
Zero standards/goals/thresholds turn this shit into a dumb circlejerk as theres nothing concrete to aspire to. I mean we have >>74594422 which is some retard on a bodybuilding forum that weighs 134 pounds.
Body recomp without roids is a joke
Can I nut in your abussy? (no homo)
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measure everything you eat on a metal scale and log it into Cronometer. 500cal deficit per day = 1lb fat loss/week. Eat simple meals of whole foods- ground beef, boiled eggs, chicken breast, greek yogurt, potatoes, olive oil, fruit, vegetables. Avoid eating fast/processed food.

Skip breakfast, just have a coffee. Around midday eat fruit and some greek yogurt. If you're lifting that day, eat enough carbs. Save half or more of your calories for dinner, and eat a big meal of meat, eggs, and potatoes. If you have some carbs left over, eat more fruit. If you get all your carbs from fruit, potatoes and dairy, you will feel pretty satiated even in a deficit. Avoid refined carbs, they won't fill you up as much for the same caloric content.

Macro split is important, I do about 25% protein, 40% carbs, 35% fat. Just make sure your daily protein is about 0.8grams/lb of bodyweight. However if you're super fat, just do 1gram/lb of lean bodymass (weight minus estimated fat weight) this way you won't go too low on carbs/fat.
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Can I get a bf% check here?
Post spread brapper or GTFO
Agree, if you can't bench 225+ for sets across or bang out chins for sets of 10+ at a non-victim weight you aren't ready to lean out. Stay sub 20% and add mass. Leanpill advice is for people with mass at risk of falling into bloatlord degeneracy, not people who look like they've never touched a weight.
I’m only one inch taller and I had to gain ~40lbs (over about 4 years) to put on the muscle I wanted before cutting. Yes “natty lifting is a joke hah hah” but I can 1/2/3/ for reps and /4 once so I’m happy. It doesn’t look like you have any muscle to show off. You’re going to be gulag mode. Are you planning to shave and twinkmax to attract men? Hit the gym dude
>Genetic dead end (GDE) enters the chat
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I think we need to talk about bodyhair. What's best for being lean? If I let mine be natural, it often hides the definition that is excentuated by the leanness. Iff I shave it off, I feel self-conscious and feel I look like a kid or a faggot.
Is trimming the way to go (something like pic related)? Or should I stop being a faggot and embrace looking like a faggot and just shave it all off?
>start cutting at beginning of year
>lose 15 lbs in 5 months
>lifts and weight loss stalled for the past month
wat do? I want to go down another 5-7 lbs before I start bulking
I did a dirty bulk for a few weeks before going on vacation to Thailand to gain some weight/fat. I ate 4000-4500 kcal daily but didn't really gain weight and it's annoying to constantly have to eat and especially digest food
damn thanks broskis
bump for body hair talk.

What has been your experience when it comes to women and their opinion on shaved vs. unshaven chests?
Holy shit. I'm in a similar situation to you but my girl is somewhere from 60 to 65kg and short like 5'0 to 5'2 and she's way too fat for me.
Your girlfriend literally needs to lose at least 50 to 60lbs.
You gotta trim it with a beard trimmer and a guard. it looks neat and shows definition without looking as gay as shaved or waxed. It also gets rid of that layer of fluff on your legs or arms that most men walk around with looking sloppy.
Think about it, your hair on your head looks better neat and tidy. Why not your body hair too?
I've lost over 25kg but I still have fat in my belly, the love handles, under my chin

Do I just keep losing more weight and being at a deficit until these go away?
I'm currently 76kg at 1.78cm, should I go under 70kg?
My brother
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Went from 170lb to 154lb (5'9) in around 6 weeks. 700-800 kcal deficit for most days. 20km of jogging every week.

Been having huge cravings and diminished energy this past week. However I'm concerned that I can still drop 1-2% more body fat. I want to start clean bulking being as lean as possible.

Should I start eating at maintenance for a couple weeks then start my lean bulk? Or should I keep cutting?

Yeah you need more activity. Also hydrate with water. Drop the soda. Sodium makes you retain liquid. Just chug an entire 16oz bottle of water every time you can.
hit at least 72kg and see If you've made progress on those areas. Do more zone 2 cardio.
Yeah keep going a bit but you're almost there. Looking good anon. I'd recommend a couple weeks trying to maintain before bulking.
You think I should trim my leg hair then? What number guard do you usually use for your lefs?
yea keep going. 700-800 deficit is crazy though, I've only ever done 500, and I never do cardio. You have strong willpower.

If you haven't had a refeed in a few weeks, you might want to do one now to restore energy and hormones. Just eat 300-500 cal surplus for 3 days- at most you would gain half a pound of fat, but since your energy is low and you're having cravings you probably are depleted and most of that surplus will go to replenishing glycogen. Might boost muscle building a bit too.
Once you reach the bf you want, I would eat at maintenance for a couple weeks to lock in at that weight, then start the lean bulk. Besides going from 700 deficit to maintenance alone is a big swing, let alone 200cals more. Once you're on maintenance cals I bet you will feel like a god in the gym
Thanks anons, will maintain for the weekend (maybe surplus on Sunday) and try to keep going for 2 more weeks to see how I feel. I could definitely try to decrease my deficit from -700 to -500 but I'm impatient and I want to start making strength gains as soon as possible.
I was working so hard on a project that I forgot to eat today. It's now nearly midnight, should I eat something or just treat it as a fast day?
>Who is /LEAN/ for?
Skinnyfats, hamplanets, powershitters with painful knees, normie mode, dad bods, skinny fags and skelly mode anons that want to ASCEND.
If you're feeling ok, then as a fast day and go to bed and congratulations for having an easy day. If you're actually hungry then eat I guess, but don't try and eat your whole day's allotment of food because you'll just sleep like shit because it's way too much food.
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What are some (actual) low calorie sources of potassium?
I can't eat bananas and dried apricots, best I can find is potatoes with the skin.
Eggs. All of them.
Potassium pills
between 10 and 14
You'd think that, but they're dosed so pathetically low that it's just not worth it. The highest I see is 2% RDI and that can be per "serve" of multiple pills.
grotesque, looks like synthol
Guys they’re making fun of us again >>74600845
Add KCL powder to your food, or buy low sodium salt, those usually have potassium chloride powder in it
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Do Lean bros have a mantra?

I mean, do we have some affirmation that we say when goyslope tempts us?
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Why do powerfatties keep seething at us lean bros?
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Can I get a bf% estimate?
It's around 18 right?
>lmao-nly 4pl8
i routinely ignore people who post like this
>ask girlfriend to do something (that by all rights, she should do)
>she denies you
man, you have to end it. let her be someone elses problem. if she decides to get fit to get revenge after the break up, then so be it. her personality will be the same, and she'll just be a headache for the next guy. end it.
>She thinks I'm going to propose to her in July

She also think she's got you totally locked down if she's refusing to lose any weight and saying shit like that. To be honest it doesn't sound like an ultimatum would work either (since you already gave one).
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5-11 164

Can I get a body fat percentage check? I am old as fuck, sorry I am such a dyel
around 20, eat less
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Low carb, all calisthenic, added free weights a few weeks ago but no update photo since then also no longer eating at a deficit.
Arms still carry some excess. loose skin makes me think I'll never actually achieve the aesthetic I want.

Whats my body fat %
Spinach by a wide mile.
This dude is at 3pl8s for heavy working sets, with steroids. I'll be there in under a year fatchadding.
You look good, keep doing what yoy are doing and ignore hate. The scar will be way less visible with time
It must be cutting season, everyone in my gym be looking lean. I cut year round so its nice for them all to catch up kek
make a meal plan and actually calculate the calories you will be eating every day, eat in a slight deficit and increase the deficit via exercise. with my current activity I need about ~3000 calories to maintain weight at 6'4" and 89kg but I only eat 2700. I lose about ~200-300 calories from just walking twice a day for 30 minutes as well. so I am consistently losing weight every week. simple as. Just start it and stick to it. there is nothing else on this earth that will change that.
then don't fast? fasting for weight loss is like pseudo-healthy starving to lose weight. Just measure your macros and eat in a 300-500 calories deficit with high protein. literally eating 130g of protein, 180g carbs and 60g fats per day is basically enough calories for average height and weight people to start losing fat. obviously change your diet to match your needs though. Everyone on here is saying gay shit like "no carb/carbs are evil" when they ate like 300g of carbs per day from cookies, soda and cereal or some shit and didn't even know it and suddenly start losing weight when they stop pigging out and eat a normal amount of food.

Fasting is a LOT better for weight MAINTENANCE and hormonal regulation rather than weight loss. it's great for blood sugar, insulin regulation and GH stimulation. but requires you to actually eat adequate amounts of food lest you stay in ketosis for too long (prolonged ketosis actually makes you insulin resistant).
be careful with your macros though, too much protein will destroy your kidneys and give you gout.
my only other advice is to just reduce any kind of low cardio movement/exercise possible to reduce calorie consumption.
if pic related is you then your hands are fucking massive bro. please train your forearms harder. good lord.
seems like you have basically no muscle. maybe you should start training? if you were that heavy in muscle then you wouldn't look so gloopy.
NEVER fatmaxx. eating high fat is the fastest road to going bald and ugly. If you're going to eat more fats then you should also be supplementing Vitamins E & A to reduce by products (free radicals) of metabolic activity of fatty acids.
>wide hips
that is FAT. you have FAT on the crest of your hips because you are FAT. it has nothing to do with how wide your hips are. lose the weight first, decide on how you feel and then train for what you want to build.
what I found that worked for me was eating just at, or slightly below my TDEE and then reducing the calories per day by doing exercise (30 minute walk can burn around 140-160 calories. I do this twice a day). Cardio doesn't need to be intense, just enough to raise heart rate slightly, should cause slight sweating on brow/armpits.

Nothing will ever make you lose and keep off body fat like putting on muscle though. if you really are a woman, it's a tough break because lifting really goes against a lot of female aesthetics that women really go for. but training legs, and some mild upper body work seems to be really in these days.
jesus christ this made me feel so much better. I am 86kg 181cm and nowhere near as bad as this.
I don’t lift, I do body weight 4x a day and it’s clear o have a bit of muscle. I am just genetic trash >>74603484
no you don’t
Tbh it’s over
Probably best just kys
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Is 1 hr (60 min) too much daily cardio on this?
Not if you do it with light or moderate intensity
I will stick with Zone 2. Thanks
Sawyer from Lost?
Time to do a 24 hour water fast I suppose. Maybe 48
this is probably the worst troll post I have ever seen. please stop larping and get a life.
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Marcus Schengenberg
>>she thinks someone working out 4x a week is “trolling”
Lean bro's, im 15.5% body fat percentage is it possible for me to reach 12% in this month? How so?
I do cardio almost everyday and train 4 to 5 days a week
New thread, migrate
Potatoes are low kcal, bake them with a bit of olive oil, seasoning and low kcal sauce
I remember some people taking about needing to eat various types of meat is that's all you're eating to avoid missing out on some important nutrients, like eating organ meat. What do you guys like to eat?
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thats a paki or arab acting like animals in a civilised society (turkey) you can tell by his faggot dress and the indians behind him
Help lean bros . Women are flirting with me now. How do I protect my virginity??
didn't eat much yesterday
feeling pretty good and not too hungry, I'll do the same today
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Requesting BF % estimate. 155 lb 6’0”
ChatGPT says 10-15%
kill yourself, retard
>see social media profile of girl who treated me badly in the past
>she's obese now
even if she is actually happier than I am I'm still taking this as a win
personality is reflected in exterior looks
around 14%
I don't respect no man who doesn't have a visible six pack.
I've been leaner, but I've never been stronger
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what if im actively trying to improve?
Triple negative. Nice, very nice.
Isn't that not what you didn't want me not to say?

Have some abs.
very true anon
Goal weight 182
bf % estimate?
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wanted to have a cheat night, basically preparing and looking forward to it since morning. saw this thread earlier today and just got some deli sliced chicken instead of a binge fest. im gonna be lean for summer bros, thanks for the motivation, wagmi
no it's just obvious that the anon doesn't fucking work out at all. not to mention the self deprecating language is just so comically indicative of someone trying to larp and garner hate towards a tulpa they have created with another persons body. It's just typical 4chan schizophrenia. Also I am not a woman, faggot.
I’m cutting, is it okay to water fast one day a week? Or is that too catabolic? The other days I’m aiming for ~200g of protein.
just maintain deficit with regular exercise, you'll keep seeing results if your macros are balanced well and your micros/minerals are good. Be sure to take vit A, E & D as well.
I do that as well (except for vit E), but I actually like fasting and was hoping to incorporate it if it doesnt burn through more muscle than the alternative
Come back when you've made it, until then, you're a loser.
I just want to not have so many fucking injuries fuck


i do wanna be leaner but really I just want a body I can be happy with, that's healthy and looks good and makes me feel confident. And in all honesty that could be as high as 25% if there's other positive aspects that go with it, like strength and looking big and feeling big/confident.

I mean i'm 25% bf right now according to my shitty chinese scales and I don't even look big and I suck at most the of the physical disciplines I enjoy rn due to injuries.

just lemme be stronger and healthier and more confident and better looking and better posture and maybe a lil bit leaner IS THAT SO MUCH TO ASK FOR FUCK

also fuck captchas i honestly preferred when it was 75% spam

i'm gonna kill myself someone punch me in the face
>5'11 159lbs, estimated 13-14% bodyfat (navy method)
Abs are still not showing for me, do I just have to keep going? Am i underestimating my bodyfat%? What bodyfat percentage/weight do you guys see abs appear?
Bro, according to carnivore doctors on YouTube, all you need is fatty beef
Currently on an 1800 cal/day diet. 2300tde sedentary. Sort of skinny fat I think, everything ive tried other than starving doesnt really work for losing weight. Is a 5 day hypertrophy routine a good way to start leaning out?
You perhaps have slow metabolism or something weird. Me, Im supposed to need 1800 for maintenance accordingly to every online calculator (I swear I'm entering the right numbers, I'm retarded but not so much to mess that up) but at that amount I gained weight. After many months of trial and error, I realized I need 500 cal less than what the calculators say to maintain weight... To this day (years after) it holds true
You need to go back
>I’m not a woman
That sounds like hell. Yeah I have a very active job so with activity and going to the gym consistently it's definitely more than the sed calc but I was just cutting off 200 cals a day weekly until I started to lose weight. Idk how to boost metabolism or even if you can.
wow. im an asian man but he is such a hotttttyyyy
ikr? he is such a hotty. i say this as an asian man.
iktf. i get mires but im still me
I tried a lot of things. Nothing worked. I realized I need 1300 kcal to stay at 11% bf. Yes I'm a manlet, but still , it's too low. But that's how it is
Same bro. It's weird to see cuties staring
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What's the difference between this thread and /fat/
Looks great. My goal body.
We are not anorexic
can any skinnyfat bros help point me in the right direction? how do I lessen the calories in but not get even skinnier arms? I feel like even if I work out, if I eat below my maintenance I won't gain muscle
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Unironically "nothing tastes as good as skinny feels" or I remind myself that evil people make food to hurt me
Recomposition. I'm sorry...
I just lost my virginity because of being /lean/
It was a fucking disappointment... Sex is over rated. Now what?
Now try again with someone you're actually attracted to
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what bf% is top left? How much muscular development?
How many months of work from >>74601636
videogames, but now without worrying that you're missing out on something important
Use MacroFactor. It’ll adjust your deficit based on the rate you’re losing weight so you don’t have to bother with trial and error
Based stealth-titty poster
Will I be too skinny looking? I lift some weights, but not a ton anymore. Been doing cardio like jogging and sprinting a lot.
Yeah I want a thin waist and face, but I'm not nearly satisfied enough with my arms so I just oscillate between thinking I'm fat and thinking I'm skinny.
They're laughing at us in /plg/ again bros..
Lean pill or strong fat unironically get more beaches than gymcel mode.
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The whole "sex is the most important thing" is propaganda.
Find your mission/missions in life and struggle until you succeed.
Skinny fags also belong here. They have to lift and eat more protein to be LEAN.
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>slaps you on the ass
>rapes your mom
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I know sport reduction is a myth.
But what can I do to get rid of fat around belly?
I'm not looking for six abs looks, but at least to loose the skinny fat look.
I'm muscular all over though, and ruin the look when i take off my shirt.
Do I need to up my cardio? or is this something normal with age? 35M
>shoots you in the balls
Nothing personnel kid
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>"You think that can stop me?"
>nothing happens while you're shouting autistic shit with no use of your balls anymore
>Pectus excavatum with flared ribs
I don't think the lean pill is for me broskis....
Shit's fucking annoying I'm at 15-20% and still have a potbelly. I was 140lbs at 5'9" and still had it even in highschool.
>Will I be too skinny looking?
You need some muscle
Best way to suppress appetite?
Sheer fucking willpower
Nicotine patches if you're a pussy
do more and eat more fat in your diet, cottage cheese works well for this at full fat
Anon, as an older person I would like to give my 2 cents. You are not a bad person for breaking up with this or any woman no matter the reason. If you don't feel absolutely certain that you are with the right person it is better to be single.

No no no. It's not your job to save her. She has to want to do it herself. The fact that you have been supportive and she still doesn't have the drive to fix herself, it just isn't going to work.

Also the reason she keeps being insecure is that from the beginning of the relationship she knew you are settling for her. Do her and yourself a favor and end this.

I'm super invested but damn anon please don't try to stick this out. You see the signs, you know this is wrong for you. Trust yourself and cut ties. I sure wish I had when I had the chance. Don't end up wasting years just to end up with regrets.
t. Been married 11 years to the wrong person for who I want to become
This thread is full of people jerking off to imagining themselves being better instead of working on themselves.
Projection. I've been giving weekly update pics. Several others have as well.
Rooned 7 miles today. Then did full body, including some light squat and diddle on tired legs.
15 lbs in 5 months is horrible progress
>how to lose even more?
intermittent fasting
if you do a 48h fast that's equivalent to about a 1500 calorie deficit over 3 days, plus fasting benefits. On the day you do eat make sure you eat lots of protein, vegetables, and froot
>Clean bulk is the ONLY bulk.
So cartons of eggs is fine? Is a tub of yogurt fine?
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Carnivore, week 3 update
Been feeling better mentally, so will stick with it. Not looking too much different, maybe a little leaner in the legs?
Left is old, right is new.
5'8.5, 155lb -> 152lb
It's 3pm. I just got back from the gym and before that I did a light 2 mile jog. I have not eaten yet and I'll have my first meal of the day in a few minutes. I hit abs today as well but I need to ramp it up. I am still fat despite being a 130lb turbo manlet
>So cartons of eggs is fine? Is a tub of yogurt fine?
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Is that woman attainable for me bros?
Congrats. The thread is still full of people jerking off to imagining themselves being better instead of working on themselves. Why do you think people are posting pictures of lean people that aren't them? And then people like you posting pictures despite not being lean yourself? Stories about other dude's getting laid? This shit is exactly the same as /mire/ threads or thinspo shit from anorexic tumblerinas. A bunch of people latching onto someone else's imagined success while jerking off to the thought of being that person. There's a /cbt/. There's a /fat/. This thread doesn't do anything new except that.
Why would I be here posting progress pics if I was already lean? Why is every lean picture inauthentic? Kek. You look at everything from the most cynical, negative angle possible. Your life must be miserable. I hope you can recover from your mental illness.
I've been keto for the last 10 days and i've lost 2.7kg. I'm 6'4" and 85.8kg. Am i going at too fast a rate risk losing muscle? I'm considering doing a two day fast just to get down to 84 quickly.
You're gonna lose muscle on a cut no matter what you do
The only concern is how much you lose and if you're okay with losing that much
Just eat a lot of protein and don't skip the workouts and cardio
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Is my routine any good?


A: 3x8 pushup progression (diamond pushup)
B: 3x8 dips
3x8 handstand pushup progression (decline pike pushup)
3x8 horizontal rows progression (leg elevated rows)
3x8 ab wheel progression
3.5km run all weekdays, getting closer to 5k
>think I'm doing alright
>notice there's noticeable fat resting on my hips
it's so fucking over bros
I’m struggling.
Is it possible to have 150+ grams of protein on about or less than 1500 calories?
why would you want to eat 1500cal? are you a female?
>400g of thicken thigh
thats about 100g of protein and 700 calories (If you want to be more hardcore, go for chicken breasts instead)
>whey with 250ml of milk
that's about 30g of protein and 300 calories
>Total 130g protein + 1000 calories
And fill the rest of 20g protein + 500 calories with whatever, preferably with some veggies and fruits.
Apologies for the terrible lighting but getting lean is the best thing I've ever done. 30 yo and the most handsome I've ever been. Do it bros
If she isn't rich and you have the face, sure
These are shit genetics, you look fucking retarded. long torsos are very unappealing. don't say you have "sick genetics" unless you're referring to your warped long torso looking gross
I've been lifting everyday for the past 2 weeks. But I no longer feel sore after working out. What is happening bros?
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every other day*
Thanks bro u 2
Is this the starving general?
Soreness isnt the only indicator for lifting, more importantly, are your numbers going up? Making progress?
Emotional shit like heartbrake can make you go lift every day and make progress and also to make you stall. If you are making gains just keep pushing
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lean supremacy
How to be a shower and not a grower?
My greatest fear is getting lean and only THEN having women crawl all over me.
The retribution and hatred from this would be incomprehensible for me.
fuck you faggot we were trying to get trips to kill boogie and you waste them on this retard post
So be it, Kek. My leanpill dosage begins.
>OMAD with a whey shake
>Low carb
>Daily hikes
Bro this board js fucking dead you should be glad anyone’s making threads at all
is LEANPILL achievable without a low carb diet? I play tennis a lot and it feels really difficult to play without carbs before/after.
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if you need carbs is because you are eating too many carbs
It will be harder for a month or so, then your body will adapt to using fat and you will feel normal again.
If you're competitive, wait until the season is over.
>t. long distance rooncel who sprints 1x/week
holy shitty genetics. fridge body it's over.
dude you look like shit. yeah you have muscles and abs but your genetics suck.
4 months
blud changed his underwear
You looks so much younger. Congrats on ditching the old man beard.
how do i deal with the constant farts and poor digestion with this high protein diet?
don't do it anon. marry a girl who understands the value of health, you don't want a fatty raising your kids
if you're talking about truly optimal nutrition and exercise, 100% of men can achieve this body composition. what they can't do is make their abdomen smaller, the size of your organs won't change and you can't lose visceral fat. do the best you can with what you have and you'll still be better than before and a hell of a lot better than the average.
So I will meet some people on sunday and I want to look better and skinny, cut some bloat water :

1 final meal tomorrow morning.
4 days fasting.

Clenbuterol 40mcg, increased by 10mcg per day.

Day 1: judo practice 90min + 70min bike ride
Day 2: walking 7km in the morning, 40 min jog, 7km im the evening
Day 3: judo practice 90min + 70min bike ride.
Day 4. I will be commuting and walking until lunch where I will break the fast and meet my friends.

Honestly just want to do it out of curiosity. I will get cramps but I'm not a bitch.

I will drink a few liters of that meme snake juice (water + electrolytes) throughout the days.

Will I die if I add a light otc diuretic?
Why would that make you mad? Why would women be attracted to you when you're unattractive?
I know how this feels as I was in a similar boat in 2022. start lifting weights asap and get on a calorie deficit. 1-2 years of consistency and you will be unrecognizable, in a good way. good luck anon
Hello, posters of /lean/. This is my first time on this board and I have this to say. I was 120kg in January and had a breakdown of the psyche in one fateful Monday night and decided that being fat is insane and wasting my life away as fat is a fate worse than death. I cut out all carbs and ate nothing but meat and fruit. Ever since then, 5 months later, I am 67kg (170cm) and being lean is like heaven. I can move around like a feather and people notice and respect me more. It truly is living in an easier difficulty. God bless you all, lean brothers of mine.
rate my diet
>eat at the time of day i feel most hungry (noon after work)
>meat or organs with a low calorie fruit like watermelon with lypocene and keto friendly afterwards to cleanse my system and drink a lot of water in that 1 hour I have to eat before I fast for the rest of the day
>don't eat or drink water for the rest of the day

i have noticed immense change. My skin has become flawless. I walk a lot and use a bycicle for hours. My thigh fat is almost gone. I feel great.
can someone show me exactly what is ideal lean pill, like some genuine inspo
I am down to 190 pounds. The lowest I’ve been since having shoulder surgery has been 187. The highest has been 220. Goal is 160 at 5’11”.
Omad keto? if you dont cheat the fat will melt.
Kinda sounds like you need to build more muscle.
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Keep it up chad
Before surgery I weighed 165 and was pretty lean and pretty juicy by fit standards. This is of course subject to change.
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half your weight in 5 months?
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>I cut out all carbs and ate nothing but meat and fruit.

Anyway, your diet is still better than most diets and it worked for you.
Happy for you lean bro.

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