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I hate America so much it's unreal
I was banging a girl in a Red Roof Inn. Had her bent over the edge of the bed, and by the time I finished the bed had moved clear across the room and I didn’t even realize.
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fun fact, woman actually like fat pieces of shit i know, it's disgusting, There was this fat white kid in my class called aaron that no one likes, they find him annoying and he'd always get detentions, he's an attention seeker I recently found out that he somehow has a girlfriend despite coming off as a fat greasy nigger, although he had green eyes. anyways i'm thinking to myself how the fuck did this guy win? i thought woman don't like fat people but turns out there's some that have wives/girlfriends.
maybe he has other qualities than his body.
>how did he win?
how big of an incel do you have to be to say this just because someone has a gf lmao
I know most people on /fit/ are fueled by self-loathing, but there are some fat people that don’t hate themselves and are actually fun to be around. It’s a bitter pill to swallow, but no one likes someone who is self-conscious.
what if he was the fun guy and you were faggots
If doll were here I'd lick xir butthole.
isn't this a britbong show?
attention seekers are the winners in this social media fueled society
Guys won't you donate to this poor woman's fundraiser? She's broken two couches now, she needs one that can support her and her partner!
>couches break when I sit on them!
>society must change!
> Fight back against fat-phobia and honor plus-size culture at Fat Beach Day!
Why do Americans take surnames and use them as Christian names? Things like Casey, Mackenzie, Kelly etc.?
their space should be in the ocean, alongside other whales
Because we are American and can do as we please.
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goblinx general
I hate knowing that there are so many kids growing up in this kind of situation.
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>sacred space for fat bodies
>fat bodies
the fact that they constantly have to use passive language to refer to remove personhood from themselves is infuriating
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>small and midsize fats
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why do female women post shit like this
These ones always make me sad. You can still see the silhouette of a hot girl under the fat. She's got nice tits, a very pretty face, and great proportions, and it's fucking ruined because she packed 200 extra pounds of lard on it. The only thing sadder than a fatty who very visibly could've been a 9/10 is a fat child or animal.
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I hate handicaps
Learn to weld and then you can make your own furniture out of steel tubing
They are intentionally farming engagement by posting ragebait.
While Cotton Eye Joe is playing
>fat beach day
Just a regular day at the beach then.
>250 limit
>I weigh more, by a bit.
How much more do you think "by a bit" is? Definitively starts with a 3.
This gets me so bad. The absolute gall you have to have to suggest that you are a victim of somebody else's exercise, like you have a valid interest in how somebody else cares for themselves.
Outrage clicks, literally. You’re falling for it.
deathfats can barely stand upright, nobody with any kind of diligence or intellect gets to 500lbs, there's no fucking way they're learning how to weld their own stuff, these people and their caretakers have a lack of skills that is simply stunning.
i hope the guy with his daughter is using the fatty as an example of why she has to eat healthy and stay active
she's just sharing her life with you to help you understand her slice of real life, anon.
Dude idk bro, even as a not racist kid I understood black women were significantly more obese. And I'm pretty sure it's statistically true
>pretty face
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Yeah the study literally confirms what I said, even the chart has a notation for it at the bottom.

>significantly different from all other races and men from the same group
I am going to break the rules and say that I have nothing but pity for fat people. It’s hard to break the programming when literally all your life, you’ve had this garbage shoved down your throat, and the fact that a team of scientists and focus groups make low-satiety slop that hits every pleasure center in your brain -down to the texture-, it’s no wonder these hogs get so big.
cry for help
If this is the couple where the guy is British, then they’re a feeder couple. The woman is the feeder. Not joking.
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>school teacher fantasized about her students lusting after her
With sounds she says Oh my god she's insane.
They always try and worm in on other activism like blm or lgbt because they know deep down, not a single person gives a fuck about their problems. Even all the fat people I know don't care about it. They ha e to have their events coincide with others so that people actually show up

lol this is what a huge fatty looked like in 1955
New York must be a hellish place for big fat people. All those stairs to climb, tiny apartments, squeezing through those turn styles to get pushed into a tube with dozens of other people where space is lacking, the expense. I guess having so many ethnic foods easily delivered must be what attracts them there.
"Smallfat" is still morbidly obese these people need fucking help.
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why does everyone assume that she wants her students to lust after her? she doesn't even teach kids that have gone through puberty. if anything, she probably gets off on making the parents of the kids horny
Another FPH thread. Why are you guys so obsessed? Are you secretly attracted to fat women or something? Either that or you're all fat yourselves. Imagine wasting your precious time hating on fat people instead of living your lives.
turn your trip on goblinx
Anon I would let her fart in my mouth
The dumper on this bitch. WOULD
Ate over 1300 cal worth of oatmeal cookies full of semi-sweet choco, raisins, and a splash of coconut extract last night, snacking until ~4am; and I'm still full— It's 5:34pm the next day.
Fat fucks eat garbage and 1300cals every few hours?! What the everloving fuck? I was blasting the hottest, smelliest sugar farts all day today. Wont have an appetite till tomorrow, I know it so.
I hate fat people so much its unreal.
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from the thumb I believed that there were oats in it
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Most women lack self awareness. To ascribe them with male cognizance gives them too much credit. Women should be treated as children because they are children.
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Asian culture can be extremely oppressive but at least they got the fat-shaming part right

>you fat, you disrupt social harmony!
no amount of humor can wash away the stink tho
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Should fat people be allowed on dating sites? I'm tired of whales messaging me.
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Imagine this fat fuck runs over you because he can't get his foot off the brake in time.
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>"small" fat.
she's right, fat people ARE laughable
250 is pretty low for a chair. I know some of you will say "Nobody should weight over 250" but many Americans do. You see ladders are rated for 1000 pounds even though no one of that weight would step on it.
Thank you
>work hard to make life easier for me
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And this is the one that doesn't clip to the dogs fucking. Unbelievable
Is she saying
>Oh my god, she's thicc
lol maybe she should talk to all the fat black cunts that push this shit as well
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this might be the craziest fupa I've ever seen

we matched!
Women aren't attracted to the same things as men. They don't look for physical appearance, they look for someone who seems mentally stable so he can last for a long term relationship and possibly even be a father
WTF is causing bodies like that? Relatively thing arm and legs and massive fucking stomach. So massive it's half tucked in their pants.
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>Looking for
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would unironically try to get her fired if she was my children's teacher and I saw this on tiktok.
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The yud is such a fucking pussy. Can't believe so many people adore his bullshit.
i ve been out for a year, qrd on goblinx?
>weight limit is 250
>person claims to weigh much more
>ponders whether it's more important to not break and fall through new furniture, or to finish eating
>chooses to finish eating
Rocked back in my chair laughing at this one.
I would rather be around a jolly fat dude than some fat cunt that hates herself and never has a nice word to say about anything. It's such a downer. My ex wife was like that, and when she left the house it was like a cloud lifted. The negativity and contagious and suffocating. It's so common now that most people don't even notice it.

By the way, I've never met a jolly fat woman. Some of them try to act happy, but that shell cracks real fast with just a little pressure put on it. I think men are the only ones capable of pulling it off.
>only place where Casey could cook food.
u wut m8?
Did some digging, these pictures are from two different people.
The first is @norafawn on Instagram, and I came up blank on the second one. But this is not a before and after, thankfully
That women is obviously quite attractive, but it's hidden behind 200 pounds of lard. The dyed hair doesn't help, but that's not the main problem. Besides, there's a good chance she wouldn't have dyed her hair if she wasn't fat. Don't ask my why. That's just what happens. Bitches get fat, immediately dye their hair, pierce their face, and get a bunch of bad tattoos.
That got me really confused, as well.
>the fact that they constantly have to use passive language to refer to remove personhood from themselves is infuriating
They are trying to separate themselves as a person from their physical appearance. I saw a write-up on this a while back. I wish I'd saved it. The gist was they pretend they're body is a separate entity, so they don't kill themselves. It's one of those unique mental gymnastics where a woman is able to completely separate herself from reality and find comfort in a fantasy despite all observations making it clear that it's just a fantasy. They are able to block those out somehow and stay in fantasy lands. This shit is amazing. Pretty much every thread on this page where a woman is talking about how sexy she is at 400 pounds is an example of that disassociation, and why you never see men do that. Not seriously, anyway.
This woman. Damn. Look her face. Her eyes say she hasn't had a good night's sleep in years. Her face says she's one missed electric bill away from killing herself. That shit is sad. I didn't even watch the food. If she's using make-up to purposely look run down, she's nailed the look for maximum profit.
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>They don't look for physical appearance
It's odd how intimately some of you understand the mindsets and inner thoughts of fat people.
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Me too
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me too
India world power 2030
Casey should confess her sins and repent, unironically would solve every problem she has. Sounds like she's living in sin with another cow.
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If anyone needs to bait their niggertraps, give this one some menthols and you're set.
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This is how she looks now. How times have changed.
I think there should be special sites for them or at least an AI filter in place. I think a lot of guys would pay a premium for that feature.
Fat and autistic, a twofer!
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I feel bad for single moms. I wouldn't support them financially but I hate seeing them and their kids struggle. I wish she made better choices with her men.
Dude if you're so fucking fat that you have an emotional breakdown over your fat ass being unable to get on a bed, they should take you out back like an old/disabled racehorse and put you down. What quality of life could you possibly have at this point? I assume this is from My 600lb. Life but even after having that surgery, you've already done so much damage to your organs that you're just living on borrowed time. Or we could just throw you off a mountainside like the Greeks did with disabled babies.
It ONLY looks good in a dress. Do not be fooled boys, as soon as that shit comes off you won't want to be in that room.
>vanilla protein powder mix
>nonfat Greek yogurt
>apples and/or whatever fruit you like
Fixed that with a healthy alternative that's easier to make. You could probably cut out the milk if you wanted. I guess it depends on how thick you want it to be.
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she lost the wekght wkith ozempig
Just eat the apple and be done ffs
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No, let me out.
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Why do mentally ill fats always love sailor moon
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You're sick. What's wrong with you?
You need some self-respect.
She's saying, "omg she's insane," and it's quoting a taylor swift song.
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>short hair
Also, this is worse than 9/11
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Okay. Let's see her outside of a dress.
No, let me out. I can see her waddling down walmart with her beige kids now.
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>waddling down walmart with her beige kids now
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that's not very inclusive of you anon. report to the Human Resources department first thing Monday morning to learn more about our company's policy on Diversity Equity and Inclusion (DEI). failure to demonstrate proper respect for DEI may result in our company parting ways with you
So my janny application has been denied?! I guess it's not all bad, it wasn't much of a jump in salary anyway.
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I would cum embarrassingly fast in that. "Sorry babe, that never happens!"
>female women
that feels a bit redundant
So... he wants to remain
Because he won't disregard it?
My sides are gone
If she dropped 50+ pounds she would be hot as hell. Sucks what fat acceptance has wrought.
You proved his point, she looks like a sack of shit.
i wonder how those morbildy obese chicks who still look attractive because they are young with a godgiven fat distribution will turn out once they reach 30something
a quite bit of them will be dead won't they ?
>this world is not made for
Just genetics, I love when they are top heavy because there's no hiding it. When they distribute more fat around the hips, thighs, and butt then they just label themselves as "thicc". When it's 100% stomach, there's no denying that shit lmao.
You're a fucking retard
And I mean by the low standards of this site
Go back to cooming
These niggas are eating this shit annoyed when they get a non-sugar hit of the apple but still counting it as fruit for their diet.
Sadly, fat >people die much slower, living into their 40s or 50s. Modern healthcare technology can keep their organs running even into their 60s sometimes.
The fuck are you taking about?
I'm 200 pounds with low body fat and I have to check the rating of almost everything I use because I'm borderline.
They easily indoctrinated into believing that beauty has no basis in shape and therefore is only a question of applying modifications.
even in america ? i mean i still don't understant how there is so many hamplanet too fat to work with hundred of comorbid condition are still alive when a single ambulance ride can send you into bankruptcy
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Stop posting this. It's. Its not even her. Plus she's skinny again.

t. Saw her live last week
oh wow, so everybody and their mother is on ozempic now ?
Simple story:
>have 2 women at work: office stacy and office fatty
>fatty latched on to stacy and acts like they're bffs
>office stacy is going on vacation for a month
>is cleaning out her office fridge as to not have spoiled food
>asks fatty is she wants whatever is in there
>"do you want this chicken and salad, this water bottle, etc"
>fatty answers no
>"do you want this butterfingers and fireball shooter?"
>fatty says yes
>"that isn't surprising"
>i have to keep myself from audibly laughing in the next room
Women are such cunts to each other, holy shit.
Next you'' be saying male hollywood stars are on steroids, or they have all done copious amount of cocaine.
Swollen fingers typed these posts
He has a good eye area, enough hair on his head for a man in his 30s, plus he is well groomed. I'm guessing beo also has a good job.
top kek
Ain't no point. They're already so far up their fat black asses that they won't listen. The qween was right to just tell the non psychotic blacks to push back against all the fat fucks who equate obesity to blackness
Hahahahaha oh no
didn't she get the fakest tits of all time?
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They're not the ones paying for the ambulance, anon. Working class Americans are. These fat pigs don't work and get almost as much government money as rich fucks get for doing fuck all. They are on disability and Medicaid
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Start stacking.
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Of course they are not the same people. The image just shows that fat people are able to ruin EVERYTHING with their disgusting bodies.
Wouldn't touch be afraid of getting her pregnant? Overweight women don't exactly make good breeding stock, and your offspring may turn out malnourished or of inferior quality.
she looks a lot better recently. gotta be on ozempic
>Breathing through mouth
>Vacant, vaguely belligerent expression
>Struggles to open a bag of doughnuts
>Takes ages to simply take out doughnuts and mash them with spoom
Is this creature actually retarded?
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She wouldn't have my real name or contact info
>t. low T beta
>couldn't afford decent seats
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Remember when stomachs didn't go in your pants?
they need that house they used for the human - dolphin relationship study where the whole house was half flooded to accommodate the dolphin. The human was a woman and she started having sexual relations with the dolphin, wish I could see that footage :/
kek when I make apple salad of that amount I use 3 red and 3 green apples, and a can of pineapples and a cup of peanuts. I still consider it an unhealthy desert as it has melted marshmallow to glue it all together
This narrative has always pissed me off because theres a degree of truth to it since theres a lot of historical documentation of black women seen as being grotesque for having big butts

However the way they took this and completely distorted it into a false narrative to be about 300lb+ fat as fuck women who cant stop eating fast food makes me angry, its just a flat out lie, one thats set up so anyone that questions it gets beat over the head with false moral righteousness.
>people inherently hate fat people
>I personally hate black people
>depict black people as fat so more people will hate them
>now hating fat people is racist
it's the kids that I feel most sorry for. literally beyond their own power to do anything about it
as a former ICU nurse, I can smell that webm
Describe it
Body odor, yeast, fish, and shit
I don't know if that's considered NSFW because it's an attempt at porn or because it's basically gore. I am half hoping the jannies aren't total faggots about it and ban you or remove your post. It's an intellectual curiosity
>What the hell is wrong with you mutts and your "salads"?
We're classy. We still rule the world for the time being. Only rich, successful countries led by high quality leadership of the highest pedigree can afford the decadence
>absolutely grotesque yada yada
I literally make it once a year for Christmas. It's supposed to be a sweet dessert
Nice quads, unfortunately I can't say the same about that video. See, the issue is that there are so many dudes that are desperate for pussy that would bang her and so many fat fetishists on the internet that would pay for her Onlyfans, that she probably thinks she's got a high sex appeal. We need to start a movement where we discourage that sort of behavior.
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if repenting burned 10 lbs per sin i think we wouldnt have an obesity problem
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Plapjak posting is the best way to do this. Any time someone posts about having sex with a fatty, even if it's just to break a dry spell, you post a plapjak and they have no response to it.
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>and they have no response to it
I have no shame about it and plapjak posting is meaningless to me.
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>active today
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That's the fun part about the architect-fph dynamic, it's sometimes ambigiously gore/fph and porn at the same time.
I don't worry about bans, I have dynamic IP.

Based ja/ck/ poster.
It just doesn't make sense in my head how it would taste of anything dignified but a hiroshima nagasaki bomb of mushy, sickly sweetness. I keep seeing these amerislop "salad" concotions, often with mayo, like jack.
Desperate plapjaks are pathetic and destructive, yes. I'm all for shaming weak men who can't stand by their decisions. All for bringing on the memes and giving them reality checks.

But for the rest of us, my position is that nobody who has casual sex really has a moral high ground.

"no response", see:
The plapjak memes are pretty accurate for us if the wojak was a coomer.
They refuse to understand that we genuienly like it, get very angry and do a Jungian projection and accuse us of settling: "Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves."
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remember when abercrombie and fitch was a fatphobic brand ? i do
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Love how the plappers never show their face, but the hamplanets always give this half assed smile
I had a friend who used to brag about getting laid every weekend. We thought he was a ladies man until we saw one of the women he fucked. It turns out he just had zero standards. From then on every time he was start by telling a story of some woman he fucked we would ask how much she weighed. He would stop right there because he knows it's nothing to be proud of if you're slamming fatties.
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>He would stop right there
I wouldn't. I would give you an honest estimate based on what I can deduce. I'd even brag about how my lifting made it easier for me to throw her around during intercourse, if you know what I mean.
>plapjak memes are pretty accurate for us if the wojak was a coomer
Speak for yourself. The wojak would have to be fit and you'd need to see the tren on the shelf over the bed next to the needle and the wojak would need to have veins popping out of his neck from the mixture of lust and pure masculine energy he's putting into his pumping into that slampig. *phew* give me a moment! I'm sweating and pitching a tent just thinking about it!
Yes. Chances are her own decisions brought her to that point. And not like "Oops, live and learn!" decisions. But more like "Everyone told me not to do that, and I did it anyway and exactly what I was warned would happen, happened" decisions.

The kids are ultimately the main victims here. And I say this as a dude that has raised his son alone from age 2 up (he's 20 now) because his dumbfuck mother left the family for some guy she met on craig's list (true story). Sometimes shit happens, but when it comes to women, there's a really good chance it's their own fault after they were warned multiple times of the consequences. It's hard to be sympathetic.
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>I know it's bad I just can't stop!!!!!
>Leave me alone, it's not my fault
Stfu dude, I'm not saying it's easy but it's not hard either.
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Dude seriously, go fuck yourself. I'm not kidding. I want you to find something that fits in your ass and thrust it in and out.
I was 300 lbs when I started coming to/fit and it's taken me 2 years but I'm down to 250 and counting. So fuck off. Everyone is motivated differently and these fph threads are what make me never want to be a fat slob again.
What irritates me is how there's millions of people getting fit the old fashioned way, but everyone will just assume they did it with the weight loss equivalent of steroids. It really devalues their hard work and sacrifice.
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You're wrong.
Also, what are you implying? That the plappers are ashamed of it or don't like it? Consider that the woman is a porn model and it's common sense to not show your face to the internet in that context, retard.
Yeah, sounds like a cowardly plapjak rather than an architect.

I don't talk about it unless subject comes up and I own up to the fact that I like fat chicks.
Same effect as affirmative action.
'milkshake' is not an innocent nickname. The students may not know that (they just heard it in a song somewhere or whatever), but she knows. It's referring to the sexual desirability of a woman's body. How she glorifies it and inspire the students to keep calling her that is gross. It's like involving them in her sexual fantasies of being objectified. She should be called out by the administration for that shit.
Keep your fetish to yourself.
That doesn't even make sense. No one is white knighting or talking about pronoun offenses. If that easily triggered, you shouldn't be in this thread.
This photo is at least 10 years old, I wonder how that kid's doing now.
>hiroshima nagasaki bomb of mushy, sickly sweetness.
it tastes like apples
the cow's (animal) name is milkshake dumbass
you're the one being triggered by a cow named milkshake
>Everyone getting fatter and fighting over the few actually vintage things for fat people

There weren't that many fatties back then. The choices were already limited, but now that everyone's fat, the supply has probably completely diminished.
Visceral fat from drinking excess alcohol and probably lots of extra added sugar in the diet.
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go back.
Who allows down syndrome people to have kids??????
It’s a thousand pounds because a 200 lb muscular roofer could be carrying 150lbs of shingles up the roof, retard
>Handstand on a wall
lot of samefagging going on in here.
Now that I'm a dad to a 9 month old little girl, this shit makes my blood boil like nothing else. That poor little angel. She deserves so much better.
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>cut after every paragraph
Imagine being so fat you can't read without getting winded
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Fuck off mohammed
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>Death Fat
>...not intended to have any specific size range or limitations, & can be used by anyone who wishes to reclaim their "morbid" fatness
>to reclaim their "morbid" fatness

Look at how they put quotes on morbid lmfao. Masterful trolling or unhinged women, I honestly don't know what's what anymore. Nah, I've been around women long enough to believe this is all 100% serious. They are just that fucking stupid. When the FUCK do we roll back women's rights?????
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remember, "obese" is a slur
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Is it hypocritical that I simultaneously believe this but am also 30lbs over weight
everyone can be redeemed. you're not a hypocrite if you've given up your fattie ways.
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Fat shaming is my ultimate motivation. I wish society condemned being a fat fuck.
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>mfw biden was cooked so bad in his debate his own guys are openly discussing replacing him
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I remember the first time I saw him online, it was almost a decade or so. His arms were as thin as bread sticks and his torso was like 4 times a normal one.
I don't care what someone has to say when their form repulses me, but damm he is also some pseudoretard.
Nobody knows wtf this is or what it means. It's the softest shitiest meme ever. FUck off.
>I really don't know what's gotten into me lately
Nearly 2 million calories, I would guess.
Don't fat people have it hard enough already without all your disparaging comments? What exactly does it accomplish?
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yeah he's so much worse than before
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Average /fit/ poster
average reddit relationship advice poster
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You're reading way too much into this
Why the nip drawn like that
What's a bigger red flag, obesity or using special pronouns?
kek. /b/ used to be good
I can tell that this room smells like newports, poverty, and fried foods
The CCP would never allow this shit to be broadcasted on their social platforms
Average Houstonian
Her liver cannot filter all the toxins she is eating. So the liver creates visceral fat deep within the midsection in a last ditch effort to save her organs.
Yeah I’d rather not aye
What is wrong with being hungry? I kinda like it actually. I mean really. Who cares? Last July 4th I went camping. We didn't pack enough food. When we got home we went to see the fireworks and we hadn't ate in like a day and a half. Then afterwards we went home and went to bed. We figured we just eat in the morning. Ended up being like 2 full days without food. I mean who cares? It isn't going to kill you. And after a bit, you stop being hungry. Kinda funny really.
It’s kinda funny because people have been fear mongered into thinking they’re gonna die if they don’t eat. The fatter you get, the dumber you get and the more you believe these lies
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That's all stomach. When they get that big they have to tuck it into their pants. She's definitely got a gross fupa under that gut though
she looks like the type to hide a knife under there and kill any poor soul who tries to dump her.
I mean I get what she’s saying, I also judge other people if they are obese
Please someone tell me this is exaggerated rage bait
Keep the Butter Balls comin'
It makes me feel really sad. Kids will actually eat fruits and vegetables, provided they are fresh and prepared well. They don't deserve to eat goyslop. That lazy bitch can't take a minute out of her day to cut up and apple and some cheese.
should've used this.
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w why were you recording my gf and I at the restaurant?? a are you a stalker?!?!?!
rip in peace
this isn’t even just big butts, but this woman specifically had steatopygia, which is abnormal accumulation of fat around the buttocks even when the rest of the body is skinny. this is rare and is mostly only found in southern africa and some parts of south asia. and men can have it too. but then of course this is taken to mean she was a 300+ lb black woman so that is the origin of all hatred of fat people.
every time i think of grabbing food to eat in bed while watching a video or show i think of this image and how i believe i'd look like this guy
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>as a fat person
why do these >people think eating excess food gives them some kind of advantage in the oppression hierarchy? they imply their experiences have more value than a normal person, as if their oppression from being fat shamed is equal to someone being ridiculed for something they can't change like race. absolutely infuriating behavior.
He posts on /r9k/
>>74606777 (checked)
Cursed image
He's not wrong you fucking simp.
Maybe if you lifted instead of jerking off to OF, your wrists might not look like toothpicks wrapped in gauze.
Yes. It was.
Anyone who says "hurdur /b/ was never good lmao" are the EXACT people who ruined it and they should be beaten to death with a steel pipe.
someone help this poor beached whale back into the water
>looks good
Brother if any of it looks good to you (face is filtered af) - you got problems
>am I fat?
>no its the couch that is wrong!
I hope we get something stronger than corona to wipe fatties out
I pick the fatty.
Gimme gimmie gimme.
I'm pretty sure that's a fetish model
>non fat yoghurt
how are you getting your fat soluble vitamins, you CICO nigger?
This isn't the only thing I eat anon. You could use regular Greek yogurt. Shit make it with Labneh for all I care if you want to get really Mediterranean with it. It's just a nice healthy alternative to what was posted.
These people aren't just physically weak, they also break down emotionally when anything in their life goes slightly wrong. The bed moved when I dropped 500 pounds on it? Meltdown. I saw the couch I broke with my massive fat ass? Gotta go hide in my bedroom.
This mental weakness disgusts me almost as much as their physical weakness.
She also has a closet in her apartment which is specifically for sacrificing chickens.
Is that 730lb??
>About Me section is about sugary food
What the fuck bro
Did you save this in MS Paint?
>he doesnt know what a salad is
You mix things together and top it with a dressing it's a salad. But because you've never explored anything other than romaine salads you don't know. Typical cuisinelet. Remain ignorant.
The worst part about this image is that the woman doesn't view herself as lucky or grateful. She mistakes this as evidence that her "curves" are beautiful and she can get hot lean men easily. This will screw her up forever. Whoever marries this thing will always be viewed by her as lesser
why does he have a middle aged fat woman's nipple
It's never a real smile. It's an angry fake smile, like "you fuckers think i can't be happy, well look at this smile".
bussin ong frfr
Would nut insider
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no it was like that when i found it
Easy would.
Just because it technically fits the meaning doesn't make it worthy. Faggot.

I know and appreciate a few mayonaise-based salads, like potato salad. As a side dish.
But sweet fruit doused in mayonaise? Melted marshmallows? Jesus fucking christ kek. Nope, you likely have sugar addiction and a retarded pallate. Only in America.
>leadership of the highest pedigree
how did you miss all the debate drama?
Nutrition shorts on YouTube have the funniest comment sections, all talking about how everyone has eating disorders these days and that as long as you’re getting enough vitamins, it shouldn’t matter how you get them. My wife keeps getting angry because YouTube keeps recommending weird “soft parenting” videos that include quotes like “police your own plate” and “criticism is cruel”. A lot of fat bitches have become teachers and they’re doing their best to try and steal in children that it is never acceptable to talk about what someone else eats.
Is it bad if I admit, I would just scream shake my limbs and say how fucking disgusting that was, fire up the incinerator and all that? I can get a job cleaning somewhere else where that will never happen, and of course it won’t change her, I know that you’re supposed to give every patient in the hospital the “upmost dignity” but this person is just a fucking roach lair, there is no dignity entitled
I love her, bros
You can see why he became an AI expert after this.
t. goblinx, like clockwork

This is MISANDRY! They don't list what sizes for men are smallfats, midfats, or large fats
I wonder why
It's a common American (and western world) problem But here's the thing anon - are you trying to do something about it? If so that puts you ahead of 95% of people who have given up already and just post a bunch of cope
I appreciate it. It motivates me to keep dieting and exercising so I'm not an embarrassing typical American fatass anymore
If you want to "never improve" why are you even here
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If by some miracle he got with a girl like that he'd crush the poor thing
pic tax, random fatty seen on bus, halfway to immobile and a wheelchair
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