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I want to loose the moobs so I got a dip bar. How do I... not let it defeat me? Elbows hurt so bad when I hop on. Should I stretch before or do warm up exercises?
How fat are you?
don't do dips unless you can do 2 sets of 15 push ups easily. you need a certain level of basic chest strength to do dips properly. warm up with your push up sets before doing the dips.

if you have moobs you're too fat for dips. a good rule of thumb is don't do more dips than you can do pull ups. if you can't do a single pull up don't do dips at all. you can come back once you have more strength and less fat.

these are good questions OP don't get discouraged.
what about me?
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this is very strange... if you have 1.5pl8 bench then you have a decent chest. one trick I learned from rich piana is foot placement. if you cross your legs behind you like OP image then the dip is more tricep focused. if you move your feet in front of you like an L-sit then it becomes more chest focused. so try that and see if you can't knock out a dip. but dips are one of the most injury prone exercises that people do regularly. if you have any pain at all doing dips it's better to just forget about them until you have a stronger chest and arms.

he explains it in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EzYDuKis0rE
can you do 2x15 pushups? can you do a decent number of pull ups, let's say 5? if not then don't do dips yet. it's an intermediate exercise.
I'll try the L sit method thanks
>2x15 pushups
4 sets. 5-4-3-3 reps
weird well try different grip distances narrow vs. wide and do partials and negatives
This sounds like a form issue to me. Are you having issue on the eccentric (able to slowly descend below parallel)? Or are you unable to get up on the concentric?
Just use a band to assist you. If you’re actually big like 250lbs+ you can still get a lot of good development even with an assist. Probably also do some push ups/deficit push ups.
going down, my shoulder complains too much
Are you contracting your scapulae entirely on the descent? And really squeezing the shit out of them at the bottom? Are you pushing your elbows inward towards your body? Is your head and chest leaning forward?
I do pulling movements first.
You have to be strong as fuck to do dips anon unless you have short arms. If you're overweight then it's gonna be even more difficult.

Dips train the lower part of the chest mainly anyways, so if losing your moobs is the goal then you're better off doing pushups so you hit the middle and upper fibers.
These will without a doubt fuck your shit ALL up at some point. Most likely when you least expect it
Use an assisted dip machine or just don't do them. You need insane mobility and strength to do them. I'm like peak twink form benching 2 plates at 75kg and I still do them assisted.
I tore my trap doing dips one time. I had to do physical therapy and tape it.
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>have a table thats about as high as my hip
>put my hands flat on it, behind my back and bring my body down slow (about five to seven second decline) before pushing up
>arm basically an upside down L when I lower myself
>use it as a dip machine while keeping my heels on the ground, toes up
I feel like its working but perhaps I should focus on pushups and planks for now
Definitely form issue
Your shoulder joints can move during a dip, that's why it's better than bench
Be fully protracted at the top, then sink forward shoulders first, until you're parallel (no need to go ultra deep until you feel good going to parallel), then return upward and the rep is finished when you've fully protracted your shoulders again
Remember to lower FORWARD, head facing down, not like guy in your pic looking forward
Lower yourself leaning forward, hit parallel, then extend upward - your body will probably become more vertical as you press back up, which is fine
With a pair of dip bars I took my bodyweight dips from like 5 to 35, and now do them weighted
Americans have really weak upper bodies, huh?
poor pepe :(
Dips + DB Around The Worlds are the best way to build a well rounded chest that doesn't look like a moob, you just need to do 3 sets to failure every other day.
peas to be angy to apu he's trying his best okeh
Dips just fuck with the sternum area for them and Americans don't really train their pecs with push ups and dips unless they are into calisthenics.
>a good rule of thumb is don't do more dips than you can do pull ups
Incorrect. Dips are much easier than pullups, I can do almost twice as many BW dips as pullups
yeah not as strong as you visajeet
lmao, cant relate buddy guess you are a gde.
this, also because doing back after chest i am much weaker.
i get sternum pain doing dips, my shoulders sometimes "collapse" while closing in on failure.
i try to concentrate on retracting my scap and keeping my shoulders down yet it still happens before chest/tris give out
what is my weak point? maybe grip width an issue?
i also get this on machine dips
bros I'm starting to feel that mutts are just built different for calisthenics
I have never seen eufags complain about shoulder/elbow/sternum pain when doing calisthenics and more specifically dips
btw it's rare for USA gymnasts to win gold, just accept it mutts, you are better with weights.
>Should I stretch before or do warm up exercises?
what kind of question is that, sure, every workout
but not stupid arm circles or whatever bs, you practice either a simplified version of the exercise you are going to do or only the negative
i.e. if you do weighted dips today you might do few dips because this is the movement pattern that you are going to train
only advice is to be absolutely sure that your form is on point and stop practicing anything dips related until the pain goes away (better 1 week without training than three months due to an injury)
you can start with static holds in the bar or better yet the hollow body hold on rings, it will teach you profer starting position
I feel like dips are one of those things you shouldnt do until youve been lifting for a bit and have some core muscles developed. They are relatively easy but they put a lot of strain on your shoulders if done incorrectly and will make the average fattie get injured pretty quickly.
you need better shoulder mobility, you're probably placing all the tension on the elbows/tricep
get the chest more involved like pianoman said
>35 bw dips
Full rom below parallel? Hard mirin if that's the case. Still mirin otherwise. I can only do 15 or so. Gonna start adding weight.
I do them on rings. It's way harder.
im fat and do 3x12 dips
>loose the moobs
Cut down to 8% bodyfat.

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