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/fit/ - Fitness

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>Who is /fat/ for?
For Tubby Towelheads who are working towards a longer life and a better physique through meaningful hard-work, strategy, and dedication. This is not QTDDTOT, stick to questions on fat loss. Post height and weight when asking for advice.
Join our Fatty Contest: https://www.fattycontest.com/

>What do I do first?
1. Read https://physiqonomics.com/fat-loss/
2. Calculate your Body Fat Percentage: https://fitness.bizcalcs.com/Calculator.asp?Calc=Body-Fat-Navy
3. Calculate your TDEE: https://www.sailrabbit.com/bmr/
Remember to use bodyfat% and use Katch-McArdle Formula with sedentary settings or your TDEE will be too high.
4. Plan your weight loss: https://www.losertown.org/eats/cal.php
5. Track your nutrition with MyFitnessPal (better for packaged food), Cronometer (better for generic food/macros) or LoseIt (great for both).

>Now what?
Count calories, all of them.
Eat about 500-1000 less calories than your TDEE.
Buy scales, be accurate.
Learn to cook. Try to stick to lean protein and green vegetables.
Eat a lot of protein. 0.72g per pound of goal lean body mass.
Doing cardio, even just walking, will improve your health. There is no such thing as a healthy fat heart, but you can offset the risks.
Lifting weights will keep and gain muscle mass and burn fat much quicker. No lifting results in the body burning away muscle AND fat.
Drink more water.
Read the /fit/ sticky: https://liamrosen.com/fitness.html

Eat refined sugars, they're terrible for you regardless of calories.
Eat processed foods.
Drink your calories (alcohol, soda, Starbucks).
Freak out over a weight loss stall. Plateaus can last up to three weeks.
"Reward" yourself. Cheat days cheat only yourself.

>Other resources:
Loose skin, gynecomastia & stretch marks: https://weight-loss-side-effects.netlify.app/
Reddit Wiki: https://www.reddit.com/r/loseit/wiki/faq

Previous thread: >>74606107
Do we have a bunch of Arabs ITT or something?
reply to this post or you will retain 5lbs of water in your sleep tonight
Should I get my steps in before my weight workout or after?
sex with anime people
I'm not fat I'm only here because of the cute anime girl
damn I got fat. weed, laziness, and ordering out will do that to you I guess
you guys got any good recipes that you like? I'm hitting the grocery store later today
>5'3", 240 lbs, 35 years old
Hey boys
Get a foam roller.
I always hated exercising because my body hurt so much to move. However, now that I've been rolling out my back and limbs I can really move around a ton better.
I think not enough thought is put into the rehabilitation of sedentary people.
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Done 1 hour of stationary bike, feeling good.

What exercise did you do today anon?
Today I did Dan John’s easy strength for fat loss and went for an hour walk
currently doing my lifts, taking my 4 minute break before doing ab crunches
your body is a machine. all machines wear and break most when being unused
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Funny, I bought one of those last week. It's been sitting next to my weights, in mint condition.
Do you follow a routine to use it correctly, or do you just go with whatever feels right?
Best feel is when I just dont feel like eating anymore, maybe my stomach adjusted and got smaller.

Im almost convinced that weight loss and fitness is just a mind thing and not a body thing.

5'10 178 and still chunky
did a bulk this year and got up to 190
was a mistake think I'm going to just keep cutting til I'm lean as lean
Ripped my first callus doing DL today, feel like I'm starting to enjoy my progress more and more.

Friend commented that I've lost a noticeable amount of weight off my back. I thought I was just imagining things when I thought my back was looking better but obviously it's noticeable to other people now. Just looked in the mirror and I can actually see my spinal erectors just about.
il mondo senza lui non è lo stesso
almost everyone I know IRL commented positively on me loosing weight. Great feel because I dont see it much except when I get a pump and I can see a bit more definition and veins in my arms.
>eat protein first in the meal (protein is more satiating, prevents overeating)
>coffee with a scoop of collagen/whey (caffeine is an appetite suppressant and boosts metabolism/thermogenesis)
>one nicotine gum after this meal (appetite suppressant)

Only follow this advice if you are fat but knowledgeable enough to implement and adhere to a proper diet once you are no longer fat. Also if you have an addictive personality I don't recommend it but I was strict with 1 gum a day and I quit nicotine the moment I wasn't fat anymore. This advice is for people who want results quicker, not because it is a quick fix but because it'll make your dieting consistent easily
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Good. I'll lose 5 extra pounds of fat to compensate.
Hadn't had alcohol for probably over a month, but had the tiniest bit of wine last night at a party and wow the seltzers that have been waiting for me in my fridge for weeks look really good right now
That's how it goes. Same with sugar. Good on you for being conscious of the behavior. That's how my past derailments have happened.

First I have one. Then I get tempted by whats in my house. Then I start having one a night. Then it grows from there.
I'm going to do dips.on rings and ring exercises.etc.
I hear his podcast occasionally. Have tried the kettle bell.exercises. the what the hell effect.
I did it, bros! The initial goal was to do 40 km, but since I was much better prepared than during my previous 37 km trek, I decided to just go for it. This is most likely my maximum, and I won't try to beat this distance for a good while. Now I need to do something about my legs because they feel like they're about to fall off.
Bro you're insane
How much do you weigh? Very well done in any case!
I’m only doing swings at the end of the workout for now. I’d like to do more with the kettlebells after this program
Yeah that makes a lot of sense. Thanks for sharing your experience with me. I think the desire is extra strong considering I'm eating very clean
Based gw
Thanks but I'm just a fatass who's trying to lose weight.
109kg though I am 205cm tall & according to my doctor, this is within an acceptable weight range. However, fuck that I'm going to aim for 90kg as my final weight.
walked for 2 hours yesterday doing another 2 hour walk today while on a fast weight loss go faster already!!!!!
Brehs... this is the first time I've actually been struggling with my deficit. Kind of surprising.
I'll have to skip lunch and only have a chicken breast with broccoli for dinner. I'll still make just under it but it's bad to have problems.
Stop eating slop
Based. Keep up the good work.
Why can't I get my leg to do what her's is doing? Once it's a little bit past being parallel with the floor, it just gets stuck and I can't pull it any further. Is this something that only girls can do?
You're crazy (complimentary). Great work
>Can do 5 sets of 15 Push-Ups
>Can do 2 sets of 60seconds Planks
>Try to do Pull-ups
>Can't do a single one
>Try to do dead hangs
>Can't last more than 10 seconds, my hands and fingers start to hurt too early
It's over...
You're just fat. Get to 20%BF and you'll be able to do it.
no, you're too heavy. I used to not be able to do a single pullup before loosing weight and now I can do one and a half.
Pullups are the excercise where your own weight limits your capability the most
My pull up numbers haven't increased at all. I could do 6 at 220 and I still only do 6 at 170.
>supposed to have a month's supply of fungal cream
>use up the prescription in less than a week because I have to put it all over my giant fat thighs when most people use it on a single small spot
>have to pay $50 bucks to go into urgent care weekly because it's urgent care and they have to reevaluate with a new doc every time and it would take 3 months to get an appointment with my regular doc or dermatologist
I hate healthcare so much goddamn it's a good thing I'm losing the obesity now because this is a minor issue and the shit I'd be dealing with ten years down the line at 300+ lbs is horrendous to think about
NTA but I roll out my back 2x a day just as I walk by it in my room, and I try to roll out my lower body once a day - usually after training.
Lower body start with calves - hamstrings - glutes - it band - quads.
When I would run 5ks for time I would always foam roll the night before,I felt 10 lbs lighter on my feet. True game changer.
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>july 1st
Time for a reminder
I like skinny girls but this isn't attractive. Genuinely
Hope your month went well, /fat/
So this is why TikTok banned the #thinspo hashtag, I'm guessing.
Imagine teenage girls thinking this is healthy.
We'd end up with.. Oh hi, bulimia girl, I didn't see you there.
today I took the first testing dose of DNP. I'm taking it easy at just 150 mg but 2.5 hours later I notice no effects and my body temp remains unchanged. I'll do 200 mg tomorrow morning if nothing changes.
i need sugar. i fucking need it. what's the least bad sugar that i can eat that isn't some faggy fruit
ughhhhh saving this. so beautiful pls more of these. just puked on train it was moving loads but i didnt spill. walked so much today
It's pretty easy to psyop yourself into switching to artificial sweeteners just do it
It feels not as satisfying at first but give it a week or two and then it's totally fine
that shit is actual poison.
fuck that.
>Start eating 1600-1650 cals of Keto 3 weeks ago at 252-253Lbs
>Weigh 254 after week one on Monday
>Weigh 254 again after week two on Monday
>Weigh myself the day after
>252 pounds
>Finally think whatever sort of plateau I was having is gone (I had previously done a 6 day water fast before starting keto (starting weight 268 or so), so I figured my body might have needed to readjust a little after losing a lot of water weight
>Weigh myself today, after the end of the 3rd week
>252 pounds
I AM GOING TO GO FUCKING INSANE, WHEN WILL THIS END?!?! I'm eating a 1000 cal deficit from my TDEE, so I don't think 2 pounds a week is so fucking much to ask for.
You didn't calculate your TDEE correctly dummy
I literally just entered my weight and height (6ft 252 pounds) and selected the sedentary lifestyle option (I usually walk for a mile or so each day however) and got just under 2600 calories. What did you mean by this?
You are most likely counting wrong. Or you started taking creatine at the same time.
You're obviously not eating 1600 calories.
>psyop yourself into switching to artificial sweeteners
Just drink flavored seltzer waters instead
Yes, I am. Unless nutritional labels and my food scale is straight up lying. I track everything religiously, I go to the grocery store everyday and only buy enough for what I'm eating that day, and I don't snack at all.
Yesterday was
>10 oz broccoli / 120 cal
>7oz cheese 770 cal
>1Lb chicken thighs (boneless / skinless) 560 calories
>180 calories pitted olives
Everything except the broccoli had nutritional labels and that's all I ate.
That's a lot harder to psyop into because it's not sweet
Oh look, it's the wizard of oz, who as we all know is full of lies.
Stop lying
>Admits to being sedentary
>Eats nearly half a pound of cheese
Been there before, and ultimately you have to accept that you need to stop being mentally and spiritually fat as well as physically
>wtf bro why am I not losing weight
>yeah I eat a wheel of Brie daily, so what?
It gets most of my fat intake in for the day and it's 49g of protein. I don't see how that has any impact on my overall caloric intake.
Do you boil your chicken or do you eat it raw?
You're getting the wrong ones then. Lemon isn't going to he sweet but peach or strawberry will be. Trial and error.
Folks accuse you of lying because they're assuming those cheap-ass online TDEE calculators can only spit truth.
If the TDEE calculators were accurate for everyone and the laws of thermodynamics are obeyed, then what you describe is impossible.
The thing is, those calculators aren't. They're in the right ballpark for many folks, but some obese people have a lower resting metabolic rate per kg of total weight than lean folks (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/528122/)
If that's you, then your TDEE is overly optimistic, and what you think is a calorie deficit could actually be much closer to keeping you at maintenance levels.
Fortunately, this has an easy fix: Lower your TDEE by a couple hundred calories, and compute your calorie deficit from there. Then see what happens.
It sucks that didn't see the results you wanted to see sooner, but you're already acquiring a lot of the right habits in terms of tracking your food intake, and this will payoff in the long run.
>You can't eat a deficit while getting 45-50% of your total calories from one thing
??? Nobody would have a problem with getting 770 calories from chicken / beef.
I have an air fryer that I just cook it in without oil.
Fatty cope
Thank you. I think I'm going to try and start using the gym at my building too, to try and work on my metabolism.
He still has to be miscounting calories because no way 250 lbs at 1600 C daily for that long will have 0 results
I also said I was coming off a 6 day water fast where I lost 16-17 pounds. I'm not sure if my body is just replenishing water weight or something. I lost 75-80Lbs a couple years ago doing water fasting mon-fri for 3-4 months. I remember it taking a month or two to start losing weight again when I began eating normally, even though I was going to the gym 3x a week and doing cardio 4-5 times a day.

Anon, unless the nutritional labels are just straight up lying, I am not miscounting. The only thing in my diet that doesn't have a label is the broccoli I get most days, and I don't think I'm underestimating the caloric value, because most sources say 95-100 and I just assume 120 for a little bit of leeway. My diet is either >>74617670 or I replace the cheese 5-6 eggs cooked in a half tbsp of butter, and eat a pound of 93% lean beef that is 680 calories.
> Fatty cope
I naively hoped linking to a study backing what I said would preemptively counter this, but that was obviously silly of me.

And even if he was, so what? He's obviously trying the best he knows how, and regardless of the underlying problem, the fix is the same: eat less. As long as that happens, he'll see the results he wants. Giving him shit about it won't help.

Be careful with using the gym. I don't know your age, but if you're as old as me, at your weight you can easily hurt yourself, and the impact on your metabolism is going to be almost negligible compared to losing weight. The impact on your knees and joints from a lot of this stuff however may be quite a bit more significant.
I'd recommend you simply walk instead. Brisk walk if you can, to get into what they call "Zone 2 cardio." Work you way toward 30 minutes to an hour every day if you can.
If you're as out of shape as I was a couple months ago, it's going to suck at first, but it gets better relatively quickly, and it has fairly well established health benefits all around.
I replace the cheese with 5-6 eggs*
Fatty cope
I'm almost 27, so not that old. I'm also not a complete newbie to losing weight. I previously lost 80ish pounds doing an aggressive water fast diet, and then I lost another 35 or so while lifting consistently in the gym for over a year. I gained a good portion of the weight back because 3 of my immediate relatives died over the course of a year and I started drinking heavily during that whole ordeal. I've been sober for 35 days and I don't have a problem controlling my caloric intake when I'm not in full blown alcoholic mode. But yes, I should definitely ease back into the gym. My building does have a pool, so I could do that for joints I guess. I was thinking of just doing some light cardio and a dumbbell routine.
can't wait to lose weight so that i can start running again
What is /fat/ eating for lunch?
Post a weight update
I just had some eggs, and olives with feta cheese. Finishing a cup of coffee and then it's off to study for 4-5 hours.
I just had a steak.
why dont you check your waist size??
more than a month and i already lost like 3 inches in circunference
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fatty contest

still hovering around the same weight, but I have succesfully stopped drinking and put in a lot of effort at the gym, so I feel better than I have in a long time. that's something at least.
I wish I had taken my waist size when I started, but I just took a picture. I took one today and it does look like I've lost weight, but that has to include the shit from the water fast. I'll see how the photo I take at start of august looks, but I'm hoping I have some sort of breakthrough, because even if my deficit is only like 500 cal instead of 1000, I still should be losing 1lb a week.
Weight update?
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>but I just took a picture
Always a good idea.
dont let anxiety takes you anon.
I started this journey because an anxiety attacks scared the shit out me, and i know that is anxiety what makes the majority to lose this battle.
Even if you dont see results just think that your new habits will be good in the long run
avocado + banana + homemade blueberry whey "smoothie"
imagine eating when the goal is to lose weight
>decide to eat 500g of brussels sprout (steamed with a bit of butter), 250g of ricotta and spinach ravioli (boiled with a bit of butter) and three meat patties (3x150g)
>feel like a fat fuck because of it
>check thread
>suddenly dont feel like that much of a fat fuck
pork rinds fucking suck dick too why even waste the calories on it? Vegs literally taste better by a land mile.
good progress dude. I'm jelly cause I'm 6'5 @ 219lbs but I feel like I have a bigger gut than you, keep it up
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I made a simple omelette, 3 eggs, whatever free-dried green stuff I had laying around (parsley and chives I think), and some olive oil.
Then I slapped a 1oz slice of smoked almond on top.
And then I ruined it by throwing a bunch of brussel sprouts next to it on the plate.
I usually eat those with a chunk of meat and use the juices to flavor them, but an omelette really doesn't provide you with much egg juices to flavor the sad veggies. So I threw a bunch of random spices on it and powered through. Good times.
Nta (and that meal looks disgusting) but real chicharron is delicious. It's just the trash that's analogous to a bag of chips that is gross
>1.5 cups oatmeal, 450 kcal, 15 proton
>1 scoop casein, 125 kcal, 25 proton
>roughly 600 kcal, 40 proton
>1 cup oats, 300 kcal, 10 prot
>2 scoop casein, 250 kcal, 50 prot
>roughly 550 kcal, 60 prot

which will keep me full for longer? the extra scoop of casein or the extra half cup of oats?
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Will tomorrow be the big day?
probably the extra protein, but you could just have the oats anyway because there is no fucking way a half a cup of oats will have any significant difference in your weight loss and you'd likely just fill the void with something worse later in the day as oats are the GOAT carb
chicharron looks much better yeah, the only rinds I ever tried were in bags and like chips. No fucking clue why anyone bothers with them at all.
Cooking slices of pork skin in a pan and letting them grill like this is just so much tastier.
>which will keep me full for longer?
mental fortitude
I've had three nightmares in the past monyh about Nikocado Avocado force feeding me Buldak 3x spicy ramen. God make it stop
Hmm I see. I'm trying to keep my dinner at 600 kcal, that's why I asked. Brekky is 400 and lunch is 800.

Maybe I'll add that extra protein and oats to bring my dinner to around 800 and then take 200 off my breakfast.
feel free to tinker with minute details if you enjoy it as an activity, but the reality is that you're not going to stay fat because you had a 700kcal breakfast in the form of some of the most nutritious and satiety giving food instead of a 550kcal breakfast. that's not going to be the thing your weight loss hinges on.
this is /fat/, so I'm assuming you aren't some 165lbs featherweight bodybuilder trying to shred from 6% to 5% bf. that's the only case in which cutting a half a cup of oats from your daily diet may be a worthy consideration.

eat the oats if that makes you feel like you had a full breakfast. don't eat them if it feels too much. simple as.
and squat. wagmi
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'cado in your nog'
Stupid question: what's unhealthier 3 70 calorie non alcoholic beers and 790 calories worth of bacon, or 3 100 calorie light beers and 700 calories worth of bacon? Just figuring out my firework watching cheat snack for the 4th.
the alcohol is unhealthier than no alcohol
Alcohol is not good my friend. imo If you MUST drink some alcohol drink 1 light and 2 non alcoholic.
I stand in the sun and photosynthesize to get all my energy.

Jk (if only). I recommend broth based soup with lots of vegetables and either chicken or fish as your protein. Even better if you make your bone broth yourself. Easy as hell, keeps for a week and very satisfying.
Pigs are just a vehicle to make people eat more seed oils. Bacon fat is just seed oil that has traveled trough pig and has become more oxidized. Next time you think of having bacon just buy a bottle of corn oil and drink that, at least you save some money.
I like this site
looking good
now lift weights
you don't
same thing goes for every other cattle then, what you gonna do start eating carnivores that eat other carnivores?
lmao don't we wish. I haven't really made a lot of soups but I'll totally give that a shot. soups usually freeze well too for when I inevitably get lazy and don't want to cook
very nice, thanks for the link. I could absolutely fuq with that cabbage soup recipe
Cows and lamb do not accumulate seed oils in their bodies. Pork, chicken, fish and humans do though.
I'm walking on my treadmill. It was a battle to get the time so I'm glad I got my hour in. Planning to do another hour of walking before bed as I am happier when I do at least an hour when I wake up and one hour after dinner.

Very impressive *o*

Yes this is also why I love soup. Just freeze it in a container you can reheat in and you've got ready food for another day when you are too tired for cooking. If you don't get sick of things easily (I don't) you have food for several days also with minimal effort. The less barriers between you and healthy food the less likely you are to slip up.
how much u lose when pork is chosen
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I'm a fat piece of shit I can barely do 10 pushups without my arms getting weak before I get to 6
>Monday weigh in
>25 lbs down (261 to 236)
>10km hike after nice sleep in
>meal prep steak eggs and veg for upcoming week
>Happy Canada Day
you know how to fix that? do push ups
Anyone feel like the socially “normal” weight for guys is higher than it really is. I know a bunch of guys from college who said they were around165 at 5’9 or so. They looked pretty lean, I’d guess 15% bf.

I’m 5’10 and use to weight 140 shredded calisthenics body. Stop working out and went to 155 and my face was sort of fluffy, more than those guys. I feel they must have lied about 165.
Sauce? There's always someone around ITT who says seed oils aren't bad. Which is the truth with sources?
this is fucking retarded though wtf? actual necrophilia
Are you even capable of interpreting the data to inform yourself if you were presented a source? At best, you're always going to have 2nd party opinions if you don't learn to understand and interpret data by yourself, and no, the conclusions or abstract of a study are not substitutes for reading the study.
I'm losing weight w/ more walking for now. Lifting very casually. When I'm closer to my target weight then I'll make the shift to more weights and less walking.
Stop talking like chatGPT and present sources.
Stop counting calories and start paying for Ozempic, fatties.
Ozempic is expensive and melts your muscle.
It's like a 1000 bucks a month, and that's if you insist on using brand name options. It costs essentially nothing to get it prepared at a compounding pharmacy. And your massive food bills will decrease to 0 once you're taking Ozempic, so it's really not as expensive as it seems.
You don't have any muscles bro, you're a walking tub of lard. Worry about your "muscles" once you look like a normal person again.
>does nothing
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flexibility is like strength. everyone is born with some, but the only way to get more is to earn it
I want this damn cut to be over already so I can start putting on some serious muscle with the bulk
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Is there any remedy for gyno or pseudogyno outside of top surgery? I was put on risperdone at a pretty young age and grew bitch tits but I gained so much weight pretty proportionally that it was never really that noticeable. Ironically, now that I’m down from 305 to around 255 and have put on a bunch of muscle mass (esp in chest), I’m starting to see more of that characteristic puffy nipple bitch-tit. Is there anything I can do about this?
Why the projection?
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First of the month weigh in. Started using the app on the 13th of June so 11lbs in 17 days is progress I can be happy with.
Started in February at 230lbs.
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is this ok for keto?
Instant pot enjoyers and neophytes I bring you good tidings of great joy for unto you a new recipe is given

Chili con Instant Pot

1-1.5lbs ground meat (I used 1.15)
1 can (15oz) black beans
1 can pinto beans
1 can red kidney beans
1 can tomato chunks
1 can (6oz) tomato paste
2 bell peppers
1 red onion
2 cups beef or chicken stock (can sub plain water)
Heaping spoonful of garlic
Heaping spoonful of oregano
Heaping spoonful of worcestershire sauce
2 heaping spoonfuls of taco seasoning
Optional: whatever you like for extra heat, I used a big spoonful of red pepper flakes but you could add jalapenos or w/e

Set pot to sautee
Brown meat, drain grease
Add in everything else
Press the "Chili" button on instant pot
Ideally do the slow depressurize but fast venting doesn't ruin anything

So fucking easy, tastes good.
500 grams (a big bowl)
450 calories
17g fat
42g carbs
* 15g fiber
* 5g sugar
35g protein

I used 80% ground beef since that was the leanest meat I could get at my store. If you used turkey and swapped broth for water you could skim off another chunk of calories if you really wanted.

Tastes great, filled me up.
one of the few sane and sensible posters in this general
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gotta kill myself asap
based though that kind of preparation feels more like a cold weather dish to me
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did 949 calories yesterday
(it's tuesday in the UK now)
calorie app is freaking out it's too low
Yeah I usually don't eat chili in the middle of summer but I had a hankering so here we are.
Part of being a fatty is that I didn't cook for myself very much. I want to encourage people who were like me to try cooking stuff like this because its piss easy and tastes good. Also its cheap.
This recipe was about $2.60 for the serving I had.
>counting calories
>the days that i consume 1400 , everything goes sweet
>the days that i consume less than 1400, feel like shit, tired and sleepy
how do you endure eating less than 1000?
i work at home and im quite sedentary. i drink lemon and water, tea, coffee. I never used to eat breakfast so i save on that. For lunch I usually just eat a salad. Today I ate two maple + pork sausages and some indomie noodles. ngl sometimes my arms feel weak but today im doing pretty good. My budget is actually 1300 i just haven't eaten that much on Monday.
ah yes, because if it works for you, surely it'll work for everyone?

OP, your body might not burn as many calories as the formula would dictate. It fucking sucks, but that's how things are. Perhaps up the calories a bit so you don't go insane? Remember, it's a long journey.
>people STILL have not read on metabolic adaptation
Is the fat in your brains preventing you from learning?
I started loosing weight October last year and I've gone from 88kg to 71kg now but I've been plateauing for over a month what do?
I'm 180cm.

I've also lost quite a bit of strength in the process hahahaa
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Why would you kill yourself when you have so much potential to improve? If only you knew how good you could feel at a healthy weight.
youre right anon. its just so depressing. tomorrow ill try again
is 71kg not already pretty lean at ur height, maybe time for a bulk lol?
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Yeah I'm depressed too.
>walk daily
>hike innawoods
>eat right and balanced
>get sunlight
>clean out truck for first time since owning it
>get rid of old boxes of useless PC parts that I've had for a decade
And then I lay in bed for most of the day on my first week off in 9 months. WTF?!? I thought I was doing much better. Does weight loss cause depression? Granted I'm not turning to bad coping mechanisms like junk food, booze or weed. I'm just depressed after a few weeks of doing everything right.
I've still got very clear love handles lol
Addictions are hard to beat.
Skateboarding for 2-3 hours with a buddy, doin it again tomorrow. 201lbs but not stopping until 155. Started at 216
any tips for thighs chafing?
Lose weight.
Don't wear underwear under your workout gear.
comfy boxer briefs
What are your total carbs?
There's a lube you can buy specifically for thigh chaffing. It's something many long distance bicyclists are almost required to use.
People project movies on your big, greasy belly as everyone assumes you're a wall, you pasty white unmoving incel blob.
>more projection
Certain foods make me feel better/worse. Have you tried L-Citrulline? I took it for cardio, but found myself smiling a lot more an hour after I take some. After some research I learned it has some recorded benefits for depression. It doesn't work for everyone, but it's been so helpful that I just bought a 6 month supply of it.
I love chili and usually make mine in a giant wok. I might try this next time.
Better underwear. And buy a stick of bodyglide. Put the bodyglide anywhere you chafe or get blisters
I don't know if so little fat counts as "the keto diet" as people understand it, but that amount of net carb daily is pretty much guaranteed to put you in ketosis.
I used to be on keto proper, now I'm on a high-protein low-carb diet, as I've come to believe it's healthier. The high proteins keep you fuller and help prevent muscle loss during weight loss. Not having to meet some high fat goals means it's easier to avoid saturated fats, and the low carbs don't trigger an insulin response that can cause premature feelings of hunger.
I wish my diet had a cool name. Maybe it does and I just haven't found it yet.
Briefs + hike up your gym shorts
Got up, grabbed a coffee and went for a walk in the sun. Feel energized. Now eating a bowl of chicken, sweetpotato, beans and carrot.
I was starting to enjoy waking up feeling light and shaky. I knew my deficit was enough to start burning fat. Havent had this feel for a few weeks now though since going off plan.
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I was supposed to be 110. Now I'm 119. (5'1") Fml. No more fucking around. We counting calories again. I know what the problem is too. I'm hanging out with friends who are fat as hell, and I'm indulging in their habits while we're together. There's only 1 skinny person in my life and it's my boyfriend, who is supportive of me but I feel like trash that I'm not skinny enough already.
Vaseline. Worked for me until I lost enough weight to not need it anymore.
>found myself smiling a lot more
Im like this with coffee. I ride my bike to the coffee shop, and afterwards on the ride home I just have this stupid grin and singing to myself. Caffiene is a helluva drug.
Keep at it, or do "girl pushups" where you rest on your knees instead of your toes
>coffee shop
No, it's the sugar you fucking retard.
I'm 178cm tall and weigh 86kg but with basically 0 muscles so all that is just fat. I was around 88kg at the beginning of the year, and I tried to lose weight by not snacking unnecessary foods so I lost like 4 kgs just by not snacking and only having lunch and dinner. I remember I was around 84kg after a month. But I started snacking again and I returned to glorious 88kg by June.
So this time, to build towards more healthy habits, I started working out before work and also stopped snacking. I usually set the treadmill to 7~8mph and run until the machine says I burnt 200 calories. This usually takes around 20 minutes. I also started doing weight machines, but as I said I have like 0 muscles so I can only lift light weights... but I've been doing them every day for the past month.
I quickly lost 2kg in the first week or two, but then... it stagnated... I've been at 86kg for the past two weeks and am currently very confused.
How is it that I lost more weight when I simply stopped snacking? Shouldn't I lose more weight now since I stopped snacking and started working out?
Working out doesn't matter much to lose weight. What matters is how much you eat, and to a lesser extent, what you eat.
So.. read the sticky. Start logging everything you put in your mouth in a food tracking app. That'll give you an idea of the calories you're putting in, and what your macros look like.
Next, figure out how much calories you're burning. It's going to be rough guess, but go use one of the TDEE calculators only, use "Sedentary" for your lifestyle.
Some of those calculators need an estimate of your body fat percentage, and no, it's not 100%. If you don't have a better way to get it, just roll with 25% for now.
Next, decide how much of a calorie deficit you want. I recommend 500 daily, but some people go to 1000 daily. subtract that from what your TDEE, and that's more or less your daily goal.
And that's already a great start. If you can stick to your daily calorie goal, you're very likely to start losing weight.
Now, should you exercise? Sure, why not. It's good for you. Just do it safely, and don't expect it'll impact your weight loss much.
2kg in a month is normal weight loss. It can fluctuate a lot because of water retention. If you want to be sure then log all of your calories (don't log burnt calories) and compare it to your TDEE.
>read the sticky
sorry sometimes I am dumb
>food tracking app
recommendations? I don't mind paying for one as long as I don't have to deal with ads
>TDEE calculators
Thank you for detailed guide!
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feeling locked in bros. retested my maxes, got my new training cycle set up, increased my 401k allocations, cleaned the house, meal prepped, jacked off. been a good day
Ozempic would have been a better investment than increased 401k contributions.
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Just wait for the patent for ozempic to expire in 6 years & then buy substitutes from other companies or the actual thing at a much lower price. In the meantime, you can, you know. Exercise & eat healthily like it the rest of us.
kill yourself shill
I have about 20 pounds to lose...do yall think 2 lbs a week for 10 weeks is the way to try to do it, or 1 lb a week for 20 weeks? "really sucking for a little bit" or "kinda sucking for a long time" is tricky
Cut an arm off and lose it in 2 seconds.
Im done

I just eat low sodium soups now

2 cans a day sometimes 3, it amounts to 800-1200 calories per day

I love cooking and prepping meals but I I love adding shit like butter and fatty cuts so a normal day is like 2500 calories

eating this canned slop is cheaper, faster and less stressful

thanks for reading my blog
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>Telling anons not to buy it while it's expensive & go exercise instead
first time I've actually been baited into replying to one of these.
Checked. Hope you make it lad.
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half of 2024 is gone lads, where were you on jan 1st and where do you see yourself in 6 months?
are you going to make it?
If that’s all you have to lose then 1 lb/week. 2 lb/wk is ez for fat fucks when we can make a 1k/day deficit with no problem. You CAN do 2 lb/wk but it’s very hard the closer you are to goal weight. Just shoot for slow and steady.
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I agree with that, I wouldn't even know how to constantly eat much more fat without significantly adding to the carbs or calories
it's tempting to eat more so my lifts go up... it's rough looking at my spreadsheet and seeing the same number repeated 8 times in a row
Is it true that you get more bloated when the weather is extremely hot? Last week it was hitting close to 30C and suddenly I was 2kg heavier than normal, I felt disgusted with myself. Now the weather is cool again and I am 2kg lighter.
>pufa rinds
you fucking idiot
>increased my 401k allocations
>being someone else's bag holder
>fiat currency
NGMI. Should go all in on physical silver.
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Will I get loose skin if I lose weight from 75 to 55? (1.68cm)
only one way to find out
Got Coof fellas
Not bothered or anything just means I can't
be in the gym for a week and I've got aches and runny nose on top of DOMS so bollocks
You can cover up loose skin but you can't cover up being fat (assuming you are fat and not jacked)
>legs sore
I thought sleeping would help
depends on genetics, lifestyle, climate yada yada
>1st jan: 106kg / 190cm
>1st july: 98kg
all I did was stop eating sweets and ice cream every day, I still gobble a lot of fast food slop every week. I still have full fat coke almost every day.
It really is that easy, no need to do any other memes. See you at 90 in another 6 months.
>No alcohol for 3 weeks
>No drugs
>Feel like shit. headache. feel like vomiting.
>but im hellfeeeeeeeeee
That AI generated anatomy
Fuck. I haven't exercised in 2 months. In this time I've gone from 101.8 kg to 96 kg. That's great, but I've also lost strength.
My hammer curl at 10 kg went from 10, 7, 8 to 11, 8, 4.
Lateral raises at 5.5 kg went from 10, 9, 8 to 11, 8, 6.
Leg raises have improved though.

I guess it's not as bad as it could be but I was hoping I could hold onto it better since I'm already pretty weak.
> Will I get loose skin if I lose weight from 75 to 55kg.
> Will I get loose skin if I turn from a plank of wood to a bag of bones???
75 kg at 168 cm is overweight. It's a BMI of 26.6.
Same height as 55 kg is BMI 19.5, which is the lower end of normal weight.
I've got no idea about loose skin though.
Electrolytes my son
bmi is a meme, what matters is body fat percentage
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Another monthly update fat.
June has been a little rough, but I got through a plateau. Was hoping to reach under 160 this month, but I will be satisfied with my boxers slipping down my waist now.
I do recommend doing upper body workouts and jump rope at this weight, helps you burn extra calories and get you in shape.
FWIW I'm at 65kg from 80 at 166cm and no stretched skin.
Went boxing training yesterday with a friend, my arms are destroyed, but it was fun and I'm gonna go again.
I sympathize with you, I've been fasting 20 hours every day then counting out 1500 calories. Stuck at 193ish at 6'2" for about a month now. I would suggest cutting out cheese if you can because it's so calorie dense. What do you drink?
its a Chinese drawing though, I can tell because of the font and line quality isn't like how Japanese would do it.
The art is literally not AI generated and it is drawn by a Japanese woman
sure who's the artist then?
>give yourself low grade intestinal paralysis for the rest of your life instead of learning how to eat properly
McDonalds fries havent been life ruiningly good since the 90s, just put them down
Trash fries, burger king had decent ones.
At 1400 you are already at a significant deficit
Why do you feel you need to go lower?
Gold bond or any other ointment
Apply liberally the issue should clear up in 2 days max
It's literally in the file name
Do the math. You started at 268 lbs and you dropped to 252 lbs over the course of 27 days.
1 lb of fat = 3500 kcal
16 lbs of fat = 56,000 kcal
56,000 kcal / 27 days = 2,074 kcal deficit per day.

Your water fast dropped your water weight quickly (glycogen stores) and your keto diet filled them up a little bit. And over the course of of these 27 days you've lost about 10 lbs of fat and refilled some of that water weight from your diet (carbs, including fiber do require extra water to digest even if it's keto friendly).

Add in 3-5 lb decision from when you weigh and when you go to the toilet and you could easily end up in your scenario.

You're doing everything right. Just keep at it. Your scale weight should start dropping soon.
I was working out at the gym and the gym attendance shilled me some juices
He said he always see people who quit after 2-3 months cause they not seeing the result so he said it's easier to just take the pill
Should I?
Not eating doesn't seem to make me tired or sleepy.
Eating too much (I think carbs) can make me very lethargic or sometimes even sleepy.
If it wasn't for protein I could probably do <1000 kcal per day and be fine. My TDEE is estimated around 2350.

But I've had a fucked up sleep schedule and diet for so long in my life that maybe I just don't notice when I feel those things.
I gotta vent bros. Today was my first shit gym day. The social anxiety crushed me. I just focused on treadmill and rowing machine first week to get used to being there. Second week, I hired a PT to go through a full PPL routine each day. This week, I tried to do it alone and I felt terrible. I can't handle the uncertainty of not working towards doing something correctly, especially when being observed by many people around me. I tried the single arm dumbbell row following form videos on Youtube but did not feel it in my back muscles at all, only in my arm and leg supporting my weight, I guess because I'm fat. I tried the alternating hammer curl and that was the only one I felt where I was supposed to feel it, in my biceps. I guess that one is hard to fuck up. I tried the seated cable row and had to spend five minutes working out where the attachment was which felt embarrassing. Then I couldn't work out how to set the weights and had to ask which also was embarrassing. Finally I started the exercise using the form I saw on Youtube and had pain in lower back after fiveish reps, so I stopped because the PT said to immediately stop if you ever get lower back pain. Feeling stupid I thought I would do cardio on the treadmill to maybe lessen the anxiety. So I did 45 minutes on that okay. Then I tried the wide-grip lat pulldown and once again did not feel it where I was supposed to feel it, I only felt burn or exertion in my forearms no matter how I tried to position myself. Overall I just felt stupid and dumb. I don't know how to do it correctly without someone giving feedback and the occasional glances I caught from others made me feel foolish. I hate myself man. I guess I can keep doing the cardio if nothing else.
Don't add exercise into your TDEE. It doesn't linearly add together with your sedentary numbers.
Pic related. The second graph is what happens. Your body spends less energy on other activities when you spend a lot of energy through exercise, therefore don't add it into your TDEE.
You mean to tell me that in your entire fucking life you haven’t learned to use your body a little?
Just do curls or something ffs it's not rocket science. Don't break anything and you'll be fine.
Remember that everyone there respects the struggle, and that they're focused on improving themselves just like you. Good luck bro wagmi.
Just keep doing the exercises for now. Your forearms are probably weaker than the rest of your body because your forearms don't have to support your bodyfat. Your other muscles do and are probably a lot stronger for it.

Make sure you have some kind of exercise regimen. A reasonable list of exercises you should do for every session that you're going to the gym.

If you're still unsatisfied after giving this a try then you could hire a PT again and go through the exercise regimen with him. He will have advice on it and you will learn how to do the exercises correctly with him. Just remember how to do them for next time.

Most important thing is to avoid injuries and to keep at it.
Thank you.

Sadly I didn't do lifting before and I'm in my early 30s now. Is form really all made up?

Thank you. I was supposed to do 6 exercises but only did 4. Maybe I can try again tomorrow and run through them all. I worry too much about looking stupid.
Not sure about this one. I've been at this for a month and I'm down 10lbs at 1200 cals a day, 300+ of those being from exercise
I find as I get leaner, my preferences are shifting to girls with a little bit more meat on them. It's like the positions are shifting in my brain. Something nice about the idea of being a lean guy and getting it down sexual style with a girl that has a tasteful amount of thickness
I'm six months into my weight loss journey and so far it's been good. However, this past week I'm feeling miserable and permanently hungry. I'm eating ungodly amounts of veggies and protein so that's not the issue. Thinking as I'm getting thinner, my deficit is too large. I'm 78 kg, BMI 24 and my two runs and 3 workouts a week put me at around 2500-2600 TDEE, currently eating 1700-1800 kcal / day and losing 0.7-0.8 kg / week. Perhaps I'm going too fast ". 1700 kcal were easy to maintain back when I was sedentary and obese.

What should I do?
im 98kg but my belly looks like a pregnant woman. wtf. why does it all collect there? why can't i just have fat arm or cankles or something. first place to put it on, last place to lose it from.
Form is what feels good to do.
Hell yes, I have finally fallen into the acceptable body fat category!
Curse your genetics I guess. With me it's my fucking face. Everything's slimming down almost equally, but my face is like "Nah, I want to look like a fatty for as long as possible, lmao"
fuck that shit
not only is he literally shilling a (his?) product, he's trying to get you to take a shortcut and cheat
don't cheat yourself. that's the last person you want to cheat
Congrats, Anon. Keep up the hard work!
>112 cm hips
>He said he always see people who quit after 2-3 months
Cause he picks out who he thinks is the weakest. There are a ton of people who think going to the gym is equal to actually putting in the work, don't be like them. You get what you put it and no pill is going to make that journey easier, it will only cost you money. My gym tries to sell people this yenga-something juice cause it "boosts performance" but if your diet is good and you eat foods that naturally stimulate performance then you don't need all the chemical bullshit.
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>notice the neck entry is wrong and should be 34
Yep still "obese"
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Is it over?
No it's the beginning
You got the female box checked. That'll skew your results.
I'm confused as fuck. On Friday 21st June I weighed 212 lb according to my bathroom scales. I did best of three and that's the highest weight I got. Today I weighed and I'm 195.6 lb doing best of three again, this is the highest weight I get. I'm wearing the exact same clothes and weighed at the same time of day eating only a banana. I've been exercising and making diet improvements but I refuse to believe I've actually lost that much in that amount of time. Or if I have I wouldn't want to anyway, I would want to lose it slower.
Are you really a woman? Because that doesn't sound right.
Fatty Contest
>Weighed 270lbs at my highest last year
>Got down to 208lbs
>Still look like complete shit
I know I still have a ways to go to reach a human weight, but I'm afraid I'll still look like at tub of lard at 180.
do you have photos from when you were 270 lb? If you do take a picture of you now and compare them side by side. Your brain is lying to you, you look infinitely better, same delusions happened to me at first but then I just started comparing photos of my starting weight and progress and not comparing old photos to what I'm seeing in the mirror.
Try it out
Yes, I am no larping tranny pos and no I won't post tits, I started last year when I was 96kg and I am now around 83kg. And yes, it still says obese, but I am this close.
how come a woman chubby like this is sexo but I have to get to 12% for life to start? it's not fair bros...
I just can't wait to finally get to 12% so that I can cycle between cutting and bulking between 12% and 15% or so
jesus christ don't be a maths brainlet before you start cutting
i've been feeling like shit for 1.5 weeks since i started eating better at a 600 cal deficit and only just realised it's because i fucked up my calculations and i've been eating at a 1200 cal deficit every day
biology makes it so that a woman with some fat on her looks attractive but a man doesn't, at least on the other hand you can enjoy the advantages of being a male like no period, no giving birth, and having it much easier building muscle or like having a higher bmr which makes it easier to lose weight or maintain it and harder to gain it
That sucks anon, I've been there, just keep working on it and you'll be able to do more in no time.
I used to use something called bodyglide that helped me during summer runs.
Depends on your genetics, how much fat you had, and how long you had it. I was morbidly obese/ obese for a long period of time and I'm down to 160 and have some stretch marks on my lower abdomen. No loose skin tho.
I can't believe I'm starting life at 27
Try doing the same thing at 31.....
Post tits and timestamp.
What is your calorie deficit?
The fact that you find a fat cartoon woman "sexo" may be a bigger issue than your body fat.
FATSOOOOOOOO at least be thin and have an eating disorder if ur gonna post here
I'm a weak pos and went from 1 push up to doing 20 now. Doing girl push ups like >>74620389 said is a good way of progressing
I tried a different med and it was very ineffective.
Back to tirzepatide. No more trying to fix what isn't broken.
whats an easy as fuck chicken breast lunch I can make?
Raw chicken breast
you make thin slices, throw them in the nonstick pan until they are cooked
fuck off retarded woman
I just pan sear it together with some vegetables and olive oil and add boiled rice, some salt, and whatever herb and spice I feel like, mix and eat
what herb spice is your favourite?
in short: my grandma gifted me an apartment, however, that apartment is close to her house, so i make her company. She makes the dinner, so, some days the calories are ok, and others can be low. I do 16:8 fasting in order to keep the diet
i see, you eat almost as an korean model
>But I've had a fucked up sleep schedule
thanks to anxiety, this shit if rustling my jimmies
As I get older as a man, I find myself having more empathy and getting emotionally moved more often than when I was younger. It was rare for me to cry for anything beyond my own personal experiences if at all
I just teared up watching a Japanese news story covering the training that Rangers in the JSDF have to go through, and having an idea how hard and rigorous what they were doing was really moved me especially when they were being supported by their fellow trainees and when they finally passed their training
>As I get older as a man, I find myself having more empathy and getting emotionally moved more often than when I was younger.
the effects of decreased testosterone production
no cheese, dairy is highly insulemic. relegate it to a cheat day food.
adjust calories accordingly.
1 oz butter per meal ought be fine
personally I like adding some paprika, black pepper, sometimes turmeric, and a random herb like chives, rosemary, oregano or thyme but I'm also fine with no herbs or spices at all
No u
real men only cry when they watch the LOTR trilogy or The Spongebob SquarePants Movie shell city scene
>I won't post tits
male hairy hands typed this
tarragon bay and pepper with white wine is top tier.
Post tits
>spend six extra years obese in order to save money
>sacrifice your health in order to accumulate additional quantities of Jewish paper tokens
I hate materialists.
I'm just grateful that I never let myself go to the point of becoming "fat" fat. Thinking about it, it feels like one of those things that grows exponentially if you don't catch yourself and try to keep it under control
Is it normal to not really "feel" back exercises when starting out? I'm generally good on push day and legs day but when I work my back I don't really feel it in my back.
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>people talk about muh DOMS all the time
>never happens to me
>shit still grows
I wouldn't worry.
>9.4oz of chicken
>150g strawberries
This is all I can eat for the rest of the day. There’s 7 more hours until bed time. Wish me luck.
If your food binging urges are this strong, just inject the Ozempic, you loser.
So hungry
But I have nothing to eat at home
I’m gonna do it!
Suck my dick you gay little faggot guy.

Stop feeling hungry and miserable all the time and still lose weight much faster than you could have otherwise.
Ozempic will also take care of your homosexual fantasies about guys sucking your dick. It pretty much suppresses cravings for every type of degenerate behaviour, not just food binging.
First of all I can't afford it
And second I'm no bitch and have the discipline to put down the fork
eat them two hours before bed, going to bed hungry is the worst, you'll can't sleep and eventually get up to raid the kitchen
Entenmann Cookies my beloved
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How often does "willpower" work for people who are addicted to drugs or alcohol? You have a food addiction. You're not the main character of a story. Instead of assuming that you must be one of the special few who will succeed through willpower alone, why don't you take actual responsibility for your situation and use the medication that has a 100% success rate?
If it takes more than a month you're too weak or retarded to be on /fit/
So, is L-carnitine any good for fat loss?
I'm not a burger king fatso guy. Guess they call it skinny fat or something. Pretty normal-weight at 70-75kg at 1.77m, age 28.
But I've got like a dad bod, beer belly sort of shit going on for a while, like a few years now.
I quit sugar, coke, all sorts of garbage like that for at least 1-2 years now. Even fucking chocolate and chips, coffee, tea, and whatever else some months ago.
Started running a few days ago after exercise, hit 20 minutes of run today (not adding breaks, obviously).

So, is L-carnitine any good or another goyslop garbo?
Honestly kill yourself. Genuinely. No jokes. NTA you're replying to, you just sound like a humongous nepo baby who has never been through a serious struggle or earned anything for yourself. Quit telling Anon to quit purely because your own ineptitude and self-pity cannot imagine a world where you do something for your self and see results. Post body timestamped loser
>I have the discipline to put down the fork
>Says man who does not and is obese
You can buy tirz for fuck all on the grey market already.
Being fat is now voluntary.
Could you have fit more buzz words into this post lmao peak zoomie brain.
Nah I'm good. I already lost a bunch of weight and I'm no bitch
>No body pic
>No rebuttal
Thank you for conceding anon, you may now continue your cock sucking session.
My saliva has started tasting sweet. Water tastes sweet. What's happening? I haven't eaten anything sweet in weeks
Typical zoomie being obsessed with cock lmaob
>nepo baby
Seethe lmao. Sorry your parents were poorfag losers who couldn't help you get ahead in life.
Sounds like you're screwed dude.
I'm on a glp-1 agonist and I'm still definitely a degenerate bisexual mechanophile transsexual
I saw that same article. Is ketosis a reasonable cause? This sweetness in my mouth only started yesterday. Been on a 700 kcal deficit for about 10 days now.
Still no rebuttals to the actual content of my words lol
>Still no body pics
Please cope harder about "muh hardwork has no benefits"
You're the one coping here, my friend. The people who can succeed with hard work and willpower don't get obese in the first place. Broken-brained fatties need Ozempic.
Fatty Contest
post body
Go see a doctor you retard. You're really going to take a chance on something that could be a symptom of a neurological problem?
You first.
What? You don't need hard work and willpower to not get fat, you just need to be lazy, self indulgent, and gluttonous. You need hard work and willpower to actually fix those things dude, as these negative traits are inherent to many people. You're not special if you didn't get fat, most likely just lucky or gave yourself over to some other crippling addiction like the rest of these people do.
This was meant for (you) >>74623622
NTA, stop with this defeatist bullshit. You can do it and people before you did it. You are either fedposting to make people lose willpower or gotta try harder.
Fuck off bitch, I'm asking here to see if any other dieting fatties have had a similar experience
Go choke on your sisters dick
>most likely just lucky
This is such typical fatty cope. Obesity is not inevitable unless you get lucky, you are abdicating responsibility for your situation.
reminder to filter shills who push hard for a product without posting body
just niggers that need validation of their decision so they desperately need to convince other anons to make the same decision
there's no reason behind it besides desperate validation-seeking behavior
You're fat and that article says it could be a symptom of metabolic disorders like diabetes. You do the math. The chances that this is something benign are low. Don't make the mistake of burying your head in the sand like you did about your weight while you were ballooning to your current size. Why don't you take some responsibility for your health and actually get this checked out properly?
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>Vegetables? Yeah I'll eat some of that
>Fruits? Only whole, and some of that please
>More vegetables? Yes.
>Oh look! A plate of vegetables! Time to pig out!
>Boring taste? Time to crack open the spice cabinet
>Holy fuck I ate a lot today. Better check the calculator
>Lots of nutrients
>Still below the diet goal
I push Ozempic because I actually want fatties to succeed. The people who push diet and "CICO" know that only 5% of people will lose weight and keep it off longterm with those methods. They don't want fatties to succeed, they just want them to suffer. It's perverse and inhumane.
I'm gonna make it just not this year. I'm on my way.
I hope by the end of next year.
chill out anon, ill see a doctor. im just asking is all

devil trips check em
You cannot truly own something unless you work for it.
If something is given to you, you will not appreciate it as much as someone who worked hard for it. You see this in children all the time.
Self-sabotaging poorfag take. Try shedding the mental shackles that your self-sabotaging poorfag parents burdened you with and maybe one day you won't be poor anymore.

Anyway, I just want fatties to be healthy, I don't care how much they appreciate their weight loss.
I clearly meant lucky to not have those traits inherent to you. Everybody gets fat with these traits if food is the factor, it's not abdicating responsibility, many people are just born more negligent about their health then others. But those same people will be addicted to weed, porn, alcohol, etc.
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>I wonder which pharmaceutical sales rep could be behind this post
Fuck off shill. You know that people on your drugs will instantly balloon back to where they were as soon as they get off of them. You want to capitalize obesity like McDonalds, but want to be called a hero for it.
>I want fatties to succeed
>Continues to berate them for building strong eating habits
Lol yeah bud. Keep up that motivational and selfless behavior. Really helping people lose weight. Especially since if you take ozempic and continue shitty eating habits, you'll simply be malnourished from only eating shit, have lighter pockets for thinking a shot could solve all your problems, and most likely more miserable then you were prior.
I wonder which Jewish goyslop megacorp shill from India could be here in this thread shilling against Ozempic? Once all the fatties are on Ozempic, McDonalds and every other kiked up organ of Jewish nutritional control will go bankrupt.

Novo Nordisk is a Dutch Aryan pharmaceutical company that is saving the white race from the depredations of Jewish American slop peddlars.
>Especially since if you take ozempic and continue shitty eating habits, you'll simply be malnourished from only eating shit
You clearly don't know anything about how Ozempic works lol.
Self-sabotaging behavior is thinking taking a shot will keep you healthy forever without any drawbacks or consequences to continuously neglecting your nutrition and simply not eating. Building better habits for your self physically and mentally is the way to true freedom, you illiterate monkey.
There is literally no reason you can't do all the building better habits shit and take Ozempic at the same time.
No one is shilling against Ozempic, it has it's benefits. But don't come in here telling people to not bother with discipline and PLEASE ONLY BUY OZEMPIC THAT'S IT THAT'S ALL YOU NEED DONT COUNT CALORIES ITS ALL FAKE AHHHHH. You're clearly coming in to put down others and force a drug down their throats that they may not even need.
There's nothing good to post when your starting was 280 unless you're into flying squirrels
>You're clearly coming in to put down others and force a drug down their throats that they may not even need.
The actual scientific data from long-term population studies prove that 95% of them do, in fact, need this drug.
You can, however stating to not bother building those habits and that their addicted and it's hopeless for them as seen in >>74623464
Too long; You’re gay.
>I'm not posting my weight loss because it looks bad
>b-but you should follow the same method as me!1!
Ozempig brain everyone
I never said I was opposed to practicing willpower, only that it (alone) is essentially guaranteed to not be enough to beat their addiction.
goddamn peanuts are the work of satan.
an actual handful is 600 cal.
Post studies that state the population will stay fat without ozempic, and 95% of people who try to lose weight and maintain a healthy weight cannot.
more of a cashew guy myself but you're damn right
but they're really great if you're OK on calories and want a lil something with protein to fill you up for a while though
You make it blatantly clear that someone needs to 'be the main character' in order to build better eating habits. You also equate taking responsibility with taking Ozempic, as if it is their duty or need to take this drug and it is not optional. Clearly the guy you intially replied to is suffering, clearly he is trying to do better, yet you still say it's hopeless even though he is taking responsibility in the form of hunger and misery. Not to mention the fucking ad you enthusiastically put in at >>74623395. You didn't directly say 'ozempic alone' but you clearly mean it with the rest of your words.
i like cashews too they're kinda expensive in europe though. they're also big on calories. i just had to weigh out 25g because 100g of peanuts would have put me over budget lol. sigh. wish i could have a beer too but no. water it is.
Ozempic causes you, in simplest terms, to stop eating, or at least remove the "want" to eat. If you are someone with an affliction to only eat shit, and you use what little appetite you have to eat shit, how will this not negatively effect you? Actual ape brained retards
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Im here to admit I have a problem.
I drink copious amounts of soda. Ill have soda for lunch sometimes.
It makes me feel so good, I get chills and an afterglow like I had an orgasm when I drink one.
No other food makes me feel this way, and ill drink 5-6 sodas a day.

I go into Cracker Barrel and candy stores to buy novelty glass bottled sodas, I have probably 20 different ones in the fridge now.
Its destroyed my teeth and I still crave it so hard.

Every time I try to stop for a few days I cant help myself. Ill stop and get a gas station big gulp or slurpee.
Its pathetic and I hate myself for it
Just drink diet zero cal soda moron
my stomach hurts so fucking bad. i thought i was invincible to plateau but ive been 43kg for fucking weeks whhhhhhhhhyyyyyyyyyy im miserable. how do you guys get out of plateau ?? what can i drink to expel my guts with low calories
i don't think that's fat you'll be losing at this point
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Not that anon, but it's quite dire. Note an important distinction, this refers to those who LOST the weight, so it filters out those who had a goal of losing 100 lbs but only lost 30. So most of the losing side are filtered out from the percentages, ergo, it's worse than what the findings show.

I wish it wasn't so fucked.
I've started basic cardio and calisthenics, I work sit all day desk job.

The goal is to lose about 100lbs or so in a year, as I'm 5'8 and 260lbs.

I like drinking beer at the end of the work week, a 6 pack worth between friday~saturday. Is the beer that detrimental to weight loss or it shouldn't mater if I keep my activity rate up?
Yes, stop
Nuts are one of the essential food groups, heathen.
I regularly pick at a "Planters - Cashews, Almonds & Pecans, Deluxe" can, a bag of macadamia nuts (although the ones I have right now are too salty, gotta find better), and plain old crunchy peanut butter (I prefer the "no stir" kind, at the cost of getting some palm oil in it.)
There's a lot of good stuff in there, just don't fill up your calories with it.
>drinking artificial sweeteners that damage and disrupt your gut biome
Having a proper and healthy gut biome aids tremendously in weight loss.
If you look at any study not done by the Coke corporation, the flora in your stomach is greatly effected by all artificial sweeteners except xylitol (which tastes like ass so who cares)

Drinking diet soda for a calorie deficit doesnt mean much if its keeping your stomach from communicating with your brain properly.
Its really not that hard to stop drinking sugar water.

Moronic post
Found the insecure fatass.
just hang in a doorway, and learn to tense the different muscles by adjusting width, direction and angle of attack
/fit/ will claim that this sad sack of shit who gets affected by soda like it's oxycontin doesn't need to take Ozempic and needs to just willpower his way to losing weight.

My friend, talk to your doctor about Ozempic, please.

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