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>Who is /fat/ for?
For Obese Otters who are working towards a longer life and a better physique through meaningful hard-work, strategy, and dedication. This is not QTDDTOT, stick to questions on fat loss. Post height and weight when asking for advice.
Join our Fatty Contest: https://www.fattycontest.com/

>What do I do first?
1. Read https://physiqonomics.com/fat-loss/
2. Calculate your Body Fat Percentage: https://fitness.bizcalcs.com/Calculator.asp?Calc=Body-Fat-Navy
3. Calculate your TDEE: https://www.sailrabbit.com/bmr/
Remember to use bodyfat% and use Katch-McArdle Formula with sedentary settings or your TDEE will be too high.
4. Plan your weight loss: https://www.losertown.org/eats/cal.php
5. Track your nutrition with MyFitnessPal (better for packaged food), Cronometer (better for generic food/macros) or LoseIt (great for both).

>Now what?
Count calories, all of them.
Eat about 500-1000 less calories than your TDEE.
Buy scales, be accurate.
Learn to cook. Try to stick to lean protein and green vegetables.
Eat a lot of protein. 0.72g per pound of goal lean body mass.
Doing cardio, even just walking, will improve your health. There is no such thing as a healthy fat heart, but you can offset the risks.
Lifting weights will keep and gain muscle mass and burn fat much quicker. No lifting results in the body burning away muscle AND fat.
Drink more water.
Read the /fit/ sticky: https://liamrosen.com/fitness.html

Eat refined sugars, they're terrible for you regardless of calories.
Eat processed foods.
Drink your calories (alcohol, soda, Starbucks).
Freak out over a weight loss stall. Plateaus can last up to three weeks.
"Reward" yourself. Cheat days cheat only yourself.

>Other resources:
Loose skin, gynecomastia & stretch marks: https://weight-loss-side-effects.netlify.app/
Reddit Wiki: https://www.reddit.com/r/loseit/wiki/faq

Previous thread: >>74616679
Your need to shove sugar water down your gullet doesnt change objective reality.
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No, you aren't keeping the weight off
No, you aren't able to escape the obesity driven environment
No, you will have a store that pushes goyslop in your face
No, the marketing will continue to force a craving.

Realize that this is by design. Yes, you can get semaglutide/tirzepetide for way cheaper on grey market with some looking if you're not retarded and can reconstitute it yourself.
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Cringe virgin
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>subcutaneous fat is finally rivaling visceral fat
The beginning of the end.
This is why after reaching goal weight, you must continue being mindful and have good habits if you're not going to do bulk and cycles
This is why fastards and ketards won't make it. It's just not sustainable
>groveling on your knees to the coke corporation
based cao cao enjoyer
I fast 3 days a week with only moderate success and have dropped 65 lbs. it's sustainable as long as you have either a super regimented mentality or a solid support network around you. I opted for the second. It's a life changer.
what if the only reason I diet is so once I'm underweight I can spend months stuffing my face with no care in the world as I regain the weight without going into super dangerous territory
I gained my weight over 15 years so I figure even if I gain some back, I'm looking at a month a year of being vigilant at worst.
If you want a lifestyle or habit to last, you need a way to enjoy the process. That's why you need to let yourself feel morally superior to fatties.
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Demoralizers are gay. All my /fat/bros are gonna make it.
Being a lean guy with a tastefully thick girlfriend. That is the life
post body
I've been doing keto for a month today.
I have lost 32 pounds so far and have started to exercise.
Have recently lost my appetite and today, when I tried to eat something, I was so repulsed by eating that I would continuously chew my food and tried washing it down with water, but in the end I just gave up.
Does this shit end? I've eaten once a day for like four days now, and every time I jog I feel pain in my stomach similar to when you dry heave.
May I ask why first?
Zucchini is freaking awesome bwos
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>he hasn't taken the countertop convection oven pill
No pity for you. Been eating wings, fries, everything and still losing 3 - 2lbs a week.
Remember to take Ozempic if you are serious about losing weight.
>but muh cico and exercise
Count calories and exercise all you want, just make sure you're also on Ozempic.
The girl i liked used to post these nuns all the time on social media, seeing them again takes me back and makes me want to kill myself, perfect motivation for some restricting, thanks OP!
Ozempic takes away those urges.
Fatty Contest
I didn't say I was lean. Post body or fuck off fatty.
no lol. Stay fat and mad, your heart will stop soon fatso
Projection of a fatty in denial making stories because they don't actually care about the truth since they think they can't change it. Unlike your fat ass, I don't need to lie about anything.
Finally at 201, under 200lb soon
100.1kg here. WAGMI.
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What are you doing for dinner /fat/?
I'm making a stir fry
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Babbies first inspect element?
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Or you could just be like me and have some kind of weird psychological block about crossing 200 lbs.
No, it's fine. I can cross 200 lbs whenever I want. Really.
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Wait, it's all me?
> t. always has been.
I'm with family for the week
Last night was a raclette binge
Then they have tortellini and baked pasta trays ready to go for other nights, then grill stuff on the 4th

It's so much easier when you're alone to keep up with diet
Wholesome enf moment (or technically euf)
Can low calorie intake effect benis? I've cut to 1k calories each day and exercising regularly. I haven't had a real libido for a bit. And one time I forced myself and I had a burning sensation for an hour after.
A calorie deficit diet can lower your testosterone.
It's even worse if you diet is low-fat.
It's even even worse if you're working out hard on top of it.
Low T => broken benis. Sorry.
on a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 being "sane and normal" and 10 being "completely retarded", how effective would it be to simply put critical amounts of pepper in all of my food so that i shit like a hurricane instead of turning those nutrients into bodyfat?
The weight loss clinic has begun. 6oz of meats, two cups of veggies for the three meals, half a cup of yoghurt for snacks(3x a day), and two hours between meals.

I think I can manage that, but it's gonna be the absolute lack of sugar that'll put my body into fatass withdrawal.
Uhhh that sounds like a 8 or 9 to me.
Its not as retarded as abusing laxatives and emetics but its pretty retarded.
I reversed my insulin resistance bros. Everything is looking up. Still need to lose 60 more lbs though, but at least I don't need to take any more medications.
Christ you can at least lose weight with more variety. Having the same, monotonous meals every day will burn you out and make you crash hard. Make some salsa, eat beans, make hummus, have more fats, make green smoothies with your yogurt, have salads, eat dark chocolate if you crave sugar.
checked and god damn I love raclette
it really is way easier to keep it up when you don't have events and stuff to go to. but beers and burgers must be had on the 4th. just gotta keep it to a reasonable amount the best you can
If you're on a low-carb diet, this is probably a temporary result, but it's an amazing result all the same. Being able to stop taking all your diabetic medications and see your blood sugar staying in a healthy range is a great feeling.
Your weight loss is what's going to solidify it into a proper remission.
Until then, keep your eyes on the prize. Cheat days are an even worse idea for you than what the average /fat/ dweller, since it could send your blood sugar sky high without any meds to hold it back.
I'm low carb but my A1c came up to be 4.4 which is not what I was expecting at all. But it's mostly the result of fasting and OMAD since Metformin supressed my hunger a lot, at least that's what I believe to be the largest contributers to it.
And thanks Anon, I will continue doing what I'm doing now. I think my old eating habits are dead in the dirt now. No more eating sheets of cookies and 8 slices of bread a day.
is it normal to get headaches after a diet change?
I'm going from ~3k cal a day eating garbage to about ~2k eating more veggies and lean meats and I've had some annoying headaches. I definitely drink enough water and I sleep plenty
also started working out daily too. those are the only big things I can think of
guys i have a gyno clearly. how do i get rid of it? i get it that you can't get rid of the hard part inside without surgery but there is a lot of fat around it can i at least get rid of that? will going down to low body fat solve it?
hmm i really don't want to do that. and i can't afford it either. i will go down to low body fat 12-10 percent if it still looks like shit i will consider a surgary.
uh maybe. I mean if you're swapping hard from eating shit to eating healthy, then you're going to feel some side effects of withdrawals, mainly from the sugars.
I'm not big on sugar but fried and processed shit for sure. it hasn't been very long either so maybe I'm still adjusting
I'll just take an ibuprofen, suck it up, and call it a night I guess. I'll feel better in the morning. thanks
Eh you're probably consuming more sugar than you actually realize. If you use sauces with your fried meats then that shit adds up. The breading? That's sugar.
If it persists, you should probably go see a doctor.
Is using sleeping aids to force myself to sleep so I don't binge a viable strategy? For some reason I feel hungry at night but if I tough out the pangs and fall asleep I'm not hungry when I wake up
>The breading? That's sugar.
you're shitting me
how's that work?
They're carbohydrates
If you are switching to a fairly strict low-carb diet, you may be changing your body's metabolic pathways to burn fat rather than carbs for fuel.
That often comes with headaches, mental fog, difficultly focusing, and sometimes flu-like symptoms for a few days while your body gets used to the change.
The common home remedy to help deal with this is to drink some warm broth. Bone broths if you have some, but in a pinch, throwing the little flavored salt packets that come with dry ramen noodles into warm water will do.
I made it. Those were the most refreshingly delicious strawberries I’ve ever tasted.
Right right, so any carbs that you keep in your mouth for a bit will magically become a shorter carb, up to the shortest carb possible, raw sugar. Bread, pasta, rice, etc. Chew them in your mouth, and by the miracle of enzymes in your gross saliva, it all turns into something more sugar-like.
Even if you somehow decide that not chewing pasta is a good idea (it's not. it's really not), your stomach has the same enzymes. It just takes a little longer there.
an ice cream sandwich
You'd be far from the first person to eat sleep. You should think about talking to a doc about the binge eating. There are treatments.
I had four salted beef patties. I might eat more later, but for now, I'm satisfied
My mom made me a delicious, healthy, home-cooked meal, as she does every day. I love my mom.
TIL carbs are sugar. damn I guess I'm fat AND retarded but at least I learned something
I probably should have put 2 and 2 together because carbs break down to glucose but live and learn
>you may be changing your body's metabolic pathways to burn fat rather than carbs for fuel
that's the goal for sure. maybe tomorrow I'll see if I can't find some bone broth at the grocery store to hopefully get over this little hump. good call
I respect your wrong opinion.
Not this time goldbergstein
Sugar and sneed oils have addictive properties, my guess would be withdrawal but if it persists for more than 2 weeks or so then something could be wrong
I'd bet its withdrawals from sugar but I'll see if it gets better or worse. Nothing feels horribly wrong, just a headache and a little foggy like >>74626257 said
So ultimately it might be kind of a good thing
imagine trying to demoralize a weight loss thread
I'll take a limp penis over whatever mental illness you have
It's tricky to speak in absolutes.
Most people won't notice any T drop from their diet. Doesn't mean there isn't a T drop happening, but if it was at a comfy number to start with, a slight drop won't have a practical effect.
But then, some folks are already on the low end to start with, and some diets go pretty hard. a 1000 calorie deficit often ends up being 40% to 50% less than maintenance, and that's more likely to impact T than the chiller diet paces.
In truth, most of us won't notice anything wrong in that department, but yes, it's a thing that can happen, and another good reason to get blood tests done regularly while dieting to catch these sorts of things.
Going to New York City tomorrow and going to walk to all my destinations so that I can eat all the yummy in my tummy food that I want
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Crazy how I figured out this exact meal plan (more or less) on my own just by counting my calories
Horrifying. Then again, the same industry pushed the clot shot and circumcision, so I'd be more surprised if they knew what they were doing
Any advice on how I can do better than this? I eat deens instead of pb some days.

I know I could drop the apple bread and rice, but I'm not trying to starve myself.

33, 5'7", 171-ish. Want to get real lean.
This looks great, but remember you can experiment with spices too.
>clot shot
No surprise that someone retarded enough to be an antivaxxer is also obese.
By better i mean more protein for the calories
Thank you. I prefer marinating when it comes to chicken
Also this is crazy but there's some nutrition autists here hopefully: when I run more than a mile, i.e. exert myself, my sweat smells strongly of ammonia. I read somewhere that means I'm burning protein/muscle so I have to eat carbs before the workout. But then how does one lose weight? I just want to smell normal-bad, and not mustard gas everyone else at the gym.
Confession: drank 500oz of whiskey, smoked a pinch of devil's cabbage and ate 30 BBQ wings. Bored on vacation and I'm disappointed w/ myself now :/
how do you stop your feet from hurting after walking for 3 hours i wanna longer but i have pain in my toes is it just my shitty shoes
if you want more protein eat more meats, simple as, eggs if you can't afford meat. you're literally eating more than double the amount of calories for lunch from PB vs chicken breast at dinner

>I'm burning protein/muscle
you're not, at worst you're just sweating out the little protein you've been eating
>so I have to eat carbs before the workout
this is super exaggerated, long distance runners and people who do extremely intense workouts at the gym should do that, if you're just running just above one mile you don't really need something like this, if it's working for you don't change it but you're not going to lose your gains for a simple run that's fatty/gymcel cope for avoiding cardio

also don't worry about your smell no one gives a shit about it in the gym as long as you use deodorant and wipe your ass, you're overthinking this
Friend's birthday was yesterday, and we went out to a restaurant. I had a bunch of fries, a chicken sandwich with lettuce, tomato, and southwest sauce, two glasses of Pepsi, and later a piece of chocolate cake. To be fair, these were the only calories I took in that day, and I burned 810 calories on cardio along with my 1800 BMR, so I think I would still be alright.

Today I ate a baked russet potato (coated it with olive oil and some garlic sea salt beforehand) and the remains of a rotisserie chicken. I had two white hamburger buns with the chicken, and I poured all the juices/oils or whatever from the chicken container on my potato. I also had a couple handfuls of butterless popcorn, a small sip of root beer, and a tall glass of lemonade. I burned 1100 in cardio today, and drank 4.5 bottles of water. I still think I'm doing well.
Oh yeah and I also ate a boiled egg today.

I'm really craving baked potatoes now, I think I'll be making them most days.
For all you fat fucks here, I've found the way to lose weight without having a goal to lose weight: STOP EATING YOUR FUCKING EMOTIONS.

It's that fucking simple. We have been fat pieces of shit all our life because we run away from feelings and stuff our gross fat mouthholes until the dopamine hits and the bad feelings go away. Then we keep going, and going, and going until we are stuffed full like the little piggies we are. Then we feel worse than the feelings we were running away from.

You know what this sounds like? A child.

So grow the fuck up and just feel the feeling. If you find yourself wanting to type something like "it's not that simple", "but what if the feelings are too bad", or "but I can't help myself". Fucking shut the fuck up pussy, nobody cares about your self-degrading bullshit. It really is that simple. The feelings come, then comes the urge to consume food. You tell your brain to shut the fuck up and that you're in charge. Focus on the feeling your brain is running from instead of focusing on "not eating".

Go ahead, feel your feelings, avoid the food.

You'll feel a little more miserable day-to-day, but you'll still feel better than the misery you feel after you stuff your fat fucking gullet once again. Not to mention you'll actually start to process the emotions you've been avoiding. It's a win-win.
have you just started walking recently? your feet will adapt eventually, maybe take a break for a couple of days, and yes it could be your shoes we have no way of knowing
if you're mega obese take extremely good care of your toes, people really do lose them to the beetus it's not a meme
That has a little bit of a "So you're depressed? Here's the fix: Stop being sad!" vibe to it.
If you manage to take that path through sheer willpower, it's super impressive. For many folks, this actually requires doing some serious inner work, better done with a therapist, and often aided by various chemicals.
But yeah, good for you for rising above.
been walking daily for an hour for like a month now. im 180lbs so not mega obese or anything so im really guessing its my shoes ive been walking so much the sole parts are just worn flat at this point
This response is the sad state of affairs because you make it more complicated that it needs to be and put artificial limitations on "many folks"; Oh boy, instead of just not putting food in my mouth when I'm bored/stressed/happy/scared/sad, I need to go to therapy, do "healing work", wait for medications to kick in. Oh it's just all too much and I'm feeling overwhelmed, let me grab the chocolate.
get some trail running shoes that fit well and enjoy walking on heaven
you honestly sound like a retard, most people in this thread have already had this enlightened realization you just had, that's why we're losing weight, identifying a problem is easy but you're not really proposing any solutions because guess what retard, there's no easy solution for depression or any of the complex emotional shit that make a person go fat
if you're such a fucking genius why don't you publish a book about your finding and make millions, there's a lot of fat people looking for a solution in case you haven't noticed it
just bought a pair thanks!
my nigger you should have gone to a physical store and try them, that's how you make sure they fit, buying online is what probably got you shit fitting shoes in the first place
hope I am wrong and they fit perfectly though
yea same but i dont think its not that they dont fit they arent tight or anything its just some cheapo shoes i bought before i started walking a crap ton and they dont have much cushion when i step down. guess we'll see, they were on sale on amazon so if they suck ill just return them and stop by a shoe store on my way home
it's only wednesday you have the rest of the week to make up for it and keep on track
I’ve been backtracking. I’ve been really tired so just getting some rest so I get the energy back to get back on the horse
Fatty Contest
I started lifting yesterday. How much will this delay my scale going down?
You're calling me a retard when you're a bigger retard yourself. The solution was on the first fucking line of my post you moron: Don't emotionally eat.

"Depression and complex emotional shit". Fuck off with this nonsense. Just don't put shit in your mouth when you're feeling something other than hunger. How do you take this simple concept and make it something bigger than Ben-Hurr?

Fucking idiot, Jesus Christ.
>start at 120kg
>Lost 5kg from calorie counting for 3 days
>Start lifting weight
>2 weeks/3 gym session later still at 115kg have not lose a single kg since
Wtf am I doing wrong?
Should I just go back to playing bear hibernation?
Says the morbidly obese vaxxmaxxer
If you're not tracking metrics other than weight, you're going to fail. You need to measure other shit so you don't get all depressed like you are now because number not going down.
Calorie counters are mentally ill.
>want to earn more money? get a better job
find a job that pays more instead of working for low wages
>want to be more educated? get a degree
just crack a book and work towards a degree instead of not doing it
>want to find a woman and get married?
talk to women until you find one you're compatible with instead of talking to men
>want to play a music instrument?
just grab one and start playing instead of doing something else

there I fixed your life, no need to thank me when you get a better career, a loving partner and some interesting hobbies, it's all thanks to me
Keep your eating disorder to yourself. Better yet, kill yourself.
You're saying this shit trying to be sarcastic and smart, but you legitimately just described how easy that shit is to achieve. All the layers of garbage and nonsense and hand-holding and infantilization are just big globs of worthless text over the core principles.
I'll only kill myself if you do it first. So it's up to you if you want the world to be a better place or not.
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>You're saying this shit trying to be sarcastic and smart, but you legitimately just described how easy that shit is to achieve. All the layers of garbage and nonsense and hand-holding and infantilization are just big globs of worthless text over the core principles.
Will I get delayed for 3 weeks as well? I'm >>74626853
That's a tough pill to swallow.
He's gone green-text mode with no real counter-argument. Ladies and Gentleman, he's down for the count.
If you start lifting you will see a delay in weight loss. Measure other metrics like the circumference of different body parts. Don't let some fucking shitcunt number on the scales determine your entire mood.
Increase your deficit.
it will only delay it if, like most people who start lifting, you start eating more to compensate
Couldn't get any reply on this last thread as some retards were fighting the whole thread.

So, is L-carnitine any good for fat loss?
I'm not a burger king fatso guy. Guess they call it skinny fat or something. Pretty normal-weight at 70-75kg at 1.77m, age 28.
But I've got like a dad bod, beer belly sort of shit going on for a while, like a few years now.
I quit sugar, coke, all sorts of garbage like that for at least 1-2 years now. Even fucking chocolate and chips, coffee, tea, and whatever else some months ago.
Started running a few days ago after exercise, hit 20 minutes of run today (not adding breaks, obviously).

So, is L-carnitine any good or another goyslop garbo?
When I first started I was lifting 4 times a week and still losing 4kg a month.
But I thought starting a new exercise means you retain a lot more water weight. Is that not the case?
So my doctor told me that I have to reduce my cholesterol, but at the same time, I'm not eating enough protein when i'm at a 500 calorie deficit.

I've been eating salmon but it doesn't have enough protein for the servings I eat. Also it's getting fucking expensive.
I think I eat like 30-50 grams of protein a day, but after reading the sticky, apparently I have to bump that up to like 90g.

Best way to increase this?
You can balance it out by avoiding salty and sugary foods.
no, people make shit up to stop other anons from exercising and to feel better about themselves eating more
do not trust any advice on 4chan or anywhere, just do your lifting and continue eating the same as before, report back in a couple of weeks
Change doctor.
>by avoiding salty
You don't know what you're talking about. Stop giving advice, thanks.
ok bro keep eating those potato chips kek
unironically stop eating carbs to reduce your cholesterol, also don't use shit vegetable oils

any meat will do for protein, aim for eating protein with every meal, eggs and milk are the cheapest ways to get grams of protein
Thanks. Circumference measurements seem to change very slowly and measurement error seems rather big. On a scale I might notice a 2-3 kg change but it is barely noticeable on the measurement tape from my experience.
Obviously I will continue losing weight if I keep eating the same. There's no doubt about that, but I'm trying to hit a bodyweight goal in 10 days. I've got to lose about 1 kg.
Thanks, that's encouraging. I lifted yesterday and this morning my scale hadn't gone up. But maybe it's because I lifted late in the evening and didn't eat afterwards.
That's a good idea. I was thinking of lowering carbs if I put on too much water weight. Didn't think of salt.
Will do.
>unironically stop eating carbs to reduce your cholesterol
Carbs lower cholesterol, not that total cholesterol is a bad thing. Saturated fat increases HDL cholesterol.
Are you fucking certain you're not getting enough protein? Because you probably are.
Anyway, if your cholesterol is high, easy answer. Incorporate fasting into your monthly diet. Stay away from slop. No sugar. Low carbs.
Don't rely on salmon only. It's really fatty. Eat some eggs for protein.
>So my doctor told me that I have to reduce my cholesterol
Just go on statins, you're a subhuman retard, anyway.
Don't listen to fasting tards. They just want people to suffer because they hate themselves. It's like self-flagellation.
Your bait doesn't deserve a you, nigger.
I give (You)s to people because everyone needs love.
Write it all down in your food tracking app.
On second thought, wait.
500 oz of Whiskey is 35,692 calories.
Are you sure you're alive right now?
Anyway, if you survive this dire episode of alcohol poisoning, consider eating naked oven baked wings next time. The BBQ sauce they slather on some poor innocent wings is a capital crime against your macros.
jesus I'm glad I'm not an alcoholic
Cereal, Coffee, 2 potato cakes, Chicken/veg, Protein shake. This is the the CICO way
>carbs, drugs, more carbs, real food, slop
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You got this man, im in a situation similar. Feel like im just holding in there every day. I let myself go for a couple of days and then bring it back on track with a few days of strict 1500cals. This is probably how ill maintain in the future which has been good to know, but I really need to lock in for a few weeks to get my week down to the next goal before getting too comfy at maintenence. I like to set small goals, say every 5 kg and then set that as my new hard level where ill try and float just under that for a while before dropping down to the next goal.
Is there anything inherently wrong with eating a couple of rotisserie chickens a week as my main protein source. I dont know if they put anything bad in these things, but they are just convenient for me. I break it all down and store in a container in the fridge for the next few days. Ill usually have salmon on the 7th day.
well factory farmed chicken is full of water and tastes awful so there you go
Yeah, my LDL came up a bit high last time too, but not bad enough to warrant statins.
My epic strategy to massively improve my cholesterol by next test (~3 months):
1. plenty of lean proteins: chicken, salmon (baked and smoked), shrimp, but also bone broths, collagen peptides supplementation, creatine supplementation, but then also (a lot of) brussels sprouts, and keto bread
2. curbing down on red meat (I used to have 3 large prime ribeye steaks a week) and to a lesser extent, eggs, even though I'm sad about it.
3. plenty of *soluble* fibers. Baseline from 10g of daily psyllium husk powder, plus avocados, (a lot of) brussels sprouts, and other veggies (mostly other crucifers.)
4. some mixed nuts every day (almond, cashew, walnut, macadamia.)
5. fish oil/omega-3 supplementation (900mg/day.) Just in case.
6. olive oil is the only cooking oil used.

I'd have more weapons in my arsenal if I wasn't on a low-carb diet, but that's what I've got to play with. Hopefully it's enough to get some happier numbers next time.

I'm also going to start a slightly ridiculous supplement stack (blueprint) that almost certainly has more stuff to reduce cholesterol in it, so I've got that going for me too.
I'm told the skin isn't the healthiest thing to eat, but all in all, it's a lot of lean proteins for remarkably little money. I average one chicken a week so I don't get sick of the stuff.
I make penance for all that delicious sinful chicken skin by drinking 10g of psyllium husk powder along with it.
Just remember that you do not want to lose WEIGHT, you want to lose FAT. The 180 cm guy who has 5 kg of fat, 20 kg of lean muscle, and 50 kg of whatever else will weigh the exact same as the 180 cm guy with 5 kg of lean muscle, 20 kg of fat, and 50 kg of whatever. Except the first guy will look a lot more lean.

A scale is a quick and easy way to see progress, it's just weight. But the harder to measure parts are what you should care about. Body fat% and circumferences. Even BMI can be deceiving since it's based entirely on weight in relation to height. You could be a 5% body fat bodybuilder and have an extremely high BMI just because you're 120 kg and mostly muscle.
>lose quite a bit of weight
>get burned out on dieting, start eating whatever (mainly a lot of sugars), gain some weight back
>now, starting diet again
>suddenly, the entire family is an expert on diet
>if i i eat potatoes it's bad because they have carbohydrates (they eat ice cream and bread daily)
>if i eat a large volume of chicken breast i'm getting fat because it's a lot of food (the two cheese sandwiches they ate for breakfast were 700 calories each)
>if i eat fruit to satisfy sugar cravings it's now suddenly the main reason i'm fat (they just snack on 500kcal chocolate instead)
>if i say anything, they just bring up how i've gained weight recently and so i'm definitely in the wrong
I hate this so fucking much. I can't even dispute it but it's just objectively their retardation. I gained weight due to gorging out on sweets for a month or two, and now I've completely dropped them but they still feel so justified to give me advice on how to lose weight. God I fucking hate discussing diet with anyone irl
>waaaahhh my family thinks I'm fat because I'm an idiot but the real reason is that I'm an idiot waaahh
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keep lifting and hitting prs
that's all I have to do
it's the reality check I need to responsibly estimate calories all year-round
So let me be an even bigger idiot and listen to them, right? Stop eating potatoes, chicken breast, and fruit is what you're saying?
Shitty fat cunts will say whatever they can to discourage you and keep you also being a shitty fat cunt. Do your best to ignore their vitriol.
not that same guy but yes, fatties have no business eating potatoes, and fruit is for children and women
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>be losing weight and gaining muscle
>trip while jogging in forest
>do some flips and shit during the fall
>cant jog for a week or so because rock hit knee
>wrist is busted for a few months
>couldn't even lift a dinner plate with it for weeks
I tried to get back into it today but I'm basically back at the beginning.
When does the pink/purple colour go away from where the scabs were?
No, just do what you know is right and don't whine to us. The reason you're talking about them here instead of to them is because you have not cultivated the backbone necessary to explain yourself in a way that can shut them up.
We all love your mom.
>you have not cultivated the backbone necessary to explain yourself in a way that can shut them up
I can't help but think that the people who say shit like this are shut-ins. You do know some people will never accept any arguments or change their views, right?
>I'm basically back at the beginning.
you're not, you're injured. Give it time, eat protein to help your body rebuild and you'll be fine.
In this case I do want to lose weight. That's what my goal is about. The goal has to be measurable for it work.
It's pretty bad. Out of like 1200 only one severely obese person (BMI > 40) will ever reach a healthy body weight. Yeah dieting and exercising is largely a meme. But there's two things to keep in mind, a lot of these stats are gathered from populations of people that are in hospitals, these are fat people who failed multiple attempts to lose weight and are therefore under study. So there's some selection bias. Of course a lot of really fat people who lose weight never get counted. Second, a lot of fat people and normies in general are dumb as fuck, know next to nothing about how to actually count calories and what to eat. I've known really educated obese people with PhDs in the sciences who don't own a food scale and don't know 1g fat = 9 kcal, 1g protein/carb = 4kcal. They just restrict carbs, whatever that means in their mind, don't know how to factor in the oil they use when cooking, so and so on. They don't know how weigh out dry ingredients and work out the calories in stuff like rice. So keep that in mind, also a lot of people because they can't properly calorie count do really restrictive diets that have a super, almost 100% fail rate eventually. That and these people don't understand the importance of getting their blood work done such as checking if their thyroid works or vitamin D (among other vitamins) is at a healthy level. They don't emphasize good sleep. So they go into losing weight like retards. I am not a chud but weight loss is probably futile for 95% of people, however that's in large part due to most people being very fucking dumb and unable to count calories, modify their behavior appropriately (like going to bed early and get enough rest), adopting an easy but effective exercise regime like walking 30 minutes a day and being patient.
Shutting people up doesn't require them to agree with you, nor do you need to convince everyone of your arguments for all of them to stop bothering you. You are here for validation, that your feelings are real and your way of thinking is correct in spite of disagreement from your peers. This occurs because you are juvenile. If you were mature, you could stand your ground, tell them they're stupid to their face, mock their eating habits and move on without going to your computer to whine for validation and sympathy. The only reason you were motivated to write that whine piece is because you were angry, and there is no reason to be angry at things you are not in control of. You are angry because you know you could have reacted better, if you weren't a pussy.
> mainly a lot of sugars
you didn't get fat eating sugar, you got fat eating fat.

> they eat ice cream
ice cream isn't a pure source of carbs, it's mostly fat. ice CREAM. damn people nowadays are retarded

low carb people are always pretty dumb, does your family support trump/antivaxx too?
>you didn't get fat eating sugar
sugar is a ton of calories. surplus calories are why you get fat.
Well if you want to lose 1 kg in 10 days, remember there are 7700 calories in 1 kg of fat (3500 calories in 1 lb). 7 days is a deficit of 1100 per day.

If your BMR is 1800, put in 600 calories of movement. Then you have 1300 calories of leeway for eating everyday. Drink nothing but water, do a shitton of cardio, and eat 1-2 small meals. Chew gum, brush your teeth, take a nap, go to bed early, do whatever you need to avoid going back to eat more. A 1/4 cup serving of raw almonds is 180 calories, but they're filling, good for you, take more calories to digest than most food, and you shit out a decent amount of calories from then. Recommendations for lifting and protein isn't just to make you big, it's to make sure your muscles aren't being eaten away when you want to be losing fat.

I did this a couple years ago, the goal should be to aim for a specific body fat percentage. I know it's daunting to think about doing this for a long time, you want to be done by a certain point so you've set benchmarks. I lost over 30 kg in 6 months, and now I'm trying to lose another 26. But I know I'm going to need some lean muscle for some aesthetic purpose.
What does chewing gum do? Just to avoid eating?
how long has the nun anon been posting? did they start really fat, are they struggling, have they already achieved their goals and are just sticking around to post nun anime girls?
Yeah, my gum is 5 calories for two pieces. If I'm chewing gum, I don't want to take it out to eat other food. Even if the gum has reached the point of being flavorless, my mouth still tastes like strong mint, and I've never wanted to eat right after brushing my teeth.

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