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i've never seen a 24hr webm
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>girl hates her body
>thinks becoming a boy will do the trick
>needs to lose 120 pounds JUST TO GET TO A BMI of 45

That means if she's 5'2 she needs to get down to 250 pounds and she's at 370 right now.
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To a certain degree I have to respect that she is being honest and refusing to make rationalizations.
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goblinx general
I dont get the pic, what am i looking at?
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it's just some moron forcing a meme that certainly isn't funny now and was barely funny in the first place
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its a picture of some fat chick who will occasionally trip on /fit/. if you weren't here a couple months ago for the female improvement general threads then you definitely missed out on some extreme shitposting.
Has she gotten fatter?
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Honestly she and whoever is paying to keep her alive would all be better off if she just roped. Not even in a mean way but there are zero positives from this person being alive
Damm, she dropped loot
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> drops loot like gta
who gets the KO in this situation?
>girl thinks becoming a boy will do the trick
Female to male never makes sense. Why choose to live life as the worse gender.
>Female to male never makes sense
it makes as little sense as male to female
>the worse gender
tranny warning. don't do it bro
I started off being like "I understand, I have empathy for you, I'll use your pronouns of choice, I'm not going to say you're a woman but you're a trans woman" and now I am realizing that all of those things are gateway drugs to the coapting of female sports, and the word female, and the word woman, and breast feeding, and child bearing, and menstruation, all the things that are under, solidly, the list of what is a woman, and I'm really done. I'm done. There is no such thing as somebody who is born a biological man who is secretly a woman, who can become a woman. At best you are a transwoman, and even that I'm wrestling with. I really am. I don't even really understand what that is. You're a "trans person." You're really a biological man that's got some gender confusion issues, and my heart goes out to you, but you are not a woman. Dylan Mulvaney, you put on a dress, you take a bunch of estrogen to grow something that approximates baby breasts, I don't know what those are. That's not what a woman is. You will never be a woman. You can have the surgery, Dylan says they're getting bottom surgery. Go ahead, have your penis chopped off, you're still not a woman. Getting a surgeon to cut a hole down there doesn't make you a woman. You don't know the first thing about being a woman. You have no idea what the average woman has been through the course of her life, the challenges we have, the beauty of being a woman, the softness of being a woman, AND YOU NEVER WILL. You're never going to have it, no matter how many surgeries, no matter how many hormones, and I'm done engaging in this fiction. I'm done. I have empathy, I have compassion, but I am not willing to abandon truth in the name of sparing feelings.
I unironically cannot tell these people apart, they all look like unrecognizable fat blobs without any defining characteristics.
To me that one looks like 'obese girl with glasses #21'
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>Actively become the worst possible male version of themselves
Jesus, no wonder they detrans so much consideringthey basicallywent straight past average man difficulty and slammed into nightmare mode. A 5'3, fat, weak, probably shy and feminine man is like the absolute worst things you can be,
Does the skinny girl score the knockout or does the wall or floor get the knockout here?
I love how money flies out of her like in a Saint’s Row game
She would be a hot soulless husk if she lost all that weight.
>money flies out
lol, like in Mario when you stomp on goombas and get a coins
She has a cute face, but it also looks like she has that incredibly smooth featureless filter skin. And her face is a completely different color than the rest of her. Why would someone filter their face but do nothing for the terrifying level of obesity?
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It is her and you're right. Some of these are all identically fat and I can barely tell them apart.
These seem self aware
Lord Almighty, being fat is one thing but this lip piercing of whatever it is looks so fucking disgusting
the camera quaking at every step always gets me
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Nah, the ground shaking is an edit made by someone from here. It's not present in the original.
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Yeah except ftm. Testosterone is a hell of a drug, and especially for some of these troons that I’ve been on hormonal therapy for most of their lives. For female that never went through puberty and has only ever had testosterone in her system, yeah she never developed breast so there’s no top surgery, the bone structure naturally grows the way that a man’s would, jaw fills out. It is creepy to think about, but this really does look just like a man, with no dick or balls.
Telling them they look unnatural and they’ll never resemble the sex. They’re going for only works on men trying to be women, and even then that really doesn’t matter if the dude never had testosterone in his system. It’s not just grown 30-year-old men in dresses, or bitter fat old women or even just women in their 20s that went to college and were radicalized. Some of them started as actual children and they know that they pass. You need to focus on the actual ramifications and consequences, like permanent and unchangeable infertility, the fact that they can never change their mind at this point.
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I mean, she’s way too fat anyway, she would never look normal no matter what she was going for, but Poners have it ridiculously easy. Literally just cut your hair short and get in the gym and get on a cycle. They’re already on testosterone, hit the gym and you’ll look like you just had a strange medical condition that required invasive surgery. It’s not that hard unless you’re short.
not even that, they will become a man that is 5'3 and no matter how well he passes he'll be an effeminate small man who gets picked on for his height.
>The fucking camera shaking like a glass of water in a Jurassic Park movie.

Top tier kek
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5’7” and handsome for a man does them just fine. Some of them are just girls that were unreasonably tall by the age of 12 and decided it would be better just to be a man instead of an Amazonian woman. Seriously, you just can’t keep telling them that they’re too short to be a man, they’ll never be rough and rugged like a man, or have the musculature. You are actively encouraging them, because they already meet the standards that you’re saying they never will.
New game +
This is bad even for chubby chaser standards.
I've seen pooners in real life. In pictures they may look like they pass but when you see them in person you see how small they are. Even if they are a 5'8 they still have dainty hands and move very feminine. It's also to say nothing of their feminine behavior they can't mask.
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A lot of women truly believe the male privilege meme and think life will get better if they transition. The bottom 90% of men are invisible to women so when they imagine their life as a man they are thinking they'll be the Chads they fantasize about.
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>be at family dinner
>some how get on the topic of drug use
>conversation is primarily between centrist/boomer lite dad and younger liberal sister are going at it, illegal vs decriminalization, jail vs rehab, etc
>try to change subject with my brother, who's commenting on how much better I'm looking since loosing weight/working out
>family chimes asking about stuff, and I mention i've fasted here and there to help
>sister loses her mind begins telling me it's all an eating disorder and that you literally can't go a day without food and doctors will tell you l it's bad but just because she bordering on over weight via bmi (which doctors use to be cruel to fat people obviously) it shouldn't be trusted because being a couple pounds away from overweight is skinny still and people are beautiful at any size
>dad thinks my efforts at losing weight are something not everyone is capable of holding themselves to therefore "live and let live, why do you worry about what they do with their lives?"
Why do people go to such lengths and leaps of logic to defend fat people? What do they honestly gain from it?
Hard to believe this happened, but it definitely could have. Grim!
Trips that I don’t disagree with, but who says they’re going for Women? Some women even find that shit endearing, it’s like their best ever friend, but it’s an attractive man! Even better if they’re going for men, theyre a perfect Twink. Perfect for bisexual dudes, too, they get the appeal of what looks like a soft feminine man and all the perks of sex with a pussy. As long as someone isn’t fat or ugly or in a high competition area they will get fucked
There’s a different webm of this same fight that starts with the fatty shoving the fit woman at weigh in, where after the ref pours water on fatty’s head, fatty’s trainer brings her a coke while she’s laying there on the canvas. I laughed like a retard for like 20 minutes when I saw it, but I didn’t save it and I’m ashamed.
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it is the biggest cope related to trans people
they have such small frames and woman brains that even the ones who lift are onions as fuck ive seen a few irl and none even look like they are on test they just have PCOS
on a side note I saw this 7 foot tall black tranny at the chinese buffet recently, I didn't look it in the eye because it just looked like mike tyson in drag
>Switch to [BEAST]
>Ora Doushita?!
This shit baffles me. If they want to feel good naked without putting in the effort, fine. Why is it our obligation to help them get there? Why should we retrain our brains to help them feel better when they won't retrain their brains to get fit?

Delusional entitlement. R4k8

I'm a tard.
>I wish I could just agree to the risks of surgery (including death)
Damn thing didn't even transition yet and already wants to die.
I find the idea of a femboy with a pussy deeply disturbing
0/10 would rather fuck a femboy with a cock or a normal woman
It's like how mixing two foods that you like sometimes just results in vomit
On the other hand, you were at a Chinese buffet, so I can't imagine you're a prime specimen of human physicality yourself.
MSG has good macros
Chocolate covered shrimp. Yeah.
>I would rather fuck a man's anus and smear shit all over my dick than fuck a woman's vagina
Libs are just retarded, but for boomers, while they're also retarded, have the additional problem that they grew up in a pre-slop era (at least not to our modern extent) and as a result are nutritionally illiterate because they didn't need to know anything to maintain a healthy weight. Then to put the cherry on top they started getting bombarded with food industry propaganda like dietary fat making you fat. This make easy for them to buy into fat logic because they typically don't even know what a calorie is.
>Fuck an asshole, that was originally there on the person
>Fuck a wound that was surgically put there and needs constant maintenance to not close up

Seems like it's an obvious answer for gay anons. They're gay, they don't want to fuck a vagina. That's what makes them gay.
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A (fat) cousin is accusing me of having anorexia at family events. For some perspective I'm 165lbs at 5' 8" (male) and I eat 2500 calories a day, I know this because I track them all on an app every fucking day, which is apparently "disordered behavior." I just laughed it off at first but now some family members close to her keep messaging me and asking if I'm okay, I'm not sure how to respond to this.
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the princess in her carriage
>true scum
wtf do they not read things before naming
Stop taking what she said at face value, and think about WHY she said it. Might there have been emotions at work? Why would a fat person try to insult a skinny person you think?
Why would a fat person publicly declare that being skinny is wrong?
>psychology of a fattie in denial: pt1
>start by acknowledging one's obesity
>observe that the people who are not obese get preferential treatment (this is key, the halo effect exists; thin is beauty for the vast majority of the population, and is reinforced by our expressions of beauty in media)
>feel a sense of inadequacy at one's own lack of beauty and social acceptance
>negative emotions fester; psychological damage is inflamed by the general population's ire toward you for merely existing
>attempt to make positive change in your life by working towards a better physique so that you too can enjoy a better social life and improved health
>fail miserably as a result of misinformation, unpreparedness, a lack of resolve, and life getting in the way
>go through multiple cycles of attempting to thwart one's own obesity and failing
>develop feelings of anxiety, depression, self hatred, and worse
>seek emotional and social support for your issues
>get indoctrinated by a very cherry picked and biased "education" that fills your head with the notion that you're a victim
>although some of the body of evidence suggests that external factors play a large part in obesity, this rhetoric is used to blame an imagined oppressor for crimes suffered that resulted in one's physical and mental problems
>never are techniques for making the right personal choices or taking responsibility for maintaining one's lifestyle developed
>this oppression olympics is further facilitated by rhetoric from other schools of thought such as the feminism and LGBTQIA movements, which teach the folly of our current paradigm at the hands of invisible oppressors (whether those ideologies make valid points or not is irrelevant; the comparison merely exists to illustrate how one framework of thought can be taken and applied to another subject or worldview)
>develop a victim complex
>psychology of a fattie in denial: pt2
>with one's newfound education, come to the conclusion that the world is wrong about how it perceives obesity
>the obese aren't diseased, they're otherwise normal human beings who live normal lives and are merely oppressed by a society of those who condemn them for no reason
>emerge from this realization with a newfound sense of self righteousness
>convince yourself that you're making positive change for a more equitable society with every instance of "resistance" you make
>make it your mission to screech to the heavens that such a bias against obesity exists, waste no effort in "fighting the good fight" against such discrimination
>feel a sense of smug satisfaction at your brave and revolutionary stance against the status quo
>all the while revel in the new set of standards, penned by your hand and that benefit you, that you believe society should adhere to
>attempt to use existing non-formal and institutional channels to spread your ideology
I'm well aware that she's just angry that I'm not fat. I guess for some history I hadn't seen her in person in a few years and since she's been coming around to family stuff more she saw that I'm not a big fat fuck anymore, and she's been a vocal proponent of health at every size stuff for years now. I'm just a little confused as to why anyone in the family is taking her seriously.
cant wait to see them seethe when he wins again
Call it out as jealousy and rebuff them. Cite your BMI as needed as evidence that your weight is appropriate. You don't even need to turn it around on them. They'll figure it out.

That or go full grey rock with them when they talk about it. They'll either stop talking about it or stop talking altogether.

My mother keeps telling me my healthy weight goal of 170 would be "emaciated" even though it's firmly in my normal bmi. Meals when my family visits my parents are strained because I'm the only one who can lose weight. Gray rock on diet talk works great.
kek, the ozempic troll is on reddit too
He should have just let her run, and done a fast walk to keep up. She wouldn't have gotten much further and would have slammed her head into the floor on her own.
She's seething because you're living breathing proof that it's possible to manage weight through diet and exercise when the keystone of her victimhood worshipping worldview is that such a thing is impossible.
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That and the terribly disgusting frog voice. Have you seen the new trailer for the Ellen Paige movie she’s making about being a retarded tranny to her poor family? It’s fucking hard to listen to her. And the whole movie is about crying to her family, needing hugs, and trying to be accepted by them too. You know, man shit. Really manly man shit like crying to your mommy about something a big meanie said five years ago.
Same style/aesthetic
Same with TIMs who “pass”. Online they can “pass” using angles, filters, and taking 40k pictures until they get a “good” looking picture, but in person the man body is as obvious as it is with drag queens or Eddie Izzard.
>rebuff them. Cite your BMI as needed as evidence that your weight is appropriate.
This is extremely difficult without sounding like an asshole. Especially if the fat family is taking her side, if you go defensive that will come off as what they will call insecurity.
Problem is you're punching down, she's punching up. You are above fatties in the social hierarchy, so they can make fun of you all they want, but making fun of a fat person is frowned upon. This is simply how it is. My black girlfriend can joke all she wants about my white privilege and that she wants caramel children, but if I say I like black booty it'll come across as shallow
If people are anti-fasting they basically just know nothing about how the human body works. Probably because their brains are clogged up with glycated proteins. They could get rid of those glycated proteins using fasting. Sad!
What do you have to do to get fat in such a way that you get a belly roll in the shape of the Florida pan-handle? What is going on here? That’s fucked.
>the state can bury me
fuck you, why do we have to pay for it, you fat fuck?
respond that you’re okay and they instead need to talk to fat cousin about their weight because they are hurting themselves and stupid enough to think that mindful eating is a disorder.
>there is only one person smart enough to see that Ozempic is the cure for obesity and must be promoted to the obese
I am flattered you think so highly of me.
Truscum are trannies who think the only true trannies are the ones who have gender dysphoria and that the trannies who believe they are non-binary gender fluid foxkin aren’t real trannies. It’s a derogatory name based off the no true scotsman fallacy by the utterly retarded gender spectrum trannies.

Truscum are old school trannies and are the more correct trannies, but they’re still wrong because humans can never change our sex. If they’re clownfish then they’re welcome to be trannies as much as they want.
>muh $2500 couch for obeasts
Just give Casey a pile of hay in the barn.
No thought to the doctors/ anesthesiologists who’d have their lives ruined cause a fatty died getting cosmetic mutilation…”elective surgery”.
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>Their couch is broken and it was the only place where Casey could cook food
1) that’s pathetic and disgusting
2) she should stop eating anyway so cooking is a non-issue
3) she is lying because she never cooked anything, just reheated frozen slop or ordered takeout
>cook food
You don't become 350 pounds on homecooked meals. By cooking she means turning on the microwave
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Trigglypuff is such an odd creature. I remember all the memes on it back in 2016 but I don't think anybody identified the creature. Surely it has or had some socials.
>Ozempic is the cure for obesity
A healthy carnivore diet does the exact same thing for your body without all of the side effects. You’d lose more weight too.
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Took me a sec but kek.
Clearly you've never seen a fatty slathering a box of heavy cream on a whole pack of pasta and eating it.
based drag queen
“Cooking” pasta isn’t cooking either. It’s just rehydrating and warming precooked slop. It’s one rung above baking a premade frozen pizza at best.
Not nearly enough advertisements on their clothing. They could easily fit in some Starbucks logos and the Walmart monthly circular.
Wrong conversion therapy, Milo
If fatties were capable of sticking to a strict diet they wouldn't be fat.
Yeah I don't count that as cooking. It's not cooking unless you are cutting vegetables and choosing seasoning
They’d have a hard time suing them when death is a known possibility, especially if the surgery was against medical advice because of the disgusting degree of the obesity, but the doctors could still be sued for it, even if they signed a contract saying that they “can’t” be sued for something. But people also can’t force a doctor to surgery them, the doctors can always refuse so this pooner is out of luck there.

Like I guess the doctors could be a bit mentally fucked up by the death, but it’s a super morbidly obese pooner so I don’t really see how. It’s basically euthanasia.
The facial flab, and absolute lack of muscle control makes it hard to tell if the white one is disgusted or aroused. She's probably both, because she's ultimately not as picky as she claims to be.
>Uses plural pronouns
>Mental and physical illnesses listed
>Begging for handouts instead of changing anything about themselves
Every single fucking time.
I know a black dude who's like 6'4" and looks like he could be a linebacker. He's a little pudgy, but his real problem is that he dresses like this and hunches a little. It makes him look completely harmless. The dude could own any room he walked into, but instead he looks like a bitch.
I fucking miss him, glad he got over the gay.
>the brisket I smoked for 12 hours isn’t cooking
Cooking meat takes more skill than veggies. It’s a lot harder to overcook veggies than meat and veggies use more forgiving cooking methods like boiling or steaming.
I'll never forget the first time I saw Buck Angel. I'd only ever seen stills, where she looks like a grizzled biker. Then I saw a video, and the voice made me kek out loud. That and, despite trying to be the poster child for empowered FTMs, she still moves and talks like a female.
Boomers also were more likely to have physical jobs, so they could eat more and still burn it off. My mother in law learned how to cook in order to feed farmers, and she still cooks that way. She thinks everybody will die if they don't get 4000 calories a day. She's also european, so she is afraid that the ghosts of every female ancestor will haunt her if she changes one bit of any recipe that she learned from her mother.
fuck them. spit in her hamplanet face fuguratively
I'm impressed by the skidplate bumper thing on that dude's scooter. It also looks like it could double as a recovery point when his motors overheat.
When the fuck did the word "Pooner" become a thing anyways? Pretty new to me.
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>I'm not sure how to respond to this.
Don't respond to her, but when people ask if you're ok, just reply with "never been better, why do you ask?" If they mention that they heard you were messed up, just assure them that they've unfortunately been misinformed. If they tell you who told them, then that's you're opportunity to gaslight them back and imply that she's been going through a rough patch and has been saying some things she doesn't mean. Now you've cast yourself as reasonable and fair, with a healthy bit of concern for her. YMMV, but this approach has served me well when I dealt with a psycho relative.
The cut off all caps rage gets me every time
You think someone who dresses in drag has actually gotten over being gay? He clearly still craves cocks.
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>Don't tell them that I'm trans!
>#lgbtw #lgbtqia #lgbt #ftm #transman #transguy #transftm #hrt #trans #transmasc #transg ... See more
I actually matched with her on okcupid many years ago. She told me that she had sex with 8 men that month. I don't think I have the picture anymore but I can try to find it.
You'll never get anywhere using science. Just talk about how good you feel, how much energy you have, how many fun things you get to do now that you weren't able to do before, and how it makes you feel happy. Her own ideology is unable to counter your "feelings".
That one is from before his conversion
At this point, why not just throw a mattress down on the floor?
I know a dude who used to be a flaming faggot. It all stemmed from being raped as a child by a family friend over the course of several years. He's better now, has a wife and kids, picket fence, the whole shebang. He told me still gets those cravings sometimes, kind of like cigarette smokers do when they get a whiff. What keeps him straight is how many of his former friends have died of horrible diseases and drugs or just live miserable shitty lives.
he was still living with his black boyfriend well after his "conversion"
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it's /tttt/ slang, coming from poon meaning a woman's vagina
Please do, I want to sight La Creatura outside of some uni's auditorium.
These are just botched implants so not /fph/, I'd throw it into general woman hate. Still, what the fuck leads someone down this path?
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that's adipose tissue. she is overweight. a plastic surgeon might have rearranged the fat, but she's still fat, anon
>he needs to be:
>6’ tall
>have 6” penis
>make 6-figures
>be able to lift 600lbs
Attention addiction. Social media is like cocaine to women
>boomers pre slop
Many clearly didn't recognize the transition to slop because plenty of them now make up the obesity numbers
social media is to women what porn is to men
I wonder who is behind both of them and what their ultimate goal was
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Holy fuck anon you're right...
Adult men are either 1 or 6 no middle ground
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>The bottom 90% of men are invisible to women so when they imagine their life as a man they are thinking they'll be the Chads they fantasize about.

>social media is to women what porn is to men

I hope you'll accept my humble nikpost for your insights.
Would you pay more or less for the slices under her feet?
>Lost a ton of weight this year, no specific diets I just quit soda and started only eating when I was hungry
>Fatties keep asking me how I lost so much weight so fast and always get pissed when I tell them
The worst part is, I was only "kinda fat" at my heaviest so my weight loss isn't even that fast, these people that are shaped like spheres could lose so much more weight with barely any diet changes.
I'd throw her and the pizza into the trash then sue her for trying to give me food poisoning.
I always give them the classic:
>I found out what I had to eat
Most find it funny but I did get a fatty coworker mad with this one once.
Damn. I’d love to drop a fatty and out pops cash. This would make a great prime time game show. Drop the fatty cash.
What’s a ton? I lost 45lbs but that was like 24% of my body weight and I was unfortunately at like 35BMI. Still fielding anorexia allegations, ozempic allegations, etc
anon, this is about ftm. The vagina is natural, them looking like a twink is the artificial part. The benefit is that a pussy feels better to fuck, and you get a masculinized girl which usually means tgey have a small twink frame. For gay/bi tops attracted to male-ish bodies and not to cocks it seems like a good idea. Big plus is also that they will often have penis envy and worship your cock/be willing to suck like mad and get good at it
70 pounds over about a year and a half, I was terrified of scales for a long while so it's hard to give an exact window.
Lots of men are really only as deep as category 5, but you're basically right
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Actually, thought-provoking and insightful. Kinda lost it at the end. I will think about this and try to figure out what the real end goal of delusional fatties and the fat acceptance movement is.
Thank you for your service
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You wouldn't because you're a beta faggot
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>let me just try to get in a swing from the sidelines, what's he gonna do, hit a WOMAN?
Nah, having a son is new game +
Ftm is joining a competitive server in some highspeed game because you're tired of animal crossing.
>Getting hormones injected in your before puberty
Listen nigger it's only 2024 you're going to have to wait a few more years for castrating babies to be hip, let alone not kill themselves before adulthood.
You can get fat just fine on high effort home cooked food involving vegetables, it's just about portion size and how much oily shit/carbs you're adding. I could definitely get fat on my homemade spaghetti bolognese if I tried, for example. That shit is calorie dense as fuck.
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The big debate has been about puberty blockers, so that children never go through their natural puberty. It’s perfectly legal and totally unrestricted in plenty of states.
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That jiggle action tho.
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Hnnng any Italian food would work, anything neat and cheese. A lovely home made pie, quick bread, really any baked goods. It’s calories not just where it comes from.
RAANT. Maybe I should quiet down
Lol. Story?
Puberty blockers help transgender people have a better transition. The end goal is passing and having to endure puberty makes that difficult.
I wonder how many of those were hate-fucks after watching the vid.
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And it’s evil. It’s sterilizing children who have zero ability to consent. Zero. The child cannot ever consent, they don’t understand.
It probably causes all kinds of permanent developmental issues. I mean, you can't just "pause" puberty. If you don't have sex hormones, your body will grow into adulthood without sex hormones and your brain will develop without sex hormones. Stopping puberty blockers later just results in some secondary sexual characteristics being tacked on top of an adult eunuch body and adult eunuch brain. The consequences are obviously going to be extremely far-reaching and irreversible.
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They also keep the penis from growing, enabling trannies to get the inside-out penis deconstruction into fake vagina operation. This is what happened to Jazz.
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If only you knew how bad things really are
Jazz's case was really he sad. He was a Palestinian orphan adopted by a Jewish family in order to turn into a sacrifice to Moloch.
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Good news; Jazz 2.0 in a few more years.
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Does anyone have the video of that chick with the ranch fountain
Says the guy whiteknighting on /fit/ of all places.
>The child cannot ever consent
okay anon, now tell me whether you think transition is life-saving (you don't)
/tttt/ranny here, puberty blockers are bullshit to keep the cissies happy
if we had it our way we'd actually just start hrt normally and nothing bad would happen
So what happens when she gets naked with a woman and there is no dick? Or a fake dick that cant get hard?
This is implying they dont tell people theyre trans. Trannies hiding it isnt true
>with sound:
She doesnt feel good about being naked because she is a fat blob and she knows it. She just wants to blame others for her feeling insecure about her fat blobidness.
5'8" 165 is in fact a little over weight. I kniw this because I am 5'7" and all the charts I have say a normal weight for a man my height is 148 - 155. I am 165 also. So yeah, you should lose a little more if you want to be healthier.
Why would she need extra toilet paper than usual? Might be missing the joke here, but bigger bum doesn't mean a messier cleanup?
Don't think too much about it, it's at the same level as fart humour.
I'm pretty small town, so I only know a couple of your crazies. The woman who adopts a masculine role in her own life and wears a man's haircut and works for the fire department is one, an "otherkin" 00s scene girl who went for the full package of exogenous hormones and bottom surgery before intentionally crashing her car into a train is another, and a molested boy who went on puberty blockers, hormones, and finally took a month's worth of his grandmother's Temazepam while under a bridge is the third. I know anecdotes aren't proper data, but I've known the first one since she could walk, and while she was welcomed to participate in masculine activities her whole life, she never had anything you people would consider gender affirming care (unless you count her 15 years older brother preventing her aunts from trying to force her to play with dolls), but she's the only one that reached her 30th birthday. Gender dismorphia is the only body dismorphic mental illness """treated""" by encouraging the sufferer's delusion.

I find that very suspicious.
Plenty of stories of them lying and getting beaten, dumped, blacklisted, etc
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Sorry I don’t have much content rn but I do have this. Funny how she doesn’t mention her weight or size at “anorexic” but now she’s finally healthy at a size very overweight
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Example number one. Very plump and healthy!
everyone is waking up to the fact that you are deranged
tick tock.
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Funny enough, that's also another tranny.
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Example two
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>your daughter chooses not only to be an ugly uncanny man
>but a fat man
>your whole family is athletic
I thought this one was funny too
Can someone confirm if this is Larry the Cable Guy?
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Any advice that doesn't involve losing weight and improving myself to his level?
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Bonus round
Genuinely? Destroy him emotionally in such a way that he thinks he needs you, that nobody else will love or value you.
>wearing a cross while acting horny
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She found a bf
>apples, oranges, and pears
>"look! these are clearly the same thing!"
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you're autistic
Color me shocked, he looks ridiculously high, fat, and stinky.
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Holy tit say good grief! Who takes pictures like this anyway? Especially after some bad cyber bullying?
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She’s emo, plays League of Legends, loves anime, and metal music?! What a woman! Plus she says it’s all in her tits and hips!
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>5XL men's
what the fuck, she must be 350 lbs
Sounds like my ex haha
>I'm so lonely bros...

Size 16 American is actually 2 sizes bigger than size 16 UK. So if Reddit hog is from USA she’s like a UK 20.
Skinny drachenlord with a better jaw
>You need to focus on the actual ramifications and consequences, like permanent and unchangeable infertility, the fact that they can never change their mind at this point.

They are trying to go for womb transplants now so that they can actually carry babies and give birth. They somehow think this is miedically feasible and not also an extreme risk to the child.
Since when did they have a WALL-E ride?
5'9", got on a towboat and made it to 190. Powerfatty, mind you, but still fatty. My family made fun of me so fucking hard. Still placed second in our lifting competition and first in wrestling.

I lost the weight next time I was out though, back to 165.
I've been losing weight for a about 2 or 3 weeks (I'm "normal size", healthy bmi, just trying to get leaner after bulking while skinnyfat) but I've gained like 0.5 or 0/7 kg during the last 2 days. I'm eating the same stuff, is it because it's summer? I got to mention that during those 2 past days my sleep was really bad
how do you live with so much shame that your first instinct after getting slam dunked into pavement is to pull down your shirt
Yep, this. My grandma is just like that, too. She doesn't understand that my grandpa used to work cleaning chemical mills all day (in his youth, he later got less shitty positions at his company), which meant that he burned WAY more calories than I do, being a lawyer who gets ~ 45 minutes of workout on average and otherwise sits on his ass all day reading files. Her (widowed) father was a metal worker who had to do a lot of physical work as well. So when I visit her, she cooks for me like she used to cook for my grandpa and her father and is sad whenever I refuse to have a third serving of food that has like 1000 kcal per serving. Not that I don't like her food, she makes good, nutritious, tasty meals with lots of potatoes, veggies and meat, but I just can't eat this much of it without blowing up like a fat fetishist, lol. I could go OGMMAD (one grandma meal a day), eat nothing else and still gain weight, kek. My grandpa managed to eat a normal breakfast and two of her colossal 2000 kcal a day and still never got beyond "slightly chubby" (and that was after he had a less physically demanding position).
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courtesy of leddit
This. "Concern gaslighting" is an excellent strategy against such people.
This "you're too thin"-shit is insane. I used to be 120 kg (265 lbs in freedom units) at 190 cm (6'3''), so pretty damn fat. Now that I've lost 35 kg and weigh 85 kg (185 lbs), my family keeps telling me I'm way too thin, despite this being a BMI of 23 and me having about 17 % bf still. It's quite insane.
Just tell her that being anti-fasting is Islamophobic.
>she is overweight
You're insane. I'd give anything to have a real life cartoon girlfriend and this bitch is basically that.
That's the national average??? Half of women are fatter than that.
Funniest shit I've noticed is that no matter how fat they are, they always mask it by "having good proportions", or in the case of the male "mostly muscle".

I can just imagine a 300lbs fat guy in a lumberjack shirt, and her thinking he's "husky" despite being as wide in both directions.

At this point can we just consider being fat a mental illness?
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if you wanna see something adult on reddit and don't wanna sign in then just add "old" to the url.
old. reddit. com
Like that.
You can skip the sign in crap.
theyd probably break that too
if this is wrong i dont want to be right
the fuck
What the fuck type of meal was that?
Very true. Never thought about it that way
Yeah, but it's like Ellen Page. You know somethings not right even on the ones who has the best results on test and the second you have an actual man for comparison it's obvious as fuck.
Larry the Cable Guy is a fictional character so probably not
Standard g*rman fine dining
lol definitely wearing 2 or 3 inch lifts here. I ran into ellen at a film festival once and she was like 5'
how could you? she takes up the whole room.
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>get horny and decide to plapjak for a night
>find someone who is probably close to 400 pounds
>she's incredibly needy for any male attention
>figure if i just close my eyes I can imagine a hotter woman
>the whole time i really can't
>she's just so fat everywhere i grab is like a chunky thick pillow
>weird smells as well, like underneath her folds
>can't really do many positions because of her size
>tell her to get on her knees while i jack off on her face
>she does it without question because i'm probably the first man to show her attention in a while
>close my eyes and think of anything attractive
>finally muster the urge to cum
>"oh yeah, who is my hungry hungry hippo"
>"Me! I'm your hungry hungry hippo!"
>cum just leaks out on her face
>post nut clarity kicks in and I see this blob kneeling before me
>just completely utterly disgusted with myself
>hastily leave and make an excuse i have to leave
>she's telling me she had fun and would like to do it again
>she's been texting me non stop for the past couple days

She's not taking the hint and I'm probably going to have to tell her directly.
>trooning out just to become a manlet incel
its fucking funny lol
i do not envy these people
jazz would be a cute tranny if he wasnt fat and he didnt have an axe wond and if he wasnt completly dogmatic and annoying....

;p meh thats asking to much ehehehe
I wish them well, I hope that dude gets in shape and convinces her to do the same.
Did anyone tell this guy you're not supposed to get into relationships with plaps, just a regrettable one night stand?
lol the cut would freak his fat cosin out even more XD
he should say something to her like "i think i might have tapeworms or something...i just keep losing weight" or "ugh i wanna put on more weight but its so hard to get my calories!"
He looks like a 40 year old who has let a dude suck him off to pay for drugs before. Poor Plap.
See above your post, that’s her.
That’s why I posted UK and US, but weirdly the 16UK looks fatter
I’m wondering if you know what average means. Obviously the fat women don’t, they think that being average means everyone looks like you. Or everyone is like you. Average is just adding everything up and dividing by the number of things you added up. So, average weight for a female in the United States comes in because we’re adding together so many women that are over 200 pounds, and the mega that are over 300 pounds, and also included in that or all of the normal women were slightly chubby women. I know when I go to the store, I swear it’s just like I’m watching the economy in real time. There’s no middle class. I see really fat women where there’s no denying that they are just very fat, or I see women in great shape. I don’t really see chubby women.
>my hungry hungry hippo
How’d she not start crying or something?
>doll couldn’t even stay gone a week
The gay adult Catholic revert and pedophile who associated with other gay adult Catholic revert pedophiles?
>this works
Awesome, thanks man. Gets around their annoying app pushing bullshit on phones too. Always hate it when I’m trying to find information on something and I can’t because reddit pushes me to their useless app bullshit. I don’t want a reddit account, reddit is for gay homosexual faggots.
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what they should report is the median clothing size. That discards outliers on either end who throw off the average. But, they are trying to support their biased view, so they use whichever factor better supports their bias. It’s just lying with statistics.
That’s kind of a clunky definition for median. I prefer:
>the exact middle value of a sorted list
>have 5 year old child
>send 5 year old child to Mongolian Master with order for the while family
>5 year old child fits through 100% discount slot
>orders for the whole family, says it’s for him
>family’s order is completely free
Heh, nothing personnel, Genghis
Yeah, but his visual helps a lot because it shows the source of the problem. We’re looking at a lot of women that are totally acceptable weight, being dragged down by a minority that are insane inhuman weights that Should never be attainable by a human being. So now the average is 170 pounds.
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If only they’d show the data
>whos my hungry hungry hippo
I know this was a low point for you but im laughing so fuckin hard right now
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Since when did MMA get more interesting by putting fun shit like this in it? I also liked that guy built like a brick shithouse demolishing those 2 twinks at the same time.
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You need help if you actually want this. Get help, dude.
She also tends to sweat rather profusely
There was some cookie (i think) setting that was an option even without signing in to disable the "USE OUR MALWARE APP, PERHABBS?" popups, but I doubt it's still there and I have no interest in going there to find out. This was like 3 or 4 years ago
And more kids probably have persistent issues due to football. No one really gives a fuck about mods and it's laughable when people pretend over a political football. Keep hearing pundits cry about trannies that I've never seen but not calling out corporations for shrinkflation
You’re a lawyer so you probably didn’t double check your math or estimates.
>grandpa ate a normal breakfast plus 2 2000kcal meals a day and only got slightly chubby after moving to a less physically demanding position
>assume a normal breakfast is about 700kcal which is roughly 1/3 of a man’s daily calorie intake
>that means he ate 4700kcal per day
>only ever got slightly chubby so his weight is stable
>means he’s burning about 2500kcal/day at his not physically demanding job
>and this doesn’t include weekends
>if he was still really active during the weekends burning like 1200kcal per day he’d be eating about 3600kcal in excess per weekend which would equate to gaining at least a pound of fat per week.
You’re fooling yourself. He wouldn’t even burn 2500kcal at his job if it was physically demanding. Maybe if he’s pulling 16 hour shifts at the physically demanding job he could burn that much, but he’s still gaining at least a pound of fat a week on the weekends unless he worked 7 16hour shifts of a very physically demanding job a week every week.
Either your calorie estimate of your grandma’s cooking is more than double what it should be, or the human body and how it stores nutrients is a little bit more complicated than balancing a checkbook. Does your grandma use actual butter like other old people and not margarine, the shitty plant oils of which have an obesogenic effect? There’s also a possibility that your grandpa is 8ft tall and built like Schwarzenegger in his prime and would thusly burn that much more per day from having a higher BMR.
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He has an OF.
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>he has an of
one of the most pathetic things i've seen in awhile
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oh god so does his whale gf
>upwards unflattering angle
>picture is foggy because they didn’t wipe the fatty hand grease off the lens
>too lazy to check and retake it
>how could he make this mistake?
I’m assuming because they’re not that smart.
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This is kind of confirmation bias because its really easy to hide being chubby behind clothes

Got this from MyBodyGallery, you wouldnt see this woman and think "shes chubby" even though she falls very close to the average.

And yeah theres plenty of women that are 200-300lbs but I really dont think the average is as inaccurate as youd think, keep in mind in the USA 40% of the population is obese and 30% is overweight. Im gonna be generous and take 5% away from the overweight category to compensate for women who lift and have high muscle mass (probably too generous but whatever) - thats still 25% of women who fall into the "slightly chubby" category and therefore are near the average.

So we can reasonably assume that while the median might be slightly lighter than 170lbs it probably isnt that much lighter, the variance could be like 10lbs only.
https://files.catbox.moe/cyp41o.png :(
The guy is even fatter than her, shes in his league.
How do you even have sex with a creature like this

Like I cant even imagine how limiting it would be, thered be like 2 positions possible
You made this bed of worms now lie in it and tell others not to do as you have
I believed this was real until the "hungry hungry hippo" bit, trying too hard.
Are you dense this is absolutely chubby you retard
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If you say so, but I'd rather not have sex with a ftm
>I've chosen to make my life more difficult
>Why is my life difficult!?!
She is clearly sucking in her gut...
this should give you some insight. https://x.com/digsandzaza/media
this webm made me transphobic
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What impact does this one have on you ?
Why did he choose to model himself after a dike though?
Nothing makes the fake smile more fake than sticking out your tongue.
It's a self-aware-awkward response.
Like when someone lies to you and you just remain silent so they keep piling it on hoping they'll fill the silence with enough bullshit that you'll believe them.
>look how totally stoked I am about my nightmare shit life, it's so awesome that I can't just smile I need to do more to convince you
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Fat white women with no friends who make this their whole personality are the actual greatest danger to children.
Everyone can look at a male tranny and even children know to stay away.
But the female tranny variant is much less greasy and the mental illness is much less visible.
I can see her back fat through the shirt while she puffs out her chest and sucks in her gut.
I’m really scared
You're a nigger huh.
Who the fuck is paying money to see this? Go walk next to a Hot Topic is you wanna to see fat chicks in skimpy clothing
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I would drown you in a low-flow toilet with my bare hands then piss in it with your head still in it.
Then go home and sleep like a baby.
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>Fat white women with no friends
that's a very specific profile. it's also an astute observation
I kind of wish I hadn’t seen that, it’s a little bit demoralizing to know that that creature, that hideous, ugly creature, that thing that normally would die alone in squalor with50 cats… makes $3k on porn.
German TV makes American TV look downright classy
based and fabulous.
>hog handler knocked down by waves repeatedly
Absolutely humiliating. Those waves aren't even KNEE HEIGHT.
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One of my favorite gymnastics to witness is the "we need representation in media", but women are already in media everywhere.
The problem is that puberty is a requirement for the maturation of the body. The end result of somebody who has been on puberty blockers is that their bodies, including their brain, never fully develop, leading to a host of physical and mental problems.
fph turned into /pol/
There’s just a lot of overlap with obesity and retardation
>Why did he choose to model himself after a dike though?
To attract lesbians, who themselves are still attracted to maleness, so that they'll let him stick his dick in them.
It's very common that getting fit makes you sane.
>they are happier than 95% of /fph/
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>Really manly man shit like crying to your mommy about something a big meanie said five years ago.
tfw observe this as the big meanie
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Real-time plapjak in the making in /adv/ guy asking how to fuck his enormous fat gf
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>if you point out something true that makes millennial faggots seethe, then that's the same as being /pol/
Fucking grim mental images
He somehow insists that they’re actually cleaner than normal women because they’re trying to “compensate” for being fat
women are disgusting and their bodies are gross
i will never forget going into an all girls dorm at college and seeing bloody tampons and hair clogging every drain and bin or the stained fabrics just strewn on the floor
when girls don't have men to impress they turn into absolute animals
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Having your period = turning into an animal?
I grew up with a bunch of sisters and going to all-male dorm my first year of college was way worse for me. The amount of spoiled food just laying around random rooms, roommates that never washed their sheets and didn't own a vacuum or cleaning supplies, too many jacking off in the showers that the plumbing got fucked. I will forever be grateful I am not gay so I don't have to live with another guy again
KILL yourself.
You have no idea about the amount of scarring bullying does to the human mind.
I think a lot of people are just very unhygienic. Women are just extra nasty on their period because it’s rotting blood that came from them
Living in filth = turning into an animal why can't you read, fucktard?
Yeah so I do my best to never be the things that earned me torment again.
fuck #, marry SIZE, kill the rest of them

>my shoulders look great

>bf has tiny dick (of course)
>she has no ass at all despite weighing like 300lbs

Insanely cursed genetics, i feel bad for their kid if they ever reproduce. Her ass actually looks like the hank hill booty meme.
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You and her are the last 2 humans on earth and youre tasked with breeding her what do you do /fit/?

Hard mode: you CANNOT kill yourself
Since I am the only man on Earth and there are no Jewish "laws" to tell me what I can and can't do, I exert my natural rights over her. I raid a pharmacy, come home with a bag of Ozempic pens, and forcibly inject her until she reaches a normal weight. Then, and only then, do we repopulate the Earth.
Jokes on you, I'm infertile. Even if I weren't I would just let the race die.
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She's got cutting scars all over her leg. They are all so profoundly unhappy with their lives but love to pretend they enjoy being obese.
Page does not exist
I refuse. If this is going to be the mother of another whole generation of human beings, we’re fucked and I choose not to participate. Look at this fat distribution, the mental illness that contributed to this. Some mental health issues are environmentally activated, while others are innate. We know that children that come from families with anger issues will display rage issues, even if they’re never raised around people with rage. On the other hand, person with schizo effective disorders tend not to display symptoms unless they are raised in an environment that encourages it or activates it. I would really rather not ever engage in this.
But, if For whatever reason I absolutely have to, I’m just gonna come in a cup and Let her turkey baster herself.
No, the end goal is selling expensive surgeries and put them on a lifelong pharma subscription. I thought you people hated Big Pharma and now you're doing marketing for them?
she is bulking and cutting at the same time
Sorry sweaty but /fit/ is a health board. It's not their fault that obesity correlates with LGBTQIA+ boutique liberal bullshit. There is certainly plenty of overlap.
Do zoomers even know about Ren & Stimpy?
Impressive levels of mental illness to be able to cut yourself this deeply.
Pretty sure that being considered fuckable isn't recognized anywhere as a human right, however much ugly fat chicks might wish it were so.
What is she going through? Besides flesh and meat and fat.
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OldLander extension works on mobile browsers too, no account shit necessary
First things first: lock up all the food. Bitch already shows she can’t ration food.
Second: get a supply of brown paper bags
I just busted a nut
yeah sure I'm trying to compensate for being retarded by using convoluted wording but a minute in my presence and you just know im denser than cast iron
her hair is so gross wtf, when is the last time she washed her hair?
the only reason it's easy for her to cut through is because it's all fat
t. skinny cutter
Gay bros are a part of gym culture though
...it's an appropriate webm then. it's appropriate for /fph/
it's /fph/ and what better way to hate on fat people than by showcasing their mental illness?
this should be posted everywhere
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Okay. Fine. Let's do a quick survey. Are ALL gay guys fit? No. In fact, there are different categories of guys that gay dudes go for, and the overweight "bear" is a huge deal for them. Architects always get shit for liking chubby/fat bitches, but no one ever gives your /fit/ gay bros any shit for their fat fetishes.
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>calculate TDEE
>measure food
>count calories
>lose weight

Stop making excuses, fatties. YOU KNOW WHAT TO DO.

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i have lost around 25kg in 4 months by just stop fapping, stop eating bread, lifting 2 or 3 times a week and stop eating after 7pm.

i don't know if it's good enough, but it is working for me.
I think she has the face of a hag in her 50s and a lumpy fat body stuffed in too small pants to make it look kinda smooth
>it's appropriate for /fph/
yes, i was pointing it out for people going "wowww how does she cut through that much"
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Disgusting puffy faced cow. I wonder what she looks like without the clothing? You know they sell a lot of clothing now for fat women that add extra padding to make it look like they have good fat distribution?
Yeah, but a locker room blowjob amongst bros isn't really gay.
nta, but you can fuck right off with that autist bullshit. You're clearly coming from a position of ignorance when it comes to anything being discussed. Maybe the numbers don't line up completely, but the underlying story holds true for that entire generation.
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>Gay bros are a part of gym culture though
Go be a faggot somewhere else.
Aah this air in this thread smell like underground losers, so
foh fgt
i can only imagine that she tried to make an alsacian sausage salad, but she fucked up twice at every step
you woudn't use Fleischwurst but Lyoner, also cut differently
you woudn't use Goude but Emmentaler, also cut differently
no mayonaisse with sugar but a vinaigrette
also pickles

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