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>Who is /fat/ for?
For Adipose Animals who are working towards a longer life and a better physique through meaningful hard-work, strategy, and dedication. This is not QTDDTOT, stick to questions on fat loss. Post height and weight when asking for advice.
Join our Fatty Contest: https://www.fattycontest.com/

>What do I do first?
1. Read https://physiqonomics.com/fat-loss/
2. Calculate your Body Fat Percentage: https://fitness.bizcalcs.com/Calculator.asp?Calc=Body-Fat-Navy
3. Calculate your TDEE: https://www.sailrabbit.com/bmr/
Remember to use bodyfat% and use Katch-McArdle Formula with sedentary settings or your TDEE will be too high.
4. Plan your weight loss: https://www.losertown.org/eats/cal.php
5. Track your nutrition with MyFitnessPal (better for packaged food), Cronometer (better for generic food/macros) or LoseIt (great for both).

>Now what?
Count calories, all of them.
Eat about 500-1000 less calories than your TDEE.
Buy scales, be accurate.
Learn to cook. Try to stick to lean protein and green vegetables.
Eat a lot of protein. 0.72g per pound of goal lean body mass.
Doing cardio, even just walking, will improve your health. There is no such thing as a healthy fat heart, but you can offset the risks.
Lifting weights will keep and gain muscle mass and burn fat much quicker. No lifting results in the body burning away muscle AND fat.
Drink more water.
Read the /fit/ sticky: https://liamrosen.com/fitness.html

Eat refined sugars, they're terrible for you regardless of calories.
Eat processed foods.
Drink your calories (alcohol, soda, Starbucks).
Freak out over a weight loss stall. Plateaus can last up to three weeks.
"Reward" yourself. Cheat days cheat only yourself.

>Other resources:
Loose skin, gynecomastia & stretch marks: https://weight-loss-side-effects.netlify.app/
Reddit Wiki: https://www.reddit.com/r/loseit/wiki/faq

Previous thread: >>74714155
Oh no. She ate the footprint burger.
Another failure of willpower. Was weed involved?
will a nun have sex with me if I lose weight?
only if you're a nun yourself, from what I hear.
after all, nun knowns nun. biblically speaking.
better than being a smoker
can I be a tranny nun?
Good luck anon
you ate the subject field :(
I knew I forgot something. Well, people already showed up so I'm not going to delete and recreate. I'll remember next time I make one.
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accidentally hit my TDEE
guess I'll do an hour of cardio
Hit a plateau for 3 weeks now, what the fuck should I do? I think my calories are low enough to be losing, should I just starve myself?
feels impossible to get my heart rate up before something else in the system is under unsustainable pressure doing cardio, anyone experience this?
OMAD. Eat 80% of the calories you're eating currently in one sitting, then don't eat for the rest of the day. Once you're used to it, there will be no hunger as you lose weight.

Are you exceedingly obese (280+lbs)? A chain smoker? I'm guessing your joints or your lungs are giving out before your heart rate catches up? If it's the lungs, just keep going. Eventually your lungs will catch up and you'll be able to get your heart rate up. If it's your knees or some other joint, switch the cardio you're doing to something else.
It's really cool seeing my weight go down and my VO2 max as well as running speed go up. It's like I'm playing an RPG in real life and raising my stats
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The new routine:
>wake up at 5am
>10km walk
>play ncaa 25
Damn this shits easy when you don’t worry about women or friendships. Don’t worry coach Saban, I’ll keep the program alive.
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>Damn this shits easy when you don’t worry about women or friendships.
I don't look at it like not worrying about it but rather prioritizing oneself. I went from hanging out with my mates several days of the week to just the weekends and spread between different friends
cut 100 calories. do 3 15 minute walks a day. add 10 minutes to each walk every week. dont reinvent the wheel, you just need to move the needle.
Fatty Contest
268.2 lbs
How are you measuring your VO2 max? I thought that required an expensive test.
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Threadly reminder that
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I will wake up tomorrow to weigh myself and the scale will say less than 200 pounds
I have to start saying no to going out for dinner with people. I literally only know 1 fit person. Everyone else is fat/obese, not even skinny fat. Tips from addicts: change people, places, things.
What age were you the last time you were under 200?
29 now. Last time was probably 21.
Nice, I'm also 29. Good luck bro, I hope to be where you are by the end of the year.
Besides the obvious downsides of weed
>dooood weed smell (bad)
>needless cost
>sketchy legality depending on area
You are much more likely to develop anxiety in the future from prolonged usage.
Keep it right, keep it tight.
das rite
I quit the herbal Jew couple of years ago. Best decision of my life.
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Burgers are associated with being a fatass, but they honestly seem to be pretty reasonable things to eat, at least if you make yours at home. So many things are vastly worse.
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>me after I emerge from 2 years of losing weight and exercising
you have no idea
It's a complete lifestyle adjustment for sure.
Maybe the dumbest question I've asked, but I don't know shit about this stuff.
I'm 5'8, 286 pounds, obese flabby fat fuck with no muscle other than my legs like all fat people. I started going to the gym, 3 times a week, mostly doing squats and deadlifts with some accessory stuff (working up to bench press cause my upper body is weak as fuck). At the same time I cut almost all junk food and I'm eating home cooked food every day.
5 weeks later I step on the scale, 285 pounds. I went to see my nutritionist who has a fancy scale with handles and shit and according to her I lost 2.6% bodyfat and gained 3.2 pounds of "skeletal muscle" whatever that means
Is that even remotely possible? It's my first time going to the gym and in these 5 weeks I worked up to a very comfortable 5x5 90 pounds deadlift and squat, which according to my trainer is "quite good for a fat office worker"
Sure it's possible. Now all that remains is to actually try to lose weight.
Get on Ozempic immediately.
Yeah it's possible. Body recomping. You must be eating close to TDEE.
I boofd alcohol to save calories and my asshole is killing me
Smoking weed induced bad anxiety in me for several years including panic attacks, true
Most people seem to be able to handle it it just didn't work for me
I thought I was gonna be lighter, my t-shirts feel kind of looser now, especially around my belly, and I guess having lost body fat percentage is healthy, but I must admit seeing that number made me feel sad as fuck.
I did a blood panel and my numbers are almost normal, triglycerides and cholesterol are a tiny bit high (like, 3% over the recommended amount) but nothing warranting meds yet according to my doctor.
So I should try to eat less calories and see what happens? It's funny cause even though I understand that losing body fat and gaining muscle is healthy, I still wanted to weigh less lol
Just made turkey burgers tonight for the first time on keto bread
Breddy gud, low cal for how satiating it was
This shit is getting annoying, you don't just want to lose weight, you want to lose fat! You are making muscle gains which weigh more but take up less space and look good vs just losing muscle and fat or just fat. Personally my problem with people recommending HIT when you are obese is that it makes your cuts harder for no reason because you are trying to grow and trim at the same time leading to higher failure rates and more wasted time + effort. Just go on a protein rich diet and do light lifts/cardio until you drop a lot of fat.
how much do you guys spend on food while dieting?
I'm eating 1800 calories a day and it costs about $300 a month just for food and I'm thinking that's a bit high?
I get about 130 grams of protein a day so I'm thinking that's why it's so expensive
I'm spending roughly the same, maybe a tiny bit less, on 17-1800 daily as when I was bingeing 3500+ daily
Guess pre-made slop really is cheaper
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Fasting is free. Why are you paying for stuff that only slows your weight loss, are you stupid LOL.
Forgot to mention obvious CICO, start counting

Probably the same as >>74720512 I eat less so I spend less but I am cheap overall. Easier to get shitty calories for cheap than cleaner calories but shitty calories tend to lead to more shitty calories.
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I wonder how many extra calories I burn just pacing around the house
yes its totally possible
If it's all CICO then where does metabolism come in? Is it all down to body composition, if two people have the same body comp then they have the same metabolism? If not then it's not all CICO
Tell me to go to the gym
This convinced me because I'm never ngmi posting and I need to nip that in the bud
>If it's all CICO then where does metabolism come in?
The amount of people in this general who claim to count calories and then clearly don't and just lie about it when they can't lose weight is frustrating. Just fucking count the calories and stop lying you dumb fucks.
Am i missing anything obvious in this diet, what i currently eat is
3 fried eggs, 300g cottage cheese, 50g oats(dry)
3 egg omelet, 300g cottage cheese

Comes to about 120g of protein and ~1200 cals, i oddly don't feel any cravings on this diet, but it just seems really basic and barren so i'm wondering if i'm missing out on any critical vitamins or some shit
I'm at 1600 kcal with ~110g protein for 5€ per day.
Mostly just rice, peas, eggs, minced meat and a protein shake.
Why not eat some real meat
>no veggies
Of course you're missing shit brainlet. Take a daily multi vitamin and multi mineral.
maybe lacking some in micronutrients but you can supplement that away easily enough
i've been thinking about adding some chicken breast somewhere in there, but it's kind of hard to get around here and expensive sadly
Cool, i'll do just that then, thanks
>two meals morning, evening
not ideal
either go 16:8 intermittent fasting (lunch, evening, skipping morning) or have 3 meals a day for a steady supply of protein, your plan is the worst of both worlds, you will always feel hungry as you'll always be breaking a (useless) mini fast
as i said, hunger isn't an issue, i've been on this diet for a few months now and i just never get cravings for anything
weight is dropping pretty fast too, all i'm really concerned with is whether it's maybe too unhealthy
This literally doesn't matter one iota. You get used hunger-wise to any partial fast and protein paranoia is a mental illness.
its bordering unhealthy, but not quite. if you want to retain similar levels of weight loss, but be healthier. add 300-400 calories of healthy food like fish, turkey sandwiches or tuna salad and a multivitamin. then add an hour walk everyday. youll probably end up at 100 calorie smaller defiicit, but it will be mich better for your overall health. at the very least though run the vitamin.
todays food
carbs 148g
fat 29g
protein 96g
cals 1390

Might have a few slices of lunchmeat or some egg whites later if hungry
i do about 12k steps a day, so i guess it can't hurt to add some healthy calories, thanks very much for the advice
>Turkey sandwich
ah sorry i meant to specify to use natures own keto bread. 60 calories per slice, that said a single slice of white bread for an open face sandwich is fine.
I like these stupid duck cartoons. Is the background nun angry because the foreground nun is a mother who entered the convent, and childless nun is seething?
Fatty Contest
170 lbs

last weigh in before my flight cya fatties in 3 weeks im gonna go eat some korean bbq
word to the wise, remember pearl harbor
Pearl Harbour was done by the Japanese not Koreans you mongoloid
*just how good it feels to do that
When there's no one left to leave you.
Even you don't quite believe you.
That's when nothing can deceive you.
While you see a chance, take it.
The garbage that is parroted in this thread every day is pretty concerning
give some examples
man i love jerky
i wish i could eat nothing but jerky all day every day forever
You can.
i am doing intermittent fasting and my back fucking HURTS. lower and upper. i have to lie on the ground and relax the muscles and my whole spine starts snap crackle popping. it is beginning to genuinely limit my mobility and ability to exercise. i can barely move at the end of the day. i stretch, i drink water. my joints are also getting randomly inflamed. the only weird thing about my diet is that i dont eat a ton of meat and get most of my protein from fish, eggs, and dairy because i hammered my digestive system being a fatty and doing keto for years and even moderate amounts of meat basically grinds my ability to shit to a halt. what the fuck am i doing wrong
Weight? I have back issues and inflammation but it's because I'm 330lbs, I just take 3 ibuprofen a day to mitigate it.
Definitely some nutrient you're missing. Here's what ChatGPT says:

Vitamin D: Deficiency in vitamin D can lead to bone and joint pain. It plays a crucial role in calcium absorption and bone health.
Calcium: Insufficient calcium intake can result in weaker bones, which may contribute to joint and back pain.
Vitamin B12: A deficiency in vitamin B12 can cause neurological issues, which might manifest as pain, including joint and back pain.
Magnesium: This mineral is important for muscle and nerve function. A deficiency can lead to muscle spasms and pain, including in the back and joints.
Omega-3 Fatty Acids: These are anti-inflammatory, and a lack of them can lead to increased inflammation and pain in the joints.
Vitamin C: Essential for collagen production, a deficiency can affect the health of cartilage and other joint structures, potentially leading to pain.
Used to take weekly ibuprofen before I lost weight. Now no inflammation at all.
Ate lunch now:
100g spinach
3 eggs
5 cherry tomatoes
some asparagus

5'6. 197lb. Dropped from 230 in Jan.

Trying to focus on 1400-1600 calories a day, but I'm struggling on finding time to cook food. Work the entire day, and come home extremely late at night.

I've resorted to just..binging ChickFil-A:

Lunch: Maple Pepper Bacon Sandwich - 480, Large Fry - 540.

Dinner: Cool Wrap - 340 calories.

and tons of water. Is this sustainable? It's been working so far. Honestly, as long as I can lose, I'm not too worried about hitting my macros.
Eat some real food
If it works it works I guess. Your inside are just full of slop though.
do meal prep on the weekends, you'll save up a lot of money, have a more tighter control on your calories and macros while also not eating complete trash.
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Yes, you do look like that.
Oven cooked chicken with a nice BBQ rub and some salt and pepper is unmatched. The GOAT weightloss food.
My Apple watch records it. Yes it's just an estimation, but I use their algorithm as a means to view a trend rather than collect objective data
I have finally dropped below my plateau weight, but I haven't exercised in 8 days so it's going to shoot back up again.
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>gained 3 pounds despite sticking to my autistically measured and weighed diet
>having a shit day being a wage slave
>tism means I can't hide my non verbal cues very well
>female co-worker keeps wandering over to talk to me about absolutely nothing
>cheers me up a little, she's cute and her looking at me like I'm a sick puppy is kind of endearing
>lunch time rolls around and I grab my old stand by fatty lunch
>put all that shit back and eat what I actually planned to eat today
>maybe I'll make it after all
None of this happened BTW. Aside from the autism part.
Believe what you want, I'm 77lbs lighter than I was in March but I'll never be able to outlift my autism.
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>weigh self on Monday after work, having gone out to lunch with co workers: 147 lbs
>weigh self yesterday at lunch time after skipping lunch: 145 lbs
Don't forget that the food that may be inside your tummy weighs a little bit.
why don't you stop skipping meals and weigh yourself in the morning after pissing and shitting?
I'm 124 kg, I think at the beginning was like 130 kg. But i feel I don't really look different. But I know it's a long journey and the scale isn't really a good measure. Started running some weeks ago, but my knees hurt so maybe I will go slower and less per week. Also, I think I should sleep more. Today I slept my alarm and didn't went to the gym. Need to get my shit together
>But i feel I don't really look different.
take a pic of yourself every x time, be it week, few weeks, or month: your brain will keep on tricking you into seeing yourself as a fatty for a while but pics don't lie
>bitches on tiktok are already being paid to promote ozempic online, some making 30k a month to promote the drug
i lost a shitload of weight recently and about to do a cut after bulking for 5 months straight. can i just diet and exercise normally and make money lying by saying i did it with ozempig?
maybe, as long as you promote the drug.
Maybe one pic per week, will help also seeing myself as a fatty will make me hate myself and go harder in the gym and rooning.
Anxiety is a potential immediate side effect, however with chronic use the chances of developing anxiety go up over time ESPECIALLY if you're young (<25 or so)
I took the soberpill, I feel better.
I don't have a scale, so I weigh myself at the gym at work.
>stop skipping meals
I prefer to eat something light during the workday, like nuts, a banana, or a protein bar. If I actually eat food the afternoon siesta mode hits way too hard.
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that is all
fuck yeah bro
it's funny how most of us are too stupid to realize that not drinking poison and not doing drugs actually makes us feel better
Why is ozempic bad again? It means I don't have to look at fats as much.
so buy one
it's like 30 bux or something
Even stranger is how mad people get when you tell them you're sober. They almost get offended that you don't want to drink.
>But i feel I don't really look different.
that's normal
until 100kg you basically continue looking like a blob
only when you start getting lower than that does it start becoming visually noticeable
$300 a month for groceries in a first world country is very reasonable especially if you're not eating goyslop

Protein is expensive.
Two people could have the same BF% but be different genders, different ages, different heights, and have different genetics. Individually each of these are minor but they stack up.
Ultimately the TDEE calcs are accurate enough for fatty use because the margin of error doesn't matter so much due to the sheer volume of calories involved. +/- 200 calories doesn't matter when we're talking about 3000-4000 cal budgets
>hit my lowest weight yet last week
>step on scale this morning and it's several pounds up
>all signs point to temporary retention due to various factors
>still demotivating and makes me feel like a failure
the hunger pains and exhaustion are killing me but i'm gmi i can't give up
Please share with the thread so we can all improve the quality of the parroted garbage.
Sounds decent. If you are finding that you're still hungry try adding some lean meat but otherwise sounds good.

It's been a year since I started my deficit. I've lost 71 pounds/32 kilograms so far.
>300lbs/136kg to 229lbs/104kg
>5'8/172cm tall
My next goal is to be down to 200lbs/90kg by the end of the year, and then 180lbs/82kg by next summer. WAGMI bros
It's not per se. It's a prescription drug that a doctor can use to treat various conditions, usually diabetes but can also be used off-label to target weight loss, and indirectly other metabolic disorders.
What's bad here is tiktok influensoors being held to absolutely no standards of disclosure or accuracy while pushing a medication to their audience from which they financially benefit. They're incentivized to say whatever it takes to get whoever is watching to go through a cursory "telehealth" visit and get some of that sweet (off brand) GLP-1 sent to their home.
TikTok starting to ban them is fun, but woefully insufficient. Getting them dragging in court by the FDA for improper advertising of drugs would be both more satisfying, and more helpful in curtailing that nonsense, since every single one of those banned influensoors went back to TikTok with a new account, and a newfound willingness to protect their business model by tap-dancing around TikTok new rules.
Played some ddr yesterday for the first time in years
Game now has calorie estimates based on your activity
>calorie estimates based on someone who weighs 130lbs

This game was clearly not made for an American audience
Hell yeah.
136 days and counting
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It seems I might have miscalculated goal weight by a number of kilograms.
bouldering at 100kg ain't easy fellas
my elbows and knees are screaming
fun though
My heart is telling me that I need to move to Japan
But my mind is telling me that it's not worth it
3 weeks off work, time to hit the grind and drop as much weight as i can.
Have you vacationed there already? See how much you enjoy being a weird white guy in a strange land.
This could be you: https://youtu.be/M8-vje-bq9c
I'll be going for the first time in less than two months. I've been studying the language for a total of 3-4 years and the culture for much longer
There are many things that are preventing me from saying screw it and just going for it but I know that my heart yearns to be there just from my experiences with Japanese and Japanese culture in the ways that I can living in the NYC area
Weeaboo as fuck
Not a compliment
That sounds exciting.
I remember there's another dude, now solidly in ex-fatty territory, that still visits this thread, has gone there before and is planning to go back in a few months, presumably to impress a local cutie with all his newfound muscles.
I don't know your life, but I'm reasonably confident you only live once anon.
I want to move there as well. I just dont want to work like a japanese person. Im highly skilled and make tons of money here with little effort. It seems more worth it to just vacation there, but damn the social lifestyle I live there is unreal.
>I'll be going for the first time in less than two months
No shit? Ill be back there in September.
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oh thats me lol. this was like a month ago after my last mini-cut. ill finish this bulk sunday and have 7 weeks of cutting. ill show my jelly donut gut once im done bulking. and yes i did impress the girl and she saw me off at the airport.
Nice. Are you thinking of moving there for good, or are you content with the occasional trips?
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yesterday after eating like 5k calories. my gut gets fucking distended as shit lol
>I don't know your life, but I'm reasonably confident you only live once anon.
Which is why I want to do it right. As passionate as I am about Japan, there are other things I want in life such as a stable a good family life, which means I would need to find the right woman. That's already hard enough in America, I can imagine it being even more difficult in Japan considering cultural difference and the language barriers that will never completely fade away

I hear that you need to have an extended stay in Japan of at least 6 months for the glitz and glam to start fading away. I imagine much faster if you don't speak Japanese. If I don't end up moving there I can see myself becoming a repeat vacationer for the rest of my life

Yep, first half of September
Im not sure. My ideal would be to find a job with an american or euro company that lets me work out of japan. Maybe I can ask for a simultaneous promotion and pay cut in exchange for working out of japan?
go live in japan, get treated as a second class citizen by japanese people, find out that your language skills aren't anything special and get constantly made fun of for them, get disillusioned by the horrible work culture, passive aggressiveness, and beat-around-the-bush ideology, marry gaijin hunter who just wants to be a stay-at-home wife, have haafu babies, and doesn't love you, and get shackled down by that for the rest of your life. then try to claim that you're japanese because your child is half and embarrass yourself.
> the language barriers that will never completely fade away
Not the same thing, but I'm an ESL Eurofag that moved to America a couple decades ago, and yes the language barrier was a PITA for a while, particularly since I don't have "the ear" for languages (ie my brain shows relatively little interest in rewiring itself for another language), but it's rarely an issue nowadays. As long as I remember to speak slowly to people that aren't used to my accent.
I somehow get the vibe you're more prepared than most to deal with Japanese cultural differences, but you'll get to find that out first hand soon.
wow youre so offbase that its hilarious. theyre so welcoming every time i go. the only people who gave me shit about my poor japanese is foreigners i met in bars lmao. the work culture is absolutely true though.

real convo with some euro at PSY bar in Shinjuku
>your japanese makes you sound rude and uneducated
>perfect, im rude and uneducated

I later found him slumped over the bar, way too drunk at which point I started making fun of him lol
>be living in Japan
>Finally around openly racist people like I've always dreamed
>Stay out late drinking with my co-workers during mandatory fun, not that bad desu although I do come home late some nights
>Get to be "the designated American" that is allowed to cut through the bullshit at work, everyone is quietly thankful I am able to be direct with the Boss and to tell him when he has an actually bad idea
>My loving wife and 3 adorable children make it all worth it
>Know I'm not truly Japanese but that isn't important to me, my life is what I make of it and my life is good.
I've been stuck at 200lb for 2 weeks now but I can suddenly fit in my old high school pants.
I used to do that a lot. I wonder were things like that the reason why it seemed like I could eat anything and not get fat. Got fat later at adult age when I started to drink a lot.
Don't forget that yakuza kids will bulli his kids on school, and they get little free time outside of studying, and if they fail to get the best grades, it's over for them.
He does have a point though. The Japanese language learning rabbithole will lead you to believe that textbook Japanese isn't "proper" or "natural" but you really are supposed to use a level of keigo in most contexts. The only time you wouldn't would be with like, 5ch or with friends you're really close with

Yeah I always wondered why people complained about soft-pressure into attending the nomikai, but I suspect it's just an introverted Japanese thing
What kind of work do you do and what industry should I be looking into if I want a work visa with a descent company?
>He does have a point though. The Japanese language learning rabbithole will lead you to believe that textbook Japanese isn't "proper" or "natural" but you really are supposed to use a level of keigo in most contexts. The only time you wouldn't would be with like, 5ch or with friends you're really close with
I could care less. My earnestness and intentions come through and people respond positively to it. Like I said the only people who've cared are white people and japanese who've studied abroad. Literally anyone else seemed endeared when I speak japanese. Obviously work would be different though. All I care is that I get to communicate with someone new and I think that comes through no matter how bad my skills are. Also why would I feel bad? Its my third language. Most dont even know 2.
>Like I said the only people who've cared are white people and japanese who've studied abroad.
Yeah I didn't mean it in any way. If I were to guess why these people in particular care, it's probably because it comes off as an unwillingness to commit to the language and learning "just enough" to get by
Any other Japanese will excuse it solely just because you're a foreigner so you get the gaijinpass when it comes to speaking Japanese
when your jp improves you'll find out they weren't actually welcoming at all friend

ah yes, the american savior. thank you for your service, i bow down and worship you thank you for saving my country

i feel bad for haafu kids when they get bullied but it's on the parents for doing this to them in the first place
>marry gaijin hunter who just wants to be a stay-at-home wife, have haafu babies, and doesn't love you, and get shackled down by that for the rest of your life.
This is the same for many Japanese men though, aside from the gaijin-hunter and haafu aspects
>when your jp improves you'll find out they weren't actually welcoming at all friend
youre a retarded blackpiller and i hope you find your way. i have friends in japan going back 8 years that always go out of their way to make each trip special for me. almost everyone i meet there keeps up with me on LINE, fb, and whatsapp when I go home. a girl took her only day off from her 70 hour work week to take me to airport and make it special for me.

thats their perception. ill do my best to learn and not be afraid to jump in there before i think im ready. life is just like the gym, i push to failure and progressively overload from there.
then go for it if you want the true japanese experience
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fat loss?
Yes. While this is now and forever a /shinnichi/ thread, fat loss remains an important aspect of fitting in with the locals.
>in these 5 weeks I worked up to a very comfortable 5x5 90 pounds deadlift and squat, which according to my trainer is "quite good for a fat office worker"
Your trainer doesn't have you working hard enough. Fire your trainer and go on SS (no GOMAD). Squatting and deadlifting 90 pounds after 5 weeks isn't very good progress, especially when you weigh nearly 300 pounds. I hit a 1pl8 squat within a month of lifting when I was a 130 pound lanklet. Work harder.
depends on their mobility to be honest, but yes those numbers are low

my bad ill stfu. best advice i can give is to just jump into your travels before you think youre ready.
About €80-100 a month. 1.5 liters of milk a day. That's 50g of protein for €0.9. Then stuff like oats, some cheese, occasionally some meat get me to about 75-80g of protein per day.
You will die from that diet
You don't eat any food
Take a multivitamin and a fiber supplement.
You started at 371 and only lost 71 pounds in a whole year? Are you even trying? At that level of morbid obesity you should have been able to lose 71 pounds in two months.
If you're going to attempt to shit one someone, atleast read the post retard.
>300lbs/136kg to 229lbs/104kg
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Intense SEXO sessions with japanese women will burn so many calories but my wallet will cry.
I need to build up 3 hour stamina before I go as well.
75-80g of protein a day isn't nearly enough, you need almost double that, i'd say 140g
remember, when you diet, you lost BOTH fat and muscle, the goal of high protein is to keep that muscle and lost more fat
at this weight you'll look horrible when you reach your goal weight
most intelligent fatty
>t. limpdick who can't even fap for 20 min
t. loser who needs to pay women to have sex with him
Don't forget to ask your doctor about Ozempic if you are serious about losing weight.
how many calories do you think are in 12 piece of a california roll sushi?
1400 seems about right
in 12 pieces of sushi? thats way higher than i expected but ill consider it 1400 then
they're fucking with you to ruin your sushi experience, ask google rather than this general
I'm fucking with you to ruin your eating out experience, you should double count everything you eat out because of hidden sauces etc. It's probably about 400cals max but put it in as 800.
Thought about body types and I remembered I'm an endomorph. My hips will always be wider than I'd prefer. If I wanted a triangle look for my upper body, I'd have to get my shoulders way too big.
get your shoulders way too big
Time for boulder shoulders then m8
But I don't want Metroid shoulders
The concept of endomorph comes from a discredited ~~meme~~ 1940s study.
You shouldn't see it as a hard factual description of anything about you.
The same scientist behind those somatypes also argued that mesomorphic individuals had a propensity to violence, simply because they wouldn't let go of the rabbit.
Even folks that still think there's something to it today will argue most folks are somewhere on a spectrum between two somatypes, which is convenient since they'll also eagerly reclassify a fatty who got shredded from one somatype to another.
So try not to use "always" in the same sentence as one of those somatypes. Do your best, and see where you land.
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>people finally telling me "did you lose weight?"
>its never women
They really told the entire population for decades that a diet of mostly carbs is what's healthy
dont worry you will never get "too big". itll never happen without drugs. if you want a good physique you need to craft it with an overall vision. if you have a wide waist, it makes sense to prioritze shoulders and back to creat more proportionality. also you may not have wide hips, you may just be fat. after i lost the weight i found out i had a tight waist and good v taper.
(((they))) did
I feel that, it's always guys.
A win is a win.
>i have friends in japan going back 8 years that always go out of their way to make each trip special for me

I've been friends with a guy from Japan for over 15 years at this point and he is an honorary brother to me. I wish he didn't live overseas but we stay in touch to this day.

I understand that overall the culture is introverted and isolationist but there's always exceptions and you just have to find those and hold onto them dearly.
What was your wake-up call, /fat/?
For me it was a pre-diabetes diagnosis
For some reason that did it but an unasked-for referral to a bariatric surgeon 5 years ago didn't
It's not the carbs.
It's the seed oils.
going outside with friends at a small party while miserable and wanting to know what I should do, and having a bunch of em hit me with the 'haha just bee urself' when I was 300+lbs before going back in

then after that my closest friend came out and just went 'cos you're fat and fuck ugly' which was pretty much what I wanted to hear the whole time because I could actually try and do something about that
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Is it sneed oils? I don't know. What I do know is that after cutting them out, I lost 20kg in 11 months.
Not exactly record numbers, but I don't count calories and eat to satiety.
passing the obesity line
never thought I'd be obese
now I'm not and never will be again
i don't know, i've had multiple moments that should've been wake up calls (first time i weighed myself in more than a year and realizing that i've gained 30 kg, near prediabetic blood sugar levels, getting seriously sick from playing sports, comments from people I hadn't seen in a long time)
but i've started dieting almost at random
I can't keep this shit up. My dumb wagie job is sucking the life out of me. I live alone and dread going home every fucking day. The only time I feel truly alive is in the gym.

I'll die alone, hopefully with a PR bench crushing my windpipe.
I wonder after I reach 12% body fat what's the next thing I should lock-in on. Maybe bulking up
Have you considered quitting and moving in with your parents for a year. Focus on studying, lifting, and replenishing your spirit by being with your loved ones?
Bulking for sure. Seeing fat come back on alongside muscle with the knowledge you can lose it easily again is a real body dysmorphia annihilator.
I would like to know how this study defines sugar. Is it all sugar or just added sugar? Does sugar include all carbohydrates or just sucrose and fructose? Is corn syrup counted as sugar?
Greater use of cheap seed oils also correlates with food becoming more and more heavily processed. Hard to day if it's seed oils specifically or just ultra-processed food that's bad.
Never really had one.
I got various doctors telling me "you're prediabetic, anon" after a few blood results but in my head, I was skinny, just a bit out of shape, so that didn't count.
I've recently put all my blood results in a spreadsheet, as one does, and it turns out I've had elevated LDL cholesterol for over a decade, something none of my doctors really thought was worth emphasizing.
I was okay. My low energy and depressed mood was just me getting old, nothing worth making a fuss about.

Anyway, what got me started was one of my wife's idiot friends convinced her to start a diet with her, and then they jokingly suggested I should join them too.
And so I did.
I was fucking around on /biz at the time, watching gullible anons fall for scam coins over and over, so I thought maybe /fit/ would have some terrible advice for me on that topic too. Instead of found generally good advice in the sticky and in the /fat/ thread, which informed much of my current effort.
The idiot friend went back to eating junk food and donuts within two weeks, once the novelty wore off.
My wife would have joined them, but I convinced her to abdicate any and all food decisions to me instead.
So here I am 10 weeks later. I'm about 4 weeks away from my target weight. My wife hasn't taken any diabetes medications in over 2 months, and she's still amazed at how her sugar is just staying in a healthy range all by itself.
Maybe I'm giving the idiot friend too much credit. Maybe it was just something I knew needed to happen for a long time, like a forest dried out by years of drought, and they were the half-burnt cigarette thrown from a moving vehicle.
Well yeah, if you cut out seed oils then you automatically have to cut out most forms of goyslop.
Yes, move back in with your parents if you can, it's so freeing, both mentally and financially. The only reason to have your own place is to bring home women.
does anyone have high protein easy recipes im tired of chicken rice and broccoli
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the most stupidest reason ever.
For a long time I've been running D&D 3.0 campaigns because me and my friends grew up with 3.0 and since we all know each 3.0 and 3.5 supplemental book by heart we just ran with that for 20 years, I was designing an encounter where the players would be having a prolonged skirmish with ogres and orcs in a crumbling castle with fucked up wooden floors and they would have to pay attention to where they were stepping if they're heavy or they could use that to their advantage if they lure or push a heavy opponent onto a rotten part.
I checked all the player's weights and went to compare them with the monsters they'll be facing, I found out I weighed as much as an average Ogre.
Started exercising and counting calories the next day
I rarely ate goyslop to begin with. My mother always home cooked typical bland white boomer meals following mainstream health advice like using sneed oils, margarine and little salt. In fact, I sometimes had to leave the table hungry from how unappetizing it was and still failed to lose weight.

Now cook my own meal prep using a generous amount of heavy cream and salt and lose weight not even trying.
Yeah that's a good point. I was wondering if I should go harder on my Japanese but my muscle gains are seriously lacking. Better body would benefit me a lot more than Japanese at the moment
Anon I can't even move my knee above my toes, it's the first time in 32 years of life I do any kind of exercise. Of course I could be lifting much more, but he's focusing on flexibility, technique and all of that stuff. I'm not even doing bench press yet cause I have basically negative chest and awful mobility. I'm squatting with a safety bar cause I can't grip a normal bar behind my back, my arms/chest/scapula are stiff as hell.
To give you a very embarrassing idea about my base strength and mobility, first couple of days I couldn't lift a 10 pound dumbbell above my head, now I'm doing 5x6 shoulder press with 20s. On Monday I did 4x25 cable face pulls with 65 pounds, I ended up sweating a literal puddle on the floor.
It's sad how I destroyed my body by sitting and eating like a subhuman for decades and I know I could do better. I'm happy I've lost 2.6% body fat still.
First wake up call was NAFLD but I was able to fix that without totally cutting junk food
Hypertension was the real wakeup call, that and doing the math about how much I would need to lose per week so that my unborn son will never know me as a fatass and frankly it wasnt much if you factor in the 9 mo + like 3-4 years before they really start having memories
As of now I might even hit my goal weight before hes born, its funny how fast weight falls off once you get past a certain threshold.
It really is more about consistency than intensity.
Damn, you were prediabetic at a weight that was lose-able in roughly 3 months?
Regardless, congrats that's great progress all around
Im from Iowa and I visited Toronto for work
I was literally the fattest person in the city, they were all so thin! Well now I am on my way too.
I did this out of necessity cause I had some dumb issues with the apt I was renting and I couldn't find a new one in time and it's been quite the experience. I miss some of the freedom I had living on my own, but I also finish working for the day (I work from home) and I have a hot bowl of ground beef and eggs waiting for me, lovingly cooked by mom. I'm also saving money despite taking care of all the house bills, her car bills and any food/groceries.
I also stopped doing the whole Tinder stuff on weekends so I don't need to bring women here, I'm just working, eating, going to the gym and taking care of my hobbies and friends. It kinda sucks but it's also weirdly liberating.
Ran into an old flame from my running days at a church function. she looked me up and down, winced and barely said hello
Im happily married but damn if that wasnt a heart breaking experience
A button on my overalls popping off like I was a looney tunes character
Yeah, I was "only" at 225lbs, which put my BMI just into the "obese" range.
It's indeed on the low side to get high sugar readings, so I might have some genetic predispositions lurking there.
My first target is to get to 185lbs (highest BMI value in the "normal" range), so it's really just 40lbs to lose altogether, and I've got about 12lbs left to go.
It's certainly not as heroic as many of the stories we read on this thread.
>there was a time in my life I walked around with 40 extra lbs of fat
>i could probably lose 60 more at this rate and still not look like a twink
>i was pretty averaged sized for my my town
Are niggas really walking around with 100 fucking pounds of unnecessary fat?
Im actually disgusted with myself and others
ex fatties are the biggest fat haters
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Is nicotine a good way to control hunger? I'm not that hungry but my brain needs a dopamine spike and I'm trying not to eat
fap or play vidya
My mother is in another country and I haven't spoken to my father since 2001. My mother kicked me out at 16, only person I've lived with in the last 10 years was my high-school gf who I was with for 14 goddamn years. Been on my own for over 2 years now and just go through waves of feeling nothing and then absolute despair and longing. The gym is the one true highlight of any week.
There isn't a lot about nicotine that is good.
You're better off leaning into caffeine. Green/Black tea or black coffee can keep you out of trouble, and as long as you don't overdo it, they have a lot of other healthy benefits.
Aspartame is less harmful and less addictive than nicotine if you really need a vice
>The only reason to have your own place is to bring home women.
why would i bring them home? you go to their house.
Im sorry to hear that and was worried about the recommendation because it may be the case. If the gym is your highlight, make sure you have as much fun there as possible. eventually that energy will carry over to the rest of your life. no gymceling allowed.
I don't care about women so I still live at home lol. But they're getting old so maybe its about time to move before they kick the bucket.
No point in moving out until you have a steady girlfriend. Save your money.
Ah well guess I'll just go into autopilot until it's gym time or something interesting happens to me. I should probably go to bed as it's 8 hours before I have to be up for another 9 hours of wage slaving and faking being a human.
Nice filename, kek
Eh, debt is better than accumulating savings. With inflation both debts and savings lose their worth, except one is a good thing while the other is not. And house prices aren't gonna get cheaper unless WW3 starts and kills half the population or something.
Yes until its not. Now you have two vices.
Such a dainty little hand
interest on debt outpaces inflation you dunce
Not mine but i have girly hands for a male
When I press on my hips below the muffin top, there's not a whole lot of leeway before I push against solid mass, maybe a cm fat buffer of radius. While I can easily see leg fat decreasing, I don't think the angle of my legs from my hips will change too much.
He doesn't mean put your cash under your mattress, at the absolute minimum put your cash in a money market account and get your 4-5% a year. Ideally just throw it in a big index fund and don't think about it. Its boring but its relatively safe.
>average american

What the hell is this shit, this doesn't make any sense, and the proof is to just look around at people who do cardio and dont give up ,are they trying to have people be more fat or what?
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Good day today. I didn't even realize I walked that much. Just had to go to the next big city and had a lot of stuff to do. Somehow jealous of people who have to be on their feet all day for work.
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6'1", resistance training 3/week, running 5/week, ≤1200 calorie diet, .75g protein/lb, no junk food

I've made significant progress from starting out skinny fat three months ago, but feel like I've hit the wall in terms of fat loss. How do I prevent my metabolism from crashing while maintaining high calorie deficit?

I've had runners knee the past two weeks preventing me from getting to 5km when running, so stuck at 3.5km while stretching, building strength in the legs, using an ice pack

When it heals should I do HIIT sprinting on the days I'm not doing resistance? I'm lost and getting disheartened when I just want visible abs for the Summer at this point

Is a plateau like this expected at my current bf %?
1200 calorie diets are for women. you should up to 1500 calorie, maybe a bit more if you're active
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>Loose skin/gyno surgery is going to cost me 33k

That's what I get for being fat my entire life. At least I get to be off from work for a month
Every time I eat more, I look fatter the next day :(

Is my metabolism fucked?
>is going to cost me 33k
Fuck. I better start saving money.
he's a woman idiot
Not him but 33k is probably a very extreme case with also loose skin on arms and legs. Tier 3 obese levels. If you only have a bit of loose skin on your belly, it's much less.
I wish, life would be easier
Why the animosity, fren
bruh its time to bulk. add abs to your routine and youll bulk into abs. and no shit youre injured, youre eating 1200 a day
A page of Burger King coupons arrived in the mail today uninvited.
That's good. They say it takes two years for skin to tighten, any truth to that?
Doesn't everyone receive unsolicited giant coupon catalogs for fast food and local businesses and grocery stores like once a week?
Seems like an awful waste of paper, I always toss it out immediately
I can do 3x2m planks now but realised it's more for strength than muscle development
Would you recommend subbing it with an ab wheel/roller?
Around $300 a month, give or take. Prices fluctuate a ton nowadays
>full body pain for no reason
>excessively tired after full night's sleep
Covid please don't take me now right as I'm getting my shit under control
I'm not a doctor. Internet says "wait and see". I've long completed my fat loss journey. I had a tiny bit of loose skin under my belly. Nowadays it's really only visible if I do abs or do lateral exercises and twist myself accordingly. I didn't take before-pictures, but in my head it was much worse at first.
>Exercising on a deficit

How do I make this suck less? I'm tired of having an existential crisis at the gym every day.
What's sucking about it? Never had issues. Just little to no progress if the cut is big
i love you
You made me look, and I'm at over $1,000 a month.
I spend way too much on supplements, but also prepared meals because I'm such a lazy bum.
Fresh fruits and veggies end up being barely 10% of my food budget, which feels vaguely shameful.
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I tucked up
It's not too late to correct course. Put the spoon down. Good. Keep the spoon down. The spoon is lava.
I believe it
someone told me they were eating 3 Elevation Bars a day to get their protein and fiber goals
I looked it up and elevation bars were $7 EACH
$21 a day just on candy bars
the weightloss industry is huge for a reason
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I found the post
was 322lbs on July 4th, dropped down to 311lbs today.
Used to eat like 3500 calories a day, cut it down to around 2K with exercise and diet. Won't get too cocky or anything, I don't want to Yo-Yo my weight back up. Hope to be under 300lbs by the end of August, first time I'll be under 300 in two years.

Hope you all are doing good on your progress too
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Nah in for a penny in for a pound, finish it and savor every last bit because that needs to be the last bit for a while.

Dude learn how to cook, don't even need to make it complicated. Like this just some frozen chicken breast pieces heated in a pan, throw some stir fry veggies blend on top once chicken is white, after the veggies thaw just throw some sauce on top.
Your app is lying to you bro, there's no way walking a measly 17.2 km burned 3000 calories. More like 1000.
Amphetamines or modafinil.
But milk is food.
fuck that i'll just wear spanx
I'm down to 324 today starting at 410 in February, ~1700cal daily
I've never tracked weight before this but I had a doctor appointment in 2019 where I weighed 390, so it's been a long ass time since I've been "only" this big. Should hit a milestone of 100 lbs lost next month, then a couple months after that the big one of no longer morbidly obese but just regular obese BMI. Ultimate goal under 200 lbs

I'm really worried about yoyo-ing too, if it really happens to the vast majority of people I need to be on guard for it the rest of my life, I'm used to the routine now and I expect to make it but shit it's so damn common to slip back it's spooky
Train them like any other muscle. Progressive overload. Here are two great exercises that for me. Do both of them in the same session 2 or 3 times a week.

Modified Candlestick (3 sets of as many as possible until yout can do 12, then focus on tightening form and slowing your movemenr on the way down)

Cable Crunches or Weighted Decline Bench Sit Ups (3 sets of 12 or 20 depending on how heavy you like to go. Focus on adding weight over time rather than reps)

Thats it. No need to do hundreds and hundreds of reps of meme exercises. Just train them like your other muscles. You wanna get them big and strong and theyll be sharp when youre lean and noticeable during bulks.
3000 is tdee which includes the lifting session and the walking on top of my BMR. It's pretty accurate, I've been following it for half year and ate a deficit based on what the app said. Went from 106 kg to 77 kg
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Forgot pic
>86 pounds in 5 months
holy shit bro congratulations man! That's some good shit right there

and yeah, speaking from experience, it's really easy to fall back into that lifestyle if you aren't careful. I lost a ton of weight 5 years ago and was finally slim for the first time in my life. Then very slowly I started eating more and more again, with the excuse "Oh I already lost it before, I can lose it again, no big deal!" and before I knew it, I was a balloon again.
Stay vigilant
DNP bros we still alive?
The crushing despair and sadness that makes me want to lay down and die.
recent trends
1. keep coming back from exercise and eating more, even though I should be done for the day
2. not being able to get to sleep, and eating way early instead, then still being hungry at normal times
some obvious solutions here. I think I just let the *idea* of 5:2 fasting result in the a slackening of the rest of my diet.
>60 calories per slice
Huh, same as whole wheat.
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Ah yes, I remember those.
I'm a complete DYEL who saw you posting this a couple days ago and went all "cool! let's try it right now!"
Well, it turns out doing even the start of a single candlestick requires more core strength than I've got, so that goes in the same pile where push ups are, with a big label that says "aspirational" next to it.

That feels relatable. I do my so-called strength training religiously. I increase my reps when I can, I bump my weights up when I can.
Yet my body composition scale laughs at my pitiful efforts. It's not clear that this is actually accomplishing anything when I'm also losing 1.5lbs/week. Being the noobiest of newbies, I thought I'd get some magic newbie maingains going for me, but it appears I was pushing my luck.
My mom said I lost weight, does that count?
>If it's the lungs, just keep going. Eventually your lungs will catch up and you'll be able to get your heart rate up.

NTA but thanks anon, I'm a heavy smoker that's trying to give it up for good and this gives me a little light at the end of the tunnel. Currently my lungs give out before I can really do any significant exercice, but I'm keeping at it.
Literally me
Only mom has commented
the women keep telling me to stop and that I looked fine 50 pounds overweight
Fuck them.
They must be fat bitches
do you guys really smell weed that easily? I work with this guy who smokes up every day as soon as he gets home but no one at work has even mentioned weed and he smells like deodorant to me. Granted I'm not a dog, but I can usually smell if someone has even a nug of weed on them it's that potent, but if they've had a wash and are wearing fresh clothes what is there to smell? I've always been confused at this meme, is it making fun of how unhygienic stereotypical stoners are?

I'd say the biggest downside of weed is how it saps all ambition for a lot of people. If you have no self-control or weak drive, regular use will just have you planted on your couch reading or watching shit all day. I've seen a few people thrive on it but it seems to be the exception.
no need to get down on yourself, swap the candlestick for hanging leg or knee raises. theyre significantly easier. Start with knees and work up to the legs. By the way you look too good to sound so down on yourself. not blowing smoke up your ass, you may just not realize youve reached a basic level of fitness. that would explain the crash diet tier calorie consumption. eat some food and keep doing your best. if a movement doesnt work, try to find a similar one that does work. failing that ask away and ill try to find something that suits your skill level. sorry the candlesticks were demotivating btw.

I smell weed wafting out of other cars and coming into my car on the highway when my air is set to recirculate
i'm currently 5'7 anywhere from 139-142 pounds depending on when i weight bf 15%
think id lose weight if i ate 12 pieces of sushi in the morning, drank a protein shake in the afternoon, had a breaded chicken cutlet for dinner, and has an 180 calorie jerky at 1am? asking because i have no idea of the damn chicken cutlet calories
There's a house on my walking route where the owners smoke weed in their garage.
I have smelled them from half a mile away, I measured.
Obviously some people aren't as heavy users or go out of their way to eliminate the smell. Theres a woman who comes into where I work and she REEKS of weed, she doesn't even try.
They don't say that to me, but they treat me different. They smile at me more, talk about needing to go to the gym themselves. I had one girl that gave me the "not if you were the last man on earth" type of rejection 50 pounds ago start hanging around my office and giggling at my jokes.[spoiler] Yes, I know, I'm a stupid fuck for asking a coworker out in the first place. Not going to make that mistake again.[/spoiler] And I still need to lose like 25 pounds, god I hope by Christmas, but I got that Iberian caveman build.
Chicken breast is like 600 calories. Breaded is probably like another 50. If you fry it in oil instead of bake it probably like another 100. If you used egg to hold the crumbs on, probably another 60.
>Rigatoni - 410 g (1447 kcal)
>Alfredo sauce - 410 ml (342 kcal)
>Peeled cooked shrimp - x36 (360 kcal)
>Garlic butter - 30 g (210 kcal)
>Salted water - negligible
>Crushed red chili flakes - negligible
For a dish that's approximately 2360 kcal. Split it into four filling meals for 590 calories a meal, my only meal each day. But today only, because I felt special, I had
>Lemonade - 375 ml (160 kcal)
For a total of 750 kcal, and I'm totally stuffed. Burned ~690 from exercise alone earlier, going to burn another ~690 in an hour. Plus BMR makes my TDEE 3150 kcal. Carbs from pasta will help with cardio for the next couple workout sessions.
oh yeah for sure, I guess I just always thought anons meant they smelt it on people just from passing them by.

Weed isn't legal where I live and there are a bunch of cops in my city so it's not common for people to smoke up in cars. You smell it often in apartment hallways though.

Huh alright, I must have the good fortune to only know well-groomed coworkers then, that or I have a shit nose. I find the odor of weed appealing myself, but it's not something I'd like to smell everywhere, pretty much like most nice smells. There's an old woman in my building who wears industrial amounts of perfume, you can smell her coming down the stair before you even hear her dog's nails against the floorboards. It's a shame because I've smelled that on other people and it was nice enough on them.
From experience, be careful on the shrimp bro. 10 calories is like those "medium" cocktail shrimp, not the real head on stuff you get from the seafood counter. Those are more like 35. God, I will shrimp boil a whole pound and eat it as my only meal, though.
I only notice it if someone smoked recently and hasn't changed clothes since. Probably encounter someone like that out in public once or twice a day.
anyone else growing out a beard so that you can be surprised by your facial gains once the fat is gone?
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Going by the nutritional info on the back of the bag, 10 shrimp (necessary pieces removed) is 100 calories, and there were 36 shrimp. This was a bag of shrimp that had already been cooked and peeled, so there isn't really anything I can add to it. But man this was a good dinner. I wanted to keep eating even after I felt completely stuffed, it just tasted that good. I had been debating on whether to use chicken simmered in chicken broth instead of shrimp, but thought it might be overkill.
Fucking hell I miss pasta
Yeah I guess some people just dgaf, I think I smell it randomly one someone in the street maybe once a month. I only go into the city if necessary though, so most people I meet are around my apartment going to work or out on hikes lol.
You got the right kind for that info. Good on you bro.

Also, with chicken, try just dry ranch seasoning. It will rock your world with negligible calories. Think a lipton noodle pack +5.
I get the keto thing, but I just go with it. It's better to CICO. I see the scale jump just as much on glycogen storage as carb conversion so I just focus on total calories. When I'm consistent, the trend continues down...

Fucking need my protein though. My recovery lags for days if I don't have it as most of my food.
>100 calories in a single serving steam pack
>10g of protein, 9g of fiber
>tactile fun of eating nuts/seeds in the shell without the calories
>can season it different ways
My testicles aren't going to shrivel up into raisins if I eat these once or twice a week right?
I'm kind of surprised that people still smoke weed when edibles and tinctures are so widely available now. Why harm your lungs and make yourself smell like crap when it's not even necessary to get high?
it's so hard not to do curls everyday. i hate that the body needs rest to grow. reeeeeeee
The whole xenoestrogen thing making you a 'jack is a meme unless you have a major testosterone problem. You'll be fine.
Fat has a more estrogenic effect than snoy.
The effect is different
I drink söy milk every day for protein, and I wouldn't be surprised if it raised estrogen levels.
you can do curls every other day. small muscles (kek) like the biceps recover very quickly and respond well to frequent training. try to do 2 different variations of curl each workout.
I've heard even normal milk will mess with your hormones a bit
You can still do it, just use it for cardio.

I'm trying black coffee in the morning (0 kcal) before first hour of cardio so I can burn a lot more (the carbs from tonight for tomorrow morning may also push me even farther), and my body is already warmed up for my second hour of cardio at night so I tend to do even more. In the past 5 weeks, I've pushed my daily burned calories for cardio from 380 to 1380, and it's steadily getting better. My deficits are always nearly 2000. We're all gonna make it.

The chicken breast I made last
Friday was so dry, hard, and flavorless that my knife broke trying to cut it. Yesterday I added a chicken bullion cube to some chicken broth when boiling one up in a small pot and it fixed all the problems. Probably terrible for sodium, but I drink 5 bottles of water a day so that might even it out.
> By the way you look too good to sound so down on yourself.
No no, I'm NTA. I have every reason to sound down, trust me on this.
That other gorgeous sonavabitch can almost certainly do your abs routine as it stands. Maybe after he eats a sammich, anyway.
Still, thanks for the pointers. I'll definitely give those two a try.
>Friday was so dry, hard, and flavorless that my knife broke trying to cut it.

White meat cooks so much fucking quicker than dark meat it's unreal. You need to go lower cooking time. Think like you're cooking fish.

Males do have small amounts of estrogen as part of the hormone cocktail. It has positive effects but only when its also in the presence of testosterone.

As long as you haven't had an orchiectomy you're fine.
understood, good luck man
I'm just gonna lounge around naked so I can be constantly aware of how fucking fat and ugly my body is.
bump limit hit
new bread
Snoring and shit-tier sleep quality.
When does fattycontest.com get updated? I'm not sure if I did it right.
>Chicken breast is like 600 calories.
how much chicken breast are you eating? 300g is like 360 calories and it's more than enough for a meal
be on guard if you're sick or have an injury, had both shoulder tendons and cocyx injury at the same time so my between not being able to do any exercise, bad sleep because of the pain and the fear of a caloric deficit because my PT told me it will slow down the healing(which took 2 and a half fucking years) made me regain 16 kg out of 70 kg lost.
Heard a lot of similar stories where people regain some or all after injury so be careful

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