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previous: >>74724926
>OP is a tripshart faggot

fuck off you fucking monkey
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You fuck off fgt
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>calculate TDEE
>measure food
>count calories
>lose weight

Stop making excuses, fatties. YOU KNOW WHAT TO DO.
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goblinx general
what's the point of tripping?
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I found it
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There's something in American food.

We won WW2 as a Christian nation but my dick looks Jewish anons? What does this mean?
Sweet latina princess general
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God damn it, I watched the full minute and she didn't fall and the pole didn't break. Nothing funny at all just a gross fat in underwear with a busted face.
Insane amount of fabric
Ok so are you going to post new fresh content? No? Then fuck your self
stupid bitch could turn it around in 6 months
>our bodies
I'm guessing she's only referring to women because fat men are just fat men not men with different bodies
I keep seeing this but don't get the joke, just a fat arm
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If anyone is planning a spa visit soon you might want to rebook


This girl is a disaster. Has horrible breath, likely from her awful diet rotting her teeth which she mentions. Just had an abortion recently. I want to meet the man who had sex with the smelly breath obese woman.
this thread is to hate fat ppl not to hate fat foids, quit being a looser you have to grind
>but don't get the joke
>anon posts goblins
>goblina joins the server
>chit chat
>thread is derailed
>thread goes to shit
>new thread
>new cycle
more or less
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don't see you posting any OC
You know why the water dosen fall on her fat belly? Because it's lipophob.
does anyone have the name of the study that basically showed that people who cant lose weight are lying to themselves?
i think it went like this
>get people who want to lose weight but think they are immune to the laws of physics
>get "locked up" in a room with CICO stickly measured
>lose weight
>post study
>people complained and said thats not how it works and weight loss isnt possible
>the people who complained were put in the same conditions and lost weight
i saw it posted here a few months ago but i need it now and google isnt helping
He's got that vacant stare that lots of fatties have.
Ladies, it's time to retire the POV meme. It has lost all meaning. Yes I know this woman is actually using it correctly.
Is there a term for the type of person that posts comments like this for ugly people. The uglier they are the more compliments they receive.
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You already the answer to that question.
How the fuck can you look at yourself and not realize you're killing yourself?
I hate fat people.
On some subconscious level you probably want to. I smoked and drank for a long time and it was absolutely a suicidal thing. Fats are just a different type of addict not much different than a meth freak.
We call em biggers 'round 'ere
Not bad
People uplift these goblins for the same reason every friend group has one, so everyone else gets a free +1.5 by comparison. More goblins, more points, until they're the majority and we normal people can laugh from the top of fat corpse mountain
Fuck biggers
keep lurking newfag. you'll learn everything eventually,.
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Makes if easier to filter them. But doll is cool
standard women behaviour
Absolutely kys you fat fucking predditor
Funniest part is her MBR is probably close to 3-4k right now, and she's acting like she counts her calories.

Bitch probably eats an XXL pizza and a 2l bottle of coke and thinks it's 1.5k calories
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>5'9" and 310lbs
>try and visualise this
>simulation broken
Women do it because they don't wan't to be perceived as shallow
Fit fat?
Clearly they don't care and would trade their health for the immediate gratification of tasty food or sating the slightest twinge of hunger. I want to know how they have such a huge ego and are so confident when they look like they do. They have to know they aren't attractive at all except to fetishists
It's a defense mechanism. They need to believe they aren't what they are, even just for a moment, to endure their existence.

I saw this with fat black girls in high school. They were convinced everyone in my hick high school was drooling over them. This long before HAES.
>she spots you from across the room and wants your seed
>the more you struggle the wetter she gets
>can't kill yourself

>pickles in the fridge
isn't the point of pickling vegetables not having to refrigirate them ?
Because it's a mental illness and I say this respectfully. My mom has been fat ever since she stopped smoking in 2000. It's an addiction which people simply can't let go of. When you tell a fat person to "simply stop eating", you're basically better off telling a WoW addict to stop playing the newest expansion pack. A lot of food leads to feeling happier, especially shit like sugar etc
People are so obsessed with hating fat people that they don't even stop to think that these people might be on the same level as other addicts
wtf is it with the US and ranch? it's just watered-down garlic mayo.

why do they all shave their head?

how many calories would that be?

that's not fat, that's a goddess.
biggers tongue my danish
its called hugboxing
or yasss queen
My Dune.
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>be me
>literally today July 19 2024
>show up to work
>t. hospital nurse
>assigned patients for the day
>get report
>mid-40s female super morbid obesity
>short of breath with elevated d-dimer
>might have blood clot in lungs
>size too large for CT scanner
>size too large for examination table required for VQ scan
>literally too fat to be tested for a blood clot
>refusing labs because her arms are so fucking fat the phlebotomist can’t hit a vein
>I walk in to tell her I’m gonna try drawing from her IV
>”hi im going to try to get blood fr
>gutteral toddler-like moan
>…….from your IV….

I FUCKING hate fat people
then it should be as acceptable to criticize fatties as it is to criticize smokers
I can't even visualize person that fat, BMI of 80+ just sounds cartoonish
there really should be some kind of bmi limit on health insurance and universal healthcare, fat fucks like this ruin the system for everyone
A patient i recently had the pleasure to treat kept telling me how healthy this charcoal tooth paste she uses is and its benefits, Ignoring the fact she was type 2 and about to get her leg amputated due to infection. Absolute delusion, the mind boggles.
on the other hand they invariably die young and you dont have to e.g. provide extensive care when they get dementia or parkinsons

i agree with >>74735533 86 BMI is fucking insane, can you draw an outline of the patient in paint?
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I wish I could take a picture but that’s a legal violation so I drew you a picture
where did the other fingers go, anon?
did they merge with the others? did they get amputated?
This is the closest I could find on mybodygallery.
made me kek since it kinda looks like a disfigured penis, love u anon
jesus christ
wrong 1000pounds club bro
No amputations but the fingers are extremely fat as are the forearms. The angles of the forearms in my drawing are accurate. It’s like the forearm version of cankles.
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Shit just realized the paper I drew on has to go in the chart lmao
do people give you shit for being a male nurse or is that just a hollywood thing?
I like my pickles cold.
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Who says I’m male?
sorry for misgendering you xir
I’m kidding no women go on 4chan

No one gives me shit about it because they know we made bank during Covid and it’s not like meet the parents

However some patients particularly the niggers and Haitian women don’t trust wyt men
lol yeah, my buddy says he had it better and was safer doing TACEVAC in afghanistan than riding as EMT in amberlamps stateside
It's a stalker who still thinks she will notice him.
no, not from coworkers/hospital establishment. some patients only want female nurses, but there are some creepy patients that only get male nurses or else they do shit like jerk off in the toilet. ask me how I know.
Crazy that fast food, of all things, is the hill these idiots choose to die on.
My hatred directs itself towards what deserves it more. Fat women who say big is beautiful, but give no recognition to fat men and pretend that fat men don't have it 10x worse than fat women, have an extra layer of hypocrisy that deserves more hatred. Both are fat and deserve hatred, but fat women deserve more.
kek. leave it! Say it was for referencing her weight gain on future visits.
They always look so strange next to actual human figures, don’t they? Inhuman. Like, this shows that maybe three or four human beings fit inside what they call a body, and it’s really strange to think that they’re a human being somewhere inside them, but more like they ate one.
Don’t ask me why, but I could smell this. No it did not arouse me. It soured my stomach though.
Post this to R9k and show them the femcel still out of their league
do male nurses get paid more, seeing how you guys are seemingly the designated tard wranglers and designated pervert picks?
How are they any different to Ronnie who gymed himself into a ?
Lmao kekd
This poor creature is way too obese (although fat distribution is not the worst), looks like a degenrate clown, has a horrible try hard "goth" aesthetic, Bobby Hill haircut, gross tattoos and is genrally awful. But unlike many fatties, she has the sense to cover herself up, instead of displaying all the unsightly folds, flops and bulges.

I give this outfit a C+, because it actually makes her look less disgusting, rather than more.
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Just for this I got some thinspo
this is the real actual reason i do not want to get into medical
i dont want to render aid to these people
i would genuinely rather let them die
Please post more. The fat people stories from doctors, nurses, and ems are always the best
It said dance, not cause an earthquake you living mega drum of rubber cement
Post body
How many of your female coworkers are hogs themselves?
Everything that I just read and that you added to this just keeps making it worse. How do you make your life so awful and never once think to change it or stop making it awful or at least start improving one aspect at a time? How is she so fat disgusting unhappy with herself and miserable, she stinks, but she’s also able to have sex with strangers, but then she also became a baby murder as a direct result.
2016 was 8 years ago...
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That study does not exist. What you’re referring to is an older study where they did not intervene once, but similar to secret eaters they started investigating people who claimed they couldn’t lose weight, no matter what they did, they actually measured their metabolic rate, and they had someone count their calories for them through the course of several days, and proved that they were eating way more than they ever reported. My favorite part is at the end where they show them everything that they ate so they can see it and remember
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fuck you nigger at least she's posting new content in every thread. otherwise we've got the same 100images repeating every single time.
why do I only see fat people snacking on pickles? They are a low calorie food, even the ones brined in sugar water. Isn't vinegar supposed to help you lose weight? I would like some answers from any pickle bros in here.
Only a fat eurocuck wouldn't refrigerate their pickles
it kinda reminds me of the /fit/anon doctor/nurse who killed an obese patient during peak covid
There's a benefit for keeping those uglier than you around, because it makes you be seen as more beautiful (than in isolation) by the relative comparison. I don't remember the specific term for it.
You might be thinking of DUFF. Designated Ugly Fat Friend
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this one
People have known they've been fucking with the food here (Netherlands) since at least the 50s
It should be, but historically smoking was masculine. The majority of fat and obese people are women.
You're not allowed to hurt their feelings even if it's literally killing them.
This is one of the top three reasons I decided I would not do healthcare ever again. But I am glad that at least in my state to get your RN means you must get a certified nursing assistant license, so you actually get to work the job day-to-day and see the greediness and decide if you actually really truly want to go forward. So many creatures just like this. The nursing homes are probably 90% creatures like this mixed with 10% of frail elderly. No, I want to let them die.
On top of that, an alarming amount of coworkers and peers. We’re already overweight themselves, they were even a few floor supervisors who were definitely obese, some of them would’ve belonged here. They didn’t seem to notice whatsoever that they were on the road to becoming like these patients, some of them had complete cognitive dissonance and would say that they were so glad that they weren’t like that patient who was too fat to do anything and didn’t realize all of their problems were connected to their weight. Others were very clearly, aware, and they would be very, very aggressive if they heard you making comments about the fat patient.
>Muh dignity
>muh human being
>muh empathy
Lmao no. Same pay. Being a male in nursing is a multiplier. If you’re a solid dude with any amount of charisma or skill, being a male makes you excel. If you are a socially awkward fat neckbeard or autist, being a male multiplies you in the wrong direction.
Most are between 25-30 bmi but there are a few real boars in the 38-45 range. There is an eventual filter because this job does require being on your feet and moving so the upper limit exists
I understand for older blacks, blah, blah, blah human test subjects, blah blah blah doctors make them worse, blah blah blah. It’s just strange that they assume even though we let blacks become doctors now, and women become doctors, that any random white healthcare worker would still, have intent to do serious harm. If we’re all part of the same medical industry, then wouldn’t that make the black doctors and healthcare providers dirty rats that are in the same business trying to sell them out and gain their trust? Why bother going to the doctor at all at that point?
Based and trolley problem pilled
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everything a fatty does looks disgusting. every movement of the fat sack of shit body is repulsive

correct. my gf has this huge disgusting "best friend". gf works out and roons and i know she'd khs if she ever got to 1/3rd of fatty but she's actively encouraging her to keep eating and never give up on HAES. first i thought it was genuine but a while ago she told me herself she's just insecure about dumb stupid shit only a woman could be insecure about and fatty just absorbs the perceived damage. you wouldn't even notice gf's birth mark with a 400lbs rhino sitting right next to her.

some women a actually evil. not gf tho she's just trolling love her
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>86 BMI
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Intubating and sedating people is what killed them.
Sometimes on a hot summer day, I like a nice cold, briny pickle as a snack. Especially after a long run when I'm craving something salty.
That is evil yes. She created a sacrificial lamb to take all her burden and only ever get worse.
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>the highlight of her week is that she's about to get used like a fleshlight for 10 minutes

Imagine being so gross and low you're excited about the fact you'll get attention for a couple minutes from another man.

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>physical therapist comes to work with 505 lb patient BMI 86
>we start getting her prepped, lines moved, oxygen extended, cane at the bedside, etc.
>she’s slowly oomphing herself to the side of the bed
>slowly a clear plastic bag emerges from beneath her fat rolls
>”wtf is that?”
>it’s a fucking bag of tea and… wait
>sides reached orbit but had to maintain composure
>grabbed a pic while she was facing away for /fit/
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>eww why would i want to date fatty
>i deserve a skinny guy
I had a 500 lb female patient during my EMT clinicals. She was on her way from the nursing home to her doctor, and the folks at the home dropped her onto the concrete. They called us and firefighters to help get her up and to the hospital.
I checked her profile, she’s literally an ozempig trying to lose weight who just posts about trash tv and rough sex to the point of injury.
Wut? How long does she think she'll be there. Also what spices? Is that fucking cumin?
Fatties that big often hide things valuable (in their mind) and food that might be taken in their fat folds.
Fatties and people who frequent the hospital often bring a whole suitcase of shit hence why this lady has a whole ass power strip for all her shit. Some of them bring personal fans too because the room doesn’t get cold enough for them to thermoregulate (thermostat goes to 67° but can be overridden at our request by facility maintenance to around 65°)
>Also what spices? Is that fucking cumin?
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I used to think it was the high-fructose corn syrup in everything, but even Americans that claim to go out of their way to avoid added sugar seem to get obese, so there must be other fuckery going on as well.
>claim to go out of their way to avoid added sugar
The ol' diet coke with a double big mac and extra large fries.
Studies have shown that the vast majority of fat people drastically under-state how much they truly consume. Fat people are all liars and despicable dishonest creatures.
Overeating/overindulgence/general unchecked gluttony is part of the culture. Most of the population are too retarded to educate themselves or exercise the bare minimum of restraint, and still end up over eating, even when they choose “healthy” options.
I don’t think its as deep as “hurr theyre putting fatty chemicals in the water”. Its just that people are dumb as fuck here, and its SO easy to over eat on cheap garbage.
When I go to the grocery store nowadays, and I see a fatso with their cart full of trash, I make sure to slowly walk past them with an exaggerated look at their pile of slop and then chuckle to myself. Fat dudes and fat old people don't seem to care much, but wow the fat women pick up on it and their faces go beet red from shame hahaha.
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Major HIPAA violations, but I still approve. I can only say that because I no longer work in health care and will never return. Ever.
Pic related.
The injection mandates are why I left health care forever, but this is another good reason.
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That thighgina makin me feel things
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Is nature healing? Finally people are reacting normally to manmade horrors. She’s not brave stunning or any type of appealing to the eye. Or nose.
I also agree with goat, whenever I see fatties in bikinis it just looks like felony public indecency.
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I'll bet her scalp is moist with sweat after the several minute struggle to squeeze into that girldle
>imagining the smell
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I actually don't mind this one. No delusion, no moral grand standing and no bitterness, yeah ideally she should lose the weight but she's not perpetuating it.
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public shaming for cows who show their knees needs to happen
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same girl
America is new country so our cities are designed around the car which means less walking. Also, other countries have been eating the same thing for hundreds of years where our diets started to form around mass produced industrialized foods.
this one doesnt deserve to be posted here
I remember when body horror was a fiction genre.
How do these fatsos deal with the nuclear heartburn that comes from gorging such vast volumes. They do have super powers after all.
>uplifting plus size+slim relationship stories to distract me from reality
mental illness
I think they just get used to it. If obeasts aren't killed by heart attacks or strokes in their 40's they develop neat little diseases such as esophageal cancer due to constant GERD.
they know they're disgusting, the whole
>tee hee im so cute
thing is such a sad cope.
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>/fit/ doesn't want this

It's like people who spend all day hating gay people who are secretly gay themselves
>ceps poster vanished from /fit/
>black guy
yeah accurate LMFAO
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>smooth skin
>tiny wrists and ankles
>no cellulite, stretch marks, or blemishes
every fucking time
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Civilization was a mistake
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>Like, this shows that maybe three or four human beings fit inside what they call a body, and it’s really strange to think that they’re a human being somewhere inside them, but more like they ate one.
What's the website

t. newfag
Losing weight would be less effort than THIS.
I can't see any knees there.
I dont know but i do enjoy a pickle spear every now and then but I make my own
Doesn't matter, self inserting as a fat man is looser shit, grind or kys
It honestly must suck as a dark skinned person when literally everyone is expecting you to be super fat. Every slim, black or brown female I’ve ever known was accused of severe anorexia from all sides, so like how Asians are obese, much lower weights, everyone just assumed that black and brown individuals were underweight at a much higher number. For example, a lot of Asian people are obese and BMI 25 instead of 30, but I’ve heard arguments that specially people of African descent are underweight at BMI 25.
I don’t really care what you softies, she still belongs here because she still fat and at least in this clip is not hinting that she’s trying to be better in the slightest. Which she is that she has inherent value. People take care of themselves and contribute to their community and society as a whole have value. Children inherently have value because they have the great potential and it’s in our nature to protect children at all costs. we do not value individuals that are purposefully crippling themselves so that we need to take care of them. No human being gets to say that they purposefully amputated their limbs, but they still have inherent value that can’t be taken away.
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… Yes? The whole fat people are people to think is fine and dandy, but if it applies to a couple of you, then it applies to all of you people. What’s the difference between the average obese person and Hamberlynn Feed? That weird foodie beauty? Boogie? Or literally any of the mouse present. That one with the super fit husband where all he’s ever known is her, and he looks miserable in all their photos, and in every photo she rehashes that she has a fit husband and some fit women don’t? She said she will rehash it on every single post because people still make comments that the man looks miserable and she insist God put her on this earth to rub it in the faces of everyone else. Like it or not, she’s part of your movement.
Bitch that easily 900lbs
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What the fuck what the fuck what the fuck what the fuck
This is why I can’t die or go broke, my kids will go to these creatures.
Anyone got the split screen of the Korean woman suddenly realizing she was looking at a fats fupa and not her ass? Its the one where her eyes get big and she leans in to take a better look at the horror.
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I hate fat people.
Thank you
this is what kids these days call cope
>plus size goth girl
So just your regular goth girl then?
Fat lesbian mother-daughter sex; thanks for making my fetishes weirder Internet. Makes me glad my state forbids porn.
There's two types of goth chicks nowadays. Stick thin, smokes non stop, is probably a little TOO into the goth lifestyle, or landwhale goth who is doing it for attention. Find you a skinny goth with no tits or you're just looking for a fat chick who wears black and has tattoos.
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IRL Nurgling demon, thousands of years too early.
is this real? not CGI?
My friend Louis, a big dude once said
>there’s two types of naked: good naked and bad naked
>the bad naked comes out in public first
HIPAA requires release of identifying personal health information of which I have not released
christ on a cross
Tea. How much sugar does it add to every cuppa?
>no chink names
>just a couple of jeety names
Bros, I want to go back. I want it so bad.
>some women a actually evil. not gf tho she's just trolling love her
Haha, yeah...
>go to Subway on the regular for lunch years ago
>go one day after gassing up car, head to restroom to get gasoline smell off hands
>doors locked, wait a few minutes, knock, no reply
>wait a few more minutes, person joins me in line, “what’s the wait for?”, “I don’t know, someone in there”
>knock again, no reply, go get manager to unlock door, manager grumbles it could be homeless inside
>manager knocks final time, loudly tells person they need to come out, meek voice from inside replies, manager says they have 30 seconds to open the door or he’s unlocking it & calling the cops
>our emerges fat dude, drink in hand and unwrapped sandwich in the other, bitches & leaves
>manager grumbles about chow that’s happened as well, fat people eating in the restroom because of embarrassment to eat in public
>go in to wash hands, open bag of chips left on the top of the toilet tank
You have shared the day of the visit, an amount of weight that is exceptionally unique, and height, the general age, and a specific incident of finding tea bags and spices in fat rolls. Additionally, you have shared that a drawing of the patient is one you have made that is officially added to the chart of the patient.

I don't particularly care, but you should hope that this isn't found out.
You're probably safe, it's unlikely. But I'm just letting you know that it's possible.
A fatty of culture i see
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>The affidavit also disclosed that authorities discovered a 20-second clip from Ring video cameras showing Wilson lying on the boy's neck and head area while he screamed. Another video from the same camera showed Dakota still screaming as Wilson remained on top of him, his cries gradually fading.
>his cries gradually fading
Im slightly impressed she fit into that
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>get used to it
very based very based
She puts five sugers in her pepsi
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Are you being a fat ally at the gym?
I'm a fat ally always, which includes at the gym.
>krystyna pisarska
Polska gurom
Me the whole thread
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someone edit it by adding all the proper characteristics of the fatty. you know, the smell, the wrinkles, the flaps, the dead skin under the flaps, the cellulite etc etc
Wood nut in cider
I am not requesting all that. If a personal trainer wants to work with a fat person, that’s their job. That’s their job to look into it, it’s their job to make their client happy. Not mine. If they’re too fat to fit on any gym equipment properly, then they need to be informed. They should be starting with diet changes and then come back when they’re small enough.
Why did someone thin that this dried upleather armchair is good to photograph? I have seen some fatties that managed to look cute thanks to someone's photographic skills but this is the exact opposite
Meatspin dot com
>fit check
More like fat check heheh
Hmmmmm. It worked for >>74737457 which was originally fetish art, and I’m not sure if it can work on that. Certain details still couldn’t be fixed, like how when we actually look at it. The fat ogre is actually like easily 7 feet tall. The proper fix would be to put flapjack on a step ladder to add more insult to injury. As for that interesting cope… Put on an Afro and a wife beater on what is clearly a nigger, the same cellulite and grease and veins on the fatty, maybe add some acne and strange wounds. Dark circles under the eyes
Would coloring work on a manga style?
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Give it time.
Most of the obeasts posted in here are young. Hearburn is rarely an issue with younger people.
When I was an alchy in my early 20s I got to a poit where I used to drink at least .6-.7L of vodka or whisky every day. No heartburn, no nothing. Then I stopped in my mid 20s. A few years later dedicated to improving myself, working out, eating healthy and taking care of myself and last month I had 50ml of whiskey at my father's birthday. WORST heartburn I've ever felt in my life and I'm not even 29 yet.

It's insane what 7-8 years can do to your stomach. These fatties will hate every hour of their existence before turning 30. After 30 the real obesity related problems start.
>didnt fuck her navel hole
Why do you think she didnt do it on purpose?
source on the first girl?
oh god, those poor fibulas
Some fuckers here would still think
>had to be cut up to be cremated
Because fast food is garbage. Being a bodybuilder obviously is a mental illness but at least being fit as fuck is pretty bad ass. Fast food has no redeeming qualities.
I recoginze those cables, have fun getting fired bro ;)
Oh god
is that it's labia drooping down and rubbing
i just vomited in my mouth a little
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1.5k? try 600 lol
Every single fat person I know underestimate calories by a factor of at least 5. They think a large pizza with a large fries and 2l coke is 800 calories. They unironically believe it is a normal meal for a human being and youre supposed to eat a meal like that 3 times a day, to get around 2400 cals. so this is what they do, they get to 400pounds and then they cry that they dont understand why theyre fatfucks because they eat a normal diet
this except they dont even do the calorie bs
they just eat however much until theyre stuffed and assume that slightly less than that is a normal amount because obviously dont eat until youre sick thats too much
so because they can fit 3/4 of a whole cheesecake in one sitting they really assume thats a regular amount of food to eat
this is depressing as fuck
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Thermoregulatin is for people who take care of their bodies. We should let darwin get his due now and again.
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How’s this so far? I’m thinking if I can just add tattoos to him
Shae kitty
>call the police
and what exaclty are they expecting the police to do ? send them to The Death Camp of Tolerance to learn more about fatphobia ?
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kek nice work anon
Thanks I thought one bandaid was enough but the diabetes darkening was a must
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the acanthosis nigiricans is the best part of ur edit, nice touch
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What I hate about reddit is if a guy posted this exact same thing they'd annihilate him.
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Why :(
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>i want to get in shape one day

Why not start now? What is she waiting for?
thank you, anon
Eating in the filthiest place possible. Pigs love pig sties.
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I added the tattoos, Ty
>stop drinking booze
>somehow triple your bodyweight

What a retard. Quitting booze should be EZ mode for weight loss.
Literally impossible to get good pictures, even in this one I can see her mud flap cavern
I… you know, it doesn’t matter because she never leaves her sticking cave.
Literally thought it was a manatee at first.
Manatees are slimmer. And actually cute in comparison.
I dislike manatees because they’re stupid
>thin body
I love when mid-size flabby gut girls who eat like shit think they’re skinny, and then blimp out in their 20s. You were never skinny, you were just a larval stage fatass.
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It was brought up in CBT, lipodema discussion. The fat leg disease that’s cured only with liposuction
This is stage two
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Fucking jumpscare
Feel bad for skeleton, he didn't sign up for this shit
My grandma got liposuction when she was 67
It's fine, she was raising him to be gay.
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Really? Why?
She looked balloonesque in that red dress, very spherical
You are a retard. Just because you know hipaa exists doesnt mean you know how it works.
not once you open the jar.
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Fat "people" need to be regulated.
I'm 5'9 and 154lbs
Nigger, I worked in healthcare. I am aware of how it works.
You are underestimating the extent to which a legal retard will try to ruin your life.
The only thing possibly saving you is that you're posting on an anonymous Tibetan flute carving forum.
Except, of course, that you shared a drawing here which is unmistakably connected to YOU, and officially a part of the patient's chart. That's where you actually fucked up.
>bigger afro
Had a laugh
the point was to make it as gross as possible because that's what the coomers who look at this shit want
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The cheese on the pizza alone would be 1.5k calories. Cheese is fucking savage with the calories and far worse than people would expect. Around 85-120 calories per ounce, depending on the type. A whole pizza is easily 15 ounces of cheese.
Its so fucking over, I ate a whole pizza for lunch/dinner. At least it was the only one in the last 2 months.
Do a 24 hour fast, let it get out of your system, and resume a normal healthy diet.
Complete absense of muscle tone
Fucking boomers
You arent obese
I have a BMI of 33, I am obese
What you have is way more advanced than just obesity
Women are retarded
English motherfucker, do you speak it?!
I could fix her.
I will sex her then starve her then sexo her again.
She will live off of coom and water.
Sex me senpai!
>t. power bottom :3
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It’s fat being stored too far away to be used in theory, which is why once they gain weight they can’t lose it. I have read new research though that says as long as they don’t gain weight the disease won’t progress
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I work in an emergency room and this fat bitch overate a pizza and it's moaning that's she's dying and after she got inyected two types of painkillers she's only complains
Virginity is too rare and valuable a trait to pass up these days. I would try to fix her.
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Any other actual former anorexics who are in danger of relapsing due to lurking /fph/? I'm restricting food again and have upped my weekly cardio by 10+ hours.
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>shhh don't listen to them darling, got you sonmething to eat!
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Depending on toppings I'd be guessing easily 4k+ with the bottle of coke. Also depends on hard they go on the XXL part, there's some 30$ places, and there's 50$ places for a reason.

t.not a pizza guy so I never check those macros anyway
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This guy was a legit retard tho.
Make wrists fatter, face grotesquely fat, a lot of bad body odor, and you have it 100% true to form.
fuck, feels like i'm starting to think i might have this, the '' fat wavy ass and skelly ribcage'' is spot on
FUCKING YES. FPH HAS MEANING AGAIN. I LOVE YOU DOLL! Especially now that your pics open
What does she think happened? Abs against fupa?
This was a vampire in blade. Right?
>Don’t ask me why
fuck you. why?
I think she's implying that the recipient of the hug was aroused by having his penis in contact with her diseased and morbid fat skin and is having an erection as a result.
This is the secret to those couples where the girl is a smoke show and the guy is dumpy and unkempt.
I've never been fit and hot like many of you are, always either skinny fat or overweight. Still though, I've only ever dated pretty petite spinners. Always got stares in public and fist bumps from friends and surprised impressed eyebrow raises from male family members.
They must think I have a huge hog or something, but its plainly average.
I get good looking women because I actually approach them and include them in cool things without immediately pressuring them for sex. Once you get to know a woman, its easy to manipulate them into liking you back. As long as you aren't a social retard.

Literally just have a decent face (if busted face then you need decent body), ask woman to do something interesting and fun, treat her like a dude friend for a couple days slowly introducing flirting, ask her out on a real date, offer availability for her problems but don't solve them for her, be mildly funny or fun to be with, etc.
I honestly believe that most guys who can't get girls are either not actually trying and just complaining that a relationship doesn't just manifest for them, or they are such social retards that they don't have the basic ability of reading a woman and manipulating situations to make themselves appealing.
>Once you get to know a woman, its easy to manipulate them into liking you back. As long as you aren't a social retard.
why are you talking about '' manipulate them'' ? do you think that seducing someone is manipulation and they won't ever like you in the first place just the way you are ?
Bepis in navel
Poke poke lol

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