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>Who is /fat/ for?
For the Ontologically Obese who are working towards a longer life and a better physique through meaningful hard-work, strategy, and dedication. This is not QTDDTOT, stick to questions on fat loss. Post height and weight when asking for advice.
Join our Fatty Contest: https://www.fattycontest.com/

>What do I do first?
1. Read https://physiqonomics.com/fat-loss/
2. Calculate your Body Fat Percentage: https://fitness.bizcalcs.com/Calculator.asp?Calc=Body-Fat-Navy
3. Calculate your TDEE: https://www.sailrabbit.com/bmr/
Remember to use bodyfat% and use Katch-McArdle Formula with sedentary settings or your TDEE will be too high.
4. Plan your weight loss: https://www.losertown.org/eats/cal.php
5. Track your nutrition with MyFitnessPal (better for packaged food), Cronometer (better for generic food/macros) or LoseIt (great for both).

>Now what?
Count calories, all of them.
Eat about 500-1000 less calories than your TDEE.
Buy scales, be accurate.
Learn to cook. Try to stick to lean protein and green vegetables.
Eat a lot of protein. 0.72g per pound of goal lean body mass.
Doing cardio, even just walking, will improve your health. There is no such thing as a healthy fat heart, but you can offset the risks.
Lifting weights will keep and gain muscle mass and burn fat much quicker. No lifting results in the body burning away muscle AND fat.
Drink more water.
Read the /fit/ sticky: https://liamrosen.com/fitness.html

Eat refined sugars, they're terrible for you regardless of calories.
Eat processed foods.
Drink your calories (alcohol, soda, Starbucks).
Freak out over a weight loss stall. Plateaus can last up to three weeks.
"Reward" yourself. Cheat days cheat only yourself.

>Other resources:
Loose skin, gynecomastia & stretch marks: https://weight-loss-side-effects.netlify.app/
Reddit Wiki: https://www.reddit.com/r/loseit/wiki/faq

Previous thread: >>74726605
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Thoughts on fitness vidya?
I'm fat
Thingken of starvemaxing

About 3 years ago I went from my fattest (6', 242 lbs) to leaner than I was in high school (167 lbs). It was a good feeling. I am now back to 210. To clarify, I hit my low weight about 3 years ago. I did super strict keto and calorie reduction and lost the weight over about 6 months.

How did you guys like fasting? I'm highly aware my eating is more from stress or boredom than hunger. I think if I found fasting novel or enjoyable I could probably stick with it.
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This is likely the last or next to last 72h fast since I started my first one almost two months ago (depends how much visual change there is). More than a 10kg difference since then, and my fifth one.
Should be more accurate now that I have a tracking scale.
I also should have electrolytes now so we'll see how that goes.
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I'm currently on day 19 of water fasting, and I've done a 30 and a 14 before. I even do (moderate) physical labor in the heat at my current job and manage. It's not too bad, and it would be even easier if I stopped fucking browsing /ck/ to stare at food like a retard. Max weight was 279 last year, now I'm about 198.

Jason Fung's The Obesity Code was a good audiobook listen while I was out walking.
The 2000kcal basal should be with current weight :/
go lower then fatty, 1400
Eat at 2000kcal for a week and then go hard again. Or switch to OMAD. Either way, change things up so your body's adaptation to your new intake is thrown out of wack for a while.
I guess I really have no other option..
Apparently the tdee math is just bullshit.
300 kcal is a very small deficit, not a lot of room for error, the food industry is a fucking joke and food nutrition labelling is not an exact science or something I think companies would give too many fucks about you might be giving them too much credit
if you've been eating the same things these
past weeks maybe try getting the same number of calories but from completely different foods/sources/brands, could be some product you consume is raping you with calories you're not consenting to
Weighed in at 187lbs today started at 245lbs on May 8th
Goal weight is like 145lb at 5'10 by end of year
I'm feeling motivated to start a long fast until August 8th to try and reach 170lb
I want to be able to say I lost 75lbs in 3 months
>you actually don't get to punch Miku
>weight stalled all week long
Why does my body hate me?
How much of weighing frustrations come from typical cheap home scales just being dogshit? I'd visit a gym or hospital with a medical scale and use that
Having a cheat meal tonight and on Monday to recreate my Grandpa's spaghetti with meat sauce recipe for my Grandma. I will resume my carnivorous ways afterwards.
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enjoy chad
Post weight
Post a goddamn weight update
Fridge Friday
>post fridge
>rate, comment, etc.

i still have that same fucking watermelon from two weeks ago, it's just never a good time to eat carbs/fruit
>bmi 23.9
we're so back. 4 more kg to 12% bf, started at class I obese. wagmi
this game is actually based, I love it
you have to jump through hoops to buy it in english though
10/10 for the pepsi max. Been sipping on them all week.
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>dandelion and burdock soda
What the hell
you already had enough cheat meals that you could live off of the calories from those alone for the next 24 months, get a grip
caffeine free has been a game changer for me as I took the early rising pill
british flavours amirite? my favorite soft drink from the uk is bitter shandy, it's fucking heavenly on the few hot days a year there are, but it usually has a few more calories that i can justify

10/10 fridge I could use some ham right now
I just bought some electrolyte powder for my fast and drank some of it.
My arm veins are absolutely popping out. What's that about?
Hey guys I have been trying to lose my weight since 2018 and it's only been going up.
What can I do so I can make it go down for good?
Eat less you fat pig
My diet is fixed, literally. I just eat the same 3 meals every day:
2 eggs + 2 round breads + a cup of tea
A rice dish with two sauces + 2 250ml sodas
Some dessert/sugary beverage
What to do eliminiate?
Swap those sodas and beverages to zero calorie drinks.
Stop doing keto
>"why isn't my weight going down?"
>all that sugary shit
lol this has to be b8
nope, i've just lived life on auto pilot and allowed my depression to take over and look where we are now ):
You are lying
are you saying my genes suck and i just get fat eating what skinny people eat? ):
eliminate the sodas, the morning bread and dinner
you will lose weight
additionally you should incorporate some fasting
cut the bread
cut the sodas
cut the dessert
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>start losing weight to escape hamplanet status
>long term gf and I split
>only stall for a little while
>really start going for it this year
>as my weight slowly goes down I get more and more depressed
>can't help but start crushing on female co-workers who workout or play sports
>get more depressed, because I'll never join them in the sun
>despite losing half a person worth of weight it's done nothing to shrink my waistline
>legs are getting leaner by the week, same with my back/arms
>now unhappy and built like a spongebob character
>contemplate walking in front of a bus on the way to work

Such is life, I could keep pushing but it's harder and harder to find a reason to even get up. I knew it was going to be hard but I was only prepared for the physical pain.
No one cares. Kill yourself in quiet faggot.
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If you're losing weight and not noticing the difference you were probably massively obese and selectively brainwashing yourself to think there isn't a difference between 150kg and 110kg. Look at old photos of yourself. If you don't have any, then just trust me, you change a fuck ton and don't know because you don't know how much of hamplanet you were.
>>despite losing half a person worth of weight it's done nothing to shrink my waistline
that's what your brain tells you but that fucker is lying, anon. Keep up the work.
Yes, you are the human equivalent to the ob/ob mice.
Hows the oat milk? Never had this brand, it is one of the more expensive brands at my store.
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How do you deal with death face when cutting on low cals? My parents rekon my eyes look all sunken, not sure if they are generally concerned or just trying keep me fat? Does collagen peptides help keep skin looking good when losing weight?
Lol, low-fat diet problems.
get more protein, vitamins and fat in you, go out in the sun more, get more sleep and drink plenty of water. Natural they are concerned for your wellbeing.
Stop cutting
>get more depressed, because I'll never join them in the sun
Why are you trying to talk yourself out of doing this?
You're literally the only person who decides this
just brave it, once you're thin on one hand your thin face will look normal and fine on your thin body and without immediate comparisons to your fat face and on the other you'll eat a more balanced diet and will look better and healthier
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I wonder how much I have left to loose until I'm finally rid of that gut
the tits are almost gone, I recently realized they mostly turned to muscle which is a good feel
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Das rite!!
I should have gone to bed two hours ago, this will hurt my losses
Because I'm old, broken down from years of abusing my body like a fat piece of shit and incapable of shaking the feeling of complete frustrating isolation.
I've been weak and ate way more than I should, I'll lose less weight than expected
Looks like another 20kg. You should look good in high 70s
Probably another 30 or 40 pounds.
Your goal should be between 180 and 160, unless you're a manlet or you have tons of muscles. I don't know if you're a manlet, but you don't have tons of muscles.
yeah that's what I was figuring too. I'm working out but I'm mostly concentrated on loosing fat before gaining mass anyways.
Stop comparing yourself to other people and start comparing the options you have in front of you.
Objectively the lower your starting point the more impact weight loss is going to have. Maybe you don't spend your 30s crushing puss (or maybe you do) but avoiding strokes and heart attacks alone will have 10x the impact of that on your quality of life. Being able to walk on your own without a mobility scooter will have more impact on your QoL than any of that.

And that's only where it starts, not where it ends. You can go basically as far as you can push your body to take you. So many people are infected by this retarded perfectionist nihilism where they compare themselves to the most genetically gifted and most diligent and because they didn't start at the finish line they give up.
You've got a clear vision in your head of what life you want to lead and you aren't even trying to chase it because you've convinced yourself it's impossible. The only thing that giving up does is set that outcome in stone and protect you from the effort of trying, failing and trying again.
If you're really 6'5", then I must change my advice slightly. Your goal should be 180, period. Only once you reach that should you consider whether you need to lose more, and only go in five pound increments after that at most. You might even want to stop and re-evaluate things around 190.

You're close, anon. You're gonna make it.
Going on keto. I'm just going to eat 20g of carbs whenever I get keto flu until I stop getting it, I need to lose weight fast, I'm sick of being self-conscious about my fat disgusting body when I wear a t-shirt
Enjoy going bald
The number doesnt matter much, my goal is much more based on what I see than what the scale says. As soon as I have lost my gut and whatever remains of my mantits I'll go maintenance for the rest of summer.
Thanks anon, you're gonna make it too.
>Eat the same thing
>Scale no go down
Why my body do this?
If I was fat I would just forget to eat. Go play war thunder whenever you feel like eating.
>24 hour fast
>felt great
>broke fast with some shredded chicken and corn tortillas
>had a slice of pizza
>then another
>then another
>started feeling kinda not great
>had two more
>half the pizza is gone
Damn Ive been good for literal months, guess you never really outgrow binge eating habits. I thought I could have just one slice. No more pizza for me.
If you need to lose weight fast, then why the fuck keto? Just count calories. Keto is a shitty meme diet and you will fail
Thus the fastard cycle continues
Imagine if instead of fasting like some mentally ill retard, you just learnt moderation...
I fasted for medical reasons, not for some cult shit.
good idea, keto is great, remember to take supplements though
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>hes never had blood work done
>half a pizza
I dont think you know what this word means.
I wanted to stop but couldnt
Thats binge eating to the letter
>Half a pizza + shredded chicken and corn tortillas
Atleast read the post before you reply fastard, your brain must be struggling from the lack of food. Maybe it's time for your bi-daily binge.
unless he had like 2lbs of chicken and tortillas then it's nowhere near what real binge eating is you fucking mongoloid
I can wreck two medium pizzas and a 4 person box of snacks when Im actually binging.
Sorry that you think that fasting is hard and you cannot go 4 hours without stuffing your retarded face full of slop.
>I can wreck two medium pizzas and a 4 person box of snacks when Im actually binging.
Not everyone is a land whale like you, binging is different for different people you fat sack of shit.
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He still wont post a new update, dudes probably past 350lbs at this point
>land whale
the fattest I've ever been was 265lbs, retard.
the eggs
He probably just doesn't feel like weighing himself and his abs are probably showing while not hungry :^)
Sure thing fatty
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seethe + cope + mald + dilate
I got that tradie swag
>get within 8lbs of goal weight
>get depressed
>back to 20lbs away now
not epic
so a land leviathan
If I don't eat ANY food for a day I lose even MORE weight
Seriously where did the baby come from
It was about a pound of chicken
Thats a fucking lot
But I guess if it cant pass for a circus side show it doesnt count
Yey for me
How much did you drink
an important image
>then why the fuck keto?
Once you're in ketosis you can comfortably live on 50% of your TDEE, the fat just melts away from you
I don't drink, water is calories
I don't follow the lore, but this seems to be telling a story of one of the nuns that is a child, called Clumsy. I assume like many children raised in convents, they were dropped off to be taken care of by someone who did not want/could raise them properly.
>stand on scale
>stand on scale again 20 seconds later
>0.5 kg difference
>stand on it again a minute later
>0.3 kg difference
>say fuck it, my scale must not be working properly
>stand on scale in gym
>shows more weight than what my weight was 2 months ago
Fuck it, I guess I'll just stick to measuring around my hips. Down 10 centimetres.
Ah so its depicting the past, that makes sense
When I'm human
As I hope to be
I'll make a lot of friends not offput
By my obesity
>keeping food on hand that you can binge
That's the problem.
Just keep stored food that takes a while to prepare e.g. frozen, or don't keep stored food at all
Can't binge if you have nothing to eat
>starting to get sick of pickles
Uh oh
Will it be worth it in the end bros
The only one who knows is the one who keeps moving forward.
I got it in Japanese and don't notice it anymore, just used the insta-google-translator to setup. learned the menus quick.

Fun ways to burn some calories at home. I own this game, and burn calories playing to unlock the outfits and songs and trying for better scores. I don't need motivation when I do it for fun.

Also, alternating activities keeps it fun too, so you don't burn out of the same game/routine. I have RingFit, MikuBox, PumpItUp, DDR. Throw a few push-ups and squats at the end.
I'm curious how many calories fitness games actually burn. Do you work up a sweat playing these as someone who does regular exercise outside of fitness games?
Fatty Contest
Fatty Contest

trying again since it didn't register yesterday for some reason
>that fucker is lying,
I wish I wasn't fucktarded.
>Weigh in tomorrow
>Scale might go up
I am just starting to get back into ddr. 45 minute session (probably 18 minutes of actual song time) left me drenched jn sweat. I drank a liter of water while playing and sweat so much I was still over 1lb lighter when I got home.

My fitness tracker estimated 300 cal burn based on my heart rate. I know these aren't the most accurate, but it's a decent estimate.

People will make fun, but I liken it to interval training. 90 seconds of high intensity, 60 seconds of rest. I still lift weights and do a lot of hiking, but ddr is a great way to break an intense sweat after work when I don't have time for a strenuous hike
Fatty contest

A solid week. Two weeks into having to suspend weightlifting due to an injury. My progress has slowed without that calorie burn but still clearing 2lbs this week. Still on track to hit 200 by end of year if I can keep this up
Good job, sorry to hear about the injury.
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hi /fat/ i baked you matcha cookies with strawberry frosting, only 12 cal per cookie!
>only 12 cal per cookie
What, how
Did you use oatfiber and stevia or something?
the magic of friendship! . ݁+ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁
>only 12 cal per cookie
I sincerely doubt that, but post recipe, I'm curious
You can get pretty low in calories if you use oatfiber. see this redditors recipe for 17 calorie cookies
>12 cal per cookie
No way
Do they taste good?
i lied about the calorie count
>strictly eating only 1500 calories a day
>only eating 2 meals 6h apart so basically fasted all night
>can physically feel my stomach being smaller
>weight number on scale goes up because bloat or because im not pooping
this week has been hell on me mentally
i know its not real but its pissing me off
>basically fasted all night
just keep doing what you're doing, the number will change in time. The longest plateau I ever had lasted 3 weeks, just gotta push through it
as in, being in a fasted state, aka 12h after last consumption of food
i eat my last food at like 3pm so i am in a fasted state from 3am - 10am or so when i eat
15 lbs down seemed to just go by but for some reason I'm dreading these next 8 or so
I know I'm basically 2/3rds of the way there but man I just want to be done with this already
after last week's disappointing fatty contest entry, I have reached a new all-time low weight today. I will wait for tomorrow to report, just in case tomorrow's weight is even lower.

in other words: we're so back
I'm 7 months in but the June was very hard mentally, so for the first two weeks of July I ate maintenance. It was a nice break, and I feel motivated again. Perhaps that could be an option

>something about it's a marathon not a sprint
Appreciate the advice
I'm so close to what I believe may be my 12% weight though that I'd rather not delay it
If it turns out it's not my 12% weight however and it's more like 15+ I'll take a maintenance break
I've noticed I diet the same way I run. IE: good pace generally, but with sprints mixed in. I do fasting on the weekends and it's been working great for me.
>Ate 2k cals of KFC
It is over............
Keep pushing anon. I'm where you are now. I've lost a lot of weight, and while my belly has gotten a lot smaller, it's still not flat, so I sometimes feel like it's hopeless and that I'll never look good. But that's not true. You have to be honest with yourself anon. You know deep down that if you keep going, you'll achieve your goal. You will look good and you will join them in the sun. But you have to persist. You have to stay the course. You have a reason to get up. A very good reason. But you're tired. That's all it is. Give yourself a rest. You have to retrain yourself to stop feeling bad about how you look now, and start feeling happy about the good things; the fact that you're still chasing your goal; that you've lost weight; that you've made a real change. Keep going anon. It is the hardest thing you have done in your life, but you can do it. And the reward at the end will be worth it. And you will forever be able to say you've done it. We're both going to make it.
t. started at 93kg this year, now 68kg
>all this mumbo jumbo

I lost 20kg this spring by jogging every other day and only eating small portions of healthy food. And no alcohol obviously. It was really easy.
>fasting weekends
rip my social life. I usually do 1000-1200 kcal / day during the week so I can bring the weekly average up to 1500 on the weekends when I hang out with friends
it's pretty good I like the flavour but it's the only brand i've tried really
the non-light stuff obviously tastes better
>having friends
Lol, nice excuse dude
Definitely, but also I cut down my time to my goal to 3 months instead of what probably would have been 6-8.
I don't have the patience.
What snacks do you guys have if any? So far I have spinach, baby carrots, raisins, and unsalted peanuts.
i chew sugar free gum, when i started i did carrots and pickles
Fatty Contest
>nice excuse
I'm 26 kg down I don't need to make excuses, but fasting on weekends is not gonna happen
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I was coming back from work, on the hottest day of the year so far in england, having skipped breakfast and lunch, and I had a revelation, a vision from the future

I saw it clearly /fat/, we are all going to make it.

I started crying tears of happiness in the bus, in my vision of the future you guys looked better than you've ever looked before, you wore clothes off the rack and they fit perfectly we all looked fantastic, then we all went to the park and sat in the grass, laughing and exchanging success stories in greentext format, and we shared recipe involving cottage cheese

after a while we sent some guys to mcdonalds to get as many orders of chips as they could carry, we started feeding them to the bulimic girl, we all took turns with her making her throw up with our erect dicks, random people walking through the park started joining and they were all fat, because they had not made it yet, but we let them join in the orgy anyways
Damn I love pickles. Gotta get some now.
english mustard? is that just regular yellow mustard?

I almost always keep some form of milk on hand
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I need to defrost my freezer but here it is, probably close to 45lbs of chicken in there
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Ignore the dirty floor, cleaning day is tomorrow
>english mustard? is that just regular yellow mustard?
It's mustard made with horseradish, it has the same kick as wasabi
Anyone try air fasting? Seems like the next logical step after dry fasting.
Fatty Contest
Fatty Contest
Defrost that shit
A sweet potato with some maple syrup is an amazing low calorie breakfast anons
just dont eat anything more today and get walking
Why'd you gotta go and make it all weird at the end
I have been working out, doing cardio, eating less not eating bad for months. Bad metabolism runs in my family. But i didn’t give up. I felt stronger, faster, fitter but whenever i weighed myself i was 100kg/220lb+. Today i weighed myself and finally i am at 98kg/216lb.

Its nice to know its working. I am going to keep going. I don’t know if i should have a goal. 180lb/82kg sounds good to me.
yeah.. that's a great summary of where I was too until I started taking things seriously again. it's weirdly easy to live in denial.
- welp, start from the beginning. pick a food tracking app, and enter everything you eat and drink in there, every meal, every snack, every day.
- while you do that for a few days, figure out your TDEE using the calculators in the top post.
- figure out your daily calorie goals (sedentary TDEE - 500, probably), and see how that compares to your current eating habits.
- pick a diet style that might work for you. I recommend high-protein and relatively low-carb, since it'll help you not feel too hungry, can keep your blood sugar at reasonable levels with minimal or no medication, and should help preserve muscle mass as you lose weight.
- the carbs you do eat should mostly come from minimally processed ingredients (fruits and veggies) rather than bread, granulated sugar, rice, sodas or pastries. if you must have bread, consider switching to a low-carb bread.
- start taking some basic daily supplements (multivitamin, fish oil, vitamin D, at least.)
- schedule an annual wellness visit with your doctor. get the basic metabolic and lipid panel tests done to spot any obvious badness your self-neglect may have caused/aggravated, so you can start addressing those. your doctor may prescribe some drugs to help correct things if they're bad enough, otherwise your diet and weight loss should be enough.
- if your weight allows it (BMI<35), consider doing some cardio, like walking, every day. it doesn't have to be right away, don't overwhelm yourself.
- once you start getting leaner, you can also consider adding some strength training a few times a week.
Based anon, keep it up, you will have a sick ass progress comparison between starting and goal weight
See you at the finishline
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Not gonna eat snacks again bros. I went like 4 months without eating any at all: no chocolates, no biscuits, nothing that wasn't part of a proper, healthy meal. But then one day I said fuck it, and started eating them. I thought, one won't hurt, as long as stay under my daily calorie limit. But it made me start slipping. My habits got worse. I started cheating a little. I'd eat stuff and put down less calories than what it was. Or just not count the calories at all. As you can see, I'm still losing weight, but at a slower rate. Well, I'm not gonna let this stop me. I'm gonna stop eating snacks and get back on track. I WILL accomplish my goal this year. Fuck niggers
Evens and I meet my goal tomorrow
Good job anon!! I hope to be sub 100 kg/220 lb by the end of next month
youve lost 0.77kg per week anon, thats good going. considering most people recommend losing 0.5kg/week, youre still doing very well.
Don't break keto when you get keto flu symptoms, that's just dragging things out.
Drink a warm cup of broth instead. Bone broth if you can, because that stuff is the bomb, but really, any broth will do.
Warm salty vaguely meat-flavored water if you must.

The relatively low protein intake that comes with a keto diet can mean you will lose some muscle mass. You can mitigate that by doing regular physical activity, and you could choose to have more proteins and a little less fat while still keeping your carbs down.

Use keto as a mean to help you reach your daily calorie goals, not as a substitute for having calorie goals.

Make sure to take a good multivitamin, fish oil, vitamin D, and fiber supplements to make up for your diet restriction. That'll prevent a whole host of potential issues, including >>74735396's concern.
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Bros I can (just barely) fit in my size 36 jeans from college again
>Dumping sugar on something that already has sweet in the name

Let me guess, you drink about 9 diet cokes per day, don't you.

where are you trying to cut to bro ? height ?
thats quite a low weight for an active male
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>final stretch
It's not physically harder, but it definitely is mentally more difficult.
I think it's because there's a voice telling me
>it's not so bad if you stop right now
>you were OK here before
So true
I'm 175cm, but I'm skinny fat, so my whole body is skinny except for my chin, love handles and belly. I'm gonna keep going until I lose all that fat and look 'normal'. I'm lifting too so I can get a bit of muscle definition while I'm at it.
>even trail mix has sneed oils in it
Does anyone roast/cook their own nuts?
Yeah but then you have a donut from a place you used to go as a kid and be happy to realize it is no longer the same. The donut tastes like crap, is not filling, stupidly expensive ($4 for a longjohn?) horrible calories and macros, so why bother eating it in the 1st place? Then just use that self hatred to fuel more loss.
>start gym and eating better 5 weeks ago
>lose 12lbs in 2 weeks in part due to fuck-up calculating calorie intake and eating 2x less than I needed
>lift weights 4x/week
>treadmill 45mins 4x/week
>haven't lost any extra weight in 3 weeks
what am i doing wrong
i triple checked and my calorie intake is fine i didn't go over it's a little under my target for moderate weight loss
I almost never consume diet coke
Good job Anon!
I do, but that's because my country doesn't sell both unroasted and unsalted peanuts, and real ready-made peanut butter costs anything but peanuts, so I go nuts and roast the peanuts myself.
>Diet is working
>Decides to change it to eat more
>Diet stops working
Start taking progress pics. Either you are counting wrong again (usually forgetting small stuff), you are losing fat (weight) but gaining muscle (also weight), or your BMR is wrong
I was scared of losing weight so quickly. Also I was having bad mental health/hormonal side effects and a resurgence in my OCD which was hell. I'm still eating 600 cals per day below maintenance plus I increased my activity.
You were losing weight quickly because you're obese. Nobody loses 12 pounds in 2 weeks on a 1,000-1,200 calorie deficit unless they are obese. It's a shame because you were just over the hardest part. I'm on a 1,000 calorie deficit myself and I stopped feeling hungry after two weeks of eating at regular times, so my body knows when it's feeding time
>everything is measured in kj instead of kcal
nobody uses fucking kj for fuck sake i need fucking CALORIES stop maaking me fucking have to convert everything you pieces of shit
Just wrapped up my first bulk after graduating from /fat/. 5 months of eating and training like a madman. Went from 157 to 179. Im excited to diet with you guys for the next 8 weeks. I also recreated my most depressing beginner photo since im back at my parent's house for the week and my gut was so distended from all the rice and oats. Ill post it next.
I'm 5 foot 7" 212lbs (start), 200lbs (now). Body fat was ~34%. I've lost weight on a lower deficit than that before without increasing my activity levels just by eating better. My deficit in this case was accidentally ~1,600 because I'm mathematically challenged. Staying at that deficit I wasn't hungry, however I was exhausted and my mental health took a very bad turn. It wasn't worth it for the OCD.
feels good to clown on what was a very depressing moment in time
Great progress anon
Based good stuff Anon
thanks anons. i just wanna show theres ways we can still enjoy food, even a lot, as long as we can justify it with training and adjust once we get too big. once youve got some momentum and your metabolism readjusts i think youll be surprised how much easier it becomes to lose weight. 15-20 pounds to lose is a whole different beast from the 100+ we're accustomed to losing here. no need to fear getting obese again if you stay active and can cut down when necessary. no more rebounding 50+ pounds ever again.
I look forward to the day when I no longer have to count calories and can just eat 3 meals a day like a normal person
Uh, spoiler alert, but... that day never comes. You wanna stay non-fat, you keep counting calories. Not counting calories is what got us all here
I dont count calories anymore, but counting calories for years gave me laser eyes that estimate calories very accurately. Youll be surprised what you learn from the process. I will be rigidly counting calories while I diet back down for my next japan trip in september. 2000 and light walks to start, escalating in intensity and dropping calories up until the last week. Also practicing my bullet hell skills for the trip. Id like to 1 credit clear a game while Im there. Here's my shitty youtube where I upload my progress.

This lol, the day you stop you get fat again. Once you are fat your rest point readjusts so you need to constantly count.
I would at the very least count calories for several months after getting to your goal weight. Then be smart about your eating and check your weight every week or two to keep yourself in check. Also if you weight train and do cuts once or twice a year, youre golden to not even count calories outside of cuts.
that much muscle gains in 5 months? apologies for the noob question, but are you on steroids, or this is realistically achievable without in that time-frame?
Is drinking diet Mountain Dew a form of self harm?
I don't think this day will ever come for me. It's like needing glasses when you don't see well. I need to count calories to not eat like a pig. I will probably keep counting, even when setting my goal to maintenance.

my weight loss journey has been very long and I had a week of maintenance break here and there when I got too tired. It's not a bad thing for me.
those two pictures are almost 4 years apart lmao. also fuck yea i finally get accused of steroids
When I'm human
As I plan to be
I'll eat salad and keep
Counting Calories
fwiw I wouldn't have asked if I knew it's 4 years apart. But still amazing progress
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heres a better 5 month comparison. same pose and lighting. i didnt focus much on the show muscles, more on my back legs and chest which really came up
>my weight loss journey has been very long and I had a week of maintenance break here and there when I got too tired. It's not a bad thing for me
not bad at all. i always recommend maintenence breaks. best recommendation for a glutton i can give is to get atleast skinnyfat or lean then justify the food with good training and occassional light dieting.
So I've been weighing my food wrong, I'm actually only eating about 600 calories a day. Should I stay on that? So far it's been do-able.
today I was measured (height) for the first time since I was 17 or so at the doctor. I'm 33 now. Looks like I wasn't fully grown yet back then lol. I always assumed I'm 180 cm (5 ft 11 inch) but turns out I'm 184 cm (6 ft 1 inch). Is there any way to update that on fatty contest for accurate BMI display?
Fatty Contest
349.0 lbs
Me fr
inspiring, I'm very close to end of weight loss (17% bf, started at 31%) and I hope I can stay motivated to lift for as long as you have
>inspiring, I'm very close to end of weight loss (17% bf, started at 31%) and I hope I can stay motivated to lift for as long as you have
a few months ago my coworker told me i seemed very rundown from the training and that i should make it something i enjoy. i was a bit pissed at the time, but eventually took it to heart. you gotta learn to love it which may require changing your training methods and mindset. just food for thought. experiment with another training regimen, new music, maybe a training partner or coach. for me it was reintroducing heavy doubles and singles for a few weeks every once in a while to my high rep hypertrophy program.
>free fry friday
>already get mcdonalds everyday so it wouldn't make sense to give up literally free food
>now I have to choose between skipping 4 string cheese sticks (to keep my calorie goal) or eat the cheese and keep my daily protein goal
which one's more important, keeping to my calorie goal or getting enough protein a day?
calorie goal, but dont skimp on your protein regularly
>which one's more important
cooking your own food
>already get McDonald's everyday
speak for yourself. i didnt get fat by not counting calories. i got fat because i ate like a pig. i was eating my feelings away.
he said keto not vegan mate
They give you free food because they know the addictive substances in it will make you dependent on it.
Look if you can eyeball it and not become fat that's great but just as counting calories is proven to work for weight loss, so too does counting calories help for maintenace.
Went grocery shopping, walked through some slop aisles and decided not to buy anything. Went home and ate an apple instead. I haven't really bought any highly processed shit in a while and I don't want to break the streak.
not him but is there anything wrong with this if you dont go over your deficit?
yeah but dude i only got fat in my 20s, my whole life up to that i was lean because i didnt eat like a pig. i know what i can eat when im lean. worry about yourself lil bro
Short term, no
Long term, yes
It's been working for me so far
1600 calories a day, 113g protein, 72g carbs, 91.2g fat
if I feel I need more calories, I eat more mozz cheese sticks and get +320 calories and +28g protein
keep going you will notice that looks are not linear the last pounds make a massive impact.

time to defrost mate it will save your energy too. finish the stuff you have defrost and clean it while you are at it. dont hesitate to throw junk away

i have like no pants left to wear, everything is just loose as fuck

hey mate that still good progress you titties went from actually impressive or disturbing to yeah they have some extra fat but not stare inducing. arm etc look great! once gut is gone its a very nice base
>long term
ok, like what? yes i know the stuff in mcdonalds is said to be bad for you, seed oils and whatnot, but is there any concrete evidence of that?
I wanted to test the strength of my discipline and I passed.
>any proof ultra processed food is bad for you
>but is there any concrete evidence of that?
Macros: way too many carbs and fats, not enough proteins.
Other vitamins: absolute lack of balance
You will have metabolic problems later on if McDonalds is the majority of your nutrient intake.
I'm not even talking about sneed oils here, I'm just talking about basic nutrition.
When you're a fatty all that matters is calories, but if you're trying to live a healthy life its fucking stupid, you're basically asking "Is it healthy to eat Cinnamon Toast Crunch every day? I stay within my calorie budget! Where's the proof it ISNT healthy??"
>hey mate that still good progress you titties went from actually impressive or disturbing to yeah they have some extra fat but not stare inducing. arm etc look great! once gut is gone its a very nice base
thanks anon, the tits actually went away for the most part when i got lean. also i dont really have a gut, its just full and i was pushing it out. its how they make thumbnails like the snake juice video below. here i am minutes after i took that photo.


cholesterol dummy. that said, first step is moderating calories even if it is mcdonalds. then you inch towards cleaner eating over time.
A suspiciously swole 50 year old keeps telling me how I should do 1.5 hours of cardio a day and be in the gym 3 hours a day bro, and that I should be losing 10kg a month, and that I should hire a personal trainer and that he knows a guy.

Am I being groomed by a roider?
>Macros: way too many carbs and fats, not enough proteins
20 chicken nuggets from mcdonalds is 830 cals
46g protein, 51g carbs, 49g fat
similar micros to eating regular chicken but if youre really worried about it you can take a multivitamin, it's 0 calories
yes and even on roids thats retarded training
>walked past an absolute lard elemental in the gym earlier who was near-death on the elliptical
just wanted to drop by and say ygmi in case you're itt
830 calories of white chicken would be and 18 oz serving with 158g of protein, zero carbs, and 18g of fat
Even if you somehow have the steely willpower needed to resist that those foods are literally designed to get you to eat more of them past whatever calorie goal you've set, it's going to throw your nutrients out of whack, giving you a lot of sodium, saturated fat and fried carbs, while starving your body of fresh fruits and vegetables, and of all the nutrients that would come with them.
I suspect that someone with a very active lifestyle might be able to survive this for a while as long as they take a bunch of supplements, while sedentary folks -their target market- are doomed to catch one or more metabolic disorders sooner or later.
You can readily find many epidemiology studies pointing to very clear links between fast food consumption and obesity, diabetes and metabolic syndrome.
>similar macros to regular chicken
This has to be bait lmao
>20 chicken nuggets from mcdonalds is 830 cals
>46g protein, 51g carbs, 49g fat
it should be law to have this right next to the price
How do you calorie count a banana? Skin on or off?
not even counting sauces. not to mention alot of people dunk in the bbq AND THEN the sweet and sour sauce
read the post again retards
I said micros
do you eat the peel?
then count it
It depends. Do you eat the skin?
Eh, maybe hea meant like, 1.5h cardio every training day as opposed to every day?

I dunno tho, I aim for 30 minutes of intense cardio 5 days a week, which is what the (((WHO))) seems to recommend.
Maybe that's low, but I'm already kinda struggling to do that much + weight lifting + caloric deficit.
Ok this made me kek
this >>74737723 has nothing to do with micros
your mcfat is showing
Micro my dick in your mouth faggot
Nah its more than enough. Personally I struggle with intense cardio on a deficit and instead spam walks while smoking joints lol. Keep on keeping on and never forget what got you there. Its like Mike Tyson says, once youre suceeding the devil gets in your ear telling you theres a faster way forward. Keep doing what worked.
And I'm fucking telling you that if you skip the fried chicken paste nuggets and just eat chicken breast, you can eat 50% more food by weight and also mog chickie nuggies in terms of macros.

Do whatever you want dude. I'm not your mom. Eat whatever you want.
Don't try to argue that McDonalds is healthy if you take a multivitamin and watch your calories. Its not a sustainable diet.
>don't feed the troll
Yeah I know its just frustrating.
reminder to work out your brain too or you'll end up like these faggots
stay obese nigga, idgaf
if you don't give a fuck then stop replying and move on
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It has been quite a while since I have been this size...
>mass effect to lean effect
you got nice hair
can I smell it
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hello /fat/

I'm 600 lb anon who started trying to lose weight years ago, now down to 284 lbs with a ton of loose skin but feel better than I ever have in my life

finally been in the gym the last 5 months or so, benchpressing for the last 3, just hit a new PR of 175 for 2

we're all gonna make it bros
my god man. i wish i had your resolve
yeah, lay it on the table niggers
share some wisdom
crystal meth and aids
>284 lbs with a ton of loose skin
Loose skin does weigh and coming down from 600lb bet that is at least a few lbs, great job anon
I failed a few times starting out, trying to take on too much at once, going to chickfila after leaving the gym every time, I put on muscle and I was losing a little weight but I could tell I wasn't doing what I should be

I started feeling like a retard every time I ate some unhealthy garbage like I was falling for some trick, and I hate being made to feel like a retard, started cutting out all processed foods/seed oils/sugar initially and it kind of became a game, never counted calories or anything but I'm sure just by the fact I cut out all that garbage my calories probably dropped in half naturally

if I ever ate fast food it was the common cope, no bread, etc etc, was still using things like artificial sweeteners and paying more attention to the carbs than the actual quality of the food I was eating

and as I kept researching and learning I got more invested in my own health and started paying more attention to what I was putting in my body, not just macros, ate basically keto for a while (meat/vegetable/nuts/olive oil/butter/etc) which I enjoyed, but eventually weight loss stalled

in the end I started doing carnivore which is probably pretty extreme but it fits my life so perfectly because I've always noticed most of my binge eating back then was always when I felt like I didn't have enough meat in a meal

anyway, now I'm back in the gym and it's pretty fun to see yourself get stronger when you lift, but it's even better to compare things you that used to be somewhat taxing being a breeze now
>loose skin
i feel for you guys who have loose skin, i really do. im very fortunate in that im skinny fat body type and no matter how much i eat, i can only get to like 95kg. once im there it would take a LOT of overeating to continue putting on weight. man, just thinking about how much i hated having that big belly at 95kg. looked like i was pregnant because my arms and legs were still pretty skinny. now im just starting to look normal and those tiny stretch marks on my love handles are beginning to fade. but loose skin..man..i really truly feel for you guys that have that. thankfully theres surgery for it, i hope it isnt too expensive.
id respond point by point to your post but its pointless. youre the fucking man bro. this set of squats is for you.
yeah man thats the ticket, solid meals that make you feel full really is key.
>from 600 pounds
how the fuck do you get that big
>to 284
how the fuck do you get that small from being that big
1) Eat
2) Don't Eat
Hope that helped.
>Hope that helped
it did
eating yoghurt is the best part of the day!
Thank you for this. When I finished work I went to the gym as planned and pushed myself as hard as I could. Went in wearing a light green shirt and by the end it was dark green and I was completely spent.

Plus when the field hockey cutie finished work she came and said goodbye and did this really cute wave to me as she stood by the exit.

Maybe the sun will shine on me once again. Maybe I'm closer than I actually thought.
According to my calculations, I have already failed my goal to be a certain weight by my birthday

gonna kms
>perfectionist nihilism
im pretty sure this is a side effect of autism for some. OCD is a common symptom of autism. i had to work so hard to break this
this was my 2nd time squatting in years. my old best was 225 before it broke me. last time i did 105 and planned to do only 135. you motivated me to hit a set of deep slow 175lb reps that i didnt think i could do. thank you anon. please keep leading by example.
Well what is the next important date? I was trying to be a bit further along by mine but I have also made mistakes so I am shooting for my dad's bday so I can show him and hopefully get him back on track
>working in a cafe
>old bitch next to me keeps loudly popping his bubblegum
lets say your tdee is 2500 cals a day
and lets say your diet deficit is 500 cals a day (1lb per week)
if you fast for one day, that's the same deficit as being on a diet for 5 days
just fast as much as you can, as many days as you can
wrong mindset. keep setting goals that are so hard they scare you. its the only way to take them seriously. did you give it your all? if so, pat yourself on the back and learn. the moment i strove for failure is the moment i started enjoying myself and getting the best results.
Nice going anon. If you keep yourself diligent I'm sure you'll make it
based, love to hear it man

we're all gonna make it
>strove for failure
thank you anon, i screenshotted this and saved it to my motivation folder.
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"Ultra-Processed Diets Cause Excess Calorie Intake and Weight Gain: An Inpatient Randomized Controlled Trial of Ad Libitum Food Intake"


>inb4 muh n=20
>inb4 muh define ultraprocessed
>inb4 2019
>inb4 goalpost moving
For me it's not the cravings it's the waiting. I wanna stop being a fatass NOW. Does fasting really help you lose the weight faster?
>Does not eating lose weight faster than eating
Gee who could possibly figure this out
idc i just know its bad
So my metabolism won't stall? I won't pig out the next day to compensate?
visit this thread and thank me later
eat nothing for ATLEAST 48 hours MINIMUM
and when you aren't fasting, eat what you normally would on a diet
DO NOT BINGE between fasts
work your way up to 7+ day fasts
buy some snake juice
ok but this is negated by simply counting calories, which is a matter of mental fortitude, not about whether seed oils are inherently bad for you. explain how mcdonalds is bad for your health in the long term
It's faster if you have the willpower
Problem is a lot of people don't
Plus even if you do, it's not resetting your food habits once you stop fasting so it can be more likely to yoyo

I'd say it's usually better to develop the habit of multiple meals a day with healthy food and healthy portions at a deficit first, and then shifting to maintenance with the same habits once you make it
Yes, but I wouldn't combine it with lifting. If I don't eat mostly protein after gym days, it takes me days to recover and slows my gains. Pulled my back and shoulders bad last Sunday and I'm only healed up enough to start working out upper body again today.

I'd say track your calories and eat stuff that's filling.

Anyway, I got to be a fatass in the first place by only eating 1 meal a day and drinking nothing but black coffee and diet cokes so YMMV. Still only eat 1 meal a day. I hate eating during the day, makes me sleepy. I'm just not eating giant meals anymore.

Skipping a meal or two isn't a bad idea if your body is feeling good, though.
>I won't pig out the next day to compensate?
this is the same guy that said
>For me it's not the cravings it's the waiting
fatty cope as always
Yes I am indeed a fatty. There's a difference between getting some food and no food you nonce. I can manage my current level of cravings, but naturally they'll be higher if I fast. Well, guess there's only one way to find out
>explain how mcdonalds is bad for your health in the long term
look in the mirror
there is no difference
that's, once again, fatty cope
damn dude
i dont eat mcdonalds
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I have found a food that is delicious, but also makes me want to stop eating later.

Grated cheese + mayo + raw garlic.

It tastes great, but a few hours later I get a very painful stomach ache that lasts for a long time.
sounds like lactose intolerance
Greetings to kazakshtan!
> Same kick as wasabi.

No it doesn't, you probably bought some knock off labelled as Wasabi, most likely you haven't eaten REAL wasabi.
mmmm baby carrots
My maintenance cals are 2700 and I've been eating 2100 + exercise but not losing weight. I'm def not counting wrong because I have a specific way of eating things and measuring. Haven't lost weight in 1 month but in theory should have dropped at least 1-2lbs. Want to cry man.
It's strange, my mom sounds nervous and reserved when I tell her about my weight loss progression
Maybe she's worried it won't stick since I've been fat all my life, maybe it's something else
All other family is excited for me about it
Can sugar cause anxiety? Yesterday i had a milkshake kinda thing on top of a big and carb rich dinner and it was a glut of sugar like i haven't had in a long while. Afterwards i had huge anxiety.
Have you, anon, gone through something like that before?
What's your height and weight? You eating high protein and lifting?
Wait and see. I doubt your mom is one of those people who will get upset by your progress, but anything's possible.
Moms always fear the worst for their children. Maybe she thinks you'll get obsessed and become anorexic or something. She might relax if she can see that you're eating enough and not starving
No. I drink 1-1.5 liters of milk every day. The problem is the raw garlic. It tastes so good when it is with other things but my stomach can't tolerate it in larger quantities.
Probably, if you get a sugar rush and don't channel that into exercise it can convert the energy into anxiety, same way with caffeine
Anxiety is very physical, nothing helps it more than exercise
5'6" manlet 205lbs. Lifting 3 days per week also 30 mins cardio
want to order my KFC cheat meal today (zinger combo) but its only 8:54 am and doesnt open until 10 am. also delivery is like $8-9 here in australia
>5'6" manlet
>2700 maintenance
lol no fucking way
You have wildly miscalculated your maintenance calories
I use this calculator is it bad?
Your calculations are wrong, always choose sedentary and go from there, you should probably drop to 1700-1800 cals.
Read the OP, always calculate with sedentary activity selected
If you want more accuracy use the Katch-McArdle one, but you'll need measuring tape for body measurements
Aaahhhh okay thanks that explains it. I always miss the small details. How come you always use sedentary btw is there a specific reason?
because it works
has your way been working for you?
Nothing ever works for me lol I fail at everything in life. Thanks for the good advice anyway I will try it.
>it's all CICO!
>don't count calories out though
NIgga, i'm 5 10 and 65kg and i had to drop to 1500kcal to get results.
>doordash website told me my zinger combo was 698 calories
>check on the kfc website today
>its 720 calories
22 calories isnt a big diff, but man, i feel cheated :'(
yeah, TDEE calculators really need to stop asking you for your 'activity level'. that shit does not help anyone. it should just give you the figure that you would get from selecting 'sedentary'.
correction, its actually 739.7 calories
fucking hell
Is it possible to calorie count chipotle bowls
The "because it works" answer is probably the best one. But if you'd like more words, it's because the more active lifestyles don't actually boost your calorie expenditure by nearly as much as those calculators claim, because they assume your calorie consumption at rest is unchanged by the amount of activity you do next to them, and that's very much not true. Your body will burn less calories at rest to make up for having burned more calories during activities.
So is the "Sedentary" option exactly right for active folks? No. But it's closer to being correct than the numbers the other options will throw at you.
Anyway, you're not going to fail, you just adjust your approach until it works, and then you're doing.. whatever the opposite of failing happens to be.
Trying out carnivore. 2 weeks in and not only do I still have cravings (while only eating beef, butter, and eggs) but I've only lost 15 pounds of which the majority was the first week whoosh of water weight. I'm tempted to just move to eating clean with I.F. CICO. Any Anons > 300lbs have any input?
You can estimate but how many calories are in a scoop that the wagie doles out? Who knows. I just assume I'm eating 10-20% more than that they list online.
Yes https://www.chipotle.com/nutrition-calculator, but really no.
There's a stupendous amount of variance in the quantities used for the same item between stores, employees, hours, and moods, so whatever their little calculator throws at you could be far removed from what you actually end up with in your hand. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/chipotle-bowl-menu-portion-sizes
>went on a small binge last night
>woke up with two extra pounds on the scale
>try to keep it 2000 calories per day but realized today i mindlessly ate around 2500
distressing, but caught myself before I tried to order some more food with the "well i already ate a lot today might as well" shit
gotta stay focused and get back to the normal shit tomorrow
>~690cal for my normal order if I don't get chips and subtract sour cream
Not too bad, I could fit that in
For the first time in my life I finally got a "normal" blood pressure reading... 118/77. It's been high as long as I can remember (as far back as 14)
Cardio fitness is real... I love running
Weight loss, too. My cardiologist told me that every 2 lbs lost roughly equals 1 point of lower blood pressure loss
Fatty Contest
109.4 kg
1: Its the most accurate estimation - if you're trying to account for activity its going to be on a per person basis and its going to be much more innacurate.
2: Its free real estate. You will automatically be working within a caloric deficit. Its the same reason why its not recommended that you track exercise as part of your calorie budget - its generally inaccurate and also its just free negative calories.

I wore a Fitbit religiously and tried to follow its calorie estimation but it did absolutely nothing for me weight wise.
Use Loseit, put in your sex, age, weight and it will update your budget as you lose weight. It's worked for me both times I went on a very major weight loss trend. (First time was right before covid which messed me up, second time is the charm)
>No it doesn't, you probably bought some knock off labelled as Wasabi, most likely you haven't eaten REAL wasabi.
yeah no shit, im talking about the generic wasabi which is made from horseradish, not everyone cares enough to be le authentic one
>Losing weight
>seeing good progress
>doing LISS cardio every session
>struggling to make my deficit clean and often eat 2000 instead of 2500
Should I be worried?
I'm not big enough to get loose skin or stretchmarks but I'm working out again after a 6 year hiatus and I'm still gaining strength (muscle memory?) but I'm worried that I'm hurting myself by doing this
To be fair, most Japanese haven't had "real wasabi" either. Even the stuff labeled "hon-wasabi" is only partially made from the wasabi root, like less than 20%
I do agree that it does taste different from nama-wasabi which is what most people associate with wasabi however
At 2000 cals you should be totally fine, dipping below 1000 is when it gets hard to meet nutrition
update: I sent mummy to the shops to buy KFC for me. Told her to get me a zinger combo. She came back with a zinger burger, large chips, and a bottle of solo. That's like 1200 calories right there. Like 500 over my daily limit. I could have put the bottle of solo in the fridge and given her some of my chips, but no. I decided to pig out. I just couldn't help myself. So tomorrow I have to eat 500cal less than my limit. Won't be too hard. Disappointed in myself for that though.
its not good to carry a calorie debt to the next day like that. it can lead to an ED. why not just go for a 30-60 minute walk tonight and eat normally tomorrow?
bump limit
fresh bread

Thanks for this, both very helpful.

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