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/fit/ - Fitness

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(((They))) Will Not Silence Us edition

>Who is /fat/ for?
For the Sentient Slobs who are working towards a longer life and a better physique through meaningful hard-work, strategy, and dedication. This is not QTDDTOT, stick to questions on fat loss. Post height and weight when asking for advice.
Join our Fatty Contest: https://www.fattycontest.com/

>What do I do first?
1. Read https://physiqonomics.com/fat-loss/
2. Calculate your Body Fat Percentage: https://fitness.bizcalcs.com/Calculator.asp?Calc=Body-Fat-Navy
3. Calculate your TDEE: https://www.sailrabbit.com/bmr/
Remember to use bodyfat% and use Katch-McArdle Formula with sedentary settings or your TDEE will be too high.
4. Plan your weight loss: https://www.losertown.org/eats/cal.php
5. Track your nutrition with MyFitnessPal (better for packaged food), Cronometer (better for generic food/macros) or LoseIt (great for both).

>Now what?
Count calories, all of them.
Eat about 500-1000 less calories than your TDEE.
Buy scales, be accurate.
Learn to cook. Try to stick to lean protein and green vegetables.
Eat a lot of protein. 0.72g per pound of goal lean body mass.
Doing cardio, even just walking, will improve your health. There is no such thing as a healthy fat heart, but you can offset the risks.
Lifting weights will keep and gain muscle mass and burn fat much quicker. No lifting results in the body burning away muscle AND fat.
Drink more water.
Read the /fit/ sticky: https://liamrosen.com/fitness.html

Eat refined sugars, they're terrible for you regardless of calories.
Eat processed foods.
Drink your calories (alcohol, soda, Starbucks).
Freak out over a weight loss stall. Plateaus can last up to three weeks.
"Reward" yourself. Cheat days cheat only yourself.

>Other resources:
Loose skin, gynecomastia & stretch marks: https://weight-loss-side-effects.netlify.app/
Reddit Wiki: https://www.reddit.com/r/loseit/wiki/faq

Previous thread: >>74752879
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if this doesn't bump, mods = nunfuckers confirmed
Fucking kys poltard
Fatty Contest
210.1 lbs
Cheated a little bit because I just got out of a 2 hour treadmill session. I was actually 209.1 right off the 'mill, but I drank a few cups of water and used the wet weight. Mods/nannies are kike faggots btw.
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not necessarily a /pol/tard, theres many different cultures throughout many different time periods who have shared the same opinions
Cringe virgin poltard
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are you literally defending the application of the "goyslop" filter to threads that weren't obvious shitposts?

I'm just making fun of that, you've outed yourself as a kike for no reason

you must feel very strongly about goyslop, I wonder if you're the ozempic shill as well
Cringe virgin zoomie poltard
ITT: Obese antisemites blaming MUH JEWS for their poor impulse control and addiction to ultra-processed sneed.
Great on topic thread, fellas
late us/early europe times are always a bit shit, the thread will get better eventually

europe posters would be better if the holocaust actually happened and it was all of them not a measly 6 million
Has anyone here actually increase their caloric intake and just did more cardio? I'm a NEET and I've been thinking of just doing 4 hours of cardio while eating more. I did 3 hours yesterday and it killed me but it was fun. I want to be able to have enough energy to just keep going.
sorry but american food is fucking garbage chemically designed by the smartest minds to addict you then fuck up your health. no i wont provide evidence or argue my point. its true
try it for a few weeks and if it doesnt work or you get too fatigued, who cares? it was fun and you improved your cardio.
Why are images all fucked up for me? Hard to shitpost when none of the images on the site load for me.
huh so it was really the term "goyslop" after all?
I'm fit now and still as antisemitic.
The end of summer can't come soon enough
delete /plg/ forever.
Not contesting that. It just has nothing to do with Jews.
And yet you were still triggered enough to reply. Curious…
Up early for a morning walk, will post step counter later.
>will post step counter later
don't, no one asked
Fatty Contest
July 22

I will never get through this plateau.
I'm looking forward to seeing your step counter
have you tried even less?

if you have, why don't you try eating even less than that?

if that doesn't work either, my suggestion is to continue eating less and less.
>have you tried even less?
eating* less, i'm retarded

actually just looked at the numbers, you lost 0.5kg compared to last week, maybe you're out of the plateau it's just you gained in the previous two weeks
I won't
should i even bother weighing this morning when i kept down 3 bites of food yesterday for the first time in months
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the fuck retard
Speak english, nigger.
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Should I just start eating 2500 and lifting heavily 3-4 times a week to break out of skinnyfat? I'm about 15% bf but it really unflatteringly sticks to my chest and paunch. I'm done with cutting and cardio since it just makes me feel like shit and its just burying me deeper into skinnyfat
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Finally broke through 70 kg.
I thought 70 would have been my stopping point but my body fat is still too high, still no abs showing unless I'm super contracted.
Alternating 1200~ cal days to near fasting days (just 90g of whey) worked.
High intensity cardio is excellent for repairing your body. Just don't go for an injury.
Always cut and remove your excess body fat first.
Do lift but keep your calories intake as deficit. You have nearly no muscles so as long as you keep high protein you will put on muscles while on deficit.
>I'm about 15% bf
With that belly no way.
Post the rest but to me that looks around 20%.
congrats king, YGMI
>I'm about 15% bf
no, you're not
>High intensity cardio
yeah ive been burning 1000 cals at a time with running but I just looked at myself and I look atrocious, just flabby dadbod-like parts. If I keep going will all that go away?
lift weights
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>2 weeks to my birthday
>goal weight was 300lbs by then
>currently below 280lbs
>brain still isn't happy, keep thinking of how low it could be if I'd pushed harder/ate cleaner etc

your brain is reasonable, there's no reason to be happy at 280lbs. Grats on your progress, but you're not done yet.
>brain still isn't happy
Never stop aiming for better results, keep pushing
I just want a tiny glimmer of happiness for losing 80lbs in 5 months, though I must say I do look forward to the day I'm 180lbs and lean. Guess I was expecting to enjoy the progress instead of being more miserable AND eating at a gay deficit like a goddamn twink.
You will baloon up at that much intake. Your metabolism is not the same as someone who has never been fat.
sorry to say bro but if you don't let go of your "eat like a man" mentality you're not going to make it. pretty sure that's what you told yourself when you were stuffing your face with burgers and pizza, that you were proud of not caring about your looks and that watching your weight if for fags

fags are out there having sex like crazy while you're an unhappy fatass, even if they get three different strains of aids they might still outlive you, just try to let go of this toxic masculinity and accept that life is not a 4chan meme.
so which one? I've wasted so much time trying to do both and I either end up a dadbod with extra muscle or a skinny fat skelly, Cut first then bulk or just bulk and use the extra metabolism to burn the fat? I just want a solid routine.
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>Eats after 6pm once
Didn’t even eat anything before 5pm too
who the fuck has told you ever to fucking bulk, you are still fat, you have never been ready to bulk

lift while cutting, if you can both lift AND do heavy cardio that's great do both, but WHILE CUTTING, do not fall into the trap of "le gonna lose le muscles" and overeat

you don't have a dadbod, I don't even know what that meme means, you're just plain fat and don't even lift, you are most certainly not 15% body fat as you claim so you're obviously clueless, if you eat 2500 cals a day you're going to continue looking like shit forever
i have 700 calories free for dinner but don't really feel like eating anything. thinking of just eating a couple of carrots and calling it a day
How fat were you? This takes time, more so if you're older.
So I just need to keep cutting 500-1000 cals a day?
Also im 26
yes keep cutting, and start lifting if you haven't already, so that in the future when it's really time to bulk you are ready to lift heavy and not beginner weights
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did someone say pizza for tonight's dinner? experts say that's the best way to start your week and mentally prep yourself for dieting.
This 100%.

Yes but LIFT.
idk about the slop Americans call pizza, but here in Italy, a margherita is about 800 kcal and easy to incorporate in a deficit occasionally.
that means you can have two pizzas.
shoo shoo gains goblin
Alright so do you think 1800cals a day in conjunction with cardio and weights 3-4 days a week would help?
Yeah but the carbs + salt usually make me have +1kg of water weight the next morning if I do that. So the general rule for me is not to do it before fatty contest :^)
yeah that's good. lifting is more important than cardio so if you have to drop something drop cardio. and you probably won't be able to progress weights very long, that's normal and fine, just keep going at near max effort
No it's way too high.
How tall are you? I would suggest 1200-1500 while keeping proteins high
we don't know your tdee so it might work or not, just go with that and if after a couple of weeks you feel like you're not losing weight fast enough go to 1500cals, and continue adjusting this way depending on how fast you want to make it.

get a real measurement of your body fat, once you have that and your weight you will know the number of lbs of fat you need to lose to reach whatever bodyfat percentage you want, then can devise a timeline and adjust your calories
>Just ordered some Mounjaro
Time to cheat my way to skinny town
If you're not trolling, metamucil and miralax so you don't get constipated
Gonna try a 1 month trial and see how it goes
I haven't exercised though. I think the moment I do I'm back to 97 kg.
But there's nothing else to do than to just continue.
Starting to lift gave me +2kg instantly but that's water retention + creatine. That's not bad. The goal is to lose fat, not weight
A reason not to have a "cheat"(even if you're still at a deficit) is because you'll remember how easy it is to just doordash or pick up a whole heap of goyslop. I didn't gain weight from it but I'm REALLY regretting that Pokebowl, my brain is screaming at me to get another one but my brain can fuck off
Lol too bad. >>74753427
>looking forward to seeing your step counter
Thank you for the support fren!
OP of the baleted thread, sorry about it going down. Apparently Goyslop triggers autosage
Grow up then
>Only ÂŁ200 a month in bongland
Time to join you
>You will baloon up at that much intake
even after burning 1000 of them with cardio?
You aren't burning 1k cal daily with cardio, not with that kind of body (obviously you're used to doing absolutely 0 physical activities).
Today I have a real bad headache, I had it yesterday too, I've been taking some painkillers and they have helped but I can still feel it, which is weird, they usually go away if I take them. I hope it's just because I've been eating less, I hope they go away when I eat today.
drink water nigga
So if I've been eating keto unintentionally, but then have carbs, could I gain two pounds from suddenly having carbs not due to caloric intake, but something to do with glycogen?
I've been drinking plenty of water so I don't think that's the problem.
Electrolytes you don't get from water. Think gatorade, or snake juice.
If you lack electrolytes drinking a lot of water makes things worse.
That seems way too little for somebody doing lifting.
depends on how fat you are
That's a lot of steps. Well done, lad!
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Starting to shiver between meals.
Yes. When you ate few carbs your glycogen slowly depleted. Once you eat carbs the glycogen stores will fill up again.
Yeah I get chills too when I'm on my usual 500 intake. Get a blankie and hydrate nigga
does the sauna actually help you burn calories after a workout?
I'm not even cold. I guess it's more like coffee jitters.
Lol okay.
They had an offer for a year of premium for $12 that is ending soon, worth the $1 a month to be able to just scan stuff for me.
I've been lifting with 500 cals a day even, just keep proteins high and you can even build muscles.
>does the sauna actually help
>burn calories
>accidentally ate at maintenance last week
325lbs on 7-4
310lbs on 7-22
I can fucking feel it bros. 299 in two weeks. I can do it
I thought I was free from here after going from 385 to 200.

2 years on I'm back up to 260 and feeling like shit. I've got a family wedding at the end of August and a bunch of family members haven't seen me since I got fitter.

Would it be stupid to go OMAD for the next 6 weeks?
it would probably be dumb since you need to control your eating habits again first
>Would it be stupid to go OMAD for the next 6 weeks?
Depends entirely on you and what worked for you before.
You won't magically lose 60 lbs to, don't even try that.

Thanks anons, that's what I need to hear. I need to do it properly, no point in bouncing up and down.
do it, you have a motivating factor you can use, go hard

shoo away habits goblin

>it would be dumb to lose weight says a guy in /fat/ general

don't let the losers slow you down
if he gained 60lbs again from junk food and shit, going directly to OMAD will not control those eating habits.
my entire family is fat. What are my chances of getting lean and staying lean should I continue eating less? Is it genetic to a certain degree?
>don't let the losers slow you down
I think to be fair I got into this situation by ignoring my eating habits and letting the weight creep back up. Perhaps there is a middle ground but it's a failing I do need to address.
>What are my chances of getting lean and staying lean should I continue eating less?
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>pig out on the corporate credit card for three weeks
>drink a bit and go to cafes
>move less thank usual
>lost 2 pounds?
I give up. I do not understand how CICO works.I was under the impression that I was supposed to regain water weight and the glycowhatever due to my drastic uptake un carb comsumption?
Same, I exercised my way down to 180 but balloned up to 285 when I got sedentary. I think diet and calorie counting is the only sustainable path
Perhaps something to do with your water weight?
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i put my genetics in the trash last nigjt
Cereal is among the more insidious sloppa
based, better to waste food than to waste your health
wouldn't it be losses goblin in this case
what's your standard meal when you really can't be fucked doing any real cooking?
for me it's tuna sandwich. nothing else, just canned tuna, bread and sometimes mustard
Bro this is the third time you've posted this
i hadnt eaten cereal in years honestly. pretty good but not something id eat everyday for sure. my breakfast when bulking was nature valley bars dipped in pb, downed with whole milk.

yup. i was bulking so a bit of junk food was appropriate. cutting now, so it goes in the trash and gets replaced with low call and high protein sloppa. im excited fo lean bacm out and see the muscle i cultivated
a good replacement for cereal is oats with petit suisse/cottage cheese and a spoonful of homemade jam. Tastes great and pretty light.
>Bro this is the third time you've posted this
the threads kept getting deleted last night. thanks for keeping count though. im gonna call you three for free

sounds tasty and a good way to fuel some exercise
Fatty Contest

back on track I suppose.
For losing weight is it best to go to the gym on empty stomach right after waking up compared to after breakfast or lunch? I figure if I work out on empty stomach it'd be easier to burn fat
I just remember seeing it posted and then reposted as I was catching up this morning on the shitter, then you posted it again just now
Really looking for those (You)s huh
Losing weight and now the shirts I wear when I walk or jog are looser and chafing my nipples something awful. Anyone know anything that’s good for chafing?
Imagine not just cheating and taking Mounjaro
bar code scanning is still free with chronometer (has pop up full page ads occasionally though)
imagine trying to better your life sustainably
6ft 130lbs
Can't lose weight anymore
I'm cutting hard (eating only 2 servings of whey protein daily)
And I'm still gaining weight
My Body Fat is probably around 30%
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tape some gauze over them
Shut the fuck up retard
>6ft 130lbs
>My Body Fat is probably around 30%
you trying to bait or what?
>you trying to bait or what?
I just have 0 muscle mass
I posted pics here before.
Pls respond>>74754707
Post pics now with timestamp
I do it all the time. You'll be fine. Sometimes working out after eating isn't optimal
eggs and bread
That's a meme and all you'll do is be hungee and tire out quicker. Now if you're fasting that's a different story.
Doesn't matter much. You can go on an empty stomach, I did it for months.
>Now if you're fasting that's a different story.
Is OMAD considered fasting?
>Is eating considered fasting
You arnt very smart are you.
Fasting can be close to an entire day no?
>Control eating habits
Just track your calories. That's all the control you need. If it's not in the budget you don't eat it. If it is then eat whatever you want.
a lot of people consider OMAD intermittent fasting, retard.
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Doesn’t work
>job interview tomorrow
>all my shirts are way too big
Just go naked
it's not that kind of job
tracking calories won't mean shit when he's addicted to junk food and lacks the self control to stop eating
Stop trying to work it out. CICO works.

Your body processes the calories you put in and you gain or lose weight accordingly

Its not difficult to understand why hydration levels, shit sitting in your system as well as variations in other natural bodily processes will make your weight fluctuate on top of your caloric intake. Stop trying to understand why your weight is fluctuating up or down 2 lbs and realise that CICO is all that matters for long term weight loss on the scale.

Thats not to say it should only be about CICO. If you eat garbage for your calories your insulin resistance will be worse and that will make you eat more and of worse foods causing your weight loss to fail.

but ultimately CICO is what drives your weight loss.

I got on the scale today and I have lost 2 lbs despite having a daily caloric deficit of 500 calories yesterday. That should be a seventh of a pound. The reason I lost 2lbs was because I sweat a lot overnight and I probably had less shit in me than the previous day.

Stop dwelling over your scale moving everyday. Its not a mystery
Reddit spacing
Dont care point is still valid. People need to stop being so emotional over what their scale says each individual day. If people are mentally breaking over not understanding that their weight doesnt maintain a perfect harmony every single day then they need to wise up
I care. Opinion discarded due to reddit spacing. Frankly, I didn't even read it. You need to go back.
Oh I know you read it bro. And it made you mad to hear actual logic
tuck em in
It could be
Tried cooking while sleep deprived today
took a bunch of ingredients and turned them into bland inedible slop
Whenever i binge i curl up into a ball and make the loudest oink noises i can untill i pass out
Sleep deprivation is real
I once bought groceries and walked out of the store without them. Didnt realise until a few hour after I got home and they claimed nobody left anything when I went back to the store. Some crackhead probably took them
I can't stop ordering takeaways
that would be correct, three for free. ill be sure to call you out when i post my abs in a month
You won't
youre absolutely right
I don't get it, did you throw away your slop on the left, and on the right you filled your pantry with... "whole wheat" slop? and "protein" slop?
If only fat loss translated to an improved character
On the contrary, sometimes it feels like some people get worse the more weight they lose
see you august 22nd, three for free

those are actually rice cakes and protein snacks, but close enough. fridge is full of fruit, tuna salad, and chicken though. frozen california pizza kitchen pizzas too.

its a stressful process. i think we can forgive a lot of how people behave when theyre going through this. im of the opinion that losing anywhere near 100 pounds is harder than getting a college degree.
You are very insecure
Youre someone who tries to pick at someones insecurities lol. thats funny.
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I'm talking about you dude, it's one thing to be losing the weight but you need to work on your confidence issues
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>rice cakes and protein snacks
children food
>tuna salad
so, tuna with mayo? as in, you're too lazy to even buy tuna and then put mayo, you actually bought a package of tuna with mayo preapplied?
>and chicken
>frozen california pizza kitchen pizzas

anon... you need vegetables and meat, just learn how to do basic cooking
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>Replies to himself
You don't know how 4chanX works do you?
>anon... you need vegetables and meat, just learn how to do basic cooking
i eat vegetables and cook occassionally too, but youre 100% right and thats my big goal for my next bulk. learning to cook to bring up my food quality and lower my food costs. i kinda just wanna nail the cut as easily as possible and use bulks as the time for when i learn this kinda stuff. dieting is difficult enough. im basically just gonna replicate what got me lean in february. should be easier now that ive added muscle mass compared to when i first joined the thread a year back. if youd like to give me some resources on meal planning and stuff id be very grateful.
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>Moving the goalpost
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>if youd like to give me some resources on meal planning and stuff id be very grateful.
I can't tell if you're retarded or trolling, so I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and say that you're retarded. The reason why I questioned if you understood how 4chanX works is because nothing in my post indicated that I was replying to myself
thats not good enough. i have a busy life and need actual meal prepping advice. ill talk to my bodybuilder coworker on meal prepping after i finish the cut. until then, im happy to pay a bit extra and get consistent results.
Move on lad, you're embarassing yourself
Been stuck in a plateau for a few weeks, haven't been able to exercise due to an injury, going to cut even more.
Time to take the drug pill
I understand now. You tried a "gotcha" and it backfired so this is your way of damage control
I will pray that things get better for you anon
I'm not taking Ozempic I'm not a woman
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you literally put any type of meat in the pan until it's cooked (chicken, beef, pork, fish), and put vegetables on the other side of the plate (bed of green leafy veg + whatever you want), repeat for every meal, have rotation of different veggies and different meats
there is zero planning involved, I spend more time doing dishes than planning anything
Whatever helps you cope at night lad
actually should update that picture, the chicken breast is 150g cooked should have used calories for 250g (when it was raw)
Bro is literally a manchild and excuses being unable to cook for himself with being "too busy"
Jew XD
i already lost the weight. went from morbidly obese to shredded and happily gained weight to up my tdee. its not a big deal. ive started to going to the beach shirtless for the first time in a decade and finally get laid regularly.

on some level i know youre right. i promise you, once im done with this cut and start bulking again ill make at least half my meals homecooked. i swear it dude.

youre absolutely right. ill endeavour to be better. you have my word.

lol youre not even arguing with me, three for free
i'm 99% sure she's a woman based on the writing style and the lack of responsibility
My weight loss clinic told me they were proud of me bros
Based, wish i had friends
If you're a LAZY FUCK like I am just get cold cuts. Six ounces of lean turkey, two cups of baby carrots, boom that's a meal
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when i do cook i like making stir fry. i still have konjac noodles from the last cut.
You're talking with a literal 12 year old.
>i already lost the weight. went from morbidly obese to shredded and happily gained weight to up my tdee. its not a big deal. ive started to going to the beach shirtless for the first time in a decade and finally get laid regularly.
That's a great achievement but you're missing my point. I wasn't personally attacking you when I called you out for posting the picture of you throwing out your slop and replacing it with "healthy" slop, but you took it that way. The fact that you desperately seek that validation from anons on 4chan is indicative of bigger issues besides how you feel about how you look physically
On top of replying to my post the way you did with your "achievements" instead of being self-aware and seeing my post for what it was is even further evident of that. I'm trying to help you dude
Yeah in retrospect, the lack of understanding of canned buzzwords and an entire folder of "my sides" gifs should have been indicative of that, but again I wanted to give anon the benefit of the doubt
Stop replying to yourself
>That's a great achievement but you're missing my point. I wasn't personally attacking you when I called you out for posting the picture of you throwing out your slop and replacing it with "healthy" slop, but you took it that way
no its actually slop. its ultra processed and has tons of artificial sweeteners. theyre a stepping stone to cleaner eating.

> I'm trying to help you dude
you sound like a manipulator lol. suck my asshole and come back here on august 22nd to look at my abs. later three for free
I hate when people I pay try to make me feel good about myself. We're not friends, I pay you. Just deliver the service you're supposed to, and keep the emotional nonsense to yourself.
Yeah, read Influence by Robert Cialdini
not the cream soda throw that shit away boi
body's looking better these days, probably because of the muscle-building. but the number on the scale isn't going down as a result. i don't know whether to be happy or sad
proud of you too anon
Lifting beginner gains are like crack, i feel so strong and it has only been a few weeks
yeah, i've been getting compliments on my buff arms and toned thighs, so it does feel good.
Someone mentioned it here before but holy crap the amount of calories in pork belly. It's fucked up. I can eat 3,000+ calories easily in just a single trip KBBQ session
KBBQ might actually be the secret bulk tech
>KBBQ might actually be the secret bulk tech
its not secret lol. kbbq and brazilian bbq are some of my go to bulking meals. brazilian less so because of the cost. fuck that pork belly is delicious huh.
>want to start cooking for my self
>join some cooking communities
>I made carbonara!
>I made stir fry!
>I made a bacon burger
jesus, this isn't helping me become less of a fat fuck
Those are pretty decedent and what I would call Friday night dinners. Do some people eat like that every day? Yes, but they are usually not in the best shape. When you're maintaining you cook yourself one of those maybe 1-4 times a week at most, but every other meal is pretty boring and prioritizes quick prep time
yeah and these are just examples of the posts people make on these communities
I wanted to get ideas for healthy cooking but all I get is hungry
What kind of food are you looking to cook? We can hit you with some recipes.

I understand the comments about carbonara or bacon burgers, but why the hate on stir fries? They're healthy if you do them right and weigh your portions
I personally wouldn't bother with going with super inventive or elaborate meals for healthy cooking. The ones that actually taste good aren't even all that good for you most of the time and don't even compare to their unhealthier counterparts, so it doesn't even do anything particularly great. If you need an indulgent meal, just make one unhealthy meal and do OMAD if you really want to
>Schizo fatty brain wants me to binge again
I'm looking to meet my macro goals, mainly get to 140g protein while keeping carbs low
stir fry has noodles and noodles are completely carbs
burgers have buns, carbonara has noodles
I've been doing baked chicken breast and broccoli every day for 2 weeks so I'm looking for a change
I do all my recipe browsing right after eating to avoid this
It helps a weight loss clinic if you actually lose weight. Now if they told me they were proud of me after the scale went up I'd have reservations, but encouraging progress isn't bad even if it's a transactional relationship
Am I doing this math right?

If I want to lose around 2 lbs a week and my TDEE is like 1600 and there is around 3500 calories in a pound of fat I would have to eat 7,000 calories less per week than my TDEE which would be around 11,200?

That's like 600 calories a day, if I eat every day at least.
Should I incorporate fasting into my diet?
>stir fry has noodles and noodles are completely carbs
stir fry does not need noodles anon, all it is is cooking at a high heat to "fry" the food and stir constantly
>burgers have buns, carbonara has noodles
You can have buns, they even sell keto buns or make your own. You can have pasta and can make your own healthier alternatives to store bought prepackaged goyslop versions.

Go look up alternatives on youtube now that you are learning
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I've now officially changed gears into maintenance. I have roughly speaking 4kg to lose before I am at my optimal fitness level, counting gaining about 2kg of muscle over months of time.
So no more OMAD, only maximum 2 more 72h fasts the next one planned in 10 days.
I've also rearranged my workouts into 2x1h and 2x30 minutes to push myself harder with less constraints. First one was today and I finally pushed my lungs to their limit again, which I hadn't done in a month.
Feels good /fat/. I actually look decent now.
Here's my approach:
1. I pour 25g of suspicious white powders in my coffee every morning (20g collagen peptides, 5g creatine), it makes hitting my protein macros that much easier.
2. Aim for 2 protein-heavy meals a day, which means picking the source of protein first. Chicken, steak, shrimp, salmon, crab. Doesn't really matter except chicken skin and steaks can be a bit high in saturated fat.
3. I pan-roast or oven bake/broil all my proteins. Use olive oil when appropriate. Throw a bit of sliced mushrooms in sometimes.
4. Avoid sad carbs like pasta or rice for sides, unless bulking out is the goal. You've got the right idea with broccolis, just introduce a bit more diversity by using cauliflower, brussels sprouts and asparagus. Heck, splurge once in a while with some carrots, cabbage, or even a bit of corn. Steam them, then pan-roast them in the juices of whatever proteins you prepared. Add ground pepper and/or whatever other seasoning you want.
4. I end the day with 16oz of bone broth, which packs 20g of protein.

I'm not winning a cooking contest with any of this, but between this general skeleton and some occasional deviation, like buttered smoke salmon toasts on keto bread or take-out sashimi, I'm able to hit my macros without going crazy.
Stir fries don't have to have noodles. I make beef and broccoli on the regular. If you can squeeze in a small amount of brown rice, you can have it over that, else I just eat a bowl of it. I also make Pad Kra Pow, a Thai stir fry with ground meat (I use chicken breast) and green beans. Again, I usually serve it over a small quantity of rice, nut you could just eat a bowl of it. Kenji lopez has recipes for both.

I make a meat heavy meat sauce a lot as well. Brown leak ground beef. Optionally add some white or red wine to declare, add a ton of veg (onion, carrot, celery) preferably food processed so they dissappear in the sauce. Add a large can of tomato product. Cook until thick. Again I usually just eat a bowl of this by itself or over minimal carbs that I can fit in my macros.

Soup is great too. Homemade chicken broth, chicken, whatever veg you want to add
swapping the noodles with konjac noodles is goated
>Fatty cant imagine a stir fry without noodles
thanks anons, I especially like the bone broth idea
>It helps a weight loss clinic if you actually lose weight.
A lot if the fatties I know at work who go to those treat them as a revolving door. One of them is about to start her third regimen of ozempic.
they were probably legitimately proud of that anon. their entire job is to help people, they took that job for a reason.
Fatty contest
Use this, mark as desk job little to no exercise even if you exercise.

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theres a million ways to make money, people gravitate towrds what they care about if they have any ambition. im guessing at least half the employees there are personally invested in their clients health.
I worked at a clinic for a bit. Some of them just want to get paid, some of them genuinely care, and some hate fatties.

I found the ones that care REALLY hated fatties who came every week but didn't even try.
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Thank you anons for blessing my weight loss journey. Now we must lose even further beyond. WAGMI
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okay that's basically what I said
post body
Do you have the same scale as me or is that just a generic app that they buy the rights to? Fitage?
Congrats btw.
Good work anon.
If you have a bad few days dont let the devil thoughts win by committing to going off the wagon. There will come a time this happens just walk it off. a 2 hour brisk walk will burn like 700 calories and you will be able to reset
no, freak
Alternatively, I could shoot for 1.5 lbs a week.
Than It would only be 5250 calories less a week.
That’s eating around 6000 calories a week.

I could eat 1000 a day and then fast a day, that seems doable.
It's not to masturbate to your skinnyfat ass it's to have info to give you advice. Anyways, there's a lardass on here who makes do with 500 calories a day, you can do 600. Just eat three times a day and drink water. Hell, if you have the willpower you could outright fast for 48 hours and then eat one day at maintenance.
It's a LOFTILLA scale, running the loftilla plus app. It's a knockoff scale, so I take its results with a pinch of salt, but I'm looking healthier and less fat as the line goes down so it's gotta be doing something right.
Low fat diet or low carb diet to get lean?
low cal diet
Fasting is a much more consistent weight loss method vs caloric restriction because it's true that your metabolism will slow down (both in body heat conservation and movement conservation). Some people can do it, but to others it's extremely difficult.
So that's why you pick the sedentary tdee regardless.
It's hard to judge how much you will expend. It's an equation with many factors.
So find what works for you.
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Finally got the bench! It feels amazing. Even compared to the gym benches.
Idk using that for my birthday has me at 3546 kcal for my whale size... idk I usually aim for sub 2k and it's slowly goin down, slower than I'd expect on a 1.5k deficit but maybe I'm just missing a bunch of calories..
Wouldn’t your metabolism slowing down be bad?
Depends on your perspective. From the perspective of weight loss, yes, it's a disadvantage.
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waifu posters give you power
I said get lean, not lose weight.
Yeah this shit is already calculating my maintenance at 1600 idk if I want it to get lower.
low cal diet
Most based poster in the thread. Nice purchase
I got my bench from craigslist from a guy just like you
that's not how it works, your weight is determined by the continual averaging of all of your calories consumed vs all of the calories you burn in a day by simply existing with the addition of any exercising you do. Your body doesn't target fat when you're hungry and working out, you sound retarded. If you feel no difference during your workout then exercising while fasted can be fine, but if you feel like its making your workouts suffer because you feel sluggish/lethargic than you should eat before.
Nah, you most likely won't go below that unless you're a slug.
But that's why you calculate from there, because a 1-200cal deficit can seem like a complete plateau or even failure. It's both about motivation and consistency.
I would recommend OMAD 6 days a week to anyone though, it's very simple if you stick to it.
I think I am just gonna try this >>74755806
fasting one day a week doesn’t seem like it messes with your metabolism all that much, at least from what I found quickly googling.
fuck my poor ass, i still have at least 5 more years of being a fucking rentoid I wish i had the space for a home gym
IF will produce results, if you can stick to it. It's a sound plan.
>5 more years of being a fucking rentoid
Just get rich now, why wait 5 years
I bought the full bag of sweets and party sized pack of crisp
>TDEE gets smaller the thinner you get
It's like God introduced video game mechanics to real life
God isn't real
>TDEE goes up as you gain muscle
As God intended the min-maxing meta.
Build muscle, raise TDEE, defy God.
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>tfw you realize your TDEE was massive when you were near your max weight
>god was making it harder to gain weight yet you just continued slowly killing yourself
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>i almost forgot to train forearms today
silly me
>Build muscle, raise TDEE, defy God.
This is what I did. I went from needing 1600 calories and walking for hours to keep losing weight below 160 to needing to eat 4000 calories just to get back up to 180lb over half a year. Im excited to see how this effects this diet. Im starting at 2000 and some elliptical everyday alongside weightlifting. Its crazy how hard my metabolism had crashed over 3 years of dieting.
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Fellow greetings chad


I would never sell my gym stuff, I'm using everything I've bought to be honest. I think I might buy a trap bar next and that's finally it.

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We're fixing the mistakes we made, fren. We'll get past the lower TDEE together
I have a pair of squat stands that I stash in the closet when not lifting. Bar and plates slide under the bed. One day I will buy a house with garage and/or basement space for a full rack. But this works for now.
Word to the wise, I'd keep your cat away from that bench if I were you. My cat loved to scratch up mine
I still got my other bench. My cat is social so I don't think she's gonna spend any time on the new one, she likes hanging around me. But thanks for the warning
>Fellow greetings chad
Fellow greetings enjoyer lysdexia
Any stories?
Tomorrow is the day
Today is the day. I've already made it.
just bought 180 gummy vitamins (they were 50% off)
gonna eat them as a dessert after dinners
i personally eat them right before bed when im hungriest
I also bought supplements for the firs time (just a multivitamin with zinc and antioxidants). Just wanted to see if it helps anything. Will report back in 3 months.

Some vitamins like fat soluble vitamins need to be taken with food

virgin song
Sometimes the benefit is your cells work more efficiently which might not be noticeable
>Not taking the sleepmaxx pill
I slept for 12 hours took a piss and slept another 2
>virgin song
just had sex last night

>Some vitamins like fat soluble vitamins need to be taken with food
i didnt know that. does it make a massive difference or is it just an optimization thing?
Having sex with your waifu body pillow doesn't count
ah come on i took the 2B cover off my daki years ago

>order takeaway like a craven fool
>only eat half of it because of injectable
Coming around on GLPs
Sure. There was this woman, we had a more rude nickname for her but let's call her Morbid Morticia. Morbid Morticia was big. Really big. Like "could have her own show on TLC" big. One week she gains 7 pounds and complains, saying she hydrated and ate according to the menu we gave her.

We ask her what she ate day by day, with logs. She reports exactly what the menu had said, sometimes 4oz of meat with two cups of veggies, sometimes a bit of tofu with strawberries, etc. So clearly she's lying, since you don't gain 7 pounds on 4oz of meat and a gallon of water.

But midway through the conversation she reaches into her duffel bag and takes out a 1 liter bottle of Pepsi, chugs the whole thing. We look at her in astonishment. She looks at us with her head tilted and said "What? Didn't you tell me I need to hydrate?"

She'd been substituting water for Pepsi the whole fucking time.
First song. Platz is my favorite bodybuilder.
I'm stupid
I'm trying to measure 1/2 cup of rolled oats
but I don't have measuring cups
I only have a food scale
can I just google 1/2 cup to fl oz and use that number?
4oz, but get a glass measuring cup
theres no way i ate 2000kcal of pasta in one meal right
It's entirely possible. Did you eat an ungodly amount of pasta?
>Did you eat an ungodly amount of pasta?
not really just one plate but im so fucking paranoid about food nowadays
Difficult to accomplish by accident with plain pasta, but if you had some greasy shit all over it, then you'd get there with roughly half the volume of pasta required.
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Okay, here is my 8 week plan.
>sunday: water fast
>monday-friday: high protein, low carb
>saturday: eat whatever (but not fast food)
>eating period: 11am-7pm
>calorie limit: -500kcal below sedentary
>dumbells Mon/Wed/Fri
>cardio Tues/Thurs
>cant buy snacks, free ones at work are okay during lunch
I reckon that'll be 2-3 pounds lost per week, maybe 20ish pounds overall. I'll do another long fast after but I want to learn sustainable eating habits and regain some muscle.
>I reckon that'll be 2-3 pounds lost per week, maybe 20ish pounds overall. I'll do another long fast after but I want to learn sustainable eating habits and regain some muscle.
Im also going for 20 pounds over 8 weeks. First day dropped like 3.8 pounds after doing 12k steps and axe throwing. Obviously mostly water weight, but a good start nonetheless. Lets get it anon!
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Accidentally bought gatorade instead of gatorade zero. I drank a quarter of a bottle before realizing
bump limit
new bread


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