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>Who is /fat/ for?
For the Lipidical Larpers who are working towards a longer life and a better physique through meaningful hard-work, strategy, and dedication. This is not QTDDTOT, stick to questions on fat loss. Post height and weight when asking for advice.
Join our Fatty Contest: https://www.fattycontest.com/

>What do I do first?
1. Read https://physiqonomics.com/fat-loss/
2. Calculate your Body Fat Percentage: https://fitness.bizcalcs.com/Calculator.asp?Calc=Body-Fat-Navy
3. Calculate your TDEE: https://www.sailrabbit.com/bmr/
Remember to use bodyfat% and use Katch-McArdle Formula with sedentary settings or your TDEE will be too high.
4. Plan your weight loss: https://www.losertown.org/eats/cal.php
5. Track your nutrition with MyFitnessPal (better for packaged food), Cronometer (better for generic food/macros) or LoseIt (great for both).

>Now what?
Count calories, all of them.
Eat about 500-1000 less calories than your TDEE.
Buy scales, be accurate.
Learn to cook. Try to stick to lean protein and green vegetables.
Eat a lot of protein. 0.72g per pound of goal lean body mass.
Doing cardio, even just walking, will improve your health. There is no such thing as a healthy fat heart, but you can offset the risks.
Lifting weights will keep and gain muscle mass and burn fat much quicker. No lifting results in the body burning away muscle AND fat.
Drink more water.
Read the /fit/ sticky: https://liamrosen.com/fitness.html

Eat refined sugars, they're terrible for you regardless of calories.
Eat processed foods.
Drink your calories (alcohol, soda, Starbucks).
Freak out over a weight loss stall. Plateaus can last up to three weeks.
"Reward" yourself. Cheat days cheat only yourself.

>Other resources:
Loose skin, gynecomastia & stretch marks: https://weight-loss-side-effects.netlify.app/
Reddit Wiki: https://www.reddit.com/r/loseit/wiki/faq

Previous thread: >>74752927
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1. find used big tire
2. pick up big sledge hammer
3. wack
Is there a calculator where you can input your daily calorie intake and a more specific exercise expenditure (rather than just the vague "3 to 4 days a week" that some calcs give) that will churn out expected weight loss rate?
I'm doing good doing what I'm doing I just want to see if I can recreate my results in a calculator that doesn't have option restrictions like a cap of 2 lbs per week on it
My Diet:

Casein Protein Shake + 1 fruit of my choice (usually 100 grams of strawberries)

4 serving size of Greek Yogurt, plus 1 fruit of my choice (usually a banana or something else that isn't very watery)

1 Boiled Chicken Breast + 1 serving of Green Vegetable (usually boiled green beans)

I don't cheat, I don't have a cheat day, I never make exceptions. Been 3 weeks so far and I feel good. I did the math and this diet equals to around 1,000 - 1,500 calories a day.

I was extremely obese, 350 pounds, 6'6" height. Tall as fuck so I thought I would be okay to be a fat fuck.

Is this diet sustainable?
Should I start with bodyweight calisthenics or dumbbells?
I'm a simple guy
I flip the big tire over onto the other side and repeat
yeah you'll be alright. 1000kcal is maintainable with a somewhat active lifestyle but you need more if you are very physically active (e.g. work trades or some such)
Honestly getting a little worried about my vegetable consumption, I have a cup and a quarter of baby spinach’s in my protein smoothies every day but other than that and some carrot sticks I’m not really eating any. I might get another bag of frozen broccoli and add it to the smoothies
>have a cup and a quarter of baby spinach
spinach and kale are the worst foods for kidney stones. consuming large amounts daily is a bad idea.
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I now feel worse off than where I started 20 minutes ago. Thanks for lookin out though
I'm too weak to do most bodyweight exercises, but there are dumbbells light enough to accommodate my dashing physique, so I've started with those.
Since then, I've introduced basic forearm planks to my routine, and I'll bring more in as I can. ymmv.
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I'm taking a 1-a-day vitamin and 4000 iu vitamin D supplement
I'm also eating 180g of protein a day
am I gonna get the stones??
It's ridiculous how much harder dieting gets once you're no longer a landwhale. When I started at 35% bf, I could fast without even getting hungry. Now that I'm 17% by navi method / 18 % by calipers, a 1000 kcal deficit feels like hell and I am constantly starving
Weight loss itself causes gallstones
Just psychicly send energy into your body to dodge all that bullshit
What the fuck do you guys even eat w/ your dinner? I have no problems just sticking to baked skinless chicken but just chicken and beans aren't going to cut it for me. Is there anything else I can add to the meal?
Im 3 weeks in i want to cheat, how the fuck do I keep going
Veg (oven roasted in a tiny bit of oil is really tasty, or salad kits are the easiest and you can chop whatever other raw veg into it to make it better)
Switch up your protein more so you don't get burnt out on it, turkey burgers are nice, lean ground beef is good, fish fillets too
Small portions of carbs are good as long as you don't go over calories, rice or potatoes
I always have soup / broth, even during summer
>was casually buying some mints a couple times a week cuz i figured something that's like 30g wouldn't matter
>check calories on a whim one day
Nigga ain't nobody tryna eat soup for dinner.
Gotcha. I mean I have no problem eating just regular ass veggies I just want to know what else I should be adding to the meal. For tonight I have baked chicken thighs and I have some green beans and I also have black beans. I don't know just seems incomplete. I also don't want to eat more chicken so I figured I should probably be adding a 3 thing to the meal maybe? I want to stay away from mashed potatoes because I know it's bad for you, as far as weight loss go. I could do rice but I can't cook the shit to save my life, it always comes out shit. I constantly fuck up rice, oatmeal, and grits. Mashed potatoes is the only thing I can make properly that doesn't get fucked when it comes to boiling shit. I used to also get fish from this market place near me since they would steam it for me for free: I'd get steamed salmon, shrimp, crab, and mix with w/ some white rice and just meal plan that shit.
If you aren't a pussy, try some hot sauces. A lot are incredibly flavorful, you only need to use a little tiny bit and are all 0 calories (or close to 0). Pour some of that shit onto your veggies.
soup for dinner is bangin'
no, there's no other food you can possibly have other than chicken and beans while trying to lose weight. it does not exist. if you try the universe will punish you and lop off a limb of yours for the insolence

Oven roast some potatoes
Cut some small gold potatoes to the same size, drizzle a small bit of oil (don't forget to count it), season, bake at 425 for like 40 minutes
Have to start it a bit ahead of the rest of dinner but shit's good, man. Less added fat than all the butter it takes to make a good mash. More satiating than other carbs like rice, too. They don't stay crispy if you're doing pre-made batch meals but they're still really good
Nice one you low IQ nigger.
Convince not to take a week long maintenance break /fat/
the fat must be blocking blood flow to your brain if that's the best you can come up with
Fatty Contest
Convince me*
your stomach isn't growling
it's purring.
Convince me in a less gay way plese
I got nothing, as I'm suffering from a mild crisis of willpower myself.
My diet and cardio is on auto-pilot and requires very little conscious effort at this point, but my strength training does not, and I find myself increasingly dragging my feet to get to it.
Just now I was googling "deload week" to see if I could use that as an excuse to slack off.
So IDK. In the end, we're the one who have to roll our saving throw, and no one else. Pass or fail, it's in nobody's hands but our own.
I could say the same thing about your useless posts, ape.
Literally in the same position. Week is off to a stressful start too
I think I need to do one crazy binge meal and get it out of my system what do you guys think
what's wrong with beef/pork?
I think that's the fat in your brain talking. Eat whatever you want but keep it within your TDEE.
Literally addict behavior
I thought chicken/fish are the best to eat for weight loss and eating clean.
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fatties and doomposters are tarded
no tips or tricks will do
you get thin the same way you beat soulsborne, just repeatedly mindlessly bashing your head against the wall even when it makes no sense, isn't fair, is bullshit, makes you throw the controller, makes you question if you're somehow genetically deffective
you just keep at it, and one day, for no reason at all it just clicks
>t. 330 2 years of 0 progress failure, one random day last September it clicked, down to 214
>Eat only half of burrito bowl
>Get hungee
>go to eat the other half even though I only budgeted half a burrito bowl for my deficit
>there's a fly in it
Based insect-bro preventing me from caving.
My secret has been eating so very little that if I fuck up and "cheat" I'm still below TDEE.
Caprika is great. Wish I could find something to replace that "full of fucking sugar" sriracha though
who wants to post their highs and lows for each year since they've started tracking their weight?

2012: High: 210lb. Low: 175lb.
2013: 210. 190.
2014: 240. 220.
2015 - 2016: 240.
2017: 240. 210.
2018 (the year I had cancer, so doesn't really count imo, but the whole ordeal definitely forms the next few years): 250. 215.
2019: 250. 185.
2020: 170. 190.
2021: 210. 190.
2022: 215. 170.
2023: 210. 185.
2024: 235. 150.

Obviously, this data just shows that I'm a psychopath that continually just loses weight and then gains it all back. I do hope that the insane loss this year keeps me down though. Obviously, I like being around the 170-180lb mark as a 6'0 male, but I feel like I had to lose the additional 20lb as sort of "insurance" so that I don't just balloon right back up to obesity.
they're preddy gud but I don't think that's a reason to avoid other types of meat.
Yeah that's one of the most serious cases on rubber banding I've ever seen. I admire your tenacity.
I've only got doctor visit history to go on since I only started caring this year

>2012 (19yo): 287 lbs
>2016: 253 lbs
>2019: 395 lbs
long depressive era between those 3 years, kept eating too much shit and fast food all the time + drinking in excess on top of it
>2023: 414 lbs
tried to treat dep/anx with ssris and benzos, didn't address the real issue: shit life syndrome, continued to maintain and gain a little
>2024 (Feb): 410
start of weight loss after pre-diabetic diagnosis
>2024 (May) 363 lbs
A1C back to normal range, followed doc's order of low carb and sugar and exercise 5 days a week
>Today (31yo): 318 lbs
Continuing 1700 cal diet, hour of walking with inclines for cardio, starting weights
I will make it

Damn that's a lot of fluctuation. That's one thing I fear, I never want to break back into apathy again I was going to die from it
What's your diet and exercise look like when you lose weight, and why do you think you have a hard time maintaining?
Also congrats on beating cancer, that shit sucks so damn hard, my sister went through leukemia in 2019 and has been in remission since
Today I learned that food addiction comes at all BMIs
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Someone buy the Anabolic Cookbook 3.1 from Greg Doucette and upload it online.
The beast inside is insatiable. I allowed it to convince me to take a maintenance day. Now it wants more.
>What's your diet and exercise look like when you lose weight, and why do you think you have a hard time maintaining?
Usually, my diet while losing is around 1500 calories a day. Pre-Cancer workout was almost non-existent because I have very very weak legs and for the first 22 years of my life could barely walk longer than a few minutes without getting tired or hurting myself from strain.

After my cancer treatment was finished, I rejected my past self, I wasn't going to let my weaknesses hold me back any longer. Once I had recovered from treatment, I started walking an hour every day. I have gone on an hour walk every single day for five years now, without missing it. I went from being the one who held everyone back to now being completely unhindered. There is no limit to how much I can walk now, I never get tired or strained.

So the exercise is basically almost always just the hour of walking a day, which doesn't change regardless of if I'm gaining or losing weight. I will say though that this year I was in a pretty depressive episode for the first part of my weight loss and was only eating about 500 calories a day, which is why it's such a drastic decrease. I've now been eating 1500-2000 a day for the past month and a half or so and have stayed weighing in at 150-155.
Same that FUCKING POKE BOWL was pandora's box. Providence saved me though all the places I would binge from were closed. We're addicts man, we can't "just have one."
inside you there are two wolves...
One is fat. The other is hungry.
The fat one is also hungry
Is fat getting softer a good sign? Been on a hard fast lately and my belly and chest fat is squishier and less dense than usual. I can also feel the muscle beneath better.
Dunno. I've dropped 25 pounds so far and my stomach fat feels like swiss cheese with some "give" here and there
I think the wolves are going to win tonight bros
The wolves can go FUCK THEMSELVES
I feel the same
I think it's that the fat is the same density but there's less of it packing the same volume of skin which ends up feeling squishier
When I'm human
As I plan to be
I'll still eat pickles when
my stomach gets rumbly
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might be the best macros day i’ve had in a long time boys
>The fat one is also hungry
My sides are rekt.
Don't you dare! Fuck those wolves!
Feel the same thing on my thighs. I think it's loose skin in it's early stages
>Convince not to take a week long maintenance break /fat/
go for it. maintenance breaks are only a good thing. They need to be taken every 8-10 weeks imo
>Someone buy the Anabolic Cookbook 3.1 from Greg Doucette and upload it online.
2 is up on popular torrent sites
Thank you bros
I will not get knotted tonight

Maybe I will take a maintenance break instead though. This is shaping to be a pretty stressful week ahead so I'm going to need to plan my resources carefully, i.e. not worrying about my diet for once
>Maybe I will take a maintenance break instead though. This is shaping to be a pretty stressful week ahead so I'm going to need to plan my resources carefully, i.e. not worrying about my diet for once
I think thats a great idea. If possible do a bit more walking that week. Nothing crazy.
personalize the ratios
default ratios have carbs way too high and protein way too low
can a grown man really survive on 1600 calories a day? my app is set to -2 lbs a week and it still tells me to eat 2200
I'm 260 pounds(down from 285) and I've been on 500 calories a day all month. It's doable. Easy, even.
why scale not go down
Backed up shittin' and pissin'
Get working on making it up
>>can a grown man really survive on 1600 calories a day?
for me this is the point where the hunger gets really bad
eat less run more
then scale go down
Green veg with roasted garlic
Roasted belle pepper or shishito pepper
I ate ribs tonight and I was told I should weigh the bones after and subtract it from the total grams of food

is that correct? I just started actually measuring my food so I'm learning
Yeah duh. That or scrape all the meat off the bones and weigh that.
eat the bones
marrow is delicious and nutritious
>all week
>cave and go to the store to buy miralax
>for some fucking reason my body decides it can poop again before I even take my first dose
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alright anons, in my last post, your advice was that my motivation should be avoid being obese and :
> go for a high-protein diet
> limit carbs
> look into ozempic/glp-1 and related products.
however, that doesnt help with anxiety or depression, tell me, how do you manage them??
Like many posted, those mental shits are related to obesity and eating disorders.
It's because your body knows whats coming. It's like when you can hold your piss/shit no problem until you get to the front door then suddenly you become a fucking 3 month old infant and can't hold it to save your fucking life. Like your bladder just KNOWS your 15 feet away.
>Milk (626)
>Waffles (162)
>Grilled ribs (305)
>Macaroni (127)
>Chicken wing (103)
>BBQ sauce (37)
>Mayo (47)
>Cheese (116)
Total: 1523 kcal

The ribs were great. The chicken was not, but it would go bad tomorrow if I didn't eat it today (like 2-3 days old already).
The solution to anxiety and depression is fixing your life. Yes, that's why so many people have it, because it's really hard to do
Fixing your weight is a big part of that, start with that, get some confidence going from setting goals and continually improving, then start going for your other problems. Might need help from like a therapist or life coach or something. People shit on that here but a good one can help a lot
>Milk (626)
I'm 211 lbs and 6'1". I've eaten ~1550 kcal on average every day for the past 3 months. I don't really feel hunger.
Don't forget
>Avoiding seed oils and animal foods that were grown by feeding them seed oils
I've been drinking 1-1.5 liters of milk every day. It's the cheapest protein with an acceptable calorie to protein ratio. I can't really afford to eat meat every day, so milk will have to do.
mayo is just whipped up seed oils, I would rather eat motor oil
You're right that mayo is superfluous, but I use it as a cheap sauce in small amounts.
We're all gonna make it
A grinder?
>I've been drinking 1-1.5 liters of milk every day. It's the cheapest protein with an acceptable calorie to protein ratio. I can't really afford to eat meat every day, so milk will have to do.
tuna and tilapia are pretty cheap
I have some bad news and a snack for you
It's bad idea because things have momentum of their own, breaks too. Week from now you might think why wouldn't I continue the break for one more week. Maybe not but why take a risk.
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;_; god damnit...........
that not that bad
Vacation week?
oh wait. you only made 10 pounds progress in several months and gained it back? damn.
you won't get much marrow from ribs
you want leg or back bones for that
lost 30 pounds from november to feburaray? then i just stagnated around 200 and ive been just binging a lot more than usual this past week...
Most people don't use the bones you Oxtail soup making motherfucker
If I had a coworker who I wanted to sabotage, I would tell him: "Sure champ, taking a week long break from your diet sounds like a great idea!"
Any of yall on the carnivore diet? I've been eating about 2 pounds of ground beef or ground turkey total each day with some grass fed butter or ghee with some himalayan salt. I eat simple and cheap..
Time to do a strict diet until you're back to where you were.
And then you continue doing that.
Simmer the bones for 12 hours. Do it. Let nothing go to waste.
(but you will need to add spices or something because it will taste like ass otherwise.)
>lost 30 pounds from november to feburaray? then i just stagnated around 200 and ive been just binging a lot more than usual this past week...
Oh that literally happened to me a few years back. Take a maintenance week this week and really plan out your next 8 weeks of dieting. Also start doing 10-15 minute walks daily for the next two weeks. Do two 15 minute walks for another two weeks and just keep adding until you feel like its too much. Good luck. This is what go me through my plateau. Dont feel bad though. You lost weight and didnt regain it all before shifting gears. Catch your breath this week and get back to work. No feeling bad about yourself either.
I would recommend breaks. Not long ones, and not ones far beyond maintenance. But a short one week break is great to reassess and let your weight and metabolism settle.
If by the end of the week the sufferer is incapable of getting back on track, that means they haven't learned the lesson yet and would regain weight immediately afterwards anyway.
Being afraid of taking a breather is admitting that you can't live with your weight loss.
Is there an app you guys recommend for helping plan weight loss?
>Being afraid of taking a breather is admitting that you can't live with your weight loss.
Its normal. This shit is difficult and nerve wracking. Thats why the breathers are so important. Partially to relax and recuperate and also to recognize you aren't going to become obese because you lived like a normal person.

I also use Loseit. Bought a lifetime sub.
Great ideas! I will use these on my coworker.
I will say something that will make him feel like a loser if he cannot take a break from his diet. Thanks!
This is my third week going to the gym. My hip dips are looking less disgusting now that I'm losing fat
Speaking of coworkers, I met a fat colleague of mine at the gym yesterday. She seemed really motivated trying to lose weight. If things work out she might become my /fat/ postgradulate thesis.
It's the diet that matters, and you don't see that. Tons of fatasses at the gym try their best, but they burn out quick, it's a matter of sustainability.
All the more reason to show her the light.
i forgot how good starving feels oh my god
>latina with huge ass says hello to me
>nice office woman also says hi to me
I need to lose this belly fat so badly..
idk how I just realized this, but love handles are what make it hard to keep your pants up
A lack of them you mean.
I have no ass or hips and pants keep falling constantly.
Maybe when I lose it all I should just hang with other former fatties. The "beautiful people" still invoke a rage within me.
>no ass or hips
yeah that probably makes it worse too
but love handles are the fat that sit above where your pants are and it can push them down
I ate 757 calories yesterday why am i still fat
Spreadsheet apps like excel or google sheets.
Alright buckos, give me your best recipes to make cucumbers better similar to this, because this looks like a good and fun idea.
Fatty Contest
just replace the cream cheese and ranch with cottage cheese, add lime and spices/herbs to recreate whatever flavour you want, i sometimes go with chives and a hint of parsley, spring onion and garlic as well.

i'd recommend using a plate and sitting down to eat, fuck this "fun food" bullshit, you are too fat to be fucking around

most of the time i just add 50g of cucumber to my regular meal like a normal person and don't put anything on top of it, it tastes like water, that's how cucumber is supposed to taste
>i'd recommend using a plate and sitting down to eat, fuck this "fun food" bullshit, you are too fat to be fucking around
i disagree. if the food is properly measured, why not? itll depend on the person, but if i can employ tricks to stop my mind from feeling like im dieting, im always more successful.
>but if i can employ tricks to stop my mind from feeling like im dieting
but you are dieting, because you are fat
>im always more successful.
not your first time huh? wonder why
>fuck this "fun food" bullshit
>most of the time i just add 50g of cucumber to my regular meal like a normal person and don't put anything on top of it, it tastes like water, that's how cucumber is supposed to taste
That's boring. Sometimes you just need to eat a whole cucumber.
Here's another: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/OhduvxTGGmA
>but you are dieting, because you are fat
im not that fat desu

>not your first time huh? wonder why
i just bulked up on purpose over the past 5 months lol
Can't wait to burn more fat tomorrow
>wheeeeee, here comes the cucumber planeeee, say woooooooooowww!
I've gone from 88kg to 69kg now in the past 10 months.
The only thing I've done with my diet is try to eat less, drink a lot of water, mostly eat protein dense food like meat, eggs, skim milk and a lot of quark (60kcal 10g protein in 100g)
I've also lost a lot of muscle because too lazy to go to the gym.
Maybe soon it's time to gain a bit of weight again so I get more muscle.
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Why don't you like cucumbers or flavour guy ?
Here, have another: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/nc_GJR5wqIw
>I've also lost a lot of muscle
you haven't
>Maybe soon it's time to gain a bit of weight again
>so I get more muscle
you'll gain fat

start lifting but continue eating less, there's no point in eating big if you're just going to be lifting baby beginner weights
I've gone from losing 2 kg a week to 1 kg and now just 0.5 kg.
Dont know if this is the right place to ask but everytime I talk to it to the few normies I know they look at me like I raped and murder their dogs

>Be me
>138kg neet
>Decide enough is enough and start going to the gym "hard" (3h a day 5 day a week)
>Loose 32kg of fat and gain 17kg of muscle in 4 month
>I'm looking normalish by now (Slightly overweight looking with muscle starting to show slighlty)
>Mfw every single person I know threat me better
>Friends come talk to me much more often
>Girl I've know for years and never gave a fuck about me start to flirt with me
>Even the cashiers at the 3 shop I got to regularly start smiling to me (been living here for 15+ years they NEVER smiled at me before)
>Instantly become totaly discusted with all of them and feel even more depressed than my fat self
>Stop going to the gym the next day

I've gained back the weight I lost now and thinking of going to the gym again cause I felt better in my body but I feel like this will start all over gain. Has something similar happend to any of you ? If yes did you manage to get over it ? I think i'm seriously fucked in the head from staying in my room for the last 16 years and that I'll never been able to be "normal" ...
Fatty Contest
How many 140kg people do you treat well?
Shut up faggot
>I think i'm seriously fucked in the head from staying in my room for the last 16 years and that I'll never been able to be "normal"
so don't be normal, just don't be a fat sack of shit either, you can be an autistic weirdo while increasing your life expectancy
just go to the gym for yourself nigger
forget about all those cracked out ghetto fiends
for some reason my weight loss accelerated a little after having a maintenance break of two weeks
i'm not seeing the problem here. was the fact that people treat better-looking people better some kind of revelation or something you weren't expecting?
You have peak loser brain. It's over.
I haven't made it yet but you hear this same experience from people online all the time
It's basically being personally confronted with how extreme lookism is in all aspects of life by having both experiences at opposite ends, most people don't get that they just get one or the other and never feel or understand how all people treat all other people based on instantaneous animal instincts over how pleasant you are to look at
It can also shake up your own underlying beliefs that the world is just
Basically halo effect + just world fallacy hitting you with a 1-2 punch
>gain 17kg of muscle in 4 month
hahaha what the fuck is this fantasy writing
I know 2 and threat them the same way I threat everyone, imo look shouldnt matter at all except for fucking/finding someone

Real, thanks guys I think I needed to hear it.

I knew it was a thing but I would never have expected it to be this extreme desu. It's like pepole did a 180 from barely acknowledging me to wanting spend time with me all the time. It feel so wrong to me. Felt like I was always 1 big mac away from everyone doing another 180.

I think that's a very good summary yeah. Since you seem to have see it happen already, anyone ever talk about a way to go over that ?
Fuck miss typed it. 7 not 17
So you're just retarded and don't know that you treat people differently too. Should have expected that of someone so lacking in self-awareness he blames how others treat him for how he restarted eating like a pig since he felt weird being treated like a human.
>anyone ever talk about a way to go over that ?
if you feel this is affecting your life (it sounds like it is) unironically get therapy
Can anybody source research info on how a period of obesity in your life affects lifespan after returning to healthy BMI? Everything I search returns basic "obesity's effect on lifespan" results without factoring in recovery
why would you even want to read all that doom, you literally can't undo your fat years

these lifespan measurements are also all averages over huge populations, if life expectancy is 80 years doesn't mean you'll drop dead on the clock retard, you can be the fittest health nut and die at 60 while some fat bastard makes it to 90 by some miracle
I spent a lot of my life living in willful ignorance to avoid all the problems I was causing myself and I'm trying to reverse that
I want to know the damage I've done, not just ignore it. I'm taking responsibility now and doing what I can
Every second you're obese it takes 1 hour off your life
>every second you're obese it takes 3600 seconds off your life
>every hour you're obese it takes 3600 hours off your life
>every day of your life takes 3600 days out of your life
>every year you're obese takes 3600 years out of your life
I think I'll give up on jumping rope, my ankles already have issues due to copious bleeding when I was a baby, jumping seems to put a lot of stress on them. I still want to do it but I'm afraid at my current weight it is just doing more damage, maybe I'll try again when I'm thinner
>184 cm and 120 kg
>Lose 20 kgs to 100 kg, halfway there
>Summer comes
>Festivals and hang-outs with friends involving tons of beer
>Family and friends visiting, drinking and eating out
>Visit the US, disgusting goyslop every day
>Still manage to squeeze some workouts in, 10-20.000 steps a day and at least one low calorie meals every day
>Still 100 kg

Is this what maintenance is like? It is honestly great. I could live like this for the rest of my life, just need to hit 80 kgs.
Takes time for joints to catch up. I know I have to take more rest days than I used to.
The body has a remarkable ability to repair itself. Unless you're midle-aged you'll likely make a near full recovery.
Maintained weight since last time I posted which makes me kind of sad because I have been waking up at 6AM to do my daily exercise before my classes start. I can see how I didn't lose anything though, I ate too many carbohydrates these past few days.

Fatty Contest
>do more exercise
>feel compelled to eat more food
many such cases
ive accepted and enjoy it. it's an advantage if you use it like one. one thing is that people talk to me more. i use that for social gains when i want and if i dont feel like talking then i dont respond. they can think of me as weird or rude if they wish, it's better than being invisible.
I generally don't cut my rations or else I would kill myself, I just try to avoid bread and snacks and that always manages to lower my weight. Gues what I did the last few days!
I've had this experience too
idk what to tell you other than don't let it make you overly cynical, just accept it for what it is
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Slop lunch but still only 700 kcal
(I'm baking the cordon bleu instead of frying it, otherwise it would probably be at least +200 kcal of oil)
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>24k steps
>gathered 3,3kg of chantarelle mushrooms
I'd say today's morning walk was successful.
Thanks for reading my blog.
>>gathered 3,3kg of chantarelle mushrooms
Great haul, we're probably gonnna have shrooms too because the weather has been utter dogshit but great for mushrooms to come in. Parasol shrooms should be coming in and I fucking love these.
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Dude just add some veggies ffs.
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That picture is begging for a "let me guess, you *NEED* more?" caption.
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>Dry fries
>??? chicken
>Gigantic dollop of mayo

Yeah not gonna make it. Buy fresh and make it from scratch, only way to keep it sustainable in the long run. Get boneless chicken thighs and put them in the oven with seasoning. No oil needed, the fat on the thighs is enough for them to brown/maillard properly.
>>Dry fries
yeah I oven baked them
>>??? chicken
>>Gigantic dollop of mayo
I love this mayo because it's the illusion of mayo. It's basically mayo flavoured water at this point and like 230 kcal for 100 g. It's good enough to trick my brain into thinking I had massive amounts of mayo...
You know your body craves stuff that is not processed? Try making your own pico de gallo and have that with meat and veggies instead of jewish goyslop.
I start again this weekend. Plan to weigh in on Friday, redo my macros/TDEE take photos, measurements, everything. Im ready to be lean
Having 1 day a week where you have say 500 cals is this a good plan?
depends, what are you going to do the other days?
out of the 1 year i paid for gym, I went regularly 3 times per week for 6 months
not good, but pretty good on average
it's just really fucking annoying to go on winter since I usually take the bike. that + having to change clothes and shoes and all of that shit in the gym is a pain
and then once you stop for the winter it's hard to start back up

this year I'll try to just not give a shit and walk there
>Yeah not gonna make it.
already sort-of made it though, currently sitting at 78.4 kg / 183 cm. Started at 106 kg.
All that counts is CICO, and that plate is well within limits for a lunch.
start today fatass
>chicken fried extra seed oils(plain chicken has too much of it already)
>oven potatoes(potatoes with added seed oil)
>mayo(whipped up seed oil) dip

You couldn't pay me to eat this. I've been lurking this thread for two months and this is the worst meal I've seen
Im working my way through MFP and going to follow my eating plan from 2019 where I was able to lose good weight. I feel completely lost and out of control right now, the only thing I can think to do is do what has worked before.
post body
then don't, I'm not forcing you. I don't eat like this every day either, but I really felt like having that sort of slop rn. The progress here is that half year ago, I would've deep fried it and have two of those chicken things instead of just one.
it's the lose skin. keep going anon. WAGMI
CICO yes but you're gonna do this for the rest of your life? It's not sustainable because these are empty calories that don't fill you up properly and then you're gonna slip up.

>Oh just some more fries won't hurt
>Ah I will add oil this time to make it more crispy
>I miss the old mayo, I can do it this time
>Oh it didn't really fill me up I can have another serving

I've lost 30 kgs with tasty and healthy food and now I don't even crave slop anymore except the rare moments I get it drunk.
>Gets drunk
>posts depression below-mcdonalds tier slop
>"bro that looks like shit"
like, those chips don't even seem to have salt, I don't even care about the macros that just looks ugly
Because 1 kg of fat is 7700 calories. If you have 30 kg of excess fat then you need to get a combined caloric deficit of 231,000.
not the original poster, that food looks great to me
post body or shut up about sneed coils
>It's not sustainable because these are empty calories that don't fill you up properly and then you're gonna slip up.
Empty calories is a buzzword the same as "healthy food". You either hit your nutritional goals or don't.
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>healthy food
you belong in /fph/
you are NEVER going to make it
>You either hit your nutritional goals
Empty calories means they have the least efficient possible calories/nutritional value possible, aswell as having high density for volume leaving you hungry
I'm the original poster of the food and I didn't ask you to post body. I do think however that you're extremely judgemental about the food for no reason. If you don't like it, then don't eat it.
>below-mcdonalds tier slop
the caloric density is substantially lower than anything you could get at McDonald's. You're doing a lot of noise over a sub 700 kcal meal that will keep me full until tonight.
>I've lost 30 kgs with tasty and healthy food
and I've lost nearly 30 kgs eating whatever the fuck I want in moderation, wow
i love tubers
sweet potater
all that shit is amazing

thank you tubers
what are some other good tubers
>posts pictures of food when no one asked
>gets mad when people critique your shit decisions
you have to go back
Being both hungry and sleep deprived is terrible, I feel like I'm going to die, I have absolutely no energy.
What about vtubers?
(this is important)
That's the problem, I can't, I'm very tired but I can't fall asleep.
2021 350lbs
2022 280lbs
2023 August 330lbs
2024 today 189lbs
Thank you autism and spite for fueling my weight loss, at this point im just going for science
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yay im back! fasting today again
why are you killing yourself? you're beautiful already, you don't need to destroy your body
by fasting you mean binging and throwing up?
i have a visual representation of my yoyoing, it's pathetic
Yeah it's been raining like fuck here too all summer, so the mushroom season came early. It's great. Hope you get a lot of shrooms
You obviuosly know how to lose weight, so just stop getting fat afterwards
im gross
no by fasting i mean fasting until my bpm goes to 120 and i shake a bunch and then ill binge purge
I was studying this data over the weekend and I realised I literally don't know how to maintain, I'm always going either up or down, and well there's periods where I don't measure where I may be accidentally maintaining like in 2018-2020.

I calculated the slow steady slope from 2014 to 2017 was just a 167 calorie surplus a day, which could have been prevented with literally walking an extra 30 minutes a day, or doing omad one day a week, or a fast once every two weeks, or you know, just count calories I guess, just trivial shit.
just stop replying, it gets bored if you don't engage with it and stops posting
one of my biggest dreams in life would be that i lay on my back, you sit on top of me, and purge all over my face
Once you reach your goal weight you need to just weigh yourself once per week and if you see scale go up then eat less the following week. Maintaining should be very easy if you just weigh yourself
it doesnt :(
I don't get how people just eat high protein low carb all the time. I get so bored of the taste of just meat and eggs is knocks me sick after like a week.
Amazing graph. Only if I had data from the last ten years..

It looks like he never reaches the goal weight, it never goes to 2011 levels. According to my seeing stone that is also the reason 'maintenance mode' never happens. Maintaining when you are not at goal weight feels stupid.
then don't do low carb, you have no reason to
But random internet person told me to do it
I could eat pan-seared chicken breast every day for 5 years straight and not get tired of it, I'm just built different
I used to eat without a care and without any guilt. Now I have to second guess every time I’m about to go over my deficit. I don’t like this
I don't know doing high protein low carb actually made my meals much more diverse because I was constantly searching for new recipes, new spices, new low carb veggies, started eating meat I usually wouldn't consider like chicken hearts which soon became one of my favorite foods etc.
Just start to experiment with various kinds of meat and veggies, like try out fish and fish recipes
Without taste buds?
didnt we tell you to fuckoff from the thread
why are you back
>“stop derailing the threads!!!”
>continues to reply with irrelevant nonsense to my weigh ins
>It looks like he never reaches the goal weight, it never goes to 2011 levels. According to my seeing stone that is also the reason 'maintenance mode' never happens. Maintaining when you are not at goal weight feels stupid.
yeah... about that. I'm an uber manlet, I did not even look good in 2011, the "goal weight" is off the charts, I've never been fit in my adult life.

I'm PeakedIn2010 in the fatty contest (yes, I was still fat at my peak)
They have a lot of energy. If that's what your nutrition needs then they are the best food available. If your body needs more vitamin K2 then eating more leafy greens isn't gonna do shit no matter how healthy it's called.
This healthy food shit is partly why I'm here. When I was young I got inundated with this healthy food shit.
"This bread variation is healthy" and other garbage like that. So I thought that eating it would be good. But it wasn't because it is just marketing buzzwords.
Set yourself a red line weight and weigh yourself every day. If your weight goes above that you start tracking calories again.
just not american so my taste buds are not completely destroyed by years of chemical goyslop
Happy to say i lost 7kg/ 15 lbs in 3.5 weeks
Still have a long way to go but even this is noticable weight loss
What worked for me is eating completely clean and eating less (duh)
But key component was lowering coffee intake to only 1 in the morning. Dont have almost any cravings or hunger through the day
My Fitbit keeps saying my heart rate is around 120-170

I feel that's super inaccurate cause I feel I'd need to go to the doctor if it was
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>lost weight due to eating clean and eating less
>"it's all thanks to less coffee"
>can't cook
>not American
So you're British?
>got these sugar free slurpees at the gas station a few times
>figure it must be /fat/ safe since a slurpee is just syrup, water and ice
>feeling suspicious today
>600 calories for a large somehow
it's so fucking over, no wonder i'm plateauing. how do these goddamn corpos manage to cram 600 calories into a cup with ice and sugar free syrup in it
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Suddenly I’m stuck at 100kg after steady weightloss previously. I haven’t made any changes in my diet. I don’t get it man.

post the label
you sound both obese and retarded, which is very common
betting it's not sugar free and your lard ass read "0g added sugar" as sugar free because your lard crossed the blood brain barrier
how long has this plateau lasted? it could just take a few weeks to break through it as plateus often do, also consider that as you lose weight your tdee gets lower and lower so you should change your diet (and ideally be more active now that it's not a torture to) to reflect that if you want to keep on losing weight
>sugar free syrup
is that a real thing?
plateaus are a meme. just keep going, dont let it be an excuse for a cheat meal or whatever. if you’re still stuck after a few weeks it’s time to maybe hit a fast or reduce calories a bit more (try reduce carbs and fats instead of protein ofc)
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Like two weeks maybe? Sometimes the scale shows me as slightly under 100.

Yeah but I was losing weight at 0.5kg a week at 101kg, now it’s 0kg a week at 100 kg. It wouldn’t be that drastic of a TDEE change, no?
That sucks but you might actually be able to make this yourself if you have the will and $60 to buy a at home machine and sugar free flavorings
The starburst flavor drops would make a good slushie
Yeah, I’ve already adjusted my lunch down by 100 calories, just cutting out some unnecessary pasta. Will probably go further.

I think the problem really might be my dinners, but I don’t cook them myself so I can’t accurately determine how many calories are in them.
Can you do 3/4th of a plate of the prepared dinner and 1/4 plate of just steamed veg like broccoli or zucchini? Slowly adjust the ratio of dinner to veg until your weightloss starts again
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These guys.
never seen slop so suspicious
Niggas be willin to put Mystery Sauce Cancer mixes in their bodies before learning to snack on fruit and vegs
Oh I'm sure it's banned outside of the US for being poison. It's probably better than whatever HFCS goop that guy is drinking daily
Torani makes a bunch of flavors that keto ppl are obsessed with. I can't eat sugar replacements in massive quantities. It gives me worse cravings for real sugar than sugar does.
Struck a chord, aye?
You think i figured out the eating less and clean part just 3 weeks ago?
Before i couldnt keep myself at deficit when i was drinking 3-4 coffees a day cause the cravings and hunger were unbearable. It definitely was a factor. Now i eat 1500cals a day and im not even hungry. No way i could do that before for more than 2 days
sounds too good to be true, I'm sure it must give you cancer somehow
that guy deliberately misunderstands you because he is an unhappy person. you can ignore him
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random internet person is not successfully losing weight
I love taking a big poo. I can physically feel the weight leaving my body
Yeah i know man, i know what 4chan is, i just wanted to reply in a polite manner
is walking 10k steps a day enough to pick more than sedentary when calculating TDEE?
You could probably make a living off of properly calculating TDEEs for fats
what would be?
that's basically what dieticians do and they make good money off it
I know that feel. I follow a predictable cycle.
1. Realize I am becoming fat again when my clothes fit poorly around 180 lbs
2. Diet for a few months
3. Hit 160 or so, feel normal again and decide that's good enough
4. Enjoy six to nine months of not caring about diet
5. Go to step 1

This time, though, I'm not stopping at 160.
I’ll try it out.

Already kind of doing that with salad and tomatoes, but I’ll add more vegetables.
sounds like a nice way to enjoy tasty delicious food while never letting yourself go to an unmanageable degree
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Started a weight loss support group. I give daily tips pulled from the sticky. People seem to like it and are making progress. We do have an anoxeric girl though, not sure if I should remove her from the group or not since she doesn't attention whore but she is a hungry skeleton.
I'm losing weight and I do low carb.
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can't stop thinking about this image
might print it and put it somewhere visible
i don't even need this advice, i never snack, just the thought of an anime girl going out of her way to help me gives me hope
I might make one of those with my waifus but it just says "Eat more pickles."
It's amazing that you guys have data that goes so far back
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fatty contest

Fell of hard but I'm picking myself up back again. If not for me, I'll do it for >her.

>540 calories
>0 fat, 0 protein, 0 sugar, 0 added sugar
>15mg sodium
>29g carbs
this isn't mathing to me
if you dont' have a printer and are too lazy to go to the copyshot, you can trace the drawing over your phone and write it down yourself
artificial sweeteners have a distinct taste. truly '0-cal' food tastes lowkey bad. if you're having something that tastes too good to be true, it fucking is.
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Fatty Contest
263.4 lbs

Making some progress. Have a call with the doctor to go over my blood labs, wouldn't be surprised if I was pre-diabetic at my starting weight of 285 lbs. Cut out my one true love mead, as it was calories AND carbs.
stevia and monkfruit taste bad but the chemical stuff is actually okay to me. anyway these drinks weren't that great, just something cold that i thought was calorie free. it might still be free because they appear to be lying about their nutrition info
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caff is an appetite suppressant you stupid faggot. you conditioned yourself into thinking that if you have a coffee you MUST also have a 1000-cal bagel.
saying "I lose weight because I quit X" is the same as saying "I'm fat because of X". unfuck your head first and stop blaming some externality like coffee for your issues.
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>Two week vacation coming up
>In myrtle beach
>land of comfort food and sweet tea
How do I survive the gains goblins?
>"I'm fat because of X"
me? I'm fat because I overate junk food way beyond my tdee for years
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woah doxxing is not allowed remove this picture of me NOW
think about how disgusting the clemson sorority girls will find you
that's valid
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not until you lose 40 lbs. we're all about tough love here.
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Does it blackpill you when you see people who appear to suffer zero personal, social, or health consequences from being a blubberbeast?
I want to fuck those nuns. I want to defile them. I want to to destroy their innocence. I want them to feel dirty.
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Now you all have problems
That's the truth
You're narcissistic parasites
But we can save you

But you've got to tell us -that-
All the reasons you got fat
The reason that you ate
The cause for your gait

If we could find out why
Oh we could treat you inside
All the action that we'll take
Oooh the way you'll be saved

Calm down Ragnarson
they suffer quietly
I ate as a coping mechanism when I was bored or depressed or feeling anything other than baseline
what’s a good ratio for weight loss? i hear constant conflicting data about protein intake
nta but you'll get conflicting info here too, especially since g/lb suggestions are useless for fatasses. personally i try to aim for about 8-9g of protein per 100 calories i eat
here's how to calculate it
1500 cals a day for men
you need 1g protein per goal body weight
estimate 160 lbs = 160g protein = 640 cals a day
640/1500= about 45% of your cal intake should be protein
carbs is easy, carbs should be 0% of your cal intake
fats is easy, 100%=45%+0%+x%
solving for x means you should get about 55% of your cal intake from fat
>1500 cals a day for men
Highly dependent on your weight, height, and level of activity
>you need 1g protein per goal body weight
Unnecessary if you're not bulking
All you really need to make sure of is that your protein intake is at least 0.7g per pound of body weight. Don't need to worry about carbs that much. CICO
All you need is CICO

CICO is all you need
fats interpret cico to mean that they can eat 3 arbys sandwiches a day for a year and be healthy
no, cico means they can eat 3 abys sandwiches a day for a year and lose weight
fats dont understand the difference between being healthy and losing weight
good thing we are in a fat loss thread and not in a health increase thread
be honest did you eat 3 arbys sandwiches today
no I ate your mom out, fatass
no wonder you need to lose weight
This guy only eats pizza and hamburger helper (without the hamburger) and isn't morbidly obese. CICO
nice comeback retard, go cry now
nigga look where you are, people here encourage steroid use, keto diets, other dogshit snake oil and fasting
health is not a target for the majority here
i dont need a comeback, you already post in /fat/
yeah whatever fatass, go do your fad diet while I eat 3 arbys sandwiches out of your mom's asshole, cya loser
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I'm going to Arbys bros, you want anything ?
>cico but also caring about micros is now a fad diet
I keep eating out of boredom. How do you keep busy in a way that doesn't involve food?
bump limit
fresh bread

I'm starting to think that 10k steps a day is a requirement to select the sedentary option.
You don't have to do lo carb, but if you consume high protein low calories food you'll automatically be low in carb.
Proteins and fats usually go hand in hand through not-so-lean meat and fishes, proteins and carbs are a much rare couple, (lentils, beans).
You're gonna make it!
Man I started losing weight at the right time, blood labs were fucked. Beginning stages of type two diabetes, carb measures 150% of what they should be. Doctor prescribed me fish oil and three to four days of resistance training a week.

How long does it take for someone to unfuck themselves out of Diabetes type 2?
>I've gained back the weight I lost now and thinking of going to the gym again cause I felt better in my body but I feel like this will start all over gain. Has something similar happend to any of you ? If yes did you manage to get over it ? I think i'm seriously fucked in the head from staying in my room for the last 16 years and that I'll never been able to be "normal" ...
this happens to everyone who makes it. you get over it the first time you have two girls suck cum off your abs.
ulillillia is literally famous for being super autistic, normal people have a hard time sticking so closely to numbers, but yes that demonstrates the principle
>so don't be normal, just don't be a fat sack of shit either, you can be an autistic weirdo while increasing your life expectancy
this is the way. the best part is that your eccentric personality becomes a real love it or hate it thing for normies. so you end up with a bunch of people who like you for who you are because youre confident enough to just be yourself. you also get to piss off people who hate you with your success.
What weight should a 5'9 guy normally target?
>This guy only eats pizza and hamburger helper (without the hamburger) and isn't morbidly obese. CICO
I cut on chickfila sandwiches and california pizza kitchen (degreased as a tribute to uli of course)

>ulillillia is literally famous for being super autistic, normal people have a hard time sticking so closely to numbers, but yes that demonstrates the principle
I used to talk to him via youtube private messages back in the day. Very cool guy, nothing like chris-chan.
>Very cool guy, nothing like chris-chan.
Did you try talking to him via YouTube as well?
>Did you try talking to him via YouTube as well?
I was friends with chris on facebook, but only watched from a distance. Getting involved with chris is a bad idea. I actually remember seeing him post on facebook about having dreams about fucking his mom years before he did it.
new thread

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