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>Who is /fat/ for?
For the Salaciously Sedentary who are working towards a longer life and a better physique through meaningful hard-work, strategy, and dedication. This is not QTDDTOT, stick to questions on fat loss. Post height and weight when asking for advice.
Join our Fatty Contest: https://www.fattycontest.com/

>What do I do first?
1. Read https://physiqonomics.com/fat-loss/
2. Calculate your Body Fat Percentage: https://fitness.bizcalcs.com/Calculator.asp?Calc=Body-Fat-Navy
3. Calculate your TDEE: https://www.sailrabbit.com/bmr/
Remember to use bodyfat% and use Katch-McArdle Formula with sedentary settings or your TDEE will be too high.
4. Plan your weight loss: https://www.losertown.org/eats/cal.php
5. Track your nutrition with MyFitnessPal (better for packaged food), Cronometer (better for generic food/macros) or LoseIt (great for both).

>Now what?
Count calories, all of them.
Eat about 500-1000 less calories than your TDEE.
Buy scales, be accurate.
Learn to cook. Try to stick to lean protein and green vegetables.
Eat a lot of protein. 0.72g per pound of goal lean body mass.
Doing cardio, even just walking, will improve your health. There is no such thing as a healthy fat heart, but you can offset the risks.
Lifting weights will keep and gain muscle mass and burn fat much quicker. No lifting results in the body burning away muscle AND fat.
Drink more water.
Read the /fit/ sticky: https://liamrosen.com/fitness.html

Eat refined sugars, they're terrible for you regardless of calories.
Eat processed foods.
Drink your calories (alcohol, soda, Starbucks).
Freak out over a weight loss stall. Plateaus can last up to three weeks.
"Reward" yourself. Cheat days cheat only yourself.

>Other resources:
Loose skin, gynecomastia & stretch marks: https://weight-loss-side-effects.netlify.app/
Reddit Wiki: https://www.reddit.com/r/loseit/wiki/faq

Previous thread: >>74757063
Only fasting works. Everything else is just poor man's fasting, and it only works in so far as it imitates fasting.
fasting only works if you're a NEET with no obligations whatsoever
NTA but no, I can go a full work day + gym session through a fast.
It's personal though
>fasting is CICO
>fasting is keto
>fasting is compatible with ozempic
I kneel fastchads
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fact of the day: you can lose weight AND eat that pizza. its important to nourish the body and you deserve the break. how bad can one pizza meat supreme with cheese crust really be? enjoy life, you only get one.
Start the morning strong bros, get some good protein because today is a typical recovery day. Not all gonna make it NAGMI
Technically CICO can be fasting (intermittent) and keto too. Plus ozempic follows CICO principles
Retard rage baiters like you will say pizza while ignoring the fact that if you’re not getting some extra cheese stuffed crust super mega deluxe pie, pizza is not nearly that bad, ESPECIALLY if made at home and properly. Want proof? Google Domino’s thin crust pacific veggie with extra chicken, shit is delicious
Truth. I feel a lot better after letting myself at maintenance the last two days
yes but you deserve that extra cheese crust, its been a long week okay?
Man I started losing weight at the right time, blood labs were fucked. Beginning stages of type two diabetes, carb measures 150% of what they should be. Doctor prescribed me fish oil and three to four days of resistance training a week.

How long does it take for someone to unfuck themselves out of Diabetes type 2?
Wrong. I am gonna make it.
I make a stuffed crust extra cheese pepperoni pizza at home that fits my macros
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crabs don't get it
Don't know exactly, but by the time you are not obese you will be in a lot better shape. Still, some shit lasts for a long time. My liver is still fucked (non-alcoholic fatty liver syndrome) and it's been well over a year since I hit my goal weight, and over two years since I started losing weight.
Guess it's the price I have to pay for being a fatass. Still, it's reversible, so I'll get there. More motivated than ever now.
I should add that while I don't know what my blood work looked like when I was a fat fuck, everything besides my liver is great now. I got a full work-up a couple months ago, more than my primary care doctor ever does, and everything besides liver enzymes was within normal range.
I've been out of the obesity range for about 3-4 years and I still have a fatty liver. Trying to get super lean to see if that finally gets rid of it
I had pizza over the weekend. Number on the scale went down anyway.
Why are there fat people on /fit/? Fat people are insufferable…
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Oh, oobee doo
I wanna be like you
I wanna walk like you
Talk like you, too
You'll see it's true
A fattie like me
Can learn to be humen too
>Be nurse aid
>12 hour shifts are basically one big workout even during the night
>Get paid to walk 10 miles, and roll 300 pounds frequently
>OMAD as soon as I got home

Lost ~30 pounds within a couple of months this way. Added in ~1-3 day fasts on my off days, it was a pretty comfy schedule.
Fasting is great once your body gets used to it, I honestly can't see myself eating regularly 2-3 times a day. Maybe once in a while, but every day ? Nah.
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according to the print out from the scales and body analysis im 13.2% bodyfat at 86.4kg, with 11.4kg lean mass
but saying that the machine also says im 5ft 10 when my previous readings from it have said 5ft 9.6 so im assuming its counting my new haircut for height

its a machine in a different store than I normally use but those are much different readings than im used to. i'll have to go try my usual machine another time just to be certain

I personally hope its wrong.
My Dr. who gave me the bad news about the beetus seems dry and cold but he prescribed me resistance training so I have a feeling he knows what he's talking aout
The dry and cold ones are the biggest softies, it's practically a meme
>Mounjaro is on the way
Skinny town awaits me
Twenty minutes of shitting only for a small pebble of poop to come out await you if you don't take your Metamucil/Psyillium Husk for fiber
Do i get that in powder form or pill form?
the capsules are less raspy/gross but you'd have to take a lot of them.
I used to take pills, but I switched to the gross powder to be able to get enough. I throw 10g in a tumbler with 8 oz of water and a dash of orange juice, shake it good and drink the whole thing as fast as possible.
I'd have to take 16 capsules to get the same dose, which is just silly.
Metamucil? I recommend the pills, their powder form has weird ingredients for the flavoring. You can get Psyllium husk powder by itself, but it tastes god awful and gets all over your throat like Kratom.
I just ordered one off amazon and the serving size is 5 pills a day, i'll just take 2 or 3. That should do the job.
i love fiber bros, i get about 50-60g a day
What are you eating?
Do yourself a favor and get Miralax as well. Trust me on this one.
He's probably one of those dreaded fruits and vegetables eater.
I shudder at the thought.
I'll just stick with the fiber for now and see how i feel.
aside from the obvious fruits/veg/whole grains, my main fiber source is keto baked goods. i'm not even on keto but keto burger buns/tortillas taste fine and have way better macros plus a lot of fiber
Hypothetically if you were to eat less, you would hypothetically lose more weight.
Unless you hypothetically plateaued for a year straight, like me.
What happens if you eat more then, brainiac?
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Eat less.
Move more.

Don't stuff your face with any hors d'oeuvres
Can i just bulk buy like 5 rotisserie chickens and rice, tear it apart and put it into meal prep and call it a day? How long can i leave a chicken in the fridge for
Cooked chicken lasts only about four days in the fridge so nah not your best bet, unless you're planning for four days:^)
Yeah no reason that wouldn't work, although i'd only buy one chicken at a time because it is already cooked so i wouldn't keep it for more than 3 days max
okay i will do this then. Ill just go every 4 days to buy chicken. Im only doing this cause i cant cook for shit but i like chicken.
I get that man, i'm trying to take the cooking pill but i hate it most of the time if i'm being honest.
But BRO cleaning dishes and your counter is THERAPUTIC
Sugar is disgusting. Sugar is bad. Sugar is poison. I will not eat anymore sugar. Sweet food is gross. People who like sugar are childish. No more gummies, no more sweet and sour chicken, no more honey butter. All gone for good.
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You are going to die.
>Eat food
>Don't eat food

You can't win
Unironically you'll have withdrawals, (((sugar))) is like a drug
The spirit of gluttony rides on the back of a horse named sugar.
It's been weeks since I've had more than ~3g in a day but the cravings only seem to get worse.
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As a beginner and just starting out at working out at home instead of the gym, all I have is an adjustable bench and 2 adjustable dumbbells. My question is if it is better to do muscle groups, or full body?

Also would you please elaborate on why? Thank you all so much!
I do a simple routine personally
>Pick heavy thing up
>Put heavy thing down
Seems to wrok
fasting is 100 times easier when you can distract yourself with work. I've gained all my weight when I was neeting around all day and then some when I was forced to take breaks at work. if I could just work through the day continuously I'd not be eating all day.
I cook chicken or pork every week, enough for 6-7 days. I have never had a single issue keeping it in the fridge that long.
americans are used to throwing half their food away uneaten, they are disgusting like that destroying the planet for their own convenience
Yeah bro nice anecdote but I'm fine with not eating salmonella
just threw out my weed
i have been stalled for the last three months because of this shit and im so tired of it
Why would you learn a useful skill like cooking when you can just eat slimy week old reheated chicken and rice?
Hahaha man I can imagine.
>Gonna diet today
>let me light up
>*bubbling noises*
>"So yeah I'll take a large Hawaiian and a two liter of Mt. Dew and...
What meal prep containers should i buy
BASED, quit drinking myself. Sober life is the way brother.
Why does the style look so weird
its not quite that bad, but i do end up munching on dry pasta or crackers like a fiend

not enough to regain weight but definitely enough to prevent any further weight loss
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>Eating dry pasta
No judgement, I had a semester with a Volcano and ended up just leaving it in the house for the next unfortunate soul to enjoy
I actually made a lot of progress when I had a medical card. The combo of post workout euphoria + the weed + a hot shower was wild enough to not need to binge eat. Shame it's expensive and rots your brain.
Alright alright, aside from rotisserie chicken from costco, what else should i be getting to keep things not boring. I already get sardines.
I've heard of weed + workouts but I always figured that was a meme the budtenders sold you on.
rope and a ladder
Hot sauce
You need more?
These comments are retarded. Show me your daily food intake that equals 50 to 60g of fiber via fruits and vegetables without fiber supplementation like psyllium or keto bread.

I don't see it being possible unless you're eating a fuck ton of beans a day
What's weight should a 5'9 guy target?
>keto baked goods
What flour? flax seed? bamboo?
If you are a costco guy they sell packs of just the shredded rotisserie chicken breast. But it's got 400mg of sodium per 3oz serving so you'd probably die of heart failure if you tried to eat 150g of protein this way
Guess ill grab some hot sauce. Any brand thats actually spicy and good? Tapatio is shit, I like cholula but that aint at costco.
Yeah ive seen that but im not huge on that sodium either.
think the tortillas are flax seed
beans are good, so is keto bread. i don't take psyllium or anything like that though
Full on diabetes or pre?
I moved my a1c from 5.7 to 5.3 in 3 months
Rotisserie chickens have the same nutrition man. They taste good bc they're pumped full of sodium. You just have to cook and shread your own breast. It's not hard once you get used to it.

I bring a pot of broth up to a boil, take off heat and then add chicken breast (cubed or cut in half to thin the pieces). Let the breast sit in the hot broth off the flame for 15 mins. Remove and shred once it cools.
What is it about Asian diets that keep them from going fat?
portion control
fellas, how much fat can I realistically lose in 6 weeks if I go autism mode?
I'm not talking about scale weight as muscles do weigh too, I'm talking about how much better one can improve aesthetics-wise
>fasting is CICO
fasting is just CO but ok
nigga (respectfully) I'm having pizza weekly and I still lose 0.7 kg / week
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I think I did OK today, /fat/.
I was going to work out for a short while. Did 5 minutes rowing, 15 minutes running and was going to do some light resistance training but instead I found a group of colleagues at the gym so I did my social reps for half an hour.
The other asians that bully them if they start getting fat.
BASED, for me its exercise bike cardio
frozen california pizza kitchen has okay macros and calories
I'm having an off week
>decide to count calories for the day
>probably not beyond maintenance yet
I counted generously 2100 calories. I kind of want to keep going with the experiment for 10 or so more days and see if I actually gain.
I'm not exactly watching what I eat, beyond the quality of it.
>Riding my exercise bike with the sun out and listening to a podcast
You know, sometimes this losing weight stuff ain't so bad
Does less sleep physically reduce fat loss somehow or is there just a correlation to people who get less sleep doing poorer on their diet and exercise?
Always make sure you get proper sleep, it effects everything
Lack of sleep probably fucks with your metabolism. I'm no doctor but that sounds right.
I way prefer going to the gym when there's less people at 10pm but it's eating into my sleep
How much sleep should i be getting? My job makes it a bit difficult to lift and get enough sleep. Ill go to the gym around midnight get home and wake up for work at 8am sometimes.
8 hours is the goal
You think 8 hours is a meme, but it's a really good rule.
you actually can lose weight and eat pizza, but it wont be a full one from pizza hut. california pizza kitchen frozen pizzas are like 700-1000 for the full thing and have decent protein. a pizza margherita napolitana from a local place is also a nice option.
WrapEnjoyer got fat again
you do deserve that extra cheese. when youve made it
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I hope it will connect
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tomorrow I will wake up overweight and not obeast
What if i only get like 5 -6 hours of sleep but then i take naps during the after noon?
8 hours is optimal, 7 is doable, 6 is fine for a few days
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Ozempic is cure, my dudes. Procure it any cost. It's a life or death situation.
that's arguably better than one big sleep cycle
Suboptimal but your body will end up compensating to keep you alive. Sleep deprived people end up having microsleep to catch up on REM sleep.
Of course, it will have other deliterious effects, like a weak immune system for example.
I have internalized fatphobia
It feels like cheating and not redeeming yourself, I must struggle (I'm not actually struggling so far)
I'm losing weight without it, no need to waste money on a meme drug with unkown side effects while also reducing its availability for those who actually need it (aka diabetics, not the celebrifatties with no force of will)
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If I dont have a costco membership, where can i buy rotisserie chicken and general lean food? I live in socal
its a good idea to throw it out if its holding you back. the munchies are powerful. i didnt quit, but instead upped my workout days to 5x a week to keep myself sober for more of the day. i also turn it into more of active and social activity. so smoking joints while i go for my nightly walk alone or with a friend. i also make sure to have healthy filling snacks like fruit or rice cakes. maybe a cheeky pint of halo top if i can spare the calories.
that's fine but you only live once. consider doing whatever you want and fuck the others
good for you, my dude. i couldn't do it without and i feel no shame admitting that. now i feel almost no hunger
i dont know america but im sure grocery stores other than costco exist in socal
Does ozempic even have a higher rate of not falling off and gaining back once you stop taking it? Seems like it would be more likely since you're just taking your body hostage with gastric consequences rather than developing real discipline
Are you supposed to take it forever spending 5 gorillion dollars a month in perpetuity? Is this a big pharma ploy
(thats also cheap)
guys bbq sauce (the entire bottle is like 100 calories), keto bread, pickles, and onions for a decent bbq plate
>What is it about Asian diets that keep them from going fat?
idk, but chubby japs are my kryptonite. cant wait to pump this japanese girls fat rump again when i visit soon. her ass was massive. i like sending her videos of me fucking other people because shes a skank and loves it.
99 ranch / h mart have cheap and delicious fishies, both fresh and tinned. food4less has a five piece chicken for five bucks deal that's solid
nah. you can keep the weight off if you're not a retard. the body adjusts if you maintain long enough and you eat right. im not just doing the drug like a retard. im also eating extremely clean. it just makes everything so much eaiser
does 99 ranch have rotisserie chicken?
it took several months for my metabolism to rebound, but i dieted for like 3 years. i think bulking after i dieted helped alot. im cutting on 2000 calories at 176lb now where i needed hours of walking and 1600 calories just to drop below 160.
>exercise helps keep you from being fat
>sleep helps keep you from being fat
>fruits and vegetables help keep you from being fat
>good oils lean meat and fish help keep you from being fat
bros i feel like our bodies are trying to tell us something but i cant quite figure out what the message is...
Also about the fishes since im a no cook fag, whats the easiest fish i can just slap onto the pan and cook it up without any prep or shit like that
It's true for every weight loss intervention given to a population. Once you stop it the weight starts coming back.
fish sticks
or learn to cook like a human being
Not only that but I've heard stories about people losing so much muscle on ozempic that they end up with higher bf% than they started with.
tilapia is cheap and easy to cook, but you WILL get sick of the taste eventually. day 1 of tilapia i love it. after a few weeks you really start to notice the subtle weird tastes.
>or learn to cook like a human being
Well this is me making that attempt. I just dont know what to buy and obviously i dont know much about cooking
>99 ranch
what is this old school fatscape?
lol people are so eager to shit on each other they dont even read your posts
I can just buy those tilapia filets right? And recommended salts or seasoning i should buy too? Ill go in a bit, just want to gather a list.
when i made them alot i coated them in bread crumbs and my negress gf dumped seasoning on them. id just google a recipe
Looked at a /trash/ gainer fetish thread
Horrible wretched evilness
Ballpark, how many tilapia filets should i buy to last me a week?
just buy a big frozen pack of fillets and dont worry about it. theyre rly cheap
okay thanks bro. gonna go buy some stuff now.
Recipe for cod:
>boil water with salt and laurel leaves.
>when boiling add large pieces of cod
>cook five minutes
>talke pot off stove and let rest for 10 minutes
>put on plate
>garnish with parsley and serve with melted butter
>can add lemon for taste
I was going to post a more complicated recipe but anyone could do this one.
Thanks, im also gonna buy some cod
cod will taste wayyy better and is healthier but costs more. bacalao a la viscayina is a good recipe to tru
I think this is a controversial topic cause i just took a glimpse at /ck/ but what oil should i get?
you might just go ahead and make fish soup.
>chpped fish
>chopped tomato
>chopped carrot
>chopped potato
>chopped celery
>parsley, black pepper, chilli, salt and bay leaves to taste
>crumbled pasta(any kind works)
>boil 45 minutes
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The other day I finally met someone who made a VN all on their own, art, programming, and music. It was a fucking feeder VN
VNs aren't particularly hard to make especially if you know how to draw
Fish soup is a lot more complicated. What you posted is very far from being a real fish soup. You won't have the taste of fish soup.

The go to recipe for any fish filets though, is to dip in flour, egg white and bread crumbs and fry it.
It's the lazy man's fish recipe if you dont' mind the extra calories from carbs and fat.
Lemon, parsley, butter if you want, you know the drill.
I know, I was mostly looking for art advice. They could draw and were super helpful, but, man.
i like olive oil but a low cal spray is better on a diet
>Fish soup is a lot more complicated. What you posted is very far from being a real fish soup. You won't have the taste of fish soup.
wow we have mastechef here. what i posted is delicous as ive made it many times and just wanted to share an easy meal
sneaking into the office gym on a day where my coworkers arent there to see me squat only 165lb for reps
> Doctor prescribed... three to four days of resistance training a week.

Unfathomably based
I had 1 trout for dinner, grilled, no additional oil or something. 400 kcal, very filling
Bought myself a walking pad to use while I play video games.
I just like to cook. I'm sure it tastes fine.
How is it? Are you using it consistently?
okay. post a good recipe. i promise ill try it out tomorrow. you may just link me one if you dont want to type
that's a good idea if you get bored during cardio, I regularly play games on a controller while using an exercise bike, honestly it feels like cheating, I love it.
Funny thing is at first I though it would negatively influence my pace but it ended up going up by 20%(even 30% with open world games), it seems that keeping my attention on the game makes me pedal faster and I notice tiredness less
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Alright anons, I asked this last night ! Going off this recipe: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/438xzbKfr74 - What are ways to make cucumbers tasty similar to this ?
Also, how do I get into fish ? My family never grew up eating fish, and there's a lot of fish that I'm not allowed to eat due to religion. I tried salmon a few times, once at a restaurant that was really good, then a few times through Factor, and it was too fishy...

Why don't you learn how to cook ? Go to walmart, get you a bunch of whole frozen chickens and begin to roast your own. You get to control the ingredients, and make it much better.
It seems easy - https://www.youtube.com/shorts/UNyi7-kqP98
Time for upper day
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There are a couple reasons this is circulating.
1) normies with no idea how fat loss works cutting by just using GLP1 ags to shut down their appetite. No thought to protein or lifting. The lean mass losses are comparable to what you see in non-users who reduce calories with no thought to lifting or protein.
2) people who resent the perception that GLP1 ags make fat loss easier latch onto the data saying “see look your magic pill causes muscle loss”. Often these people worked hard to lose fat and are resentful that a pill makes can (in theory) supplant their efforts.
Bottom line: still have to eat protein and lift if using GLP1 ags or you will just end up a smaller version of your current fat self.
i just slice them longitudinaly and flavor each piec with vinegar and salt. so refreshing in this heat.
alternatively you can do this
Youre 100% right. One thing I think you missed though is that eating becomes hard on Ozempic, especially high protein clean foods that arent decadent. They avoid eating on ozempic for the reasons they eat shitloads off of it.
I'll post my recipe for gratin dauphinois.
>take potatoes, peel them, cut in even knuckle sized chunks
>press garlic (6 cloves or more according to taste)
>put potatoes in milk and warm up
>add garlic, a little salt and pepper to taste
>use a wisk/spoon to make sure the milk doesn't burn, don't warm at high heat
>once the potatoes are al dente, remove from the heat
>prepare a large oven plate
>rub with crushed garlic clove(s)
>butter the plate
>add potatoes and the milk until the potatoes are nearly covered
>add nutmeg, salt and pepper to the plate (not too much salt and pepper)
>cover with about 250ml of cream
>add cubes of butter to the cooling mix in the plate
>cover with tinfoil
>now put in the oven at low heat (~130c)
>let bake for about an hour
>if you're worried the potatoes aren't well done enough, stick a knife in one, it should go in like butter
>near the end raise the temp to 180c (or higher depends on the oven) until the top of the plate starts to turn brown

Of course, this isn't a diet meal if you can't control yourself. But it is delicious.
I miss when this thread was about people working hard to overcome their bad habits

Now its just ozempic this, and ozempic that.

Really disappointing.
Oh and I forgot, but your'e supposed to take the tinfoil off before you increase the heat.
Relax, it's just a sideshow. The less attention you call to it the sooner it'll stop.
Savoury yoghurt isn't something I thought about... I'll need to try this, thanks !
More cucumber inspo: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/5es7ac-dxYc
so basically you boil the potatoes in milk and then bake them in milk. the thought has never crossed my mind. the french have truly matered cooking
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I subsist entirely on Topo Chico and Yoghurt.
IDK, but it's how I've always done it. The big problem with this dish is that usually the potatoes aren't well done, you solve this by first cooking them in the milk (woudl be terrible to do it in water first as they bloat with water).
Also I imagine it's easier for them to absorb the taste of garlic like this.
I like this guy's roid-raging take on Ozempic: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/KC5DWjNCQ9I
it's a nice technique but i would try to make it leaner as im trying to lose weight right now. thanks anyway
Interesting add-on. I have a grandparent who has been on a GLP1 ag for 6 months now with zero weight loss. Lead me to theorize that these things aren’t effective for people who have just slowly added fat over time and aren’t power shoving to maintain their fatness. In other words, some people become obese by relentless overeating, which drives up the metabolism. Others, especially women, can slowly get fat by gaining a few pounds a year for decades and never eating that much. Ironically, this second category gets none of the metabolic benefits that the power shovers have.
What vegetables do you guys eat for dieting? I want to lose fat by eating only protein and vegetable
>too fishy
it was probably old
Baby carrots. Grandma always said they helped your vision
every vegetable is fine as long as you are aware of the more carbs-heavy ones and don't eat too much of those, in fact you should seek some variety
You're welcome. But that's French cuisine in a nutshell. Butter plays a key part. If you're interested in cooking in general, this book is nearly solely responsible for French gastronomy.
Brussel sprouts are pretty GOATed.
this. they truly are all good if you add little or no oil in the cooking process
Adding potatoes to eggs for bekfast has been fun. Just dice them like an inch, smother in olive oil and let them fry for like ~10 minutes.
I'm craving cucumbers rn - https://www.youtube.com/shorts/0Qy2BbNvrcU
Onions and Fire Roasted Tomatoes mixed with Gordon Ramsay scrambled eggs, over rice has been a staple, multiple times a week I'll have this.
I already know once I make this - https://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/tyler-florence/dads-meatloaf-with-tomato-relish-recipe-1917021 - The tomato relish is going to be a staple.
Oddly enough I'm craving corn right now too, mixed in with chili.
Butternut Squash is simply amazing for almost anything.
bro i am with you, i just got a yogurt maker and im lovin it
The truth is that not everyone is gonna make it. If people want to spend money on a drug then whatever. They'll eventually learn that they either need to take the drug for the rest of their life or actually build healthy habits.
does anyone know if its true that you weigh more on your period or is that just a cope
im gonna need to see a picture of your bloody vulva to assess
do not reply pls, it's the attention seeker shitting up the threads
You don’t have a real job if you can break to eat
me and my coworkers leave midshift for hours to hit the office gym and its encouraged
>Dr. Mike (((((Israetel)))))
Couldnt find laurel leaves so ill just do without it.

Also for cooking tilapia, it seems very easy. Just heat up the oil, defrost the tilapia, add the spices, put it in there and cook for 4 minutes and swap sides. Ill make a batch to last me 4 days now.
because i asked a fucking question about weight?????? is that off topic to you, moron?????
I decided to go outside my comfort zone and try a recipe I found on youtube
>overnight oats
>scoop out the greek yogurt with a tablespoon
>lick the spoon clean
>measure out the maple syrup
>lick the spoon clean
>scoop out the peanut butter
>lick the spoon clean
>scoop out the jelly
>lick the spoon clean
I'm not making it bros
I'm never gonna make it
my fat brain keeps telling me it's a waste to just rinse the food off the tablespoon into the sink, I keep licking it clean before rinsing it
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suddenly seeing a lot of youtube shorts linked lately, across multiple boards
Get glass food containers with a gasket...."brillant"-something are the best I've found but only comes in like a 4-cup loaf or something like that.
It legitimately makes my food last much longer in the fridge than the regular plastic ones.
However, I still wouldn't buy more than 1 at a time.
I bring it home, peel off the skin, set the breasts aside and then start pulling the rest of the meat off as shreds for salads or in a sauce. I can get like 4 salads and 3 portions of breast meat easily.
Steam some taters, broil some veggies and boil up a dozen eggs.... you're prepped for most of the week with a half hour of work.
you're asking a bunch of fat male losers about the female body's intricacies?
just consider the full scoop when portioning, as in get a little less in the bowl considering that you will lick the spoon clean
>my fat brain keeps telling me it's a waste to just rinse the food off the tablespoon into the sink
Well yeah it is
That sounds like a super shit recipe though
count the spoon in the tare, and put the spoon in the bowl every time. that wya you count the weight of stuff on the spoon.
Who cares if you lick the spoon, just add it to your calories. The problem I see is
>maple syrup
>peanut butter
more sugar
even more sugar
Try this guys recipes
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Good job anon, keep it right keep it tight.
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I don't use tiktok but youtube shorts have started to grab my attention and I find myself scrolling through them for 15 minutes. It's scarily addictive.
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Also, a bag of tilapia (the only only they had) was $10 for 4 big slices of tilapia. Thats expensive. I just spent $70 on everything granted some i wont have to buy for a while like salt and oil. What are some other cheap ideas?
Nta but thank for this, been trying to find more overnight oat recipes.
Just left the optometrist and my vision got better for the 2nd year in a row. They said its probably because my blood sugar improved from the fat loss. Funny thing is I only weigh 10 pounds less than I did last year because I put on alot of muscle (35 less than 2 years ago).
Deenz clicked for me bros, and i'm really happy that they did. Took about 8 cans of them to acquire the taste for them, and i'm happy that I can enjoy them on their own now.
its basically a water weight fluctuation that happens as a result of your period
current weight and weight you had on your period?
After the third day you should be getting rid of fridge chicken. Hell even 3 days can be a bit sketchy.
Just let the chicken cooldown in the fridge for an hour uncovered in your meal prep containers, then seal them and put the rest in the freezer.
Read the sticky, do SS.
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While healthy, these aren't low calories at all.
lol you dont even know what SS if you recommended it to him with that setup
Trust me, you won't be hungry until your next meal.
>and you eat right.
Well no shit, you can start eating right without having to take Ozempic.
Yeah but this has as much calories as my breakfast AND lunch combined
Brocolli, cauliflower, green beans, tomatos, carrots, zucchini, bell peppers are my go to veggies.
Satiety, taste, and variety is the most important IMO. You could eat plain greek yogurt or chicken breasts every day if you want, but can you do it for the rest of your life? For most people that answer is no.
You're right, I thought he said either the home or the gym.
Fuck the home gym, get a gym membership, get used to it, and do SS.
If you're worried about what people think, just don't. People who look are likely proud to see you shed your fat. Some may even help fix your form, or don't be shy to ask anyone because almost everyone is willing to help another person out.
>but can you do it for the rest of your life?
am I gonna be on a weightloss diet for the rest of my life? what do I do when I reach -1 lbs
Yes anon, you'll have to eat at maintenance. And you'll have to build habits that let you naturally eat at maintenance. Unless you want to flip flop between old eating habits and super low calorie diets.
>You're right, I thought he said either the home or the gym
fair btw. i actually recommend SL 5x5 or SS as a beginner myself.

>Fuck the home gym
I think the home gym is a good first step. Its also personally what I use, but I go to a real gym for bench and squats. Baby steps though. He got a bench and some weights. Its best to build on that enthusiasm than say "fuck that" to what he just started. A nice beginner routine with his setup would include some of these exercises.

Dumbell Overhead Press or Upright Rows
Dumbell Bench Press (Flat or Inclined)
Bulgarian Split Squats
One Arm Preacher Curls
Dumbell Rows

Then remove the honey and cocoa powder, go to 40g of avocado, that brings you down to 393 cals which is like a 25% difference or something. If it makes you feel any better, move the Pbn to dinner.
Snapped a pic of my home gym
>make habits of eating right by eating this huge calorie slop
You're good to go then. Good luck Anon.
ha im not the anon that just bought one. this ones like 2 years old.
Oats aren't a diet food in the first place
The resident binge eater in my house keeps devouring all of my healthy breakfast options in the middle of the night. It would be too easy if I could actually eat the diet I have planned out, gotta add a little challenge into the routine!
>Oats aren't a diet food in the first place
I dont necessarily disagree, but why not?

my bad bro
"Diet food" is such a boomer meme.
>why not?
Very high carbs content and not much anything else.
When dieting priority should be proteins >>> anything else.
Buy locked boxes?
Hell, put a timed lock on the fridge?
>Milk (733)
>Waffles (81)
>Grilled ribs (232)
>Macaroni (136)
>BBQ sauce (38)
>Cheese (123)
>Mayo (39)
>Pistachio Nuts (30)
Total: 1412 kcal

Today was a good day. Wish I could have meat tomorrow as well.
just eat fish bro
It's even more expensive than meat
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39 grams of protein for 440 calories looks pretty good to me, chief.
depends what you buy tbqhwyf
>When dieting priority should be proteins >>> anything else.
I actually agree, but hey if you hit your if you hit your protein macros then clean carbs like oats is a good way to make up the difference. After a certain point protein basically just acts as carbs that cost more money. That said, first priority is hit that protein goal everyday and when needing to drop your calories fats/carbs are the first place to cut.
Anyone else really like these?

Calories. 5 pistachio nuts (5g) and 8g of mayo.
What does 8g of mayo look like? Please ignore how incoherent my writing is, I'm delirious from fried butter withdrawal
All of these are coming from 1) greek yogurt 2) a fucking protein powder.
The rest of the ingredients provide nearly no proteins, might as well add any other type of sugary slop to greek yogurt for pretty much the same macros.
You're retarded if you think sugar and oats are the same thing. Stop giving advice please.
Why eat anything other than protein powder?
It's about 2-3 thumb sized globs of mayo. Mayo is very fluffy and has more volume for the same weight compared to like ketchup or bbq sauce.
looks like a solid breakfast to me
Can someone back this up cause im curious as well too. I take whey that has casein mixed in and it keeps me full for a while. Whats stopping me from literally drinking this 3 times a day?
Obviously they fucking aren't, it was just an ad extremum example.
Still, carbs are carbs and and when dieting they are the first thing you cut.

There are plenty of lower calories substitutes for oats, for example.
Yeah it is a great breakfast, but we are in /fat/ not in /bulk/
I was joking. You'll get nutrient deficiencies and you'll go insane from eating the same thing all the time.
Short term nothing, long term you're pretty much fasting so take a look at /fast/.
Basically you'd need to add electrolytes and micro nutrients
I think its a good breakfast for losing weight. He can still eat another 1100-1300 cals for the rest of the day. Plenty of calories to get another 90-120g of protein in. Not every meal needs to have the same distribution of carbs, fats, and protein.
>it was just an ad extremum example.
Yeah because you have no actually argument as to why you should avoid oats. You can only think in extremes.
>Can someone back this up cause im curious as well too. I take whey that has casein mixed in and it keeps me full for a while. Whats stopping me from literally drinking this 3 times a day?
That is essentially a protein sparing modified fast. These can be done for 1, MAYBE 2 weeks MAX. Also I'd swap out the shakes for actual meat for satiety reasons. Also supplement with a multivitamin. This isn't recommended though. Imo this should be reserved for bodybuilders trying to trim off the last bits of fat because of how much diet fatigue you accumulate and the amount of discipline it requires to not end up binging or rebounding.
Eating two mediocre meals will not give you the satisfaction of eating one good meal.
Why not just drink milk? Milk + potatoes was supposed to cover most nutrition. It's mediocre calorie density for protein though.
Okay thanks, i figured it wasnt a good idea but id like to know why.
Oh it's not a bad idea per se, I had a couple of days like that to break through a plateau recently.
As with everything, just don't exaggerate.
Eating two salads will not give you the satisfaction of eating 16 mcchickens
>Why not just drink milk? Milk + potatoes was supposed to cover most nutrition. It's mediocre calorie density for protein though.
Whey has a more favorable protein to fats ratio. This will allow you to eat more potatos and hit your macros. I personally would avoid ingesting calories via a drink during a diet. I personally switch to protein bars and quest chips during a diet for satiety reasons, then back to protein shakes (with bananas, peanut butter, and oats blended in) during a bulk for the same reason.

I would personally avoid it, but a few days won't cause any harm other than potential mental stress. Not bad by any means healthwise though. Massively better than a traditional fast.
>Eating two salads will not give you the satisfaction of eating 16 mcchickens
Literally just eat chicken sandwiches from chickfila. Their maple bacon chicken sandwich is very diet friendly and delicious. My go to diet lunch is two chicken sandwiches from there.
Ah, I don't have the problem with drinking calories. I'm >>74764394
I drink a lot of milk because it's cheap protein.
If it fits your macros and you aren't hungry go for it. It's very healthy to drink milk and finally got to taste it for the first time in years during my first bulk recently. I have to avoid drinking calories when dieting because my hunger is ravenous. I have to employ every trick in the book to do 1800 calories and below.
I hate being fat and want to prioritize losing as much weight as possible before this summer (ausfag here) two questions:
Is it safe to absolutely starve myself (like 1200 calories a day) without losing too much muscle? I've been consistently lifting for a year now
Should I even bother working out anymore if I'm eating that little?
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I’ll let you know in a year bro.
>I’ll let you know in a year bro.
Damn straight anon. Im 4 years in and finally went to the beach shirtless and had random women hit on me there, loose belly skin and all. The time will pass and you'll make it. You deserve that extra cheese when its time, right now you deserve to make a difference in your life. Lets fucking go dude.
I'm fucking tired of dieting bros
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>dinner (last night): 1 large dominos pizza
>breakfast: 1 leftover large dominos pizza (they had a 2-for-1 special)
>lunch: protein shake
>dinner: another large dominos pizza (fresh)
how did i do?
Pretty good if you're boogie sized (boogie will outlive everyone in this thread)
Just fast and do OMAD. While it's lean gains, it still should work for whatever you're trying to attempt to do: https://leangains.com/the-leangains-guide/

If you need a cheat meal once or twice a week to stay sane, eat it. Constantly look for new recipes to spice things up. Food doesn't have to boring.
My preference is to not go below 1600 calories and then push the cardio as hard as possible. Ideally hours of walking. Keep lifting or you will lose a shitload of muscle.
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How do you guys like to segment your meals. I have a habit of eating one big meal a day and staving off hunger by night with almonds or kettle chips which I want to break as I know that's likely awful for me. Admittedly not wanting to spend more time cleaning dishes is a part of it.
ignore the jewish satan
>How do you guys like to segment your meals. I have a habit of eating one big meal a day and staving off hunger by night with almonds or kettle chips which I want to break as I know that's likely awful for me. Admittedly not wanting to spend more time cleaning dishes is a part of it.
Dont feel bad, this is a great first step. Start swapping out the almonds and chips with fruit. Maybe two meals if you'd like as well. No need to get very complicated.
I unironically agree with the caveat that this ONLY applies to metabolically destroyed bodies (see: insulin resistance, low test, high volumes of inflammatory secreting visceral and deep subcutaneous fat)
>be me
>fat as fuck 315 lbs at 6'0 lard ass
>CICO my way down to 230 lbs
>still super fat and flabby, lost a ton of muscle
>lifts suffer horrendously
>legs, hips, butt and love handles are all measurably nearly identical to when I started
>be me in 2018
>peak of 293 lbs
>fast my way down to 230 lbs by doing 4-5 day water fasts week after week for 4 months
>literally look like a skeleton I lost so much fat
>maintained all muscle and strength
>thighs hips and ass all shrunk significantly
>clothes literally falling off as I step once
Fasting is the only true fat loss protocol. CICO is garbage that will make you feel and look like shit IF you don't have a healthy metabolism and good test levels. The name of the game is hormone control. Don't think so? Ask any tiny Timmy who's trained his dick off in the gym for years, counted every calorie and gram of protein, and got nowhere because his hormones were shit. Then without changing anything else, only sticking a needle in his ass and squirting some chemicals into his body once a week, all of a sudden he's Mister Man with huge gains out of nowhere. That's hormones, and they play a critical role in FAT LOSS. Fasting is the ultimate hack to course correct your fucked up insulin sensitivity and low test holding you back. If you've been doing CICO for ages, lost a ton of scale weight but don't see it, start fasting.
I wake up at 7 am and don't eat until 3pm
then I eat at 3pm, 5pm, and 7pm
but I eat slowly, like I'll hard boil eggs and peel them when it's time to eat them, plush chew slowly
basically by the time I'm done eating it's not too long until the next meal
the meals are really small though, like 2 eggs and 2 mozz cheese sticks and some slices of turkey
I wouldn't recommend cutting out fats either if you're eating nothing but lean proteins.
>Grilled ribs (232)
Bullshit unless you ate one and a half.
>I wouldn't recommend cutting out fats either if you're eating nothing but lean proteins.
Drop is probably a better word. You NEED some amount of fat for hormonal support.
Some? If you're losing weight through exercise you need fats. If a person is going to do <10% carbs of their daily intake, then fats are going to account for 30-40% at least.
What was your refeed like during your water fasts?
>1200 calories a day
>starving yourself
That's a whole pokebowl + drinks + a low cal yogurt.
I do best with the basic 3 meals a day, biggest meal at dinner
Usually works out to around 350, 450, 800, give or take for a total between 16-1700 daily

Tried skipping breakfast and it makes me way too hungry at dinner
I sure as fuck cant live like that.
OMAD most days, breakfast smoothie if I want to treat myself. And when i feel hungry, I drink a cup of water with ACV and feel satiated.
If you wanna lose weight you're gonna have to, fat boy.
>If you wanna lose weight you're gonna have to, fat boy.
I got pretty damn lean on 1600, lifting, and tons of walking
Goddammit I can't do this much longer, I've been feeling like absolute shit these past 2 days, as soon as I hit 70kg I'm gonna take a break.
What's your daily calories?
light breakfast, maybe a snack if I'm lightheaded midday, then a large-ish dinner and a "dessert" after
I try to keep myself from not going above 1200, ideally I try to stay at 1000 or below.
How exactly does fasting fix your hormones?
The best part about dieting hasn't been losing weight, but rather my taste buds being unfucked. Where I once didn't care for fruit on the less intense or sweet side like melon or cantaloupe, I now I love them. Boiled vegetable is nice too, I love Chinese broccoli. On top of that, when I do eat slop with added sugar, the taste is even more intense and better. Korean barbecue never tasted so sweet
CICO but no fucks given to macros or quality beyond targeting 50g protein a day. I'd break a 5 day fast eating taco bell, burgers, pizza, pasta whatever. It was the best weight loss experience of my life and I wish I didn't go through massive life changing routine swings that basically caused me to quit and pile it all back on over 4 years.
Extended fasting for multiple days sees your blood sugar and thus insulin levels drop substantially. People walking around with tons of fat on their bodies are very likely existing at 100+ mg/dl blood glucose at minimum and elevated insulin levels. Fasting fixes this and cleans up your hormones to allow for proper fat breakdown and mobilization for energy. Even eating super clean keto won't fix this like fasting can. There's nothing close to as potent a fix for hormonal fat loss issues like extended fasting.
So I guess this isn't really applicable to someone who has normal blood sugar and test? I've been in kind of a similar situation to where you were at 230 for quite a while but my labs are quite good.
me too :)
only 10kg to go
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No fast thread so I'll post it here.
If you do the snake juice, this fucker is literally trying to kill you with the potassium.
Swap the quantities of potassium and pink salt.
Goddamn I was afraid I'd be having a heart attack as I tried to go to sleep last night.
>being a pottasiumlet
Also, I tried it tonight with tea (iced after brewing) as the base. Solves the taste issue.
It doesn't taste good, but at least it doesn't taste as much like soap any more. It just tastes like bad tea (which is probably because I'm using shitty bulk tea) with a tiny hint of soap, but a tolerable one.
I might try using better tea to see if it's improved. Maybe green tea is the move instead of black tea.
I don't want a heart attack.
That's literally one of the risks of excessive potassium.
Cottage cheese
do eggs count as a prepackaged food?
not if you eat the shell
Hmm maybe I'll use the prepackaged snake juice mix i bought
>oats oats oats
ridiculous choice of food
might as well just eat bread with your protein foods
also this has tons of fatty traps like applesauce and vanilla
and not even something worth its calories
what a grift
>being american
just go to sleep already or ngmi lad
today I did indeed wake up 20kg down, overweight and not obese
Congrats bro.
Nah you absolutely don't have to go that extreme
Exactly this
Time to go walk a few miles before breakfast
i wish jerky was as filling as it is delicious and caloric
It depends what "normal" looks like on your blood work. If fasted blood glucose is 95+, you could benefit from extended water fasting. My fasted blood glucose when I'm eating like a typical American lard ass is 110-120mg. When I'm 5 days deep into a water fast, that shit is in the 60s. It's night and day difference.

As far as test goes, how high is yours? If it's above 500, then yeah it's not a problem for you. But mine is below 300ng. One of the aspects of testosterone is it helps keep fat off your body. Fasting itself won't boost test levels, but the immense reduction of body fat that extended fasting can provide will in effect raise test levels by returning your body to a more male like state. Fat is highly estrogenic, and visceral fat itself secretes inflammatory markers which are terrible for testosterone production and reception. There's a reason why doctors won't immediately prescribe TRT to a huge fucker with a ton of fat to lose. The fat is suppressing his real numbers, and getting on hormones when you don't actually need them is not good. Hence, lose the weight first and as quickly as possible (hint nothing is faster at losing fat than water fasting) then reassess.
>scale shows .1 kg above goal weight this morning
You're gonna make it!
That's 146g of some grilled ribs in a marinade. The pieces aren't usually same sized. This includes the bone weight too, but I think the packaging details also include bone weight (because it was like 16g of protein and 160 calories for 100g)
Congrats. YGMI
I'm gonna go make oats and put hit chocolate powder on top of it, just because of you.
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my watch has ended
>No new bread
And so, /fat/ dies........
325lbs on 7-4
20 days later I'm now 306lbs. By next week I should finally be in the 200s again, I'm estatic as fuck bros
we're all gonna make it
Damn yeah make sure you take some breaks

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