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is this natty?
Looks like it.
No, I have been consuming inhuman amounts of goats cheese which is anabolic enough to rival testosteroids and some even say creatine
Lol OP got btfo in another thread and made a new one
Seems like the coping never stops
Looks natty with extremely good chest and ab work.
Post body
not the guy you replied to but next time post my recent progress too por favor
Actually maybe not natty.
Gotta be honest. It really seems like you're a samefagging attention whore.
lol its totally u lollololol
Kek hell yeah
I say natty and a hard training program with skinny frame beginning that filled out well
The progress from Jan to Nov '20 is sick. Then from sep '22 to '23, you beefed well and really blew the shoulders up.
Very nice of natty, if not take back everything I said and kys
why wouldn't it be?
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Such is the price of anonymity. Yet I continue to post in this shithole for laughs and to aid anyone genuinely looking to make some gains
Thanks anon
I have a weird hunch OP makes these threads about himself for praise
Like to hear “Noo he has to be on roids he’s yoked” as like a self congratulatory thing
k op
It's most likely the same OP as these threads
Last row is fake natty. The veins in the arms are signs of fraud.
>The veins in the arms are signs of fraud.
Jesus fucking christ this board is becoming so shit.
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>The veins in the arms are signs of fraud.
It's painfully natty
The jump from 4/2021 to 9/2021 is pretty big but the lighting and angle is also totally different

doesnt really look fraud otherwise
Log off for a day, guts
I won't say he isn't natty but I'll say this: a long time ago he mentioned how he'd get his blood work done periodically and when asked to post blood work he skidaddled and will now avoid the topic entirely. But ultimately why should anyone care about the natty status of a random online anon? If you want to roid just roid no one's going to stop you lol

How come I'm seeing this faggot discussed on this board every single day? you people are obsessed. Why do you care so much about him? I don't get it aaaa
It’s him posting it retardo
Despite “making it” he loves reading discourse about himself and pretending to arguing against it, his file names are always the ones he posts himself
dyels try to invalidate your progress with random bullshit because it's the only way they can cope :^)
>/fit/ 2024
How am I invalidating your progress? I didn’t mention a comment on your progress, I’m stating what you do ITT
>make post about himself
>argue in favor of the opposition
You can look good AND do this attention whoring shit, Randy used to do it
Yes guts I know it’s you. U can stop now
>guts anon claims to have made it years ago
>still posts daily
>still replies to every thread made of him
>still feeds bait about natty or not
Yup, but hell now just say in mmm DYEL or whatever
You can both be an attention whore and /fit/. It’s not mutely exclusive
See: void, retard Randy
Guilty as charged anons, I've been browsing way too much this past month. This was the second thread about me being natty in a week so I assume it's either a single dyel or a couple of dyels using the same talking points
Lmao man you’re such a nice guy even responding on criticism
Tbh I just had a shit day and I’m seething on here, ignore my bs man.
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No need for courtesy anon, we're both anonymous retards on the internet
It's ok, he doesn't train to failure and wonders why he gets no gainz
bro get some sun
I'm white. Sorry if that is something you haven't seen before.
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>is this natty?
obviously yes, if i roided to still look like that i would have roped already
No, it's not natty. Barely anyone who looks good is natty. Go calculate the odds of some rando training 1-2 years and looking like that.
Also seethe, cope and dilate, not opening this thread again, kek.
the duality of /fit/
Looks natty to me
All these years later and you insecure cucks can't tell basic dedication
Yes this is just what superior warrior genetics look like
I'd wager the amount of posters that lift has significantly decreased since the scamdemic
Would have taken an insane amount less time if lean wasn't as high a priority.
14 months between the 2nd pic is odd considering how lean but if you look at beginning to end it isn't as suspicious.

I'd bet roided but believe natural if it's dehydrated and lighting at the end of a cut or beginning of a bulk or something.
would look worse too
alright guts, post diet and routine.
else you roid
This guy single-handed destroyed the doomfags.
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>ai admits I made it
Here's the stuff btw
>Day 1
Db pullovers 3x10
Bench 4x6
Db flyes 3x10
Db press 3x10
EZ bar Curls 3x8
EZ bar wrist curls 3x12 (fat gripz)
>Day 2.
Squat 3x6
Calf raises 3x25
Front squats 3x8
Ohp 3x6
Lat raises 3x10
Dumbbell rows 3x10
>Day 3.
Concetration Curls or db curls 4x8
French Press 4x10
EZ bar wrist curls 4x12
Wrist roller, 4 reps each side
>Day 4.
>Day 5.
Same as day 1
>Day 6.
>Day 7.
Same as day 2
>Day 8.

A pint of milk with eggs or oats
The largest meal of the day, meat with rice or pasta, or beans/legumes with goat cheese, bread and olives. I also eat a Greek salad afterwards
A fruit or two, and a bowl of Greek yogurt with honey and oats
>after workout
Toasted bread with goats cheese and another pint of milk
>trusting a database
what advantages does 3x6 squats have over 5x5? is it cus you do the two variations on the same day?
How can you be so unashamed to expose yourself as a dyel? Lmao
fake, aibinaurics didnt exist back in 2020.Elden ring only released in 2022
This and the fact that 5x5 had me feeling fucking miserable and I reckoned if I can't enjoy it I can't stick to it. The routine is not perfect by any fucking means, it's just what I do with what I have available since I homegym from my dank basement.
My dad works at fromsoft
>dyelfags will try to do anything but working out
Holy fucking dyel cope. kys
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>the transformation appears to show a significant progression in muscle definition and size over time
Robot lady is mirin hard
>Barely anyone who looks good is natty
Your head has been fucked by social media
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When someone is roiding, the chest and shoulders absolutely blow up
Either that's some unfortunate genetics that roids didn't fix, or natty

I say, natty.
If your skin tone starts changing due to sun exposure, your skin is dying at a molecular level, it's not healthy by any means and increases cancer risk since the cells need to rebuild themselves
A white person only needs about 15-30 minutes of sunlight at most for their daily recommended intake of vitamin.
I have literally never seen a natty progress this quickly when starting out skinny fat. sure it's possible but who really knows?
>to aid anyone genuinely looking to make some gains
I spread misinformation, this place is a shit hole and people looking for advice should leave, the jannys allow absolute shit here so I will do my best to make sure no one wants to come to fit for any actual advice
Then we shall meet on the battlefield
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>The veins in the arms
Peaked at January this year 'mfraid.
are people actually impressed by this soft dyel?
Nah it's between right top and right middle that's impressive for 1yr and is better than a lot of juice buttfuckers.

I'm the dude who put 100lbs on bench in 1yr with a 4 month gap.
You just know this faggot is like 5'6 from bottom left picture lmao
All of his pictures are from a lower angle and he still looks short lmao
Literally male(?) patty
traps and delts indicate roids or the like; a pro could name the compounds just looking
Train traps for like 4 months 1-2x a week and they'll be too big because they're easy to hit. Chest is the hardest to hit easily and is why a big bench is more impressive than a big squat or dl.
What I've learned is that if backgrounds are removed, people have an extremely hard time telling the height, weight, and even how much muscle somebody has.
I put 40lbs on my 1rm bench in 2 months, try like 3-4 long rest heavy sets of bench Monday and odd grip other 2 days then destroy chest on the hammer strength chest presses for delts and chest for like 2 stupid ego lifting heavy then 3 volume.

I'm trying to get big ass shoulders and arms atm, what's your abs routine?
He still looks short even with the background removed
He just has a manlet body there is no escaping that.
Take a look at the GIGANTIC door compared to him here
The door is 1.5-2 full heads taller than him AND THE CAMERA IS PLACED ON THE FLOOR LOOKING UP HAHAHAHA
On the fourth picture here the barbell is over his belly button
He is literally midge tier manlet
>He still looks short even with the background removed
again, experience shows people can't judge for shit even with things helping them get a relative sense of proportion, with background removed, I expect you to be utterly unable to tell shit like height, weight, etc.
I don't care what your retarded ass expects I'm stating facts you absolute retard
lol? calling things facts does not make them so.
t. midget in OPs photo
No amount of lifting will make you taller
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Alright, whats the height and weight of pic related.
>2min responses

>20min and still no response
the silence is deafening.
A bloo bloo shortie
was all he could muster.
>all this fucking coping and seething
Lol. Gutsanon is just under 180cm, he’s natty and is actually a good person who motivates people and isn’t a hopeless maggot like the dyels and roid trannies here
It’s no wonder he makes roidtroons and faggotcels seethe, he’s the beacon of hope on this place
Ngl, these threads are inspiring because it reveals fit is truly a shithole not worth genuinely participating in, a guy MADE IT in every aspect, natty, not just that but he sticks around and always gives genuine advice to other skinnyfats and this board can’t help but stretch it’s blackpilled tendrils and try to cope by calling him Manlet, fake natty etc
95% I’d this place is crabs and I’m ashamed I used to be a blackpiller
Sleep well knowing this fact: this guy MOGGED roided retard Randy and majority of the other enhanced faggots while you still post here
>you’re him cope etc
Nope, but he’s helped me a lot in the past, his skinnyfat advice pgoto is the only thing that seemed to work for me
Of course, as I said, any genuine poster here is torn down and it reveals how much of a shithole this place is.
Blackpillers BTFO by a NATTY
It doesn't look like it but he's very insistent on being natty, so maybe. The progress is too fast but he may just be very young and consistent.
As the saying goes "if you have to ask if they are natty, they are not".
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>Gutsanon is just under 180cm,
How would you know that you faggot ? Suck his dick too ?
The person in OPs pic is like 160 cm at best
Yes but for the first year you'll have to build up your strength base doing gomad +SS and then switch to a fighting based workout once you've hit 1/2/3/4
Truthful poast.
Lmao being exposed as a manlet buck broke you so hard you started samefagging to save your face
>I-I'm not short! I MEAN HE! JUST UNDER 180 CM I SWEAR
The Gutsanon is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a dyel, fakenatty, roidtroon, namefag, it all runs off him like whip off a broken buck. But call him a Manlet and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”
Are you a retard? I literally said I’m not Gutsanon, I’m shitting on jeets like you who try to say he’s a Manlet when he’s 5’10
Anyway, enjoy your last (you) bc we know you won’t post body :>)
>all the jeetcels screeching but not a single one (1) can post body that mogs Gutsanon
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>Are you a retard? I literally said I’m not Gutsanon, I’m shitting on jeets like you who try to say he’s a Manlet when he’s 5’10
>how would you know how tall someone who lists there stats in cbt is ?! You must be gay!
Are blackpillers terminally retarded or are you just special?
Also for shitskins crying that I’m him, I’m a whitepiller. Here’s my progress, I’m 6’0 and I’m not reading your responses unless body is attached :)
Dyels , as usual, literwlly can’t stop sneeding
This kills the blackpill trannies
>at least 4 dyels claiming to mog gutsbro
>>not one body posted
My nigga
The fact he btfos most enhanced lifters turns them into crabs too
>not a single photo posted from all these supposed blackpillers who mog guys
Ive been lifting for 3 years and I'm dyel so I like him because he gives me hope that I can still become impressive
>does more than just swinging a huge metal chunk
my life is a lie
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I appreciate the kind words anon. Not a single blackpiller will post body in return
No time spent in the gym is time wasted, I'll give you that much boyo
The guy swinging the rod is a different anon
that's what i get for not lurking enough
have you done the same workout since the very start? my body is similar to the first pic and your progress is amazing for 3 years
were you memeing when you talked about eating goat cheese or do you actually believe it helped you?
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>have you done the same workout since the very start?
No, at first I only had a pair of dumbbells. I got a barbell on July 2020, then a bench and stands on June 2021. I did a full body routine, 3 times a day until May 2021 which is when I changed my routine to what is similar to my current one. I'll give you the best advice I can as an amateur lifter.
From my understanding, following a full body 3 day routine until you reach intermediate numbers is optimal. It'll grant you both the gains and the strength to graduate to an intermediate routine of your liking. That's not what I did (it's close though) but that's what I'd advise my younger self to do.
You have to enjoy your routine, it's the only way you'll stick to it. I enjoy every lift in my routine. They might not be optimal or synergistic, but I look forward to performing each one of them. This has kept me consistent and effective enough at those lifts. The most effective routine is useless if you don't enjoy it
Train to failure whenever you can. Not all lifts are meant to be taken to failure (compounds for example) but you can train to failure on things like curls, wrist curls, rows, pullups etc without risking serious injury. A general rule of thumb is to do enough reps to the point you're visibly struggling but still leave 2 reps in the tank.
Consistency is key. Turtle and the hare type of deal
>were you memeing when you talked about eating goat cheese
I'm eating some right now. It's not a magic pill, I just enjoy it very much, it makes me feel good and it fits my macros
Why are you talking about yourself in the third person? Also, why do you give yourself a faggy nickname?
Most literate blackpiller
I posted myself here retard>>74766043
How does what I wrote have anything to do with a blackpill? Perhaps you need to work on your own literacy.
>all this natty cope
Bros. Bros. STFU
Check it, mid 20s. Started roiding at 18 out the gate
Doesn’t even matter that much bc in 6’4” and mog the fuck outta anyone in height alone. LMAO
Imagine defending some natty cuck too afraid to juice. Seriously I mog 95% of this shitty board on height ALONEZ YOU ARE literwlly a bunch of abused dogs crying about wahhhhh but he’s on gear
6’4. 189lbs. And could fuck your bitch without even trying, that’s why you won’t post her
So to this “guts man” or whatever here’s what an actual chad looks like.
Lmao rekt he wasn’t guts now you’re seething
Common Incel L
You look like shit and you’re a fag>>74766387
Only redditors do the non reoly shot faggot
>Only redditors do the non reoly shot faggot
they aren't really blackpilled
you are thinking of berserkanon who trains only swinging a metal rod and is blackpilled, this thread is about gutsanon who does normal gym training and is whitepilled
>redditroon seethin
Don't worry, I'm a pro. Just from analysing your post I can tell that you are on deadly amounts of copium
I have arm veins like that and I'm a dyel
I roughly look like that as a natty after 10 years of going 3x a week consistantly
Many of those years I've just been maintaining and my gains were made in bulk and cut bursts

I could believe it was natty if you went full Mike Israetel from day one and buckled up like it's your life's purpose
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good times were had by all
unironically mirin
look solid af
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You may like it, but this is what peak performance looks like
Mike Israetel looks like shit
I hope to God this is bait
Are you brazilian?
show me a good time Jack!

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