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post s/b/d@bw+height

>The official pastebin (includes books and videos on various things like recovery, stretching, programs, band usage, etc)
>registered dots offenders list

previous thread:>>74748255
me but i also have bags of rice/manure on the shoulder as well
The life expectancy is pretty low for even young starters so late startes shouldn't go for full on 5000kcal a day mode. Just lift for fun and eat healthy. Unless you want to die of a brai aneurysm after breaking the neighborhood records for few minutes
>The life expectancy is pretty low for even young starters
Worlds strongest men tier guys are looking at around 50 year expectancy, like everyone overweight
Source: your Norman Khan hole
Substance abuse will do that
>rippetoe crew doesn't believe star wars is science fiction
>rippetoe himself doesn't believe star trek is science fiction
>"there are science fiction elements of turning on the lights in the room"

This is who you take lifting advice from
rippetoe is a boomer lolbertarian, ignore him
Bobby, I know you started cutting to get less husky but you did it wrong
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squatting, might be cringe
How do I get my 650kg total to 900kg
Lift weights
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>I really, really enjoy eating
2 gallons of whole milk daily
>got a hernia from doing squats
It's fucking over
My right glute hurts during hip hinge movements. Do I need to stretch more or is something fucked?
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SSB 2x3@415, 1x3@455
1pl8 GMs
2pl8 RDLs
quads n hams
leftovers and chips, garbage day but I can not be bothered to cook dinner tonight in addition to meal prep
gym trash then, Runie now
that horrible feeling of not squatting for a while where the quads ache and the knees are stiff and the adductors just kind of die
>attempt it raw at shaws show
He'll do enough to win so probably just over 1000lbs while the other competitors lift closer to failure for points. No point cooking himself on the first event of a heavy 2 day 8 event comp with heavy log/axle, heavy stone, heavy squat for reps, power stairs,etc. He'll want to break the keg toss world record as well.
If he intends to defend it at all he'll have to find a show to do it in, and so many shows do meme bars or reps or whatever so I don't know when else he'll get the chance especially dodging Giants all the time.
I know people have been speculating a max suited conventional dead at the rogue invitational this year. Not sure how true it is but since it's in Scotland this year I could see them not having massive events like the tower of power or rogue-a-coaster
>since it's in Scotland this year I could see them not having massive events like the tower of power or rogue-a-coaster
That would be nice. The Wheel of Pain was cool the first time but I generally am not a fan of the contraptions. There's nothing wrong with just a big rock.
>1pl8 GMs
>2pl8 RDLs
this seems extremely light for you - any particular reason?
On July 9th I called off work because I couldn't get out of bed due to a terrible back cramp so I didn't want to rush heavy weight that hits that muscle group directly. Just enough to inform those muscles that I will be using them again shortly and send some blood that way. I'm planning on deadlifting fairly heavy on Friday so this was just a small primer.
Do you follow a specific program or just work whatever you feel like?
I have a general outline and work intuitively

>I didn't want to rush heavy weight that hits that muscle group directly
makes sense
those movements with that poundage was bitch weight and you can't be doing that
t. moves bitch weight
to be honest the first rep of the GMs felt very much exactly on that muscle and it almost spooked me into stopping right there but after a few reps it smoothed out. I probably should have gone heavier on the RDLs but I just didn't feel like it was doing what I was hoping it would do especially after the squats knocked out my adductors.
Does it hurt in your butt or the the hip? My upper glute was hurting as hell, realized it was a weak ql
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Squat 5x8x390lbs
Front squat 2x8x2pl8
Good mornings 8x2pl8, 275lbs, 295lbs, 3pl8
Feeling exceptionally gassed during this workout. In Colorado for the week so maybe it's the elevation? Totally NOT because of the obesity!
Inb4 squats were high. I don't care.
Exactly. He's said multiple times he is not going for the deadlift record at shaw. He wants to win the show.
>keg record
I think he'll easily get it.
Hope your back feels better soon. Any idea what caused it?
Colorado could definitely do it. How long have you been there? My cyclist buddy says to either arrive a week out or the day before race day if you don't want to get killed by the altitude

>Hope your back feels better soon. Any idea what caused it?
picking the yoke at comp multiple times with increasingly bad positioning, sweating buckets all day and not putting enough electrolytes back in, riding several hours in a small car, not dancing at a wedding, and sleeping in a small and soft bed, then apparently demanding too much of my erectors leaning over the lunch table. Didn't have the bare minimum downtime to stretch out and recover properly until it was too late. But I'm going to try hitting 300kg axle deadlift Friday so we're probably fine.
>How long have you been there?
Since yesterday.
>hurt back tl:dr
Ah, so getting old...
>300kg axle deadlift Friday
I'll need to tune in. Should be back home at that point.
>Ah, so getting old...
the frequency of such issues has declined over the years. At least it didn't happen reaching into the fridge this time.
that reverse hyper at your gym will finally get some use for once
I know I should have done that on like 4 occasions since then
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Missed the stream, sorry smiggy-sama
I personally was not a contraption enjoyer if it's too complex. The big car fram carries in the early 2000's were cool but I am also a big fan of a big rock, odd haugen tombstone to shoulder is a personal fav desu. I would like to see a max suited conv dl that's not on the elephant bar, that'd be nice.
>not dancing at a wedding
you monster
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>reaching into the fridge
You need to get one of those reacher grabber tools.
They need to bring back the girl lift. I like some of the contraptions, but not if they're used all the time. Also, I think the closest we came to a suited elephant bar deadlift was last year when they allowed briefs. Pretty sure the 2021 rogue invitational was raw. But I could be mistaken.
>You need to get one of those reacher grabber tools.
this is important /plg/
are you team shark or t-rex?
nice squat volume
Would love to see more farmers, sandbag/stone to shoulder, pressing/loading medleys/ladders
>They need to bring back the girl lift
Will be at the SMoE less the girls
>2021 rogue invitational was raw
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T-Rex is the only real answer. I will die on this hill.
>nice squat volume
Thanks. I hate it... but I luv it.
>Will be at the SMoE less the girls
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Wrestled an hour with the lad. We were both a bit out of shape after a week off. He was at Mormon camp and I had some gay little cold. I won live pretty easily today relying on my left underhook. Thank you heavy pressing!

The kid's definitely learning. We're figuring out the few specific ways I can score on him and patching up those holes in his game.

Did I say a bit out of shape? Nah, we looked like shit. We need to grind out a lot of good workouts in August, maybe even every day when club is on break. I need to structure good drilling sessions and push the pace. Today we would drill one random move, then some other weird thing, no discipline, no bread and butter. How about 20 crisp hi-Cs off an inside tie?

235lb before practice. There might be some debulking. Not necessarily on purpose, just because I eliminated all junk food from my kitchen. Maybe I'll make it up in milk and potatoes, idk. Nothing cooked by Megumin is junk btw.

Thanks for reading my powerlifting blog.
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>Thanks for reading my powerlifting blog.
I enjoy them
First week back training since have holes drilled in my nose.

Comp in 3 weeks.
Why did they drill you holes in your nose?
Seriously blobby you dont have better things to do than report people sad. And the retarded nigger mod that decided that post was even banable I hope your family gets raped and killed.
Fucking kike slave
have you considered that your spam is annoying to everyone else besides bobby too? go to kiwifarms or something you faggot
>He doesn't know what posts got deleted
>Feels compelled to comment anyway
You're as dumb as blobby. Are you, perhaps, blobby? Trip on.
Oh wow this Norman khan I’m excreting is very stinky despite being relatively solid

Stink factor 7.6/10
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Cheating up 210lb for a double (check em) @206lb bw
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>Seriously blobby you dont have better things to do than report people sad. And the retarded nigger mod that decided that post was even banable I hope your family gets raped and killed.
>Fucking kike slave
Daily reminder blobby abuses and murders pets
>Abuses and murders pets
>Provides anonymous bodybuilding advice despite having one of the worst bodies on /fit/
>Removes his "friend's" access to free knowledge because he felt like it
What the actual fuck is his problem?
I think it’s his self admitted and diagnosed mental illnesses he has

He has talked about how he has to take a whole bunch of different medications to even get up from bed due to his crippling mental illnesses (clinical depression, homosexuality and dissociative identity disorder)

If I were to guess this will progress to schizophrenia once he passes age 30
He also displays signs of early onset schizophrenia in these generals with how he thinks people are going to every single thread, scanning for any post made by him just to post the blobby mass index. The cherry on top is when he projects and calls these alleged gangstalkers schizos. I almost feel bad for him
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Positive change of topic, who's your favourite powerlifter? I'll go first
>I almost feel bad for him
I might, if it wasn't self inflicted
in addition to identifying your problems and always bitching about them, but never putting in the necessary effort to improve just so you can continue to bitch; get fucked
I recommend everyone, including (and especially) blobbert to research the following
>Prodromal stage of schizophrenia
This typically occurs from age 15-25 and is the early warning signs of schizophrenia. In short, he has all the symptoms.
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holy shit, he looked like that? every video that I've seen of him makes me wonder why anyone would listen to that old fat fuck
>favourite powerlifter?
I don't have one
I really don't have a favorite athlete in any sport. however, there are people I will tune in to see compete, but I wouldn't say I have a favorite I fan boy over
wtf it's my biography desu
Most of those symptoms have huge overlap with other mental disorders. And no, I do not have all of them either.
For your own sake, you better hope that's not just coping. Because everyone here has observed the behavioral shifts in you commensurate with the symptoms. Your fiancee has too. You deserve it to desu. Couldn't have happened to a better guy
>Telling someone they deserve to be schizophrenic when they did nothing wrong
You're a piece of work, aren't you?
There are some real assholes in this general
>did nothing wrong
Let's direct your attention to the following
>did nothing wrong
Who are you trying to convince here, boyo?
I don't abuse animals, I managed to find a home for the dog that didn't involve other animals. As far as the rest, bad bodybuilding advice and taking away something for freeloaders make me bad enough to deserve schizophrenia? You're actually a piece of shit.
>they did nothing wrong
>bad bodybuilding advice and taking away something
at least you admit it
Of course, those two things make me the absolute scum of the earth. How could I not see that sooner???
I always love Belkin because his lifts are just such clean technique.
since you feel like being honest, and shittin up another thread, why don't you share the other reasons
You're a sad, balding gay
kek id understand if you were talking about dave tate, cos fuck him, but jm seems like a sound fella in his recent appearances
>No only we're allowed to shit up a thread, you can't defend yourself
>catastrophic thinking
Yep, yet another symptom of early onset schizophrenia.
Yeah, like the guy who abused and murders his own pets. Then justifies it by saying he gave the pet a home. Can you believe that? It's like if he adopted a daughter, put cigarettes out on her arm, washed her hair in the toilet, locked her in a closet all day every day, and then kicked her out at age 16 because she wasn't behaving properly. But hey, at least she has a home with a loving father, right?
You dumb faggots started spamming again out of nowhere. You dyels have multiple boards to discuss your lolcows. You could even just go to any other thread on /fit/ to find more weak company. You could go to /cbt/ for your /soc/ forced drama. But no, you zoomers need to shit up every. single. part. of the internet and can't just leave the only thread actually dedicated to lifting alone. Whining and thinking about lolcows is not a substitute for a personality, nor is it an interest of actually sapient people. Just fucking rope already.
At least he gave her a home right? All bow before the benevolent bobby
>Making things up for dramatic effect
That didn't happen either.

That's not what happened Sean. Kill yourself.
>Robert still can't into counterfactuals
Nobody is saying you adopted a daughter you fuckin idiot. If you understood counterfactual reasoning, you might understand why you shouldn't own pets. Sean speaks the truth. You abused your pet, and now you're putting it down.
>Inb4 reee I didn't abuse my pet
If you didn't abuse your pet it wouldn't have behavioral issues. Dogs are supposed to be trained and if you train your dog wrong to the point where it needs to be put down, you abused it. Simple as.
I didn't abuse my pet. You don't even know what happened yet you're passing judgement on me. Get a hobby and fuck off.
Oh, so your pet didn't misbehave and you're simply putting it down for shits and giggles? It appears I judged you too kindly. You're a psychopath.
I just said I found a new home for him in this thread. You have have absolutely no clue as to what happened, stop acting like an expert on the situation.
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>fuck off.
Let's recap. Last thread you said this dog has committed an act so heinous it had to be put down. Now you're claiming it's not put down, and instead you're pawning this dog (with severe behavioral issues warranting putting it down) to another home, putting others in danger. There's really no sugar coating this. Either you're an irredeemable piece of shit, or you're an unreliable narrator who has lost touch with reality. Either way, you need to seek help and be medicated with antipsychotics
Bobby: the best you can do is just not reply. how difficult is that for you?

anyway, doing paused triple diddlies then bench and more normal diddlies afterwards
What the fuck is going on in this thread?
Butt. Like right in the middle of my asscheeck. Feels like it's getting ripped apart even when doing 1pl8 RDL's
Incredibly difficult.

People are clutching at pearls over a situation they know next to nothing about.
Trolls/schizos continue this because you keep responding.
Don't feed the trolls, etc
>People have been made aware of a situation
>But not given enough details
>The conclusions they draw from limited information upsets me
And whose fault is that?
I don't owe you anything
Wasted digits. You owe an apology for that, fat fuck
Have you checked form vids with camera positioned straight at you for any assymetry or hip shift? This has caused me unilateral pain before.
two questions:

1. out of curiosity, what sheiko programs were used to make the sheiko beginner spreadsheet?

2. what's an uncomplicated 6-8 week hypertrophy block you've run to take a mental break?
Piriformis syndrome, perhaps?
Sheiko beginner is its own thing, it was from the original Sheiko app.

>Mental break
Probably just do 5/3/1 of some sort. If you want it to be nice don't do the main lifts for BBB, (if that's what you choose), just do variants or machines.
thanks man.
No I haven't yet. I also do kinda feel it when doing machines like lying hamstring curls and leg press.
I hope not

For some reason I think it might be a tight hamstring issue. So I'll try do some stretching/mobility work for now.
Ed Coan
Nice presses man. Over bodyweight too, that’s sick!

Second day in a row I’m takin my sister and her kids to the pool again, was stupid and bought the two day passes instead of one day yesterday and thought I might as well use em. A lil less sunny than yesterday but it’s still warm enough out.
that's cute and all but why tf would you post your family on 4chan
>Kill yourself.
what a piece of shit
truly an asshole of the general
bobby making the thread his own
>Incredibly difficult.
see what I mean
>People want bobby to be medicated and healthy
>Bobby wants people to commit suicide
>The former are the assholes
Makes a nibba think
You make a good point
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Can we please remember that /plg/ is about being positive and supporting each other?
Blobby doesn’t know how to train animals and then kills them when they inevitably “misbehave”
> need to seek help and be medicated with antipsychotics

The scary part is that he is already doing that
Is this not a semi-normal occurrence or am I being rarted again
Promoting a suicide attempt is also against the law so I wonder if there was a way to notify the moderator of this? Not only is it off topic but it violates US law
you know what? just be yourself :^)

doing Bulgarian split squats and I'll be finished with my training sesh in 85° f weather :smile:
Thanks guys
Fuck i missed
Theres a lot of weirdos in this site you better delete that
my fiance has never appeared on this website or on my stream and I recommend you do the same
there is a guy who admitted to saving pics that specifically had kids in them
I'm sure there are others
hell, even BD collects forearms like he's trying to assemble exodia
thats a lie. she was your camera woman for one of your events
she did not appear on camera
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uhh,,,,,, olyjeets???
uh oh
the gym tranny is not gonna like this
It's prob cool to post your own kids but probs not a family member. Would delete m8
No fucking way dude, where did you see this?
bobby made a post to make sure the thread is about him for a week
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Is it worth it buy cheap gear in the beginning of building a home gym?
Or should I just save up to buy once?

also is there a good place to buy the plates? I am a leaf if that matters.
That's funny, I count at least three unprompted posts by you lolcow obsessed zoomers at the top of the thread. Rope or stop shitting up this general.
Save up and go with Rep, Titan, and rogue. Facebook market place for pl8s
you can get a cheap rogue bar off fb marketplace
Buy once cry once, plus if you buy garbage it'll be harder to sell. Craigslist, fb marketplace, etc for plates.
Just buy everything second hand. Have you lifted before? If not, go for middle grade -- so not Walmart tier -- stuff that you can then sell on for the same amount and upgrade after a year or two. There's a high chance a new lifter will quit before long and if you splurge now then you'll lose more money.
I meant price wise I feel like buying weighs on amazon will cost me too much
>fb marketplace
I wish
Ah I gotcha yea
To add bells of steel i think they are Canadian
are you not a burger? just make a fake fb account and also check out craigslist
the first one is kind of funny at least
suggesting self harm to others is not in line with >>74769125
why are millennials like this?
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>bells of steel
Cool looks good thanks

>are you not a burger? just make a fake fb account and also check out craigslist
I have been look at both I really wish I could just buy second hand but it all shit
cheap bar is fine to start, you wouldn't notice the difference anyway. Once you get good enough forna high quality bar you'll want to have a beater bar around to do oly lifts or rack pull with or whatever. Just don't go so cheap that like 600lbs will bend it.
>cap barbell
gotcha ya I will go for a cheap bar,
Thx I will take a look at auction sites.
Okay I see what you mean with a cheap bar.
If you spend less than a tpb or opb you're asking for a piece of scrap metal
>tpb or opb
I don't know what your saying I just want to get strong for mma, I have never done powerlifting
>beater bar around to do oly lifts
They're specific bar names. Texas power bar and Ohio power bar.
>I just want to get strong for mma
we have our own mma specialist itt named justin kim. hell show you the ropes
Holy shit, 500 went up extremely easy. Do I max out or what? Or pull sumo for the lolz
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Why are powerlifters such drama-queens though.
she cute. whats her @
Snort coke max out
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I forgot to check kijiji and it was a gold mine,
Olympic Barbell made by gymlife for 120 CAD
and picrel weights.

I am going to pick up a 3ftx7.5ft rubber mat from home depot for flooring.

I will just use the barbell till I can get a nice cage and bench.
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Easy 235/518 conventional. Trying new tech, upper back rounding for speed off the floor.
(me in the back)
Oly lifters can be drama queens too, bodybuilders as well. It's just an acomplishment and people like to celebrate
Looking swole as fuck boi
swapping inverted for pendlay, yates, or parallel landmine
bonus work:
ring pull ups SS w/ side star plank
4way neck
Tf going on at your gym
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Wrestled a whole 90 minutes. Sad head voice routed after 30. I simply must work out in the mornings too, it's the only way. Bonus: I become a world class wrestler at 36 or 37 and then I'll like myself! Wunderkind much tougher today, we were neck and neck. I need to make sure I eat and sleep well for tomorrow.
Nasal spray is giving me sores all over my mouth and a sore throat. Wtf
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Im glad the reps are feeling good but man i wanna get into the low rep ranges again. Im feeling healthy and strong i NEED a pr
Idk about you but i find that foam rolling even a little the same day you do something (usually before bed for me) keeps the worst of the doms at bay
Contraptions are fun but i think the tower of power should go in favor of a more normal deadlift, even the big GL globes are cool
Have heard the same speculation about rogues deadlift as well
Very nice. Doing glute specific warmups lately has made me realize i probably need to feel like im "sitting into my hips," is that something that sounds right to you? Not that i squat rn anyway but just a realization i had
I like Colorado have fun!!
All lifters are fueled by their own unique form of autism
Very nice, thats how i pull. Easy enough lockout too
testing out a completely new bench technique, with pinkies about 3 inches inside the rings. super close grip actually feels great
365 3x3
then did shoulderz and some back
another fun day
Hip drahve
Ascending, my belly quakes and jiggles
Red suffuses my face
Trashed my shorts with poo again
Get some sleep... gains are waiting for you tomorrow
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hop sprints: avg 6.6, but topped at 6.09 (hey-o) for last rep
pendlay: 165>+10>215
sqt: 185
stamina: 14+4
acc: 10x85/95/105
due out: p/u and planks
steak & eggs
was about to bitch out for the day, but the oldest had me read Hercules before bed
"I picked it because it's your favorite; it's you"
not yet, but soon little one. can't let them down
fast sprints, fast pulls, fast squats
>I am speed
even though the squats are bitch weight, it feels good to hit full depth again
was not looking forward to stamina, but i did better than expected. I still would have much rather done this >>74771156 for 10 min
more speed, nice
forever mirin
radiofag, take note of the red blob on screen and follow suit (so the piss jugs weren't an issue?)
+1 for foam rolling, but I do mine before gym and long/intense runs (also The Stick™)
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Wake up /plg/. It's feeding time
Good one, Tlaw. Y-you too
any tips for loading the hips during deadlifts? my glutes dont feel like theyre involved at all during the movement
Imagine a BBC is trying to bust yo cheekth
grab the bar with hips high and slowly lower them while pulling against the bar until you feel the stretch in the glutes/hams
Started doing weighted chinups and plate raises as accessories, my OHP is no longer stalled. Also these movements are just fun to do. Might try Lu raises as well.
I’ve worked out since like 8 years now and still haven’t benched 4pl8. Fuck. I blame genetics
Just get fatter
Nah it has to be while somewhat lean, otherwise it’s pointless
Then arch more
The biggest issue is having to deal with inflammation injuries and randomly getting sick all the time. That makes it so that never is never a long (1+ year) period of consistent, try hard training. The inflammation shit is the worst, literally no one can even tell you what do actually do and it usually comes down to wasting multiple months on doing lighter shit or even nothing at all.
It would be legit piss easy if you can just try hard training to training until you get there
Unleashing a super stinky load of Norman khan into the toilet right now phew
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>Just get fatter
Finally the blob admits his own mental illness in that he tries to make everyone a depressed fat fuck like he is.
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>arch more
Comp legal btw
how do you guys interpret "deadlift up to knees" in sheiko?
dunno lad, i dont do sheiko
I've only seen homosexuals follow sheiko.
Literally deadlift, pause at the knees, and then put it down
what do you guys do? conju-gay-te?
just wide grip more
common deadlift cue is leg press the floor till the bar gets to your knees then drive your hips forward, thus "pulling" the weight, while continue to leg press the floor. all you need to do in this case is leg press the weight till you feel the urge to "pull", then stop
that would prolly fuck my pec even more
just decline more
Bobby: do you get offended when they/them post pictures of you?

is your wrist getting better and you can lift now?
Why is it impossible to achieve biceps DOMS? It always ends up being mostly some forearm shit that is sore instead
What's to be offended about? It is me after all. Wrist is slowly getting better, probably gonna lift soon but I can't press yet.
this but with lats. my upper back gets so fucking sore that there’s times i can barely sit up straight, but my lats are entirely numb
Not targeting biceps correctly and probably grinding elbow to dust instead. My biceps get doms
good to hear. hope your wrist gets better!

some 'people' can't handle having their pics being posted on the intrenet
>some 'people' can't handle having their pics being posted on the intrenet
good thing those people don't stream or post them willingly then
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pic related
thank you for cropping out the gut
Heaving the weight up
Exhaling forcefully
Momentarily winded
Obviously weak
Ready for another set
Retarded weight on the bar
Heavy weight sinks onto my chest
Over, it might be for me
It won't move
Dying, I utter my last words
Scooby skateboard squats
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Passive aggressive
>Passive aggressive
active asshole
I heard that a strong bench press is 1.5 times your bodyweight. Is there a similar formula for OHP, squat, and deadlift?
They're all pulled out of someone's ass, strength doesn't scale linearly with bodyweight
dotsisters, I don't feel so good
Dots is based off of actual performance, it has more weight to it than bodyweight multipliers being representative of strength.
if you had a multiplier of 2.9, you'd see more clearly
5' 8"
>425 squat
>275 bench
>550 deadlift

Keep failing at the mid point on bench. Off the chest is fine, lockout is fine. What can I do to work through that sticking point? Floor press?
what tricep work do you currently do?
Pin presses a bit below where you actually fail
Close grip bench and lying tricep extensions
Took the day off today, stream is up now
what >>74774401 said, but when i had my first major plateau after 2pl8s, i swapped out my skullcrushers for jm presses and managed to get a bit more weight on the bar for a while
what powerlifting shoes do you fellas use? couple irls pointed me towards some adidas pairs, but i figured id get a couple more recs before making a decision
I use wrestling shoes. Do you want heels or flats?
damb cuh. hella early
heels, been using flats (chucks) since i started lifting but the noveltys worn off lol
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Is spreading the accessory work for 4-day TM to make it a 6 or 7 day split a bad idea? Schedule is about to get cramped - going to have to lift at night
>smith machine
only if youre disabled or a woman. if your bench is respectable then your jm press should be high enough for you to do in a bench rack without anyone giving you shit for it
>somehow stronger on block pulls after almost 2 weeks no training
Maybe riceball was on to something afterall
Fresh CNS
Overall very good session. Squat strength seems to have maintained itself. Was piss weak on presses but at least I can do them now. Block pull PR with 600 lbs.
never did a yoke in his life
Whatever, there's definitely a peaking effect of fatigue being shedded, whether it be muscular, cns, or a combination. Based on the timescale involved, I surmised cns
Also shed* pretty sure I'm retarded
Some of my best deadlift prs were over a week of not pulling
Yet another fatty who supports dots, because it's biased toward fatties
Weighted pull-ups fry the shit out my lats. Did you try that?
What exercise?
Dots isn’t biased towards fat people at all lmao, upper weightclass powerlifters have much lower dots scores compared to lower weightclass ones. Combined total is the cool thing.
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you cant really jm in the smith. the movement in there is called a kaz press
>dislikes smith machine
mid range is usually a weak chest
dots favors 93-100kg.
>but my low total bump
nobody cares about people totalling under 1800lbs.
dots favors low and high weightclasses if you suck at lifting and total like 1300lbs. it favors 93-100kg if you are any good. 1 guess which weightclass the guy who made dots falls into (ipf class)
jerks: 125>+10>165
diddly: 275>+5>295, 305. was feeling great so did another 5 at 315. not bad considering 1rm last week was 335. on the road to 4pl8, in a league of his own. I wanted to go for 325, but I'll take a lesson from Icarus and humble myself
Stam: knowing I'd spend all day doing 135, I took the JV option of 95
25 reps/10 burpees/10/burps/10/burps/5 time - 7:58.91. I take back what I said about the sandbag circuit last night, this was worse
Acc: was so burnt for the 50 PP, I flexed into 3x15@95 two leg GM
*: goliath sets of
dips 3x10@25/35/35
reverse fly 3x10@27.5
ez curl 3x10@80
pullups 3x10@bw
side star plank 3x30s

looking to get a nice recovery run or bike ride tonight
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>blob dog

Someone needs to put together a blobdog mass index chart.
>15.25" FOREARMS
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>15.25" FOREARMS

is this anime gril your waifu?
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You look repulsive
Looking thick, solid... not so tight. Mirin anyways given your age and # of kids.
Pumped or cold?
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Deadlift 2x6pl8, 1x635lbs, 0x7pl8
RDL 3x5x5pl8
Short workout today. I got 7pl8 almost locked out but the bar got out ahead of me. I probably should've just jumped from 6pl8 to 7pl8. Did RDLs beltless this time and they felt fine.
Good work, tlaw.
>"sitting into my hips," is that something that sounds right to you?
idk man just bee urself :^)
>so the piss jugs weren't an issue?
If his hobbies are a deal breaker for her then she isn't the one.
adidas adipower for me. You could just go for any reputable brand and be fine.
Nice PR, bobby.
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Maybe waifu of the week. Haven't watched the anime yet. My method is
>go to /c/
>see cute
>save cute
>repost cute
I hate the insomnia from evening workouts. Barely slept yesterday so took today off and holy shit, the sad head voice took me to the cleaners. Planning to work out in the morning next three days. Wrestle, run, wrestle. That should help. After that I've gotta get a morning habit, even if it means 2/days. That's a lot of training for a natty boomer but if I eat a ton and sleep it could work.
Where is pic from

>Roiding for this
Inb4 blobby wastes digits again
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I am, once again, asking powershitters to report their REAL one rep maxes. These apply to ALL lifts, including you "Strong" men.

>Compression suit
>Elevated heels
>Low bar
>Excessive arching
>But muh safety/mobility/cope
Then you can't lift the weight.
I love my wife and kids so much it's unreal
What counts as cheating for stones?
>all the strongmen are shirtless while the rest are in winter clothing
so is it hot or cold?
tacky or grip shirt
I believe it was July, so cold.

Can knock 40kg off the stone then for tacky vs non tacky.
The guy who made DOTs made it.
Metcon 8
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>natty boomer
for 5/3/1, do you guy prefer bbb, fsl, or ssl? or is it possible to mix up the bbb, fsl, and ssl schemes depending on lower body, upper body?
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nice pull

nice pulls. Yeah I need to foam roll more but it's just not very fun

nice pull

>Maybe waifu of the week. Haven't watched the anime yet
bro you'll love Megumin but you'll probably waifu Darkness more

All these deadlifts are making me very disappointed to report that I very slightly pulled my back again taking some equipment out of a box at work which promptly fell apart because shipping knocked it around I guess and you know how when something you pick up starts to fall apart you kind of instinctively follow it back down with your body? That's what I did and my back got mad. Not bedridden mad this time, just a little annoying. But I will no longer be guaranteeing a 300kg deadlift tomorrow but I will still probably try.
Wendler has mixed in FSL and SSL into the same template for the same lift so I don't see why you couldn't do it.
DB bench, do you half rep them or actually go to full stretch?
Seems like most people half rep them where they don't even touch chest with the dumbbells, let alone outside shoulder. But maybe that's just how you do them so you can move some more weight?
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did some tyre sledding today for conditioning and active recovery. mine has gymnastic rings for handles.
100 reps of 55kg explosive rows done kyriakos grizzly style, where you lean back, then extend your hips and row with your arms at the same time, with a short breather after every 20 rows. no eccentric, little spinal loading and tough on the cardio, i love the sled more than anything else i own atm.
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Keep up the good work.
Did incline bench, chinups, and pallof press 4xf today. Was also supposed to do wrist roller but meh. Pallof press is inferior to hanging leg raises to the side. Tomorrow is rdl day. Sunday is dips and bb row day. Monday is ssb squat day.
Somehow I fucked all of my scheduling up this week and I haven’t trained when I was supposed to. My previous session was last Friday. I’ll resume tomorrow, on Saturday, before getting back on to MWF. Do you think I should be fine to just progress as normal with +5lbs from my session last week or whatever? I’m just doing LP and I don’t know if a week between my last session would still allow for progression?
It should be even easier to progress since your muscles are well rested. Just psych up before your lift.
Thank you, at which point do you start to detrain? If that’s the correct term? I am aware of the SRA curve but if you don’t train again, how long would you likely need to go to be forced to repeat the previous weight? A couple of weeks of inactivity?
Couple of weeks sounds about right. IMO technique doesn't really worsen, neural engagement does. It can be remedied by warming up the CNS. To prep for squats, use a weight way above your RM, set the safeties immediately under hooks, walk out with the bar, squat one inch or whatever distance to safeties, return to hooks. Regular squats should feel way easier after this. Same for bench. Or just walk out (unrack for bench), hold for a couple seconds, then rerack. I usually go for a plate each side above my RM but idk what would be a good weight for you.
Bobby's redemption arc this year included
>Passing out from suicide cut
>Lost 30 lbs and increased bench by 20 lbs (via transitioning to decline bench)
>Gained the weight back anyway
>Deleted the Google drive, depriving his so called "friends" of knowledge
>Justifies the action after the fact by claiming nobody called him out earlier
>Devolved into early onset schizophrenia by accusing multiple gangstalkers of following every thread in /fit/, scanning every post for his anon posts, simply to post the BMI
>Told Sean to kill himself (violating us law, not that jannies care)
>Abused and killed his husky
>Said he'd quit and didn't
>Unironically told people to get fatter and forget to turn his trip off
What a redemption. In bobby we trust.

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4 sets of 5 with 313lb today. I'm thinking I'm back. Still not doing diddlies since the back tweak a few weeks ago. Working up to 325 5x5, then reincorporating deads for a few weeks before going heavy on squats again. Thanks for reading my blog.

two questions
>have you ever tried putting smelling salts on the fan blades so youre constantly being stimulated during hard sets
>do you ever play the drums while resting
>have you ever tried putting smelling salts on the fan blades so youre constantly being stimulated during hard sets
I'm not quite that based
>do you ever play the drums while resting
Yeah, on days like today when I have time to myself I like doing that. Interdisciplinary training b, bess brain for the arts
I wish I had a room like that
How did you teach yourself to squat to perfect parallel like that
I used to squat below parallel and it sucked and now my new gym has no mirrors and I don't even know how deep I go and it sucks even more. I just want to squat to parallel comfily.
That is me trying to go as low as I can and trying not to butt wink excessively. I'm actually trying to get to below parallel so I can compete in powerlifting. I record my heavy sets and have taken feedback from this general on foot positioning (I've widened my stance). Also note my use of heels.
>tfw 5x5 is actually bodybuilding work
I want to start doing high intensity low reps. Is doing an rpe 9 single, then 10 sets of 2 reps 80% of my squat a good idea?
Box squatting on a 12 inch box cured my buttwink.
Thanks. Not to start a shitstorm, but did you let your weight down on the box or just tap the box with ur butt?
Practice with box squats.
Chest up, ass back, spread the floor with feet, freeze as soon as you hit the box (no rocking back or relaxing), let the weight down, get back up was how I was doing it.

Tried that. Probably didn't do it enough before moving on to a lower box.
How often? Once a week?
>rpe 9
>using rpe ever
>doing a submaximal single
>2 reps with 5 rep weight
>thinking 5x5 is low intensity high reps
>>Using rpe
I agree rpe is gay, but I just wanted to say "a grinder rep".
And yeah, I have no idea how to train high Intensity low reps. 10 sets of 90% doubles after maxing out? Sounds better yeah.
10x2 @90% probably isn't doable. Your original idea probably was fine. Maybe you could inflate the back off percentages a bit but not all the way to 90%.
>My experience is the only experience possible
89% is roughly a 4 rm. With fatigue accruing after every set and everything else, it just doesn't seem very likely. By all means, prove me wrong if you can but I just think it's better to start off lower and adjust upward than to start that high.

i think this is a lot more difficult then overhead pressing double the weight with both hands
this should be an official powerlift
do a bunch of singles
you're not going to get stronger unless your muscles grow so you still need bb training
*stronger long term

here is 34 kg

1) box squat 8x2 to parallel (for TECHNIQUE), good mornings
2) weighted dips, bb rows
3) squat rm, ssb squats
4) ohp rm, pec flyes, db rows, snatch grip ohp (to let tris rest)
5) dl rm, rdls
6) bench rm, incline bench, chins

everything is done 4x12 unless specified, reverse hypers after every lower body day, abs after every upper body day, no rest days, push-pull is done as a circuit
>box squats (FOR TECHNIQUE)
Oh, are you an equipped squatter? If not then I don't see how you could do a box squat (for technique) if you go raw (if you do them properly).
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Thanks. I need to start planning my deadlift days better. I've just been shooting for a max single and the volume with RDLs.
Don't push it if your back isn't feeling 100%. Take your warmups slow and maybe do more reps than usual at the lower weights to make sure everything is warmed up.
I honestly think you could get there no problem. You have solid form. It would just take dedicated time, effort and a program with good progression. I know that's difficult to balance with work and family. I respect that you prefer to spend that time with your wife and kids. Just saying that you could get there if you wanted. Probably take you less than a year to pull 6pl8 imo.
Nice. Squat form looks good (better than mine)
Based curlbro
>smelling salts on the fan
Probably easier to pour fabuloso in a vicks steam vaporizer.
I'd suggest many warm ups squatting to parallel. Most people don't need a mirror, you just get used to getting to parallel. Your own body will tell you when you're below parallel unless you have like some body awareness issue.
If you feel like your squatting too high, aim for just below parallel. I just don't think a box is a good idea, your squat groove will be all over the place when you do a free squat again. Just practice practice and practice. You'll get the body awareness. Or find a cue that works for you, for instance "when my belly touched my knee I'm at parallel" or something like that. And honestly, it wouldn't hurt going below parallel, heck it might even build a better base, who knows.
>killed his husky
Redpill me on this
>t. Not willing to sacrifice for gains
his house already had two huskys. he couldn't afford food for a third, so it seeked out another animal
So he's bitching because his dog had an alpha instinct to put down the local shitbulls? What a turd.
The word is sought
Didn't happen. All you'll get from them is lies.
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>All you'll get from them is lies
So what did happen?
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