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/fit/ - Fitness

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>Who is /fat/ for?
For the tastefully thick who are working towards a longer life and a better physique through meaningful hard-work, strategy, and dedication. This is not QTDDTOT, stick to questions on fat loss. Post height and weight when asking for advice.
Join our Fatty Contest: https://www.fattycontest.com/

>What do I do first?
1. Read https://physiqonomics.com/fat-loss/
2. Calculate your Body Fat Percentage: https://fitness.bizcalcs.com/Calculator.asp?Calc=Body-Fat-Navy
3. Calculate your TDEE: https://www.sailrabbit.com/bmr/
Remember to use bodyfat% and use Katch-McArdle Formula with sedentary settings or your TDEE will be too high.
4. Plan your weight loss: https://www.losertown.org/eats/cal.php
5. Track your nutrition with MyFitnessPal (better for packaged food), Cronometer (better for generic food/macros) or LoseIt (great for both).

>Now what?
Count calories, all of them.
Eat about 500-1000 less calories than your TDEE.
Buy scales, be accurate.
Learn to cook. Try to stick to lean protein and green vegetables.
Eat a lot of protein. 0.72g per pound of goal lean body mass.
Doing cardio, even just walking, will improve your health. There is no such thing as a healthy fat heart, but you can offset the risks.
Lifting weights will keep and gain muscle mass and burn fat much quicker. No lifting results in the body burning away muscle AND fat.
Drink more water.
Read the /fit/ sticky: https://liamrosen.com/fitness.html

Eat refined sugars, they're terrible for you regardless of calories.
Eat processed foods.
Drink your calories (alcohol, soda, Starbucks).
Freak out over a weight loss stall. Plateaus can last up to three weeks.
"Reward" yourself. Cheat days cheat only yourself.

>Other resources:
Loose skin, gynecomastia & stretch marks: https://weight-loss-side-effects.netlify.app/
Reddit Wiki: https://www.reddit.com/r/loseit/wiki/faq

Previous thread: 74761862
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Anyone know where I find these?
OP you're supposed to put /fat/ - Fat Loss General in the subject field
If you ever struggle with motivation then shave your beard and take a side profile picture of your face.
Bruh why would you post that here
At a tim hortons i think
There's an autistic girl who likes to bake goods and post them on here, maybe she just got lazy today
>up to 264 from 263.4
Back to 500 calories a day it is. Thought I'd still lose weight on 1200, clearly I was wrong
>anime tranny ruined another thread
i actually want to die i fasted yesterday and i was completely miserable and my cramps were so bad and i was so hungry but i didnt eat all for my weight to stay the exact same what is it all for i hate everything
I see the clowns have arrived.
how many times do you people have to hear that a single day is an irrelevant time frame in weight loss
get it through your thick blubber-covered fucking skull
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I'm a giant fucking wildebeast scale must go DOWN
Like you
just figured out how to make this shit work
gonna make calorie counting a lot faster
Do you have any of her posts?

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I do something similar. Made a excel file in like 2010 to track calories, when I started getting in shape again a couple years ago I just started using it again and I've adapted it over time to suit my needs.
Now I have a page where I have calories/macros for any food I typically eat, just put in number of servings and it adds everything up and shows it on the monthly pages where I track intake per day/week. The weight tab I use to track daily weights and a seven-day rolling average, so I can get an idea of how fast I'm gaining/losing and if I need to adjust intake up or down.
I've been trying to gain weight for the last few months, but it's time to start a minicut I think. Body fat is probably 15-16% at the moment, although dexa on Saturday will confirm.
im not autistic i just like baking, i dont know why everyone wants everyone to be autistic these days
They want their manic pixie dream girl probably.
Bake away, I've been getting into it the last few months too. Just for a new type of cooking I hadn't really done before. It's been enjoyable, I just have to give most of what I make away.
Considering skipping lunch and having a big dinner today. Decisions decisions...
Why not use Cronometer?
Maybe they have an autism fetish and imagine you as autistic to make you more attractive?
>types in lowercase
>goes on male dominated spaces to seek attention
Can you go back to twitter
can you go back to stuffing your face or just kill yourself you 200lb faggot
Xes a very angry ethot!
>Why not cronometer
I don't really like using apps for most things. When I have a problem I am trying to solve my first thought is never "is there an app that can help with this?" I try to find my own solution first. Sometimes I end up using apps, but typically for things I just can't do, like tracking real-time heart rate data during workouts with my chest strap. Don't have a choice, have to use an app.
I can adapt my spreadsheet to do exactly what I want it to do and nothing more. And I can't say for certain, but I'm pretty sure it's faster to use for me than an app would be.
Sounds to me like you need to learn to program and make your own app!
can i ask someone for advice for starting the gym here? or is this the wrong thread for it?
im 6'2" and 412 pounds
Nah, I've got enough hobbies lol.
You may ask.
i want to dunk your head in the toilet then slap my flour covered balls on your face until you look like you have clown make up on
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/fat/ has fallen....
i've tried working out before but i tend to overwork myself and get injuries or really sore muscles. do you have a set list you'd recommend to start training without getting hurt?
are you kidding with this shit
My advice is don't even worry about the gym right now. That can come later. You need to ease into exercising so you don't snap your shit. Just going for a walk everyday is a fine place to start. Then you can start working on adding in some body weight exercises, or dumbbells/kettlebells. Once you feel like you are outgrowing that kind of stuff, then its time for the gym.
Key is to be consistent. Do something, anything, at least 5-6 days a week. It's ok to have one or two rest days a week, especially as you start working harder. If you're just walking you can do that everyday.
No. Get these whores out of my fatfuck ethnostate! #onbaby
Id personally focus on good diet and walking until you reach a healthier BMI. Basically until you get close to just being overweight. If your body is feeling up to it, feel free to hike or do elliptical or stationary bike once youve done walks for a while. This process is gonna take a long time so focus on getting used to living like a more normal person for now. Good news is that at your weight, even eating like 3000 calories will be enough to lose weight. Try counting calories at 3000 a day, short 10 minute walks 2 or 3x a day, and cutting out one major source of calories. If you drink tons of soda or eat a lot of candy, try dropping one of those things from your diet for now.
first week of being on a diet officially down
however despite drinking 84.5 mL of water yesterday my piss was dark and cloudy this morning
how far would you recommend walking or cycling? i suffer from crippling social anxiety (compounded by being a ugly fat bastard) so i tend to really avoid being seen by others
just a 10 minute walk after lunch and dinner for now
Your body is still filtering out all the slop
i started wegovy a few weeks ago so hopefully it'll help a bit
>be me
>walking down the street
>stared at a muffin for longer than 3 seconds
it's over
>And I can't say for certain, but I'm pretty sure it's faster to use for me than an app would be.
If you care about macros this method is way too slow. Plus you have to manually input every single food or ingredient whereas apps have an entire database of foodstuffs and menu items with new stuff constantly being added by the userbase
>go to the kitchen
>grab trhee cherry tomatoes to snack on
it's never been so over
>If you care about macros this method is way too slow.
apps are too fast, you'll depend on it for the rest of your life as you'll never actually learn the macros in the stuff you eat, just log and forget
enjoy logging shit when you're 78 I guess
I don't know about cycling, I haven't ridden a bike in ages. For walking, just start small.
Go for a 10-15 minute walk.
Feel good the next day? Do it again.
Getting pretty winded/tired by the end? Keep same time/distance that day.
Still feeling good during walk? Go a few minutes longer.
Something feels wrong? Not soreness, but real pain? Take a day or two off, and then try again slowly. Stretch.
Rinse, repeat.

For the anxiety, try listening to music or something and focusing on that. Wear a hat and sunglasses. You won't have to worry about making eye contact.
I've avoided becoming obese for my entire life, with only being slightly overweight for at most a year. Most people can eat by intuition and get by just fine
is it alright if I get all my protein from vegetarian based protein sources?
no meat but a lot of greek yogurt, eggs, cheeses, etc
have gone to an indoors bouldering gym 4 times now, it's really fun, would recommend alongside lifting if you're not above like 110, 120kg. the excruciating forearm torture is a good pain
What if they are fat too?
I don't eat different food from a different place for every meal. I cook all my own food, and I eat a relatively limited set of foods. Those things that I eat more than once in a blue moon are what make it onto my list. So I only enter the nutritional info once, and then its just there and I put in the servings.
On the rare occasion I eat out somewhere, or if I go to a family member's house, I just calculate things as a one-off and manually add them later. Takes five minutes.
I've seen people use apps, even if I haven't used them myself, and they always seem to be wondering what item in the app's database is closest to what they are eating, if it's a home-cooked meal and not something out of a box or off a menu. I never have that problem with my method.
Fatty Contest

holiday weight gone from the other week and now merely overweight
it will definitely help. if youre going to use the chemical assistance then please try to consume atleast 160g of protein a day at your size. ita very common to undereat protein on this medication and see a marked reduction in muscle mass. i cant stress how important this is.
sure you did
sports and healthy activites have been so important to my growth. i made so many friends and it gave me a positive reason to not backslide in my health. not just trying to look better because of sex and self loathing.
what's a good way to get that much protein in per day? protein powder? i wouldnt mind cooking im just rather autstic and routinebased when it comes to what food i like
its not that easy. this process is incredibly stressful and emotional. a slip up feels horrible when every inch of progress is so hard fought. you are right though.
I don't believe you
depends. if the wegovy is making you not hungry at all, go with shakes. if youre still hungry with the medications any kind of somewhat clean protein based meal will be an improvement. dont get stuck on any single food unless you like doing that.
what do you like to bake?
im still on a pretty small dose so im "kinda" hungry, but i dont get hungry to the point of my stomach hurting if i dont eat. like i could eat but i dont NEED to.
isnt 160g a lot per day? or could i knock that out with like 2 meals or so? i dont really eat breakfast at all
protein powder is ok if you are really struggling, but its expensive relative to other sources, definitely paying for the conveinence.
Also whey protein, which is much more common, digests and gets absorbed very quickly, so its better right before or after working out. Casein protein takes a lot longer to get digested/absorbed, so it works better as a meal replacement or for steady drip of protein during fasting periods (i.e. sleep). But casein is even more expensive than whey.
Lean meats are your best bet, like chicken, fish or some cuts of pork. Dairy and eggs are good too. Rice and beans gives a complete protein (each makes up for amino acids the other lacks), but its a lot of carbs/calories per gram of protein.
I'M 5'11
I've made Turkish baklava, blueberry scones, peanut butter cookies, chocolate pecan pie and peach crumble pie, each a couple times. Whenever I have an excuse (family function, friends visiting, etc) I usually look up a new recipe, or make one I've done before but made some mistakes on.
does whey protein come with flavours like other shakes?
Shut up faggot
youre gonna need a lot to preserve muscle as you have a lot of weight to lose. if you dont hit 160g, dont sweat it too much, but thats the goal. if you hit over 120g a day consider it a win. 120-160g of protein from sources like beef and chicken will keep you plenty full. rome wasnt built in a day. focus on getting under 3k calories a day and upping your protein. itll clean your diet up.
Yeah, you can get whey or casein protein powders with or without flavor.
still did not happen unless your 'protein powder servings' were all inside oreo milkshakes
130 TO 160LBS
lol people in this thread have gotten ripped
Crossing the 130lb threshold is going to be my biggest challenge thus far of this weight loss journey
do you have any pictures? i would love to see how the baklava turned out! chocolate pecan pie sounds so delicious @_@ i bake a LOT, like every day, but i never really make pies or anything like that, are there any recipes you recommend for a first try?
whats a good way of counting calories? do i need to weigh everything?
Completed a marathon today!

Granted I walked it and it took 12 hours but I don't care.

Unfortunately I am still fat.
Why are my biceps always so sore from lifting. Even when I train back, shoulders or chest its always my biceps that are sorest. Wakes me up at night even.

easiest way is to use the nutrition labels on the back of your food. if you cook, then weigh out the ingredients especially oils. when trying to estimate calories without those tools, a portion of carbs or proteins about the size of a deck of playing cards is around 200-300 calories. added oils will bring that number up. after counting calories for years this is how i make my estimations.

thats fucking amazing. good job anon.
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Yup, I do. Pies are probably the easiest thing to bake, if you use pre-made crusts. Just mix up whatever the filling is and toss it in the oven.
I do want to try making pie crust from scratch again. I fucked up the first time. Didn't use enough water, so the dough was too crumbly and I couldn't roll it out thin enough without it falling apart. I've used pre-made the last few pies. Next time I make one I'll try making my own dough again though.
what should i bake a girl i really like? are fruit tarts too gay?
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>are fruit tarts too gay?
no they're not. if that girl thinks home baked goods are gay then she's not for you king.
Weighing is a really good way since you’d be shocked at how inaccurate the eyeball scale is. You can get a decent food scale for like $20 just make sure it has a “zero” function so you’re not also weighing whatever container the foods in.
Kek. Bake whatever you think she'll like. If someone thinks baking X thing is gay, they probably think any baking is gay. Fuck 'em. Dudes should know how to cook. Don't need to be a Michelin star chef, but have a broad ability to cook/bake different stuff. It's a good skill to have.
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>AC in the gym is broken
>did cardio this morning so I have to go after work
>it’s supposed to be 32°C today
thank you. ill have to use a friends kitchen since ill be in japan. ill practice here and give the tarts to friends for now. i was rightfully told a few days ago to start cooking and this seems more motivating than making food for myself for now. itll also help me make decent foods for my next bulk. i just like cutting on chickfila so much bros.
WOW they look extremely impressive, good job!!! i wanna try making those
i think baking something vanilla/custard with fruit on top is a really good idea, make something cute that she can take a pic of
>i think baking something vanilla/custard with fruit on top is a really good idea, make something cute that she can take a pic of
that was the idea. ill try to place the fruits well and make it cute with how i package it.
Cooking is great. Being able to whip up something from a few leftovers and scraps is always pretty good, cooking up actual good meals for people around you is a feel like no other.
You can also get a LOT more mileage out of basic ingredients, which is especially useful when yo'ure dieting and want to keep calories low. I love plain vegs but I can see how people would think they're boring after a bit.
if i cook its usually just stir fry which as you said is great for leftovers. typically its a half eaten rotisserie chicken. my dads a great cook so id like to emulate that on some level, but i think id prefer baking because it lets me make things to give my friends. i can afford to buy good food, but you cant buy the joy of doing something nice for someone.
Man you get good at cooking, and you'll be able to make shit that most restaurants and no fast food will ever hold a candle too, including chik-fil-a. It's fucking cheaper too. And good, home-cooked meals are just satisfying on another level.
Also, I'm not even that good of a cook compared to a lot of the people in my family, but I've never met a woman that considered it a turn-off that I know how to cook.
thats so sweet of you anon, she will love it
Ill do my absolute best to learn once im back from japan. Im basically slammed morning to night with responsibilities at the moment, so trying to learn a new skill AND diet would be rough. Ill bulk after japan again and have more energy to learn and meal prep properly. Itll definitely help with my food expenses because bulking costs a fuck ton. For now ill practice baking and give things to my friends. I think ill try my own baked goods when I take a cheat day in 3 weeks at the midpoint of my diet.

Thank you. Last time I was there I gave her a music box and she cried.
>Find a cool collab shirt while out shopping
>No changing rooms
>fuck it I'm probably an XL
>get home and try it on
>It's a bit too big
On one hand fuck, on the other I suppose it's good to know I'm starting to drop down to a large.

I feel like going clothes shopping and not just trying to find the largest size they have and hope it fits is something I'll never get used to.
Those memories of looking for biggest sizes (preferably 3x) and praying it isn't too tight or lying to family saying I didn't like the design is too ingrained.
Thanks, I'd say the pies are the easiest/fastest out of all of them, at least with pre-made shells.
Baklava isn't difficult either, it's just very tedious with all the layers of fragile phyllo dough. Super dense though. Whole 9x13" tray was over 8,800 calories of fat and carbs. Each piece, which weren't much bigger than one inch square, was around 250 calories. That's the main problem with baking lol, can't eat it all, have to be able to give most of it away.
Bro this really ain't the thread to be talking about pies and baklava
Buddy, you're about two hours too late. If it makes you feel any better, I've been answering anons' questions about diet/exercise too.
So she's doing some kind of pedometer/Wii sports fitness thing?
Bro how have you not heard about Ringfit Adventure

I'm grumpy today (everyday)
hoooolllyyy moly that is a lot of calories xd sounds fine for bp
if you keep it up and start bodybuilding youll be blending desserts like that into shakes just to gain weight
End of summer can't come soon enough so we can get back to comfy /fat/
its so satisfying seeing the muscle definition come in while i diet after my first bulk since making it. if youre a glutton, i cant recommend bodybuilding enough once youve gotten to a normal bmi
I can do low calorie keto easily as once I start it I really feel like I *HAVE* to stick by it and cheating is out of the question, how do I develop the discipline to be as strict and determined when doing simple cico?
i personally make dieting as easy as possible and find diet alternatives to my favorite foods to intersperse through a clean diet. stuff like halo top ice cream and quest tortilla chips.
imagine youre going nuts from hunger and about to binge, but instead you slam back a full pint of halo top ice cream. ~300 calories in the whole thing with decent amounts of protein.
that's not really what anon meant, I think. How do you keep yourself from wanting to binge in the first place is much more useful. If you're at someone's place and there's no diet foods, you're fucked out of luck if you're used to eat a ton of low calorie foods.
>300kcals for a tub of ice cream
Must be made of pure slop
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yeah, looks this way
a long term diet will make you want to binge. its how you react to it thats important. i also pack healthy snacks with me. oftentimes i just give them to my friends.

it is, but its a good tool for weight loss. massive improvement from what got us fat at the very least. i stop eating artificial sweeteners during maintenence and bulks too.
I thought bulking was a meme and it probably is but I am seeing my muscles blow the fuck up ever since I stopped cutting like a madman.
i did too until i got lean and THEN tried it. cant be too fluffy when you start. the best part is that actively trying to gain weight and seeing fat be added in a positive context really helped the body dysmorphia i was developing.
We'll see if I'm adding fat in one more week.
Anyway, I'm not done with my cut, so this is temporary but it is a crazy change of pace after months of this.
thats actually how i get my leanest. i had to lose 100 pounds so id lose like 20-30, bulk back up 10 focusing on lifting and tons of meat, then get back to dieting. i wasnt yoyoing without a vision either. i always actively tracked my calories, protein and lifted the whole time

Dedicated bulking and cutting cycles are a necessity once you are past about your first year of serious, consistent weight lifting. Prior to that recomping is actually possible.
What is a meme is the idea that bulking requires an insane surplus or that you can just stuff your face with whatever you want. 250-400 cal/day surplus is more than enough for almost anyone that isn't on gear, and you still want to eat as clean as possible for the most part.
It's a good idea to not go directly from cutting to bulking and vice versa, however. It's beneficial to eat at maintenance for a week or two between each phase.
I agree with everything you said. Only thing ill add is if you really go hard in the gym and do cardio you can actually stuff your face lol. I was struggling to get back up to 180lb and had to start making home made mass gainer shakes that were 1k calories plus and was dunking nature valley bars into peanut butter and downing it with milk. It took like 3 months for my metabolism to hit that point though.
Trying to figure out if my shin bone is weird or if I just don't know what bones are supposed to be like because I was so damn fat I had fat shins
why do you even care? is it causing mobility issues? if not, stop thinking about silly stuff like that lol
Need to start fiber supplements
Sat on the toilet this morning and nothing happened, asshole is feeling bumpy when I wash in the shower
My system hungers for the lube of seed oil slop
sorry anon youre gonna need to wait a few more days before you shit out 3 rabbit pellets
Mind letting me know if you find a good one? Without the frisky whiskey shits I find that I’m only painting the porcelain once every 2-3 days lately and I don’t think that’s healthy.
panda goblin juice preworkout makes me shit buckets
It's not abnormal to not shit as much in a steep deficit and with a cleaner diet. Just less mass making it through your gut turning into poop. But fiber supplements are not a bad idea. Most people, in U.S. at least, do not get anywhere near enough fiber.
Lost 6kg in the last month, feeling good today
an interesting to note is that fat is primarily lost through your urine and when you exhale, not pooping
Don't forget to come visit the chubbies when you get bored, and post recent pics of your epic bod to mogivate us.
When I'm human
As I plan to be
I'll post my pics on /fat/
To inspire the fatties
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join us on the other side of obesity, bros
(not the anon who posted his scale)
>be me
>fat fuck, formerly fit fuck, formerlier even fatter fuck
>2 weeks straight of extremely strict cut after gf left me for being fat and lazy
>just dipped under 270 lb today, 5lb in 13 days
>be set up on thr outskirts of db area
>scurry off with a db to do my curls
>random dude who is not insanely jacked but looks like hes been working hard natty forna few years stops me
>tells me how impressive my pull ups were earlier
>try to dismiss and say i used to do way more when i was lighter
>kinda forced to admit that multiple sets of 5 clean full rom pull ups at 270 is pretty impressive
Oh its a GOOD DAY good day
Wagmi bros
We will all lose the weight
She will love me again
thats a very impressive pullup tbqh, but the best part is gonna be when you get fit again and she rejects you. thats when you truly heal
Shut the fuck up right now please god let me cope
No one can really answer you because we dont know your individual fitness goals. If youre into lifting, starting strength or push pull legs (google them) are adequate for people starting from zero.

If you're worn out you need to be mindful and not go at 110% every time. 70-80% consistently for a year is better than 100% for 3 months.
Other anon is right, anon. Your hot body will attract new women to you, and you shall choose one among them.
If your ex comes scurrying back seeking your favor, send her a picture of Marylin Monroe with a caption that reads "If you can't accept me at my fattest, etc."
Nobody needs a fair-weather life partner, pardner.
Why would you want her? She sounds like a slut whore
Kill yourself shut the fuck up ill fucking stomp you
Scale go down to 262.3, me happy
Nice shirt of my wife
Can't wait to be able to buy autistic nerd band merch again
You won't do shit fatty. Just like you couldn't stop her slut ass from leaving you.
Anon will get a better girl once he loses the weight and takes his humanity back
thank you. my cousin who doesnt watch anime bought me it because he figured i would like that girl. he was right its my fave girl from MHA lol. it was too small for me 2 years ago. i promised id get in shape and make it look good. i did my best to keep that promise
Keep up the great work for your frog waifu
Same. I just crossed the threshold to wear XLs again. Soon it'll be Ls
how do you go back to your dietician who got you from infinifatty whalepig to normal human being after you have already disappointed him once by becoming fat again and not managing to lose the weight once more?
youre a pathetic faggot. that anon youre shitting on will learn a great lesson thats gonna make him very happy though
If they really are a dietician then they know that most people who lose a significant amount of weight usually gains it back. They also already know that weight loss is a life long battle for most people. The real dissapointment would be giving up and not going back at all and just staying a fat fuck. As long as you are willing to keep fighting, nobody will be disappointed in you anon. Even if you were a fucking heroin addict, as long as you genuinely showed the resolve to actually want to change your life for the better, people will respect that.
Shut up faggot
thank you anon
lol k pencilneck
Np anon we're all in this fight together. I dropped all the way down to 210 from just playing basketball nonstop and eating like a poorfag. (just sandwiches and top ramen). After being around 300-325 most of my life I felt great. And then I went through a really bad break up+pandemic and just went full fat ass mode. I'm back down to 280 but I'm honestly just trying to work out at home and get strong enough again to where I can truly commit to hitting the gym. We all fall sometimes, just gotta keep getting back up.
Thanks man, you're based as well. We're all gonna make it. Just don't give up!
She'll never get back with you fatty
i got swole and the girls i wanted rejected me. best thing that ever happened to me.
>5 days under maintenance
>walking more
>not a pound lost
Cico bros..were you liars after all..
You arn't eating under maintenance
>Yes i am
No you're not
Yup yup, the favorite cico scum phrase.
>you were eating too much, it's not cico being flawed!!
he might be desu, theres lots of factors that said heres my recommendation

if you arent below 1800 calories, drop 100 calories. up the walking by 15 minutes each day. keep adding 15 minutes every week or two.
Eat less fatty
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where do we submit OP pic suggestions please op ill be ur best friend forever
kys tranny
5 days is nothing, just keep going.
SEVEN slices of turkey for 90 calories?
don't mind if I do
Not sure if I should trust my trainer. I'm not really fat anymore, just skinnyfat. Went from XXL to M but still got some belly and tiny love handles. 18% bf. Been going to the gym for 3 months now. Gained zero lean mass but also didn't lose any at all, while losing tons of fat. Trainer said I should stop cutting, eat maintenance and lift harder. He says I'd easily recomp all the way to a good physique while doing so, yet have to eat maintenance or I won't be able to build any muscle. However, it feels weird. Because I feel like I'm 1-2 months away from skinny, and then I could start from there to build muscle instead. Thoughts?
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It’s current year, magical anti-fat drugs exist and I’m too lazy to even inject regularly.
Fucking HOW it doesn't even sting
hes right, but tell him you wanna diet for a month because youre FOMOing lol
I also showered for the first time in months today.
I am just the laziest person alive. It’s over.
>muh depression
Nah it’s not even. Just zero self control. I am the untermensch boogeyman fph thinks every fatty is.
What's your current weight? Could be lack of energy.
At least you're aware that your situation is fucked. Makes it easier to fix it. Recognizing that things can't go on that way is the first step. Good luck. You can do it
No idea, probably above 200 but below 250, but I wouldn’t be surprised by 280 or 180 either. I don’t think I have a scale, and I wear those hyper oversized tarp shirts and haven’t worn pants since COVID so I can’t gauge by that.
Been fasting.
Ate Sunday and haven't eaten since then.
This is my second week of this schedule (M-F fast, S+S refeed).
The scale hasn't moved since Sunday.
I know, I might be retaining water, especially since I'm having snake juice.
Still, this is infuriating. I also know I shouldn't be using the scale every day.
Next week I'll only do the weigh-in after my refeed days.
Nigga if you're going to be on /fat/ you need a scale. To know where you're starting from and to see where you're heading. Order one off Amazon, weigh yourself. This lethargy you have is putting you in a very dangerous position, maybe not now but in the future for sure
Tell height and post body, most here will be able to give you a good weight estimation
>haven’t worn pants since Covid
Yeah brother it’s gonna be closer to 280 than 180
Remember bros, the key is a good night's rest.
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I started dieting this week and I'm having some trouble. I was never very strong willed, so I think a 1000 kcal cut was a bit too much for me, from now, I'll stick to a 500 kcal cut, at least until I get used to it.
Don't forget to drink water too. Hydration is key.
what are some other clean-eating-friendly snacks? this is my roster right now
>dried/frozen fruit
>cherry tomato
>homemade jerky
Slice cucumber and add seasoning to it like everything bagel seasoning from trader joes
ever since my 48 hour fast over the weekend, I've been having liquid shits
I just crunch it up on it's own peronsally
You are miscalcing your numbers and are too arrogant and retarded to figure it out. Cant help you
A 500 daily deficit is what I aimed for, calculated from sedentary TDEE.
After a few months of this, it looks like my actual daily deficit is around 700 calories instead, which probably has something to do with my daily cardio and 3x/week strength training (and yet if I had picked even "light activity" TDEE as my baseline, I would have completely sabotaged my weight loss.)
Overall, it's not particularly violent. I do try to maximize my proteins and minimize my carbs, and it probably helps a lot with unwanted feelings of hunger.
She's been on /ck/ for the last couple of days farming simps there. They are a lot more receptive to her hopefully she will stay there for a while.
im not farming simps oh my god let me live that is so cringe
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Fiber supps are gun for weight loss. Psyllium not only helps you not eat as much if you take it before a meal but also keeps things moving through your bowels, which can suck if your on low cal diet. If you know you know. WAGMI brahs
I eat too many different things to do my own spread sheet. It would actually probably benefit me more if I narrowed my diet a little and then tracked.
this could be us
This is impressive dude, nice work.
Had a slice of costco cheese pizza for my 1st meal of the day, only got through half of it and wanted to quit eating, not sure if my metabolism is cratered or if it is just my new normal. Been trying to stay around 1300 Cals or less.
I want to bake something to distract me and make me feel better but if I do that I will eat them. Going to be alone with my thoughts for the rest of the evening I guess.
>Bro this really ain't the thread to be talking about pies and baklava
If jannys had an integrity posting desserts on /fat/ would be a permaban. But they are too busy jerking off to her youtube videos to care.
Its interesting when you catch yourself slipping in real time. Once it gets to the stage of saying to yourself just one more treat will be fine, I can start again tomorrow, and then I've not been eating that well lately, one more day wont matter its getting dangerously close to losing all the good habbits you have developed to lose the weight and slipping back into old ones. This is where im at now, god help me I will pull my head back in today.
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Works stressing me out, its pretty toxic place to work. I need to get out, I want a job with less hours now anyway so that I can do things I enjoy like walking outside and going to the gym and eating dinner at a normal time. Money is not everything now, even though you need more of it now that you did just a few years ago. I just want to be comfy bros, and lean.
Sounds like a personal problem, you need to develop the ability to just ignore that shit or you are just going to fuck up once you reach a plateau.

You fucked up, oh well. You going to continue to fuck up or do what you have proven you can already do?
Sounds like an off topic problem, don't want to get banned don't break the rules.
Posting food is not off topic, stop letting a 20 something 100lb e girl get your panties in a bunch and ignore her.
Posting and talking about making desserts in a weight loss general and not even shoehorning it in by pretending it's some diet version is off topic. Kill yourself you fucking cancer.
I would tell you to kill yourself but you already are. If you can't handle the crabs then get the fuck out the bucket.
>unironically defending off topic posting
You aren't a crab you are an invasive species. Death is too good for you.
i used to be like that as a teen. literally got a fungal skin infection from sweating on my leather chair and playing WoW. whats rancid is girls still sucked my dick. i didnt even take it as an insult when they said it smelled awful, they were right lmao. cant believe they put it in their mouth lmao. now i atleast shower if im going to the office or hooking up. so like a few times a week.
lol. u know those pictures he shills are marketing bs right. i have abs and can make myself look obese one second and in decent shape the next.
check under your left fold maybe?
take a maintenence week, relax, and get back to work
Anon, fasting is real, and obesity is a serious thing.
the funny thing is that youre both right
sure but those pictures he posts, like in this videos thumbnail, are total bullshit and theres better ways of losing fat. check this out. i took these pictures within minutes of each other. now imagine the difference if i just hit the treadmill for an hour or two and took a picture with an empty belly dehydrated. its all marketing bullshit. a steady small to moderate calorie deficit and light consistent cardio like daily walks will get you there.

gonna make a cup of tea
Anon I’m in my 30s.
>SW: 410, CW: 318, GW: <200
First time doing dumbells bench press and resistance machines in over 10 years (never did it regularly back then either, just one-off gym trips when dragged along by friend or family)
Goddamn I'm weak, but its time to commit to fixing that

I've been doing treadmill 5 days a week, is it a good plan to keep that up and add core and upper body on 2 days and legs on 1 day? Also does anybody have insight on things/changes to look out for when suddenly adding strength training into your weight loss?
Anon, you're fucking retarded.
im in my 30s as well and only started getting it together at 28

id personally just focus on eating right, hitting the treadmill, and doing as much lifting as is enjoyable and doesnt interfere with your weightloss. just lift to build the habit of lifting so that when youre ready to make real lifting progress, going to the gym is ingrained in you and feels positive. if you wanna do some strength training, go in and have fun. dont make it your focus though.
k. i hope you stop starving yourself at some point and good luck breaking your plateau.
I’ve gotten it together and dispersed it like five times. It never ends.
psyllium always seemed to make my bowels slow hella down, maybe I need to be consistent with it for longer
me too. i was 260lb at 28. this is me now >>74768495

it takes a looong time and is difficult, but i broke out of a shitty social and professional life. i promise its worth it and youre worth it. if you have any questions about anything, feel free to ask.
I'm certain that I will break the plateau. The formula is simple, calories in vs calories out.
I'm not drinking snake juice because of any pictures. I don't even know what the guy fucking looks like.
I was planning to fast and looking for an electrolyte containing drink that didn't have fucking artificial sweeteners, and was affordable, and someone shared it.
I was able to buy bulk of the shit for dirt cheap.

That's all there really is to it. All of your whining about pictures is retarded. I've never seen one of them anyway.

I just wanted electrolytes.
>these are the people giving you advice
i also used to yoyo over and over. like 80-100lbs. probably 5 times as well. this is the time ive kept the weight off for the longest. 4 years. I know EXACTLY whats its like which is why i know you can turn it around.
how many years difference? how old are you now?
my b if you already answered in the old bread
>I'm certain that I will break the plateau
then get it faggot. prove me wrong. good luck, i actually mean it.

thats me after bulking for 5 months lmao. few people who get into shape post pictures of themselves at peak bulk. here i am pre-bulk. i have 7 weeks until my next japan trip and i WILL get as lean again off of walking and a moderate deficit.
Its been about 4 years. Things massively improved 2 years in and im just riding the momentum now. the last year has been one of the best of my life.
>then get it faggot. prove me wrong. good luck, i actually mean it.
Thanks, but I don't need luck. I have the determination needed to do so.
I wouldn't have even made it this far into the second week of this fasting cycle if I didn't.
It is crucial to me that I regain my human form.
>5 times
i believe in you. whether its through fasting or other means, youll make it. i feel your conviction.
it really does feel that way, but this time i didnt get obese again. ive only gotten healthier since. hell this is the second year in a row my vision got better. likely due to blood sugar improving.
I do more than just fasting. I get plenty of stair climbing and walking during the week while I'm fasted, and I am lifting (modestly) on the weekend while I refeed.
Being fat is just an admission that you aren't smart enough to find a diet that works for you.
Thats awesome. If you ever decide to up your calories, why not consider a physical social hobby with your newfound energy? Maybe like an axe throwing league or some kind of beer league where everyone hangs out after? I found that when I had positive reasons to get fitter (sports performance and being a good example to the friends I met at these leagues and my family) I got better results than when I dieted and exercised out of self hatred and a desire for women. I personally have done longsword HEMA and axe throwing in the past year.
time for the last meal of the day bros
hope this lasts me until friday night
No social things until I'm at least closer to normal.
I have entered into a meditative state. Other people and the difficulties of social scenarios (which I have never been good at anyway) would only interfere with my progress.
Please trust me.
Books and shitposting are all I need right now, aside from everything else I've mentioned.
The fat caterpillar must enter its cocoon and patiently await to emerge, better.
>No social things until I'm at least closer to normal.
Thats what I did, but I wish I started sooner. Youre gonna be normal before you realize it.

>Other people and the difficulties of social scenarios (which I have never been good at anyway)
everyone who goes to shit like axe throwing and fencing are spergs. i walked in and just started anime, videogames, and monty python and was right at home. please consider it at some point.

>The fat caterpillar must enter its cocoon and patiently await to emerge, better.
I literally said the same thing to my friends.

>Please trust me.
I trust you. You'll make it. Once you've dropped from obese to an overweight BMI, I highly recommend doing starting strength or stronglifts 5x5 and moving to a moderate deficit while continuing the light cardio.
>I trust you. You'll make it. Once you've dropped from obese to an overweight BMI, I highly recommend doing starting strength or stronglifts 5x5 and moving to a moderate deficit while continuing the light cardio.
I've been lifting for a while. I just got sick of still being fat.
At some point I will evaluate my state. The biggest thing I'll look forward to is being able to bicycle again, which will allow me to get much cardio. That's the point where I may choose to end the fasting and see how I do.

>everyone who goes to shit like axe throwing and fencing are spergs. i walked in and just started anime, videogames, and monty python and was right at home. please consider it at some point.
Anon, I'm not sure how I need to explain this to you, but fasting is a meditative process to me. I just can't do that shit. I wouldn't enjoy it, even if I would otherwise, and I'd be in a bad state for it anyway. I do intend to do HEMA shit once I have reached a more normal state though, if it makes you feel better.

>Thats what I did, but I wish I started sooner.
Thankfully, fasting at this extreme degree will make it go quickly. It won't even be a year or two before I am ready.
Good luck man
Who's this asshole?
Dubs and boogie dies in his sleep
>Milk (897)
>Cheese (185)
>Oats (210)
>Sugar (19)
>Hit chocolate powder (94)
>Butter (43)
>Black bread (96)
>Ham (13)
>Pistachio nuts (34)
Total: 1591 kcal

Can't afford to eat meat every day. I should've cut about 100 calories worth of milk. I already got over 80g of protein before that.
>ham (13)
the fuck? are measuring out 3 grams of ham and eating it?
He keeps a slice of ham in his fridge and just licks it once a day. That's how.
Between Resistance Bands (Zacro, 6 levels) and a pair of multi-disc dumbbells of adjustable weights (25 pounds max) which one should I get? So far I'm just doing push-ups and planks along with my cardio.
ground chicken for lettuce wraps is actually dope as hell, just add a little less hoison sauce but honestly even that doesn't have a ton of carbs.

I also have been cutting my 85/15 ground beef with ground chicken and it's pretty excellent.
Good idea I'll get some next time
Just started getting ground turkey for burgers too, get that bird protein up
adjustable dumbells by far. 25lb may not seem like a lot but it can be plenty for someone in bad shape with proper exercise choice
I ate one slice and they are sliced really thin. 1 slice is about 10 grams.
When money has been tight I've thought of doing that.
I hate that my dad keeps bringing trash into the house he knows I'm still trying to lose weight but he's under the impression that I'm heckin' anorexic because I want to continue getting slimmer even after hitting my initial target weight that I set when I was nearly 300 pounds. I'm still very much skinnyfat but apparently not wanting moobs or a noticeable gut is grounds for self-harm and warrants bringing shit like pizza or fried chicken into the house so I'm forced to stay away from an entire area of the house to maintain willpower
If you control the weights during the entire lift then even smaller weights become much harder.
Taking an off week while my ankle heals
Down 25 lbs, 25 more to go.
I remember when an injury took a week to heal
now at the ripe age of 32 it takes a month
>If you control the weights during the entire lift then even smaller weights become much harder.
You really only need to control it on the way down, then do the way up as hard as possible. No need to slow the way up. It's a very effective technique, especially for isolation exercises.
I'm plateauing, gonna eat at half of this and see where it goes
What'd ya hurt?
down 40 lbs with 20 to go bros, feeling solid. made a side by side collage and feel even better about it, crazy how different I look/feel
I got a charlie horse after waking up and stretching in the morning
I'm 25 lbs with 80lbs to go, glad you're reaching the finish fatbro
I e been eating roast chicken and salmon pretty much exclusively. Not sure if i should add red meat at least once per week. Am i missing out if i dont
Hope you make it bro, I never got my last 10lbs, instead started going the wrong way after not being strong enough to outlast the plateau. Succeedwhere I failed anon.
>huge company event with free food stalls
>ate like a fucking pig
>drunk a couple of beers and cocktails too
That's it I'm fasting for 48h
Former fat here. I lost something like 50lbs a few years back. I was basically in /fat/ all day, just hard focused. I managed to keep the weight off for a long while, and also lost a bit more to ''shredded'' level last summer.
But this winter I've been having a hard time, past 3 months I've been steadily gaining. Mostly I went through like 4-5 bouts of the flu within the last year which is new and weird for me. I used to be a former ''never sick'' type where I would need to eat poisoned food to be sick. Lost my car in the floods and couldn't go gym for a while. Had a variety of other financial issues which sort of came back to back. Thankfully I had a bit of savings but it put some stress on me. But I guess overall I've been trying to keep it together, health and fitness wise. I gained back like 20lbs - 10kg which I know isn't much compared to what some have to lose. But I can vouch for the fact it feels much harder now to conceive of losing it.
I was lucky to be able to just stop tracking food, just eyeball it and be fine but now I realize I'm gonna have to start tracking again.
And also buy back some home cardio equipment which I got rid of in my last move.
And just put my head down and work it off.
Should take me the entirety of Spring to get back to where I want to be.
Anyways just here to start my new and old accountability journey and commit again to weight loss. I want to make some long term changes too which I didn't make before. Like doing daily cardio. I kinda skipped on that after reaching goal weight. I'm gonna have to go the distance with it. Do it for life.
Did you lose much muscle? Im finding it hard to care about getting really shredded again, so im thinking of eating normally and doing more sports or martial arts. Maybe instead of walking do some kind of active hobby so that you enjoy the cardio and have a stake in getting in better shape. 20 pounds isnt much and after you lose half itll barely feel bad at all.
I don't think I lost much muscle because I was able to sporadically make it to the gym. My biggest problem which other fats/former fats will empathize with here, is that 5-10kg quickly shows dramatically on my body especially on the belly pouch region since I do have some loose skin there. It makes me look very flabby when the belly area sort of just fills out a bit but not much and you can sort of see the rolls and its very jiggly. More than if it was fully filled.
It's been impacting how I view myself and lowkey bringing back some past wounds about my upbringing etc since I got fat as a child and the original weight I sort of owe to my dumb parents. It's like I know I'll always have that loose skin and to deal with the fact I can not slip up ever or it will show quickly.

I don't even mind doing cardio like cycling or running I have no aversion to it, it's even looking appealing to me now and I know I can get back up there. During my initial cut I worked my way to 1hr of cycling daily watching videos so it's doable for sure.

I know it's not much desu 10kg I kinda noticed quickly even though it's been back of mind for a while as I worked thru all the bullshit that's been happening ''life'' wise.
Thanks for the advice and also the kind words. Don't worry tho I am just in the thick of it right now but I'm glad I am getting this push right now than later. My next summer goal is doable and realistic I just gotta keep myself accountable and be here again with this weight loss thing front of mind and focused. I'm just gonna make it like 90% of the content I consume here or elsewhere to keep me focused like I did before.

Maybe some iron? b vitamins? I dunno, but red meat has always seemed more filling for me
>Don't worry tho I am just in the thick of it right now but I'm glad I am getting this push right now than later.
Yeah its pretty stressful, but sometimes life gets in the way. You're intervening in a healthy way as soon as you were able to. No reason to worry. You know exactly what to do. Also I doubt its as bad as you feel like it is. It's kind of trite advice, but try to enjoy the process. Try new "healthy" or low calorie foods as often as possible to keep up the novelty. Try to find cardio you enjoy.
Man I hope my constipation isn't the reason behind my plateau.
I do enjoy weighing myself immediately after a large bowel movement.
And it sounds like you're 3 dulcolax away from experience this bliss yourself, anon.
Just made some fried chicken breasts.
Made a patty of the leftover eggs panko and flour and fried that as well
haha could have just marinated chicken breast with a nice vinaigrette and grilled it haha
Is the "whoosh" effect real? Been alternating between fasts and OMAD for the past month and my belly is just getting increasingly soft and water balloon-like but it never actually fucks off.
I just saw it happen to me the other day. Stuck at 210 for like 3 weeks, then weighed myself monday and was at 207.
is there a visible difference after It happens?
happened to me a lot in the past
I have learned that I can only keep the food I'm going to eat that day at home, else my autistic brain hyper focuses on knowing there's pack of whatever or another protein pudding sitting in the fridge. Less room for error that way.

Also all my crushes either moved away or found boyfriends so I'm now free of simpery once more.
do you just need to wait for the fat to go away? I'm building my abs and eating less in the meantime I'm just sick of having this dad paunch.
Yeah, weight loss is slow but if you're doing the right thing it'll go away in a matter of weeks.
>Eat bread for the first time in weeks yesterday
>can't shit at all today
It's over......
I decided to follow my trainer's advice for a few months. Meaning I will be eating 2200 kcal / day from now on, which seems to be maintenance for my activity level, and then I'll report back in two months and see if I gained any muscle. I will probably do 2000-2100 / day on weekdays so I can have more on weekends, that's how I did it during the "heavy" dieting, too.

Looks like cheese is finally back on the occasional menu. It was really hard to incorporate into the 1500 / day I've been doing for the past 6 months...
constipation bros, I haven't pooped in 3 days (weight still went down)
>Been at exactly 330.4lbs for almost 2 weeks now
just eat less
No, that's how it works. Fiber is not even in the category of useless, it's actually detrimental to your shits. All these retards on psyllium husk are doing is flooding their fucking intestines with even more useless phusk shit to try and physically force out all the useless fucking fiber that got left behind from the last time they did it.
>ever since I started taking useless fucking meme that dries out and sticks to the walls of my intestines, I can only shit properly if I take more and more of it, it works!
Why a tire marks tattoo? Is symbolic for being droven through?
How am I suppose to function in the morning without coffee?
You stop drinknig the coffee jew
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>living alone in a foreign country
>birthday comes along
>google ways to "treat yourself" that isn't food
>they all suck, fuck it, how much damage can i do in one day
>binge chicken sandwiches and stay in the couch all day for old times sake
>gain 1.2kg
I know it's just a bump in the road and water weight and I shouldn't give up all my progress, yadda yadda, etc. but it's demoralizing knowing how much I enjoyed this shit. I don't feel as much disgust as I thought I would, I have lost some weight but haven't fundamentally changed, feel like I'm ngmi.
Make sure you weigh yourself at least every week.
No fiber gives you liquid shits though. It doesn't feel pleasant. I had that when I did keto like 8 years ago (and successfully lost weight).
If it's so important to you then why don't you just drink coffee? Coffee itself has next to no calories. It's the sugar and cream that you put in it that do. Replace cream with milk and some of the sugar with sugar substitutes and the coffee will have very few calories.
I interpreted them as like jaguar/leopard spots, she reminds me of juhani
>First Monjaro dose taken
Let's see if I die or not.
Yeah I'll still be doing daily weigh ins and participate in fatty contest for accountability
If the liquid shits you had on keto were black oily and smelled like death that was dead carb eating bacteria, it passes over
On week 3 I had awful gastroparesis
If you have it don't take heartburn meds, it may seem like that's what's happening (too much acid it's going up) but it's the opposite (not enough acid to digest, food volume rising the acid level). Drink something acidic, moinjaro restarted my energy drink usage
appetite suppressants are retarded
if you're gonna take a weight loss drug take dnp since it actually accomplishes something that can't just be easily done by keeping your pie hole closed. its not that hard
>it actually accomplishes something that can't just be easily done
And? Who gives a fuck how "special" the effect of a medicine is.
If it was easy /fat/ wouldn't exist
I've had a couple of those shits, uhmm does this bacteria come back later? there's no such thing as carb intolerance right? I'm not planning to be tethered to this meme diet forever
eat yogurt and other probiotic foods
We are gonna poop it
They weren't. I was doing keto for like 6 months. The liquid shits remained until I added some fiber once in a while. It wasn't the diarrhea you think of with that. The consistency was just kind of liquid.
I think if I had had a bidet it wouldn't have bothered me.
it's summer in the northern hemisphere
Dnp is interesting but the risks don't seem worth it.
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Fuck me bros, I've made lot of great progress this month (22lbs in July total) but I've been having some major fucking cravings for Fruity Pebbles. Like INSANE cravings. I'm this close to running to the deli to grab some and chow down.
Should I have just ONE cheat day or is it too risky? How do you guys deal with intense food cravings for a specific snack?
Is there any alternative that would fit within your budget and satiate the urge?
If no, and if you're 100% sure it's gonna help you keep it on the long run without breaking, a single cheat meal (not entire cheat day) could be in the cards, but only if you KNOW it wont cause you to break and pig out.
personally I think that self-deprivation is a good way to build discipline but at the same time it's also healthy to learn to indulge in something you like once a week/month depending on how unhealthy it is, it's how normal people live and it can be a powerful motivator to stay in line the rest of the time, and as long as it's planned it doesn't lead me to start binging for days or weeks since it's not a loss of control but part of a controlled cycle
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As someone who took it many years ago, and had some success with it, I'll say that DNP is NOT for obese people. It puts strain on your already stressed out body which is working in overdrive while fat. People also assume that you can take it and eat whatever you want which is false, in fact you'll probably end up gaining weight over time since once you drop DNP you'd have worse eating habits.

However, if you do take it as a fat boy I would recommend to
>please drink water at all times even if you're not thirsty
>please don't over exert yourself,
>please control your eating habits or you're just poisoning your body for nothing.

There are a lot of risks but overall most of it is extremely rare or because of stupid people >Durrr If I take 5 pills at once, then I'll like increase my metabolism by 50%! I'm so smart hurr- hey wait why are my organs being boiled alive?

It's hell too with the sweating buckets and feeling hot all the time, but if you're smart and can tough it out, it's the most invaluable "cheat" to losing weight. You lose up to 1-2lbs daily on it. Again it's different for each person, but it might just be safer to do the ol fashioned way of just working out and eating less
there's not really any other cereal i care about but you know what, you guys are right.
I think I will get the fruity pebbles and only have 1 (MAYBE 2 but not likely) bowls and then put that shit up for later in the week. I used to just binge the whole cereal box in half an hour but I feel a lot more confident now after controlling a lot of portions in my food lately.

I think I deserve a cheat meal, wish me luck
get a mini box, do not buy a full sized box and leave it around the house for you to fail later
ooh i forgot these existed, they'll do just fine, thanks
I wanted to take it but I suspect I have weird heat regulation issues: ever since I was a teenager, whenever I exercise or stay in hot weather too long I go completely red in the face, feel like I have a fever and 9 times outta 10 get migraines. Seems like a bad idea given that.
All the bacteria in your gut made it's way there the usual means, by eating them, and you're gonna eat them again once you get off
you could always try one pill and see if there's any side effects. It doesn't become lethal or life threatening until you pass a certain dosage (usually >800mg). 200mg is fine for most people anyway
hunger feels good wtf
Finally anon, you have reached enlightenment.
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Please be in Saskatoon
I ate the sammich
>scale no go down
>scale go up slightly
>scale plateau for past 3 days
Alright there's something wrong with this "900 calorie burrito bowl" the clinic suggested as a n alternate my TDEE is 2500. Back to the 6oz of meat and 2 cups of veggies.
2 small kiwis, 2 red apples, half a watermelon, 2 big macs, how many kcal is that? 1600?
>2 big macs
we out here eating 2 big macs on the trail. what of it?
You were the guy eating at 500 calories, right? Might have slowed your metabolism being on low calorie.
didnt we tell you to fuck off from the thread
why are you back
Actually, come to think of it, you were probably on keto at that level. The moment you have carbs bunch of weight's gonna come back.
>eat no carbs
>start eating carbs
>glycogen stores restore slightly, so you can put on waterweight
>possibly mixed up with a random plateau
Could be it. Me want scale go down, so back to the lean cold cuts
is there a way to decrease the feelings of hunger besides drinking water (i already do that)?
i'm on meds that increase my hunger by a lot and it makes it more difficult to lose weight
Fatty Contest
Go to /fast/, make or order some Snake Juice.
Or get on GLPs kek
uhh i dont care
Natto is the perfect diet food
I'd rather kms than continue eating it
Psyllium husk with big glass of water. Sip soup broth or tea.
Post 3 calories strawberry cupcakes to celebrate.
If the meds are insulin because you've got type 2, you should (strongly) consider moving to a low carb diet. Track your sugar levels carefully as you do so, because you will need to lower your insulin doses soon after you start. Honestly, this will be much easier to do if you have a continuous sugar meter stuck to your body like a freestyle libre 3, so it can yell at you whenever your sugar hits 60. Keep fast sugar around until you sort this out.
If instead you're taking crazy pills, then the low carb diet will still help to curb your hunger, even if it won't get you off those pills.
You should also increase your protein intake, it'll be helpful to manage your hunger too.
The other advice is reasonable:
- Ozempic could be useful for you (and recommended if you're overweight and diabetic), but can be a but pricey.
- Psyllium Husk is only slightly gross, and good for a number of things, including managing your cholesterol levels. It's strongly recommended if you're on a low-carb diet where you'll typically lack soluble fiber.
- Tea and Coffee are great at curbing your appetite, but try to stick to less than 4 cups a day (2 cups is my sweet spot.)
- Don't take allergy pills out of habit. Only if you need them.
I don't think drinking water decreases feeling of hunger
are you the machinist

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