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>Advice for new runners
- Build up speed and mileage SLOOOOWLY (start with 15 minutes, increase mileage 10% per week)
- It will feel like you're going slow, you are; don't worry about setting good times for a couple months
- If you start to feel pain anywhere, stop and rest
- Don't try to copy what pros are doing. Do what feels natural
- Once you can comfortably roon 6 miles/10km, start thinking about a goal in terms of race distance and time, and look for a training plan for that goal (see below for suggested plans)

>Couch to 5k/Bridge to 10k Guides

>I want to run a fast 5k, 10k, half-marathon, or marathon

>I want to stretch

>Performance calculators

think i might fuck around and become a /runeveryday/ lad
im still building endurance, but cannot wait for having the fitness for this. how many miles you thinking per day?
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runs for Chinese ghoul mode?
As of today I have hit 40+ mpw for the past month. Feels like a breakthrough.
>40+ mpw
lol, when I was running at my most that's what I'd hit for the month
absolute minimum run 5k. only limiting factor is how time consuming running is.

prob two 10ks during the week and then a long run (20k+ on the weekend)
I'm assuming that anon runs in the morning because he has problems with digestion, not the other way around.
I'm just thinking on a level higher than yourself, sad that you can only see below.

And even if not, just do morning run AFTER LIGHT MEAL.
Genius idea, right? Probably would never figure it out yourself. You're welcome.

>wouldn't a slope make heel striking.. worse?
It does. That's the whole shoe industry right now.
only certain physiognomies wear 0 drop shoes. everyone who wears normal shoes knows what i'm talking about.

same type of person that wore vibrams.

they also have a particular sent. like dirt and slightly soured milk.
bro just made an ass of himself
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oops i typo'd literally one letter i guess people who wear vibrams don't stink anymore
this post reeks of dirt and sour milk
ewwwwww stinky
I'm sorry for upsetting you. Please don't take it personally, just a fun little quip is all.
My armpits smelled like poop water the other day after the run.

t. wears NB trainers
Why do women run in their underwear? Are they all just exhibitionist freaks who only run to make their clitties happy?
Any advice on running on pavement? I do a bunch of workouts (swimming, martial arts) that are all around, a 4km radius away from home. My bike hasn't done much for me in terms of endurance, so I tried switching to running. But before I can feel breathless, my calves start to fucking kill me, somewhere around the 2km mark. Don't think I'm running that fucking fast, and my shoes ain't so shit, so could it be technique?
it makes them go faster
Yeah, I don't buy for a second that they go measurably faster than someone wearing shorts and a t-shirt. You got any proofs?
fast people were the bikini cut, slow pokes don't
if they went just as fast with t-shirt and short, why don't they wear it for the Olympics :^)
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Any other baguettes resting up and getting ready for a long roon this weekend?
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>why don't they wear it for the Olympics
I hate women so much.
>My bike hasn't done much for me in terms of endurance
Are you doing power metre training like you're supposed to? You can train much more scientifically and effectively with a bike + power metre than any runner could ever hope to achieve.
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rooned earlier
Another consistent pace... My last five 5Ks have been within a 12 second range, weird. Maybe I'll try pushing on Saturday, need to try and get closer to 25 min. Groin mostly felt alright today.
Saw two herons, not much else. After the run, I was walking over a bridge above the river and saw a hummingbird catching flies. That was neat.
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>power metre training
don't even know what it is, I just used her to get to my training places, and hoped to get a few gains in endurance as a side bonus
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I love running!
My times have been so much better! To everyone struggling, WAGMI!!
I recommend at least one rest day a month. Remember, muscles only grow during rest.
Women's running clothes are either way too revealing, way too conservative, way too ugly, or expensive.
Also 90% of women base their worth on physical appearance. They care about it more than men do.
Also when you got a body like that, show it off.
The same thing happened in volleyball and I think golf? A few years back.
Uniforms need to be uniform with only mild deviations to guarantee fairness and stop cheating.
I would also like to thank whoever designs these uniforms
rooners.. how do u avoid hurting ur knees and feet? is random slight pains in knees normal or do i gotta rest more?
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Ran a marathon about a month ago. This seemed like the first time since I could give it a good speed effort without my legs feeling like shit.
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>wake up early to run
>see this
>beach handball shorts
they get an unfair advantage of not having sand in their taint and me not caring to watch
what am i looking at
inclement weather
You must run every day, the worse the weather the better mental state gains
Run with a midfoot strike
Nice pack. Gotta love that headlamp
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Runbros you must run every day. Do not fall for the muh knees and hips psyop. It’s shilled by the weak who only wish to have even a fraction of the discipline it takes to run daily. Start with a mile a day, then a 5k a day, then settle into 10k a day for maximum discipline gains.
I really need to start lifting.
I took two puffs of albuterol today to see if it would help and my run felt a LOT better, but my heart rate was significantly higher(even though intensity felt low)
Maybe I'll try only 1 next time...
38 yo boomer here.
any tips on plantar fasciitis?
Yes, but don't ignore pains that don't feel right. If you have a pain that feels sus, don't run.
you could always do 2 shorter runs in one day if you dont wanna commit one big chunk of time to running! that helps me if i just have a mileage goal & not training for anything paticular.

anyway, any advice for getting cadence up or is that bullshit? mine's currently about 120-125 spm. i'm mostly legs, so maybe that's why it's so low, but dunno if it should be faster/how to make it better?
>anyway, any advice for getting cadence up or is that bullshit? mine's currently about 120-125 spm. i'm mostly legs, so maybe that's why it's so low, but dunno if it should be faster/how to make it better?
sadly you must listen to a goddamn metronome while you run
i lowered my mileage and spent more hours biking which helped
haha, vibram owners strike me as the same type that fell for the "sunning your asshole" trend. when i want less strain on my knees and hips, i wear a low drop shoe. when my feet hurt and knees are fine, high drop. works for me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
haha woopsie we have to pay all of our customers $50 because we fuckin lied about everything. time to pivot to zero drop shoes - these shoes will definitely be the answer guys! strengthen your feet and calves! it's different this time

I'm in the middle of training for my second marathon with a HH plan. This weekend the plan specifies to run a half marathon. Should I run it at my goal pace or try to push further and update my goal pace based on the time I get?
>shoe industry bootlickers itt
vibrams do look retarded though
take shorter steps
>why don't they wear loose fabric for the Olympics
because that DOES genuinely create drag. however, men's runners wear tight fitting garments that are longer. it's just stupid dress code that have women doing teeny tiny shorty shorts. they don't actually need to wear such small shorts to be faster.
can you explain more about your chart? so freaking satisfying... if i could code, i'd so copy this. great work!
>to be faster.
it's for viewership
>tight shorts are not essential for special olympics - shane gillis
fast walk for 5 min, dynamic stretch, then roon. i typically end my runs a mile away from home so i have a mile walk to cool out and do a little more stretching. i just got compression socks and started wearing those for about 1-2 hours after a run and holy MOLY does it help me.
>metronome while you run
WHAT... dude. before i do that please tell me that cadence is not bullshit. like, why do people say ~180 is where it's at? why is my normal 120ish "bad"? i would think that having less strides per minute would be better
>"Vibram has to foot a hefty bill."
Sure. It's in MS Excel, I haven't coded an app version
It's basically 3 sections:

A -> Q is for the overall run I did. D is the distance, I is the duration, with a total for the week so far (E), total for last 7 days (F), and weekly average mileage over 14 days (G) and 21 days (H). L -> Q are 7, 14, and 21 day running averages of pace/mph.

S -> AD is the time it took me to complete the 1st 5K of the run (I have my watch set to beep so I can record a lap). V -> AD are the 7, 14, and 21 day running averages for the 5K time, pace/mph.

BF is how much I weighed after the run, with BG -> BI being the running averages.
>why do people say ~180
180 comes from Jack Daniels. https://thebodymechanic.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/Jack-Daniels-Cadence.pdf
>why is 120 bad?
Cadence x stride length = speed. To go faster you must increase both. Example: if you are running 4 min/km at 120 cadence your stride length must be 208cm which is extremely inefficient borderline physically impossible. At 180 cadence your stride would be 139cm which is realistic.
I like that you added a second line for 2024, but why did you stop updating the graph after you added it?
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Oops, thanks for catching that. I had the bounds of the second series on the chart wrong, I think a copypaste error I didn't notice
It feels so fucking good to run fast. I started over a year ago from barely being able to run 3km. Few days ago I managed to do 3x10min at 4:10/km
Actually feels like running at that pace. Aggressively swinging arms, tilting forward actually makes sense and feels right. 5min pace feels slow now and more like jogging. Damn bros, I actually feel addicted to running
I literally had a pain after a regular roon (5k) where I didn't notice anything wrong the day after. Felt like sore right foot first. Then 2 days later, it was so intense I thought it might be a sprained ankle or some shit, I literally couldn't put weight on that leg.

Was too lazy to go to the doctor tho, and a week later it was fine again. Did another 5k roon albeit slower, foot hurt afterwards a bit but nothing out of the ordinary and the day after it didn't hurt anymore
So I consider my injury healed kek
bros whats the slang for thots who are into running? like the running equivalent for varbie?
cardio bunnies?
Cardio bunnies
A.k.a. keep dreaming buddy
bingo, theres so many i forget.
art hoes, books thots, varbie etc etc
I started running about 6 months ago, but started doing small runs every day and fucked my knees up, could barely walk for a couple weeks. I know I need to take rest days and start off slow. Should I stick to road running or go on the treadmill (which I guess is easier on the knees) I also plan to do weight training to strengthen my legs.
wtf is a varbie?
hello newfag, varbie is a portmanteau of anvar and barbie
I've been on 4chan since 2008
wtf is that?
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Sup /run/chads and chadettes. Nice fresh 15k this morning (got up early to watch the Matildas get raped by Germany). Started out chill then sped up out of sheer boredom. 5k splits 24:06, 22:21, 21:30.. LFG
it's a steroid
Why would a women be on a steroid? I'm assuming its an anabolic one?
Really good pace. My daily run is 15km but I take usually like 1:30 on it. Maybe instead of increasing the distance I will try to do my current run length but faster..
What goes on in your mind when you're running for so long every day?
Haven't been able to run due to ankle for a couple days and I'm getting depressed
Thx. I've been trying to increase distance but I get bored running for over an hour so it's tough.
Would bombarding an alien planet with funkopops be considered a war crime and if so would it be a psychological war crime or just a regular war crime?
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Thanks for the (You)s!
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>finally supposed to cool down from 100+ degree days
>Wildfire starts
>AQI of 195 today
So much for that
Any recommendations for made in USA or Europe running shoes? Thanks lads.
The other anon is not me but :
Preparing for future conversations, revisiting enjoyable memories, horny thoughts, plan what I am going to do during the day and also hypothetical gamedev / enterpreneur ideas, a lot of ''what ifs'' and things I am looking forward to / hoping to happen.

It gets a little boring sometimes so I always enjoy when I enter a certain state of l... I dunno what you'd call it, when you're so in the zone or deep in your thoughts you become almost fully immersed in the world inside your head. Or you are intensely living through something funny in your head and it's almost like it is actually happening. I probably should start listening to music because it helps me to get in the zone pretty reliably. A good caffeine buzz from a cold pepsi and some music would be the treat.

Yea same. I enjoyed a few times doing 20km but it was kinda boring especially doing the same lap 4 times.
How do you stay safe with traffic while zoning out?
I'd run anyway, can always bail if you get too hot and get scared.
I hate how consoomer people make running. I literally just go run with nothing on me but a debit card and do 40km
Same, I've seen so many dudes running with camel packs and water bottles for short runs, its weird but I always assume there's a good reason they are doing it.
There isn't. Instagram running, hydration bladder, Oakley's, active wear, gels, all for a 5km. I literally run a 100km a week and have never bought anything other than active wear shorts and shoes. Doesn't need to be expensive
I like to think its because of comfort culture, people invest lightly into a hobby but buy things for it like they are running the MOAB Marathon or something. I've never had to take a water bottle on any of my runs, I usually just tank up the night or morning before.
yeah your cadence is disastrously low.

you don't need to hyper focus on specifically getting to 180. that kind of optimization is for athletes and you're just a hobby jogger (like all of us). but yeah get your cadence up for sure. Try for like 160-170 range and see how you feel.
Hi Corr :)
I don't really run in traffic and road crossings are in the very start of the run and I pay attention to that. Usually I start to zone out towards the end of the run where I'm in a place dedicated for exercising and no motor traffic is supposed to be at.

When it's hot I really enjoy the running. But not so much when it's like 23c but intensely humid? Give me a sunny dry 28c any day.
i cannot understand how you run practically at my brisk walk cadence
Fat anon from the last thread
I tried running again but my calf muscles were too sore
I've been waiting all week until my muscles were fine but no, they still hurt
Weirdly the muscle soreness started in my groin and thighs but has now gone down to my calves
I don't mean to scare you, but a friend of mine had the same symptoms you are describing and it turned out to be boe marrow cancer. He was dead within 6 months. I'd go to the doctor and try and get a bone scan.
What running events at the olympics are you looking forward to? Any interesting match ups likely to happen? Im out of the loop on which athletes or major rivalries are currently worth interesting to follow. Looking at what Kipyegon is doing though, it seems like especially middle distance records will tumble.
first 10k sub 5:00 pace lads. It felt great.
I deliberately don't think when I'm running, especially long distances. I try to make it a meditative exercise.
Today I went out for my daily run and I started going and going way past my usual circuit. I ran into a red light at some point and turned back, but if I hadn't I'd probably still be running. Not dealing well with all this depression stuff, I'll probably run for hours on the weekend until my legs give up
just hit water fountains along the way
based and thispilled. I run in old t-shirts and run in shoes until they literally fall apart. running is too physical for me to invest in expensive gear I know is gonna be fucked inside 6 months
uh bros does anyone else get a leaky butthole with blood sometimes? its fresh blood, but i dont have a hemmerhoid or havent been wiping blood all of the time.
1500m, 400H. Ingaynameson vs Kerr, Warholm vs uppity nigger Rai Benjamin. Most other distances meh, no good White maratrooners right now. African domination in 5k+ as usual.
For women I just want to see if Valby gets lapped in the 10k. I will root for the farmer mom bitch St Pierre, she seems ok. Some British hoe in the 800m, and then there is our autistic swamp German 400m girl Bol, who will go against McLaughlin.
Jakob has released a music video (yes, really):
What do we think trooners?
You're just out of shape bro. Endurance progression is measured in months and years, and requires a high level of consistency.
100m - seems open this time
400m - Can Hudson-Smith avoid injury and finally deliver on his potential after a decade of setbacks?
400mh - Warholm, Rai and Dos Santos are much closer in ability this time
800m - clash of the dopers (Sedjati Wanyonyi, Tual), one of them will probably break the WR
1500m - Jakob v Kerr
5000m - Jakob v East Africans
Marathon - Kipchoge v Bekele, even though they're both past it and probably won't win gold it should still be a fun head to head.

400mh - Sydney and Bol going for the WR
800m - Brit girls are insane. Keely is great but don't sleep on Phoebe Gill (17yo) who has already beaten Jemma Reekie in a championship race. I have her down for bronze, Moraa silver.
5000m - Kipyegon v Tsegay
I thought uI ran 5k but my app that draws routes says it was 4.8k
But it was still a good run
If I run eod can I reach 10k by the end of August?
how do you know its not a hemorrhoid

many bleeding hemorroids are internal so you cant feel it
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If I can't do a 3:30 marathon this fall, I will literally kill myself.
not bad

like as far as shit generic electropop goes its fine
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actually mental whats going on rn in that event

epo stench is so fuggin strong heh especially that algerian bastard

all north african rooners are red flags

all extremely doped to the gills

look at katir too

norf african by blood
oh that i didnt know. its probably a hemorrhoid then. what should i do? im not in pain, but i dont want it to get worse either and i definitely dont want a finger up my ass.
shit maybe its a polyp or something. i should probably get my rectum scoped out.
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i actually find phoebe gill more attractive than keely

would spaff in her

nuffink against keely but i have no interest in seeing her win.i dont careif she wins

but it would be kinda funny to see her lose a final again

*looks up if athing mu running *

especially with mu not competing. had no idea she wasnt in it. jesus f. wpuld be hilarious if keely loses again but it really is hers to lose so unlikely

america has a fugging dogshit system imo allowing diss kinda shidd that one of best 800m runners on planet not at olympics coz of a dumb fuggin trial where they trippes

beggars belief really

unfortunately levrone gna win 400m hurdle

bol close gap but apparently her last pb was at a risiculously fast borderline illegally high altitude venue so probably not representative of her abilities

i did wonder why she was doing this random fuggin meet in middle of buttfuck no where switzerland and clearly reason why is she wanted to get a good time as a kind of psychological boost and maybe send a signal. she knew the venue would get the good time. calculated.

hope hull dopes her way to gold and btfo africans

hope jakib win double. if not jakob in 1500m then wightman (really doubt but still that my second preference)

400mh men? just cant get over how fugged up dos santos' head looks
yes internal hemorroids usually painless but bleed according to google so checks out
i have some retard money to spend; does casio make a useful digital watch for running? i don't want a smart watch that i have to hook up to the internet and rely on a botnet for
what features in a "sports" watch are just snakeoil/too inaccurate to be valid
Mu is washed rn anyway
She couldn't even break 2 in a recent meet
Passhun's gone
stupid bitch

clearly doesnt like the roon

sydneys the same mentality imo. focus on toher shidd. doesnt care. but like not the decline of mu
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claim your olympicfu
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I was robbed!!! >>74777778
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>sexoposting beats wholesomeposting
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my mistake for thinking I could capture lightning twice
Am I retarded for running in Nike revolution 5s? I’ve been running for like a month and my knees hurt despite low mileage.
uhh who?

not all 7s though is it
night splint
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hot damn
Do people still run casually after the research about how it destroys your knees when you're older?
Running casually with correct form is actually good for your health. Professional running, bad form, or doing shit like running 6 miles a day is bad for your health.
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sorry she only fucks wyt bois
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I'm a white boy...
but unfortunately she only fucks paraplegic white boys, her husband runs in the paraplegic olympics
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Alright /roon/, let's see if you can help me out.

Running has always been a mountain for me, but I've recently decided to say fuck it and climb it. I have shit tendons, legs have muscles like bridge cables, and my feet are trash, I had to stop playing sports as a kid because it felt like someone was stabbing the bottom of my feet with knives.

However, I discovered Brook's running shoes and custom inserts, it still sucks but I can run several miles with them. Recently I decided to Try Hoka Goat 5 and it felt like I was running on a cloud, I was running miles on miles and it was amazing. However, upon completing the runs, my toes hurt, it was like I could feel the veins tearing on the top of my feet, and my legs felt like shit and not in the 'good workout' kind of way. I ran with them for about two weeks before the side effects made me stop and upon returning to Brooks my problems went away, but running sucks again.

Is there a shoe similar to the GOAT 5 that I could try?
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paralympians can be hot. pic related although you wouldn't know from her instagram because she always hides her fucked up hand and mutant feet
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I'm slightly autistic enough where I just wouldn't be able to handle that. I could see myself constantly staring at it and making it weird.
You might just need bigger shoes? There should be a decent amount of room in the toe box.
a lot of us oldfags never bothered getting into steroid shit
corr my cat has been sitting next to my laptop every day for the past week while I do an online course
only ran twice in the past week but they were alright roons
next 5k next wednesday, probably the last one i'll ever do
What shade of runners are hip and cool? Black or white? Not buying anything colored
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Most of this running gear is extremely unnecessary but if it's something that provides someone the comfort they need to go running then it's worth it. The hardest push in any method of exercising is starting and going there so anything that gets you to the starting line is good. Unless it's equipment that actively hurts you ofc.
Hi frens. Noob here who was thinking about getting a fitness tracker last thread

I bought one Huawei band for tracking runs and sports. Is it possible to sync the data it tracks to a open source app? Maybe chinaman is interested in all my data, but I'm not I want to send it.

Found some apps like opentracks, does it take the data from the band directly? I also saw that you can change the firmware to something like gadgetbrige. Has any of you tried it?
Thannks :)
I'm graduating from the treadmill to my first ever parkrun tomorrow.
It's only 5k and I've done 10k before, but it's hard to know how fast to go when I've never pushed myself at all - eg this morning's 4k run took 30 minutes. I guess I'll just match the pace of the slower runners and see how it goes.
I've started to increase my runs, with a goal of doing a 5k everyday, but I feel so fucking SORE, I don't know if I should take a rest day, or just continue through the pain/fatigue until my body eventually adapts
>120 spm
LMAO, are you jumping 2 metres?
It's possible(i don't know how), but not worth the effort.
It's not like you're affected by chinamen collecting your data in any meaningful way anyway.

>I've never pushed myself at all

I got a basic fitness watch last year as a gift and I've found it very useful because it measures not only distance pace and pulse but also the ''stress level'' the exercise puts on me so after the run for example I know if I was pushing myself enough to maintain current level or if I am actually progressing.

Also just a while ago I came home from a nice 15km run in sunny 27c weather. Ate some good food took a shower and gonna go swimming in a bit. The swimming is more like a relaxation than an exercise per se.
Don’t rest, light stretching and just run slower.
I've only been running for a couple of months, and I just haven't felt like working hard. Easy runs feel good to me, and I've still been making good progress. A lot of it's because I have a lifting background so I'm pretty heavy for a runner, and I have a bone coalition in my foot that I don't want to flare up.
But I heard that in general most people should stick to easy runs plus the occasional pace run, which is generally what I've been doing. I'm not sure of the reasoning behind it.
Built for BWC
Why so boring? I love orange and yellow running shoes.
lol running 6 miles a day is perfectly fine. That’s a 10K.
So I only have about 30-40 minutes to run every day. I'm thinking I'm just gonna run fast until I feel the burn in legs, then slow down until it subsides, then run fast again. From what I heard it's a good way to build up endurance.
I can only manage 15 minutes atm far a mile and a quarter at a slow jog (but this was on an early morning on no sleep) so should I lower the pace?
Good luck anon, don't forget to have fun :)
you could go slower or break up the run with walking sections run 2min, walk 1min etc
running fashion is wearing greyscale shorts/shirts/socks so the shoes can be colourful

it is. what you're describing is the essence of fartlek training
Yeah, I turned all that 'astrology for sport nerds' right away the first day I got mine.
>fartlek training
hello its me. i've run every day this week but today my knees feel a little tender.

my knees never hurt when i run though - just feel a tiny bit stiff/tender after.

I'm going to roon 16-18miles this weekend so sadly i think i will take today off.

I WILL run every day. just not today. not right now.
Is rooning while ill based or cringe?
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First time roonposting. I wanna have good chart numbers.
Training to run a half marathon in October, never done a race otherwise. Did 40 degree hill sprints as part of my work on Wednesday.
my knees hurt despite landing feet almost directly under hips and shin being the only thing that really moves, without much thigh movement or up and dow movement :(
im just too muscly to roon on pavement, at 120kg :(
Overstriding, loss of momentum, higher impact forces and stress, reduced running economy.

Like others said, optimizing to 180 is overkill but a quick cadence is helpful for efficient form.
stop thinking so much about how your foot strikes and think more about being light on your feet and bouncy.

>just too muscly to roon on pavement, at 120kg
unless you're juiced up the wazoo or over 6'5" you're probably just fat and should lose weight. if you're too big to go literally for a light jog you've fucked up somewhere.
I rooned today but for some reason I had to take a 2 minute break 3 times just to get a non-sub 1 hour 10k. Is it over?
was it hot and sunny with high humidity?
can you elaborate the bouncy part
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Yeah it was pretty sunny and the air was dry
minimize ground contact time. increase cadence. be light on your feet. quiet steps.
What's a good rate of improvement? 5'10 145 lb F. I've been running about 3 months and my 5k time is 28 minutes and mile time (1) is 7:10.

I normally train 7 days a week, 5 days of 3-6 mile easy runs with an occasional long run, then hill sprints and intervals the other days.

Is a sub 24 minute 5k and 6 minute flat or high 5 minute mile obtainable before end of year?
Went for a swim
My groin hurts now...
Fuck hope this doesn't affect my run tomorrow
sup /fit/
Picking up rooning again after some 4 years. Acquired a good pair of runners and started doing C25k. Feels horrendously slow but I'm kinda paranoid about injuries so it's all for the best I suppose. In the past I used to get runner's knee basically everytime I passed 10k don't want that to happen again. Any tips for this born again rooner?
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>That post-run poo
rooned today
good 3k with 05:30 pace

Did you screenshot a thumbnail from a phone?

gimme washboard abs, or else
While recovering - based.

Aren't you supposed to push back the ground slightly behind your hips with each stride?

Don't force it, just make sure that your posture isn't crooked, your chest is 'open' and your arms swing forward-backward like a pendulum, propelling you forward(while not being forceful, unless you need to).

120 is giga low, unless you measured it wrong
I probably have that when power walking
it's almost as if you jump from one leg to another
I think 5k is very much possible, unless you injure yourself.

- programs expect you to improve your 5k by 2 minutes every 4 weeks
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>go for run
>no longer horney
hell yeah
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>That mid run fart
I'm hungover, should I run?
What app is this
>low intensity: 1 minute, 2 steps
>medium intensity: 1 minute, 2 steps
Are you sanic?
Question as a newbie rooner.
I come from very shit form so my numbers are absolute shit. Anyways, here's my question:
I'm running 5km but somehow after 2km I struggle really a lot. So after 2km I will walk for about 10 meters and then I can continue running much easier.
Anyone else has a similar experience?
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>consooms prooducts with yiddish vulgarity on them
Yes, just hydrate well
nadralone and epo it is
I'm 260lbs (from 280) and have been running 10 miles a day as part of my weight loss.

I'm about 4 weeks in and my doctor told me I should be walking instead as I'll damage my knees. Though I've experienced no pain etc.

Is this true or is he just trying to keep my a repeat customer?
I'm going to get some coconut water in me, eat dinner, wait an hour then run.
10 miles a day is a lot but if you feel no pain then you're probably okay
i'd say take at least 3 rest days a week tho
Going too fast in the beginning, probably?

>is he just trying to keep my a repeat customer?
Wouldn't he want for you to fuck up, then?

He's not entirely wrong, and there are better exercises that put less strain on your body.
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>that mid-run poo
Killarney heights?
30M. Kind of in a similar place as you. Trying for a 24 min 5k before end of October. No special training, just breaking up my runs into faster intervals.

6 minute mile seems tough, though. That's pretty quick.
My first ever parkrun went well! Official results aren't out yet, but I counted 33:28.

I didn't finish quite as quickly as I wanted, but I dug pretty deep and I'm happy with my result.
I slightly regret trying to go on a "warm-up run" with a couple of the fastest runners, because it was faster than my race pace and tired me out a bit too much for the actual run.
Didn't know this was a thing, neat. Going to try it out once my foot heals
Thank you.

Good luck. We can do it I believe in us
well done m8

It's a lot of fun. I went to one of the smaller ones, but there were still a couple of hundred runners and walkers. It really helped to motivate me too, because I was secretly racing with a few people around me - an overweight middle-aged woman, a young girl, and her nanna. I managed to beat that little girl to the finish line, so that's what matters.
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Pacing my friend to a sub 23 at Parkrun this morning. Cold and wet but a good run was had by all.
>I managed to beat that little girl to the finish line
Holy fuck
I just did the 8 minute walk 12 minute run thing again and I didn't think about quitting even once
Also my calf muscle soreness went away about 5 minutes in, why is that?
very based
>calf muscle soreness went away about 5 minutes in, why is that?
it got warmed up
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First run in 3 months (ACKed my knee squatting lmao4pl8)
Is my heart dying?
Do you mean 10 miles a week? Lol this has to be a troll
I want a runner gf but I don't enjoy running.
A lot of fit girls date tall strong-fat type guys.
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No one runs on a Friday evening
Is 5'11" good enough?
I do. Gotta get that run in so I can go out and feel nice and lean.
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I've been getting brutal shin splints lately, I used to run 3 times a week no problem, but ever since I replaced two of those days with rugby practice I get horrific pain in my shins when I run anything past a mile. Using the same model shoes I ran my half marathon with and everything. Anyone ever experience this? Tips to make it fuck off?
Yeah you’re probably good.
Alright. Now, how do I find one?
I’d say a college gym or one of those more expensive upscale gyms that hot girls go to would be your best bet.
Goddamn it. I fucking hate those places, but I know there's one just down the street that would be insanely easy to visit.
Guess I'll go there and joke about how I need to get my cardio in. It'll probably be good for me anyway. In truth I've also been curious to see what was in there, to see if it was actually any good. Sometimes places like that do have something worthwhile, surprisingly.
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queer-lookin auld kittingtonshire diss
I was suppose to but lost track of time and said fuck it, I'll do it tomorrow.
No, you just need to build up your cardio fitness again.
I have a garmin forerunner 45, how do I get it to stop alerting of bullshit like discord messages and youtube alerts?
>>74784559 (Me)
Nvm, figured it out again. Its in device settings.

italy very talent country
>my sister's 5km PR is faster than mine
it's over
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Rooners what supplements help with rooning? I've been getting pain building up in my legs, mainly outer quads or the outside of my thighs. I'm only doing a couple 2 mile runs per week and a set of squats a week. I have an event coming up that involves a 2 mile run that I've been training for but as this fatigue accumulates every step feels like hell. Is there a way to flush the pain out of my legs? Is it lactic acid or something?

I'm doing GOMAD currently to help make calories for the rest of the training I have to do. Can that contribute to acid buildup? I tried baking soda since someone recommended that and it didn't fucking work. Still an immense amount of pain building up in my legs making it hell to run.
Why the last?
Today I roon'd while paying attention to form and keeping my steps extra springy. Was kinda slow but my bad knee feels fine.
Just started C25K. Also getting back into the gym. Older dad here (36) and wondering what a good weight program would bee while rooning.
My achilles hurt a bit, should i rest?
i haven't been able to run since february cuz of jock-itch and it's killing me now. tis almost august . i'll most likely continue the treatment for two more months. and the fungus is mostly gone but i'm still not willing to do any activity that causes me to sweat a lot.
i'll probably use the weight/fat gain for recomp and run less + body workout more.

but still, has anyone faced this before? did you recover from the long break and weight gain well?
weighted calisthenics or pilates?
Probably the same weight program as anybody other beginner. Greyskull (Phrak's variant), Starting Strength, Stronglifts 5x5, all solid choices.
Specifically for your running, the best thing you can do is squats.
Something low volume so one routine doesn't sabotage your other. The one set routine or 3x5. I actually do 2x5 right in between and find it sufficient. I'm not a rooner just lurking for info, but I do martial arts and football training so my weightlifting is just used as a base strength training. More energy has to be reserved to go towards the sport specific training, I assume the same could apply to anyone doing a serious amount of running who wants to lift as well.
wtf m8 what's the antifungal you've been using? shouldnt take that long to clear, terbinafine?
I barely run at all like once every couple of weeks, just slow zone 2 and far like half marathon distance. Just did a 5k in 24 minutes.

Get good.

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