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The only thread for discussion of australian health, diet and fitness

What's for brekkie lads?
Is it my gym or are wog girls always kinda chubby?
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Captain Cook was the first white man to fuck a kangaroo

They are thicc biggot
What area is your gym? The gym going ones are pretty thin from my experience
Is there enough of you to even make a thread?
milo cereal with chocolate whey milk
cereal + whey is such an underrated combo
Sounds tasty anon
>rolled oats
>protein powder
>greek yoghurt
>cottage cheese
all blended up into a smoothie.
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Haven't gone to gym this week due to my wrist feeling a little funky and my knee joint having issues
I don't feel good lads.
Took a manshake. My brother gave me a bag to try. Its ok, feeling pretty full.
How much protein is packed in here? Bought a box of weet-bix was going to have half dozen with whey powder and milk
with 150g of frozen blueberries, 1 banana, 40g of rolled oats, 40g scoop of protein powder, 500g of milk, 250g of greek yoghurt, and 250g of cottage cheese.
it comes out to about 100g of protein, 119g of carbs, and 1365 calories.
Leftover salmon and rice. Suns out, but still bit chilly for a cycle. Might go for a walk and get a coffee and see if I can find a GF
Injuries suck. My ankle is playing up again. Never been the same since I rolled it about 2 years ago. Probably should have went and got some scans. Its probably cooked.
Careful you don't drink them too fast, they can make you sick - good luck anon
Thanks man. I just sipped on it while shitposting.
Of course its underrated you’re the only cunt sick in the head enough to even attempt eating such garbage
Do five minutes of calisthenics when you stand up from your computer a couple times in the day it'll make you feel a million times better.

Push ups, tricep holds, situps and squats will at least get your blood flowing.
Cheers lad, WAGMI
This is how I got fit the first time, highly recommended (also chins and a few others)

Ey lads you like the /afg/ pic? I made a few more changes but uploaded the wrong one lol
You did good anon, thought it might have been fresh oc.
WAGMI boys

I do calisthenics for upkeep when cutting because cutting makes me weak like a bitch. Good little gap filler but the juice heads spruiking it as a replacement for a gym and claiming all natural are a scourge.

Pic is 10/10 i r8 m8
I visited the city recently and stayed in a few different hotels for a few days. Would anyone be interested in reading some of my observations in greentext format?
if they're interesting, sure
<3 cheers anon, gotta spice it up a little, I wanna do some Bruce OC's too
Sure thing anon
I posted this on the wrong board but I will try to keep it /fit/ related. This was in Melbourne CBD
>most people aren't "fit", only lean or chubby
>didn't see any obese people surprisingly
>majority of the workers (both white and blue collar) are white
>most tourists/students are asian and indian
>everyone is a depressed soulless npc drone
>homeless people sleep on every street
>drug addicts outside every convenience store being a nuisance
>police do nothing about this
>all the restaurants are shit, you have two choices: sushi (raw fish) and hot pot (boiled beef strips)
>nobody dresses well, older women wear big trench coats and younger women wear puffer jackets and baggy jeans. every guy wears a black puffer jacket
>the streets are dirty as fuck, spilled drinks every 5m
>kept seeing vomit on the ground outside convenience stores (junkies)
>every laneway smells like piss really bad
>feel dirty touching anything in the city at all (because theres a 100% chance a homeless junkie with AIDS has touched it)
>made me appreciate living in the suburbs a lot more
I spent a bit of time there a while back, it's dingy but not as bad as Sydney was (years ago, haven't spent much time there in like 15 years).

Where I live in pretty comfy
Sup kunts, nice dubs
Breakfast was KFC today kek

Ugh chubby wog girls are my weakness
Too bad I have a home gym so I never see anybody working out
Yeah that's all accurate desu. Most obese people I see are women, they have no impulse control. And the city is full of junkies and marxist uni faggots, worst areas are definitely the north, the "gayborhood": Brunswick, Collingwood, Fitzroy, Carlton etc
Everything east of Richmond is nice tho
>marxist uni faggots
a lot of them dont even go to uni at all, theyre dropouts who are living off centrelink disability payments, theyve gamed the system so all they have to do is lie about having depression, anxiety, chronic pain (lol) and everything else they can think of that will get them the payment. this shit needs to stop and i have half a mind to start collecting evidence on this and send it to my local MP
Based. I go to uni and I see these fukn lefty faggots everywhere. They make life a living hell whenever I'm forced to go to campus
It's all these progressive white chicks who dress like grandmas and obese POC. None of them are disabled, all of them are gay, fat and retarded
Uni is honestly such a mindfuck, it's genuinely the biggest indoctrination camp in history. The amount of thin, attractive white chicks that I knew in first year that didn't degenerate into fat, unwashed, progressive hipsters by now is basically 0. It's a fucking nightmare.
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someone is giving the orders. when george floyd died, it was as if someone pressed a button, and suddenly every australian-born uni student was a supporter of BLM. now its 'free palestine'. the right wing will never beat them anywhere in the world, because they dont have any power. they dont have the means or the financial backing to investigate EXACTLY who is giving these orders, who is programming all these uni students to support their causes, and how its being done. this is only going to get worse in melbourne (and in other australian cities, too). nothing is improving in society, everything is just getting worse. you want to buy a house? guess what, a family from sudan just arrived *somehow*, and theyve been given a brand new house for free in a new development in the western suburbs of melbourne. you want to report crime in your area? the police are already well aware of it, but theyll tell you "uh thanks for letting us know, we'll uh, keep an eye out."
>complains about lefty faggots and indoctrination
>unironically uses lefty faggot meme terms
This faggot has zero (0) self-awareness
What are the Chinese girls like I'm curious about the Chinese girls
>market economy creates surplus
>surplus allows welfare
>welfare allows parasites to exist without being productive
I think I'm actually coming around to gommunism as it means these retards will have to work
Also there were no gays or transgenders in the USSR
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This shit country gets its own thread but my India fitness gets deleted in minutes
that's exactly what pisses me off so much. I legit had a 35 year old tutor with long hair (skeleton DYEL) telling us about how we're "cool" and "hip" because we're all "progressive young people". It's like, nigga, you are the establishment. You're part of the system. The system embraces your views - you're nothing of a rebel, just a useful idiot.
Obviously the people giving the orders, funding and donating to these unis which only hire, produce and teach progressive people and values are jews. They don't embrace those values themselves but fund the activism.
I remember in 2022 after Roe vs Wade was overturned in the US there were massive protests outside my uni campus. It's in another fucking country, yet all these raging feminist lezzos were out there screaming at the top of their lungs
I don't know any lefty faggot meme terms cause I actually lift and have testosterone
I am not and never have been a part of leftist circles online you fucking pussy
Post body, you sound weak as fuck
Dubs confirm yellow fever?
Lots of Chinese girls in Melbourne. Go to Box Hill and it's like you're in Beijing. The only white guys I see with Asian girls are all pencil neck nerds with no muscles though
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Melbourne is grim. I moved out rural SA about 5 years ago and it's a white paradise where the majority of people are still fit due to work and local sport. Whenever I have to visit Adelaide I feel disgust at all the obesity and immigrants everywhere.
There are still decent spots in Melbourne, like Warrandyte up north, but you need to be stacked
I'll let you guess why a suburb called "Warranwhite" is one of the best in Melbourne btw kek
>not lefty faggot meme term
Okay retard
The only people that can live and work in any CBD in Australia (and not pay more than half their salary for rent) are either celebrities, chinese millionaires or aussies with generations of wealth in australia (i.e not bogans). It’s the reverse of the US where the inner cities are POC while the suburbs are white.
Seething timmy. Many immigrants I know (I am one of them) are looking to opt out for the regional areas for a cheaper life, kek. Get fucked.
im the anon who posted the greentext about melbourne cbd
just want to say that i saw two white guys with chinese gfs, and both of them were tall and skinny. on the one hand i think its shameful but on the other that will be me in january when my chinese friend comes here (i am definitely going to fuck her)
oh yeah, i kept seeing a bus stop in the cbd that went directly to warrandye/the pines shopping centre. it reminded me of the pines in frankston, i kept thinking "why is there a bus that goes directly from the city to frankston", now it makes sense.
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>Many immigrants I know (I am one of them) are looking to opt out for the regional areas
Sorry we're full
they all pay more than half their salary in rent anon. the average chinese person doesnt put money in savings, they live paycheck to paycheck. their mentality is, and i know many, this is true for each and every one of them, "if i have $1200, im gonna spend $1200 this week". many australians live like this too. its like how you see bogans who somehow always have the latest iphone, a nice new house, massive tv, and all the rest.
Not so true for chinese in my experience. They usually have a parent back home footing the bills and helping them. It’s why you never really see them do more degrading work like uber or delivering food.
At the very most, they’d work in restaurants or grocers.
Lol what heaps of Chinks do delivery haven't you heard of easi or hungrypanda
Is the discord still up?
I joined a year or so ago and got tit pics from a girl named ruby something, I told her they were wonky and she blocked me
At least for students, abs data disagrees. Chinks are the only students whose fees and expenses are paid from overseas sources

Meanwhile all international students are considered exports for gdp calculations. Which is a pretty fucking big issue considering 50% of our third largest export isn't an export
This is true as far as they will buy all the status items with their money i.e. phones, cars, designer clothes since status is the most important thing to them.
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Last I heard she trooned out and joined the 41% club
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Checkin the flippin heck in.
Sounds comfy, I know little about SA. Am heading over that way in october and have a week to kill so will try and visit some little towns to get a feel for the vibe of the place. Any general areas worthy to pass through?
Regional sa is some of the ugliest country ive every witnessed. It gets pretty once you hit desert but I'm not living in a fucking desert
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Woolies chook and coleslaw for dinner. Not sure if its everywhere, but here woolies chooks are always tender and juicy, whereas coles are always dry.
If I had to pick I supermarket roast chicken to insert my penis into it would definitely be the Woolies one
This is true as far as they will buy all the status items with their money i.e. phones, cars, shitty houses in shitter areas since status is the most important thing to them.

Guess which country I'm talking about.
Based, I always knew she'd achieve greatness
threadly reminder that veggie salt is a literal pedophile
threadly reminder that ruri is a 30 year old virgin
threadly reminder that we love them both
threadly reminder to kill thad
threadly reminder that everyone hates the poster 2 posts above this post
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Anywhere south of Adelaide is good, the whole Fleurieu penisula, Adelaide Hills, Wine regions eg. Clare/Mclaren Vale
Well there's a lot of desert and malee in SA, but these are the places without water, if you're near the coast or the Murray you're good.
*Penal colony full of white retards who can't speak properly
threadly reminder not to give citypop a couple drinks
people already know it's Soros giving the orders but nobody cares
No they don't you cooked cunt. You have no proof for any of the retarded shit you believe.
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just keep cutting~
just keep cutting~
just keep cutting cutting cutting~
threadly reminder this thread is dead
all me
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So fkn tired :/
Watching parasyte, pretty sure I started watching this on release but never finished it, A+
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What's for brekkie lads?
I want fried chicken
Does anyone know where I can acquire some real bogan extract? Would I still be natty if I started taking bogan extract?
Fuggin checked. Coffee and some raisin toast then off too gym. Just woke up from a dream where two sisters were jackin me off. Too bad these things never happen in real life.
Black coffee and a banana.
Snort a line of wizfiz, drink three long necks of VB @ 7:40am and be give a stranger a Vegemite sandwich, the pact will be sealed.
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four yummy eggs!
pooing rn
What's a cheap rowing machine?
I figure everfit is just an Australian branding of Chinese machines, are any of them good? Do we have concept 2 clones here?
Try out as many as you can, I seem to remember everfit being bigw's brand? Go used and get something a little nicer - heaps of people buy machines and never use them
Well based on looking at ebay and facebook it's either chinese machines for $100 or concept 2 for $1000+
Do you have any suggestions for something a little nicer?
Are you in a rural area or something? there should be heaps of used ones of varying quality on marketplace
I think I need to try my coffee black, just once. Best instant for this?
Robert Timms espresso would be my suggestion
Had a bacon & egg wrap with diced up and re-fried oven backed chips, nandos salt and bbq sauce for launch.
Thanks, will give it a try.
Make potato hash, so good.
I prefer to drink this over going to a coffee shop and flipping a coin as to if it's any good lol
>seething about a descriptive
grammar nazi faggot, sit on a POC's cock poofta
meh. if you're just fucking them and not miscegenating then I guess it's alright. I think it's immoral but hey. Plus I find asians the least attractive of all races, they have no sexual dimorphism, so it's really not for me. But there are plenty of them here.
Yep... the 906 goes directly to and past it. I've been up there plenty, it's a really nice suburb with a decent sense of community, neighbours know each other, families are all friendly, all the kids are friends, etc.
Boggles my mind that the whole country used to be like that, and now its a cosmopolitan, nihilistic, antisocial liberal shithole
it's fucking over
I won't acknowledge this with a (you)
I've become bretty gud at decensoring JAV. A lot of it depends on the individual video and studio.

I think I'll now turn my hand to making deepfake porn
I usually blend a shake with frozen blueberries, macadamia nuts, Pecans, Chia seeds, cocoa powder, beetroot powder and coconut milk. I get my protein from lunch and dinner.
My mind often ponders how complicated it would be so deepfake Gabby onto Aeries Steele videos.
Careful bwo, I vaguely recall a mention on the news that generating deep fakes even for personal use may get you prosecuted depending on the state (think only Vic does this for now).
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Should be possible. There's a bunch of high res photo, I know that. Are there videos available?

If you're willing to chuck me shit via mega or something I can use it for practice. I don't have IG so can't get them myself. The only issue which may arise is inconsistent lighting and the shirt scenes if videos exist.

I had planned to use greta to practice.

I really need to upgrade my PC too. 16gb RAM isn't enough for decensoring jav either either. I can't run denoise methods effectively
Short scenes*. On further thought, it probably doesn't matter too much if I'm doing a 15-45 sec clip ala /gif/
Here's ~300 images of her (not my collection)

jpg4 dot su/a/gabbyhua.xLw8f

She has a YouTube channel and TikTok both should be @gabbyhua

simpcity dot su have a lot of Aeries Steele and Gabby content, although the Gabby thread has died off since the dedicated gatherer has retired from posting.
You can also use site like imginn dot com to pull stuff off IG without an account of your own.
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Put both of those posts in a note for later.

There's a no longer maintained "one click" deepfake model I might poke around on to start. Deepfakelab (which makes good deepfakes) is far more complicated and will take me a bit to figure out. I'll try to get a some mid one click model fakes uploaded over next week for you, gabby poster
these niggers talking about decensoring chink porn and deepfakes in my fitness thread
As opposed to the retard whinging about leftists while using leftist terms?
What’s the best market can let me buy quality beef in Melbourne
>The only people that can live and work in any CBD in Australia (and not pay more than half their salary for rent) are either celebrities, chinese millionaires or aussies with generations of wealth in australia
So wrong on all accounts. Apartments in CBDs are cheaper than you think. People have room-mates.
I know lots of construction workers who live in the CBD so they don't need to commute an hour plus each way every day, and being able to work an extra hour a day more than makes up for the rent price between living in Pyrmont vs Campbelltown.
was a few years ago when i checked but i was shocked that a nice and pretty spacious apartment in the middle of the city would cost me a fraction of what a dumpy house in a dumpy suburb would.
Got a 28 minute video off jewtube. That should provide more than sufficient for a few minute clip(s).

I could be drastically wrong though. I'll see how I go and post a mega link with the goon image from here >>74785098 in this/a future afg so keep an eye out

Any particular requests? Bj, cowgirl, doggy?
>Any particular requests
Whatever is easiest to work with from a technical standpoint desu

That being said Gabby is built for giving milking handjobs
If you have a car i can see it being tough to find something affordable, my tiny brunswick apartment was just as expensive and just as small as a place i looked at on flinders st when i first moved to melbourne.
I can do that but it won't be the other chick you want
who are you?
Is the 1x20 method any good?
How can I smash uni chicks when I'm 33 now? Or is it ogre?

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