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Previous thread: >>74983577
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goblinx general
You sir are doing the lord's work
hating will always be for the weak and demoralized.
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Thank you for your service
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gj op. I didn't have to post it this time
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What a disgusting creature
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My sides
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fatty claims store cameras are manipulating her size and demands the store 'sorts it out'
Jesus Christ she's gotten big
When I was a kid my fat mom used to roll on top of me while we were sleeping and I would wake up feeling like I was suffocating to death. The fact that she didn't kill me is actually astonishing. Guess I got lucky she rolled back over.
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wrong thread?
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>Miss Greater Demon of Slaanesh
fake thread btw
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This one is as real as it gets, fatty
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Nobody there is even a DD accept maybe the fatty.
Lies, taking advantage of men who don't know about bra sizes.
Apparently the way to accept your body is to shut out all evidence of normalcy so you can delude yourself.

Do fat people really?
Don't care me like titties
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You are not allowed to like titties if they are on a fat woman, anon. It's the law.
Ive always found this particular fatty disgusting because of the weird spots she has on her face. I dont know if they are razor bumps, acne, fucking pox scars i dont know and im not sure if i want to know
The fatty is semi-right, it looks like a 4:3 image on a 16:9 screen. If she was muscular instead of a lard ball, she would look wide and strong on the screen. Store did nothing wrong, its the fattys fault
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harpooned this whale
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Ozempic is a hell of a drug.
Why does she paint her nose red like a tumblr webcomic character
>when the answer of the question is in the question
Is there a word in english for this kinda thing?
broke up with my fat gains goblin practice gf today.
time to ascend bros.
Damn I can't even shit post after reading that
Blatant? Obvious? No hablo ingles mi amigos.

: \
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>start dating mega fatty
>you both agree to start having sex
>"babe, is it ok with you if I ask on reddit for advice on how to go about fucking your inhuman body?"
this is all completely normal btw
man how much can a bag of candy possibly cost? I bet she's stealing it out of spite or something
Let's have some music.

Imagine being picky about the degree of obese you look. To me it's not body dysmorphia, it's outright fatphobism. What a hypocrite.
Damn I'm smashin
Same nigger
The same nigger
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amberlynn tiktok vs reality
Based plapper
Must be tiresome lying to yourself with the angle fraud and filters when eating less is simply easier
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Titties are high t
>angle fraud and filters
Still looks fat as shit with all that trickery. Very impressive.
holy FUCK i did not expect it to be that bad
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No she just felt like they were looking at her in disgust because she knows she looks disgusting.
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>tfw it's a fasting
/fph/ will fuel me
I fail to see the issue here, she looks like a fat golem in both.
Well she's not gonna attract people with her amazing insights or creativity, now is she?
Fat people aren't rational Anon, and women even less so. She's addicted and she's sentencing her son to a life sentence of obesity too
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They spread lies and propaganda to protect gluttony.
Bra sizes are different in Asia. My wife went from a B to a D when we came to Asia.
>fall down
>if people don't bring the fork lift to put you back on your feet, that's it, you'll have to lie there till you die of thirst
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Im actually a bit fan of the english illustrator Edward Ardizzone, so it's pretty surprising to see his work on /fit/
even a nigger wouldn't fuck that
Are these chinese measurements? Those tits are tiny, maybe a D cup on the left, but the others are not over a C.
t. Tittenkenner
Die sind ja sonst nur Striche. Siehe MiB-Würmer.
I hate the word folk(s,x) because of these people
Jamie nothing about you is proper.
Just be tall and fit and you'll get prime pussy right?
I like how i look in the walmart security cam. Ill sometimes admire myself while looking at it.
Special military operation?
fuck this fat bitch, I'm tall, athletic and skinny but she'd still swipe left on me because of hypergamy. in the 90's she'd be desperately sucking my cock from dawn to dusk to keep me in the house.
Always read the number first too
I'm an old fag, but how fucking broken is our culture that a woman - even a fat pig of a woman - does not run screaming from a guy who claims not to be a faggot but then says obviosulky faggoty shit, including wanting to double team her (the devils threesome) with another fag? WTF? How is this anything less than "get the fuck out of here you faggot, dont ever call me again!!" ?

Society is broken.
Everyone knows the camera adds 50 pounds.
Holy tit hog
Super morbidly obese
Would Plap
I’d sink my face on those bad boys like theres no tomorrow
She did.
>"I ended it and just felt it was a-lot to take in. had doubts that i would not be enough in the long run. he was upset snd said that if i ever changed my mind to let him know as he really liked me."
Even the fat retard knew other men would mog her.
Why are they offended by this? I'm already pretty slim but if i knew getting skinnier would be a gf i'd do it in a heart beat wtf
So he married an already super fat bitch, because he himself was super fat. And now she's so super fat that she can't walk or go anywhere. And when her family sees her for the first time in years they cry and lament that she's a (barely) walking corpse. How exactly was she active at 270 anyway?!
they probably would
This is literally leftist ideology
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Little faget just wanted upboats instead of sex, now he can send for a silver placard with his reddit post on it. You get a free vial of obama cum when you hit 5,000 updoots, and you get to be a server at the orphan orgy.
The problem with intuitive eating is that they do it fucking wrong
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Was referring to this creature >>75003855
if it's that fucking hard to "love yourself" as a fatty, maybe you should get the message your brain is trying to tell you and put the fork down.
fatties waste more time on making excuses for not losing weight than it would take to lose weight
>Why are they offended by this?
They have no discipline and get mad when you tell them that just having a little bit of discipline would get them what they want.
Because they don't want to put in any effort, they think they should be given everything they demand just for existing.
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In the hour per day she spends spackling on that full face of makeup, she could be working with a trainer and doing something for her life.
>ty doll for the content
>how do I brainwash myself into thinking something that's obviously hideous is beautiful?
She looks like female Arthur Shawcross
what is it with fat women putting on a dress and thinking it makes them look any less fat?
I know way too many women who put on what's essentially a tent when they want to look pretty and then think that anyone is actually fooled by that
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This person can't walk or fit into chairs and thinks her problem is that she needs to love herself.
It's amazing how he can go on reddit and ask other megafats how it's even possible to fuck them and yet not come to the obvious realization.
To be fair, she said she was looking for ways to accept her fat face, not change it, so deluding yourself seems like a good way to do it, at least they are self aware that they look like ulgy ogres.
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>even the cat is fat
This comment is peak irony. Left is definitely a DD middle and right could be if they tried to mess with the system and wear small band sizes. D cups aren’t nearly as big as most men and women think. When you see “huge” tits they are usually E or F. Plus band size makes a massive difference and women with smaller torsos appear to have larger boobs and vice versa. J cups won’t looks that huge on a 400lb hambeast Also>>75006456
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>he still thinks about fucking that thing occasionally
kek. at this point, she's beyond help anyway. just let her do her thing and hope her heart gives you soon, so you can dodge the divorce
I hate that they use the word "nourish" to excuse the insane amount of empty calories they consume everyday to mantain their gigantic mass.
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I hate that normies unironically say “empty calories”
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You can do what this guy did and open the marriage and let her fuck other men so she's not your problem anymore.
>their lives suck
>even the most trivial things like sitting down become as hassle
>it is all their own fault, and they could stop it
>yet they continue
>an hour of sport a day means you will never get laid, can never have pizza, will have zero friends and just be overall miserable
couldn't make the cope any more delusional, could he?
Better days are ahead of you my brother
>which is probably part of the issue
it's the issue. not part of it, all of it. kek
When fat people say "active" they mean they're able to walk normal people distances some of the time.
>gains 100 pounds from the first post to the last post
These fatties never do any of this shit they say they could be doing instead of exercising, none of them are learning new languages or composing poetry or whatever, it's just more time watching Netflix and scrolling social media.
>he never got laid!
Yes I'm sure the triathalete had a harder time getting sex than fatty lmao.
>enjoying pizza and beer
do they think fit people never eat pizza or drink beer? That stuff is all a lot more enjoyable once a week rather than every day.
>baconless life

I probably eat more bacon than the average fatty. These fatties literally do not know how to eat they think anyone not fat just eat salads all day. I haven't had a salad in years but will eat pizza a couple times a month and my BF has never gone above 15%.
yeah, they love to pretend that everything is mutually exclusive, but then don't even do the things they claim to do.
it's all cope
Would. Just like this one right here. Big girls with cute faces ... someone has to do it, and I'm just the guy for the job!!
5 2 1 4 3
Look at these girls. They are only cute because they are young. You could tell their bodies are prime to explode and their overtanning is going to cause them to slam into a wall soon.
When did they change this?
You know why they go DD and triple D instead of just the next letter right? Was to make girls feel less fat. Now girls want D cups so even the flat chested girls can buy that bra and say they are D cups.
Look at women's shoe sizes, same thing. Marketing works really well on women, guess how much dress sizes have changed in a decade? The cup size used to be the cup size, the number was the back circumference under the boob. But women didn't like being A cups, like that 28D pic you posted. That's an A. Welcome to marketing.
The girl in this post feels like losing weight has made her more self critical but actually what she's experiencing is that she's just giving a fuck about herself and having standards for herself for the first time in her life. It's a good thing.
The world is healing.
I think once they get to a certain size a dress is all they can wear. The design and structural demands on a pair of pants become too great.
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You underestimate the industry.
People were probably just concerned for her.
She is totally skitzo.
If that creature was a real woman it would have lost. The point of a beauty contest is beauty.
To be fair, black men are probably the only ones who swipe on her.
How do people live like this? This 26 year old gets winded at stairs and already had a blood clot.
Holy shit this is sad.
Shes not THAT fat. She has a bit of a tummy but for an american, she is average.
Why are they ALWAYS into anime or legos, or some other autistic hobby. I like anime but my bedroom isn't decorated with it
Ring ruined Halloween. It is trick or treat. It is the time where kids are supposed to be obnoxious and greedy.
When I was a kid I would steal the entire bowl of candy. I would leave the actual candy, just steal the bowl. It is the time of the year where being a little shit is supposed to be socially acceptable.
a divorce is easier than a treadmill.
last I
this beast was getting weight loss surgery
it's also just simple psychology. the closer something becomes to being optimal, the more obvious individual flaws will become.
if you're obese with poor hygiene then your receding hairline will barely register, because who'd even register such a flaw in the absolute fucking mess you are? it's just part of the whole package, no need to examine anything in detail.
if you're athletic and well groomed it suddenly becomes noticeable.
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As an actual runner, this pissed me off
Bra sizes have always worked the same, with the cup letter depending on the difference between the ribcage and the widest part of the bust. My theory is that, because there used to be fewer cup sizes available in the store, many big tittied women thought they were "DD" when measurements wise they were actually an H or something. They were just cramming themselves into whatever the biggest size available was. Everyone used to be slimmer so there was no need for such wide band size ranges and cup ranges, they could make something standard work.
a 500m marathon to the next starbucks
Women should be mandated by law to look like this
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This is reversed footage, they were actually putting candies back in from the black kids that stole them :D
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what a veritable fucking freakshow. Inside and out
none of these women are fat, they're perfect
you wrote all that shit and nobody is going to read it
Why even make that up you weirdo?
Cause I'm a racist liar?
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I didn't write it for others. I wrote it for me.
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god damn she is so fucking gross
also she's 34 and dresses like a 12 year old but weighs more than a bear
4th one strap? anon wait dont shoot her
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I like how we don't even need to fight against this. It'll just take care of itself in 10 years.
Ehem sorry. I mean she can fuck me in the ass with a strap-on dildo.
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Band size effects cup letter in weird ways, I don't really understand why. My girlfriend is embarrassed to admit she wears D cups because she doesn't have massive boobs she's just petite. If I was guessing by looking at her I would have said C cups at best, but I've seen the tags in her bra they are D.
>reddit post
I hate unattractive people (male and female) who always want a partner who is attractive but say attractiveness shouldn't matter. Only attractive people can be called shallow but everyone is. Uggos are just mad it doesn't work in their favor. Fuck off.
Would be cute if she wasn't shaped like a bean bag chair.
You'd think 270 at 5'4 would already be plenty dark
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So many of these women know they will never get a boyfriend, so they put out a fake list as an excuse.
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Probesity has always been leftist ideology
>I just lost control a little
Says the bitch who weighs like a silverback gorilla
The right clothes can disguise maybe up to 20lbs. So if a chock who is 150 wears the right outfit she can look as low as 130.
Landwhales who weigh 300 look like they weigh 280, which makes no visual difference at all.
lets celebrate cancer and depression and schizophrenia and heart disease and all these other health issues that have stayed despite medical intervention too then
>5'2" and 370
BMI 67.7
Like that bitch who "ran" a marathon in 12,5 hours.
(And STILL most likely cheated, lol)
It was posted to /r/plussize
That's three normal size people or two obese people. And she thinks her problem is her confidence. If I were her doctor I would tell her flat out, you're obese and you're going to die soon, all other problems you have are secondary to this.
>why do bodies matter so much?!
now present her with a fat 5'2" bald guy with a heart of gold, kek
I hate that little fucking side step she does. Trying to act cute or dainty when that fat is disconcerting.
Also nice digits.
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>three times mine
fucking brutal
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Yeah, there's a ton of posts rationalizing how it's ok they aren't attracted to fat men.
>he has zero bodyfat and muscles for days, hot!
>but he also said he likes that I am overwight, yikes! weird much?
what makes it even sadder is that this never happened and it's her fanfiction. so even when she writes whatever she'd like to happen the most, it paints her as a hypocritical retard.
Cups refer to the number of difference in inches between the measurement around the chest and the measurement around the boobs at their biggest. It just takes a 5 inch difference to get to DD but that won't look as big on a smaller woman as it would on a fatass.
No guys were just brainwashed by TV to think D = GIANTHECKINKNOCKERS
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>5'4" 311 lbs
this is what that looks like
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>5'2" 450lbs (330lbs in picrel)
site is https://me.meshcapade.com/editor
the weight doesn't go up that high kek
The east has fallen too...
Her arms are bigger than my legs
Joe rogan: People say weed should be illegal because you can abuse it. Well you can abuse cheese burgers too, should cheese burgers be illegal? I can jam a fork in my eye, should forks be illegal? I can jump off a bridge, should we get rid of bridges? Let's nerf the world.
Yes. I've seen bra size, dress size, change drastically with how fat we've gotten.
But no, no they wouldn't try and manipulate people into being fatter. That's not a thing! nobody believes haas.
in that case, understandable have a good day
Meanwhile she's only swiped right on 3 guys and left on 1000 guys because she just "prefers" strong handsome men, "it's not shallow, it's just a personal preference"
Fuck no. I like my wife looking like a cardiobunny
You ever see someone so physically grotesque it pisses you off?
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That's how I feel with this person
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This pig pisses me off like you wouldn't believe
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>i want you to sanction a hit on /fph/. they violated my wife's honor. they used parentheses around people. the implication is that she's so large she's not a person.
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>tfw spooky skelly enjoying my cardiovascular mogging
>Fighting the fatty with the exposed ass
>she looses her balance
>falls onto your face ass first.

What would you do?
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you sure about that?
I wonder how fat her guy friend is, probably a lean chad.
There's at least 1000 desperate simps that swiped right on her to justify her unbelievable amount of arrogance and entitlement. 30 years ago she would've been treated like a freak show and would've drained the balls out of the first guy that looked her way, to keep him from leaving her.
It's okay to for her to discard 100 fat men, but the moment she get snuffed by a fit guy for being fat, he's the bad guy
This used to be called banker ass. Go into any government office and you'll see - the few that aren't morbidly obese will be in a few years.
It's the same shit as incels, but different. The most disgusting, unclean sow in your neighbourhood can have a train run on her all day and night, but none of them will stick around. For guys its different, but the "creating impossible standards so I don't feel the sting of rejection" applies. I've met a lot of incels, and they have an ever-increasing list of shit they feel they need to check off in order to get a gf or get their life together. They feel like shit, but they'll feel worse when they get involved with some slag who ends up hurting them. The difference is, most incels put the demands on themselves, whereas women place them on other people.

The worst thing you can do to these fatties is be the guy they desire, be absolutely perfect, and then pull the plug without any signs. Someone posted some message they got from a slag at like 2am on PoF(when it was semi relevant). Said something to this landwhale like "The guy you end up with, who treats you like the queen you think you are, will be so dead and broken inside that he'll never never achieve anything worth remembering"

Ex had a friend who was a serial slut. Somehow, when talking about her friend, she took it so personally.
>ppl having wake up calls about their weight at 500 lbs
Ffs i had that call at 300, am down over 100
How have we normalized being 300-400 lbs?
Good thing there were no white cops involved; would’ve been a massacre. But black cops, just a little roughhousing and community outreach.
>The worst thing you can do to these fatties is be the guy they desire, be absolutely perfect, and then pull the plug without any signs.
I'd argue that's the best thing you can do to any woman not just fatties. It's literally why I lift. I want to be every woman's dream date and then string them along for a few weeks then ghost them as soon as they start falling for me. Not even having sex with them unless they are willing, playing the guy who respects them enough to wait seems even more destructive to them.
It may be sick but it's literally my only relationship/women related goal at this point.
Is that a fat woman with hirsutism or a fat man with whatever hormonal issues men have? Serious question.
I used to want a relationship, but it's very unlikely to have anything stable in this day and age. There's good women out there, but they're either damaged or taken.

You're only unhappy, or in this case lonely, when you desire something. I can get laid easy enough(and still do), but I won't pay for some ho's drinks or dinner. Learned the hard way with my ex, they'll bitch about every conceivable non-issue, shit talk you to their friends/family, seek advice from the internet, but they'll never chill out and let shit go. This fucking cunt went on about "emotional labor", cuz she was off school for the summer and stayed at home watching netflix in bed and eating an entire bag of takis at a time. Come home to burnt pots of KD, dirty bathroom, etc. You know what emotional labor is? The thought at the back of your mind that her name is on the lease, and you know for a goddamn fact she forgot to pay it on time and still ordered mcdicks delivery cuz she was too lazy to cook or get something out of the fridge.
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god forbid men have hobbies
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Remember to never plap bareback
That's an obese woman taking testosterone.
Is zippy the pinhead there the second place? Because remind me never to move to wherever that place is
My impossible standards are "woman who is kind and supportive". Does that make me an incel?
Anyone else have no idea how wide of a chair you need? I know my waist and inseam. No clue how wide my dumper is.
>It's not a judge of character.
It absolutely is. If you have no control over your eating habits and, even worse, are trying to justfy them, then you are a pretty weak-minded shitty character.
I love love love this one
She could literally be sooo pretty if she lost were ght. She knows how to do her makeup and even has a perfect nose people would go under the knife for!!
I had it at 247
I had it at 135 lbs. I was like 12 or 13 when I saw stretch marks on my body and started fasting lmao
What's your band and cup size, what color and size are your nipples
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No, when I say incels make a checklist I mean they create mental barriers and feel they need to do them in order to even consider getting a gf or asking a girl out.

It's a tall order, though. There's some genuinely nice, supportive, and caring women out there, but most are pre-occupied finding flaws where they dont exist.
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This is how you know they are mentally ill. No matter what you're "shaming" them, there is absolutely nothing you can say or do to these people without them being upset and thinking it's only because they are fat.
How the fuck does a waiter look at you weird when you order food? He doesn't it's literally all in their head and every single aspect of their life revolves around their victim status.
Black people are the same way about racism no matter what happens to them positive or negative. Victim culture needs to die.
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Nta but I'm guilty of this. I haven't asked out or even talked to a woman in 5 years because I just don't consider myself dateable whatsoever. Not until I look great with my shirt off. There just is literally no point in even trying, I know I'm not attractive at all so I've just accepted wizard status. I'm very tall and lanky, I've put on some mass, but I just get looks from women constantly like I've just farted in their face whenever I even just say hello.
What the hell do I do about this then?
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Why is the bottom text porn
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Full face underwear dancing under username broken soul. Art.
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wouldn't mind seeing this disability-faking fat ugly they/them creature in a gore video
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Do you not understand how breast size work?
the number is the band size, which is actually how big tits are. 34 is not a large breast size.
The alphabet is the cup size, which is just how thick each beast is width wise.
DDD is a large width size.
So these women have very small breast that are very wide. Which is accurate for asian women.
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how is this even allowed? is this not a danger to both of their lives?
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imagine the smell
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If you told a woman that their clothing choice was inspiring would they take offense?
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I'm also autistic but unless i'm having a bad day I smile literally everywhere I go. My advice isn't good, I'm attractive but I just being around people. I get mires, even flirts, but the only time I'm actually happy is when I'm unattached and by myself. Try to be happy with yourself first I guess. I know it's not easy, and you likely need to try dating for yourself, but after one or two girls you start to realize it's kinda shit. Don't take my word for it, cuz you won't, and I sure as fuck didn't. Give it a try, go in without any cares in the world and let yourself enjoy it. Worst case scenario you're at where you're at now with more experience and understanding of the world. Best case you had a good time and maybe you'll luck out and meet someone decent.
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>seeing a picture of yourself causes body dysmorphia
How are fats this stupid? It’s the exact opposite.
She has body dysmorphia because she doesn’t see herself as a disgusting morbidly obese hogbeast.
The camera only shows truth, it’s a literal picture of exactly what she looks like.
If you're a normal BMI and well groomed you already mog most men your age. Go for a walk and take a look at the men you come across. They look and dress like slobs.
>food is fuel
>proceeds to eat hyper processed sugar coated in sugar
where is the food though?
She didn’t even do any cool tricks on the pole or anything interesting.
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and we all know why
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/fit/ what is your opinion on this FPH person? 60 yr old husband of my mom who spends over 10K a year on ice cream, cookies, soda, refuses to pay bills including mortgage and utilities. rages that he doesnt have food for himself and say's he wants his damn steaks and junk food and doesnt want food for his wife. drank 6L of soda in 2 days, drinks 3-4 710 ml sodas EVERY single day. his meal sizes are both extremely huge and tiny at the same time. size is many times child menu at NON american portion size restaurant but other times idk size but I constantly hear cooking sounds at irregular times of the day all throughout the day staring as soon as shortly after he wakes up at 3 am then you have to include the junk food he eats thats not part as regular meals. he is involved with many different huge financial abuses including the not paying bills but reckless spending, spending money on frivolous nothings AS SOON AS his paycheck comes in, he hasnt had a job for two years and when he does work its like half a year (12+ hour alternating days/nights shiftwork at mines and 1 or 2 weeks on then 1 or 2 weeks off 40+ years in the field and holding a high position I think as supervisor? apparently difficult but there are people working 3-4 jobs so he isnt doing enough especially with his long amount of days off and only working half a year) and his pension had $1000 left to $0 and was forced to get a job AGAIN, idk what he's been living off of for two years. I overheard the number $1000/month for what? unemployment benefits? which is less than he'd bring in working full time at any job he could get with that experience level of transferable skills
my mom said "adults are allowed to do whatever they want with their money/eat what they want" when I told her that parents dont let children eat ice cream and pizza all them time during a conversation about the issues with paying bills.
I've got entire essays/lists of abuses hes done
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Step 1. Get on the will
Step 2. Very casually try to scare him randomly.
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>shit stains
I hate fatties but 4 is uniquely ugly to me. High hairlines/hair loss/big foreheads are such an L for everyone but especially women
I hate her but this one makes me sad
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shockingly accurate
I'm not overweight. And I'm tall (boy is everyone wrong about this being an advantage) I could dress better but I wear neutral clothes that fit my frame. I don't really see myself as mogging anyone, they all have gfs and wives so they are better looking than I am by default. I'm not autistic at all, lots of friends, I'm even in a band that plays every other weekend. I just give girls a visceral reaction whenever I'm around. Literally no woman has ever come up and talked to me between sets (guys do all the time, made a lot of friends that way) and if I even just say "hello, you guys have any requests for the band?" They either just give a hard no or they pretend they didn't hear me and I hear them comment on how weird (my looks, but if it were an actual deformity they would be polite at least) I am when I walk away, so I'm just ugly. So it's not like I haven't tried, I've just given up.
There's something else going on. Lot of ugly dudes can do well, even when they're in a band. Have you seen most musicians? Even somewhat famous ones? They're ugly as fucking sin.

There's something else going on here.
To each there own. Imo 4 and 5 are the best looking and best potential gfs.
If I showed up to a date and experiences this I would alit my throat in front of her and say "You did this you fat fuck" as I passed. In my will Id give my inheritance to a prostitute on the condition she throw my ashes in this woman's face in public.
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>Ted Jannie
I wish I knew. I make plenty of money, I have 2 college degrees. The only women I get along with are 10 plus years older than me and they love me and can't believe I'm single, but I assume they are just being motherly and trying to make me feel better.
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It's gotten pretty expensive under Biden
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It was an off color remark. I can fine Doll.
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270 was mine. 3 years later and I'm never going back.
At least most incels know that they aren't sought after because of something they themselves are lacking. These landwhales are so delusional it's insane.
well, he was wrong, but you are also wrong. the number is the inch measurement of the ribcage below the breasts. the cup is the difference between this and the largest part of the breast.
something like
> 1 inch difference = A
> 2 inch difference = B
etc etc

I am so fascinated by reverse body dysmorphia. not the ones who just pretend to be confident but hate themselves, the ones who truly believe they look better than they do because of some deep necessary ego defense mechanism without which they would neck immediately
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What is he thinking about?
mm... he's thinkin Arby's
nta but its probably just your "vibe", and its really hard to work on that
do you ever drink? do you get different reactions when you are somewhat drunk?
> 3,36 km/h (2.08 mph)
I walk faster.
5 and 2 have that cock sucking fake smile
She's literally built for it.
The mental illness part.
The fuck is this PCOS all fatties invoke?
I wonder what it would take for them to get the wake up call? Planetary annihilation?
look at that piglet's little beady eyes
i'm gonna guess its some made up disease like long covid
anything above 20% looks disgusting cuz of protruding stomach.
man fats are crazy af. overeating is disordered eating pattern, not counting calories.
No, but it does make you a cryptozoologist.
welcome back to another episode of /fph/, in which this woman's desire for attention drives her to dance like a monkey in front of a camera. she knows she's hideous, and she knows looking and moving like that makes her more hideous and contemptible, but she does it anyway, just so that people watch. all that matters is that she has eyes on her.
truly fascinating.
I've seen other posts by this guy, they're all painstakingly detailed Pokemon sex fantasies. What's his problem?
It’s ragebait and it works
Most unathletic yoga session I have ever seen
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used up hags
>me using up the first one
I don't think so but we could do like Germans do and call it answercontainedinside and pretend it's a unique word
justinrpg. turbo autistic, probably not as infamous as other internet retards because he doesn't have public meltdowns or get in people's business. he just makes a LOT of weird autism porn, mostly "giantess" pokemon using him. he also makes music and it's just as poor quality but funny. even now in my mind I can hear "IIIII.... LOOOOVE... RESHIRAAAAM"
Hello retard, dating DID suck for me until I realized I needed a tard guard or another tard. My husband was older brother to a moderate aspie so I wasnt a complete weirdo or a funny little novelty, but a comforting relationship. If you're looking for autistic women there are two big categories: life sciences (plant, animal, fungi, microbe) and life observation (think celebrity or character obsession, they're obsessed with tracking people's lives). The more obscure, the better a chance you found another retard (Eg: A girl very interested in reptiles who has very exotic breeds and hand crafts everything, breeds her own isopod. A girl who is very interested in fungi and has a dedicated mushroom shed/closet to cultivate her own strains. A girl obsessed with Monster High who has watched all media and saved it to drives, has a portfolio for all characters, and has collected all dolls available while mapping differences in design.)


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