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/fit/ - Fitness

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The thousand island stare edition
I love online dating
inb4 goblinx schizo
no one gives a flying fuck about your months-old tripfag feuds
Easiest 2 truths, 1 lie I've ever seen
A fellow cumboy?
Stav's "fitness" journey is his greatest joke
Listen man, he had an argument with his dad and he hurt his ankle. It's not his fault.
I would never marry a fatty, but fucking slampigs in college was a guilty pleasure of mine. Their low self esteem was almost too easy to prey on. I have no idea how I made it through college with my roommates never finding out.
His obese brother is gonna get him to big arms and little titties
Not based
They knew, they just didn’t want to acknowledge your behavior.
Left to right
>flat chest
>wears more makeup thanJoker
>something seems off, I can not put my finger on it
>It must weigh more than the other three combined
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Fatty Lovers:
>site: imagefap
>Album: Chubby and Thick - Shaved BBW Pussies
>Uploaded by shakybanjo
you are welcome.
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She even ordered them as 2 truths and then 1 lie
How fucking dumb is this cunt
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Real goblinx general
Plot twist: she's actually rich
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>she's actually rich
Calorie-rich is a rare unit of measure
Her dad is an investment banker, that's how she's got money for infinite goyslop despite being a neet.
Despite being a landwhale she's still daddy's little princess and has a lambo she doesn't fit in.
Reminder that you got rejected by goblona lol
It's no roulette - it's the fat one. All the others would cut her out to avoid being confused with her.
removing a tooth from the smile would make it better.
The thousand island dressing stare edition
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Yeah it's the fat one. She's actually a well known >person here, her tiktoks appear here from time to time
I noticed like 99% of the time if a woman had a group photo for her first pic she was almost always the ugliest one in the photo
"snorted sugar" is the lie, no way she'd pass up a chance to eat it
He's going to start doing yoga and get jacked. As soon as his foot heals.
I didn't think women did soiface, too.
why did you put a comma there?
>thousand island stare
keked audibly
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I got some red marks on an essay in college for not having one. So i don't know if it is that important and i have never written an essay in more than 10 years.
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Thread blest
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>The thousand island stare edition

Look at that joy in that fattty's eyes as she opens that dressing
Her sister sounds delicious
>nooo if you say you hate something you must secretly fetishize it
i want to see left beat right to a fucking pulp.
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Nick isn't that fat desu. At least he is built under the layer of fat he carries. If he did a serious cut for a couple months, he'd look great. Stav on the other hand is going to die in 10 years.
My little sister is fit and hot, and my family are hippy dippy types who don't see nudity as weird, so she will just go from the downstairs shower up to her room completely nude and no one bats an eye. Its hell whenever I am back there. Having a hot Stacey sister 10 years younger than you is the ultimate torture. Just gotta pretend to ignore her toight 18 year old perfect tits and ass bouncing up and down the stairs and risk being called an incestuous pedo if I dare take a glance.
big arms no titties
he promised us this a decade ago
stavs actual brother is a "personal trainer" thats about as cut as an average warehouse worker

tho, nick actually just has a little pot belly. he showed the crowd his belly at the show i went to this year lol
more like retarded. but, yes i meant i want the hot one to rhianna the shit outta the blob.

Every /fph/ has this exact post, what's the context?
>I noticed like 99% of the time if a woman had a group photo for her first pic she was almost always the ugliest one in the photo
Really? In my experience it's the opposite: she's usually the prettiest girl in the group and uses that photo to show off how she mogs

Ugly girls never use pics with other girls, they're always alone
Resist the urge to turn this into a /b/ greentext brother.
Forced meme, followed up by self-posted 'based' replies
Nick Mullen enjoyer.
irl smugjak
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Some fat bitch came here for something like a year and made zero progress, hilarity ensued
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What is it with fat chicks shaped like volts wagons that always think they're the hottest shit in the world? What kind of mindfucked brainwashing do they go through to have their head so far up their own ass?
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btw i don't agree with this post. clearly that dude had a lot of muscle mass and was bulking. i just thinks its funny how bopo only applies to fat women
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Whay you want yo sideburns?
Jus leave em long senpai
It’s better than wallowing in self-pity.
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They don't. They are filled with self loathing. That's why you don't see them genuinely confused hot men don't want them. They know why.
cant go along with this contrarian fantasy. if she's remotely rich, peer pressure would make her want to stay thin
nowadays you see some guys saying things like "I love obesity bc it makes my fit physique look so much better in comparison", but women as a collective consciousness have been locked into this mindset for what seems like decades.
Would be plenty entertaining as a circus sideshow
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nice double entendre
Cheerleader Effect tho
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>something seems off
>hilarity ensued
No it didn't.
Yeah, it's because you saved a thumbnail, retard.
here's your obligatory "bulking and cutting at the same time" (you)
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Damn, comments in the second part sound like blackpillers to a t. "Dyel! Don't even try! Stop lifting rn!"
are you shocked that skinny people get more followers then fatties?
So op, how do you feel about the way TAFS has gone
Man, that ankle injury in 2018 really set the direction for the rest of his life didn't it, fucked up how getting injured once prevents you from ever trying anything again.
No ma'am, that's the tent we'll be in during the date.
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Should be taught in every econ class as a case study in depreciating assets
I'll do an hour of makeup a day to look marginally better but not lose weight to permanently enhance my appearance
Hell yeah dude also I'm gay
I love fat women so much it’s unreal bros
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>I got some red marks on an essay in college for not having one. So i don't know if it is that important and i have never written an essay in more than 10 years.
How have you never learned how to use one? Hell, how have you never went and learned what it even means?
When to use a comma example?
Use commas to separate independent clauses when they are joined by any of these seven coordinating conjunctions: and, but, for, or, nor, so, yet. Example: I love vanilla ice cream, but my brother prefers chocolate. Use commas after introductory a) clauses, b) phrases, or c) words that come before the main clause.
She's sad because the bucket is empty. She also ate the whole bucket
I was gonna make a comment, but her name has the insult I was gonna call her. She does look like a pear
imagine the smell.... gross
fph threads give me motivation
body mass*
Doesnt this thing have some kind of selfawareness to realise shes famous only because shes a freak? Is any attention really good attention? Im not a woman so i cannot relate or empathise
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>food beer kids stress
kids and stress don't have calories.
wtf I love fat people now?!
How many times do I have to repeat this:
Attention is like crack for women, it doesn't matter what kind. Good, bad, it's all the same. Envy, repulsion, admiration, fear, pity, that's irrelevant, what truly matters is having the attention of as many people as possible.
I want to react of that shopping cart pic from last thread and say that I'm truly disgusted at people. But the worst is that I see the same here, went grocery shopping yesterday and all people had in their cart was coming out of a plastic bag or some cardboard box.
>to react of
To react to*
>me bottom left
>kids don't have calories
objectively untrue
More like double entree
Her husband is a total Chad
>Donating CLOTHES to starving people
Nigger donate FOOD
That guy is normal weight nowadays
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Um but he did use the comma correctly in that example
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is the camera on a cat?
How to respond to this?
Based English anon
Those are skin folds not lard rolls
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By pointing out that whatever bitch posted this doesnt look like that.
He's not finger banging her he's finger destroying her. Bare minimum amount of effort before whipping his dick out. Based.
Police help that man is getting raped by that pig!
that fucking jumpscare
Would PLAP
>it's all women
Why not call it /fwh/?
I don't understand that room.
Do you have these same conversations with yourself irl? I've never seen someone so broken after one rejection.
>no replies
They're too horrified. I'm horrified. I've never seen it thus bad before. This is... suicide inducing. This is severe diabetes. Holy fuck I can't imagine my skin being stained like I sweat actual filth.
Agreed, calling women "people" is a stretch
I hope someone finds out who he is to mail him postcards of this daily. Branded a hog hunter for life.
Hey fellas, I've got nowhere else to lament this. This is my sisters hand, I haven't seen her in a few years so I don't know how fat she's gotten. This is her fucking hand. Fuck. She was officially diagnosed autistic a few years ago but I guess they didn't actually help.
Miring the forearms
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The dude on the right lost all of the weight and the bitch on the left kicked the bucket for being a fat fuck
Isn't that our favorite tiktok fat influencer? Can't think of her name, but she's always showing off outfits that look like they're made from curtains or tablecloths.
Jesus fucking Christ
>it's all tall men
Why not call it the tall men's basketball association?
Please tell me he's not wearing vaporflys on the bottom. Or please do, because it'd be hilarious.
it's ogre
those are 350lb+ forearms
When it comes about shitting on fat dudes we have powershitting shaming threads
She's 23 years old. Fuck.
>I haven't seen her in a few years
>took no responsibility and thought leaving her to be groomed by psycho-therapyculture would help
kek you fucking retard
make no mistake, you should not be surprised and you carry a lot of blame. goodest goy
Same. I lost 100lbs and now IRL dating is easier now. Online dating has some success but it is mostly left over fat chicks.
Unpopular opinion, but I could date a fat chick who is "working on it" if she was serious about it because I've been in that position too.
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Those "30 days apart" videos are always beyond fake.
White people are just as degenerate as the colored people they make fun of
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I've always wanted to fuck a flat chested chick. Never had a chance to though.
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desu that's indian tier pickup line. beyond cringe.
>3.5 lines of diplomatic showboating before starting with "first of all, whore, ..."
What a polite guy. Hope life brings him joy.
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Mexicans are funny people.
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>forever growing and changing
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I miss 2016.
The internet was full of hilarious cringe that year.
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Remember, we live in the Weinmar republic.
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>diagnosed autistic
Say anything related to not instantly understanding every social interaction you've ever been in and you get this diagnosis. Modern psychology is a joke.
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Is walmart a /fit/ or /fph/ job?
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Women don't need onions to act like faggots. Women's ovaries are giving them fat hits of estrogen every day.
Can you go five minutes without seething about race?
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What's the issue here? It's just good community policing, the kind we'll have once we defund the police
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Diversity of body sizes and race. American Utopia
Women can cope and make 6 million "news" articles and tiktok videos and "studies" about how fat people/women are just like everyone else and it will not change anything unless they put people in prison if they refuse to go to date with a fat woman. Same goes for men having unattractive attributes other than there's no propaganda for men's part.
>diet culture
I'm a powerlifter, before summer I was at a too sloppy 200lbs @ 5'10". To reach this I ate a lot of pizza, beef jerky, milk, nuts and tortilla chips on top of otherwise normal food.

Cut down to 190lbs in the span of a single month. My strategy? To stop eating slop. I only ate nutritious whole foods, no ultra processed garbage. Potatoes, bread, cheese, dairy products, vegetables and meats. I didn't even care to try to avoid fatty meats or dairy products. I ate to moderate satiety and didn't count anything. Not really any cardio at all, I just continued lifting 3-4 times a week. I'm very efficient with my programming and rest times though so I probably get a decent amount of indirect cardio and I walk or bicycle around a lot too.

Didn't lose any strength, but I stopped the diet before I got really lean because I had accomplished what I set out to do and I started to feel my lifts slowing down. I'd estimate I ended at 16-18% bf, top four abs visible with some outline of obliques and Adonis belt. For me and my goals with lifting that's a great place to be.

1-2 months following that I started eating more. Larger portion sizes and I reintroduced snacks in the form of beef jerky and nuts on top of it, added milk back in too. Didn't gain any weight at all. I'm now up to 192lbs, and that only occurred after I reintroduced slop.

It's so incredibly easy to not be fat. Just eat real food.
I'm not her mom. Or her dad. Mom and dad made 4/5 kids fat, the singular nonfat is my much older sporty brother. I escaped fat mode. The other 3 have not. My youngest sister (21) thinks she's a man and has been in transition since 18, I have no contact because there's zero point. The sister who's hand I posted went through a gender fluid phase and is now just a girl, am anorexic phase where she went from like 190-200lbs (5'1") to 115in less than a year with her fingernails and hair in horrible state. When I talked to her about the baby tranny destroying her body she was extremely defensive about "his" body "his" choice. Talked to her about my weight loss and she said she just can't do it without becoming anorexic again. Any further pushing us interpreted as encouraging it then my mom starts calling about "why are you instigating your sister anon stop being so mean".
This stuff needs to be taxed 200%
Based and Jonathan Swift-pilled
It's actually correct abd should've been caught when we were kids but mom insisted "nothing is wrong with you guys, being weird is a good thing you're just special."
I've never seen a fit walmart employee.
Last week I saw a fat one in a motorized wheelchair
I spent years fat, being told that it is just my body type. Doctors wouldn't bring up my weight even when I specifically asked "anything else I should know?"
It is easy to get fat when everyone around you is an enabler.
This is why I love FPH. They are the one bastion online left where this behavior is still frowned upon. It is so easy just to say "your diet is fine" or "fat but healthy" it is so easy to assume you are healthy when you do not know what health and beauty feels like.
I lost 100lbs. I am actually in decent shape now. Women approach me. I am not invisible. People are nicer. Bars serve me quicker.
The changes were hard, ultra processed food is addicting by design. Calories suck to track. Exercising every day is a sacrifice. But it is worth it.
We do not live in a "diet culture" as these creatures say, we live in a fat culture. A culture that specifically encourages obesity.
2 more pounds I am no longer obese I still got work but fuck I'm so happy.
60 pounds in 2 months pushing for the last 30 this month, but as of 2 days ago I'm lifting so I not sure how that will work on the 30 pounds, I'm very new to everything going on here.
I show up here everyday just to remind myself how embarrassing being fat truly is
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congrats anons!
Its ALWAYS the fat one. ALWAYS. A hot girl doesnt need to prove she has hot friends. Shes hot by herself.
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it is jaimie weisberg
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I want to see this movie so bad now. What is it?
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I think it is the walking dead? It may be Fear the Walking Dead
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That bitch looks almost ai generated. I want to punch her so badly
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amber's body looks inhuman. the back of her legs and ass are flat from constantly being seated. her arms look like a fat woman's legs
Wtf is that huge black stain.
Does she have blood cancer or what?
the walking dead. Scenes without Negan( leather jacket bloke) are not worth watching. just watch summaries up until season 7 and drop after 9 or 10, don't remember which.

negan is based usually
Diabetes make skin in fold areas turn black. Apparently obesity and diabetes also cause extra skin tags.
Neegan's just too based
Does the PCOS cope have any legitimacy at all? A bitch I was talking to for a while had it and said she took some sort of medication so she "didn't gain any weight from simply breathing" due to PCOS
me too my friend. meme magic was at it's most powerful
I have a friend who has PCOS, it is basically insulin resistance. I have sympathy for those who are trying but have a legitimate medical condition. That being said, physics are physics, less calories means less weight.
Count calories, eat the right foods, and you'll lose weight. You may be slower to lose because PCOS, but it will work.
PCOS, like all other bad things that happen to fatasses, can be prevented through healthy diet and exercise.
You canget that effect from dehydration no? Isnt that what professional athletes do a few days or weeks before competitions
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Perhaps. She wasn't overweight tho. 5'8 and around 150 pounds
Yes, but the idea that the average joe can go from fat to fit in 30 days is bullshit. Also they use a lot of camera tricks, makeup, etc.
Some of the effects can be real under very specific circumstances, but most are not.
Im more intrigued by whatever that liquid is
Nah obviously, but this nigga just has his stomache kinda bloated
Havent seen anyone, even fat, getting the skin to look this visibly vile though, at least within her body fat range. Sucks to be her i guess, and she shows it off too
Apparently sprite
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>I've grown to be a little more accepting of myself
She was taking metformin because she had prediabetes. Eat less fucking sugar.
I don't completely understand at all. How does fat get that hard, that it has fucking structural integrity? HOW?
that drink she's holding is butter beer. let that sink in
Women will always claim that their fatness is a symptom of PCOS, but the reality is that PCOS itself is caused by fatness.
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>you're supposed to hate this guy
Bro, i hate to say it, but the fat one isn't the worst here
Where does she source the bird's nests for her prayer potions
>these >people try to make fun of America
If she were 20 lbs lighter she'd be salvageable
I am in shape and avoid talking to land whales. What does pcos stand for?
I am an old fag and in my day our slang was to mock butt pirates, extreme sub burn victims and New York bankers.
Do alphies know buzzwords which they use so desperately as a cope didn't exist before 2000?
For example terf, incel, dog whistle, whataboutism (you were expected to argue similar logical cases)
Wtf, guess I'm a rightist now
>3 day old fake thread
do better
>That guy is normal weight nowadays

Yes. Normies define fat as being fatter than most other normies. So as the country gets fatter on average due to fda jews, it gives the land whales an excuse because they aren't the worse land whale
Hello fellow white people
One of my favourite vids. Reminds me of the 90s when Caucasian males were free and we could run around causing trouble for the jewestablishment
>Diet coke and laxatives
But what is there for the laxatives to push out?
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i fucking hate white people man
>>diagnosed autistic
>Say anything related to not instantly understanding every social interaction you've ever been in and you get this diagnosis. Modern psychology is a joke

Do they still give ADHD cuck meds to all the strong and aggressive Caucasian boys.
Funny how they don't give orcs ADHD meds even though they are always acting up
Hello jewy jewington
I'm convinced that >90 % of female to male trannies do it to cope with some deep psychological trauma. With men who try to be women, it's mostly a fetish thing (and a few of them are just genuinely mentally ill from birth), but for women who want to be men, it's almost always something like "I want to feel less bad about being fat and ugly", "I was raped and want to be less attractive to rapists", "my parents abused me" or "I am being bullied by other girls because I lack some female interest". It's a sad state of affairs, really, that we allow those girls to mutilate themselves instead of getting them the help they need.

My mother is a high school teacher and she had a cute tomboy in her class a few years ago who thought she needed to "transition", because she didn't fit in with the other girls and only had male friends. The internet had told her that this was because she was "trans". My mother told her about all the negative health consequences and implored her to not do it unless she was absolutely sure about it. She likes my mother, so she decided to reconsider. Low and behold, a few years later, she's now in her early twenties, she hasn't transitioned and is getting married to a guy soon. She has invited my mother to her wedding, lol.
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> She has invited my mother to her wedding
Cute :)
I find the whole trans nonsense even more sexist than what they claim to fight: "if you aren't a stereotypical woman, then you are a man", wew.
Same with the "MtF" faggots: "if I have a long hairs and big tits then that makes me a woman teehee"
Fucking valley of defilement looking bitch
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No (You) ranjeet. I know not getting your 5 cents per (You) means your family wont eat for a week, but if were lucky theyll all starve to death
blackpillers are inherently feminine, is why
Lol underappreciated
>What does pcos stand for
its a "medical condition", best to google it
elbows are probably too pointy
A lot of them have this. Especially between their legs, because of the constant rub.
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bitch should deal with it and buy a muumuu
>admits to having the same understanding of food and calories of a 5yo
lmao retard
Tf is fph
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People drinking that shit deserve what they get. The obesity issue is going to sort itself out, in the meantime it's always funny.
I bought a coke bottle the other day because I hadn't had any in like three years. 50g of sugar in 0,5L. This shit's insane.
>17 donuts isn't has bad as i throught

just because it's not as bad as 40 cakes doesn't mean it's okay
Jesus Christ. How are such diabolical beverages allowed to exist? That shit is insane. The average daily intake of sugar for aman should be around 40 grams, this is 4.5 times as much. And it's not even in a single meal but in one single fucking beverage.
I don't even know why I come to this thread everytime, it's like watching freak shows maybe, it's uncanny and addicting.
It serves as a reminder. A necessary one at that.
Asking Stav to lose weight is like asking the Earth to stop rotating
OI m8 u got a loisence for handling livestock in public
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>wanna eat some slop
>open /fph/
Nah I'm good
You cheeky cunt
How was it? The last time I tried drinking one it was like drinking syrup, I couldn't finish it.
based permabulker
I'm a millenial so none of this stuff was around when I was in high school. I remember a couple girls who were tomboyish, kind of outcasts, and hated their female body. Every single one of them has completely outgrown it and appears to happy fulfilled women. No doubt if we were 15 years younger they would have been put on testosterone.
>My mother is a high school teacher and she had a cute tomboy in her class a few years ago who thought she needed to "transition", because she didn't fit in with the other girls and only had male friends. The internet had told her that this was because she was "trans".

literally pic related kek
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Do you think a fat woman could ever live life as a man?
So when are going to marry me doll. We could create the most adipose apposed children to grace this Earth
I was a really effeminate boy and liked things like horses and dolls until the testosterone kicked in and I became a normal heterosexual guy, I shudder at the thought what they would've done to me had I been a child 10 years later, lol.
bitch built like a spinning top
>women consider posting their selfies online part of the healing process for their mental health issues
kek, no wonder this fat bitch is depressed
These threads are basically my preworkout
What's fascinating is that he keeps getting fatter. I though he was terminally fat years ago, but holy fuck does he look so much worse now
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This one is near 400 pounds, can't walk, and can't fit into chairs and thinks her problem is she needs more self love.

Women are so clueless when it comes to improving themselves they really do need a man.
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>who thought she needed to "transition", because she didn't fit in with the other girls and only had male friends
It's rather odd how transition via hrt and surgery is seen as not just the only solution, but also the "solution" that should be attempted first. Instead of taking a step back and thinking "maybe the other girls are just bitches and not worth fitting in with," people will immediately jump to "the only reason this could happen is you're secretly a man!" There's something unsettling about it.
>thinks her problem is she needs more self love
In a way she does need selflove but her reasoning is completely backwards, self love will come once she stops looking disgusting to herself and other and stops living in that denial bubble she created and that's way too small for all of her personality to fit in. She's unhappy because she's fat. Not the other way around.
now i'm really curious about how '' ugly'' she might be and what is this '' unique jewelry'' absolutely no one noticed, probably an unique antique from shein
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>one person on the internet was mean to me how do you deal with that :((((((((
it's incredible the bubble these people live in.
can you imagine life so sheltered, you look for advice in dealing with one stranger's negative comment?

honestly, are you capable of imagining this?
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>thinking you can just help
if it's anything like my sister I can understand that anon.
my sister doesn't care what anyone has to say, doesn't wanna spend time with me or our family, doesn't listen and tells you to fuck off and leave her alone every time you try and talk to her.
she's not fat, but she doesn't give a shit about anything and is just floating around aimless and clueless.

only way of getting through that thick skull of hers is bashing it against the wall.
at least she's not fat though
Anon, a few months ago I shouted at a woman for like two seconds and she called the police. Before that moment she was franticly radioing for security assistance because I refused to agree to some bullshit rules she pulled out of her ass. Women are so fragile that showing them a fraction of your true capabilities is taken as mortal danger.
What to say to men that DO find fat women attractive?
I was good, not gonna lie.
Checked. She would have to wear big pants and a big top.
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you kindly but firmly suggest they kill themselves.
Love the drip, but ONLY very petite women can pull that off.
Why is there fat people in a zombie apocalypse?
As an ftm it disappoints me how often I see socially gendered behaviours conflated with bodily dysphoria. Also internalized sexism causing self-hatred of the female body. It's odd since alphabet soup is supposed to oppose gender norms. When I was barely passing, some chick at work clocked me and when she caught me alone was asking me if she should transition. Lol moment, I just told her to think very carefully about it and trooning out should be a last resort after all else. You're basically turning yourself into an abomination but for some it's the best option. Dunno what happened to her after I quit that job but it would suck if she did trans because she was like 5'.
they have PCOS
Seeing fat people simply makes me want to eat better. Seeing fat people work out,or really their lack of mobility, is what encourages me to work out. Getting fat is one thing, but loosing mobility is terrifying.
>how dare these people stop me from being danger to myself and others at least in that case
Audacity of this bitch..
Most women cry the very second a man raises his voice or tone, your EXISTENCE as a man is a threat. Some understand this better but are constantly fear of men and screech for help if alone with one/shoot/taze/pepper spray at the first sign of maybe possible aggression. Others think they can totally beat the shit out of a man and take him 1v1, fat women are notorious for this. "Mass moves mass i got mass ill push him over and sit on him or swing my 50lbs hamhock of an arm at him". There's a brief moment where Miss Bull actually is 1v1 and has her ass handed to her that she stops and wails assault (HE HIT A EOMAN!!!!), but more often men are conditioned to never ever lay hands on a woman no matter what she's does to him.
talk about spoiling the ending
They broadcast this video 24/7 in the 3rd world btw
>it is jaimie weisberg
>jaimie iceberg
That dude needs to play Hunter Biden
Skinny women who are friends with fats are so based.
You just know they secretly hate the fatty and are using them, fuck its so hot need to find me one of these skinny women.
This is actually quite amusing. She'd be a good ogre or witch in a pantomime
Tbf, that's seems like shoddy design.
Yeah people really don't grasp that the lightest autism you can get makes you behave like Chris Chan, it's not just being introvert and liking quirky stuff
No, they're enabling disgusting creatures even if their appearance isn't as gross as their pet ogre.
They will keep the lard golem around them and will keep telling her how stunning she is and how men are fucking retarded for not seeing how beautiful she really is.
Even if they secretly hate the hamplanet, they're truly rotten creatures, not based in the slightest.
This literally looks like the textbook definition of a humiliation ritual.
Are chubbies worth chasing? I met this fat chick a few weeks ago and she's coming onto me really aggressively. Should I smash?
No, it's better to just jerk off. You don't want to humiliate yourself and give the fattie a bigger ego.
>I met this fat chick a few weeks ago and she's coming onto me really aggressively.
Anon, she's just going to slowly coerce you into becoming as fat as she is. I've seen this play out with friends who start dating fat girls: she'll get mad that you go to the gym instead of 'spending time with her,' she'll get mad that you won't constantly go out to eat at restaurants, and she'll get mad that your fit friends 'make her look bad' so you should stop talking to them. All that'll happen is you'll get fat and have to start getting fit again from square one.
No it really isn't worth it, from someone who's regrettably done this, I was lonely and needed something so I fucked a fatty. The post nut clarity will kick in, she will not stop calling and messaging you, an hourly reminder of how hard you fell. Your friends may find out and if they're /fit/ goodbye to your gym bros. You will boost her ego and she will continue thinking she isn't anything but a hamplanet. I implore you not to do this, go jerk off and look at photos of her you will likely hate yourself for even considering it.
Finger discipline : None
Magazine : Missing
Giraffe attacks a hyena
The point is to make other females as ugly as possible so they look better. They are both viciously mean to the fatty to keep her submissive and also very very encouraging and sometimes deceitful. There's a horrific FPS of a woman who constantly lies about gorging food (and has fake labels put on her food to seem much more calorie dense, fasts on days she's not with the fatties) to encourage them to get fatter. Gets them outfits meant for skinny girls to add humiliation. She MADE them fat and is making them FATTER. So she gets to be the prettiest princess. You know what these types if women do to their daughters? They see them as an extension of themselves and aggressively implement their own beauty routine and hobbies (with very poor reactions to an ugly duckling), OR they see her as direct competition. She will do the same techniques of making her ugly, she may even do her best to steal boys (even if it's just attention, why was Stacy's mom walking around nude in front of a 16yo boy? To know she could win his preference.)
What you do is you read the comment, take it to heart and change your life so you arent a fatass
New thread: >>75035103

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