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Previous thread >>75011681
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fat people love to justify why they fucking reek
It's just an oopsie whoopsie yeast infection in your fat folds
Have these people considered bathing in bleach, until totally dissolved?
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>was a fat kid
>Got bullied until I got the message and lost the weight
>Grow up
>Find my wife
>Also a former fat kid from China where American bullying would seem like friendly banter
>Both of us talk shit about fat people walking by
>Promise each other we're going to stay hot
My wife is beyond based. Also I really don't understand how fat people still exist when ozenpic and gastric bypass are a thing. Like at what point is it a choice that should be punished through taxation?
I am curious. If you have kids, do you give each other permission to gain weight?
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goblinx general
Not planning on having children but even then, no.
>Fat as fuck
Is this "man" like 5' tall?
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Sweet Latina princess general
What a shame
She was already fat but a massive narcissist, she can't possibly ever be wrong or flawed so fat is just a new trend
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Thank you for your service
honestly he looks bad because he lost a lot of muscle too. if he kept lifting he would the "dad bod" women actually want
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OP Talks about how she was prediabetic with severe pcos symptoms, because she almost exclusively ate carbs and sugar and avoided protein because she thought it would make her she-hulk. Others agree and prediabetes is apparently very common in teenage girls. They also have very little concept of healthy weight.
>appreciate your body by treating it like shit
I mean that’s like a 22 bmi. Not that bad for a girl.
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The short anorexic is at the top of acceptable, but it's more impressive they eat only sugar and carbs to the point of diabetes but AREN'T obese. Give em a decade they'll be those weird potatoes with stick limbs
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>Give em a decade they'll be those weird potatoes with stick limbs
I work with a guy like that, his weird movements really freak me out. He also gives me all sorts of diet advice in the break room every chance he gets. Thanks bud, the day I want to look like you I'll be sure to chase up your routine
Imagine being able to physically stuff a square meter of cloth into your underwear. Grim.
JD Vance thinks your wife is worthless
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Black is slimming
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Hair is thinning
Thought it was going to be cringe but that dance was the most based thing I've ever seen.
I thought the latinas ballooning up thing was a meme but I have seen the hot latina I went to high school with and… holy fuck… it is so real she’s HUGE
I'll cry myself to sleep in an unfucked couch at the thought.
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The wall hits latinas particularly hardjvkyx
>his weird movements really freak me out.

What is his diet advice
Just stumbling around with those skinny limbs and bouncing his big gut off things like he can't maintain spacial awareness any more. I don't want to end up that way.
>Diet advice
It's like he reads all the frogposts from /fit/ and tells me the latest clickbait meme diets, like how's he's intermittent fasting so he ate breakfast and is fasting until lunch, or how my morning tea of an apple and a bottle of water is no good due to the carbs and sugars, and I should be in on a plate full of dim sims and sausages instead for the fats.
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I will never understand how being unable to clean yourself isn't a massive wake up moment
The first six weeks has the mother healing from what is effectively major surgery. On top of that, you're feeding a mewling shit factory constantly without regard for time of day. If you don't have family to help or savings, you're doing this while working. If it's your first, you're learning as you go. That's just your brain getting force-fed cortisol. You won't get gains and it's stupid easy to stress eat. Weight gain is hard to avoid.
After that first six months, you adjust. At that time, neither you nor the mother of your child have an excuse. The child will start to sleep through the night. You will adapt to the schedule. At this point, any weakness of will is your fault and not circumstance.
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Normal people:
>Wash with generic soap

Fat people:
>Wash with persimmon soap
>Get hibiclens and rub it into your fat folds and belly button
>Use Gold Bond in fat folds
>Use glycolic acid toner on sweaty parts
>Then use scented lotion and body spray
>Finally spray Jock Itch under your belly apron

Jesus, fat people really are the perfect consumer.
I'm like 99% sure I know this guy.
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boobs need to be bigger to make up for that gut and be slammable
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Im confused by the analogy. It’s a good thing to maintain your home, and keep it clean. Right?
I kinda get this. A compliment from a woman is worthless, but a compliment from a non-gay guy is coming from a genuine place of admiration. A strong dude at the gym complimented my physique and it made me lift harder and track my macros even closer.
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Now THIS is autism. I did this shit up until like 19 when I had to socialize or die. I stopped talking and interacting and just watching others to mirror behavior, watching cringe compilations and whatnot to see what behavior made it. I still have some weird movements and facial cues, God forbid I get excited about my interests.
So do you really hate that Bluey show? It really makes you look like hippies, I didn't know you guys had a severe celiac issue over there. Oh one more, what's your least favorite race?
Yes, keep it clean, maintain it, don't let it get too cluttered (ie., fat), and don't let it fall into disrepair.

An overweight body can accumulate many health problems over time.

In her case, "not judging" the condition of her "home" (her body) would be like not being judgmental about the fact that you haven't mown the lawn in 8 months, termites are eating your house, you haven't put on a new coat of paint even though your house desperately needs one before winter, etc. That's what it's like not being "judgmental" about your overweight body. It means just accepting that it is in a state of disrepair and doing nothing to fix it.
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Look how happy he is
Would absolute marry and then impregnate her several times
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Fat people always have a weird moldy smell to them, no matter how often they bath or how much gold bond they use there's always this layer of mold that develops in the moisture of their fat folds. It's so constant that eventually they simply stop noticing it.
>Fat people:
>Wash with persimmon soap
>Get hibiclens and rub it into your fat folds and belly button
>Use Gold Bond in fat folds
>Use glycolic acid toner on sweaty parts
>Then use scented lotion and body spray
>Finally spray Jock Itch under your belly apron
someone edit the American Psycho morning routine
>cis white men
Socialists actually looked at these creatures and said
>yes, you will be my champion to bring about utopia
I’m not even fat but I feel like these threads are so weird and mean spirited. What is the point? These fat women didn’t do anything to you and they’re probably a lot less vapid and evil than hot girls nowadays.
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Sounds very reasonable. Just wait until postpartum depression kicks in and just you wait until sex turns into a game of "I don't do that anymore. I'm a mother." If that shit doesn't get you to stress eat, then you've conquered the world.
i don't get the whole stress eating thing. if anything i lose my appetite while stressed. exercising is a great way to blow off steam
I don't get it, was he the one that got pregnant?
>What I'd wear on a circus date

This woman is too pure for tiktok someone get her off of social media and put a ring on her

Also you should be ashamed of yourself hating on people just for being obese, childhood obesity is a real thing and it is fucked up
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>childhood obesity is a real thing and it is fucked up
yeah, it's fucked up that parents make their kids so fat they break bones doing simple movements
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I live in the Westwood Apartment complex on West 82nd street. My name is Patricia Whalemon. I'm 29 years old. I believe in taking care of myself, and an intuitive diet and a rigorous online fatpos posting routine. In the morning, if my face is a little oily after breakfast, I'll put on an ice pack while rubbing my stomach. I can do a thousand rubs now before I get tired. After I remove the ice pack, I use a deep scented lotion. After I squeeze into the shower, I wash with a bar of persimmon soap. Then I rub antibacterial Hibiclens lotions underneath my fat folds and belly button. And on the face, a glycolic acid toner. Then I apply Gold Bond powder in my fat folds which I leave on for 10 minutes while I prepare the rest of my routine. I always spray Jock Itch under my belly apron because that's where I'm the most itchy and can't reach. Then more body spray followed by a final layer of more scented lotions. There is an idea of a Patricia Whalemon, some kind of abstraction, but there is no real me. Only a fat entity, something illusory. And though I can hide my cholesterol, and you can shake my fat hand and feel greasy flesh gripping yours and maybe you can even sense our life styles are probably incomparable, I simply am not there.
Did he creampie you? Or are you a top?
Yeah, keep it clean with industrial hospital grade disinfectant shitlord
this isnt that funny
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>put a ring on her
My wife lost weight after her first pregnancy, but have gained after her second (mostly after she finished breast feeding). She's coming back down though. Pregnancy (and the baby years) is a fucking hormonal rollercoaster for the woman that is best not fucked with. If she had healthy habits to begin with though I don't see why she wouldn't get back to them eventually.

For men I'd say it's less acceptable. Having an unhealthy lifestyle is not gonna make life as a parent any easier.
these posts are missing an alcoholic cat
It’s a sad day when a young man first understands that homesexual ass-sex has a real. It’s an even sadder day when a man first understands that there are far more disgusting things… and that hell has no bottom.
There's no better feeling than going balls deep into a twink.
heterosexual ass-sex is also real and is also sticking your penis in a shit-lined flesh tunnel
My wife gave me a blowjob after her water broke. She didn’t tell me her water broke until she was finished. She said “I wanted to give you something to tide you over because I don’t know how long it will be until I can give you the focus a great blow job requires.”

I’ll remember it until I die.
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>what id wear on our circus date
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Fixer-upper for sure but I steal wood
Being a filthy sodomite dog is worse than being one of these fatfucks. Just consider what Chrysostom said about them, that it'd be better to suffer 10,000 deaths than to be a fag.
>For genuine pleasure is that which is according to nature. But when God has left one, then all things are turned upside down. And thus not only was their doctrine Satanical, but their life too was diabolical.
>...this is contrary both to law and nature. For even if there were no hell, and no punishment had been threatened, this were worse than any punishment.
>And name what sin you will, none will you mention equal to this lawlessness. And if they that suffer such things perceived them, they would accept ten thousand deaths so they might not suffer this evil.
>For there is not, there surely is not, a more grievous evil than this insolent dealing.
>...what shall we say of this madness, which is so much worse than fornication as cannot even be expressed?
>For I should not only say that thou hast become a woman, but that thou hast lost thy manhood, and has neither changed into that nature nor kept that which thou haddest, but thou hast been a traitor to both of them at once, and deserving both of men and women to be driven out and stoned.
The ironic thing is most churches which celebrate him as a "church father" wouldn't tolerate him preaching in their churches today. Of course the fags are trying to defend their vile acts already in reply to you, and they're more adamant about it than the fatties are and their sin exceeding more vile than that of a glutton and a sluggard. It's not like there's a fat pride month and fat history and fat education pushed on kids in schools or "fat queen story hour" with convicted pedophiles, fat people aren't all pedophiles, but sodomites are; they're dogs, they'll screw anything, men, women, kids, animals.
>those fucking ankles
you won
You're a lucky man. She's a keeper. You better appreciate what you have because most men would kill to have that.
Your lady isn't putting out anymore, she's too tired from caring for a baby 24/7, the pregnancy and the nursing has totally changed the way she thinks about her body, if you're ever lucky enough to have sex with her again it will NEVER be the same, her hormones make her a little difficult to be around sometimes, and let's say that you don't want to be that asshole who cheats on his lady after she's popped out your kid for you.

What are you going to do about it? Most guys will just eat. Or, some guys will stay fit and then the temptation to cheat becomes even greater.
>muh coof
It was literally a NOTHINGBURGER flu. I've had it apparently and I didn't even know it lol. Sick and tired of retards pretending like it was the second black plague.
wake up call? these animals go to fat supportive chamber and get reassured by 1. wicked people trying to keep them that way and 2. other animals not knowing better.

How can you wake up someone who sedates themselves with increasingly higher dose everytime they're about to be vaguely conscious of their condition?
he's literally me if I had been abused
why food though? at least drugs make sense. not getting sex never made me want to eat either. I'd rather do a hobby or something
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Look at those filthy, swollen, fag-stomped trotters.
>Is there anything to help it???
>(except for the obvious thing, which is losing weight)

I want to break its nose
It's very simple, they sweat when doing anything.

If you're fat and out at any venue be it school, the store or whatever, it's the same as if a normal person ran there on foot, sweat a lot and then the sweat dried out. They're constantly sweating and drying so they just build up stink. Normal people's thermal regulating happens without almost any sweating for most daily activities so they don't build up stink in the same way. Fat people have to sweat for normal function or else they'd overheat and die.

It genuinely doesn't matter how well they cleaned themselves in the morning or the night before, if they're outside of their home they're building up sweat smell. The only way to stop smelling so bad as a fat is to wash really well, and fast (you'd have to start 24h in advance) so your body starts to conserve energy and won't make too much body heat anymore.
Mine apologized during birth for not cooking me dinner
I just saw a fat fuck jogging extremely slowly and I felt some respect, at least he was trying. But then I noticed he didn't look like he was puffed or exerting himself at all, embarrassing, stay fat.
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This 'woman' legit is one of the few things that nearly makes me gag.
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what a waste
this makes me feel fucking sick
fuck off back to pol you retard
this board is gay and we all love looking at men's bodies
>all that effort to deal with the consequences of being fat, instead of just investing the effort into stopping to be fat
Normalfags love this kind of shit, where they all collectively pretend that something which might as well not have happened at all was something HUGE so they can pin the blame for all their failures onto it
Plenty of guys in my semester kept claiming that they got fat because they just had to spend so much time studying instead of moving around, when I know for a fact that they barely studied but just constantly partied and consumed week's worth of calories in beer.
But as long as enough of them are pretending it's true, they can pin the blame on it and the others will not call them out because they are in the same boat.
Right looks like a pepe, somebody pls
>and avoided protein because she thought it would make her she-hulk.
Kek, I never buy that line.
If protein tasted as sweet as sugar, they'd have zero inhibitions to throw absurd amounts of it into their ever-gaping maw.
>He also gives me all sorts of diet advice in the break room every chance he gets.
I will never get why people who are visibly way less healthy than you try to constantly give you health advice.
Do they not have a mirror or something?
Yeah, its like when I work a 16hr shift in the summer and my underwaer turns to sweat soaked grundle paper rubbing between my thighs and rubbing them raw.
I'm not a fatty, so it heals in a day or two. But these slugs have this all over their bodies wherever skin meets skin.
I see you spawn-camping back there, Tyrone. Go bag yourself a big'un.
they have even less self-control than other women (which they usually call "passionate").
so the moment they escape their parents and have control over their own life, shit goes downhill very quickly.
Do his nipples hang past his elbow? Lmfao
Its a 3 way tie between poojeets, chinks, and kykes
It is real for a large percentage.
I used to date a puerto rican chick from 18-23. We are 30 now and she is still slim and tight.
But she was also an Olympic skier, ran all the time, and still plays on a soccer team.

Should have locked her down desu, but I feared she would look like her goblina mother by now.
That retard actually lost weight.
>I didn't know how to wash my ass until I was 18
Kek wtf
Unfortunately ozempic is not covered by most insurance neither are some of the others. Its shortsighted on the part of the insurance companies because they would save money long term as obese ppl have far more health problems. Anyway most fatties dont make enough money to afford it.
A business that permanently solves its clients issues goes bankrupt pretty quickly
>wearing a tent to a circus date
they already have one there, dumbass
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>getting this excited at the opportunity to shell out reap money for digital clothing
>getting excited at all for microtransactions
Retarded. This shit used to just be free mods. Games suck now. Fuck biggers.
Who is asking for this in a men's sexy magazine?
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It’s not some genetic bullshit, it’s just because of how our bodies work and that Mexican food is really fattening. There are a lot of Mexican foods that are almost 100% oil fried starch, making them empty calorie bombs. But when lintinxes get fat it’s not some bullshit reason like metabolism slowdown or something. The reason why it takes a while to get fat the first time (for everyone) is because your body has to build fat cells in order to store the excess calories which takes a good amount of nutrients from the food you’re eating. Fat doesn’t just get shoved into nooks and crannies between your cells, it needs to be stored in fat cells. If a young person is at their fattest and eats 3300 extra calories that doesn’t mean they’ll gain a pound like the CICO math dictates. It will be less than a pound because their body needs to spend a lot of that excess food to build fat cells in order to store some of the excess food they ate. There is actually a form of lipodystrophy where a person’s body can’t make fat cells and they’ll always look shredded because they can’t store fat (but you don’t want this condition because their blood sugar is fucked from the inability to store extra glucose out of the blood and the high blood sugar will shred their cardiovascular system and kidneys just like a diabetic).

It’s the same reason why if you slip up while you’re on a diet your weight will increase quickly, much more quickly than when you got fat as a kid. If you’ve lost weight then you have a lot of empty fat cells ready to suck up and store all of the excess calories you eat, so you undo all of your progress really quickly. And it takes a long time for you to not be in that situation anymore. Those empty fat cells will only go away through the autophagy process and that will take a long time because you have to wait for that cell to naturally die unless you’re doing long fasts which force your body into autophagy
The no sex anymore is not normal and it means you got a dud. You are describing a real phenomenon but it's easy to filter out by adking if she believes in life phases abd stages changes her identity.
>I'm a teen girl I'm supposed to X (study sneak out whatever)
>I'm an early 20s girl I'm supposed to drink like a fish and fuck strangers and explore
>I'm a new wife I'm supposed to fuck my husband and show him what I learned and make our home suit my taste
>I'm a mother I'm supposed to take care of the baby and the house, my husband is on his own now and my body is no longer for sex, it built a HUMAN BEAN and fed it! It's no longer supposed to be sexy because sex is no longer the purpose (unless I want another baby but that will be baby making sex only nothing that feels too "dirty" like a BJ or doggy style, moms dont do that.)
These types are very transparent about how they see their life.
She's wearing the tent, isn't she?
Going through all this rather than simply eating less and exercising a few times a week.
Same. Appetite goes out the window if I'm feeling like shit or hungover. Which is bad as well, but better than eating too much I guess
>it built a HUMAN BEAN
My friend is married to a Disney derp who thinks and talks this way and you can see the light in his eyes dimming every day.

I warned you, Mark.
OP was actually a petite Asian, she literally ate ~1400cal in only carbs and sugar which makes it very questionable how much she could actually eat in volume a day.
Brutal genderpill, fatfuck still has a bf, her looksmatch is rotting on r9k
Inshallah this never changes. If you want to use a shortcut around the consequences of your gluttony and sloth, it should come with a fucking penalty. I wish it caused cancer, society should have enough fat people for fit people to utterly mog on the regular without citing the critical mass that causes a social change to beauty standards.
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>wash with hibiclens soap
Lol, fatties have to wash with the sterilizing shit they use in hospitals and clinics because their folds are a disgusting petri dish of filth. Great, now we’re going to breed super versions of bacteria and fungus that are resistant to hospital disinfectants because obeasts are dumb, useless, and need to disinfect their putrid flesh in the vain attempt to not smell as disgusting as they are. And they say that their fat doesn’t affect other people.
>if you don’t think you stink then it’s just in your head and it’s your anxiety
Are dumb fats too dumb to realize that you get used to smells after a while?
>fatty BO
It’s not just from the festering folds, but your skin is an organ which excretes toxins too. You you eat a shitty diet then you’ll have BO because your body is excreting some of the bad shit in the “food” through your skin. If I cheat on my diet then I can smell the difference in my sweat, it’s crazy how night and day the difference is.
>I warned you, Mark.
F. Sounds like Mark needs to lift and get in shape. His wife will start acting right after he gets some mires.
>I warned you, Mark.
They always know better. And then it happens exactly as you said it would.
>tfw modern day cassandra
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Checked. He fell to temptation without a thought for the future or if she would be mentally 15 forever. Just leave, it's better to be broke with dual custody than living with that shit. Or he could watch that one male marriage counselor I guess abd worship her as a queen.
Literal pear shape
>i have blind pimples because of my loofah, not because of my shitty diet
Retard. Pimples come from inside you, they are from a shitty diet or steroid abuse. Just like being fat, people didn’t used to be acne covered messes. It is a new thing. Started about the same time that people started huffing goyslop.
"everyday" is an adjective; he means "every day".
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Mark cannot fix her. Nothing can fix her. She is defective and should've remained a spinster. The only man to handle her is one with a very very strong personality who doesn't care if she starts telling others he's abusive and controlling, and he actually does keep her in line.
>No Brianna, we aren't spending more money on knickknacks.
>No Brianna, we aren't eating out more than one night a week.
>No Brianna, we aren't sitting inside watching movies all day
Aren't you guys, like, super miserable? Dobt you just wanna get fat?
I love starting the day scrolling through this thread. Let's fucking get it, boys!
>A compliment from a woman is worthless
if it's worthless, why do (You) never get it?
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Whenever I see fatties my brain instantly makes a HURRR noise mimicking what I think they sound like. I don't know why I do this but it's so often that I nearly blurted out HURRRRR when a fatty tried to talk to me. Do fatties actually make this noise? Where have I learned this from?
I'm a fat woman and I lurk these threads everyday, they're excellent weight loss motivation
Lose weight you fat bitch
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Can a kind anon please post the starbucks order and the screencap of the guy making and trying it? Thank you <3
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He looks like a pompous know-it-all condescending faggot about it, but here you go
Never gonna happen. I straight up backhanded her once while they were dating because she thought it was a reasonable move to grab my hair and wrench me around to make a point. Mark didn't even have the balls to pick a side. He married a child because she gave him a crumb of pussy and fears a life without further pussy.
I have so many great stories about Mark, the guy was a mix of the worst features of autist and normie.
Boobs nao pls. BigMILKERS NOW.
Fat fuck
this is a great webm, but not what i meant; sorry.
There's this ridiculous starbucks order out there and in like 2020/2021-ish a brave anon made it and drank it.
I remember that one, he made an abomination with so many pumps it was pretty much liquid sugar.
his seed is worthless he created a little youtube headquarters shooter of his own
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they make that noise when they get up, bend over, lift a leg over the bathtub, reach around to wipe their asshole, stand up from a chair to hug someone, when you bring food home and they rush to it while making that noise
is 50 supposed to be a cast of her tits?
in a field full of disappointments those are by far the worst
imagine being proud of showing off your lardball physique to the world
I wasn't nearly as fat as this >person but getting waist cramps just wiping my ass was a big red flag for me around 100 pounds ago

Yup, it's a cast of dem titties. But fear not, her lower parts are also ugly as sin
Sorry for the tldr, but as an unrelated point.. the whole idea that these women in art programs think it is high-art to make these sort of grotesque depictions/scultpures/paintings focused on fat tits/periods/vaginas etc. is so banal and hackneyed at this point. It really goes to show that women are 99% crude mid wits when you really get down to it. They actually think the artworks are meaningful or profound in making some feminist point but it really just comes off as angsty, tasteless, talentless, and almost juvenile.

When you compare them to animals amd beasts etc, these women supposedly have large complex brains and are supposedly endowed with an almost godlike complexity and creativity as humans. And yet they spend their days making these exhausted hackneyed tit depictions. It's as shameless as an anime weeboo making cartoon tits except they actually have this deluded notion that they are making provacative high art or something.

It's almost a form of compulsive radical unoriginality at this point. I don't even fully appreciate the point they are trying to make politically. I mean forgetting the fact that over social commentary is the calling card of poor "art", it would seem to me that if you wanted to further a "feminist" social program you would depict women in a way that made them look beautiful, strong, noble, etc. but they have actually deluded themselves into thinking there is power in showing themselves warts-and-all as fat, ugly, weak, etc.

I think it goes to show when you get these women together in a college campus and give them nothing meaningful to do, I guess their stupid ideas fester and rot like some big giant mound of fermenting refuse to the point where up is down etc.
Pride is a sin for a reason
The guy who goes to children's cancer hospitals and berates parents saying they gave their child cancer by feeding them vegetables is a condescending faggot? Nonsense
>Make a bunch of slop-looking non-slop
>Make up a story
>Roll in upvotes
It's aggressive mediocrity. It's like trying to run faster than light, except here these fatties are trying to aggressively promote their mediocrity faster than they can feel embarrassment or shame. It's sort of self convincing that your obviously poor life choices are actually somewhat good despite reality proving you otherwise.
OK you've got me invested. Do go on. He married a woman who would assault a close friend? She let's him hang our with you still?
All of these are disgusting. Fat and saggy, not one looks to be s healthy weight or under 45 AND YET THEY ARE UNDER 25.
I know women watch porn, so how ate they deluded into thinking this is acceptable?
most look fine, very hot even
stop watching bimbo porn you disgusting incel
>unless you’re doing long fasts which force your body into autophagy
How long - over 48 hours? 72 hours? a week? I'm 40 hours into a fast at the moment but aiming for my first week long fast. longest was 100 hours I think

49 looks fine but yeah this girl is only like 21 or something and is fubar, brutal.
When i had it it felt like a really weird flu. I peed a lot during it and have some kidney damage since then
>packaged crossiant
>dried bananas
>apples with skin removed
>sunflower seeds?
Based it's all sugar and carbs with few micronutrients and no protein. This looks like it was put together by "BUT IT HAS FRUIT AND SEEDS SO ITS HEALTHY!!!"
You have no idea how much of a deep and seething rage this retardation sends me into.
We were roommates and buddies. He met Miss Piggy (a retroactive nickname) in his junior year when she was a freshman, and then proceeded to fail classes to avoid graduation so they could graduate together. Spent 7 years in undergrad as a result. We stopped hanging out after I graduated (on time) because I moved across the eastern seaboard for work, which suits Miss Piggy fine. He doesn't much talk to me, which is probably a good thing. He's the dumbest smart guy I knew. Dreams of being 2011 Elon Musk with none of the requisite talent or seed money that gig otherwise needs.
Being a Disney dork, she eventually forgot about the backhand, but she never touched me again. She continued to put hands on our other roommates.
They married about five years ago and squirted out what I assume is an antisocial little hoglet after she figured her music degree would make her an excellent lawyer, attended night law school at an unaccredited university, and subsequently failed every bar exam. Mogging them both at the shitshow wedding was a blast.
I've seen her naked, now about 12 years ago. Even then she looked like a literal overfull sack of shit. These days she's prime FPH material.
i thought those were fries kek
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That sounds even worse than a condescending faggot. That sounds like a keto schizo.
I am blessed everyday knowing I'm not trapped in a loveless marriage with a fatty
lmao what a fat cunt shark
>I know women watch porn, so how ate they deluded into thinking this is acceptable?
Do zoomers really base their standards off porn? Lmao you are fucked
>gold bond in their moldy folds
Won’t this just make a putrid batter?
>No one beratessth my punkin thpithe frothen icerino sssthugar water! Nobody! Bith!
I just felt kind of slow and fog brained like anyone does when they’re sick except it was one of the worst sore throats I’ve ever had. Nothing tea and fistfuls of cough drops couldn’t help though. So basically it was the black plague, just without the open sores, necrotic tissue, and death.
I have lots of kids, I never became a fat söyfag. He was just too low energy to keep up the momentum. Probably suported lockdowns too.
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Porn mentioned because it means they aren't in their own echo chamber 24/7, they MUST see a variety of nudity. They MUST be aware they are not normal.
Is saggy misshapen breast's are normal, why are they considered misshapen at all? Why are all anatomical models perky? Why is there a scale for breast sagging? Why are historic sculptures perky?
Had to look up wtf a blind pimple is
also pretty sure what she actually has is bed sores
from being a fat disgusting cunt
Autophagy usually starts at 24hours. It’ll prevent Alzheimer’s too because your body will break down the glycated proteins in your brain. Those useless glycated proteins cause Alzheimer’s. High blood sugar causes those proteins to glycate and that’s why some people refer to Alzheimer’s as diabetes type 3.
>eat beachgoers who are filled with seed oils and microplastics
>get fat
Dumb fuck shark should have known better.
man the tits in sculptures are between normal and type 1 sagging, definitely average looking
these women are also very likely overweight and have poor posture, making their tits look saggier
How ugly was this guy?! Fat women have a habit of being very touchy and aggressive
>Why are historic sculptures perky
fatness aside, wearing bras all the time causes breasts to sag. mostly though, it's fat
As a color, maybe
Not as a people though
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It's how he did it. He acts like this know-it-all who thinks it should be illegal. Fuck that. People have a right to kill themselves on this stuff. If you don't like a pumpkin flavored milkshake, then don't consume one. It's that simple. You don't need to post a video of yourself giving a condescending lecture and suggesting that a given product should be illegal like a faggot. He could have just given the bare facts about the nutrition without being a faggot about it.
>too lazy to shave

Nothing will save this fucking person just die
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I wonder which ones this girl has
What a nice chonker
Good stuff! Keep it up, chunky. How far off your goal do you think you are?
Anon you treat that woman well damn it
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Are you sure? I thought that we were supposed to hate them on this thread.
Carnivore dieters BTFO
Do you just hate looking at nipples or are you high
Dude looked decent. He was a gymnast in high school and had a muscular build. 5'10, decent jawline. But awkward with women so he didn't get laid until Miss Piggy decided she liked him. Man could have done OK with a little confidence.
He always had brainrot as a modern media whore. I took him to a bar to buy him his first drink. I picked an Irish dive I used to haunt because the drinks were cheap and I liked to flirt with the punk bartender. He looked around and honest to god ordered an "appletini, easy on the tini" like this was Scrubbs.

But he was a good guy and could be fun until Miss Piggy let him into her hoghole. Miss Piggy worsened everything. Suddenly he was obsessed with Marvel , DC, Dr who, insipid musicals, and Disney movies. They wore matching shirts and adopted catchphrases together. She packed on the pounds and he stopped going to the gym.

To this day I can't see the shade of lipstick she used to cake on and not gag.
>picrel: Miss Piggy at her smallest that I saw.
Girl on the right looks like she's consider how her life got her to where she is
Watch him implode by asking if Jewish people are white. Then say he's stealing credit and spotlight from the very high achieving jews
Can you try reach out to him? Help a lost soul, show him the gym, show him what he's missing. Tell him to ignore ms piggy and turn off his phone, go get beers and let him stay at your house. Sometimes when we're at our lowest it takes a bro to get us out of the hole.
NTA but there's no hope. He's just dedicated his entire life to her. He has a child with her. She's literally his first and only partner, it's all he knows. The fear of leaving comfort is too strong to leave even the pits of hell.
Considering that this shark probably hunted its own meals, one could consider it the most successful of its species. This is the only respectable fattie in this thread.
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Literally just witnessed art in motion
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qrd pls
That's thin in Texas lol. Americans fucking disgust me. I was in Texas a few days ago god everybody's a fucking blob. If the dems wanted to stop republicans from voting all they'd have to do is build a flight of stairs to the booth. (And don't get political on me I hate them all)
hits a litte close to home. thats exactly the modern hell of a "good dad" no one ever talks about. back in the day you had a mistress as a side gig or when to the brothel with the guys. today youre a "good dad" that sits on his couch every night while mom feel asleep between the kids. and what youre gonna do? youre not going to cheat on your wife because you love her and she still loves you. and shes fine with the family life as it is. shes not too proud of her body anymore (you still like her body though), her hormonal change made her nonsexual anyway (youre libido is through the roof because of celibate, bc of your fitness level, also that 20 year old intern at work looked at you with "fuck me" eyes). so wifey is in heaven with the kids and her faithful fit and well payed husband. but talk about sex even one time with her - things will not get better. oh you bet they wont. she will give you the saddest blow job ever and then silence. for months. she will never initiate. she will act completely insecure around you when it comes to sex - its as she never even had sex before, as she never undressed before you, like she doesnt know what you like in bed and what would make you happy. while being married to you for eight years. so you ask yourself - sitting on your stupid couch again alone (its fucking 8 p.m. and shes asleep between the kids) what am I gonna do? who s going to help me? the answers: nothing. and no one.
That's one hecking chonker I tell you what
The nissan altima with what I assume are Alabama plates is really icing on the cake
What causes them to do this
>I know women watch porn
Did you convince yourself that?
That's a shame building your happiness on anothers is never the way forward I did it for two years with my ex and she left me, still struggling with finding happiness the gym helps. Must suck for you as well, seeing him as a proud friend who got unlucky with women to being addicted to Disney movies and stuck with a hamplanet who probably berates him on the daily.

I guarantee he remembers the times he spent with you he might dwell on it when his fatty is eating her fourth McDonald's of the day, and remember how good he had it. Sorry man I'm going to pour one for out for our lost soul, to Mark, may you have a better life in the next one.
My guess is it is a Virginia plate.
Had I not been deep in my own shit, I may have tried to rescue him. He has a lousy job because his grades were awful, all because he tried to stay behind with her. He never went back for his masters or PhD like he wanted. He's paying for her cut rate law degree she can't use, double tuition he incurred, and her useless undergrad degree. Their kid is destined to be a fat khv with these role models. He deserved better than he got. The worst part is he did it to himself.

This is just one more reason I hate fat women. They will destroy men to keep them.
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We have no kids and I'm only having it slightly better. Not so bad for a bald dyel NEET I guess.
Just cheat ffs i can still love my family and bust a nut on some whores face
No way this isnt staged
yeah but imagine your wife was saying that exact thing to her friends
>I can still love my husband and get a facial from a fuckboy
I’m not innocent I’ve cheated before but damn that is supposed to be your best friend and that is a nasty fucking betrayal to do to them.
In this case youd be the one not fucking her leading to this conclusion. Itd be your fault, nothings perfect.
The guy just colapsed?
I lost 60lbs after having kids because I had to give up most of my vices.
Fuck that's nasty
I do feel bad for children who have terrible parents, they never deserve it and it's always down to the shit way they were taught. If I ever have children they will be my only priority, I cannot fail them. I see so many single mothers who are younger than me (below 25) and their kids have no chance their parents have no career or education, their father's usually been in fucking prison and they will likely grow up to do the same.

I can't believe he took on her tuition debt, for her shit law degree. How retarded is she that she doesn't realise the school you attend matters when you go for a law job?

I've got a hatred of fatties, my ex had a fat friend who convinced her to break up with me after she rinsed me for about $1500 was with her for two years and we were planning on purchasing a house together but she wanted to live with her fat friend and get drunk all day. Dodged a bullet but it stings a little.
Amazing. Almost a double chin on a shark.
Plus fattie looks like he's out of breath
now THAT'S a premium slampig
Thanks anon, probably 35-50lbs to go. I’m not in a high deficit so it will take a while still
Is this guy 5'5? How does he look so fat at 180lbs?
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>he tripped, left behind a mess, and ran away from it
I was going to say that he's still young enough and not that large to where there was still hope for him.
However, he seems to have other personality problems / mental disorders.
I don't think lifting, eating, healthy, and getting fit alone can save him.
Dude needs masculinization therapy.
Dude, you're just gay.
You could tell she was going to end up obese just looking at her arms.
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You could you tell here as well or was it a surprise?
>185g of sugar

What the fuck? This would put me in a coma.
w where did you get this pic of me with my gf?
Half of her upper arm is covered, so that pic's useless.
You see, he's an obese fat piece of shit, and not even one who was for at some point and got fat, who might have actual muscles of some kind. He has no athleticism of any sort, so when his weird fat fuck gait waddle causes his fat wobbly foot to smack his leg, it throws the whole operation out of whack. A normal human could just quickly stumble a bit and recover, but since he's morbidly obese and slow to move at all, he can't move his feet faster than the forward momentum of over 300 pounds drags him forwards and straight to the ground.
Paradise by the gas station lights
Very well. Here is the same girl.
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my favorite genre of fat cope is when they invent wild conspiracies
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>I don't like X so it must be racist
>Proof that it's racist is that I don't like it
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Why is her head so small?
to be fair she does legit have lupus, a pretty fucked up autoimmune disease that forces you on a ton of drugs that alter hormones etc
>please dont take my picture
oh yeah, look at those porker arms
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Fair enough. Let's look at another sweet Latina princess getting thick
I guess you could say that.
>You don’t understand bro!!! Like .0002% of the global population died bro!!!!
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How does this happen?
I've seen this catch-22 so many times. You can't go on as things are because it's obviously miserable to be in a sexless marriage, as someone who actually has a functioning libido. But GOD FORBID you say a single word about "hey uhh we dont have sex anymore and you treat me like a stranger".
>so you want to fuck other women?
>so I'm not doing good enough?
>what if I just dont want sex anymore?! What about that James?! People change and life changes, I don't NEED sex anymore to be happy. If you do then just say I'm not enough! Why can't you just be HAPPY with our life?!
Just fucking ask. If they say no ask about graphic novels or web comics. Then how much sex on TV they watch.
Virginia is correct actually
Easily the most comical build ive ever seen
This idea is too dangerous for society. You are corrupting our youth.
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Wtf that's me! Delete this!
>Make a mess
>Walk away like a Chad
>Leet some pathetic wagie deal with it
It’s good to be positive with such a bad prospect.
Yes, and that's extremely understandable to all of us. It's extremely understandable to most people,
>how would you feel if your long term committed partner refused to have sex with you?
but she won't see it that way. She'll say that if you really loved her, then you could wait forever. She'll say that SHE doesn't notice other men so if you notice other women and that really does just prove that you don't love her the way she loves you. That last one was actually 8 Hot Topic belongs to me and my wife for a little bit of time. Because she really doesn't notice attractive men. She doesn't notice any man and when she first realized that I do look at conventionally, attractive women, she was extremely hurt and asked what so wrong with her. Why she wasn't good enough.Why she couldn't satisfy me by herself. It was an even bigger problem than we had a dead bedroom for a little bit of time. It was a lot of arguments.
And a bit of it just came down to the fact that there were some things she hadn't told me about her history, She said that I put a lot of pressure on her to put out for sex and that I seemed to always be demanding it, but if I wasn't hounding her down for sex and she was afraid that I was out cheating. She needed more positive feedback but also to just lose some weight. Yes SHE needed to lose weight to want sex, It didn't matter if I told her I still found her very sexually attractive. She didn't feel sexually attractive and she needed to lose weight to feel better about herself. As far as she was concerned, I was just a horny animal but would do with whatever so compliments from me didn't count And they weren't special anymore.
think what another lockdown would do this fatties...
To these*
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>>Walk away like a Chad
>>Walk away
He ran, scurried, and skipped. He didn't walk away casually at all.
>>like a Chad
Chad doesn't run flailing his arms around like that.
Fine as hell tripfag who gets bullied here and stopped posting
Who censured Iowa Hawkeyes and for what purpose?
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The size of her upper arms is making me dizzy.
>It's racist because... it just is because I said it is!
imagine going on that whole rant about wipipo when you're too retarded to tell the difference between ketosis and ketoacidosis
>Looking for Long-term partner
Bitch wont even live long enough to have a long-term relationship
>her looksmatch

Why you so optimist? the average skinny fat guy is rotting on there.
half ass attempt at protecting her privacy
>so you want to fuck other women?
No, I want to fuck you.
>so I'm not doing good enough?
>what if I just dont want sex anymore?!
Then there’s something wrong with you
>What about that James?! People change and life changes, I don't NEED sex anymore to be happy. If you do then just say I'm not enough! Why can't you just be HAPPY with our life?!
I was, and I want to be.
I was doing yard work today and got winded faster than I would have preferred. That was my version of a wake up call. I can't imagine being at the point of needing to floss my crotch to get the cheese out, I would kill myself.
I worked from home for a few months when covid started and every time my work vpn disconnected I did a set of pull ups. In a month I could bang out 20 no sweat. This bitch chose to get fat like every other woman.
For the Black gentleman, any white woman, even fat ones, are going to be more agreeable, submissive, and pleasant to be around than the average Black woman, and also much more attractive.

For the fat white women, they most likely only get overt attention from Black men. Also possibly the black men that would give them the time of day are more masculine than the white men that would.
>she first realized that I do look at conventionally, attractive women
i already know this, i grew up around men. i hate when my bf says stuff like you're the most beautiful/handsome when it's obvious bullshit. why do men do this? i guess women eat it up. my sex drive has always been low, to the point i identified as asexual for convenience as a teenager. at that time i considered doing poly so my partner could have a sex life. after taking TRT i got a little sex drive. then i got in a relationship and realized I'm too jealous for anything open. but i have half the sex drive of my bf, what do? men should get their balls chopped after the last kid
>incoherent tranny rambling
You are a disaster of a human. Please stop whatever hormone fuckery you're taking, deal with whatever childhood trauma you are compensating for and start listening to people who are happy and healthy not other bipolar idiots trying to do anything but address their own shortcomings. You are clearly terrified of real intimacy, start with that and figure out why that is. You don't trust men and you don't trust your partners. Believe it or not men can and do mean that when they say it, and it's you're shortcoming for not believing it.
What else is a guy to do? Nothing... this one is on you.
Personally, I blame jews
>My broken body can't keep up with men
>Clearly they should be crippled so I feel less bad

Die in an AIDS fire, tranny.
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mhmm slop
where the fuck did i say i was a tranny?
don't have any trauma, never been hurt, just wary of it happening and being made a fool of. i do see what has happened to other people and what people say when their partners aren't privy
>men can and do mean that when they say it
how can they say that to an objective 5/10 or less, doesn't make sense. i do love him a lot and believe he loves me too
was clearly a joke, don't get your panties in a bunch
No trauma huh? Doubt...
Tell me about dad, or step dad.
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>personal responsibility
>corrupting the youth
I think I understand what is wrong with the youth today
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>completely disregards the unique situation of child patients
alright, so it turns out this guy is way worse than your typical pompous self-important faggot. he's a keto schizo and an asshole.
Do something about it then because literally no one else gives a shit. Nor should they
They really needed a study to know a male fatso feels bad about his body when he sees someone fit? Yea, no shit they needed a study, wokes and women lack selfawareness, thats why male fatsos feel bad about their state.

>Hey Anon, how was work? I'm glad you're home. I missed you.
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What phenotype is this
that face structure tells me she could very easily become fat as fuck. pretty risky investment if you ask me
looks like a guy

amy slaton arrested, yes THE amy slaton
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I'm not into all that scientific racism stuff. Ypu sound like measurehead
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So you're a homosexual with very little sex drive on TRT... with no history of sexusl abuse. Craaaazy
No, that arrt8xle is about fat people eho LOSE weight feeling worse after losing weight
North Eastern American, Mennonite.
>greater than average chance of being converted to lesbianism
Handle this one carefully.
Shut the fuck up nerd
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Thanks. It’s a true story and I do treat her well. It’s a classic tale of how a submissive woman can get more out of life than any feminist can dream of achieving. She has nurtured my masculinity since day one, encouraging me in every way a wife can encourage her husband. She is tiny like a bird, and she gets off on having her clothes cut off her body and taken by neck against the wall. She says that type of passion is great for both of us, and fully supports me correcting her with spankings and such. It’s always been hard for me because I’m so much stronger and I’m afraid of hurting her… and if I’m being honest, I have accidentally hurt her, but she has always said she likes being the way I relieve stress and tension. I had to take her to a hospital one morning because she work up bleeding, and I had to tell every fucking doctor at the hospital one at a time that it wasn’t rape (because they didn’t believe her based on her cervix) and even still I almost got arrested. Guess what? She introduced my cock to her own asshole while she was healing. It’s just amazing. It’s social too, not just sexual. She taught me to be direct, to speak direct, to be confrontational in a good way, and it greatly improved my life and business. It actually resulted in us becoming truly successful. She loves being pregnant and has give me three sons and a daughter so far. Such a good mother.
You think you know happiness? Have you ever had a woman come into the garage after your workout with a protein shake… and then she opens up her blouse and her tits are in full let-down (milk actually dripping)? She pouts out her lips and begs you to relieve the aching pressure. That is my wife.
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so long as he isn't breaking any laws or violating any policies, he has a right to be a creepy ass old guy at a children's hospital judging the food options for not conforming to his niche food cult. he's still an asshole though. it goes to show just how foolishly unrealistic the keto/carnivore cult is
What do I do to eat this? I live for her and my kids 24/7. I provide. I protect. I father. I take out the trash without being told, ever, and I don’t just push it down when I “could” justify that. I look at every single responsibility and obligation I have as an opportunity to show how much I love her. That means I’m truly happy when I do the dishes, or the yard. I’m truly happy when I take long trips with a packed car of loud kids. I tell her every day that she makes me feel like a king, and that there is no where else in the world I’d ever be.

I highly recommend young men look for a relationship like mine. Dominant and submissive. Earning the submission of a good woman makes every thing in life easy to endure. I’ve had major hardships and laughed them off. I can bounce back from anything.

Before she brought that out in me, I was quick to anger, moody, lazy, and far less in shape. I was not happy. Now, you might look at a guy like me and think I’m a slave to my duty. I am telling you, having a purpose makes you able to enjoy and thrive in any environment or circumstance. That woman was with me when I had nothing.

Idk… I’m not sure what I’m saying. I just know so many men who aren’t happy, and I want you to know that you can be, and that a stranger is rooting for you. If I can do it, you can do it.
My girlfriend is sorta like that, and she's pretty too. Problem is I'm not aroused by her. She's not fat by any means, but she's short, barely any tits to speak of. She loves sex but it feels like a chore to me every time. At least she lets me (wants us to, actually) watch porn while we do it, and that works for me. She's bi and wants us to find some girl for a threesome, which seems weird to me, but also has me curious.
Idk what to do about her, it's a lot of wife material traits and a lot of dealbreakers
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gpt spam is a bannable offense
Oh I but I say this about Lana Del Rey and I'm a fag
Do I flag it as off topic or spam
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she is cute and also precious
The ones on the left look normal... are you a virgin?
sorry i meant to tag >>75039511
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there's NO way her head on the right isn't photoshopped
Healthy or unhealthy dinner, i'm most insulted with the fact she thinks this is interesting enough to tape and upload. Women really are the ultimate narcissists.
See >>75040130 and check your fucking eyes. Top left has nipples looking straight AND down. They also look fat. Torso size says it all.
I hate stoners as much as the next guy, but are people really still getting arrested for weed? I originally assumed it'd be meth or something...
Weed and shrooms in plain sight while driving with a 4yo and a 2yo child in the vehicle
>One shot at life
>named Gage
>named Glenn
You should work on the relationship and find what you need to be happy. Old man wisdom is that love can make any woman seem attractive. My wife went from 120 to 180 at one point during the first two pregnancy which were back to back. She went back down to almost 120 and with the latter pregnancies she never gained nearly as much. My point is, I never even noticed. Love gives you rose color glasses. A woman who is loyal and general hood wife material is beautiful. And I can PROMISE you this, a woman who is a 10/10 will look satan’s hair worn infested asshole when her poor character confronts you.

Am I saying that a good woman can’t be beautiful? Of course not. You want to chase that unicorn, be my guest. I know some guys in their 50s who have never had a relationship last a full year. They are fucking sad.

And here is the truth. All women age. Beauty of the purely physical kind does not last forever. Here is what I know: when my wife and I are 65, and I look at her, I’m going to feel fantastic that she is mine. There will be no desire in my heart to trade her. The idea is repugnant.

If I was choosing based on looks alone, and she did not have the character I want… then yeah, I’d be like Leonardo DiCaprio. He knows he dates sluts for their pussies. He’s fine with that. Im not. I would never have dated my wife if I didn’t know her family and know that she would make a good wife and future mother.

Maybe you have low libido. More than likely, you have something psychological in the way preventing pairbonding. A therapist can help, but it’s hard to find a good one. A straight Christian man who has time in the military would be the gold standard.

As for her being bi… they all are. Don’t be tempted to give in to that road to degeneracy. Women can be corrupted by that, and it leads to cheating.

I hope this helped somewhat.
Why are you taking TRT and talking about your boyfriend if you aren't a tranny?
>She's bi and wants us to find some girl for a threesome, which seems weird to me, but also has me curious.
Shut that shit down and of she keeps bringing it up, break up because it's already over. (Although nobody is stopping you from having the threesome first, just know that at that point it's a doomed relationship) I know it sucks but you're gonna be better off in the long run. So my advice is to have the threesome and move on, it's over anyway.
new thread
oops meant this

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