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I understand now why women love hanging out with other women much fatter than they are. The 2nd dancing woman is 100% fat and chubby, but since she came right after the 600 lb landwhale she looks anorexic in comparison.
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this made me so uncomfortable, why post this
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doll I want you to know that I love you. all the posts you make are great fresh /fph/ content, and i hope you're able to keep motivated enough to post them
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thanks anon!! it means a lot <3
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She also uses the selfie stick to wipe
Really shocking for me when I picture these people having normal skeletons and see all the excess.
I will never understand how people get to this point.
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I can barely comprehend the size of her legs
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goblinx general
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Like this?
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Using toilet water to bath is so, so grim. You know that toilet had seen some shit.
Well, i sure can't tell the gender of a blob like that anyways.
I have no idea what I'm looking at
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I don't have the words to explain how they abuse the word worthy. It's some insane cope and narcissism i don't comprehend.
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Yeah I bet dyel
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Hi doll. Your work is a service that goes appreciated every day. Thank you.
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thanks anon :D i'm glad
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as an artfag, the only thing "good" about obese people is that is fun and a good challenge to draw their abominable body proportions
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you guys will love this one
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>The Draggin' Wagin: 69
>The Tush-Tanic: Quads
>The Collosal: Quints
Why the fuck do they have tails all of a sudden? I thought they were supposed to be human bodies up until that point.
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Holy crap...... imagine the smell
Girl on the left is so fucking cute it makes me want to kill myself knowing I'll never get a girl even half that cute.
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>women need to support other women
fucking hate this superficial bullshit where they try to band together to perpetuate obvious lies.
It's Pat!
Oh hell no. Reminds me of this fatty dike looking creature that I used to see in the gym for over a year straight. Every day, every morning, for hours, putting in work like crazy, working up a sweat. Never, not ever, did this 350+ pounder ever lose an ounce. Bodies are made in the kitchen, not in the gym. Thanks Doll
hol'up my niggas, this particular one is worthy of praise. she actually dropped the weight and got slim (at least as much as all the excess skin allows her to).
>some kind of corset
Its mostly fat women who are obsessed to fake "hourglass figure" shaping their fat guts who buy and wear this kind of shit, they dont understand its sexy on a thin/medium woman but doesnt fix a fat blob, it just looks stupid and tryhard
Zoomers... hell most millennials are probably not gonna get that one.
Based old fag!
1000 lbs is live weight. When a 130 lb woman is doing a aerial drop, the drop load from the force can be up to 800 lbs of pressure on the rig. This whale weighs way too much for this to be safe.
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I’m the black friend
I know, I realized as I was typing it.
doll is a fat fetishist tranny faggot
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I really hope the left is the after, not the before :/
It's okay, I've made older even more obscure references.
Unlikely, unless that slampig got a tattoo removal.
>in a day
>the only difference between shots is the makeup, so it might as well be her breakfast
easiest game of Where's Waldo I've ever played
This is basically admitting to themselves they have given up and are no longer taking responsibility for anything they do.
Must have finally got that disability check, and don't need no man! Other than the literal man and patriarchy she is getting it from.
Women are ruining the world, but men are to blame for letting them. They are kids in a candy store now and security isn't throwing them out, they are throwing out anyone who tries to stop them from hurting themselves.
Kek at the daughter walking in on this retardation and her being self conscious when she sees that she is in the room.
in modern society, she's not wrong
cows do the same thing with their eyes
must be genetic
If she revealed an hourglass figure every dude on earth would have immediately put her into the "would" category, and fantasize about fucking her nerdy brains out
loose skin sucks but she looks 100x better
Sad. She'd have been a 10 if she never got fat, now she can't even lose the weight and ever hope to look good again. Many such cases.
> File deleted
Was it really that unpleasant?
enormous areola
Ohhh I got a coworker with that, she's small but fat as fuck, looks like a giant meat ball. But now the connection between the 2 makes sense.
I cant imagine these people are making enough money from the fetishists to destroy themselves like this.
>elusive fat girl
if only
Unironically Darwinism.
Fucking kek. This can't be real, she drowned in like a 4foot deep pool.
Absolute mental illness
Also, why not ask for help from the people right next to you if you were in trouble?
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I find myself wondering just how much weight it would take to sink this person. Or to render them neutrally buoyant if they ever took up recreational scuba diving.
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Whats the tits lookin like
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yeah fat "people" are disgusting, but so is mental illness
I hate delusional fat fucks so much it's unreal
It's not just being fat but somehow being proud of it and trying to delude others into your psychosis on how beautiful your morbid obesity is.
You're fucking repulsive, your dangling lard and skin looks inhuman, your mere existence is a sin against God and a monument to gluttony.
You're so far removed from humanity that nothing ever 'accommodates you'. Your size is beyond whatever manufacturer ever though was reasonable for a human. You're a golem both in your body and mind.
You don't need society to accept you, you need to be shot in the head on sight.
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Still looking for the 30+ pumps of syrup starbucks order and the screencap of the fellow anon who recreated it
i think fph sucks more since you started posting - how much time do you spend digging through brainrot algorithms everyday looking for this shit? You are no better than these fat retards.
silence goblinx
Retarded faggot do you see FPH without Doll posts? There's a combined 5 image posts and the rest is fags arguing over something unrelated.
Meant to reply to this fat fuck >>75044031
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Why show off and be proud of unfinished work?
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What even is this shit? Does someone have a bunch of fat friends they made dress up and do a retarded dance for two seconds? Do they put out a casting call for fat fucks? What is the purpose of these 14 seconds of nothing? Just let the AI take over the internet, it can't do worse than us.
that webm has been on this board for years and I never noticed that she dips it in the toilet water first
just incredible
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Row 3 tho
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i could always tell she had incredible fat distribution genetics, but her face now blows me away even more
she is the perfect bbw slampig now and i 100% absolutely would no doubt
her name is Amber Rachdi
this bitch is talking about handstands- bitch you look like you ate a whole food stand
healthy cereal does not exist.
false she's got fucked up teeth and her head is so narrow it looks like she wears a pringles tube as a head accessory
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they want to make this normal :(
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I looked up those cheese balls, its Santa Lucia brand bocconcini or mini bocconcini and also its 25% fat lol.
>verification not required
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seen this before, "belgian" ass is my favorite
she is also obviously intelligent. this was already apparent from the episode, but from reading her posts also
genetically ubermensch all around, is there any correlation here?
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I don't think these are the same person?
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i've got this faggot filtered. he posts this, then replies "based" to himself a few times.
worst of all is, it's not a bot. somebody is posting this exact same post and replying to himself 100% manually.

if it was a bot, then whatever, he's just trolling. but he's apparently out of his mind to be doing this manually day in day out, never missing a thread, for what feels like ages but it's apparently been less then a year.
I assume she died of a massive stroke because no one who woke up that stupid could dress themselves.
I think I speak on behalf of all /fph/ when I say Doll undisputed /fph/ president no elections needed.
I hate fat people
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And worthy of what? A boot up the hole?
ugh they're remaking Free Willy now? With a diversity main character. No thanks.
Anon, how low are your standards that you would fuck someone that has a face as busted as that?
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Wait, hold on. Is this bitch eating a bowl of fucking mini mozzarellas for breakfast?
these threads really motivate me to keep losing weight
Apparently she suffered a cardiac arrest in the pool so she would have died no matter what but it just happened to be in a pool.

I think its somewhat common for people to suffer cardiac arrests while swimming though
ban flour, butter and sugar until women learn to control themselves.
Doll, you filthy bitch, "why post this" is right.
>I think its somewhat common for people to suffer cardiac arrests while swimming though
Imagine trying to help and losing your job once all the articles come out about you being a fatphobic misogynist for assuming a fat woman wasn't able to swim
>Ur fat
>No ur mom is fat
As long as you acknowledge being fat is shameful, a'ight
Just American things
They post this so they can prove that they totally get action, and that they're totally in love
No you fool, no salad either. I've seen how they eat salad and it's always drowned in an entire bottle of ranch dressing, so it's still a salad worth a thousand calories.
>worthy of snake juice and a multivitamin only for a year
This is keto. She'll be lean in no time
Also, you're supposed to drain out the mozzarella water, you disgusting bitch
Far right will be dead 3x as fast as the other two, because it is all visceral organ fat.
Also I appreciate you, I lost a lot of my FPH including the classic green texts and some newer comparison stuff from the Amazon anon. Got any good comparisons?
damn shame. You can see she has great proportions even with the weight. if she was slim, she'd be a total stunner
>Face would've been at least 8/10
>Could've lived the best life imaginable
>Ruined it all forever, for pizza and icecream

Altho I blame the parents. The thing looks barely 18, it never stood a chance
These are two different women, lmao.
I noticed all fatties stick their face forward like a turtle when taking a bite because neckfolds prevent them from opening their mouth otherwise and now I can't unsee it.
The only swimming-specific thing that causes heart attacks (relative to other exercises) is cold water shock, but presumably that didn't happen in a gym pool. Swimming is more dangerous than most other exercise, though, because as soon as you get into trouble it gets worse because now you're having a heart attack and drowning at the same time, and you have to be rescued before chest compressions can start. The swim leg of a triathlon is by far the most deadly for those reasons, despite the potential for high-speed bike crashes.
No, she didn't. The club said she suffered cardiac arrest, the paramedics said she must have suffered cardiac arrest, THE CORONER said she just drowned because she was very fat and that she had cardiovascular disease. Literally fatty git tired and drowned.
This is why you tell your fat friends to start with diet and not rigorous exercise. Their body will give out faster than anyone else's. So they might be stuck at the top of a mountain, unable to call for help or get down, or they might be stuck in the pool with no strength to pull themselves out, or they might just lodge some plaque from inside their thick greasy veins and actually cause a medical event.
Crazy how some girls still have a pretty face at 400 and others hit 0 at 185
Personally I don't think it flatters either one of them
It's literally all cheese and one serving if walnuts. That's it.
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Thank you for your service
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Actually uhh no Ursula is a thick carribean kween who is NOT fat or wearing all black
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It's a mental illness by that point.
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All this work and she's still beyond morbidly obese, this means that she's eating every other fatty's fatty day, which means over 5000 Calories a day. So no shit she's not burning anything close to that. She's burning maybe two thousand calories a day.
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gOsH tHaT NiGgEr SuRe wOuLd bE pReTtY iF sHe wAs tHiN!
Does this bitch literally eat nothing but fucking cheese?
My wife did these. Maybe she's right that the silk can hold that blubberous mass static. Maybe it can hold the shock of a fall.

Aerial silk requires core strength that fatties don't have. Hanging there and spinning like a ham isn't performing aerial silk. Aerialists move up and down and around the silk like a fully clothed poledancer. It's hard fucking work. I tried it and couldn't hack it. These whales need to stop lying to themselves.
never seen a fat cunt be shy about eating
you're right it is awesome benefitting from the halo effect but keep in mind it's not like it's an intentional choice, it's just that 80% of American women are fat. so you either have friends who are fatter than you or you don't have female friends. My only fit friends are men.
She was too tired to continue
your ancestors stretched brown pussy across the globe 200 years ago. I'm tired of pretending i don't want to as well.
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Because they hadn't seen a woman in months to years. They also raped animals, I have no desire to do that.
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doll, I'm fasting and your poasts are keeping me going

kill yourself, even the edtwt girls who are teenagers with no jobs or bills can't compare to the freshness and variety of doll's content. whenever doll is not in the thread it's just gen x dudes bitching about unrelated bullshit and the same reddit screenshots over and over and over.

trannies trying to make "doll" their term is like black people calling themselves "kings/queens"
I’m extremely shy about eating. I never eat in front of people but behind closed doors I binge like crazy. 358lb
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Wouldn you prefer more screenshots of retarded fat logic and poor diet and nutrition advice?
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>your ancestors stretched brown pussy across the globe 200 years ago
Polynesian salt treated hula sluts are not niggers.
Which colonial power went to AFRICA and fucked the natives en masse?
Every other continent, it was brown pussy-palooza.
But not Africa.
Imagine the smell (after she leaves the bathroom)
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Fuck you faggot
Are you being silly? all of africa was colonized as some point. Now it's getting RICED hard.
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I need more webms of fats falling and getting hurt.
my sides. imagine how long they had to draw out the engagement before that fat lard managed to stay upright
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well, they seem happy together and they would like to share it with the world. good for them, IMHO
Second fall was purely for attention. The cow was jealous
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I hope you aren't saying she looks pretty.
That shirt is pretty based though
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How do I get a gf like this? I need one for Beltane, Midsummer, and Lughnasadh. Samhain is also coming up.
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>Romania has the perfect ass
>also one of the few Western Europe countries that prefers butts
This chart suddenly makes a lot of sense
What are you talking about? It's her drawn as a much slimmer pornstar.
Fuck me yourself fag. Nut all over my cock and balls.
how else do they expect it to happen?
>teehee just magically create twice as much fabric and do twice as much work through the power of good vibes
holy shit you're right
I was gonna eat today, was.
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new sea monster
she looks pretty fat lmao
What can a person like that be proud about?
My sides

here's the FPV of the fatty
youtube com/watch?v=LMcOgdzdRYA
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>your posts are keeping me going
you got this anon!
>I appreciate you
thank u anon!!
>Got any good comparisons?
picrel is fresh amazon comparison
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>Literally fatty git tired and drowned.
for awhile i couldn't understand why she was kicking her legs at the steps instead of just standing up, but then i saw a fat person actually trying to swim and it all made sense. they straight up can't swim because the fat makes them buoyant in a way that forces their head underwater.
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Thank you!!
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I really don't have "hate" for normal fat people doing their thing.

But whenever I see someone post shit like this, it just makes me hate every fiber of their being. Why are they proud of incompetence? Why are they proud of fucking up their bodies so badly that most humans are literally averse to seeing them. Why are they proud of looking like absolute slobs?
colossal me, fatties
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Which post of hers has you in it, lardtard?
kill yourself
Seconded. Thank you, doll. It really helps.
Most sad thread on /fit/. Some tranny picking on internet people that doesn't even know she exists, so that she can fit in with teh weirdo dudes.
They have a child https://www.tiktok.com/@thaiscarlaa_/video/6996717646444055814
What are you even saying esl fag?
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good luck on your journey <3
Midsize sedan
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Are you not supposed to eat vegetables when you do keto
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I would both
>stuffs another quarter of the fucking pizza in her mouth before she's even swallowed the first "bite"
Wonder why she's fat
My special what?
I'd respect the creativity but that looks very halfassed + she's a pig
This looks like a cry for help
One way ticket to Portugal please
Hear me out..
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Why are fat "people" always "active", doing shit like dancing and trekking or whatever but somehow keep looking like butter golems?
I do WFH and the only activity I do is going to the gym at nights but that's enough to keep me relatively fit. Are they eating actually insane amounts of calories to stay fat on top of all the activity or are they just pretending to be active with pictures and fake stories?
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The "active" hobbies they do are like the one you posted. It's beginner yoga or "aerial" shit or like a 10 second tiktok dance where they are proud they are "using their body" but it's not a workout. It's like going to a restaurant and standing there for 5 minutes then saying you went out to eat today.
i-is she eating an entire carton of mozzarella balls like they're cereal?
Translation: a random 13yo dunked on her, and she's been butthurt for days
This is quality. I also notice surgical scars on miss Florida whale... I wonder what from.
It didn't even go dark. She probably ate all of this before noon
Picrel is actually me. Who has that YouTube baldy talking about HOW SHE SHOWERS 3X A DAY to not stink therefore fat girls dont stink? What does she mean
>idk why people say fat bitches stink
>idk where it even comes from
Doll babygurl, do you wanna go on a date?
jesus christ imagine the logs this bitch chops
seeing this makes me doubt any fat female in my gym now
There has to be some point where that becomes true. I was a lifeguard many years ago. Fatties truly do float like angels. There must be some point of critical obesity where the distribution starts to work against them.
Fucking hell I hope they teach that at lifeguard academies. Just broke out in a cold sweat thinking about it.
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That makeup gives it butthole eyes
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I don't know, it could definitely be a bot. The only thing that makes me wonder is that it's a pretty low number of posts compared to some of the bots on other boards.

Saw a catfish at my gym literally today lol. She left her phone on the seat when I was waiting for her to come back for it insaw the pic on the phone was her filtered to all hell. She looked like a hag in person
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They act this way because they have to, it's just human nature. It's really all they have, when you think about it. The progression is always the same:

>have an overeating issue
>it leads you to have a disgusting body
>people treat you differently because of it
>it's 100% your fault and that's why people are so disgusted by you
>try your entire life to fix it, to get a taste of being normal, but not getting any results
>give up and accept that this will always be how you look
>see other fat people pretending they don't hate their lives
>start pretending as well

They all do it because it's the only step left, it's like the grieving process. There is no other option at that point except to "own" how fat they are. The only thing that annoys me is that they act like everyone else is offended by what they're doing, as if eating all that food is their way of being a rebel and we're all just so angry at them for it. We don't care about them, we just think they're gross and don't want to look at them or interact with them.
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In her defense, she was at the gym and probably all sweaty and gross
It's rather curious how fatties are hell bent on participating in hot girl activities such as this and pole dancing. Like, their line of reasoning must be so far away from mine that it's hard to grasp we're the same species.
shut up fatty, Doll post the best content and is the only reason I still check up on these threads
Bitch must have died of irony.

No way in hell she asked the passerby and they all ignored her
It's not just fatties it's all women. Even really modest conservative women all have this thing where they think they would be the best stripper ever if they could do it anonymously. It's really wild if you start bringing this up in a room full of nerdy chicks, they will even start a stripper dancing contest just to prove it.
This is a pro tip if you're ever hanging out with a bunch of chicks, just mention to one of them casually they wouldn't make a very good stripper and you'll have them twerking and dancing as sexy as possible just to prove you wrong. It's like a cheat code. Women can't help themselves. Works everytime
I didn't say it wasn't colonized.
Re-read my post, dingus.
>all that cheese
This bitch must shit once a week
I thought it might be eggs but i think it's cheese
Is that a hospital bracelet?
>insulin resistance skin darkening
She's your special source of disgust.
Your welcome.
Yes, she deserves praise but i can only feel disgust for the fatty version and pity for the deformed, deflated version
I wanna bake bread
It's worse because blacks are trying to pretend they have honor in their past but trannies are trying to pretend their plastic selves are objectifiable.
The power of youth. I might too
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Are plapper here?
Ayy bet her pussy stank
I call left
In my entire life (33 years as of now) I've only ever met 2 persons whose smell was absolutely putrid and rancid. Both were obese.
Coincidence? Maybe, not every fat fuck I've come across smelled like that, but the only ones who smelled so bad were fat.
Fine as hell tripfag who gets bullied here and stopped posting
It's not the thin people that make the employee bathroom at my work smell like skin-fold yeast.
I almost didn't notice the skinnybones giant forehead
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>File this under posts you can smell
holy fucking based
If this is a before and after i'm killing my self.
fuck she actually has the plap lighting in her room
Imagine how bad she smells.
>25% fat
Fuck. Just drink oil and get it over with.
Is the guy calling this >person a pedo right?
I started one of them, I always reply to goblinx general if someone else hasn't done it yet but there are several of us. I think it's funny.
I don't even care that she's too fat to do it gracefully. If she was coming at this from a position of, "I know I need to lose weight and this seem like a fun, low impact way to get off my ass for a bit even if I'm ill-suited for it right now" that would be perfectly acceptable. But she clearly has no interest in her health and just chose something she knew would get her attention online so she can be a powerful fat influencer
And no pics... can you draw it for us
>bloatmaxxing to increase your deadlift by 140 lbs.
Ok, now let's see your deadlift/body weight. Surely as an elite athlete you can do a mere 2x bodyweight deadlift, right?
Those things really suck to fight because of Sekiro's swim mechanics
Ur a dingus
O/ present
Hey Doll. I need help convincing this dude
to provide us with official /fph/ art.
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Nah, Doll is a gold mine of new content on here. It's refreshing and I'm saying this as an architect
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the Chad move would be to keep pumping, keep clapping those fat ass cheeks proudly, while you flex your muscles and smile for the camera. You don't try and hide your face like some sad beta cuck.
rollo tomassi
yup it works, took me a second to see this chick has more of a receding hairline then I do, does this work for guys in anyway?
Remember when a lot of conservative men were giving women shit for allowing trannies to invade their space because all women must be in on it? Crazy. All men are OK with these blobs on Sports illustrated right? This is super hot just because she says it is, and men agree right?
keto diet
So you can post more than just the goblex thing.
Her face (and only her face) looked better when she was fatter
new thread
Women do it side by side but men don't, I'd have to hunt Amazon reviews. Give me a mens clothing item or else I'll be browsing trending
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chat, is this nigger serious?
Macros are insane
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if you insult a fat women thats a crime in europe. let that sink in
When it means you're not pregnant at least

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