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fat people are huge liars. i bet that bitch works out "every day" just like this one does gymnastics: makes one video to show off being "fat and fit" then never does it again
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goblinx general
Men don't really post themselves in reviews. This is hard.
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Doll I want to say I really appreciate what you are doing. /fph/ is one of the last regular threads on 4chan that I can count on and even it has its ebbs and flows over the years. Love having fresh content and conversation here every time I check /fit/. I do wish anons would go back to sharing greentexts more often.
I love fat women so much it’s unreal
Here's a great groupshot
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Most newer anons hate those, I assume it's because they take more than 15 seconds to read.
Wanna hear my door knob story?
Used to work in an E.R.
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Then go eat 2000 calories because they "deserved it"
I lost my folder, I had many classics like the fat brides and some new stories like aunt fatty the dog killer
Yes I really do
Me too bro, me too.
they don't realize that diet is so much more important than exercise. She'll burn 500 calories in a workout and then eat 3,000 calories for dinner alone.
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>she'll burn 500 calories in a workout
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Thank you for your service
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the screen shake is killing me lmao like a dark souls boss attack
>typical night in the e.r. mostly homeless people wanting a place to sleep, see a patient wheeled in on a bariatric gurney (600lbs easy, female in a moomoo) shouting the whole way in "it's bad, it's so bad it hurts!!!" Everyone knows this night just got horrible, fat patients are always the worst! ALWAYS! But the anon in me thought "this is gonna be good"
>get her into the ICU, doctors keep yelling over her cackling trying to find out what the fuck is wrong. Immediately after entering the room I'm overwhelmed with the rotting flesh smell (some anons will know) get some Ativan ready to calm her down and after some more screaming she finally says it's stomach pain.
>so the doctor needs to examine her abdomen, good fucking luck, he can't even see where her organs should be there is so much excess, they proceed to cut the dress off with scissors.... smell gets worse instantly, we see a dark black spot radiating out from under a massive fat fold. doc calls more people in to help lift the fold up (this takes 3 people) I'm watching from behind the doc.
>what's revealed is a horrific black and (oh god the smell) gangrenous cavity that looks like it had been growing (dying) for months, get some creams and towels trying to clean the area and of course she's screaming her head off the whole time, after 5 minutes of just getting puss and just wetness out of the cave the doc gloves up and goes in, then says she needs surgery, not my department, and I kind of forget about her for an hour or two
>end of shift the doc comes out with a bag and pulls out a fucking round brass doorknob, you can imagine speculation of how that got there, thing was literally growing attaching itself to this woman's body and the body was rejecting it, like a bad body peirceing it was infected and the copper in it had turned blueish. I've seen some wild things in people's butt's that's pretty standard but this was just bizarre and, how the fuck...a door knob?
Hope you enjoyed.
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I prefer laughing at delusional whales in their early 20s. That shit's morbid.
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being a fat nigger must be an ungodly ordeal
>I have had to work so much harder than everyone else
>For now, I have decided to always sit upright and look alert
>my husband is 6’7 btw
Same. Used to love plapping in college. Phi mu was the fatty sorority. We'd host them once a year and I went successfully hog hunting each time. Bagged two nearly 200 lb'ers at once my junior year.
>fatty with large rotting hole
>there was a doorknob inside
I.. I'm tracking yes. But, why did she stay home when the object got stuck? When the area got red? Hot? Stinky? Started to really burn?
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Not sure if you know this but fatties are lazy and don’t care about their health
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Did she come in one of these?
a dark beast from the nether realm
They live with so much general discomfort particularly under their folds this is actually pretty common, we found wash cloths and sponges before many times, even tv remotes but they usually don't get that bad.
I'm assuming she just thought is was okay until finally the skin was raw and exposed and the infection started taking over (doesn't take that long especially in perfect bacteria growing conditions, moist warm) and then it's like having a burn, it's next level pain and we're assuming that's when she finally called for help. That and copper does this thing where when it rusts it eats away at the skin, kind of weird, I mentioned piercings before, cheap jewelry left in causes horrible infections and your skin starts turning black.
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Nah, it looked more like this desu
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That wouldn't even cover one leg of this hambeast.
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>I work out every day
>Lifts 5-10 pound dumbbells and pulls a sled that weighs 1/4 as much as her
I just spent 5 hours chipping paint off a fire escape and I don't consider it "working out."
>She'll burn 500 calories in a workout
If you get on the exercise bike for an hour maybe, but probably not for her.
She probably does work out every day, or most days, but with tiny weights and considering something that normal people do a "workout." For them just walking for a few minutes is a workout, or mild exercise for 1 hour. The bar is so different for a normal person vs a fat person.
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>Letting an overweight person do these exercises
This is throwing literally several hundred pounds of weight on their spine suddenly with no muscles to support it. Gymnastics should be the LAST thing an overweight person should ever touch, hardly burning any calories while doing the most damage possible to your inexperienced body. It doesn't matter how good your trainer is if your injury risk is 10-100x higher than a normal person's since you're putting multiple times the weight where it shouldn't be.

The one positive to this is that maybe she'll realize she's fat and disgusting and she'll lose the weight, the odds are low but not impossible. Gymnastics is a very aesthetic field and there's at least a tiny chance she gets it.
shutup you stupid fucking retard no one cares about your fucking blog post, make more fatties
oh fuck yes, totally would
The internet and social media truly is the worst thing you could give women. If you went in trying to destroy them you couldn't do a better job. We're doomed.
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>be a 500 lb monstrosity
>still get men trying to hit you up

No wonder women aren't even trying.
Niggers tongued my ass, hilarity ensued
Hey this is what my wife looked like at her fattest, now she's this body type minus about 40-45lbs.
Genuine question because she's asked and I just say idk, but if your wife had loose skin and those deflated tits, would you want a tight tummytuck first or a boob job (either just a lift or implants) first? For extra tough, what if you could only choose ONE?
Here's a mirror selfie version. Which do you wanna be?
Man that brings me back to my college days too. At the bar for new years, I convinced two fat sisters to come back to my buddies place to fuck. Unfortunately my two drinking buddies grabbed one arm each and dragged me into the cab and we went home. They had the balls to say “you’re welcome” to me afterwards. One of the fatties was 180 lbs with red hair, the other was around 200 lbs with blonde hair, both had their makeup done and looked hot except for the fat. They were biological sisters too and they were down for a three way.
>destined in life to either be brown or wear a hat
grim stuff
>Claims to have Fibromyalgia
>Also a lesbian

Imagine my shock
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More like one of these
What's in fast food that makes it so fucking horrible to eat, if you haven't eaten it in a while (years).
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>Gymnastics should be the LAST thing an overweight person should ever touch, hardly burning any calories while doing the most damage possible to your inexperienced body.
but anon have you considered the fact that low impact exercise is fascist and promotes eugenics? fat people are just as capable of high intensity exercise as straight sized people!
and by horrible to eat, I mean the bloating and reflux after eating it. How do hamplanets eat this shit and enjoy it?
The oil that is constantly hot and changed maybe once a day
Honestly, no, never crossed my mind.
But I have the feeling for these people jumping jacks are considered a "high intensity" exercise that would cause them permanent bodily damage. I can only imagine their spine crunching like an accordion when they try to do them.
That's why they do the elliptical
>93% fat beef
What the fuck?
>So I cut down to 70% fat only
Kek, merely more than 50% fat, easy weight loss.
Baked potatoes, sweaty. There's like 200-300 calories in a potato, just don't put more than 1 tablespoon of butter on it and your starches are covered for a meal for 400 calories. No, you do not actually need several pounds of starches in one meal. Just one potato is fine.
>I work out every day
You also eat everyday, miss piggy
He still deserves to suffer, but he's actually referring to 93% lean beef (7% fat) vs 70% lean beef (30% fat).

FWIW there are reasons to have both if you enjoy cooking, this lardass not withstanding. For example when I cook beef meatballs in my air fryer I need to use a fatty ground beef otherwise they will be really dry. But when I make red sauce in a pan I need to use a leaner beef so it doesn't get too greasy.
Oh okay, for some reason I defaulted into thinking that he was talking about the high-calorie option first instead of the low-calorie option first, as when you make a comparison that's typically what you do when talking about this stuff. I should have known he wasn't thinking that way, in hind sight.
How do I stop fat women from hitting on me when going out with the fellas?
>t. Tall black guy with 12% bf
Wtf is this shit
Need more RN stories, thank you based Florence Nightingale
>lunch lady arms
she was at least 100lbs heavier
>Size DD "boobs"
>No cleavage
Someone post the pepe with fish eyes
You better thank god that you are unaware of just how retched the morbidly obese allow themselves to smell. Showering is a workout for them, so they don't do it often. They have to get naked and see themselves in the mirror (which they avoid like the plague) and they can't reach most of their body anyway.
Sharing some lols from this thread with my petite RN fiancee, she said one hamplanet requested some washcloths to "freshen herself up," when my gf rounded on her about an hour later, patient asked to "switch out the washcloths." Qt3.14 was confused so she asked what she meant by that. Patient proceeds to pull out 6 washcloths from various fat rolls, all of them nearly dripping and completely brown. She said is looked like they were soaked in black coffee
Get lass fat, you obese fuck
lost. fuck man why is it so funny
Huh, I didn't know that copper did that to skin, I've never decided to shove it up my ass. I know that it along with a bunch of other metals sterilize so I imagine if not for the naturally sterilizing copper ions it would have been a LOT worse even.
It's over for her, bro. On the bright side, maybe your kids won't make the horrible decisions you and your wife have
Stinky sheboon fur ropes
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a sculpture called "The Burger", which stands in my city
>Complaining about not fitting clothes
>muh industry makes only non fitting stuff
>not going to a tailor
Kek, the solution is so simple, gurls.

>That one dude who has to step around her to get into the pool.

lmao what the actual fuck
>fat woman
>>I did a basic thing any 5 year old can do, please validate me
>fat man
>>I'm a fat fuck and can do tricking shit, you have no excuse
Does anyone have the webm of the pool party with the fattest niggers? You can’t even tell their genders apart.
the fatter you are, the more you burn when you exercise
they have it so easy, all they have to do is stop fucking eating
Funnily enough the shit that women complain about, like being "objectified" happens mostly through the internet. That whale is sending nudes without her face, she literally dehumanizes herself.
She ends the text with "this is my sexy secret" like the dude won't share the nudes like everyone dude does. Women are too retarded to use the internet.
Even if she works out like that every day (which I highly doubt, but let's assume she tells the truth), she burns maybe 1000 kcal by doing that (and that's a high estimate). It's quite easy to outeat that by having two BigMacs afterwards, lol. You can work out as much as you want, as long as you eat more than you burn, you'll always stay fat and get even fatter.
ty for keeping these threads rolling, Doll <3
I wish that was the case anon. They did a study in my country and apparently 88% of kids aged 7-10 can't do the most basic forward roll. And we're nowhere near as fat as the USA, Germany and other countries. It's fucking grim.
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This horrifies me.
Not the fat thing. I'm not going to let that happen.
Just the "dying alone" thing.
holy kek
that and the username "5kids5cats....." gave me a good laugh
don't do any surgery
That expression really captures the depraved indifference of fats.
creating ugly statues is woke.
...as if this blob of a person is worthy of praise like the statues of greek men
I thought the intention of this statue was supposed to be "look at this fat slob, don't eat overprocessed crap, or you'll end up this way as well." But now I'm no longer sure. I hate how the changes in last 10 years made it, so it's now hard to tell if something is ironic, a bait, or the genuine thing.
its unappealing to look at regardless, statues should all be beautiful, "art" if you will.
Interesting. Is it neutral, fatphobic or fat accepting? I couldn't tell and I guess it wildly differs depending on who you ask.
This gay zoomer highlighting hurts to read
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mmhhmm idk man sounds very fatphobic to me.
someone with an account there tell them to learn to accept their bodies and fight the fatphobia
She needs to be done losing weight. If the pile of ham in that pic lost 45 lbs she would still be fat as shit. She needs to lose 100+ lbs. After reaching her goal weight she needs to keep it off for a year. After a year of maintenance she's proven she wants to actually keep the weight off. I'd say get the tummy tuck first because she can hide her tits easier. She can wear a bikini and just stuff her deflated saggers in the bikini top and wear a bra during sex. Hiding a stomach is more difficult. If you fix her tits, don't get implants. Fake tits are disgusting. Also if my wife ever got that fat it's instant divorce and she knows it, you're having to pay a lot of money to fix her.
I have this horrible thought/fear that one day I'll wake up and be fucking one of these fat pigs and just see stretch marks, shitty belly and tit's just flopping at the same rate as dubstep
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What school lunch do you prepare for your kids /fit/?
>liquid slop
>slopped fruit
>slop dressing
>suggestively named slop
>plastic fork
Those poor kids don't stand a chance.
These giga fatties would burn 500 calories walking to the mailbox and back.
They eat like 6000 calories or more just to hit maintenence every day.
>wake up
>go to work
>have about half an hour to kill before my morning meeting
>Anon posts, asks for greentexts
>Anon can’t dream up his own
>I guess it’s up to me
>all my life has come to this moment
>I work with several fat people
>they’re gross
Thank God every day that my dad cooked every meal for us growing up and packed real lunches.
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It’s like dazzle camouflage. Is it so whale hunters can’t easily target them?
>muh nursing understaffed
>muh nurses move patients on their own
Retarded cope.
No nurse is moving a 600lbs poswol on their own because that would just end up with the obeast on the floor and the hospital in a fatty lawsuit.
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ty anons <3
>after 5 minutes of just getting puss
You guys just stood around watching the doctor fuck this fatty for five minutes?
3x25 Whatever The Fucks
Would ngl
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>I am trying to lose weight but life has been kicking me around to make it near impossible.
>almost 700lbs and damn near bedbound
>I’m sad so I can’t stop eating 20,000 kcals a day given to me by my enablers

>how can I lose weight when I can barely walk and don’t have a pool
>I need to keep eating 20,000 kcals a day so I can only lose weight via exercise.
>I cope by erroneously saying that I can’t lose weight because I can’t work out because I don’t have a pool

>If possible, would it be better to get a wheelchair or motorized scooter so I can energy to actually exercise?
>I’m going to get even fatter because I’ll buy a scooty puff jr to convey my fat ass through life to “save energy” for workouts that will never happen

>So far I spent a day writing down what I eat, as l am a creature of habit, minus snacks and am keeping a tally of snacks and emotions.
>I will never succeed because I am not tracking my snacks because I know in the back of my head they are likely 5kcal/day
>I will also never succeed because I don’t even think about what I drink and everything I drink is closer to corn syrup than water
>I am keeping track of my emotions so that when I can fail I can cope blame it on my emotions even though I know that I set myself up for failure

>thank yall in advance
>I’m too lazy to even put the apostrophe in y’all so you know there is no way that my tremendously fat, stupid, lazy, self-deluded ass will ever succeed
>I simply don’t have the time to put apostrophes in words, but you should waste 15 minutes replying to my pre-failure diet cope post.

Fuck biggers. This “person” is worthless.
>The little red person in there, screaming for help
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Him in the background
>give me tips on “healthy” rice and pasta dishes or any other starch
Those are literally all just empty calories and exactly what this fatty should be cutting out. Every massive 1500kcal “healthy” pasta dish this fatty is going to hork down is half a pound it will never lose.
You have to eat protein.
You have to eat vitamins.
There is nothing in your body that requires polysaccharides.
Rice, pasta, and potatoes are perfectly healthy in moderation. In fact, they are great sources of micronutrients and are all staples in a well-balanced diet. Fattits McGee's problem is clearly quantity-centric. Severely doubt she grabs the whole grain pasta off the shelf tho lol
bet that nigger ain't an inch above 6'3"
>"I'm tired of people saying fat is ugly!"
Honey, I got bad news for you about what people find attractive...her post history is full of fat entitlement.
They were on standby in case he needed immediate MEDEVAC. That poor doc had to brave the horror of those trenches alone.
I'd do the same thing, I won't interact with a woman at a gym under any circumstances. Especially a bigger
Legitimately be very very mean and say you want (your taste female celebrity) not Mama June because you're no hood rat
I've been really curious about how much your BMR is actually increased by extra adipose tissue. It only requires minimal blood flow to maintain, so I'm not sure how much energy that would actually require
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Those complaints are a mix of humble bragging and fantasy larping. The only thing they like more than attention is being objectified
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Oh no I'm very very aware of superfat stench. I mean how do they not notice a NEW and WORSE stink they aren't nosebleed to. My wife had emergency induction due to a uterine infection, when the baby came out with the placenta and tissue it was just rotten flesh stink. Baby was ok but I thought immediately that she was dead, human rot is extremely distinctive and disturbing. Hiw could you ever smell it and not get your bones shaking in fear abd disgust?
I can't think of anything that is "perfectly healthy" that also requires the constant use of self control to limit
Ayyy you found her, too
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Even the fat and really ugly ones have simps and boyfriends. She is probably picky and wants a super pretty or rich man.
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This girl is still posting gross nudes of herself. How would you fix her problem? It's clear her biggest obstacle is that she's 33 and wants to get married and have kids but it may be too late.
The fat itself is not metabolically active, but carrying all that weight around burns a ton of calories.
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>choosing this over a ps5
Literally everything will kill you if you have to much of it. The dose makes the poison. You have just exposed yourself as a pure unadulterated retard
Let me guess, you are a liberal fag, believing in endless growth.

Thats honestly sad, being this fucking big, knowing it's literally killing you, wanting to kill yourself because of it, yet not losing weight. It's truly a mental illness
I'm not posting nipples on a blue board especially so off topic, but as shown it's fixable as long as leanness is achieved.
She's hovering around 25BMI but obviously 20 is most ideal for these purposes, 18% body fat if possible for her. It's a really down the road thing but I thoughtvitd be interesting to see what preference was here. I'm not divorcing her for getting fat post kids, disappointed yes withheld sex yes divorce no. The only things that can't really be fixed surgically are legs, which just needs muscle anyway
>Settling for any of that
No thanks
I'd be happy I'd my taxes went towards free body mass scabs like this, help break up some delusion.
Dont get married or have children, 80% or more end up fat
Plinkett, we've got a warrant!
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>pizza rolls
>liquid sugar
>Fruit packed in syrup
>Oh ok celery wow something green
An anon drew it before, you just roll them over like flipping a mattress. It SHOULD take two or more people, but if it's two staff per 20 residents or patients, then she's going to get some strength training today
Lame existence
Oh my fucking god
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Imagine being so triggered by someone teaching your child about nutritional needs, and that vegetables and meat are actually better for them because they'll feel fuller longer that you get fucking furious about it.
>my 8-9yo child is very fat and has a gut
>she hates her fat body and understands it makes her ugly
>47 year old man with no work history and no relationships
>now on dialysis
>lives off the state and always has
What the fuck did he do with his life? He would have unironically accomplished more if he'd become a crackhead.
>comment history full of anti-Trump stuff
something something this is who calls you chud, something something
>one named "dayshawn"
>one named "dash"
Has to be one of those psycho women who adopt a bunch of nigs.
Her problem can't be fixed. She's sitting there posting nudes on the internet, trying to make porn of herself for strangers, faceless strangers at that, because she knows that her current partner really does not want her but doesn't have the balls to get rid of her. She's almost in her mid thirties now, and she really thinks that somewhere out there is a man that wants to not only commit his life and finances to her, but breed with her and deal with a child that obviously he would have to take care of, not her.
Let's put the fatness and the age aside. How many men want some whore that's posting full face nudes (while living with another man) online in a way that's permanently saved and archived?
Let's put the whore and fatness aside, she's in her mid 30s. 35 is a geriatric pregnancy and very risky for mom and baby, not to mention birth defect risk.
And the fatness by itself... It makes her ugly, lazy, a horrible wife and mother. It makes her high risk for pregnancy and birth defects, and long term developmental defects. She has no self control at all.
>It makes her ugly, lazy, a horrible wife and mother

Did you see the part where she cooks and cleans and gives blowies on command?
And she cheats on him, and the ONLY THING he requested was her to stop eating so much. She's doing everything EXCEPT lose weight. She's a piss poor listener.
Yes, but it means settling for a fat woman or accepting she will get fat, and even if she loses weight she'll be permanently damaged. Some men would rather be alone.
>I am also fairly accomplished
i.e. I’ve been given bullshit company or industry awards because I’m a female nigger and therefore qualify for awards like “outstanding female engineer of color”
>I am… “well-spoken”
i.e. I don’t talk like a gang member and people have complemented me on that because the bar for female niggers is that low
>I feel like I have life on hard mode
i.e. even though I was gifted a position that I’m unqualified for because I’m a female nigger I have a chip on my shoulder because I feel like I work harder than anyone else and I’m a bitch about it. I mistakenly view spending more time doing something as working hard on valuable work without considering the value of that work or the fact that others could be accomplishing the same task more quickly. If I spend a week creating a bullshit presentation that nobody cares about but has to listen to anyway I view that as working hard even though I’m not only not benefiting the company, but actively wasting it’s money and resources.
>the snickers to their buddy
This bitch is so fat that the sight of her is making people immediately go on diets and give away their candy bars.
>he thinks i'm 220-260 when i'm actually way more than that
>he's not even happy with what he thinks i am an expects me to lose weight

What can do wrong?
>buy henley shirt
>button it up all the way
2/3rds of these men enjoy being uncomfortable and looking like an idiot
> Literally everything will kill you if you have to much of it
This is true, bit I'm not sure how it's relevant to what I said.
Not going to lie I don't know what mental illness I have but I would let my wife post nudes of herself. Just no posting anything identifiable and no messaging other guys. Years ago when we were dating she lost like 20 lbs (was never fat, just toning up) and posted a pic of herself on /r/progresspics. She looked at the views and said with a concerned voice "50,000 people have seen me in a thong." Got turned on.
>my back pain is from my “massive” DD boobs
Lol, DD boobs only weigh like 1 pound each and the back pain is definitely from weighing 3 times what they should and their inflammatory diet full of shitty goyslop.
Fuck this guy. This fat lying grifter never biked across shit.
What shirts do you wear?
>starting weight: 593
>current weight: 378
>goal weight: 240
>subreddit of success
Lol, their goal weight is still morbidly obese. The goal post is set at failure instead of success.
So these are the kinds of men who post useless Amazon review pictures of a fucking t-shirt?
1 - fat manlet with ugly wife who wears t-shirts on a restaurant date
2 - guy who posts unflattering pictures of himself from bad angles
3 - retarded fat guy who blames the shirt for showing his fat gunt when he raises his arm because he’s coping by not buying his correct (fatter) size
4 - incredibly interesting person (you can tell by his meaningless tribal tattoos) who hiked up his shorts and posted a picture of his legs in a t-shirt review because he wants any excuse to show off his legs like a woman
It’s a fucking t-shirt.
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In short, seed oils and refined carbs
In long, pic related
swap out the seed oils for butter or other animal fats and it would be worse
There's a reason most review content is of women. Women tend to be a lot worse than this because they will just pose in underwear or less to show other women "how it fits" and pretend to be models. Kinda like Mr. Legs.
>Poe’s Law: The Sculpture
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The vile medical industry wants you to feel self conscious, they want the push to promote drugs and surgery. Use more tax payer dollars to go get fucked by strangers and feel good about it goy. oops we killed your family member cant sue me tee hee because they were prone to (insert medical malpractice disorder here.) The solution to lifes problems isn't to get some shitty indian doc to cut you up.
>other countries build heroic statues of the average American to adorn cherished spots in their parks for worship
I feel pretty good about myself now. Some chumps are out there conquering nations or leading revolutions just to get a statue.
Door knob
Doll i beseech thee
I know this bitch deleted all her nudes
Do you have the original of the bottom pic saved
I am a horrible coomer
It's pretty much over once you lose your mobility. Seems like the doctors are now trying milk him for that kickback money from prescriptions until he croaks.
>no micro or macronutrients
The celery isn’t healthy either
>pizza rolls out of the oven
>packed with a fucking ice pack for four hours
More than half of this shit is dessert and the other half isn’t food
>if you’re trying to lose weight you need to eat these empty calories because… because… just keep eating them, okay!?
>instead of buying a thing to entertain yourself you bought a punishment
Worst trade deal in history.
Yea man good luck with toeing 2km on keto lmao
Shirts that aren’t buttoned up all the way unless I’m wearing a tie because it makes you look like a dweeb.
I think that's actually true, cup size is measured relative to band size, so DD tits look huge on a really petite woman but tiny on a lardass
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greentexts are for /fps/ with pic rel in OP image, not /fph/. The subreddit spawned off the /fit/ threads, and then it was banned.
Good on you anon. I'd say skip unnecessary invasive procedures if possible. It's always risky in a way. Just help her fill out with muscle where possible and depending on the severity look into skin tightening procedures that aren't as invasive. My wife fixed a lopsided tit with a plasma pen (she breastfed two babies, who both preferred the same side so it was quite severe). And she uses that thing with needles that balding guys use on their heads too. The pen thing burns tiny holes into the skin that contract and it worked like magic on her.
I give my daughter a pbj sandwich, mini pretzels, and fresh fruit. She prefers green grapes.
i guess his diet of fast food and tendies from his neetbux finally caught up to him
Look at the body language of the non-deathfat three ladies all leaning into each other....and disgusting Jaimie sitting there like a morbidly obese retard in a supersize trash bag next to them. They tolerate her as a virtue signal but don't actually like her and probably hate when she tags along on their girls' night out.
This shit still makes me laugh my ass off.
What a beta little bitch.
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only gay or closeted men post themselves on product review pages
Imagine if this retard was half as worried about her daughter's health as she apparently is about her "body images"
Also if your elementary school aged child is fat or obese it is 100% your fault as the parent and 2bh it's fucking child abuse.
>Lifting 180lbs from the floor is risky
That's a good deal more than the average woman should weigh, but--
>Therefore it's fine that I weigh as much as a VW rabbit

>they think, fundamentally, that fat people choose to be fat and so we deserve less empathy
That's pretty much exactly how I read that too lmao.
>wanting to live longer to see NEPHEWS grow
all the weight that comes with this wish... sad man...
I don't use these apps, this makes me want to try it just to see how high Tinder rates me/what kind of beasts they serve up to me
There's a Bodhi in there too. That's orobably her natural kid. Bodhi is the new Dakota.
Lots of affirmative action, unearned merit sheboons are also very unpleasantly uppity and no one but another smug she-gorilla or a horny nigger buck wants to be near their stanky attitudes.
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Assuming this isn't just an ad, apparently she's very lucky it worked bethe plasma pen is banned in several countries because even in professional use it causes burns, it and microneedling aren't recommended for patients who scar poorly. :/ I can live with a bit of extra skin and I prefer ass anyway, but as most women she hates consequences so she wants to feel more normal. I know she'd prefer three large lines for scars instead of dozens of dot scars, but weirdly microneedling us recommended for the abdomen skin that looks like hers. Personally I'm very wary of women treatments that aren't decades old and well researched because MANY are scams.
And women. This is a review section for MEN'S shirts, but women can't help but jot only wear men's clothing that isn't made to fit them, but post themselves
If your tinder looks like this, your algorithm is fucked. There's a hidden "score" for your profile. It is determined by a lot of factors. How many people you swipe on, how many matches you get, how many people like your profile, how long each person looks at your profile, how long you look at each profile, etc. swiping quickly and getting no matches lowers this score and tinder will stop showing you "desirable" profiles. It will also stop showing your profile to desirable ones as well.

To fix this you can either delete your profile and remake it, a pretty common trick. Avoid going on the app for weeks, or traveling far from your home location.
That's a lot of genetics
Another groupshot but it's so baggy honestly i can't tell gender OR body fat
Opposite, a group photo but they're so fat they can't hide in baggy shirts
>Men hate fat women
>Now let me tell you how much boiling rage I experience when I see a bitch skinnier than me by 0.001%bf
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/fit/bros...our response?
They turn everything into social media. My workplaces directory is turning into facebook with all the women posting updates and selfies.
response to what?? Yes you cant stop being a piece of shit for 1 day and then return like your life is solved now.
Fats, much like any other addict, will tell you all day that they hate being fat and that they want to lose weight. They will tell you of the positive steps they have taken at some indeterminate time in the past and seek out your validation despite knowing full well they don’t actually have the will to change. What is worse is that fats will actively try to sabotage healthier people in their circle.
>in-laws cook an INSANE amount of waffles every single week
>”Everyone needs to eat at least one more, we can’t let this go to waste”
>hey, we should get ice cream later

>go out to literally anywhere
>oh, [insert goyslop factory] is near here, we should all get [treat]! We aren’t here that often

>stop at gas station
>I got us all candy!

>ooh, that looks tasty, you need to get one too

It never ends, and only gets worse as they get fatter/more jealous of you. My wife is pregnant while her older, (and 150lb heavier), sister has yet to be. The amount of sugars we have been pushed as well as the amount of vitriolic comments about pregnancy/birth/babies we have endured has grown tremendously. I didn’t think it was possible to be MORE disgusted with a fat person, but I was wrong.
>the amount of vitriolic comments about pregnancy/birth/babies we have endured has grown tremendously.
Elaborate plz?
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Does this bitch know weight gain is pregnancy is supposed to be for women at a normal weight. She's got enough extra weight for 15 pregnancies.
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>"And they´d do anything to keep you
Why the hell would anyone want to keep that fat pig around?
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2000 calories is a normal daily amount.
>It's not coercive control, it's love
>know the signs of support
>when they make all the decisions
>and they'd do anything to help you
>even make you hate the person who loves you most
>Enabling is abuse!

There, now it's actually truthful and helpful
Do Americans really?
2000 calorie meal
>wife mentions the nausea she was experiencing during the first trimester
>”OMG I am so glad that is happening to YOU and not ME”

>talking about what the birthing experience is like, (the hospital setting, logistical things, etc.)
>did you know [insert rare complication] can happen and you can be injured/die?

>talking about whether we want a boy or girl
>wife brings up concerns about having a boy because she loves having been raised in a house of two girls and boys tend to be less enmeshed with their parents when they grow up
>OMG Having a boy would be the WORST! Like a literal nightmare! I am so scared for you.

>I am NEVER having children UGHH!, (while both her husband who really wants kids and the two of us are right there).

And more. Every time our kid is brought up she becomes extremely negative. It is grating having something you are really excited about turned into a bad experience whenever you talk about it.
Most people will blame the long list of scary sounding chemicals, but the reality is that much of the "reaction" to fast food when you don't have it regularly is just the massive sodium content, having that much salt at once will cause you to have a ton of water retention and various gut issues in the short term. Fats don't really notice because they're always holding a ton of extra water weight anyways and their guts are pretty well adapted to having 150% dv sodium per meal.

Personally I've weighed myself before and after eating various fast food meals after a week of eating healthy and I always gain at least 5lbs of water weight which takes a day or two to drop back down. Even if I'm significantly under maintenance I've observed an up to 10lbs water weight bump from fast food meals if I eat two of them back to back. You're going to feel that, and it won't feel good. You might even phyiscally see it if you're lean enough.
>150%dv sodium per meal
You know your fatties. My MIL will judiciously salt everything put in front of her BEFORE she takes her first bite. It doesn’t matter if it is a really nice restaurant, fast food, or her own home cooking. It needs salt.
how tf 2x speed on the cart pull still look slow af?
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i don't understand meeks like you who don't call out this sort of behaviour immediately, and let it go on so long it becomes a fucking reddit story
is it much more subtle than you're implying or just WHY not let her know it's unacceptable and not have to deal with it
It just started happening, and I did call it out immediately. Each time. I was polite about it and didn’t flip my lid because we were on a big family vacation. The next time I see her I will talk to her privately and make sure it doesn’t happen again. What do you want? Me to flip the table over the first offense?
>her husband who really wants kids
That's enough reason for divorce
It literally happened to a friend of mine. He wants a family and a legacy, she wanted cats and travel, so they divorced.
She now goes saying how he's an asshole (despite him working 2 jobs because the whore was a deadbeat) and how abusive he was (despite her being the obsessive and controlling one)
how did you call it out? you should've ensured it didn't happen again after the third time
i keep hearing about these kinds of incredibly disrespectful and ridiculous stories from goy families all the time that just shouldn't happen. simply excommunicate retards who refuse to be agreeable rather than letting them poison everything
half the american movie industry is about stupid family conflicts like these and i find it utterly bizarre and distasteful
For the love of fuck, MOAR
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this is how someone will break a leg or shit. I knew a fat girl who wanted to do American football to lose weight. It took like a year and she had blown her knee due to all the weight.

told her to lose some weight but she kept eating.
Is the joke that he/she made no progress at all?
Everybody needs to exercise and watch their diets.
>why is fph only fat women?
Because men are often ashamed of being fat and also less addicted to social media so there's just less content
Damn, Kate Middleton really likes to yo yo diet
Imagine being a prostitute and mocking another whore for sucking cock on cam
yeah you have to upkeep both forever but one is significantly less maintenance and cheaper, as well as just conducive to living a generally normal and happy life
i'll give you a hint, it isn't scientifically modifying your body with drugs
Seriously I love seeing this bitch. God I want to fucking demolish her holy fuck she gets me so god damned revved up FUCK where are more noods? I don’t have a Reddit account so I can’t go in there.
I’m gay,I made this post originally and forgot to mention I’m gay
You wish low T faglord.
yeah its the perfect smooth creamy skin no nasty stretch marks and shit that does it for me too buddy
my ex was like that, big girl but none of the gross features, just perfect smooth and huge tits
shit sends me visually unga bunga
I like how they color coded them by race
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You "people" disgust me.
I could rape you.
Funny story about shirt fits... some people have inordinately long torsos and no matter how big the shirt size goes, unless you get a long cut, they won't cover.
T. 6'3" man who has the same inseam as his 5'4" wife
Just cook at home for fuck's sake. A piece of chicken shouldn't have a list of ingredients.
This is the meanest thread on fit. Its so lame that you guys just sit here all day bitching and posting stupid fucking videos when you have no idea what it's like. It's not as easy as you make it out to be, it's not within everyone's control to loose weight easily. These fine people have their own struggles and you can't simply empathize with your fellow man. Perhaps next time, instead of a mean comment, you could spare a thought or a kind gesture. Shame to those who post in here, and shame to those who can not empathize and understand that we are trying. SSRIs make you put weight on, what am I supposed to about that?
Show us your titties.
>triple chin
>no progress at all
idk you tell me
>SSRIs make you put weight on, what am I supposed to about that?
>alienate your family over a trivial insult goy
>only us jews should have strong family ties!
You really can’t help yourselves can you?
Do it then fgt. Nut all over my cock and balls
I know exactly what you're talking about. I've seen it many times in different subject areas. With a grimace, they will sit there and say that they're really glad they actually don't have X or can't do X because of the worst possible cases, and things that don't actually happen or things that aren't really a factor at all while doing their best to crush the happiness of others who do have X or can do X because they can't stand to be around someone that has or can do what they wish they could.
For the entirety of my marriage and even before it, my mother has been very aggressive and outspoken about her dislike for my wife. It's to such a point that when my siblings visit, they've made mention that they notice that my mother will not play with my children if their children are there and she acts like my children aren't there, and she talks to my wife like she talks to me and her other least favorite child. They say it makes them very uncomfortable, so why do we still visit? Because I love my dad who has always been extremely supportive of me and they are a package deal, I can't have a relationship with my dad if I don't have a relationship with my mom. Same goes for my piece of shit whore sister. (You get along with her or you don't visit"
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why are you taking SSRIs?
for my depression and also the anxiety from my ADHD meds
did you try meditating and not eating mcdonalds?
Haha, no response from mouthy Anon. You were totally correct naming the Jew.
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I won't be shamed into an eating disorder following some unrealistic warped standard of health
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This isn't really even a good "GOTCHA!!" Because there are plenty of cases even just mentioned here where sometimes one maybe two members of your family absolutely suck to be around and everyone hates them, but they stay around and make the entire family miserable because you're not allowed to blacklist them, because that's very mean. Sometimes you can't save people. You can't change their behavior especially in today's society. Thanks to the tiny hats, you can't just tell your sibling.They're being a real faggot and you really don't want them to be such a faggot next to your children.
Waaaah waaaaah I'd rather be a fat blob than anorexic! Lifting HUUUUUURRRTTTSSSS
your mother is evil and your father must be a cuck
why can't your father just visit you?
kek seethe more you miserable sucker, >>75055521 put it eloquently
just say you're fat dude
Reeeeeeee fat vs fit(ter) looks worlds less sloppy
>Bodies that round
That shit looks like a grubhub ad
This isn't even easy or efficient though, what is this bitch doing? You just had to dig through 7 different goyslop boxes for this food. You also had to cut up celery. You also had to throw those pizza rolls in the oven and wash the pan after.

You could have cooked a real meal with that amount of effort, and it would have been a few times cheaper too. How much welfare money does she have that she can have 6 pre-packaged foods ready to go every day?
Eat actual shit and die.

I feel this. My sister is such a bitch. I've made it a point to mog her in every way possible since I can't cut her out entirely.
I'm a man at around 14% bf and have 42DD pecs. Try harder fatty
Madison was cute. Would
I eat a shitload of salt because I'm very strict about macros but I'm not competing or anything so I don't care about salt. I drink a bunch of water and I assume I piss the salt out because I don't have high blood pressure or anything. if I ate fastfood I'd be comatose. even when I cheat I don't have fastfood
Can I touch them?
Pick a complaint, they're worlds more funny
everyone dies alone
3" height difference abd that much fatter, well within BMI... methinks chubby is lying.
Women are all whores
Pulls down shirt in front, makes sure ass is showing in back
How could we miss it? It's about 3 normal asses wide and tall and even in super tight pants it's lumpy as oatmeal. Anyway here's men embarrassing themselves
Is it a healthy meal with good macros?
Is it fat people cleaning where she's tired after a couple minutes of work?
>Blowies on command
Shamoo blowjob on command? I wonder how often I'd command it.

Even if she WAS doing everything perfectly she's still ugly, lazy, and a horrible wife and mother by being fat. it's that simple. One thing to fix, too lazy to fix it. Knows what the problem is but won't put in the work. Not a good person.
Bro, what did Shamu do to be compared to her?
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>"The original Shamu, a female orca, attacked Anne Eckis, a SeaWorld employee, in April 1971. The attack occurred during a filmed publicity event where Eckis was told to ride Shamu. Shamu refused to release Eckis until other workers came to her rescue."
In her defense I'd kill people too if they kidnapped me and forced me into the circus.
For picrel every single model is fat
i think the implications was 2000 calories in one meal as >>75054635 said
I honestly would struggle to make a meal over 1,000 calories unless it included a large pop and a stick of butter
holy fuck what up with the 3rd to last one?
Deja Cibert, downloads the app at 14 is now 18???? or is still 14 fat is so hard to tell fuck she could be 30 now never trust these women.
I think it's a reaction with the rust not the copper itself is been many many years ago and I'm "rusty" on my pathophysiology, I could be full of shit, I got out of the medical field for a lot of reasons, so probably for the best if I'm wrong and being a retard.
2000cal is normal but NOT good for the average American. The average American female us 5'4" and the male is 5'9". The average American doesn't even get 4 hours if exercise in a full week.
>Adults should spend at least 150 minutes per week doing aerobic exercises at a moderate intensity, and spend at least two days a week doing a muscle-strengthening activity like lifting weights, according to the Department of Health and Human Services.
>But more than two-thirds of Americans aren’t meeting those benchmarks, the CDC said Thursday, citing an analysis of data from the 2020 National Health Interview Survey.
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Kek every dude in that pic has the
>if you only knew how bad things really are
Look except the groom.
This whole article is... painful. Genuinely. Sample size of 2,000 who apparently all think they're healthy.
>Those tasks include harnessing the power of everyday activities like walking around the neighborhood (74%), taking the stairs (60%), doing yard work (59%), cleaning the home (59%), walking the dog (56%) and bringing in groceries into the home (42%).
>Other tasks compared to exercises include gardening (40%), taking the trash out (36%), stretching after getting out of bed (35%), doing dishes or laundry (33%), standing on your feet for at least four hours (30%) or even getting kids ready for school (10%).
>Ten percent reported feeling as if they were a superhero or professional athlete, while 17% felt 10 years younger.
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The pants tell me yes,
That back fat fold screams NO
Are you fit enough?
Right. Seems like a lot of padding or incomplete lipo
Hours of exercise is a completely meaningless metric. For a fatty, walking is exercise
Without defining what exercise is, this is meaningless. Some peoiple will only count weightlifting as exercise, others consider a walk exercise
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And I don't want to be the bitch too fat for my husband to carry alongside our baby
No, it isn’t.
Literally proven by this survey that says washing dishes and getting out of bed is a workout >>75056749
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cant hate this man
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I had McDs for the first time in a decade a month ago and it wasnt that bad. I wouldnt mind doing it again.
Its real greasy and I just want to pass out for 10 hours afterword but I liked it. Big coke, big fry, big nuggets, and two borgers.
Walking IS a good exercise, though 2 hours a week wouldn't be enough and it would be more like 7 or so, walking at a decent pace for it to really mean anything.
I mean, you won't get a real workout with an everyday amount of walking but a 5 or 6 mile walk is pretty good
>Doing yard work
Nobody actually has enough yard work for this to ever count as an exercise, landscapers MAYBE get enough exercise doing this.
>Alcoholic mother won't let her eat an entire jar of peanut butter
>Now fucking Derrick is killing her headmates
Give the poor girl a break for pete's sake. Her headmates just died.
>burgercock likes this
Holy fuck I'm in pain, don't browse after ab day anons.
My two kids have something similar for their lunch, but I try to alternate between pb&j (it's a lot of sugar), turkey and ham. We do whole grain for bread - no white bread. My son occasionally likes to do a wrap instead of a sandwich. We alternate fruits and veggies, grapes are also a favorite of my daughter. I am guilty of letting them have a Capri Sun or Hi-C with lunch.
new thread

of all the things to censor...
Nobody "can't stop eating" chicken sandwiches
Get me to dinner first silly
I want to fuck her til my dick falls off and cover her plump tummy with my cum, if you know I mean. Can't believe she deleted most of her nudes
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I am sick of seeing ugly fat brown asses, they almost shouldn't be called asses anymore there is nothing sexy about a grotesque cellulite mass with the consistency of cottage cheese stuffed into thin stretchy yoga pants. Looks like a pillowcase full of marbles

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