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previous: >>75048961
It's not nice to make fun of people
i don’t hate fat people. i hate society for not culling them
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harpoon i did a few threads ago
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goblinx general
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it's just fun.
Heart attack Grill in Vegas, if your ass is over 350 lbs you get a 8 patty cheeseburger for free... I love America.
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Some people are fucked beyond repair but most fat americans probably would rise a couple of points if they dropped the weight. Project Harpoon and generic before and afters of people’s fat loss really showed me that. Sad but I guess I can cope by saying I stand out more just because I’m fit and at a normal bmi
Fake weight loss pics? Or you shooped it to prove a point?
she shopped it because she has an eating disorder
So Instagram likes?
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Olympic level break dancing tho
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That fucking The. t-shirt lmao
they're are entire adult women that weigh less than one half of her lower body I guarantee it. This woman is a freak
cryptid, pug physique
What is it about that clip that you instantly know it's some JAV?
Has she lost some weight? I mean, she's still a monstrosity, but I recall that she has been an even bigger blob the past. Or I'm mistaking her for some other online fatty.
yes it is, retard
she did
You do know that her tits would also shrink after loosing weight, right?
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holy trvth nvke
>withheld sex
lmao you actual bitch
Still fat
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>"weight is only a number"
>"not something to be embarrassed of"
And cuts the vid before reaches the total figure.

I do not make fun of people but un-healthy, false-flag body-positive, people. That's the main point of these threads.
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how about now
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Jesus Christ this thread is more repulsive than usual.
Dont get me wrong, those golems belong here but fucking hell, instead of the usual hatred these things are revolting.
I cannot stand seeing this fucking monster on socials all the time. Arent people built like her supposed to be tearing their acls and snapping their femurs from throwing around this kind of weight?
op please... you're killing me
Weights twice as much as me. Americans are something else
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laughing at people on the internet is good fun faggot
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what in the name of fuck, doll?!?
It's this phenotype that launches me into uncanny valley vibes. The disparity between limb size and torso size really freaks me out. More proportional fatasses don't creep me out this bad.
Its not, unfortunally
kek I could almost hear that dude's "DAMN!"
Giga fats are always so gross. I dont pay any mind to a fat dude if he is well kept and doesn't stink. I just feel bad for him and wish he would take better care of himself.
Fat women are always a shame. Like you had life on easy mode if you could just excersize some self control and not eat enough for 4 adult men every day for decades.

Fatties tend to smell terrible though. Cheesy unwashed fat fold smell. Unwashed ass and grundle. Musty stale clothes worn for weeks at a time, stained by all the slop the gobble down.
Working in a retail environment, you get them all the time. Have to spray air disinfectant as soon as they leave the store. Hold back gagging as you help them find something.
I'll take the old piss and booze garbage juice smelling dudes anyway over an unwashed lazy smelly fatty fat anyway of the week.
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>her complete shamelessness
>suspicious amount of "focus" on her body
>the way they look at each other
>when measuring her waist, him checking out her ass for a few seconds too long
no idea what they're saying but this HAS to be thinly veiled soft core
normally not into asians but she looks great. 100% would this japanese braphog
>women live life on easy mode
huge autistic inceltranny red flag. stop parroting this and think about it for a few seconds. like in what way would it be easy mode, for casual sex? kek AGP tranny
how do even think yourself in comparison to a woman whatsoever? how do you not understand that women are different and the problems they face are just different? womens lives are dramatic hellspawns full of neuroticism and anxiety. "oh nooooOOOOOOOOO women have it easier getting jobs o algo" yeah but no one really takes them seriously because of it. would you like that? be glad you're a man and DO NOT TROON OUT you giant faggot
This is the meanest thread on fit. Its so lame that you guys just sit here all day bitching and posting stupid fucking videos when you have no idea what it's like. It's not as easy as you make it out to be, it's not within everyone's control to loose weight easily. These fine people have their own struggles and you can't simply empathize with your fellow man. Perhaps next time, instead of a mean comment, you could spare a thought or a kind gesture. Shame to those who post in here, and shame to those who can not empathize and understand that we are trying. SSRIs make you put weight on, what am I supposed to about that?
>SSRIs make you put weight on
They do not result in weight gain directly, they don't conjure fat out of thin air nor do they slow the metabolism to any appreciable degree, it happens through increased appetite.
>what am I supposed to about that?
You do not need to satisfy that appetite. Eat less, eat foods with a lot of volume but few calories, drink a lot of water.
still not falling for your shitty bait
are you new here or something
subhuman iq retard
One of the reasons I hate fat girls is how mean they always are.
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how many calories do you think is in this
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probably not as much as this
>SSRIs make you put weight on, what am I supposed to about that?
You lose when you quit them, it's not supposed to be a lifelong treatment. They shouldn't make you put on more than 10lbs and if so you should ask for another one.

>increased appetite
Ever been on them? They made me nauseous af, especially after protein rich meals. All I would enjoy eating was carbs and sweets the first weeks and I'm no sweet tooth.
Fat people aren't people, and we aren't here to be nice.

Kindly jump up your own ass.
Hail Doll
What the heck is xe/xem doing to zerself?
>Bruthahs be loving mah fine big ass.
No detectable nourishment in fridge, only salad dressing (ranch fo its pizza) and full-sugar sodie. Probably claims its a great soul food cook, though.
How does it (or anyone else) clean that tectonic fault of a crack when it takes what you know are monumental, and probably messy because goyslop) dumps? Even the superfatty poop wand couldn't conquer that crevasse.
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There is no real underwear made to contain this thing's gargantuan gut. I googled it; the best (and most appropriate) I could find are these novelty panties on amazon.
I like how it takes some time for the beast (who cares enough about its looks to get expensive braids but not enough to not weigh 800+) to get balanced enough on the comparitively tiny scale before it can lift its other hind paw onto the machine.
Yep. As soon as he said it.
These make my stomach turn.
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if that makes your stomach turn imagine this
low iq reply
I'm not fucking a whale and it worked. She realized if she was too fat to fuck she needed to seriously loose weight.
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Break into her home and loosen some nuts bolts n screws, saw a 1/4-1/3 through couch and chair and table legs.
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You're larping btw.
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how does these fat people even function, I bulked up 30lbs and my joints literally fell apart.
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That's the cool thing - they don't function. Not in any meaningful way, anyway.
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Yeah because no man can resist back fat and gut rolls. Go fuck yourself fat lover.
This is entirely Coca-Cola induced btw
Just push her on her back. Turtled.
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This didn't even man shaped, this just isn't human shaped
most literally can't.
some have poop sticks (like extendo-reach crap for old ladies that dropped the remote, but they put tp in it and "wipe"), some have a friend/family/simp hold up their rolls and/or wipe for them, some have tax dollar paid nurses come do it for them, some just dont wipe.
these people rot from the inside (of those flaps) out, often with bug infestations inside their own necrotic skin
I don't believe in taxes, so what
Like she'd know, she clearly never lost weight. On the off chance that she did, she an addict that failed a very half assed recovery telling others that recovery is too hard and not worth it
Hard drive check for this one please
I like these threads because it gives me a glimpse into what my future will be if I don't stop eating. I hate the retards who take it too seriously one way or the other
Every single one of these fatties are coping. They claim to love their bodies and that they don't want to lose weight but once Ozempic came on the market they got on that shit so fast.

My fat HAES cousin has been posting less cringe content on tiktok and is pondering getting on ozempic. It dawned on her she can actually look like an attractive woman and doesn't have to pretend she attractive as a cow.
>why won't she break her fat ass moving
Probably because that ugly fat bitch is 19 or early 20s. On top of zoomber wymmin aging horribly they are also fatter than ever.
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Some of them literally don't. This girl would have diarrhea because of her shitty diet then go sit down at her desk with her poopy butt.

There's that infamous picture of the nurse who had a fat patient tell him he used the apartment's jacuzzi to clean himself because he couldn't wipe.
But she will need reconstructive surgery if she's been very fat for a while. Some get very very discouraged when they realize this, others just start wearing compression clothes or save up for the surgery down payment.
QRD on who this is? Just got back from a long break
killer bean if he real
Hey doll, you ever gag looking at some of this shit when you discover them?
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They don't function. They are in pain and miserable all the time. They really don't get up and move a whole lot.
It's scars or looking like this.
This man cannot fathom a reply that isn't a screenshot
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Forever consequences, skin or scars.
This is the meanest thread on fit. Its so lame that you guys just sit here all day bitching and posting stupid fucking videos when you have no idea what it's like. It's not as easy as you make it out to be, it's not within everyone's control to loose weight easily. These fine people have their own struggles and you can't simply empathize with your fellow man. Perhaps next time, instead of a mean comment, you could spare a thought or a kind gesture. Shame to those who post in here, and shame to those who can not empathize and understand that we are trying. SSRIs make you put weight on, what am I supposed to about that?
Nature demands its pound of flesh.
>SSRIs make you put weight on, what am I supposed to do about that?
Don't take SSRIs loser the modern psychiatric establishment is a bunch of bullshit. I watched those drugs take my fathers soul. I've used psilocybin, a healthy diet and plenty of exercise to deal with my mental health issues.
>This is the meanest thread on fit
You very rarely see a normal sized fat person on here, and when you do they don't belong. You're right ordinary fat people don't deserve to be bullied, and honestly if your a little overweight no one should be mean to you. This about a much vaster societal problem. America is a cancer. I don't think you can really get the point of this. I guess for some people it is just to be mean.
imagine walking around with a 600lb barbell on your back

how do these whores do this
>Imperial Japanese military readies response to Fat Man & Little Boy bombings
>pictured, Fat Girl & Thin Man cognito-hazards, colorized black & white documentary footage, circa 1946
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This is the meanest thread on fit. Its so lame that you guys just sit here all day bitching and posting stupid fucking videos when you have no idea what it's like. It's not as easy as you make it out to be, it's not within everyone's control to loose weight easily. These fine people have their own struggles and you can't simply empathize with your fellow man. Perhaps next time, instead of a mean comment, you could spare a thought or a kind gesture. Shame to those who post in here, and shame to those who can not empathize and understand that we are trying. SSRIs make you put weight on, what am I supposed to about that?
>and now for something completely different
Doll was on steroids today: I had to pause and commiserate a couple times.
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What a shitty, horrible body
Someone post the picture of her 'reading' while on a stationary bike and someone calling her bullshit
what? how the fuck do you even get that fat? sounds fake. how's that even possible
jesus christ doll where do you find these >people
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holy shit i will never get obese wtf i never knew how bad the excess skin looked. is there a way to prevent this if you're losing a ton of weight? fasting maybe?
Solid bait. 7/10
Christians morals suck without God. Get on with the program and realise. Your very existence is evil.
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I've seen much worse. A cheat day breakfast with a treat for me is a very slim healthy breakfast for a fatty. Picrel is my cheat breakfast (and total day) compared to the average height and weight of an american female.
Oh shit! I never would have guessed she was hiding 50 lbs of gunt in her pants. It was a perfect disguise
No. There's a bunch of bro science and even worse, girl science, about what you can do about loose skin. But a lot of it has mixed results, and some of it seems to just be luck and genetics mixed in. The best results that i've seen are those who have increased muscle mass and get as lean as possible, But clearly that doesn't always work. The poor young man that you're looking at was 18 years old at his heaviest, which means his parents fattened him up for his entire life, and considering how droopy he looks 18 I would wager, that he was actually 350lbs, and he didn't take the first weight loss picture until 315lbs. The longer you're fat, the worse the skin will be. Blow up two balloons to their limit, release one immediately and leave the other other night before deflating it. Which one will be horribly stretched?
My wife lost 75 lbs (215 to 140 at 5'6") and had no loose skin at all. And no saggy tits. Still don't understand how. Did she win the lottery?
Yes. I found two pictures with close weight loss (Tumblr was exact but I couldn't get the page) and both have loose skin, very hidden and smaller breasts.
bro, stop wearing dresses you are not a woman. idc how short you are.
>Top 4 exercises
>lists 5

lol, fat really rots your brain.
damn she really is hot as fuck now. as long as i dont look down id probably cum inside her within minutes
She probably took care of her skin and lost the weight slowly.

The skin can firm up if the adjustment is gradual and you're still young, that extreme shit was from weightloss surgery.

I went from 225 to 170 over about 2 years in my mid 20's and didn't have loose skin either.
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what a read, thanks anon
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real human bean
Mmmm corn syrup. Yum.
What the fuck is going on here? Who's the fit bitch? Why is she chilling nude with an edritch horror?
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project harpoon was good times
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what's the name of that app anon?
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Define "rapid weight loss" though, 50lbs in a year? 10lbs in a month? 20lbs? I've seen women under 25 lose 40lbs and have loose skin because they had a baby,
boobie boy had awful loose skin despitevit taking a de ent amoubt of time, some people just don't have very elastic skin.
My Fitness Pal, where've you been? I'm making a fatty day for the big cow, give ne a fatty dinner idea I need another 1,500cal or so
It's so sad seeing a creature like this with the disgusting body, the shitty haircut, the neon hair, the metal jammed into her face, random tattoos, and thinking about the normal, skinny looking girl underneath it all. Makes you wonder what happened in her life to end up this way. I bet it was father related.
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What a shame
Okay I'm usually very insensitive to nasty shit posted here but this somehow made me gag a little. It's not just the fact that it's disgusting but that this person thought it was good/ok/interesting enough to post it on the internet for everyone to see.
>sit here all day
I'm on my treadmill running and reading this thread on my 75" monitor :DD
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Never ceases to amaze me that some people could be so fat that a skinny person could wear them like a suit. And yeah, I know skinny people wear fat suits as costumes for reasons.
>actually male
a pig in lipstick
I'm not even shocked by this turbo autist anymore
What about the one in the middle and right?
No, she's been around since before fatpeoplehate got banned on reddit so at least over a decade. I think she's mid 30s. Watch out saying this stuff, fatties looooove to believe that being fat makes them age better/look eternally youthful when in reality fat teenagers already look like middle aged secretaries.
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checked trips and a little backstory, the beast in this webm is the source of the "demure" trend and he cried on video when he thought he missed the chance to monetize his meme by slapping it on polyester sweatshop tshirts to fund his sex change surgeries.
Literally tdee calculator . Net bro
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Just for you, I got her TDEE and made an average day for her. It's not even that much food, 3 means and a snack. She even had water with dinner!
>mint is gross with chocolate
A moron
A philistine
An uncultured imbecile
I'm 6 foot 1, 230 lb.

Will i have loose skin if i drop to 190?
>two inches shorter than me
>well over three times my weight
I've decided that this is fake because I can't even imagine what such "human" "being" could possibly look like
The fattest person I think I've known personally was like 160kg@190cm and he was fucking massive, this thing would have its own gravity if it were real
Highly unlikely
that's not food, that's slop. know the difference.
>wake up jessie, we need to cook french fries
low muscle mass, huh?
Ask the average woman. She had fresh baked goods, nuts and healthy dark chocolate, a treat at lunch, plenty of protein (cheese and chicken!), and a salad!
Where did she keep the bat...
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Why are trannies born men so good at mimicking female behavior and movement, yet trannies born women are so unbelievably fucking back at mimicking male behavior and movement?
Stuffed into the bottom of its stretchy shirt way on its left side, out of camera view for beginning sideshot.
if you flip the text around it'd makes sense
truscum vs tucutes, if I had to guess
1 women being stretched out by children can be seen as tramatic and drastic weightloss... Never date single mothers, their bodies dont recover.

2 I avoided giving hard numbers on purpose, some of us have different genes and our bodies respond to trama differently.

3...uuuhhh... My massive uncut cock uses all the extra skin now.
Men are better at literally everything including being women. Didn't you see "white chicks"?
Men know exactly how men think and know how to act like a prefect mate (obviously most are just fat retards but they are still better than any women has ever been at mimicking us)
Women are so clueless on what masculinity and being a man actually is, that's why they think being a massive cunt for no reason is "manly" and how to get ahead in a man's world, not knowing it's about respect and competence which have to be earned and they don't have either because they dont think it's earned, they think just because they are man they automatically get it.
My wife looked nothing like this at her heaviest. She carried most of the fat on her ass and thighs. When she lost the weight she went from a C cup to a B cup. She had a 30 inch waist at like 185 lbs. And she lifted weights the entire time.

75 lbs took her about 14 months.

I will admit it sounds like I'm answering my own question but not really. The stuff I listed definitely matters, but I don't think it's enough to get away with no loose skin after such a big weight loss.
>tfw you are last zoomer to survive the polycule

Do they ever question why you never see people their size with grey hair?
This is like when you let out a huge burp and then you realize how bloated and uncomfortable you were before it happened. She looks like she feels that way all the time.
If you have good genes and take care of your skin and/or are young, you still have hope. Especially if you are only losing about 3lbs a month.

These bitches cheated so they get to deal with flesh sails for the rest of their life.
Hilarity ensued when she went to the gym and fucked niggers
Man, I really want to see the comment section on this one
She killed the Night King so I'll let this slide
Probably not. Once the skin is stretched it really can't just snap back into place. As a man the small upside is you can mitigate it by bulking your chest, back, and arm muscles, but if you get a big stomach fold you're sorta fucked there no matter what. For women there's just absolutely no hope.

Maybe, maybe, losing weight extremely slowly would help but I've never seen any research on it.
>the loose skin demoralization fatty ruins another thread
get a life you mentally ill fucking larper
Uh yeah?
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I expected him to get roasted but not this hard
I dunno. Left might be better.
>progressively loaded
fatties aint people
can i still lose fat if i drink alcohol every day?
Yeah, just don't eat. Ever seen that really old guy who weighs barely 100lbs but constantly drinks? It's a petty common thing. I see it all the time. They just get 95% of their calories from booze.
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That's a female pretending to be a male, the only passing troon movements I've seen are males who have never had a drip of testosterone and taken female HRT from the age of 11. Females on testosterone from say 15 and up can pass well as long as they're +5'8" BUT they move like women
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So she had lipodema and just looks like this now, but proportionately bigger at her heaviest. Rare indeed, moderate pace.
How is it cheating to go hard on a calorie restriction? Do you assume every former fat got their stomach stapled shut or took diabetic appetite suppressants? The fatter you are the easier it is to lose a lot if weight fast.
I have seen it recover with time and added muscle mass on yakuza anon who goes to /fat loss/ and rarely /cbt/. Pictures to prove it too. It just doesn't work for everyone.
Read the OP title again and tell me, why is people in quotes?
this person weighs over 5 times as much as me
Not gonna lie bros, I would
I'm not as disgusted by fat as much as I am by fat folds
It's usually the face that gets super bad. This one was largely spared that and I could just not look down and plap away
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She doesn't have lipedema. She did start to accumulate some fat on her stomach at a certain point. Her mom is fat as fuck and has an absolutely gargantuan ass, but she's so fat that she has a gut too. Her sister is 400 lbs and at this point is a circular blob. I think it's just genetics--it all goes to the ass and legs until the body can't put anymore there. She does not look like your picrel now, she looked kind of like this when she was around 180 lbs. She reached her goal weight a year ago and continued lifting weights and doing yoga. Now she looks a little bit like my picrel, relatively fit body but still has considerable fat on her ass and hips.
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Is this human?
That cant be good for her knees
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Thank you for your service
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It occurred to me that we can now use AI to generate harpoon images 100x faster than before. We could also generate totally new images of the skinnified body from multiple angles rather than being stuck at photoshopping an existing picture. For example we could generate pictures of fat people running or exercising like normal people or with a loving family which would probably devastate the super obese who haven't moved or been in a relationship in years.
Man, how can you even live like this
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>Man, how can you even live like this

Oh sweaty, she slayyyy
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Post body
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I would do anything for her desu
>Unconventionally attractive
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In my day it meant a hansome woman.
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wanna know how I got these scars?
This doctor is good
Just another reminder to never EVER feel sorry for a woman having dating/relationship issues.
You need to be a little more subtle. Keep it shorter. If it’s this much text they’ll become suspicious.
Once I hit line three I knew it was b8. Keep it down to two lines.
They use the shower like a normal person. Don’t tell me you don’t shower right?
If I shid in a foreign place that’s the only time I wipe. Otherwise it’s toilet to shower.

You wash your hands you don’t wipe your hands. Why not treat your ass the same way?
Women are weak men. So weak men can pass as women. Women are locked into being weak men and therefore can not pass as men.
cado lost the weight. what's your excuse?
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I agree that's why I saved it. I like redemptions.
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Christ I could have gone my whole life without knowing people use pillows like that
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How many nukes would it take to fix America
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>Women are so clueless on what masculinity and being a man actually is, that's why they think being a massive cunt for no reason is "manly" and how to get ahead in a man's world, not knowing it's about respect and competence which have to be earned and they don't have either because they dont think it's earned, they think just because they are man they automatically get it.
I know an FtM and this 100%.
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did you guys see nikocado lost all the weight? his last video was 7 months ago and this is his recent upload a few hours ago
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He looks like a rat that wished to become a human being
>his last video was 7 months ago
how do we know this?
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>Vaccinated as fuck
Let me fap to his bloodwork.
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>non-contact fights
Sorry, what?
I'm concerned she might have had a stroke. The left side of her mouth barely moves. I know a straight size who has this and she was the triple her age when it happened.
he has way more recent videos on his other channel and so on
someone has to investigate and make a timeline. he has posted old material while losing weight
I feel my teeth and feet tingling just looking at these
She looks like Gorlock
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This might be the most revolting shit I've seen in a long time

> someone actually thought it would be a cool idea to upload this
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I didnt think i would live to see this
I was hoping this guy died
Eh. I give it a pass, it's not the worst thing ive seen on this board. Plus usually those drink sachets use zero calorie sweetener since sugar doesnt dissolve as readily and they can market it as a health drink or whatever. I'm just saying I'd expect someone her weight to drink one of those 1,000+ calorie starbucks drinks. And also im coping bc I also don't really like plain water. I used to be addicted to soda when I was a kid but now I just drink sparkling water and when I go to the gym and stuff ill have some 0 cal electrolyte powder mixed into a bottle of water.
people arguing :/
You mean he went from bowling ball round to actually skinny in 7 months and I haven't yet after a year? I'm going to commit suicide.
It's 6am my phone didn't charge and he not only lived but 210-250lbs in 7mo with no loose arm skin. Really.
you can see his saggy tits through his shirt
anyway the point of "two steps ahead" is that he was posting old videos while secretely losing weight. LITERALLY IN THE TITLE. subhuman nigger IQ phoneposter gtfo
Fuck, my first thought as well.
He probably did some mix of ozempic and some other shit. He lost 250 pounds in 7 months and that's not safe at all.
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he did not escape the consequences. his torso is most definitely fucked
Chonging enough dnp to class himself as a virtual power plant
He apparently stopped recording two years ago
All his youtube channels:
And this is the smoke and mirrors video. The video footage in here is likely old from when he lived in Columbia.
I knew this was gonna happen eventually. He's such a smart faggot
hi Craig, I missed you
High effort post, nice work anon.

The fatty brain cannot achieve basic arithmetic. It is fascinating to observe them; they are akin to wild animals.
I can finally do one plate of 5x5 on bench and squat
For some reason I'm still at 250lbs all the same as when I start
Kindly, kys
He doesn't look muscularly in the slightest
Did he just fast and cut for months?
Post body.
I bet that shits good as hell.
You posted in the wrong thread
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If your strength is going up but your weight is staying the same in theory you’re losing fat because you’re gaining muscle. If your pants fit looser this is confirmation.
What does everyone thinks he the only rich faggot that didnt afford ozempic? I never watch this deviants content. Looks like carl after eating parasites.
>walking around the neighborhood
my morning stroll is walking around the local region and my radius covers 3 cities
The thing that bothers me the most about skin removal surgery is the fake nipples. I wouldn't give a shit about the scars, genuinely means nothing to me. It's the fact that they rip your nipples off and then plaster them back on like pieces of fake pepperoni that gets me the most angry. Why do they have to do that? Why can't they just leave the skin around the nipple intact and cut the skin above it? Just make the scar line up around the collar bone so it contours it, and remove enough skin to pull the nipple up to its normal healthy starting point. Done. You don't have to remove the nipple when getting gyno surgery so it's not like that's why.
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>being plus size
no you are not plus size you're a fat bitch the man told already ffs fatties are insufferable
You know the second she stops arching her back and extending her rib cage she's got rolls on rolls right? No one looks like that IRL.

just imagine if you put her in missionary. gross.
Bet I could make a profile like the opposite of his and get laid easy.
Something like
"I just want to fuck the shit out of you then cast you aside like the trash you are"
"pro-racist, pro-fascist"
"unjabbed cause I'm not a faggot"
"dissent in the sheets cause I know all you hoes have rape fetishes"
Good idea but I'm too lazy to bother with it.
Also in that pic I'd have removed the tattoos too cause you know
>men prefer debt free virgins without tattoos
Nutritionally, that is no different to putting nutella on white bread.
Thank you thank you, personally I think it's a masterpiece of mine. I've seen fat and chubby women say they do t know why they're fat and they eat like this. The anon I made it in response to saying it seemed impossible to be that fat. It's fucking easy to drink sugar and eat high fat carbs, high calorie sauces, BUT see low volume food and think it's a normal amount. That's why pics attached, show most women and they won't assume it's almost 4,000 calories. Hypothetical fatty didn't even have dessert or a sugar drink with dinner!
Brb, sounds like a good place to pick up fat chicks
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Oh shit, I think I knew that chick. Plapped and fisted her a couple times.
I keep seeing photos of skinny Nikocado. Did he actually lose weight somehow or is this all an elaborate meme?
He lost the weight but people saying he did it in 7 months are probably being fooled by movie magic (i.e. they think that people make and release videos on the same day, all filming takes place on the same day, etc) - he more likely did it in 2 years based on his upload activity.
bro this is just porn
Now that's a new one
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Podcaster says he can't lose weight because he lives in an AirBnB.
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that person was just trying to be helpful, what a dick response
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I feel like colostomy would be cleaner and easier
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I usually come here to make fun of the people who make fun of fat people. My philosophy is that you don't need to hate on other people to motivate you to lose weight or stay healthy. You should be able to do that through self-control that founded in a healthy sense of self-respect. This is why I periodically architect post. Plus, the reaction from people on these threads is kind of hilarious.
I'm probably fatter than 'cado
Time to fast
>dying slowly from some form of heart or blood flow issue
>fluid pooling in legs
>looks like legs are rotting while your alive
>also poor as fuck and have to take subway
>faggot shithead snaps photo of you; puts it on Internet
>retards share it around laughing at your dying misery
>one retard posts the picture in fph
>implying your condition is caused by obesity
Seriously anon you're a massive faggot for keeping and post a picture of a dying man for others to laugh at.
When I was able to lose the weight, it was discipline that got me there. Both times. You have to make the choice “Are you going to be miserable for the rest of your life and snack on crisps all day or are you gonna take the plunge?”
I know I'm preaching to the choir, but goddam. Bitch weighs as much as multiple adult females and says it's nothing to be a shamed of.
From whence comes her confidence?
Sheboon delusion

I think we would look a lot better if he didn't shave his head.
Arguments are not a fight. There are no intrinsic dangers/consequences in arguing something.

>inb4 "talk shit, get hit" - assault or a fight, still not an argument.

There are no non-contact fights.
Most women want much smaller areola and men too because big fat nipples are gross and old looking
Fucking kek hit me just right
This is why you shouldn't :
A - Demean yourself with slampigs
B - Have a "relationship" with these "people"
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Link to that enabler test?
A bullet would be even easier
Everyone who films shit like this in public should be laughed at
I normally am not that disgusted by them but do they really drink such little water besides being so fat? Isn't the rule half your body weight in ounces of water a day? Even accounting for melted ice, that is probably 40oz of water since she poured less than half of each bottle into the cup of ice. And that is the "water of the day". Maybe it is just a woman thing and not a fatty thing. Women in general are awful about staying hydrated and will wonder why they have headaches all the time.
I appreciate his commitment to the old school forums and fighting the tranny menace but Null is so sensitive. He's also trying to suck up to women in pathetic ways.
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The phrase she was looking for is conventionally unattractive
Would the one on the right
Lol at the freak with the thigh fat sticking out like a fat guy’s beer gut
>open tdee calculator
>it asks you for your age
If that doesn’t immediately let you know it’s bullshit then you’re hopeless.
Oh pray tell what do YOU use? Every single one needs age because a child teen adult and elderly fuck are very different.
Two years. He prerecorded a bunch of shit and released it.
Are thigh highs fat girl fashion these days?
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Or just post fat pussy on an Amazon review with your face I guess
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>everyone on the planet is incapable of basic arithmetic
Listen, the average asshole is retarded, but they’re not that fucking retarded.
>fat people were very tare 100 years ago
>add a bunch of horrific shit into the diet 100 years ago
>average person is fat now
Really not that hard to grasp. Just look at Pacific islands before and after adopting a Western diet.
>before Western diet they are all slim and healthy
>20 years after they adopt a Western diet they are horrible obese, with skyrocketing rates of heart disease and diabetes
You have to be a retard no to see it. But sure, keep pretending the human body is a checkbook.
New thread: >>75068966
>Why are trannies born men so good at mimicking female behavior and movement
they arent
Why is every sentence on its own line? I hate the way redditors type.
It's because "western diet" offers many cheap, high calorie foods and if you can't regulate yourself, you'll exceed your TDEE easily
> "muh people must eat all the horrible food presented to them"
People make voluntary food and diet choices. Are fatties incapable of this? Why?

>"muh Western diet"
Plenty of Westerners remain fit and healthy. Why can't the fatties achieve it? Where does the demand for junk food come from?

>Most people are retards, and most people are fat.
I agree with you there.

Anon, thank you for the additional points showing that fatties are incapable of higher thought. My dog eats all of the food I present him, and he does not have discretion or choice. Maybe we should pity the fatties after all.

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